Not thinking clearly word

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не можешь ясно мыслить

не в себе

не в состояние ясно мыслить

не мыслил ясно

неясно мыслишь

не можешь думать ясно

I mean, obviously, you are not thinking clearly.

You’re not thinking clearly.

Obviously you’re not thinking clearly.

A person in that state of mind is not thinking clearly.

Кроме того, человек в подобной ситуации не сможет ясно мыслить.

People who are unhappy with their lives will make poor decisions because they’re not thinking clearly from the start.

Люди, которые не испытывают удовлетворения от собственной жизни, часто принимают неправильные решения, потому что не способны думать ясно изначально.

Evan, you’ve been through a lot recently and maybe you are not thinking clearly, but…

Teo, you’re not thinking clearly.

Kate, please, you’re not thinking clearly.

You’re not thinking clearly, baby.

Maybe I’m not thinking clearly.

Well, he is obviously not thinking clearly.

George, you’re not thinking clearly.

They are full of negative energy and not thinking clearly.

Because you’re not thinking clearly.

He was not thinking clearly, and believed the soldier was already dead.

Remember that the child is not thinking clearly.

But when you drink, you’re not thinking clearly.

Clearly a time when people are not thinking clearly.

Clients are often both angry and scared, and sometimes they are not thinking clearly.

Нередко клиенты испуганы или смущены, и это не позво-ляет им ясно мыслить.

But you’re not thinking clearly.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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What is a word for not thinking clearly?

Not able to think clearly. confused. bewildered. perplexed. dazed.

What is another word for thinking clearly?

What is another word for able to think clearly?

intelligent rational
thinking reasonable
reasoning cognitive
cerebral higher-order
lucid sane

What does thinking clearly mean?

Clear thinking is the ability to express ideas in a simple and straightforward manner. It also involves the ability to analyse statements and follow logical arguments. Some people imagine it means being super-clever or having a high IQ.

What is the ability to think quickly and clearly?

alert. adjective. able to think in a clear and intelligent way.

How do I speak clearly and think?

Here’re 6 time-tested ways to learn how to think clearly:

  1. Take a Deep Breath.
  2. Organize Your Thought By Listing.
  3. Assess Your Attitude.
  4. Be Specific with Your Goals.
  5. Leverage Your Passion for Taking Charge of Your Emotions.
  6. Utilize Your Negative Thinking to Generate Positive Action.
  7. Prove Yourself Wrong.
  8. Create Your Mantra.

How do I get clearer thoughts?

Here are five steps to developing much needed focus by building up essential clear thinking skills:

  1. Check Your Attitude.
  2. Have a Clear Purpose.
  3. Use Your Passion to control your Emotions.
  4. Use your Negative Thinking to produce Positive Action.
  5. Use Cool Logic in Hot Situations to reach your Goal.

Why can’t I put my thoughts into words?

Dysgraphia can make it hard to express thoughts in writing. (You may hear it called “a disorder of written expression.”) Expressive language issues make it hard to express thoughts and ideas when speaking and writing. (You may hear it called a “language disorder” or a “communication disorder.”)

How do you organize your thoughts when speaking?

Tips for Organizing Your Speaking

  1. Think for a few moments. Firstly, I recommend taking a moment or two to think about your answers before you start speaking.
  2. Use your prep time wisely.
  3. Use linking/connecting words.
  4. If you’re not sure, ask.
  5. Practice!

Why can I not organize my thoughts?

ADHD and Making Your Point First, even in the best of circumstances, you may have difficulty organizing your thoughts on the spot. This is in part due to the fact that the filing system for organizing information in your brain is inefficient. You may not file words or ideas in the same place consistently.

How can I be more clear and concise when speaking?

Learn to shut up: 6 ways to speak more concisely

  1. Be clear with yourself about what you are attempting to communicate.
  2. Share with the person (when it isn’t obvious) what you want to accomplish.
  3. Avoid, at all costs, getting distracted by other issues, ideas, points, stories, and so forth.
  4. Use talk-ending techniques like:

How do I stop rambling in a conversation?

If you’ve been rambling, collect yourself, pause, and say something to the effect of, “What I’m trying to get at is this. [Pause]” and then summarize what you are trying to say. Speaking slower and pausing are in general good ideas. It’s even better if you tend to ramble.

Why is rambling bad?

Finally, rambling is harmful because it builds a barrier between you and your audience. When you ramble, you are often saying the same thing in a few different ways, hoping to get a good response from the audience. But the more you go on, the less interested your audience is going to be — a vicious cycle.

How do I stop nervous talking?

These steps may help:

  1. Know your topic.
  2. Get organized.
  3. Practice, and then practice some more.
  4. Challenge specific worries.
  5. Visualize your success.
  6. Do some deep breathing.
  7. Focus on your material, not on your audience.
  8. Don’t fear a moment of silence.

How do you overcome rambling?

For rambling leaders, here are five suggestions to recapture your listeners’ attention:

  1. Prep your ideas. Most leaders don’t plan out what they’re going to say at meetings; they just wing it.
  2. Stop over-explaining.
  3. Learn to tell a good story.
  4. Talk less, listen more.
  5. Change the rules explicitly.

How can I improve my way of talking?

Here are ten ways to improve the way you speak:

  1. Read aloud to yourself, every day.
  2. Note and memorise any new words.
  3. Speak at a moderate pace.
  4. Speak slightly louder than the average.
  5. Speak using the lower-end of your voice range.
  6. Never swear, or use profane language.
  7. Actively study to expand your vocabulary.
  8. Enunciate!

How do you use less words when talking?

How to Say More in Fewer Words

  1. Use Words that have Specific Meanings.
  2. Don’t Tell.
  3. Write Tight and Clean.
  4. Let the Subject of the Sentence Take the Action.
  5. Feed Your Pen Surprising Combinations of Interesting Words.
  6. If you would become a better communicator…
  7. Read a poem a day, every day.

Why do I keep rambling?

Some people are natural ramblers. Others are prone to ramble when they feel impassioned about a topic and have a propensity for going off on tangents. Others tend to blather because they feel jumpy and insecure when asked to talk about something they don’t totally understand.

How do I stop my rambling ADHD?

8 Strategies for Navigating Common Conversation Stumbles in ADHD

  1. Ask questions.
  2. Watch another person’s mouth.
  3. Change your environment.
  4. Be honest.
  5. Practice conversations with someone you trust.
  6. Use a secret signal.
  7. Pay attention to how others handle conversations.
  8. Use a fidget.

How do you stop someone from waffling?

If you want to stop waffling, get used to the idea of looking at your notes. That’s what it will take….So next time you realize the words aren’t ready and you might start waffling:

  1. Stop talking.
  2. Look down at your notes.
  3. Work out what you want to say next.
  4. Look up again and find someone to talk to.
  5. Start talking.

How do I stop rambling interview?

If you frequently have trouble getting to the point, try utilizing the following strategies.

  1. Prepare for Common Interview Questions.
  2. Don’t Reply Right Away.
  3. Follow a Specific Format for Each Answer.
  4. Learn to Recognize Your “Rambling Signs” and Your “Why”
  5. Wear a Watch.

How do you end an interview?

How to end an interview

  1. Ask specific and well-thought-out questions about the position and company.
  2. Reiterate your qualifications for the job.
  3. Inquire if the interviewer requires any additional information or documentation.
  4. Address any issues.
  5. Restate your interest in the position.

Why do I struggle with interviews?

Feeling pressure to say “yes” to every question or act like you know everything is a common reason why people fail to get hired in their job interviews. Hiring managers do NOT expect you to be able to say you’ve done every single thing they ask about. In fact, a good interviewer will ask some things you don’t know.

What does rambling mean?

1 : proceeding without a specific goal, purpose, or direction: such as. a : wandering about from one place to another a rambling walk. b : straying from subject to subject a rambling essay/discussion/discourse a rambling talker His text is at times repetitious and rambling.—

What is another word for rambling?

Frequently Asked Questions About ramble Some common synonyms of ramble are meander, roam, rove, traipse, and wander. While all these words mean “to go about from place to place usually without a plan or definite purpose,” ramble stresses carelessness and indifference to one’s course or objective.

Is Rambly a real word?

You’re in no hurry to make a point or get to your destination — if there is one at all. The word ramble comes from similar roots as roam. They both mean wander, but they’re often used a little differently. You might roam around on vacation to relax or find adventure.

not thinking clearly — перевод на русский

Maybe I’m not thinking clearly.

Может быть я не ясно мыслю.

All right, you’re not thinking clearly, that’s right.

Хорошо, вы просто сейчас не ясно мыслите.

Vogel’s not thinking clearly.

Вогель не мыслит ясно.

(Sam) She’s not thinking clear, either.

Она не может сейчас мыслить ясно.

You are not thinking clearly.

Ты не ясно мыслишь.

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You’re not thinking clearly.

Ты не можешь ясно мыслить.

I mean, obviously, you are not thinking clearly.

Видимо, ты не можешь ясно мыслить.

He’s not thinking clearly.

Он не может ясно мыслить.

He’s not thinking clearly.

Он не может мыслить ясно.

I’m not thinking clearly.

Я не мог ясно мыслить.

Показать ещё примеры для «не можешь ясно мыслить»…

Obviously you’re not thinking clearly.

Ладно, очевидно, что ты неясно мыслишь.

You’re not thinking clearly, Jack.

Ты неясно мыслишь, Джек.

Okay, I’m not thinking clearly.

Ладно, я неясно мыслю.

But you’re not thinking clearly now.

Но сейчас ты мыслишь неясно.

Listen, we’re both emotional right now, but when have you not thought clearly?

Послушай, мы сейчас оба на эмоциях, но когда это ты неясно мыслила?

Keep her off the internet, take away her cell phone… she’s not thinking clearly…

Держите ее подальше от интернета,заберите все ее телефоны. Она не соображает,что делает…

John’s not thinking clearly.

Джон не соображает.

You’re not thinking clearly.

Ты не соображаешь, что говоришь.

You’re not thinking clearly.

Ты не соображаешь.

You are in a state of shock and you’re not thinking clearly.

У вас шок, он мешает вам соображать.

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For example: two are arguing and one makes a personal attack. They both become angry causing neither to speak reasonably.

Any word for this?

EDIT: In my example, instead of ‘angry’, I should have used the word ‘indignant’. I wasn’t looking for extremes, like ‘seeing red’ or ‘blinded by rage’.

I also find ‘enraged’, ‘infuriated’, and ‘apoplectic’ not suitable. I’m looking for «a state of irrationality, caused by indignation.»

From the responses so far, I think the best expression is «Their judgment became clouded by indignation.»

asked Jan 2, 2015 at 22:36

MothraDactyl's user avatar


511 gold badge1 silver badge4 bronze badges


The were enraged and apoplectic and no doubt synonyms of those, leading them to say things «in a rage» or if really extreme while «seeing the red mist».

answered Jan 2, 2015 at 22:41

Jon Hanna's user avatar

Jon HannaJon Hanna

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How about berserk:

Out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied

answered Jan 3, 2015 at 2:33

Hugh Allen's user avatar

Hugh AllenHugh Allen

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The expression blinded by rage may suggest the idea of being unable to think and behave reasonably because of anger. Also mad with rage.

answered Jan 2, 2015 at 22:42


Enraged, blinded by rage, furious all suggest losing clarity of mind. The British also use a colloquial fuming as adjective to describe that same state of mind.

answered Jan 2, 2015 at 22:49

Alexander Henke's user avatar

Normally sane people might do something unwise in the heat of the moment:

if you say or do something in the heat of the moment, you say or do it without thinking because you are angry or excited Frank doesn’t hate you. He just said that in the heat of the moment.

answered Jan 3, 2015 at 14:06

200_success's user avatar


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  1. I also prefer apoplectic, but to me that connotes being overwhelmed to the point of physical impairment. (e.g. sputtering with indignation, or incoherent with rage).

    //In my mind, apoplectic rage conjures the image of someone SO overcome with anger, they can’t even articulate their emotional state or arguments— that they’re red-faced and shouting or sputtering, with blood-pressure spiking, looking like they’re about to burst a blood vessel and give themselves a stroke.

    This entry sums it up quite neatly:

    Someone who is apoplectic is not just mad — they’re so filled with rage, they can barely communicate. If your mother is apoplectic, you better hope it isn’t over something you did.
    Apoplectic comes from a Greek word that means to «disable by a stroke.» What is a stroke? The sudden loss of consciousness or control caused when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures or becomes blocked. When this happens, a person becomes apoplectic. This word also applies to someone who acts so upset, it is like he or she is having a stroke.

  2. However, seems like you’re looking for something that suggests distinctly (solely?) an impact on the mental/emotional state? For which, I’d suggest paroxsym, or perhaps paroxysm of rage?

    The two key words in the definitions seem to be: sudden and uncontrollable bursts of emotion. And if somebody’s having such outbursts, it’s probably fair to say they’re irrational and not thinking clearly.

    Potential synonyms: conniption; furor (though this could also imply group anger); in the throes of anger (or of passion? as in, distinct from reason, not as a euphemism for passionate love. //either way, throes connotes some degree of struggle or suffering: unpleasant, painful, or unwanted emotional state);

  3. Emphasis on internal state, less so action/behavior-oriented: incensed (connotations: you’re so angry, it’s as if you’re on fire— similarly: makes my blood boil); exasperated (which may or may not be able to convey the intensity of emotion?); to seethe or be in a ferment; fuming (e.g. fuming mad); wrought or overwrought with anger; maddened or besieged by anger (to wit: rational faculties besieged by angry thoughts, OR the very thoughts themselves besieged by anger); hostage to/paralyzed by a tempest of rage/emotion;

answered Apr 24, 2015 at 23:26

3jane's user avatar


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The phrase go off the deep end is often used in such circumstances

Give way immediately to an emotional outburst, especially of anger.

Oxford Dictionaries Online

answered Jan 3, 2015 at 0:21

bib's user avatar


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The red mist came down; is popular nowadays, often to describe footballers who have a moment of rage. Some careers are ruined by a predisposition to this.

answered Jan 2, 2015 at 23:02

WS2's user avatar


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Unhinged OED or by approximate association Unglued


Mentally unbalanced; deranged:


Unhinged: «thrown into confusion,» 1719, past participle adjective from unhinge.

Unhinge: recorded earlier in the mental sense of «to disorder» the mind, etc. (1612) than in the literal one of «to take (a door, etc.)
off its hinges» (1616); from un— (2) «opposite of» + hinge (n.).

Hinge as a verb meaning «to attach by a hinge» is recorded only from 1758.


My husband was so furious the door came unhinged when he slammed it


My husband is unhinged!

Synonyms of confuse(d).

Applying it to the OP:

The two people arguing began connected to each other at some level. A healthy argument pursues a deeper level of intellectual or emotional unity on the dividing issue, but the ad hominem attack tears the door from its hinges, or unglues the coupled pair. From that point forward, their angry comments aggravate disunity rather than promoting unity. Furthermore, that breech in the friendship tears each individual apart inside. As they unhinge internally, their argument unhinges externally.

Somebody needs to stop the argument and put the doors back on their hinges!

answered Jan 3, 2015 at 0:03

ScotM's user avatar


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Most people become emotionally unstable and are temporarily unable to reason when they get very angry. In such cases, most of the answers already given will fit (enraged, blinded by rage, apoplectic, and all synonyms). But if you are looking for a single word meaning «impaired reasoning caused by rage», I’m afraid there isn’t any.

answered Jan 2, 2015 at 23:39

Centaurus's user avatar


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You could say they were maddened. This has the convenient double meaning of «made angry» and «made insane».

Another possibility is infuriated.

answered Jan 3, 2015 at 8:38

Nate Eldredge's user avatar

Nate EldredgeNate Eldredge

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For more alternatives, in addition to those already supplied, you have:

  • gone ape, gone apeshit, gone bananas — This doesn’t necessarily imply anger, as one can «go ape» with delight as well. But it does imply a degree of irrational behaviour.
  • seeing red — Unlike the «red mist» described in another answer, this has currency outwith sportspersons. ☺ This is specifically anger, although it implies impaired perception and not necessarily impaired judgment or reasoning. Eric Partridge’s dictionary of slang doesn’t have this. Others do, however, usually listing it as a colloquialism.

Interesting aside: There have been various studies that show that a predisposition to anger correlates with an increased disposition to see red; and that colour perception is influenced by level of anger. The psychologists are busy proving the dictionaries right all along. Except for M. Partridge’s, that is. ☺

Further reading

  • Andrew J. Elliot, Markus A. Maier, et al.: «Color-in-Context Theory». Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. Elsevier. 2012. pp. 61–125.
  • Adam K. Fetterman, Michael D. Robinson, Robert D. Gordon, and Andrew J. Elliot. «Anger as Seeing Red: Perceptual Sources of Evidence». Social Psychological and Personality Science 2(3). May 2011. pp. 311–316.
    doi: 10.1177/1948550610390051. PMC3399410.

answered Jan 3, 2015 at 14:02

JdeBP's user avatar


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Tunnel-vision may be suitable.

answered Jan 3, 2015 at 21:04

Luke Stanley's user avatar


Berserker rage comes to mind, a person biting their lip/tongue, and this throws them into a blind monstrous rage with no thought of the harm to others, they kill for joy of it. Not that I know of such things I’m just a newbie writer so, forgive me If i’s freaking anyone one out.

answered Jan 7, 2015 at 17:36

darkocean's user avatar

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