Noun for the word easy

  • #1

I have a small question…

What is the noun form of ‘easy’…

thanks to you!

  • JamesM

    • #2

    Hello, slisys, and welcome to the forum!

    We need some context in order to answer the question properly. Also, it is a ground rule of the forum to provide context.

    Can you give us an example of where you are trying to use the noun form of «easy»?

    • #3

    Hello, slisys, and welcome to the forum!

    We need some context in order to answer the question properly. Also, it is a ground rule of the forum to provide context.

    Can you give us an example of where you are trying to use the noun form of «easy»?

    ok sorry…

    In my homework i have to find noun forms of some adjectives. One of them is the word ‘easy’ . Its a table like this:

    Adjective | Noun
    simple | simplicity
    easy | …
    Because of that i’m not able do give you an example.Another word is jealous where i don’t know the noun form.

    Sorry for my bad english. :/


    • #4

    If you would like to suggest what you think the answers should be, we might be able to help you work things out — but we can’t do your homework for you.

    Why don’t you look up these words in the WordReference dictionary and follow the links to Merriam-Webster and to I am sure you will find the noun forms you are looking for. Click on these links:

    If you have queries about these after looking them up, you could start new threads here — one for each topic, of course.
    Meanwhile, I’ll close this thread.

    (I, the first person pronoun, is always capital, never i.)

    легкий, удобный, спокойный, свободный, легко, удобно, спокойно, неторопливо


    - лёгкий; нетрудный; простой

    - нетрудный, необременительный:

    on easy terms — на лёгких условиях
    to buy [to sell] on easy terms — ком. а) покупать [продавать] на выгодных условиях; б) покупать [продавать] в рассрочку

    - удобный, приятный, покойный

    easy coat — просторный пиджак
    easy cushions — мягкие подушки

    - спокойный

    easy conscience — спокойная совесть
    make your mind easy — не волнуйтесь, успокойтесь
    the patient became easier — больному стало легче
    I am much easier since my wound was dressed — после того, как рану перевязали, я чувствую себя гораздо лучше
    I don’t feel easy on this point — в этом вопросе я не чувствую себя спокойно /уверенно/
    I made him easy — я его успокоил

    - неторопливый

    easy pace — неторопливый темп /шаг, аллюр/
    to travel by easy stages — путешествовать, часто останавливаясь на отдых

    - уживчивый, покладистый, сговорчивый

    easy disposition — покладистый характер
    an easy person to get on with — покладистый /уживчивый/ человек
    he is not easy to deal with — с ним нелегко иметь дело /трудно сговориться/

    - снисходительный, терпимый

    he is easy on his subordinates — он не требователен к подчинённым
    an easy master — нетребовательный хозяин
    we ought to be easy on him because everyone makes mistakes — мы должны отнестись к нему снисходительно, так как ошибки делают все
    easy in one’s morals — нестрогих правил; ≅ лёгкого поведения

    - непринуждённый, естественный

    easy manners — непринуждённое /естественное/ поведение; непринуждённая манера
    easy conversation — непринуждённая беседа

    - пологий, плавный

    easy slopes — пологие откосы
    easy grade — дор. лёгкий подъём
    easy curve — спец. плавная кривая, кривая малой кривизны

    - обеспеченный, состоятельный

    easy circumstances — материальная обеспеченность

    - австрал. разг. равнодушный, безразличный

    I am easy — мне всё равно; меня это не волнует

    - вялый, застойный (о рынке и т. п.)
    - не имеющий спроса (о товаре)

    rubber is easy — спрос на каучук невысок /небольшой/


    - разг. легко, без труда

    easier said than done — легче сказать, чем сделать

    - спокойно, неторопливо

    take it easy — относитесь спокойно, не волнуйтесь; ≅ не принимайте близко к сердцу; не усердствуйте


    - передышка (гребля)

    Мои примеры


    easy game /mark/ — лёгкая добыча, легковерный человек; простофиля, простак  
    easy as pie — амер. разг. не составляющий никакого труда  
    easy digging — амер. сл. пустяковое дело; ≅ раз плюнуть  
    woman of easy virtue — женщина не строгих правил  
    easy all! — спорт. легче грести! (команда)  
    stand easy! — воен. а) отойти от орудий! (команда); б) вольно! (команда)  
    easy does it! — потихоньку да полегоньку!, не спешите!; тише едешь  
    to go easy on smb. — вести себя с кем-л. тактично /мягко/  
    to go easy on smth. — амер. быть тактичным в отношении чего-л.  
    dentists recommend that children go easy on candy — стоматологи рекомендуют детям не злоупотреблять сладким  
    easy come, easy go — посл. ≅ легко нашёл — легко потерял  

    Примеры с переводом

    The test was easy.

    Этот тест был лёгким.

    Is it easy to clean?

    Легко ли его чистить?

    He’s had an easy life.

    У него была лёгкая жизнь.


    Не спеши! / Аккуратно! / Полегче!

    That seems easy to you.

    Это кажется тебе простым.

    Why, it’s quite easy!

    Да ведь это так просто!

    He just wanted to take it easy.

    Он просто хотел отдохнуть.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    …the vain notion that there could ever be an easy, painless catholicon for obesity…

    …newscasts that capsule complex, important stories into one-minute bits for easy digestion by viewers…

    …amidst the holiday feasting, merrymaking and spending, it was easy to overlook the necessitous members of the community…

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    easily  — легко, без труда, свободно, намного, гораздо, вероятно
    easiness  — легкость, непринужденность, легковерие
    uneasy  — неловкий, беспокойный, неудобный, тревожный, стесненный, связанный
    easier  — легче

    Формы слова

    срав. степ. (comparative): easier
    прев. степ. (superlative): easiest

    Table of Contents

    1. What is the noun form of commit?
    2. Is the word Easiest a noun?
    3. What is the word for commit?
    4. What is the base word of Commit?
    5. How do you use the word commit?
    6. Is Committance a word?
    7. What is the suffix word of Commit?
    8. Is it commit or committed?
    9. What is it to be committed?
    10. What is the real meaning of commitment?
    11. Why is it important to be committed?
    12. How do you stay committed?
    13. How can I be committed to success?
    14. What are some examples of commitment?
    15. What are the three types of commitment?
    16. How do you teach commitment?
    17. What are the 5 points of commitment?
    18. How do we show commitment to God?
    19. Why is commitment important in teaching?
    20. What do you commit as a teacher?
    21. What is commitment to learning?
    22. Are good teachers born or made?
    23. Do teachers make good money?
    24. Is teaching a natural talent?
    25. Who is a good teacher?
    26. What is most important for a teacher?
    27. Why are teachers so special?
    28. What are the 10 quality of a good teacher?
    29. What are the 5 methods of teaching?

    easiness. The state or quality of being easy in its various senses, particularly: Freedom from discomfort and worry: comfort.

    What is the noun form of commit?

    commitment. The act or an instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust, especially: The act of sending a legislative bill to committee for review.

    Is the word Easiest a noun?

    providing ease or comfort:With all that money, he’s always had an easy life. easygoing; relaxed:[before a noun]an easy manner.

    What is the word for commit?

    Some common synonyms of commit are confide, consign, entrust, and relegate.

    What is the base word of Commit?

    commit (v.) Sense of “to perpetrate (a crime), do, perform (especially something reprehensible)” was ancient in Latin; in English it is attested from mid-15c. Meaning “consign (someone) to custody (of prison, a mental institution, etc.) by official warrant” is from early 15c.

    How do you use the word commit?

    Examples of commit in a Sentence The contract commits the company to finishing the bridge by next fall. He keeps delaying his decision because he doesn’t want to commit himself. They have not yet committed to a particular course of action.

    Is Committance a word?

    noun. The action of “commit”; committing, committal.

    What is the suffix word of Commit?

    The non- prefix means “not.” And you see the word commit in noncommittal. So you know that the word is going to have something to do with “not commit.” You might also recognize the suffix -al, which is a tip-off that this word is an adjective that means “not being willing to commit.”

    Is it commit or committed?

    Synonyms and related words Get It Right! Don’t write the -ed and -ing forms of commit with only one ‘t’. The correct spellings are committed and committing: ✗ They have denied commiting any offence.

    What is it to be committed?

    The definition of committed is being dedicated or loyal to something, to give for safekeeping or to be confined.

    What is the real meaning of commitment?

    1a : an agreement or pledge to do something in the future a commitment to improve conditions at the prison especially : an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date. b : something pledged the commitment of troops to the war.

    Why is it important to be committed?

    When you only commit to the people and things that are truly important to you, your career, or your company, the results are that your relationships will improve, you will be more successful in achieving your goals, and you’ll have more time to enjoy your journey. Your commitment does not end with the decision!

    How do you stay committed?

    8 Ways To Stay Committed

    1. Grab a buddy. The next time you work out, bring someone that will encourage and challenge you along the way.
    2. Join a program.
    3. Tell people about your goals.
    4. Go all in.
    5. Keep realistic goals.
    6. Make non-physical goals.
    7. Make it a habit.
    8. Find what you love.

    How can I be committed to success?

    Here are six things you need to habitually commit to if you want long-term career success.

    1. Commit to an end goal.
    2. Commit to making the most of your strengths.
    3. Commit to continuously learning.
    4. Commit to acknowledging your mistakes.
    5. Commit to building and nurturing your network.
    6. Commit to maintaining your work/life balance.

    What are some examples of commitment?

    An example of commitment is marriage. An example of commitment is going into business with someone. Promise or agreement to do something in the future, especially: Act of assuming a financial obligation at a future date.

    What are the three types of commitment?

    The three components are: Affection for your job (“affective commitment”). Fear of loss (“continuance commitment”). Sense of obligation to stay (“normative commitment”).

    How do you teach commitment?

    Commitment 101

    1. Teach it before it becomes an issue.
    2. Reach out for assistance.
    3. Do your homework.
    4. Explain commitment each time the child commits.
    5. Explain it in their terms.
    6. Put it in writing.
    7. Investigate the issue.
    8. Make sure you are not the problem.

    What are the 5 points of commitment?

    Five facts about making a commitment….Let’s take a closer look at these cornerstones:

    • Vision. The ability to visualize success.
    • Insight.
    • Acceptance of change.
    • Integration.

    How do we show commitment to God?

    Make time for your daily prayer and devotion. However, keeping a daily devotion will help you feel closer to God, even when times are hard. Choose a time that works best for you, then stick to it every day. If you’re an early bird, you might enjoy starting off your day by studying God’s word.

    Why is commitment important in teaching?

    Commitment is a very important characteristic; therefore, it is a paramount need for the profession of teaching. A committed teacher is never satisfied with what she or he already has; rather always seeks for the new ideas and ways to contribute to the students.

    What do you commit as a teacher?

    Teachers are in the teaching profession because of their deep commitment and love for the noble task of molding the future citizens of the country. Committed teaches always put their students’ wants, needs, and interests first. This can help them in ensuring an effective teaching-learning process.

    What is commitment to learning?

    Love of learning will take them far. But that doesn’t mean that a commitment to learning occurs naturally in all young people. Imparting this quality involves a combination of values and skills that include a desire to excel in school, a perpetual sense of the importance of learning, and belief in one’s own abilities.

    Are good teachers born or made?

    Teachers are not born; they are made. However, a person must have the natural desire to be taught. A good teacher is first of all teachable himself.

    Do teachers make good money?

    The US consistently ranks seventh in the world for average teacher pay. At the top of the payscale, a US elementary school teacher makes $67,000 a year, and a US high school teacher makes $71,000 a year on average.

    Is teaching a natural talent?

    The ability to infer how other people think and feel is referred to by psychologists as ‘Theory of Mind’ (ToM). Essentially, they suggest that despite its complexity, teaching is a natural cognition that evolved alongside our ability to learn.

    Who is a good teacher?

    3. A great teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. This person is approachable, not only to students, but to everyone on campus. This is the teacher to whom students know they can go with any problems or concerns or even to share a funny story.

    What is most important for a teacher?

    Listening well is one of the most important skills needed to be a teacher. Student Latricia Maddox, who is studying for a bachelor’s in business, said that effective listening skills also help a teacher better understand their students and tailor lessons to reach them how they learn best.

    Why are teachers so special?

    1) They give love, attention, and acceptance to all kids. 2) They help their students succeed academically, even when that takes extra time to alter a lesson, one-on-one time teaching the student, or staying after hours to make sure they understand a math concept. 3) They make students feel special.

    What are the 10 quality of a good teacher?

    • What Makes a Good Teacher: 10 Qualities of an Excellent Teacher.
    • Communication Skills.
    • Listening Skills.
    • Friendly Attitude.
    • Patient.
    • Strong Work Ethic.
    • Organizational Skills.
    • Preparation.

    What are the 5 methods of teaching?

    Teacher-Centered Methods of Instruction

    • Direct Instruction (Low Tech)
    • Flipped Classrooms (High Tech)
    • Kinesthetic Learning (Low Tech)
    • Differentiated Instruction (Low Tech)
    • Inquiry-based Learning (High Tech)
    • Expeditionary Learning (High Tech)
    • Personalized Learning (High Tech)
    • Game-based Learning (High Tech)

    • Top Definitions
    • Synonyms
    • Quiz
    • Related Content
    • More About Easy
    • Examples
    • British
    • Idioms And Phrases

    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

    adjective, eas·i·er [ee-zee-er], /ˈi zi ər/, eas·i·est [ee-zee-ist]. /ˈi zi ɪst/.

    not hard or difficult; requiring no great labor or effort:a book that is easy to read; an easy victory.

    free from pain, discomfort, worry, or care: He led an easy life.

    providing or conducive to ease or comfort; comfortable: an easy stance; an easy relationship.

    fond of or given to ease; easygoing: an easy disposition.

    not harsh or strict; lenient: an easy master.

    not burdensome or oppressive: easy terms on a loan.

    not difficult to influence or overcome; compliant: an easy prey; an easy mark.

    free from formality, constraint, or embarrassment: He has an easy manner.

    effortlessly clear and fluent: an easy style of writing.

    readily comprehended or mastered: an easy language to learn.

    not tight or constricting: an easy fit.

    not forced or hurried; moderate: an easy pace.

    not steep; gradual: an easy flight of stairs.


    1. (of a commodity) not difficult to obtain; in plentiful supply and often weak in price.
    2. (of the market) not characterized by eager demand.


    1. (of a bilge) formed in a long curve so as to make a gradual transition between the bottom and sides of a vessel; slack.
    2. (of the run of a hull) having gently curved surfaces leading from the middle body to the stern; not abrupt.


    Informal. in an easy manner; comfortably: to go easy; take it easy.


    a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter E.


    Why Is The «Easy Way Out» A Bad Thing?

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    There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

    Which sentence is correct?

    Origin of easy

    First recorded in 1150–1200; Middle English aisie, esy, from Anglo-French (a)eisie, Old French aisié, aised, past participle of aisier to ease


    eas·y·like, adjectiveo·ver·eas·y, adjective

    Words nearby easy

    eastward, eastwardly, eastwards, East-West, Eastwood, easy, easy as pie, easy-breezy, easy-care, easy chair, easy come, easy go Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


    What is a basic definition of easy?

    Easy describes something that is not difficult and requires little effort. Easy also describes something that is not stressful. Informally, easy means in a comfortable way. Easy has many other senses as an adjective and one as a noun.

    The most common sense of easy describes something that is simple and requires very little effort or work. This sense is an antonym of words such as difficult, challenging, or tough. Easily means in a way without difficulty. The word ease can mean a lack of stress or difficulty.

    Real-life examples: Many things you might find easy to do were once hard until you learned to do them. Counting to five is easy once you learn to count. Finding the yellow crayon among all the blue crayons is easy once you know your colors. You no longer have to think about how to do these tasks. They are easy for you now.

    Used in a sentence: She thought the math test was really easy. 

    Easy also describes something that lacks stress or any other sources of discomfort. This sense usually describes a person’s life as being relaxing or free from any problems or worries.

    Real-life examples: Pampered pets often lead easy lives of sleeping and eating. When you’re on vacation, life often seems relaxing and easy.

    Used in a sentence: He had an easy time at work today because nobody came into the store. 

    Easy is used informally to mean comfortably or without much stress or hardship. In formal writing, easily is preferred.

    Real-life examples: Teachers will often go easy on students they like, meaning they won’t punish those students as harshly or will make things easier for them. If you are taking it easy, you are lounging around and not trying to work hard. If something comes easy to someone, it means they don’t need much effort to master it or complete it.

    Used in a sentence: The manager went easy on the new employee, giving them a gentle warning.

    Where does easy come from?

    The first records of easy come from around 1150. It ultimately comes from the Old French aisier, meaning “to ease.”

    Did you know … ?

    How is easy used in real life?

    Easy is a common word that is most often used to describe something that doesn’t take much effort or work to do.

    I know it’s a really easy thing to do, but I installed a new 2TB SSD into my computer and I’m proud that it recognizes it AND I didn’t mess anything up xD

    — Sarah_Nova✫ (@NovaDecoda) November 22, 2020

    My cat lives such an easy life, all she does is eat and sleep 🛌

    — Abbey💫 (@abbeyyapril) November 20, 2020

    Day one training a new hire. I’m not sure how I feel about this new person lol. I went easy on him but next week I’m cracking the whip!!!

    — Paul (@PaulKovaleski) May 13, 2020

    Try using easy!

    Is easy used correctly in the following sentence?

    It was so easy for the professional chef to bake a small cake that she barely had to try.

    Words related to easy

    accessible, clear, effortless, obvious, painless, simple, smooth, straightforward, uncomplicated, comfortable, peaceful, pleasant, quiet, secure, slow, soft, successful, flexible, natural, apparent

    How to use easy in a sentence

    • According to Mnuchin, a standalone PPP bill would be the “easiest” way to resume helping businesses.

    • Also, the side handles and lid make carrying it much easier.

    • Second, clinicians and patients should have easy access to that information, including amounts and potential adverse effects.

    • It has fewer options than Zoom, which makes it easier for kids to operate, but it’s even easier to use with these handy shortcuts.

    • Once home values begin a one-way plummet, it’s easy for economists to see how entire communities spin out of control.

    • Talking about death is never easy, but with food, comfort, and familiarity, a new kind of dinner party is making it easier.

    • The first thing they told us was that the traffickers are now using Turkish ports, which are relatively easy to reach from Syria.

    • You know, when I was younger, I used to make problems for myself, like it was too easy.

    • They selected an “easy mark” who turned out to be an off-duty NYC Housing Authority cop named James Carragher.

    • This will make it easy to pour the flour mixture into the stand mixer.

    • A constant sense of easy balance should be developed through poising exercises.

    • Big Reginald took their lives at pool, and pocketed their half-crowns in an easy genial way, which almost made losing a pleasure.

    • The first jolt had like to have shaken me out of my hammock, but afterwards the motion was easy enough.

    • His Indian repute had not preceded him to such degree as to make the way easy for him through the London crowd.

    • The endless miles of railways, the vast apparatus of the factories, the soaring structures of the cities bear easy witness to it.

    British Dictionary definitions for easy

    adjective easier or easiest

    not requiring much labour or effort; not difficult; simplean easy job

    free from pain, care, or anxietyeasy in one’s mind

    not harsh or restricting; lenienteasy laws

    tolerant and undemanding; easy-goingan easy disposition

    readily influenced or persuaded; pliantshe was an easy victim of his wiles

    not tight or constricting; loosean easy fit

    not strained or extreme; moderate; gentlean easy pace; an easy ascent


    1. readily obtainable
    2. (of a market) characterized by low demand or excess supply with prices tending to fallCompare tight (def. 10)

    informal ready to fall in with any suggestion made; not predisposedhe is easy about what to do

    slang sexually available

    easy on the eye informal pleasant to look at; attractive, esp sexually

    woman of easy virtue a sexually available woman, esp a prostitute


    informal in an easy or relaxed manner

    easy does it informal go slowly and carefully; be careful

    go easy on

    1. to use in moderation
    2. to treat leniently

    stand easy military a command to soldiers standing at ease that they may relax further

    take it easy

    1. to avoid stress or undue hurry
    2. to remain calm; not become agitated or angry

    verb easies, easying or easied

    Also: easy-oar (usually imperative) to stop rowing

    Word Origin for easy

    C12: from Old French aisié, past participle of aisier to relieve, ease

    usage for easy

    Easy is not used as an adverb by careful speakers and writers except in certain set phrases: to take it easy; easy does it. Where a fixed expression is not involved, the usual adverbial form of easily is preferred: this polish goes on more easily (not easier) than the other

    Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
    © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
    Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

    Other Idioms and Phrases with easy

    In addition to the idioms beginning with easy

    • easy as pie
    • easy come, easy go
    • easy does it
    • easy money
    • easy on the eyes
    • easy sledding
    • easy street, on

    also see:

    • breathe easy
    • free and easy
    • get off (easy)
    • go easy
    • let someone down easy
    • on easy street
    • take it easy

    The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
    Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.



    adj. eas·i·er, eas·i·est


    a. Capable of being accomplished or acquired with ease; posing no difficulty: an easy victory; an easy problem.

    b. Likely to happen by accident or without intention: It’s easy to slip on the wet floor. It’s easy to push the wrong button.

    2. Requiring or exhibiting little effort or endeavor; undemanding: took the easy way out of her problems; wasn’t satisfied with easy answers.

    3. Free from worry, anxiety, trouble, or pain: My mind was easy, knowing that I had done my best.


    a. Affording comfort or relief; soothing: soft light that was easy on the eyes.

    b. Prosperous; well-off: easy living; easy circumstances.

    5. Causing little hardship or distress: an easy penalty; a habit that isn’t easy to give up.

    6. Socially at ease: an easy, good-natured manner.


    a. Relaxed in attitude; easygoing: an easy disposition.

    b. Not strict or severe; lenient: an easy teacher; easy standards.

    8. Readily exploited, imposed on, or tricked: an easy mark; an easy victim.


    a. Not hurried or forced; moderate: an easy pace; an easy walk around the block.

    b. Light; gentle: an easy tap on the shoulder.

    10. Not steep or abrupt; gradual: an easy climb.

    11. Economics

    a. Less in demand and therefore readily obtainable: Commodities are easier this quarter.

    b. Plentiful and therefore at low interest rates: easy money.

    12. Promiscuous; loose.


    1. Without haste or agitation: Relax and take it easy for a while.

    2. With little effort; easily: success that came too easy.

    3. In a restrained or moderate manner: Go easy on the butter.

    4. Without much hardship or cost: got off easy with only a small fine.


    easy as pie Informal

    Capable of being accomplished or done with no difficulty.

    [Middle English esi, from Old French aaisie, past participle of aaisier, to put at ease : a-, to (from Latin ad-, ad-) + aise, ease; see ease.]

    eas′i·ness n.

    Synonyms: easy, simple, facile, effortless
    These adjectives mean requiring little effort or posing little if any difficulty. Easy applies to tasks that require little effort: a recipe that is easy to prepare; an easy hike around the lake. Simple implies a lack of complexity that facilitates understanding or performance: instructions that are simple to follow; a simple problem that took little time to fix. Facile stresses fluency stemming from preparation: the author’s facile use of literary conventions. Often, though, the word implies glibness or insincerity, superficiality, or lack of care: a supervisor’s facile dismissal of an employee suggestion. Effortless refers to performance in which the application of great strength or skill makes the execution seem easy: wrote effortless prose. See Also Synonyms at comfortable.

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



    adj, easier or easiest

    1. not requiring much labour or effort; not difficult; simple: an easy job.

    2. free from pain, care, or anxiety: easy in one’s mind.

    3. not harsh or restricting; lenient: easy laws.

    4. tolerant and undemanding; easy-going: an easy disposition.

    5. readily influenced or persuaded; pliant: she was an easy victim of his wiles.

    6. not tight or constricting; loose: an easy fit.

    7. not strained or extreme; moderate; gentle: an easy pace; an easy ascent.

    8. (Economics) economics

    a. readily obtainable

    b. (of a market) characterized by low demand or excess supply with prices tending to fall. Compare tight10

    9. informal ready to fall in with any suggestion made; not predisposed: he is easy about what to do.

    10. slang sexually available

    11. easy on the eye informal pleasant to look at; attractive, esp sexually

    12. woman of easy virtue a sexually available woman, esp a prostitute


    13. informal in an easy or relaxed manner

    14. easy does it informal go slowly and carefully; be careful

    15. go easy on

    a. to use in moderation

    b. to treat leniently

    16. (Military) stand easy military a command to soldiers standing at ease that they may relax further

    17. take it easy

    a. to avoid stress or undue hurry

    b. to remain calm; not become agitated or angry

    vb, easies, easying or easied

    (Rowing) (usually imperative) Also: easy-oar to stop rowing

    [C12: from Old French aisié, past participle of aisier to relieve, ease]

    Usage: Easy is not used as an adverb by careful speakers and writers except in certain set phrases: to take it easy; easy does it. Where a fixed expression is not involved, the usual adverbial form of easily is preferred: this polish goes on more easily (not easier) than the other

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


    (ˈi zi)

    adj.andadv. eas•i•er, eas•i•est. adj.

    1. requiring no great labor or effort; not hard or difficult.

    2. free from pain, discomfort, worry, or care: an easy mind.

    3. providing or conducive to ease or comfort; comfortable.

    4. easygoing; relaxed: an easy disposition.

    5. not harsh or strict; lenient.

    6. not burdensome or oppressive: easy terms on a loan.

    7. not difficult to influence or overcome; compliant: easy prey.

    8. free from formality, constraint, or embarrassment: an easy manner.

    9. effortlessly clear and fluent: an easy style of writing.

    10. not tight or constricting: an easy fit.

    11. not forced or hurried; moderate: an easy pace.

    12. not steep; gradual.

    13. not difficult to obtain; in plentiful supply and often weak in price.


    14. in an easy manner; easily; comfortably: to go easy; to take it easy.


    take it or go easy on,

    a. to act with moderation in using or consuming: Take it easy on the popcorn.

    b. to treat with clemency: to go easy on a prisoner.

    [1150–1200; Middle English aisie, esy < Anglo-French (a)eisie, Old French aisié, aised, past participle of aisier to ease]

    Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



    1. ‘easy’

    Something that is easy can be done or achieved without effort or difficulty, because it is not complicated and causes no problems.

    Both sides had secured easy victories earlier in the day.

    The task was not easy.

    The comparative and superlative forms of easy are easier and easiest.

    This is much easier than it sounds.

    This was the easiest stage.

    You can say that it is easy to do something. For example, instead of saying ‘Riding a camel is easy’, you can say ‘It is easy to ride a camel’. You can also say ‘A camel is easy to ride‘.

    It is always very easy to be cynical about politics.

    The house is easy to keep clean.

    2. ‘easily’

    Easy is not an adverb, except in the expressions go easy, take it easy, and easier said than done. If you want to say that something is done without difficulty, you say that it is done easily.

    Put things in a place where you can find them quickly and easily.

    Belgium easily beat Mexico 3-0.

    The comparative and superlative forms of easily are more easily and most easily.

    Milk is digested more easily when it is skimmed.

    This is the format that is most easily understood by customers.

    Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012

    ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

    Adj. 1. easy — posing no difficulty; requiring little effort; «an easy job»; «an easy problem»; «an easy victory»; «the house is easy to heat»; «satisfied with easy answers»; «took the easy way out of his dilemma»

    undemanding — requiring little if any patience or effort or skill; «the pay was adequate and the job undemanding»; «simple undemanding affection»; «an undemanding boss»

    effortless — requiring or apparently requiring no effort; «the swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air»

    soft — compassionate and kind; conciliatory; «he was soft on his children»

    simple — having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved; «a simple problem»; «simple mechanisms»; «a simple design»; «a simple substance»

    difficult, hard — not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; «a difficult task»; «nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access»; «difficult times»; «why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?»

    2. easy — not hurried or forced; «an easy walk around the block»; «at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace»

    easygoing, leisurely

    unhurried — relaxed and leisurely; without hurry or haste; «people strolling about in an unhurried way»; «an unhurried walk»; «spoke in a calm and unhurried voice»

    3. easy — free from worry or anxiety; «knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy»; «an easy good-natured manner»; «by the time the chsild faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words»

    comfortable — free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind; «was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared»; «the comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong»; «was comfortable in his religious beliefs»; «she’s a comfortable person to be with»; «she felt comfortable with her fiance’s parents»

    relaxed — without strain or anxiety; «gave the impression of being quite relaxed»; «a relaxed and informal discussion»

    uneasy — lacking a sense of security or affording no ease or reassurance; «farmers were uneasy until rain finally came»; «uneasy about his health»; «gave an uneasy laugh»; «uneasy lies the head that wears the crown»; «an uneasy coalition government»; «an uneasy calm»; «an uneasy silence fell on the group»

    4. easy — affording pleasure; «easy good looks»

    pleasing — giving pleasure and satisfaction; «a pleasing piece of news»; «pleasing in manner and appearance»

    5. easy — having little impact; «an easy pat on the shoulder»; «gentle rain»; «a gentle breeze»; «a soft (or light) tapping at the window»

    gentle, soft

    light — of little intensity or power or force; «the light touch of her fingers»; «a light breeze»

    6. easy — readily exploited or tricked; «an easy victim»; «an easy mark»

    impressible, impressionable, waxy — easily impressed or influenced; «an impressionable youngster»; «an impressionable age»; «a waxy mind»

    7. easy - in fortunate circumstances financiallyeasy — in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich; «they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards»; «easy living»; «a prosperous family»; «his family is well-situated financially»; «well-to-do members of the community»

    prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-do, comfortable

    rich — possessing material wealth; «her father is extremely rich»; «many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles»

    8. easy — marked by moderate steepness; «an easy climb»; «a gentle slope»


    gradual — (of a topographical gradient) not steep or abrupt; «a gradual slope»

    9. easy — affording comfort; «soft light that was easy on the eyes»

    comfortable, comfy — providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy’ is informal); «comfortable clothes»; «comfortable suburban houses»; «made himself comfortable in an armchair»; «the antihistamine made her feel more comfortable»; «are you comfortable?»; «feeling comfy now?»

    10. easy - casual and unrestrained in sexual behavioreasy — casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior; «her easy virtue»; «he was told to avoid loose (or light) women»; «wanton behavior»

    promiscuous, wanton, loose, light

    unchaste — not chaste; «unchaste conduct»

    11. easy — less in demand and therefore readily obtainable; «commodities are easy this quarter»

    economic science, economics, political economy — the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management

    available — obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service; «kept a fire extinguisher available»; «much information is available through computers»; «available in many colors»; «the list of available candidates is unusually long»

    12. easy — obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally; «easy money»

    economic science, economics, political economy — the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management

    abundant — present in great quantity; «an abundant supply of water»

    Adv. 1. easy — with ease (`easy’ is sometimes used informally for `easily’); «she was easily excited»; «was easily confused»; «he won easily»; «this china breaks very easily»; «success came too easy»


    colloquialism — a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech

    2. easy — without speed (`slow’ is sometimes used informally for `slowly’); «he spoke slowly»; «go easy here—the road is slippery»; «glaciers move tardily»; «please go slow so I can see the sights»

    slow, slowly, tardily

    colloquialism — a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech

    3. easy — in a relaxed manner; or without hardship; «just wanted to take it easy» (`soft’ is nonstandard)


    colloquialism — a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



    1. simple, straightforward, no trouble, not difficult, effortless, painless, clear, light, uncomplicated, child’s play (informal), plain sailing, undemanding, a pushover (slang), a piece of cake (informal), no bother, a bed of roses, easy-peasy (slang), a piece of piss (taboo slang), EZ (S.M.S.) This is not an easy task.
    simple hard, demanding, difficult, complex, impossible, exhausting, exacting, stiff, tense, formidable, arduous, onerous

    2. untroubled, contented, relaxed, satisfied, calm, peaceful, serene, tranquil, quiet, undisturbed, unworried, EZ (S.M.S.) I was not altogether easy in my mind about this decision.

    3. relaxed, friendly, open, natural, pleasant, casual, informal, laid-back (informal), graceful, gracious, unaffected, easy-going, affable, unpretentious, unforced, undemanding, unconstrained, unceremonious, EZ (S.M.S.) She laughed and joked and made easy conversation with everyone.
    relaxed forced, affected, formal, anxious, stiff, uncomfortable, unnatural, self-conscious

    4. carefree, comfortable, pleasant, leisurely, well-to-do, trouble-free, untroubled, cushy (informal), unworried, easeful, EZ (S.M.S.) She has had a very easy life.
    carefree difficult, worried, uncomfortable, stressful, insecure

    5. tolerant, light, liberal, soft, flexible, mild, laid-back (informal), indulgent, easy-going, lenient, permissive, unoppressive, EZ (S.M.S.) I guess we’ve always been too easy with our children.
    tolerant hard, demanding, difficult, strict, exacting, harsh, stern, rigid, inflexible, dictatorial, intolerant, unyielding

    6. (Informal) accommodating, yielding, manageable, easy-going, compliant, amenable, submissive, docile, pliant, tractable, biddable, EZ (S.M.S.) `Your father was not an easy child,’ she told me.
    accommodating difficult, impossible, unyielding

    Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



    2. Requiring little effort or exertion:

    3. Marked by facility, especially of expression:

    4. Affording pleasurable ease:

    5. Enjoying steady good fortune or financial security:

    6. Unconstrained by rigid standards or ceremony:

    8. Easily imposed on or tricked:

    10. Marked by an absence of conventional restraint in sexual behavior; sexually unrestrained:

    The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


    سَهْـلسَهل، بِدون تَعَبعلى مَهلِك!هادئ ، على مهْــلودّي، ودود


    letlet på trådenligetilnempas på!





    auîvelduróòvingaîur, afslappaîursársaukalausvarlega! rólegaviîfelldinn









    A. ADJ (easier (compar) (easiest (superl)))

    3. (= promiscuous) [woman] → fácil
    a woman of easy virtue (o.f., euph) → una mujer ligera de cascos

    C. CPD easy chair Nbutaca f, sillón m (Sp)


     Fácil, difícil and imposible are followed directly by the infinitive when they qualify the action itself:

    Solving the problem is easy, It’s easy to solve the problem Es fácil resolver el problema It is sometimes difficult/impossible to control oneself En ocasiones es difícil/imposible controlarse

     When the adjective qualifies a noun or pronoun rather than the verb, de is inserted before the infinitive:

    The problem is easy to solve El problema es fácil de resolver That’s difficult or hard to believe Eso es difícil de creer Semtex is impossible to detect El Semtex es imposible de detectar

    ! Remember in this case to make the adjective agree with the noun or pronoun it describes:

    Some of his works are difficult to classify Algunas de sus obras son difíciles de encasillar

    Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




    (= vulnerable) [target, prey] → facile


    (in a relaxed way) to take things easy, to take it easy (not push o.s. too hard)y aller doucement; (not worry)
    Take it easy. Everything’s under control → Ne t’inquiète pas. Tout est en ordre.

    (= carefully) easy does it → doucement

    to go easy on sth (= not take too much) → y aller doucement avec qch
    to go easy on sb (= be gentle with) → y aller doucement avec qneasy-care [ˈiːzikeər] adj [fabric, shirt] → d’entretien facileeasy chair nfauteuil measy-going [ˌiːziˈgəʊɪŋ] adj (= equable) [person] → facile à vivre; [attitude] → complaisant(e)
    She’s very easy-going → Elle est très facile à vivre.easy-listening easy listening [ˌiːziˈlɪsənɪŋ]

    n (= music) → easy-listening f

    adj [album, CD] → d’easy-listening; [version] → easy-listeningeasy-peasy [ˌiːziˈpiːzi] adj (British) (= very easy) → fastoche easy touch n (= person)
    He’s an easy touch → C’est une bonne poire.

    Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


    adj (+er)

    (= simple)leicht; task, jobleicht, einfach; option, solution, answereinfach; finding somewhere to eat is an easy taskes ist leicht or einfach, ein Restaurant zu finden; it’s no easy taskes ist nicht einfach; it’s easy to forget that …man vergisst leicht, dass …; it’s easy for hersie hat es leicht; it’s easy for her to do itsie kann es leicht tun; that’s easy for you to saydu hast gut reden; to make easy readingleicht zu lesen sein; he was an easy winnerer hat mühelos gewonnen; to be far from easy or none too easyalles andere als leicht sein, nicht gerade leicht sein; that’s the easy partdas ist das Einfache; it’s an easy (enough) mistake to makeden Fehler kann man leicht machen, das kann einem leicht passieren; to be within easy reach of somethingetw leicht erreichen können; in or by easy stages (= step by step)Schritt für Schritt; (= gradually)nach und nach; as easy as pie or as ABC or as falling off a logkinderleicht; easier said than doneleichter gesagt als getan; easy creditleicht erhältliche Kredite; on easy terms (Comm) → zu günstigen Bedingungen; to go for the easy option, to take the easy way outes sich (dat)leicht machen; she is easy to work with/get on withmit ihr kann man gut arbeiten/auskommen; she opted for the easy lifesie machte sich (dat)das Leben leicht; easy livingein sorgenfreies Leben; to have it easy, to have an easy time (of it)es leicht haben; to have an easy ridees leicht haben; he will not be given an easy rideman wird es ihm nicht leicht machen; easy preyeine leichte Beute; to be easy meat (inf)eine leichte Beute sein

    (= relaxed) temperament, conversation, laugh, smile, voiceungezwungen; relationshipunbefangen; tonelässig; at an easy pacein gemütlichem Tempo; he had a quick and easy laugher lachte schnell und ungezwungen; to be on easy terms with somebodymit jdm auf vertrautem Fuß stehen; I’m easy (Brit inf) → mir ist alles recht, ist mir egal (inf); stand easy! (Brit Mil) → rührt euch!; I don’t feel easy about it (= uncomfortable)es ist mir nicht recht, mir ist dabei nicht wohl

    (pej inf: = promiscuous) she’s easysie ist immer zu haben; she wasn’t like the easy girls he had knownsie war anders als die leichten Mädchen, die er gekannt hatte; to be an easy make (US) or lay (sl)jeden ranlassen (inf); woman of easy virtue (dated euph, = prostitute) → Freudenmädchen nt

    adv (inf) to go easy on somebodynicht so streng mit jdm sein; to go easy on somethingmit etw sparsam umgehen; to go easy on the brakes/one’s liverdie Bremsen/seine Leber schonen; to take it easy, to take things easy (= rest)sich schonen; take it easy! (= calm down)immer mit der Ruhe!; (esp US, when saying goodbye) → machs gut!; easy does itimmer sachte



    easy touch

    n to be an easy (inf)nicht nein or Nein sagen können

    Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



    1. (-ier (comp) (-iest (superl))) adj

    b. (carefree, life) → agiato/a, tranquillo/a; (relationship) → cordiale; (relaxed, manners, style) → disinvolto/a
    to feel easy in one’s mind → sentirsi tranquillo/a
    payment on easy terms (Comm) → facilitazioni fpl di pagamento
    I’m easy (fam) → non ho problemi

    2. adv easy does it!piano!
    to take it or things easy → prendersela con calma
    take it easy! (don’t worry) → non prendertela! (don’t rush) → calma!
    go easy with the sugar → vacci piano con lo zucchero
    go easy on him → non essere troppo duro con lui
    stand easy! (Mil) → riposo!

    Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


    (iːz) noun

    1. freedom from pain or from worry or hard work. a lifetime of ease.

    2. freedom from difficulty. He passed his exam with ease.

    3. naturalness. ease of manner.


    1. to free from pain, trouble or anxiety. A hot bath eased his tired limbs.

    2. (often with off) to make or become less strong, less severe, less fast etc. The pain has eased (off); The driver eased off as he approached the town.

    3. to move (something heavy or awkward) gently or gradually in or out of position. They eased the wardrobe carefully up the narrow staircase.

    ˈeasily adverb

    1. without difficulty. She won the race easily.

    2. by far. This is easily the best book I’ve read this year.

    3. very probably. It may easily rain tomorrow.

    ˈeasiness nounˈeasy adjective

    1. not difficult. This is an easy job (to do).

    2. free from pain, trouble, anxiety etc. He had an easy day at the office.

    3. friendly. an easy manner/smile.

    4. relaxed; leisurely. The farmer walked with an easy stride.


    a command to go or act gently. Easy! You’ll fall if you run too fast.

    easy chair

    a chair that is soft and comfortable, eg an armchair.

    ˌeasy-ˈgoing adjective

    not inclined to worry.

    at ease

    free from anxiety or embarrassment. He is completely at ease among strangers.

    easier said than done

    more difficult than it at first seems. Getting seats for the theatre is easier said than done.

    go easy on

    to be careful with. Go easy on the wine – there won’t be enough for the rest of the guests.

    stand at ease

    (eg soldiers) to stand with legs apart and hands clasped behind the back.

    take it easy

    not to work etc hard or energetically; to avoid using much effort. The doctor told him to take it easy.

    take one’s ease

    to make oneself comfortable; to relax. There he was – taking his ease in his father’s chair!

    Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


    سَهْل snadný let einfach εύκολος fácil helppo facile lagan facile 簡単な 쉬운 gemakkelijk lettvint łatwy fácil легко enkel ง่าย kolay dễ 容易的

    Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


    a. fácil;

    within ___ reachal alcance de la mano;

    ___ paymentsfacilidades de pago.

    English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

    What is another word for easy?

    1405 synonyms found


    [ ˈiːzi], [ ˈiːzi], [ ˈiː_z_i]

    Related words: easy to use web design, easy-to-use programming language, easy to use word processor, easy to use website builder, easy-to-use memory card, easy to use filter, syncs with the cloud, easy to use time clock

    Related questions:

  • How does easy to use work?
  • Is easy to use a book?

    Table of Contents

    Similar words for easy:

    • able (adjective)

    • agreeable (adjective)

    • all (adjective)

    • amiable (adjective)

    • articulate (adjective)

    • attainable (adjective)

    • calm (adjective)

    • carefree (adjective)

    • charitable (adjective)

    • clement (adjective)

    • collected (adjective)

    • comfortable (adjective)

    • complaisant (adjective)

    • composed (adjective)

    • content (adjective)

    • cushy (adjective)

    • difficult (adjective)

    • docile (adjective)

    • down-to-earth (adjective)

    • elementary (adjective)

    • expansive (adjective)

    • facile (adjective)

    • familiar (adjective)

    • fast (adjective)

    • flowing (adjective)

    • fluent (adjective)

    • forbearing (adjective)

    • frank (adjective)

    • free (adjective)

    • generous (adjective)

    • gentle (adjective)

    • glib (adjective)

    • good-humored (adjective)

    • good-natured (adjective)

    • good-tempered (adjective)

    • graceful (adjective)

    • gracious (adjective)

    • gradual (adjective)

    • great-hearted (adjective)

    • gullible (adjective)

    • happy-go-lucky (adjective)

    • homey (adjective)

    • indulgent (adjective)

    • informal (adjective)

    • jaunty (adjective)

    • languid (adjective)

    • large-hearted (adjective)

    • leisurely (adjective)

    • leisurely, relaxed (adjective)

    • lenient (adjective)

    • light (adjective)

    • loose (adjective)

    • luxurious (adjective)

    • manageable (adjective)

    • mild (adjective)

    • moderate (adjective)

    • natural (adjective)

    • neutral (adjective)

    • nonaligned (adjective)

    • nonchalant (adjective)

    • not difficult (adjective)

    • nothing to it (adjective)

    • obedient (adjective)

    • obliging (adjective)

    • open-and-shut (adjective)

    • other relevant words (adjective)

    • outgoing (adjective)

    • passable (adjective)

    • plainspoken (adjective)

    • pliable (adjective)

    • promiscuous (adjective)

    • prosperous (adjective)

    • readable (adjective)

    • reduced (adjective)

    • relaxed (adjective)

    • rich (adjective)

    • rudimental (adjective)

    • running (adjective)

    • secure (adjective)

    • serene (adjective)

    • slack (adjective)

    • slow (adjective)

    • slow-footed (adjective)

    • slow-going (adjective)

    • slow-paced (adjective)

    • smooth (adjective)

    • smooth-tongued (adjective)

    • snug (adjective)

    • soft (adjective)

    • straight-out (adjective)

    • straight-shooting (adjective)

    • susceptible (adjective)

    • talkative (adjective)

    • tolerant, permissive (adjective)

    • tranquil (adjective)

    • transparent (adjective)

    • unconcerned (adjective)

    • unconfined (adjective)

    • unflappable (adjective)

    • uninvolved (adjective)

    • unsuspecting (adjective)

    • weightless (adjective)

    • well-off (adjective)

    • workable (adjective)

    • yielding (adjective)

    • abundant (noun)

    • at ease (noun)

    • available (noun)

    • casual (noun)

    • comfy (noun)

    • duck soup (noun)

    • easily (noun)

    • easy (noun)

    • hands down (noun)

    • lax (noun)

    • nothing to it (noun)

    • other relevant words (noun)

    • well-to-do (noun)

    • other synonyms
    • approachable

    • controllable

    • debonair

    • easy going

    • jaunty

    • kindly

    • trite

    • other relevant words (noun)

    How to use «easy» in context?

    for easy

    Homophones for easy

    Antonyms for easy

    Synonyms for Easy:

    • adj.

      able (adjective)

      • most capable,
      • smart,
      • end-owed,
      • more intelligent,
      • effortless,
      • end owed,
      • powerful.

      agreeable (adjective)

      • complaisant.

      all (adjective)

      • easy.

      amiable (adjective)

      • more sweettempered,
      • more buddy buddy,
      • more copacetic,
      • most buddy-buddy,
      • most sweettempered,
      • pleasant,
      • more pussycat,
      • most buddy buddy,
      • most sweet-tempered,
      • kindly,
      • most winning,
      • sweet tempered,
      • righteous,
      • princely,
      • clubbiest,
      • most sweet tempered,
      • palsywalsy,
      • more buddy-buddy,
      • more sweet-tempered,
      • most buddybuddy,
      • more sweet tempered,
      • sweettempered,
      • most pussycat,
      • friendly,
      • swell,
      • de-lightful,
      • de lightful,
      • more buddybuddy,
      • clubbier,
      • buddybuddy,
      • buddy buddy,
      • most copacetic,
      • palsy walsy.

      articulate (adjective)

      • fluent.

      attainable (adjective)

      • cherry pie,
      • realizable,
      • no sweat,
      • no problem,
      • piece of cake,
      • Securable,
      • procurable.

      calm (adjective)

      • self-possessed.

      carefree (adjective)

      • radiant,
      • easy going,
      • easy-going,
      • laid back,
      • insouciant,
      • unanxious,
      • feelgood,
      • unbothered.

      charitable (adjective)

      • sympathetic,
      • under standing,
      • broad minded,
      • more understanding,
      • more forgiving,
      • under-standing.

      clement (adjective)

      • kind hearted,
      • most soft hearted,
      • more soft hearted,
      • more soft-hearted,
      • soft hearted,
      • most soft-hearted.

      collected (adjective)

      • peaceful,
      • unperturbable,
      • Quieter,
      • levelheaded,
      • quietest.

      comfortable (adjective)

      • most pleased,
      • cared for,
      • made well,
      • homey,
      • at rest,
      • healthy,
      • snug as bug in rug,
      • more suitable,
      • loose-fitting,
      • well-heeled,
      • Soothed,
      • snug as a bug in a rug,
      • hale,
      • heartiest.

      complaisant (adjective)

      • sub-missive,
      • sub missive.

      composed (adjective)

      • sure of oneself,
      • cool as cucumber,
      • keeping one’s shirt on,
      • not turn a hair,
      • keeping a stiff upper lip,
      • have one’s act together,
      • Disimpassioned.

      content (adjective)

      • contend,
      • satisfied,
      • complacent.

      cushy (adjective)

      • undemanding,
      • Plummer,
      • plum.

      difficult (adjective)

      • tough.

      docile (adjective)

      • laidback,
      • re signed,
      • more weakkneed,
      • most docious,
      • re-signed,
      • weak kneed,
      • most weakkneed,
      • more weak-kneed,
      • wellbehaved,
      • more weak kneed,
      • weakkneed,
      • teachable,
      • weak-kneed,
      • most weak-kneed,
      • more docious,
      • well behaved,
      • most weak kneed.

      down-to-earth (adjective)

      • more unidealistic,
      • un fantastic,
      • most unsentimental,
      • most unidealistic,
      • more unfantastic,
      • un-sentimental,
      • nononsense,
      • matter-of-fact,
      • un idealistic,
      • un sentimental,
      • un-fantastic,
      • more unsentimental,
      • most hardheaded,
      • most unfantastic,
      • un-idealistic.

      elementary (adjective)

      • meat potatoes,
      • most simplex,
      • more uncomplex,
      • more beginning,
      • most abecedarian,
      • most substratal,
      • preliminary,
      • most beginning,
      • elemental,
      • initial,
      • un-complex,
      • under-lying,
      • more foundational,
      • substratal,
      • more primo,
      • more substratal,
      • un complex,
      • more simplex,
      • un complicated,
      • be ginning,
      • most uncomplex,
      • un-complicated,
      • most primo,
      • more abecedarian,
      • most foundational,
      • most abcs,
      • under lying,
      • sub stratal,
      • be-ginning,
      • sub-stratal,
      • more abcs,
      • most fundamental.

      expansive (adjective)

      • un-constrained,
      • un-inhibited,
      • un-restrained,
      • un reserved,
      • un constrained,
      • un-reserved,
      • un inhibited.

      facile (adjective)

      • adroit,
      • efficient,
      • deft,
      • dexterous,
      • nothing to it,
      • handy.

      familiar (adjective)

      • more familiar,
      • officious,
      • un ceremonious,
      • un-ceremonious,
      • more free-and-easy,
      • palsier,
      • most free and easy,
      • pre-sumptuous,
      • pre sumptuous,
      • palsiest,
      • more free and easy,
      • intrusive,
      • most free-and-easy.

      fast (adjective)

      • gadabout,
      • lecherous,
      • sportive,
      • self-gratifying,
      • flirtatious,
      • lascivious,
      • indecent,
      • incontinent.

      flowing (adjective)

      • more liquefied,
      • more tidal,
      • more streaming,
      • most liquefied,
      • most overrun,
      • more flooded,
      • most fluidic,
      • most cursive,
      • most unbroken,
      • most issuing,
      • un broken,
      • more spouting,
      • most streaming,
      • un interrupted,
      • more overrun,
      • more rippling,
      • most tidal,
      • more cursive,
      • un-broken,
      • more issuing,
      • most spouting,
      • more unbroken,
      • most rippling,
      • most flooded,
      • more fluidic.

      fluent (adjective)

      • wellversed,
      • more well versed,
      • more wellversed,
      • smooth spoken,
      • silvertongued,
      • most well versed,
      • co-pious,
      • most smooth-spoken,
      • more smooth spoken,
      • smoothspoken,
      • well versed,
      • more well-versed,
      • most wellversed,
      • most smooth spoken,
      • most mellifluent,
      • more mellifluent,
      • most well-versed,
      • silver tongued,
      • more smoothspoken,
      • most smoothspoken,
      • co pious,
      • more smooth-spoken.

      forbearing (adjective)

      • more longanimous,
      • long suffering,
      • longsuffering,
      • most longanimous,
      • more softshell,
      • most soft shell,
      • more soft shell,
      • most soft-shell,
      • most softshell,
      • more soft-shell.

      frank (adjective)

      • un restricted,
      • most plain spoken,
      • ingenuous,
      • call spade spade,
      • more flat out,
      • lay the line,
      • out righter,
      • call a spade spade,
      • most bare faced,
      • most flat out,
      • more plain spoken,
      • like is,
      • more heart-to-heart,
      • more flatout,
      • un-restricted,
      • lay on line,
      • out-spoken,
      • un concealed,
      • most heart to heart,
      • out-righter,
      • outspoken,
      • most flat-out,
      • out spoken,
      • out-right,
      • lay it the line,
      • more plain-spoken,
      • more bare faced,
      • call spade a spade,
      • most undisguised,
      • flatout,
      • lay it on line,
      • heart to heart,
      • more undisguised,
      • like it is,
      • un disguised,
      • un-disguised,
      • lay line,
      • most heart-to-heart,
      • un-concealed,
      • most plain-spoken,
      • more heart to heart,
      • most flatout,
      • more bare-faced,
      • out rightest,
      • lay it line,
      • most bare-faced,
      • more flat-out,
      • out right,
      • from hip,
      • saying what thinks,
      • bare faced.

      free (adjective)

      • freest,
      • unhampered,
      • on one’s own,
      • off the hook,
      • on the loose,
      • on own,
      • unengaged,
      • independent,
      • untrammeled,
      • at large,
      • free spirited,
      • free-wheeling,
      • at liberty,
      • freewheeling,
      • free-spirited.

      generous (adjective)

      • munificent,
      • Great-hearted,
      • Open-handed,
      • soft-touch,
      • kindhearted,
      • unstinting,
      • ungrudging,
      • unsparing.

      gentle (adjective)

      • fainter,
      • lowtoned,
      • lowpitched,
      • more low-toned,
      • more lowtoned,
      • softhearted,
      • more dovelike,
      • more dove like,
      • most low toned,
      • more low toned,
      • most low-toned,
      • low toned,
      • most dove like,
      • most lowtoned,
      • low pitched,
      • most dovelike,
      • most dove-like,
      • pacific,
      • most muted,
      • dove like,
      • most disciplined,
      • more disciplined,
      • more muted,
      • more dove-like,
      • soothing.

      glib (adjective)

      • hotair,
      • in-sincere,
      • in sincerest,
      • more hot air,
      • more hot-air,
      • fast talking,
      • more fast-talking,
      • in-sincerest,
      • most fasttalking,
      • more fasttalking,
      • most hot air,
      • in sincerer,
      • most fast talking,
      • most hot-air,
      • in sincere,
      • most vocative,
      • most fast-talking,
      • insincere,
      • most hotair,
      • flippest,
      • more vocative,
      • in-sincerer,
      • more hotair,
      • more fast talking,
      • fasttalking.

      good-humored (adjective)

      • unpretentious,
      • open,
      • unforced,
      • urbane,
      • diplomatic,
      • affable,
      • polite,
      • unaffected,
      • gregarious,
      • sociable,
      • suave.

      good-natured (adjective)

      • marshmallow,
      • willing to please,
      • softie,
      • good-hearted,
      • well-disposed.

      good-tempered (adjective)

      • goodtempered,
      • good tempered.

      graceful (adjective)

      • lithe,
      • more balletic,
      • most balletic,
      • re fined,
      • limber,
      • more aesthetic,
      • be-coming,
      • shapely.

      gracious (adjective)

      • more bonhomous,
      • wellmannered,
      • most bonhomous,
      • big hearted,
      • well mannered.

      gradual (adjective)

      • imperceptible,
      • moderate,
      • even.

      great-hearted (adjective)

      • kiner,
      • kinest,
      • great hearted.

      gullible (adjective)

      • unsuspecting.

      happy-go-lucky (adjective)

      • without care,
      • carefree and untroubled,
      • Free-minded.

      homey (adjective)

      • folksy.

      indulgent (adjective)

      • more overpermissive,
      • able live with,
      • soft shelled,
      • softshelled,
      • more soft-shelled,
      • most soft shelled,
      • more softshelled,
      • over permissive,
      • most softshelled,
      • most soft-shelled,
      • more soft shelled,
      • fonder,
      • most overpermissive.

      informal (adjective)

      • lowpressure,
      • un-conventional,
      • most lowpressure,
      • un-fussier,
      • most improv,
      • most low-pressure,
      • most throwaway,
      • more throwaway,
      • un fussier,
      • more low-pressure,
      • unfussier,
      • in formal,
      • un-fussiest,
      • un official,
      • most low pressure,
      • more lowpressure,
      • more low pressure,
      • un fussy,
      • more improv,
      • un-fussy,
      • un conventional,
      • in-conspicuous,
      • unfussiest,
      • in-formal,
      • un fussiest,
      • in conspicuous,
      • un-official,
      • down home.

      jaunty (adjective)

      • perky,
      • most swaggering,
      • more prankish,
      • more swaggering,
      • pro vocative,
      • pro-vocative,
      • most prankish,
      • more gamesome,
      • selfconfident,
      • high spirited,
      • self confident,
      • hilarious,
      • impish,
      • most jocose,
      • Gamesome,
      • joking,
      • most gamesome.

      languid (adjective)

      • un enthusiastic,
      • un-enthusiastic,
      • most nebbish,
      • more energyless,
      • snooziest,
      • in different,
      • blahser,
      • snoozier,
      • most pining,
      • most energyless,
      • most sleepyhead,
      • more pining,
      • in-firmest,
      • blahsest,
      • in-firmer,
      • in-active,
      • uninterested,
      • un interested,
      • un-hurried,
      • un hurried,
      • more nebbish,
      • more sleepyhead,
      • in-different,
      • wimpier,
      • un-interested,
      • unenthusiastic,
      • in firmest,
      • wimpiest,
      • in firmer.

      large-hearted (adjective)

      • large hearted.

      leisurely (adjective)

      • restful,
      • at loose ends,
      • Slackened,
      • unemployed,
      • retired,
      • convenient,
      • slow-moving,
      • relaxing,
      • unoccupied,
      • deliberate,
      • inactive,
      • unhasty,
      • at leisure,
      • laggard.

      leisurely, relaxed (adjective)

      • running,
      • undisturbed,
      • thriving,
      • successful,
      • spontaneous,
      • commodious,
      • in clover,
      • quiet,
      • temperate,
      • content,
      • contented,
      • untroubled,
      • calm,
      • forthright.

      lenient (adjective)

      • most excusing,
      • more humoring,
      • more letting,
      • more allowing,
      • more spoiling,
      • all-owing,
      • more mollycoddling,
      • most letting,
      • most humoring,
      • more pampering,
      • most mollycoddling,
      • most favoring,
      • most assuaging,
      • more assuaging,
      • most pardoning,
      • most spoiling,
      • more excusing,
      • most allowing,
      • most pampering,
      • more favoring,
      • more pardoning,
      • all owing,
      • most assuasive,
      • more assuasive.

      light (adjective)

      • Imponderous,
      • featherweight,
      • Gossamery,
      • tissuelike,
      • lightest,
      • frothy,
      • light-footed,
      • Floatable,
      • unheavy,
      • sylphlike,
      • weightless.

      loose (adjective)

      • unbolted,
      • unbound,
      • Unhooked,
      • high living,
      • not fitting,
      • unshackled,
      • unpinned,
      • swinging,
      • unconfined,
      • unlatched,
      • unsecured,
      • uncaged.

      luxurious (adjective)

      • most pleasureloving,
      • pleasureloving,
      • more pleasureloving,
      • in the lap luxury,
      • most pleasure-loving,
      • ex-pensive,
      • de-luxe,
      • most pleasure loving,
      • more upscale,
      • more pleasure-loving,
      • most pampered,
      • more pampered,
      • in lap of luxury,
      • ex pensive,
      • in lap luxury,
      • fit for king queen,
      • sybaritic,
      • pleasure loving,
      • up scale,
      • most upscale,
      • more luxurious,
      • more pleasure loving,
      • fit for king- queen,
      • well appointed,
      • up-scale,
      • De Luxe,
      • fit for a king- queen,
      • wellappointed,
      • fit for a king queen.

      manageable (adjective)

      • tamable.

      mild (adjective)

      • unassuming,
      • tempered,
      • lenitive,
      • hohum,
      • nothing much,
      • ho-hum,
      • mild-mannered,
      • peaceable,
      • Forbearant,
      • Obeisant,
      • demulcent,
      • ho hum.

      moderate (adjective)

      • cool,
      • subdued,
      • innocuous,
      • alleviated,
      • restrained.

      natural (adjective)

      • more undesigning,
      • in artificial,
      • most upfront,
      • un-embarrassed,
      • un embarrassed,
      • more inartificial,
      • more upfront,
      • un forced,
      • most up front,
      • more uncontrived,
      • un-worldliest,
      • most inartificial,
      • un polished,
      • un-assumed,
      • Undesigning,
      • most unlabored,
      • un sophisticated,
      • more unassumed,
      • un worldliest,
      • most unassumed,
      • un-designing,
      • un contrived,
      • in nocent,
      • un-forced,
      • un worldlier,
      • un schooled,
      • in-nocent,
      • un studied,
      • un labored,
      • un worldly,
      • un-studied,
      • more up front,
      • un-pretentious,
      • more simplehearted,
      • more unembarrassed,
      • un-labored,
      • un-contrived,
      • un feigned,
      • most uncontrived,
      • more up-front,
      • most undesigning,
      • un assumed,
      • un-worldlier,
      • in-artificial,
      • most up-front,
      • un-schooled,
      • more unlabored,
      • most unembarrassed,
      • un-worldly,
      • most simplehearted,
      • un designing,
      • un-feigned.

      neutral (adjective)

      • middle of road,
      • most poker-faced,
      • fairminded,
      • most noncombatant,
      • non combatant,
      • un aligned,
      • poker faced,
      • more noncombatant,
      • more unaligned,
      • most nonbelligerent,
      • more nonbelligerent,
      • more poker faced,
      • un decided,
      • unaligned,
      • fair minded,
      • dis-interested,
      • un-decided,
      • most middle of road,
      • non belligerent,
      • by-standing,
      • most nonparticipating,
      • most middle-of-road,
      • un prejudiced,
      • most bystanding,
      • more nonparticipating,
      • more middle of road,
      • most poker faced,
      • more poker-faced,
      • more middle-of-road,
      • more bystanding,
      • by standing,
      • un biased,
      • dis interested,
      • non partisan,
      • on fence,
      • un-prejudiced,
      • most unaligned,
      • non participating,
      • un-aligned.

      nonaligned (adjective)

      • non-aligned.

      nonchalant (adjective)

      • more unexcited,
      • un feeling,
      • un emotional,
      • un caring,
      • in-curious,
      • un-impressible,
      • un excited,
      • in curious,
      • un impressible,
      • un-caring,
      • un-emotional,
      • more unimpressible,
      • most unexcited,
      • most unimpressible,
      • un-excited.

      not difficult (adjective)

      • wieldy,
      • manifest,
      • mere,
      • cinch,
      • plain sailing,
      • child’s play,
      • obvious,
      • untroublesome,
      • easily done,
      • paltry,
      • no bother,
      • yielding,
      • slight,
      • clear,
      • not burdensome,
      • simple as abc,
      • inconsiderable,
      • royal,
      • no trouble,
      • little,
      • picnic,
      • apparent,
      • straightforward,
      • evident.

      nothing to it (adjective)

      • most painless,
      • nothing it,
      • snappest,
      • more painless.

      obedient (adjective)

      • compliant.

      obliging (adjective)

      • eager to please,
      • co operative,
      • eager please,
      • co-operative.

      open-and-shut (adjective)

      • iced,
      • clear as a bell,
      • sewn up,
      • open and shut,
      • clear cut,
      • Cinched,
      • in the bag,
      • cut and dried,
      • nailed down.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • glib,
      • balletic,
      • matter of fact,
      • susceptible,
      • at peace,
      • copacetic,
      • energyless,
      • smooth,
      • poker-faced,
      • blahs,
      • tidal,
      • undisguised,
      • primo,
      • cushy,
      • rolling with punches,
      • unworried,
      • smooth operator,
      • forbearing,
      • loose,
      • all heart,
      • throwaway,
      • charitable,
      • uncomplex,
      • informal,
      • unfantastic,
      • well provided for,
      • open-and-shut,
      • leisurely,
      • lenient,
      • longanimous,
      • substantial,
      • largehearted,
      • relaxed,
      • commonsense,
      • rich,
      • basal,
      • uncontrived,
      • readable,
      • light,
      • frank,
      • fast-talking,
      • low pressure,
      • going easy with,
      • pleasure-loving,
      • rolling with the punches,
      • unconcerned,
      • knightly,
      • slowgoing,
      • docious,
      • unfussy,
      • transparent,
      • slack,
      • unidealistic,
      • natural,
      • down-to-earth,
      • pliable,
      • snug,
      • broadminded,
      • putty in hands,
      • bare-faced,
      • buddy-buddy,
      • unembarrassed,
      • neutral,
      • upfront,
      • well-off,
      • motorable,
      • docile,
      • straight-from-the-shoulder,
      • able to live with,
      • no nonsense,
      • smooth-tongued,
      • cincher,
      • slow,
      • nonchalant,
      • secure,
      • clubby,
      • over-permissive,
      • low-toned,
      • undiscriminating,
      • good-tempered,
      • flipper,
      • cool as a cucumber,
      • locked on,
      • over-run,
      • travelable,
      • soft,
      • able,
      • light as a feather,
      • simplex,
      • propertied,
      • non-partisan,
      • pouring out,
      • carefree,
      • Undoubtful,
      • Familiar,
      • made of money,
      • happy-go-lucky,
      • tranquil,
      • bonhomous,
      • softshell,
      • straight shooting,
      • sweet-tempered,
      • luxurious,
      • hot-air,
      • putty,
      • traversable,
      • fast,
      • being big,
      • saying what one thinks,
      • gracious,
      • painless,
      • promiscuous,
      • fluidic,
      • low-pressure,
      • heart-to-heart,
      • easily led,
      • Soft-hearted,
      • Soft-shelled,
      • attainable,
      • in the lap of luxury,
      • free,
      • being oneself,
      • non-belligerent,
      • free-and-easy,
      • Mellifluent,
      • collected,
      • putty in one’s hands,
      • snapper,
      • smooth-spoken,
      • flowing,
      • call a spade a spade,
      • languorous,
      • up-front,
      • mild,
      • good-natured,
      • sleepyhead,
      • Unimpressible,
      • pussycat,
      • assuasive,
      • disciplined,
      • serene,
      • unsentimental,
      • hardboiled,
      • easily influenced,
      • palsy,
      • prosperous,
      • wimpy,
      • doable,
      • plushy,
      • nonparticipating,
      • Dovelike,
      • straight from the shoulder,
      • IMPROV,
      • unflappable,
      • live with,
      • be coming,
      • non-combatant,
      • soft shell,
      • without ceremony,
      • Soft-shell,
      • humoring,
      • overpermissive,
      • gentle,
      • rolling in it,
      • filthy rich,
      • dove-like,
      • obliging,
      • languid,
      • noncombatant,
      • middle-of-road,
      • lymphatic,
      • lay on the line,
      • good-humored,
      • in firm,
      • indulgent,
      • generous,
      • of easy virtue,
      • nonaligned,
      • homelike,
      • passable,
      • straight-out,
      • nonbelligerent,
      • Unlabored,
      • snoozy,
      • amiable,
      • vocative,
      • unexcited,
      • upscale,
      • unassumed,
      • cursive,
      • straight-shooting,
      • stoical,
      • foundational,
      • simplehearted,
      • worth a million,
      • from the hip,
      • unexcitable,
      • uninvolved,
      • prankish,
      • Inartificial,
      • living with,
      • going easy on,
      • composed,
      • lay it on the line,
      • greathearted,
      • comfortable,
      • well-versed,
      • on sidelines,
      • Hard-hearted,
      • downright neighborly,
      • crossable,
      • workable,
      • bystanding,
      • non-participating,
      • home cooking.

      outgoing (adjective)

      • most extrovert,
      • out goinger,
      • out-goingest,
      • out-goinger,
      • out goingest,
      • out going,
      • more extrovert,
      • out-going,
      • outgoing.

      passable (adjective)

      • more crossable,
      • traveled,
      • most motorable,
      • un-blocked,
      • un blocked,
      • most crossable,
      • most travelable,
      • navigable,
      • more motorable,
      • more travelable,
      • more traversable,
      • most traversable.

      plainspoken (adjective)

      • Plain-spoken,
      • man-to-man,
      • plainspoken.

      pliable (adjective)

      • Puttier,
      • puttiest,
      • more manipulable,
      • manipulable,
      • most manipulable.

      promiscuous (adjective)

      • most pushover,
      • un discriminating,
      • un bridled,
      • over sexed,
      • most undiscriminating,
      • in-discriminate,
      • un-discriminating,
      • most oversexed,
      • over-sexed,
      • more oversexed,
      • more pushover,
      • un-bridled,
      • in discriminate,
      • more undiscriminating.

      prosperous (adjective)

      • money to burn,
      • in the money,
      • upper-class,
      • main-line,
      • on top of heap,
      • palmiest,
      • doing well,
      • main line,
      • mainline,
      • palmy,
      • uptown,
      • lousy rich.

      readable (adjective)

      • more well written,
      • ex citing,
      • most wellwritten,
      • well written,
      • wellwritten,
      • most well-written,
      • re warding,
      • well-written,
      • more well-written,
      • more wellwritten,
      • most well written,
      • re-warding.

      reduced (adjective)

      • made easy.

      relaxed (adjective)

      • hang-loose,
      • outgiving,
      • hang loose.

      rich (adjective)

      • more propertied,
      • worth million,
      • most propertied,
      • made money,
      • rolling it.

      rudimental (adjective)

      • Rudimental.

      running (adjective)

      • in succession,
      • in action,
      • in operation.

      secure (adjective)

      • re-solute,
      • tried true,
      • re solute,
      • most shooin,
      • re-liablest,
      • more shoo in,
      • cinchest,
      • re-liabler,
      • re-assured,
      • re liablest,
      • re-liable,
      • re assured,
      • most shoo-in,
      • more reassured,
      • most shoo in,
      • more undoubtful,
      • on ice,
      • shooin,
      • un doubtful,
      • shoo in,
      • most undoubtful,
      • re liabler,
      • most reassured,
      • wellfounded,
      • un-doubtful,
      • well-founded,
      • more shooin,
      • well founded,
      • more shoo-in.

      serene (adjective)

      • re-sting,
      • re sting.

      slack (adjective)

      • not taut,
      • un steady,
      • un steadier,
      • un steadiest,
      • un-steadiest,
      • un-steadier.

      slow (adjective)

      • slowest,
      • slow-paced,
      • slow-footed,
      • slow-going,
      • tortoiselike,
      • snaillike.

      slow-footed (adjective)

      • slowfooted,
      • slow footed.

      slow-going (adjective)

      • slow going.

      slow-paced (adjective)

      • slowpaced,
      • slow paced.

      smooth (adjective)

      • hairless,
      • planate,
      • undeviating,
      • velvety,
      • frictionless,
      • rippleless,
      • shaven,
      • mirrorlike.

      smooth-tongued (adjective)

      • smoothtongued,
      • smooth tongued.

      snug (adjective)

      • most homelike,
      • more homelike.

      soft (adjective)

      • pulpy,
      • gelatinous,
      • cushiony,
      • overindulgent,
      • doughier,
      • cottony,
      • doughy,
      • fleecy,
      • Pappy,
      • softer,
      • bendable,
      • Tender-hearted.

      straight-out (adjective)

      • straightout,
      • straight out.

      straight-shooting (adjective)

      • straightshooting.

      susceptible (adjective)

      • tumble for,
      • non-resistant,
      • out on limb,
      • wide open,
      • sitting duck,
      • fall for,
      • nonresistant,
      • easily moved,
      • suggestible,
      • sensile,
      • be taken in.

      talkative (adjective)

      • expansive.

      tolerant, permissive (adjective)

      • Unoppressive,
      • flexible,
      • liberal,
      • Condoning,
      • Pardoning,
      • unsuspicious,
      • amenable,
      • submissive,
      • biddable,
      • mollycoddling,
      • Unburdensome,
      • forgiving,
      • Deludable,
      • spoiling,
      • pampering,
      • benign,
      • Deceivable,
      • Excusing,
      • fleeceable,
      • trusting,
      • accommodating,
      • compassionate.

      tranquil (adjective)

      • more murmuring,
      • most unexcitable,
      • more unexcitable,
      • most murmuring,
      • un-excitable,
      • un excitable.

      transparent (adjective)

      • easily seen,
      • recognizable.

      unconcerned (adjective)

      • un-worried,
      • more hard hearted,
      • more unworried,
      • un worried,
      • un sympathetic,
      • re-served,
      • in sensible,
      • most unworried,
      • in-attentive,
      • un-concerned,
      • un-moved,
      • more hard-hearted,
      • selfcentered,
      • most hard-hearted,
      • most hard hearted,
      • in sensitive,
      • self centered,
      • un concerned,
      • in-sensitive,
      • re served,
      • hard hearted,
      • in-sensible.

      unconfined (adjective)

      • free as a bird.

      unflappable (adjective)

      • un flappable,
      • un-flappable,
      • level headed.

      uninvolved (adjective)

      • un-involved,
      • un involved.

      unsuspecting (adjective)

      • trustful,
      • off guard,
      • unwarned,
      • undoubting,
      • taken in.

      weightless (adjective)

      • light as feather.

      well-off (adjective)

      • welloff,
      • well off.

      workable (adjective)

      • breezest,
      • doablest,
      • doabler,
      • breezer.

      yielding (adjective)

      • putty hands,
      • putty one hands,
      • putty in one hands,
      • putty in ones hands,
      • putty ones hands,
      • putty one’s hands.
    • n.

      • carefully,
      • lightly,
      • cautiously,
      • gently,
      • come naturally/easily/easy (to someone),
      • mindless.

      • snap,
      • at one with,
      • chilled.

      • style,
      • fluid.

      • good,
      • cozy.

      • thrive.

      • tighten,
      • unceremonious,
      • unrestrained,
      • plain.

      • clement,
      • merciful,
      • tolerant,
      • accept.

      • gullible,
      • naive,
      • wise,
      • credulous.

      • rise.

      • libertine.

      abundant (noun)

      • abundant.

      at ease (noun)

      • at ease.

      available (noun)

      • available.

      casual (noun)

      • casual.

      comfy (noun)

      • comfy.

      duck soup (noun)

      • pushover,
      • pie,
      • a snap,
      • easy to do,
      • no brainer,
      • a breeze,
      • easily accomplished task,
      • no-brainer,
      • PIES,
      • easies,
      • turkey shoot,
      • easy thing.

      easily (noun)

      • easily.

      easy (noun)

      • gradual,
      • easygoing,
      • wanton,
      • user-friendly,
      • unchaste,
      • simple,
      • pleasing,
      • elementary,
      • facile,
      • well-to-do,
      • simplified,
      • sluttish,
      • well-fixed,
      • slowly,
      • tardily,
      • well-situated,
      • unproblematic,
      • unhurried,
      • uncomplicated.

      hands down (noun)

      • hands down.

      lax (noun)

      • permissive.

      nothing to it (noun)

      • nothing-it,
      • effortlesses.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • agreement,
      • simples,
      • characteristic,
      • agility,
      • duck soup.

      well-to-do (noun)

      • wealthy.
    • Other synonyms:

      • dutch,
      • womanizing,
      • strictness,
      • predigested,
      • deep water,
      • recondite,
      • sternness,
      • tractable,
      • intelligible,
      • explicable,
      • Whorish,
      • Dupable,
      • stringency,
      • philandering,
      • arduously,
      • crystal clear,
      • cumbrous,
      • Easeful,
      • lowbrow,
      • bubblegum,
      • pother,
      • hot spot,
      • effortlessness,
      • can of worms,
      • rigorousness,
      • cumbersome,
      • toughness,
      • pellucid,
      • exploitable,
      • self-explanatory,
      • low-maintenance,
      • laid-back,
      • promiscuity,
      • digestible,
      • trouble-free,
      • walkaway,
      • comprehensible,
      • graceful,
      • Difficultly,
      • facileness,
      • expressly.

      • corner,
      • profound,
      • trial,
      • bind.

      • issue,
      • sensitive,
      • slip,
      • deep.

      • ease,
      • slide,
      • express,
      • basic,
      • slick.

      • trouble.

      • sex-.


      • accessible.


      • manageable.


      • jaunty.

      easy going

      • unexacting.


      • debonair.


      • humane.


      • mickey mouse.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • effortlessly,
      • dainty,
      • facilely,
      • without difficulty,
      • lax,
      • dilatory,
      • offhand,
      • devil-may-care,
      • readily,
      • remiss,
      • swimmingly,
      • guardedly,
      • lackadaisical,
      • like nothing,
      • easy as pie,
      • sans souci,
      • delicate,
      • tender,
      • like taking candy from a baby,
      • offhanded,
      • in luxury,
      • gingerly,
      • simply.

    How to use «Easy» in context?

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to making your life easier. Just because something is easy to do, doesn’t mean it’s the best or most efficient way to get the job done. In fact, some of the simplest solutions can be the most effective. Here are six easy tips to help you make your life a little bit easier:

    1) Define what you need and want. Instead of trying to do everything yourself, break your project down into small, manageable steps. This will make it easier for you to stay motivated and get the job done.

    Paraphrases for Easy:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Adjective
        effortless, uncomplicated.
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        affluent, arduous, beautiful, difficult, feasible, gullible, light, loose, ordinary, painless, pleasant, relaxed, seamless, tough, tricky, understandable, Concessionary, simplifies, concessional, hassle-free, straight-forward, barrier-free, easy-peasy, light-commercial, easy-to-access, ease-of.
      • Proper noun, singular
      • Noun, plural
        Opportunities, Possibilities, differences, challenges, types, tools, components, battles.
      • Noun, singular or mass
      • Adverb
        comfortably, conveniently, difficult, lightly, quietly, smoothly.
      • Verb, past tense
        pulled, Had, Happened.
      • Verb, past participle
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
        helps, arrives, makes.
    • Exclusion

      • Adverb
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
        accessible, challenging, cheap, complicated, cumbersome, easily, facile, lightweight, manageable, obvious, ready, simplistic, slight, susceptible, unproblematic, vulnerable, Light-hearted, easy-to-use, easy-to-understand, easy-to-manage.
      • Proper noun, singular
        easily, readily.
      • Adverb
        easily, readily.

    Homophones for Easy:

    • eyewash, esq, each, eccyesis, ego, eggs, excess, ec, Equus Quagga, esaki, e.g., eggshake, eq, ekg, EAS, egg, eyas, eyeish, ese, exiguous, each week, esau, excuse, exegesis, eec, ECK, eggwhisk, ecc, essex, ecesis, ecosoc, echo, equus, EXEC, eyes, ezo, eeg, esox, ezekias, essay, eos, eschew, egis, excise, echoic, es, eisegesis, ex, ecg, eyck, ease.

    Word of the Day

    narrowed down

    calm down,
    cut down,


    • EASY synonyms at
    • EASY synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — EASY synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of EASY
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for EASY
    нетрудоспособность able
    способный, умелый
    искалеченный; инвалид enable
    дать возможность
    делать неспособным, калечить ably
    умело, искусно absurdity
    абсурдность absurd
    абсурдный acceptability
    приемлемость acceptable
    неприемлемый accept
    принимать, соглашаться access
    доступность accessible
    доступный accessibly
    доступно accident
    случай, случайность accidental
    случайный accidentally
    нечаянно, случайно action
    представление active
    действующий, работающей act
    действовать actively
    активно achievement
    достижение achieve
    достигать addiction
    привычка, приверженность, увлеченность
    увлеченный человек, имеющий стойкую привычку addictive
    способный вызывать привычку addict
    увлекаться, предаваться admiration
    восхищение admirable
    восхитительный admire
    восхищаться admirably
    восхитительно advice
    совет advisable
    рекомендуемый advise
    советовать affectation
    притворство, искусственность
    привязанность, любовь affected
    эмоциональный affect
    воздействовать, влиять; притворяться agreement
    соглашение, согласие
    разногласие, несогласие agreeable
    соответствующий, приятный agree
    не соглашаться agreeably
    соответственно aggression
    агрессору зачинщик aggressive
    агрессивный aggress
    нападать aggressively
    агрессивно aim
    цель aimless
    бесцельный aim
    целиться, намереваться aimlessly
    бесцельно affordable
    то, что может быть позволено
    то, что невозможно себе позволить afford
    позволять себе amusement
    развлечение amused
    приятно изумленный
    забавный amuse
    развлекать, забавлять amusedly
    изумленно appearance
    внешность; появление
    исчезновение appear
    исчезать appointment
    назначение; деловая встреча
    разочарование, досада appointed
    разочаровывающий appoint
    разочаровывать approval
    одобрение approved
    одобрительный approve
    одобрять approvingly
    одобрительно arrangement
    соглашение; расположение arranged
    приведенный в порядок arrange
    приводить в порядок, организовывать argument
    аргумент, довод
    аргументация arguable
    доказуемый (в споре)
    спорный, конфликтный argue
    утверждать, спорить, ссориться argumentatively
    доказательно appropriation
    присвоение; ассигнование appropriate
    подходящий, соответствующий
    несоответствущий, неуместный appropriate
    присваивать, предназначать appropriately
    соответственно, подходяще arrival
    прибытие arrive
    прибывать, приезжать attraction
    притяжение, привлекательность attracted
    привлекательный attract
    привлекать attractively
    привлекательно avoidance
    избежание, отмена avoidable
    то, чего можно избежать
    неизбежный avoid
    избегать unavoidably
    неизбежно beauty
    красота; красавица beautiful
    красивый beautify
    украшать beautifully
    красиво bearing
    роды bearable
    сносный, допустимый
    невыносимый bear
    носить; терпеть unbearably
    невыносимо belief
    вера believable
    вероятный, правдоподобный
    невероятный believe
    верить benefit
    выгода beneficial
    выгодный benefit
    получать выгоду bore
    скука bored
    испытывающий скуку
    скучный, надоедливый bore
    надоедать boringly
    скучно breath
    дыхание, дуновение
    короткая передышка breathing
    бездыханный breathe
    дышать breathlessly
    затаив дыхание business
    деловой мужчина
    деловая женщина busy
    деловой, практичный busy
    занимать делом busily
    деловито, по-деловому саrе
    забота, уход careful
    небрежный саrе
    заботиться, любить carefully
    небрежно celebration
    знаменитость celebrated
    знаменитый, прославленный celebrate
    праздновать, прославлять certainty
    неопределенность, неуверенность certain
    неопределенный certainly
    определенно, уверенно change
    изменение; мелочь, сдача changeable
    не изменившийся change
    менять; обменивать(ся) changelessly
    неизменно character
    характер characteristic
    характерный, типичный characterise
    характеризовать choice
    выбор choosy
    разборчивый choose
    выбирать child
    дети childish
    детский; ребяческий clearance
    очистка; устранение препятствий clear
    четкий, ясный clear
    очищать, расчищать clearly
    четко, ясно cloud
    облако cloudy
    безоблачный collection
    собрание; коллекция
    сборщик collective
    коллективный, совокупный collect
    собирать; коллекционировать colony
    колония colonial
    колониальный colonise / colonize
    колонизировать colour
    цвет colourful
    разноцветный colour
    раскрашивать comfort
    комфорт; утешение
    беспокойство; неудобство comfortable
    удобный, комфортабельный
    неудобный comfort
    утешать, успокаивать comfortably
    неудобно community
    община, общество communal
    общественный, коллективный communication
    коммуникатор, переговорщик communicative
    использующийся в общении; коммуникативный communicate
    сообщать; общаться comparison
    сравнение compared
    сравнительный compare
    сравнивать comparatively
    сравнительно, относительно competition
    соревнование; конкуренция
    конкурент, соперник competitive
    соревновательный compete
    соревноваться, конкурировать competitively
    в форме соревнования, конкуренции completion
    завершение, окончание completed
    полный, завершенный
    неполный, назавершенный complete
    заканчивать, завершать completely
    полностью congratulation
    поздравление congratulate
    поздравлять connection
    соединение, объединение connected
    связанный, соединенный connect
    разъединять consideration
    внимание; рассмотрение, обсуждение considerable
    внимательный, деликатный, тактичный
    неосмотрительный; невнимательный к другим consider
    считать, полагать; рассматривать considerably
    значительно conscience
    совесть conscientious
    совестливый, добросовестный
    бессовестный conscientiously
    добросовестно consciousness
    сознание conscious
    без сознания consciously
    сознательно, осознанно consultation
    консультант consulting
    консультирующий consult
    консультировать container
    вместилище, контейнер containing
    содержащий contain
    содержать, вмещать continuity
    непрерывность continuous
    продолжающийся, длящийся continue
    продолжать continuously
    непрерывно control
    управление, руководство controllable
    поддающийся управлению
    неподдающийся управлению
    неуправляемый control
    управлять, регулировать uncontrollably
    бесконтрольно conviction
    убеждение convincing
    убежденный convince
    убеждать convincingly
    убедительно cook
    плита, духовка over-cooked
    недоваренный cook
    готовить еду correction
    корректор correct
    неправильный correct
    исправлять correctly
    правильно counter
    бухгалтер countable
    неисчисляемый count
    считать uncountably
    немеряно, без счета courage
    храбрость courageous
    обескураженный encourage
    приободрять, поддерживать
    отговаривать, обескураживать courageously
    смело, храбро creation
    творец, создатель
    творение; живое существо creative
    творческий create
    создавать, творить creatively
    творчески credit
    вера, доверие credible
    вероятный, заслуживающий доверия
    невероятный credibly
    невероятно critic
    критика critical
    критический; переломный; рискованный criticise
    критиковать critically
    критично, критически cultivation
    культивация, обработка cultivated
    культивированный, обработанный cultivate
    обрабатывать culture
    культура cultured
    культурный, воспитанный
    культурный (как часть культуры) culturally
    культурно cure
    лекарство; лечение curable
    неизлечимый cure
    вылечивать, исцелять incurably
    неизлечимо danger
    опасность dangerous
    опасный endanger
    угрожать dangerously
    опасно day
    день daily
    ежедневный daily
    ежедневно deception
    обман, заблуждение deceptive
    обманчивый, лживый deceive
    обманывать deceitfully
    обманчиво, предательски decision
    решение decided
    определенный, явный
    нерешительный, неясный
    решительный, убежденный, убедительный decide
    решать, принимать решение decisively
    решительно, определенно definition
    определение definite
    четкий, определенный
    неопределенный define
    определять, давать определение definitely
    определенно, ясно
    нечетко, неопределенно delight
    восторг, наслаждение delightful
    польщенный delight
    восхищаться delightfully
    с восторгом delivery
    доставка, поставка delivered
    доставленный deliver
    доставлять dependence
    независимость dependent
    независимый depend
    зависеть independently
    независимо depression
    депрессия, подавленность depressive
    депрессивный, вызывающий депрессию
    подавленный depress
    подавлять description
    описание descriptive
    описательный, наглядный describe
    описывать design
    проект, дизайн
    дизайнер, проектировщик design
    проектировать desire
    желание, стремление desirable
    желательный, желаемый
    нежелательный desire
    желать, стремиться desirably
    желательно destruction
    разрушение destroyed
    разрушенный destroy
    разрушать, уничтожать determination
    решительность; определение determined
    решительный determine
    решать, определять development
    разработчик developed
    неразвитый develop
    развивать(ся) dying
    умирающий die
    умирать difference
    разница, различие
    безразличие different
    другой, отличающийся
    безразличный differ
    отличаться differently
    с безразличием disturbance
    тревога, беспокойство; нарушение тишины, порядка disturbed
    беспокоящий disturb
    беспокоить, мешать doubt
    сомнение doubtful
    бесспорный doubt
    сомневаться doubfully
    с сомнением
    не сомневаясь
    без сомнения ease
    легкость, свобода
    болезнь easy
    неловкий, тревожный ease
    облегчать, ослаблять easily
    неловко economy
    хозяйство economic
    экономный economise
    экономить economically
    экономически; экономно educator
    воспитатель, педагог
    образование educated
    образовательный educate
    воспитывать, давать образование effect
    следствие, результат
    эффективность effective
    эффективный, действующий effect
    производить, выполнять effectively
    эффективно, действенно electricity
    электрик electric
    электрический electrify
    электрифицировать empire
    император empire
    empiric / empirical
    исходящий из опыта, эмпирический employment
    служба, работа
    наниматель, работодатель
    работающий по найму employed
    нанятый, занятый
    безработный employ
    нанимать end
    конец, окончание endless
    нескончаемый end
    конец, окончание endlessly
    бесконечно environment
    окружающая среда environmental
    природный entertainment
    развлечение entertaining
    развлекательный entertain
    развлекать enthusiasm
    энтузиазм, восторг
    энтузиаст, восторженный человек enthusiastic
    восторженный enthusiastically
    с восторгом equipment
    оборудование equipped
    снаряженный, оборудованный equip
    снаряжать essence
    сущность essential
    главный, основной essentially
    главным образом examination / exam
    экзамен; медосмотр examined
    проэкзаменованный; осмотренный врачом examine
    экзаменовать; осматривать excitement
    возбуждение, волнение exciting
    возбужденный, взволнованный excite
    возбуждать, волновать excitedly
    взволнованно, возбужденно expectation
    ожидание, предчувствие expected
    неожиданный expect
    ожидать, предчувствовать expence(s)
    расход(ы), затраты expensive
    недорогой expend
    тратить, расходовать expensively
    дорого experience
    опыт, опытность
    эксперимент experienced
    эспериментальный experience
    испытывать explosion
    взрывчатое вещество explosive
    взрывчатый explode
    взрываться expression
    выражение expressive
    выразительный express
    выражать expressively
    выразительно extent
    пространство, степень extended
    обширный extend
    простираться, тянуться extensively
    обширно, протяженно extreme
    крайняя степень, крайность extreme
    крайний, чрезвычайный extremely
    крайне fascination
    очарование, обаяние fascinating
    очарованный fascinate
    очаровывать fairness
    справедливость; порядочность fair
    порядочный, справедливый
    несправедливый fairly
    справедливо, честно; довольно-таки finance
    финансы financial
    финансовый finance
    финансировать financially
    финансово firmness
    твердость firm
    твердый affirm
    утверждать firmly
    твердо fitness
    физическая форма, физическое состояние fit
    находящийся в хорошей форме; подходящий
    неподходящий fit
    подгонять, подстраивать following
    следующий follow
    следовать fool
    глупыш, дурак foolish
    глупый fool
    обманывать foolishly
    глупо forgettable
    забытый forget
    забывать forgiveness
    прощение forgiving
    непростительный forgive
    прощать forgivingly
    с прощением fortune
    судьба, счастье; богатство, состояние fortunate
    несчастный fortunately
    к счастью
    к сожалению freedom
    свобода free
    свободный; бесплатный freely
    свободно frequency
    частота frequent
    частый frequent
    часто посещать frequently
    часто friend
    дружелюбие friendly
    дружеский, дружелюбный
    недружеский in a friendly way / manner
    дружелюбно fright
    страх, испуг frightful
    пугающий frighten
    пугать, устрашать frightfully
    страшно; испуганно generosity
    щедрость generous
    щедрый generously
    щедро gentleman
    джентльмен gentle
    мягкий, нежный gently
    мягко, нежно ghost
    привидение, призрак ghostly
    похожий на привидение grass
    трава grassy
    травяной habit
    привычка, обычай
    естественная среда
    жилище, обиталище habitual
    привычный habituate
    приучать habitually
    обычно hand
    рука; рабочий
    горсть handy
    удобный (для использования)
    изготовленный вручную hand
    вручать happiness
    несчастье happy
    несчастный happily
    несчастливо harm
    вред harmful
    безвредный harm
    повредить, навредить harmfully
    вредно health
    здоровье healthy
    нездоровый home
    дом, жилище homeless
    бездомный honour
    честь honourable
    почетный honour
    почитать, чтить honourably
    почетно hope
    оптимизм, надежда hopeful
    безнадежный hope
    надеяться hopefully
    с надеждой humanity
    человечество human
    гуманитарный humour
    юмор humorous
    юмористический humorously
    с юмором hurry
    спешка hurrying
    торопливый, спешащий
    торопливый hurry
    торопиться hurriedly
    торопливо ice
    лед icy
    ледяной importance
    важность important
    незначительный importantly
    важно impression
    впечатление impressed
    безучастный impress
    производить впечатление impressively
    впечатляюще improvement
    улучшение improved
    улучшенный improve
    улучшать impulse
    толчок, побуждение impulsive
    импульсивный impulsively
    импульсивно incident
    несчастный случай; конфликт, инцидент incidental
    случайный incidentally
    случайно increase
    рост, увеличение increasing
    растущий increase
    увеличивать(ся) increasingly
    с ростом industry
    промышленность industrial
    трудолюбивый. усердный industrialise
    индустриализовать industrially
    в промышленном отношении information
    сообщение, информация
    формальность informed
    знающий, хорошо информированный
    неверно информированный
    формальный, официальный
    неофициальный inform
    неверно сообщать; дезинформировать informationally
    информационно intensity
    интенсивность intensive
    интенсивный intensify
    интенсифицировать intensively
    интенсивно interest
    интерес interested
    интересный interest
    интересовать inventor
    изобретение inventive
    изобретательный invent
    изобретать inventively
    изобретательно invitation
    приглашение invited
    приглашенный invite
    приглашать inspiration
    вдохновение inspired
    вдохновляющий inspire
    вдохновлять knowledge
    признание; расписка acknowledged
    признанный acknowledge
    признавать, подтверждать legality
    законность, легальность legal
    юридический, законный
    незаконный, подпольный legalize
    легализовать legally
    незаконно likeness
    сходство, подобие likeable
    аналогичный like
    относиться хорошо
    относиться отрицательно likely
    в отличие life
    жизнь lively
    оживленный, веселый
    актуальный, реальный live
    жить in a lively way
    оживленно literature
    литература literal
    неграмотный literally
    буквально location
    место, поселение local
    местный locate
    размещать locally
    в определенном месте loneliness
    одиночество lonely
    одинокий; один luck
    удача lucky
    неудачливый, неудачный luckily
    к счастью luxury
    роскошь luxurious
    шикарный majority
    большинство major
    главный, основной manager
    управляющий, руководитель managerial
    управленческий manage
    управлять; справляться marriage
    женитьба married
    женатый / замужняя
    неженатый / незамужняя marry
    жениться meeting
    встреча; собрание meet
    встречать, знакомиться memory
    мемориал memorial
    памятный memorise
    заучивать наизусть misery
    нищета miserable
    нищенский, ничтожный month
    месяц monthly
    ежемесячный monthly
    ежемесячно motion
    движение motionless
    неподвижный motion
    показывать жестом mystery
    тайна, загадка mysterious
    таинственный, загадочный mysteriously
    таинственно, загадочно necessity
    необходимость necessary
    ненужный necessarily
    необходимо nerve
    нерв nervous
    нервный ennerve
    нервировать nervously
    нервно number
    число; количество numerous
    умеющий считать
    неумеющий считать number
    обозначать цифрами object
    объект, предмет
    цель; возражение objective
    объективный object
    возражать objectively
    объективно obstinate
    упрямый obstinately
    упрямо occurrence
    случай, происшествие occur
    происходить operation
    операция; оперирование, приведение в действие operate
    управлять, действовать opportunity
    оппортунист opportune
    своевременный, подходящий opposition
    оппозиция, противостояние
    оппонент, противник opposite
    противоположный oppose
    противопосталять owner
    владелец, хозяин own
    собственный own
    владеть pain
    боль painful
    безболезненный painfully
    безболезненно patience
    пациент patient
    нетерпеливый patiently
    нетерпеливо participant
    участие participating
    участвующий participate
    принимать участие particulars
    подробности particular
    особенный particularly
    особенно perfection
    совершенство perfect
    совершенный, идеальный
    несовершенный perfect
    совершенствовать, улучшать perfectly
    отлично, безупречно period
    период, срок periodical
    периодический periodically
    периодически performance
    представление; исполнение
    исполнитель perform
    исполнять, выполнять, совершать peace
    мир, спокойствие peaceful
    мирный peacefully
    мирно permission
    пропуск permissive
    позволяющий permit
    позволять permissively
    с позволением pleasure
    удовольствие pleasant
    недовольный please
    доставлять удовольствие pleasantly
    приятно point
    точка; пункт pointed
    остроконечный, нацеленный
    уместный, удачный
    бесцельный point
    указывать, направлять pointedly
    остро, по существу politeness
    вежливость polite
    невежливый politely
    вежливо popularity
    популярность popular
    непопулярный popularise
    популяризировать possession
    владение, собственность
    обладатель, владелец possessive
    собственнический possess
    владеть, обладать possibility
    вероятность, возможность possible
    невозможный possibly
    возможно power
    сила, мощь powerful
    бессильный empower
    уполномочивать preference
    предпочтение preferable
    пользующийся препочтением prefer
    предпочитать preferably
    предпочтительно preparation
    подготовка prepared
    неподготовленный prepare
    подготовить preparedly
    с готовностью prestige
    престиж prestigious
    престижный prestigiously
    престижно profession
    профессия professional
    профессиональный professionally
    профессионально profit
    выгода profitable
    не приносящий выгоды profit
    получать выгоду profitably
    выгодно progress
    прогресс, продвижение progressive
    прогрессивный progress
    продвигаться вперед progressively
    постепенно, продвигаясь вперед proposal
    предложение proposed
    предложенный propose
    делать предложение prosperity
    процветание prosperous
    процветающий prosper
    процветать prosperously
    процветающе public
    общественность public
    общественный publicise
    разглашать publicly
    открыто, публично quickness
    быстрота quick
    быстрый quicken
    убыстрять quickly
    быстро reality
    реализация, осуществление real
    реальный, настоящий
    нереальный realize
    реализовать, осуществлять really
    действительно, в самом деле recognition
    признание, узнавание recognised
    признанный recognise
    узнавать; признавать reduction
    снижение, понижение reduced
    уменьшенный; сниженный reduce
    снижать; сбавлять relaxation
    отдых, расслабление relaxed
    отдыхающий; расслабляющий relax
    отдыхать, расслабляться relaxedly
    расслабленно reliability
    надежность reliable
    ненадежный rely
    доверять, полагаться reliably
    надежно religion
    религия religious
    религиозный reluctance
    нежелание, неохота reluctant
    неохотный reluctantly
    неохотно regularity
    нерегулярность regular
    регулярный, правильный
    неправильный; нестандартный regulate
    регулировать regularly
    регулярно remark
    замечание remarkable
    замечательный remark
    замечать, отмечать remarkably
    замечательно representation
    представитель representative
    представительный represent
    представлять reproach
    упрек irreproachable
    безупречный reproach
    упрекать reproachingly
    с упреком reputation
    репутация reputated
    имеющий хорошую репутацию, почтенный
    имеющий плохую репутацию repute
    давать репутацию
    компрометироватъ resistance
    сопротивление resistible
    прочный resist
    сопротивляться irresistibly
    неотразимо respect
    уважение respectful
    уважительный respect
    уважать respectfully
    с уважением rest
    отдых restless
    беспокойный rest
    отдыхать restlessly
    беспокойно reward
    награда rewarding
    стоящий награды
    невознагражденный reward
    награждать riches
    богатство rich
    богатый enrich
    обогащать richly
    богато risk
    риск risky
    рискованный risk
    рисковать sadness
    грусть sad
    грустный sadden
    огорчать sadly
    грустно safe
    безопасность safe
    опасный save
    спасать; экономить safely
    безопасно satisfaction
    неудовлетворенность; недовольство satisfied
    неудовлетворительный satisfy
    разочаровывать; огорчать research
    исследование search
    искать, осуществлять поиск security
    безопасность secure
    находящийся в опасности secure
    охранять, гарантировать securely
    безопасно seriousness
    серьезность serious
    серьезный seriously
    серьезно science
    ученый scientific
    научный scientifically
    научно sense
    отсутствие чувствительности sensitive
    нечувствительный, неосознающий sense
    ощущать sensitively
    разумно service
    услуга, обслуживание
    слуга served
    обслуженный; поданный на стол serve
    служить, обслуживать, подавать на стол significant
    незначительный signify
    иметь значение significantly
    значительно similarity
    сходство, похожесть similar
    похожий, подобный similarly
    похоже, подобно sincerity
    искренность sincere
    неискренний sincerely
    искренне shorts
    шорты short
    короткий shorten
    укорачивать shortly
    кратко sleep
    спящий; спальный вагон sleeping
    бессонный sleep
    спать sleeplessly
    без сна solution
    решение; раствор solved
    решенный; растворенный solve
    решать; находить выход; растворять speciality
    специальность; фирменное блюдо
    особенность special
    особенный; специальный
    специфический specify
    точно определять
    специализировать(ся) specially
    специфично strength
    сила strong
    сильный strengthen
    укреплять strongly
    сильно stress
    стресс stressful
    стрессовый stress
    ударять, ставить ударение stressfully
    в состоянии стресса success
    успех successful
    безуспешный succeed
    преуспевать successfully
    успешно sufñcience
    недостаточность sufficient
    недостаточный suffice
    быть достаточным sufficiently
    достаточно suitable
    неподходящий suit
    подходить, устраивать suggestion
    предложение suggest
    предлагать suspect
    подозреваемый suspicious
    подозрительный suspect
    подозревать suspiciously
    подозрительно swimmer
    плавание swimming
    плавающий, плавательный swim
    плавать sympathy
    сочувствие, понимание sympathetic
    сочувствующий sympathize
    сочувствовать sympathetically
    с пониманием; сочувственно sureness
    уверенность sure
    обеспеченный; уверенный
    уверенный в себе ensure
    обеспечивать; гарантировать
    уверять, обеспечивать surely
    конечно; уверенно
    с уверенностью surrounding
    окружение surrounded
    окруженный surround
    окружать talk
    беседа, разговор talkative
    разговорчивый talk
    беседовать taste
    отсуствие вкуса tasteful
    сделанный со вкусом; обладающий вкусом
    безвкусный taste
    пробовать tastefully
    со вкусом
    без вкуса terror
    террорист terrible
    напуганный terrify
    ужасать terribly
    потрясающе thirst
    жажда thirsty
    испытывать жажду tights
    колготки tight
    плотный, тесный tighten
    сжимать, натягивать tightly
    тесно, плотно thought
    мысль thoughtful
    бездумный think
    думать, иметь мнение thoughtfully
    задумчиво tragedy
    трагедия tragic
    трагический tragically
    трагично travelling
    путешественник travelling
    путешествующий travel
    путешествовать truth
    неправда true
    правильный; настоящий
    неверный, не соответствующий действительности
    правдивый truly
    по-настоящему, искренне
    правдиво value
    ценность valued
    ценный value
    ценить, оценивать variety
    изменчивость, непостоянство variable
    неизменный vary
    менять, разнообразить invariably
    неизменно year
    год yearly
    ежегодный yearly
    ежегодно understanding
    непонимание; недоразумение understandable
    понятный understand
    понимать use
    неправильное использование;
    использование useful
    неиспользованный use
    использовать, пользоваться usefully
    бесполезно week
    неделя weekly
    еженедельный weekly
    еженедельно width
    ширина wide
    широкий widen
    расширять widely
    широко will
    воля, желание; завещание willing
    жаждущий, желающий
    не желающий will
    проявлять волю, желать willingly
    охотно, с удовольствием
    неохотно wind
    ветер windy
    безветренный wisdom
    мудрость wise
    неблагоразумный wisely
    неблагоразумно worth
    стоимость, ценность worthy
    не имеющий ценности

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  • Noun for the word advice
  • Noun clauses beginning with a question word
  • Noun clauses begin with a question word
  • Noun and verb word pairs
  • Noun and verb word list