Asked by: Lily Considine
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adj. Not self-conscious; natural and genuine. un′self·cons′cious·ly adv.
What does Unselfconsciousness mean?
English Language Learners Definition of unselfconscious
: confident and comfortable : not self-conscious.
How do you use unselfconscious in a sentence?
How to use unselfconscious in a sentence. Although she preserved her delightfully unselfconscious manner she was almost ceaselessly conscious of self. He was absolutely unselfconscious, and it never seemed to occur to him to wonder what impression he was making on others.
What is unselfconscious learning?
/ˌʌnˌsɛlfˈkɑːnʃəs/ adjective. Learner’s definition of UNSELFCONSCIOUS. [more unselfconscious; most unselfconscious] : confident and comfortable : not self-conscious.
What is un self?
: to do away with selfhood or selfishness in (oneself) man has the idealism to unself himself.
42 related questions found
What happens when you are not self-aware?
When people lack self-awareness about their tendency to want control things even when it’s impossible, it frequently leads to the habit of rumination and all the emotional side effects that go with it—excessive shame, guilt, sadness, self-criticalness, and regret. Reflect on past mistakes and losses. Accept them.
What does Unselve mean?
Unshelve meaning
Filters. To remove from a shelf. verb. 1. (figuratively) To bring back something that was shelved, or put aside.
Is self-consciousness a noun?
self-consciousness noun [U] (NERVOUSNESS)
a nervous or uncomfortable feeling that you have when you are worried about what people think about you or your actions: … I’m getting better, but I’m always crippled by my self-consciousness.
What is the opposite of self awareness?
Adjective. Opposite of aware of oneself as an individual that exists in the real world. clueless. oblivious. uninformed.
What is the word for self aware?
Words related to self-aware
conscious, cognizant, mindful, informed, alert, knowledgeable, sophisticated, attentive, discerning, percipient, sensible, sentient, vigilant, watchful.
What does uninhibited manner mean?
If you describe a person or their behavior as uninhibited, you mean that they express their opinions and feelings openly, and behave as they want to, without worrying what other people think.
Are not aware synonym?
In this page you can discover 52 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unaware, like: oblivious, out-of-it, ignorant, unapprised, innocent, inattentive, uninformed, unknowing, unmindful, aware and blind.
How do you know if you lack self-awareness?
More specifically, we’ve found several consistent behaviors of un-self-aware individuals: They won’t listen to, or accept, critical feedback. They cannot empathize with, or take the perspective of, others. They have difficulty “reading a room” and tailoring their message to their audience.
What do you call a person who isn’t self aware?
antonyms for self-aware
MOST RELEVANT. clueless. oblivious. uninformed. unsophisticated.
What does lack of self-awareness mean?
When you lack self-awareness, you fail to identify what you’re feeling and how it manifests itself in your daily actions. You fail to see the patterns in your behaviors and thinking. As a result, you tend to experience more negative emotions because you don’t know how to better align your choices with what you want.
How do you describe a self-conscious person?
The definition of self conscious is a person who is overly concerned about his own actions and appearance and with what others think of him. An example of a self conscious person is someone who is continually checking his appearance to make sure he looks OK and doesn’t have something that could embarrass him.
What is the synonym of self-consciousness?
Synonyms & Near Synonyms for self-consciousness. self-analysis, self-awareness, self-recognition.
Is Shelved meaning?
1 : to place or store on a shelf shelve books. 2 : to put off or aside : defer The plan has been shelved for now.
Is singalong a word?
A singalong is an occasion when a group of people sing songs together for pleasure.
Is Disheveledness a word?
untidy; disarranged: a disheveled appearance.
How do I know if I have self-awareness?
If you’re highly self-aware, you can objectively evaluate yourself, manage your emotions, align your behavior with your values, and understand correctly how others perceive you.» Put simply, those who are highly self-aware can interpret their actions, feelings, and thoughts objectively.
How do you know if someone is self aware?
And among those who have achieved a high level of self-awareness, I’ve observed a handful of common habits and practices:
- They listen more than they talk.
- They’re curious about their own minds.
- They look for emotional blindspots.
- They ask for feedback (and take it well).
- They reflect on their values.
What is self-awareness example?
6 Examples of Self-Awareness in Everyday Life
- Identifying your emotions and what you’re feeling. …
- Recognizing your primary coping mechanisms. …
- Defining your own beliefs without being influenced by others. …
- Prioritizing what gives you joy. …
- Identifying your strengths and shortcomings. …
- Knowing what you need in your relationships.
What is a self-awareness test?
This self-awareness test is meant to help you better understand how self-aware you are. It also can show you where in your life you may need to further develop your self-awareness. Self-awareness is our ability to understand and identify our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
What should I do if I have low self esteem?
Ways to Boost Low Self-Esteem
- Do something that makes you feel good.
- Stay physically active—exercise can help improve mood.
- Think about something you are good at.
- Keep a gratitude journal.
- Challenge a negative thought.
- Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself.
- Volunteer to help others.
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > unselfconscious
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > unselfconscious
простой, естественный (); общительный, раскованный ()
НБАРС > unselfconscious
Общая лексика: естественный , общительный, простой, раскованный
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > unselfconscious
1 (a) естественный; общительный; раскованный
2 (n) простой
* * *
общительный, раскованный
Новый англо-русский словарь > unselfconscious
a простой, естественный; общительный, раскованный
English-Russian base dictionary > unselfconscious
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > self-conscious
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > uninhibited
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > unshod
См. также в других словарях:
unselfconscious — index ingenuous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
unselfconscious — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not shy or embarrassed. DERIVATIVES unselfconsciously adverb unselfconsciousness noun … English terms dictionary
unselfconscious — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
unselfconscious — unselfconsciously, adv. unselfconsciousness, n. /un self kon sheuhs/, adj. not self conscious; without affectation or pretense: an unselfconscious manner. [1830 40; UN 1 + SELF CONSCIOUS] * * * … Universalium
unselfconscious — adjective Not self conscious; natural and genuine She is attractive in an unselfconscious way. Ant: self conscious See Also: unselfconsciously … Wiktionary
unselfconscious — un|self|con|scious [ ,ʌnself kanʃəs ] adjective not worried about what other people think of you, and therefore able to behave in a natural or sincere way ╾ un|self|con|scious|ly adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unselfconscious — … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
unselfconscious — adjective without self consciousness; not shy or embarrassed. Derivatives unselfconsciously adverb unselfconsciousness noun … English new terms dictionary
unselfconscious — un·selfconscious … English syllables
unselfconscious — UK [ˌʌnselfˈkɒnʃəs] / US [ˌʌnselfˈkɑnʃəs] adjective not worried about what other people think of you, and therefore able to behave in a natural or sincere way Derived word: unselfconsciously adverb … English dictionary
unselfconscious — /ʌnsɛlfˈkɒnʃəs/ (say unself konshuhs) adjective not self conscious. –unselfconsciously, adverb –unselfconsciousness, noun …
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Animals are not self-conscious, and are there merely as means to an end.
During hypnosis, a person is not self-conscious of his or her actions.
Это не гипноз, при котором человек не осознаёт своих действий.
I mean, when she’s dancing she’s not self-conscious about anything.
Я хочу сказать, когда она танцует, она ничего не боится.
You’re not self-conscious about peddling your own culture, are you?
А вы без стеснения продаете собственную культуру, верно?
A person who is not self-conscious of oneself, certainly, cannot apply a number of techniques, already developed by the humankind to learn successfully some knowledge and subjects.
Человек, который не осознает себя, не сможет применять массу приемов, уже разработанных человечеством для того, чтобы хорошо усвоить какие-либо знания и предметы.
The animal was conscious only, not self-conscious; the animal does not know the Ego as Subject, as does man.
Животное является только сознательным, а не самосознательным; животное не осознает эго — как субъекта, как сознает его человек.
And his argument is: because animals, have no articulate speech and because they don’t know that they exist, therefore they are not self-conscious.
Его аргумент таков: «В силу того, что животные не обладают речью, и так как они не знают, что они существуют, они не имеют самосознания».
On other planes, the astral and the mental, he is, as yet, conscious but not self-conscious; he recognises changes within himself, but does not yet dis-tinguish between the self-initiated changes and those caused by impacts from without on his astral and mental vehicles.
На других планах, астральном и ментальном, он пока еще просто осознает, но не самого себя: он видит изменения внутри себя, но не разделяет их на родившиеся в нем самом и вызванные воздействиями его астральной и ментальной оболочек.
«Today, I was telling people at the school that children should learn three languages before the age of 7 because they are not self-conscious yet, and they are not afraid of making mistakes.»
«Сегодня в школе я говорил, что дети должны изучать З языка до того, как им исполнится 7, в том возрасте, пока они ещё не стесняются и не боятся делать ошибки».
American actors are not self-conscious.
And she’s not self-conscious.
Другие результаты
This is because you’re not self conscious.
The masses could not become self-conscious on their own; they needed the help of social elites.
Массы не могут самостоятельно обрести самосознание; им не-обходима помощь социальной элиты.
A mind not thoroughly self-conscious —not accustomed to the introspective analysis of its own operations-will, it is true, often deceive itself by supposing that it has entertained the conception of which we speak.
Разум, который не вполне самосознателен, не привык к глядящему внутрь рассмотрению собственных своих сложных действий, нередко заблудится, это верно, и предположит, что он имел представление того, о чем мы говорим.
The show is not as self-conscious and fanatically detailed about the interplay of personal and national history as Mad Men.
Сериал не так сильно сосредоточен на переплетении личной и национальной истории, как «Безумцы».
That way, people will not get too self conscious.
It’s important to talk to your partner and try not to feel self-conscious because of the operation.
Well, that and I can work on my verbal sound effects and not feel self-conscious about the ones that aren’t quite there yet.
К примеру я могу поработать над своим голосом и не буду чувствовать себя стесненным так как никто этого не услышит.
For example, for children under 12 years of age, the use of autogenous training is often ineffective, because in this age period there is still not enough self-conscious attitude toward one’s own personality.
Например, для детей в возрасте до 12 лет применение аутогенной тренировки зачастую оказывается малоэффективным, поскольку в этом возрастном периоде наблюдается ещё не достаточно осознанное отношение к собственной личности.
Just don’t not avoid not making her feel self-conscious about it.
Просто продолжай убеждать её не чувствовать себя неловко.
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English ⇄
Terms for subject General containing self-conscious | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
English | Russian |
be conscious of self | осознать самого себя |
be self-conscious | стесняться из-за (чего-либо SirReal) |
be self-conscious | стесняться (чего-либо; of: I’ve always been self-conscious of my height SirReal) |
feel self-conscious | комплексовать (Ремедиос_П) |
he was swinging his car keys in a self-conscious manner | он вертел в руках ключи от машины, стремясь произвести впечатление на окружающих |
make self-conscious | смущать (кого-либо) |
not the least self-conscious | нисколько не смущаясь (He didn’t stand still, either, but jittered and dance-stepped in place, apparently not the least self-conscious, although as I watched a woman with a stroller and an old man with a bag of groceries both gave him a wide berth Natalya Sokolova) |
self-conscious | легко смущающийся |
self-conscious | неуверенный в себе (ad_notam) |
self-conscious | смущённый |
self-conscious | нарочитый (especially of an action or intention) deliberate and with full awareness, especially affectedly so: her self-conscious identification with the upper classes |
self-conscious | неестественный (The humour of the play is self-conscious and contrived. – Юмор этой пьесы слишком неестественен и притянут за уши. VLZ_58) |
self-conscious | насторожённый (yhw) |
self-conscious | комплексующий (dreamjam) |
self-conscious | насторожённый (totally unself-conscious – совершенно расслабленный и уверенный в себе yhw) |
self-conscious | напряжённый (totally unself-conscious – совершенно расслабленный и уверенный в себе yhw) |
self-conscious | озабоченный (Sergei Aprelikov) |
self-conscious | ходульный (VLZ_58) |
self-conscious | стеснительный (VLZ_58) |
self-conscious | стыдливый |
self-conscious | рассчитанный на определённый эффект (определённую реакцию self-conscious art-house movies – арт-хаусные фильмы, рассчитанные на определённый зрительский эффект VLZ_58) |
self-conscious | отдающий себе отчёт (в своих мыслях, действиях) |
self-conscious | застенчивый |
self-conscious | напряжённый (totally unselfconscious – совершенно расслабленный и уверенный в себе yhw) |
self-conscious intellectual | рефлексирующий интеллигент (Ремедиос_П) |
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застенчивый, неловкий
прилагательное ↓
- застенчивый; легко смущающийся
to make smb. self-conscious — смущать кого-л.
- книжн. обладающий самосознанием; самосознающий
a rising and self-conscious social class — растущий и сознательный общественный класс
Мои примеры
Примеры с переводом
She was self-conscious about her weight.
Она ужасно стеснялась своего веса.
Knowing they were watching me made me feel very self-conscious.
Я знал, что они смотрят на меня, и мне было очень не по себе.
I felt a bit self-conscious in my swimming costume.
Я чувствовала себя немного неловко в своём купальнике.
She looked self-conscious and guilty.
Вид у неё был смущённый и виноватый.
He was swinging his car keys in a self-conscious manner.
Он вертел в руках ключи от машины, стремясь произвести впечатление на окружающих его людей.
The humour of the play is self-conscious and contrived.
Юмор этой пьесы слишком неестественен и притянут за уши.
Suddenly aware of her admiring gaze, he became self-conscious and uncomfortable.
Вдруг поймав на себе её восхищённый взгляд, он ощутил стеснение и неловкость.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Becka was very self-conscious about her spots.
He’s self-conscious about few things, period, and so utterly lacking in neurosis that it’s unnerving, frankly.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
self-consciousness — застенчивость, самосознание
self-consciously — застенчиво, смущенно, смущаясь, неловко, стараясь произвести определенное…