Nourished in the word

Welcome to Nourished in the Word Ministries!

The purpose of this ministry is to hold up the truth of God by proclaiming Jesus Christ (I Timothy 3:15-16). This is a ministry that exists to promote a High View of God, The Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture, and a Biblical Understanding of the Church. It is the vision of Nourished in the Word Ministries to be driven by the Glory of God (I Corinthians 10:23-11:1), grounded on the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:15-17), and engaged in the Work of God (Ephesians 2:8-10). It is our passion to be Christ-centered by advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ and strengthening His church. Our commitments are to pray, preach, teach, write, disciple, evangelize, fellowship, and minister the Word of God. This we will do, as God allows, through Bible conferences, seminars, retreats, leadership dialogues, evangelistic meetings, writing, and providing/recommending resources such as books, tapes, study guides, etc. We believe that the church belongs to God (Acts 20:28) and that Jesus gave His life for the church (Ephesians 5:25). Therefore, we pray that local churches will increasingly be reformed by God’s Word and transformed by God’s Spirit. If this ministry can serve you or your church then please contact us.

1. We began in October of 2002.

2. Ray Rhodes Jr. is our president. He and Lori were married in August of 1987 and they have six children, one son-in-law, and two grandchildren. Ray graduated from New Orleans Baptist Seminary in 1988, has been involved in college ministry, and served as a full-time Pastor from June 1989 until October 2002. He is presently serving as the Teaching Pastor for Grace Community Church in Gainesville, Georgia as a part of his ministry with Nourished in the Word. Ray is working on his doctorate in Biblical Spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

3. Do we have any other staff members? Yes! We have a great volunteer team of family and friends.

4. What do we believe? We believe that the Bible is God’s written revelation to man and that it is infallible, inerrant, and sufficient. We believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, Who became man while remaining God, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for the sins of His people, was buried, and rose again. We believe that Jesus is the only way of salvation, and that salvation is all of grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We embrace the “sola’s” of the Protestant Reformation: Sola Gratia-Grace alone: Solo Christo-Christ alone-Sola Fide-Faith alone-Soli Deo Gloria-To God alone be glory-and Sola Scriptura-Scripture alone. We believe that those who know Christ Jesus as Lord should actively serve Him through a Bible based, God honoring, Christ exalting local church. We would be happy to provide you with a more extensive statement of faith upon request.

5. Where do we attend church? Presently we are active members of Grace Community Church (A Southern Baptist Church) in Dawsonville, GA.

6. How can I get in touch with Nourished in the Word Ministries? You can call us at 678-697-4495 or email us at You can write: Ray Rhodes Jr.; Nourished in the Word Ministries; PO Box 6736, Gainesville, GA 30504.

To schedule Ray to speak at your next Bible conference, retreat, seminar, leadership dialogue, or evangelistic meeting, please call or email requested dates to Lori is also available to speak to ladies groups or to lead in mission stories for children. Hannah Rhodes, daughter of Ray and Lori, is available to speak for ladies groups on the subject of mentoring girls. She is also able to lead children’s events.

Nourished in the Word is committed to financial integrity and is under the watch care of Grace Community Church. If you would like to make a donation, please make checks payable to Nourished in the Word and mail to P.O. Box 6736, Gainesville, GA  30504.

вскормленный, взлелеянный


- кормить, питать; снабжать питанием (о васкуляризации)
- уст. кормить грудью, вскармливать
- питать, лелеять (надежду)
- удобрять (землю)
- оказывать поддержку, снабжать, поддерживать
- вскармливать, растить
- подкармливать (растения)

Мои примеры


be ill nourished — быть истощённым  
be well nourished — быть упитанным  
ill-nourished — плохо упитанный; худой  
poorly nourished cattle — скот низкой упитанности  
poorly nourished fish — тощая рыба  
poorly nourished — низкой упитанности; плохо упитанный  
well-nourished fish — упитанная рыба  
well-nourished patient — больной нормального питания  
well-nourished skin — кожа, получающая необходимые питательные вещества  
well nourished — хорошо развитой,хорошо упитанный  

Примеры с переводом

The human body can be nourished on any food.

Человеческий организм может питаться любой пищей.

He fed him well, and nourished himself, and took nurture for the road.

Он хорошенько покормил его, поел сам и взял еды в дорогу.

Возможные однокоренные слова

nourish  — питать, кормить, лелеять, удобрять
nourishing  — питательный, сытный, кормление
undernourished  — недокармливать
nourisher  — питательное вещество, питательное средство для кожи, кормилец



tr.v. nour·ished, nour·ish·ing, nour·ish·es

1. To provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth; feed.

2. To foster the development of; promote: «Athens was an imperial city, nourished by the tribute of subjects» (V. Gordon Childe).

3. To keep alive; maintain: nourish a hope.

[Middle English norishen, from Old French norrir, norriss-, from Vulgar Latin *nutrīre, from Latin nūtrīre; see (s)nāu- in Indo-European roots.]

nour′ish·er n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. nourished — being provided with adequate nourishment

malnourished — not being provided with adequate nourishment

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Life is nourished only by lofty thoughts, and therefore the suffocation of thought will inevitably result in decay.

Ведь жизнь питается только высокою мыслью, потому удушение мысли неминуемо приведет к разложению.

It has deep historical roots and is nourished by the examples of moral behavior of the best representatives of pharmaceutical profession of many generations.

Она имеет глубокие исторические корни и питается примерами нравственного поведения лучших представителей фармацевтической профессии многих поколений.

So, if we want to be adequately nourished while preserving global land diversity, we need to find a compromise.

Поэтому, если мы хотим получать адекватное питание при сохранении глобального разнообразия земель, нам необходимо найти компромисс.

The old are cared for, adults have jobs, children are nourished and educated.

О стариках заботятся, взрослые имеют работу, дети получают питание и образование.

In this stage, you deliver the placenta, the organ that nourished your baby inside the womb.

На этом этапе вы родите плаценту, орган, которым питается ваш ребенок в утробе.

The source of life, every human being nourished his long life is and always will love.

Источник жизни, каждое человеческое существо питается его долгой жизни есть и всегда будет любить.

This means that we need to make sure that our scalp is nourished.

Это означает, что мы должны убедиться, что наши головы питается.

His theology is first of all nourished from the depths of spiritual experience.

И его богословие питается прежде всего из глубин духовного опыта.

Consciousness is nourished by information the same way the body is nourished by food.

Сознание питается информацией точно так же, как тело питается пищей.

My eyes and soul were nourished during my stay.

You were nourished and matured within her.

This means that joints require regular exercise to stay lubricated, nourished and healthy.

Это означает, что суставы требуют регулярных упражнений, чтобы оставаться смазанными, питаться и быть здоровыми.

Whoever does not marry is not nourished.

А кто не имеет возможности жениться, пусть постится .

Discrimination is nourished on negative stereotyping.

It nourished my intellect and my soul.

Ensure that your dog is nourished with ample water.

Старайтесь держать вашу собаку увлажненной, обеспечивая его большим количеством воды.

The autistic traits remained even after the body had been nourished and repaired.

Поэтому аутистичные черты сохранялись даже после того, как «тело было накормлено и восстановлено».

We fed and nourished him until now.

Мы кормили его и ухаживали за ним до этого момента.

Many sectarian problems in Tibet were born and nourished by it.

Многие проблемы в Тибете, связанные с сектантством, родились из этого учения и почерпнули в нем силу.

We cannot say that if a child is badly nourished he will become a criminal.

Это не говорит о том, что из ребенка в будущем выйдет плохой человек или он обязательно станет преступником.

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    English-russian biological dictionary > nourished

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    Новый англо-русский словарь > nourished

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    Англо-русский словарь по пищевой промышленности > nourished

  • 9

    1) подпитал;

    2) подпитанный

    English-Russian sports dictionary > nourished

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    English-Russian smart dictionary > nourished

  • 11

    питать; вскормленный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. prepared (adj.) brought up; fathered; fostered; mothered; nursed; nurtured; prepared; raised; trained

    2. nursed (verb) breast-fed; cherished; cultivated; fostered; nursed; nurtured; suckled

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    nourished a drive

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    be ill nourished

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  • 15
    be well nourished

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be well nourished

  • 16

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ill-nourished

  • 17
    poorly nourished

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > poorly nourished

  • 18
    poorly nourished cattle

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > poorly nourished cattle

  • 19
    poorly nourished fish

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > poorly nourished fish

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    sufficiently nourished profile

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См. также в других словарях:

  • Nourished — Nourish Nour ish (n[u^]r [i^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Nourished} (n[u^]r [i^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Nourishing}.] [OE. norisen, norischen, OF. nurir, nurrir, norir, F. nourrir, fr. L. nutrire. Cf. {Nurse}, {Nutriment}, and see { ish}.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • -nourished — [[t] nʌ̱rɪʃt, AM nɜ͟ːr [/t]] COMB in ADJ GRADED nourished is used with adverbs such as well or under to indicate how much food someone eats or whether it is the right kind of food. To make sure the children are well nourished, vitamin drops are… …   English dictionary

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  • nourished — adjective being provided with adequate nourishment (Freq. 1) • Ant: ↑malnourished • Similar to: ↑corn fed, ↑full, ↑replete, ↑well fed, ↑well nourished, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • nourished — adjective fed …   Wiktionary

  • nourished — nour·ish || nÉœrɪʃ / nÊŒ v. feed; support; nurture …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Hearts Once Nourished with Hope and Compassion — Infobox Album | Name = Hearts Once Nourished with Hope and Compassion Type = Album Artist = Shai Hulud Released = November 4, 1997 (original) August 6, 2006(reissue) Recorded = August–September 1997 at Morrisound Recording, Tampa, Florida Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Hearts Once Nourished with Hope and Compassion — Álbum de estudio de Shai Hulud Publicación 4 de noviembre de 1997 (original) 6 de agosto del 2006 (reedición) Grabación Agosto–septiembre de 1997 en Morrisound Recording, Tampa, Florida Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Not Without a Heart Once Nourished by Sticks and Stones Within Blood Ill-Tempered Misanthropy Pure Gold Can Stay — EP by New Found Glory and Shai Hulud Released March …   Wikipedia

  • well-nourished — adjective properly nourished • Syn: ↑well fed • Similar to: ↑nourished …   Useful english dictionary

  • poorly nourished — in aquaculture, fish receiving too small amounts of food, or a deficient diet …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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