Noun and verb form of the same word

Many English words have a verb form and a noun form. This can be confusing. The verb form and the noun form are sometimes pronounced differently, which can be even more confusing!
I wrote this blog post to help ESL students use these words with confidence.

Table of Contents

  • Verb or Noun Grammar
  • Pronunciation
  • 72 verb and noun pair examples with audio
  • 150 One-syllable Verb and Noun pairs
  • 20 Nouns that you didn’t know had a verb form
  • Free 14-page PDF Download

Verb or Noun? – Grammar

Let’s start by answering a basic question.  What’s the difference between a noun and a verb?
A noun is a person, place, or thing.
A verb expresses an action or existence.
“A dog is running in the park.” – A DOG (thing) is running (action) in the PARK (place).

A basic English sentence will have this pattern. Subject – Verb – Object. The subject and object in a sentence will be nouns. DOG (Subject) is running (Verb) in the PARK (Object).

How can I tell a noun from a verb?

The sentence example above is very basic. Natural English sentences will use clauses and conjunctions to tell longer stories in a single sentence. Here is a simple way to tell if a word is a noun or a verb in a longer sentence.
Nouns often follow an article (a, an, the) or the possessive form of a noun or pronoun. (my, his/her, its, John’s, etc.)
Verbs will follow a subject and be conjugated (changed into past, present, future, continuous tense, etc.)

Noun – Happy birthday! I bought you a present.
The noun present follows the article a.
Verb – They will present their findings tomorrow at the meeting.
The verb present follows a subject – “They” – and is conjugated in the future tense. – will present

If you know the correct form, you can use the correct pronunciation.

Are all verb and noun pairs pronounced differently?

One-syllable Verb and Noun pairs

Many noun and verb pairs have only one syllable so there is no change in word stress between the verb and the noun. They all sound the same with a few exceptions. (You can find the exceptions in the one-syllable verb and noun list at the bottom of this post.)


noun – a series of names, items, figures, etc., especially when they are written or printed
“I wrote a shopping list this morning.”
verb – to write a list of things in a particular order
“I listed everything I need for my trip.”

List - verb and noun

Two-syllable Verb and Noun pairs

When noun and verb pairs are two syllables we pronounce them correctly by focusing on the syllable stress. English 2-syllable nouns will put stress on the first syllable. CONduct.
2-syllable verbs will put stress on the second syllable. conDUCT.


noun – CONduct – a person’s behavior in a particular place or in a particular situation
“Our school has a strict code of conduct.”
verb – conDUCT – to organize and/or do a particular activity 
“My university will conduct a survey on Friday.”

Three-syllable Verb and Noun pairs

There are a few cases where the verb and noun pair is three syllables and ends with the letters -ATE. For these examples, the sound of the last letters will change, not the stress. The stress will still be on the third syllable.


noun – asso-she-IT ~ a person that you work with, do business with, or spend a lot of time with
“Peter is a business associate of my father.” (asso-she-IT)
verb – to spend time with someone, especially a person or people that someone else does not approve of
“I try not to associate with angry or negative people.” (asso-she-ATE)

Associate audio below ↓

In this post, I will also give you 36 noun/verb pair examples with over 70 natural example sentences. Each example sentence has audio to improve your English listening skills and pronunciation. You can quickly start using the correct word stress with noun/verb pairs.

Noun and Verb Pair Vocabulary LIST

Listen to the correct pronunciation with natural example sentences below. The word definitions used in this post are from Oxford learner’s dictionaries. Links to the definitions are beside each word. N for the NOUN definition and V for the VERB definition.

*Some of the words on this list have multiple definitions, you can find other meanings at the links provided. (N V)

Verb and noun pairs examples with AUDIO

associate N V 

Noun – Peter is a business associate of my father. [asso・SHE・IT] Peter works with my dad.

Verb – ①I try not to associate with angry or negative people. [asso・SHE・ATE] I don’t like to spend time with negative people.

Verb – ② I like to associate new grammar with my own real experiences, it makes the grammar easier to remember. [asso・SHE・ATE] I connect new grammar to a real experience in my mind.

compound N V

Noun – They are building a large prison compound in my hometown. [COMpound] They are building a complex that will be surrounded by a wall.

Verb – Cutting the budget will not solve anything. Budget cuts will only compound our problems. [comPOUND] Reducing the budget will make things worse.

conduct N V

Noun – Our school has a strict code of conduct. [CONduct] We are told how to behave when we are at school.

Verb – My university will conduct a survey on Friday. [conDUCT] My university will organize a survey and ask the students some questions.

conflict N V

Noun – Sadly there are many conflicts in the world right now. [CONflict] Many places are having strong disagreements.

Verb – My experiences in Japan conflict with some of the stories I was told before I came. [conFLICT] The stories I was told are the opposite of my experience.
(I was told is the passive voice – learn this grammar HERE)

contest N V

Noun – I entered a break dancing contest when I was 12.  [CONtest] I entered a break dancing competition when I was 12.

Verb – After Donald passed away his youngest son contested his will. [conTEST] Donald’s youngest son opposed the will because he felt it was wrong.

verb and noun pairs example - contest

contract N V

Noun – I just signed a new 3-year contract with the high school where I teach English. [CONtract] I have an official 3-year agreement to work at the school.

Verb – The company was contracted to build a new 50,000-seat stadium. [conTRACT] The company has made an official agreement to build a stadium.

contrast N V

Noun – There is a big contrast between the customer service in Japan and the service I receive in Canada. [CONtrast] There is a big difference between the customer service at stores in these 2 countries.

Verb – I like to contrast American movies with Japanese movies. The style and pace are quite different. [conTRAST] I like to compare the 2 movie styles and show how they are different.

verb and noun pairs example - contrast

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I use Grammarly to help me catch these mistakes. It saves me a lot of time! It can help your English writing too. Get Grammarly for free.

decrease N V

Noun – There was a decrease in school applications last year. [DEcrease] The number of applications was reduced.

Verb – The number of students at my school decreased last year. [deCREASE] The student population became smaller.

delegate  N V

Noun – The meeting was attended by delegates from over 100 countries. [del・ah・GIT] People who were chosen to represent their countries attended the meeting.

Verb – I’m so busy at work. I think I will delegate some tasks to my assistant. [del・ah・GATE] I will give part of my work to my assistant.

desert N V

Noun – If you travel in the desert you should bring lots of water. [DEzert] If you travel in a dry area with little water, you should bring your own.

(Be careful of the noun dessert. It is spelled with two ‘S’s.)
– I think I’ll have cheesecake for dessert.
Dessert vs Desert – Pronounce these words CORRECTLY(Audio)

Verb – I was left in the mall by myself. My friends deserted me. [deZERT] My friends left me by myself in the mall.

detail N V

Noun – Édouard Manet’s paintings are beautiful, he pays attention to every detail. [DEtail] Manet pays attention to even the small points or features in his paintings.

Verb – This brochure details all the features of the car. [deTAIL] This brochure gives a list of facts and information about this car.

Detail - Noun and Verb meaning

discount N V

Noun – If I buy one jacket I can get a 30% discount on a second jacket. [DIScount] If I buy 2 jackets there will be a 30% price reduction on the second one.

Verb – Stores usually discount their clothes at the end of the season. [disCOUNT] They take some money off the usual price.

escort N V

Noun – When leaders travel to other countries they often have police escorts. [EScort] World leaders have local police travel with them to protect them.

Verb – It’s getting dark, please let me escort you home. [esCORT] Let me take you home so you are not alone, to make sure you are safe.

export N V

Noun – Lumber is one of Canada’s main exports. [EXport] Lumber is one of the main goods that it sells to other countries.

Verb – Canada exports lots of lumber and oil to the United States. [exPORT] Canada sells some of its resources to America. 

impact N V

Noun – Many people are climbing Mt. Everest and this has had a serious impact on the environment of Nepal. [IMpact] Many tourists come to climb the mountain. This has had a powerful effect on the environment.

Verb – The value of the Canadian dollar impacts businesses that export goods. [imPACT] The value of the Canadian dollar affects companies that sell goods to other countries.

import N V

Noun – This store sells lots of exotic furniture and other imports from overseas. [IMport] The store sells furniture and other things that came from other countries.

Verb – I was surprised to learn that America imports more than half of its oil from Canada! [imPORT] More than half of The United States’ oil is brought in from Canada.

verb and noun pairs example - imports

increase N V

Noun – There has been an increase in blood donations at the clinic. People want to help after the hurricane. [INcrease] There was a rise in the number of people who donated blood after the hurricane.

Verb – I really want to find a girlfriend. If I get out more and try new things I will increase my chances of meeting a nice girl. [inCREASE] If I go out and meet more people the chance that I will meet a nice girl becomes greater.

insert N V

Noun – I bought some inserts for my shoes. They’re soft and make it easier to walk. [INsert] I bought a thin cushion to put inside my shoes.

Verb – I inserted $2.00 in the vending machine but it didn’t give me my drink! [inSERT] I put $2.00 into the money slot of the vending machine but I didn’t get a drink.

insult N V

Noun – Mike said my suit looks cheap. That’s an insult! [INsult] Mike made a remark that was trying to offend me.

Verb – Mike insulted my suit this morning. What a jerk. [inSULT] Mike’s comment about my suit offended me.

invite N V

Noun – I didn’t get an invite to Craig’s party. Maybe he is mad at me. [INvite] I didn’t get a spoken or written request to come to Craig’s party.

Verb – Craig invited many people to his party. But not me. [inVITE] Craig asked many people to come to his party, but he didn’t ask me.

misprint N V

Noun – The ad in the newspaper says the shoes are $1000.00, but I think it’s a misprint. [MISprint] There is a mistake in the (printed) advertisement.

Verb – The printing company misprinted the ad. [misPRINT] Th company printed the ad incorrectly.

object N V ~ there are 4 uses of the NOUN object. Click the N to see them all!

Noun – A basic English sentence has a subject, a verb, and an object. [OBject] One use for the noun object is the thing in a sentence (also a noun) that is affected by the verb of the sentence.

Verb – I object to your question, it’s not relevant to the discussion. [obJECT] I disagree with your question, it is not related to what we are talking about.

permit N V

Noun – You can’t camp here without a permit from the park. [PERmit] You need an official document to be allowed to camp here.

Verb – The park rangers don’t permit fires here. [perMIT] Fires are not allowed in the forest.

Permit - Noun and Verb meaning

present N V

Noun – Happy birthday! I bought you a present! [PREsent] I bought a gift for you.

Verb – They will present their findings tomorrow at the meeting. [preSENT] The company will show us what they found for us to consider.

produce N V

Noun – It’s better to buy local produce. Imported produce is not as fresh. [PROduce] It is better to buy fruits and vegetables grown on farms close to where you live.

Verb – Our goal is to produce more solar batteries than any other company in the area. [proDUCE] Our goal is to make more solar batteries than anyone else in the area.

project N V

Noun – I’m working on a project for school. It’s about renewable energy. [PROject] I am making a piece of work involving the careful study of renewable energy.

Verb – Unemployment is projected to fall next year. That’s good news. [proJECT] The number of unemployed people is expected to drop next year.

protest N V

Noun – There was a large protest in front of the government office. [PROtest] People gathered in a group to express their strong disagreement with the government.

Verb – My class protested loudly when the teacher gave us 6 pages of summer homework. [proTEST] My class told the teacher that they don’t like the summer homework that he gave us.

rebel N V

Noun – James Dean was a popular actor in the 1950s. He had the image of a rebel. [REbel] The characters he played didn’t like rules or authority.

Verb – Teenagers often rebel against their parents. [reBEL] Teenagers often fight against their parents’ rules.

refund N V

Noun – The rain shoes I bought leaked! I took them back to the store and demanded a refund. [REfund] I strongly asked for the money back that I paid for the rain shoes. I brought the leaky shoes back to the store.

Verb – The store apologized and refunded my money. [reFUND] The store returned the money I paid for the rain shoes.

reject N V

Noun – The rain shoes were rejects and shouldn’t have been at the store. [REject] The shoes couldn’t be used and should not have been sold.

Verb – My idea for the new school mascot was rejected by the students. [reJECT] My idea was not accepted.

subject N V

Noun – A basic English sentence has a subject, a verb, and an object. [SUBject] In English grammar a subject is a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun representing the person or thing that performs the action of the verb, about which something is stated, or, in a passive sentence, that is affected by the action of the verb. 

Verb – At karaoke last night I subjected everyone to my terrible singing. [subJECT] People were forced to listen to my terrible singing.

survey N V

Noun – My university will conduct a survey on Friday. They want to know how most students get to school. [SURvey] They did an investigation of how students get to school by asking questions.

Verb – The government surveyed the land so they could make a map of the area. [surVEY] The government looked at the land carefully to get an impression of it.

update N V

Noun – Will it rain tomorrow? I’ll check the weather app on my smartphone for an update. [UPdate] I will check my weather app for the most recent information about the weather.

Verb – I have to update the software on my smartphone. I hope it makes my phone faster. [upDATE] I have to make my software more modern by getting the newest version.

upgrade N V

Noun – On my flight to Canada I was given an upgrade to first-class. [UPgrade] I was given a seat of better quality.

Verb –  The airline upgraded me to first-class, [upGRADE] The airline moved me to a better seat.

upset N V

Noun – No one thought we would win the game because the other team was too strong, but we beat them easily. It was a total upset! [UPset] We beat the team that was expected to beat us.

Verb – Brenda has been crying all morning. I think something upset her. [upSET] Something happened to Brenda to make her unhappy.

One-syllable Verb and Noun pairs – List

One-syllable words rarely change sounds between the verb and noun forms, but there are a few exceptions. Below is a list of 150 common one-syllable Verb and Noun pairs, 4 word pairs with different pronunciation, and 23 uncommon word pairs that you probably didn’t know.

  • The noun and verb forms are often related in meaning. *For example ACHE and JUICE.
  • There are some examples where the meaning is totally different. The only thing that is the same is the spelling. *For example BOWL and FLY.

This is not a complete list, there are many one-syllable verb and noun pairs. I tried to include the most common words in this list with a verb and a noun form. 

  • ache
  • act
  • age
  • air
  • back
  • bat
  • belt
  • bet
  • bite
  • bowl
  • call
  • block
  • book
  • box
  • brush
  • buzz
  • dance
  • dare
  • dip
  • dot
  • drive
  • drum
  • dye
  • end
  • face
  • fall
  • fan
  • feast
  • fence
  • fight
  • file
  • fire
  • fish
  • flame
  • flash
  • flow
  • fly
  • fool
  • frame
  • front
  • grid
  • glaze
  • glow
  • grill
  • grow
  • growl
  • grunt
  • guard
  • guess
  • hail
  • hand
  • harm
  • help
  • hit
  • hope
  • hug
  • itch
  • jam
  • judge
  • juice
  • jump
  • kick
  • kiss
  • lace
  • lap
  • laugh
  • lie
  • limp
  • link
  • list
  • look 
  • love
  • mark
  • match
  • milk
  • mop
  • nail
  • nap
  • need
  • nest
  • nurse
  • oil
  • ooze
  • pain
  • paint
  • park
  • play
  • pat
  • pen
  • pet
  • pick
  • pin
  • pitch
  • plan
  • plug
  • pose
  • press
  • price
  • punch
  • quack
  • quilt
  • quote
  • race
  • rain
  • raise
  • rat
  • rise
  • rock
  • rope
  • run
  • rust
  • rest
  • sail
  • saw
  • scale
  • set
  • shave
  • shop
  • show
  • ship
  • sign
  • ski
  • sleep
  • smoke
  • snow
  • spill
  • spray
  • spring
  • stamp
  • stand
  • strike
  • string
  • sweat
  • tack
  • talk
  • tax
  • team
  • test
  • tie
  • tip
  • toast
  • train
  • trap
  • trip
  • view
  • visit
  • vote
  • walk
  • work
  • wrap
  • yawn
  • zone

Thanks to for help making this list.

Four one-syllable Verb and Noun pairs with different pronunciations

use N V

Noun – In Tokyo, I have no use for a car. The public transportation is awesome. [YOU•S] For me a car has no purpose in Tokyo. I don’t need one because public transportation is very convenient.

Verb – If I need a car I can use my friend Kentaro’s, he said I can borrow it anytime. [YUUZ] I can do something {in this case DRIVE my friend Kentaro’s car} anytime. (Learn how to use the verbs LEND and BORROW HERE)

house N V

Noun – I just bought a new house. [HAUS] I just bought a new building to live in.

Verb – People whose homes were flooded were temporarily housed in community centers. [HOWZ] People whose homes were affected by the flood were given a place to live.

lead N V

Noun – Exposure to lead can make you sick. [LED] Lead is a chemical element and a heavy grey metal.

Verb – We hired a tour guide to lead us around Singapore. [LEED] A tour guide showed us around Singapore.

wind N V

Noun – The wind was strong today. It was perfect for sailing. [WIN・D] The air was moving quickly today.

Verb – I have to wind my watch all the time. It’s a pain. [WINE・D] I have to turn the small gear on the side of my watch to make it work.

Noun and Verb pair 14-page PDF E-guide

Download your printable PDF E-guide below. (It’s FREE!)↓

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English has numerous word pairs that are spelled alike, but pronounced differently according to whether the word is being used as a noun or as a verb.


has numerous word pairs that are spelled alike, but pronounced differently
according to whether the word is being used as a noun or as a verb.

examples are conduct, digest, escort,
insult, produce,
and record.

With each
of these words, and others like them, the accent shifts according to the part
of speech.

There are
many, many more examples of words that can be both nouns and verbs. Here are a
few that you’re probably familiar with:


Noun- I
have a lot of «work» to do today.

Verb- A person
must «work» hard to achieve his or her goal.


Noun- It
looks like she needs some «help.» verb- Will you please
«help» me?


Noun- We
definitely need the «rain.» verb-

When it
«rains,» it pours.


There is too much «polish» on that brass. Verb-

needs to «polish» their essays.


Noun- I
need some «sleep.» verb-

I could
«sleep» all ay

Noun- Turn that «heat» off.

Verb- The
weather will really «heat» up later in the day.


Noun- Did
you watch the «fight?»

Don’t «fights» her — she’s not worth it.


Noun- I’m
so thirsty, I could use a «drink» of water. verb- She needs to
«drink» her juice.


Noun- You
gave me a good «laugh.»

It’s not right to «laugh» at people with disabilities.


like that «paint!» verb- Do you want to «paint?»


Noun- Her
pep talk gave me «hope.» verb- I «hope» we win!


Noun- She
has a bad «cough.»

Please doesn’t «cough» in the food.


Noun- I
love everything about «fall!»

Verb- I
watched the apple «fall» off the tree.


Noun- I
like the «taste» of chocolate.

«Taste» that ice cream.


Noun- I
got a «kick» out of that!

Let’s «kick» a ball. COVER:

Noun- The
undercover cop is using a reporter job as a «cover.» verb-
«Cover» the food when you’re barbecuing outside.


This «water» tastes so refreshing!

not «water» your lawn!

Study Material, Lecturing Notes, Assignment, Reference, Wiki description explanation, brief detail

English : Same word as noun and verb |


to answer

I asked when she was leaving but she didn’t answer.



to clean

I spent the morning cleaning the house.





to rain

It was raining all weekend.

идет дождь


a loud/nervous laugh


to laugh

You never laugh at my jokes.


a smile

«I passed my driving test,» she said with a smile.


to smile

She smiled at me.



a sweet/bitter taste


to taste

This sauce tastes strange.


a kiss

She ran up and gave me a big kiss.


to kiss

He kissed her cheek.



The smell of roses filled the room.








to diet

to eat less food so that you become thinner

сидеть на диете

a guess

How old do you think John is? Go on, mainly UK have a guess/ US take a guess.


to guess

Can you guess how old he is?





стоять в очереди

a murder

to commit murder


to murder

[ often passive ] He was murdered by a former employee.



to drink

Would you like something to drink?



to rest

Pete’s resting after his long drive.


a look

[ usually singular ] Take a look at these pictures.


to look

Look at the picture on page two.


a chat

a friendly, informal conversation


to chat

I wanted to chat to you about the party on Saturday.


The Same Word as Different Parts of Speech :

The meaning of a word in the sentence determines to what part of speech it belongs.

The same word may be sometimes one part of speech, sometimes another.

Words of entirely separate origin, meaning and use sometimes look and sound alike such as in…
The minstrel sang a plaintive lay.

He lay on the ground.

But the following examples show that the same word may have more than one kind of grammatical office (or function). It is the meaning which we give to a word in the sentence that determines its classification as a part of speech.

The chief classes of words thus variously used are

(1) nouns and adjectives
(2) nouns and verbs
(3) adjectives and adverbs
(4) adjectives and pronouns
(5) adverbs and prepositions

1. Nouns and Adjectives

The same word can be used as noun as well as adjective.

Noun : Rubber comes from South America.
Adjective : This wheel has a rubber tire.

Noun : That brick is yellow.
Adjective : Here is a brick house.

Noun : The rich have a grave responsibility.
Adjective : A rich merchant lives here.

The first two examples show how words that are commonly nouns may be used as adjectives.

The third shows how words that are commonly adjectives.

2. Nouns and Verbs

The same word can be used as noun as well as verb.

Noun : Hear the wash of the tide.
Verb :Wash those windows.

Noun : Give me a stamp.
Verb :Stamp this envelope.

Noun : It is the call of the sea.
Verb :Ye call me chief.

Other examples are : act, address, ally, answer, boast, care, cause, close, defeat, doubt, drop, heap, hope, mark, offer, pile, place, rest, rule, sail, shape, sleep, spur, test, watch, wound.

3. Adjectives and Adverbs

The same word can be used as adjective as well as adverb.

Adjective : That is a fast boat.
Adverb : The snow is melting fast.

Adjective : Draw a straight line.
Adverb : The arrow flew straight.

Adjective : Early comers get good seats.
Adverb : Tom awoke early.

Some adverbs have the same form as the corresponding adjectives.

You have guessed right.
How fast the tide ebbs!
The horse was sold cheap.
Tired men sleep sound.
Other examples are wrong, straight, early, late, quick, hard, far, near, slow, high, low, loud, ill, well, deep, close, just, very, much, little.

4. Adjectives and Pronouns

The same word can be used as adjective as well as pronoun.

Adjective : This man looks unhappy.
Pronoun : This is the sergeant.

Adjective : That book is a dictionary.
Pronoun : That is a kangaroo.

Adjective : Each day brings its opportunity.
Pronoun : I received a dollar from each.

5. Adverbs and Prepositions

The same word can be used as adverb as well as preposition.

Adverb : Jill came tumbling after.
Preposition : He returned after the accident.

Adverb : We went below.
Preposition : Below us lay the valley.

Adverb : The weeds sprang up.
Preposition : We walked up the hill.

Other examples are aboard, before, beyond, down, inside, underneath.

Miscellaneous examples of variation are the following.

Noun : The calm lasted for three days.
Adjective : Calm words show quiet minds.
Verb : Calm your angry friend.

Other examples are iron, stone, paper, sugar, salt, bark, quiet, black, light, head, wet, round, square, winter, spring.

Noun….Wrong seldom prospers.
Adjective….You have taken the wrong road.
Adverb….Edward often spells words wrong.
Verb….You wrong me by your suspicions.

Noun….The outside of the castle is gloomy.
Adjective….We have an outside stateroom.
Adverb….The messenger is waiting outside.
Preposition….I shall ride outside the coach.

Adjective…..That boat is a sloop.
Pronoun…..That is my uncle.
Conjunction….You said that you would help me.

Adjective…..Neither road leads to Utica.
Pronoun…..Neither of us arrived in time.
Conjunction…..Neither Tom nor I was late.

Preposition…..I am waiting for the train.
Conjunction…..You have plenty of time, for the train is late.
Interjection…..Hurrah! The battle is won.
Noun….I heard a loud hurrah.
Verb….The enemy flees. Our men hurrah.

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The Same Word as Different Parts of Speech — The Same Word as Different Parts of Speech

10000+ результатов для ‘verbs nouns the same form’

Verbs/nouns with the same form

Verbs/nouns with the same form
Откройте поле

от Nastik01

Nouns & Verbs with the same form

Nouns & Verbs with the same form
Групповая сортировка

от Atjulia

Nouns and verbs with the same form Quiz

Nouns and verbs with the same form Quiz

от Poly

4A Verbs and nouns with the same form

4A Verbs and nouns with the same form
Пропущенное слово

от Anastaries

* Verbs and nouns with the same form - warm-up (SO Upp 2.1)

* Verbs and nouns with the same form — warm-up (SO Upp 2.1)
Случайное колесо

от Hop


Irregular Verbs the same 2nd/3rd form

Irregular Verbs the same 2nd/3rd form
Совпадающие пары

от Mkurkova1

Irregular verbs Same form

Irregular verbs Same form
Групповая сортировка

от Svetamasterskik


Irregular verbs. 3rd form. part 1

Irregular verbs. 3rd form. part 1
Ударь крота

от Tsvetavanili

3rd form
irregular verbs

Form the -ing verbs

Form the -ing verbs
Групповая сортировка

от Avershina

Name the verbs.

Name the verbs.
Случайные карты

от Alex130

Irregular verbs
Max the Cat

Irregular verbs Same form 1, 2, 3

Irregular verbs Same form 1, 2, 3

от Svetamasterskik


Irregular verbs Same form 2, 3

Irregular verbs Same form 2, 3

от Svetamasterskik


form the nouns

form the nouns
Случайное колесо

от Usikovaolesya

UpperSO 2.1 the same verb/noun form

UpperSO 2.1 the same verb/noun form
Групповая сортировка

от Ndstaruseva

Form Adjectives, Nouns and Verbs

Form Adjectives, Nouns and Verbs
Случайное колесо

от Maryys

Irregular verbs. The same forms

Irregular verbs. The same forms
Случайное колесо

от Davidtsyganov

Irregular verbs - group 01 - three forms are the same

Irregular verbs — group 01 — three forms are the same

от Fireflyeltresources

irregular verbs

Ing form or infinitive with the same verb

Ing form or infinitive with the same verb
Откройте поле

от Marina282

Nouns formed from phrasal verbs

Nouns formed from phrasal verbs
Пропущенное слово

от Maxromano

Headway Advanced
phrasal nouns
phrasal verbs

Make the plural nouns form

Make the plural nouns form

от Anufrienkovika

Verbs the 3d form

Verbs the 3d form

от Soad999

write the correct form  of to be

write the correct form of to be

от Englishteacherru

FF2 nouns and pronouns

2-3 the same form ir v 2

2-3 the same form ir v 2

от Yanaabcteacher8

Irregular verbs 3 forms the same

Irregular verbs 3 forms the same

от Kaira2

Irregular Verbs (that stay the same)

Irregular Verbs (that stay the same)
Совпадающие пары

от Elizavetaburnas


 Irregular verbs - gr 01 - three forms are the same

Irregular verbs — gr 01 — three forms are the same

от Englishteacherru

Choose the correct form of the nouns

Choose the correct form of the nouns

от Antkatya

5-й класс
6 класс
Олимпиада Бульдог

Choose the correct form of the nouns.

Choose the correct form of the nouns.

от Antkatya

3 класс
4-й класс
Олимпиада Бульдог

Form the plurals from the nouns:

Form the plurals from the nouns:
Случайное колесо

от Yulkhak

6 класс

Compound nouns

Compound nouns

от Tpakholkova


RU3 1.2 Plurals - pronunciation /s/ /z/ /iz/

RU3 1.2 Plurals — pronunciation /s/ /z/ /iz/
Групповая сортировка

от Marinavserova1


RU3 1.1 Plurals - formation

RU3 1.1 Plurals — formation
Групповая сортировка

от Marinavserova1


Form nouns

Form nouns
Откройте поле

от Alnikat

Form nouns from the words given

Form nouns from the words given

от Elenanadtocheva

EF elementary 5A verb phrases (homework)

EF elementary 5A verb phrases (homework)
Совпадающие пары

от Joy19374

English File Elementary

Irregular verbs - group 07 - (2=3 adding [d] to the first form)

Irregular verbs — group 07 — (2=3 adding [d] to the first form)
Найди пару

от Fireflyeltresources

irregular verbs

second form of the verbs

second form of the verbs
Случайные карты

от Onixkat

Modal Verbs the 5th form

Modal Verbs the 5th form

от Vluckyanova

Irregular verbs (the 3rd form)

Irregular verbs (the 3rd form)
Погоня в лабиринте

от Mkurkova1

verbs in the past form

verbs in the past form

от U16828740

3A Verbs (the third form)

3A Verbs (the third form)

от Novorossiysk

the same

the same

от Eszavodchikova

Say the 2nd form of the verbs

Say the 2nd form of the verbs
Откройте поле

от Handyenglish

Write the verbs in the correct form.

Write the verbs in the correct form.
Откройте поле

от Nicolemilaeva

 Irregular verbs - group 01 - three forms are the same

Irregular verbs — group 01 — three forms are the same
Найди пару

от Yakovlevatv

the same

the same

от Eszavodchikova

the same

the same

от Eszavodchikova

Irregular verbs. The same forms. The group №1

Irregular verbs. The same forms. The group №1

от Davidtsyganov

RU3 1.3 Countable and Uncountable

RU3 1.3 Countable and Uncountable
Групповая сортировка

от Marinavserova1


Match the verbs with nouns.

Match the verbs with nouns.

от Julia751

Match the verbs and nouns

Match the verbs and nouns

от Ladykathrin7

Irregular verbs - group 08 - (2=3 adding [t] to the first form)

Irregular verbs — group 08 — (2=3 adding [t] to the first form)
Совпадающие пары

от Fireflyeltresources

irregular verbs

Irregular verbs - group 01 - three forms are the same

Irregular verbs — group 01 — three forms are the same

от Marinaprokopenko

Irregular verbs - group 05 - (2=3+t and one sound is different in the first form)

Irregular verbs — group 05 — (2=3+t and one sound is different in the first form)
Найди пару

от Fireflyeltresources

irregular verbs

N 1_Irregular verbs 3 forms the same Match Up (pairs)

N 1_Irregular verbs 3 forms the same Match Up (pairs)

от Kaira2

Саша_Irregular verbs - group 01 - three forms are the same

Саша_Irregular verbs — group 01 — three forms are the same

от Sunnysheep

AS2 Unit 6 Nouns groups

AS2 Unit 6 Nouns groups
Групповая сортировка

от Senab

3 класс
plural nouns

Match the verbs with the nouns/phrases

Match the verbs with the nouns/phrases
Найди пару

от Kindevilps4

Irregular verbs - group 01 - three forms are the same

Irregular verbs — group 01 — three forms are the same

от Carnation2000

 Irregular verbs - group 01 - three forms are the same

Irregular verbs — group 01 — three forms are the same

от Inganugzarovna

You could use: nominal form, nounal form or, as you yourself suggest, noun form.

These three phrases have the required emphasis on a related-but-different-parts-of-speech link between the words, rather than one of descent or derivation.

Merriam-Webster give the following definitions:

nominal adjective

of, relating to, or being a noun or a word or expression taking a noun construction

nounal adjective

of, relating to, or of the
nature, function, or quality of a noun

And noun can itself be used adjectivally, as it is in the linguistics terms noun phrase and noun class.

A cursory glace through Google Books search results suggests nominal form gets extensive use in linguistics texts. Two relevant examples follow:

Early Indo-European languages present a wide range of nominal constructions that convey verbal action and combine a noun and a nominal form of the verb…

Archaic Syntax in Indo-European: The Spread of Transitivity in Latin, Brigitte Bauer (2011)

The nominal form of a transitive verb that has only the prefix mang… does not differ from the stem-word, or the word to be regarded as such…

A Grammar of Toba Batak, Herman Neubronner van der van der Tuuk (2013)

Nounal form seems to be seen more in non-linguistics texts, though it is also used in linguistics too; it may be more dated as a phrase.

Similarly, «knowledge» is a nounal form rooted in verbs: OE «cnawan» meaning «to know,» and OE «-cennan» meaning «To make known.»

Libri, vol. 38, Jean Anker (1988)

In these the Latin gerund is reproduced in 17 cases by a nounal form; 10 cases by a participle; 2 cases by an infinitive. The Gospels have little to teach: only one Latin gerund in the ablative has an object; this construction is paraphrased.

Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (1900)

Noun form seems to get the most general use. It’s favoured in ESL circles and is also commonly used in linguistics as well.

Noun form of verb (gerund)

[For example] Rotting: When looking after food, it is important to minimise rotting.

Advanced Grammar: For Academic Writing, Richard Stevenson (2010)

You pronounce the noun form of affect differently from the verb form. With the noun form, you stress the first syllable, and the a sounds like it would if you were saying “at.”

Grammar Essentials For Dummies, Geraldine Woods (2010)

Even though the intrusion error in (11) is also homophonous with the target verb form, it is not itself a verb form but a noun form.

Morphological Structure in Language Processing, R. Harald Baayen, ‎Robert Schreuder (2011)

According to Google Ngram viewer, noun form also seems to be the most common of the three, with nominal form also well established and nounal form comparatively rare:
Ngrams comparing "noun form", "nominal form", "nounal form"

Both noun form and nominal form seem current and readily understandable, though neither is specific in describing the verb-noun relationship you require — they are, of course, more general phrases with other uses. However, your context makes the intended meaning very clear.

For what it’s worth, to my mind, noun form is the nicest — it’s simple and straightforward. It’s also exactly the words that came to your own mind when trying to find a term!

Absent a more specific term for Semitic languages in general or Hebrew in particular (ask on Linguistics, perhaps, if that’s what you want), I’d go for noun form.

To clarify the link you’re trying to make, I’d also use verb rather than word, and state which noun form you are referring to, as there are possibly several different nouns related to the verb. Thus, your sentence would read:

Thus, the verb and its noun form, X, appear seven times in the chapter.

I also doubt there is a specific technical term for what you’re asking for because it’s not that well defined an idea, as you can see when you generalise it beyond the case at hand.

I’m not sure that the relationship between fly and flight is fundamentally the same as that between enjoy and joy, gladden and gladness, or fish (the verb) and fish (the noun) — or fishing, for that matter.

Also with enjoy, for instance, putting enjoyment and joy aside, we can conjugate two verbal nouns, enjoying and to enjoy, the to-infinitive form and the gerund: while it is Hebrew rather than English in your example, I assume there are equivalent regularly-formed verbal nouns of some sort: should they be be excluded from the term you seek? (Apologies for the laborious explanation! I’m just trying to illustrate that it’s not a simple, straightforward category you seek a label for, at least as I see it.)

Some nouns and verbs have the same form in English. For example:

She set an Olympic record. (noun)
She’s recording her new song in the studios. (verb)

However, the pronunciation (i.e. syllable stress) is different. Where “record” is used as a noun, the stress is on the first syllable: RE-cord (where “re” is the same sound as the “re” in “relative”).

But when “record” is used as a verb, the stress is on the second syllable: re-CORD, and the “re” sounds like “ri”, as in “remember”.)

Here are some more examples of nouns and verbs that have the same form, but different pronunciation. You can listen to the audio (under each pair of sentences) to hear the differences in syllable stress.

To do with finance

Noun: INcrease “There’s been an increase in the number of students.”
Verb: inCREASE “Numbers are increasing.”


Noun: DEcrease “We’ve seen a decrease in the bird population.”
Verb: deCREASE “Numbers are decreasing every year.”

Noun: IMport “This is a cheap import.”
Verb: imPORT “They import their oil from the UK.”

Noun: EXport “Oil is one of their biggest exports.”
Verb: exPORT “We need to export more.”

Noun: DIScount “Is there a discount on this?”
Verb: disCOUNT “They discounted the theories.”

Noun: REfund “I’d like a refund please.”
Verb: reFUND “We’ll refund you 50%.”

To do with authority or argument

Noun: PERmit “Do you need a permit to fish here?”
Verb: perMIT “They won’t permit her to leave the country.”

Noun: CONflict “They’re reporting armed conflict in the area.”
Verb: conFLICT “His opinion conflicted with hers.”

Noun: CONtest “She entered a beauty contest.”
Verb: conTEST “They contested the results.”

Noun: INsult “Your offer is so low it’s an insult.”
Verb: inSULT “Don’t insult me!”

Noun: PROtest “There’s a student protest today.”
Verb: proTEST “They’re protesting against cuts.”

Noun: REbel “He was a rebel when he was younger.”
Verb: reBEL “He rebelled against authority.”

To do with renewal

Noun: REwrite “That’s a rewrite of an old song.”
Verb: reWRITE “She rewrote her story.”

Noun: UPdate “We’ve got some updates for you.”
Verb: upDATE “We’re updating our files.”

Noun: UPgrade “They got an upgrade on the flight.”
Verb: upGRADE “It’s time to upgrade our computer.”

To do with communication

Noun: INvite “I received an invite to her party.”
Verb: inVITE “They invited us to their house.”

Noun: MISprint “There’s a misprint in the book.”
Verb: misPRINT “He misprinted the word.”

Noun: INsert “Put a couple of inserts in this text.”
Verb: inSERT “He inserted a few words into her paragraph.”

Noun: SURvey “Let’s do a customer survey to find out.”
Verb: surVEY “They surveyed over 1000 people.”


Noun: CONtrast “There’s a big contrast between you two.”
Verb: conTRAST “He contrasted the two pictures.”

Noun: DEtail “It’s just a minor detail.”
Verb: deTAIL “The story details their struggle with poverty.”

Noun: EScort “You’ll need an escort to get through security.
Verb: esCORT “He escorted her out of the door.”

Noun: PERfume “He bought her a bottle of perfume for her birthday.”
Verb: perFUME “The roses perfumed the room.”

Noun: REject “This is one of the rejects from the factory.”
Verb: reJECT “He rejected her advice.”

Noun: UPset “The victory was an upset in the championships.”
Verb: upSET “He upset her with his cruel remarks.”

When noun and verb have different meanings

Noun: COMpound “They lived in a compound.”
Verb: comPOUND “Current policy is just compounding problems.”

Noun: CONtract “Have you signed the contract?”
Verb: conTRACT “The economy is contracting.”

Noun: CONduct “The conduct of the student was unacceptable.”
Verb: conDUCT “They’re conducting an enquiry.”

Noun: OBject “He treats her like an object.”
Verb: obJECT “She objected to the proposals.”

Noun: SUBject “What subjects do you study?”
Verb: subJECT “She was subjected to harsh criticism.”

Noun: PREsent “He gave her a present.”
Verb: preSENT “He’s going to present his findings.”

Noun: PROject “They’re working on a project.”
Verb: proJECT “He projects himself well.”

Noun: REfuse “The refuse collectors are on strike.”
Verb: reFUSE “He refused permission.”

Noun: DEsert “They went travelling in the Sahara desert.”
Verb: deSERT “The soldiers deserted their post.”

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