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не зная, чего ожидать
не знал, чего ожидать
Not knowing what to expect, I was intrigued.
Not knowing what to expect, I agreed.
Not knowing what to expect, she knocked on the door.
Not knowing what to expect, she took him to his home.
Not knowing what to expect, we had not booked any accommodation.
You come into work everyday not knowing what to expect.
Each day was frightening, not knowing what to expect.
We went, not knowing what to expect.
Sometimes players walk into a room not knowing what to expect.
Guards quickly rushed down the hall not knowing what to expect.
Additionally not knowing what to expect can feed the anxiety.
It is understandable of the fear of the unknown and not knowing what to expect.
People walked on eggshells, not knowing what to expect.
We left, not knowing what to expect.
And not knowing what to expect has many expecting the worst.
I wake up not knowing what to expect.
He went into the war not knowing what to expect.
And they hesitated to cross over, not knowing what to expect.
I went in not knowing what to expect and threw myself into the process.
I went into this show really not knowing what to expect.
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Перевод по словам
— not [adverb]
particle: не, нет, ни
- not up to par — не до
- not working — не работает
- more, not less , — более, не менее,
- not observed — не наблюдается
- not heating — не нагревая
- not everyone knows — не все знают,
- are not communicated — не сообщается
- not being — Не существует
- may not enter into — не может войти в
- even if a transaction is not margined — даже если сделка не маржируемые
— knowing [adjective]
noun: знание, понимание, осознание, знакомство
adjective: понимающий, знающий, ловкий, хитрый, проницательный, преднамеренный, щегольской, модный
- knowing not only — зная не только
- of knowing — знать
- not knowing how — не зная, как
- not knowing how to dance — не зная, как танцевать
- knowing where you live — зная, где вы живете
- and knowing that — и зная, что
- not knowing where — не зная, где
- a knowing smile — понимающая улыбка
- knowing and showing — зная и показывая
- feel confident knowing — чувствовать себя уверенно, зная,
— what [adverb]
conjunction: что
pronoun: что, какой, как, каков, сколько
adjective: какой
adverb: сколько
- what ever — без разницы
- what you want — то, что ты хочешь
- what i was planning to do — то, что я планировал сделать
- what is driving this — что является движущей силой этого
- perception of what was — восприятие того, что было
- what really drives — что на самом деле движет
- demonstrate what i mean. — продемонстрировать, что я имею в виду.
- that’s what he does — это то, что он делает
- what was needed — что было необходимо
- whether that is true depends on what the program does — является ли это действительно зависит от того, что делает программа
— to [preposition]
preposition: к, в, до, на, для
abbreviation: телеграфная контора, телеграфное отделение
- report to — сообщать
- ability to hear — способность слышать
- ship-to-shore radio — судно-берег
- in addition to — в дополнении к
- to the ground — на землю
- subscribe to — Подписаться
- lure to — приманить
- bring to an untimely end — довести до несвоевременного завершения
- engaged (to be married) — (для вступления в брак)
- difficult to understand — трудно понять
— expect [verb]
verb: ожидать, рассчитывать, ждать, надеяться, предполагать, полагать, думать
- one should expect — следует ожидать
- expect to gain from — рассчитывают получить от
- i expect nothing but the best — я ничего не жду, но лучше
- expect agreement — ожидать согласия
- expect a great deal — ожидать много
- expect me — жди меня
- what can we expect — что мы можем ожидать
- how do they expect — как они ожидают
- expect a lot — ожидать много
- expect to succeed — рассчитывать на успех
Предложения с «not knowing what to expect»
Not knowing what to expect he had donned his usual classroom attire-a pair of chinos, a turtleneck, and a Harris tweed suit jacket. |
Не зная, что его ждет, он выбрал одежду, которую обычно надевал на занятия, — прочные хлопчатобумажные брюки, свитер и пиджак из мягкого твида. |
Then we do activities designed for improvement, concentrating on what we haven’t mastered yet, which means we have to expect to make mistakes, knowing that we will learn from them. |
Когда мы предпринимаем действия, направленные на саморазвитие, концентрируясь на том, что ещё не освоили, нам следует принять неизбежность ошибок, понять, что мы можем на них учиться. |
“Knowing the general state of the Soviet aviation industry at the time,” Grinberg says, “quality control throughout the entire MiG was not what you would expect in the west.” |
«Исходя из состояния советской авиастроительной промышленности в то время, можно было предположить, что контроль качества за предприятиях МиГ уступал тому уровню, которых существовал на Западе», — отмечает Гринберг. |
I hid my hard drives, memory cards, and the more expensive of my two cameras, knowing that they’d expect to see some equipment when they came for me. |
Пришлось спрятать жесткие диски, карты памяти, и тот из двух моих фотоаппаратов, что подороже, ведь, придя за мной, они ожидали бы найти у меня какое — то оборудование. |
Knowing nothing else, you would therefore expect that it’s growth would be somewhat lower than the other BRICs since it is as such a higher level of development. |
Если не знать других обстоятельств, возникает впечатление, что темпы роста у нее должны быть ниже, чем у других стран БРИК, потому что она стоит на таком высоком уровне развития. |
It’s important to reflect on the right moment. Knowing what we can give to and what we expect of a company. |
Важно в какой — то момент взвесить, что ты готов отдать работе и что она может принести тебе. |
It keeps the major powers off guard, never knowing when to expect an attack. |
это помогает создавать напряжение, никто не знает, где будет следующий удар. |
The Vikings were experts in judging speed and wind direction, and in knowing the current and when to expect high and low tides. |
Викинги были экспертами в оценке скорости и направления ветра, а также в знании течения и времени, когда следует ожидать высоких и низких приливов. |
Since your view is that both quotes are authentic, despite knowing the circumstances surrounding these quotes, you should expect the reader to take the same view too? |
Поскольку вы считаете, что обе цитаты являются подлинными, несмотря на знание обстоятельств, окружающих эти цитаты, вы должны ожидать , что читатель тоже примет ту же точку зрения? |
It was very satisfying knowing that we reached that Top 8, but he had better expectations for our team, and we’d come a long way and it’s all thanks to Fear. |
Приятно было осознавать, что мы вошли в первую восьмёрку, но мы ожидали большего, и прошли так далеко только благодаря Fear. |
Keats endured great conflict knowing his expectations as a struggling poet in increasingly hard straits would preclude marriage to Brawne. |
Китс пережил большой конфликт, зная, что его ожидания как борющегося поэта во все более тяжелых условиях будут препятствовать браку с Броном. |
He pushed the glass door with such force that all the panes rang: he stepped out, and I held my breath, straining my ears without knowing what else I expected to hear. |
Он толкнул стеклянную дверь с такой силой, что стекла зазвенели; он вышел на веранду, а я затаил дыхание, напрягая слух и не зная, чего, собственно, я жду. |
Knowing your reputation, I expected nothing less than an entirely inappropriate manipulation. |
Учитывая твою репутацию, не ожидала от тебя ничего кроме, как абсолютно неуместную махинацию. |
I shouldn’t have expected either truth or honor or fair dealing from you, knowing you as I do. |
Зная вас, мне, конечно, не следовало ожидать , что вы будете правдивы, порядочны и честны со мной. |
You ought, on the contrary, to be delighted and not scold Alyosha, for without knowing anything about it he has done all that you expected of him, and perhaps even more. |
Вы бы, напротив, должны были радоваться, а не упрекать Алешу, потому что он, не зная ничего, исполнил все, что вы от него ожидали ; может быть, даже и больше. |
Knowing that their enemy, the British, were also Christians they had not expected an attack on a Sunday. |
Зная, что их враг, англичане, тоже христиане, они не ожидали нападения в воскресенье. |
He had never shown any inclination to do so. She kept expecting it, without knowing why. |
Он никогда не проявлял подобной склонности, но она, не зная почему, всё время ожидала этого. |
Knowing that Aviette had flown in from Moscow, Pavel Nikolayevich was expecting her. |
Павел Николаевич знал, что Авиета прилетает из Москвы, сегодня утром ждал её. |
Похожие слова: not knowing what to expect
Синонимы & Антонимы: не найдено
Примеры предложений: not knowing what to expect |
I hid my hard drives, memory cards, and the more expensive of my two cameras, knowing that they’d expect to see some equipment when they came for me. |
Я спрятал свои жесткие диски, карты памяти и более дорогие из двух моих камер, зная, что они будут ожидать увидеть какое-то оборудование, когда придут за мной. |
Not knowing what to expect , Tom was caught off guard. |
Не зная, чего ожидать, Том был застигнут врасплох. |
Although she does not expect to compete in Yugoslavia, Fujiko is still training hard, not knowing that Yawara secretly wants to renege on her promise. |
Хотя она и не собирается выступать в Югославии, Фудзико все еще упорно тренируется, не зная, что Явара втайне хочет нарушить свое обещание. |
They courageously press on, knowing that “tribulation produces endurance; endurance, in turn, an approved condition.”. |
Not knowing what else to do, they would just take steps to make the patient as comfortable as possible until the end came. |
While I try to restore our normal ages… I expect you all to go about your jobs like responsible professionals. |
James and Russell became acquainted with my husband without me knowing … and got him addicted to drugs… and became his main supplier. |
And we expect that you will respect that privacy. |
Or why those men were either forced through the gate….. or felt compelled to go through on their own, knowing they would die. |
Knowing what we do about Duncan? |
And knowing what we do about Duncan. |
Imagine waking up knowing that every day begins with this. |
How do you expect to isolate this pathogen? |
Without even knowing what suited me. |
A wife named Megan says, “During a conflict, one of the best things about commitment is knowing that neither you nor your spouse is leaving.”. |
I just feel a little weird that you went into my PayPal account without me knowing it. |
I have to admit that I expect a lot from the future, because we have already made such a good start. |
You really expect me to cooperate? |
But then stop fucking calling me, inviting me to see semi — porn on a Saturday afternoon, then drive me back to my house, and start rubbing my shoulders and expect me to be like. |
You think knowing a bunch of arcane National Geographic shit is gonna help me cope with a 6 — year — old who shot himself in the head? |
How about just the satisfaction of knowing you helped a really good person out of a rotten situation? |
You expect him to wait in driven snow, for you to arrive and announce his end? |
And everyone would be so warm and happy inside knowing that in their lives… they had participated in something that was only good. |
Although many expect talks on eliminating the visa regime all together, due to this resistance, implementation of visa — free travel may take even longer. |
I expect you know how we turn bulls into steers. |
It would just make me feel more comfortable knowing … |
I expect to get screwed over. |
I still expect free, exotic, caffeinated beverages for the foreseeable future. |
You would still challenge me to battle, knowing that I am the Flame Alchemist? |
You brought me here knowing that the spell required a human sacrifice. |
But that makes sense, because any time a governmental unit turns over to a profit — making corporation the duties it should be performing, what do you expect to happen? |
Sol had to get him to sign without his knowing what he was signing. |
Knowing Benjamin, I doubt he even took a toothbrush. |
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Not know what to expect
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not know what to expect
The words below allow the object of the feeling to be unknown, but also, and perhaps more commonly, allow for it to be known.
The following two are exclusively used for unpleasant feelings.
Fearful apprehension; a feeling that something bad will happen.
with a sense of foreboding she read the noteapprehension
Anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen
There were a lot of apprehensions about the future
Most of the rest of them can be used to describe a good feeling, though they are more commonly used to describe a bad feeling:
A strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.
anticipation of an event without conscious reason (Merriam-Webster)
I had strong premonitions of doom, the unmistakable feeling I was walking into a trap.presentiment
An intuitive feeling about the future, especially one of foreboding.
Immediately she had shut her eyes sensing some peculiar presentimentpresage
(In this sense, archaic) A feeling of presentiment or foreboding
Terrified by her presage of death, the patient immediately contacted Mitchell for a series of consultations.
There is one that is mostly used to describe positive feelings, although it is sometimes used to describe bad ones:
The action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction.
the act of looking forward; especially, pleasurable expectation (Merriam-Webster)
The act of expecting or foreseeing something; expectation or presentiment (American Heritage)
None are happy but by the anticipation of change: the change itself is nothing
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Sentence examples for not knowing what to expect from inspiring English sources
Queen Elizabeth started out tentatively, not knowing what to expect.
«I love people coming in not knowing what to expect,» he said.
Part of the fun of the Fringe lies in not knowing what to expect.
«But it was really nice not knowing what to expect tonight».
Not knowing what to expect, I completely overpacked and was forced to check my suitcase.
«I came really not knowing what to expect,» Ms. Carmendy said.
I carried it to my desk and carefully peeled it open, not knowing what to expect.
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¡Hola! The preterite tense is used only for actions that have occured once, correct?
If I write «me gustó mucho la obra de teatro» (I liked the play) and «Yo supe que esperar,» (I didn’t know what to expect) would that be correct? Or should I say «No sabía que esperar» because it’s not talking about one general time?
The preterite tense is used for actions that occured once or to describe specific moments. «Saber» is tricky because when you use it in the past you’re implying that what you learned, you don’t know it at all anymore.
Lo más usado es «no sabía qué esperar», pero en algunos contextos «no supe qué esperar» también puede ir bien. Se encuentran ejemplos de la aplicación de ambas frases en Google (muchos más con el imperfecto que con el pretérito, pero las dos formas están presentes).
Si ya has visto la obra de teatro y te gustó, dirías «no sabía que esperar»
¡Hola! The preterite tense is used only for actions that have occured once, correct?
Absolutely incorrect.
If I write «me gustó mucho la obra de teatro
» (I liked the play) and «Yo no supe que esperar,» (I didn’t know what to expect) would that be correct? Or should I say «No sabía que esperar»
because it’s not talking about one general time?
Both seems to be correct, but only with the imperfect the sentence makes really sense. The reason is that we are talking about an indefinite frame of time. Since when you didn’t know what to expect? You don’t specify that, and it doesn’t matter really. Till when? The frame doesn’t have an end by itself, it just get interrupted by other action: by the time whatever you wasn’t expected came up, you still didn’t know what to expect.
The preterite would need a more solid time frame, with at least a clear beginning or end, or a point when something happens, which in this particular example is hard to imagine.
Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
The preterite tense is used only for actions that have occured once, correct?
If I write «me gustó mucho la obra de teatro» (I liked the play) and «Yo no supe que esperar,» (I didn’t know what to expect) would that be correct?
As a rule of thumb, I agree that if you compare these two tenses, the pretérito may indicate that the action happened only once or be used for ´isolated moments´, but it can have other uses.
In your sentence I understand: No sabía que me iba a gustar/lo que me iba a encontrar, pero (al final) me gustó mucho. I agree with the other foreros, and I wouldn´t say ´supe´ in your context.
I think the foreros have already given you a very good explanation. I´m not expert at all, but just in case you need an example with ´supe´ in this context, I´d use it e.g. here:
Nada más empezar la obra, supe (en seguida) que no me iba a gustar. I think that here ´supe´ could mean as k-in-sc says, ´found out, realized.´
Un saludo a todos.
It can mean «I found out» as well as «I managed», «I got it right», «I did it right», «I could», etc, but anyway, you’d better thing of the language in its own terms, not using the pattern of a foreign language, even if that foreign language happens to be your native tongue.
Sean eternos los laureles/Que supimos conseguir …
The point is that certain verbs have slightly different meanings in the preterite than in the imperfect:
«Poder, querer, saber and conocer — four high-frequency verbs which, when used in the preterite, do not mean what they normally mean. Better yet: when an English speaker wants to mean finished, succeeded, found out or met, then use the preterite of these verbs. …»
There are several verbs that have different meanings in the preterite tense vs. the imperfect tense.
supe= I found out
sabía= I alrealdy knew
conocí a = I met…
conocía= I knew a person (previously)
quise = I attempted, but didn’t succeed
quería = I wanted to
pude = I was able to (and succeeded)
podía = I had the abilty, the skills, the manner in which to…
There are several verbs that have different meanings in the preterite tense vs. the imperfect tense.
supe= I found out
sabía= I alrealdy knew
It’s not always like that, so as a general rule is not that useful, especially with the preterite. Just type supe in google and you’ll find hundreds of counterexamples.
Welcome to the forum, Ricardo Jose.
The preterite is used when the action or state expressed by the verb has at least one beginning or at least one end (or both).
In «me gustó la obra de teatro», you enjoyed the play until it ended or until you left it. If you said «me gustaba», that would mean that at the time in question you were liking it, but you are not suggesting an end to it.
In «no sabía qué esperar», you are not talking about a beginning or end of knowing.
Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
Welcome to the forum, Ricardo Jose.
The preterite is used when the action or state expressed by the verb has at least one beginning or at least one end (or both).
In «me gustó la obra de teatro», you enjoyed the play until it ended or until you left it. If you said «me gustaba», that would mean that at the time in question you were liking it, but you are not suggesting an end to it.
In «no sabía qué esperar», you are not talking about a beginning or end of knowing.
I couldn’t think of a better explanation
It’s not always like that, so as a general rule is not that useful, especially with the preterite. Just type supe in google and you’ll find hundreds of counterexamples.
And exactly the same for «querer». I really don’t know where this idea comes from (and it seems to be widespread among English speaking learners of Spanish).
I probably should have said they can have those meanings.
It’s not always like that, so as a general rule is not that useful, especially with the preterite. Just type supe in google and you’ll find hundreds of counterexamples.
you are right…this is not a concrete rule. I was simply giving possible differences in the preterite vs. the imperfect of some verbs. Thanks though, I should have specified that. Grammar in any language can be tricky because there’s always exceptions to the rules.
And exactly the same for «querer». I really don’t know where this idea comes from (and it seems to be widespread among English speaking learners of Spanish).
Because those of us learning a new language feel a need to have something concrete to hang our hat on (even if it isn’t 100% correct)
Is Googling really a good way to discover what’s correct usage? I imagine I could Google pretty much any incorrect usage in English and find lots of hits, but that doesn’t tell me much, does it?
Me parece que el hilo se desvió un poco. Acá no se está hablando de los tiempos pretérito e imperfecto en general, se está hablando concretamente de
la expresión que aparece en el título
, y el usuario pregunta si lo correcto para traducirla es no supe o no sabía qué esperar. Ambas opciones pueden ser válidas:
«La entrevista laboral había sido positiva, pero igual yo no sabía qué esperar. Al final me contrataron.»
«Me dijo que tenía una sorpresa para mí y yo no supe qué esperar. Resultó ser un cachorrito.»