Noun of the word high

высокий, большой, сильный, высоко, сильно, интенсивно, максимум, высшая точка


- высокий

high mountain [wall] — высокая гора [стена]
high ground — высокое место, возвышенность

- высокий, находящийся в вышине, на высоте, наверху

- имеющий определённую высоту, высотой в

a tree thirty metres high — дерево высотой в тридцать метров, тридцатиметровое дерево
the snow was half-leg high — снег доходил до колен
how high is the mountain? — какова высота этой горы?
high trajectory — воен. крутая траектория

- большой, высокий

- дорогой, высокий

ещё 17 вариантов


- высоко

- сильно; интенсивно

the wind blows high — дует сильный ветер
her heart beat high — её сердце сильно /учащённо/ билось
to feed high — обильно кормить, откармливать

- дорого

to pay high — дорого платить
he went as high as £200 — он готов был заплатить двести фунтов

- богато, роскошно

to live high — жить в роскоши, жить богато, на широкую ногу

- высоко, резко, на высоких нотах


- высшая точка, максимум

to be in /at/ the high — достигнуть высшего уровня /предела, максимума/
an all-time high — рекордный /небывалый/ уровень

- спец. «пик» (нагрузки и т. п.)
- метеор. область повышенного давления, антициклон
- карт. старшая карта, находящаяся на руках
- амер. разг. средняя школа (тж. high school)

she learned bookkeeping in high — она обучилась счетоводству в школе

- сл. «кайф», состояние наркотического опьянения
- авт. высокая передача (тж. high gear)

on high — а) в небе; в вышине; he watched the birds wheeling on high
from on high — свыше, с небес
the high and mighties — великие /сильные/ мира сего
high and low — повсюду, везде; везде и всюду

Мои примеры


a building 100 stories high — стоэтажное здание / здание высотой в сто этажей  
a high school dance party — танцевальный вечер в средней школе  
a poker game with high stakes — игра в покер с высокими ставками  
foods that are high in fiber — продукты с высоким содержанием клетчатки  
a city fortified by high walls — город, укреплённый высокими стенами  
the glaring light of high noon — ослепительный свет в самый разгар дня  
a short skirt and high heels — короткая юбка и высокие каблуки  
His hopes were so high he was doomed to disappointment. — Его надежды были настолько велики, что он был обречён на разочарование.  
high crowned — с высокой тульей  
high cube container — контейнер повышенной вместимости  
high-calorie diet — высококалорийная диета  
high-fibre diet — диета с большим употреблением клетчатки  
high distinction — отлично (с отличием)  

Примеры с переводом

How high can you jump?

Как высоко ты можешь прыгнуть?

She holds her head high.

Она высоко держит голову.

Feelings ran high.

Страсти разгорелись.

Buy low and sell high.

Покупай дёшево, продавай дорого.

One must have high ideals.

Человек должен иметь возвышенные идеалы.

Most people there were high on cocaine.

Большинство людей там были «под кокаином».

The river is at its highest in spring.

Весной эта река поднимается (выходит из берегов).

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The explosion lofted dust high into the air.

Breads and pastas are high in carbohydrates.

The customers squawked about the high prices.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

higher  — высший, верхний
highest  — наивысший
highly  — высоко, очень, весьма, сильно, чрезвычайно, в высшей степени, благоприятно
highness  — высота, возвышенность, величина, высокая степень, большой размер

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): high
мн. ч.(plural): highs

срав. степ. (comparative): higher
прев. степ. (superlative): highest

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What is the noun form for high?

The word ‘high’ is a noun, a word for a lofty place or region, a high level or degree, a center of high atmospheric pressure, and a transmission gear.The noun form of the adjective ‘high’ is highness.

What is a noun of high?

The noun ‘high’ is a singular, commonnoun.The noun ‘high’ is an abstract noun as a word for a period or situation in which something reaches its peak; a feeling of great happiness or excitement; a state of intoxication produced by or as if by a drug.The noun ‘high’ is a concrete noun as a word for a temperature setting for a heating device or a motor; a word for a place above (on high); a region of high barometric pressure.The noun form for the adjective high is highness.A related noun form is height.

Is the word high a noun?

The work ‘high’ is both a noun (high, highs) and an adjective (high, higher, highest).The noun high is a word for a lofty level, position or degree; a state of sustained elation; or a state of intoxication induced by alcohol or narcotics; an air mass of higher than normal pressure; a high place.The noun form for the adjective high is highness.A related noun form is height.

What is the abstract noun of adjective high?

The word high is an abstract noun as a word for a chemically induced state of good feeling, excitement, or intoxication.The abstract noun form for the adjective high is highness.A related abstract noun form is height. as a word for the extreme point of a condition or an era.The noun ‘height’ is a concrete noun as a word for the highest part or point of something.The noun ‘high’ is also a concrete noun as a word for an air mass of higher than normal pressure; or a high place.

Abstract noun of high?

The word ‘high’ is both an adjective, an adverb, and a noun.The noun ‘high’ is an abstract noun as a word for a period or situation in which something reaches its peak; a feeling of great happiness or excitement; a state of intoxication produced by or as if by a drug.The noun ‘high’ is a concrete noun as a word for a temperature setting for a heating device or a motor; a word for a place above (on high); a region of high barometric pressure.The abstract noun form for the adjective high is highness.

What is the noun for the word high?

high. A period of euphoria, from excitement or from an intake of drugs. A drug that gives such a high. (informal) A large area of elevated atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone.

Is high an adjective or noun?

high used as an adjective: Being elevated in position or status, a state of being above many things. Tall, lofty, at a great distance above the ground (at high altitude).

What’s an adjective for high?

adjective, high·er, high·est. having a great or considerable extent or reach upward or vertically; lofty; tall: a high wall. having a specified extent upward: The apple tree is now 20 feet high. situated above the ground or some base; elevated: a high platform; a high ledge.

What does this word mean high?

Adjective. high, tall, lofty mean above the average in height. high implies marked extension upward and is applied chiefly to things which rise from a base or foundation or are placed at a conspicuous height above a lower level.

What type of adverb is high?

Adjectives that do not change form (add -ly) to become adverbs are called “flat adverbs.” Typical flat adverbs are early, late, hard, fast, long, high, low, deep, near.

What is high Grammar?

High means ‘having a large distance from top to bottom’ or ‘a long way above the ground’. We often use high when we speak about inanimate things (non-living things).

Are you on high?

“Are you high or something?” is a sarcastic expression used in reply to someone who has just said something outlandish, ridiculous or clearly not true.

What does you look high mean?

High is used as slang to mean intoxicated, usual on some kind drug. So the speaker is saying he looks like he is under the influence of a drug.

Is on high meaning?

: feeling happy and excited He was on a high after receiving the promotion.

What does you look stoned mean?

1 : drunk sense 1a. 2 : being under the influence of a drug (such as marijuana) taken especially for pleasure : high.

How do you say I’m high?


  1. comatose.
  2. dazed.
  3. high.
  4. intoxicated.
  5. narcotized.
  6. stoned.
  7. stupefied.

What does stoner girl mean?

A female who smokes weed;the new generation of hippies but wear tight jeans,bath,shave,have bangs,stunna shades;a female who smokes weed alot.

How do you use stoned in a sentence?

  1. Widows were forbidden to remarry and were stoned to death if they did.
  2. Rioters blocked roads and stoned vehicles.
  3. Shops were looted and vehicles stoned.
  4. They spent the evening getting stoned.
  5. He was stoned to death.
  6. Rioters set up barricades and stoned police cars.
  7. And they stoned her to death.

What does Drunk mean?

1a : having the faculties impaired by alcohol. b : having a level of alcohol in the blood that exceeds a maximum prescribed by law legally drunk. 2 : dominated by an intense feeling drunk with rage. 3 : relating to, caused by, or characterized by intoxication : drunken drunk driving.

Why is it called getting stoned?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) the word stoned first appeared around the years 1400-1450, referring to a building or structure that is built with stones. This would have come from the fact that buildings in those days, especially large ones, were built or fortified by stone.

Where does the term zoot come from?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “zoot” probably comes from a reduplication of suit. Jazz bandleader Cab Calloway frequently wore zoot suits on stage, including some with exaggerated details, such as extremely wide shoulders or overly draped jackets. He wore one in the 1943 film Stormy Weather.

How do you identify a stoner?

Signs of Use

  1. Panic.
  2. Anxiety.
  3. Poor muscle and limb coordination.
  4. Delayed reaction times and abilities.
  5. An initial liveliness.
  6. Increased heart rate.
  7. Distorted senses.
  8. Red eyes.

Is shaggy a stoner?

Shaggy was based off a Beatnik stereotype who was the equivalent of a 60s stoner. Because it was a kid’s show, there’s no way they’d ever admit that he smoked weed but it’s hard to believe that they’re that naive. He was not based on the stereotype, he was based on Maynard G. Krebs from The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis.

What makes a stoner?

They are typically always high, or they’re high most of the time. You can usually tell if someone is a stoner if they: Smoke weed when they’re by themselves. Smoke weed every single day, without fail.

What does being a stoner do to you?

Marijuana can have drastically different effects from one person to the next. Some people report feeling happy or relaxed. Others report laughter, altered time and sensory perception, and increased appetite.

What does 420 mean?

420, 4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is cannabis culture slang for marijuana and hashish consumption, especially smoking around the time 4:20 p.m., and also refers to cannabis-oriented celebrations that take place annually on April 20 (which is 4/20 in U.S. form).

What Bong means?

A bong (also known as a water pipe) is a filtration device generally used for smoking cannabis, tobacco, or other herbal substances. In construction and function, a bong is similar to a hookah, except smaller and especially more portable.

Is Bong a bad word?

Bong is a neologism that originated in cosmopolitan India in the 1980s as a slightly pejorative exonym for the educated middle-class Bengalis from the Indian state of West Bengal.

What does pejorative mean?

A pejorative or slur is a word or grammatical form expressing a negative or a disrespectful connotation, a low opinion, or a lack of respect toward someone or something.



  • enPR: , IPA(key): /ˈhaɪ/, [haɪ̯]
  • Rhymes: -aɪ
  • Homophones: hi, Hi, hie

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English high, heigh, heih, from Old English hēah (high, tall, lofty, high-class, exalted, sublime, illustrious, important, proud, haughty, deep, right), from Proto-West Germanic *hauh (high), from Proto-Germanic *hauhaz (high), from Proto-Indo-European *kewk- (to elevate, height).

Cognate with Scots heich (high), Saterland Frisian hooch (high), West Frisian heech (high), Dutch hoog (high), Low German hoog (high), German hoch (high), Swedish hög (high), Norwegian høy (high), Icelandic hár (high), Lithuanian kaukas (bump, boil, sore), Russian ку́ча (kúča, pile, heap, stack, lump).

Alternative forms[edit]

  • hi (informal)


high (comparative higher, superlative highest)

  1. Physically elevated, extending above a base or average level:
    1. Very elevated; extending or being far above a base; tall; lofty.

      The balloon rose high in the sky.   The wall was high.   a high mountain

      • 1930, Philip Sidney Smith, Mineral Industry of Alaska in 1928 and Administration Report:

        The Chitistone River Valley offers a more direct route for travel from McCarthy to the White River and the Shushana gold placers than Skolai Creek, but it involves a high climb over the so-called “goat trail” to avoid the canyon above Chitistone[.]

      • 2013 June 7, David Simpson, “Fantasy of navigation”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 188, number 26, page 36:

        Like most human activities, ballooning has sponsored heroes and hucksters and a good deal in between. For every dedicated scientist patiently recording atmospheric pressure and wind speed while shivering at high altitudes, there is a carnival barker with a bevy of pretty girls willing to dangle from a basket or parachute down to earth.

    2. Relatively elevated; rising or raised above the average or normal level from which elevation is measured.
      • 1922, Ben Travers, chapter 1, in A Cuckoo in the Nest[1]:

        She was like a Beardsley Salome, he had said. And indeed she had the narrow eyes and the high cheekbone of that creature, and as nearly the sinuosity as is compatible with human symmetry. His wooing had been brief but incisive.

      • 1919, Martha Van Rensselaer, Flora Rose, Helen Canon, A Manual of Home-Making, page 376:
        A nightgown with a high neck and long sleeves may have the fullness set into a yoke.
    3. (baseball, of a ball) Above the batter’s shoulders.

      the pitch (or: the ball) was high

    4. Pertaining to (or, especially of a language: spoken in) in an area which is at a greater elevation, for example more mountainous, than other regions.
  2. Having a specified elevation or height; tall.

    three feet high   three Mount Everests high

    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 4, in Mr. Pratt’s Patients:

      I told him about everything I could think of; and what I couldn’t think of he did. He asked about six questions during my yarn, but every question had a point to it. At the end he bowed and thanked me once more. As a thanker he was main-truck high; I never see anybody so polite.

  3. Elevated in status, esteem, or prestige, or in importance or development; exalted in rank, station, or character.

    The oldest of the elves’ royal family still conversed in High Elvish.

    • 1855 December – 1857 June, Charles Dickens, Little Dorrit, London: Bradbury and Evans, [], published 1857, →OCLC:

      The Barnacles were a very high family, and a very large family. They were dispersed all over the public offices, and held all sorts of public places.

    • 2007, Sheila Finch, Shaper’s Legacy, →ISBN, page 122:

      Not a one of them was old enough to know what the high past of Liani separatism had really been like.

    1. Most exalted; foremost.

      the high priest, the high officials of the court, the high altar

    2. Of great importance and consequence: grave (if negative) or solemn (if positive).

      high crimes, the high festival of the sun

    3. Consummate; advanced (e.g. in development) to the utmost extent or culmination, or possessing a quality in its supreme degree, at its zenith.

      high (i.e. intense) heat; high (i.e. full or quite) noon; high (i.e. rich or spicy) seasoning; high (i.e. complete) pleasure; high (i.e. deep or vivid) colour; high (i.e. extensive, thorough) scholarship; high tide; high [tourism] season; the High Middle Ages

      • 1709-1710, Thomas Baker, Reflections on Learning
        High sauces and rich spices are fetch’d from the Indies.
    4. Advanced in complexity (and hence potentially abstract and/or difficult to comprehend).
      • 1599 (first performance), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Iulius Cæsar”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act I, scene ii]:

        to hear and answer such high things

      • 1802, William Wordsworth, England 1802
        Plain living and high thinking are no more.
  4. (in several set phrases) Very traditionalist and conservative, especially in favoring older ways of doing things; see e.g. high church, High Tory.
    • 1858, Joseph Howe, Speeches and Public Letters, page 346:
      The letter of a «Pioneer» was sent to the Chronicle office by a very respectable man, of a high conservative family, but whose interests have been injuriously affected by the constant fluctuations in the commercial policy of England.
    • 1861 (printed 2003), Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Regnery Publishing (→ISBN)
      His family was ardently royalist, and might be compared to a high Tory family on this side the water; with some change of conditions, their prejudices and disposition of the mind were the same.
    • 2005, Jesse D. Geller; John C. Norcross; David E. Orlinsky, The Psychotherapist’s Own Psychotherapy, Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 69:

      My father was the youngest son of a High-Church and high Tory family, the politically leftwing and religiously Nonconformist rebel; and antiimperialist who nearly lost his position in the City by refusing to sign his firm’s pro–Boer War petition.

  5. Elevated in mood; marked by great merriment, excitement, etc.

    in high spirits

    • 1970, Grateful Dead, High Time, on the album Workingman’s Dead
      I was having a high time, living the good life.
  6. (of a lifestyle) Luxurious; rich.

    high living, the high life

    • 2010, Rose Maria McCarthy Anding. High Heels, Honey Lips, & White Powder
      I was living the high lifestyle in famous sex clubs, relaxing on luxurious sofas, in the saunas and whirlpools, enjoying moments of excitement with my male and female companions while sipping champagne from crystal glasses.
  7. Lofty, often to the point of arrogant, haughty, boastful, proud.

    a high tone

    • 1702–1704, Edward [Hyde, 1st] Earl of Clarendon, “(please specify |book=I to XVI)”, in The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641. [], Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed at the Theater, published 1707, →OCLC:

      His forces, after all the high discourses, amounted really but to eighteen hundred foot.

  8. (with «on» or «about») Keen, enthused.
    • 2016, David Chan, Enabling Positive Attitudes and Experiences in Singapore, page 140:

      «Conversely, just because I am not high on positivity, it does not mean I am necessarily high on negativity.»

    • 2010, Lena, quoted by S. Rosenbloom, The Multiracial Urban High School: Fearing Peers and Trusting Friends (→ISBN), chapter four:
      I’m not that high about the relationship.
  9. (of a body of water) With tall waves.
  10. Remote (to the north or south) from the equator; situated at (or constituting) a latitude which is expressed by a large number.

    high latitude, fish species in high arctic and antarctic areas

    • 1966, Symposium on Antarctic Oceanography: Papers, page 242:
      But other euphausiids, Euphausia crystallorophias, are found in the pack ice region of the high Antarctic as food of Blue and Minke Whales (Marr, 1956). E. vallentini is very important in the lower Antarctic region, around []
    • 1990, International Union of Game Biologists. Congress, Transactions, the XIXth IUGB Congress: Population dynamics, page 219:
      We predict that L. arctica will coincide with the whole reindeer-caribou distribution, probably excepted Svalbard, South Georgia and other high-polar areas.
    • 1999, Peter John Hodum, Foraging Ecology and Reproductive Energetics of Antarctic Fulmarine Petrels, page 8:
      [] petrels, which breed primarily in the high Antarctic, the Rauer Islands are fairly central in their breeding distribution. This study documents the breeding biology of these four species of fulmarine petrels on Hop Island, Rauer Islands during  []
    • 2004, Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschungvolume 481-483, page 1:
      Except for some lithodid crabs that have recently been found in the Antarctic Bellingshausen Sea (Klages et al., 1995; Arana and Retamal, 2000), reptants are not known from high polar areas, where water temperature at the seafloor drops permanently below about 0°C.
    • 2007, Zoological Studies, volume 46, iissues 1-3, page 371:
      This study also analyzed the sources of variations over an environmental gradient extending from low (subtropical) to high (sub-Antarctic) latitudes.
  11. Large, great (in amount or quantity, value, force, energy, etc).

    My bank charges me a high interest rate.

    I was running a high temperature and had high cholesterol.

    high voltage   high prices   high winds   a high number

    • 1697, Virgil, “The First Book of the Æneis”, in John Dryden, transl., The Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and Æneis. [], London: [] Jacob Tonson, [], →OCLC:

      Can heavenly minds such high resentment show?
    • 2013 July-August, Fenella Saunders, “Tiny Lenses See the Big Picture”, in American Scientist:

      The single-imaging optic of the mammalian eye offers some distinct visual advantages. Such lenses can take in photons from a wide range of angles, increasing light sensitivity. They also have high spatial resolution, resolving incoming images in minute detail.

    • 2005, Tracy Martin, How To Diagnose and Repair Automotive Electrical Systems[2], page 16:

      Ignition voltage needs to be high enough to overcome the high resistance created by the air gap.

    1. Having a large or comparatively larger concentration of (a substance, which is often but not always linked by «in» when predicative).

      Carrots are high in vitamin A.   made from a high-copper alloy

    • 1907, The American Exporter, volume 60, page 101:
      Anyone can determine for himself whether certain wire is high carbon or not. Heat a piece of the wire red hot and while red plunge into water till cold.
  12. (acoustics) Acute or shrill in pitch, due to being of greater frequency, i.e. produced by more rapid vibrations (wave oscillations).

    The note was too high for her to sing.

  13. (phonetics) Made with some part of the tongue positioned high in the mouth, relatively close to the palate.
  14. (card games) Greater in value than other cards, denominations, suits, etc.
    1. (poker) Having the highest rank in a straight, flush or straight flush.

      I have KT742 of the same suit. In other words, a K-high flush.

      9-high straight = 98765 unsuited

      Royal Flush = AKQJT suited = A-high straight flush

    2. (of a card or hand) Winning; able to take a trick, win a round, etc.

      North’s hand was high. East was in trouble.

      • 1894, Harper’s Magazine, volume 88, page 910:
        Cutler pushed forward the two necessary white chips. No one’s hand was high, and Loomis made a slight winning.
  15. (of meat, especially venison) Strong-scented; slightly tainted/spoiled; beginning to decompose.

    Epicures do not cook game before it is high.

    The tailor liked his meat high.

    • 1991, Stephen King, Needful Things:

      What he did know was this: something about the situation smelled wrong. Something about it smelled as high as dead fish that have spent three days in the hot sun.

  16. (informal) Intoxicated; under the influence of a mood-altering drug, formerly usually alcohol, but now (from the mid-20th century) usually not alcohol but rather marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.
  17. (nautical, of a sailing ship) Near, in its direction of travel, to the (direction of the) wind.
    • 1784, William Falconer, An Universal Dictionary of the Marine: Or, A Copious Explanation:

      NO NEARER! (arrive! Fr.) the command given by the pilot of quarter-master, to the helmsman, to steer the ship no higher to the direction of the wind than the sails will operate to advance the ship in her course.

  18. (sports such as soccer) Positioned up the field, towards the opposing team’s goal.

    Our defensive line is too high.

  • haute, hawt
  • (elevated): See Thesaurus:tall
  • (intoxicated): See Thesaurus:stoned or Thesaurus:drunk
  • low
  • chest-high
  • knee-high
  • sky-high
  • super-high
  • thigh-high
  • ultra-high
  • waist-high
Derived terms[edit]
  • ask how high when someone says jump
  • at the high port
  • blow sky high
  • come hell or high water
  • come high
  • contact high
  • fly high
  • for the high jump
  • friends in high places
  • from on high
  • get high
  • get off one’s high horse
  • happy as a clam at high water
  • have high hopes
  • hell or high water
  • helper’s high
  • High Abbotside
  • high adventure
  • high altar
  • high and dry
  • high and low
  • High and Low Bishopside
  • high and mighty
  • high and tight
  • high angel
  • high anion gap metabolic acidosis
  • high as a kite
  • high bailiff
  • high bar
  • High Barnet
  • high beams
  • High Bentham
  • high bit
  • High Blantyre
  • high blood
  • high blood pressure
  • High Brooms
  • high button shoe
  • high C
  • high camp
  • high card
  • high center
  • high centered
  • high centre
  • high centred
  • high chair
  • high challenge
  • high churchmanship
  • high cockalorum
  • high color
  • high comma
  • high commissioner
  • high concept
  • high context culture
  • high cotton
  • high country
  • high court
  • high crawl
  • high crime
  • high cross
  • high cube
  • high culture
  • high days and holidays
  • high definition
  • high dependency unit
  • high doh
  • high drama
  • high end
  • high entropy alloy
  • high explosive
  • high falutin
  • high fantasy
  • high fashion
  • high fidelity
  • high five
  • high flier
  • high flyer
  • high Fowler’s
  • high frequency
  • high frequency gravitational wave
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • high functioning
  • High German
  • high ground
  • High Halstow
  • High Harrington
  • high heel
  • high heels
  • high hopes
  • high horse
  • high hundreds
  • high intensity training
  • high island
  • high jinks
  • high jump
  • high jumper
  • high king
  • high kingship
  • high licence
  • high license
  • high life
  • high line
  • High Littleton
  • high lonesome sound
  • High Marnham
  • High Mass
  • high memory area
  • high milling
  • high muckamuck
  • high muckety-muck
  • high nellie
  • high nelly
  • high noon
  • high note
  • high occupancy vehicle
  • high off the hog
  • high old time
  • high on life
  • high on one’s own supply
  • high on the hog
  • high on the totem pole
  • High Ongar
  • High Orchard
  • high order bit
  • high pad
  • High Park
  • High Peak
  • high pillow
  • high place
  • High Point
  • high point, highpoint
  • high politics
  • high priest
  • high priestess
  • high probability trade
  • high profile
  • high relief
  • high road
  • high roller
  • high scaler
  • high school
  • high school student
  • high schooler
  • high score
  • high score table
  • high sea
  • high seas
  • high season
  • high side
  • high sign
  • high society
  • high speed
  • high speed steel
  • high spirits
  • high steel
  • high strangeness
  • high street
  • high striker
  • high strikes
  • high summer
  • high surrogate
  • high table
  • high tackle
  • high tea
  • high tech
  • high technology
  • high tension
  • high tide
  • high tider
  • high time, high-time
  • high toby
  • high top
  • high touch
  • High Town, Hightown
  • high treason
  • high up
  • high vacuum
  • high voltage
  • high water
  • high waters
  • High Westwood
  • high wire
  • High Wycombe
  • high yaller
  • high yellow
  • high yo-yo
  • high-backed
  • high-beam
  • high-binder
  • high-blown
  • high-born
  • high-budget
  • high-card
  • high-center
  • high-centered
  • high-centre
  • high-centred
  • high-class
  • high-context culture
  • high-definition
  • high-definition television
  • high-density
  • high-density lipoprotein
  • high-end
  • high-endness
  • high-energy
  • high-entropy alloy
  • high-fed
  • high-finned dragonet
  • high-five
  • high-flier
  • high-flown
  • high-flyer
  • high-flying
  • high-frequency
  • high-frequency gravitational wave
  • high-frequency trading
  • high-fructose corn syrup
  • high-fructose maize syrup
  • high-functioning
  • high-functioning autism
  • high-go
  • high-grade
  • high-handed
  • high-handedly
  • high-handedness
  • high-hanging fruit
  • high-hat
  • high-hearted
  • high-heartedly
  • high-heartedness
  • high-heel
  • high-heeled
  • high-holder
  • high-hole
  • high-impact
  • high-intensity interval training
  • high-jump
  • high-jumper
  • high-key
  • high-kilted
  • high-king
  • high-level
  • high-level language
  • high-lift device
  • high-low
  • high-low split
  • high-lying
  • high-maintenance
  • high-marking
  • high-minded
  • high-mindedly
  • high-mindedness
  • high-muck-a-muck
  • high-necked
  • high-nelly
  • high-nosed
  • high-occupancy vehicle
  • high-octane
  • high-paid
  • high-pass
  • high-performance
  • high-performance liquid chromatography
  • high-pitch
  • high-pitched
  • high-powered
  • high-pressure
  • high-pressure liquid chromatography
  • high-priced
  • high-profile
  • high-quality
  • high-ranking
  • high-res
  • high-resolution
  • high-rise
  • high-rise syndrome
  • high-riser
  • high-risk
  • high-roller
  • high-score table
  • high-side
  • high-sighted
  • high-sounding
  • high-spec
  • high-speed
  • high-speed rail
  • high-speed steel
  • high-spirited
  • high-spiritedness
  • high-stakes
  • high-status
  • high-step
  • high-stepper
  • high-stick
  • high-sticking
  • high-stomached
  • high-strung
  • high-tail it
  • high-tech
  • high-techness
  • high-tempo
  • high-tension
  • high-test
  • high-test peroxide
  • high-toned
  • high-top
  • high-touch
  • high-up
  • high-visibility
  • high-voltage transmission line
  • high-water
  • high-water mark
  • high-wheeler
  • high-wire
  • high-wire walker
  • high-wrought
  • highfalutin
  • highlight
  • highly
  • highness
  • Highness
  • highway
  • hit the high notes
  • hold one’s head high
  • hot and high
  • I have high blood pressure
  • in high dudgeon
  • in high feather
  • in high gear
  • junior high
  • junior high school
  • knee high
  • knee-high to a grasshopper
  • leave someone high and dry
  • Mile High Club
  • moral high ground
  • Most High
  • mount the high horse
  • Omaha high-low split
  • on high
  • on one’s high horse
  • on the high rope
  • on the high ropes
  • ride high
  • rower’s high
  • runner’s high
  • senior high school
  • Siberian high
  • stink to high heaven
  • sugar high
  • super high frequency
  • Thirkleby High and Low with Osgodby
  • type-high
  • ultra high frequency
  • union high school
  • very high frequency
  • white coat high blood pressure
  • with a high hand
  • with one’s head held high

Pages starting with “high”.

  • Sranan Tongo: hei

elevated; tall

  • Adyghe: лъагэ (lˢaaɣe)
  • Afrikaans: hoog (af)
  • Aklanon: mataas
  • Albanian: i lartë (sq)
  • Arabic: (indefinite) عَالٍ(ʕālin), (definite) اَلْعَالِي(al-ʕālī); طَوِيل (ar) (ṭawīl)
    Egyptian Arabic: عالي(ʿāli)
  • Aramaic:
    Hebrew: רמא‎ c (rāmā, romo)
    Syriac: ܪܡܐ‎ c (rāmā, romo)
  • Armenian: բարձր (hy) (barjr)
  • Aromanian: analtu (roa-rup)
  • Assamese: ওখ (ükho)
  • Azerbaijani: yüksək (az), ali (az), uca (az)
  • Bashkir: бейек (beyek)
  • Basque: altu, garai (eu)
  • Belarusian: высо́кі (be) (vysóki)
  • Bengali: উচ্চ (bn) (ucco)
  • Bulgarian: висо́к (bg) (visók)
  • Burmese: စွင့် (my) (cwang.), မြင့် (my) (mrang.)
  • Buryat: үндэр (ünder)
  • Catalan: alt (ca), elevat (ca)
  • Chechen: лекха (leqa)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (gou1)
    Hakka: ()
    Mandarin:  (zh) (gāo)
    Min Nan:  (zh-min-nan) (koân, koâiⁿ)
  • Czech: vysoký (cs)
  • Danish: høj (da)
  • Dutch: hoog (nl)
  • Esperanto: alta (eo)
  • Estonian: kõrge (et)
  • Even: гуд (gud)
  • Evenki: гугда (gugda)
  • Extremaduran: artu
  • Faroese: høgur, háur
  • Finnish: korkea (fi)
  • French: haut (fr)
  • Friulian: alt, grand
  • Galician: alto (gl) m, elevado m, outo m (archaism)
  • Georgian: მაღალი (maɣali)
  • German: hoch (de)
    Alemannic German: hooch
  • Gothic: 𐌷𐌰𐌿𐌷𐍃 (hauhs)
  • Greek: ψηλός (el) m (psilós)
    Ancient: ὑψηλός (hupsēlós)
  • Guaraní: yvate
  • Haitian Creole: wo
  • Hebrew: גָבוֹהַ (he) (gavóah)
  • Hindi: ऊँचा (hi) (ū̃cā), लंबा (hi) (lambā) / लम्बा (hi) (lambā)
  • Hungarian: magas (hu)
  • Icelandic: hár (is)
  • Indonesian: tinggi (id)
  • Ingush: лакхе (laqe)
  • Interlingua: alte
  • Irish: ard (ga)
  • Italian: alto (it), elevato (it), illustre (it)
  • Japanese: 高い (ja) (たかい, takai)
  • Javanese: dhuwur (jv)
  • Kabardian: лъагэ (lˢaaɣe)
  • Kalmyk: өндр (öndr)
  • Karachay-Balkar: мийик (miyik)
  • Kazakh: биік (kk) (biık)
  • Khmer: ខ្ពស់ (km) (khpŭəh)
  • Korean: 높다 (ko) (nopda)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: بەرز (ckb) (berz)
    Laki: بەرز (ku) (berz)
    Northern Kurdish: bilind (ku), bala (ku)
    Southern Kurdish: بەرز (ku) (berz), بِڵێن(billên)
  • Kyrgyz: бийик (ky) (biyik)
  • Ladin: aut
  • Lao: ສູງ (sūng)
  • Latgalian: augsts
  • Latin: altus (la), celsus, arduus (la)
  • Latvian: augsts
  • Lithuanian: aukštas (lt)
  • Lombard: alt
  • Low German:
    German Low German: haug
  • Macedonian: висок (visok)
  • Malay: tinggi (ms)
  • Manchu: ᡩᡝᠨ (den)
  • Maori: noi, teitei, ikeike, tiketike, tīkokekoke, ike, kaurera, paratū, tūmāhoehoe (referring specifically to the overhead sun), tūhoehoe (refers specifically to the overhead sun), tūmārōhoehoe (refers specifically to the overhead sun)
  • Mauritian Creole: ot
  • Mizo: sang
  • Mongolian: өндөр (mn) (öndör)
  • Mòcheno: heach
  • Nanai: гогда
  • Neapolitan: auto
  • Norman: haut
  • North Frisian: huuch (Föhr-Amrum)
  • Northern Sami: allat
  • Norwegian: høy (no)
  • Occitan: naut (oc), aut (oc)
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: вꙑсокъ (vysokŭ)
  • Old East Slavic: вꙑсокъ (vysokŭ)
  • Old Javanese: ruhur
  • Old Tupi: ybaté
  • Oriya: ଉଚ୍ଚ (uccô)
  • Pashto: لوړ (ps) (lwaṛ), اوچت (ps) (učat), جګ(jëg)
  • Persian: بالا (fa) (bâlâ), بلند (fa) (boland)
  • Polish: wysoki (pl)
  • Portuguese: alto (pt)
  • Quechua: hanan, hanaq
  • Romanian: înalt (ro) m, înălțat (ro) m or n, ridicat (ro) m or n
  • Romansch: alt, ault
  • Russian: высо́кий (ru) (vysókij)
  • Sanskrit: उच्च (sa) (ucca)
  • Sardinian: artu, altu, atu
  • Scots: heich
  • Scottish Gaelic: àrd; (of specified height) a dh’àirde
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: вѝсок
    Roman: vìsok (sh)
  • Tashelhit: attuy
  • Sherpa: མཐེན་པུ (mthen pu)
  • Sicilian: àutu (scn), jàutu (scn), otu (scn), atu (scn)
  • Sidamo: seeda
  • Skolt Sami: õlli
  • Slovak: vysoký (sk)
  • Slovene: visok (sl)
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: wusoki
    Upper Sorbian: wysoki (hsb)
  • Spanish: alto (es), elevado (es)
  • Sundanese: luhur (su)
  • Swabian: haoch
  • Swedish: hög (sv)
  • Sylheti: ꠃꠌꠣ (usa)
  • Tajik: баланд (tg) (baland)
  • Tatar: биек (biyek)
  • Tausug: matas
  • Telugu: ఎత్తైన (te) (ettaina), పొడుగు (te) (poḍugu)
  • Tetum: aas
  • Thai: สูง (th) (sǔung)
  • Tibetan: མཐོ་བ (mtho ba)
  • Tocharian B: kauc, tapre
  • Turkish: yüksek (tr), uca (tr), ali (tr); uzun (tr), yüce (tr), ulu (tr)
  • Turkmen: beýik (tk)
  • Ukrainian: висо́кий (uk) (vysókyj)
  • Urdu: اونچا(ū̃cā), لمبا(lambā)
  • Uzbek: baland (uz), oliy (uz)
  • Venetian: alt (vec)
  • Vietnamese: cao cấp (vi), cao (vi) ( (vi))
  • Walloon: hôt (wa) m
  • Welsh: uchel (cy)
  • Yagnobi: баланд (baland)
  • Yiddish: הויך(hoykh)

of great or large quantity

  • Armenian: բարձր (hy) (barjr)
  • Bulgarian: голя́м (bg) (goljám)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (gou1)
    Hakka: ()
    Mandarin:  (zh) (gāo)
    Min Nan:  (zh-min-nan) (koân, koâiⁿ)
  • Czech: vysoký (cs)
  • Dutch: hoog (nl)
  • Finnish: korkea (fi)
  • French: élevé (fr)
  • German: hoch (de)
  • Low German:
    German Low German: haug
  • Macedonian: висок m (visok), голем m (golem)
  • Mizo: sang, to
  • Ngazidja Comorian: -huu
  • Polish: wysoki (pl)
  • Portuguese: alto (pt), elevado (pt)
  • Romanian: mare (ro)
  • Russian: высо́кий (ru) (vysókij)
  • Scots: heich
  • Scottish Gaelic: mòr
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: вѝсок
    Roman: vìsok (sh)
  • Swabian: haoch
  • Swedish: hög (sv)
  • Turkish: yüksek (tr), aşırı (tr)

acoustics: of greater frequency

  • Bulgarian: висок (bg) (visok)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (gou1)
    Hakka: ()
    Mandarin:  (zh) (gāo)
    Min Nan:  (zh-min-nan) (koân, koâiⁿ)
  • Czech: vysoký (cs)
  • Finnish: korkea (fi)
  • Galician: alto (gl) m
  • German: hoch (de), hell (de)
  • Macedonian: висок m (visok)
  • Mizo: sang
  • Polish: wysoki (pl)
  • Portuguese: alto (pt)
  • Romanian: înaltă (ro) f, mare (ro) f
  • Russian: высо́кий (ru) (vysókij)
  • Spanish: alto (es)
  • Swedish: hög (sv), ljus (sv)
  • Turkish: yüksek (tr), tiz (tr)

of meat: slightly tainted

slang: stoned

  • Arabic: مَسْطُول(masṭūl)
  • Armenian: ուռած (uṙac), ծխած (cxac)
  • Bulgarian: надрусан (bg) (nadrusan)
  • Catalan: drogat
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: high (haai1)
    Mandarin: (no exact term exists) (please verify) 神智恍惚 (shénzhì huǎnghū)
  • Czech: sjetý
  • Danish: høj (da), skæv (da)
  • Dutch: high (nl)
  • Esperanto: drogita, drogekscitita
  • Faroese: skeivur
  • Finnish: pilvessä (fi)
  • French: défoncé (fr), foncedé (fr) m (slang, verlan), gelé (fr) m (Canada)
  • German: (formal) berauscht (de); (normal) auf Droge; (slang:) dicht (de); drauf (de); high (de); knatter (de); zu (de)
  • Greek: μαστουρωμένος (el) m (mastouroménos)
  • Hebrew: מַסְטוּל (he) m (mastúl)
  • Icelandic: skakkur m, skökk f, skakkt n
  • Interlingua: drogate
  • Italian: fatto (it), eccitato (it), su di giri, schizzato (it), scoppiato (it), flippato, fuso (it), gasato (it)
  • Macedonian: напушен m (napušen)
  • Mizo: kai, hai, awm, rui
  • Navajo: naareel
  • Polish: naćpany (pl)
  • Portuguese: chapado (pt), drogado (pt)
  • Romanian: drogat
  • Russian: обку́ренный (ru) (obkúrennyj), обдо́лбаный (obdólbanyj), упо́ротый (ru) (upórotyj)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: надрогиран, напушен
    Roman: nadrogiran, napušen
  • Spanish: colocado (es), drogado (es)
  • Swedish: hög (sv)
  • Turkish: uçmuş, iyi (tr), esrik (tr), sarhoş (tr)
  • Vietnamese: phê (vi)

Translations to be checked

  • Albanian: (please verify) lartë (sq)
  • Basque: (please verify) gora (eu)
  • Guaraní: (1,2) (please verify) yvategua
  • Ido: (please verify) alta (io)
  • Pitjantjatjara: (please verify) katu
  • Sardinian: (please verify) artu
  • Slovene: (1,2) (please verify) visok (sl)
  • Telugu: (please verify) ఉన్నతమైన (te) (unnatamaina) (1), (please verify) ఎత్తైన (te) (ettaina) (2)
  • Tupinambá: (1,2) (please verify) ybatesûara
See also[edit]
  • mighty


high (comparative higher, superlative highest)

  1. In or to an elevated position.
    How high above land did you fly?
    The desks were piled high with magazines.
  2. In or at a great value.
    Costs have grown higher this year again.
  3. At a pitch of great frequency.
    I certainly can’t sing that high.
Usage notes[edit]
  • The adverb high and the adverb highly should not be confused.
    He hung the picture high on the wall.
    As a politician, he isn’t esteemed too highly.

in or at an elevated position

  • Bulgarian: високо (bg) (visoko)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (gou1)
    Hakka: ()
    Mandarin:  (zh) (gāo)
    Min Nan:  (zh-min-nan) (koân, koâiⁿ)
  • Czech: vysoko (cs)
  • Macedonian: високо (visoko)
  • Polish: wysoko (pl)
  • Portuguese: alto (pt)
  • Russian: высоко (ru) (vysoko)
  • Scots: heich
  • Scottish Gaelic: gu h-àrd
  • Turkish: yüksek (tr), yüksekte
  • Xhosa: phezulu
  • Zulu: phezulu

in or at a great value

  • Bulgarian: силно (bg) (silno)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (gou1)
    Hakka: ()
    Mandarin:  (zh) (gāo)
    Min Nan:  (zh-min-nan) (koân, koâiⁿ)
  • Czech: vysoko (cs)
  • Macedonian: високо (visoko)
  • Scots: heich
  • Scottish Gaelic: gu h-àrd
  • Swabian: haoch
  • Turkish: fazla (tr), aşırı (tr)
  • Yuri Dolgopolov, A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases: More Than 10,000 Idioms (2016, →ISBN): «high on something»


high (plural highs)

  1. A high point or position, literally (as, an elevated place; a superior region; a height; the sky; heaven).or figuratively (as, a point of success or achievement; a time when things are at their best, greatest, most numerous, maximum, etc).
    It was one of the highs of his career.
    Inflation reached a ten-year high.
    • 2019, VOA Learning English (public domain)
      South Korea has reached a new high in a kind of air pollution measured in fine dust.

    1. The maximum atmospheric temperature recorded at a particular location, especially during one 24-hour period.
      Today’s high was 32 °C.
  2. A period of euphoria, from excitement or from an intake of drugs.
    • 2013, Daniel Taylor, Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic climbs highest to sink Benfica (in The Guardian, 15 May 2013)[3]
      They will have to reflect on a seventh successive defeat in a European final while Chelsea try to make sense of an eccentric season rife with controversy and bad feeling but once again one finishing on an exhilarating high.

    That pill gave me a high for a few hours, before I had a comedown.

  3. A drug that gives such a high.
    • 2013 August 10, “A new prescription”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8848:

      No sooner has a [synthetic] drug been blacklisted than chemists adjust their recipe and start churning out a subtly different one. These “legal highs” are sold for the few months it takes the authorities to identify and ban them, and then the cycle begins again.

  4. (meteorology, informal) A large area of elevated atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone.
    A large high is centred on the Azores.
  5. (card games) The highest card dealt or drawn.

maximum atmospheric temperature

  • Portuguese: máxima (pt) f

(card games) highest card dealt or drawn

  • Maori: mātāmua
See also[edit]
  • crash


high (third-person singular simple present highs, present participle highing, simple past and past participle highed)

  1. (obsolete) To rise.
    The sun higheth.

Etymology 2[edit]

See hie.


high (third-person singular simple present highs, present participle highing, simple past and past participle highed)

  1. (obsolete) Alternative form of hie (to hasten)


  • GHIH



From English high. Doublet of (hāi).


  • Cantonese (Jyutping): haai1

  • Cantonese
    • (Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou–Hong Kong)+
      • Jyutping: haai1
      • Yale: hāai
      • Cantonese Pinyin: haai1
      • Guangdong Romanization: hai1
      • Sinological IPA (key): /haːi̯⁵⁵/


high (Hong Kong Cantonese)

  1. high (intoxicated)
  2. (figuratively) excited


high (Hong Kong Cantonese)

  1. to be high (intoxicated)
  2. (figuratively) to be excited
  3. to use drugs

Derived terms[edit]

  • high大咗
  • 自high

See also[edit]

  • high tea
  • hi



Borrowed from English high. Doublet of hoch.


  • IPA(key): /haɪ̯/
  • Homophone: Hai


high (strong nominative masculine singular higher, not comparable)

  1. (informal, chiefly predicative) high (intoxicated with a drug other than alcohol)
    Synonyms: breit, drauf, druff, zu, zugedröhnt
    • 2004, Schanz, Peter, “Rindfleischs Stolz”, in taz[4], number 7489 (16 October 2004):

      Aber es ist großartig im Nebel, es ist wie Schweben! Er hebt die Ufer auf, endlich, eine highe Welt.

      But it’s great in the fog, it’s like floating! It dissolves the shores, finally, a high world.


Positive forms of high (uncomparable)

Recent Examples on the Web

The Nordstrom spring sale has some amazing deals on high-quality carry-on luggage and duffels.

Kristine Thomason, Travel + Leisure, 8 Apr. 2023

White House aides can list plenty of reasons for the pessimism: high inflation, the hangover from the pandemic and the political polarization that leaves Republicans automatically believing the economy is sour under a Democratic president.

Josh Boak, ajc, 8 Apr. 2023

White House aides can list plenty of reasons for the pessimism: high inflation, the hangover from the pandemic and the political polarization that leaves Republicans automatically believing the economy is sour under a Democratic president.

Josh Boak, Chicago Tribune, 8 Apr. 2023

Ladapo declined to answer specific questions about why the data showing the higher risk to Floridians from infection was removed and whether his recommendation was putting more Floridians at risk.

Christopher O’donnell, Anchorage Daily News, 8 Apr. 2023

Thick soles, secure straps, and high-quality materials are key components of shoes that last.

Olivia Avitt, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

The job market has been remarkably strong despite high inflation and the Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hikes.

Paul Davidson, USA TODAY, 7 Apr. 2023

Pregnant women over the age of 35 are at a higher risk of pre-eclampsia.

Amanda Musa, CNN, 7 Apr. 2023

Ladapo declined to answer specific questions about why the data showing the higher risk to Floridians from infection was removed and whether his recommendation was putting more Floridians at risk.

Christopher O’donnell, Orlando Sentinel, 7 Apr. 2023

Both teams felt each other out and struggled in the middle of the field for 15 minutes, that was until Laborda got in the action again with a header that sailed high in the 23rd minute.

oregonlive, 10 Apr. 2023

Short joined Shannon and other cast members on stage for the high-kicking finale.

Katie Reul, Variety, 9 Apr. 2023

This could pose a problem for the United Auto Workers and President Biden, who want the switch to electric vehicles to create more high-paying union jobs.

Jack Ewing Maddie Mcgarvey, New York Times, 5 Apr. 2023

Even among high-paying tech companies, Google became famous for its free perks, including laundry, massages, meals and workout facilities.

Gerrit De Vynck, Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2023

Virgin Orbit was founded in 2017 after spinning off from its sister company, Virgin Galactic, which is focused on using supersonic planes to vault high-paying tourists on joy rides to the edge of space.

Jackie Wattles, CNN, 30 Mar. 2023

Thanks to a growing job market and high-paying jobs in medicine, research, and technology, this area appeals to young individuals desiring an economical place to raise a family.

Giovanna Caravetta, Travel + Leisure, 27 Mar. 2023

Erika and Byron found high-paying jobs in the finance sector, settled down in Naples, and had three children.

Laura Jedeed, The New Republic, 27 Mar. 2023

Dramatically expanding semiconductor design and manufacturing in Oregon would create tens of thousands of high-paying construction jobs and thousands of manufacturing and supply chain jobs, the Oregon Semiconductor Competitiveness Task Force, said in a report in August.

Andrew Selsky, Fortune, 26 Mar. 2023

The 17 runs and 19 hits were season highs for MGM.

Ben Thomas |, al, 11 Apr. 2023

Kane wins the scoring title with 106 points, which includes 46 goals and 60 assists, both of which were career highs.

Austin Knoblauch, Los Angeles Times, 10 Apr. 2023

San Diego’s daytime high is projected to hit 70 on Monday, 69 on Tuesday, 64 on Wednesday, 61 on Thursday and 64 on Friday.

Gary Robbins, San Diego Union-Tribune, 10 Apr. 2023

The precious metal still remains close to its record high reached in 2020.

Caitlin Mccabe, WSJ, 10 Apr. 2023

Florida gas prices rose 12 cents in the last week, returning to 2023 highs.

Garfield Hylton, Orlando Sentinel, 10 Apr. 2023

Unsurprisingly, Google found there’s an all-time high for searches around passports ahead of summer travel.

Susmita Baral, Travel + Leisure, 5 Apr. 2023

The 20 points and 12 rebounds were both season highs.

Akeem Glaspie, The Indianapolis Star, 4 Apr. 2023

Sunday is expected to be a high of 43 degrees and partly cloudy conditions throughout the day.

Jenna Prestininzi, Detroit Free Press, 2 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘high.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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If you don’t accept failure as a possibility, you don’t set high goals, you don’t branch out, you don’t try — you don’t take the risk.

Rosalynn Carter



Old English hēah; related to Old Norse hār, Gothic hauhs, Old High German hōh high, Lithuanian kaũkas bump, Russian kúchča heap, Sanskrit kuča bosom.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






High can act as a noun, an adjective and an adverb.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.


Definition of high in the English dictionary

The first definition of high in the dictionary is being a relatively great distance from top to bottom; tall. Other definition of high is situated at or extending to a relatively great distance above the ground or above sea level. High is also being a specified distance from top to bottom.

Synonyms and antonyms of high in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «high» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «high» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of high to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of high from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «high» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese


80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of high


The term «high» is very widely used and occupies the 409 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «high» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of high

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «high».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «high» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «high» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about high


Famous quotes and sentences with the word high.

Investor confidence in Adani is fairly high, and most of our investors are long-term investors.

By four years of age, the average child in a family receiving public assistance has heard about 13 million words, compared to 45 million for a child from a wealthier family. The disadvantages developed during their first four years are usually still present in high school.

I love the intimacy of venues like the House of Blues. When everyone is packed in and so close to you, it makes you play differently. It’s so much more fun to play because there’s so much more high energy in a place like that.

Women feel like we’re fat if we can’t wear the clothes we wore in high school. Men, in contrast, only start to feel fat only when they can no longer fit into a foreign car.

I didn’t go to high school. I think that after you learn to read and write and do your numbers and flush the toilet behind yourself, you don’t need no more schoolin’. You need to get out in the water and swim.

I think sometimes you have high expectations for people because you have high expectations for yourself.

If you don’t accept failure as a possibility, you don’t set high goals, you don’t branch out, you don’t try — you don’t take the risk.

I didn’t have that typical high school experience of feeling ashamed of who I was. I once wore a superman cape and pajamas, and I thought that was awesome — and some people didn’t! But some people did, and it was an arts high school, so nobody made me feel bad about who I was.

I remember girls watching it in high school, and I thought the basketball part of the show was cool. And lo and behold, a few years later, I found myself in ‘Tree Hill’ land.

I started singing in coffeehouses when I was still in high school, in Santa Barbara. I took a job washing dishes and busing tables in the coffeehouse, so I could be there, and would beg permission to sing harmony with the guy who was singing onstage. That was the first time I ever got on a stage in front of people.


Discover the use of high in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to high and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

After years of dealing with the addiction, April runs away to another state. When tragedy occurs, it brings the two back together. The book chronicles the ups and downs of the relationship and Jeanie’s struggle to get clean.

April Joy Bowden, Jeanie Rainbow Bell, 2010


Marketing High Technology

From an all-encompassing philosophy that great marketing is a crusade requiring total commitment, to a careful study of the cost of attacking a competitor, this book is an essential tool for survival in today’s high-risk, fast- changing, …

Follows the love affairs and belated growing up of a «Generation X» pop music fanatic and record store owner

«With nimble words and a straightforward style, New Zealand mountaineering legend Hillary recollects the bravery and frustration, the agony and glory that marked his Everest odyssey.


High-Rise Living in Asian Cities

This book is intended to fill a knowledge gap in the study of contemporary high-rise living.

Belinda K. P. Yuen, Anthony G. O. Yeh, 2011

Looks at five high schools in Japan, analyzes their organization, politics, and instruction techniques, and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the Japanese educational system.


Managing High Performance Sport

— What are the key challenges in managing elite athletes, sports people and teams? This is the first book to provide a comprehensive introduction to management practice, process and policy in elite and high performance sport (HPS).

Popi Sotiriadou, Veerle De Bosscher, 2013


High Definition Television: The Creation, Development and …

«The history of high definition television technology is traced from initial studies in Japan, through Europe, then to the United States, where the first all-digital systems were developed.


Introduction to High Energy Physics

An introduction to modern particle physics includes all the recent developments in elementary particle physics, as well as its connections with cosmology and astrophysics.


Clusters for High Availability: A Primer of HP Solutions

The book also contains an extensive glossary. If you’re responsible for delivering high availability, Clusters for High Availability is the comprehensive, up-to-date blueprint you need.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term high is used in the context of the following news items.

This is the first high-resolution image of Pluto’s surface | The Verge

NASA just released the first frame of the high-resolution scans of Pluto. The new image is zoomed into less than one percent of Pluto’s surface. «The Verge, Jul 15»

Obama to Expand High-Speed Internet Access for Low-Income …

President Barack Obama speaks about economic opportunities at Durant High School in Durant, Oklahoma, Saul Loeb—AFP/Getty Images … «TIME, Jul 15»

High-risk areas for Lyme disease growing, CDC says — CBS News

But now more areas in those regions are considered high risk. «The risk is expanding, in all directions,» said the lead author, Kiersten Kugeler of … «CBS News, Jul 15»

High School Musical’s Justin Martin Arrested After Shoot-Out With …

High School Musical 3 star Justin Martin Justin Martin arrested after engaging in shoot-out with Boston police officers Credit: Andrew H. «Us Magazine, Jul 15»

Third Goshen High School student dies after driver’s ed crash — WABC

Vigil set for 2 Goshen High School students killed in driver’s ed crash. Tim Fleischer has the story. Embed.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective, high·er, high·est.

having a great or considerable extent or reach upward or vertically; lofty; tall: a high wall.

having a specified extent upward: The apple tree is now 20 feet high.

situated above the ground or some base; elevated: a high platform;a high ledge.

exceeding the common degree or measure; strong; intense: high speed;high color.

expensive; costly; dear: The price of food these days is much too high.

exalted in rank, station, eminence, etc.; of exalted character or quality: a high official;high society.


  1. acute in pitch.
  2. a little sharp, or above the desired pitch.

produced by relatively rapid vibrations; shrill: the high sounds of crickets.

extending to or from an elevation: a high dive.

great in quantity, as number, degree, or force: a high temperature;high cholesterol.


  1. chief; principal; main: the high altar of a church.
  2. High Church.

of great consequence; important; grave; serious; the high consequences of such a deed;high treason.

haughty; arrogant: He took a high tone with his subordinates.

advanced to the utmost extent or to the culmination: high tide.

elevated; merry or hilarious: high spirits;a high old time.

rich; extravagant; luxurious: They have indulged in high living for years.

Informal. intoxicated with alcohol or narcotics: He was so high he couldn’t stand up.

remote: high latitude;high antiquity.

extreme in opinion or doctrine, especially religious or political: a high Tory.

designating or pertaining to highland or inland regions.

having considerable energy or potential power.

Automotive. of, relating to, or operating at the gear transmission ratio at which the speed of the engine crankshaft and of the drive shaft most closely correspond: high gear.

Phonetics. (of a vowel) articulated with the upper surface of the tongue relatively close to some portion of the palate, as the vowels of eat and it, which are high front, and those of boot and put, which are high back.Compare close (def. 53), low1 (def. 30).

(of meat, especially game) tending toward a desirable or undesirable amount of decomposition; slightly tainted: He likes his venison high.

Metallurgy. containing a relatively large amount of a specified constituent (usually used in combination): high-carbon steel.

Baseball. (of a pitched ball) crossing the plate at a level above the batter’s shoulders: The pitch was high and outside.


  1. having greater value than other denominations or suits.
  2. able to take a trick; being a winning card.
  3. being or having a winning combination: Whose hand is high?

Nautical. noting a wind of force 10 on the Beaufort scale, equal to a whole gale.

adverb, high·er, high·est.

at or to a high point, place, or level.

in or to a high rank or estimate: He aims high in his political ambitions.

at or to a high amount or price.

in or to a high degree.

luxuriously; richly; extravagantly: They have always lived high.

Nautical. as close to the wind as is possible while making headway with sails full.


Automotive. high gear: He shifted into high when the road became level.

Meteorology. a pressure system characterized by relatively high pressure at its center.Compare anticyclone, low1 (def. 46).

a high or the highest point, place, or level; peak: a record high for unemployment.


  1. a euphoric state induced by alcohol, drugs, etc.
  2. a period of sustained excitement, exhilaration, or the like: After winning the lottery he was on a high for weeks.

Cards. the ace or highest trump out, especially in games of the all fours family.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about high

    fly high, to be full of hope or elation: His stories began to sell, and he was flying high.

    high and dry,

    1. (of a ship) grounded so as to be entirely above water at low tide.
    2. in a deprived or distressing situation; deserted; stranded: We missed the last bus and were left high and dry.

    high and low, in every possible place; everywhere: The missing jewelry was never found, though we searched high and low for it.

    high on, Informal. enthusiastic or optimistic about; having a favorable attitude toward or opinion of.

    on high,

    1. at or to a height; above.
    2. in heaven.
    3. having a high position, as one who makes important decisions: the powers on high.

Origin of high

First recorded before 900; Middle English heigh, variant of hegh, hey, heh, Old English hēah, hēh; cognate with Dutch hoog, Old High German hoh (German hoch ), Old Norse hār, Swedish hög, Gothic hauhs, Lithuanian kaũkas “swelling,” kaukarà “hill”

synonym study for high

1. High, lofty, tall, towering refer to something that has considerable height. High is a general term, and denotes either extension upward or position at a considerable height: six feet high; a high shelf. Lofty denotes imposing or even inspiring height: lofty crags. Tall is applied either to something that is high in proportion to its breadth, or to anything higher than the average of its kind: a tall tree, building. Towering is applied to something that rises to a great or conspicuous height as compared with something else: a towering mountain.


o·ver·high, adjectiveo·ver·high·ly, adverb


1. hi, hie, high 2. higher , hire

Words nearby high

Higginson, higgle, higgledy-piggledy, higgler, Higgs boson, high, high altar, high and dry, high and low, high and mighty, High Arctic Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to high

big, great, huge, immense, large, lofty, long, soaring, steep, tremendous, excessive, expensive, rich, sharp, stiff, strong, unusual, serious, significant, aerial

How to use high in a sentence

  • There are keywords that we feel are important, even though they may be generic and high-volume.

  • This is more a manual job with high chances of ads not delivering to expectations.

  • Disney didn’t think it would hit that number for several more years, so it’s giving itself a much higher goal.

  • Continual monitoring and optimization of the team’s high-level KPIs, CTR, and CPC is what ultimately drove success for the business.

  • If you haven’t produced high-quality content in the first place, it’s unlikely that optimization will help you get any further.

  • Eric Garcetti succeeded Villaraigosa and has received high marks in his first year and a half on the job.

  • Nor does the jet have the ability to capture high-definition video, utilize an infra-red pointer.

  • Obsessive exercising and inadequate nutrition can, over time, put people at high risk for overuse injuries like stress fractures.

  • The most recent activity had a high point of 3.6 on the Richter Scale.

  • He felt his body grow limp (like one of those high-speed films of a flower wilting).

  • Honour the physician for the need thou hast of him: for the most High hath created him.

  • The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them.

  • The Majesty on high has a colony and a people on earth, which otherwise is under the supremacy of the Evil One.

  • In cross-section the burrows varied from round (three inches in diameter) to oval (three inches high and four inches wide).

  • As Spain, however, has fallen from the high place she once held, her colonial system has also gone down.

British Dictionary definitions for high


being a relatively great distance from top to bottom; talla high building

situated at or extending to a relatively great distance above the ground or above sea levela high plateau

  1. (postpositive) being a specified distance from top to bottomthree feet high
  2. (in combination)a seven-foot-high wall

extending from an elevationa high dive

(in combination) coming up to a specified levelknee-high

being at its peak or point of culminationhigh noon

of greater than average heighta high collar

greater than normal in degree, intensity, or amounthigh prices; a high temperature; a high wind

of large or relatively large numerical valuehigh frequency; high voltage; high mileage

(of sound) acute in pitch; having a high frequency

(of latitudes) situated relatively far north or south from the equator

(of meat) slightly decomposed or tainted, regarded as enhancing the flavour of game

of great eminence; very importantthe high priestess

exalted in style or character; elevatedhigh drama

expressing or feeling contempt or arrogancehigh words

elated; cheerfulhigh spirits

(predicative) informal overexcitedby the end of term the children are really high

informal being in a state of altered consciousness, characterized esp by euphoria and often induced by the use of alcohol, narcotics, etc

luxurious or extravaganthigh life

advanced in complexity or developmenthigh finance

(of a gear) providing a relatively great forward speed for a given engine speedCompare low 1 (def. 21)

phonetics of, relating to, or denoting a vowel whose articulation is produced by raising the back of the tongue towards the soft palate or the blade towards the hard palate, such as for the ee in English see or oo in English moonCompare low 1 (def. 20)

(capital when part of name) formal and elaborate in styleHigh Mass

(usually capital) of or relating to the High Church

remote, esp in time


  1. having a relatively great value in a suit
  2. able to win a trick

high and dry stranded; helpless; destitute

high and low in all places; everywhere

high and mighty informal arrogant

high as a kite informal

  1. very drunk
  2. overexcited
  3. euphoric from drugs

high opinion a favourable opinion


at or to a heighthe jumped high

in a high manner

nautical close to the wind with sails full


a high place or level

informal a state of altered consciousness, often induced by alcohol, narcotics, etc

(capital) (esp in Oxford) the High Street

electronics the voltage level in a logic circuit corresponding to logical oneCompare low 1 (def. 30)

on high

  1. at a height
  2. in heaven

Word Origin for high

Old English hēah; related to Old Norse hār, Gothic hauhs, Old High German hōh high, Lithuanian kaũkas bump, Russian kúchča heap, Sanskrit kuča bosom

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with high

In addition to the idioms beginning with high

  • high and dry
  • high and low
  • high and mighty
  • high as a kite
  • high gear
  • high hopes
  • high horse
  • high jinks
  • high off the hog, eat
  • high on
  • high places, friends in
  • high seas
  • high sign
  • high time

also see:

  • blow sky-high
  • fly high
  • friend in court (high places)
  • hell or high water
  • hit the high spots (points)
  • hold one’s head high
  • in high dudgeon
  • knee-high to a grasshopper
  • on high
  • on one’s high horse
  • ride high
  • run high
  • stink to high heaven
  • think a lot (highly) of
  • turn on (get high)

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • high [haɪ] прил

    1. высокий, высочайший, наивысший, повышенный, верхний, старший, высокопоставленный

      (top, increased, senior)

      • high reliability – высокая надежность
      • high contracting parties – высокие договаривающиеся стороны
      • high wear resistance – высокая износостойкость
      • high technical level – высокий технический уровень
      • high population density – высокая плотность населения
      • very high frequency – очень высокая частота
      • high energy physics – физика высоких энергий
      • high spatial resolution – высокое пространственное разрешение
      • high decree – высочайший указ
      • highest precedence – наивысший приоритет
      • high consumption – повышенный расход
      • high limit – верхний предел
      • high byte – старший байт
    2. большой, значительный


      • high altitude – большая высота
    3. высший, Верховный


      • highest legislative body – высший законодательный орган
    4. сильный


      • high wind – сильный ветер
    5. высококачественный


  • high [haɪ] сущ

    1. максимумм


      • historic high – исторический максимум
    2. кайфм


  • high [haɪ] нареч

    1. высоко

      (high up)

высокий high, tall, lofty, big, elevated, soaring
большой large, great, greater, big, high, wide
с высоким содержанием high
высший higher, supreme, top, high, upper, superior
верхний upper, top, overhead, higher, high, over
сильный strong, keen, powerful, severe, heavy, high
высотой в high
дорогой expensive, dear, costly, darling, precious, high
верховный supreme, sovereign, high, paramount, imperial, suzerain
под кайфом high, stoned, loaded, boxed, junked up, spaced-out
богатый rich, wealthy, affluent, abundant, full, high
главный main, major, chief, principal, primary, high
интенсивный intensive, intense, high, crash, rich, violent
лучший best, better, superior, choice, high, prime
возвышенный exalted, sublime, elevated, lofty, high, elevate
превосходный excellent, superb, superior, superlative, fine, high
роскошный luxurious, sumptuous, splendid, deluxe, palatial, high
резкий cutting, sharp, abrupt, harsh, severe, high
благородный noble, honorable, generous, genteel, knightly, high
крайний extreme, last, utter, utmost, ultra, high
приподнятый high
с душком gamy, high, reeking
пьяный drunk, drunken, inebriate, pissed, screwed, high
находящийся на высоте high
забалдевший high
находящийся в самом разгаре high
подпорченный high
верхнего подъема high
опьяненный наркотиками high
находящийся в вышине high
радостный glad, joyful, joyous, cheery, merry, high
веселый cheerful, merry, gay, glad, happy, high
стоящий на крайних позициях high
максимум maximum, high, peak, superior limit
высшая точка climax, peak, acme, high, apex, superlative
средняя школа high school, secondary school, grammar school, high
высоко high, highly
сильно strong, strongly, highly, heavily, heavy, high
интенсивно high
резко sharp, abruptly, harshly, bitter, acutely, high
роскошно luxuriously, sumptuously, deluxe, richly, high, de luxe
на высоких нотах high

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • high сущ

    • higher
    • top · upper
    • great · expensive · eminent
    • supreme · premium · superior
    • tall · lofty · high up · towering
    • big · large · heavy
    • increased
    • advanced


  • tall, lofty, towering, soaring, elevated, giant, big, multistory, high-rise
  • high-ranking, high-level, leading, top, top-level, prominent, preeminent, foremost, senior, influential, powerful, important, elevated, prime, premier, exalted, ranking, top-notch, chief
  • high-minded, noble, lofty, moral, ethical, honorable, exalted, admirable, upright, honest, virtuous, righteous
  • inflated, excessive, unreasonable, expensive, costly, exorbitant, extortionate, prohibitive, dear, steep, stiff, pricey
  • strong, powerful, violent, intense, extreme, forceful, blustery, gusty, stiff, squally, tempestuous, turbulent, howling, roaring
  • luxurious, lavish, extravagant, grand, opulent, sybaritic, hedonistic, epicurean, decadent, upmarket, upscale, fancy, classy, swanky
  • favorable, good, positive, approving, admiring, complimentary, commendatory, flattering, glowing, adulatory, rapturous
  • high-pitched, high-frequency, soprano, treble, falsetto, shrill, sharp, piercing, penetrating
  • intoxicated, inebriated, drugged, on drugs, stupefied, befuddled, delirious, hallucinating, stoned, wired, blitzed, baked, hopped up, high as a kite, tripping, hyped up, doped up, coked, spaced out, wasted, wrecked
  • elevated in, rich in, ample in, loaded with, plentiful in, full of, chock-full of, jam-packed with
  • in high spirits
  • gamy, gamey
  • eminent
  • mellow
  • high-pitched


  • at great height, high up, far up, way up, at altitude, in the air, in the sky, on high, aloft, overhead
  • richly, luxuriously
  • high up


  • high level, high point, peak, high-water mark, pinnacle, zenith, acme, height
  • heights
  • high gear
  • high school, highschool, senior high school

Предложения со словом «high»

My drug was high achievement.

Моим лечением стало стремление к успеху.

I think we all forgot that I was their prisoner, and it was like going back to my high school classroom again.

Казалось, что все забыли, что я была заключённой, и мы как будто вернулись в школу.

Mars is a very cold planet, flooded with high levels of UV radiation and extremely dry.

Марс — очень холодная планета с высоким уровнем УФ — излучения и без источников воды.

And what really struck me was this: the suicide rate has been rising around the world, and it recently reached a 30-year high in America.

Данные утверждали: гонка за счастьем может сделать людей несчастными.

You have to take seven subjects and achieve a high score — I would say like an 84 percent or more accuracy rate — to be allowed to take the second stage written test prepared by Todai.

Необходимо получить высшие баллы по семи дисциплинам, я бы сказала, приблизительно 84 процента и более, чтобы быть допущенным ко второму этапу — письменному тесту, подготовленному Todai.

I took hundreds of sentences from high school textbooks and made easy multiple-choice quizzes, and asked thousands of high school students to answer.

Я взяла сотни предложений из школьных учебников, составила лёгкие тесты — викторины и попросила тысячи старшеклассников ответить на эти вопросы.

But one-third of junior high school students failed to answer this question.

Но 1/3 младших учеников средней школы дали неправильный ответ.

10 out of 10, high risk.

10 из 10 — это высокий риск.

And as I started high school, music became a part of my identity.

Когда я перешла в старшую школу, музыка стала неотъемлемой частью меня.

It is high time to ditch the old-young binary, too.

Настало время уйти от дихотомии «старые — молодые».

So men find women attractive who have large eyes, full lips and narrow chins as indicators of youth, and high cheekbones as an indicator of maturity.

Мужчин привлекают женщины с большими глазами, полными губами и узким подбородком как индикаторами молодости и с высокими скулами как индикаторами зрелости.

Well, in the past, object detection systems would take an image like this and split it into a bunch of regions and then run a classifier on each of these regions, and high scores for that classifier would be considered detections in the image.

В прошлом система опознавания объектов брала такое вот изображение и разделяла его на множество секций, а затем запускала классификатор по каждой из этих секций, и высокий рейтинг классификатора считался определением изображения.

In high school, my GPA was 0,65.

В старшей школе мой средний балл был 0,65.

Protein markers, while effective in some populations, are not very specific in some circumstances, resulting in high numbers of false positives, which then results in unnecessary work-ups and unnecessary procedures.

Анализы на онкомаркёры эффективны только в некоторых популяциях и в ряде случаев недостаточно специфичны, что приводит к множеству ложноположительных результатов и влечёт за собой ненужные манипуляции и процедуры.

So at the initial time point, as expected, there’s a high level of cancer DNA in the blood.

На начальном этапе, как и ожидалось, наблюдался высокий уровень опухолевой ДНК в крови.

A few years ago, my parents and I went to see the Rockettes, Radio City’s high-kicking dancers.

Несколько лет назад я с родителями ходила на шоу с канканом — танцем, где высоко поднимают ноги.

And at the moment that this began, James Madison was riding high.

В то время, когда всё это началось, Джеймc Мэдисон был на высоте .

— and apartments and cars, through my conversations with them, I found out that the ads the actually enticed them the most were the ones for iPhones, promising them this entry into this high-tech life.

— рекламой квартир и машин, пообщавшись с ними, я поняла, что по — настоящему их завлекала только реклама айфонов, обещавшая перенести их в мир высоких технологий.

Low, thick clouds like these are really good at blocking out the sun and ruining your barbecue, and high, wispy clouds like these cirrus largely let that sunlight stream through.

Низкие, густые облака, как эти, очень хорошо защищают от солнца и портят ваш поход на шашлыки, а высокие перистые облака, как эти, пропускают бóльшую часть солнечного света.

That’s because high clouds live in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, where it’s very cold.

Вот почему высокие облака живут там, где очень холодно, в верхних слоях атмосферы.

The earth is trying to cool itself off, and high clouds are getting in the way.

Земля пытается сама себя охладить, а высокие облака мешают этому.

We’ve got low clouds that act like a sunshade, cooling the planet, and high clouds which act like a greenhouse, warming the planet.

Есть низкие облака, которые действуют как завеса, охлаждая планету, и высокие облака, которые создают парниковый эффект, нагревая планету.

As the planet’s temperature increases, high clouds rise up.

Они уходят в более высокие и холодные слои атмосферы, и это значит, что даже если планета и нагревается, то высокие облака — нет.

They move to the colder upper reaches of the atmosphere, and this means that even as the planet heats up, high clouds don’t.

Они сохраняют примерно ту же температуру.

High clouds are making global warming worse.

Облака также двигаются в других измерениях.

What’s really interesting about the school is that 75 percent of the kids who go there have parents who are high-level Silicon Valley tech execs.

И что самое интересное — у 75 процентов учащихся родители являются руководителями высшего звена в Кремниевой долине.

Material get shuffled around earth’s surface all the time, and one of the big thing that happens is material from high mountains gets eroded and transported and deposited in the sea.

Материя постоянно перемещается по земной поверхности, в глобальном масштабе происходит то, что горы разрушаются, а горные породы перемещаются и накапливаются в морях.

So the Kosi River has this nice c-shaped pathway, and it exits the big mountains of Nepal carrying with it a ton of material, a lot of sediments that’s being eroded from the high mountains.

Река Коси имеет красивое С — образное русло, она берёт начало в горах Непала и переносит в своих водах тонны грунта, отложений, явившихся результатом разрушения пород в высокогорьях .

Never have we had numbers this high.

Никогда цифры не были так высоки .

Heck, even high-five her if that’s what you feel so inclined to do.

Чёрт, да хоть дайте ей пять, если вам так хочется.

Up high and without a lid.

Высоко, да ещё и без крышечки.

I went to high school, I went to college.

Я окончил там школу, колледж.

Mortality composting is where you take an animal high in nitrogen and cover it with co-composting materials that are high in carbon.

При компостировании органических отходов берётся тело животного, богатое азотом, и покрывается углеродными материалами, ускоряющими компостирование.

In the most basic setup, a cow is covered with a few feet of wood chips, which are high in carbon, and left outside for nature, for breezes to provide oxygen and rain to provide moisture.

Самый простой вариант — это корова, покрытая небольшим слоем щепок, богатых углеродом, и оставленная снаружи на свежем воздухе для обеспечения кислородом и влагой, благодаря дождям.

I would encourage you to think about stoicism a little bit differently, as an operating system for thriving in high-stress environments, for making better decisions.

Я бы хотел, чтобы вы несколько иначе смотрели на стоицизм и видели его как систему, позволяющую справляться с кризисами и принимать лучшие решения.

So the stakes are very, very high.

То есть ставки очень высоки .

You can look at skylines all over the world — Houston, Guangzhou, Frankfurt — and you see the same army of high-gloss robots marching over the horizon.

Посмотрите на очертания разных городов — Хьюстона, Гуанчжоу, Франкфурта — это одна и та же армия полированных роботов, марширующих вдаль.

And along the way, glass became the default material of the high-rise city, and there’s a very powerful reason for that.

Кроме того, стекло стало стандартным материалом для строительства высотных зданий по достаточно веской причине.

Those 2,000-year-old carvings make it clear that this was a place of high ritual significance.

Судя по этой 2000 — летней резьбе, это было важное ритуальное место.

At the age of 18, she completed high school, and she came back to her community.

В 18 лет она окончила среднюю школу, а затем вернулась в свою общину.

So we’re just — we’re just playing, we’re just trying everything we can think of, because we need to get this idea space filled up with a chaos like the one in my high school bedroom.

Мы просто, мы просто играем, пробуем всё, что приходит в голову, потому что нам нужно заполнить это пространство идей хаосом, похожим на тот, который был в моей подростковой комнате.

I was in my final year of high school, and my class had just won in sports, so we were singing and dancing and hugging each other.

Это был последний год в школе, наш класс только что выиграл в спортивных соревнованиях, поэтому мы пели, танцевали и обнимались.

Here I was in my final year of high school, just a few months from doing my end of high school exams and a few days from doing a set of exams we call here in Kenya mocks, which are somehow meant to gauge how prepared one is for the final exams.

Это был мой последний школьный год, оставалась пара месяцев до выпускных экзаменов и пара дней до «тренировочных» экзаменов, как их называют у нас в Кении, которые оценивают уровень подготовки к выпускным экзаменам.

And I used to be a classroom teacher, and I was at South Atlanta High School.

Раньше я работала учительницей в старших классах школы на юге Атланты.

My mom, she’s in the middle right there, my mom desegregated her high school in 1955.

Моя мама, она на фото в центре, десегрегировала свою среднюю школу в 1955 г.

We needed something not only that was a part of our cultural inheritance like walking, but something that was scalable, something that was high-impact, something that we could replicate across this country.

Нам нужно было что — то, что не только было частью нашего культурного наследия, как ходьба, но и чтобы оно было варьируемым и высокоэффективным , и чтобы мы могли использовать это по всей стране.

Across the country, many schools are starting around 7:30am or earlier, despite the fact that major medical organizations recommend that middle and high school start no earlier than 8:30am.

По всей стране занятия во многих школах начинаются в 7:30 утра или ранее, несмотря на то, что крупнейшие организации здравоохранения рекомендуют начинать занятия в средних и старших классах школ не раньше 8:30.

In another study with over 30,000 high school students, they found that for each hour of lost sleep, there was a 38 percent increase in feeling sad or hopeless, and a 58 percent increase in teen suicide attempts.

В ходе другого исследования, в котором участвовало более 30 000 старшеклассников, обнаружилось, что каждому потерянному часу сна соответствовал 38% — ый рост подавленности и пессимизма и на 58% увеличивалась склонность к самоубийству.

They are not valid excuses for failing to do the right thing for our children, which is to start middle and high schools no earlier than 8:30am.

Это не веские причины отказаться от правильных идей, от которых выиграют наши дети, а именно от начала занятий в школах не ранее 8:30 утра.

Our plan by itself would meet the high end of America’s commitment under the Paris Climate Agreement.

Наш план сам по себе достигнет верхнего предела американских обязательств по Парижскому соглашению о климате.

And in fact, that’s the high-value takeaway from this talk.

Фактически это главный тезис выступления.

Now, Arctic marine mammals are used to very high levels of noise at certain times of the year.

Арктические морские млекопитающие привыкли к высоким уровням шума в определённое время года, но в основном производимых другими животными или морским льдом.

My high school had a 55 percent graduation rate, and even worse, only 20 percent of the kids graduating were college-ready.

Заканчивали школу только 55% учеников, и того хуже: только 20% ребят — выпускников были готовы к колледжу.

When my older brother and I graduated from high school at the very same time and he later dropped out of a two-year college, I wanted to understand why he dropped out and I kept studying.

Когда я и мой старший брат закончили школу в одно и то же время, а после он бросил двухлетнюю программу в колледже, я хотел понять, почему он бросил, а я продолжил учиться.

What if empowered high-achieving kids as mentors to tutor their younger peers and inspire them to invest in their education?

Что, если мы сделаем отличников менторами, чтобы они помогали младшим и вдохновляли их прилагать больше усилий в учёбе?

High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, have all been shown to increase our risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

Повышенное давление, диабет, ожирение, курение, высокий холестерин — всё это тоже увеличивает риск развития болезни Альцгеймера.

We think it’s because these nuns had a high level of cognitive reserve, which is a way of saying that they had more functional synapses.

Мы думаем, что у этих монахинь был высокий когнитивный резерв или, другими словами, много активных синапсов.

People who have more years of formal education, who have a high degree of literacy, who engage regularly in mentally stimulating activities, all have more cognitive reserve.

Люди с высоким уровнем образования, хорошо владеющие литературным языком, постоянно развивающие свои интеллектуальные способности, — все они имеют высокий когнитивный резерв.

For over 18 months, 100,000 residents, including thousands of young children, were exposed to contaminated drinking water with high levels of lead.

Более 18 месяцев 100 000 жителей, включая тысячи детей, пили воду с высоким содержанием свинца.

Now, kids , you know, we fell in love with science when we were kids, and yet we somehow spend most of our time during high school and college just jumping through hoops and doing things so that we can polish our résumé instead of sitting down and reflecting on what we want to do and who we want to be.

Дети, Знаете, Мы Влюблялись В Науку, Когда Были Детьми, И Всё Же Большую Часть Времени В Старших Классах И Колледже Мы Из Кожи Вон Лезли, Делали Всё, Чтобы Отшлифовать Резюме, Вместо Того Чтобы Сесть И Подумать Над Тем, Чем Мы Хотим Заняться И Кем Стать.

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