Noun form of the word long




  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /lɒŋ/
    • (Conservative RP) IPA(key): /lɔːŋ/
  • (General American) enPR: lông, IPA(key): /lɔŋ/
  • (cotcaught merger, Canada) enPR: läng, IPA(key): /lɑŋ/
  • (Black Country) enPR: lo͝oŋg, IPA(key): /lʊŋɡ/
  • Rhymes: -ɒŋ
  • Hyphenation: long

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English long, lang, from Old English long, lang (long, tall, lasting), from Proto-West Germanic *lang, from Proto-Germanic *langaz (long), from Proto-Indo-European *dlongʰos (long). Cognate with Scots lang (long), North Frisian long, lung (long), Saterland Frisian loang (long), Norwegian, West Frisian, Dutch and German lang (long), Swedish lång (long), Icelandic langur (long), Portuguese longo (long), Spanish luengo (long), Latin longus (long), Russian дли́нный (dlínnyj), долго (dolgo), Sanskrit दीर्घ (dīrgha, long).

The word exceptionally retains the Old English darkening of -a- before nasals. Though there are other such examples in Middle and Modern English (e.g. bond, song), the o-form may have been reinforced by Old French long, from Latin longus, from the same Indo-European word. Doublet of lungo and lunge.


long (comparative longer, superlative longest)

  1. Having much distance from one terminating point on an object or an area to another terminating point (usually applies to horizontal dimensions; see Usage Notes below).

    It’s a long way from the Earth to the Moon.

    How long was your newborn baby?

    • 1897 December (indicated as 1898), Winston Churchill, chapter V, in The Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., →OCLC:

      We expressed our readiness, and in ten minutes were in the station wagon, rolling rapidly down the long drive, for it was then after nine. We passed on the way the van of the guests from Asquith.

    • 1963, Margery Allingham, chapter 17, in The China Governess[1]:

      The face which emerged was not reassuring. […]. He was not a mongol but there was a deficiency of a sort there, and it was not made more pretty by a latter-day hair cut which involved eccentrically long elf-locks and oiled black curls.

  2. Having great duration.

    The pyramids of Egypt have been around for a long time.

  3. Seeming to last a lot of time, due to being boring or tedious or tiring.
    • 1877, Anna Sewell, “Chapter 23”, in Black Beauty: [], London: Jarrold and Sons, [], →OCLC:

      What I suffered with that rein for four long months in my lady’s carriage, it would be hard to describe, but I am quite sure that, had it lasted much longer, either my health or my temper would have given way.

    • 1897 December (indicated as 1898), Winston Churchill, chapter II, in The Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., →OCLC:

      I had occasion […] to make a somewhat long business trip to Chicago, and on my return [] I found Farrar awaiting me in the railway station. He smiled his wonted fraction by way of greeting, [] , and finally leading me to his buggy, turned and drove out of town. I was completely mystified at such an unusual proceeding.

  4. (Britain, dialect) Not short; tall.
    • The colonel and his sponsor made a queer contrast: Greystone [the sponsor] long and stringy, with a face that seemed as if a cold wind was eternally playing on it.
  5. (finance) Possessing or owning stocks, bonds, commodities, or other financial instruments with the aim of benefiting from an expected rise in their value.
    Coordinate term: short

    I’m long in DuPont.

  6. (cricket) Of a fielding position, close to the boundary (or closer to the boundary than the equivalent short position).
  7. Passing or landing ahead of or beyond the intended target or location, as weapons fire or landing aircraft.

    The plane touched down long and overran the end of the runway.

    • 2021 March 10, Drachinifel, Guadalcanal Campaign — The Big Night Battle: Night 1 (IJN 3(?) : 2 USN)[2], archived from the original on 7 November 2022, 28:10 from the start:

      Juneau was making good time with the other surviving U.S. Navy ships, despite her damage, when the I-26 spotted her and sent a salvo of Type 95 torpedoes in her direction. Passing between the Helena and San Francisco, some indication being they had actually been shot at the San Francisco and gone long because San Francisco was travelling significantly slower than expected, they nonetheless hit Juneau and detonated the ship’s magazine.

  8. (tennis, of a ball or a shot) Landing beyond the baseline, and therefore deemed to be out.

    That forehand is long.

  9. (gambling) Of betting odds, offering a very large return for a small wager.
  10. Occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away.
    • 1596, Edmund Spenser, “Book IIII, Canto IIII”, in The Faerie Queene. [], part II (books IV–VI), London: [] [Richard Field] for William Ponsonby, →OCLC, page 55:

      But Campbell thus did ſhut vp all in ieſt, / Braue Knights and Ladies, certes ye doe wrong / To ſtirre vp ſtrife, when moſt vs needeth reſt, / That we may vs reſerue both freſh and ſtrong, / Againſt the Turneiment which is not long.

Usage notes[edit]
  • Wide is usually used instead of long when referring to a horizontal dimension (left to right).
  • Tall or high are usually used instead of long when referring to positive vertical dimension (upwards), and deep when referring to negative vertical dimension (downwards).
  • (having much distance from one point to another): deep (vertically downwards), extended, high (vertically upwards), lengthy, tall
  • (having great duration): extended, lengthy, prolonged
  • (having much distance from one point to another): low (vertically upwards), shallow (vertically upwards or downwards), short
  • (having great duration): brief, short
  • day-long
  • daylong
  • days-long
  • dayslong
  • decade-long
  • decadelong
  • decades-long
  • fortnight-long
  • hour-long
  • hours-long
  • long-standing
  • month-long
  • months-long
  • week-long
  • weeklong
  • weeks-long
  • year-long
  • yearlong
  • years-long
  • yearslong
Derived terms[edit]
  • a long time coming
  • as the day is long
  • by a long chalk
  • footlong
  • Land of the Long White Cloud
  • long arm
  • Long Ashton
  • long ball
  • Long Beach
  • long bone
  • Long Branch
  • Long Buckby
  • Long Clawson
  • long COVID
  • Long Drax
  • long drum
  • Long Eaton
  • long filename
  • long game
  • long gun
  • long integer, long int
  • Long Island
  • Long Itchington
  • Long Key
  • Long Marston
  • Long Marton
  • Long Melford
  • long mode
  • long paddock
  • long pig
  • long pork
  • Long Prairie
  • Long Preston
  • long rifle, longrifle
  • Long Rock, Longrock
  • long row to hoe
  • long s
  • long shot, longshot
  • Long Stratton
  • Long Sutton
  • long term, long-term
  • long Tom
  • long vehicle
  • long wave
  • long white radish
  • long-haul
  • long-held
  • long-time
  • long-waisted
  • long-welded
  • longcat, Longcat
  • longhand
  • longish
  • longsome
  • Longstanton
  • longwave
  • midlong
  • Night of the Long Knives, night of the long knives
  • the long and short
See also[edit]
  • broad
  • wide


long (plural longs)

  1. (linguistics) A long vowel.
    • 1877, Henry Sweet, A Handbook of Phonetics (volume 2, page 60)
      In French most vowels are half-long, and are only occasionally lengthened or shortened into full longs and shorts.
  2. (prosody) A long syllable.
  3. (music) A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve.
  4. (programming) A long integer variable, twice the size of an int, two or four times the size of a short, and half of a long long.

    A long is typically 64 bits in a 32-bit environment.

  5. (finance) An entity with a long position in an asset.

    Every uptick made the longs cheer.

  6. (finance) A long-term investment.
    • 1977, Jerome B. Cohen; Edward D. Zinbarg; Arthur Zeikel, Guide to Intelligent Investing, →OCLC, page 203:

      Likewise, if borrowers prefer to sell short-maturity issues at the time lenders prefer to invest in longs, as is the case when interest rates are expected to fall, longer maturity issues will tend to yield less than shorter maturity issues.

  7. (UK, colloquial, dated) The long summer vacation at the English universities.
    • 1863, Reade, Charles, Hard Cash:

      « [] Did I not forbid all these nicknames and all this Oxfordish, by proclamation, last Long
      «Last Long
      «Hem! last protracted vacation.»


long (third-person singular simple present longs, present participle longing, simple past and past participle longed)

  1. (transitive, finance) To take a long position in.
    • 2004, Thomas S. Y. Ho; Sang Bin Lee, Sang-bin Yi, The Oxford Guide to Financial Modeling, page 84:

      The left panel shows the profile of a portfolio consisting of longing a call and shorting a put.


finance: to take a long position

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 做多 (zuòduō)

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle English longe, lange, from Old English longe, lange, from the adjective (see above).


long (comparative longer, superlative longest)

  1. Over a great distance in space.

    He threw the ball long.

  2. For a particular duration.

    How long is it until the next bus arrives?

    • 2013 May-June, David Van Tassel, Lee DeHaan, “Wild Plants to the Rescue”, in American Scientist, volume 101, number 3:

      Plant breeding is always a numbers game. [] The wild species we use are rich in genetic variation, […]. In addition, we are looking for rare alleles, so the more plants we try, the better. These rarities may be new mutations, or they can be existing ones that are neutral—or are even selected against—in a wild population. A good example is mutations that disrupt seed dispersal, leaving the seeds on the heads long after they are ripe.

  3. For a long duration.

    Will this interview take long?

    Paris has long been considered one of the most cultured cities in the world.

    She has known us as long as you

    I haven’t long to live.

    • 1596, Edmund Spenser, “Book VI, Canto XII”, in The Faerie Queene. [], part II (books IV–VI), London: [] [Richard Field] for William Ponsonby, →OCLC, stanza 17, page 512:

      My liefe (ſayd ſhe) ye know, that long ygo, / Whileſt ye in durance dwelt, ye to me gaue / A little mayde, the which ye chylded tho ; / The ſame againe if now ye liſt to haue, / The ſame is yonder Lady, whom high God did ſaue.

    • c. 1599–1602 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act I, scene iii], page 156, column 1:

      I ſtay too long ; but here my Father comes : / A double bleſſing is a double grace; / Occaſion ſmiles vpon a ſecond leaue.

    • 1991, James Melvin Washington, editor, A testament of hope: the essential writings and speeches of Martin Luther King, page 636:

      I answer by saying that I have worked too long and hard now against segregated public accommodations to end up segregating my moral concern.

    • 2013 July 20, “Out of the gloom”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8845:

      [Rural solar plant] schemes are of little help to industry or other heavy users of electricity. Nor is solar power yet as cheap as the grid. For all that, the rapid arrival of electric light to Indian villages is long overdue. When the national grid suffers its next huge outage, as it did in July 2012 when hundreds of millions were left in the dark, look for specks of light in the villages.

  • (over a great distance): a long way, far
  • (for a long duration): a long time
  • (over a great distance): a short distance, a short way
  • (for a long duration): an instant, a minute, a moment, a second, a short time, not long
Derived terms[edit]
  • go long
See also[edit]
  • far
  • wide
  • broad

Etymology 3[edit]

From Middle English longen, from Old English langian (to long for, yearn after, grieve for, be pained, lengthen, grow longer, summon, belong), from Proto-Germanic *langōną (to desire, long for), from Proto-Indo-European *lengʷʰ- (to be easy, be quick, jump, move around, vary). Cognate with German langen (to reach, be sufficient), Swedish langa (to push, pass by hand), Icelandic langa (to want, desire), Dutch, German verlangen (to desire, want, long for).


long (third-person singular simple present longs, present participle longing, simple past and past participle longed)

  1. (intransitive) To await, aspire, desire greatly (something to occur or to be true).
    Synonyms: ache, yearn

    She longed for him to come back.

    • 1922, Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit:

      The Rabbit sighed. He thought it would be a long time before this magic called Real happened to him. He longed to become Real, to know what it felt like; and yet the idea of growing shabby and losing his eyes and whiskers was rather sad.

Usage notes[edit]
  • This is a catenative verb that takes the to infinitive. See Appendix:English catenative verbs
Derived terms[edit]
  • belong
  • forlong
  • long for
  • longing

Etymology 4[edit]

From Middle English long, lang, an aphetic form of Middle English ilong, ylong, from Old English ġelong, ġelang (along, belonging, depending, consequent); the verb later reinterpreted as an aphetic form of belong.


long (not comparable)

  1. (archaic) On account of, because of.
    • 1603, John Florio, translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, II.8, page 224:
      I am of opinion, that in regarde of theſe debauches and lewde actions, fathers may, in ſome ſort, be blamed, and that it is onely long of them.


long (third-person singular simple present longs, present participle longing, simple past and past participle longed)

  1. (archaic) To be appropriate to, to pertain or belong to.
    • 1590, Edmund Spenser, “Book III, Canto III”, in The Faerie Queene. [], London: [] [John Wolfe] for William Ponsonbie, →OCLC:

      A goodly Armour, and full rich aray, / Which long’d to Angela, the Saxon Queene, / All fretted round with gold, and goodly wel beseene.

    • c. 1590–1592 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Taming of the Shrew”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act IV, scene iv]:

      Tis well, and hold your owne in any case / With such austeritie as longeth to a father.

Etymology 5[edit]

Shortening of longitude.


long (plural longs)

  1. Abbreviation of longitude.
Coordinate terms[edit]
  • lat

Etymology 6[edit]

From Middle English longen, from Old English langian (to belong, pertain), from Old English *lang, which is of uncertain origin yet related to Old English ġelang (dependent, attainable, present, belonging, consequent), Old Saxon gilang (ready, available).


long (third-person singular simple present longs, present participle longing, simple past and past participle longed)

  1. (obsolete) To belong.
    • c. 1587–1588, [Christopher Marlowe], Tamburlaine the Great. [] The First Part [], part 1, 2nd edition, London: [] [R. Robinson for] Richard Iones, [], published 1592, →OCLC; reprinted as Tamburlaine the Great (A Scolar Press Facsimile), Menston, Yorkshire; London: Scolar Press, 1973, →ISBN, Act II, scene v:

      Now ſend Ambaſſage to thy neighbor Kinges,
      And let them know the Perſian King is chang’d:
      From one that knew not what a King ſhould doe,
      To one that can commaund what longs there to: []

Further reading[edit]

  • long at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • “long”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.



From Dutch long, from Middle Dutch longe, also longen, longene, from Old Dutch *lungan, *lunganna, from Proto-Germanic *lunganjō.


  • IPA(key): /lɔŋ/


long (plural longe, diminutive longetjie)

  1. lung



From Middle Dutch longe, also longen, longene, from Old Dutch *lungan, *lunganna, from Proto-Germanic *lunganjō.


  • IPA(key): /lɔŋ/
  • Hyphenation: long
  • Rhymes: -ɔŋ


long f or m (plural longen, diminutive longetje n)

  1. lung

Usage notes[edit]

Traditionally feminine in the Netherlands, masculine in Belgium due to masculinisation.

Derived terms[edit]

  • boeklong
  • ijzeren long
  • klaplong
  • longaandoening
  • longarts
  • longblaasje
  • longembolie
  • longfibrose
  • longkanker
  • longontsteking
  • longvis
  • longziekte
  • stoflong


  • Afrikaans: long
  • Negerhollands: longe
  • Papiamentu: long (dated)
  • Sranan Tongo: lon
    • Caribbean Javanese: long


  • “long” in Woordenlijst Nederlandse Taal – Officiële Spelling, Nederlandse Taalunie. [the official spelling word list for the Dutch language]



long m (feminine singular longe, masculine plural longs, feminine plural longes)

  1. long

Derived terms[edit]

  • longior



From Old French long, from longe, longue, feminine of lonc, lunc, from Latin longus, from Proto-Indo-European *dlongʰos (long). Cognate with English long, origin of German Chaiselongue.


  • IPA(key): /lɔ̃/, (in liaison) /lɔ̃.k‿/
  • Audio (France, Paris) (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɔ̃
  • Homophone: longs


long (feminine longue, masculine plural longs, feminine plural longues)

  1. long
    Synonyms: épais, grand, haut, large, profond
    Antonyms: bas, court, étroit, mince

    Le nez de Pinocchio mesure le matin 5 cm de long

    The nose of Pinocchio measures in the morning 5 cm long

Derived terms[edit]

  • à la longue
  • à long terme
  • arc long anglais
  • au long de
  • avoir le bras long
  • avoir les dents longues
  • de long en large
  • de longue date
  • de longue haleine
  • de longue main
  • en dire long
  • en long et en large
  • faire long feu
  • la faire longue
  • le long de
  • long à la détente
  • long comme le bras
  • long comme un jour sans pain
  • long fleuve tranquille
  • longtemps
  • longue paume
  • longuement
  • mémoire à long terme
  • Nuit des Longs Couteaux

Further reading[edit]

  • “long”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.

Haitian Creole[edit]


French long (long).



  1. long



From Proto-Hlai *C-luŋ (big), from Pre-Hlai *C-luŋ (Norquest, 2015). Compare Proto-Tai *ʰluəŋᴬ (big) (whence Thai หลวง (lǔuang)).


  • (Standard Hlai, Baoding) IPA(key): /loŋ˥˧/



  1. big


  • dhuax



From Betawi [Term?], from Hokkien (lóng, lōng, “bright”).


  • IPA(key): [ˈlɔŋ]
  • Hyphenation: long


long (first-person possessive longku, second-person possessive longmu, third-person possessive longnya)

  1. large firecracker.
    Hypernym: petasan

Alternative forms[edit]

  • lung

Further reading[edit]

  • “long” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Language Development and Fostering Agency — Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic Indonesia, 2016.



From Old Irish long, from Latin (navis) longa (long (ship)).


  • IPA(key): /l̪ˠɔŋ/
  • (Munster) IPA(key): /l̪ˠuːŋ(ɡ)/, [l̪ˠũːŋ(ɡ)]; /l̪ˠɔŋɡ/
  • (Ulster) IPA(key): /l̪ˠʌŋ/


long f (genitive singular loinge, nominative plural longa)

  1. ship


Derived terms[edit]

  • bratlong (flagship)

Further reading[edit]

  • Ó Dónaill, Niall (1977), “long”, in Foclóir Gaeilge–Béarla, Dublin: An Gúm, →ISBN
  • Quiggin, E. C. (1906) A Dialect of Donegal, Cambridge University Press, page 43
  • Sjoestedt, M. L. (1931) Phonétique d’un parler irlandais de Kerry (in French), Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux, page 14
  • Sjoestedt, M. L. (1931) Phonétique d’un parler irlandais de Kerry (in French), Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux, page 25



Compare Khmer លោង (loong), Cham [louŋ], Thai โลง (loong).


This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with the IPA then please add some!


long (Jawi spelling لوڠ‎, plural longlong, informal 1st possessive longku, 2nd possessive longmu, 3rd possessive longnya)

  1. coffin; casket
    Synonyms: larung, keranda

Further reading[edit]

  • “long” in Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu | Malay Literary Reference Centre, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2017.




  1. Nonstandard spelling of lōng.
  2. Nonstandard spelling of lóng.
  3. Nonstandard spelling of lǒng.
  4. Nonstandard spelling of lòng.

Usage notes[edit]

  • Transcriptions of Mandarin speech into the Roman alphabet often do not distinguish between the critical tonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.

Middle English[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • longe, longue, lang, lange, langhe


From Old English lang, from Proto-West Germanic *lang.


  • IPA(key): /lɔnɡ/, /lɔːnɡ/



  1. long


  • English: long
    • Northumbrian: lang
  • Scots: lang
  • Yola: lhaung, long


  • “lō̆ng, adj.(1).”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.



From Proto-Kuki-Chin *looŋ, from Proto-Sino-Tibetan *m-lawŋ.



  1. boat


  • Grammar and Dictionary of the Lushai Language by J.H. Lorrain, Shillong 1898

Naga Pidgin[edit]



Inherited from Assamese লং (loṅ), from Sanskrit लवंग (lavaṃga).


long (plural longkhan)

  1. clove


Alternative forms[edit]

  • laong (Guernsey)


From Old French long, a back-formation from longe, longue, the feminine form of Early Old French lonc, from Latin longus.


long m

  1. (Jersey) long



From Latin longus.


long m (feminine singular longa, masculine plural longs, feminine plural longas)

  1. long


  • alongar

Old English[edit]


  • IPA(key): /lonɡ/, [loŋɡ]



  1. Alternative form of lang


Declension of long — Strong

Declension of long — Weak

Old French[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • lonc (early Old French)
  • lunc (Anglo-Norman)


Backformation from longe, longue, the feminine form of lonc.


long m (oblique and nominative feminine singular longe)

  1. long (length, duration)



  • French: long
  • Norman: long (Jersey), laong (Guernsey)

Old Frisian[edit]


From Proto-West Germanic *lang, from Proto-Germanic *langaz, from Proto-Indo-European *dlongʰos. Cognates include Old English lang, Old Saxon lang and Old Dutch *lang.


  • IPA(key): /ˈloŋɡ/



  1. long


  • North Frisian: long, lung
  • Saterland Frisian: loang
  • West Frisian: lang


  • Bremmer, Rolf H. (2009) An Introduction to Old Frisian: History, Grammar, Reader, Glossary, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, →ISBN

Old Irish[edit]


Generally assumed to be a Latin loan, from (navis) longa, but Joseph Loth believed it to be from Proto-Celtic; either way, cognate to Welsh llong.


  • IPA(key): /l͈oŋɡ/


long f (genitive lungae, nominative plural longa)

  1. boat
  2. ship


Feminine ā-stem
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative longL loingL, luing longaH
Vocative longL loingL, luing longaH
Accusative loingN, luing loingL, luing longaH
Genitive lungaeH longL longN
Dative loingL, luing longaib longaib
Initial mutations of a following adjective:

  • H = triggers aspiration
  • L = triggers lenition
  • N = triggers nasalization


  • bárc
  • cnairr
  • laídeng
  • scib


  • Irish: long
  • Manx: lhong
  • Scottish Gaelic: long


Old Irish mutation
Radical Lenition Nasalization
also llong after a proclitic
pronounced with /l(ʲ)-/
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.




  1. to; toward; into
  2. in; at; near
    • 1988, Geoffrey Miles White, Bikfala faet: olketa Solomon Aelanda rimembarem Wol Wo Tu[3], page 75:

      Bihaen hemi finisim skul blong hem, hemi go minista long sios long ples blong hem long ‘Areo.

      (please add an English translation of this quote)

Scottish Gaelic[edit]


From Old Irish long. Compare Welsh llong.


  • IPA(key): /l̪ˠɔuŋk/


long f (genitive singular luinge, plural longan)

  1. ship

Derived terms[edit]

  • longphort
  • seòmar-luinge
  • sgoth-long

Tok Pisin[edit]


From English along.


  • IPA(key): /loŋ/, [lɔŋ], [lɔ(ː)]



  1. Used to mark spatial direct objects that something is oriented in the manner of, where English would use to, toward, into, or onto
    • 1989, Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea, Jenesis 1:15:

      • These lights must rise in the sky to cast light toward the ground.
  2. Used to mark spatial direct objects that something is oriented in the location of, where English would use in, at, on, or near
    • 1989, Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea, Jenesis 1:15:

      • These lights must rise in the sky to cast light toward the ground.
  3. Used to mark indirect objects, or direct objects of intransitive verbs, where English would use to
    • 1989, Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea, Jenesis 1:22:

      Na God i mekim gutpela tok bilong givim strong long ol. Em i tokim ol olsem, “Yupela ol kain kain samting bilong solwara, yupela i mas kamap planti na pulapim olgeta hap bilong solwara. Na yupela ol pisin, yupela i mas kamap planti long graun.”

      →New International Version translation
      • And God made a good speech to give strength to them. He said to them: «You varied things of the ocean, you must multiply and fill every part of the sea. And you birds, you must multiply on earth.
  4. Used to mark spatial direct objects that something is oriented in the manner opposite of, extracted from, or away from, where English would use from or out of
    • 1989, Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea, Jenesis 2:22:

      • Then God made a woman out of that bone he had taken from the man, and later he brought the woman to go to the man.
  5. Used to mark temporal direct objects in which a condition lasts for a certain duration of time, where English would use for
    • 1989, Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea, Jenesis 3:14:

      Na God, Bikpela i tokim snek olsem, “Yu bin mekim dispela pasin nogut, olsem na nau mi gat strongpela tok bilong daunim yu. Bai yu gat bikpela hevi. Hevi yu karim bai i winim hevi bilong olgeta arapela animal. Nau na long olgeta taim bihain bai yu wokabaut long bel bilong yu tasol. Na bai yu kaikai das bilong graun.

      →New International Version translation
      • And the Lord God said to the snake: «You did a bad deed, and so I have a powerful curse for you. You will have a great weight. The wight you carry will exceed that of any all animals. Now, and for all times, you will only walk on your stomach. And you will eat the dirt of the earth.
  6. Used to mark a verb whose subject is the direct object of another verb, where English would use to or from
    • 1989, Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea, Jenesis 3:17:

      Na God i tokim Adam olsem, “Yu bin harim tok bilong meri bilong yu, na yu bin kaikai pikinini bilong dispela diwai mi bin tambuim yu long kaikai. Olsem na nau bai mi bagarapim graun, na ol kaikai bai i no inap kamap gut long en. Oltaim bai yu wok hat tru bilong mekim kaikai i kamap long graun.

      →New International Version translation
      • And God said to Adam: «You listened to what your woman said, and you ate a fruit of this tree which I have forbidden you from eating. And so I will now corrupt the earth, and food will not grow well enough. You will work very hard forever to make food grow in the ground.

Derived terms[edit]

  • long wanem



  • (Hà Nội) IPA(key): [lawŋ͡m˧˧]
  • (Huế) IPA(key): [lawŋ͡m˧˧]
  • (Hồ Chí Minh City) IPA(key): [lawŋ͡m˧˧]

Etymology 1[edit]

Compare lung as in lung lay.



  1. loose
    răng longloose tooth

Etymology 2[edit]

Sino-Vietnamese word from (dragon).



  1. (only in compounds) dragon



  • IPA(key): /lɔŋ/



  1. Soft mutation of llong.


Welsh mutation
radical soft nasal aspirate
llong long unchanged unchanged
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.




  1. Alternative form of lhaung

      praie var long an happie zins, shorne o’lournagh an ee-vilt wi benisons,

      implore long and happy days, free from melancholy and full of blessings,


  • Jacob Poole (1867), William Barnes, editor, A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, page 116

For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

Prefixes of long

  • belong

    • verb be owned by; be in the possession of
      • This book belongs to me
    • verb be suitable or acceptable
      • This student somehow doesn’t belong

    • More ‘belong’ Meaning
    • belong Idioms/Phrases
    • belong Associated Words
    • belong Prefix/Suffix Words
    • belong Related Words
  • along

    • adverb with a forward motion
      • we drove along admiring the view
      • the horse trotted along at a steady pace
      • the circus traveled on to the next city
      • move along
      • march on
    • adverb in accompaniment or as a companion
      • his little sister came along to the movies
      • I brought my camera along
      • working along with his father

    • More ‘along’ Meaning
    • along Idioms/Phrases
    • along Associated Words
    • along Prefix/Suffix Words
    • along Related Words
  • lifelong

    • adjective satellite continuing through life
      • a lifelong friend
      • from lifelong habit
      • his lifelong study of Greek art

    • More ‘lifelong’ Meaning
    • lifelong Associated Words
    • lifelong Related Words
  • prolong

    • verb lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer
      protract; draw out; extend.
      • We prolonged our stay
      • She extended her visit by another day
      • The meeting was drawn out until midnight
    • verb lengthen or extend in duration or space
      keep up; sustain.
      • We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible
      • prolong the treatment of the patient
      • keep up the good work

    • More ‘prolong’ Meaning
    • prolong Idioms/Phrases
    • prolong Associated Words
    • prolong Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prolong Related Words
  • oblong

    • noun a plane figure that deviates from a square or circle due to elongation
    • adjective satellite (of a leaf shape) having a somewhat elongated form with approximately parallel sides

    • More ‘oblong’ Meaning
    • oblong Idioms/Phrases
    • oblong Associated Words
    • oblong Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oblong Related Words
  • headlong

    • adjective satellite excessively quick
      • made a hasty exit
      • a headlong rush to sell
    • adjective satellite with the head foremost
      • a headfirst plunge down the stairs
      • a headlong dive into the pool

    • More ‘headlong’ Meaning
    • headlong Associated Words
    • headlong Related Words
  • weeklong

    • adjective satellite lasting through a week
      • her weeklong vacation

    • More ‘weeklong’ Meaning
    • weeklong Associated Words
    • weeklong Related Words
  • yearlong

    • adjective satellite lasting through a year
      • attending yearlong courses

    • More ‘yearlong’ Meaning
    • yearlong Associated Words
    • yearlong Related Words
  • daylong

    • adjective satellite lasting through an entire day
    • adverb during the entire day
      all day long.
      • light pours daylong into the parlor

    • More ‘daylong’ Meaning
    • daylong Associated Words
    • daylong Related Words
  • livelong

    • noun perennial northern temperate plant with toothed leaves and heads of small purplish-white flowers
      orpin; Sedum telephium; live-forever; orpine.
    • adjective satellite (of time) constituting the full extent or duration
      • all the livelong day

    • More ‘livelong’ Meaning
    • livelong Associated Words
    • livelong Related Words
  • sidelong

    • adjective satellite (used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy
      askant; askance; asquint; squinty; squint; squint-eyed.
      • her eyes with their misted askance look»- Elizabeth Bowen
      • sidelong glances
    • adjective satellite situated at or extending to the side
      • the lateral branches of a tree
      • shot out sidelong boughs»- Tennyson

    • More ‘sidelong’ Meaning
    • sidelong Associated Words
    • sidelong Related Words
  • furlong

    • noun a unit of length equal to 220 yards

    • More ‘furlong’ Meaning
    • furlong Associated Words
    • furlong Prefix/Suffix Words
    • furlong Related Words
  • oolong

    • noun Chinese tea leaves that have been partially fermented before being dried

    • More ‘oolong’ Meaning
    • oolong Associated Words
    • oolong Related Words
  • monthlong

    • adjective satellite last through a month
      • a monthlong stay in the hospital

    • More ‘monthlong’ Meaning
    • monthlong Associated Words
    • monthlong Related Words
  • hourlong

    • adjective satellite lasting for an hour
      • an hourlong examination

    • More ‘hourlong’ Meaning
    • hourlong Associated Words
    • hourlong Related Words
  • nightlong

    • adjective satellite lasting, open, or operating through the whole night
      all-night; overnight.
      • a nightlong vigil
      • an all-night drugstore
      • an overnight trip

    • More ‘nightlong’ Meaning
    • nightlong Associated Words
    • nightlong Related Words
  • agelong

    • adjective satellite lasting through all time
      • agelong struggle for freedom

    • More ‘agelong’ Meaning
    • agelong Associated Words
    • agelong Related Words
  • tagalong

    • noun someone who persistently (and annoyingly) follows along

    • More ‘tagalong’ Meaning
    • tagalong Associated Words
    • tagalong Related Words
  • singalong

    • noun informal group singing of popular songs

    • More ‘singalong’ Meaning
    • singalong Associated Words
    • singalong Prefix/Suffix Words
    • singalong Related Words

Suffixes of long

  • longer

    • noun a person with a strong desire for something
      yearner; thirster.
      • a longer for money
      • a thirster after blood
      • a yearner for knowledge
    • adjective primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified
      • a long life
      • a long boring speech
      • a long time
      • a long friendship
      • a long game
      • long ago
      • an hour long

    • More ‘longer’ Meaning
    • longer Associated Words
    • longer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longer Related Words
  • longitudinal

    • adjective of or relating to lines of longitude
      • longitudinal reckoning by the navigator
    • adjective satellite running lengthwise
      • a thin longitudinal strip
      • longitudinal measurements of the hull

    • More ‘longitudinal’ Meaning
    • longitudinal Associated Words
    • longitudinal Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longitudinal Related Words
  • longing

    • noun prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
      hungriness; yearning.
    • verb desire strongly or persistently
      yearn; long; hanker.

    • More ‘longing’ Meaning
    • longing Associated Words
    • longing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longing Related Words
  • longest

    • adverb for the most time
      • she stayed longest
    • adjective primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified
      • a long life
      • a long boring speech
      • a long time
      • a long friendship
      • a long game
      • long ago
      • an hour long

    • More ‘longest’ Meaning
    • longest Associated Words
    • longest Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longest Related Words
  • long

    • verb desire strongly or persistently
      yearn; hanker.
    • adjective primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified
      • a long life
      • a long boring speech
      • a long time
      • a long friendship
      • a long game
      • long ago
      • an hour long

    • More ‘long’ Meaning
    • longed Associated Words
    • longed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longed Related Words
  • longevity

    • noun duration of service
      length of service.
      • her longevity as a star
      • had unusual longevity in the company
    • noun the property of being long-lived

    • More ‘longevity’ Meaning
    • longevity Associated Words
    • longevity Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longevity Related Words
  • longtime

    • adjective satellite of long duration
      • a longtime friend

    • More ‘longtime’ Meaning
    • longtime Associated Words
    • longtime Related Words
  • longitude

    • noun the angular distance between a point on any meridian and the prime meridian at Greenwich

    • More ‘longitude’ Meaning
    • longitude Idioms/Phrases
    • longitude Associated Words
    • longitude Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longitude Related Words
  • longstanding

    • adjective satellite having existed for a long time
      • a longstanding friendship
      • the longstanding conflict

    • More ‘longstanding’ Meaning
    • longstanding Associated Words
    • longstanding Related Words
  • long

    • verb desire strongly or persistently
      yearn; hanker.
    • adjective primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified
      • a long life
      • a long boring speech
      • a long time
      • a long friendship
      • a long game
      • long ago
      • an hour long

    • More ‘long’ Meaning
    • longs Associated Words
    • longs Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longs Related Words
  • longing

    • noun prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
      hungriness; yearning.
    • verb desire strongly or persistently
      yearn; long; hanker.

    • More ‘longing’ Meaning
    • longings Associated Words
    • longings Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longings Related Words
  • longfellow

    • noun United States poet remembered for his long narrative poems (1807-1882)
      Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

    • More ‘longfellow’ Meaning
    • longfellow Idioms/Phrases
    • longfellow Associated Words
    • longfellow Related Words
  • longitudinally

    • adverb across time
      • We studied the development of the children longitudinally
    • adverb in the direction of the length
      lengthways; longways; longwise; lengthwise.
      • He cut the paper lengthwise

    • More ‘longitudinally’ Meaning
    • longitudinally Associated Words
    • longitudinally Related Words
  • longish

    • adjective satellite somewhat long

    • More ‘longish’ Meaning
    • longish Associated Words
    • longish Related Words
  • longboat

    • noun the largest boat carried by a merchant sailing vessel

    • More ‘longboat’ Meaning
    • longboat Associated Words
    • longboat Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longboat Related Words
  • longshoreman

    • noun a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port
      dock worker; dock-walloper; lumper; dockhand; loader; stevedore; dockworker; docker.

    • More ‘longshoreman’ Meaning
    • longshoremen Associated Words
    • longshoremen Related Words
  • longitude

    • noun the angular distance between a point on any meridian and the prime meridian at Greenwich

    • More ‘longitude’ Meaning
    • longitudes Associated Words
    • longitudes Related Words
  • longshoreman

    • noun a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port
      dock worker; dock-walloper; lumper; dockhand; loader; stevedore; dockworker; docker.

    • More ‘longshoreman’ Meaning
    • longshoreman Associated Words
    • longshoreman Related Words
  • longhand

    • noun rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper
      cursive; cursive script; running hand.
    • adjective satellite having words written out in full by hand
      • longhand writing

    • More ‘longhand’ Meaning
    • longhand Associated Words
    • longhand Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longhand Related Words
  • longbow

    • noun a powerful wooden bow drawn by hand; usually 5-6 feet long; used in medieval England

    • More ‘longbow’ Meaning
    • longbow Idioms/Phrases
    • longbow Associated Words
    • longbow Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longbow Related Words
  • longhorn

    • noun long-horned beef cattle formerly common in southwestern United States
      Texas longhorn.

    • More ‘longhorn’ Meaning
    • longhorn Idioms/Phrases
    • longhorn Associated Words
    • longhorn Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longhorn Related Words
  • longhorn

    • noun long-horned beef cattle formerly common in southwestern United States
      Texas longhorn.

    • More ‘longhorn’ Meaning
    • longhorns Associated Words
    • longhorns Related Words
  • longingly

    • adverb in a yearning manner
      • he spent the rest of the act gazing longingly over my right shoulder at the illuminated word `Exit’

    • More ‘longingly’ Meaning
    • longingly Associated Words
    • longingly Related Words
  • long

    • verb desire strongly or persistently
      yearn; hanker.
    • adjective primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified
      • a long life
      • a long boring speech
      • a long time
      • a long friendship
      • a long game
      • long ago
      • an hour long

    • More ‘long’ Meaning
    • longe Associated Words
    • longe Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longe Related Words
  • longevity

    • noun duration of service
      length of service.
      • her longevity as a star
      • had unusual longevity in the company
    • noun the property of being long-lived

    • More ‘longevity’ Meaning
    • longevities Associated Words
    • longevities Related Words
  • longueur

    • noun a period of dullness or boredom (especially in a work of literature or performing art)

    • More ‘longueur’ Meaning
    • longueur Associated Words
    • longueur Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longueur Related Words
  • longueur

    • noun a period of dullness or boredom (especially in a work of literature or performing art)

    • More ‘longueur’ Meaning
    • longueurs Associated Words
    • longueurs Related Words
  • longbowman

    • noun a medieval English archer who used a longbow

    • More ‘longbowman’ Meaning
    • longbowmen Related Words
  • longboat

    • noun the largest boat carried by a merchant sailing vessel

    • More ‘longboat’ Meaning
    • longboats Associated Words
    • longboats Related Words
  • longshot

    • noun a photograph taken from a distance

    • More ‘longshot’ Meaning
    • longshot Associated Words
    • longshot Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longshot Related Words
  • longways

    • noun country dancing performed with couples in two long lines facing each other
      longways dance.
    • adverb in the direction of the length
      lengthways; longitudinally; longwise; lengthwise.
      • He cut the paper lengthwise

    • More ‘longways’ Meaning
    • longways Idioms/Phrases
    • longways Associated Words
    • longways Related Words
  • longyi

    • noun a long piece of brightly colored cloth (cotton or silk) used as clothing (a skirt or loincloth or sash etc.) in India and Pakistan and Burma
      lungyi; lungi.

    • More ‘longyi’ Meaning
    • longyi Associated Words
    • longyi Related Words
  • longbeard

    • noun a stoneware drinking jug with a long neck; decorated with a caricature of Cardinal Bellarmine (17th century)
      greybeard; bellarmine; long-beard.

    • More ‘longbeard’ Meaning
    • longbeard Associated Words
    • longbeard Related Words
  • longbow

    • noun a powerful wooden bow drawn by hand; usually 5-6 feet long; used in medieval England

    • More ‘longbow’ Meaning
    • longbows Associated Words
    • longbows Related Words
  • longicorn

    • noun long-bodied beetle having very long antennae
      long-horned beetle; longicorn beetle.

    • More ‘longicorn’ Meaning
    • longicorn Idioms/Phrases
    • longicorn Associated Words
    • longicorn Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longicorn Related Words
  • longan

    • noun tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts; sometimes placed in genera Euphorbia or Nephelium
      Euphorbia litchi; Nephelium longana; lungen; longanberry; Dimocarpus longan.

    • More ‘longan’ Meaning
    • longan Idioms/Phrases
    • longan Associated Words
    • longan Prefix/Suffix Words
    • longan Related Words
  • longlegs

    • noun long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons
      stilt; stiltbird; long-legs; stilt plover; Himantopus stilt.

    • More ‘longlegs’ Meaning
    • longlegs Idioms/Phrases
    • longlegs Associated Words
    • longlegs Related Words
  • longwise

    • adverb in the direction of the length
      lengthways; longways; longitudinally; lengthwise.
      • He cut the paper lengthwise

    • More ‘longwise’ Meaning
    • longwise Associated Words
    • longwise Related Words
  • longhorn

    • noun long-horned beef cattle formerly common in southwestern United States
      Texas longhorn.

    • More ‘longhorn’ Meaning
    • longhorned Associated Words
    • longhorned Related Words
  • long

    • verb desire strongly or persistently
      yearn; hanker.
    • adjective primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified
      • a long life
      • a long boring speech
      • a long time
      • a long friendship
      • a long game
      • long ago
      • an hour long

    • More ‘long’ Meaning
    • longeing Related Words
  • longspur

    (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of fringilline birds of the genus Calcarius (or Plectrophanes), and allied genera. The Lapland longspur (C. Lapponicus), the chestnut-colored longspur (C. ornatus), and other species, inhabit the United States.

    • More ‘longspur’ Meaning
    • longspurs Related Words

Derived words of long

  • prolonged

    • adjective satellite relatively long in duration; tediously protracted
      lengthy; extended; protracted; drawn-out.
      • a drawn-out argument
      • an extended discussion
      • a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law
      • a prolonged and bitter struggle
      • protracted negotiations
    • verb lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer
      prolong; protract; draw out; extend.
      • We prolonged our stay
      • She extended her visit by another day
      • The meeting was drawn out until midnight

    • More ‘prolonged’ Meaning
    • prolonged Associated Words
    • prolonged Related Words
  • belonging

    • noun happiness felt in a secure relationship
      • with his classmates he felt a sense of belonging
    • verb be owned by; be in the possession of
      • This book belongs to me

    • More ‘belonging’ Meaning
    • belonging Associated Words
    • belonging Prefix/Suffix Words
    • belonging Related Words
  • belong

    • verb be owned by; be in the possession of
      • This book belongs to me
    • verb be suitable or acceptable
      • This student somehow doesn’t belong

    • More ‘belong’ Meaning
    • belongs Associated Words
    • belongs Related Words
  • belong

    • verb be owned by; be in the possession of
      • This book belongs to me
    • verb be suitable or acceptable
      • This student somehow doesn’t belong

    • More ‘belong’ Meaning
    • belonged Associated Words
    • belonged Related Words
  • alongside

    • adverb side by side
      • anchored close aboard another ship

    • More ‘alongside’ Meaning
    • alongside Associated Words
    • alongside Related Words
  • elongated

    • adjective satellite drawn out or made longer spatially
      lengthened; extended; prolonged.
      • Picasso’s elongated Don Quixote
      • lengthened skirts are fashionable this year
      • the extended airport runways can accommodate larger planes
      • a prolonged black line across the page
    • verb make long or longer by pulling and stretching
      stretch; elongate.
      • stretch the fabric

    • More ‘elongated’ Meaning
    • elongated Associated Words
    • elongated Related Words
  • elongation

    • noun the quality of being elongated
    • noun an addition to the length of something

    • More ‘elongation’ Meaning
    • elongation Associated Words
    • elongation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • elongation Related Words
  • belongings

    • noun something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone;
      property; holding.
      • that hat is my property
      • he is a man of property
    • noun happiness felt in a secure relationship
      • with his classmates he felt a sense of belonging

    • More ‘belongings’ Meaning
    • belongings Associated Words
    • belongings Related Words
  • elongate

    • verb make long or longer by pulling and stretching
      • stretch the fabric
    • adjective satellite (of a leaf shape) long and narrow

    • More ‘elongate’ Meaning
    • elongate Idioms/Phrases
    • elongate Associated Words
    • elongate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • elongate Related Words
  • prolongation

    • noun the act of prolonging something
      lengthening; perpetuation; protraction.
      • there was an indefinite prolongation of the peace talks
    • noun amount or degree or range to which something extends
      lengthiness; extension.
      • the wire has an extension of 50 feet

    • More ‘prolongation’ Meaning
    • prolongation Associated Words
    • prolongation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prolongation Related Words
  • prolong

    • verb lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer
      protract; draw out; extend.
      • We prolonged our stay
      • She extended her visit by another day
      • The meeting was drawn out until midnight
    • verb lengthen or extend in duration or space
      keep up; sustain.
      • We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible
      • prolong the treatment of the patient
      • keep up the good work

    • More ‘prolong’ Meaning
    • prolonging Associated Words
    • prolonging Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prolonging Related Words
  • prolong

    • verb lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer
      protract; draw out; extend.
      • We prolonged our stay
      • She extended her visit by another day
      • The meeting was drawn out until midnight
    • verb lengthen or extend in duration or space
      keep up; sustain.
      • We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible
      • prolong the treatment of the patient
      • keep up the good work

    • More ‘prolong’ Meaning
    • prolongs Associated Words
    • prolongs Related Words
  • elongate

    • verb make long or longer by pulling and stretching
      • stretch the fabric
    • adjective satellite (of a leaf shape) long and narrow

    • More ‘elongate’ Meaning
    • elongating Associated Words
    • elongating Related Words
  • elongate

    • verb make long or longer by pulling and stretching
      • stretch the fabric
    • adjective satellite (of a leaf shape) long and narrow

    • More ‘elongate’ Meaning
    • elongates Associated Words
    • elongates Related Words
  • furlong

    • noun a unit of length equal to 220 yards

    • More ‘furlong’ Meaning
    • furlongs Associated Words
    • furlongs Related Words
  • lilongwe

    • noun the capital of Malawi; located in south central Malawi
      capital of Malawi.

    • More ‘lilongwe’ Meaning
    • lilongwe Associated Words
    • lilongwe Related Words
  • elongation

    • noun the quality of being elongated
    • noun an addition to the length of something

    • More ‘elongation’ Meaning
    • elongations Associated Words
    • elongations Related Words
  • prolongation

    • noun the act of prolonging something
      lengthening; perpetuation; protraction.
      • there was an indefinite prolongation of the peace talks
    • noun amount or degree or range to which something extends
      lengthiness; extension.
      • the wire has an extension of 50 feet

    • More ‘prolongation’ Meaning
    • prolongations Associated Words
    • prolongations Related Words
  • oblong

    • noun a plane figure that deviates from a square or circle due to elongation
    • adjective satellite (of a leaf shape) having a somewhat elongated form with approximately parallel sides

    • More ‘oblong’ Meaning
    • oblongs Associated Words
    • oblongs Related Words
  • singalong

    • noun informal group singing of popular songs

    • More ‘singalong’ Meaning
    • singalongs Associated Words
    • singalongs Related Words
  • prolonge

    • noun a rope fitted with a hook and used for towing a gun carriage

    • More ‘prolonge’ Meaning
    • prolonge Idioms/Phrases
    • prolonge Associated Words
    • prolonge Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prolonge Related Words
  • prolong

    • verb lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer
      protract; draw out; extend.
      • We prolonged our stay
      • She extended her visit by another day
      • The meeting was drawn out until midnight
    • verb lengthen or extend in duration or space
      keep up; sustain.
      • We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible
      • prolong the treatment of the patient
      • keep up the good work

    • More ‘prolong’ Meaning
    • prolonger Associated Words
    • prolonger Related Words
  • plunge

    • noun a brief swim in water
    • noun a steep and rapid fall

    • More ‘plunge’ Meaning
    • plonge Associated Words
    • plonge Prefix/Suffix Words
    • plonge Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `long`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `long`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

Abstract Nouns

how nouns are formed in English

As practice shows, many students, having passed to the Pre-Intermediate level, experience difficulty in memorizing abstract nouns. You may have the same problem.

This is not surprising at all, because unlike concrete or real nouns, abstract nouns are difficult to visualize and imagine. But you can’t do without them if you want to communicate at a high level. Therefore, in this article, we will look at the features of abstract nouns, which will help you classify and remember them.

First, let’s look at how abstract nouns are formed. They can be formed by adding a suffix to a verb, adjective, or other noun. Depending on this, the suffixes are also different. 

Verb suffixes

mentAbstract nouns with this suffix denote processes. It is most often combined with verbs, but rarely combined with adjectives. arrange — arrangementdevelop — developmentengage — engagementenjoy — enjoymentmanage — management
— ion:-ation / — ition / — tion / -sionThe suffix — ition has many variations. Please note that adding suffixes changes the spelling of nouns. admire — admirationadmit — admissioncreate — creationdecide — decisiondiscuss — discussiondonate — donationimagine — imaginationinform — informationproduce — production
fAbstract nouns formed from some verbs ending in V / VE are formed with the suffix F. believe — beliefprove — proof

Adjective suffixes

nessIf the adjective ends in Y, then adding the suffix Y changes to I. happy — happinesslonely — lonelinesssad — sadnesstidy — tidinessweak — weakness
— ce/ — cyMost often, this suffix is ​​combined with adjectives that end in T / TE. absent — absenceaccurate — accuracyobstinate — obstinacypresent — presenceprominent — prominence
ITYSometimes this suffix is ​​added to the adjective unchanged, but in some cases changes occur. curious — curiosityhilarious — hilarity


Prefixes and suffixes of nouns in English

how nouns are formed in English


To do it right assignments 26 — 31 from section «Grammar and Vocabulary» on the Unified State Exam in English, You need to know the most used prefixes and suffixes of nouns. 

I want to say right away that the article will be long, so be patient and read it to the end.

Helpful advice: 

Be sure to learn all the words from this article, as they are selected from real assignments of past years, which were proposed for implementation on the exam in English. Work separately with each block, spelling out the words, even if they seem familiar to you. Remember that in assignments 26 — 31 along with your ability to form new words using various affixes, your spelling skills are assessed!

Education model: Verb + er = Noun

When adding a suffix — er to a verb or noun, a noun is formed, denoting a profession, occupation of a person, as well as the names of some objects:

To write — writer, to sing — singer, to drive — driver, to teach — teacher, to examine — examiner, to learn — learner, to build — builder, to loaf — loafer (quitter)

Trumpet — trumpeter (trumpeter), bank — banker (banker), finance — financier (financier)

To contain — container (container), to dust — duster (duster), to grate — grater (grater), to mix — mixer (mixer), to shake — shaker (shaker), to blend — blender (blender), to open — opener (can-opener)

Mince (minced meat) — mincer (meat grinder)

Exception:   to lie (lie) — LIAR   (liar / liar)

Education model:Verb + or = noun

When adding a suffix — or a noun denoting a profession, occupation of a person is formed to the verb (these are mainly nouns of Latin and French origin):

To act — actor (actor), to advise — advisor / —er (advisor, consultant), to animate — animator (animator), to conduct — conductor (conductor), to create — creator (creator), to decorate — decorator (decorator, painter, wallpaper passer), to direct — director (director, director), to educate — educator (teacher), to illustrate — illustrator (illustrator), to invent — inventor (inventor), to invest — investor (investor, contributor), to instruct — instructor (instructor), to translate — translator (translator), to sail — sailor (sailor), to visit — visitor (visitor), to conquer — coqueror (conqueror)

Here are some more nouns with the suffix or, to remember:

doctor, professionalor, sculptureor, sponsor, ancestor (ancestor), tutor, mentor (mentor)

Education model: Noun + ist = Noun

When adding a suffix  -ist a noun is formed to the noun, denoting a profession, occupation of a person:

art — art (artist), cello — cell (cellist), chemistry — chem (chemist, pharmacist), drama — dramat (playwright), ecology — ecolog (ecologist), economics — econom (economist), geology — geolog (geologist), genetics — genetic (geneticist), guitar — guitar (guitarist), journal — journal (journalist), medal — medal (medalist), meteorology — meteorolog (meteorologist), optimism — optim


Noun suffixes in English

how nouns are formed in English

Hello friends. There can be confusion between suffixes and endings in English (both are often called word endings), besides, English terminology in this matter is slightly different from Russian. Therefore, let’s start with the basic concepts.

The ending is an inflectional morpheme. It changes the form of a word, but not its meaning, and at the same time carries a grammatical load:

  • pencil — pencils (ending indicates plural)
  • work — worked (the ending indicates the elapsed time)

The suffix, in turn, is a derivational morpheme. Suffixes in English create new words, either by changing the meaning of the original one, or by converting one part of speech to another:

  • red — reddish (red — reddish)
  • teach — teacher (teach — teacher)

Remember these: adjectives characterizing a person

There are very few endings in English — these are -s (-es), -ed and -ing. There are a lot of suffixes in English. In this article, we will consider only the most common ones.

Noun suffixes

1. Suffix -er (-or)

1) This suffix is ​​used to form nouns from verbs (infinitive without to + -er, -or). A noun with such an ending denotes either a device that performs an action expressed by the verb from which it is formed, or a person performing this action.

  • to play — a player player
  • to read — a reader
  • to mix — a mixer mixer

If the verb ends in e, then only the letter r is appended, for example:

  • to make — a maker manufacturer
  • to use — a user user

It should be remembered that you often have to resort to a descriptive translation of nouns with the suffix -er, -or, for example:

  • to lift — a lifter lifting device
  • to read — a reader
  • to time (assign time, calculate by time) — and timer is a device that calculates time.

2. Suffix -ist

This is a very common suffix that forms nouns denoting professionals, supporters of a social or scientific direction. It can join nouns and adjectives.

3. Suffix -ian

Nouns with this suffix indicate nationality or rank and profession, for example:
Russian — Russian, academician — academician, musician — musician, Darwinian — Darwinist.

Words formed by attaching the suffix -ian can be translated by adjectives, for example: the Russian language — Russian

Neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution — Neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution.

Note! Nouns and adjectives denoting nationality are always written with a capital letter: Ukrainian, English, Russian, Polish, American.

4. Suffix -ity (spelling variants -ety, -iety)

forms abstract nouns with the meaning of state, quality, condition. The -ity suffix matches the -ity suffix, for example:

  • able — ability
  • active (active) — activity (activity, activity)
  • valid — validity

5. The suffix -ing forms nouns from verbs, for example:

  • to meet — meeting
  • to proceed — proceeding (practice, proceedings, notes (of a scientific society)

Note! Do not confuse nouns with the -ing ending with a participle and gerund

6. The suffix -hood forms nouns with the meaning «state, position, quality», for example:

  • child (child) — childhood (childhood)
  • man (man) — manhood (masculinity)

7. The suffix -ment forms nouns denoting action, for example:

  • to move — movement

Some words with this suffix take on the meaning of a collection of objects, for example:

8. The suffix -ness forms nouns with the meaning «state, quality», for example:

  • dark (dark) — darkness (darkness)
  • good (good) — goodness (kindness)
  • great (great) — greatness (greatness)

9. The suffix -у forms abstract nouns from verbs, for example:

  • to discover — discovery
  • to inquire (ask, find out) — inquiry (question, request)

10. The suffix -th forms nouns with the meaning of quality, for example:

  • true (true) — truth
  • health — (health)

By attaching the -th suffix, nouns are formed from adjectives, and often there is a change in the root vowel, for example:

  • long (long) — length (length)
  • deep — depth
  • strong — strength

11. The suffix -ant forms nouns with the meaning of person and substance, for example:

  • to assist — assistant assistant
  • to serve — servant
  • an oxidant (oxidizer), solvent (solvent)

12. The suffix -age forms nouns with different meanings, for example:

  • to break — breakage
  • to marry (to marry) — marriage (wedding)
  • courage (courage, courage, courage)

13. The -ism suffix is ​​common to many languages, for example:

  • Darwinism
  • romanticism
  • capitalism
  • vandalism

14. The suffix -ure (-ture, -sure) forms nouns denoting a process, for example:

  • to press — pressure
  • to mix — mixture

Many nouns formed with the help of these suffixes can have the meaning of the result of an action in the form of an object, substance, for example:

  • mixture — mixture, mixture;
  • fixture — fixture (detail).

15. The suffix -ship forms nouns with the meaning of state, position or property, for example:

  • friend — friendship
  • member — membership

Noun suffix table

Suffix MeaningSuffixExamples

The meaning of a person’s belonging to a political trend, profession or nationality -ist-an-ian (-n) -ean specialist (specialist), socialist (socialist), artist (artist) historian (historian), librarian (librarian), Italian (Italian) musician (musician), Iranian (Iranian), Brazilian (Brazilian) European (European)
The value of following doctrine, theory, political movement -ism capitalism (capitalism), heroism (heroism), socialism (socialism)
The meaning of the occupation or position of the actor -eg-or-ee-eer-ant (-ent) -ar-ard-ier teacher, driver, writer inventor, actor employee, referee auctioneer, mountaineer


The formation of nouns in English: the main ways of word formation and conversion, the principles of word composition with examples


Greetings to everyone who is learning English via Skype, and readers who just looked at the page. We continue our conversation about the noun and its features in English.

As in Russian, in English new words are formed in different ways. One of the most productive is the way of word formation using a suffix at the end of a word. There are basic noun suffixes in English, which we will now take a closer look at.

Basic noun suffixes in English

In order to form a noun from a verb, use suffixes -er, -or… In this case, the resulting noun will denote a person who performs the action conveyed by this verb, or a device or device associated with this action.

Suffix -ian indicates national or professional affiliation, as well as rank.

  • Parallels can be drawn between English suffix -ity and Russian -ost.
  • examples:
  • to play (play) — and player (player);
  • Russian (Russian), musician (musician);
  • active — activity.
  • The following noun suffixes in English are — suffix -mentmeaning action, and suffix -nеssconveying state or quality.
  • examples:
  • to move — movement;
  • dark (dark) — darkness (darkness).

Some of the most common noun suffixes in English are suffixes -ure (-ture, -sure)… They can also denote a process.

  1. examples:
  2. culture [‘kl] (culture), lecture [‘ lek] (lecture);
  3. to press — pressure [‘pre] (pressure).
  4. And finally, with the help suffix -ship property or state is passed:


Despite the fact that noun suffixes in English are the main way of word formation, one cannot but mention such a method as conversion.

This method differs in that when new words are formed in another part of speech, the form of the word does not change and derivational elements, such as suffixes, are absent.

For example, the noun work first appeared, from which the verb to work was derived. Or, for example, from the adjective wet (moisture) came the verb to wet (to moisten).

In the text, such words are difficult to immediately refer to a specific part of speech. First, it is necessary to determine what are the functional features of the word and which member of the sentence it is. The prepositions and articles surrounding him are also important.


The result of the match was 1: 0 to England. (Here result is a noun in the subject function, there is an article);

Heavy rains result in floods. (Here result is a verb in a predicate function).

In dictionaries, the entire palette of meanings of a word is always given, if it can act as a noun, and an adjective, and a verb. Therefore, for speed of translation, in order not to read the entire explanatory part, it is necessary, first of all, to determine which part of speech in the sentence the word is, based on its function and context, and only then to select the best translation option in the dictionary.


LESS suffix in English

Details Karina Galchenko

: 19 March 2016


: 5/5

It is not always possible to use a dictionary or just quickly remember a suitable word. In such situations (and not only in them), knowledge of suffixes and prefixes will help out. For example, the suffix less in English corresponds to Russian prefixes without-, without-, not-. This is what you need when you need to form a negative word from one that you already know well.

The less suffix in English and its meaning

It is believed that the suffix less in English is part of adjectives. If you look into the dictionary, then less is «something insignificant or insignificant», «less». As a rule, less is added to a noun (or to a verb) and thanks to this metamorphosis, an adjective with a negative meaning is formed. That is, the scheme is as follows:

For example, you need to use the word «carefree» in your speech. You don’t know the English equivalent, but remember the word «care». It is a noun, that is, you can safely add a negative suffix to care and you get what you need — «careless» (translated as «carefree»). Learn to use the less suffix in English without having to look into the dictionary.

English words with the less suffix. Examples of

Pay attention to the following English words with the less suffix… Many of them are used quite often in speech. For convenience, the first column lists the nouns from which the new word is formed using less.

noun adjective translations
hope hopeless hope is hopeless
use useless useless


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For knowledge of a foreign language, a wealth of vocabulary is no less important than an understanding of grammar. The more words a person speaks, the freer he feels in a foreign language environment.

The variety of vocabulary is largely determined by the richness of word formation in the English language. The construction of new words is based on general principles. And the one who knows these principles feels much more confident among unfamiliar vocabulary.

The structure of the word and its change

New words are learned gradually. Most often, at first we only understand them in texts or someone else’s speech, and only then we begin to actively use them in ours. Therefore, mastering new vocabulary is a long process and requires patience from the student, active practice of reading, listening and working with a dictionary.

One of the methods to quickly expand your vocabulary is to master the ways of word formation in English. Having understood the principles by which words are built, it is possible to derive the meanings of its cognate words from an already known word.

The building blocks for every word are the root, prefixes and suffixes. The root is the part of the word that carries the main meaning. A word cannot exist without a root. Whereas prefixes and suffixes are an optional part, however, when added to the root, it is they that help form new words. Therefore, when describing word formation in English, we will separate prefix and suffix methods.

All prefixes and suffixes have their own meaning. It is usually quite blurry and serves to change the basic meaning of the word. When a prefix or suffix (or both) is added to the root, their value is added to the root value. This is how a new word turns out.

The formation of new words can lead not only to a change in meaning, but also to change parts of speech. Suffixes are more common in this function. By adding to the root, they translate a word from one part of speech to another, for example, they make an adjective from a verb or a verb from a noun.

So, from one root a whole group can be formed, all the elements of which are interconnected. Therefore, word formation helps learners of English to see the semantic relationships between words and better navigate the variety of vocabulary.

You can get a new word not only through prefixes and suffixes. Another way is compounding, in which two roots are combined into one word, forming a new meaning. In addition, word formation includes the reduction of words and the creation of abbreviations.

Prefixes as a way of word formation in English

A prefix (the term «prefix» is also used) is an element of a word that is placed before the root. Prefix word formation is rarely used by the English language to change parts of speech (as an exception, the prefix «en-» / «em-» for the formation of verbs can be called). But prefixes are actively used to change the meaning of a word. The prefixes themselves can have different meanings, but among them there is a large group of prefixes with a similar function: to change the meaning of a word to the opposite.

1. Prefixes with negative values:

  • un-: unpredictable (unpredictable), unable (unable)
  • dis-: disapproval, disconnection


Suffixes in English — Learn All

There can be confusion between suffixes and endings in English (both are often called word endings), besides, English terminology in this matter is slightly different from Russian. Therefore, let’s start with the basic concepts.

The ending is an inflectional morpheme. It changes the form of a word, but not its meaning, and at the same time carries a grammatical load:

  • pencil — pencils (ending indicates plural)
  • work — worked (the ending indicates the elapsed time)

The suffix, in turn, is a derivational morpheme. Suffixes in English create new words, either by changing the meaning of the original one, or by converting one part of speech to another:

  • red — reddish (red — reddish)
  • teach — teacher (teach — teacher)

There are very few endings in English — these are -s (-es), -ed and -ing. There are a lot of suffixes in English. In this article, we will consider only the most common ones.

Profession and occupation suffixes (-er, -ent, -ess)

The -er suffix is ​​perhaps the most common and productive for «doers.» With it, you can form a noun from almost any verb.

  • write> writer — write> writer
  • bake> baker — oven> baker
  • paint> painter — paint> painter

Most modern words denoting the performer of an action are formed precisely with his help. This also applies to inanimate objects.

  • printer — printer
  • scanner — scanner

Many words that come from French and Latin have the -or suffix:

  • doctor — doctor
  • tailor — tailor
  • actor — actor

The English suffix -ist often denotes an activity related to science and medicine:

  • scientist — scientist
  • dentist — dentist
  • biologist — biologist

It also denotes an adherent of any views and beliefs:

  • pacifist — pacifist
  • communist — communist
  • realist — realist

Other suffixes in English of words of Latin and Greek origin:

Suffix -ian:

  • musician — musician
  • librarian — librarian
  • mathematician — mathematician

Suffix -ent:

  • student — student
  • resident — resident, resident
  • agent — agent

Suffix -ant:

  • informant — informant
  • assistant — assistant
  • confidant — confidant

The -ess suffix is ​​one of the few «feminine» suffixes in English:

  • waitress — waitress
  • actress — actress
  • princess — princess

Process, action, phenomenon suffixes (-ment, -ion, -ism)

The suffix in English -ment is needed when forming verbal nouns and means an action or its result:

  • movement — movement
  • entertainment — entertainment
  • concealment — concealment

The -ion suffix also denotes an action, process, or result of that process:

  • revolution — revolution
  • isolation — isolation
  • restriction — restriction

The suffix -ism denotes a system of views, beliefs:

  • racism — racism
  • communism — communism
  • pacifism — pacifism

State, quality, property suffixes (-ance / -ence, -dom, -hood, -ity, -ness, -ship, -th)

The -ance / -ence suffix in a noun usually matches the -ant / -ent suffix in an adjective:

  • different — difference
  • important — importance (important — importance)
  • independent — independence

The suffixes in English -hood and -ship mean a person’s condition associated with his age, social relations, and sometimes activity; or a group of people united by this state.

  • childhood — childhood
  • motherhood — motherhood
  • priesthood — clergy
  • friendship — friendship
  • internship — internship, internship

The suffix -dom means states and properties of a broader meaning:

  • freedom — freedom
  • wisdom — wisdom
  • martyrdom — Martyrdom

The suffix in English -ness means possession of some quality and serves to form nouns from adjectives:

  • kindness — kindness
  • usefulness — usefulness
  • vastness — vastness

The -th suffix more often means physical properties:

  • strength — strength
  • length — length
  • warmth — warm

The suffix -ity means property, quality, and is common for words of Latin origin:

  • brevity — brevity
  • velocity — speed
  • purity — purity

Adjective suffixes

The suffix -ful in English means possession of quality (and is related to the adjective full — «full»):

  • beautiful — beautiful
  • useful — useful

The -less suffix is ​​opposite in meaning to the previous one and means lack of quality:

  • careless — carefree
  • harmless — harmless

The suffix -able, -ible characterizes the property or accessibility for any action:

  • edible — edible
  • portable — portable, portable
  • admirable — admirable

The suffixes -ic and -al mean «related, related»:

  • heroic — heroic
  • mythic — mythical
  • cultural — cultural
  • musical — musical

The -ous suffix also carries a characteristic:

  • dangerous — dangerous
  • nutritious — nutritious

The English suffix -ish has several meanings:

expresses similarity (in terms of appearance, behavior)

  • girlish — girlish
  • childich — childish, childish
  • foolish — stupid

weakens the meaning of an adjective

  • reddish — reddish
  • narrowish — narrowish

means nationality, language or country

  • English — English
  • Swedish — Swedish

The suffix -ive means possession of a property, the ability:

  • attractive — attractive
  • sedative — sedative

The English suffix -y is used to form many simple adjectives:

  • rainy — rainy
  • dirty — dirty
  • sunny — sunny

Vertex suffixes

Verb suffixes are not so diverse and almost all have the meaning of «doing something» or «becoming something.»

Suffix -ate

  • motivate — to motivate
  • activate — activate

Suffix -en

  • lengthen — lengthen
  • strengthen — strengthen

Suffix -ify

  • verify — confirm
  • clarify — to clarify

Suffix -ize, -ise

  • visualize — render
  • neutralize — neutralize

Adverb suffix

Adverbs are formed with just one suffix in English -ly:

  • loudly — loudly
  • beautifully — beautifully
  • politely — politely

We read further:

10 ways to tell an adjective from an adverb in English

What are the types of sentences in English

5 simple rules for word order in English

Adverb, know your place!


Methods of forming nouns in English

How to replenish vocabulary more than 3 times without memorizing? Adopt this method and — voila! Vocabulary enlarged before our eyes.
This method is word formation. How does this work for nouns?

Briefly — about the main thing Usually the topic is studied indefinitely. There is a more effective method: covering the entire «puzzle» at a time. Seeing a clear picture, you can easily refine the little things without negativity.

So, the formation of nouns in English assumes skills:

  1. convert a noun from a verb and vice versa;
  2. use affixes;
  3. put a different emphasis;
  4. replace the consonant at the root;
  5. form compound words.

Many do not assume how many words they ALREADY know. They simply do not know how to use this wealth competently.
Having learned 5 skills, you can refer to the dictionary just to check it.

1. Conversion

Nouns in English are related to verbs in an interesting way: they can be the same word. This method is called  conversion… This is the first skill. Using it, it is easy to guess about the translation of 60% of English words. Moreover, verbs can be converted not only into nouns, but also into adjectives.

The examples below will help you understand the phenomenon of conversion.

Example: love = to love / love.  

Verb convergent word noun

dream, dream dream dream
call name name, title
lift up lift lift, lift
to send email mail
milk milk milk
pour water water
mind mind mind, opinion

Many are embarrassed that in translation into Russian, both words are not the same root. But the language is different.
It’s funny, but the British created it for themselves! For native speakers, these are absolutely identical words: to milk — milk (milk), to name — name (name — name).

2. Affixation

This «scary» word means suffixes plus prefixes. All prefixes are of two types: negative and significant.
Acquaintance with negative ones has already taken place through borrowing: dysfunction, antispam, deflation. Significant — different in meaning, but amenable to logic.


2 groups of prefixes will allow you to find the meaning of a word by context without a dictionary. If you learn the meaning of each prefix separately, the brain starts to panic, it looks for the right algorithm. It takes time, and speech slows down.

And most importantly, the desire to study the language at all disappears.

Example: everyone knows the prefixes «dis-«, «de-«, «anti-«. But for some reason they do not notice them in English!
An important detail: most negative prefixes of nouns work with verbs.  

Negative prefixes

Console Examples
anti- Antistress, antipode, antispam.
dis- Disharmony, disqualification.
de- Depiction, departure.
mis- Misfortune, misunderstanding.
as- Sedition, separation.
not- Nonconformist, nonstop.

Significant prefixes

Most are present in their native language, in borrowings.

You can check the skill of forming nouns in English using a dictionary, but after an independent attempt.
For example, form words: disqualification, pseudoscience, professional, extraordinary, hyperactive, and others. Such training is enjoyable and helps to understand the language.

Attachment type Examples of prefixes
involvement Anti-, co-, con-, contra-, vice-.


Plural of nouns. Exceptions

The plural of nouns in English is formed by adding -s (except for special cases — if a word ends in O, Y, a hissing or hissing sound — we considered the rules in the previous article). But there are words in the English language, the plural form of which is not formed according to the rules — they just need to be remembered. 

Man — men

This pair will bring the most difficulties to the Russian-speaking student. It is quite difficult for us to distinguish the difference between the sounds e and æ by ear — in Russian there is no sound æ. But don’t let this seem strange to you: in English, for example, there is no sound s. For an English-speaking person, the words «husband» and «mouse» sound the same.

Marvelous? Likewise, you surprise your English-speaking friends when you do not distinguish between where is man and where is men.
So, let’s try to figure it out. The sound e (the one in the words men, bed, pen — men, bed and pen) is closest to our E, for example, in the word «this».

The sound æ (the words man, bad, pan — man, bad and frying pan) is a cross between our E and A — take a closer look: even the icon that denotes the transcription consists of connected a and e.

«Twelve angry men»- is a brilliant movie about a Mon who was brave enough to doubt. «Twelve Angry Men» a brilliant film about a man who dared to doubt.

Woman — women

Everything is simple here — these two words are pronounced completely differently, it remains only to learn their pronunciation.

Women can see breasts anytime they want. You just look down, and there they are. How do you get any work done is beyond me. (Friends)

Child — children

Another exception to remember. Although, this word has been encountered so many times in various places that it is simply impossible not to remember it.

I music — from «Child In Time «by Deep Purple to»Children«By Robert Miles.

Person — people (person people)

Usually beginners bypass the word person — and in those cases when it is necessary to use the word “person”, they simply use “man”, for example, “every man knows that”. Not that you will not be understood, but this is not accepted. Or even more fun, «You are a good man, Sarah.»

Man is exactly a man, and women can take offense at such a remark — from “and we, they say, are they not people or something” to “who is this man here”. It is for such cases that the neutral word person exists.

Which in the plural becomes such a close and native word «people», in the sense of people.

Tooth — teeth

The next two exceptions are related to body parts. Let’s start with the teeth. One tooth is a tooth, several are teeth.

Foot — feet

Do not forget that the foot is not only a part of the body, but also a measure of length. And although it sounds to us like a unit of measurement from adventure novels and westerns, in America it is used all the time. It is equal, as you might guess, to the length of the average foot, i.e. about 30 cm.

Mouse — mice

A few more exceptions are the names of animals. Many people remember Mickey Mouse. Mouse is not a surname, it is who he is — a mouse, mouse. But you could hear the plural of this noun if you are not indifferent to American prose — by the title of Steinbeck’s novel «Of mice and men» (About mice and men).

I suspect a tricky question: what about computer mice? Computer mice or computer mouses? Even native speakers have not yet come to a common opinion — dictionaries allow both forms.

Sheep — sheep

And also a ram — rams — in English, animals of both sexes are called so.
There is little confusion in the English language between sheep — ship, with these long and short vowels, and also with the plural. It’s not an easy story. So you will count sheep before bed — be careful: one sheep, two sheep, three sheep.

How many sheep does it take to knit a sweater? Don’t be silly — sheep can’t knit!

Fish — fish, and sometimes fishes

Another exception — this time from the water element. One fish — one fish, five fish — five fish. As for the form of choosing between fish and fishes, fish is for fish of the same species, fishes for fish of different species. Please note that this fact is not known to all carriers, be prepared to be corrected if you say «While scuba diving I saw several fishes» (When I scuba dived I saw different types of fish).


Formation of nouns in English: suffixes, prefixes, etc.

To do it right assignments 26 — 31 from section «Grammar and Vocabulary» on the Unified State Exam in English, You need to know the most used prefixes and suffixes of nouns. 

I want to say right away that the article will be long, so be patient and read it to the end.

Possessive form in English

In order to make English speech more literate and get rid of the use of cumbersome verbal constructions, it is necessary to pay attention to studying the section on the possessive forms of the various parts of speech.

What does it do?

These elements help to designate the belonging of an object to a particular subject. It is noteworthy that the possessive case most often refers to words in animate form in the singular or plural, but there are cases of combination with inanimate objects.

Lexical units

1. Possessive nouns.

2. Possessive adjectives.

3. Possessive pronouns.

It is quite simple to identify the last two groups: such words answer the questions “whose?”, “Whose?”, “Whose?” or «whose?»

so many questions!

Below we will take a closer look at each of them in the form of structured tables of possessive forms of nouns, adjectives and pronouns in English.

How are possessive nouns formed?

The ending «-‘s» or the special apostrophe «‘» helps to transform the word in this case. The choice depends on the specific word. Let’s take a look at the various options using examples.

Ending «-‘s»

Used when working with proper nouns (Kate’s phone), singular (grandmother’s birthday) and plural nouns, when they do not contain the morphemes «-s» and «-es» (people’s expectations, children’s behavior).

Please note that if the described object belongs to several subjects at the same time, the ending must be added to the last of the listed ones. For example: Julia and Jack’s car — Julia and Jack’s car. In the event that they include different objects that are not related to each other, the ending must be attached to each word.

For example: Julia’s and Jack’s cars — Julia’s and Jack’s cars. When working with phrases, «-‘s» must be added to the last word included in the construction.

Apostrophe «‘»

serves to form possessive nouns in the plural with the ending «-s» (girls’ dresses, students’ books), the singular with the endings «-s» and «-ss» (actress’ films) and foreign names ending in » -s «,» -z «and» -x «(James’ coat).

Interesting use cases for the possessive form

  • The apostrophe and the ending «-‘s» are also integrated with words expressing a large group of people, company or locality: company’s secret, nation’s language, Moscow’s views.
  • In addition, the authors of scientific works actively operate with elements when describing the details of mechanisms and structures: car’s engine.
  • This also includes the description of the unique objects of nature (the moon’s satellite), or those that lend themselves to the literary reception of personification (the sea’s spirit).
  • Use an apostrophe and an ending to indicate a time range or unit: tomorrow’s lesson, three mile’s distance.
  • The possessive is often found in the names of major holidays: Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day.
  • There are a large number of persistent expressions using constructs like this:

Most frequently used!

Possessive pronouns and adjectives

This lexical group is divided into two components: attachable and absolute constructions.

What form is used with a noun?

What is the difference? The attached constructions (adjectives) can only be used in combination with the corresponding nouns: my glasses, your smile, her hair. Absolute (pronouns), in turn, serve to replace these nouns and avoid the tautology: My bag is bigger than yours — in this case, it is clear that we are talking about a bag and no additional clarification is required.


1. The adjective «its» does not have an apostrophe. If you come across the word «it’s» — this is not a possessive form, but a contraction of the pronoun and verb in English «it is».

2. Unlike Russian, personal possessive and demonstrative pronouns cannot be used in English at the same time. The sentence «This my classmate» will be fundamentally incorrect, since two qualifiers will refer to one noun at once.

Useful Tips

To make it easier to remember the order of converting words, complete assignments and tests for the rules of possessive pronouns, nouns and adjectives in English for children and adults, which can be found at the following links:

1.http: //


Word formation. Noun suffixes in English (grade 9)

This is a lesson from the cycle «Word formation in English»  and in it we will consider the common noun suffixes: -er / or, -tion, -ing, -ness, -ence / ance (5). Exercises on word formation of a noun will help you understand how nouns are formed in English using suffixes, as well as prepare for English exams in the form of the OGE and USE.

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Basic noun suffixes in English (grade 9)

Remember 5 main noun suffixes. 

  1. er / or (worker)
  2. tion (informaproduction)
  3. ing (reading)
  4. ness (happyness)
  5. ence / ance (difference)

Next, let’s dwell in more detail on each of them.

1. Suffixes of nouns formed from a verb

  1. -er / or (doer suffix) dance — dancer work — workercollect — collector

    invent — inventor

  2. -tion (process suffix) collect — collection

    invent — invention

  3. -ingsuffer — suffering warn — warning

    mean — meaning

Remember three suffixes -er (-or), -tion, -ing, with the help of which nouns are formed from the verb.

2. Suffixes of nouns formed from an adjective

  1. -nessill — illness

    kind — kindness

  2. -ance / -ence (corresponding adjectives have suffixes: -ant / -ent) important — importance

    different — difference

Remember two suffixes: -ness, -ence (ance), with the help of which nouns are formed from an adjective.

Suffixes of nouns in English. Exercises

 Suffixes -ness & -tion Are the most common noun suffixes.
Exercise 1. Suffix -ness. Translate these nouns and indicate the adjectives from which they are derived.

foolishness, happiness, seriousness, illness, readiness, richness, strangeness, carelessness, whiteness, cleverness, greatness, brightness



Formation of adjectives in English

The formation of adjectives in English is a rather important and interesting topic. Of course, you can speak English at a fairly high level without going into such details, but such information will not be superfluous.

As in Russian, English adjectives can be derived from other parts of speech. These are usually verbs and nouns. Adjectives are formed using suffixes and prefixes. So, first things first.

Formation of English adjectives using prefixes

Prefixes, or prefixes, are added at the beginning of a word and change its meaning. Usually they change the meaning of the adjective to the opposite, negative. A few examples:

  • un— (unlucky)
  • in— (invisible)
  • dis— (discontent)
  • il— (illegal)
  • ir— (irrational)
  • im— (immovable)

There are several prefixes that change the meaning of a word, but without a negative meaning:

  • pre— (pre-emptive)
  • hyper— (hypertensive, hyperactive)

Formation of English adjectives using suffixes

There are a lot of varieties of English adjectives formed in the suffix way. As an example, there is a picture with the main suffixes, as well as a few examples of words.

  • ful (wonderful, graceful)
  • less (pointless, careless)
  • able (vulnerable, tolerable)
  • ible (terrible, permissible)
  • ant (pleasant, hesitant)
  • ent (different, patient)
  • ic (scientific, iconic)
  • ive (active, impressive)
  • y (angry, dirty)
  • ing (interesting, worrying)
  • ed (confused, excited)
  • al (general, typical)
  • (i) an (Victorian, American)
  • You reprise the theme of the  (gorgeous, famous)
  • ish (childish, Irish)

There is also a classification of English adjectives according to the parts of speech from which they are derived. Adjectives can be formed from nouns, verbs, as well as from other adjectives using various suffixes and prefixes, examples of which have already been considered. The very form of the word may also change. For example, the adjective long is formed from the noun length with a change at the root of the word.


B2 First: use of English part 3 (word formation with height and length)

The word formation part of the B2 First use of English exam sometimes includes the noun or verb form of adjectives such as short, wide and dark. Here is a list of some of the more common adjectives and their forms.

Look at the information in the table for a few minutes and try to remember the words. Then click below to hide the information and try to answer the questions at the bottom.

Adjective Noun Verb
deep depth deepen
high height heighten
weight weigh
wide width widen
long length lengthen
short shortage (= not enough) shorten
large enlargement enlarge
low lower
tight tightness tighten
loose looseness loosen
strong strength strengthen
weak weakness weaken
dark darkness
bright brightness brighten

Note: other, less common, forms of these words do exist (for example weighty — adjective, meaning heavier than expected or serious, or shortness — noun, usually in the expression ‘shortness of breath’). However, I have tried to give the more common or useful forms of the words where possible. 

Practice 1: word formation (use of English part 3)

Write the correct form of the word in brackets to complete these sentences.

Practice 2: more word formation

Write the correct form of the word in brackets to complete these sentences.

  1. 1

    to want something very much

    long to do something:

    She longed to see him again.

    long for:

    It was freezing outside, and Marcia longed for a hot drink.

    This was the excitement that she had secretly longed for.

    long for someone to do something:

    I was tired and was longing for her to leave.

    Synonyms and related words

    To want something




    Explore Thesaurus

    1. 1a

      literaryto want to be with someone who you love, especially when this is not likely to happen soon

      Synonyms and related words

      To love or like a person


      care for


      Explore Thesaurus

нетрудоспособность able
способный, умелый
искалеченный; инвалид enable
дать возможность
делать неспособным, калечить ably
умело, искусно absurdity
абсурдность absurd
абсурдный acceptability
приемлемость acceptable
неприемлемый accept
принимать, соглашаться access
доступность accessible
доступный accessibly
доступно accident
случай, случайность accidental
случайный accidentally
нечаянно, случайно action
представление active
действующий, работающей act
действовать actively
активно achievement
достижение achieve
достигать addiction
привычка, приверженность, увлеченность
увлеченный человек, имеющий стойкую привычку addictive
способный вызывать привычку addict
увлекаться, предаваться admiration
восхищение admirable
восхитительный admire
восхищаться admirably
восхитительно advice
совет advisable
рекомендуемый advise
советовать affectation
притворство, искусственность
привязанность, любовь affected
эмоциональный affect
воздействовать, влиять; притворяться agreement
соглашение, согласие
разногласие, несогласие agreeable
соответствующий, приятный agree
не соглашаться agreeably
соответственно aggression
агрессору зачинщик aggressive
агрессивный aggress
нападать aggressively
агрессивно aim
цель aimless
бесцельный aim
целиться, намереваться aimlessly
бесцельно affordable
то, что может быть позволено
то, что невозможно себе позволить afford
позволять себе amusement
развлечение amused
приятно изумленный
забавный amuse
развлекать, забавлять amusedly
изумленно appearance
внешность; появление
исчезновение appear
исчезать appointment
назначение; деловая встреча
разочарование, досада appointed
разочаровывающий appoint
разочаровывать approval
одобрение approved
одобрительный approve
одобрять approvingly
одобрительно arrangement
соглашение; расположение arranged
приведенный в порядок arrange
приводить в порядок, организовывать argument
аргумент, довод
аргументация arguable
доказуемый (в споре)
спорный, конфликтный argue
утверждать, спорить, ссориться argumentatively
доказательно appropriation
присвоение; ассигнование appropriate
подходящий, соответствующий
несоответствущий, неуместный appropriate
присваивать, предназначать appropriately
соответственно, подходяще arrival
прибытие arrive
прибывать, приезжать attraction
притяжение, привлекательность attracted
привлекательный attract
привлекать attractively
привлекательно avoidance
избежание, отмена avoidable
то, чего можно избежать
неизбежный avoid
избегать unavoidably
неизбежно beauty
красота; красавица beautiful
красивый beautify
украшать beautifully
красиво bearing
роды bearable
сносный, допустимый
невыносимый bear
носить; терпеть unbearably
невыносимо belief
вера believable
вероятный, правдоподобный
невероятный believe
верить benefit
выгода beneficial
выгодный benefit
получать выгоду bore
скука bored
испытывающий скуку
скучный, надоедливый bore
надоедать boringly
скучно breath
дыхание, дуновение
короткая передышка breathing
бездыханный breathe
дышать breathlessly
затаив дыхание business
деловой мужчина
деловая женщина busy
деловой, практичный busy
занимать делом busily
деловито, по-деловому саrе
забота, уход careful
небрежный саrе
заботиться, любить carefully
небрежно celebration
знаменитость celebrated
знаменитый, прославленный celebrate
праздновать, прославлять certainty
неопределенность, неуверенность certain
неопределенный certainly
определенно, уверенно change
изменение; мелочь, сдача changeable
не изменившийся change
менять; обменивать(ся) changelessly
неизменно character
характер characteristic
характерный, типичный characterise
характеризовать choice
выбор choosy
разборчивый choose
выбирать child
дети childish
детский; ребяческий clearance
очистка; устранение препятствий clear
четкий, ясный clear
очищать, расчищать clearly
четко, ясно cloud
облако cloudy
безоблачный collection
собрание; коллекция
сборщик collective
коллективный, совокупный collect
собирать; коллекционировать colony
колония colonial
колониальный colonise / colonize
колонизировать colour
цвет colourful
разноцветный colour
раскрашивать comfort
комфорт; утешение
беспокойство; неудобство comfortable
удобный, комфортабельный
неудобный comfort
утешать, успокаивать comfortably
неудобно community
община, общество communal
общественный, коллективный communication
коммуникатор, переговорщик communicative
использующийся в общении; коммуникативный communicate
сообщать; общаться comparison
сравнение compared
сравнительный compare
сравнивать comparatively
сравнительно, относительно competition
соревнование; конкуренция
конкурент, соперник competitive
соревновательный compete
соревноваться, конкурировать competitively
в форме соревнования, конкуренции completion
завершение, окончание completed
полный, завершенный
неполный, назавершенный complete
заканчивать, завершать completely
полностью congratulation
поздравление congratulate
поздравлять connection
соединение, объединение connected
связанный, соединенный connect
разъединять consideration
внимание; рассмотрение, обсуждение considerable
внимательный, деликатный, тактичный
неосмотрительный; невнимательный к другим consider
считать, полагать; рассматривать considerably
значительно conscience
совесть conscientious
совестливый, добросовестный
бессовестный conscientiously
добросовестно consciousness
сознание conscious
без сознания consciously
сознательно, осознанно consultation
консультант consulting
консультирующий consult
консультировать container
вместилище, контейнер containing
содержащий contain
содержать, вмещать continuity
непрерывность continuous
продолжающийся, длящийся continue
продолжать continuously
непрерывно control
управление, руководство controllable
поддающийся управлению
неподдающийся управлению
неуправляемый control
управлять, регулировать uncontrollably
бесконтрольно conviction
убеждение convincing
убежденный convince
убеждать convincingly
убедительно cook
плита, духовка over-cooked
недоваренный cook
готовить еду correction
корректор correct
неправильный correct
исправлять correctly
правильно counter
бухгалтер countable
неисчисляемый count
считать uncountably
немеряно, без счета courage
храбрость courageous
обескураженный encourage
приободрять, поддерживать
отговаривать, обескураживать courageously
смело, храбро creation
творец, создатель
творение; живое существо creative
творческий create
создавать, творить creatively
творчески credit
вера, доверие credible
вероятный, заслуживающий доверия
невероятный credibly
невероятно critic
критика critical
критический; переломный; рискованный criticise
критиковать critically
критично, критически cultivation
культивация, обработка cultivated
культивированный, обработанный cultivate
обрабатывать culture
культура cultured
культурный, воспитанный
культурный (как часть культуры) culturally
культурно cure
лекарство; лечение curable
неизлечимый cure
вылечивать, исцелять incurably
неизлечимо danger
опасность dangerous
опасный endanger
угрожать dangerously
опасно day
день daily
ежедневный daily
ежедневно deception
обман, заблуждение deceptive
обманчивый, лживый deceive
обманывать deceitfully
обманчиво, предательски decision
решение decided
определенный, явный
нерешительный, неясный
решительный, убежденный, убедительный decide
решать, принимать решение decisively
решительно, определенно definition
определение definite
четкий, определенный
неопределенный define
определять, давать определение definitely
определенно, ясно
нечетко, неопределенно delight
восторг, наслаждение delightful
польщенный delight
восхищаться delightfully
с восторгом delivery
доставка, поставка delivered
доставленный deliver
доставлять dependence
независимость dependent
независимый depend
зависеть independently
независимо depression
депрессия, подавленность depressive
депрессивный, вызывающий депрессию
подавленный depress
подавлять description
описание descriptive
описательный, наглядный describe
описывать design
проект, дизайн
дизайнер, проектировщик design
проектировать desire
желание, стремление desirable
желательный, желаемый
нежелательный desire
желать, стремиться desirably
желательно destruction
разрушение destroyed
разрушенный destroy
разрушать, уничтожать determination
решительность; определение determined
решительный determine
решать, определять development
разработчик developed
неразвитый develop
развивать(ся) dying
умирающий die
умирать difference
разница, различие
безразличие different
другой, отличающийся
безразличный differ
отличаться differently
с безразличием disturbance
тревога, беспокойство; нарушение тишины, порядка disturbed
беспокоящий disturb
беспокоить, мешать doubt
сомнение doubtful
бесспорный doubt
сомневаться doubfully
с сомнением
не сомневаясь
без сомнения ease
легкость, свобода
болезнь easy
неловкий, тревожный ease
облегчать, ослаблять easily
неловко economy
хозяйство economic
экономный economise
экономить economically
экономически; экономно educator
воспитатель, педагог
образование educated
образовательный educate
воспитывать, давать образование effect
следствие, результат
эффективность effective
эффективный, действующий effect
производить, выполнять effectively
эффективно, действенно electricity
электрик electric
электрический electrify
электрифицировать empire
император empire
empiric / empirical
исходящий из опыта, эмпирический employment
служба, работа
наниматель, работодатель
работающий по найму employed
нанятый, занятый
безработный employ
нанимать end
конец, окончание endless
нескончаемый end
конец, окончание endlessly
бесконечно environment
окружающая среда environmental
природный entertainment
развлечение entertaining
развлекательный entertain
развлекать enthusiasm
энтузиазм, восторг
энтузиаст, восторженный человек enthusiastic
восторженный enthusiastically
с восторгом equipment
оборудование equipped
снаряженный, оборудованный equip
снаряжать essence
сущность essential
главный, основной essentially
главным образом examination / exam
экзамен; медосмотр examined
проэкзаменованный; осмотренный врачом examine
экзаменовать; осматривать excitement
возбуждение, волнение exciting
возбужденный, взволнованный excite
возбуждать, волновать excitedly
взволнованно, возбужденно expectation
ожидание, предчувствие expected
неожиданный expect
ожидать, предчувствовать expence(s)
расход(ы), затраты expensive
недорогой expend
тратить, расходовать expensively
дорого experience
опыт, опытность
эксперимент experienced
эспериментальный experience
испытывать explosion
взрывчатое вещество explosive
взрывчатый explode
взрываться expression
выражение expressive
выразительный express
выражать expressively
выразительно extent
пространство, степень extended
обширный extend
простираться, тянуться extensively
обширно, протяженно extreme
крайняя степень, крайность extreme
крайний, чрезвычайный extremely
крайне fascination
очарование, обаяние fascinating
очарованный fascinate
очаровывать fairness
справедливость; порядочность fair
порядочный, справедливый
несправедливый fairly
справедливо, честно; довольно-таки finance
финансы financial
финансовый finance
финансировать financially
финансово firmness
твердость firm
твердый affirm
утверждать firmly
твердо fitness
физическая форма, физическое состояние fit
находящийся в хорошей форме; подходящий
неподходящий fit
подгонять, подстраивать following
следующий follow
следовать fool
глупыш, дурак foolish
глупый fool
обманывать foolishly
глупо forgettable
забытый forget
забывать forgiveness
прощение forgiving
непростительный forgive
прощать forgivingly
с прощением fortune
судьба, счастье; богатство, состояние fortunate
несчастный fortunately
к счастью
к сожалению freedom
свобода free
свободный; бесплатный freely
свободно frequency
частота frequent
частый frequent
часто посещать frequently
часто friend
дружелюбие friendly
дружеский, дружелюбный
недружеский in a friendly way / manner
дружелюбно fright
страх, испуг frightful
пугающий frighten
пугать, устрашать frightfully
страшно; испуганно generosity
щедрость generous
щедрый generously
щедро gentleman
джентльмен gentle
мягкий, нежный gently
мягко, нежно ghost
привидение, призрак ghostly
похожий на привидение grass
трава grassy
травяной habit
привычка, обычай
естественная среда
жилище, обиталище habitual
привычный habituate
приучать habitually
обычно hand
рука; рабочий
горсть handy
удобный (для использования)
изготовленный вручную hand
вручать happiness
несчастье happy
несчастный happily
несчастливо harm
вред harmful
безвредный harm
повредить, навредить harmfully
вредно health
здоровье healthy
нездоровый home
дом, жилище homeless
бездомный honour
честь honourable
почетный honour
почитать, чтить honourably
почетно hope
оптимизм, надежда hopeful
безнадежный hope
надеяться hopefully
с надеждой humanity
человечество human
гуманитарный humour
юмор humorous
юмористический humorously
с юмором hurry
спешка hurrying
торопливый, спешащий
торопливый hurry
торопиться hurriedly
торопливо ice
лед icy
ледяной importance
важность important
незначительный importantly
важно impression
впечатление impressed
безучастный impress
производить впечатление impressively
впечатляюще improvement
улучшение improved
улучшенный improve
улучшать impulse
толчок, побуждение impulsive
импульсивный impulsively
импульсивно incident
несчастный случай; конфликт, инцидент incidental
случайный incidentally
случайно increase
рост, увеличение increasing
растущий increase
увеличивать(ся) increasingly
с ростом industry
промышленность industrial
трудолюбивый. усердный industrialise
индустриализовать industrially
в промышленном отношении information
сообщение, информация
формальность informed
знающий, хорошо информированный
неверно информированный
формальный, официальный
неофициальный inform
неверно сообщать; дезинформировать informationally
информационно intensity
интенсивность intensive
интенсивный intensify
интенсифицировать intensively
интенсивно interest
интерес interested
интересный interest
интересовать inventor
изобретение inventive
изобретательный invent
изобретать inventively
изобретательно invitation
приглашение invited
приглашенный invite
приглашать inspiration
вдохновение inspired
вдохновляющий inspire
вдохновлять knowledge
признание; расписка acknowledged
признанный acknowledge
признавать, подтверждать legality
законность, легальность legal
юридический, законный
незаконный, подпольный legalize
легализовать legally
незаконно likeness
сходство, подобие likeable
аналогичный like
относиться хорошо
относиться отрицательно likely
в отличие life
жизнь lively
оживленный, веселый
актуальный, реальный live
жить in a lively way
оживленно literature
литература literal
неграмотный literally
буквально location
место, поселение local
местный locate
размещать locally
в определенном месте loneliness
одиночество lonely
одинокий; один luck
удача lucky
неудачливый, неудачный luckily
к счастью luxury
роскошь luxurious
шикарный majority
большинство major
главный, основной manager
управляющий, руководитель managerial
управленческий manage
управлять; справляться marriage
женитьба married
женатый / замужняя
неженатый / незамужняя marry
жениться meeting
встреча; собрание meet
встречать, знакомиться memory
мемориал memorial
памятный memorise
заучивать наизусть misery
нищета miserable
нищенский, ничтожный month
месяц monthly
ежемесячный monthly
ежемесячно motion
движение motionless
неподвижный motion
показывать жестом mystery
тайна, загадка mysterious
таинственный, загадочный mysteriously
таинственно, загадочно necessity
необходимость necessary
ненужный necessarily
необходимо nerve
нерв nervous
нервный ennerve
нервировать nervously
нервно number
число; количество numerous
умеющий считать
неумеющий считать number
обозначать цифрами object
объект, предмет
цель; возражение objective
объективный object
возражать objectively
объективно obstinate
упрямый obstinately
упрямо occurrence
случай, происшествие occur
происходить operation
операция; оперирование, приведение в действие operate
управлять, действовать opportunity
оппортунист opportune
своевременный, подходящий opposition
оппозиция, противостояние
оппонент, противник opposite
противоположный oppose
противопосталять owner
владелец, хозяин own
собственный own
владеть pain
боль painful
безболезненный painfully
безболезненно patience
пациент patient
нетерпеливый patiently
нетерпеливо participant
участие participating
участвующий participate
принимать участие particulars
подробности particular
особенный particularly
особенно perfection
совершенство perfect
совершенный, идеальный
несовершенный perfect
совершенствовать, улучшать perfectly
отлично, безупречно period
период, срок periodical
периодический periodically
периодически performance
представление; исполнение
исполнитель perform
исполнять, выполнять, совершать peace
мир, спокойствие peaceful
мирный peacefully
мирно permission
пропуск permissive
позволяющий permit
позволять permissively
с позволением pleasure
удовольствие pleasant
недовольный please
доставлять удовольствие pleasantly
приятно point
точка; пункт pointed
остроконечный, нацеленный
уместный, удачный
бесцельный point
указывать, направлять pointedly
остро, по существу politeness
вежливость polite
невежливый politely
вежливо popularity
популярность popular
непопулярный popularise
популяризировать possession
владение, собственность
обладатель, владелец possessive
собственнический possess
владеть, обладать possibility
вероятность, возможность possible
невозможный possibly
возможно power
сила, мощь powerful
бессильный empower
уполномочивать preference
предпочтение preferable
пользующийся препочтением prefer
предпочитать preferably
предпочтительно preparation
подготовка prepared
неподготовленный prepare
подготовить preparedly
с готовностью prestige
престиж prestigious
престижный prestigiously
престижно profession
профессия professional
профессиональный professionally
профессионально profit
выгода profitable
не приносящий выгоды profit
получать выгоду profitably
выгодно progress
прогресс, продвижение progressive
прогрессивный progress
продвигаться вперед progressively
постепенно, продвигаясь вперед proposal
предложение proposed
предложенный propose
делать предложение prosperity
процветание prosperous
процветающий prosper
процветать prosperously
процветающе public
общественность public
общественный publicise
разглашать publicly
открыто, публично quickness
быстрота quick
быстрый quicken
убыстрять quickly
быстро reality
реализация, осуществление real
реальный, настоящий
нереальный realize
реализовать, осуществлять really
действительно, в самом деле recognition
признание, узнавание recognised
признанный recognise
узнавать; признавать reduction
снижение, понижение reduced
уменьшенный; сниженный reduce
снижать; сбавлять relaxation
отдых, расслабление relaxed
отдыхающий; расслабляющий relax
отдыхать, расслабляться relaxedly
расслабленно reliability
надежность reliable
ненадежный rely
доверять, полагаться reliably
надежно religion
религия religious
религиозный reluctance
нежелание, неохота reluctant
неохотный reluctantly
неохотно regularity
нерегулярность regular
регулярный, правильный
неправильный; нестандартный regulate
регулировать regularly
регулярно remark
замечание remarkable
замечательный remark
замечать, отмечать remarkably
замечательно representation
представитель representative
представительный represent
представлять reproach
упрек irreproachable
безупречный reproach
упрекать reproachingly
с упреком reputation
репутация reputated
имеющий хорошую репутацию, почтенный
имеющий плохую репутацию repute
давать репутацию
компрометироватъ resistance
сопротивление resistible
прочный resist
сопротивляться irresistibly
неотразимо respect
уважение respectful
уважительный respect
уважать respectfully
с уважением rest
отдых restless
беспокойный rest
отдыхать restlessly
беспокойно reward
награда rewarding
стоящий награды
невознагражденный reward
награждать riches
богатство rich
богатый enrich
обогащать richly
богато risk
риск risky
рискованный risk
рисковать sadness
грусть sad
грустный sadden
огорчать sadly
грустно safe
безопасность safe
опасный save
спасать; экономить safely
безопасно satisfaction
неудовлетворенность; недовольство satisfied
неудовлетворительный satisfy
разочаровывать; огорчать research
исследование search
искать, осуществлять поиск security
безопасность secure
находящийся в опасности secure
охранять, гарантировать securely
безопасно seriousness
серьезность serious
серьезный seriously
серьезно science
ученый scientific
научный scientifically
научно sense
отсутствие чувствительности sensitive
нечувствительный, неосознающий sense
ощущать sensitively
разумно service
услуга, обслуживание
слуга served
обслуженный; поданный на стол serve
служить, обслуживать, подавать на стол significant
незначительный signify
иметь значение significantly
значительно similarity
сходство, похожесть similar
похожий, подобный similarly
похоже, подобно sincerity
искренность sincere
неискренний sincerely
искренне shorts
шорты short
короткий shorten
укорачивать shortly
кратко sleep
спящий; спальный вагон sleeping
бессонный sleep
спать sleeplessly
без сна solution
решение; раствор solved
решенный; растворенный solve
решать; находить выход; растворять speciality
специальность; фирменное блюдо
особенность special
особенный; специальный
специфический specify
точно определять
специализировать(ся) specially
специфично strength
сила strong
сильный strengthen
укреплять strongly
сильно stress
стресс stressful
стрессовый stress
ударять, ставить ударение stressfully
в состоянии стресса success
успех successful
безуспешный succeed
преуспевать successfully
успешно sufñcience
недостаточность sufficient
недостаточный suffice
быть достаточным sufficiently
достаточно suitable
неподходящий suit
подходить, устраивать suggestion
предложение suggest
предлагать suspect
подозреваемый suspicious
подозрительный suspect
подозревать suspiciously
подозрительно swimmer
плавание swimming
плавающий, плавательный swim
плавать sympathy
сочувствие, понимание sympathetic
сочувствующий sympathize
сочувствовать sympathetically
с пониманием; сочувственно sureness
уверенность sure
обеспеченный; уверенный
уверенный в себе ensure
обеспечивать; гарантировать
уверять, обеспечивать surely
конечно; уверенно
с уверенностью surrounding
окружение surrounded
окруженный surround
окружать talk
беседа, разговор talkative
разговорчивый talk
беседовать taste
отсуствие вкуса tasteful
сделанный со вкусом; обладающий вкусом
безвкусный taste
пробовать tastefully
со вкусом
без вкуса terror
террорист terrible
напуганный terrify
ужасать terribly
потрясающе thirst
жажда thirsty
испытывать жажду tights
колготки tight
плотный, тесный tighten
сжимать, натягивать tightly
тесно, плотно thought
мысль thoughtful
бездумный think
думать, иметь мнение thoughtfully
задумчиво tragedy
трагедия tragic
трагический tragically
трагично travelling
путешественник travelling
путешествующий travel
путешествовать truth
неправда true
правильный; настоящий
неверный, не соответствующий действительности
правдивый truly
по-настоящему, искренне
правдиво value
ценность valued
ценный value
ценить, оценивать variety
изменчивость, непостоянство variable
неизменный vary
менять, разнообразить invariably
неизменно year
год yearly
ежегодный yearly
ежегодно understanding
непонимание; недоразумение understandable
понятный understand
понимать use
неправильное использование;
использование useful
неиспользованный use
использовать, пользоваться usefully
бесполезно week
неделя weekly
еженедельный weekly
еженедельно width
ширина wide
широкий widen
расширять widely
широко will
воля, желание; завещание willing
жаждущий, желающий
не желающий will
проявлять волю, желать willingly
охотно, с удовольствием
неохотно wind
ветер windy
безветренный wisdom
мудрость wise
неблагоразумный wisely
неблагоразумно worth
стоимость, ценность worthy
не имеющий ценности

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