Not having a job word

Examples of using
Not having a job
in a sentence and their translations

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Lithuania mentioned the following groups:»economically inactive pupil, student, pensioner, person unemployed due to disability, homemaker,

persons not having a job one week before the census and persons who never worked before.


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Литва отметила такие группы, как:» экономически неактивные школьники, студенты, пенсионеры, лица,


работающие из-за инвалидности, лица, выполняющие



лица, не имевшие работы за неделю до переписи, а также лица, которые никогда ранее




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person living on social security may be protected from income poverty, but

may not be saved from the ignominy of social exclusion that accompanies


having a job.


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Любое лицо, живущее на средства, предоставляемые по линии социального обеспечения, может быть защищено от нищеты, обусловленной нехваткой доходов,

но в то же время может не иметь никакой защиты от опасности социальной изоляции, связанной с отсутствием работы.


It’s like getting paid for not


a job.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

For people such as Anna, poor-quality work can in fact be worse for health than not having a job at all.

Для таких людей, как Анна, некачественная работа действительно может быть хуже для здоровья чем вообще не имея работы.

But more concerning than not having job satisfaction is not having a job at all.

He would change jobs, sometimes not having a job at all for months.

Часто менял место работы, месяцами вообще не работал.

2011 study conducted by a team of social scientists at the University of Canberra in Australia concluded that having a job we hate is as bad for our health and sometimes worse than not having a job at all.

В 2011 году группой ученых-социологов австралийского университета в Канберре было проведено исследование, показавшее, что ходить на ненавистную работу плохо для здоровья и даже хуже, чем не иметь работы вообще.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 778859. Точных совпадений: 5. Затраченное время: 218 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200



Allegra Moderata (Sp/Eng, Cat)

  • #2

«He is not having a job at the moment» :cross:

He doesn’t have a job at the moment :tick:
He hasn’t got a job at the moment :tick:

suzi br

  • #8

I’m a native!
This is not quite true. I’ll explain as best I can, and hopefully another native will be able to clarify further using correct terminology.
‘Tom does not have a job’ is dynamic, not stative. He might be out of work for two years, but it’s still a temporary state because the implication is he will have another job at some point in the future.
It is possible to say ‘Tom is not having a job’, BUT only if it is a permanent state, and you would need to qualify the sentence with a time period e.g. ‘Tom is not having a job ever again, because he hates working.’

This is pretty confusing advice, and the OP continues to be confused as a result.

In your original question, student, you cannot use «he is not having a job».

It is remotely possible that we might very occasionally use that structure, but only in the very specific cases. In general, talking about usual contexts, bevy’s post has already told you not to use «he is not having a job at the moment» and shown you what we do generally say.

Last edited: Apr 24, 2014

17 Прочитайте записи из словаря и ответьте на вопросы.

— Какие виды работ вы знаете?

— Какие глаголы могут быть использованы с местом работы/профессиями?

— Какие слова могут быть использованы, чтобы поговорить о:

a) поиске работы; c) безработице;

b) приёме на работу; d) наличии работы;

job — работа, которую вы регулярно выполняете, чтобы заработать деньги;

Слова, часто используемые со словом “работа”:

устраиваться на работу, получить работу, предложить работу кому-либо, взять работу, выполнить работу, быть в работе, быть вне работы, покинуть свою работу, потерять свою работу, собеседование, временная/постоянная работа, неполный рабочий день/полный рабочий день, высший пост;

profession — работа, для выполнения которой вам необходимы специальные навыки и квалификация;

Слова, часто используемые со словом “профессия”:

преподавательская/инженерская профессия, в профессии, присоединиться к профессии;

Когда мы спрашиваем людей об их работе, мы обычно говорим “Чем ты занимаешься?” или “Какая у тебя работа?” Ответ обычно будет “Я…” или “Я работаю…”, но не “Моя работа -…”

• temporary, permanent; part-time, full-time: top job

• временная, постоянная; неполный, полный рабочий день: работа топ

• apply, get, offer, take, do, find, be in, be out of, leave, lose job: go into, enter, join a profession

• подать, получить, предложить, взять, сделать, найти, быть в, быть не, оставить, потерять работу: в, войти, присоединиться к профессии

a) get, find a job (получить, найти работу)

b) apply for a job, take a job, job interview (устроиться на работу, принять на работу, собеседование)

c) be out of job, leave your job, lose your job (быть без работы, бросить работу, потерять работу)

d) take a job, be in a job, do a job (принимают на работу, в работу, не работу)

Considering that most people work for a large part of their life, the topic of work and jobs is extremely common on the IELTS speaking and writing sections. This page contains some of the most commonly used IELTS words and phrases you will need when talking about work. There are also some practice activities for you to practice using the words in context.

Table of Contents

  1. Work/Jobs Vocabulary
  2. Work/Jobs Vocabulary Activity
  3. Work/Jobs Collocations, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs
  4. Work/Jobs Collocations, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs Activity

These are some general words and phrases used to talk generally about jobs/employment. There is an exercise for you to practice using the words in context.

  • A nine-to-five – A term used for a typical office-based job where the working hours are 9 am till 5 pm
  • A steady job – A job that offers constant work and a good income.
  • Annual leave/Holiday – The paid time when a worker is entitled to not attend work
  • Be made redundant – Dismissal from a job because the employer needs to reduce costs/workforce etc… Being made redundant does not mean that the employee did something wrong, rather, the job does not exist anymore
  • Benefits – The additional extras that an employer provides aside from salary. For example, a car, healthcare, gym membership etc…
  • Bonus – An additional remuneration given as extra to a normal salary. It is often based on performance.
  • Candidates – The people applying for a job vacancy
  • Career – An occupation performed for a large part of someone’s life, often with progression and advancement
  • Career prospects – The chance of progression and advancement in a job
  • Colleagues – The other people who work with you
  • Commute – The journey to and from work
  • Commuters – People making the journey to and from work
  • Dismiss/Fire/Sack – To remove a person from a position of employment for either not performing well or committing a breach of rules
  • Employer – The person or company that provides a job
  • Employment – Paid work
  • Employee – A person performing a job
  • Entrepreneur – A person who starts one or multiple businesses
  • Flexitime – The process where the employee chooses the hours they work
  • Full-time – A job that involves working around 40 hours per week
  • Interview – Part of the selection process consisting of questions used to choose from the different candidates for a specific position
  • Maternity/Paternity leave – The time that a woman/man takes off from work following the birth of their child
  • Minimum wage – The lowest amount of money an employee can legally be paid
  • Morning/Night shift – Related to working hours
  • Overtime – Time worked that is additional to what is normal
  • Part-time – A job that typically involves 20 hours or less per week
  • Private sector – Companies/organisations that are not owned or funded by the government
  • Profession – A paid occupation, especially one that involves extensive training and qualifications
  • Public sector – Organisations/bodies owned and funded by the government
  • Resign – To voluntarily leave a position of employment
  • Retire – Leave a job and stop working, usually because you have reached retirement age
  • Salary – The money an employee receives for working
  • Unemployment – The state of not having a job
  • Working environment – The place and the conditions (salary/benefits etc) provided by a job

2. Work/Jobs Vocabulary Activity

Activity 1

Choose the correct word to complete the answer to the IELTS questions.

How many hours do you work per day?

At the moment I am not working because I am on for another month following the birth of my second child. In a month’s time, I will be working for a few weeks, nine till one until I get back into the swing of things. Then I will go back to my regular schedule of nine to five in August. I am lucky because my has been really supportive and allowed me to return gradually. I am really happy about this because it is hard to find a stable and job in today’s economy. Overall, I am glad I didn’t have to just to have a baby.

What do you like the most about your job?

The thing that I like the most about my job is that is within walking distance of where I live so my is a 10-minute walk through a park. I am so happy to not be crammed onto public transport with thousands of other
that I accepted a cut in order to work closer to where I live. The other thing I like is that there is always lots of available because we have far more work than we can manage. So, if I need to earn some extra money it is always available.

Read Full Answer

How many hours do you work per day?

At the moment I am not working because I am on maternity leave for another month following the birth of my second child. In a month’s time, I will be working part-time for a few weeks, nine till one until I get back into the swing of things. Then I will go back to my regular full time schedule of nine to five in August. I am lucky because my employer has been really supportive and allowed me to return gradually. I am really happy about this because it is hard to find a stable and steady job in today’s economy. Overall, I am glad I didn’t have to resign just to have a baby.

What do you like the most about your job?

The thing that I like the most about my job is that is within walking distance of where I live so my commute is a 10-minute walk through a park. I am so happy to not be crammed onto public transport with thousands of other commuters that I accepted a salary cut in order to work closer to where I live. The other thing I like is that there is always lots of overtime available because we have far more work than we can manage. So, if I need to earn some extra money it is always available.

3. Work/Jobs Collocations, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs

Work/Jobs Collocations, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs – There are many different situations in which you may be required to talk about work/jobs. Therefore you must learn the correct collocations, idioms, and phrasal verbs to accurately discuss jobs and employment characteristics and trends. These are some of the most commonly used words and phrases, followed by an activity for you to practice using the words and phrases in context.

  • A desk job – A job that involves spending all or most of the time sitting at a desk
  • A heavy workload – A lot of work
  • A perk of the job – A benefit of the job
  • In the rat race – Competing with others for money or power
  • Labour-intensive – Something that requires a lot of work
  • Land a job – To be offered a job
  • Lay-off – To make redundant
  • Job satisfaction – How content or satisfied an employee feels working in a particular job
  • Living wage – A salary that pays for the necessities of life. For example, rent, food, transport etc…
  • Move up the career ladder – To progress in a job/Gain promotion
  • Moving forwards – In the future
  • Homeworking/ Work from home– People who work from their house rather than a traditional style office
  • Pull a sickie – To pretend to be sick to not go to work
  • Put into practice – Put learnt knowledge into practical use
  • Stuck behind a desk – Working in a job that involves a long time sitting at a desk
  • Think on your feet – Think spontaneously
  • Start-up – A new business
  • To be a good team player – To get on well with other employees
  • To be well-paid – To receive a high salary
  • To gain experience – To spend time doing a particular job so that it becomes familiar
  • Unemployment benefits – The money/support given to the unemployed by the government
  • Working like a dog – Working a lot or extremely hard

4. Work/Jobs Collocations, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs Activity

4. Work/Jobs Collocations, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs Activity

Activity 2 — Work/Jobs Collocations, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs Activity – Choose the correct option to complete the IELTS questions.

Describe your ideal job

Ideally I would like to that is or at least above the national I am not particularly concerned with being in the and competing to get to the top. My idea of is a stable job where I can collaborate with others and be and at the same time what I learnt at university. I don’t mind a
because I like to be busy and interacting with rather than sitting around all day with nothing to do.

How has employment changed in recent decades in your country?

In recent decades there has been a big shift in how people work in my country. Firstly, a lot more people have the option of so they can fit their jobs around their family lives. Also, since the growth of the internet, far more people now than ever before, especially influencers and other internet workers. I think people are starting to realise that being all day and for someone else’s benefit is not much fun. Young people nowadays would often rather be in new and exciting fields, which is why there are so many founded and owned by young people.

Read Full Answer

Describe your ideal job

Ideally I would like to land a job that is well paid, or at least above the national living wage. I am not particularly concerned with being in the rat race and competing to get to the top. My idea of job satisfaction is a stable job where I can collaborate with others and be a good team player, and at the same time put into practice what I learnt at university. I don’t mind a heavy workload because I like to be busy and interacting with colleagues rather than sitting around all day with nothing to do.

How has employment changed in recent decades in your country?

In recent decades there has been a big shift in how people work in my country. Firstly, a lot more people have the option of flexitime so they can fit their jobs around their family lives. Also, since the growth of the internet, far more people work from home now than ever before, especially influencers and other internet workers. I think people are starting to realise that being stuck behind a desk all day and working like a dog for someone else’s benefit is not much fun. Young people nowadays would often rather be entrepreneurs in new and exciting fields, which is why there are so many start-ups founded and owned by young people.

For more practice, Visit IELTS vocabulary for health.

Рабочая тетрадь

дисциплине «ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК «


на тему “Applying
for a job”


Составитель:  Т.Н. Головина

Орел, 2022


Как пользоваться рабочей тетрадью


Unit 1. Applying for a job


Unit 2. How not to die at your job interview


Unit 3. Get a job you want

Unit 4. Researching yourself (self-presentation)



Библиографический список          



Данная рабочая
тетрадь рекомендуется в помощь преподавателям английского языка для аудиторной и
самостоятельной работы со студентами.

Упражнения и
задания рабочей тетради разработаны с учётом изученного в средней школе курса
иностранного языка (английского) и учебного материала, предусмотренного рабочей
программой по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык».

Рабочая тетрадь
ориентирована на формирование и закрепление знаний и умений чтения, понимания и
перевода текстов (в зависимости от уровня подготовки — со словарём или без

что в результате работы по данному пособию студенты овладеют минимальным
объемом грамматического и лексического материала по вышеназванной теме, что
подготовит их к работе профессионально направленным текстовым материалом на
углубленном уровне, сформирует навыки ознакомительного и изучающего чтения и
навыки перевода специальных текстов.

Отдельные задания
рабочей тетради могут быть предложены преподавателем для вы­полнения под его
руководством в ходе аудиторной работы или как домашние задания.

Приступая к
работе с тетрадью, следует ознакомиться с источниками, рекомендован­ными в
библиографическом списке. Рекомендуется последовательное выполнение заданий,
поскольку они связаны логикой освоения учебного материала.

В рабочей тетради
предусмотрено место для записи ответов.


1. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.

You’ve decided to change careers. Or you are between jobs.
Whatever the reason, you’re looking for a new position.
If you’re job-hunting you can
the help of employment agencies.

You can also study the ads of job opportunities being published in different
printed publica­tions. But don’t put much
trust in ads
in the yellow press. Solid companies place ads in prestigious expensive pub­lications
with a firm reputation. Carefully read the
made of the given position. The demand to know a foreign
language is very important. In most cases
there is a
need for free command of the lan­guage — “Fluent English”. Free command is an ability freely to deal with a foreign manager, competently compile
documents and speak on
the phone. This demand may prove to be the most important.

When you’ve finally found an ap­propriate position, you’ll
have to go through a job interview either in the agency or in the company. But
if you prepare yourself properly, you can minimize the stress and at the same
time greatly increase your chances of getting the position you want.

The preparation must be the following; you’ll have to do some
research on the company you’re going to be interviewed
with; you must write an effective resume.
Think about some questions an in­terviewer may ask: «What do you know
about our company? What can you contribute to our company? How does your
educational and pro­fessional background fit in with our needs? Why do you
think you’re the right person we need? What are your good and bad
qualities?» and so on. You should
answer each of these ques­tions truthfully
with assurance. Try to avoid such answers as “1 don’t know,” “I
don’t want” etc.

The research on the company need not be in deep. Find out how long your future compa­ny has
worked; what fields its activi­ties cover, what countries its opera­tions are
in, who the competitors are.

Совместите слова и словосочетания с их
переводом и запишите их.

сменить профессию

искать работу

агентство по найму персонала

получать вознаграждение

высокооплачиваемая работа

устойчивая репутация

должностные обязанности

свободное владение английским языком

подходящая должность

10.     делать вклад
(во что-либо)

11.     хорошие и
плохие качества

12.     доступный

13.     конкурент

тот самый человек



right person

high-salaried job

command of English

and bad qualities


change careers

receive a fee

look for a job




professional duties


3. Заполните пропуски. Переведите текст на русский язык.

1) knowledge of counseling                      7) experience of
working with children

2) his hair cut                                            8) the
latest disasters

3) a degree in psychology                         9) for

4) out of work for ages                              10) the local
youth center

5) information about the job                      11) going to the

6) doing research

David had been buying a paper every day for
months though he wasn’t interested in the news about  (1)…….. It was work he wanted. David had
been (2)…… and when he got the
chance of a job in  (3)……. he
applied at once. He rang and asked them for (4)……. and they told him he needed some (5) ……. and if possible some training
in counseling techniques. David had quite a lot of  (6)……. because he had (7) ……. from Edinburgh

University and at one time he had seriously considered (8)…… in educa­tional psychology. Before  (9)…….he asked his mum  (10)……. about what he should wear, and
she told him to wear a suit and get  (11)……..


4. Прочитайте и запишите перевод текста на русский

And now read some pieces of ad­vice for job-hunters.

• Let as many people as possible know that you’re a

• Learn ahead of time about the company and its activities.

• Send your applications to as many companies
as possible.

• Describe the experience you have which makes you the right
person for the position.

• Talk and think more about the future than the past.

• Stress your stabi­lity,
responsibility and ability to
mix with any people.

• Stress your flexibility and readi­ness to learn.


Unit 2.  HOW

  1. Прочитайте и устно
    переведите  текст, и составьте список положительных или отрицательных
    рекомендаций (
    dos and donts).

Today, very few employers have time
for long interviews. That is why first impressions about you are very
If you want
to get the job, prepare for the interview. Learn all you can about the company
where you are seeking employment. You can make a better impression if you are
familiar with the company’s plans and operations.

Arrive for the interview on time.
When greeting the interviewer wait until he moves to shake hands. You should
also wait until he offers you a seat. Try to be relaxed and confident during
the interview.

Never interrupt the interviewers.
Don’t criticize your previous employers. No matter how bad they were. Speak
about them with respect when you start explaining why you quit (

The way you dress is also very

If your clothes don’t convey the
message you are competent, able, ambitious, self-confident, reliable, nothing
you say will overcome the negative signals emanating (
происходить, быть результатом (чегол.)
from your suit.

A dress costume (женский костюм) with a matching or contrasting jacket, gives a
feeling of strength and control to woman’s appearance.

A woman must avoid any kind of
dresses which portray her as weak or indecisive (
неуверенный). There doesn’t seem to be any
difference whether a woman chooses skirts or pants (
брюки) as long as the skirt is appropriate
for her daily activities. If your skirt distracts attention from the business
it is not acceptable as a work uniform. Pants give absolute freedom, but they
must fit perfectly, you should feel as comfortable in them as in a second skin.
Choose clothing in which you’ll be comfortable.

There’s one cardinal rule: don’t wear
anything that jingles (
clanks (
греметь) or glitters (блестеть). Dangling earrings (длинные, висящие серьги), charm bracelets, chain collections that distract
отвлекать) listeners from what you are saying
will lessen (
уменьшать) any
reliable image.

Strong perfumes are headachy in a
small office.

Remember that your make-up and hair
do should be moderate.

The first thing a man does when
preparing for a business meeting or visiting his boss is to put on his suit
jacket. No man could wear a red suit. He should wear a dark, conservative suit
with a dark or white shirt and with a matching or contrasting tie.
Men’s shoes should be
well-cleaned and shined.


Вопросы для обсуждения.

  1. How do people start
    looking for a job?
  2. What are the stages
    of the job-hunting process?
  3. What questions
    should you think over before going to the interview?
  4. Why is it advisable to do some research on the company you’re
    going to be interviewed with?
  5. What can you say
    about finding a job in Russia nowadays?

3. Какие вопросы, по
вашему мнению, не следует задавать во время собеседования? Почему? Обоснуйте
свое мнение с помощью следующих выражений.

Expressing opinion/agreeing/disagreeing

I think … .

In my opinion ….

I believe ….

I don’t agree that ….

I don’t think ….

I can’t agree that ….

I quite agree that ….

1     Where have you worked

you married?

3     What duties have you
performed in past jobs?

4     What are your short and
long-term career goals?

5     Why are you interested in
this organisation?

me about yourself.

7     Were your parents born in
this country?

8     What qualifications have
you got?

old are you?

10     How did you learn about
this job?

11     How many children have
you got?

12     What special
qualifications do you have for this job?

13     What are your greatest
strengths and weaknesses?

you belong to any religions groups

4. Прочитайте и устно переведите следующие резюме.

1)      Jane has decided to apply for the
position of a Manager Trainee in Canada. Here is her CV.


Jane Webster


43 Lothbury Street London EC2P
2BP United Kingdom

D. О. В.

May 6, 1977




1995 Certificate of Secondary Education St
Mary’s High School, London 1999
В A in Management The University of London


History, Gothic architecture

2) Another candidate has applied
for the same position. Here is his CV.

31 Canon Street, Montreal January 21, 2000

Mr Peterson

Abigail Abbot

156, King’s Street,


Dear Mr Peterson,

I am writing in response to your advertisement
for a Trainee Manager in the Times. I have just graduated and have a degree in
Marketing. In the University I had several positions involving a lot of
responsibility. I speak fluent French and have a good knowledge of German. I am
hard-working, ambitious, creative and like a chal­lenge. I would like to be
considered for the position you advertised. Please find attached my CV. Should
you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Sincerely yours,

Peter Green


Peter Green


31 Canon Street, Montreal, Canada

D. О. В.




Work experience

part-time jobs as a barmen


1999 BA Management (Honours) (с отличием) Uni­versity of Montreal
1995 French Secondary school Diploma, specialised in languages and Maths

Extracurricular activities

Elected Students representative on a Studies
Council in 1997


Fluent French, conversational German


Psycholosy, Internet

3)  Ответьте на вопросы:

Who do you think
is more likely to get this job: Peter of Jane?

Is Peter better
qualified than Jane?

Whose CV is
better laid out?

What mistakes did
Jane make in her CV?

What did she
forget to mention?

What was
unnecessary to mention?

5. Устно переведите письмо и заполните
пропуски, используя слова в скобках.

                                               Flat 104

33 Nevsky Prospect,

                                               St. Petersburg

The Manager

Paris Boutique

Nevsky Prospect,

St. Petersburg

Dear Sir / Madam,

I (1) … (to write) to apply for the job of
part-time salesperson that (2) … (to be advertised) in last Saturday’s
edition of  “St. Peters­burg Vedomosty”.

At the moment, I (3) … (to be) a fourth-year
student at the College of Design and I (4) … (to study) Fabrics and Dress
Design. I (5) … (to want) to produce and sell clothes of my own design, but
first of all I would like to gain first-hand experience of selling clothes. I
(6) … (to believe) that by doing that I (7) … (to understand) more
completely what it (5) … (to be) that women (9) … (to look for) when they
(10) … (to buy) clothes. In this way I (11)
… (to be able) to understand cus­tomers
‘ needs and (12) … (to design) clothes that are more popular.

I often (13) … (to pass) your shop and (14) … (to admire)
the clothes on display, so it would be a wonderful experience to be able to
help sell these clothes.

I (15) … (to have) some experience of selling
in a shop near my parent’s home and I would be very grateful for the
opportunity of an interview.

Yours faithfully,

Olga Novikova
















10.  Прочитайте и
письменно переведите объявление о приеме на работу.

International law firm has an opening
for a receptionist in its lo­cal office. It is based in the US
and has 25 offices worldwide. The local office works closely with Moscow,
Washington and New York offices of the firm.

Receptionist duties:

—  Answering the phone and dealing
with visitors.

— Taking messages.

— Participating in various legal
projects (working with legal documents, copying, filing).

Candidate requirements:

— Fluent English.

— Good communication skills.

— Knowledge of computer equipment and
computer literacy.

— Initiative.

— Keyboard skills would be a plus.

No legal background (education or
work experience) is required.



Unit 3. Get
a job you want.

1. Работая в группах, обсудите следующие вопросы:

  1. What kind of job would you like?
  2. What skills and qualities do you need for it?
  3. What sort of duties would you have?
  4. What sort of working weeks would you have?
  5. Find out what kind of job is the most wanted in your
  6. Write five adjectives to characterize the job you would
    like to get and explain your choice.
  1. Прочитайте утверждения о проблемах с рабочими вакансиями в Англии и определите,
    верны ли эти утверждения. (
    True  (T) or False (F).



1.      Both employers and
employees took part in the survey.

2.      There are fewer
vacancies than potential employees.

3.      Employers claim their
staff often lack skills and professional training.

4.      Some of the companies
solve the problem by moving part of their business to other countries.

problem may be solved within the country by looking for more experienced

3. Ознакомьтесь с
отчетом о результатах исследования и проверьте свои предположения.

Twenty percent of job vacancies in
England remain unfilled because of skills shortages, according to a report
published by the Learning and Skills Council.

The National Employer Skill Survey,
which included 72,000 employers, showed that some 135,000 vacancies had not
been filled because of a lack of applicants with the rights skills.

Existing employees also lack the
competence required by their employers, the report said. Twenty percent of
employers claimed that their staff did not have the relevant skills, and about
one third of those said that this incompetence had a direct impact on their

The survey follows a report from the
Confederation of British Industry, which showed that some 29% of businesses are
exporting jobs overseas, while a further 43% said they felt under pressure to
do so. A quarter said that a lack of labour skills was a key factor in their

A third of employers who claimed they
were suffering because of incompetent staff admitted that it was largely down
to their own failure to train them.

Companies are addressing the skills
gap by spending a total of £4.5bn on staff training, the equivalent of £200 per
person each year. But despite their efforts, only half of employees are
actually benefiting from the additional spending.

This survey shows that to remain
competitive both nationally and internationally, English businesses must be
more strategic in their staff training and development.

4. На основании
данных отчета заполните таблице недостающими цифрами.

  1. Percentage of non-filled job
    vacancies a year.
  1. Percentage of employers not
    satisfied with their employees
  1. Annual spending on staff
    training per person

5. Ответьте на

Why are there so many unfilled job
vacancies in Britain?

What should be done to solve the
problem according to the text? Do you agree with the idea?

What else should be done in your

6. Письменно
переведите следующие слова и выражения и разделите слова их на три категории:

  1. be
  2. be
  3. resign
    from a job_________________________________________
  4. make
    (somebody) redundant________________________________
  5. have a
    job interview_______________________________________
  6. apply
    for a job___________________________________________
  7. be out of work____________________________________________
  8. look for a job_____________________________________________
  9. write a CV_______________________________________________
  10. retire____________________________________________________
  11. sack/fire somebody_________________________________________

Getting a job

Leaving a job

Not having a job

7. Замените подчеркнутые выражения аналогичными по
смыслу выражениями из задания 6.

  1. She looks through newspapers and magazines every day. She is trying to find

  2. She has found a job she would like to get. She is
    going to make an official request for it.


  1. To apply for this job you need to write a
    document giving details of your qualifications and the jobs you have had
    in the past
  2. I’m so nervous! Гт going to have a formal meeting in which I will
    be asked questions to find out if I’m suitable for the job.
  3. He doesn’t like his job. He is going to leave
  4. She was made to leave her job because she refused
    to follow the safety regulations.


  1. They were told to leave their jobs because they
    were no longer needed.___________________
  2. He is going to leave his job next year
    because he will be 60.___________________________
  3. How long have you been without a job?___________________________________________
  1. Прочитайте текст о
    качествах и умениях, которыми должен обладать успешный менеджер. Заполните
    пропуски в тексте словами и выражениями из таблицы. Письменно переведите
    текст на русский язык.


Personal qualities







A manager should be (1)________________because
he/she is determined to make a career and be more successful than other people.
I think, he/she should be ready to take risks but only after thinking carefully
about what might happen, in other words, be ready (2) _____________________

Не/She needs to be (3)_________________ because sometimes it is
important to continue working even when it is difficult, and other people may
tell you not to do it.
And as a leader a manager must be (4)____________________ to encourage others
in their work. Plus he/she should be able (5___________________ working with
people might be difficult and sometimes stressful.


9. Добавьте в таблицу
качества из списка, которые, по вашему мнению, подходят  менеджеру. Запишите
их перевод на русский язык.

professional jargon


interpersonal skills

decision-making skills

listening skills

negotiation skills



computer literate ____________________________________________________

teamwork skills ____________________________________________________

telephone skills ____________________________________________________

problem-solving skills____________________________________________________

 to do research ____________________________________________________

basic business etiquette ____________________________________________________

competent ____________________________________________________


10. Используя
следующие выражения, объясните, почему вы выбрали для заполнения таблицы именно
эти качества и умения.

Giving an opinion

I think a … should
be/have …. I think a … needs ….

If you want to succeed as
a … you should be/have ….

To have a successful
career as a … you need to be/have ….

11. Эти объявления появились
в разделе «Вакансии» одной из газет. Прочитайте и письменно переведите тексты
объявлений, а затем сравните их.


Personal Assistant

required to assist department managers in our Southtown
office. Applicants must have experience of working in a computer company and
mustn’t have less than ten years’ job experience. Typing and shorthand
preferred. Age: 30 +.Salary: $10,000 p.a. The job does not involve any

Candidates must provide a c.v., the names of two referees,
and a statement of what makes a good PA. Applications should be sent to:

Compact Systems,

96 Rosewall Drive,






Assistant to
the Managing Director

We are looking for a suitably
qualified person with a minimum of 5 years’ experience of working in a
business company, but not necessarily in the computer industry, to take up a
post as a Personal Assistant to the
Managing Director. Applicants must
typing and shorthand skills, be well-dressed and
willing to travel. Maximum age: 28. Full c.v.
and the
name of previous
employer to:

Inventor Plus,

60 Cheswick Avenue,




12. Увидев объявление в газете, Хилари (H) и Эрика  (E) решили
его обсудить
. Прочитайте их диалог по ролям и
составьте список качеств, которые, по мнению Хилари  и Эрики, должны быть
присущи личному ассистенту


Hey! Look at this. Here’s an advertisement for a Personal
Assistant. Inventor Plus. Have you heard of them?


No, but I have heard of Compact Systems. They’re supposed
to be very good to work for, and computer companies are what I really want.


Are you going to apply for it?


I will, I think. Look at this. It says, «Must provide
two referees and a statement of what makes a good PA or secretary.» What
do you think they mean?


I don’t know. Perhaps they mean things like filing systems.


Oh yes, a good PA has to have a good filing system.


Can you think of anything else?


Well, you could say something about receiving visitors.
«An effective Personal Assistant must be good at receiving
visitors», something like that.


I agree, you mustn’t create a bad impression.


Well, that’s two things. What else?


And what about phone manner?


Yes, of course. You’ve got to have a good phone manner.


And there’s appearance. In the last place I worked we had
to dress very neatly.


OK, that’s the one more: a good PA must also have a neat
appearance. Can you think of any     more?


No? I think those are the most important points.

13. Какое впечатление хотите вы произвести на своих
деловых партнеров? Какое впечатление о себе вы не хотели бы оставить?

I try to be:

I try not to be

pleasant, sleepy, lazy, friendly, calm, clumsy, helpful,
stupid, inefficient, honest, nasty, polite, unhelpful, rude, sincere, unclear,
confident, skilful dishonest, prejudiced, intelligent, nice.

14. Прочитайте по ролям собеседование в компании COMPACT SYSTEMS  

      PM  — Personnel Manager   MM   —
Marketing Manager      HB    —  Hilary Beacham


Come in. Ah, good morning Miss Beacham. Thank you for


Good morning.


Please sit down.


Thank you.


Can I introduce you to Alice Everett, our Marketing


How do you do?


How do you do?


And I am Sheila Polson, the Personnel Manager. So, Miss
Beacham, did you find us easily this morning?


Yes, it’s an easy route from where I live in Southtown.


And do you have your own car?


Yes, I have.


Good. Can we check on a few of your personal details? You
were born in 1980, is that right?


Yes, 3rd September 1973 to be exact.


And you’re single.


Yes, I am.


OK. Can we move on to your education now? You’ve got four
«O» levels including English language?


That’s right


Thank you very much, Miss Beacham. Alice, would you like to


Yes, certainly. Miss Beacham, can you tell us a little bit
about where you have worked before?


Well, my last job was with Format. That was also a computer


And you were a PA there?


Yes, that’s right.         


And when did you start with them?


Two years ago.


I see. So why did you decide to leave?


Well, perhaps you heard that the company went into
liquidation earlier this year.


Yes, we heard about it.


So what did you like about that job?


Well, my job was PA to the Marketing Manager. What I
enjoyed most was coming into contact with customers and suppliers both
face-to-face and on the phone.


And where did you work before Format?


Ideal Systems.


And how long did you work for Ideal Systems?


For ten years, as a secretary.


And why did you leave that job?


Well, I felt that I needed a change. I think I had learnt
all I could there.


 So how much experience do you have of working in computer


Well, two years at Format and ten at Ideal Systems.


What secretarial qualifications have you got?


Well, I’ve got two secretarial qualifications. I’ve got an
RSA Stage III Typing and I’ve  got an RSA 100 words per minute shorthand.


Fine. And one final question. If we decided to offer you
the job, when could you start?


Oh, I could start immediately or as soon as you wanted me


Fine. Well, I think it’s enough.

NoteВ возрасте шестнадцати лет английские студенты сдают экзамен для
получения так называемого
General Certificate of Secondary
Education (GCSE). В
восемнадцать лет, перед поступлением в университет, студенты получают A Levels
(Advanced Levels).

15. Прочитайте
и письменно переведите текст объявления.

Biggs and Co

seeking a dynamic Sales Manager to take charge of its European markets.

must have a minimum of two years’ experience in the field of electronics.

salary £ 20-25 depending on experience.

must apply in writing with a full CV and two passport-sized photographs to:

J.M. Dawson

Managing Director

Biggs and Co limited

60 West Road




16. Прочитайте и письменно переведите письмо, которое
было прислано в ответ на это объявление.

Church Street


Surrey, RH 4 1JP

J.I. Dawson

Marketing Director

Biggs and Co Ltd

60 West Road

Oxford, OX 2TD

August 2004

Dear Mr. Dawson,

I read with interest your
advertisement in the Sunday Times, and I would like to apply for the
post of Sales Manager at your company.

I am enclosing full curriculum vitae
and two passport-sized photographs as you requested.

I look forward to hearing from you.



P.S. If you need to contact me during
weekdays, my mobile telephone number is 0799432467.


17. Михаил Константинов, студент – второкурсник университета, 
хочет получить работу администратора в отеле. Расположите части его резюме в
правильном порядке.

a)  Interests: studying
languages, travelling, studying different countries:
traditions, customs, ways of life

b)  Address: 47, Park Street, Samara, 134097

c)  Work experience: Jan 2004
— April 2005 courier at «Traveller» travel agency
Jun 2003 — Dec 2003 helping Mum in a bookshop

d)  Name: Mikhail

e)  Education: Sept 2004 —
now Samara State University, tourism department
1994-2004 Secondary school no. 134

2001-2004 English and
Spanish language courses

f) Date of birth:

18. Прочитайте
отрывок из собеседования и ответьте, получит ли Миссис Стаут работу. Обоснуйте
свой ответ.

So tell me, Mrs Stout,
asked the interviewer, do you have any other skills or achievements you think
might be worth mentioning?’

‘Well, actually, yes, replied
the applicant modestly. Last year I had two short stories published in national
magazines, and f also finished a novel.

‘Very impressive,
commented the interviewer, ‘but I was thinking of skills you could apply during
office hours.

Mrs Stout explained
brightly, “Oh, that was during office hours”.

Надпись: Grand Hotel Volga
is looking for a receptionist
The successful candidate should have:
+ excellent communication skills.
+ fluent English.
+ sense of responsibility.
+ ability to work well under pressure.
Relevant experience is a plus but not essential.
We provide:
+ excellent working conditions.
+ flexible working hours.
+ competitive salary and benefits.
Please send your CV to the Human Resources manager: 
Natalia Andreeva by e-mail:

19. В парах, прочитайте
заявление, которое написал менеджеру отеля Михаил Константинов. Как
бы вы изменили его в лучшую сторону? Напишите свою версию.

Надпись: Dear Sir/Madam,
I saw your advertisement last week and decided to write. I think the job of receptionist will be good for me.
At the moment, I am a 2nd year student of tourism and I would like to work in your hotel — I have been to the hotel several times taking part in different seminars and I liked it very much. It will be cool to work there! My knowledge of English and Spanish will help me to communicate with customers.
I have worked in a travel agency for six months and it was not that interesting as the job of a receptionist in your hotel will be. Helping my Mum in a book shop was extremely boring but at least it gave me some experience of dealing with angry customers.
I am sending my CV in the attachment. 
Don't hesitate to contact me at any time. 
Best wishes,
Mikhail Konstantinov

Примите во внимание объявление
отеля о приеме на работу.


20. Для
трудоустройства необходимл пройти следующие этапы. Расставьте их в порядке их

1 Sending a cover                   4
Responding to interview                 7 Researching the

letter                                       questions                                                        market

2 Sending
a CV/                    5 Making interview small                  8

resume                                       talk                                                              yourself

3 Sending a follow-up            6 Reading a job


Обсудите с партнером и обоснуйте ваш выбор. Начните,
как в примере:


—  I think “Researching the market “
should be the first thing to do. You have to find an advertisement in a
newspaper or a magazine with the post proposal.

 —  I can’t agree. I think
“Researching yourself” should be the first  one. You have to know you strengths
and weaknesses before starting the application process.

21. Работая в
парах, составьте список вопросов, которые, по вашему мнению, обычно задают на
собеседовании. Какие
из них являются наиболее трудными и почему?

22. Какие вопросы
не следует задавать на собеседовании и почему?

Expressing opinion/agreeing/disagreeing

I think … .

In my opinion ….

I believe ….

I don’t agree that ….

I don’t think ….

I can’t agree that ….

I quite agree that ….

1.      Where have you worked

you married?

3.      What duties have you
performed in past jobs?

are your short and long-term career goals?

are you interested in this organisation?

me about yourself.

your parents born in this country?

8.      What qualifications have
you got?

old are you?

10.  How did you learn about
this job?

11.  How many children have
you got?

12.  What special
qualifications do you have for this job?

13.  What are your greatest
strengths and weaknesses?

14.  Do you belong to any
religions groups?

23.О каких качествах (положительных и
отрицательных) следует упомянуть в резюме?

Unit 4.  
Researching yourself (Self Presentation

1. Переведите на русский язык:  

Creative – _________________________________

Decisive – ________________________________

Flexible – ________________________________

Organized – ________________________________

Persuasive – ________________________________

Reliable – ________________________________

Honest – честный

Communicative – ________________________________

Hard-working – ________________________________

Imaginative –________________________________

Patient – ________________________________

Plan ahead – ________________________________

To agree with – ________________________________

Do you always do what you say? – ________________________________

Are you good at coming up with ….? – ________________________________

Are you able to plan ahead? – ________________________________

I am a little bit … — ________________________________

I’m reasonably good at … — ________________________________

I recently managed to … — ________________________________

Occasionally I’m  …     — ________________________________

I could be better at … — ________________________________

2. Соотнесите черты характера  1 – 6  с 
вопросами  а –
f :

Example:                    1 — f

1. creative                               a. Do you always do
what you say you’ll do?

2. decisive                              b.
Are you good at getting other people to agree with you?

3. flexible                               с. Are you good at making your mind up

4. organized                            d. Are you able to
plan ahead successfully/

5. persuasive               e. are you able to cope with
last-minute changes?

6. reliable                                а. Are you good at coming up with
imaginative solutions?

3. Составьте рассказ о ваших
слабых и сильных сторонах. Используйте следующие фразы:







I’m excellent at …

I’m able to …

I’m  interested in …

I recently managed to …

I’m not very good at …

I could be better at …

I’m reasonably good at

I would like to be able
to …

I’m …

I try to …

I can sometimes be …

Occasionally I’m …

I can be a little bit …

4.Прочитайте и переведите устно текст, в котором консультант рекрутингового
агентства Оливер Донован рассказывает о резюме и письмах о приеме на работу.

When people start looking for a new
job they often lack experience in job-hunting, and the aim of a recruitment
agency is to help them find a good job and, of course, help with all the
possible problems that may arise, including preparing the necessary documents.

First of all, you need a CV. A CV is
a short description of where you’ve worked, where you went to school and your
skills. Usually the information is given in reverse chronological
gives an employer a sense of what you can do and what experience you have.
That’s why not only the place of work, but also the position you held and your
duties are important. And don’t forget about your education and any awards and
certificates you’ve received: sometimes school awards can help create a good
impression. The purpose of a CV is to get you through the interviewer’s door.
Employers decide who to interview from the CVs they receive for each job. The
better your CV is, the more likely you’ll get an interview for the job. And
remember that in order to invite you for an interview, an employer needs to
know your name, address and phone number so that they can contact you!

Then, you need a letter of application
to accompany your CV. It should be written to a specific employer for a
specific job. It says which position you are applying for, and introduces you
to the employer, and highlights the skills and experience you have that make
you the right person for the job. Dont write a long letter – three of four
short paragraphs is enough. It shouldn’t be longer than a page.

When you start looking through job
advertisements in any newspaper you’ll notice that most companies ask
candidates to e-mail their CVs and letters of application. In such cases it’s
best to have your letter as the body of the e-mail
and send your CV as attachment.

5. Ответьте на

1     Why do some people have
difficulties looking for a job?

2     What is a CV about?

3     In what order should you
put the facts in the CV?

4     What does an employer
decide having read your CV?

5     What is the purpose of a
letter of application?

6     Is there any difference
between a CV and a letter of application?

you use the same CV/letter of application when applying for different jobs?

does Oliver Donovan recommend sending a CV and a letter of application?

– студент, собирающийся на летних каникулах поехать в США поработать. Заполните
это заявление о приеме на работу своей личной информацией.

logoThis form will
be reviewed by potential employers, so please be as detailed as possible. Be
honest and do not overrate your skills. 2 nice smiling photos (portrait
+ full-length) scanned at resolution 150 DPI must be attached. Upon completing,
read carefully and correct mistakes (we do NOT accept CVs with mistakes). Then
send your completed CV with digital photos to Inter-Air coordinator ( Good photos and correct detailed form are the keys to your
successful placement and interesting well-paid job. Take it seriously!

We guarantee that no parts of this form will be open to general
use. Your privacy is respected.

last name:


Native language:


Date of birth. Month: 



Home phone number:

code — city code — number)

Mobile phone number:

code — network code — number)


How often you check

Height (ft, in):                               

Weight (lbs):

of t-shirt:

Size of trousers: 


of study:

How many years will you complete next

you plan to arrive to USA:

Latest date you can return:


Driving experience:


Do you smoke? 


(cooking, cleaning,
gardening, playing piano, carpentry, sports, animals, etc – be detailed)

you previously been to the United States? If “yes”, indicate [x] from the

If “yes”, indicate dates and visas
you have entered U.S. on:

you have taken English tests, indicate test name and score:

other commonly used languages do you know:

following information about each employer or work experience you have:

Name of the company, period

Your position and responsibilities:

Please give a detailed
of your previous working history. It is very important to know
what duties you can take up. List every experience you have (no matter –
paid, volunteer or work done at home).

you be able to transfer a housing deposit?

(housing deposits are
returned in case you are refused a visa in US Embassy)

jobs which you are NOT willing to do:

you have visible tattoos, body piercing, informal appearance? If “yes”,
indicate [x] from the right:

“yes”, please explain:

you have any allergies or health problems that may affect your ability to
work? If “yes”, indicate [x] from the right:

“yes”, please explain:

that you have to prove your suitability for a job. Employer looks through 10
candidates. Why choose you?

for successful story:

Why would you like to work
in U.S.?

What is your idea of ideal
summer job?

What personal qualities and
skills can you offer to an Employer?

yourself (character, personal abilities, merits and demerits, habits)

there are any other request to your future place of work, write here:

If you are looking for
specific position or location, or if it is obligatory to be placed with a
friend, etc.

Be noticed that more
you have means less chances for your placement. Keep it

where you would like to go:

Библиографический список

  1. Дворецкая О.Б.,
    Казырбаева Н.Ю.
    Business English for Schools: Элективный курс для 10-11 кл. профильной школы:
    Учебное пособие. – Обнинск: Титул, 2012.
  2. H. Ferlicchia BA (Hons)
    “Commercial English”.
    Учебное пособие по коммерческому английскому языку.- М.:
    Эксмо, 2012
  3. Серена Мёрдок-Стерн
    «Общение на английском: телефон, факс, e-mail, деловая переписка»: учебное
    пособие.- М.: Астрель, АСТ
  4. С.И. Буданов, А.А.
    Борисова, Деловой английский язык. М.: Эксмо 2014
  5. Серена Мёрдок-Стерн
    Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и
    профессиональные контакты: учебное пособие.- М.: Астрель, АСТ

She didn’t want to get fired.


it tends to limited to constructions without an expressed animate agent

-While the be-passive is unmarked and thus semantically neautral,

the GET-PASSIVE tends to have an adversative nature

as it generally occurs with verbs from semantic ‘categories such as:

to take hold of something suddenly and roughly

Avoided in formal style-

• Are you able to claim any additional compensation if you have been unfairly dismissed?

• Employees are scared to enforce their rights because if they did they would be unfairly dismissed.
—Hypothetical conditional part of the unreal conditional —it expresses speculations about imagined events or states in the present and future

• Once the protection is acquired, the employee can make a claim that he or she has been unfairly dismissed.

-present perfect can convey fututre time reference, especially in adverbial clauses of TIME or condition when the verb in the main clause is in the future or imperative form.

• He said something about they’d been unfairly dismissed.
-the simple past denotes activities or states in the past without any connection to the present-we are interested in when the action took plac; that is why, we usually use adverbs or adverbial expressions that indicate the specific point in time when the action was carried out.
—the past perfect tense is used to refer to a PAST acrion PREVIOUS to another past action. It is used to express past in the past. It is also called «Earlier past»

• They will both claim that they were unfairly dismissed because the other was the culprit but that is not the issue.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Not have a good word for перевод
  • Not happy to do something one word
  • Not happy other word
  • Not good enough in one word
  • Not giving up word combinations or sentences with these words