Noun and adjective word list

List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

 It is very important to know how the words will change from one part of speech to another. For example, a noun beauty can be written as beautiful in adjective form beautifully in adverb form and beautify in the verb form. This kind of change will take place when we add suffixes and prefixes to the root word. Here, you will find a huge list of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs with the added prefixes and suffixes for the modification.

A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make a new word. Suffix changes a word from one part of speech to another like a noun to an adjective.

A prefix is a letter or group of letters placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning.

List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs:

1. Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
2. enable ability able ably
3. accept acceptance acceptable acceptably
4. accuse accusation accusing accusingly
5. achieve achievement achievable  
6. act act, action, activity   active actively
7. add addition additional additionally
8. admire admiration admirable admirably
9. advise advice advisable advisably
10. agree agreement agreeable agreeably
11. anger anger angry angrily
12. appreciate appreciation appreciable, appreciative appreciatively
13. approve approval approving approvingly
14. approximate approximation approximate approximately
15. argue argument arguable, argumentative arguably
16. attend attention attentive attentively
17. attract attraction attractive attractively
18. base base, basis basic basically
19. beautify beauty beautiful beautifully
20. believe belief believable believably
21. bore bore, boredom bored, boring boringly
22. breathe breath breathless breathlessly
23. calm calm, calmness calm calmly
24. care care careful, caring carefully, carelessly
25. centralize centre, centralization central, centralized centrally
26. characterize character characteristic characteristically
27. circulate circulation circular  
28. clean cleanliness clean cleanly
29. clear clarity, clearance clear clearly
30. collect collection collective collectively
31. colour colour coloured colourfully
32. comfort comfort comfortable comfortably
33. compare comparison comparable, comparative comparatively
34. compete competition competitive, uncompetitive competitively
35. complete completion complete completely
36. conclude conclusion conclusive conclusively
37. condition condition conditional conditionally,
38. confide confidence confident, confidential confidently, confidentially
39. confuse confusion confused, confusing confusingly
40. consider consideration considerable, considerate considerably
41. continue continuation, continuity continual, continuous continually, continuously
42. cool cool, coolness cool coolly
43. correct correction, correctness correct, corrective correctly
44. create creation, creativity creative creatively
45. criticize critic critical critically
46 accustom custom customary customarily
47. dare dare daring daringly
48. darken dark, darkness dark, darkened, darkening darkly
49. deaden death dead, deadly, deathly deadly, deathly
50. deceive deceit, deception deceitful, deceptive deceptively
51. decide decision decided, decisive decidedly, decisively
52. decorate decoration decorative decoratively
53. deepen deep, depth deep, deepening deeply
54. defend defence defensive defensively
55. define definition definite definitely
56. demonstrate demonstration demonstrable, demonstrative demonstrably
57. depend dependent, dependence dependable dependably
58. describe description describable descriptively
59. destroy destruction destructive destructively
60. determine determination determined determinedly
61. differ, differentiate difference different differently
62. direct direction direct directly
63. disagree disagreement disagreeable disagreeably
64.. disappoint disappointment disappointed, disappointing disappointingly
65. distance distance distant distantly
66. disturb disturbance disturbed, disturbing disturbingly
67. doubt doubt doubtful doubtfully
68. dream dream dreamless, dreamy dreamily
69. dress dress dressed, dressy dressily
70. drink drink, drunkenness drunk, drunken drunkenly
71. ease ease, easiness easy easily
72. educate education educated, educational educationally
73. effect effect, effectiveness effective effectively
74. electrify electricity electric, electrical electrically
75. embarrass embarrassment embarrassed, embarrassing embarrassingly
76. emphasize emphasis emphatic emphatically
77. encourage encouragement encouraged, encouraging encouragingly
78. end end unending, endless endlessly
80. energize energy energetic energetically
81. enjoy enjoyment enjoyable enjoyably
82. entertain entertainment entertaining entertainingly
83. enthuse enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastically
84. equalize equality equal equally
85. excel excellence excellent excellently
86. excite excitement excitable, excited, exciting excitedly, excitingly
87. excuse excuse excusable excusably
88. expect expectation expectant expectantly,
89. expend expenditure, expense expensive expensively
90. experiment experiment experimental experimentally
91. explain explanation explanatory, explicable inexplicably
92. explode explosion explosive explosively
93. express expression expressive expressively
94. familiarize familiarity familiar familiarly
95. fashion fashion fashionable fashionably
96. fear fear fearful, fearless, fearsome fearfully, fearlessly
97. finalize final final finally
98. fish fish, fishing fishy fishily
99. fit fit fitted fittingly
100. force force forceful, forcible forcefully, forcibly
101. forget forgetfulness forgetful forgetfully
102. formalize formality formal formally
103. frequent frequency frequent frequently
104. freshen freshness fresh freshly
105. frighten fright frightened, frightening, frightful frighteningly, frightfully
106. harden hardship hard hard, hardly
107. harm harm, harmfulness harmful, harmless harmfully, harmlessly
108. heat, overheat heat heated heatedly
109. help help helpful, helpless helpfully, helplessly
110. hope hope hopeful, hopeless hopefully, hopelessly
111. hurry hurry hurried hurriedly
112. hurt hurt hurtful hurtfully
113. ice ice icy icily
114. imagine imagination imaginable, imaginative unimaginably, imaginatively
115. impress impression impressive impressively
116. increase increase increased increasingly
117. infect infection infectious infectiously
118. insist insistence insistent insistently
119. instruct instruction instructive instructively
120. intend intent, intention intended, intentional, intentionally
121. interest interest interested, disinterested, uninterested, interesting interestingly
122. invent invention inventive inventively
123. invite invitation, invite inviting invitingly
124. know knowledge knowledgeable, known knowingly, knowledgeably
125. enlarge enlargement large largely
126. laugh laugh laughable laughably
127. outlaw law lawful lawfully
128. legalize legality legal legally
129. lengthen length lengthy lengthily
130. light, lighten light light lightly
131. locate, location local locally
132. love love lovable, lovely lovingly
133. lower low low, lower low
134. man man, mankind manly mannishly, manfully
135. mark mark marked markedly
136. match match matchless matchlessly
137 materialize material, 


immaterial, materialistic materially
138. mean meaning, 


meaningful, meaningless meaningfully, 


139. measure measurement measurable immeasurably
140. memorize memory memorable memorably
141. mind mind, mindlessness mindless, mindful mindlessly
142. minimize minimum minimal minimally
143. mistake mistake mistaken mistakenly
144. moralize moral, morality moral, moralistic morally
145. mother mother, motherhood motherly  
146 move move, movement movable, moving movingly
147. murder murder murderous murderously
148. name, rename name named, unnamed, nameless namely
149. nationalize nation, nationalization, nationality national, nationalistic nationally
150. naturalize nature, naturalist, naturalization, natural, 


151. necessitate necessity necessary necessarily
152. need need needy needlessly
153. unnerve nerve, nervousness nervous, nervy, nervously, nervelessly
154. renew news, newness new, renewable newly, anew
155. normalize normality normal normally
156. notice notice noticeable noticeably
157. obey obedience obedient obediently
158. offend offence offensive offensively
159. officiate office official officially
160. open openness open openly
161. operate, cooperate operation operational, 


162. opt option optional optionally
163. originate origin original originally
164. pain pain painful, painless painfully, painlessly
165. part, impart part, partition partial, impartial partially, partly
166. pacify peace peaceful peacefully
167. perfect perfection perfect perfectly
168. personalize, personify person, personality personal, personalized personally
169. persuade persuasion, persuasiveness persuasive persuasively
170. play, outplay play, playfulness playful, playable playfully
171. please pleasure pleasant, pleasurable pleasantly, unpleasantly
172. point point, pointlessness pointed, pointless pointlessly, pointedly
173. politicize politics political, politicized politically
174. popularize popularity popular popularly
175. power, empower power powerful, powerless powerfully
176. prefer preference preferable, preferred preferably
177. present presence, presentation, present, presentable presently
178. privatize privacy, privatization private privately
179. profit profit, profitability profitable profitably
180. progress progress, progression progressive progressively
181. provide provision provisional provisionally
182. publicize public, publicity public publicly
183. punish punishment punishable, punishing punishingly
184. purify purification, purity pure purely
185. question question questionable questionably
186. quieten quiet quiet quietly
187. race race racial racially
188. realize realism, reality real, realistic really, realistically
189. reason reason reasonable reasonably
190. receive receipt, reception, receptive, reciprocal reciprocally
191. recognize recognition recognizable recognizably
192. reflect reflection reflective reflectively
193. regret regret regrettable, regretful regrettably, regretfully
194. regulate regular, regularity regular regularly
195. relate relation, relationship related, relative relatively
196. rely reliability reliable reliably
197. remark remark remarkable remarkably
198. repair repair irreparable irreparably
199. repeat repeat, repetition repeated, repetitive repeatedly, repetitively
200. report report reported reportedly
201. respect respect respectable, respectful, respective respectably, respectfully, respectively
202. respond response, responsiveness responsive responsively
203. rest rest restless, rested, restful restlessly
204. enrich riches, richness rich richly
205. right right, rightness, righteous, rightful right, rightly, rightfully
206. romanticize romance, romanticism romantic, romanticized romantically
207. roughen rough, roughness rough roughly
208. round round round, rounded roundly
209. sadden sadness sad, saddened sadly
210. satisfy satisfaction satisfactory, satisfactorily
211. school school, pre-school scholastic scholastically
212. search, research search, research searchable searchingly
213. sense, sensitize sense, sensibility, sensitivity, sensitiveness sensible, sensitive, sensory sensibly, sensitively
214. separate separation separable, separate separately
215. shake shake, shakiness shaky shakily
216. shape shape shapely, shaped shapelessly
217. sharpen sharpness sharp sharply, sharpish
218. shock shock shocking, shockable shockingly
219. shorten short, shortness short, shortish shortly
220. shy shyness shy shyly
221. sicken sick, sickness sick, sickly sickeningly
222. signify significance significant significantly
223. silence silence silent silently
224. simplify simplicity, simplification simplistic simply
225. single single singular singly
226. sleep sleep, sleepiness asleep, sleepy sleepily
227. socialize society,  sociable, social socially
228. soften softness soft softly
229. solidify solid, solidity solid solidly
230. specialize specialty special, specialized specially
231. speed speed, speediness speedy speedily
232. spot spot spotted, spotty spotlessly
233. stand, withstand stand, standstill standing, outstanding outstandingly
234. steepen steepness steep steeply
235. stiffen stiffness stiff stiffly
236. strengthen strength strong strongly
237. strike strike striking strikingly
238. structure structure, structuralism structural structurally
239. study student, study studious studiously
240. style style, stylishness stylish, stylistic stylishly, stylistically
241. substantiate substance substantial, substantive substantially
242. succeed success, succession successful, successive successfully
243. suggest suggestion suggestive, suggestible suggestively
244. support support, supportiveness supportive, supporting supportively
245. suppose, presuppose supposition supposed supposedly
246. surprise surprise surprised, surprising surprisingly
247. suspect suspect, suspicion suspected, suspicious suspiciously
248. sweeten sweet, sweetness sweet sweetly
249. symbolize symbol, symbolism symbolic symbolically
250. sympathize sympathy sympathetic sympathetically
251. systematize system, systematization systematic systematically
252. talk talk, talks talkative talkatively
253. taste taste tasteful, tasty tastefully
254. thank thanks, thankfulness thankful thankfully
255. theorize theory, theorem theoretical theoretically
256. thicken thick, thickness thick thickly
257. thin thinness thin thinly
258. think thought, thoughtfulness, thoughtful thoughtfully
259. threaten threat threatening threateningly
260. tighten tightness tight tight, tightly
261. tire tiredness tired, tiresome, 


tiredly, tiresomely
262. touch touch touched, touching, touchy touchingly, touchily
263. trouble trouble troublesome, troubling troublingly
264. trust, entrust trust, trusteeship trusting, trustworthy trustfully
265. typify type typical typically
266. understand understanding understandable understandably
267. use usage, use used, useful usefully
268. vary variant, variety, variation variable, varied, various invariably, variously
269. violate violence violent violently
270. wrong wrong wrongful wrongly, wrongfully
271. warm warmth warm warmly
272. waste wastage, waste waste, wasteful wastefully
273. watch watch, watchfulness watchful watchfully
274. weaken weakness weak weakly
275. weigh, outweigh weight weighty, weightless weightlessly
276. widen width wide widely
277. wonder wonder wonderful wonderfully
278. worry worry worried, worrying, worrisome worryingly
279. write, rewrite writing written  

End of the list of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs:

Recommended links to Read:

 Apart from this list of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs, you can also refer to the following topics.

  • Proper Adjectives
  • Adjectives of Quality (Qualitative Adjectives/Descriptive Adjectives)
  • Adjectives of Quantity (Quantitative Adjectives)
  • Adjectives of Number (Numeral Adjectives)
  • Demonstrative Adjectives
  • Interrogative Adjectives
  • Distributive Adjectives
  • Possessive Adjectives (Pronominal)
  • Emphasizing Adjectives
  • Exclamatory Adjectives
  • Participle Adjectives
  • Relative Adjectives
  • Compound Adjectives
  • Formation of Adjectives

Are you looking for a list of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs? Here you get a list of examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

It helps to understand how the word transforms one part of speech into another. For example enjoy is a noun that we can write in the verb form as enjoyment, and enjoyable and enjoyably is an adjective and adverb form. 

noun verb adjective adverb list
Sr No Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
1] Accept Acceptance Acceptable Acceptably
2] Accuse Accusation Accusing Accusingly
3] Act Act, Action, Activity Active Actively
4] Add Addition Additional Additionally
5] Advise Advice Advisable Advisably
6] Agree Agreement Agreeable Agreeably
7] Anger Anger Angry Angrily
8] Approve Approval Approving Approvingly
9] Approximate Approximation Approximate Approximately
10] Attend Attention Attentive Attentively
11] Attract Attraction Attractive Attractively
12] Beautify Beauty Beautiful Beautifully
13] Believe Belief Believable Believably
14] Breathe Breath Breathless Breathlessly
15] Calm Calm, Calmness Calm Calmly
16] Care Care Careful, Caring Carefully, Carelessly
17] Characterize Character Characteristic Characteristically
18] Clean Cleanliness Clean Cleanly
19] Clear Clarity, Clearance Clear Clearly
20] Collect Collection Collective Collectively
21] Comfort Comfort Comfortable Comfortably
22] Compare Comparison Comparable, Comparative Comparatively
23] Complete Completion Complete Completely
24] Conclude Conclusion Conclusive Conclusively
25] Condition Condition Conditional Conditionally
26] Confuse Confusion Confused, Confusing Confusingly
27] Consider Consideration Considerable, Considerate Considerably
28] Continue Continuation, Continuity Continual, Continuous Continually, Continuously
29] Correct Correction, Correctness Correct, Corrective Correctly
30] Create Creation, Creativity Creative Creatively
31] Dare Dare Daring Daringly
32] Darken Dark, Darkness Dark, Darkened, Darkening Darkly
33] Deaden Death Dead, Deadly, Deathly Deadly, Deathly
34] Decide Decision Decided, Decisive Decidedly, Decisively
35] Decorate Decoration Decorative Decoratively
36] Deepen Deep, Depth Deep, Deepening Deeply
37] Define Definition Definite Definitely
38] Demonstrate Demonstration Demonstrable, Demonstrative Demonstrably
39] Describe Description Describable Descriptively
40] Destroy Destruction Destructive Destructively
41] Determine Determination Determined Determinedly
42] Direct Direction Direct Directly
43] Disagree Disagreement Disagreeable Disagreeably
44] Disappoint Disappointment Disappointed, Disappointing Disappointingly
45] Disturb Disturbance Disturbed, Disturbing Disturbingly
46] Doubt Doubt Doubtful Doubtfully
47] Dream Dream Dreamless, Dreamy Dreamily
48] Drink Drink, Drunkenness Drunk, Drunken Drunkenly
49] Ease Ease, Easiness Easy Easily
50] Educate Education Educated, Educational Educationally
51] Effect Effect, Effectiveness Effective Effectively
52] Embarrass Embarrassment Embarrassed, Embarrassing Embarrassingly
53] Emphasize Emphasis Emphatic Emphatically
54] Enable Ability Able Ably
55] End End Unending, Endless Endlessly
56] Energize Energy Energetic Energetically
57] Enjoy Enjoyment Enjoyable Enjoyably
58] Enrich Riches, Richness Rich Richly
59] Entertain Entertainment Entertaining Entertainingly
60] Enthuse Enthusiasm Enthusiastic Enthusiastically
61] Excel Excellence Excellent Excellently
62] Excite Excitement Excitable, Excited, Exciting Excitedly, Excitingly
63] Expect Expectation Expectant Expectantly,
64] Expend Expenditure, Expense Expensive Expensively
65] Explain Explanation Explanatory, Explicable Inexplicably
66] Explode Explosion Explosive Explosively
67] Express Expression Expressive Expressively
68] Fashion Fashion Fashionable Fashionably
69] Fear Fear Fearful, Fearless, Fearsome Fearfully, Fearlessly
70] Finalize Final Final Finally
71] Fit Fit Fitted Fittingly
72] Force Force Forceful, Forcible Forcefully, Forcibly
73] Forget Forgetfulness Forgetful Forgetfully
74] Frequent Frequency Frequent Frequently
75] Freshen Freshness Fresh Freshly
76] Harden Hardship Hard Hard, Hardly
77] Harm Harm, Harmfulness Harmful, Harmless Harmfully, Harmlessly
78] Help Help Helpful, Helpless Helpfully, Helplessly
79] Hope Hope Hopeful, Hopeless Hopefully, Hopelessly
80] Hurt Hurt Hurtful Hurtfully
81] Ice Ice Icy Icily
82] Imagine Imagination Imaginable, Imaginative Unimaginably, Imaginatively
83] Increase Increase Increased Increasingly
84] Infect Infection Infectious Infectiously
85] Insist Insistence Insistent Insistently
86] Intend Intent, Intention Intended, Intentional, Intentionally
87] Interest Interest Interested, Disinterested Interestingly
88] Invent Invention Inventive Inventively
89] Know Knowledge Knowledgeable, Known Knowingly, Knowledgeably
90] Laugh Laugh Laughable Laughably
91] Legalize Legality Legal Legally
92] Light, Lighten Light Light Lightly
93] Locate, Location Local Locally
94] Love Love Lovable, Lovely Lovingly
95] Man Man, Mankind Manly Mannishly, Manfully
96] Mark Mark Marked Markedly
97] Match Match Matchless Matchlessly
98] Mean Meaning, Meaningful, Meaningless Meaningfully,
99] Measure Measurement Measurable Immeasurably
100] Memorize Memory Memorable Memorably
101] Minimize Minimum Minimal Minimally
102] Mistake Mistake Mistaken Mistakenly
103] Moralize Moral, Morality Moral, Moralistic Morally
104] Murder Murder Murderous Murderously
105] Name, Rename Name Named, Unnamed Namely
106] Nationalize Nation, Nationalization National, Nationalistic Nationally
107] Necessitate Necessity Necessary Necessarily
108] Need Need Needy Needlessly
109] Normalize Normality Normal Normally
110] Obey Obedience Obedient Obediently
111] Offend Offence Offensive Offensively
112] Officiate Office Official Officially
113] Operate, Cooperate Operation Operational, Operationally
114] Opt Option Optional Optionally
115] Originate Origin Original Originally
116] Pacify Peace Peaceful Peacefully
117] Pain Pain Painful, Painless Painfully, Painlessly
118] Part, Impart Part, Partition Partial, Impartial Partially, Partly
119] Perfect Perfection Perfect Perfectly
120] Persuade Persuasion, Persuasiveness Persuasive Persuasively
121] Play, Outplay Play, Playfulness Playful, Playable Playfully
122] Please Pleasure Pleasant, Pleasurable Pleasantly, Unpleasantly
123] Politicize Politics Political, Politicized Politically
124] Popularize Popularity Popular Popularly
125] Power, Empower Power Powerful, Powerless Powerfully
126] Present Presence, Presentation, Present, Presentable Presently
127] Privatize Privacy, Privatization Private Privately
128] Profit Profit, Profitability Profitable Profitably
129] Provide Provision Provisional Provisionally
130] Publicize Public, Publicity Public Publicly
131] Punish Punishment Punishable, Punishing Punishingly
132] Question Question Questionable Questionably
133] Quieten Quiet Quiet Quietly
134] Race Race Racial Racially
135] Reason Reason Reasonable Reasonably
136] Receive Receipt, Reception, Receptive, Reciprocal Reciprocally
137] Reflect Reflection Reflective Reflectively
138] Regret Regret Regrettable, Regretful Regrettably, Regretfully
139] Regulate Regular, Regularity Regular Regularly
140] Rely Reliability Reliable Reliably
141] Remark Remark Remarkable Remarkably
142] Renew News, Newness New, Renewable Newly, Anew
143] Repeat Repeat, Repetition Repeated, Repetitive Repeatedly, Repetitively
144] Report Report Reported Reportedly
145] Respect Respect Respectable, Respectful Respectably, Respectfully, Respectively
146] Rest Rest Restless, Rested, Restful Restlessly
147] Right Right, Rightness, Righteous, Rightful Right, Rightly, Rightfully
148] Roughen Rough, Roughness Rough Roughly
149] Round Round Round, Rounded Roundly
150] Satisfy Satisfaction Satisfactory, Satisfactorily
151] School School, Pre-School Scholastic Scholastically
152] Sense, Sensitize Sense, Sensibility Sensible, Sensitive Sensibly, Sensitively
153] Separate Separation Separable, Separate Separately
154] Shake Shake, Shakiness Shaky Shakily
155] Sharpen Sharpness Sharp Sharply, Sharpish
156] Shock Shock Shocking, Shockable Shockingly
157] Shy Shyness Shy Shyly
158] Sicken Sick, Sickness Sick, Sickly Sickeningly
159] Silence Silence Silent Silently
160] Simplify Simplicity, Simplification Simplistic Simply
161] Single Single Singular Singly
162] Sleep Sleep, Sleepiness Asleep, Sleepy Sleepily
163] Soften Softness Soft Softly
164 Solidify Solid, Solidity Solid Solidly
165] Specialize Specialty Special, Specialized Specially
166] Spot Spot Spotted, Spotty Spotlessly
167] Stand, Withstand Stand, Standstill Standing, Outstanding Outstandingly
168] Stiffen Stiffness Stiff Stiffly
169] Strengthen Strength Strong Strongly
170 Strike Strike Striking Strikingly
171] Study Student, Study Studious Studiously
172] Style Style, Stylishness Stylish, Stylistic Stylishly, Stylistically
173] Substantiate Substance Substantial, Substantive Substantially
174] Suggest Suggestion Suggestive, Suggestible Suggestively
175] Support Support, Supportiveness Supportive, Supporting Supportively
176] Surprise Surprise Surprised, Surprising Surprisingly
177] Suspect Suspect, Suspicion Suspected, Suspicious Suspiciously
178] Sweeten Sweet, Sweetness Sweet Sweetly
179] Sympathize Sympathy Sympathetic Sympathetically
180] Systematize System, Systematization Systematic Systematically
181] Talk Talk, Talks Talkative Talkatively
182] Thank Thanks, Thankfulness Thankful Thankfully
183] Theorize Theory, Theorem Theoretical Theoretically
184] Thin Thinness Thin Thinly
185] Think Thought, Thoughtfulness, Thoughtful Thoughtfully
186] Threaten Threat Threatening Threateningly
187] Tire Tiredness Tired, Tiresome, Tiredly, Tiresomely
188] Touch Touch Touched, Touching, Touchy Touchingly, Touchily
189] Trouble Trouble Troublesome, Troubling Troublingly
190] Typify Type Typical Typically
191] Understand Understanding Understandable Understandably
192] Unnerve Nerve, Nervousness Nervous, Nervy, Nervously, Nervelessly
193] Use Usage, Use Used, Useful Usefully
194] Violate Violence Violent Violently
195] Warm Warmth Warm Warmly
196] Waste Wastage, Waste Waste, Wasteful Wastefully
197] Weaken Weakness Weak Weakly
198] Weigh, Outweigh Weight Weighty, Weightless Weightlessly
199] Wonder Wonder Wonderful Wonderfully
200] Worry Worry Worried, Worrying Worryingly

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  6. Action Words
нетрудоспособность able
способный, умелый
искалеченный; инвалид enable
дать возможность
делать неспособным, калечить ably
умело, искусно absurdity
абсурдность absurd
абсурдный acceptability
приемлемость acceptable
неприемлемый accept
принимать, соглашаться access
доступность accessible
доступный accessibly
доступно accident
случай, случайность accidental
случайный accidentally
нечаянно, случайно action
представление active
действующий, работающей act
действовать actively
активно achievement
достижение achieve
достигать addiction
привычка, приверженность, увлеченность
увлеченный человек, имеющий стойкую привычку addictive
способный вызывать привычку addict
увлекаться, предаваться admiration
восхищение admirable
восхитительный admire
восхищаться admirably
восхитительно advice
совет advisable
рекомендуемый advise
советовать affectation
притворство, искусственность
привязанность, любовь affected
эмоциональный affect
воздействовать, влиять; притворяться agreement
соглашение, согласие
разногласие, несогласие agreeable
соответствующий, приятный agree
не соглашаться agreeably
соответственно aggression
агрессору зачинщик aggressive
агрессивный aggress
нападать aggressively
агрессивно aim
цель aimless
бесцельный aim
целиться, намереваться aimlessly
бесцельно affordable
то, что может быть позволено
то, что невозможно себе позволить afford
позволять себе amusement
развлечение amused
приятно изумленный
забавный amuse
развлекать, забавлять amusedly
изумленно appearance
внешность; появление
исчезновение appear
исчезать appointment
назначение; деловая встреча
разочарование, досада appointed
разочаровывающий appoint
разочаровывать approval
одобрение approved
одобрительный approve
одобрять approvingly
одобрительно arrangement
соглашение; расположение arranged
приведенный в порядок arrange
приводить в порядок, организовывать argument
аргумент, довод
аргументация arguable
доказуемый (в споре)
спорный, конфликтный argue
утверждать, спорить, ссориться argumentatively
доказательно appropriation
присвоение; ассигнование appropriate
подходящий, соответствующий
несоответствущий, неуместный appropriate
присваивать, предназначать appropriately
соответственно, подходяще arrival
прибытие arrive
прибывать, приезжать attraction
притяжение, привлекательность attracted
привлекательный attract
привлекать attractively
привлекательно avoidance
избежание, отмена avoidable
то, чего можно избежать
неизбежный avoid
избегать unavoidably
неизбежно beauty
красота; красавица beautiful
красивый beautify
украшать beautifully
красиво bearing
роды bearable
сносный, допустимый
невыносимый bear
носить; терпеть unbearably
невыносимо belief
вера believable
вероятный, правдоподобный
невероятный believe
верить benefit
выгода beneficial
выгодный benefit
получать выгоду bore
скука bored
испытывающий скуку
скучный, надоедливый bore
надоедать boringly
скучно breath
дыхание, дуновение
короткая передышка breathing
бездыханный breathe
дышать breathlessly
затаив дыхание business
деловой мужчина
деловая женщина busy
деловой, практичный busy
занимать делом busily
деловито, по-деловому саrе
забота, уход careful
небрежный саrе
заботиться, любить carefully
небрежно celebration
знаменитость celebrated
знаменитый, прославленный celebrate
праздновать, прославлять certainty
неопределенность, неуверенность certain
неопределенный certainly
определенно, уверенно change
изменение; мелочь, сдача changeable
не изменившийся change
менять; обменивать(ся) changelessly
неизменно character
характер characteristic
характерный, типичный characterise
характеризовать choice
выбор choosy
разборчивый choose
выбирать child
дети childish
детский; ребяческий clearance
очистка; устранение препятствий clear
четкий, ясный clear
очищать, расчищать clearly
четко, ясно cloud
облако cloudy
безоблачный collection
собрание; коллекция
сборщик collective
коллективный, совокупный collect
собирать; коллекционировать colony
колония colonial
колониальный colonise / colonize
колонизировать colour
цвет colourful
разноцветный colour
раскрашивать comfort
комфорт; утешение
беспокойство; неудобство comfortable
удобный, комфортабельный
неудобный comfort
утешать, успокаивать comfortably
неудобно community
община, общество communal
общественный, коллективный communication
коммуникатор, переговорщик communicative
использующийся в общении; коммуникативный communicate
сообщать; общаться comparison
сравнение compared
сравнительный compare
сравнивать comparatively
сравнительно, относительно competition
соревнование; конкуренция
конкурент, соперник competitive
соревновательный compete
соревноваться, конкурировать competitively
в форме соревнования, конкуренции completion
завершение, окончание completed
полный, завершенный
неполный, назавершенный complete
заканчивать, завершать completely
полностью congratulation
поздравление congratulate
поздравлять connection
соединение, объединение connected
связанный, соединенный connect
разъединять consideration
внимание; рассмотрение, обсуждение considerable
внимательный, деликатный, тактичный
неосмотрительный; невнимательный к другим consider
считать, полагать; рассматривать considerably
значительно conscience
совесть conscientious
совестливый, добросовестный
бессовестный conscientiously
добросовестно consciousness
сознание conscious
без сознания consciously
сознательно, осознанно consultation
консультант consulting
консультирующий consult
консультировать container
вместилище, контейнер containing
содержащий contain
содержать, вмещать continuity
непрерывность continuous
продолжающийся, длящийся continue
продолжать continuously
непрерывно control
управление, руководство controllable
поддающийся управлению
неподдающийся управлению
неуправляемый control
управлять, регулировать uncontrollably
бесконтрольно conviction
убеждение convincing
убежденный convince
убеждать convincingly
убедительно cook
плита, духовка over-cooked
недоваренный cook
готовить еду correction
корректор correct
неправильный correct
исправлять correctly
правильно counter
бухгалтер countable
неисчисляемый count
считать uncountably
немеряно, без счета courage
храбрость courageous
обескураженный encourage
приободрять, поддерживать
отговаривать, обескураживать courageously
смело, храбро creation
творец, создатель
творение; живое существо creative
творческий create
создавать, творить creatively
творчески credit
вера, доверие credible
вероятный, заслуживающий доверия
невероятный credibly
невероятно critic
критика critical
критический; переломный; рискованный criticise
критиковать critically
критично, критически cultivation
культивация, обработка cultivated
культивированный, обработанный cultivate
обрабатывать culture
культура cultured
культурный, воспитанный
культурный (как часть культуры) culturally
культурно cure
лекарство; лечение curable
неизлечимый cure
вылечивать, исцелять incurably
неизлечимо danger
опасность dangerous
опасный endanger
угрожать dangerously
опасно day
день daily
ежедневный daily
ежедневно deception
обман, заблуждение deceptive
обманчивый, лживый deceive
обманывать deceitfully
обманчиво, предательски decision
решение decided
определенный, явный
нерешительный, неясный
решительный, убежденный, убедительный decide
решать, принимать решение decisively
решительно, определенно definition
определение definite
четкий, определенный
неопределенный define
определять, давать определение definitely
определенно, ясно
нечетко, неопределенно delight
восторг, наслаждение delightful
польщенный delight
восхищаться delightfully
с восторгом delivery
доставка, поставка delivered
доставленный deliver
доставлять dependence
независимость dependent
независимый depend
зависеть independently
независимо depression
депрессия, подавленность depressive
депрессивный, вызывающий депрессию
подавленный depress
подавлять description
описание descriptive
описательный, наглядный describe
описывать design
проект, дизайн
дизайнер, проектировщик design
проектировать desire
желание, стремление desirable
желательный, желаемый
нежелательный desire
желать, стремиться desirably
желательно destruction
разрушение destroyed
разрушенный destroy
разрушать, уничтожать determination
решительность; определение determined
решительный determine
решать, определять development
разработчик developed
неразвитый develop
развивать(ся) dying
умирающий die
умирать difference
разница, различие
безразличие different
другой, отличающийся
безразличный differ
отличаться differently
с безразличием disturbance
тревога, беспокойство; нарушение тишины, порядка disturbed
беспокоящий disturb
беспокоить, мешать doubt
сомнение doubtful
бесспорный doubt
сомневаться doubfully
с сомнением
не сомневаясь
без сомнения ease
легкость, свобода
болезнь easy
неловкий, тревожный ease
облегчать, ослаблять easily
неловко economy
хозяйство economic
экономный economise
экономить economically
экономически; экономно educator
воспитатель, педагог
образование educated
образовательный educate
воспитывать, давать образование effect
следствие, результат
эффективность effective
эффективный, действующий effect
производить, выполнять effectively
эффективно, действенно electricity
электрик electric
электрический electrify
электрифицировать empire
император empire
empiric / empirical
исходящий из опыта, эмпирический employment
служба, работа
наниматель, работодатель
работающий по найму employed
нанятый, занятый
безработный employ
нанимать end
конец, окончание endless
нескончаемый end
конец, окончание endlessly
бесконечно environment
окружающая среда environmental
природный entertainment
развлечение entertaining
развлекательный entertain
развлекать enthusiasm
энтузиазм, восторг
энтузиаст, восторженный человек enthusiastic
восторженный enthusiastically
с восторгом equipment
оборудование equipped
снаряженный, оборудованный equip
снаряжать essence
сущность essential
главный, основной essentially
главным образом examination / exam
экзамен; медосмотр examined
проэкзаменованный; осмотренный врачом examine
экзаменовать; осматривать excitement
возбуждение, волнение exciting
возбужденный, взволнованный excite
возбуждать, волновать excitedly
взволнованно, возбужденно expectation
ожидание, предчувствие expected
неожиданный expect
ожидать, предчувствовать expence(s)
расход(ы), затраты expensive
недорогой expend
тратить, расходовать expensively
дорого experience
опыт, опытность
эксперимент experienced
эспериментальный experience
испытывать explosion
взрывчатое вещество explosive
взрывчатый explode
взрываться expression
выражение expressive
выразительный express
выражать expressively
выразительно extent
пространство, степень extended
обширный extend
простираться, тянуться extensively
обширно, протяженно extreme
крайняя степень, крайность extreme
крайний, чрезвычайный extremely
крайне fascination
очарование, обаяние fascinating
очарованный fascinate
очаровывать fairness
справедливость; порядочность fair
порядочный, справедливый
несправедливый fairly
справедливо, честно; довольно-таки finance
финансы financial
финансовый finance
финансировать financially
финансово firmness
твердость firm
твердый affirm
утверждать firmly
твердо fitness
физическая форма, физическое состояние fit
находящийся в хорошей форме; подходящий
неподходящий fit
подгонять, подстраивать following
следующий follow
следовать fool
глупыш, дурак foolish
глупый fool
обманывать foolishly
глупо forgettable
забытый forget
забывать forgiveness
прощение forgiving
непростительный forgive
прощать forgivingly
с прощением fortune
судьба, счастье; богатство, состояние fortunate
несчастный fortunately
к счастью
к сожалению freedom
свобода free
свободный; бесплатный freely
свободно frequency
частота frequent
частый frequent
часто посещать frequently
часто friend
дружелюбие friendly
дружеский, дружелюбный
недружеский in a friendly way / manner
дружелюбно fright
страх, испуг frightful
пугающий frighten
пугать, устрашать frightfully
страшно; испуганно generosity
щедрость generous
щедрый generously
щедро gentleman
джентльмен gentle
мягкий, нежный gently
мягко, нежно ghost
привидение, призрак ghostly
похожий на привидение grass
трава grassy
травяной habit
привычка, обычай
естественная среда
жилище, обиталище habitual
привычный habituate
приучать habitually
обычно hand
рука; рабочий
горсть handy
удобный (для использования)
изготовленный вручную hand
вручать happiness
несчастье happy
несчастный happily
несчастливо harm
вред harmful
безвредный harm
повредить, навредить harmfully
вредно health
здоровье healthy
нездоровый home
дом, жилище homeless
бездомный honour
честь honourable
почетный honour
почитать, чтить honourably
почетно hope
оптимизм, надежда hopeful
безнадежный hope
надеяться hopefully
с надеждой humanity
человечество human
гуманитарный humour
юмор humorous
юмористический humorously
с юмором hurry
спешка hurrying
торопливый, спешащий
торопливый hurry
торопиться hurriedly
торопливо ice
лед icy
ледяной importance
важность important
незначительный importantly
важно impression
впечатление impressed
безучастный impress
производить впечатление impressively
впечатляюще improvement
улучшение improved
улучшенный improve
улучшать impulse
толчок, побуждение impulsive
импульсивный impulsively
импульсивно incident
несчастный случай; конфликт, инцидент incidental
случайный incidentally
случайно increase
рост, увеличение increasing
растущий increase
увеличивать(ся) increasingly
с ростом industry
промышленность industrial
трудолюбивый. усердный industrialise
индустриализовать industrially
в промышленном отношении information
сообщение, информация
формальность informed
знающий, хорошо информированный
неверно информированный
формальный, официальный
неофициальный inform
неверно сообщать; дезинформировать informationally
информационно intensity
интенсивность intensive
интенсивный intensify
интенсифицировать intensively
интенсивно interest
интерес interested
интересный interest
интересовать inventor
изобретение inventive
изобретательный invent
изобретать inventively
изобретательно invitation
приглашение invited
приглашенный invite
приглашать inspiration
вдохновение inspired
вдохновляющий inspire
вдохновлять knowledge
признание; расписка acknowledged
признанный acknowledge
признавать, подтверждать legality
законность, легальность legal
юридический, законный
незаконный, подпольный legalize
легализовать legally
незаконно likeness
сходство, подобие likeable
аналогичный like
относиться хорошо
относиться отрицательно likely
в отличие life
жизнь lively
оживленный, веселый
актуальный, реальный live
жить in a lively way
оживленно literature
литература literal
неграмотный literally
буквально location
место, поселение local
местный locate
размещать locally
в определенном месте loneliness
одиночество lonely
одинокий; один luck
удача lucky
неудачливый, неудачный luckily
к счастью luxury
роскошь luxurious
шикарный majority
большинство major
главный, основной manager
управляющий, руководитель managerial
управленческий manage
управлять; справляться marriage
женитьба married
женатый / замужняя
неженатый / незамужняя marry
жениться meeting
встреча; собрание meet
встречать, знакомиться memory
мемориал memorial
памятный memorise
заучивать наизусть misery
нищета miserable
нищенский, ничтожный month
месяц monthly
ежемесячный monthly
ежемесячно motion
движение motionless
неподвижный motion
показывать жестом mystery
тайна, загадка mysterious
таинственный, загадочный mysteriously
таинственно, загадочно necessity
необходимость necessary
ненужный necessarily
необходимо nerve
нерв nervous
нервный ennerve
нервировать nervously
нервно number
число; количество numerous
умеющий считать
неумеющий считать number
обозначать цифрами object
объект, предмет
цель; возражение objective
объективный object
возражать objectively
объективно obstinate
упрямый obstinately
упрямо occurrence
случай, происшествие occur
происходить operation
операция; оперирование, приведение в действие operate
управлять, действовать opportunity
оппортунист opportune
своевременный, подходящий opposition
оппозиция, противостояние
оппонент, противник opposite
противоположный oppose
противопосталять owner
владелец, хозяин own
собственный own
владеть pain
боль painful
безболезненный painfully
безболезненно patience
пациент patient
нетерпеливый patiently
нетерпеливо participant
участие participating
участвующий participate
принимать участие particulars
подробности particular
особенный particularly
особенно perfection
совершенство perfect
совершенный, идеальный
несовершенный perfect
совершенствовать, улучшать perfectly
отлично, безупречно period
период, срок periodical
периодический periodically
периодически performance
представление; исполнение
исполнитель perform
исполнять, выполнять, совершать peace
мир, спокойствие peaceful
мирный peacefully
мирно permission
пропуск permissive
позволяющий permit
позволять permissively
с позволением pleasure
удовольствие pleasant
недовольный please
доставлять удовольствие pleasantly
приятно point
точка; пункт pointed
остроконечный, нацеленный
уместный, удачный
бесцельный point
указывать, направлять pointedly
остро, по существу politeness
вежливость polite
невежливый politely
вежливо popularity
популярность popular
непопулярный popularise
популяризировать possession
владение, собственность
обладатель, владелец possessive
собственнический possess
владеть, обладать possibility
вероятность, возможность possible
невозможный possibly
возможно power
сила, мощь powerful
бессильный empower
уполномочивать preference
предпочтение preferable
пользующийся препочтением prefer
предпочитать preferably
предпочтительно preparation
подготовка prepared
неподготовленный prepare
подготовить preparedly
с готовностью prestige
престиж prestigious
престижный prestigiously
престижно profession
профессия professional
профессиональный professionally
профессионально profit
выгода profitable
не приносящий выгоды profit
получать выгоду profitably
выгодно progress
прогресс, продвижение progressive
прогрессивный progress
продвигаться вперед progressively
постепенно, продвигаясь вперед proposal
предложение proposed
предложенный propose
делать предложение prosperity
процветание prosperous
процветающий prosper
процветать prosperously
процветающе public
общественность public
общественный publicise
разглашать publicly
открыто, публично quickness
быстрота quick
быстрый quicken
убыстрять quickly
быстро reality
реализация, осуществление real
реальный, настоящий
нереальный realize
реализовать, осуществлять really
действительно, в самом деле recognition
признание, узнавание recognised
признанный recognise
узнавать; признавать reduction
снижение, понижение reduced
уменьшенный; сниженный reduce
снижать; сбавлять relaxation
отдых, расслабление relaxed
отдыхающий; расслабляющий relax
отдыхать, расслабляться relaxedly
расслабленно reliability
надежность reliable
ненадежный rely
доверять, полагаться reliably
надежно religion
религия religious
религиозный reluctance
нежелание, неохота reluctant
неохотный reluctantly
неохотно regularity
нерегулярность regular
регулярный, правильный
неправильный; нестандартный regulate
регулировать regularly
регулярно remark
замечание remarkable
замечательный remark
замечать, отмечать remarkably
замечательно representation
представитель representative
представительный represent
представлять reproach
упрек irreproachable
безупречный reproach
упрекать reproachingly
с упреком reputation
репутация reputated
имеющий хорошую репутацию, почтенный
имеющий плохую репутацию repute
давать репутацию
компрометироватъ resistance
сопротивление resistible
прочный resist
сопротивляться irresistibly
неотразимо respect
уважение respectful
уважительный respect
уважать respectfully
с уважением rest
отдых restless
беспокойный rest
отдыхать restlessly
беспокойно reward
награда rewarding
стоящий награды
невознагражденный reward
награждать riches
богатство rich
богатый enrich
обогащать richly
богато risk
риск risky
рискованный risk
рисковать sadness
грусть sad
грустный sadden
огорчать sadly
грустно safe
безопасность safe
опасный save
спасать; экономить safely
безопасно satisfaction
неудовлетворенность; недовольство satisfied
неудовлетворительный satisfy
разочаровывать; огорчать research
исследование search
искать, осуществлять поиск security
безопасность secure
находящийся в опасности secure
охранять, гарантировать securely
безопасно seriousness
серьезность serious
серьезный seriously
серьезно science
ученый scientific
научный scientifically
научно sense
отсутствие чувствительности sensitive
нечувствительный, неосознающий sense
ощущать sensitively
разумно service
услуга, обслуживание
слуга served
обслуженный; поданный на стол serve
служить, обслуживать, подавать на стол significant
незначительный signify
иметь значение significantly
значительно similarity
сходство, похожесть similar
похожий, подобный similarly
похоже, подобно sincerity
искренность sincere
неискренний sincerely
искренне shorts
шорты short
короткий shorten
укорачивать shortly
кратко sleep
спящий; спальный вагон sleeping
бессонный sleep
спать sleeplessly
без сна solution
решение; раствор solved
решенный; растворенный solve
решать; находить выход; растворять speciality
специальность; фирменное блюдо
особенность special
особенный; специальный
специфический specify
точно определять
специализировать(ся) specially
специфично strength
сила strong
сильный strengthen
укреплять strongly
сильно stress
стресс stressful
стрессовый stress
ударять, ставить ударение stressfully
в состоянии стресса success
успех successful
безуспешный succeed
преуспевать successfully
успешно sufñcience
недостаточность sufficient
недостаточный suffice
быть достаточным sufficiently
достаточно suitable
неподходящий suit
подходить, устраивать suggestion
предложение suggest
предлагать suspect
подозреваемый suspicious
подозрительный suspect
подозревать suspiciously
подозрительно swimmer
плавание swimming
плавающий, плавательный swim
плавать sympathy
сочувствие, понимание sympathetic
сочувствующий sympathize
сочувствовать sympathetically
с пониманием; сочувственно sureness
уверенность sure
обеспеченный; уверенный
уверенный в себе ensure
обеспечивать; гарантировать
уверять, обеспечивать surely
конечно; уверенно
с уверенностью surrounding
окружение surrounded
окруженный surround
окружать talk
беседа, разговор talkative
разговорчивый talk
беседовать taste
отсуствие вкуса tasteful
сделанный со вкусом; обладающий вкусом
безвкусный taste
пробовать tastefully
со вкусом
без вкуса terror
террорист terrible
напуганный terrify
ужасать terribly
потрясающе thirst
жажда thirsty
испытывать жажду tights
колготки tight
плотный, тесный tighten
сжимать, натягивать tightly
тесно, плотно thought
мысль thoughtful
бездумный think
думать, иметь мнение thoughtfully
задумчиво tragedy
трагедия tragic
трагический tragically
трагично travelling
путешественник travelling
путешествующий travel
путешествовать truth
неправда true
правильный; настоящий
неверный, не соответствующий действительности
правдивый truly
по-настоящему, искренне
правдиво value
ценность valued
ценный value
ценить, оценивать variety
изменчивость, непостоянство variable
неизменный vary
менять, разнообразить invariably
неизменно year
год yearly
ежегодный yearly
ежегодно understanding
непонимание; недоразумение understandable
понятный understand
понимать use
неправильное использование;
использование useful
неиспользованный use
использовать, пользоваться usefully
бесполезно week
неделя weekly
еженедельный weekly
еженедельно width
ширина wide
широкий widen
расширять widely
широко will
воля, желание; завещание willing
жаждущий, желающий
не желающий will
проявлять волю, желать willingly
охотно, с удовольствием
неохотно wind
ветер windy
безветренный wisdom
мудрость wise
неблагоразумный wisely
неблагоразумно worth
стоимость, ценность worthy
не имеющий ценности


  1. Имя существительное
  2. Имя прилагательное
  3. Глагол
  4. Наречие
  5. Местоимение
  6. Числительные
  7. Cоюз
  8. Предлоги
  9. Артикли
  10. Частицы
  11. Междометия
  12. Сводная таблица частей речи в английском языке

Так уж сложилось, что издавна во всех языках словообразование играло одну из первостепенных ролей. Обозначение разных частей речи и их название стало неким этапом в эволюции языка и языкознания.

Также как и в современном русском языке, каждое слово в английском принадлежит определенной части речи (part of speech), то есть категории слов, обладающих своими характерными признаками.

Part of speech — one of the grammatical groups, such as noun, verb, and adjective, into which words are divided depending on their use

Английские части речи классифицируются по синтаксической функции, грамматическому значению и форме. Следовательно, существуют самостоятельные (notional) и служебные (functional) части речи. Но в отличие от русского языка, в английском есть «переходные зоны» между частями речи. То есть одно и то же слово может выступать в роли разных частей речи. И в данном случае опорой служит сам контекст, а не форма слова.

Распознавание или предугадывание частей речи по контексту очень важный навык, если вы готовитесь к сдаче ЕГЭ или международных экзаменов. Понимание частей речи, безусловно, облегчит выполнение заданий в разы, а хорошая система подготовки определенно сыграет свою роль. В качестве помощи команда онлайн-школы Инглиш Шоу разработала курсы по подготовке к разнообразным экзаменам, начиная с ЕГЭ и заканчивая TOEFL или IELTS. Узнать, как это работает очень просто – стоит только записаться на бесплатный пробный урок и проверить эффективность обучения с преподавателем на себе!

Самостоятельные части речи в английском языке

Если у слова есть свое собственное лексическое значение, то его без сомнений можно отнести к самостоятельным частям речи. Произнося его, сразу становится понятен смысл слова. К самостоятельным частям речи в английском языке относятся:

Имя существительное (Noun)

Грамматика и теория русского языка даёт нам следующее определение существительного: оно называет людей, животных, места, абстрактные понятия, предметы. И для него характерно отвечать на вопросы: «Кто?» или «Что?».

В английском существительные бывают разные:

  • Common – нарицательные
    Например: person – человек, teacher – учитель, log – бревно
  • Proper – собственные
    Например: Stephen, Italy, America, Saturn
  • Compound – составные (состоящими из двух корней)
    Например: post office – почтовое отделение, car park – парковка, textbook – учебник, bookcase – книжный шкаф
  • Abstract – абстрактные
    Например: beauty – красота, intelligence – ум, democracy – демократия
  • Collective – собирательные
    Например: family – семья, flock — стая, herd – стадо

Кроме этого, в английском есть четкое разделение на исчисляемые (countable) и неисчисляемые (uncountable). Исчисляемые они потому что их можно посчитать поштучно и все они имеют форму как единственного, так и множественного числа. И перед существительным в единственном числе мы ставим артикль (a/an).


  • I have got an orange and a banana.
    У меня есть апельсин и банан.
  • There are a lot of cookies in this bowl.
    В этой тарелке много печенья.

Стоит отметить, что к неисчисляемым существительным в основном относятся жидкости, сыпучие продукты, абстрактные понятия или те, которые существуют либо только в единственном, либо во множественном числе.


  • I don’t have much money.
    У меня немного денег.
  • I like listening rock music.
    Я люблю слушать рок музыку.
  • There is some rice in the bowl.
    В тарелке есть немного риса.
  • Give me some information upon this case.
    Предоставь мне информацию по этому случаю.

Существительные в английском образуются с помощью определенных суффиксов, по которым вы легко сможете определить эту часть речи:

  • ance: disturbance, relevance
  • ence: reference, occurrence
  • ity: complexity, scarcity
  • ment: disappointment, achievement
  • acy/cy: accuracy
  • age: percentage, breakage
  • an: Russian, American
  • dom: kingdom, freedom
  • hood: motherhood, brotherhood

В предложении эта часть речи может выполнять функции как подлежащего (subject), дополнения (object) или функцию complement (дополнения) внутри именного сказуемого.


  • We have accepted the invitation for the party.

    (We – subject; invitation – object)
    Мы приняли приглашение на вечеринку.

Вне всяких сомнений, существует ещё множество других нюансов, которые необходимо знать о существительных. Например, важно правильно образовывать множественное число. Об этом мы рассказывали в ролике:

Имя прилагательное (Adjective)

Мы используем прилагательные для описания существительных, то есть они характеризуют признаки предмета, человека или события. И отвечают на вопросы: «Какая?», «Какие?» и т.д.

В английском прилагательные подразделяются по степеням сравнения и бывают:

  • Положительной степени (Positive form)
  • Сравнительной степени (Comparative form)
  • Превосходной степени (Superlative form)


  • large – larger – the largest
    большой – больше – самый большой

Более подробно со всеми правилами эта тема разобрана в нашей статье 👉 Степени сравнения прилагательных

Очень часто в предложении можно встретить описание из нескольких прилагательных, в таком случае они расположены в определенном порядке:

judgement – size – shape – age – colour – origin – material – purpose – noun
суждение – размер – форма – возраст – цвет – происхождение – материал – цель – существительное

💡 Чтобы было легче запомнить, ловите подсказку: чем прилагательное субъективнее, тем дальше оно от самого существительного.


  • There is a small, old, blue, plastic table.
    Это маленький, старый, голубой, пластиковый стол.
  • I am a short, young, blue-eyed person.
    Я молодой человек среднего роста с голубыми глазами.

Глагол (Verb)

Как мы помним со школьной скамьи, глагол – это слово «действие», которое характеризуется вопросами: «Что делать?», «Что сделать?» и так далее.

Вместе с подлежащим он представляет главные члены предложения и образует грамматическую основу.

Классификация глаголов в английском:

  • Semi-auxiliary – служебные
  • Auxiliary — вспомогательные
  • Notional – смысловые

Также очень важным моментом является то, что в английском глаголы подразделяют на:

  • Transitive – переходные (за которым следует объект или дополнение)
    She is cooking the dinner.
    Она готовит обед.
  • Intransitive – непереходные (которые не требуют после себя какого-либо дополнения, они просто характеризуют само действие)
    He slept late this morning.
    Он спал допоздна этим утром.

Ну и конечно же глаголы могут быть разных форм:

  • Infinitive – инфинитив или неопределенная форма глагола, в английском используется с частичкой to. Если без неё, то это будет форма bare infinitive (голый инфинитив).

    Например: to go – идти, to cry – плакать, to unearth – раскопать

  • Base form – первоначальная форма, это тот же инфинитив, но используемый уже без частички to.
  • Past Simple form – форма прошедшего времени

    И здесь стоит сказать, что существуют правильные (regular) и неправильные (irregular) глаголы.

    Неправильные глаголы собраны в таблицу и их просто нужно выучить для правильного употребления в речи. А правильные глаголы образуют форму прошедшего времени путем добавления -ed.

  • Past Participle – причастие прошедшего времени, это третий столбик в таблице неправильных глаголов.

    Примеры: beaten – побитый, broken — сломанный

    Или если глагол правильный, то он образует вторую и третью формы с помощью окончания -ed.

    Примеры: play — played, study — studied, watch — watched

  • Present Participle – причастие настоящего времени, это глагол с -ing или как его ещё называют — герундий.

    Например: hoping- надеющийся, studying – обучающийся

Наречие (Adverb)

В целом, наречия в отличие от прилагательных характеризуют действия или глаголы и отвечают на вопросы: «Как?», «Где?», «Когда?», «Почему?», «Каким образом?».

Классификация наречий:

  • Manner – наречие образа действия:
    Well – хорошо, slowly — медленно
  • Place – места:
    Above – над, here – здесь
  • Time – времени:
    Now – сейчас, then – тогда, soon – вскоре
  • Degree – степени:
    Very – очень, really – реально, quite – достаточно
  • Frequency – частоты:
    Once – однажды, twice – дважды

В основном наречия образуются с помощью суффикса -ly, который так сказать «определитель» для этой части речи, но, как вы заметили, исключения всегда имеют место быть.

Местоимение (Pronoun)

Судя по названию, местоимения мы используем вместо имён, то есть вместо имён собственных, предметов или качеств предмета.

В английском языке существуют следующие классы местоимений:

  • Object pronouns – личные, выступающие в роли объекта: me, him, her, it, us, you, them
    He met me at the park yesterday.
    Он встретил меня вчера в парке.
  • Subject pronouns – личные, выступающие в роли субъекта: I, he, you, she, we, it, they
    They used to play tennis 10 years ago.
    Они имели обыкновение играть в теннис 10 лет назад.
  • Reflexive pronouns – возвратные: himself, herself, ourselves, myself
    We decided to do it by ourselves.
    Мы решили это сделать сами.
  • Demonstrative pronouns – указательные: those, this, that, these
    These are your pieces of equipment.
    Вот это твоё оборудование.
  • Possessive pronouns – притяжательные: hers, his, mine, yours
    These shoes are mine!
    Это мои туфли!
  • Relative pronouns – относительные: who, which, that, whose
    This was the man who stole your wallet.
    Это тот мужчина, который украл у тебя кошелёк.

Числительные (Numerals)

Числительные показывают порядок предметов при счете и их количество. Для них характерными являются вопросы: «Сколько?» или «Который по счету?». Также, как и в русском языке, они бывают:

  • Cardinal numbers – количественными:

    one, six, thirty, one hundred
  • Ordinal numbers – порядковыми:

    first – первый, second – второй, third – третий, fourth – четвертый

Образование порядковых числительных происходит с помощью окончания -th, начиная с числа 4, а первые три числа нужно просто запомнить.

Служебные части речи в английском языке

Исходя из названия можно догадаться, что служебные части речи выполняют вспомогательную функцию и, так сказать, служат самостоятельным частям речи.

Служебных частей речи не так уж много:

  • Article – артикль
  • Conjunction – союз
  • Preposition – предлог
  • Paticles — частицы
  • Interjections — междометия

Cоюз (Сonjunction)

Союзы служат соединительными словами-связками, это своего рода взаимодействие однородных членов предложения. Или же они выполняют роль соединения предложений между собой.

  • Conjunctions for words of the same class (Союзы для однородных частей речи):

    and, but, or, nor, yet
  • Conjunctions for clauses of sentences (Союзы для частей предложения):
    as soon as, before, since, until, when, because, although, unless, so, where

Предлоги (Prepositions)

Как правило, предлоги показывают отношение существительного или местоимения к другим словам в предложении. Существуют такие категории, как:

  • Place – предлоги места:

    in, at, on, by, above, over
  • Movement – предлоги движения:

    from, to, in, into, on, onto, by, out, through
  • Time – предлоги времени:
    at, on, by, before, in, from, since, during, until

Сложность выбора предлогов заключается в том, что нет строгой однозначности в их использовании. Поэтому хорошим советом здесь будет: Practise, practise & practise! Подробнее про предлоги места и времени читайте в нашей статье: predlogi-mesta-i-vremeni

Артикли (Аrticles)

В английском существует всего лишь два типа артиклей, по сравнению с другими романо-германскими языками, в которых их гораздо больше.

  1. Definite article – определенный артикль – the

    Используется в том случае, если субъект или объект являются определенными по ситуации или единственными в своем роде.


    The football is blue.
    Мячик является голубым. (Именно конкретный мячик)

    The sun is shining brightly.
    Солнце ярко светит. (Единственное в своем роде – the sun)

  2. Indefinite article – неопределенный артикль – a/an

    Данный артикль может употребляться только с исчисляемыми существительными и в единственном числе. То есть он просто служит неким обозначением предмета в единственном числе. Поэтому нужно быть предельно внимательными при его использовании.


    A lotus is a flower.
    Лотус – это цветок.

Более подробно про артикли читайте в нашей следующей статье: artikli-v-anglijskom-jazyke

Частицы (Paticles)

Частицы имеют свойство придавать словам дополнительные оттенки, значение. Они не имеют грамматических категорий, а также не являются членами предложения. Давайте посмотрим, какие же существуют классификации частиц:

  • Limiting — выделительно-ограничительные:

    even, only, merely, solely, just, but, alone
  • Intensifying particles – усилительные:
    simply, just, all, still, yet
  • Negative particle — отрицательная частица:

  • Additive particle — дополняющая частица:


Междометия (Interjections)

Междометия на самом деле не относятся ни к самостоятельным, ни к служебным частям речи, так как они не имеют особого смысла. Они лишь передают наши чувства и эмоции.


oh, eh, alas, er, hey, uhm

Сводная таблица частей речи в английском языке

NOUNS Name people, animals, places, things Chair, sparrow, school, Greece
VERBS Name action or activity Be, seem, smell, jump
ADJECTIVES Describe nouns such as people or things Clean/dirty, expensive/cheap, light/dark
ADVERBS Describe verbs (actions) Well, quickly, sometimes
PRONOUNS Used instead of nouns He, we, they, their, my
NUMERALS Name numbers Fifty, eighty, thirty-first
CONJUNCTIONS Join words or clauses of sentence And, but, as soon as, unless, although
PREPOSITIONS Show the relationship between a noun and other words At, on, by, before, since
ARTICLES Show if the noun is definite or indefinite The, a/an
PARTICLES Give additional meaning to words Not, yet, else
INTERJECTIONS Describe feelings and emotions Oh, eh, alas, er, hey, uhm

Эта таблица поможет вам определять части речи. Также, используя русско-английский словарь, вы можете посмотреть принадлежность слова к той или иной части речи. Но, чтобы начать лучше разбираться в грамматических аспектах, лучше начать изучение последовательно, к примеру, с глаголов и потом постепенно переходить к другим самостоятельным или служебным частям речи. Тогда вы сможете с легкостью выдохнуть — у вас не будет никакой каши в голове и сложностей в использовании на практике.

Также не стоит забывать, что построение английского предложения начинается с прямого порядка слов, о чем многие забывают при переключении с русского на английский. Как раз для подобного рода практики команда Инглиш Шоу разработала курс Разговорный Марафон. Каждый день на протяжении нескольких месяцев вы отрабатываете основные навыки, разговаривая на повседневные темы с разными преподавателями. Но это ещё не все! В течение курса вас ждёт масса сюрпризов и лайфхаков, так что после курса можете с уверенностью собираться заграницу! Записывайтесь на бесплатный пробный урок и узнайте все подробности самостоятельно.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb List in English! Here you can find the list of verbs, nouns, adverbs, and adjectives in English. This lesson will help you in understanding the formation of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs from each other. So here is the list of Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs in English.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb List in English

  Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
1. accuse accusation accusing accusingly
2. argue argument arguable, argumentative arguably
3. characterize character characteristic characteristically
4. condition condition conditional conditionally
5. darken dark, darkness dark, darkened, darkening darkly
6. destroy destruction destructive destructively
7. drink drink, drunkenness drunk, drunken drunkenly
8. entertain entertainment entertaining entertainingly
9. express expression expressive expressively
10. freshen freshness fresh freshly
11. impress impression impressive impressively
12. laugh laugh laughable laughably
13. materialize material,


immaterial, materialistic materially
14. name, rename name named, unnamed, nameless namely
15. officiate office official officially
16. play, outplay play, playfulness playful, playable playfully
17. provide provision provisional provisionally
18. reflect reflection reflective reflectively
19. rest rest restless, rested, restful restlessly
20. separate separation separable, separate separately
21. single single singular singly
22. strengthen strength strong strongly
23. suspect suspect, suspicion suspected, suspicious suspiciously
24. think thought, thoughtfulness, thoughtful thoughtfully
25. violate violence violent violently
26. appreciate appreciation appreciable, appreciative appreciatively
27. calm calm, calmness calm calmly
28. compete competition competitive, uncompetitive competitively
29. criticize critic critical critically
30. demonstrate demonstration demonstrable, demonstrative demonstrably
31. doubt doubt doubtful doubtfully
32. end end unending, endless endlessly
33. experiment experiment experimental experimentally
34. forget forgetfulness forgetful forgetfully
35. hurt hurt hurtful hurtfully
36. invite invitation, invite inviting invitingly
37. man man, mankind manly mannishly, manfully
38. mother mother, motherhood motherly
39. notice notice noticeable noticeably
40. perfect perfection perfect perfectly
41. privatize privacy, privatization private privately
42. reason reason reasonable reasonably
43. report report reported reportedly
44. school school, pre-school scholastic scholastically
45. signify significance significant significantly
46. stand, withstand stand, standstill standing, outstanding outstandingly
47. support support, supportiveness supportive, supporting supportively
48. theorize theory, theorem theoretical theoretically
49. understand understanding understandable understandably
50. wonder wonder wonderful wonderfully
51. achieve achievement achievable
52. attend attention attentive attentively
53. circulate circulation circular
54. confide confidence confident, confidential confidently, confidentially
55. deaden death dead, deadly, deathly deadly, deathly
56. determine determination determined determinedly
57. ease ease, easiness easy easily
58. enthuse enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastically
59. familiarize familiarity familiar familiarly
60. frighten fright frightened, frightening, frightful frighteningly, frightfully
61. increase increase increased increasingly
62. outlaw law lawful lawfully
63. mean meaning,


meaningful, meaningless meaningfully,


64. nationalize nation, nationalization, nationality national, nationalistic nationally
65. open openness open openly
66. please pleasure pleasant, pleasurable pleasantly, unpleasantly
67. publicize public, publicity public publicly
68. regret regret regrettable, regretful regrettably, regretfully
69. enrich riches, richness rich richly
70. shake shake, shakiness shaky shakily
71. sleep sleep, sleepiness asleep, sleepy sleepily
72. strike strike striking strikingly
73. sweeten sweet, sweetness sweet sweetly
74. threaten threat threatening threateningly
75. wrong wrong wrongful wrongly, wrongfully
76. add addition additional additionally
77. base base, basis basic basically
78. clear clarity, clearance clear clearly
79. consider consideration considerable, considerate considerably
80. decide decision decided, decisive decidedly, decisively
81. direct direction direct directly
82. effect effect, effectiveness effective effectively
83. excel excellence excellent excellently
84. fear fear fearful, fearless, fearsome fearfully, fearlessly
85. harm harm, harmfulness harmful, harmless harmfully, harmlessly
86. insist insistence insistent insistently
87. lengthen length lengthy lengthily
88. memorize memory memorable memorably
89. necessitate necessity necessary necessarily
90. opt option optional optionally
91. politicize politics political, politicized politically
92. purify purification, purity pure purely
93. relate relation, relationship related, relative relatively
94. romanticize romance, romanticism romantic, romanticized romantically
95. sharpen sharpness sharp sharply, sharpish
96. soften softness soft softly
97. study student, study studious studiously
98. sympathize sympathy sympathetic sympathetically
99. tire tiredness tired, tiresome,


tiredly, tiresomely
100. waste wastage, waste waste, wasteful wastefully
101. anger anger angry angrily
102. breathe breath breathless breathlessly
103. compare comparison comparable, comparative comparatively
104. create creation, creativity creative creatively
105. define definition definite definitely
106. disturb disturbance disturbed, disturbing disturbingly
107. encourage encouragement encouraged, encouraging encouragingly
108. expend expenditure, expense expensive expensively
109. force force forceful, forcible forcefully, forcibly
110. hurry hurry hurried hurriedly
111. invent invention inventive inventively
112. lower low low, lower low
113. moralize moral, morality moral, moralistic morally
114. normalize normality normal normally
115. pacify peace peaceful peacefully
116. present presence, presentation, present, presentable presently
117. realize realism, reality real, realistic really, realistically
118. repeat repeat, repetition repeated, repetitive repeatedly, repetitively
119. satisfy satisfaction satisfactory, satisfactorily
120. sicken sick, sickness sick, sickly sickeningly
121. spot spot spotted, spotty spotlessly
122. suggest suggestion suggestive, suggestible suggestively
123. thank thanks, thankfulness thankful thankfully
124. typify type typical typically
125. widen width wide widely
126. admire admiration admirable admirably
127. beautify beauty beautiful beautifully
128. collect collection collective collectively
129. continue continuation, continuity continual, continuous continually, continuously
130. decorate decoration decorative decoratively
131. disagree disagreement disagreeable disagreeably
132. electrify electricity electric, electrical electrically
133. excite excitement excitable, excited, exciting excitedly, excitingly
134. finalize final final finally
135. heat, overheat heat heated heatedly
136. instruct instruction instructive instructively
137. light, lighten light light lightly
138. mind mind, mindlessness mindless, mindful mindlessly
139. need need needy needlessly
140. originate origin original originally
141. popularize popularity popular popularly
142. question question questionable questionably
143. rely reliability reliable reliably
144. roughen rough, roughness rough roughly
145. shock shock shocking, shockable shockingly
146. solidify solid, solidity solid solidly
147. style style, stylishness stylish, stylistic stylishly, stylistically
148. systematize system, systematization systematic systematically
149. touch touch touched, touching, touchy touchingly, touchily
150. watch watch, watchfulness watchful watchfully
151. advise advice advisable advisably
152. believe belief believable believably
153. colour colour coloured colourfully
154. cool cool, coolness cool coolly
155. deepen deep, depth deep, deepening deeply
156. disappoint disappointment disappointed, disappointing disappointingly
157. embarrass embarrassment embarrassed, embarrassing embarrassingly
158. excuse excuse excusable excusably
159. fish fish, fishing fishy fishily
160. help help helpful, helpless helpfully, helplessly
161. intend intent, intention intended, intentional, intentionally
162. locate, location local locally
163. minimize minimum minimal minimally
164. unnerve nerve, nervousness nervous, nervy, nervously, nervelessly
165. pain pain painful, painless painfully, painlessly
166. power, empower power powerful, powerless powerfully
167. quieten quiet quiet quietly
168. remark remark remarkable remarkably
169. round round round, rounded roundly
170. shorten short, shortness short, shortish shortly
171. specialize specialty special, specialized specially
172. substantiate substance substantial, substantive substantially
173. talk talk, talks talkative talkatively
174. trouble trouble troublesome, troubling troublingly
175. weaken weakness weak weakly
176. enable ability able ably
177. approve approval approving approvingly
178. care care careful, caring carefully, carelessly
179. complete completion complete completely
180. accustom custom customary customarily
181. depend dependent, dependence dependable dependably
182. dream dream dreamless, dreamy dreamily
183. energize energy energetic energetically
184. explain explanation explanatory, explicable inexplicably
185. formalize formality formal formally
186. ice ice icy icily
187. know knowledge knowledgeable, known knowingly, knowledgeably
188. mark mark marked markedly
189. move move, movement movable, moving movingly
190. obey obedience obedient obediently
191. personalize, personify person, personality personal, personalized personally
192. profit profit, profitability profitable profitably
193. receive receipt, reception, receptive, reciprocal reciprocally
194. respect respect respectable, respectful, respective respectably, respectfully, respectively
195. search, research search, research searchable searchingly
196. silence silence silent silently
197. steepen steepness steep steeply
198. suppose, presuppose supposition supposed supposedly
199. thicken thick, thickness thick thickly
200. use usage, use used, useful usefully
201. worry worry worried, worrying, worrisome worryingly
202. agree agreement agreeable agreeably
203. bore bore, boredom bored, boring boringly
204. comfort comfort comfortable comfortably
205. correct correction, correctness correct, corrective correctly
206. defend defence defensive defensively
207. distance distance distant distantly
208. emphasize emphasis emphatic emphatically
209. expect expectation expectant expectantly,
210. fit fit fitted fittingly
211. hope hope hopeful, hopeless hopefully, hopelessly
212. interest interest interested, disinterested, uninterested, interesting interestingly
213. love love lovable, lovely lovingly
214. mistake mistake mistaken mistakenly
215. renew news, newness new, renewable newly, anew
216. part, impart part, partition partial, impartial partially, partly
217. prefer preference preferable, preferred preferably
218. race race racial racially
219. repair repair irreparable irreparably
220. sadden sadness sad, saddened sadly
221. shy shyness shy shyly
222. speed speed, speediness speedy speedily
223. succeed success, succession successful, successive successfully
224. taste taste tasteful, tasty tastefully
225. trust, entrust trust, trusteeship trusting, trustworthy trustfully
226. weigh, outweigh weight weighty, weightless weightlessly
227. accept acceptance acceptable acceptably
228. approximate approximation approximate approximately
229. centralize centre, centralization central, centralized centrally
230. conclude conclusion conclusive conclusively
231. dare dare daring daringly
232. describe description describable descriptively
233. dress dress dressed, dressy dressily
234. enjoy enjoyment enjoyable enjoyably
235. enlarge enlargement large largely
236. explode explosion explosive explosively
237. frequent frequency frequent frequently
238. imagine imagination imaginable, imaginative unimaginably, imaginatively
239. match match matchless matchlessly
240. murder murder murderous murderously
241. offend offence offensive offensively
242. persuade persuasion, persuasiveness persuasive persuasively
243. progress progress, progression progressive progressively
244. recognize recognition recognizable recognizably
245. respond response, responsiveness responsive responsively
246. sense, sensitize sense, sensibility, sensitivity, sensitiveness sensible, sensitive, sensory sensibly, sensitively
247. simplify simplicity, simplification simplistic simply
248. stiffen stiffness stiff stiffly
249. surprise surprise surprised, surprising surprisingly
250. thin thinness thin thinly
251. vary variant, variety, variation variable, varied, various invariably, variously
252. write, rewrite writing written
253. act act, action, activity   active actively
254. attract attraction attractive attractively
255. clean cleanliness clean cleanly
256. confuse confusion confused, confusing confusingly
257. deceive deceit, deception deceitful, deceptive deceptively
258. differ, differentiate difference different differently
259. educate education educated, educational educationally
260. equalize equality equal equally
261. fashion fashion fashionable fashionably
262. harden hardship hard hard, hardly
263. infect infection infectious infectiously
264. legalize legality legal legally
265. measure measurement measurable immeasurably
266. naturalize nature, naturalist, naturalization, natural,


267. operate, cooperate operation operational,


268. point point, pointlessness pointed, pointless pointlessly, pointedly
269. punish punishment punishable, punishing punishingly
270. regulate regular, regularity regular regularly
271. right right, rightness, righteous, rightful right, rightly, rightfully
272. shape shape shapely, shaped shapelessly
273. socialize society, sociable, social socially
274. structure structure, structuralism structural structurally
275. symbolize symbol, symbolism symbolic symbolically
276. tighten tightness tight tight, tightly
277. warm warmth warm warmly

About The Author

7 июля 2021

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Таблица с основными лексическими единицами по теме «Словообразование» для подготовки к ОГЭ.






ABSOLUTE absolutely
ACTUAL actually
ADVERTISE advertisement
AGREE agreement disagree
AGREEMENT disagreement
AMAZE amazing
APPEAR appearance disappear
APPROVE disapprove
ART artist artistic
ATTRACT attraction attractive
ATTRACTIVE unattracive
BANK banker
BASE basic
BEAUTY beautiful
BEGIN beginning
BUILD builder
CARE careful
CELEBRATE celebrity
CHAMPION championship
CHANGE changeable
CHARM charming
CHEER cheerful
COLOUR colourful
COMBINE combination
COMFORT discomfort comfortable

COMFORTABLE uncomfortable
COMMUNICATE communication communicative
COMPETE competition
COMPLETE completely
CONNECT connection
CREATE creature
CROWD crowded
CULTURE cultural
DANCE dancer
DANGER dangerous
DANGEROUS dangerously
DAY daily
DECIDE decision
DEFINITE definitely
DESIGN designer
DIFFER difference different
DIRECT direction
DISCUSS discussion
DRIVE driver
EASY easily
ECOLOGY ecological
EDUCATE education educational
EFFECT effective
EFFECTIVE effective
END endless
ENERGY energetic
ENJOY enjoyable
ENTERTAIN entertainment
EQUIP equipment
ESPECIAL especially
EXACT exactly
EXCITE excitement exciting
EXPECTED unexpected
EXPENSE expensive
EXPENSIVE expensive
EXPLAIN explanation
EXPLORE explorer
FAIR unfair
FAME famous
FANTASY fantastic
FASHION fashionable
FINAL finally
FIT fitness
FLUENT fluently
FORGETTABLE unforgettable
FORTUNATE fortunately
FORTUNATELY unfortunately
FRIEND friendship friendly
FRIENDLY unfriendly
FUN funny
GARDEN gardener
GEOGRAPHY geographical
GOVERN government
HAPPY unhappy happily
HARM harmful
HEALTH healthy
HELP helpful
HOME homeless
HUNT hunter
ILL illness
IMAGINE imagination
IMPRESS impressive
INFORM information
INTEREST interesting
INVENT inventor
KIND kindness
LEAD leader
LEARN learner
LIKE dislike
LOCATE location
LOUD loudly
LOVE lovely
LUCK lucky
LUCKY unlucky
MAIN mainly
MANAGE manager
MEAN meaning
MUSIC musician
NATION national
NATIONAL international internationally
NATURAL naturally
NATURE natural
NATURAL unnatural
NERVE nervous
NOISE noisy
ORGANIZE organization
ORIGIN original
OWN owner
PAINT painter
PEACE peaceful
PERFORM performance
PERSON personal
PLAY player
PLEASANT unpleasant
POPULAR popularity
POPULATE population
POSSIBLE impossible
POWER powerful
PRACTICE practical
PROBABLE probably
PROFESSION professional
PROTECT protection
PUNISH punishment
QUICK quickly
RAIN rainy
RARE rarely
REAL really
RECENT recently
REGULAR regularly
REPORT reporter
RESPONSIBLE responsibility
RIDE rider
RISK risky
RUSSIA Russian
SCIENCE scientist scientific
SERIOUS seriously
SING singer
SITUATE situation
SLEEP sleeper sleepy
SPEAK speaker
SPICE spicy
STRESS stressful
SUCCESS successful
SUCCESSFUL successful
SUGGEST suggestion
SUN sunny
SUPPORT supporter
SURPRISE surprising
SWIM swimming
SYMBOL symbolise
TASTE tasty
TEACH teacher
TRADITION traditional
TRADITIONAL traditionally
TRAIN trainer
TRANSLATE translation
TRAVEL traveller
UNFORTUNATE unfortunately
USE usefuluseless
USUAL unusual usually
VARY variety various
VISIT visitor
WAIT waiter
WEALTH wealthy
WIN winner
WONDER wonderful
WONDERFUL wonderfully
WRITE writer

Adjectives and Nouns! Big list of adjective noun combinations in English with examples. Learn these adjective + noun collocations to hep your English sound more fluently and naturally.

Adjective Noun Collocations

  • Absolute agony
  • Absolute despair
  • Active ingredient
  • Alphabetical order
  • Alternative energy
  • Alternative medicine
  • Artificial limb
  • Back pay
  • Back road
  • Back street
  • Back taxes
  • Bad breath
  • Bad diet
  • Bad habit
  • Bad loser
  • Bad mood
  • Bad temper
  • Balanced diet
  • Bare essentials
  • Basic right
  • Best friends
  • Big brother | big sister
  • Big deal
  • Big decision
  • Big decision
  • Big disappointment
  • Big dreamer
  • Big drinker
  • Big eater
  • Big improvement
  • Big mistake
  • Big money
  • Big surprise
  • Big talker
  • Blind faith
  • Blind loyalty
  • Blind obedience
  • Blond hair
  • Brief chat
  • Bright color
  • Bright future
  • Bright idea
  • Broken home
  • Casual clothes
  • Casual relationship
  • Certain amount
  • Chilly day / night / wind chilly weather
  • Chilly reception
  • Clear message
  • Clear understanding
  • Clean energy
  • Common knowledge
  • Common language
  • Complete agreement
  • Complete idiot
  • Daily life
  • Dead body
  • Dead end
  • Dead-end job
  • Deadly weapon
  • Deafening silence
  • Deep depression
  • Deep devotion
  • Deep feeling
  • Deep pockets
  • Deep sleep
  • Deep thought
  • Deep trouble
  • Detailed description
  • Direct flight
  • Direct quote
  • Dirty joke
  • Dirty laundry
  • Dirty player
  • Distant relative
  • Dual nationality
  • Early days
  • Early night
  • Early riser
  • Early start
  • Easy answer
  • Easy money
  • Easy question
  • Economic growth
  • Educational game
  • Empty promises
  • Empty words
  • Entry-level job
  • Equal rights
  • Essential services
  • Ethical investment
  • Ethical standards
  • Ethnic minority
  • Ethnic tensions
  • Even number
  • Excruciating pain
  • Express bus/coach/train
  • Express service / mail
  • Express wish / aim / purpose
  • Fair deal
  • False impression
  • False teeth
  • Familiar face
  • Fatal accident
  • Fatal mistake
  • Flat battery
  • Flat tyre
  • Foreign policy
  • Free speech
  • Free spirit
  • Front door
  • Front page
  • Front row
  • Front seat
  • Good cause
  • Good chance
  • Good company
  • Good deal
  • Good luck
  • Good time
  • Great admiration
  • Great anger
  • Great deal of
  • Great detail
  • Great disappointment
  • Great enjoyment
  • Great excitement
  • Great failure
  • Great fun
  • Great happiness
  • Great joy
  • Great length
  • Great number
  • Great power
  • Great pride
  • Great quantity
  • Great sensitivity
  • Great skill
  • Great strength
  • Great understanding
  • Great wealth
  • Growing number (of)
  • Guilty conscience
  • Guilty party
  • Happy ending
  • Happy hour
  • Hard day
  • Hard exam
  • Hard job
  • Hard life / evidence / drugs
  • Hard work
  • Healthy diet
  • Heavy book / bag / suitcase / load
  • Heavy coat / sweater
  • Heavy drinker
  • Heavy drinker
  • Heavy features
  • Heavy losses
  • Heavy meal
  • Heavy rain
  • Heavy schedule
  • Heavy sleeper
  • Heavy smoker/drinker
  • Heavy snow
  • Heavy traffic
  • Heavy traffic / rain / snow
  • Heavy week
  • Heavy workload
  • Hidden extras
  • High level
  • High quality
  • High standard
  • High/low cost
  • High/low density
  • High/low energy
  • High/low esteem
  • High/low expectation (of)
  • High/low level (of)
  • High/low opinion
  • High/low pressure
  • High/low price
  • High/low quality
  • High/low speed
  • Honest mistake
  • Human cost
  • Human error
  • Human life
  • Icy wind
  • Ill effects
  • Ill health
  • Immediate action
  • Immediate family
  • Immediate future
  • Innocent victim
  • Inside information
  • Intense pressure
  • Internal injury
  • Internal organ
  • Irreparable damage
  • Joint account
  • Joint effort
  • Joint owners
  • Just cause
  • Key issue
  • Key role
  • Large amount
  • Large number (of)
  • Large population
  • Large proportion
  • Large quantity
  • Large scale
  • Late night
  • Legal advice
  • Level playing-field
  • Level teaspoon
  • Liquid refreshments
  • Little brother/ little sister
  • Live music
  • Living things
  • Long time
  • Long way
  • Loved one
  • Maiden voyage
  • Main course
  • Main road
  • Main thing
  • Major problem
  • Married couple
  • Mass market
  • Medical care
  • Medical history
  • Mental illness
  • Missing in action
  • Mixed feelings
  • Moral obligation
  • Mysterious circumstances
  • Nasty habit
  • Nasty shock
  • Native country
  • Native speaker
  • Natural causes
  • Natural disaster
  • Natural resources
  • Negative attitude
  • Nervous wreck
  • Net profit
  • Net result
  • Net worth
  • New generation
  • New job
  • Next time
  • Next-door neighbors
  • Nice time
  • Non-stop flight
  • Occupational hazard
  • Odd number
  • Odd socks
  • Old age
  • Old friend
  • Opening hours
  • Optional extras
  • Organic farming
  • Overall effect
  • Painful memory
  • Painful reminder
  • Personal belongings
  • Political prisoner
  • Poor eyesight
  • Poor health
  • Popular belief
  • Private life
  • Public opinion
  • Quick fix
  • Quick reply
  • Quiet life
  • Quiet night
  • Racial discrimination
  • Radical reform
  • Rainy day
  • Rave review
  • Real life
  • Real wages
  • Reasonable explanation
  • Regular exercise
  • Rhetorical question
  • Rich colors / sounds / smells / tastes
  • Rich history / culture / vocabulary
  • Rich person
  • Rich sauce / cake
  • Rough draft
  • Rough estimate
  • Rough idea
  • Round number
  • Runny nose
  • Safe distance
  • Serious accident
  • Serious illness
  • Serious injury
  • Severe penalty
  • Severe pressure
  • Severe rain/shortage
  • Severe weather/winter
  • Speedy recovery
  • Steady job
  • Steady relationship
  • Stiff competition
  • Strong accent
  • Strong coffee / cheese
  • Strong criticism
  • Strong denial
  • Strong influence
  • Strong person / animal / wind / current
  • Strong smell / taste / colour / accent/sense
  • Strong supporter / opponent
  • Strong view
  • Tight grip
  • Tight schedule
  • Total bliss
  • Total ecstasy
  • Total madness
  • Ulterior motive
  • Uncertain future
  • Unfair dismissal
  • Urban sprawl
  • Utter catastrophe
  • Utter loathing
  • Vague idea
  • Vague memory
  • Valid point
  • Valid reason
  • Valuable contribution
  • Valuable information
  • Valuable lesson
  • Violent movie
  • Visiting hours
  • Vital organs
  • Vital role
  • Weak point
  • Wear and tear
  • Welcome change
  • Wild animal
  • Wrong number
  • Wrong way
  • Young child
  • Young couple
  • Young person
  • Zero tolerance
  • Zero visibility

Examples of Adjective Noun Collocations

List of adjective and noun combinations from A to Z with example sentences.

Adjective Noun Combinations (A)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with A.

Absolute agony

  • It’s not very nice when you see a grown man cry and he was in absolute agony.

Absolute despair

  • I can’t remember the last time I travelled to a game in such trepidation, absolute despair.

Active ingredient

  • The only active ingredient in this medicine is aspirin.

Alphabetical order

  • The names are listed in alphabetical order.

Alternative energy

  • She is in favor of exploring alternative energy sources in the state.

Alternative medicine

  • Alternative medicine has been gaining credence in recent years.

Artificial limb

  • If you are missing an arm or leg, an artificial limb can sometimes replace it.

Adjective Noun Combinations (B)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with B.

Back pay

  • The workers are demanding their back pay.

Back road

  • Kadi tried a back road, but his mother died on the way.

Back street

  • Cruising the back streets, we found the kind of place we like.

Back taxes

  • Yet he owes over $ 32, 000 in back taxes.

Bad breath

  • Smoking gives you bad breath.

Bad habit

  • Biting your nails is a bad habit.

Bad loser

  • You’re just a bad loser Phil, that’s your problem.

Bad mood

  • The news had put him in a bad mood.

Bad temper

  • Kelly ruled by his bad temper.

Balanced diet

  • It is important to have a balanced diet.

Bare essentials

  • We only had the bare essentials.

Basic right

  • The law recognises a man’s basic right to defend his home and his property.

Best friend

  • Fiona was my best friend.

Big brother | big sister

  • Jake was my big brother and I admired him.

Big deal

  • This audition is a big deal for Joey.

Big decision

  • Marriage is a big decision.

Big disappointment

  • For us it is a big disappointment.

Big dreamer

  • Do you know I’m a big dreamer.

Big drinker

  • He was a big personality, a big drinker, a womanizer, and a wild man,” Ford said.

Big eater

  • She wrote in her diary that he was not a big eater and that “down there, his vitals were missing.

Big improvement

  • The nonprofit shelters often seem like a big improvement.

Big mistake

  • They made a big mistake.

Big money

  • John won big money in Vegas last year.

Big surprise

  • His dying was not any big surprise.

Big talker

  • It isn’t easy for me; I’m a big talker.

Blind faith

  • He believes that our blind faith in technology is misplaced.

Blind loyalty

  • Sarah was criticized for her blind loyalty to her husband.

Blind obedience

  • With blind obedience, I allowed my father to organize my life.

Blond hair

  • She’s got a blond hair.

Brief chat

  • My manager said he wanted to have a brief chat with me.

Bright color

  • We used a lot of neon and bold bright colors.

Bright future

  • Abani is a first novelist with a very bright future.

Broken home

  • She is the product of a broken home.

Adjective Noun Collocations (C)

List of adjective + noun combinations that start with C.

Casual clothes

  • Students were able to wear casual clothes.

Casual relationship

  • I just want a casual relationship with him.

Certain amount

  • You have a certain amount of freedom to explore new techniques.

Chilly day / night / wind chilly weather

  • It’s a chilly day.

Clear message

  • The clear message coming from the government is that they are getting tough on crime.

Clear understanding

  • Success depends on a clear understanding of the problem.

Clean energy

  • Iceland possesses sufficient quantities of clean energy sources that it does not need to rely on fossil fuels.

Common knowledge

  • Their affair is common knowledge.

Common language

  • Most of the countries of South America share a common language: Spanish.

Complete agreement

  • We were in complete agreement.

Complete idiot

  • I felt a complete idiot.

Adjective Noun Collocations (D)

List of adjective + noun combinations that start with D.

Daily life

  • Commuting is a part of daily life for many people.

Dead body

  • I am afraid of a dead body.

Dead silence

  • There was a gasp from Peter and then a dead silence.

Dead-end job

  • Waitressing was a dead-end job.

Deadly weapon

  • A knife is a deadly weapon.

Deep breath

  • She took a deep breath.

Deep depression

  • He sank into a deep depression.

Deep devotion

  • We will miss his deep devotion to our congregation and his family.

Deep feeling

  • He’s truly a man of principle, and of deep feeling.

Deep pocket

  • For investors with deep pockets, the Berlin property market is attractive.

Deep sleep

  • She was woken from a deep sleep by a ring at the door.

Deep thought

  • Working alone provides concentration and time for deep thought.

Deep trouble

  • The economy is in deep trouble.

Detailed description

  • You can read a detailed description of the products on their Web site.

Direct action

  • Peaceful direct action by pressure groups has a powerful effect on public opinion.

Direct flight

  • This is the first direct flight to Tokyo.

Direct quote

  • Article is a mess, particularly with overuse of direct quotes.

Dirty joke

  • I wish he wouldn’t tell dirty jokes.

Dirty laundry

  • There was a pile of dirty laundry on his bed.

Dirty player

  • She’s a dirty player.

Distant relative

  • Beyond this close circle are more distant relatives and casual friends.

Dual nationality

  • She has dual nationality.

Adjective Noun Collocations (E)

List of adjectives and nouns combinations that start with E.

Early days

  • It’s early days yet. We don’t know if the play will be a success.

Early night

  • I think I’ll have an early night.

Early riser

  • Wish out loud that you’d rather be an early riser.

Early start

  • An early start enabled us to avoid the traffic.

Easy answer

  • That’s an easy answer.

Easy money

  • He started stealing as a way of making easy money.

Easy question

  • That’s a really easy question.

Economic growth

  • The economic growth dipped to a low point last year.

Educational technology

  • For educational technology to be used effectively, it has to be planned and managed well.

Empty promise

  • I didn’t make any empty promises.

Entry-level job

  • We need to create more entry-level jobs for people with the fewest job skills who need opportunities the most.

Equal rights

  • Women demanded equal rights.

Essential services

  • The law prohibits workers in essential services from striking.

Ethical investment

  • Ethical investment funds typically avoid military manufacturers, oil companies and tobacco producers.

Ethnic minority

  • The government worked out special plans for the integration of ethnic minorities into the society.

Express bus/coach/train

  • Express bus service permits were issued freely without regard to passenger traffic.

Adjective Noun Collocations (F)

List of adjective noun combinations that start with F.

Fair deal

  • To get a fair deal you need to be fully aware of your legal entitlements.

False impression

  • Many people got the false impression she didn’t care.

False teeth

  • The worst thing is that your false teeth keep falling out on the dancefloor.

Familiar face

  • I couldn’t see any familiar faces in the room.

Fatal accident

  • This is a fatal accident.

Flat battery

  • The car’s got a flat battery.

Flat tyre

  • I had a flat tyre on the way home.

Foreign policy

  • Support for human rights is a key element in our foreign policy.

Free speech

  • The demonstrators were demanding rights of assembly and free speech.

Free spirit

  • I like to think of myself as a free spirit.

Front door

  • A gust of wind blew the front door shut.

Front page

  • The newspaper report was on the front page.

Front row

  • He took the outside of the front row away from Michael Andretti.

Front seat

  • The one in the front seat pressed a gun to her chest.

Adjective Noun Collocations (G)

List of adjective + noun combinations that start with G.

Good cause

  • The function took a lot of organizing, but was all in a good cause.

Good chance

  • Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival.

Good company

  • The children are very good company at this age.

Good deal

  • I’m feeling a good deal better.

Good idea

  • It would be a good idea to call before we leave.

Good luck

  • Good luck! I hope it goes well.

Good time

  • Mike and I shared some really good times.

Great admiration

  • I read the book, when it came out, with great admiration; the movie is even better.

Great anger

  • That move has prompted great anger across the country.

Great deal of

  • The paintings cost a great deal of money.

Great detail

  • He would describe it in great detail.

Great disapointment

  • “Julie was a great disappointment to her,” Mr. Gurian said.

Great enjoyment

  • In my own work, I take great enjoyment playing off formality- making something predictable feel subversive.

Great excitement

  • Sofia always prepared for it with great excitement.

Great failure

  • The meeting between reader and writer was a great failure.

Great fun

  • He relaxed and was great fun.

Great happiness

  • It gives us great happiness that we can see all of them today.

Great joy

  • Friends found great joy in his humor.

Great length

  • Both our guys have great length and height.

Great number

  • A great number of such marriages end in divorce.

Great power

  • Writer shows how the reporters did not wield great power.

Great pride

  • He took great pride in their many accomplishments.

Great quantity

  • The Internet enables the search for a great quantity of information.

Great sensitivity

  • I have a great sensitivity to kids.

Great skill

  • He is a chef of great skill and intelligence.

Great strength

  • She was a woman of valor and great strength.

Great understanding

  • He’s got a great understanding of this offense.

Great wealth

  • He soon acquired great wealth and power.

Guilty party

  • The guilty party may be guilty but they have provided a service.

Adjective Noun Combinations (H)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with H.

Happy ending

  • This is a story with a happy ending.

Happy hour

  • All in all, it promises to be a huge weekend with a happy hour and disco etal.

Hard day

  • It’s been a long hard day and I’ve been working very hard.

Hard exam

  • It was a hard exam and the final question was really hard.

Hard life/ evidence/drugs

  • They had a hard life and worked through hard times.

Hard work

  • Looking after children can be hard work.

Healthy diet

  • It is certainly part of a healthy diet, we make that clear.

Heavy drinker

  • She became a heavy drinker in her midteens.

Heavy features

  • He was tall and strong with heavy features.

Heavy losses

  • The company’s heavy losses will lead to many redundancies.

Heavy meal

  • It was a very heavy meal – far too much meat and not enough vegetables or salads.

Heavy rain

  • The match was played in heavy rain.

Heavy schedule

  • Let’s go to bed. We’ve got a heavy schedule tomorrow.

Heavy sleeper

  • Don’t stay up too late, you’ll be a heavy sleeper!

Heavy smoker/drinker

  • He’s been a heavy smoker and drinker all his adult life.

Heavy snow

  • Heavy snow is forecast for Scotland.

Heavy traffic

  • It has been widely praised for reducing heavy traffic in the city.

Heavy week

  • I’ve had a really heavy week – I’ve got a really heavy timetable this term.

Heavy workload

  • She’s struggling to cope with the heavy workload.

Hidden extras

  • Be careful, there may be hidden extras.

High quality

  • These are leather goods of high quality.

High standard

  • We aim to maintain high standards of customer care.

High/low cost

  • We paid a high cost for that.

High/low density

  • High density represents phloem poles.

High/low energy

  • We really need high energy.

High/low esteem

  • Am I a woman of independence and high esteem?

High/low expectation (of)

  • The team has high expectation of itself and enjoys the big occasion.

High/low level (of)

  • There should be a high level of concern, he said.

High/low opinion

  • They have a high opinion of the court.

High/low pressure

  • High pressure and high intensity really worked for us.

High/low price

  • It won’t pay the high price.

High/low quality

  • What do you think makes a quality product?

High/low speed

  • Does driving high speed on low gear damage the car?

Human error

  • The government later said that the crash was caused by human error.

Human life

  • I am the last person to undervalue even one human life.

Adjective Noun Combinations (I)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with I.

Icy wind

  • Fans braved icy winds to watch the match.

Ill effects

  • Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects.

Ill health

  • He had to retire due to ill health.

Immediate family

  • Only her immediate family knew she had heart disease.

Immediate future

  • There will be no major changes in the immediate future.

Immediate response

  • At times, these images may be so powerful as to demand an immediate response.

Innocent victim

  • All these people are innocent victims.

Inside information

  • He was accused of trading on inside information.

Intense pressure

  • He has refused to step down in the face of intense pressure.

Internal injury

  • He was coughing blood, a sign that he had internal injuries.

Internal organ

  • She died after suffering serious damage to internal organs.

Irreparable damage

  • His eyesight suffered irreparable damage.

Adjective Noun Combinations (J)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with J.

Joint account

  • My husband and I have a joint account.

Joint effort

  • We had many fine individual performances, but the win was a real joint effort.

Joint owners

  • Should he change the deed to make us joint owners?

Adjective Noun Combinations (K)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with K.

Key issue

  • This is a key issue; we need more time to think about it.

Key role

  • The report recognized the key role of teachers.

Adjective Noun Combinations (L)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with L.

Large amount

  • There is a large amount of bureaucracy,” agrees Bleay.

Large number (of)

  • A large number of drinks are consumed.

Large population

  • Large population centres are ethnically diverse.

Large proportion

  • A large proportion of the islands of Asia are mountainous.

Large quantity

  • Police said a large quantity of plants had been recovered.

Large scale

  • That’s a large scale indeed.

Late night

  • She doesn’t like to walk home late at night.

Legal advice

  • Good legal advice can be expensive.

Liquid refreshments

  • There were times when a few drops of liquid refreshment passed their lips.

Little brother | little sister

  • My little brother is a doctor.

Live music

  • Live music can sound very different from recorded music.

Living things

  • The sun affects all living things.

Long time

  • I first met Jennifer a long time ago.

Long way

  • I was still a long way from home.

Loved one

  • Many people feel guilty after the death of a loved one.

Adjective Noun Combinations (M)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with M.

Maiden voyage

  • The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage.

Main course

  • These are all main course salads.

Main road

  • The main road was blocked for twenty-five minutes.

Major problem

  • He’s got a major problem with his hooves.

Married couple

  • They are a newly married couple.

Mass market

  • We sell these clothes to the mass market in department stores and to high earners in boutiques.

Medical care

  • The area is underserved for medical care.

Medical history

  • Your doctor will ask for your medical history.

Mental illness

  • The centre provides help for people suffering from mental illness.

Mixed feelings

  • She had mixed feelings about giving up her job.

Moral obligation

  • We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.

Mysterious circumstances

  • The ship sank in mysterious circumstances.

Adjective Noun Combinations (N)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with N.

Nasty habit

  • He had the nasty habit of eating with his mouth open.

Nasty shock

  • Come and sit down. You’ve had a nasty shock.

Native country

  • After five years in America, she returned to her native country, Japan.

Native speaker

  • For the spoken language, students are taught by native speakers.

Natural causes

  • He died from natural causes, believed to be a heart attack.

Natural disaster

  • Los Angeles will be hit by another terrible natural disaster.

Natural resources

  • We must preserve our natural resources.

Negative attitude

  • Many teenagers have a very negative attitude towards cooking.

Nervous wreck

  • The attack had left her a nervous wreck.

Net profit

  • The company made a net profit of $10.5 million.

Net result

  • The net result of all these changes is that schools should be able to deliver a better service to pupils.

Net worth

  • At that time, the company had assets of $5.9 million and a net worth of $11,000.

New generation

  • This is a new generation of vehicle.

New job

  • I’m thinking of applying for a new job.

Next-door neighbours

  • Our next-door neighbours say they’ll look after our cat for us while we’re away.

Nice time

  • I was having a nice time here for about three days.

Non-stop flight

  • This is the first non-stop flight to Tokyo.

Adjective Noun Combinations (O)

List of adjective noun collocations that start with O.

Occupational hazard

  • Eye strain is an occupational hazard if you work in front of a computer.

Odd job

  • Sam does odd jobs for friends and neighbours.

Odd socks

  • He was wearing odd socks – one blue one and one black one.

Old age

  • When you get to old age, everything seems to take longer.

Opening hours

  • It has opening hours from 05 : 30 to 23 : 00.

Optional extras

  • Although the heater was standard, the radio was still an optional extra.

Organic farming

  • Organic farming techniques and success story of a farmer were also shown.

Overall effect

  • The overall effect of the painting is overwhelming.

Adjective Noun Combinations (P)

List of adjective noun collocations that start with P.

Painful memory

  • He sobbed as he relived the painful memory.

Painful reminder

  • This violence is a painful reminder that peace is still a long way away.

Personal belongings

  • You should be given a private locker to store your personal belongings.

Political prisoner

  • The total number of political prisoners to be released is 74.

Poor eyesight

  • They have poor eyesight, but keen senses of hearing, smell, and touch.

Poor health

  • He had been in poor health since suffering a stroke last year.

Popular belief

  • Contrary to popular belief, birds need more than just seed.

Private life

  • In their private life, he’s afraid of her.

Public opinion

  • I think public opinion is that no one condones these places.

Adjective Noun Combinations (Q)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with Q.

Quick fix

  • This is just not another quick fix with a bucket of sand.

Quiet life

  • She lived a quiet life in the countryside.

Quiet night

  • He says he’s really tired or he wants a quiet night.

Adjective Noun Combinations (R)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with R.

Racial discrimination

  • All of our decisions are free of any kind of racial discrimination.

Rainy day

  • It’s a cold rainy day in October.

Rapturous reception

  • He was given a rapturous reception.

Rave review

  • They are bound to earn rave reviews from all who indulge.

Real life

  • I love that sense of revelation just like in real life.

Real wages

  • Official statistics show real wages declining by 24%.

Regular exercise

  • Regular exercise helps keep your weight down.

Rhetorical question

  • His critics even smile in anticipation of a rhetorical question meeting with a devastating reply.

Rich person

  • A rich person is seldom in want of a friend.

Rough draft

  • We send over rough drafts and they try to figure it out.

Rough estimate

  • I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need.

Rough idea

  • Can you give me a rough idea of how much the repairs will cost?

Round number

  • A hundred pounds is a good round number.

Runny nose

  • A runny nose may be the result of an allergic reaction.

Rapturous reception

  • He was given a rapturous reception.

Adjective Noun Combinations (S)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with S.

Safe distance

  • You should keep a safe distance from the car in front.

Serious accident

  • The road is closed following a serious accident.

Serious illness

  • Her husband was in hospital for six months with a serious illness.

Serious injury

  • He says that the allegations caused serious injury to his reputation.

Severe penalty

  • The magistrate imposed severe penalties – they were severely punished.

Severe pressure

  • We are under severe pressure to reduce the wage bill and make 500 workers redundant.

Severe rain/shortage

  • The heavy rain caused severe damage to crops and, later on, a severe shortage of food.

Severe weather/winter

  • The severe weather/severe winter meant that hundreds of schools had to be closed.

Speedy recovery

  • We wish him a speedy recovery.

Steady job

  • I haven’t had a steady job since last March.

Steady relationship

  • It was his first steady relationship.

Stiff competition

  • There is stiff competition between the three leading soap manufacturers.

Strong accent

  • She speaks English quite well but with a strong French accent.

Strong coffee / cheese

  • I needed some strong coffee to wake me up.

Strong criticism

  • The planned sale had attracted strong criticism from some farmers.

Strong denial

  • If you don’t have a strong denial mechanism, try waking up in your bed at 3am when there are no distractions.

Strong influence

  • Martina Hingis has always exerted a strong influence on the way I play tennis.

Strong supporter / opponent

  • He was a strong supporter of co-education.

Strong view

  • I don’t have very strong views on this and I had some support.

Adjective Noun Combinations (T)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with T.

Terrible conscience

  • I have a terrible conscience about it.

Tight grip

  • The recession could be avoided if business keeps a tight grip on its costs.

Tight schedule

  • It was an alarmingly tight schedule.

Total bliss

  • It’s just total bliss.

Total ecstasy

  • Her eyes are closed, and the girl seems lost in total ecstasy or even in deep sleep.

Total madness

  • It’s a revolution, and it’s total madness,” says Internet telephony guru Jeff Pulver.

Adjective Noun Combinations (U)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with U.

Ulterior motive

  • He’s just being nice. I don’t think he has any ulterior motives.

Uncertain future

  • After he is gone, we face a highly uncertain future.

Unfair dismissal

  • He still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal.

Urban sprawl

  • Some bears have traveled up to 40 miles into the urban sprawl.

Utter catastrophe

  • People fear most an utter catastrophe on the financial side.

Adjective Noun Combinations (V)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with V.

Vague memory

  • I have only a vague memory of what the house looked like.

Valid point

  • I think that’s a valid point.

Valid reason

  • I had a perfectly valid reason for being there.

Valuable contribution

  • Muriel has made a valuable contribution to our company’s success.

Valuable information

  • I would like to share this very valuable information to my customers.

Violent movie

  • Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies.

Visiting hours

  • The people who beat us came to the hospital in visiting hours.

Vital organs

  • The judiciary and the others are vital organs of the new democracy.

Vital role

  • The police play a vital role in our society.

Adjective Noun Combinations (W, Y, Z)

List of adjective + noun collocations that start with W, Y, Z.

Weak point

  • There are some weak points in her argument.

Wild animal

  • In my opinion, wild animals should not be kept in zoos.

Wrong number

  • I expected to be told that I had the wrong number.

Young person

  • It’s a group of young people.

Zero visibility

  • With the strong wind and snow, there is practically zero visibility.

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Useful Adjective Noun Collocations in EnglishPin

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95 Common Noun and Adjective Collocations in English (N-Z)Pin

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Useful Adjective Noun Combinations | Videos

Common Expressions and Collocations with DEEP, BIG and GREAT to Improve Your English Fluency.

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Learn Useful Adjective Noun Collocations with Examples to Improve your Spoken English.

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300+ Useful Adjective Noun Combinations from A-Z

Last Updated on March 16, 2023

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