Not have a good word for перевод

  • 1
    not to have a good word to say for somebody/something

    not to have a good word to say for somebody/something

    no decir absolutamente nada en favor de alguien/algo

    English-spanish dictionary > not to have a good word to say for somebody/something

  • 2



    1) Wort, das

    in a or one word — mit einem Wort

    [not] in so many words — [nicht] ausdrücklich

    bad luck/drunk is not the word for it — Pech/betrunken ist gar kein Ausdruck dafür

    without a or one/another word — ohne ein/ein weiteres Wort

    too funny etc. for words — unsagbar komisch usw.; see also»>fail 2. 5); play 1. 2), 2. 1)

    2) Wort, das

    exchange or have words — einen Wortwechsel haben

    have a word [with somebody] about something — [mit jemandem] über etwas (Akk.) sprechen

    could I have a word [with you]? — kann ich dich mal sprechen?

    take somebody at his/her word — jemanden beim Wort nehmen

    word of command/advice — Kommando, das/Rat, der

    the Word [of God] — das Wort [Gottes]

    put in a good word for somebody [with somebody] — [bei jemandem] ein [gutes] Wort für jemanden einlegen

    give [somebody] one’s word — jemandem sein Wort geben

    keep/break one’s word — sein Wort halten/brechen

    5) in pl. Text, der

    6) no pl., no indef. art. Nachricht, die

    word has it or the word is [that]… — es geht das Gerücht, dass…

    word went round that… — es ging das Gerücht, dass…

    send/leave word that/of when… — Nachricht geben/eine Nachricht hinterlassen, dass/wenn…

    at the word ‘run’, you run! — bei dem Wort ‘rennen’ rennst du!


    transitive verb

    * * *


    1) das Wort

    2) einige Worte (pl.)

    4) das Wort




    — word processor
    — word processing
    — word-perfect
    — by word of mouth
    — get a word in edgeways
    — in a word
    — keep
    — break one’s word
    — take someone at his word
    — take at his word
    — take someone’s word for it
    — word for word

    * * *

    [wɜ:d, AM wɜ:rd]

    I. n

    we’ve had enough of words genug der Worte

    do you remember the exact words? erinnern Sie sich [noch] an den genauen Wortlaut?

    and those are his exact words? und das hat er genau so gesagt?

    what’s the word for ‘bikini’ in French? was heißt ‚Bikini‘ auf Französisch?

    clumsy isn’t the word for it! unbeholfen ist noch viel zu milde ausgedrückt!

    hush, not a word! pst, keinen Mucks!

    nobody’s said a word about that to me kein Mensch hat mir etwas davon gesagt

    or words to that effect oder so ähnlich

    to be a man/woman of few words nicht viel reden, kein Mann/keine Frau vieler Worte sein

    empty words leere Worte

    in other words mit anderen Worten

    to use a rude word ein Schimpfwort benutzen

    the spoken/written word das gesprochene/geschriebene Wort

    to be too stupid for words unsagbar dumm sein

    to not breathe a word of [or about] sth kein Sterbenswörtchen von etw dat verraten

    to not know a word of French/German/Spanish kein Wort Französisch/Deutsch/Spanisch können

    word for word Wort für Wort

    to translate sth word for word etw [wort]wörtlich übersetzen

    in a word um es kurz zu sagen

    in the words of Burns um mit Burns zu sprechen

    in words of one syllable in einfachen Worten

    in sb’s own words mit jds eigenen Worten

    in so many words ausdrücklich, direkt

    2. no pl (short conversation) [kurzes] Gespräch; (formal) Unterredung f

    to have a word with sb [about sth] mit jdm [über etw akk] sprechen

    ah, John, I’ve been meaning to have a word with you ach, John, kann ich dich kurz mal sprechen?

    could I have a word about the sales figures? kann ich Sie kurz wegen der Verkaufszahlen sprechen?

    the manager wants a word der Manager möchte Sie sprechen

    to exchange [or have] a few words with sb ein paar Worte mit jdm wechseln

    to have a quiet word with sb jdn zur Seite nehmen

    to say a few words [about sth] [zu etw dat] ein paar Worte sagen

    there’s no word from head office yet die Zentrale hat uns noch nicht Bescheid gegeben

    word gets around [or about] [or BRIT round] Neuigkeiten verbreiten sich schnell

    word has it [or [the] word is] that they may separate es geht das Gerücht, dass sie sich trennen

    [the] word is out [that]… es wurde öffentlich bekanntgegeben, dass…

    to get word of sth [from sb] etw [von jdm] erfahren

    to have word from sb [etwas] von jdm hören

    to have [or hear] word that… [davon] hören, dass…

    4. no pl (order) Kommando nt, Befehl m

    we’re waiting for the word from head office wir warten auf die Anweisung von der Zentrale

    to give the word den Befehl geben

    if you want to leave, just say the word wenn du gehen möchtest, brauchst du es nur zu sagen

    word of advice Rat[schlag] m

    word of warning Warnung f

    6. no pl (promise) Wort nt, Versprechen nt

    do we have your word on that? haben wir dein Wort darauf?

    my word is my bond ( form or hum) auf mein Wort kannst du bauen

    to be a man/woman of his/her word zu seinem/ihrem Wort stehen, halten, was man verspricht

    to be as good as/better than one’s word sein Wort halten/mehr als halten

    to give [sb] one’s word that… jdm versprechen [o sein [Ehren]wort geben], dass…

    to take sb at his/her word jdn beim Wort nehmen

    7. no pl (statement of facts) Wort nt

    it’s her word against mine es steht Aussage gegen Aussage

    to take sb’s word for it [that…] jdm glauben, dass…

    words pl Text m


    a word in your ear BRIT ein kleiner Tipp unter uns

    words fail me! mir fehlen die Worte!

    sb cannot get a word in edgeways [or AM edgewise] ( fam) jd kommt überhaupt nicht zu Wort

    from the word go vom ersten Moment [o von Anfang] an

    to have words with sb eine Auseinandersetzung mit jdm haben, sich akk mit jdm streiten

    to have a quick word in sb’s ear BRIT kurz mit jdm allein sprechen

    to not have a good word to say about sb/sth kein gutes Haar an jdm/etw lassen

    by word of mouth mündlich

    my word! [or ( old) upon my word] du meine Güte!

    to put words in[to] sb’s mouth jdm Worte in den Mund legen

    to put in a good word for sb/sth [with sb] [bei jdm] ein gutes Wort für jdn/etw einlegen

    to take the words out of sb’s mouth jdm das Wort aus dem Mund[e] nehmen

    II. vt

    to word sth etw formulieren [o in Worte fassen]; document etw abfassen

    * * *


    «irresponsible» would be a better word for it — «unverantwortlich» wäre wohl das treffendere Wort dafür

    in a word — mit einem Wort, kurz gesagt

    in other words — mit anderen Worten, anders gesagt or ausgedrückt

    a word of encouragement/warning — eine Ermunterung/Warnung

    John, could I have a word? — John, kann ich dich mal sprechen?

    remember, not a word to anyone — vergiss nicht, kein Sterbenswörtchen

    to have words with sb — mit jdm eine Auseinandersetzung haben

    word went round that… — es ging die Nachricht um, dass…

    to leave word (with sb/for sb) that… — (bei jdm/für jdn) (die Nachricht) hinterlassen, dass…

    to be true to or as good as one’s word, to keep one’s word — sein Wort halten

    it’s his word against mine —

    7) Wort

    ; Kommando

    , Befehl

    the Word of God —

    (in Worten) ausdrücken, formulieren, in Worte fassen ; formulieren; abfassen

    * * *

    word [wɜːd; US wɜrd]

    A v/t in Worte fassen, (in Worten) ausdrücken, formulieren, abfassen:

    B s

    1. Wort n:

    a) Worte,

    b) LING Wörter;

    in one’s own words in eigenen Worten;

    2. Wort n, Ausspruch m:

    words Worte pl, Rede f, Äußerung f

    3. pl Text m, Worte pl (eines Liedes etc):

    4. (Ehren-)Wort n, Versprechen n, Zusage f, Erklärung f, Versicherung f:

    upon my word! auf mein Wort!;

    my word! meine Güte!;

    break (give, keep) one’s word sein Wort brechen (geben, halten);

    it’s her word against his hier steht Aussage gegen Aussage; eat B 1, have B 1

    5. Bescheid m, Nachricht f:

    6. a) Parole f, Losung f, Stichwort n

    b) Befehl m, Kommando n

    c) Zeichen n, Signal n:

    give the word (to do sth);

    7. REL

    8. pl Wortwechsel m, Streit m:

    in a word mit einem Wort, kurz, kurzum;

    b) das Allerneueste oder -beste (in an dat);

    can I have a word with you? kann ich Sie mal kurz sprechen?;

    he hasn’t a word to throw at a dog er kommt sich zu fein vor, um mit anderen zu sprechen; er macht den Mund nicht auf;

    cold’s not the word for it umg kalt ist gar kein Ausdruck; ear1 Bes Redew, hang C 1, mark1 B 10

    wd abk

    1. ward Abtlg., Station f

    * * *



    1) Wort, das

    in a or one word — mit einem Wort

    [not] in so many words — [nicht] ausdrücklich

    bad luck/drunk is not the word for it — Pech/betrunken ist gar kein Ausdruck dafür

    without a or one/another word — ohne ein/ein weiteres Wort

    too funny etc. for words — unsagbar komisch usw.; see also fail 2. 5); play 1. 2), 2. 1)

    exchange or have words — einen Wortwechsel haben

    have a word [with somebody] about something — [mit jemandem] über etwas (Akk.) sprechen

    could I have a word [with you]? — kann ich dich mal sprechen?

    take somebody at his/her word — jemanden beim Wort nehmen

    word of command/advice — Kommando, das/Rat, der

    the Word [of God] — das Wort [Gottes]

    put in a good word for somebody [with somebody] — [bei jemandem] ein [gutes] Wort für jemanden einlegen

    give [somebody] one’s word — jemandem sein Wort geben

    keep/break one’s word — sein Wort halten/brechen

    5) in pl. Text, der

    6) no pl., no indef. art. Nachricht, die

    word has it or the word is [that]… — es geht das Gerücht, dass…

    word went round that… — es ging das Gerücht, dass…

    send/leave word that/of when… — Nachricht geben/eine Nachricht hinterlassen, dass/wenn…

    at the word ‘run’, you run! — bei dem Wort ‘rennen’ rennst du!


    transitive verb

    * * *


    formulieren v. n.

    Wort ¨-er n.

    English-german dictionary > word

  • 3

    [wɜ:d, Am wɜ:rd] n

    we’ve had enough of words genug der Worte;

    do you remember the exact words? erinnern Sie sich [noch] an den genauen Wortlaut?;

    and those are his exact words? und das hat er genau so gesagt?;

    what’s the word for ‘bikini’ in French? was heißt ‚Bikini‘ auf Französisch?;

    clumsy isn’t the word for it! unbeholfen ist noch viel zu milde ausgedrückt!;

    hush, not a word! pst, keinen Mucks!;

    nobody’s said a word about that to me kein Mensch hat mir etwas davon gesagt;

    or words to that effect oder so ähnlich;

    to be a man/woman of few words nicht viel reden, kein Mann/keine Frau vieler Worte sein;

    empty words leere Worte;

    in other words mit anderen Worten;

    to use a rude word ein Schimpfwort benutzen;

    the spoken/written word das gesprochene/geschriebene Wort;

    to be too stupid for words unsagbar dumm sein;

    to not breathe a word of [or about] sth kein Sterbenswörtchen von etw dat verraten;

    to not know a word of French/ German/ Spanish kein Wort Französisch/Deutsch/Spanisch können;

    word for word Wort für Wort;

    to translate sth word for word etw [wort]wörtlich übersetzen;

    in a word um es kurz zu sagen;

    in the words of Burns um mit Burns zu sprechen;

    in words of one syllable in einfachen Worten;

    in sb’s own words mit jds eigenen Worten;

    in so many words ausdrücklich, direkt

    to have a word with sb [about sth] mit jdm [über etw akk] sprechen;

    ah, John, I’ve been meaning to have a word with you ach, John, kann ich dich kurz mal sprechen?;

    could I have a word about the sales figures? kann ich Sie kurz wegen der Verkaufszahlen sprechen?;

    the manager wants a word der Manager möchte Sie sprechen;

    to exchange [or have] a few words with sb ein paar Worte mit jdm wechseln;

    to have a quiet word with sb jdn zur Seite nehmen;

    to say a few words [about sth] [zu etw dat] ein paar Worte sagen

    there’s no word from head office yet die Zentrale hat uns noch nicht Bescheid gegeben;

    hey, Martin, what’s the good word? (Am) ( fam) hallo, Martin, was gibt’s Neues?;

    word gets around [or about] [or ( Brit) round] Neuigkeiten verbreiten sich schnell;

    word has it [or [the] word is] that they may separate es geht das Gerücht, dass sie sich trennen;

    [the] word is out [that]… es wurde öffentlich bekannt gegeben, dass…;

    to get word of sth [from sb] etw [von jdm] erfahren;

    to have word from sb [etwas] von jdm hören;

    to have [or hear] word that… [davon] hören, dass…

    we’re waiting for the word from head office wir warten auf die Anweisung von der Zentrale;

    to give the word den Befehl geben

    5) ( remark) Bemerkung f;

    if you want to leave, just say the word wenn du gehen möchtest, brauchst du es nur zu sagen;

    word of advice Rat[schlag] m;

    word of warning Warnung f

    do we have your word on that? haben wir dein Wort darauf?;

    my word is my bond ( form) ( hum) auf mein Wort kannst du bauen;

    to be as good as/better than one’s word sein Wort halten/mehr als halten;

    to give [sb] one’s word that… jdm versprechen [o sein [Ehren]wort geben], dass…;

    it’s her word against mine es steht Aussage gegen Aussage;

    to take sb’s word for it [that…] jdm glauben, dass…

    words pl Text m


    a word in your ear ( Brit) ein kleiner Tipp unter uns;

    to have a quick word in sb’s ear ( Brit) kurz mit jdm allein sprechen;

    by word of mouth mündlich;

    to put words in[to] sb’s mouth jdm Worte in den Mund legen;

    to take the words out of sb’s mouth jdm das Wort aus dem Mund[e] nehmen;

    to not have a good word to say about sb/ sth kein gutes Haar an jdm/etw lassen;

    to put in a good word for sb/sth [with sb] [bei jdm] ein gutes Wort für jdn/etw einlegen;

    sb cannot get a word in edgeways [or (Am) edgewise] ( fam) jd kommt überhaupt nicht zu Wort;

    words fail me! mir fehlen die Worte!;

    from the word go vom ersten Moment [o von Anfang] an;

    to have words with sb eine Auseinandersetzung mit jdm haben, sich akk mit jdm streiten;

    my word! [or (old) upon my word] du meine Güte! vt

    to word sth etw formulieren [o in Worte fassen]; document etw abfassen

    English-German students dictionary > word

  • 4



    the written/spoken word ce qui est écrit/dit

    what’s the German word for «banana»? comment dit-on « banane » en allemand ?

    … or words to that effect… ou quelque chose de ce genre

    boring is not the word for it! ennuyeux, c’est le moins que l’on puisse dire !

    she disappeared, there’s no other word for it elle a disparu, c’est bien le mot

    I told him in so many words that… je lui ai carrément dit que…

    word came from headquarters that… le quartier général a fait dire que…

    word came that… on a appris que…

    to send word that… faire savoir que…

    if word got out about his past, there’d be a scandal si l’on apprenait certaines choses sur son passé, cela ferait un scandale

    the word on the street is… le bruit court que…

       d. ( = promise, assurance) parole f

    [+ document, protest] rédiger

    * * *



    I don’t think ‘aunt’ is quite the right word — je ne suis pas sûr que ‘tante’ soit le mot qui convienne

    there’s no such word as ‘can’t’ — ‘impossible’ n’est pas français

    what’s the Greek word for ‘table’? — comment dit-on ‘table’ en grec?

    a word to all those who… — quelques conseils pour tous ceux qui…

    2) () mot m

    3) [U] () nouvelles fpl ( about concernant)

    word got out that… — la nouvelle a transpiré que…

    to bring/send word that — annoncer/faire savoir que

    he left word at the desk that… — il a laissé un message à la réception disant que…

    4) () parole f

    to hold somebody to his/her word — obliger quelqu’un à tenir parole

    word got round ou around that… — le bruit a couru que…






    () texte


    ; () paroles




    transitive verb

    formuler [reply, letter, statement]


    English-French dictionary > word

  • 5



    formuler [reply, letter, statement].

    Big English-French dictionary > word

  • 6
    ♦ good

    ♦ good (1) /gʊd/

    1 buono; bello; dabbene; genuino; onesto; giusto; valido; in vigore: good health, buona salute; good humour, buonumore; bonomia, amabilità, benignità; a good fire, un buon (o bel) fuoco; good eggs, uova buone (non andate a male); good money, denaro buono, genuino; good eyesight, vista buona; to be of a good family, essere di buona famiglia; good looks, bellezza ( d’una persona); good luck, fortuna; buona sorte; to have a good cry, farsi un bel pianto; to get a good scolding, ricevere una buona lavata di capo; good sense, buon senso: With all this fog, you should have the good sense to go by train, con una simile nebbia, dovresti avere il buon senso di andare in treno; to fight for a good cause, battersi per una causa giusta; to have good reasons for doing


    , avere validi motivi per fare


    ; This ticket is good for three days, questo biglietto è valido per tre giorni; my good man (o sir)!, buon uomo!; DIALOGO → — Greeting a guest- Good to see you!, che bello vederti!; DIALOGO → — New member of staff 2- Good to meet you Martin, my name’s John, piacere di conoscerti Martin, mi chiamo John; a good swimmer, un buon nuotatore; good manners, belle maniere; buona educazione; Life is good!, la vita è bella!; DIALOGO → — Discussing university- Manchester is good for bands, Manchester è un buon posto per i gruppi musicali NOTA D’USO: — bello e beautiful-

    5 considerevole; notevole; ragguardevole: a good crowd, una folla considerevole; to go a good way, fare un bel pezzo di strada

    7 ben fatto; ben tornito

    8 (


    ) serio; bravo: good girls, ragazze serie; Girls, be good!, ragazze, fate le brave!

    11 (


    ) conveniente; opportuno

    12 ( slang USA) bene; in buona salute: ‘How are you?’ ‘Oh, I’m good, real good!’, ‘Come stai?’ ‘Oh, sto bene, benone!’

    ● (


    ) the good, i buoni; gli eletti □ to be good and ready, essere bell’e pronto (o già pronto) □ good appearance, bella presenza □ good breeding, buona educazione; buone maniere □ a good buy, un buon acquisto; un affarone □ good cheer, buonumore; allegria, festa; ( anche) buona cucina, buona tavola □ (


    ) good consideration, prestazione lecita □ a good deal, molto: He’s a good deal better off now, adesso se la passa molto meglio □ good day, buongiorno! □ a good deal of, una buona (o grande) quantità di □ (


    USA) good egg = good fellow ► sotto □ good enough, soddisfacente; sufficiente; che va bene: a good enough reason, un motivo sufficiente; It’s good enough for me, per me va bene □ good evening, buonasera! □ ( anche


    ) good faith, buona fede □ good fellow, brava persona; tipo perbene; persona cordiale (o gioviale, socievole) □ good fellowship, cordialità; giovialità; socievolezza □ a good few, molti, molte; parecchi, parecchie □ a good-for-nothing, un buono a nulla; un inconcludente □ ( di persona) to be good for


    , essere capace (




    : buono) di fare


    ; essere disposto a sborsare ( una data somma): His grandfather is always good for a pound or two, il nonno è sempre pronto ad allungargli un paio di sterline □ ( di cose) to be good for


    , fare bene a


    : Wine is not good for you, il vino non ti fa bene □ ( di cose) to be good for doing


    , essere utile, andare bene per fare


    : A stain remover is good for removing ink, uno smacchiatore va bene per eliminare le macchie d’inchiostro □ to be good for


    ‘s health, fare bene alla salute di


    Good for…!, buon per…!; bravo!; ben fatto! □ (


    ) Good Friday, Venerdì Santo □ good-hearted, che ha buon cuore; di buon cuore □ good heartedness, bontà di cuore (o d’animo) □ good God! (o good heavens!, good gracious!), buon Dio!; Dio buono! □ (




    USA) good guy, (il) buono ( in un film, ecc.) □ a good hour, un’ora buona: We played for a good hour, abbiamo giocato per un’ora buona □ good-humoured, di buon cuore; bonario, amabile, benigno □ a good job, un buon posto ( di lavoro); (


    ) una cosa buona: It’s a good job you kept the receipt, meno male che hai conservato la ricevuta □ good life, vita morigerata, virtuosa; ( anche) vita comoda, piena di agi, agiata □ (


    ) a good life, una persona sana, che promette di vivere a lungo □ (


    ) good-looker, persona di bell’aspetto; bell’uomo, bella donna □ good-looking, bello, di bell’aspetto; ( anche) buono, onesto all’aspetto □ (




    ) a good man, un uomo solvibile, reputato solido □ (


    ) the good man, il buon uomo; il pover’uomo; il poveretto □ a good many, molti, molte; moltissimi, moltissime □ good nature, cortesia; gentilezza d’animo; benignità □ good-natured, cortese, gentile; di buon cuore; benigno □ good-neighbourhood (o good-neighbourliness, good neighbourship), cordialità; amichevolezza; amabilità □ good offices, buoni uffici; interessamento □ ( slang) a good old boy, un amicone □ the good old times, i bei tempi passati; il buon tempo andato □ Good on…! = Good for…! ► sopra □ ( nelle fiabe) the good people, le fate □ good-sized, ampio; vasto: a good-sized garden, un ampio giardino □ good standing, buona posizione sociale; buona reputazione □ good temper, amabilità; pazienza □ good-tempered, amabile; paziente □ a good thing, una cosa buona; un affare vantaggioso □ good things, cose buone; cibi raffinati □ (


    ) good title, titolo valido; diritto inoppugnabile □ good turn, cortesia; favore; piacere: He has done me several good turns, mi ha fatto parecchi favori □ to be good to


    , essere gentile con


    to be good with one’s hands, essere bravo con le mani, avere una buona manualità □ as good as, praticamente; come se; quasi: He is as good as dead, è come (se fosse) morto; Our work is as good as done, il nostro lavoro è quasi finito □ as good as gold, buonissimo: This child is as good as gold, questo bimbo è un angelo! □ as good as new, come nuovo: My motorbike is as good as new, la mia moto è come nuova □ (


    ) as good as a play, divertentissimo □ to be as good as one’s promise (o one’s word), essere di parola; mantenere le promesse □ (


    ) to come good, riprendersi (


    ): After a bad start, the runner came good, dopo una brutta partenza, il corridore si riprese □ to do


    a good turn (o a good office), fare un favore (o rendere un servizio) a


    to have a good appetite, avere un bell’appetito □ to have a good mind to do


    , avere una gran voglia da fare


    to have a good night, dormire bene □ to have a good time, divertirsi; spassarsela □ (

    fam. ingl.

    ) to give as good as one gets, rendere pan per focaccia (


    ); rispondere per le rime □ to have a good year, avere un’annata favorevole ( finanziariamente, ecc.) □ to be in good spirits, essere di buon umore; stare di buon animo □ to lead (o to live) a good life, fare (o condurre) una vita intemerata, onesta □ to make good, avere successo, fare fortuna: He went out to Australia and made good there, emigrò in Australia e là fece fortuna □ to make good (


    ), mettere in atto, attuare ( una minaccia, ecc.); mantenere ( una promessa, ecc.); risarcire ( un danno, una spesa, ecc.); (


    , ecc.) risanare, ripristinare, rimediare a ( un inconveniente, un danneggiamento, ecc.); provare, dimostrare la fondatezza di ( un’accusa); rafforzare ( una posizione) □ (


    ) to be so good as to do


    , essere tanto gentile da fare


    : Be so good ( o good enough) as to take me home, abbia la bontà di accompagnarmi a casa □ to say a good word ( for


    ), dire (o mettere) una buona parola (per


    ) □ too good for words, d’indicibile bontà (bellezza, ecc.) □ too good to be true, troppo bello per essere vero □ very good, assai buono; ottimo: He speaks very good English, parla un inglese ottimo □ ( anche


    ) My good friend!, mio buon amico!; amico mio!; bello mio! □ Good luck to you!, buona fortuna!; tanti auguri! □ How good of you!, molto gentile da parte tua! □ DIALOGO → — Discussing football- That would be good of you, sarebbe molto gentile da parte tua □ That’s a good one!, questa sì ch’è bella! □ His word is as good as his bond, è un uomo di parola □ All in good time, abbi pazienza, dai tempo al tempo!; a suo tempo!; al momento giusto! □ «He’s just won 10,000 pounds on the pools» «Good for him!», «Ha vinto 10 000 sterline al totocalcio» «Meglio per lui!» (o «Beato lui!») □ (


    ) One can have too much of a good thing, il troppo stroppia.

    NOTA D’USO: — to be good in o to be good at?-
    good (2) /gʊd/


    to come to no good, ( di persona) finir male; fare una brutta fine □ to do good, fare del bene, compiere opere buone (o buone azioni) □ It did no good, non è servito a niente □ What good will it do?, a che servirà?; a che pro? □ Will it do any good?, servirà a qualcosa? □ to do


    good, fare bene ( alla salute, ecc.): This medicine will do you good, questa medicina ti farà bene □ (


    ) Much good may it do you!, buon pro ti faccia! □ to do good for


    , fare del bene a


    for good ( and all), per sempre; definitivamente: to leave for good, andarsene per sempre; This skirt is ruined for good, questa gonna è rovinata senza rimedio; He’s back for good, è tornato per restare □ (


    ) to be in good with


    , essere nelle grazie di (o in buoni rapporti con)


    a power for good, una potenza che ha un effetto benefico; un influsso benefico □ to the good, in vantaggio, in attivo: After this sale, I’ll be 2,000 pounds to the good, con questa vendita, avrò guadagnato 2000 sterline □ It’s all to the good!, tanto di guadagnato!; So much to the good!, tanto di guadagnato! □ It’s no good, non serve a nulla; è inutile □ (


    ) And a lot of good that does!, per quel che serve!; bella roba!; tempo perso! □ Is your new dentist any good?, vale qualcosa (o è bravo) il tuo nuovo dentista? □ What’s the good of…?, a che serve?; a che pro? □ up to no good, che sta combinando qualcosa (o qualche guaio); che ne sta combinando una NOTA D’USO: — good o goods?-.

    good (3) /gʊd/


    1 bene!; bravo!; ben fatto!

    good (4) /gʊd/




    ) bene: You did good, hai fatto bene; sei stato bravo; Cook it good!, cuocilo bene!

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ good

  • 7

    (a) mot


    ; mot


    , parole



    ironic (what) fine words! quelles belles paroles!;

    what is the Russian word for «head»?, what is the word for «head» in Russian? comment dit-on «head» en russe?;

    she can’t put her ideas/her feelings into words elle ne trouve pas les mots pour exprimer ses idées/ce qu’elle ressent;

    I can’t find (the) words to tell you how glad I am! je ne saurais vous dire à quel point je suis content!;

    there are no words to describe or words cannot describe how I feel aucun mot ne peut décrire ce que je ressens;

    lazy isn’t the word for it! paresseux, c’est peu dire!;

    figurative he doesn’t know the meaning of the word «generosity» il ne sait pas ce que veut dire le mot «générosité»;

    he’s mad, there’s no other word for it il est fou, il n’y a pas d’autre mot;

    there’s a word for people like you, it’s «thief» les gens dans ton genre, on les appelle des voleurs;

    I don’t believe a word of it! je n’en crois pas un mot!;

    that’s my last or my final word on the matter c’est mon dernier mot (sur la question);

    can I give you a word of warning/of advice? puis-je vous mettre en garde/vous conseiller?;

    he’s a man of few words c’est un homme peu loquace, c’est quelqu’un qui n’aime pas beaucoup parler;

    in the words of his boss, he’s a layabout à en croire son patron ou d’après (ce que dit) son patron, c’est un fainéant;

    by or through word of mouth oralement;

    (upon) my word! ma parole!, oh la la!;

    not a word! pas un mot!, bouche cousue!;

    words fail me! j’en perds la parole!, je suis stupéfait!;

    British it’s the last word in comfort c’est ce qui se fait de mieux en matière de confort;

    British it’s the last word in luxury c’est ce qu’on fait de plus luxueux

    (b) mot(s)


    , parole(s)



    can I have a word with you about the meeting? est-ce que je peux vous dire deux mots à propos de la réunion?;

    can I have a word? je voudrais vous parler un instant





    ; message


    , mot



    have you had any word from him? avez-vous eu de ses nouvelles?;

    (d) parole


    , promesse



    we held or we kept her to her word nous l’avons obligée à tenir sa parole;

    word of honour! parole d’honneur!;

    take my word (for it), it’s a bargain! croyez-moi, c’est une affaire!;

    a word to travellers, watch your luggage! un petit conseil aux voyageurs, surveillez vos bagages!;

    just give or say the word and we’ll be off vous n’avez qu’à donner le signal et nous partons

    (h) mot


    d’ordre; mot


    de passe;

    the word now is «democracy» le mot d’ordre maintenant, c’est «démocratie»

    (a) rédiger, formuler; rédiger;

    American familiar

    word (up)! parfaitement! ; sans dec!

    en un mot

    autrement dit, en d’autres termes

    word picture description


    imagée ou pittoresque; portrait


    en prose;

    Computing word wrap retour


    à la ligne automatique

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > word

  • 8

    bon1A (a)-(d), 1B (a), 1C (a), 1C (c), 1C (d), 1D (a)-(e), 1E (a)-(d), 2 (a) beau1A (a), 1D (b) gentil1B (a) sage1B (b) favorable1C (b) bien2 (a), 2 (b), 3 pour ainsi dire5 pour de bon6


    (a) bon, agréable; beau (belle);

    good to eat/to hear bon à manger/à entendre;

    she’s never had it so good! elle n’a jamais eu la vie si belle!;

    this is as good as you can get or as it gets c’est ce qui se fait de mieux;

    have a good day! bonne journée!;

    (b) bon, de bonne qualité; bon; bon;

    if it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me si ça vous va, alors ça me va aussi;

    (c) bon, compétent;

    do you know a good lawyer? connaissez-vous un bon avocat?;

    to be good on French history/contract law être bon en histoire de France/sur le droit des contrats;

    good afternoon! bonjour!; bon après-midi!;

    good evening! bonsoir!;

    good morning! bonjour!; au revoir!, bonne journée!


    (a) bon, gentil; bon, véritable; bon;

    good behaviour or conduct bonne conduite f;

    he’s a good Christian/communist c’est un bon chrétien/communiste;

    would you be good enough to ask him? auriez-vous la bonté de lui demander?, seriez-vous assez aimable pour lui demander?;

    would you be good enough to reply by return of post? voudriez-vous avoir l’obligeance de répondre par retour du courrier?;

    literary good men and true des hommes vaillants;

    literary the good ship Caledonia le Caledonia

    be good! sois sage!;

    good dog! oh, le beau chien!; c’est bien, le chien!


    (a) bon, souhaitable; bon;

    it’s a good job or good thing he decided not to go c’est une chance qu’il ait décidé de ou heureusement qu’il a décidé de ne pas y aller;

    (b) avantageux, favorable; bon, favorable;

    he’s looking good il a toutes ses chances

    (c) bon, propice; bon, convenable;

    is this a good moment to ask him? est-ce un bon moment pour lui demander?;

    eat your spinach, it’s good for you mange tes épinards, c’est bon pour toi;

    hard work is good for the soul! le travail forme le caractère!;

    figurative he doesn’t know what’s good for him il ne sait pas ce qui est bon pour lui;

    figurative if you know what’s good for you, you’ll listen si tu as le moindre bon sens, tu m’écouteras


    (a) bon, valide;

    my eyesight/hearing is good j’ai une bonne vue/l’ouïe fine

    (b) bon, beau (belle); beau (belle), joli;

    you’re looking good! tu as bonne mine!; tu es très bien!;

    (c) bon, valable;

    she had a good excuse/reason for not going elle avait une bonne excuse pour/une bonne raison de ne pas y aller;

    familiar she’s good for another ten years elle en a bien encore pour dix ans;

    familiar he’s always good for a laugh il sait toujours faire rire ;

    how much money are you good for? de combien d’argent disposez-vous?;

    they are or their credit is good for £500 on peut leur faire crédit jusqu’à 500 livres

    (e) bon, estimé;


    (a) bon, considérable;

    a good amount or deal of money beaucoup d’argent;

    I was a good way into the book when I realized that… j’avais déjà bien avancé dans ma lecture quand je me suis rendu compte que…;

    (b) bon, grand;

    familiar we were good and mad on était carrément furax;

    that’s all very good or all well and good but→ c’est bien joli ou bien beau tout ça mais…

    I’d like a new suit — very good, sir! j’ai besoin d’un nouveau costume — (très) bien, monsieur!;

    she left him — good! elle l’a quitté — tant mieux!;

    he’s feeling better — good, let him go il va mieux — très bien, laissez-le partir;

    good, that’s settled bon ou bien, voilà une affaire réglée;

    (that) sounds good! bonne idée!;

    familiar that’s a good one! elle est (bien) bonne, celle-là!; ironic à d’autres!;

    familiar good on you or for you! bravo!, très bien!;

    good old Eric, I knew he wouldn’t let us down! ce brave Eric, je savais qu’il ne nous laisserait pas tomber!;

    to make good réussir; changer de conduite, se refaire une vie;

    to make sth good remédier à qch; réparer qch; compenser qch; combler qch; apporter des finitions à qch;

    American to make good on sth honorer qch

    for good or evil, for good or ill pour le bien et pour le mal

    what’s the good? à quoi bon?;

    what good would it do to leave now? à quoi bon partir maintenant?;

    what good will it do you to see her? ça te servira à quoi ou t’avancera à quoi de la voir?;

    familiar a fat lot of good that did you! te voilà bien avancé maintenant!;

    ironic that will do you a lot of good! tu seras bien avancé!, ça te fera une belle jambe!;

    it’s no good, I give up ça ne sert à rien, j’abandonne;

    much good may it do you! grand bien vous fasse!;

    the good les bons mpl, les gens mpl de bien;

    pour ainsi dire, à peu de choses près;

    are you married? — as good as tu es marié? — non, mais c’est tout comme

    pour de bon;

    I’m warning you for good and all! c’est la dernière fois que je te le dis!

    he finished up the card game £15 to the good il a fait 15 livres de bénéfice ou il a gagné 15 livres aux cartes

    American familiar good old boy or good ole boy or good ol’ boy = Blanc originaire du sud des États-Unis, aux valeurs traditionnelles;





    Bible the Good Samaritan le bon Samaritain;

    American Law the good Samaritan laws = lois qui protègent un sauveteur de toutes poursuites éventuelles engagées par le blessé;

    ✾ Film ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ Leone ‘Le Bon, la brute et le truand’

    GOOD FRIDAY En Grande-Bretagne, il est traditionnel, le jour du vendredi saint, de manger des «hot cross buns» (petits pains ronds aux fruits secs, marqués d’une croix).

    THE GOOD FRIDAY AGREEMENT Le processus de paix en Irlande du Nord, qui a été amorcé par les cessez-le-feu des groupes paramilitaires républicains et unionistes en 1994, a abouti au «Good Friday Agreement», l’accord de paix signé à Belfast en avril 1998. Cet accord, parrainé par les Premiers ministres britannique et irlandais, et finalement approuvé par le Sinn Féin et par la plupart des partis unionistes, a mis en place la «Northern Ireland Assembly», un parlement quasi autonome avec un partage démocratique du pouvoir entre les communautés protestante et catholique. Cet accord est une étape vers la fin de trente ans de guerre civile en Ulster.

    You’ve never had it so good Ce slogan a été utilisé pour la première fois aux États-Unis en 1952 par les Démocrates. Il signifie «vous êtes aujourd’hui plus prospères que jamais». En Grande-Bretagne, ce slogan est associé au Premier ministre conservateur Harold Macmillan qui l’utilisa dans un discours en 1957. Aujourd’hui, on utilise cette formule sur le mode ironique lorsqu’une situation n’encourage pas du tout à l’optimisme.

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > good

  • 9
    ♦ word

    ♦ word /wɜ:d/


    1 parola; termine; vocabolo: He is a man of few words, è un uomo di poche parole; Don’t breathe ( o mention o say) a word about it, non farne parola a nessuno!; non fiatare!; to have a few words with


    , scambiare qualche parola con


    ; to mark


    ‘s words, fare attenzione a quello che dice


    ; ascoltare bene


    ; «Good» is not the word for him, «buono» non è il termine adatto per lui; How many English words do you know?, quanti vocaboli inglesi conosci?; good words, buone parole; parole di consolazione (o d’incoraggiamento); harsh words, parole aspre (o dure); rude words, parolacce; in one’s own words, con parole proprie; dying words, ultime parole ( prima della morte); key word, parola chiave

    6 (


    ) the Word, il Verbo; il Vangelo; la Parola di Dio

    ● (


    ) word blind, affetto da cecità verbale (o da alessia, da dislessia) □ (


    ) word blindness, cecità verbale; alessia; dislessia □ word-bound, impacciato nel parlare; che non vuol parlare □ (


    ) word building (o word formation), formazione delle parole □ (


    ) word deaf, affetto da afasia acustica (o da sordità verbale) □ (


    ) word deafness, sordità verbale; afasia acuta □ word for word, parola per parola; alla lettera; letteralmente: to translate word for word, tradurre alla lettera □ word game, gioco linguistico; gioco di vocabolario □ a word in season, una parola al momento giusto; un consiglio opportuno □ (


    ) word of command, comando; ordine □ word-of-mouth = by word of mouth ► sotto □ (


    ) word order, costruzione della frase □ a word out of season, un consiglio inopportuno; un intervento fuori luogo □ (


    ) a word-painter, un narratore pittoresco □ word-perfect, che sa perfettamente a memoria una poesia (o una parte teatrale, ecc.); ( di un testo) perfetto nei minimi particolari □ word picture, descrizione vivida, icastica □ (


    ) word processing, word processing; elaborazione di testi □ (


    ) word processor, word processor ( programma di elaborazione di testi) □ word-splitter, sofista; pedante; chi spacca un capello in quattro □ word-splitting, (


    ) pedantesco; (


    ) sofisticheria, pedanteria □ word square, quadrato magico ( nell’ enigmistica) □ (


    ) word wrapping, ritorno a capo (automatico) □ to be as good as one’s word, essere un uomo di parola; mantenere le promesse □ beyond words, indicibile; in modo indicibile, indicibilmente □ big words, parole grosse; vanterie; fanfaronate; insulti □ to break one’s word, non tener fede alla parola data; non mantenere le promesse □ by word of mouth, oralmente; verbalmente; a viva voce; mediante il passaparola □ to coin words, coniare parole nuove □ to eat one’s words, rimangiarsi le proprie parole; ritrattare; ammettere il proprio torto □ (


    ) from the word go, fin dall’inizio □ (


    ) to hang on


    ‘s words, pendere dalle labbra di


    ; ascoltare


    con grande attenzione □ to have (o to get) the last word, aver l’ultima parola □ to have words with


    , venire a parole (o avere un diverbio) con


    to be honest in word and deed, essere onesto a parole e nei fatti □ in a (o in one) word, in una parola; in breve □ in words, in parole; in lettere: The amount to be paid must be expressed in words as well as in figures, la somma da pagare va indicata sia in cifre che in lettere □ in other words, in altre parole; in altri termini □ in so many words, esattamente; in tutte lettere; esplicitamente: He didn’t say that in so many words, but that’s what he meant, non lo disse esplicitamente, ma questo è ciò che voleva dire □ (


    ) the last word in, l’ultima novità in fatto di: This is the last word in television sets, questa è l’ultima novità in fatto di televisori □ to leave word, lasciar detto (


    a q.) □ on (o with) the word, detto fatto; subito; immediatamente □ to proceed from words to blows, passare (dalle parole) alle vie di fatto □ to put one’s fears into words, manifestare i propri timori □ to put one’s thoughts into words, tradurre in parole i propri pensieri □ to say (o to put in) a good word for


    , dire (o mettere) una buona parola in favore di


    ; raccomandare


    □ (


    ) to say the word, dire la parola decisiva; dare la propria approvazione; dare l’ordine (di cominciare qc.) □ to take


    at his word, prendere


    in parola □ (


    ) to take


    ‘s word for it, credere a


    sulla parola □ to take words for things, scambiare le parole per fatti □ to take the words out of


    ‘s mouth, togliere la parola di bocca a


    to waste words on


    , sprecare il fiato con


    to weigh one’s words, pesare (o misurare) le parole □ His word is as good as his bond, la sua parola è più che sufficiente; la sua parola vale un impegno scritto □ Upon my word!, parola (d’onore)!; sul mio onore! □ My word!, perbacco! □ (


    ) He hasn’t a word to throw at a dog, non rivolge la parola a nessuno □ A word in your ear, voglio dirti due parole in privato □ (


    ) A word to the wise is enough, a buon intenditor poche parole □ (


    ) Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds, belle parole e cattivi fatti ingannano savi e matti □ (


    ) Kind words go a long way, le buone parole possono molto; con le buone si fa tutto □ (


    ) Words are but wind, le parole volano (

    cfr. lat.

    «Verba volant, scripta manent»).

    (to) word /wɜ:d/

    v. t.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ word

  • 10



    1) gut; gut; zuverlässig; gut; ausreichend [Vorrat]; ausgiebig [Mahl]; gut; geeignet

    his good eye/leg — sein gesundes Auge/Bein

    2) gut; günstig [Gelegenheit, Augenblick, Angebot]

    the good thing about it is that… — das Gute daran ist, dass…

    be good for somebody/something — gut für jemanden/etwas sein

    4) schön [Leben, Urlaub, Wochenende]

    5) gut; angenehm [Patient]

    be good!, be a good girl/boy! — sei brav od. lieb!

    [as] good as gold — ganz artig od. brav

    7) rechtschaffen; nett; gut [Absicht, Wünsche, Benehmen, Tat]

    that/it is good of you — das/es ist nett od. lieb von dir

    good old Jim — etc. der gute alte Jim usw.

    my good man/friend — mein lieber Herr/Freund

    that’s a good one — der ist gut! ; das ist’n Ding!

    9) schön; gut [Figur, Haltung]; gepflegt [Erscheinung, Äußeres]; wohlgeformt [Beine]

    have a good weep/rest/sleep — sich richtig ausweinen/ausruhen/[sich] richtig ausschlafen

    11) [recht] ansehnlich [Menschenmenge]; ganz schön, ziemlich [Stück Wegs, Entfernung, Zeitraum, Strecke]; gut, anständig [Preis, Erlös]; hoch [Alter]

    12) gut [Grund, Rat, Gedanke]; berechtigt [Anspruch]; solide [Kunde]; sicher [Anleihe, Kredit]


    good afternoon/day — guten Tag!

    good evening/morning — guten Abend/Morgen!

    14) in exclamation gut

    very good, sir — sehr wohl!

    good God/Lord — etc. see nouns

    15) gut [Geschirr, Anzug]

    16) gut; angebracht; ratsam



    make good — erfolgreich sein; in die Tat umsetzen; ausführen [Plan]; erfüllen [Versprechen]; wieder gutmachen [Fehler]; ersetzen [Schaden, Ausgaben]. See also»>best 1.; better 1.


    as intensifier

    good and… — richtig…



    1) Nutzen, der

    be some good to somebody/something — jemandem/einer Sache nützen

    be no good to somebody/something — für jemanden/etwas nicht zu gebrauchen sein

    it is no/not much good doing something — es hat keinen/kaum einen Sinn, etwas zu tun

    what’s the good of…?, what good is…? — was nützt…?

    for your/his etc. own good — zu deinem/seinem usw. Besten od. eigenen Vorteil

    for the good of mankind/the country — zum Wohl[e] der Menschheit/des Landes

    do no/little good — nichts/wenig helfen od. nützen

    do somebody/something good — jemandem/einer Sache nützen; [Ruhe, Erholung:] jemandem/einer Sache gut tun; [Arznei:] jemandem/einer Sache helfen

    I’ll tell him, but what good will that do? — ich sag es ihm, aber was nützt od. hilft das schon?

    come home £10 to the good — mit 10 Pfund plus nach Hause kommen


    for good [and all] — ein für allemal; für immer [und ewig]; endgültig

    7) in pl. Waren; Fracht, die; attrib. Güter[bahnhof, -wagen, -zug]

    8) in pl.

    the goods — : das Gewünschte; das Verlangte

    * * *


    1) gut

    3) gut

    5) gut

    6) gut

    7) gut

    8) gut

    10) geeignet

    12) gut

    13) gut

    14) gewissenhaft

    15) gut


    1) der Nutzen

    2) das Gute




    du meine Güte!


    — goody
    — goodbye
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good-for-nothing
    — good humour
    — good-humoured
    — good-humouredly
    — good-looking
    — good morning
    — good afternoon
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good night
    — good-natured
    — goodwill
    — good will
    — good works
    — as good as
    — be as good as one’s word
    — be up to no good
    — deliver the goods
    — for good
    — for goodness’ sake
    — good for
    — good for you
    — him
    — Good Friday
    — good gracious
    — good heavens
    — goodness gracious
    — goodness me
    — good old
    — make good
    — no good
    — put in a good word for
    — take something in good part
    — take in good part
    — thank goodness
    — to the good

    * * *


    <better, best>

    there’s nothing like a good book es geht nichts über ein gutes Buch

    she speaks good Spanish sie spricht gut Spanisch

    dogs have a good sense of smell Hunde haben einen guten Geruchssinn

    he’s got good intuition about such matters er hat in diesen Dingen ein gutes Gespür

    your reasons make good sense but… deine Gründe sind durchaus einleuchtend, aber…

    good show [or job]! gut gemacht!

    I need a good meal now jetzt brauche ich was Ordentliches zu essen!

    the child had the good sense to… das Kind besaß die Geistesgegenwart…

    he only has one good leg er hat nur ein gesundes Bein

    good appetite gesunder Appetit

    to be a good catch eine gute Partie sein

    a good choice/decision eine gute Wahl/Entscheidung

    good ears/eyes gute Ohren/Augen

    to do a good job gute Arbeit leisten

    to be in good shape in guter [körperlicher] Verfassung sein

    good thinking gute Idee

    good timing gutes Timing

    to be/not be good enough gut/nicht gut genug sein

    that’s just not good enough! so geht das nicht!

    if she says so that’s good enough for me wenn sie es sagt, reicht mir das

    to be good for nothing zu nichts taugen

    to feel good sich akk gut fühlen

    I don’t feel too good today heute geht’s mir nicht besonders fam

    to be good at sth gut in etw dat sein

    he’s a good runner [or he’s good at running] er ist ein guter Läufer

    she’s very good at learning foreign languages sie ist sehr sprachbegabt

    he’s not very good at maths [or AM in math] er ist nicht besonders gut in Mathe

    this book is good on international export law dieses Buch ist sehr gut, wenn man etwas über internationale Exportbestimmungen erfahren möchte

    he is particularly good on American history besonders gut kennt er sich in amerikanischer Geschichte aus

    to be good with sth with children mit etw dat gut umgehen können

    to be good with one’s hands geschickt mit seinen Händen sein

    to be good in bed gut im Bett sein fam

    to be good with people gut mit Leuten umgehen können

    that was a really good story, Mummy das war echt eine tolle Geschichte, Mama fam

    good morning/evening guten Morgen/Abend

    to have a good day/evening einen schönen Tag/Abend haben

    have a good day schönen Tag noch!

    good news gute Neuigkeiten

    to have a good time [viel] Spaß haben

    good weather schönes Wetter

    to have a good one ( fam) einen schönen Tag haben

    after a two-week vacation, they came back with good tans nach zwei Wochen Urlaub kamen sie gut gebräunt zurück

    most dancers have good legs die meisten Tänzer haben schöne Beine

    to look/smell/sound/taste good gut aussehen/riechen/klingen/schmecken

    sb looks good in sth clothes etw steht jdm

    to have good looks, to be good-looking gut aussehen

    he made a very good impression at the interview er hat beim Vorstellungsgespräch einen sehr guten Eindruck gemacht

    there’s a good chance [that]… die Chancen stehen gut, dass…

    we got a good deal on our new fridge wir haben unseren neuen Kühlschrank günstig erstanden

    the play got good reviews [or a good press] das Stück hat gute Kritiken bekommen

    it’s a good job we didn’t go camping last weekend — the weather was awful zum Glück sind wir letztes Wochenende nicht campen gegangen — das Wetter war schrecklich

    the good life das süße Leben

    good luck [on sth] viel Glück [bei etw dat]

    best of luck on your exams today! alles Gute für deine Prüfung heute!

    a good omen ein gutes Omen

    to be too much of a good thing zu viel des Guten sein

    you can have too much of a good thing man kann es auch übertreiben

    good times gute Zeiten

    to be too good to be true zu schön, um wahr zu sein

    to have [got] it good ( fam) es gut haben

    to be good for sb gut für jdn sein

    milk is good for you Milch ist gesund

    to be good for business/for headaches gut fürs Geschäft/gegen Kopfschmerzen sein

    7. (useful) nützlich, sinnvoll

    we had a good discussion on the subject wir hatten eine klärende Diskussion über die Sache

    it’s good that you checked the door gut, dass du die Tür nochmal überprüft hast

    in good time rechtzeitig

    be patient, you’ll hear the result all in good time seien Sie geduldig, Sie erfahren das Ergebnis noch früh genug

    in one’s own good time in seinem eigenen Rhythmus

    to be a good time to do sth ein guter Zeitpunkt sein, [um] etw zu tun

    10. inv (kind) freundlich, lieb

    the college has been very good about her health problem die Hochschule zeigte sehr viel Verständnis für ihr gesundheitliches Problem

    it was very good of you to help us es war sehr lieb von dir, uns zu helfen

    he’s got a good heart er hat ein gutes Herz

    be so good as to… sei doch bitte so nett und…

    would you be good enough to… wären Sie so nett und…

    good deeds/works gute Taten

    to do a good deed eine gute Tat tun

    the Ggood Book die [heilige] Bibel

    for a good cause für einen guten Zweck

    to set a good example to sb jdm ein gutes Vorbild sein

    sb’s good name/reputation jds guter Name/guter Ruf

    to be [as] good as one’s word vertrauenswürdig sein

    good dog! braver Hund!

    be a good girl and… sei ein liebes Mädchen [o sei so lieb] und…

    OK, I’ll be a good sport o.k., ich will mal kein Spielverderber sein

    she’s been as good as gold all evening sie hat sich den ganzen Abend über ausgezeichnet benommen

    to be on good/one’s best behaviour sich akk gut benehmen/von seiner besten Seite zeigen

    good loser guter Verlierer/gute Verliererin

    the house needs a good clean[ing] das Haus sollte mal gründlich geputzt werden

    have a good think about it lass es dir noch einmal gut durch den Kopf gehen

    now, now — have a good cry schon gut — wein dich mal so richtig aus

    they have built a good case against the suspect sie haben einen hieb- und stichfesten Fall gegen den Verdächtigen aufgebaut

    we had some good fun at the amusement park wir hatten so richtig viel Spaß im Vergnügungspark

    a good beating eine gründliche Tracht Prügel

    to have a good laugh ordentlich lachen

    to have a good look at sth sich dat etw genau ansehen

    a good talking to eine Standpauke

    this car should be good for another year or so dieses Auto hält wohl schon noch ein Jahr oder so

    he gave us a gift certificate good for $100 er hat uns einen Geschenkgutschein über 100 Dollar überreicht

    this ticket is only good on weekends dieses Ticket gilt nur an Wochenenden

    my credit card is only good for another month meine Kreditkarte ist nur noch einen Monat gültig

    we walked a good distance today wir sind heute ein ordentliches Stück gelaufen

    she makes good money at her new job sie verdient in ihrem neuen Job gutes Geld

    it’s a good half hour’s walk to the station from here von hier bis zum Bahnhof ist es zu Fuß eine gute halbe Stunde

    a good deal jede Menge

    you’re looking a good deal better now du siehst jetzt ein gutes Stück besser aus

    to make a good profit einen beträchtlichen Profit machen

    a good few/many eine ganze Menge

    17. pred, inv (able to provide) gut

    he is always good for a laugh er ist immer gut für einen Witz

    thanks for the loan and don’t worry, I’m good for it danke für den Kredit und keine Sorge, ich zahle ihn zurück

    her credit is good sie ist kreditwürdig

    as good as… so gut wie…

    our firewood is as good as gone unser Feuerholz ist nahezu aufgebraucht

    to be as good as dead/new so gut wie tot/neu sein

    they as good as called me a liar sie nannten mich praktisch eine Lügnerin!

    I need a good long holiday ich brauche mal wieder so einen richtig schönen langen Urlaub!

    what you need is a good hot cup of coffee was du brauchst, ist eine gute Tasse heißen Kaffee

    good and…:

    she’s really good and mad sie ist so richtig sauer

    I’ll do it when I’m good and ready, and not one minute before ich mache es, sobald ich fertig bin und keine Minute früher!

    good Lord [or heavens]! gütiger Himmel! geh

    good gracious! ach du liebe Zeit!

    good grief! du meine Güte!

    oh, — good for you! oh, schön für dich! iron

    good old James! der gute alte James!

    the good old days die gute alte Zeit


    if you can’t be good, be careful ( prov) wenn man schon was anstellt, sollte man sich wenigstens nicht [dabei] erwischen lassen

    it’s as good as it gets besser wird’s nicht mehr

    to give as good as one gets es [jdm] mit gleicher Münze heimzahlen

    good to go fertig, bereit

    to have a good innings BRIT ein schönes Leben haben

    to make good zu Geld kommen

    to make sth ⇆ good (repair) etw reparieren; mistake etw wiedergutmachen; (pay for) etw wettmachen fam; (do successfully) etw schaffen

    to make good time gut in der Zeit liegen

    for good measure als Draufgabe, obendrein

    good riddance Gott sei Dank!

    she’s good for another few years! mit ihr muss man noch ein paar Jahre rechnen!

    boy, she can sure sing good, can’t she? Junge, die kann aber gut singen, oder?

    to do sth good and proper etw richtig gründlich tun

    well, you’ve broken the table good and proper na, den Tisch hast du aber so richtig ruiniert!

    1. (moral force) Gute nt

    good and evil Gut und Böse

    to be up to no good nichts Gutes im Schilde führen

    to do good Gutes tun

    the good pl die Guten pl

    to do more harm than good mehr schaden als nützen

    for the good of his health zum Wohle seiner Gesundheit, seiner Gesundheit zuliebe

    for the good of the nation zum Wohle der Nation

    for one’s own good zu seinem eigenen Besten

    that young man is no good dieser junge Mann ist ein Taugenichts

    to not do much/any good nicht viel/nichts nützen

    even a small donation can do a lot of good auch eine kleine Spende kann eine Menge helfen

    that won’t do much good das wird auch nicht viel nützen

    it’s no good complaining all day den ganzen Tag rumzujammern bringt auch nichts! fam

    what good is sitting alone in your room? was bringt es, hier alleine in deinem Zimmer zu sitzen?; ( iron)

    a lot of good that’ll do [you]! das wird [dir] ja viel nützen! iron

    we were £7,000 to the good when we sold our house als wir unser Haus verkauften, haben wir einen Gewinn von 7.000 Pfund eingestrichen; ( fig)

    he was two gold medals to the good by the end of the day am Ende des Tages war er um zwei Goldmedaillen reicher

    to be no good at sth etw nicht gut können, bei etw dat nicht [sonderlich] gut sein

    6. COMM Gut nt, Ware f


    for good [and all] für immer [und ewig]

    * * *






    he tells a good story —

    to be good at sport/languages — gut im Sport/in Sprachen sein

    to be good at sewing/typing — gut nähen/tippen können

    that’s not good enough, you’ll have to do better than that — das geht so nicht, du musst dich schon etwas mehr anstrengen

    if he gives his word, that’s good enough for me — wenn er sein Wort gibt, reicht mir das

    her work/conduct is just not good enough —

    you look good in that — du siehst gut darin aus, das steht dir gut wiedergutmachen; wahr machen; erfüllen

    as good as new —

    he as good as called me a liar/invited me to come — er nannte mich praktisch einen Lügner/hat mich praktisch eingeladen

    2) gut

    milk is good for children to be good for toothache/one’s health — Milch ist gut or gesund für Kinder gut gegen Zahnschmerzen/für die Gesundheit sein

    3) günstig, gut

    4) schön

    5) gut, lieb

    would you be good enough to tell me… — wären Sie so nett, mir zu sagen…

    6) gut

    if you can’t be good, be careful — wenn du es schon tun musst, sei wenigstens vorsichtig

    7) artig, brav

    be a good girl/boy — sei artig or lieb or brav

    be a good girl/boy and… — sei so lieb und…


    good man! — sehr löblich!, gut gemacht!

    the Good Book —

    9) gut; gut, triftig; gültig

    10) gut; schön

    11) gesund

    12) gut, gründlich, tüchtig

    13) gut; gut, schön

    a good many/few people — ziemlich viele/nicht gerade wenig Leute

    (it’s) good to see you/to be here — (es ist) schön, dich zu sehen/hier zu sein

    very good, sir — sehr wohl

    on you/him etc! — gut!, prima!; das ist ja toll!

    a good strong stick —

    good and hard/strong — ganz schön fest/stark

    1) gut

    how are you? – good! — wie gehts? – gut!

    to do good —

    this affects us, for good or ill —

    it’s done now, for good or ill — es ist nun einmal geschehen

    that won’t do much/any good — das hilft auch nicht viel/auch nichts

    that won’t do you much/any good — das hilft dir auch nicht viel/auch nichts

    a ( fat) lot of good that will do! — als ob das viel helfen würde!


    what’s the good of hurrying? — wozu eigentlich die Eile?

    I’m no good at things like that —

    he wasn’t any good for the job —


    for good (and all) — für immer (und ewig)

    we were 5 points/£5 to the good — wir hatten 5 Punkte zu viel/£ 5 plus

    * * *

    A s

    1. Nutzen m, Wert m, Vorteil m:

    what good will it do?, what is the good of it?, what good is it? was hat es für einen Wert?, was nützt es?, wozu soll das gut sein?;

    it is no (not much) good trying es hat keinen (wenig) Sinn oder Zweck, es zu versuchen;

    b) obendrein, extra ( A 2);

    2. (das) Gute, Gutes n, Wohl n:

    a) jemandem Gutes tun,

    b) jemandem guttun oder wohltun;

    it’s all to the good es ist nur von Vorteil ( that dass)( A 1);

    3. the good koll die Guten pl, die Rechtschaffenen pl

    5. pl bewegliches Vermögen:

    a) Hab n und Gut n, bewegliche Sachen, Mobiliargut n,

    b) umg Siebensachen

    6. pl WIRTSCH

    a) Br ( besonders Eisenbahn)Güter pl, Fracht(gut) f(n)

    b) (Handels)Güter pl, (Handels)Ware(


    ) f(pl):

    7. pl US Stoffe pl, Textilien pl

    8. the goods sl das Richtige, das Wahre:

    that’s the goods!

    B adj komp better [ˈbetə(r)], sup best [best]

    1. (moralisch) gut, redlich, rechtschaffen, ehrbar, anständig (Mädchen etc):

    3. gut, frisch, genießbar:

    is this meat still good?;

    4. gut, lieb, gütig, freundlich:

    5. gut, lieb, artig, brav (Kind):

    have you been a good girl? bist du (schön) brav gewesen?; gold A 1

    6. verehrt, lieb:

    my good man oft iron mein Lieber!, mein lieber Freund oder Mann!

    7. gut, geachtet:

    9. a) gut, erfreulich, angenehm (Nachrichten etc):

    b) schön:

    it’s good to be home again;

    10. gut:

    a) geeignet, vorteilhaft, günstig, nützlich

    b) gesund, zuträglich

    c) heilsam:

    good for one’s health gesund;

    what is it good for? wofür ist es gut?, wozu dient es?;

    it is a good thing that … es ist gut oder günstig, dass …;

    stay away if you know what’s good for you! das rate ich dir im Guten!;

    11. gut, richtig, recht, angebracht, empfehlenswert, zweckmäßig:

    in good time zur rechten Zeit, (gerade) rechtzeitig;

    in one’s own good time wenn es einem passt

    12. gut, angemessen, ausreichend, zufriedenstellend;

    13. gut, reichlich:

    it’s a good three miles to the station es sind gut drei Meilen bis zum Bahnhof

    14. gut, ziemlich (weit, groß), beträchtlich, bedeutend, erheblich, ansehnlich:

    a good many eine beträchtliche Anzahl, ziemlich viele;

    15. (vor adj) verstärkend:

    good and … sehr, ganz schön, mordsmäßig umg (z. B. good and tired hundemüde umg)

    16. gültig:

    a) begründet, berechtigt (Anspruch etc)

    b) triftig, gut (Grund etc):

    17. gut, überzeugt (Republikaner etc)

    18. gut, fähig, tüchtig:

    be good with one’s hands handwerkliches Geschick haben

    19. gut, zuverlässig, sicher, solide ( alle auch WIRTSCH):

    a good man WIRTSCH umg ein sicherer Mann (Kunde etc);

    21. JUR (rechts)gültig

    22. wirklich, aufrichtig, ehrlich, echt: faith 3

    my car is good for another 10,000 miles mein Wagen macht noch leicht 10 000 Meilen ( B 19)

    C adv

    1. umg gut:

    D int gut!, schön!, fein!:

    good for you! umg (ich) gratuliere!

    G abk

    * * *



    1) gut; gut; zuverlässig; gut; ausreichend [Vorrat]; ausgiebig [Mahl]; gut; geeignet

    his good eye/leg — sein gesundes Auge/Bein

    2) gut; günstig [Gelegenheit, Augenblick, Angebot]

    the good thing about it is that… — das Gute daran ist, dass…

    be good for somebody/something — gut für jemanden/etwas sein

    4) schön [Leben, Urlaub, Wochenende]

    5) gut; angenehm [Patient]

    be good!, be a good girl/boy! — sei brav od. lieb!

    [as] good as gold — ganz artig od. brav

    7) rechtschaffen; nett; gut [Absicht, Wünsche, Benehmen, Tat]

    that/it is good of you — das/es ist nett od. lieb von dir

    good old Jim — etc. der gute alte Jim usw.

    my good man/friend — mein lieber Herr/Freund

    that’s a good one — der ist gut! ; das ist’n Ding!

    9) schön; gut [Figur, Haltung]; gepflegt [Erscheinung, Äußeres]; wohlgeformt [Beine]

    have a good weep/rest/sleep — sich richtig ausweinen/ausruhen/[sich] richtig ausschlafen

    11) [recht] ansehnlich [Menschenmenge]; ganz schön, ziemlich [Stück Wegs, Entfernung, Zeitraum, Strecke]; gut, anständig [Preis, Erlös]; hoch [Alter]

    12) gut [Grund, Rat, Gedanke]; berechtigt [Anspruch]; solide [Kunde]; sicher [Anleihe, Kredit]

    good afternoon/day — guten Tag!

    good evening/morning — guten Abend/Morgen!

    14) in exclamation gut

    very good, sir — sehr wohl!

    good God/Lord — etc. see nouns

    15) gut [Geschirr, Anzug]

    16) gut; angebracht; ratsam



    make good — erfolgreich sein; in die Tat umsetzen; ausführen [Plan]; erfüllen [Versprechen]; wieder gutmachen [Fehler]; ersetzen [Schaden, Ausgaben]. See also best 1.; better 1.


    as intensifier

    good and… — richtig…



    be some good to somebody/something — jemandem/einer Sache nützen

    be no good to somebody/something — für jemanden/etwas nicht zu gebrauchen sein

    it is no/not much good doing something — es hat keinen/kaum einen Sinn, etwas zu tun

    what’s the good of…?, what good is…? — was nützt…?

    for your/his etc. own good — zu deinem/seinem usw. Besten od. eigenen Vorteil

    for the good of mankind/the country — zum Wohl[e] der Menschheit/des Landes

    do no/little good — nichts/wenig helfen od. nützen

    do somebody/something good — jemandem/einer Sache nützen; [Ruhe, Erholung:] jemandem/einer Sache gut tun; [Arznei:] jemandem/einer Sache helfen

    I’ll tell him, but what good will that do? — ich sag es ihm, aber was nützt od. hilft das schon?

    come home £10 to the good — mit 10 Pfund plus nach Hause kommen


    for good [and all] — ein für allemal; für immer [und ewig]; endgültig

    7) in pl. Waren; Fracht, die; attrib. Güter[bahnhof, -wagen, -zug]

    8) in pl.

    * * *


    brav adj.

    gut adj.

    lieb adj. n.

    Gut ¨-er n.

    English-german dictionary > good

  • 11



    1) palabra

    2) palabra

    3) noticia

    4) palabra



    — word processor
    — word processing
    — word-perfect
    — by word of mouth
    — get a word in edgeways
    — in a word
    — keep
    — break one’s word
    — take someone at his word
    — take at his word
    — take someone’s word for it
    — word for word

    he promised, he gave me his word me lo prometió, me dio su palabra


    2 (message, news) noticia

    word came that… llegó noticia (de) que…

    5 SMALLLINGUISTICS/SMALL palabra, vocablo, voz nombre femenino

    2 the Word SMALLRELIGION/SMALL el Verbo

    1 expresar, formular, redactar


    not to have a good word to say for somebody/something no decir absolutamente nada en favor de alguien/algo

    to break/go back on one’s word faltar a la palabra

    to have somebody’s word for it that… tener la palabra de alguien que…

    to put in/say a good word for somebody (intercede) interceder por alguien 2 (recommend) recomendar a alguien

    too… for words de lo más… que hay, indescriptiblemente…

    upon my word! ¡caramba!

    word processing procesamiento de textos, tratamiento de textos

    expresar, formular, redactar



    , vocablo


    , voz




    (de una canción, etc.)



    I wɜːrd, wɜːd




    (term, expression) palabra


    , vocablo




    ), voz





    `greenhouse’ is written as one word — `greenhouse’ se escribe todo junto

    it’s a long o big word — es una palabra difícil

    bad o naughty o rude word — palabrota f, mala palabra f (esp AmL), garabato m (Chi)

    what’s the German word for `dog’? — ¿cómo se dice `perro’ en alemán?

    what’s another word for `holiday’? — dame un sinónimo de `holiday’

    he was… what’s the word?… excommunicated — lo… ¿cómo se dice?… lo excomulgaron

    he didn’t say so in so many words, but that’s what he meant — no lo dijo así or con esas palabras, pero eso es lo que quiso decir

    by word of mouth: the news spread by word of mouth la noticia se fue transmitiendo or propagando de boca en boca; people got to know about it by word of mouth la gente se enteró porque se corrió la voz; from the word go desde el primer momento or desde el principio, desde el vamos (CS); the last word: to have the last word tener* or decir* la última palabra; the last word in computers la última palabra en computadoras; to eat one’s words: I was forced to eat my words me tuve que tragar lo que había dicho; to get a word in edgewise o (BrE) edgeways meter baza, meter la cuchara (fam); to hang on somebody’s every word sorber las palabras de alguien; to have a word with somebody about something hablar con alguien de or sobre algo; to have a word in somebody’s ear about something (BrE) hablar en privado con alguien de or sobre algo; to have words with somebody tener* unas palabras con alguien; to put in a (good) word for somebody recomendar* a alguien; ( for somebody in trouble) interceder por alguien; to put words into somebody’s mouth atribuirle* a alguien algo que no dijo; to take the words out of somebody’s mouth quitarle la(s) palabra(s) de la boca a alguien; to waste words gastar saliva; to weigh one’s words medir* sus (or mis etc) palabras; there’s many a true word spoken in jest! — lo dices en broma, pero…; mince I

    to keep/give one’s word — cumplir/dar* su (or mi etc) palabra

    to break one’s word, to go back on one’s word faltar a su (or mi etc) palabra; we only have his word for it no tenemos pruebas de ello, solo su palabra; you can take my word for it te lo aseguro; a man of his word un hombre de palabra; to be as good as one’s word: he was there all right, as good as his word allí estaba, tal como lo había prometido; to take somebody at her/his word — tomarle la palabra a alguien


    she left word with her secretary that… — dejó recado con la secretaria de que…, le dejó dicho a la secretaria que… (CS)

    word has it that… — corre la noticia or el rumor or la voz de que…, dicen que…, se dice que…

    to give the word (to + inf) — dar* la orden (de + inf)


    the word — el evangelio, la palabra de Dios


    transitive verb

    <<document/letter>> redactar; <<question>> formular


    1) palabra

    ; palabra

    ; (


    ) voz

    , vocablo

    I won’t hear a word against him — no permito que se le critique

    words fail me — no me lo puedo creer

    a man of few words — un hombre nada locuaz

    I can’t find (the) words to tell you… — no encuentro palabras para decirte…

    fine words — palabras elocuentes (pero quizá poco sinceras)

    word for word — palabra por palabra

    what’s the word for «shop» in Spanish? — ¿cómo se dice «shop» en español?

    I can’t get a word out of him — no logro sacarle una palabra

    in a word — en pocas palabras, en una palabra

    to have the last word in an argument — decir la última palabra en una discusión

    to measure one’s words — medir las palabras

    by word of mouth — verbalmente, de palabra

    a word of advice — un consejo

    I can’t put my feelings into words — no tengo palabras para expresar lo que siento

    don’t say a word about it — no digas nada de eso

    to weigh one’s words — medir las palabras

    with these words, he sat down — y tras pronunciar estas palabras se sentó

    without a word — sin decir palabra or ni pío

    — a word to the wise

    breathe 1., 2), eat 1., edgeways, mince



    to have words with sb — reñir or (esp LAm) pelear(se) con algn

    words passed between them — cambiaron algunas palabras injuriosas

    4) recado

    ; noticia

    , aviso

    to bring word of sth to sb — informar a algn de algo

    word came that… — llegó noticia de que…, se supo que…

    if word gets out that… — si sale a la luz que…, si llega a saberse que…

    the word is going round that… — se dice que…, corre la voz de que…

    word has it that…, the word is that… — se dice que…

    to leave word (with/for sb) that… — dejar recado (con/para algn) de que…, dejar dicho (con/para algn) que…

    there’s still no word from John — todavía no sabemos nada de John

    pass the word that it’s time to go — diles que es hora de marcharnos

    to send word — mandar recado

    to spread the word — propagar la noticia

    it’s his word against mine — es su palabra contra la mía

    to take sb at his word — aceptar lo que algn dice

    to break one’s word — faltar a or no cumplir la palabra

    to give sb one’s word (that…) — dar la palabra a algn (de que…)

    to go back on one’s word — faltar a la palabra

    you have my word — tienes mi palabra

    we only have or we’ve only got her word for it — todo lo que sabemos es lo que ella dice

    to hold or keep sb to his word — hacer que algn cumpla su palabra

    to keep one’s word — cumplir (lo prometido)

    (upon) my word! — ¡caramba!

    he’s a man of his word — es hombre de palabra

    I take your word for it — te creo, ¡basta con que me lo digas! *

    — his word is

    — be as good as one’s word

    7) (Rel) verbo , palabra




    * * *

    I [wɜːrd, wɜːd]




    (term, expression) palabra


    , vocablo




    ), voz





    `greenhouse’ is written as one word — `greenhouse’ se escribe todo junto

    it’s a long o big word — es una palabra difícil

    bad o naughty o rude word — palabrota f, mala palabra f (esp AmL), garabato m (Chi)

    what’s the German word for `dog’? — ¿cómo se dice `perro’ en alemán?

    what’s another word for `holiday’? — dame un sinónimo de `holiday’

    he was… what’s the word?… excommunicated — lo… ¿cómo se dice?… lo excomulgaron

    he didn’t say so in so many words, but that’s what he meant — no lo dijo así or con esas palabras, pero eso es lo que quiso decir

    by word of mouth: the news spread by word of mouth la noticia se fue transmitiendo or propagando de boca en boca; people got to know about it by word of mouth la gente se enteró porque se corrió la voz; from the word go desde el primer momento or desde el principio, desde el vamos (CS); the last word: to have the last word tener* or decir* la última palabra; the last word in computers la última palabra en computadoras; to eat one’s words: I was forced to eat my words me tuve que tragar lo que había dicho; to get a word in edgewise o (BrE) edgeways meter baza, meter la cuchara (fam); to hang on somebody’s every word sorber las palabras de alguien; to have a word with somebody about something hablar con alguien de or sobre algo; to have a word in somebody’s ear about something (BrE) hablar en privado con alguien de or sobre algo; to have words with somebody tener* unas palabras con alguien; to put in a (good) word for somebody recomendar* a alguien; ( for somebody in trouble) interceder por alguien; to put words into somebody’s mouth atribuirle* a alguien algo que no dijo; to take the words out of somebody’s mouth quitarle la(s) palabra(s) de la boca a alguien; to waste words gastar saliva; to weigh one’s words medir* sus (or mis etc) palabras; there’s many a true word spoken in jest! — lo dices en broma, pero…; mince I

    to keep/give one’s word — cumplir/dar* su (or mi etc) palabra

    to break one’s word, to go back on one’s word faltar a su (or mi etc) palabra; we only have his word for it no tenemos pruebas de ello, solo su palabra; you can take my word for it te lo aseguro; a man of his word un hombre de palabra; to be as good as one’s word: he was there all right, as good as his word allí estaba, tal como lo había prometido; to take somebody at her/his word — tomarle la palabra a alguien


    she left word with her secretary that… — dejó recado con la secretaria de que…, le dejó dicho a la secretaria que… (CS)

    word has it that… — corre la noticia or el rumor or la voz de que…, dicen que…, se dice que…

    to give the word (to + inf) — dar* la orden (de + inf)


    the word — el evangelio, la palabra de Dios


    transitive verb

    <<document/letter>> redactar; <<question>> formular

    English-spanish dictionary > word

  • 12

    1. сущ.
    1) слово to write a word ≈ сделать запись to coin a word ≈ создать/придумать новое слово to mispronounce слово ≈ неправильно произнести слово to distort smb.’s words ≈ переиначить чьи-л. слова, исказить смысл чьих-л. слов to hang on (to) smb. ‘s words ≈ придираться к чьим-л. словам of few words ≈ немногословно She took the words right out of my mouth. ≈ Она читает мои мысли (говорит то, о чем я хотел сказать) to get a word in edgewise ≈ ввернуть словечко, сделать дельное замечание to have the last word ≈ сказать послпеднее слово (положить конец спору, распре) to take smb. at her/his word ≈ поймать на слове кого-л. Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone. ≈ Об этом никому ни слова. There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. ≈ В газетах нет ни слова о происшествии. She would like to say a few words about the incident. ≈ Она хотела бы сказать несколько слов о происшествии. not to mince any words ≈ рассказать все без утайки angry words cross words sharp words choice word harsh word hasty words high-sounding words hollow words hypocritical words sincere words weasel words archaic words obsolete words borrowed words compound word dialectal words regional words foreign words four-letter words obscene words monosyllabic words nonce words portmanteau word simple words taboo word guide word household word in a word in one word put in a word say a word word in one’s ear it is not the word take at his word on the word with the word
    2) часто мн. разговор, речь to put in a good word for smb. ≈ произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л. to have words ≈ крупно поговорить, поссориться с кем-л. (with smb.) warm words, hot words ≈ брань, крупный разговор fair words ≈ комплименты
    3) замечание
    4) обещание, слово to break one’s word ≈ не сдержать обещание, нарушить клятву one’s solemn word ≈ торжественное обещание one’s word of honor ≈ слово чести She gave me her word that she would deliver the message. ≈ Она пообещала мне, что отправит сообщение. She’s a woman of her word. ≈ Она человек слова. man of his word ≈ человек слова upon my word ≈ Честное слово!
    5) вести;
    известие, сообщение
    6) приказание to give word ≈ отдать распоряжение word of command ≈ команда
    7) пароль
    8) девиз;
    лозунг ∙ hard words break no bones посл. ≈ брань на вороту не виснет a word spoken is past recalling посл. ≈ слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь a word to the wise ≈ умный с полуслова понимает big words last word sharp’s the word! in so many words code word
    2. гл. выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения
    слово — primary * корневое слово — half a * полслова — to be not the * for it быть недостаточным для выражения или определения чего-л. — tactlessness is not the * for it! «бестактность» — это не то слово /это слишком слабо сказано/! — I am repeating his very /actual/ *s я повторяю его собственные слова, я дословно передаю сказанное им часто pl речь, разговор, слова — concluding *s заключительное слово — to have a * with smb. поговорить с кем-л. — to take (up) the * заговорить;
    перебить( кого-л.) — to put smth. into *s, to give *s to smth. выразить что-л. словами — to put one’s thoughts into *s высказать /сформулировать/ свои мысли — to get /to put/ in a * вставить слово, вмешаться в разговор — *s fail me у меня не хватает слов — I have no *s to express my gratitude мне не хватает слов, чтобы выразить благодарность — a truer * was never spoken совершенно верно!;
    лучше не скажешь — bold in * only смелый только на словах — «A * to the Reader» «К читателю» (введение к книге) pl размолвка, ссора — high /hard/ *s разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор — they had *s, *s passed between them они поссорились, между ними произошла ссора замечание, совет — a * in season своевременный совет — a * in smb.’s ear намек (тк. в ед. ч.) вести;
    известие, сообщение — to receive * of smb.’s coming получить известие о чьем-л. приезде — please send me * as soon as possible пожалуйста, известите меня как можно скорее — please leave * for me at the office пожалуйста, оставьте мне записку в канцелярии (тк. в ед. ч.) обещание, заверение — to give one’s * дать слово;
    обещать — to keep one’s * сдержать слово — a man of his * человек слова — to be as good as one’s * сдержать слово — to be better than one’s * сделать больше обещанного — to take smb. at his * поверить кому-л. на слово;
    принять чьи-л. слова всерьез — his * is as good as his bond на его слово можно положиться;
    его слово — лучшая гарантия — take my * for it (разговорное) уверяю вас, поверьте мне рекомендация, совет — to say /to put in/ a good * for smb. хвалить или отстаивать кого-л.;
    замолвить за кого-л. словечко — to give smb. one’s good * рекомендовать кого-л. (на должность и т. п.) (тк. в ед. ч.) приказ, приказание — * of command( военное) команда — to give the *, to say the * отдать приказание /распоряжение, команду/ — * to be passed! (военное) (морское) слушайте все! — his * is law его слово — закон — sharp’s the *! поторапливайся, живей! — mum’s the *! тихо!, ни слова об этом! пароль, пропуск пословица, поговорка слух, молва( the W.) (религия) Слово господне (о священном писании, особ. о Евангелии;
    тж. W. of God, God’s W.) — to preach the W. проповедывать евангелие /христианство/ Слово, Бог-слово, Христос (тж. Eternal W.) — ministers of the W. (христианское) духовенство pl (музыкальное) (театроведение) текст, слова ( песни) ;
    либретто( оперы) ;
    текст (роли) (полиграфия) слово (условная единица объема, равная 5 печатным знакам) — 8000 *s = 1 печатный лист — a book of 160000 *s книга в 20 печатных листов (компьютерное) слово;
    кодовая группа;
    группа символов (биология) кодовое слово (в генетическом коде) > for *, to a * дословно, буквально, слово в слово > a man of few *s немногословный человек > a man of many *s велеречивый человек;
    болтун > by * of mouth на словах, устно > in a /one/ * одним словом, короче говоря > in other *s другими словами, иначе говоря > in a few *s в нескольких словах, вкратце > without many *s без лишних слов > not a *! (разговорное) ни слова!, ни гу-гу!, молчок! > in * and deed на словах и на деле > a play on /upon/ *s игра слов, каламбур > big *s хвастовство > upon /on/ my * (даю) честное слово > my *! подумать только! > in the *s of… говоря словами /по выражению, по словам/ такого-то… > in so many *s определенно, ясно, недвусмысленно;
    прямо, откровенно > on /with/ the * как только было сказано;
    без промедления;
    тут же, сейчас же > to hang on smb.’s *s ловить чьи-л. слова;
    внимательно прислушиваться к кому-л. > beyond *s неописуемый, невыразимый > conduct beyond *s поведение, не поддающееся описанию > a * and a blow необдуманный поступок, скоропалительное действие > to eat /to swallow/ one’s *s брать свои слова обратно;
    извиняться за сказанное > fair /good/ *s комплименты > fine *s красивые слова > fine /fair, soft/ *s butter no parsnips, *s are but wind (красивые) слова ничего не стоят > he has a kind /a good/ * for everyone у него для каждого человека найдется доброе слово > last *s последние /предсмертные/ слова > the last * (in smth.) последнее слово, новейшее достижение > the last * has not yet been said on this matter последнее слово по этому поводу еще не сказано, вопрос еще окончательно не решен > to have the last * сказать последнее слово (в споре) > not to know the first * about smth. ничего не понимать в чем-л., не знать азов чего-л. > he hasn’t a * to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься > to suit the action to the * смотреть, чтобы слово не расходилось с делом;
    сказано — сделано > a * spoken is past recalling слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь > *s are the wise man’s counters and the fool’s money только дурак верит на слово > a * to the wise умный с полуслова понимает > hard *s break no bones брань на вороту не виснет выражать словами;
    подбирать слова, выражения;
    формулировать — I should rather * it differently я бы сказал /сформулировал/ это иначе — how should it be *ed? как бы это выразить?
    address ~ вчт. адресное слово
    alphabetic ~ вчт. буквенное слово
    associatively located ~ вчт. слово найденное ассоциативным поиском
    banner ~ вчт. начальное слово
    I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
    a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
    ~ девиз;
    big words хвастовство
    binary ~ вчт. двоичное слово
    block descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор блока
    buzz ~ вчт. основное слово
    call ~ вчт. вызывающее слово
    ~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
    can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами
    check ~ вчт. контрольное слово
    code ~ кодированное слово
    command ~ вчт. имя команды
    comparand ~ вчт. характеристический признак
    computer ~ вчт. машинное слово
    constant ~ вчт. константное слово
    control ~ вчт. управляющее слово
    data ~ вчт. слово данных
    descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор
    digital ~ вчт. цифровое слово
    double ~ вчт. двойное слово
    edit ~ вчт. редактирующее слово
    empty ~ вчт. пустое слово
    entry ~ док. порядковое слово описания
    warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
    fair words комплименты
    full ~ вчт. слово
    function ~ вчт. функциональная команда
    ~ пароль;
    to give the word сказать пароль
    ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
    half ~ вчт. полуслово
    in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
    hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
    to have words (with smb.) крупно поговорить, поссориться (с кем-л.)
    he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
    a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься
    I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
    a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
    identifier ~ вчт. идентификатор
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
    hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
    index ~ вчт. модификатор
    information ~ вчт. информационное слово
    isolated ~ вчт. выбранное слово
    a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
    it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
    key ~ вчт. ключевое слово
    the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) последнее слово (в какой-л. области) the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) = последний крик моды
    the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
    sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
    lock ~ вчт. блокировочное слово
    long ~ вчт. двойное слово
    matching ~ вчт. слово с совпавшим признаком
    nonreserved ~ вчт. незарезервированное слово
    numeric ~ вчт. цифровое слово
    offensive ~ оскорбительное слово
    to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
    on (или with) the word вслед за словами
    optional ~ вчт. дополнительное слово
    packed ~ вчт. упакованное слово
    parameter ~ вчт. параметр
    partial ~ вчт. часть слова
    primary ~ вчт. встроенная операция
    processor status ~ вчт. слово состояния процессора
    program status ~ вчт. слово состояния программы
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    word вести;
    известие, сообщение;
    to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде
    request ~ вчт. слово запроса
    reserved ~ вчт. зарезервированное слово
    ~ замечание;
    to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.)
    search ~ вчт. признак
    secondary ~ вчт. вторичная команда
    selected ~ вчт. выбранное слово
    the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
    sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
    she had the last ~ ее слово было последним, = она в долгу не осталась
    spoken ~ вчт. произносимое слово
    status ~ вчт. слово состояния
    to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
    on (или with) the word вслед за словами
    test ~ вчт. тестовое слово
    unmarked ~ вчт. непомеченное слово
    ~ обещание, слово;
    to give one’s word обещать;
    a man of his word человек слова;
    upon my word! честное слово!
    upper half of ~ вчт. старшее полуслово
    warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
    fair words комплименты
    wide ~ вчт. длинное слово
    word вести;
    известие, сообщение;
    to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде ~ выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения;
    to word a telegram составить телеграмму ~ выражать словами ~ девиз;
    big words хвастовство ~ заверение ~ замечание;
    to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.) ~ замечание ~ известие ~ обещание, слово;
    to give one’s word обещать;
    a man of his word человек слова;
    upon my word! честное слово! ~ обещание ~ пароль;
    to give the word сказать пароль ~ пароль ~ приказ ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение ~ приказание ~ пропуск ~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
    can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами ~ слово;
    word for word слово в слово;
    by word of mouth устно;
    на словах ~ слово ~ вчт. слово ~ совет ~ сообщение ~ формулировыать ~ элемент информации
    ~ выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения;
    to word a telegram составить телеграмму
    ~ слово;
    word for word слово в слово;
    by word of mouth устно;
    на словах
    a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
    it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
    ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
    he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
    a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь
    a ~ to the wise = умный с полуслова понимает
    written-in ~ вчт. записанное слово

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > word

  • 13



    1) bueno; educado

    2) bueno, correcto

    3) bueno

    4) bueno, competente

    5) bueno, amable

    6) bueno; útil, beneficioso

    7) bueno, buen (humor), satisfecho, contento

    8) bueno, agradable

    9) bueno, apropiado, adecuado, suficiente

    10) bueno, apto, cualificado, adecuado

    11) bueno; sano; en buenas condiciones

    12) bueno

    13) bueno, positivo

    14) bueno; profundo

    15) bien, sano, en forma


    1) bien, provecho, beneficio

    2) bien, bondad, lado bueno


    bueno, bien


    ¡Dios mío!

    — goody
    — goodbye
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good-for-nothing
    — good humour
    — good-humoured
    — good-humouredly
    — good-looking
    — good morning
    — good afternoon
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good night
    — good-natured
    — goodwill
    — good will
    — good works
    — as good as
    — be as good as one’s word
    — be up to no good
    — deliver the goods
    — for good
    — for goodness’ sake
    — good for
    — good for you
    — him
    — Good Friday
    — good gracious
    — good heavens
    — goodness gracious
    — goodness me
    — good old
    — make good
    — no good
    — put in a good word for
    — take something in good part
    — take in good part
    — thank goodness
    — to the good


    bueno / amable


    be good! ¡sé bueno!

    1 muy

    1 ¡bien!


    good heavens!, good grief! ¡cielo santo!

    that’s a good one! (joke) ¡ésta sí que es buena!

    what’s the good of «+ ger»? ¿de qué sirve + inf?

    what’s the good of denying it? ¿de qué sirve negarlo?


    bueno, agradable

    bueno, beneficioso

    completo, entero

    bueno, bastante

    bueno, bien

    bueno, amable

    bueno, hábil

    bueno, sensato



    personales, posesiones




    , mercadería


    , artículos




    I gʊd



    (comp better; superl best) [The usual translation, bueno, becomes buen when it is used before a masculine singular noun]

    2) <food/quality/book> bueno

    it smells good — huele bien, tiene rico or buen olor (AmL)

    to make good something: they undertook to make good the damage to the car se comprometieron a hacerse cargo de la reparación del coche; our losses were made good by the company la compañía nos compensó las pérdidas; to make good one’s escape — lograr huir

    3) ( creditable) <work/progress/results> bueno

    4) (opportune, favorable) <moment/day/opportunity> bueno

    5) (advantageous, useful) <deal/offer/advice> bueno

    burn it; that’s all it’s good for — quémalo, no sirve para otra cosa

    good idea!, good thinking! — buena idea!

    7) (healthy, wholesome) <diet/habit/exercise> bueno


    good grief/gracious! — por favor!

    very good, sir/madam — (frml) lo que mande el señor/la señora (frml)


    as good as: it’s as good as new está como nuevo; he as good as admitted it — prácticamente lo admitió

    10) (skilled, competent) bueno

    to be good AT something/-ING: to be good at languages tener* facilidad para los idiomas; he’s good at ironing plancha muy bien; he is good with dogs/children tiene buena mano con or sabe cómo tratar a los perros/los niños; she is good with her hands — es muy habilidosa or mañosa

    11) (devoted, committed) bueno

    a good Catholic/socialist — un buen católico/socialista


    a) (virtuous, upright) bueno

    be good — sé bueno, pórtate bien

    13) ( kind) bueno

    to be good TO somebody: she was very good to me fue muy amable conmigo, se portó muy bien conmigo; it was very good of you to come muchas gracias por venir; good old Pete — el bueno de Pete

    14) (decent, acceptable) bueno

    15) ( sound) <customer/payer> bueno

    16) ( valid) <argument/excuse> bueno

    17) (substantial, considerable) <meal/salary/distance> bueno

    19) (thorough, intense) <rest/scolding> bueno




    to be up to no good — (colloq) estar* tramando algo, traerse* algo entre manos

    for the good of somebody/something — por el bien de algn/algo

    to do somebody/something good — hacerle* bien a algn/algo

    a) ( merchandise) artículos mpl, mercancías fpl, mercaderías fpl (AmS)

    to come up with o deliver the goods — (colloq) cumplir con lo prometido; (before n) <train, wagon> (BrE) de carga; < depot> de mercancías, de mercaderías (AmS)



    it’s been a good long while since… — ha pasado su buen tiempo desde…

    you messed that up good and proper, didn’t you? — (BrE colloq) metiste bien la pata, ¿no? (fam)

    2) (AmE colloq) (well, thoroughly) bien






    When good is part of a set combination, eg in a good temper, a good deal of, good heavens, look up the noun.
    The commonest translation of good is bueno, which must be shortened to buen before a masculine singular noun.


    at the end of the day, it’s a good investment — a fin de cuentas es una buena inversión

    Note that [bueno]/[buena] {etc} precede the noun in general comments where there is no attempt to compare or rank the person or thing involved:

    if he set his mind to it, he could be a very good painter — si se lo propusiera podría ser muy buen pintor

    [Bueno]/[buena] {etc} follow the noun when there is implied or explicit comparison:

    Use [ser] rather than [estar] with [bueno] when translating [to be good], unless describing food:

    Use [estar] with the adverb [bien] to give a general comment on a situation:

    you’ve written a book, which is good — has escrito un libro, lo que está bien


    she’s good at maths — se le dan bien las matemáticas, es buena en matemáticas

    that’s good enough for me — eso me basta

    40% of candidates are not good enough to pass — el 40% de los candidatos no dan el nivel or la talla para aprobar

    to feel good — sentirse bien

    we’ve never had it so good! * — ¡nunca nos ha ido tan bien!, ¡jamás lo hemos tenido tan fácil!

    how good is her eyesight? — ¿qué tal está de la vista?

    you’re looking good — ¡qué guapa estás!

    it’s too good to be true — no puede ser, es demasiado bueno para ser cierto

    she’s good with cats — entiende bien a los gatos, sabe manejarse bien con los gatos

    good 2., manner 4), a), mood II, 1., time 1., 5)


    3) bueno, agradable; bueno

    it was as good as a holiday — aquello fue como unas vacaciones

    have a good journey! — ¡buen viaje!

    how good it is to know that…! — ¡cuánto me alegro de saber que…!

    it’s good to see you — me alegro de verte, gusto en verte (LAm)

    have a good trip! — ¡buen viaje!

    alive, life 1., 3)

    4) bueno, sano; puro, sano

    it’s good for burns — es bueno para las quemaduras

    5) bueno

    it’s a good chance to sort things out — es una buena oportunidad de or para arreglar las cosas

    I tried to find something good to say about him — traté de encontrar algo bueno que decir de él

    it would be a good thing or idea to ask him — no estaría mal or no sería mala idea preguntárselo

    this is as good a time as any to do it — es tan buen momento como cualquier otro para hacerlo


    the only good chair — la única silla que está bien, la única silla servible or sana

    to be good for (doing) sth — servir para (hacer) algo

    7) bueno

    he is a good risk — concederle crédito es un riesgo asumible, se le puede prestar dinero

    word 1., 1)


    that’s very good of you — es usted muy amable, ¡qué amable (de su parte)!

    he was so good as to come with me — tuvo la amabilidad de acompañarme

    he was good to me — fue muy bueno or amable conmigo, se portó bien conmigo

    nature 1., 2)

    9) bueno

    be good! — ¡sé bueno!; ¡pórtate bien!; ¡estáte formal!

    — be as good as gold

    10) bueno

    I think I’m as good as him — yo me considero tan buena persona como él

    yes, my good man — sí, mi querido amigo

    send us a photo of your good selffrm tenga a bien enviarnos una foto suya

    she’s too good for him — ella es más de lo que él se merece

    lady 1., 5)

    11) bueno

    he’s a good friend of mine — es un buen amigo mío



    14) bueno

    we were kept waiting for a good hour/thirty minutes — nos tuvieron esperando una hora/media hora larga, nos tuvieron esperando por lo menos una hora/media hora

    a good £10 — lo menos 10 libras

    a good many or few people — bastante gente

    15) bueno

    to have a good cry — llorar a lágrima viva, llorar a moco tendido *

    to take a good look (at sth) — mirar bien (algo)


    good day ¡buenos días!; ¡hasta mañana!

    with every good wish, with all good wishes — saludos, un fuerte abrazo

    very good, sir — sí, señor

    good for you! — ¡bien hecho!; ¡enhorabuena!

    good one! — ¡muy bien!, ¡sí señor!

    old 1., 5)

    as good as

    as good as saying… — tanto como decir…

    to come good

    good and…

    to hold good valer ( for para)

    it’s a good job

    make 1., 3), riddance, thing 2)

    — give as good as one gets

    good and proper

    «how are you?» — «thanks, I’m good» — -¿cómo estás? -muy bien, gracias

    1) el bien

    to do good — hacer (el) bien

    he is a power for good — su influencia es muy buena or beneficiosa, hace mucho bien

    there’s some good in him — tiene algo bueno

    a rest will do you some good — un descanso te sentará bien

    for your own good — por tu propio bien

    to be in good with sb — estar a bien con algn

    that’s all to the good! — ¡menos mal!

    what good will that do you? — ¿y eso de qué te va a servir?


    the good los buenos

    any good

    is he any good? — ¿qué tal lo hace?, ¿lo hace bien?

    for good (and all) para siempre

    no good

    it’s no good, I’ll never get it finished in time — así no hay manera, nunca lo terminaré a tiempo



    * * *

    I [gʊd]



    (comp better; superl best) [The usual translation, bueno, becomes buen when it is used before a masculine singular noun]

    2) <food/quality/book> bueno

    it smells good — huele bien, tiene rico or buen olor (AmL)

    to make good something: they undertook to make good the damage to the car se comprometieron a hacerse cargo de la reparación del coche; our losses were made good by the company la compañía nos compensó las pérdidas; to make good one’s escape — lograr huir

    3) ( creditable) <work/progress/results> bueno

    4) (opportune, favorable) <moment/day/opportunity> bueno

    5) (advantageous, useful) <deal/offer/advice> bueno

    burn it; that’s all it’s good for — quémalo, no sirve para otra cosa

    good idea!, good thinking! — buena idea!

    7) (healthy, wholesome) <diet/habit/exercise> bueno


    good grief/gracious! — por favor!

    very good, sir/madam — (frml) lo que mande el señor/la señora (frml)


    as good as: it’s as good as new está como nuevo; he as good as admitted it — prácticamente lo admitió

    10) (skilled, competent) bueno

    to be good AT something/-ING: to be good at languages tener* facilidad para los idiomas; he’s good at ironing plancha muy bien; he is good with dogs/children tiene buena mano con or sabe cómo tratar a los perros/los niños; she is good with her hands — es muy habilidosa or mañosa

    11) (devoted, committed) bueno

    a good Catholic/socialist — un buen católico/socialista


    a) (virtuous, upright) bueno

    be good — sé bueno, pórtate bien

    13) ( kind) bueno

    to be good TO somebody: she was very good to me fue muy amable conmigo, se portó muy bien conmigo; it was very good of you to come muchas gracias por venir; good old Pete — el bueno de Pete

    14) (decent, acceptable) bueno

    15) ( sound) <customer/payer> bueno

    16) ( valid) <argument/excuse> bueno

    17) (substantial, considerable) <meal/salary/distance> bueno

    19) (thorough, intense) <rest/scolding> bueno




    to be up to no good — (colloq) estar* tramando algo, traerse* algo entre manos

    for the good of somebody/something — por el bien de algn/algo

    to do somebody/something good — hacerle* bien a algn/algo

    a) ( merchandise) artículos mpl, mercancías fpl, mercaderías fpl (AmS)

    to come up with o deliver the goods — (colloq) cumplir con lo prometido; (before n) <train, wagon> (BrE) de carga; < depot> de mercancías, de mercaderías (AmS)



    it’s been a good long while since… — ha pasado su buen tiempo desde…

    you messed that up good and proper, didn’t you? — (BrE colloq) metiste bien la pata, ¿no? (fam)

    2) (AmE colloq) (well, thoroughly) bien

    English-spanish dictionary > good

  • 14

    I. 1. дума, слово
    WORD for WORD дума по дума
    attr буквален, дума по дума (зa превод и пр.)
    to a WORD дословно, точно, буквално
    in a WORD с една дума, накратко казано, in a few WORDs с няколко думи, накратко
    in other WORDs с други думи (казано), т. е.
    in the WORDs of… според/по думите на…, както казва…
    to put one’s thoughts in WORDs изразявам с думи/давам устен писмен израз на миcлите си
    a man of few WORDs мълчалив/неразговорлив човек
    not to have a WORD to throw at a dog мълча като пън, не си отварям устата, ужасно съм мълчалив
    to make few WORDs of something не говоря много-много/мълча си за нещо
    to get/put in a WORD казвам и аз нещо
    to say/to put in a good WORD for someone казвам една добра дума за/препоръчвам някого
    to put WORDs into someone’s mouth казвам/подсказвам някому какво да каже, приписвам някому думи, твърдя, че е казал нещо
    with/at these WORDs при/с/като каза тези думи
    too silly, etc. for WORDs неизказано/безкрайно глупав и пр.
    beyond WORDs неизказан, неизразим, неописуем
    a play upon WORDs игра на думи, игрословица, каламбур
    the last WORD последната/решаващата дума/мнение
    hard WORDs тежки/сурови думи
    hard WORDs break no bones дума дупка не прави
    big WORD s големи приказки, хвалби, самохвалство
    unable to put two WORDs together неспособен да каже две (свързани) думи
    2. често рl разговор, спор
    to have a WORD with поговорвам/поприказвам с
    to have WORDs with споря/карам се/скарвам се с
    to come to high WORDs стигам до обиди
    WORDs ran high спорът/кавгата се разгорещи
    3. дума, обещание
    to give/pledge one’s WORD давам дума, обещавам, вричам се
    to keep/break one’s WORD удържам/не удържам (на) обещанието си
    a man of his WORD човек, който държи на думата си
    to be as good as one’s WORD винаги изпълнявам обещанието си
    to be better than one’s WORD правя повече, отколкото съм обещал
    WORD of honour честна дума
    upon my WORD! честна дума! ей богу! I give you/ (you may) take my WORD for it вярвай ми
    to take someone at his WORD повярвам на/хващам се за думите/обещанието на някого
    4. заповед, нареждане
    WORD of command воен. команда
    to give/say the WORD давам нареждане, заповядвам
    5. вест, известие, съобщение
    to send WORD to someone съобщавам някому, уведомявам някого
    WORD came that/of дойде вест, че/за
    the WORD is/WORD has it that съобщава се/говори се, че
    to send/leave WORD that/of изпращам съобщение/оставям бележка, че/за
    I have had no WORD from him не ми е писал/не ми се е обаждал
    6. парола, девиз, лозунг, мото
    7. the WORD (of God), God’s WORD рел. Светото писание, християнското учение
    II. v изразявам устно/писмено, правя подбор на думите си
    a politely WORDed suggestion учтиво формулирано предложение

    * * *

    {wъ:d} n 1. дума, слово; word for word 1) дума по дума; 2) attr буквал(2) {wъ:d} v изразявам устно/писмено; правя подбор на думите си;

    * * *

    слово; обещание; дума;

    * * *

    1. a man of few words мълчалив/неразговорлив човек
    2. a man of his word човек, който държи на думата си
    3. a play upon words игра на думи, игрословица, каламбур
    4. a politely worded suggestion учтиво формулирано предложение
    5. attr буквален, дума по дума (зa превод и пр.)
    6. beyond words неизказан, неизразим, неописуем
    7. big word s големи приказки, хвалби, самохвалство
    8. hard words break no bones дума дупка не прави
    9. hard words тежки/сурови думи
    10. i have had no word from him не ми е писал/не ми се е обаждал
    11. i. дума, слово
    12. ii. v изразявам устно/писмено, правя подбор на думите си
    13. in a word с една дума, накратко казано, in a few words с няколко думи, накратко
    14. in other words с други думи (казано), т. е
    15. in the words of… според/по думите на…, както казва..
    16. not to have a word to throw at a dog мълча като пън, не си отварям устата, ужасно съм мълчалив
    17. the last word последната/решаващата дума/мнение
    18. the word (of god), god’s word рел. Светото писание, християнското учение
    19. the word is/word has it that съобщава се/говори се, че
    20. to a word дословно, точно, буквално
    21. to be as good as one’s word винаги изпълнявам обещанието си
    22. to be better than one’s word правя повече, отколкото съм обещал
    23. to come to high words стигам до обиди
    24. to get/put in a word казвам и аз нещо
    25. to give/pledge one’s word давам дума, обещавам, вричам се
    26. to give/say the word давам нареждане, заповядвам
    27. to have a word with поговорвам/поприказвам с
    28. to have words with споря/карам се/скарвам се с
    29. to keep/break one’s word удържам/не удържам (на) обещанието си
    30. to make few words of something не говоря много-много/мълча си за нещо
    31. to put one’s thoughts in words изразявам с думи/давам устен писмен израз на миcлите си
    32. to put words into someone’s mouth казвам/подсказвам някому какво да каже, приписвам някому думи, твърдя, че е казал нещо
    33. to say/to put in a good word for someone казвам една добра дума за/препоръчвам някого
    34. to send word to someone съобщавам някому, уведомявам някого
    35. to send/leave word that/of изпращам съобщение/оставям бележка, че/за
    36. to take someone at his word повярвам на/хващам се за думите/обещанието на някого
    37. too silly, etc. for words неизказано/безкрайно глупав и пр
    38. unable to put two words together неспособен да каже две (свързани) думи
    39. upon my word! честна дума! ей богу! i give you/ (you may) take my word for it вярвай ми
    40. with/at these words при/с/като каза тези думи
    41. word came that/of дойде вест, че/за
    42. word for word дума по дума
    43. word of command воен. команда
    44. word of honour честна дума
    45. words ran high спорът/кавгата се разгорещи
    46. вест, известие, съобщение
    47. дума, обещание
    48. заповед, нареждане
    49. парола, девиз, лозунг, мото
    50. често рl разговор, спор

    * * *

    word[wə:d] I. n 1. дума, слово; by word of mouth устно; word for word дума по дума; attr дословен, буквален (за превод и пр.); to a word точно, буквално; in a word с една дума, накратко казано; in other words с други думи, т. е.; in words of one syllable с думи прости, просто и ясно; I told him in so many words казах му ясно (недвусмислено), обясних му най-подробно; in the words of според думите на …, както се изразява …; not to mince o.’s words говоря направо (без заобикалки), не си поплювам; to eat o.’s words връщам си думите назад; to put o.’s thoughts into words давам израз (изразявам, формулирам) мислите си; a man of few words мълчалив, неразговорлив човек; to make few words of it не приказвам много, много за това; to get ( put) in a word, to get a word in edgewise ( edgeways) казвам и аз нещо, обаждам се; to say ( put in) a good word for s.o. казвам една (добра) дума за някого, препоръчвам някого; to put ( the) words into s.o.’s mouth разг. подсказвам (подшушвам) някому какво да каже; lost ( at a loss, stuck) for words онемял (от изненада, вълнение и пр.), глътнал езика си; beyond words неизказан, неизразим; words fail me to express нямам думи да изкажа; too silly ( ridiculous) for words неизказано глупав (нелеп); a play upon words игра на думи; the last word последната (решаващата) дума (мнение); the last word in (of) последната дума на (техниката, модата и пр.); hard words тежки думи; hard words break no bones дума дупка не прави; idle words празни приказки; fair ( fine) words красиви фрази; big words големи приказки, хвалби, самохвалство; famous last words пък кой знае, всяко твърдение е предпоследно; a dirty word тема табу; to have a word is s.o.’s ear подшушвам, давам информация на ухо; cold is not the word for it, its freezing малко е да се каже, че е студено, направо е ледено студено; mark my words! помни ми думата! ще видиш, че съм прав! a word spoken is past recalling казана дума, хвърлен камък; a truer word was never spoken право е, права приказка, права дума каза; a word in ( out of) season съвет (не) на място, уместен (неуместен) съвет; to hang on s.o.’s word гледам някого в устата, слушам с възхищение; not to be able to put two words together не мога да кажа две думи на кръст; to give ( pledge) o.’s word давам дума, заричам се, вричам се; to keep ( break) o.’s word (не) изпълнявам дадената дума; to go back on o.’s word отмятам се от (не изпълнявам) думата (обещанието) си; a man ( woman) of his word човек, който държи на думата си; to be as good as o.’s word изпълнявам дадената дума; to be better than o.’s word правя повече, отколкото съм обещал; word of honour честа дума; upon my word! честна дума! ей Богу! I give you ( you may take) my word for it имаш честната ми дума, вярвай ми; to take s.o. at his word (по)вярвам на обещанието (думата) на някого; 2. често pl разговор; спор; may I have a word with you? мога ли да поговоря с вас? to have words ( with) споря, карам се, скарвам се (с); words ran high спорът (кавгата) се разгорещи (изостри); 3. дума, обещание; 4. заповед, нареждане; word of command воен. команда; say the word само кажи (нареди) ще го направя); mum’s the word! шт! не казвай на никого! по този въпрос не трябва да се говори! from the word go от начало до край; 5. вест, известие, съобщение; to send word to s.o. съобщавам някому, уведомявам някого; to pass the word предавам съобщение (информация); 6. парол(а); 7. девиз, лозунг; 8. рел. the W. Светото писание; християнското учение; ministers of the word свещеници; II. v изразявам думи), формулирам, казвам; I should word it rather differently аз бих го изразил по друг начин; beautifully worded speech прекрасно написана (съставена) реч.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > word

  • 15

    1. [wɜːd]


    1) parola f., vocabolo m., termine m.

    to have no words to express sth. — non trovare le o non avere parole per esprimere qcs.

    to put one’s feelings into words esprimere ciò che si prova (a parole); what’s the Greek word for «dog»? come si dice «cane» in greco? a word of warning, advice un avvertimento, un consiglio; vulgar is hardly the word for it volgare è dire poco; I’ve said my last word ho detto tutto ciò che avevo da dire; too sad for words indescrivibilmente triste; in the words of Bush come disse Bush; I mean every word of it parlo sul serio; a man of few words — un uomo di poche parole

    2) (anything, something)

    word got out that… — si è diffusa o è trapelata la notizia che…

    to bring, send word that — annunciare, fare sapere che

    he left word at the desk that… — ha lasciato detto alla reception che…

    to take sb.’s word for it — credere a qcn. sulla parola

    to take sb. at his, her word — prendere qcn. in parola

    word has it that… — si dice che…

    word got round o around that… — girava voce che



    to have a word with sb. about sth. — dire una parola a qcn. su qcs.

    to have words with sb. — venire a parole con qcn.

    to put in a good word for sb. — mettere una buona parola per qcn

    II [wɜːd]

    * * *


    1) parola

    2) parola

    3) notizia, messaggio

    4) parola



    — word processor
    — word processing
    — word-perfect
    — by word of mouth
    — get a word in edgeways
    — in a word
    — keep
    — break one’s word
    — take someone at his word
    — take at his word
    — take someone’s word for it
    — word for word

    * * *

    1. [wɜːd]


    1) parola f., vocabolo m., termine m.

    to have no words to express sth. — non trovare le o non avere parole per esprimere qcs.

    to put one’s feelings into words esprimere ciò che si prova (a parole); what’s the Greek word for «dog»? come si dice «cane» in greco? a word of warning, advice un avvertimento, un consiglio; vulgar is hardly the word for it volgare è dire poco; I’ve said my last word ho detto tutto ciò che avevo da dire; too sad for words indescrivibilmente triste; in the words of Bush come disse Bush; I mean every word of it parlo sul serio; a man of few words — un uomo di poche parole

    2) (anything, something)

    word got out that… — si è diffusa o è trapelata la notizia che…

    to bring, send word that — annunciare, fare sapere che

    he left word at the desk that… — ha lasciato detto alla reception che…

    to take sb.’s word for it — credere a qcn. sulla parola

    to take sb. at his, her word — prendere qcn. in parola

    word has it that… — si dice che…

    word got round o around that… — girava voce che



    to have a word with sb. about sth. — dire una parola a qcn. su qcs.

    to have words with sb. — venire a parole con qcn.

    to put in a good word for sb. — mettere una buona parola per qcn

    II [wɜːd]

    English-Italian dictionary > word

  • 16

    1. [gʋd]

    1) добро, благо

    to do smb. good — делать добро кому-л., помогать кому-л.; помогать кому-л. исправиться

    to be after /up to/ no good — задумать недоброе

    there’s some [a lot of] good in him — в нём есть немало [много] хорошего

    2) польза

    to extract all the good out of smth. — максимально использовать что-л.

    to do good — быть полезным, приносить пользу

    that will do more harm than good — это принесёт больше вреда, чем пользы

    it will do you good to spend a week in the country — неделя в деревне пойдёт вам на пользу, вам будет полезно провести неделю в деревне

    for (the) good of smb., for smb.’s good — на пользу /на благо/ кому-л., ради кого-л.

    I’m doing it for your good — я делаю это для вашей пользы /ради вас/

    an influence /a power/ for good — благотворное /хорошее/ влияние

    for the public /common/ good — на общее благо

    what good will it do? — что пользы в этом?

    what is the good of it? — какой в этом смысл?; что в этом толку?

    what good will that do you?, what good will it be to you? — зачем вам это?, какой вам смысл делать это?

    a (fat) lot of good that will do you! — напрасно вы это затеваете; от этого (никакого) толку не будет

    much good may it do you! — а) пусть это пойдёт вам на пользу!; б) какая вам польза от этого?

    he will come to no good — для него это добром не кончится; он плохо кончит

    it is no good — бесполезно, ни к чему не ведёт

    it’s no good being insistent [talking about it] — бесполезно настаивать [говорить об этом]

    he is no good — от него толку мало, он пустое место, он ни на что не годен

    3) (the good) добрые люди

    to the good — а) к лучшему; that’s all to the good — это всё к лучшему; that’s so much to the good — пока всё хорошо; пока наша берёт, пока преимущество за нами; б) к выгоде

    for good (and all) — навсегда, окончательно

    2. [gʋd]

    (better; best)

    1. 1) хороший

    good house [knife, road] — хороший дом [нож, -ая дорога]

    good play [music, picture, dictionary] — хорошая пьеса [музыка, картина, -ий словарь]

    good soil — хорошая /плодородная/ земля /почва/

    of good family — из хорошей /благородной/ семьи

    good breeding — хорошее воспитание, хорошие манеры

    good behaviour — а) хорошее поведение; б) добросовестное выполнение своих обязанностей (); безупречное прохождение службы

    in good English — на хорошем английском языке, безупречным английским языком

    very good! — прекрасно!, отлично!, замечательно!

    good luck! — желаю удачи!

    I don’t feel too good — я неважно себя чувствую; я чувствую себя не в своей тарелке

    I don’t feel too good about it — мне это не нравится, мне это не по душе

    to have a good time — хорошо /приятно, весело/ провести время, здорово повеселиться [ тж. ]

    to bring good news — приносить хорошие /приятные/ новости

    drink water, it’s just as good — пей воду, она ничуть /ничем/ не хуже

    it would be a good idea to spend a day on the farm — неплохая мысль /будет неплохо/ провести день на ферме

    it’s a good thing that you can do it — здорово /я рад/, что ты можешь это сделать

    2) приятный, хороший

    it’s good to be here [to see you, to hear of it] — приятно быть здесь [видеть вас, слышать об этом]

    3) выгодный; удобный

    4) имеющий хорошую репутацию; хороший ()

    the firm has a good name — у этой фирмы хорошее имя /-ая репутация/

    5) высокий, важный

    people of /in/ a good position — люди, занимающие высокое положение

    2. 1) полезный

    medicine good for a headache /toothache/ — лекарство, хорошо помогающее от головной [зубной] боли

    he drinks more than is good for him — он чересчур много пьёт; он пьёт во вред здоровью

    it’s good for him to spend plenty of time out of doors — ему полезно побольше быть на свежем воздухе

    it seemed [I thought] good to do so — казалось [я думал], что так нужно сделать

    2) годный

    are acorns good to eat? — жёлуди употребляют в пищу?

    this is good enough for me — мне это подходит, меня это устраивает [ тж. 5]

    this isn’t good enough — а) (мне) это не подходит, (меня) это не устраивает; б) это /так/ не годится; в) это чересчур, это слишком

    3. 1) умелый, искусный, хороший

    good swimmer [runner] — хороший пловец [бегун]

    to be a good dancer — быть хорошим танцором, хорошо танцевать

    he is good with his hands — он всё умеет делать, у него золотые руки

    2) подходящий; отвечающий цели, назначению; соответствующий

    good mother [wife, father] — хорошая мать [жена, -ий отец]

    a good man for the work — человек, подходящий для данной работы

    a good light for reading — свет, удобный для чтения

    to come in good time — прийти вовремя /заранее/

    3) (at) способный

    to be good at mathematics [at languages] — быть способным к математике [к языкам]

    4. 1) добрый, доброжелательный

    good works [intentions] — добрые дела [намерения]

    good neighbourship /neighbourhood/ — добрососедские отношения

    to say a good word for smb. — замолвить словечко за кого-л.

    to do smb. a good turn — оказывать услугу кому-л.

    to be good to smb. — проявлять доброту к кому-л.

    2) благоприятный, положительный ()

    to give a good report of smb., of smth. — хорошо отозваться о ком-л., о чём-л.

    3) добродетельный; чистый

    to be good amid the temptations of the world — оставаться добродетельным среди мирских соблазнов

    4) воспитанный, послушный

    be good! — веди(те) себя прилично!

    5. милый, любезный, добрый

    be good enough to… — будьте так любезны… [ тж. 2, 2)]

    6. 1) свежий, неиспорченный; доброкачественный

    good food — доброкачественная /свежая/ пища

    meat keeps good in a refrigerator — мясо остаётся свежим /хорошо сохраняется/ в холодильнике

    is the meat still good? — мясо не испортилось?

    2) настоящий, неподдельный

    good money — настоящие деньги [ тж. 9]

    good stone — хороший /драгоценный/ камень

    3) надёжный; кредитоспособный

    good debt — долг, который обязательно будет выплачен

    7. 1) здоровый, хороший

    2) (for) способный, в состоянии

    all you’re good for is to spend money — ты только и умеешь, что тратить деньги

    he is good for some years more — он проживёт /протянет/ ещё несколько лет

    he is good for £20 — он может дать /внести/ 20 фунтов стерлингов

    he /his credit/ is good for £25 000 — он располагает суммой в 25 000 фунтов стерлингов, у него в банке 25 000 фунтов стерлингов

    3) действительный; действующий

    the ticket is good for two months — билет действителен в течение двух месяцев

    this car ought to be good for another five years — эта машина послужит мне ещё добрых пять лет

    are you good for a long walk? — хватит ли тебя на длинную прогулку?

    8. основательный; оправданный; справедливый; законный

    good excuse — основательная /уважительная/ причина

    good reasons — а) основательные причины; б) убедительные /веские/ доводы

    the rule holds good — правило действительно /справедливо/

    9. достаточный; обильный, изрядный

    a good deal /many/ — много, значительное количество

    I have a good many books /a good deal of books/ — у меня много книг

    to have a good laugh [talk] — хорошенько /как следует/ посмеяться [поговорить]

    to earn good money — неплохо заработать [ тж. 6, 2)]

    10. добрый, милый ()

    my good sir — дорогой сэр /господин/


    сильный, большой, крепкий; как следует

    good hard work — тяжёлая /весьма нелёгкая/ работа

    ❝How’m I doing?❞ — ❝Not good❞ — Ну, как у меня получается? — Так себе

    good morning [day, evening] — доброе утро [-ый день, вечер]

    to wish smb. a good night — пожелать кому-л. доброй ночи

    the Good Book — библия; священное писание

    good God!, good gosh!, good gracious! — господи!, боже мой!, боже правый!

    good grief! — чёрт возьми!; ну и ну! ()

    good old John [Tom]! — браво, Джон [Том]!

    good for you! — а) тем лучше для вас!; б) браво!

    good Lord, deliver us! — господи, спаси и помилуй!

    good time — а) приятное времяпрепровождение [ тж. 1, 1)]; б) долгое время, достаточный срок; в) сокращение срока заключения /досрочное освобождение/ за хорошее поведение

    in good time — а) со временем, с течением времени; б) своевременно; в) заранее, заблаговременно

    the good people — эльфы, феи

    as good as — почти; всё равно что

    it’s as good as done /settled/ — дело в шляпе

    he has as good as got the job — это место у него в кармане; считай, что он уже получил эту работу

    as good as gold — а) послушный; б) добрый, снисходительный, благожелательный

    as good as pie — очень хороший, симпатичный; благонравный, паинька

    as good as a play — очень интересно, забавно

    his word is as good as his bond — он никогда не нарушает обещаний, он всегда держит своё слово

    too good to be true — так хорошо, что не верится; невероятно, не может быть

    to have a good mind to… — намереваться, собираться ()

    to make good — а) сдержать слово; выполнить обещание; б) восполнять, возмещать, компенсировать (); в) доказать, обосновать; г) преуспевать, делать успехи

    that’s a good one /’un/! — какая ложь!, какой вздор!, надо же такое придумать!

    to be in good spirits — быть весёлым /в хорошем настроении/

    to be in smb.’s good books — пользоваться чьей-л. благосклонностью

    to be in smb.’s good graces grace I 3

    good and proper — а) основательно, как следует; to tell smb. off good and proper — как следует отругать, распечь кого-л.; сказать кому-л. всё, что о нём думаешь; б) полностью; наголову, в пух и прах; to beat smb. good and proper — разбить кого-л. наголову

    НБАРС > good

  • 17

    1) слово

    in a word, in one word — одним словом, коротше кажучи

    to a word, word for word — дослівно; слово в слово


    часто pl

    мова, розмова; слова

    to put in a word — закинути слово; устрявати в розмову



    сварка, суперечка, лайка

    4) зауваження, порада

    5) тільки


    звістка, повідомлення

    6) тільки


    обіцянка, запевнення

    to give one’s word — дати слово

    7) тільки


    наказ, розпорядження

    8) пароль, перепустка; гасло

    9) прислів’я; сентенція, вислів

    10) чутка, поговір

    to preach the W. — проповідувати Євангеліє


    pl муз., театр.

    текст, слова ; лібрето



    елемент інформації

    word stress — словесний наголос

    big words — хвастощі

    to eat one’s words — брати свої слова назад, вибачатися за сказане

    fair words — компліменти

    upon my word — даю чесне слово

    my word upon it! — слово честі!

    1) виражати словами; добирати вислови ; формулювати

    2) говорити, розмовляти; висловлюватися

    3) умовляти

    * * *



    primary [simple, vernacular, accessory] word — кореневе [просте, місцеве, службове]слово

    tactlessness is not the word for it! — «безтактність» — це не те слово /це занадто слабко сказано/!; I am repeating his very /actual/ words я повторюю його власні слова, я дослівно передаю сказане ним



    мова, розмова, слова

    to take (up) the word — заговорити; перебити

    to put smth into words, to give words to smth — виразити що-н. словами

    to get /to put in a word — вставити слово, втрутитися в розмову

    «A word to the Reader» — «До читача»

    3) суперечка, сварка

    high /hard/ words — розмова на підвищених тонах

    they had words, words passed between them — вони посварилися

    4) зауваження, порада

    a word in [out of]season — своєчасна [непрохана]порада




    вісті; повідомлення




    обіцянка, завірення

    to keep [to break]one’s word — стримати [порушити]слово

    to take smb at his word — повірити кому-н. на слово

    7) рекомендація, порада

    to say /to put in/ a good word for smb — хвалити відстоювати кого-н.; замовити за кого-л слівце

    to give smb one’s good word — рекомендувати кого-н.

    to give the word, to say the word — віддати наказ /розпорядження, команду/; word to be passed! слухайте всі!

    9) пароль, пропуск

    10) прислів’я, приказка

    11) чутка, поголоска

    12) Слово господянє ; to preach the W. проповідувати євангеліє /християнство/; Слово, бог-слово, Христос ; ministers of the W. духовенство


    ; мyз., / текст, слова ; лібретто ; текст

    14) слово

    15) слово; код; кодова група; група символів


    for word, to a word — дослівно, буквально, слово в слово

    in a /one/ word — одним словом, короче кажучи

    a play on /upon/ words — гра слів, каламбур

    upon /on/ my word — чесне слово

    in the words of… — кажучи словами / по словам/ такого-то…

    on /with/ the word — як тільки було сказано; без зволікання; одразу

    to hang on smb ‘s words — ловити чиї-н, слова; уважно прислуховуватися к кого-н.

    to eat /to swallow/ one’s words — брати свої слова назад; вибачатися за сказане

    fair /good/ words — компліменти

    fine /fair, soft/ words butter no parsnips, words are but wind — слова нічого не варті



    виражати словами; підбирати слова, вирази; формулювати

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > word

  • 18

    1. [wɜ:d]

    1. слово

    primary [simple, vernacular, accessory] word — корневое [простое, исконное, служебное] слово

    tactlessness is not the word for it! — «бестактность» — это не то слово /это слишком слабо сказано/!

    I am repeating his very /actual/ words — я повторяю его собственные слова, я дословно передаю сказанное им

    2. речь, разговор, слова

    to have a word with smb. — поговорить с кем-л.

    to take (up) the word — заговорить; перебить ()

    to put smth. into words, to give words to smth. — выразить что-л. словами

    to put one’s thoughts into words — высказать /сформулировать/ свои мысли

    to get /to put/ in a word — вставить слово, вмешаться в разговор

    I have no words to express my gratitude — мне не хватает слов, чтобы выразить благодарность

    a truer word was never spoken — ≅ совершенно верно!; лучше не скажешь

    ❝A word to the Reader❞ — «К читателю» ()

    high /hard/ words — разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор

    they had words, words passed between them — они поссорились, между ними произошла ссора

    4. замечание, совет

    a word in [out of] season — своевременный [непрошеный] совет

    a word in smb.’s ear — намёк


    sing вести; известие, сообщение

    to receive word of smb.’s coming — получить известие о чьём-л. приезде

    please send me word as soon as possible — пожалуйста, известите меня как можно скорее

    please leave word for me at the office — пожалуйста, оставьте мне записку в канцелярии


    sing обещание, заверение

    to give one’s word — дать слово; обещать

    to keep [to break] one’s word — сдержать [нарушить] слово

    to take smb. at his word — поверить кому-л. на слово; принять чьи-л. слова всерьёз

    his word is as good as his bond — на его слово можно положиться, его слово — лучшая гарантия

    7. рекомендация, совет

    to say /to put in/ a good word for smb. — хвалить отстаивать кого-л.; замолвить за кого-л. словечко

    to give smb. one’s good word — рекомендовать кого-л. ()


    sing приказ, приказание

    to give the word, to say the word — отдать приказание /распоряжение, команду/

    sharp’s the word! — поторапливайся!, живей!

    mum’s the word! — тихо!, ни слова об этом!

    9. пароль, пропуск

    10. пословица, поговорка

    11. слух, молва

    1) Слово господне (;

    Word of God, God’s Word)

    to preach the Word — проповедовать евангелие /христианство/

    2) Слово, бог-слово, Христос (

    Eternal Word)


    муз., театр. текст, слова (); либретто (); текст ()

    1) слово

    2) код; кодовая группа; группа символов

    for word, to a word — дословно, буквально, слово в слово

    a man of many words — велеречивый человек; болтун

    by word of mouth — на словах, устно

    in a /one/ word — одним словом, короче говоря

    in other words — другими словами, иначе говоря

    in a few words — в нескольких словах, вкратце

    a play on /upon/ words — игра слов, каламбур

    upon /on/ my word — (даю) честное слово

    my word! — подумать только!

    in the words of… — говоря словами /по выражению, по словам/ такого-то…

    in so many words — а) определённо, ясно, недвусмысленно; б) прямо, откровенно

    on /with/ the word — как только было сказано; без промедления; тут же, сейчас же

    to hang on smb.’s words — ловить чьи-л. слова; внимательно прислушиваться к кому-л.

    beyond words — неописуемый, невыразимый

    conduct beyond words — поведение, не поддающееся описанию

    a word and a blow — необдуманный поступок, скоропалительное действие

    to eat /to swallow/ one’s words — брать свои слова обратно; извиняться за сказанное

    fair /good/ words — комплименты

    fine /fair, soft/ words butter no parsnips, words are but wind — ≅ (красивые) слова ничего не стоят

    he has a kind /a good/ word for everyone — у него для каждого найдётся доброе слово

    last words — последние /предсмертные/ слова

    the last word (in smth.) — последнее слово, новейшее достижение

    the last word has not yet been said on this matter — последнее слово по этому поводу ещё не сказано, вопрос ещё окончательно не решён

    not to know the first word about smth. — ничего не понимать в чём-л., не знать азов чего-л.

    to suit the action to the word — смотреть, чтобы слово не расходилось с делом; ≅ сказано — сделано

    a word spoken is past recalling — ≅ слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь

    words are the wise man’s counters and the fool’s money — ≅ только дурак верит на слово

    a word to the wise — ≅ умный с полуслова понимает

    hard words break no bones — ≅ брань на вороту не виснет

    2. [wɜ:d]

    выражать словами; подбирать слова, выражения; формулировать

    I should rather word it differently — я бы сказал /сформулировал/ это иначе

    how should it be worded? — как бы это выразить?

    НБАРС > word

  • 19



    primary [simple, vernacular, accessory] word — кореневе [просте, місцеве, службове]слово

    tactlessness is not the word for it! — «безтактність» — це не те слово /це занадто слабко сказано/!; I am repeating his very /actual/ words я повторюю його власні слова, я дослівно передаю сказане ним



    мова, розмова, слова

    to take (up) the word — заговорити; перебити

    to put smth into words, to give words to smth — виразити що-н. словами

    to get /to put in a word — вставити слово, втрутитися в розмову

    «A word to the Reader» — «До читача»

    3) суперечка, сварка

    high /hard/ words — розмова на підвищених тонах

    they had words, words passed between them — вони посварилися

    4) зауваження, порада

    a word in [out of]season — своєчасна [непрохана]порада




    вісті; повідомлення




    обіцянка, завірення

    to keep [to break]one’s word — стримати [порушити]слово

    to take smb at his word — повірити кому-н. на слово

    7) рекомендація, порада

    to say /to put in/ a good word for smb — хвалити відстоювати кого-н.; замовити за кого-л слівце

    to give smb one’s good word — рекомендувати кого-н.

    to give the word, to say the word — віддати наказ /розпорядження, команду/; word to be passed! слухайте всі!

    9) пароль, пропуск

    10) прислів’я, приказка

    11) чутка, поголоска

    12) Слово господянє ; to preach the W. проповідувати євангеліє /християнство/; Слово, бог-слово, Христос ; ministers of the W. духовенство


    ; мyз., / текст, слова ; лібретто ; текст

    14) слово

    15) слово; код; кодова група; група символів


    for word, to a word — дослівно, буквально, слово в слово

    in a /one/ word — одним словом, короче кажучи

    a play on /upon/ words — гра слів, каламбур

    upon /on/ my word — чесне слово

    in the words of… — кажучи словами / по словам/ такого-то…

    on /with/ the word — як тільки було сказано; без зволікання; одразу

    to hang on smb ‘s words — ловити чиї-н, слова; уважно прислуховуватися к кого-н.

    to eat /to swallow/ one’s words — брати свої слова назад; вибачатися за сказане

    fair /good/ words — компліменти

    fine /fair, soft/ words butter no parsnips, words are but wind — слова нічого не варті



    виражати словами; підбирати слова, вирази; формулювати

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > word

  • 20

    I [gʊd]

    1) (enjoyable) [ news] buono; [book, joke, weather, party] bello

    to feel good about, doing — essere contento di, di fare

    3) (healthy) [eye, leg] sano, buono; [hearing, memory] buono

    4) (high quality) [condition, degree, score] buono; [photo, hotel, coat] bello

    to taste, smell good — avere un buon sapore, odore

    11) (kind) [person, deed] buono, gentile

    to do sb. a good turn — fare un favore a qcn.

    would you be good enough to do, would you be so good as to do — saresti tanto o così gentile da fare

    13) (competent) [accountant, teacher] buono, bravo

    to be good for — fare bene a [person, plant, health]; giovare a [business, morale]

    15) (effective, suitable) [ method] buono, efficace; [ shampoo] buono; [ knife] adatto; [name, book, moment] buono, adatto; [idea, investment, question] buono; [ point] giusto

    résumé — AE questo farà bella figura sul tuo curriculum

    it’s a good job o thing (that) fortuna che, meno male che; we’ve never had it so good colloq. le cose non sono mai andate così bene; it’s too good to be true — è troppo bello per essere vero

    the car is good for another 10,000 km — la macchina può fare ancora altri 10.000 km

    20) (substantial) attrib. [salary, size] buono; [ hour] buono, abbondante

    it must be worth a good 2,000 dollars — deve valere almeno 2.000 dollari



    to be onto a good thing, to have a good thing going — colloq. avere per le mani qualcosa di buono

    1. [gʊd]


    to do sb., sth. good — fare bene a qcn., qcs. ( to do fare)

    no good can o will come of it non ne uscirà niente di buono; no good will come of waiting aspettare non servirà a nulla; to be all to the good — essere tutto di guadagnato



    III [gʊd]

    * * *


    1) buono, bravo

    2) buono

    3) buono

    4) bravo, buono

    5) buono

    6) buono

    7) buono

    8) buono

    9) buono; molto

    10) adatto

    11) buono

    12) buono

    13) buono

    14) buono; bello

    15) bene


    1) bene; utilità

    2) bene; buono




    santo Cielo!, buon Dio!

    — goody
    — goodbye
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good-for-nothing
    — good humour
    — good-humoured
    — good-humouredly
    — good-looking
    — good morning
    — good afternoon
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good night
    — good-natured
    — goodwill
    — good will
    — good works
    — as good as
    — be as good as one’s word
    — be up to no good
    — deliver the goods
    — for good
    — for goodness’ sake
    — good for
    — good for you
    — him
    — Good Friday
    — good gracious
    — good heavens
    — goodness gracious
    — goodness me
    — good old
    — make good
    — no good
    — put in a good word for
    — take something in good part
    — take in good part
    — thank goodness
    — to the good

    * * *

    I [gʊd]

    1) (enjoyable) [ news] buono; [book, joke, weather, party] bello

    to feel good about, doing — essere contento di, di fare

    3) (healthy) [eye, leg] sano, buono; [hearing, memory] buono

    4) (high quality) [condition, degree, score] buono; [photo, hotel, coat] bello

    to taste, smell good — avere un buon sapore, odore

    11) (kind) [person, deed] buono, gentile

    to do sb. a good turn — fare un favore a qcn.

    would you be good enough to do, would you be so good as to do — saresti tanto o così gentile da fare

    13) (competent) [accountant, teacher] buono, bravo

    to be good for — fare bene a [person, plant, health]; giovare a [business, morale]

    15) (effective, suitable) [ method] buono, efficace; [ shampoo] buono; [ knife] adatto; [name, book, moment] buono, adatto; [idea, investment, question] buono; [ point] giusto

    résumé — AE questo farà bella figura sul tuo curriculum

    it’s a good job o thing (that) fortuna che, meno male che; we’ve never had it so good colloq. le cose non sono mai andate così bene; it’s too good to be true — è troppo bello per essere vero

    the car is good for another 10,000 km — la macchina può fare ancora altri 10.000 km

    20) (substantial) attrib. [salary, size] buono; [ hour] buono, abbondante

    it must be worth a good 2,000 dollars — deve valere almeno 2.000 dollari



    to be onto a good thing, to have a good thing going — colloq. avere per le mani qualcosa di buono

    1. [gʊd]


    to do sb., sth. good — fare bene a qcn., qcs. ( to do fare)

    no good can o will come of it non ne uscirà niente di buono; no good will come of waiting aspettare non servirà a nulla; to be all to the good — essere tutto di guadagnato



    III [gʊd]

    English-Italian dictionary > good

  • 1
    not to have a good word to say for somebody/something

    not to have a good word to say for somebody/something

    no decir absolutamente nada en favor de alguien/algo

    English-spanish dictionary > not to have a good word to say for somebody/something

  • 2



    1) Wort, das

    in a or one word — mit einem Wort

    [not] in so many words — [nicht] ausdrücklich

    bad luck/drunk is not the word for it — Pech/betrunken ist gar kein Ausdruck dafür

    without a or one/another word — ohne ein/ein weiteres Wort

    too funny etc. for words — unsagbar komisch usw.; see also»>fail 2. 5); play 1. 2), 2. 1)

    2) Wort, das

    exchange or have words — einen Wortwechsel haben

    have a word [with somebody] about something — [mit jemandem] über etwas (Akk.) sprechen

    could I have a word [with you]? — kann ich dich mal sprechen?

    take somebody at his/her word — jemanden beim Wort nehmen

    word of command/advice — Kommando, das/Rat, der

    the Word [of God] — das Wort [Gottes]

    put in a good word for somebody [with somebody] — [bei jemandem] ein [gutes] Wort für jemanden einlegen

    give [somebody] one’s word — jemandem sein Wort geben

    keep/break one’s word — sein Wort halten/brechen

    5) in pl. Text, der

    6) no pl., no indef. art. Nachricht, die

    word has it or the word is [that]… — es geht das Gerücht, dass…

    word went round that… — es ging das Gerücht, dass…

    send/leave word that/of when… — Nachricht geben/eine Nachricht hinterlassen, dass/wenn…

    at the word ‘run’, you run! — bei dem Wort ‘rennen’ rennst du!


    transitive verb

    * * *


    1) das Wort

    2) einige Worte (pl.)

    4) das Wort




    — word processor
    — word processing
    — word-perfect
    — by word of mouth
    — get a word in edgeways
    — in a word
    — keep
    — break one’s word
    — take someone at his word
    — take at his word
    — take someone’s word for it
    — word for word

    * * *

    [wɜ:d, AM wɜ:rd]

    I. n

    we’ve had enough of words genug der Worte

    do you remember the exact words? erinnern Sie sich [noch] an den genauen Wortlaut?

    and those are his exact words? und das hat er genau so gesagt?

    what’s the word for ‘bikini’ in French? was heißt ‚Bikini‘ auf Französisch?

    clumsy isn’t the word for it! unbeholfen ist noch viel zu milde ausgedrückt!

    hush, not a word! pst, keinen Mucks!

    nobody’s said a word about that to me kein Mensch hat mir etwas davon gesagt

    or words to that effect oder so ähnlich

    to be a man/woman of few words nicht viel reden, kein Mann/keine Frau vieler Worte sein

    empty words leere Worte

    in other words mit anderen Worten

    to use a rude word ein Schimpfwort benutzen

    the spoken/written word das gesprochene/geschriebene Wort

    to be too stupid for words unsagbar dumm sein

    to not breathe a word of [or about] sth kein Sterbenswörtchen von etw dat verraten

    to not know a word of French/German/Spanish kein Wort Französisch/Deutsch/Spanisch können

    word for word Wort für Wort

    to translate sth word for word etw [wort]wörtlich übersetzen

    in a word um es kurz zu sagen

    in the words of Burns um mit Burns zu sprechen

    in words of one syllable in einfachen Worten

    in sb’s own words mit jds eigenen Worten

    in so many words ausdrücklich, direkt

    2. no pl (short conversation) [kurzes] Gespräch; (formal) Unterredung f

    to have a word with sb [about sth] mit jdm [über etw akk] sprechen

    ah, John, I’ve been meaning to have a word with you ach, John, kann ich dich kurz mal sprechen?

    could I have a word about the sales figures? kann ich Sie kurz wegen der Verkaufszahlen sprechen?

    the manager wants a word der Manager möchte Sie sprechen

    to exchange [or have] a few words with sb ein paar Worte mit jdm wechseln

    to have a quiet word with sb jdn zur Seite nehmen

    to say a few words [about sth] [zu etw dat] ein paar Worte sagen

    there’s no word from head office yet die Zentrale hat uns noch nicht Bescheid gegeben

    word gets around [or about] [or BRIT round] Neuigkeiten verbreiten sich schnell

    word has it [or [the] word is] that they may separate es geht das Gerücht, dass sie sich trennen

    [the] word is out [that]… es wurde öffentlich bekanntgegeben, dass…

    to get word of sth [from sb] etw [von jdm] erfahren

    to have word from sb [etwas] von jdm hören

    to have [or hear] word that… [davon] hören, dass…

    4. no pl (order) Kommando nt, Befehl m

    we’re waiting for the word from head office wir warten auf die Anweisung von der Zentrale

    to give the word den Befehl geben

    if you want to leave, just say the word wenn du gehen möchtest, brauchst du es nur zu sagen

    word of advice Rat[schlag] m

    word of warning Warnung f

    6. no pl (promise) Wort nt, Versprechen nt

    do we have your word on that? haben wir dein Wort darauf?

    my word is my bond ( form or hum) auf mein Wort kannst du bauen

    to be a man/woman of his/her word zu seinem/ihrem Wort stehen, halten, was man verspricht

    to be as good as/better than one’s word sein Wort halten/mehr als halten

    to give [sb] one’s word that… jdm versprechen [o sein [Ehren]wort geben], dass…

    to take sb at his/her word jdn beim Wort nehmen

    7. no pl (statement of facts) Wort nt

    it’s her word against mine es steht Aussage gegen Aussage

    to take sb’s word for it [that…] jdm glauben, dass…

    words pl Text m


    a word in your ear BRIT ein kleiner Tipp unter uns

    words fail me! mir fehlen die Worte!

    sb cannot get a word in edgeways [or AM edgewise] ( fam) jd kommt überhaupt nicht zu Wort

    from the word go vom ersten Moment [o von Anfang] an

    to have words with sb eine Auseinandersetzung mit jdm haben, sich akk mit jdm streiten

    to have a quick word in sb’s ear BRIT kurz mit jdm allein sprechen

    to not have a good word to say about sb/sth kein gutes Haar an jdm/etw lassen

    by word of mouth mündlich

    my word! [or ( old) upon my word] du meine Güte!

    to put words in[to] sb’s mouth jdm Worte in den Mund legen

    to put in a good word for sb/sth [with sb] [bei jdm] ein gutes Wort für jdn/etw einlegen

    to take the words out of sb’s mouth jdm das Wort aus dem Mund[e] nehmen

    II. vt

    to word sth etw formulieren [o in Worte fassen]; document etw abfassen

    * * *


    «irresponsible» would be a better word for it — «unverantwortlich» wäre wohl das treffendere Wort dafür

    in a word — mit einem Wort, kurz gesagt

    in other words — mit anderen Worten, anders gesagt or ausgedrückt

    a word of encouragement/warning — eine Ermunterung/Warnung

    John, could I have a word? — John, kann ich dich mal sprechen?

    remember, not a word to anyone — vergiss nicht, kein Sterbenswörtchen

    to have words with sb — mit jdm eine Auseinandersetzung haben

    word went round that… — es ging die Nachricht um, dass…

    to leave word (with sb/for sb) that… — (bei jdm/für jdn) (die Nachricht) hinterlassen, dass…

    to be true to or as good as one’s word, to keep one’s word — sein Wort halten

    it’s his word against mine —

    7) Wort

    ; Kommando

    , Befehl

    the Word of God —

    (in Worten) ausdrücken, formulieren, in Worte fassen ; formulieren; abfassen

    * * *

    word [wɜːd; US wɜrd]

    A v/t in Worte fassen, (in Worten) ausdrücken, formulieren, abfassen:

    B s

    1. Wort n:

    a) Worte,

    b) LING Wörter;

    in one’s own words in eigenen Worten;

    2. Wort n, Ausspruch m:

    words Worte pl, Rede f, Äußerung f

    3. pl Text m, Worte pl (eines Liedes etc):

    4. (Ehren-)Wort n, Versprechen n, Zusage f, Erklärung f, Versicherung f:

    upon my word! auf mein Wort!;

    my word! meine Güte!;

    break (give, keep) one’s word sein Wort brechen (geben, halten);

    it’s her word against his hier steht Aussage gegen Aussage; eat B 1, have B 1

    5. Bescheid m, Nachricht f:

    6. a) Parole f, Losung f, Stichwort n

    b) Befehl m, Kommando n

    c) Zeichen n, Signal n:

    give the word (to do sth);

    7. REL

    8. pl Wortwechsel m, Streit m:

    in a word mit einem Wort, kurz, kurzum;

    b) das Allerneueste oder -beste (in an dat);

    can I have a word with you? kann ich Sie mal kurz sprechen?;

    he hasn’t a word to throw at a dog er kommt sich zu fein vor, um mit anderen zu sprechen; er macht den Mund nicht auf;

    cold’s not the word for it umg kalt ist gar kein Ausdruck; ear1 Bes Redew, hang C 1, mark1 B 10

    wd abk

    1. ward Abtlg., Station f

    * * *



    1) Wort, das

    in a or one word — mit einem Wort

    [not] in so many words — [nicht] ausdrücklich

    bad luck/drunk is not the word for it — Pech/betrunken ist gar kein Ausdruck dafür

    without a or one/another word — ohne ein/ein weiteres Wort

    too funny etc. for words — unsagbar komisch usw.; see also fail 2. 5); play 1. 2), 2. 1)

    exchange or have words — einen Wortwechsel haben

    have a word [with somebody] about something — [mit jemandem] über etwas (Akk.) sprechen

    could I have a word [with you]? — kann ich dich mal sprechen?

    take somebody at his/her word — jemanden beim Wort nehmen

    word of command/advice — Kommando, das/Rat, der

    the Word [of God] — das Wort [Gottes]

    put in a good word for somebody [with somebody] — [bei jemandem] ein [gutes] Wort für jemanden einlegen

    give [somebody] one’s word — jemandem sein Wort geben

    keep/break one’s word — sein Wort halten/brechen

    5) in pl. Text, der

    6) no pl., no indef. art. Nachricht, die

    word has it or the word is [that]… — es geht das Gerücht, dass…

    word went round that… — es ging das Gerücht, dass…

    send/leave word that/of when… — Nachricht geben/eine Nachricht hinterlassen, dass/wenn…

    at the word ‘run’, you run! — bei dem Wort ‘rennen’ rennst du!


    transitive verb

    * * *


    formulieren v. n.

    Wort ¨-er n.

    English-german dictionary > word

  • 3



    1) palabra

    2) palabra

    3) noticia

    4) palabra



    — word processor
    — word processing
    — word-perfect
    — by word of mouth
    — get a word in edgeways
    — in a word
    — keep
    — break one’s word
    — take someone at his word
    — take at his word
    — take someone’s word for it
    — word for word

    he promised, he gave me his word me lo prometió, me dio su palabra


    2 (message, news) noticia

    word came that… llegó noticia (de) que…

    5 SMALLLINGUISTICS/SMALL palabra, vocablo, voz nombre femenino

    2 the Word SMALLRELIGION/SMALL el Verbo

    1 expresar, formular, redactar


    not to have a good word to say for somebody/something no decir absolutamente nada en favor de alguien/algo

    to break/go back on one’s word faltar a la palabra

    to have somebody’s word for it that… tener la palabra de alguien que…

    to put in/say a good word for somebody (intercede) interceder por alguien 2 (recommend) recomendar a alguien

    too… for words de lo más… que hay, indescriptiblemente…

    upon my word! ¡caramba!

    word processing procesamiento de textos, tratamiento de textos

    expresar, formular, redactar



    , vocablo


    , voz




    (de una canción, etc.)



    I wɜːrd, wɜːd




    (term, expression) palabra


    , vocablo




    ), voz





    `greenhouse’ is written as one word — `greenhouse’ se escribe todo junto

    it’s a long o big word — es una palabra difícil

    bad o naughty o rude word — palabrota f, mala palabra f (esp AmL), garabato m (Chi)

    what’s the German word for `dog’? — ¿cómo se dice `perro’ en alemán?

    what’s another word for `holiday’? — dame un sinónimo de `holiday’

    he was… what’s the word?… excommunicated — lo… ¿cómo se dice?… lo excomulgaron

    he didn’t say so in so many words, but that’s what he meant — no lo dijo así or con esas palabras, pero eso es lo que quiso decir

    by word of mouth: the news spread by word of mouth la noticia se fue transmitiendo or propagando de boca en boca; people got to know about it by word of mouth la gente se enteró porque se corrió la voz; from the word go desde el primer momento or desde el principio, desde el vamos (CS); the last word: to have the last word tener* or decir* la última palabra; the last word in computers la última palabra en computadoras; to eat one’s words: I was forced to eat my words me tuve que tragar lo que había dicho; to get a word in edgewise o (BrE) edgeways meter baza, meter la cuchara (fam); to hang on somebody’s every word sorber las palabras de alguien; to have a word with somebody about something hablar con alguien de or sobre algo; to have a word in somebody’s ear about something (BrE) hablar en privado con alguien de or sobre algo; to have words with somebody tener* unas palabras con alguien; to put in a (good) word for somebody recomendar* a alguien; ( for somebody in trouble) interceder por alguien; to put words into somebody’s mouth atribuirle* a alguien algo que no dijo; to take the words out of somebody’s mouth quitarle la(s) palabra(s) de la boca a alguien; to waste words gastar saliva; to weigh one’s words medir* sus (or mis etc) palabras; there’s many a true word spoken in jest! — lo dices en broma, pero…; mince I

    to keep/give one’s word — cumplir/dar* su (or mi etc) palabra

    to break one’s word, to go back on one’s word faltar a su (or mi etc) palabra; we only have his word for it no tenemos pruebas de ello, solo su palabra; you can take my word for it te lo aseguro; a man of his word un hombre de palabra; to be as good as one’s word: he was there all right, as good as his word allí estaba, tal como lo había prometido; to take somebody at her/his word — tomarle la palabra a alguien


    she left word with her secretary that… — dejó recado con la secretaria de que…, le dejó dicho a la secretaria que… (CS)

    word has it that… — corre la noticia or el rumor or la voz de que…, dicen que…, se dice que…

    to give the word (to + inf) — dar* la orden (de + inf)


    the word — el evangelio, la palabra de Dios


    transitive verb

    <<document/letter>> redactar; <<question>> formular


    1) palabra

    ; palabra

    ; (


    ) voz

    , vocablo

    I won’t hear a word against him — no permito que se le critique

    words fail me — no me lo puedo creer

    a man of few words — un hombre nada locuaz

    I can’t find (the) words to tell you… — no encuentro palabras para decirte…

    fine words — palabras elocuentes (pero quizá poco sinceras)

    word for word — palabra por palabra

    what’s the word for «shop» in Spanish? — ¿cómo se dice «shop» en español?

    I can’t get a word out of him — no logro sacarle una palabra

    in a word — en pocas palabras, en una palabra

    to have the last word in an argument — decir la última palabra en una discusión

    to measure one’s words — medir las palabras

    by word of mouth — verbalmente, de palabra

    a word of advice — un consejo

    I can’t put my feelings into words — no tengo palabras para expresar lo que siento

    don’t say a word about it — no digas nada de eso

    to weigh one’s words — medir las palabras

    with these words, he sat down — y tras pronunciar estas palabras se sentó

    without a word — sin decir palabra or ni pío

    — a word to the wise

    breathe 1., 2), eat 1., edgeways, mince



    to have words with sb — reñir or (esp LAm) pelear(se) con algn

    words passed between them — cambiaron algunas palabras injuriosas

    4) recado

    ; noticia

    , aviso

    to bring word of sth to sb — informar a algn de algo

    word came that… — llegó noticia de que…, se supo que…

    if word gets out that… — si sale a la luz que…, si llega a saberse que…

    the word is going round that… — se dice que…, corre la voz de que…

    word has it that…, the word is that… — se dice que…

    to leave word (with/for sb) that… — dejar recado (con/para algn) de que…, dejar dicho (con/para algn) que…

    there’s still no word from John — todavía no sabemos nada de John

    pass the word that it’s time to go — diles que es hora de marcharnos

    to send word — mandar recado

    to spread the word — propagar la noticia

    it’s his word against mine — es su palabra contra la mía

    to take sb at his word — aceptar lo que algn dice

    to break one’s word — faltar a or no cumplir la palabra

    to give sb one’s word (that…) — dar la palabra a algn (de que…)

    to go back on one’s word — faltar a la palabra

    you have my word — tienes mi palabra

    we only have or we’ve only got her word for it — todo lo que sabemos es lo que ella dice

    to hold or keep sb to his word — hacer que algn cumpla su palabra

    to keep one’s word — cumplir (lo prometido)

    (upon) my word! — ¡caramba!

    he’s a man of his word — es hombre de palabra

    I take your word for it — te creo, ¡basta con que me lo digas! *

    — his word is

    — be as good as one’s word

    7) (Rel) verbo , palabra




    * * *

    I [wɜːrd, wɜːd]




    (term, expression) palabra


    , vocablo




    ), voz





    `greenhouse’ is written as one word — `greenhouse’ se escribe todo junto

    it’s a long o big word — es una palabra difícil

    bad o naughty o rude word — palabrota f, mala palabra f (esp AmL), garabato m (Chi)

    what’s the German word for `dog’? — ¿cómo se dice `perro’ en alemán?

    what’s another word for `holiday’? — dame un sinónimo de `holiday’

    he was… what’s the word?… excommunicated — lo… ¿cómo se dice?… lo excomulgaron

    he didn’t say so in so many words, but that’s what he meant — no lo dijo así or con esas palabras, pero eso es lo que quiso decir

    by word of mouth: the news spread by word of mouth la noticia se fue transmitiendo or propagando de boca en boca; people got to know about it by word of mouth la gente se enteró porque se corrió la voz; from the word go desde el primer momento or desde el principio, desde el vamos (CS); the last word: to have the last word tener* or decir* la última palabra; the last word in computers la última palabra en computadoras; to eat one’s words: I was forced to eat my words me tuve que tragar lo que había dicho; to get a word in edgewise o (BrE) edgeways meter baza, meter la cuchara (fam); to hang on somebody’s every word sorber las palabras de alguien; to have a word with somebody about something hablar con alguien de or sobre algo; to have a word in somebody’s ear about something (BrE) hablar en privado con alguien de or sobre algo; to have words with somebody tener* unas palabras con alguien; to put in a (good) word for somebody recomendar* a alguien; ( for somebody in trouble) interceder por alguien; to put words into somebody’s mouth atribuirle* a alguien algo que no dijo; to take the words out of somebody’s mouth quitarle la(s) palabra(s) de la boca a alguien; to waste words gastar saliva; to weigh one’s words medir* sus (or mis etc) palabras; there’s many a true word spoken in jest! — lo dices en broma, pero…; mince I

    to keep/give one’s word — cumplir/dar* su (or mi etc) palabra

    to break one’s word, to go back on one’s word faltar a su (or mi etc) palabra; we only have his word for it no tenemos pruebas de ello, solo su palabra; you can take my word for it te lo aseguro; a man of his word un hombre de palabra; to be as good as one’s word: he was there all right, as good as his word allí estaba, tal como lo había prometido; to take somebody at her/his word — tomarle la palabra a alguien


    she left word with her secretary that… — dejó recado con la secretaria de que…, le dejó dicho a la secretaria que… (CS)

    word has it that… — corre la noticia or el rumor or la voz de que…, dicen que…, se dice que…

    to give the word (to + inf) — dar* la orden (de + inf)


    the word — el evangelio, la palabra de Dios


    transitive verb

    <<document/letter>> redactar; <<question>> formular

    English-spanish dictionary > word

  • 4



    the written/spoken word ce qui est écrit/dit

    what’s the German word for «banana»? comment dit-on « banane » en allemand ?

    … or words to that effect… ou quelque chose de ce genre

    boring is not the word for it! ennuyeux, c’est le moins que l’on puisse dire !

    she disappeared, there’s no other word for it elle a disparu, c’est bien le mot

    I told him in so many words that… je lui ai carrément dit que…

    word came from headquarters that… le quartier général a fait dire que…

    word came that… on a appris que…

    to send word that… faire savoir que…

    if word got out about his past, there’d be a scandal si l’on apprenait certaines choses sur son passé, cela ferait un scandale

    the word on the street is… le bruit court que…

       d. ( = promise, assurance) parole f

    [+ document, protest] rédiger

    * * *



    I don’t think ‘aunt’ is quite the right word — je ne suis pas sûr que ‘tante’ soit le mot qui convienne

    there’s no such word as ‘can’t’ — ‘impossible’ n’est pas français

    what’s the Greek word for ‘table’? — comment dit-on ‘table’ en grec?

    a word to all those who… — quelques conseils pour tous ceux qui…

    2) () mot m

    3) [U] () nouvelles fpl ( about concernant)

    word got out that… — la nouvelle a transpiré que…

    to bring/send word that — annoncer/faire savoir que

    he left word at the desk that… — il a laissé un message à la réception disant que…

    4) () parole f

    to hold somebody to his/her word — obliger quelqu’un à tenir parole

    word got round ou around that… — le bruit a couru que…






    () texte


    ; () paroles




    transitive verb

    formuler [reply, letter, statement]


    English-French dictionary > word

  • 5


    pt & pp

    said [sed],

    3rd pers sing

    says [sez])

    to say hello/goodbye to sb dire bonjour/au revoir à qn;

    figurative I think you can say goodbye to your money je crois que vous pouvez dire adieu à votre argent;

    as I said yesterday/in my letter comme je l’ai dit hier/dans ma lettre;

    to say yes/no dire oui/non;

    did you say yes or no to his offer? tu as répondu oui ou non à sa proposition?, tu as accepté ou refusé sa proposition?;

    I wouldn’t say no! je ne dis pas non!, ce n’est pas de refus!;

    to say please/thank you dire s’il vous plaît/merci;

    I said to myself «let’s wait a bit» je me suis dit «attendons un peu»;

    what did he say about his plans? qu’a-t-il dit de ses projets?;

    have you said anything about it to him? est-ce que vous lui en avez parlé?;

    what did you say? pardon?, qu’avez-vous dit?; qu’avez-vous répondu?;

    well, say something then! eh bien, dites quelque chose!;

    can you say that again? pouvez-vous répéter ce que vous venez de dire?;

    you can say that again! c’est le cas de le dire!, je ne vous le fais pas dire!;

    Telecommunications who shall I say is calling? c’est de la part de qui?;

    what have you got to say for yourself? eh bien, expliquez-vous!;

    so saying, he walked out sur ces mots, il est parti;

    British just say the word, you only have to say (the word) vous n’avez qu’un mot à dire;

    familiar you said it! tu l’as dit!, comme tu dis!;

    familiar don’t say you’ve forgotten! ne me dis pas que tu as oublié!;

    well said! bien dit!;

    «not at all», she said «pas du tout», dit-elle;

    they said on the news that… on a dit ou annoncé aux informations que…;

    (c) dire;

    you know what they say, no smoke without fire tu sais ce qu’on dit, il n’y a pas de fumée sans feu;

    I’ve heard it said that… j’ai entendu dire que… + indicative;

    he is said to be rich, they say he is rich on le dit riche, on dit qu’il est riche;

    as you say, he is the best candidate comme tu dis, c’est lui le meilleur candidat;

    so he says, that’s what he says c’est ce qu’il dit;

    who can say? qui sait?;

    who can say when he’ll come? qui peut dire quand il viendra?;

    (you can) say what you like, but I’m going vous pouvez dire ce que vous voulez, moi je m’en vais;

    well this is a fine time to arrive, I must say! en voilà une heure pour arriver!;

    I’ll say this much for them, they don’t give up easily au moins, on peut dire qu’ils n’abandonnent pas facilement;

    I’ll say this for him, he certainly tries hard je dois reconnaître qu’il fait tout son possible;

    you might as well say we’re all mad! autant dire qu’on est tous fous!;

    is he stupid? — I wouldn’t say that est-ce qu’il est bête? — je n’irais pas jusque-là;

    I should say not! bien sûr que non!;

    it’s rather dangerous, to say the least c’est plutôt dangereux, c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire;

    I was surprised, not to say astounded j’étais surpris, pour ne pas dire stupéfait;

    you’re honest, I’ll say that for you je dirais en votre faveur que vous êtes honnête;

    it says a lot for his courage/about his real motives cela en dit long sur son courage/ses intentions réelles;

    what do you say? qu’en dites-vous?, qu’en pensez-vous?;

    what will people say? que vont dire les gens?;

    what did they say to your offer? qu’ont-ils dit de votre proposition?;

    what do you say we drive over or to driving over to see them? que diriez-vous de prendre la voiture et d’aller les voir?;

    what would you say to a picnic? que diriez-vous d’un pique-nique?, ça vous dit de faire un pique-nique?;

    when would you say would be the best time for us to leave? quel serait le meilleur moment pour partir, à votre avis?;

    to look at them, you wouldn’t say they were a day over forty à les voir, on ne leur donnerait pas plus de quarante ans


    (let’s) say your plan doesn’t work, what then? admettons ou supposons que votre plan ne marche pas, qu’est-ce qui se passe?;

    say he doesn’t arrive, who will take his place? si jamais il n’arrive pas, qui prendra sa place?;

    look at, say, Jane Austen or George Eliot… prends Jane Austen ou George Eliot, par exemple…;

    if I had, say, £100,000 to spend si j’avais, mettons ou disons, 100 000 livres à dépenser;

    come tomorrow, say after lunch venez demain, disons ou mettons après le déjeuner;

    shall we say Sunday? disons dimanche, d’accord?

    (g) indiquer, marquer;

    the clock says 10.40 la pendule indique 10 heures 40;

    what does your watch say? quelle heure est-il à ta montre?;

    the gauge says 3.4 la jauge indique ou marque 3,4;

    it says «shake well» c’est marqué «bien agiter»;

    it says in the newspaper that… on dit dans le journal que… + indicative;

    the Bible says or it says in the Bible that… comme il est écrit dans la Bible…

    (h) exprimer, marquer;

    it’s short, that’s to say, about twenty pages c’est court, ça fait dans les vingt pages;

    I say! eh bien!; dites donc!; dites!;

    I mean to say! tout de même!, quand même!;

    I’ll say! et comment donc!;

    you don’t say! sans blague!, ça alors!

    now you’ve had your say, let me have mine maintenant que vous avez dit ce que vous aviez à dire, laissez-moi parler

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > say

  • 6

    (preterite, past participle said)

    to say yes/no to an invitation accepter/refuser une invitation

    say after me… répétez après moi…

    «yes» she said « oui » dit-elle

    «10 o’clock» he said to himself « 10 heures » se dit-il

    it is said that… on dit que…

    what would you say is the population of Paris? à votre avis, combien y a-t-il d’habitants à Paris ?

    I’ll say this for him, he’s honest au moins, on peut dire qu’il est honnête

       d. ( = imagine) say you won £10,000, what would you spend it on? imaginons que tu gagnes 10 000 livres, à quoi les dépenserais-tu ?

    say for argument’s sake that… disons à titre d’exemple que…

       e. ( = admit) dire, reconnaître

       f. (proposals) shall we say £5/Tuesday? disons 5 livres/mardi ?

    it goes without saying that… il va sans dire que…

    didn’t I say so? je l’avais bien dit, n’est-ce pas ?

    say, what time is it? (inf) (US) dites, quelle heure est-il ?

    if there were, say, 500 people s’il y avait, mettons, 500 personnes

    it seems rather rude, I must say cela ne me paraît guère poli, je l’avoue

    to have a say in selecting… avoir son mot à dire dans la sélection de…

    * * *



    to have a say/no say in something — avoir/ne pas avoir son mot à dire sur quelque chose

    they want more ou a bigger say — ils veulent avoir davantage leur mot à dire


    1) [person] dire [words, prayer, hello, no] (to à)

    ‘hello,’ he said — ‘bonjour,’ dit-il

    say after me… — répète après moi…

    if ou though I do say so myself! — je ne devrais pas le dire, mais…!

    as you say… — comme tu le dis…

    people ou they say she’s very rich —

    what do you say to the argument that…? — que répondez-vous à l’argument selon lequel…?

    I should say it is/they were! — et comment! (colloq)

    say no more — (colloq) ça va, j’ai compris! (colloq)

    enough said — (colloq) ça va, j’ai compris (colloq)

    he was displeased, not to say furious — il était mécontent, pour ne pas dire furieux

    I’ll say this for her… — je dois dire à sa décharge que…

    2) [writer, book, letter, report, map] dire; [painting, music, gift] exprimer; [sign, clock, poster, dial, gauge] indiquer; [gesture, signal] signifier

    it says on the radio/in the rules that — la radio/le règlement dit que

    to say (that) — supposer que (+ subj), mettre que (+ indic or subj)



    who says? — (colloq) ( sceptical) ah oui?; (on whose authority?) et sur les ordres de qui?

    2) (dated) GB


    say, £50 for petrol — disons or mettons, 50 livres sterling pour l’essence



    it says a lot for somebody/something — c’est tout à l’honneur de quelqu’un/quelque chose

    that says it all — c’est tout dire, cela se passe de commentaires

    English-French dictionary > say

  • 7



    formuler [reply, letter, statement].

    Big English-French dictionary > word

  • 8

    1. [wɜːd]


    1) parola f., vocabolo m., termine m.

    to have no words to express sth. — non trovare le o non avere parole per esprimere qcs.

    to put one’s feelings into words esprimere ciò che si prova (a parole); what’s the Greek word for «dog»? come si dice «cane» in greco? a word of warning, advice un avvertimento, un consiglio; vulgar is hardly the word for it volgare è dire poco; I’ve said my last word ho detto tutto ciò che avevo da dire; too sad for words indescrivibilmente triste; in the words of Bush come disse Bush; I mean every word of it parlo sul serio; a man of few words — un uomo di poche parole

    2) (anything, something)

    word got out that… — si è diffusa o è trapelata la notizia che…

    to bring, send word that — annunciare, fare sapere che

    he left word at the desk that… — ha lasciato detto alla reception che…

    to take sb.’s word for it — credere a qcn. sulla parola

    to take sb. at his, her word — prendere qcn. in parola

    word has it that… — si dice che…

    word got round o around that… — girava voce che



    to have a word with sb. about sth. — dire una parola a qcn. su qcs.

    to have words with sb. — venire a parole con qcn.

    to put in a good word for sb. — mettere una buona parola per qcn

    II [wɜːd]

    * * *


    1) parola

    2) parola

    3) notizia, messaggio

    4) parola



    — word processor
    — word processing
    — word-perfect
    — by word of mouth
    — get a word in edgeways
    — in a word
    — keep
    — break one’s word
    — take someone at his word
    — take at his word
    — take someone’s word for it
    — word for word

    * * *

    1. [wɜːd]


    1) parola f., vocabolo m., termine m.

    to have no words to express sth. — non trovare le o non avere parole per esprimere qcs.

    to put one’s feelings into words esprimere ciò che si prova (a parole); what’s the Greek word for «dog»? come si dice «cane» in greco? a word of warning, advice un avvertimento, un consiglio; vulgar is hardly the word for it volgare è dire poco; I’ve said my last word ho detto tutto ciò che avevo da dire; too sad for words indescrivibilmente triste; in the words of Bush come disse Bush; I mean every word of it parlo sul serio; a man of few words — un uomo di poche parole

    2) (anything, something)

    word got out that… — si è diffusa o è trapelata la notizia che…

    to bring, send word that — annunciare, fare sapere che

    he left word at the desk that… — ha lasciato detto alla reception che…

    to take sb.’s word for it — credere a qcn. sulla parola

    to take sb. at his, her word — prendere qcn. in parola

    word has it that… — si dice che…

    word got round o around that… — girava voce che



    to have a word with sb. about sth. — dire una parola a qcn. su qcs.

    to have words with sb. — venire a parole con qcn.

    to put in a good word for sb. — mettere una buona parola per qcn

    II [wɜːd]

    English-Italian dictionary > word

  • 9






       c. ( = well-behaved) [child, animal] sage

       e. ( = attractive) joli


    ► Verb + adverb may be used in French, instead of adjective + noun. For combinations other than the following, look up the noun.


    she as good as told me that… elle m’a dit à peu de chose près que…

    it’s as good as saying that… autant dire que…

       a. ( = virtue) bien m

       c. ( = advantage, profit) bien m

    it’s no good, I’ll never get it finished in time il n’y a rien à faire, je n’arriverai jamais à le finir à temps


    Le Good Friday Agreement (« Accord du Vendredi saint »), également appelé le Belfast Agreement, a été signé le 10 avril 1998 dans le cadre du processus de paix qui devait mettre fin aux « Troubles » en Irlande du Nord. Il avait pour but de régler les relations entre l’Irlande du Nord et la République d’Irlande et entre ces deux pays et l’Angleterre, l’Écosse et le pays de Galles. Il a mis en place la « Northern Ireland Assembly » et lui a délégué certains pouvoirs. L’accord fut soumis à référendum le 22 mai 1998 et la population vota majoritairement pour.


    * * *



    no good can ou will come of it — rien de bon n’en sortira

    to be £20 to the good — avoir 20 livres sterling à son crédit


    1) () gen articles mpl, marchandise f


    GB Railways



    3) () affaires fpl, biens mpl

    4) (colloq)

    to deliver ou come up with the goods — répondre à l’attente de quelqu’un



    1) () gen bon/bonne; [party] réussi

    to feel good about/doing — être content de/de faire

    3) () [eye, ear etc] bon/bonne

    4) () bon/bonne; () [coat, china] beau/belle; [degree] avec mention (after n)

    5) () (épith) [address, marriage] bon/bonne

    6) () [child, dog] sage; [manners] bon/bonne

    9) () [meal] bon/bonne

    10) () (épith) [man, life] vertueux/-euse; [Christian] bon/bonne

    11) () [person] gentil/-ille

    would you be good enough to do —

    12) () [humour, mood] bon/bonne

    to be no good at — être nul/nulle en [tennis, chemistry]; être nul/nulle à [chess, cards]

    15) () bon/bonne

    the car is good for another 10,000 km — la voiture fera encore 10000 km

    19) () (épith) [salary, size, hour] bon/bonne

    it must be worth a good 2,000 dollars — ça doit valoir au moins 2000 dollars





    () c’est bien!; () tant mieux!; () très bien!


    English-French dictionary > good

  • 10



    1) bueno; educado

    2) bueno, correcto

    3) bueno

    4) bueno, competente

    5) bueno, amable

    6) bueno; útil, beneficioso

    7) bueno, buen (humor), satisfecho, contento

    8) bueno, agradable

    9) bueno, apropiado, adecuado, suficiente

    10) bueno, apto, cualificado, adecuado

    11) bueno; sano; en buenas condiciones

    12) bueno

    13) bueno, positivo

    14) bueno; profundo

    15) bien, sano, en forma


    1) bien, provecho, beneficio

    2) bien, bondad, lado bueno


    bueno, bien


    ¡Dios mío!

    — goody
    — goodbye
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good-for-nothing
    — good humour
    — good-humoured
    — good-humouredly
    — good-looking
    — good morning
    — good afternoon
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good night
    — good-natured
    — goodwill
    — good will
    — good works
    — as good as
    — be as good as one’s word
    — be up to no good
    — deliver the goods
    — for good
    — for goodness’ sake
    — good for
    — good for you
    — him
    — Good Friday
    — good gracious
    — good heavens
    — goodness gracious
    — goodness me
    — good old
    — make good
    — no good
    — put in a good word for
    — take something in good part
    — take in good part
    — thank goodness
    — to the good


    bueno / amable


    be good! ¡sé bueno!

    1 muy

    1 ¡bien!


    good heavens!, good grief! ¡cielo santo!

    that’s a good one! (joke) ¡ésta sí que es buena!

    what’s the good of «+ ger»? ¿de qué sirve + inf?

    what’s the good of denying it? ¿de qué sirve negarlo?


    bueno, agradable

    bueno, beneficioso

    completo, entero

    bueno, bastante

    bueno, bien

    bueno, amable

    bueno, hábil

    bueno, sensato



    personales, posesiones




    , mercadería


    , artículos




    I gʊd



    (comp better; superl best) [The usual translation, bueno, becomes buen when it is used before a masculine singular noun]

    2) <food/quality/book> bueno

    it smells good — huele bien, tiene rico or buen olor (AmL)

    to make good something: they undertook to make good the damage to the car se comprometieron a hacerse cargo de la reparación del coche; our losses were made good by the company la compañía nos compensó las pérdidas; to make good one’s escape — lograr huir

    3) ( creditable) <work/progress/results> bueno

    4) (opportune, favorable) <moment/day/opportunity> bueno

    5) (advantageous, useful) <deal/offer/advice> bueno

    burn it; that’s all it’s good for — quémalo, no sirve para otra cosa

    good idea!, good thinking! — buena idea!

    7) (healthy, wholesome) <diet/habit/exercise> bueno


    good grief/gracious! — por favor!

    very good, sir/madam — (frml) lo que mande el señor/la señora (frml)


    as good as: it’s as good as new está como nuevo; he as good as admitted it — prácticamente lo admitió

    10) (skilled, competent) bueno

    to be good AT something/-ING: to be good at languages tener* facilidad para los idiomas; he’s good at ironing plancha muy bien; he is good with dogs/children tiene buena mano con or sabe cómo tratar a los perros/los niños; she is good with her hands — es muy habilidosa or mañosa

    11) (devoted, committed) bueno

    a good Catholic/socialist — un buen católico/socialista


    a) (virtuous, upright) bueno

    be good — sé bueno, pórtate bien

    13) ( kind) bueno

    to be good TO somebody: she was very good to me fue muy amable conmigo, se portó muy bien conmigo; it was very good of you to come muchas gracias por venir; good old Pete — el bueno de Pete

    14) (decent, acceptable) bueno

    15) ( sound) <customer/payer> bueno

    16) ( valid) <argument/excuse> bueno

    17) (substantial, considerable) <meal/salary/distance> bueno

    19) (thorough, intense) <rest/scolding> bueno




    to be up to no good — (colloq) estar* tramando algo, traerse* algo entre manos

    for the good of somebody/something — por el bien de algn/algo

    to do somebody/something good — hacerle* bien a algn/algo

    a) ( merchandise) artículos mpl, mercancías fpl, mercaderías fpl (AmS)

    to come up with o deliver the goods — (colloq) cumplir con lo prometido; (before n) <train, wagon> (BrE) de carga; < depot> de mercancías, de mercaderías (AmS)



    it’s been a good long while since… — ha pasado su buen tiempo desde…

    you messed that up good and proper, didn’t you? — (BrE colloq) metiste bien la pata, ¿no? (fam)

    2) (AmE colloq) (well, thoroughly) bien






    When good is part of a set combination, eg in a good temper, a good deal of, good heavens, look up the noun.
    The commonest translation of good is bueno, which must be shortened to buen before a masculine singular noun.


    at the end of the day, it’s a good investment — a fin de cuentas es una buena inversión

    Note that [bueno]/[buena] {etc} precede the noun in general comments where there is no attempt to compare or rank the person or thing involved:

    if he set his mind to it, he could be a very good painter — si se lo propusiera podría ser muy buen pintor

    [Bueno]/[buena] {etc} follow the noun when there is implied or explicit comparison:

    Use [ser] rather than [estar] with [bueno] when translating [to be good], unless describing food:

    Use [estar] with the adverb [bien] to give a general comment on a situation:

    you’ve written a book, which is good — has escrito un libro, lo que está bien


    she’s good at maths — se le dan bien las matemáticas, es buena en matemáticas

    that’s good enough for me — eso me basta

    40% of candidates are not good enough to pass — el 40% de los candidatos no dan el nivel or la talla para aprobar

    to feel good — sentirse bien

    we’ve never had it so good! * — ¡nunca nos ha ido tan bien!, ¡jamás lo hemos tenido tan fácil!

    how good is her eyesight? — ¿qué tal está de la vista?

    you’re looking good — ¡qué guapa estás!

    it’s too good to be true — no puede ser, es demasiado bueno para ser cierto

    she’s good with cats — entiende bien a los gatos, sabe manejarse bien con los gatos

    good 2., manner 4), a), mood II, 1., time 1., 5)


    3) bueno, agradable; bueno

    it was as good as a holiday — aquello fue como unas vacaciones

    have a good journey! — ¡buen viaje!

    how good it is to know that…! — ¡cuánto me alegro de saber que…!

    it’s good to see you — me alegro de verte, gusto en verte (LAm)

    have a good trip! — ¡buen viaje!

    alive, life 1., 3)

    4) bueno, sano; puro, sano

    it’s good for burns — es bueno para las quemaduras

    5) bueno

    it’s a good chance to sort things out — es una buena oportunidad de or para arreglar las cosas

    I tried to find something good to say about him — traté de encontrar algo bueno que decir de él

    it would be a good thing or idea to ask him — no estaría mal or no sería mala idea preguntárselo

    this is as good a time as any to do it — es tan buen momento como cualquier otro para hacerlo


    the only good chair — la única silla que está bien, la única silla servible or sana

    to be good for (doing) sth — servir para (hacer) algo

    7) bueno

    he is a good risk — concederle crédito es un riesgo asumible, se le puede prestar dinero

    word 1., 1)


    that’s very good of you — es usted muy amable, ¡qué amable (de su parte)!

    he was so good as to come with me — tuvo la amabilidad de acompañarme

    he was good to me — fue muy bueno or amable conmigo, se portó bien conmigo

    nature 1., 2)

    9) bueno

    be good! — ¡sé bueno!; ¡pórtate bien!; ¡estáte formal!

    — be as good as gold

    10) bueno

    I think I’m as good as him — yo me considero tan buena persona como él

    yes, my good man — sí, mi querido amigo

    send us a photo of your good selffrm tenga a bien enviarnos una foto suya

    she’s too good for him — ella es más de lo que él se merece

    lady 1., 5)

    11) bueno

    he’s a good friend of mine — es un buen amigo mío



    14) bueno

    we were kept waiting for a good hour/thirty minutes — nos tuvieron esperando una hora/media hora larga, nos tuvieron esperando por lo menos una hora/media hora

    a good £10 — lo menos 10 libras

    a good many or few people — bastante gente

    15) bueno

    to have a good cry — llorar a lágrima viva, llorar a moco tendido *

    to take a good look (at sth) — mirar bien (algo)


    good day ¡buenos días!; ¡hasta mañana!

    with every good wish, with all good wishes — saludos, un fuerte abrazo

    very good, sir — sí, señor

    good for you! — ¡bien hecho!; ¡enhorabuena!

    good one! — ¡muy bien!, ¡sí señor!

    old 1., 5)

    as good as

    as good as saying… — tanto como decir…

    to come good

    good and…

    to hold good valer ( for para)

    it’s a good job

    make 1., 3), riddance, thing 2)

    — give as good as one gets

    good and proper

    «how are you?» — «thanks, I’m good» — -¿cómo estás? -muy bien, gracias

    1) el bien

    to do good — hacer (el) bien

    he is a power for good — su influencia es muy buena or beneficiosa, hace mucho bien

    there’s some good in him — tiene algo bueno

    a rest will do you some good — un descanso te sentará bien

    for your own good — por tu propio bien

    to be in good with sb — estar a bien con algn

    that’s all to the good! — ¡menos mal!

    what good will that do you? — ¿y eso de qué te va a servir?


    the good los buenos

    any good

    is he any good? — ¿qué tal lo hace?, ¿lo hace bien?

    for good (and all) para siempre

    no good

    it’s no good, I’ll never get it finished in time — así no hay manera, nunca lo terminaré a tiempo



    * * *

    I [gʊd]



    (comp better; superl best) [The usual translation, bueno, becomes buen when it is used before a masculine singular noun]

    2) <food/quality/book> bueno

    it smells good — huele bien, tiene rico or buen olor (AmL)

    to make good something: they undertook to make good the damage to the car se comprometieron a hacerse cargo de la reparación del coche; our losses were made good by the company la compañía nos compensó las pérdidas; to make good one’s escape — lograr huir

    3) ( creditable) <work/progress/results> bueno

    4) (opportune, favorable) <moment/day/opportunity> bueno

    5) (advantageous, useful) <deal/offer/advice> bueno

    burn it; that’s all it’s good for — quémalo, no sirve para otra cosa

    good idea!, good thinking! — buena idea!

    7) (healthy, wholesome) <diet/habit/exercise> bueno


    good grief/gracious! — por favor!

    very good, sir/madam — (frml) lo que mande el señor/la señora (frml)


    as good as: it’s as good as new está como nuevo; he as good as admitted it — prácticamente lo admitió

    10) (skilled, competent) bueno

    to be good AT something/-ING: to be good at languages tener* facilidad para los idiomas; he’s good at ironing plancha muy bien; he is good with dogs/children tiene buena mano con or sabe cómo tratar a los perros/los niños; she is good with her hands — es muy habilidosa or mañosa

    11) (devoted, committed) bueno

    a good Catholic/socialist — un buen católico/socialista


    a) (virtuous, upright) bueno

    be good — sé bueno, pórtate bien

    13) ( kind) bueno

    to be good TO somebody: she was very good to me fue muy amable conmigo, se portó muy bien conmigo; it was very good of you to come muchas gracias por venir; good old Pete — el bueno de Pete

    14) (decent, acceptable) bueno

    15) ( sound) <customer/payer> bueno

    16) ( valid) <argument/excuse> bueno

    17) (substantial, considerable) <meal/salary/distance> bueno

    19) (thorough, intense) <rest/scolding> bueno




    to be up to no good — (colloq) estar* tramando algo, traerse* algo entre manos

    for the good of somebody/something — por el bien de algn/algo

    to do somebody/something good — hacerle* bien a algn/algo

    a) ( merchandise) artículos mpl, mercancías fpl, mercaderías fpl (AmS)

    to come up with o deliver the goods — (colloq) cumplir con lo prometido; (before n) <train, wagon> (BrE) de carga; < depot> de mercancías, de mercaderías (AmS)



    it’s been a good long while since… — ha pasado su buen tiempo desde…

    you messed that up good and proper, didn’t you? — (BrE colloq) metiste bien la pata, ¿no? (fam)

    2) (AmE colloq) (well, thoroughly) bien

    English-spanish dictionary > good

  • 11



    1) decir

    2) decir

    3) decir

    4) decir


    opinión, voz y voto

    — have
    — I wouldn’t say no to
    — let’s say
    — say
    — say the word
    — that is to say

    I didn’t hear him, what did he say? no lo he oído, ¿qué ha dicho?

    how do you say «laugh» in Spanish? ¿cómo se dice «laugh» en español?


    what did he say? ¿qué dijo?, ¿qué ha dicho?

    could you say that again? ¿podrías repetir eso?

    I thought you said you could cook! ¡no habías dicho que sabías cocinar!

    she said to be here at 9.00 pm dijo que teníamos que estar aquí a las 9.00

    2 (prayer) rezar; (poem, lines) recitar

    3 (newspaper, sign, etc) decir; (clock, meter, etc) marcar

    what does the guidebook say? ¿qué dice la guía?, ¿qué pone en la guía?

    what time does your watch say? ¿qué hora marca tu reloj?

    4 (think) pensar, opinar, decir

    what do you say? ¿qué opinas?

    what do you say we have a break? ¿qué te parece si hacemos un descanso?

    what would you say to an ice-cream? ¿te apetece un helado?

    say you found a wallet, what would you do? supongamos que encuentras una cartera, ¿qué harías?

    come round at, say, 8.00pm pásate hacia las 8.00, ¿te parece?

    shall we say Saturday then? ¿quedamos el sábado, pues?

    1 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL familiar ¡oye!, ¡oiga!


    having said that… a pesar de eso…, no obstante…

    I’ll say! ¡ya lo creo!

    it goes without saying that… por supuesto que…, huelga decir que…

    it is said that… dicen que…, se dice que…

    not to say… por no decir…

    not to say much for somebody/something decir mal de alguien/algo

    say when! ¡ya me dirás basta!

    to say a lot for somebody/something decir mucho en favor de alguien/algo

    to say nothing of… por no decir nada de…, por no mencionar…

    you can say that again! ¡y que lo digas!, ¡ya lo creo!

    you don’t say! ¡no me digas!

    you said it! ¡ya lo creo!; ¡dímelo a mí!

    decir, expresar

    marcar, poner





    pret: dij-

    1. seɪ

    (pres says sez; past & past p said sed) transitive verb

    1) (utter, express in speech) <<word/sentence/mass>> decir*; <<prayer>> rezar*

    I said yes/no — dije que sí/no

    he said yes/no to my proposal — aceptó/rechazó mi propuesta

    go away, she said — -vete- dijo

    well, what can I say? — ¿y qué quieres que te diga?

    it was, how o what shall I say, a tricky situation — fue, cómo te (lo) diría, una situación delicada

    if you disagree, say so — si no está de acuerdo, dígalo

    it doesn’t say much for… — no dice mucho de…

    the less said about it, the better — cuanto menos se hable del asunto, mejor

    it goes without saying that… — huelga decir que…, ni que decir tiene que…, por supuesto que…


    it said in the paper that… — el periódico decía or ponía que…

    b) <<watch/dial>> marcar*


    a) ( suppose) (colloq) suponer*, poner*

    (let’s) say that… — supongamos or pongamos que…


    he’s been ill, or so he says — ha estado enfermo, al menos eso es lo que dice

    to be said to + INF: she’s said to be very mean/strict — dicen que es muy tacaña/severa

    b) (decide, pronounce) decir*

    what do o would you say to a cup of tea — ¿quieres or (esp Esp) te apetece una taza de té?, ¿qué te parece si nos tomamos un té?


    who says o says who? — (colloq) ¿quién lo dice?


    say, that’s a great idea! — oye, qué buena idea! (fam)

    say, buddy — eh, amigo!


    say (IN something): I have no say in the matter yo no tengo ni voz ni voto en el asunto; to have the final say (in something) — tener* la última palabra (en algo)









    1) decir

    «hello,» he said — -hola -dijo

    he said to me that… — me dijo que…

    to say to o.s. — decir para sí

    say after me — repite lo que digo yo

    to say goodbye to sb — despedirse de algn

    to say good morning/ goodnight to sb — dar los buenos días/las buenas noches a algn

    I’ve nothing more to say — se acabó

    I must say (that) I disapprove of the idea — la verdad es que no me parece bien la idea

    it’s difficult, I must say — es difícil, lo confieso

    that’s what I say — eso digo yo, lo mismo digo yo

    I will say this about him, he’s bright — reconozco (a pesar de todo) que es listo

    2) marcar; poner, decir

    the rules say that… — según las reglas…, en las reglas pone…

    when all is said and done — al fin y al cabo, a fin de cuentas

    she has nothing to say for herself — no tiene conversación, nunca abre la boca

    say what you like about her hat, she’s charming — dígase lo que se quiera acerca de su sombrero, es encantadora

    there’s no saying what he’ll do — quién sabe lo que hará

    I’d rather not say — prefiero no decir (nada)

    it’s an original, not to say revolutionary, idea — la idea es original y hasta revolucionaria

    to say nothing of the rest — sin hablar de lo demás

    would you really say so? — ¿lo crees de veras?

    that is to say — o sea, es decir

    what do or would you say to a walk? — ¿le apetece or se le antoja un paseo?

    it goes without saying that… — ni que decir tiene que…, huelga decir que…

    it is said that…, they say that… — se dice que…, dicen que…

    it’s easier said than done — del dicho al hecho hay gran trecho

    there’s a lot to be said for it/for doing it — hay mucho que decir a su favor/a favor de hacerlo

    it must be said that… — hay que decir or reconocer que…

    there’s something to be said for it/for doing it — hay algo que decir a su favor/a favor de hacerlo

    no sooner said than done — dicho y hecho

    you don’t say! * — ¡no me digas!

    I say! — ¡oiga!; ¡vaya!, ¡anda!

    say no more! — ¡basta!, ¡ni una palabra más!

    so you say! — ¡eso es lo que tú dices!

    well said! — ¡muy bien dicho!

    you’ve said it! * — ¡exacto!, ¡tú lo dijiste!

    6) suponer, decir, poner

    (let’s) say it’s worth £20 — supongamos or digamos or pon que vale 20 libras

    I should say it’s worth about £100 — yo diría que vale unas cien libras

    shall we say £5? — ¿convenimos en 5 libras?

    we sell it at say £25 — pongamos que lo vendemos por 25 libras



    to have one’s say — dar su opinión

    * * *

    1. [seɪ]

    (pres says [sez]; past & past p said [sed]) transitive verb

    1) (utter, express in speech) <<word/sentence/mass>> decir*; <<prayer>> rezar*

    I said yes/no — dije que sí/no

    he said yes/no to my proposal — aceptó/rechazó mi propuesta

    go away, she said — -vete- dijo

    well, what can I say? — ¿y qué quieres que te diga?

    it was, how o what shall I say, a tricky situation — fue, cómo te (lo) diría, una situación delicada

    if you disagree, say so — si no está de acuerdo, dígalo

    it doesn’t say much for… — no dice mucho de…

    the less said about it, the better — cuanto menos se hable del asunto, mejor

    it goes without saying that… — huelga decir que…, ni que decir tiene que…, por supuesto que…


    it said in the paper that… — el periódico decía or ponía que…

    b) <<watch/dial>> marcar*


    a) ( suppose) (colloq) suponer*, poner*

    (let’s) say that… — supongamos or pongamos que…


    he’s been ill, or so he says — ha estado enfermo, al menos eso es lo que dice

    to be said to + INF: she’s said to be very mean/strict — dicen que es muy tacaña/severa

    b) (decide, pronounce) decir*

    what do o would you say to a cup of tea — ¿quieres or (esp Esp) te apetece una taza de té?, ¿qué te parece si nos tomamos un té?


    who says o says who? — (colloq) ¿quién lo dice?


    say, that’s a great idea! — oye, qué buena idea! (fam)

    say, buddy — eh, amigo!


    say (IN something): I have no say in the matter yo no tengo ni voz ni voto en el asunto; to have the final say (in something) — tener* la última palabra (en algo)

    English-spanish dictionary > say

  • 12



    1) für; für; anstelle von

    what is the German for «buzz»? — wie heißt «buzz» auf Deutsch?

    2) für

    it’s each [man] or every man for himself — jeder ist auf sich selbst gestellt

    3) für

    4) für; zu

    they invited me for Christmas/Monday/supper — sie haben mich zu Weihnachten/für Montag/zum Abendessen eingeladen

    5) für; zu

    take somebody for a ride in the car/a walk — jemanden im Auto spazieren fahren/mit jemandem einen Spaziergang machen

    run/jump etc. for it — loslaufen/-springen usw.

    set out for England/the north/an island — nach England/Norden/zu einer Insel aufbrechen

    8) für

    be dressed/ready for dinner — zum Dinner angezogen/fertig sein

    have something for breakfast/pudding — etwas zum Frühstück/Nachtisch haben

    enough… for — genug… für

    too… for — zu… für

    cheque/ bill for £5 — Scheck/Rechnung über od. in Höhe von 5 Pfund

    it is wise/advisable for somebody to do something — es ist vernünftig/ratsam, dass jemand etwas tut

    I/you etc. for one — ich/ du usw. für mein[en]/dein[en] usw. Teil

    famous/well-known for something — berühmt/ bekannt wegen od. für etwas

    jump/ shout for joy — vor Freude in die Luft springen/schreien

    were it not for you/ your help, I should not be able to do it — ohne dich/deine Hilfe wäre ich nicht dazu in der Lage

    for all… — trotz…

    for all that,… — trotzdem…

    for fear of… — aus Angst vor (+ Dat.)

    but for…, except for… — wenn nicht… gewesen wäre, [dann]…

    for all I know/care… — möglicherweise/was mich betrifft,…

    for one thing,… — zunächst einmal…

    we’ve/we haven’t been here for three years — wir sind seit drei Jahren hier/nicht mehr hier gewesen

    we waited for hours/three hours — wir warteten stundenlang/drei Stunden lang

    sit here for now or for the moment — bleiben Sie im Augenblick hier sitzen

    walk for 20 miles/for another 20 miles — 20 Meilen [weit] gehen/weiter gehen


    be for it — dran sein ; sich auf was gefasst machen können



    * * *


    1) für

    3) für

    4) nach

    5) für

    6) für


    9) dafür

    10) wegen, aus

    11) für

    12) für

    13) für

    14) für

    15) trotz



    * * *

    [fɔ:ʳ, fəʳ, AM fɔ:r, fɚ]

    I bought a new collar for my dog ich habe ein neues Halsband für meinen Hund gekauft

    this is a birthday present for you hier ist ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für dich

    there are government subsidies available for farmers für Bauern gibt es Zuschüsse vom Staat

    to vote for sb/sth für jdn/etw stimmen

    they voted for independence in a referendum sie haben sich in einem Referendum für die Unabhängigkeit ausgesprochen

    to be for sb/sth für jdn/etw sein

    his followers are still for him seine Anhänger unterstützen ihn noch immer

    to be for a good cause für einen guten Zweck sein

    to be all for sth ganz für etw akk sein

    to be for doing sth dafür sein, dass etw getan wird

    are you for banning smoking in public places? sind Sie dafür, das Rauchen in der Öffentlichkeit zu verbieten?

    I’m happy for you that it finally worked out ich freue mich für dich, dass es endlich geklappt hat

    you’re not making it easy for me to tell you the truth du machst es mir nicht gerade einfach, dir die Wahrheit zu sagen

    the coffee was too strong for me der Kaffee war mir zu stark

    luckily for me, I already had another job zu meinem Glück hatte ich bereits eine andere Stelle

    the admiration she felt for him soon died ihre Bewunderung für ihn war schnell verflogen

    is this seat high enough for you? ist Ihnen dieser Sitz hoch genug?

    I feel sorry for her sie tut mir leid

    to feel nothing but contempt for sb/sth nichts als Verachtung für jdn/etw empfinden

    to be concerned for sb/sth um jdn/etw besorgt sein

    to feel for sb mit jdm fühlen

    as for me was mich betrifft [o angeht]

    Jackie’s already left and, as for me, I’m going at the end of the month Jackie ist schon weg, und was mich angeht, ich gehe Ende des Monats

    4. (regarding sth) für + akk

    how are you doing for money? wie sieht es bei dir mit dem Geld aus?

    for my part was mich betrifft

    for all I know möglicherweise

    to be responsible for sth für etw akk verantwortlich sein

    to prepare for sth sich akk auf etw akk vorbereiten

    the summer has been quite hot for England für England war das ein ziemlich heißer Sommer

    to be too big/fast for sb/sth zu groß/schnell für jdn/etw sein

    she’s very mature for her age sie ist für ihr Alter schon sehr reif

    the weather is warm for the time of year für diese Jahreszeit ist das Wetter mild

    he’s quite thoughtful for a child of 8 für einen Achtjährigen ist er ziemlich rücksichtsvoll

    6. (to get, have)

    oh for something to drink! hätte ich doch bloß etwas zu trinken!

    oh for a strong black coffee! und jetzt einen starken schwarzen Kaffee!

    he did it for the fame er tat es, um berühmt zu werden

    even though he’s in this for the money, we still need him auch wenn er es nur wegen des Geldes tut, wir brauchen ihn

    she’s eager for a chance to show that she’s a capable worker sie möchte gerne beweisen, dass sie eine fähige Mitarbeiterin ist

    demand for money Bedarf m an Geld

    to send for the doctor den Arzt holen

    to apply for a job sich akk um eine Stelle bewerben

    to have a need for sth etw brauchen

    to look for a way to do sth nach einer Möglichkeit suchen, etw zu tun

    to ask for sth um etw akk bitten

    7. (on behalf of, representing) für + akk

    he’s an agent for models and actors er ist Agent für Models und Schauspieler

    next time you see them, say hi for me grüß sie von mir, wenn du sie wieder siehst

    the messenger was there for his boss der Bote war in Vertretung seines Chefs dort

    to do sth for sb etw für jdn tun

    to do sth for oneself etw selbst tun

    to do sth for sb/sth etw für jdn/etw tun

    they had to do extra work for their boss sie mussten noch zusätzliche Arbeiten für ihren Chef erledigen

    I have some things to do for school ich muss noch etwas für die Schule machen

    she is a tutor for the Open University sie ist Tutorin an der Fernuniversität

    to work for sb/sth bei jdm/etw [o für jdn/etw] arbeiten

    10. (purpose, aim) für + akk

    what’s that for? wofür ist das?

    that’s useful for removing rust damit kann man gut Rost entfernen

    that’s not for eating das ist nicht zum Essen

    a course for beginners in Russian ein Russischkurs für Anfänger

    for your information zu Ihrer Information

    for the record der Ordnung halber

    the spokesman told the press for the record that the president was in good health der Sprecher sagte der Presse für das Protokoll, der Präsident sei bei guter Gesundheit

    for rent/sale zu vermieten/verkaufen

    bikes for rent Räder zu vermieten

    to be not for sale unverkäuflich sein

    to wait for sb/sth auf jdn/etw warten

    to wait for sb to do sth darauf warten, dass jd etw tut

    to do sth for sth/sb etw für etw/jdn tun

    what did you do that for? wozu hast du das getan?

    what do you use these enormous scissors for? wozu brauchst du diese riesige Schere?

    he is taking medication for his heart condition er nimmt Medikamente für sein Herz

    you need to move closer for me to hear you du musst ein bisschen näher herkommen, damit ich dich hören kann

    I don’t eat meat for various reasons ich esse aus verschiedenen Gründen kein Fleisch

    I could dance and sing for joy! ich könnte vor Freude tanzen und singen!

    he apologized for being late er entschuldigte sich wegen seiner Verspätung

    Bob was looking all the better for his three weeks in Spain nach seinen drei Wochen Spanien sah Bob viel besser aus

    how are you? — fine, and all the better for seeing you! wie geht’s? — gut, und jetzt wo ich dich sehe, gleich noch viel besser!

    I could not see for the tears in my eyes ich konnte vor Tränen in den Augen gar nicht sehen

    if it hadn’t been for him, we wouldn’t be here right now ( form) ohne ihn wären wir jetzt nicht hier

    for fear of sth aus Angst vor etw dat

    for lack of sth aus Mangel an etw dat

    to be arrested for murder wegen Mordes verhaftet werden

    for that [or this] reason aus diesem Grund

    to be famous for sth für etw akk berühmt sein

    to love sb for sth jdn für etw akk lieben

    she loves him just for being himself sie liebt ihn einfach dafür, dass er so ist, wie er ist

    this train is for Birmingham dieser Zug fährt nach Birmingham

    he made for home in a hurry er eilte schnell nach Hause

    just follow signs for the town centre folgen Sie einfach den Schildern in die Innenstadt

    to go for sb [with one’s fists] [mit den Fäusten] auf jdn losgehen

    to run for sb/sth zu jdm/etw laufen

    I had to run for the bus ich musste laufen, um den Bus noch zu kriegen

    to be for sth für etw akk stehen

    A is for ‘airlines’ A steht für ‚Airlines‘

    to stand for sth etw bedeuten, für etw akk stehen

    what does the M.J. stand for? María José? was bedeutet M.J.? María José?

    what’s the Spanish word for ‘vegetarian’? was heißt ‚Vegetarier‘ auf Spanisch?

    14. (in return, exchange) für + akk

    she paid a high price for loyalty to her boss sie hat einen hohen Preis für die Loyalität zu ihrem Chef gezahlt

    that’s for cheating on me! das ist dafür, dass du mich betrogen hast!

    how much did you pay for your glasses? wie viel hast du für deine Brille gezahlt?

    a cheque for £100 eine Scheck über 100 Pfund

    not for a million dollars [or for all the world] um nichts in der Welt

    I wouldn’t go out with him for a million dollars ich würde für kein Geld der Welt mit ihm ausgehen

    to do sth for nothing etw umsonst machen

    to buy/sell sth for 100 euro/a lot of money etw für 100 Euro/viel Geld kaufen/verkaufen

    you can buy a bestseller for about £6 Sie bekommen einen Bestseller schon für 6 Pfund

    to trade sth for sth etw gegen etw akk [ein]tauschen

    I’m just going to sleep for half an hour ich lege mich mal eine halbe Stunde schlafen

    he was jailed for twelve years er musste für zwölf Jahre ins Gefängnis

    my father has been smoking for 10 years mein Vater raucht seit 10 Jahren

    for the next two days in den beiden nächsten Tagen

    for a bit/while ein bisschen/eine Weile

    play here for a while! spiel doch mal ein bisschen hier!

    I’m just going out for a while ich gehe mal kurz raus fam

    for eternity/ever bis in alle Ewigkeit

    this pact is for ever dieser Pakt gilt für immer und ewig

    for the moment im Augenblick

    for a time eine Zeit lang

    for a long time seit Langem

    I hadn’t seen him for such a long time that I didn’t recognize him ich hatte ihn schon so lange nicht mehr gesehen, dass ich ihn nicht erkannte

    for some time seit Längerem

    for the time being für den Augenblick, vorübergehend

    for a kilometre/mile einen Kilometer/eine Meile

    he always jogs for 5 kilometres before breakfast er joggt immer 5 Kilometer vor dem Frühstück

    17. (at a certain date, time, occasion) für + akk

    he booked a table at the restaurant for nine o’clock er reservierte in dem Restaurant einen Tisch für neun Uhr

    they set their wedding date for September 15 sie setzten ihre Hochzeit für den 15. September fest

    I need some money for tonight ich brauche etwas Geld für heute Abend

    what did you buy him for Christmas? was hast du ihm zu Weihnachten gekauft?

    he arrived at 8.00 for dinner at 8.30 er kam um acht zu dem für halb neun verabredeten Abendessen

    to invite sb for dinner/lunch jdn zum Abendessen/Mittagessen einladen

    for the first time zum ersten Mal

    for the [very] last time zum [aller]letzten Mal

    for the first/second time running im ersten/zweiten Durchlauf

    , ungeachtet +gen geh

    for all that trotz alledem

    there is one teacher for every 25 students in our school in unserer Schule kommt auf 25 Schüler ein Lehrer

    for every cigarette you smoke, you take off one day of your life mit jeder Zigarette, die du rauchst, verkürzt sich dein Leben um einen Tag

    to repeat sth word for word etw Wort für Wort wiederholen

    20. (the duty of)

    to [not] be for sb to do sth [nicht] jds Sache sein, etw zu tun

    it’s not for me to tell her what to do es ist nicht meine Aufgabe, ihr vorzuschreiben, was sie zu tun hat

    the decision is not for him to make die Entscheidung liegt nicht bei ihm

    she thought it for a lie but didn’t say anything sie hielt es für gelogen, sagte aber nichts

    I for one am sick of this bickering ich für meinen Teil habe genug von diesem Gezänk


    for Africa SA ( fam) Unmengen + gen

    I’ve got homework for Africa ich habe noch jede Menge Hausaufgaben fam

    to be [in] for it ( fam) Schwierigkeiten bekommen

    you’re in for it! jetzt bist du dran! fam

    for crying out loud um Himmels willen

    an eye for an eye Auge um Auge

    that’s Jane/Mark/etc. for you so ist Jane/Mark/etc. eben!, das sieht Jane/Mark/etc. mal wieder ähnlich!, das ist wieder mal typisch für Jane/Mark/etc.!

    that’s children for you! so sind Kinder eben!

    that’s/there’s sth for you ( pej)

    there’s gratitude for you! und so was nennt sich Dankbarkeit! fam

    there’s manners for you! das sind [mir] ja schöne Manieren! iron fam

    * * *

    I [fɔː(r)]

    what did you do that for? —

    a room for working in/sewing — ein Zimmer zum Arbeiten/Nähen

    fit for nothing —

    ready for anything —


    it’s not for you to ask questions — Sie haben kein Recht, Fragen zu stellen


    I’ll speak to her for you if you like —

    I’m all for helping him —


    anxious for sb — um jdn besorgt

    as for him/that — was ihn/das betrifft

    warm/cold for the time of year — warm/kalt für die Jahreszeit

    he is famous for his jokes/his big nose — er ist für seine Witze bekannt/wegen seiner großen Nase berühmt

    7) trotz

    for all that, you should have warned me — Sie hätten mich trotz allem warnen sollen

    8) für

    he’ll do it for ten pounds —


    for every job that is created, two are lost — für jede Stelle, die neu geschaffen wird, gehen zwei verloren

    I had/have known her for years — ich kannte/kenne sie schon seit Jahren

    can you get it done for Monday/this time next week? — können Sie es bis or für Montag/bis in einer Woche fertig haben?

    for a while/time — (für) eine Weile/einige Zeit


    the road is lined with trees for two miles — die Straße ist auf or über zwei Meilen mit Bäumen gesäumt


    to pray for peace — für den or um Frieden beten


    → vbs


    for this to be possible — damit dies möglich wird


    to do sth for oneself — etw alleine tun



    17 were for, 13 against — 17 waren dafür, 13 dagegen



    frei Bahn

    * * *

    A präp

    1. allg für:

    2. für, zugunsten von:

    for and against für und wider;»>speak for 1

    3. für, (mit der Absicht) zu, um (… willen):

    4. (Wunsch, Ziel) nach, auf (akk):

    oh, for a car! ach, hätte ich doch nur ein Auto!

    I sold it for £10 ich verkaufte es für 10 Pfund

    10. (Betrag, Menge) über (akk):

    a postal order for £2

    11. (Grund) aus, vor (dat), wegen:

    I can’t see for the fog ich kann nichts sehen wegen des Nebels oder vor lauter Nebel;

    she couldn’t speak for laughing sie konnte vor (lauter) Lachen nicht sprechen

    12. (als Strafe etc) für, wegen:

    13. dank, wegen:

    if it wasn’t for him wenn er nicht wäre, ohne ihn; he would never have done it, if it hadn’t been for me talking him into it wenn ich ihn nicht dazu überredet hätte

    14. für, in Anbetracht (gen), im Hinblick auf (akk), im Verhältnis zu:

    15. (Begabung, Neigung) für, (Hang) zu:

    16. (zeitlich) für, während, auf (akk), für die Dauer von, seit:

    18. nach, auf (akk), in Richtung auf (akk):

    now for it! Br umg jetzt (nichts wie) los oder drauf!, jetzt gilt’s!

    19. für, anstelle von (oder gen), (an)statt:

    20. für, in Vertretung oder im Auftrag oder im Namen von (oder gen):

    21. für, als:

    22. trotz (gen oder dat), ungeachtet (gen):

    23. as for was … betrifft:

    24. nach adj und vor inf:

    25. mit s oder pron und inf:

    a) es ist nicht deine Sache zu inf,

    b) es steht dir nicht zu inf;

    don’t wait for him to turn up yet wartet nicht darauf, dass er noch auftaucht;

    that’s a wine for you das ist vielleicht ein Weinchen, das nenne ich einen Wein

    27. US nach:

    B konj denn, weil, nämlich

    * * *



    1) für; für; anstelle von

    what is the German for «buzz»? — wie heißt «buzz» auf Deutsch?

    2) für

    it’s each [man] or every man for himself — jeder ist auf sich selbst gestellt

    they invited me for Christmas/Monday/supper — sie haben mich zu Weihnachten/für Montag/zum Abendessen eingeladen


    take somebody for a ride in the car/a walk — jemanden im Auto spazieren fahren/mit jemandem einen Spaziergang machen

    run/jump etc. for it — loslaufen/-springen usw.

    set out for England/the north/an island — nach England/Norden/zu einer Insel aufbrechen

    be dressed/ready for dinner — zum Dinner angezogen/fertig sein

    have something for breakfast/pudding — etwas zum Frühstück/Nachtisch haben

    enough… for — genug… für

    too… for — zu… für

    cheque/ bill for £5 — Scheck/Rechnung über od. in Höhe von 5 Pfund

    11) für

    it is wise/advisable for somebody to do something — es ist vernünftig/ratsam, dass jemand etwas tut

    I/you etc. for one — ich/ du usw. für mein[en]/dein[en] usw. Teil

    13) wegen

    famous/well-known for something — berühmt/ bekannt wegen od. für etwas

    jump/ shout for joy — vor Freude in die Luft springen/schreien

    were it not for you/ your help, I should not be able to do it — ohne dich/deine Hilfe wäre ich nicht dazu in der Lage

    for all… — trotz…

    for all that,… — trotzdem…

    for fear of… — aus Angst vor (+ Dat.)

    but for…, except for… — wenn nicht… gewesen wäre, [dann]…

    for all I know/care… — möglicherweise/was mich betrifft,…

    for one thing,… — zunächst einmal…

    we’ve/we haven’t been here for three years — wir sind seit drei Jahren hier/nicht mehr hier gewesen

    we waited for hours/three hours — wir warteten stundenlang/drei Stunden lang

    sit here for now or for the moment — bleiben Sie im Augenblick hier sitzen

    walk for 20 miles/for another 20 miles — 20 Meilen [weit] gehen/weiter gehen


    be for it — dran sein ; sich auf was gefasst machen können




    * * *


    als konj.

    denn konj.

    für konj.

    nach konj.

    zu konj.

    English-german dictionary > for

  • 13

    I. 1. дума, слово
    WORD for WORD дума по дума
    attr буквален, дума по дума (зa превод и пр.)
    to a WORD дословно, точно, буквално
    in a WORD с една дума, накратко казано, in a few WORDs с няколко думи, накратко
    in other WORDs с други думи (казано), т. е.
    in the WORDs of… според/по думите на…, както казва…
    to put one’s thoughts in WORDs изразявам с думи/давам устен писмен израз на миcлите си
    a man of few WORDs мълчалив/неразговорлив човек
    not to have a WORD to throw at a dog мълча като пън, не си отварям устата, ужасно съм мълчалив
    to make few WORDs of something не говоря много-много/мълча си за нещо
    to get/put in a WORD казвам и аз нещо
    to say/to put in a good WORD for someone казвам една добра дума за/препоръчвам някого
    to put WORDs into someone’s mouth казвам/подсказвам някому какво да каже, приписвам някому думи, твърдя, че е казал нещо
    with/at these WORDs при/с/като каза тези думи
    too silly, etc. for WORDs неизказано/безкрайно глупав и пр.
    beyond WORDs неизказан, неизразим, неописуем
    a play upon WORDs игра на думи, игрословица, каламбур
    the last WORD последната/решаващата дума/мнение
    hard WORDs тежки/сурови думи
    hard WORDs break no bones дума дупка не прави
    big WORD s големи приказки, хвалби, самохвалство
    unable to put two WORDs together неспособен да каже две (свързани) думи
    2. често рl разговор, спор
    to have a WORD with поговорвам/поприказвам с
    to have WORDs with споря/карам се/скарвам се с
    to come to high WORDs стигам до обиди
    WORDs ran high спорът/кавгата се разгорещи
    3. дума, обещание
    to give/pledge one’s WORD давам дума, обещавам, вричам се
    to keep/break one’s WORD удържам/не удържам (на) обещанието си
    a man of his WORD човек, който държи на думата си
    to be as good as one’s WORD винаги изпълнявам обещанието си
    to be better than one’s WORD правя повече, отколкото съм обещал
    WORD of honour честна дума
    upon my WORD! честна дума! ей богу! I give you/ (you may) take my WORD for it вярвай ми
    to take someone at his WORD повярвам на/хващам се за думите/обещанието на някого
    4. заповед, нареждане
    WORD of command воен. команда
    to give/say the WORD давам нареждане, заповядвам
    5. вест, известие, съобщение
    to send WORD to someone съобщавам някому, уведомявам някого
    WORD came that/of дойде вест, че/за
    the WORD is/WORD has it that съобщава се/говори се, че
    to send/leave WORD that/of изпращам съобщение/оставям бележка, че/за
    I have had no WORD from him не ми е писал/не ми се е обаждал
    6. парола, девиз, лозунг, мото
    7. the WORD (of God), God’s WORD рел. Светото писание, християнското учение
    II. v изразявам устно/писмено, правя подбор на думите си
    a politely WORDed suggestion учтиво формулирано предложение

    * * *

    {wъ:d} n 1. дума, слово; word for word 1) дума по дума; 2) attr буквал(2) {wъ:d} v изразявам устно/писмено; правя подбор на думите си;

    * * *

    слово; обещание; дума;

    * * *

    1. a man of few words мълчалив/неразговорлив човек
    2. a man of his word човек, който държи на думата си
    3. a play upon words игра на думи, игрословица, каламбур
    4. a politely worded suggestion учтиво формулирано предложение
    5. attr буквален, дума по дума (зa превод и пр.)
    6. beyond words неизказан, неизразим, неописуем
    7. big word s големи приказки, хвалби, самохвалство
    8. hard words break no bones дума дупка не прави
    9. hard words тежки/сурови думи
    10. i have had no word from him не ми е писал/не ми се е обаждал
    11. i. дума, слово
    12. ii. v изразявам устно/писмено, правя подбор на думите си
    13. in a word с една дума, накратко казано, in a few words с няколко думи, накратко
    14. in other words с други думи (казано), т. е
    15. in the words of… според/по думите на…, както казва..
    16. not to have a word to throw at a dog мълча като пън, не си отварям устата, ужасно съм мълчалив
    17. the last word последната/решаващата дума/мнение
    18. the word (of god), god’s word рел. Светото писание, християнското учение
    19. the word is/word has it that съобщава се/говори се, че
    20. to a word дословно, точно, буквално
    21. to be as good as one’s word винаги изпълнявам обещанието си
    22. to be better than one’s word правя повече, отколкото съм обещал
    23. to come to high words стигам до обиди
    24. to get/put in a word казвам и аз нещо
    25. to give/pledge one’s word давам дума, обещавам, вричам се
    26. to give/say the word давам нареждане, заповядвам
    27. to have a word with поговорвам/поприказвам с
    28. to have words with споря/карам се/скарвам се с
    29. to keep/break one’s word удържам/не удържам (на) обещанието си
    30. to make few words of something не говоря много-много/мълча си за нещо
    31. to put one’s thoughts in words изразявам с думи/давам устен писмен израз на миcлите си
    32. to put words into someone’s mouth казвам/подсказвам някому какво да каже, приписвам някому думи, твърдя, че е казал нещо
    33. to say/to put in a good word for someone казвам една добра дума за/препоръчвам някого
    34. to send word to someone съобщавам някому, уведомявам някого
    35. to send/leave word that/of изпращам съобщение/оставям бележка, че/за
    36. to take someone at his word повярвам на/хващам се за думите/обещанието на някого
    37. too silly, etc. for words неизказано/безкрайно глупав и пр
    38. unable to put two words together неспособен да каже две (свързани) думи
    39. upon my word! честна дума! ей богу! i give you/ (you may) take my word for it вярвай ми
    40. with/at these words при/с/като каза тези думи
    41. word came that/of дойде вест, че/за
    42. word for word дума по дума
    43. word of command воен. команда
    44. word of honour честна дума
    45. words ran high спорът/кавгата се разгорещи
    46. вест, известие, съобщение
    47. дума, обещание
    48. заповед, нареждане
    49. парола, девиз, лозунг, мото
    50. често рl разговор, спор

    * * *

    word[wə:d] I. n 1. дума, слово; by word of mouth устно; word for word дума по дума; attr дословен, буквален (за превод и пр.); to a word точно, буквално; in a word с една дума, накратко казано; in other words с други думи, т. е.; in words of one syllable с думи прости, просто и ясно; I told him in so many words казах му ясно (недвусмислено), обясних му най-подробно; in the words of според думите на …, както се изразява …; not to mince o.’s words говоря направо (без заобикалки), не си поплювам; to eat o.’s words връщам си думите назад; to put o.’s thoughts into words давам израз (изразявам, формулирам) мислите си; a man of few words мълчалив, неразговорлив човек; to make few words of it не приказвам много, много за това; to get ( put) in a word, to get a word in edgewise ( edgeways) казвам и аз нещо, обаждам се; to say ( put in) a good word for s.o. казвам една (добра) дума за някого, препоръчвам някого; to put ( the) words into s.o.’s mouth разг. подсказвам (подшушвам) някому какво да каже; lost ( at a loss, stuck) for words онемял (от изненада, вълнение и пр.), глътнал езика си; beyond words неизказан, неизразим; words fail me to express нямам думи да изкажа; too silly ( ridiculous) for words неизказано глупав (нелеп); a play upon words игра на думи; the last word последната (решаващата) дума (мнение); the last word in (of) последната дума на (техниката, модата и пр.); hard words тежки думи; hard words break no bones дума дупка не прави; idle words празни приказки; fair ( fine) words красиви фрази; big words големи приказки, хвалби, самохвалство; famous last words пък кой знае, всяко твърдение е предпоследно; a dirty word тема табу; to have a word is s.o.’s ear подшушвам, давам информация на ухо; cold is not the word for it, its freezing малко е да се каже, че е студено, направо е ледено студено; mark my words! помни ми думата! ще видиш, че съм прав! a word spoken is past recalling казана дума, хвърлен камък; a truer word was never spoken право е, права приказка, права дума каза; a word in ( out of) season съвет (не) на място, уместен (неуместен) съвет; to hang on s.o.’s word гледам някого в устата, слушам с възхищение; not to be able to put two words together не мога да кажа две думи на кръст; to give ( pledge) o.’s word давам дума, заричам се, вричам се; to keep ( break) o.’s word (не) изпълнявам дадената дума; to go back on o.’s word отмятам се от (не изпълнявам) думата (обещанието) си; a man ( woman) of his word човек, който държи на думата си; to be as good as o.’s word изпълнявам дадената дума; to be better than o.’s word правя повече, отколкото съм обещал; word of honour честа дума; upon my word! честна дума! ей Богу! I give you ( you may take) my word for it имаш честната ми дума, вярвай ми; to take s.o. at his word (по)вярвам на обещанието (думата) на някого; 2. често pl разговор; спор; may I have a word with you? мога ли да поговоря с вас? to have words ( with) споря, карам се, скарвам се (с); words ran high спорът (кавгата) се разгорещи (изостри); 3. дума, обещание; 4. заповед, нареждане; word of command воен. команда; say the word само кажи (нареди) ще го направя); mum’s the word! шт! не казвай на никого! по този въпрос не трябва да се говори! from the word go от начало до край; 5. вест, известие, съобщение; to send word to s.o. съобщавам някому, уведомявам някого; to pass the word предавам съобщение (информация); 6. парол(а); 7. девиз, лозунг; 8. рел. the W. Светото писание; християнското учение; ministers of the word свещеници; II. v изразявам думи), формулирам, казвам; I should word it rather differently аз бих го изразил по друг начин; beautifully worded speech прекрасно написана (съставена) реч.

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    1. I

    do you mean what you say? вы в самом деле думаете так, как говорите?; that’s just what I was about to say это как раз то, что я собирался сказать; what have you to say? что вы можете или хотите сказать?; a writer with smth. to say писатель, у которого есть, что поведать /сказать/; I have nothing to say мне нечего сказать; it is not for me to say не мне об этом судить; as our friend used to say как говаривал наш друг; I say! coll. а) послушай!; б) подумать только!; you don’t say! coll. что вы говорите!, не может быть!; I dare say coll. вполне возможно

    2. II

    say in some manner if I may say so если мне позволительно будет заметить; I should say so! еще бы!; what right have you to say so? какое право вы имеете так говорить?; I came very near to saying so я почти так и сказал; do it because I said so сделайте это, потому что я так сказал /велел, приказал/; why didn’t you say so at the outset? почему вы этого не сказали с самого начала? id you may well say so coll. совершенно верно; so you say! и вы так думаете!; I should say not coll. еще бы, конечно же нет!

    3. III

    say smth.

    1) say «please» and «thank you» говорить «пожалуйста» и «спасибо» и т.д.; what is he saying? что он говорит?; it is better to say too little than too much лучше сказать слишком мало, чем слишком много; he says little он не болтлив, он неразговорчив; he didn’t say a word он не сказал /не вымолвил/ ни слова; say no more! coll. все ясно!, понятно!

    2) say poems говорить /читать/ стихи и т.д.; say mass служить обедню; say one’s lessons отвечать урок; the signpost says London указатель показывает в сторону Лондона; the clock says ten o’clock часы показывают десять

    3) say no отказываться ; you say yes one moment and no the next вы то, соглашаетесь, то отказываетесь; that is not saying very much этим не так уж много сказано; it is saying a great deal этим уже много сказано; he said as much он примерно так и сказал; what 1 say is no по-моему /мое мнение/, нужно отказаться; if it is too much. shall we say l 10? если это слишком много /дорого/, то пусть будет десять фунтов!

    4. IV

    say smth. in some manner say smth. clearly говорить /сказать/ что-л. четко и т.д.; say it. again повторять что-л. ; say that again coll. и не говори!

    5. XI

    be said somewhere it isn’t said in good company в приличном обществе об этом не принято говорить; be said on smth. the last word has not yet been said on this subject по этому вопросу последнее слово еще не сказано; be said in some manner all that can be said in a couple of words все, что можно сказать в нескольких словах; it is well said это хорошо сказано; be said to smb. he never hears what is said to him он никогда не слышит, что ему говорят; be said to be smth. he is said to be a good singer говорят, [что] он хороший певец; the furniture is said not to be worth much говорят, что эта мебель не очень ценная; be said to do smth. nobody call be said to have understood him говорят, что его никто не понимал; be said, that… it is [generally] said that health is the most important thing [обычно и т.д.] говорят, что здоровьесамое важное; it is said that there has been an earthquake in Italy говорят, что в Италии было землетрясение и т.д.; be said smth. against smth., smb. not one word was said against it против этого и т.д. не было сказано ни слева; nothing was said for this plan никто не поддержал этот план || there is much to be said for smth. это заслуживает одобрения; there is much to be said for this invention можно многое сказать в пользу этого изобретения

    6. XXI1

    1) say smth. to smb. say «good morning» to each other говорить друг другу «доброе утро» и т.д.; I am saying to you what I wouldn’t say to everyone я говорю вам то, что не стал бы говорить всем и каждому; say smth. to oneself говорить что-л. про себя; say smth. with smth. say smth. with joy с радостью и т.д. говорить что-л.; smth. in smth. say smth. in anger говорить что-л. в раздражении и т.д.; say smth. in jest сказать что-л. в шутку; say smth. in smb.’s defence говорить что-л. в чью-л. защиту || say smth. from one’s heart говорить что-л. от всего сердца; say smth. in a loud voice говорить или сказать что-л. громким и т.д. голосом /громко и т.д./; say smth. under one’s breath сказать что-л. шепотом; say smth. to smb.’s face говорить /сказать/ что-л. кому-л. в лицо; say smth. in some language сказать что-л. на каком-л. языке; how do you say this in English? как это сказать по-английски?

    2) say smth. about /of/ smb., smth. say unkind things about one’s playmates плохо говорить /отзываться/ о своих товарищах и т.д.; have you said anything about it to him? вы что-нибудь ему говорили об этом?; what do people say of me? что говорят обо мне [люди]?; to say nothing of the rest не говоря уже об остальных; say smth. for smth., smb. say much for his style высказать одобрение по поводу его стиля; there is not much to say for his work похвалить его работу не за что; I can’t say much for his mathematics я ничего хорошего о его успехах по математике сказать не могу; that doesn’t say much for his intelligence это не говорит в пользу его ума; say a good word for smb. замолвить за кого-л. словечко, похвалить кого-л.; he had nothing to say for himself ему нечего было сказать в свое оправдание; say smth. in smth. say smth. in fun утверждать что-л. в шутку и т.д.; say smth. with smth. say smth. with good reason утверждать что-л. с полным основанием и т.д.; say smth. to smth. coll. say yes to an invitation принять приглашение; say no to a request дать отрицательный ответ на просьбу и т.д.; I wouldn’t say по to a glass of beer я бы не отказался от стаканчика пива; what do you say to a short walk ? что вы скажете относительно /как насчет/ того, чтобы пойти погулять и т.д.?

    7. XXV

    say [that]… say that he is busy говорить /сказать/, что он занят и т.д.; I am glad /happy/ to say that he is here я рад и т.д. сказать, что он здесь; people say that he is intelligent говорят, что он умный; everybody says that… все говорят, что…; it goes without saying that… coll. само собой разумеется, что…; the book says that… в письме и т.д. говорится, что…; the text says… текст гласят…; say what… say what I feel сказать, что я чувствую /ощущаю/ и т.д.; it is hard to say when he’ll be back трудно сказать, когда он вернется; there’s no saying why he does these things нельзя сказать /объяснить/, почему он делает такие вещи /так ведет себя/; abs «Yes», he said «Да»,сказал он; let’s meet, say, on Wednesday coll. встретимся, ну скажем, хотя бы в среду

    8. XXVII2

    say of smb. that… they say of him that he is mad о нем говорят, что он не в своем уме и т.д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > say

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    I. v (said) казвам (something to someone)
    to SAY one’s lesson казвам/разказвам си урока
    to SAY one’s prayers казвам/чета си молитвата
    you may well SAY so имаш право, право казваш
    so you SAY така казваш/мислиш ти (но може да не си прав)
    what have you to SAY for yourself? как ще обясниш/оправдаеш поведението си? to have nothing to SAY for oneself с нищо не мога да се оправдая, няма какво да кажа, нищо не говоря, мълча си
    SAY no more! достатъчно! ясно! to SAY someone nay ост. отказвам някому
    that is to SAY тоест, с други думи, другояче казано
    I should SAY бих казал, струва ми се
    what I SAY is that аз мисля/казвам, че, моето мнение е, че
    no sooner said than done речено-сторено
    they SAY, it is said казват
    he is said to be казват, че бил
    SAY five pounds/days да кажем/речем пет лири/дни
    SAY it were true да кажем/речем, че е истина
    it SAYs much/something for това говори/показва много за
    it SAYs nothing to me не ми говори нищо, не ме вълнува
    you don’t SAY (so)! разг. нима! хайде де! I’ll SAY разг. да, разбира се
    I’m not SAYing няма да кажа, отказвам да говоря
    and so SAY all of us и всички мислим така
    what do/would you SAY to a glass of beer? искаш ли (да изпием по) една бира? it SAYs in the paper във вестника пише/се казва
    the clock SAYs… часовникът показва…
    (I) SAY слушай! there is no SAYing when/what не се знае кога/какво, един господ знае кога/какво
    it goes without SAYing от само себе си се разбира
    before you could SAY knife/Jack Robinson преди да можеш да се обърнеш/завъртиш, преди да усетиш
    you said it! you can SAY that again! разг. така е! точно така! SAYs you! sl. ами! краставици на търкалета! say about казвам/разказвам за
    say back казвам в отговор, отвръщам
    say on продължавам да разказвам
    say over (пре) повтарям
    II. n (решаващо) мнение, (последна) дума
    to say/have one’s SAY изказвам се, казвам всичко, което искам, казвам си думата
    to have a SAY in the matter имам думата/влияние по този въпрос
    to have no SAY/not much SAY in the matter нямам думата/не мога да решавам по този въпрос

    * * *

    {sei} v (said {sed}) казвам ( to s.o.); to say o.’s lesson (2) {sei} n (решаващо) мнение, (последна) дума; to say/have o.’s

    * * *

    чета; река; пиша; приказвам; разправям; прочитам; дума; изричам; издумвам; казвам;

    * * *

    1. (i) say слушай! there is no saying when/what не се знае кога/какво, един господ знае кога/какво
    2. and so say all of us и всички мислим така
    3. before you could say knife/jack robinson преди да можеш да се обърнеш/завъртиш, преди да усетиш
    4. he is said to be казват, че бил
    5. i should say бих казал, струва ми се
    6. i’m not saying няма да кажа, отказвам да говоря
    7. i. v (said) казвам (something to someone)
    8. ii. n (решаващо) мнение, (последна) дума
    9. it goes without saying от само себе си се разбира
    10. it says much/something for това говори/показва много за
    11. it says nothing to me не ми говори нищо, не ме вълнува
    12. no sooner said than done речено-сторено
    13. say back казвам в отговор, отвръщам
    14. say five pounds/days да кажем/речем пет лири/дни
    15. say it were true да кажем/речем, че е истина
    16. say no more! достатъчно! ясно! to say someone nay ост. отказвам някому
    17. say on продължавам да разказвам
    18. say over (пре) повтарям
    19. so you say така казваш/мислиш ти (но може да не си прав)
    20. that is to say тоест, с други думи, другояче казано
    21. the clock says… часовникът показва..
    22. they say, it is said казват
    23. to have a say in the matter имам думата/влияние по този въпрос
    24. to have no say/not much say in the matter нямам думата/не мога да решавам по този въпрос
    25. to say one’s lesson казвам/разказвам си урока
    26. to say one’s prayers казвам/чета си молитвата
    27. to say/have one’s say изказвам се, казвам всичко, което искам, казвам си думата
    28. what do/would you say to a glass of beer? искаш ли (да изпием по) една бира? it says in the paper във вестника пише/се казва
    29. what have you to say for yourself? как ще обясниш/оправдаеш поведението си? to have nothing to say for oneself с нищо не мога да се оправдая, няма какво да кажа, нищо не говоря, мълча си
    30. what i say is that аз мисля/казвам, че, моето мнение е, че
    31. you don’t say (so)! разг. нима! хайде де! i’ll say разг. да, разбира се
    32. you may well say so имаш право, право казваш
    33. you said it! you can say that again! разг. така е! точно така! says you! sl. ами! краставици на търкалета! say about казвам/разказвам за

    * * *

    say [sei] I. v ( said [sed]) казвам (to на); to have nothing to say for o.s. мълчалив съм; не мога да се оправдая; to say a good word for казвам добра дума (ходайствам) за; say the word and I’ll do it само кажи и ще го направя; say no more! достатъчно! ясно! to say s.o. nay книж. отказвам на някого; to say grace чета молитва преди (след) ядене; to be said or sung за рецитиране или пеене; I say! слушай! я виж! виж ти! Ill say! разг. разбира се!, и още как! you don’t say (so)! нима! you may well say so с право можеш да го кажеш; I should say that струва ми се, че; what he says goes думата му е закон; каквото каже той, това става; what I say is моето мнение е (мисля), че; what would you say to a cup of tea? какво ще кажеш за чаша чай? I wouldnt say no to a cup of coffee не бих отказал едно кафе, бих изпил едно кафе; no sooner said than done речено сторено; it says in the Iliad в Илиадата се казва; he is said to sing well казват, че пее хубаво; that is to say тоест, а именно, това ще рече; say five dollars да кажем пет долара; well, say it were true, what then? добре, да речем, че е вярно, какво от това? there is no saying what time he will come back един Господ знае кога той ще се върне; it goes without saying от само себе си се разбира; before you could say knife ( Jack Robinson) преди да можеш да се обърнеш; you can say that again! you said it! разг. така е; says you! ам. sl глупости на търкалета! says who! sl откъде накъде (кой казва?)! say, that s a good idea! ам. хей, това е чудесна идея! enough said! sayno more! ясно, разбрах! what have you got to say for yourself? какво ще кажеш в своя защита? какво ти е оправданието?; II. n мнение, дума; to have o.’s say мога да си кажа думата, мнението; to say o.’s say казвам всичко, което си искам; to have a say in the matter имам влияние (дума) по въпроса; to have the say ам. имам последната дума; III. say n ост. вид фин вълнен плат.

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    1) si, erklære, uttrykke

    2) si, uttale; sies

    3) si fram, be

    4) si, anslå, tippe


    ha noe å si; si sin mening

    — have
    — I wouldn’t say no to
    — let’s say
    — say
    — say the word
    — that is to say





    utsagn, replikk, ord

    hear say høre (at det sies), høre rykte om


    1) si sin mening

    well said!

    2) forklare, påstå, erklære, oppgi

    3) si sin mening, mene, synes

    4) si, vite

    5) stå

    what does the letter say?

    6) uttale, si

    how do you say that in Norwegian?

    7) lese, be

    8) ( om anslag) omtrent, sånn cirka, la oss si

    a few of them, say a dozen, agreed

    noen få av dem, la oss si et dusin, var enige

    he is, say, fifty

    9) si meg, hør her

    say, do you want one of these?

    hør her, vil du ha en av disse?

    10) (amer., i utrop) det får en si!, maken!, nei men!

    say, that’s a pretty dress!

    all said and done eller when/after all is said and done når alt kommer til alt, til sjuende og sist

    I’ll say! det skal være sikkert og visst! jammen, sannelig, gjett om

    I’ll say she was furious!

    I say sier du det?, det kan du ikke mene! ( gammeldags) hør nå her, si meg

    I say, have you ever seen this animal before?

    si meg, har du noen gang sett dette dyret før?

    (gammeldags, noe overraskende eller gledelig) jammen!, nei men!, det får en si!, sannelig!

    he is chubby, not to say fat

    han er lubben, for ikke å si fet

    egentlig ikke

    say about/of si angående/om

    say a good word for someone/something legge inn et godt ord for noe/noen

    have you nothing to say for yourself?

    være stille, være ordknapp

    say over lese opp fra hukommelsen, si utenat

    you can say that again!

    si noe til fordel for

    says who? ( slang) hvem sier det?, hvem har sagt det?

    you only have to say the word!

    say when! (hverdagslig, ved servering av mat eller drikke) si stopp

    you said it! (amer.) nettopp!, der sa du det!, nemlig!

    English-Norwegian dictionary > say

  • 17

    I [gʊd]

    1) (enjoyable) [ news] buono; [book, joke, weather, party] bello

    to feel good about, doing — essere contento di, di fare

    3) (healthy) [eye, leg] sano, buono; [hearing, memory] buono

    4) (high quality) [condition, degree, score] buono; [photo, hotel, coat] bello

    to taste, smell good — avere un buon sapore, odore

    11) (kind) [person, deed] buono, gentile

    to do sb. a good turn — fare un favore a qcn.

    would you be good enough to do, would you be so good as to do — saresti tanto o così gentile da fare

    13) (competent) [accountant, teacher] buono, bravo

    to be good for — fare bene a [person, plant, health]; giovare a [business, morale]

    15) (effective, suitable) [ method] buono, efficace; [ shampoo] buono; [ knife] adatto; [name, book, moment] buono, adatto; [idea, investment, question] buono; [ point] giusto

    résumé — AE questo farà bella figura sul tuo curriculum

    it’s a good job o thing (that) fortuna che, meno male che; we’ve never had it so good colloq. le cose non sono mai andate così bene; it’s too good to be true — è troppo bello per essere vero

    the car is good for another 10,000 km — la macchina può fare ancora altri 10.000 km

    20) (substantial) attrib. [salary, size] buono; [ hour] buono, abbondante

    it must be worth a good 2,000 dollars — deve valere almeno 2.000 dollari



    to be onto a good thing, to have a good thing going — colloq. avere per le mani qualcosa di buono

    1. [gʊd]


    to do sb., sth. good — fare bene a qcn., qcs. ( to do fare)

    no good can o will come of it non ne uscirà niente di buono; no good will come of waiting aspettare non servirà a nulla; to be all to the good — essere tutto di guadagnato



    III [gʊd]

    * * *


    1) buono, bravo

    2) buono

    3) buono

    4) bravo, buono

    5) buono

    6) buono

    7) buono

    8) buono

    9) buono; molto

    10) adatto

    11) buono

    12) buono

    13) buono

    14) buono; bello

    15) bene


    1) bene; utilità

    2) bene; buono




    santo Cielo!, buon Dio!

    — goody
    — goodbye
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good-for-nothing
    — good humour
    — good-humoured
    — good-humouredly
    — good-looking
    — good morning
    — good afternoon
    — good-day
    — good evening
    — good night
    — good-natured
    — goodwill
    — good will
    — good works
    — as good as
    — be as good as one’s word
    — be up to no good
    — deliver the goods
    — for good
    — for goodness’ sake
    — good for
    — good for you
    — him
    — Good Friday
    — good gracious
    — good heavens
    — goodness gracious
    — goodness me
    — good old
    — make good
    — no good
    — put in a good word for
    — take something in good part
    — take in good part
    — thank goodness
    — to the good

    * * *

    I [gʊd]

    1) (enjoyable) [ news] buono; [book, joke, weather, party] bello

    to feel good about, doing — essere contento di, di fare

    3) (healthy) [eye, leg] sano, buono; [hearing, memory] buono

    4) (high quality) [condition, degree, score] buono; [photo, hotel, coat] bello

    to taste, smell good — avere un buon sapore, odore

    11) (kind) [person, deed] buono, gentile

    to do sb. a good turn — fare un favore a qcn.

    would you be good enough to do, would you be so good as to do — saresti tanto o così gentile da fare

    13) (competent) [accountant, teacher] buono, bravo

    to be good for — fare bene a [person, plant, health]; giovare a [business, morale]

    15) (effective, suitable) [ method] buono, efficace; [ shampoo] buono; [ knife] adatto; [name, book, moment] buono, adatto; [idea, investment, question] buono; [ point] giusto

    résumé — AE questo farà bella figura sul tuo curriculum

    it’s a good job o thing (that) fortuna che, meno male che; we’ve never had it so good colloq. le cose non sono mai andate così bene; it’s too good to be true — è troppo bello per essere vero

    the car is good for another 10,000 km — la macchina può fare ancora altri 10.000 km

    20) (substantial) attrib. [salary, size] buono; [ hour] buono, abbondante

    it must be worth a good 2,000 dollars — deve valere almeno 2.000 dollari



    to be onto a good thing, to have a good thing going — colloq. avere per le mani qualcosa di buono

    1. [gʊd]


    to do sb., sth. good — fare bene a qcn., qcs. ( to do fare)

    no good can o will come of it non ne uscirà niente di buono; no good will come of waiting aspettare non servirà a nulla; to be all to the good — essere tutto di guadagnato



    III [gʊd]

    English-Italian dictionary > good

  • 18

    I. 1. предназначение за
    a letter FOR you писмо за тебе
    cure FOR the flu лек за/против грип
    2. цел-с ger
    в конструкцията for същ. /мест. inf за, за да
    what FOR? защо? с каква цел? what’s that FOR? за какво служи/е това? FOR sale за продан
    to read FOR pleasure чета за удоволствие
    mill FOR grinding coffee мелничка за (мелене на) кафе
    to send FOR a doctor викам лекар, пращам да повикат лекар
    I have brought these books FOR you to read донесох тези книги, за да ги четете
    FOR our work to improve we must… за да се подобри работата ни, трябва да
    3. цел на движението за, на
    to go FOR a walk отивам на разходка
    to make FOR home тръгвам за/поемам към дома
    the train FOR London влакът за Лондон
    4. на мястото на, вместо, представляващ, означаващ за, като, вместо, с
    L FOR London Л като Лондон
    what do your take me FOR? за какъв ме смятате? FOR example/instance например
    what’s the English FOR…? как e… на английски
    5. замяна, размяна, съотношение за, с, на, срещу
    to exchange one thing FOR another разменям/заменям едно за/с друго
    to buy/sell something FOR 10 USD купувам/продавам нещо за 10 лв.
    to play FOR penny points играя на едно пени (при хазартни игри)
    FOR one enemy he has fifty friends срещу един неприятел той има петдесет приятели
    6. в подкрепа, защита на, в полза на за, или не се превежда
    to be FOR something за нещо съм, обявявам се в полза на нещо
    I’m all FOR it поддържам изцяло
    three cheers FOR the president! да живее председателят! judgement FOR the plaintiff решение в полза на ищеца
    7. колкото до, доколкото, по отношение на, откъм, относно
    hard up FOR money закъсал (за пари)
    as FOR the rest колкото до другите
    FOR myself/my part, I FOR one колкото до мене, аз например, мене, ако питат
    8. времетраене за, през, в продължение на, от, след, или не се превежда
    I’m going away FOR a few days заминавам за няколко дена
    he’ll stay FOR a week той ще остане една седмица
    he won’t be back FOR a week той ще се върне едва след една седмица
    I’ve been here FOR three days от три дни съм тук
    FOR the present, FOR the time being засега
    9. определен момент за, от
    to fix an appointment FOR three o’clock назначавам/определям среща за три часа
    the Times FOR January 10 броят на в. Таймз от 10 януари
    10. пространство, по протежение на със, или не се превежда
    FOR miles and miles с километри
    to run FOR a mile тичам една миля
    we didn’t see a house FOR ten miles в продължение на десет мили не видяхме къща
    11. причина за, поради, по, от, в резултат на, след сравн. ст. не се превежда
    FOR this reason по тази причина, to cry FOR joy плача от радост
    FOR fear of… (с ger) от страх да не…
    were it not/but/except FOR you ако не беше ти
    even if…, you wouldn’t be the happier FOR it дори да…, (от това) нямаше да си по-щастлив
    12. след гл., същ., прил. и межд., изразяващи чувства, способност, качество, годност
    след прил. и нар. с too, enough за, към, или не се превежда
    to care FOR someone обичам някого
    fit FOR nothing негоден за нищо
    too beautiful FOR words неизразимо красиво
    good enough FOR me за мене става/бива, и от това съм доволен, повече не искам
    oh, FOR a cup of tea! де да имаше чаша чай! как ми се пие чаша чай
    13. в конструкцията for… to с inf да
    it is too late FOR us to start много e късно, за да тръгнем
    it is useless FOR them to wait безсмислено е/няма смисъл да чакат
    14. с гл. с двойно допълнение за, като, в качеството на
    they chose him FOR their leader избраха го за водач
    we left him FOR dead оставихме го, смятайки, че е мъртъв
    15. предвид на за
    tall FOR her age висока за годините си
    not bad FOR a beginner за начинаещ не е лош
    16. с all изразява пречка, спънка колкото и да, въпреки
    FOR all that въпреки всичко
    FOR all you say каквото и да казвате
    FOR all his wealth, he is unhappy колкото и да e богат, той е нещастен
    now FOR it! хайде, сега! карай! давай! I am (in) FOR it разг. сега ще загазя, има да патя
    there is nothing FOR it нямам друг избор/възможност
    there is nothing FOR it but to start now не остава нищо друго, освен да тръгнем сега
    II. cj тъй като, защото

    * * *

    {fъ:} prep 1. предназначение за; a letter for you писмо за тебе; cu(2) {fъ:} cj тъй като, защото.

    * * *

    че; понеже; вместо; за;

    * * *

    1. 1 в конструкцията for… to с inf да
    2. 1 предвид на за
    3. 1 причина за, поради, по, от, в резултат на, след сравн. ст. не се превежда
    4. 1 с all изразява пречка, спънка колкото и да, въпреки
    5. 1 с гл. с двойно допълнение за, като, в качеството на
    6. 1 след гл., същ., прил. и межд., изразяващи чувства, способност, качество, годност
    7. a letter for you писмо за тебе
    8. as for the rest колкото до другите
    9. cure for the flu лек за/против грип
    10. even if…, you wouldn’t be the happier for it дори да…, (от това) нямаше да си по-щастлив
    11. fit for nothing негоден за нищо
    12. for all his wealth, he is unhappy колкото и да e богат, той е нещастен
    13. for all that въпреки всичко
    14. for all you say каквото и да казвате
    15. for fear of… (с ger) от страх да не..
    16. for miles and miles с километри
    17. for myself/my part, i for one колкото до мене, аз например, мене, ако питат
    18. for one enemy he has fifty friends срещу един неприятел той има петдесет приятели
    19. for our work to improve we must… за да се подобри работата ни, трябва да
    20. for the present, for the time being засега
    21. for this reason по тази причина, to cry for joy плача от радост
    22. good enough for me за мене става/бива, и от това съм доволен, повече не искам
    23. hard up for money закъсал (за пари)
    24. he won’t be back for a week той ще се върне едва след една седмица
    25. he’ll stay for a week той ще остане една седмица
    26. i have brought these books for you to read донесох тези книги, за да ги четете
    27. i’m all for it поддържам изцяло
    28. i’m going away for a few days заминавам за няколко дена
    29. i’ve been here for three days от три дни съм тук
    30. i. предназначение за
    31. ii. cj тъй като, защото
    32. it is too late for us to start много e късно, за да тръгнем
    33. it is useless for them to wait безсмислено е/няма смисъл да чакат
    34. l for london Л като Лондон
    35. mill for grinding coffee мелничка за (мелене на) кафе
    36. not bad for a beginner за начинаещ не е лош
    37. now for it! хайде, сега! карай! давай! i am (in) for it разг. сега ще загазя, има да патя
    38. oh, for a cup of tea! де да имаше чаша чай! как ми се пие чаша чай
    39. tall for her age висока за годините си
    40. the times for january 10 броят на в. Таймз от 10 януари
    41. the train for london влакът за Лондон
    42. there is nothing for it but to start now не остава нищо друго, освен да тръгнем сега
    43. there is nothing for it нямам друг избор/възможност
    44. they chose him for their leader избраха го за водач
    45. three cheers for the president! да живее председателят! judgement for the plaintiff решение в полза на ищеца
    46. to be for something за нещо съм, обявявам се в полза на нещо
    47. to buy/sell something for 10 $ купувам/продавам нещо за 10$
    48. to care for someone обичам някого
    49. to exchange one thing for another разменям/заменям едно за/с друго
    50. to fix an appointment for three o’clock назначавам/определям среща за три часа
    51. to go for a walk отивам на разходка
    52. to make for home тръгвам за/поемам към дома
    53. to play for penny points играя на едно пени (при хазартни игри)
    54. to read for pleasure чета за удоволствие
    55. to run for a mile тичам една миля
    56. to send for a doctor викам лекар, пращам да повикат лекар
    57. too beautiful for words неизразимо красиво
    58. we didn’t see a house for ten miles в продължение на десет мили не видяхме къща
    59. we left him for dead оставихме го, смятайки, че е мъртъв
    60. were it not/but/except for you ако не беше ти
    61. what do your take me for? за какъв ме смятате? for example/instance например
    62. what for? защо? с каква цел? what’s that for? за какво служи/е това? for sale за продан
    63. what’s the english for… ? как e… на английски
    64. в конструкцията for същ. /мест. inf за, за да
    65. в подкрепа, защита на, в полза на за, или не се превежда
    66. времетраене за, през, в продължение на, от, след, или не се превежда
    67. замяна, размяна, съотношение за, с, на, срещу
    68. колкото до, доколкото, по отношение на, откъм, относно
    69. на мястото на, вместо, представляващ, означаващ за, като, вместо, с
    70. определен момент за, от
    71. пространство, по протежение на със, или не се превежда
    72. след прил. и нар. с too, enough за, към, или не се превежда
    73. цел на движението за, на
    74. цел-с ger

    * * *

    for[fɔ:, fə] I. prep 1. (предназначение, в полза, вреда на) за; for the teachers за учителите; I did it for you направих го за твое добро; to make a name for o.s. спечелвам си име; to be operated on for appendicitis опериран съм от апандисит; inoculate for ваксинирам срещу (против); there is nothing for it ( but) няма що; не остава нищо друго освен; 2. (в подкрепа, защита на) за; I’m all for it поддържам изцяло; counsel for the defence адвокат на подсъдимия; 3. (цел, намерение) за, заради; what for? защо? what’s that for? за какво служи (е) това? for sale за продан; to send for a doctor викам (пращам да повикат) лекар; for my sake заради мене; 4. (замяна, размяна, съотношение) за, срещу, с; to exchange one thing for another разменям едно за друго, заменям едно с друго; word for word дума по дума, буквално, дословно; 5. (на мястото на; представляващ; във вид на) за, вместо, като с; L for London Л като Лондон; member (MP) for Bristol депутат за град Бристол; reduced-calorie cheese is a substitute for cream cheese нискокалоричното сирене е заместител на крема сиренето; what’s the English for…? как е… на английски?; for example, for instance например; to do for правя нещо вместо ( някого); open the door for me отвори ми вратата; 6. ( причина) за, поради, по, от (и след сравнителна степен); they couldnt sleep for hunger не можаха да спят от глад; for fear of… (с ger) от страх да не …; famous for o.’s voice прочут с гласа си; were it not for (but for, except for) ако (да) не беше; she wept for pure relief тя плака от облекчение; the worse for drink пийнал; 7. (движение към) за; the train for York влакът за Йорк; 8. колкото за, доколкото; що се отнася до; относно; откъм; for the rest колкото до другите; иначе; for myself; for my part; I, for one колкото за мене, аз например; ако ме питат мене; for all ( aught) I know доколкото знам; знам ли аз; 9. (при пространство) на; по протежение на; и не се превежда; to run for a mile тичам една миля; black smoke was rising for several hundred feet or so черен дим се издигаше на около нeколкостотин фута; 10. ( времетраене) за, през, в продължение на, от, след; и не се превежда; for the present, for the time being засега; for good завинаги; 11. (след гл., същ., прил. и межд., изразяващи чувства, способност, качество, годност; също след прил. и нар. с too, enough) за, към; и не се превежда; too beautiful ( stupid) for words неизразимо хубаво (глупаво); oh, for a cup of tea! де да имаше чашка чай, как ми се пие чашка чай; 12. (определен момент) за; the latest fashions for autumn and winter последните модни тенденции на есенно-зимния сезон; the Times for May 2 броят на в. «Таймс» от 2 май; 13. (предвид на) за; he was tall for an eight-year-old беше твърде висок за 8-годишно момче; 14. колкото и да, въпреки (с all изразява пречка, спънка); for all that въпреки всичко; for all its beauty, the town is a bit depressing въпреки красотата си, градът е малко подтискащ; 15. (с гл. с двойно допълнение) за, като, в качеството на; we left him for dead оставихме го, считайки го за мъртъв; I know (it) for a fact знам с положителност; for real в действителност, наистина; for sure ( certain) със сигурност; 16. (за въвеждане на подлог към inf) it is not for me to arrange this не аз трябва (не е моя работа) да уреждам това; that is for him to say това той трябва да го каже; you will be for it if she catches you разг. ще си изпатиш, ако те хване; II. cj тъй като, защото.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > for

  • 19

    n. woord; spraak; kort gesprek; belofte; bevel; slagwoord; wachtwoord; leuze; parool; inlichting


    v. formuleren; onder woorden brengen; zich uitdrukken; woorden kiezen


    [ wə:d]

    (macht/wacht)woord bevel


    1   word of command commando, bevel

         say the word, and I’ll leave als je liever hebt dat ik wegga, hoef je het maar te zeggen



    word woord voor woord, woordelijk

         too …


    words te … om waar te zijn/voor woorden


    a/one word kortom, in één woord

         word of honour woord van eer, erewoord

         go back on one’s word zijn woorden/belofte(n) terugnemen

         (upon) my word! mijn hemel!

    a word in season een woordje op zijn tijd, een raad op het juiste ogenblik

         eat one’s words zijn woorden inslikken, iets terugnemen

    nieuwsbericht, boodschap




    English-Dutch dictionary > word

  • 20

    [fɔ:ʳ, fəʳ, Am fɔ:r, fɚ] conj

    I bought a new collar for my dog ich kaufte ein neues Halsband für meinen Hund after adj

    there are government subsidies available for farmers für Bauern gibt es Zuschüsse vom Staat;

    this is a birthday present for you hier ist ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für dich;

    to be [up] for grabs noch zu haben sein;

    the last piece of cake is up for grabs — who wants it? ein Stück Kuchen ist noch da — wer möchte es?

    I voted for the Greens at the last election bei der letzten Wahl habe ich für die Grünen gestimmt;

    they voted for independence in a referendum sie haben sich in dem Referendum für die Unabhängigkeit ausgesprochen;

    please donate — it’s for a good cause spenden Sie bitte — es ist für einen guten Zweck;

    I’m all for sexual equality, but I still don’t want my wife to work ich bin zwar für die Gleichberechtigung, aber ich möchte nicht, dass meine Frau arbeiten geht;

    applause for sb Applaus für jdn;

    to be for sb/ sth für jdn/etw sein;

    to be for doing sth dafür sein, dass etw getan wird;

    are you for banning smoking in public places? sind Sie dafür, das Rauchen in der Öffentlichkeit zu verbieten?;

    to be all for sth ganz für etw akk sein

    she felt sorry for the homeless people die Obdachlosen taten ihr leid;

    they are responsible for marketing the product sie tragen die Verantwortung für den Vertrieb des Produkts;

    that jacket looks a bit big for you diese Jacke ist wohl etwas zu groß für dich;

    I can’t run with you — you’re far too fast for me! ich kann mit dir nicht laufen — du bist zu schnell für mich!;

    I’m happy for you that it finally worked out ich freue mich für dich, dass es endlich geklappt hat;

    you’re not making it easy for me to tell you the news du machst es mir nicht gerade einfach, dir die Neuigkeiten zu erzählen;

    the coffee was too strong for me der Kaffee war mir zu stark;

    luckily for me, I already had another job zu meinem Glück hatte ich bereits eine andere Stelle;

    the admiration she felt for him soon died ihre Bewunderung für ihn war schnell verflogen;

    he felt nothing but contempt for her er fühlte nur noch Verachtung für sie;

    is this seat high enough for you? ist Ihnen dieser Sitz hoch genug?;

    she is preparing for her presentation sie bereitet sich auf ihre Präsentation vor;

    how are you doing for money? wie sieht es bei dir mit dem Geld aus?;

    Jackie’s already left and, as for me, I’m going at the end of the month Jackie ist schon weg, und was mich angeht, ich gehe Ende des Monats;

    to feel for sb mit jdm fühlen;

    I feel for you but I can’t do anything ich fühle mit dir, aber ich kann nichts tun

    4) after vb, adj, n ( to get)

    she asked for a skateboard for her birthday sie wünschte sich ein Skateboard zum Geburtstag;

    I’ve applied for a job ich habe mich um eine Stelle beworben;

    quick, send for a doctor! holen Sie schnell einen Arzt!;

    the little girl ran for her mother das kleine Mädchen lief zu ihrer Mutter;

    I had to run for the bus ich musste zum Bus laufen;

    she’s looking for a way to finance the purchase sie sucht nach einer Möglichkeit, den Kauf zu finanzieren;

    I had to wait for him for 20 minutes ich musste 20 Minuten auf ihn warten;

    he did it for the fame er tat es, um berühmt zu werden;

    even though he’s in this for the money, we still need him auch wenn er es wegen des Geldes tut, brauchen wir ihn;

    she’s eager for a chance to show that she’s a capable worker sie möchte gerne beweisen, dass sie eine fähige Mitarbeiterin ist;

    drug addicts have a need for more and more of their drug of choice Drogensüchtige brauchen immer mehr von ihrer Droge;

    oh for something to drink! hätte ich doch bloß etwas zu trinken!;

    oh for a strong black coffee! und jetzt einen starken schwarzen Kaffee!;

    the demand for money der Bedarf an Geld;

    to fish for compliments sich dat gerne Komplimente machen lassen;

    to make a play for sb/ sth sich akk um jdn bemühen

    5) after n, vb (on behalf, for the benefit of) für +akk;

    he’s an agent for models and actors er ist Agent für Models und Schauspieler;

    to do sth for sb etw für jdn tun;

    these parents aren’t speaking for everyone diese Eltern sprechen nicht für alle;

    she works for a charity sie arbeitet für eine soziale Einrichtung;

    next time you see them, say hi for me sag ihnen Grüße von mir, wenn du sie wiedersiehst;

    the messenger was there for his boss der Bote war dort, um seinen Chef zu vertreten;

    a course for beginners in Russian ein Russischkurs für Anfänger;

    to do sth for oneself etw selbst tun

    to do sth for sb/ sth etw für jdn/etw tun;

    they had to do extra work for their boss sie mussten noch mehr für ihren Chef arbeiten;

    I have some things to do for school ich muss noch etwas für die Schule machen

    she is a tutor for the Open University sie ist Tutorin bei der Offenen Universität;

    to work for sb/ sth bei jdm/etw arbeiten

    what’s that for? wofür ist das?;

    what did you do that for? wozu hast du das getan?;

    what do you use these enormous scissors for? was machst du mit dieser riesigen Schere?;

    I need some money for tonight ich brauche ein wenig Geld für heute Abend;

    that’s useful for removing rust damit kann man gut Rost lösen;

    the books are not for sale die Bücher sind nicht verkäuflich;

    they’ve invited us round for dinner on Saturday sie haben uns für Samstag zum Essen eingeladen;

    he is taking medication for his heart condition er nimmt Medikamente für sein Herz;

    if you can’t sleep, you can take some pills for that wenn du nicht schlafen kannst, dann nimm doch ein paar Schlaftabletten;

    she needed to move closer for me to hear her sie musste näher zu mir rücken, damit ich sie verstehen konnte;

    take that out of your mouth — that’s not for eating nimmt das aus dem Mund — das ist nicht zum Essen;

    for your information zu Ihrer Information;

    for the record der Ordnung halber;

    the spokesman told the press for the record that the president was in good health der Sprecher sagte der Presse für das Protokoll, dass der Präsident bei guter Gesundheit sei;

    bikes for rent Räder zu vermieten

    9) after vb, adj, n ( because of) wegen +gen, aus +dat;

    she did fifteen years in prison for murder sie war wegen Mordes fünfzehn Jahre im Gefängnis;

    I don’t eat meat for various reasons ich esse aus verschiedenen Gründen kein Fleisch;

    I could dance and sing for joy! ich könnte vor Freude tanzen und singen!;

    he apologized for being late er entschuldigte sich wegen seiner Verspätung;

    she loved him just for being himself sie liebte ihn, weil er einfach er selbst war;

    Bob was looking all the better for his three weeks in Spain wegen seiner drei Wochen in Spanien sah Bob viel besser aus ( form);

    if it hadn’t been for him, we wouldn’t be here right now ohne ihn wären wir jetzt nicht hier;

    how are you? — fine, and all the better for seeing you! wie geht’s? — gut, und wo ich dich sehe, gleich noch besser!;

    I could not see for the tears in my eyes ich konnte vor Tränen in den Augen gar nicht sehen;

    for fear of sth aus Angst vor etw dat;

    for lack of sth aus Mangel an etw dat;

    the reason for his behaviour der Grund für sein Verhalten;

    be famous for sth für etw akk berühmt sein

    this train is for Birmingham dieser Zug fährt nach Birmingham;

    he made for home in a hurry er rannte schnell nach Hause;

    the man went for him with his fists der Mann ging mit den Fäusten auf ihn los;

    just follow signs for the town centre folgen Sie einfach den Schildern in die Innenstadt

    to be for sth für etw akk stehen;

    A is for ‘airlines’ A steht für ‚Airlines‘;

    to stand for sth etw bedeuten, für etw akk stehen;

    what does the M.J. stand for? María José? was bedeutet M.J.? María José?;

    what’s the Spanish word for ‘vegetarian’? was heißt ‚vegetarian‘ auf Spanisch?

    she paid a high price for loyalty to her boss sie hat einen hohen Preis für die Loyalität zu ihrem Chef gezahlt;

    I’ll trade you this baseball card for that rubber ball ich gebe dir diese Baseball-Karte für diesen Gummiball;

    since we’re friends, I’ll do it for nothing da wir Freunde sind, mache ich es umsonst;

    that’s for cheating on me! das ist dafür, dass du mich betrogen hast!;

    how much did you pay for your glasses? wie viel hast du für deine Brille gezahlt?

    she sold the house for quite a lot of money sie verkaufte das Haus für ziemlich viel Geld;

    you can buy a bestseller for about $6 Sie bekommen einen Bestseller schon für 6 Dollar;

    they sent a cheque for $100 sie schickten einen Scheck über 100 Dollar;

    not for a million dollars [or for all the world] um nichts in der Welt;

    I wouldn’t go out with him for a million dollars ich würde für kein Geld der Welt mit ihm ausgehen

    the summer has been quite hot for England für England war das ein ziemlich heißer Sommer;

    she’s very mature for her age sie ist für ihr Alter schon sehr weit entwickelt;

    warm weather for the time of year für diese Jahreszeit ein mildes Wetter;

    he’s quite thoughtful for a man! für einen Mann ist er sehr zuvorkommend!

    I’m just going to sleep for half an hour ich lege mich mal eine halbe Stunde schlafen;

    my father has been smoking for 10 years mein Vater raucht seit 10 Jahren;

    he was jailed for twelve years er musste für zwölf Jahre ins Gefängnis;

    for the moment it’s okay im Augenblick ist alles o.k.;

    for the next two days in den beiden nächsten Tagen;

    for a time eine Zeitlang;

    for a long time seit längerer Zeit;

    for such a long time that… schon so lange, dass…;

    for some time seit längerem;

    for the time being vorübergehend;

    for a while eine Zeitlang;

    play here for a while! spiele hier mal ein wenig!;

    for ever/ eternity bis in alle Ewigkeit;

    this pact is for ever dieser Pakt gilt für immer und ewig

    he always jogs for 5 kilometres before breakfast er joggt immer 5 Kilometer vor dem Frühstück;

    she wanted to drive for at least 100 kilometres sie wollte mindestens 100 Kilometer fahren

    he booked a table at the restaurant for nine o’clock er reservierte in dem Restaurant einen Tisch für neun Uhr;

    they set their wedding date for September 15 sie legten ihre Hochzeit auf den 15. September;

    we’ll plan the party for next Friday wir planen die Party für nächsten Freitag;

    she finished the report for next Monday sie machte den Bericht bis zum nächsten Montag fertig;

    what did you buy him for Christmas? was hast du ihm zu Weihnachten gekauft?;

    for the first time zum ersten Mal;

    for the [very] last time zum [aller]letzten Mal;

    at… for… um… zu…;

    to arrive at 8.00 for dinner at 8.30 um 8.00 Uhr zum Abendessen um 8.30 eintreffen

    18) ( despite) trotz +gen, ungeachtet +gen;

    for all that trotz alledem;

    for all his effort, the experiment was a failure trotz all seiner Anstrengungen war das Experiment ein Fehlschlag;

    for all I know/ care soviel ich weiß;

    for all I know, Dubai could be in Africa soweit ich weiß, liegt Dubai in Afrika

    there is one teacher for every 25 students in our school auf 25 Schüler kommt in unserer Schule ein Lehrer;

    for every cigarette you smoke, you take off one day of your life für jede Zigarette, die du rauchst, wird dein Leben um einen Tag kürzer;

    she told me word for word what he said sie erzählte mir Wort für Wort, was sie gesagt hatte

    to [not] be for sb to do sth [nicht] jds Sache f sein, etw zu tun;

    it’s not for me to tell her what to do es ist nicht meine Aufgabe, ihr vorzuschreiben, was sie zu tun hat;

    the decision is not for him to make er hat diese Entscheidung nicht zu treffen

    she thought it for a lie but didn’t say anything sie glaubte, das sei eine Lüge, sagte aber nichts;

    I for one am sick of this bickering ich für meinen Teil habe genug von diesem Gezänk


    for Africa (SA) ( fam) Unmengen;

    I’ve got homework for Africa ich habe zu Hause noch jede Menge Arbeit;

    an eye for an eye Auge für Auge;

    a penny for your thoughts ich gäbe was dafür, wenn ich wüsste, woran Sie gerade denken;

    for crying out loud um Himmels willen;

    to be [in] for it Schwierigkeiten bekommen;

    that‘s/there‘s sth for you (‘s sth for you) das sieht etwas ähnlich;

    there’s gratitude for you! und so was nennt sich Dankbarkeit!

    English-German students dictionary > for

    not have a good word for

    not have a good word for phrase

    to think that someone or something is not very good

    He never seems to have a good word for me.

    Thesaurus: to hate or dislike someone or somethingsynonym

    Useful english dictionary.

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    • not have a good word for — to think that someone or something is not very good He never seems to have a good word for me …   English dictionary

    • not have a good word to say for somebody — not have a good word to ˈsay for sb/sth idiom (informal) to never say anything good about sb/sth • Nobody had a good word to say about him. Main entry: ↑wordidiom …   Useful english dictionary

    • not have a good word to say for something — not have a good word to ˈsay for sb/sth idiom (informal) to never say anything good about sb/sth • Nobody had a good word to say about him. Main entry: ↑wordidiom …   Useful english dictionary

    • Good word — Word Word, n. [AS. word; akin to OFries. & OS. word, D. woord, G. wort, Icel. or[eth], Sw. & Dan. ord, Goth. wa[ u]rd, OPruss. wirds, Lith. vardas a name, L. verbum a word; or perhaps to Gr. rh twr an orator. Cf. {Verb}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Word for word — Word Word, n. [AS. word; akin to OFries. & OS. word, D. woord, G. wort, Icel. or[eth], Sw. & Dan. ord, Goth. wa[ u]rd, OPruss. wirds, Lith. vardas a name, L. verbum a word; or perhaps to Gr. rh twr an orator. Cf. {Verb}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • word — word1 [ wɜrd ] noun *** ▸ 1 unit of language ▸ 2 short conversation/talk ▸ 3 news/information ▸ 4 of advice/praise etc. ▸ 5 things someone says/sings ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a single unit of written or spoken language: The Latin word for a table… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • word — I UK [wɜː(r)d] / US [wɜrd] noun Word forms word : singular word plural words *** 1) [countable] a single unit of written or spoken language The first word that many babies speak is Mama . Can you read the words on this page? The Latin word for a… …   English dictionary

    • good — good1 W1S1 [gud] adj comparative better [ˈbetə US ər] superlative best [best] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(of a high standard)¦ 2¦(skilful)¦ 3¦(what you want)¦ 4¦(pleasant/enjoyable)¦ 5¦(successful/correct)¦ 6¦(suitable)¦ 7¦(useful)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • good — 1 /gUd/ adjective comparative better, superlative best /best/ 1 OF A HIGH STANDARD of a high standard: a good reputation | a good quality cloth | a good Muslim | This book is not as good as her last one. | His test scores were good, but hers were …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • word — word1 W1S1 [wə:d US wə:rd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(unit of language)¦ 2 somebody s words 3 have a word 4 want a word 5 not hear/understand/believe a word 6 without (saying) a word 7 say a word/say a few words 8 a word of warning/caution/advice/thanks etc 9… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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    I have no good words for him.

    I have no good words for him.

    I have no good words for him.

    No, I have all the good words.

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    not have a good word to say for (someone of something)

    To always say negative, hurtful, or critical things about someone or something; to never or rarely say something positive or encouraging about someone or something. No wonder the kid’s self esteem is so low—his parents don’t ever have a good word to say for him. I don’t understand why she stays in the same job if she doesn’t have a good word to say for it.

    See also: for, good, have, not, of, say, to, word

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    See also:

    • never have a good word to say about (someone of something)
    • never have a good word to say for (someone of something)
    • not have a good word to say about (someone of something)
    • not/never have a good word to say for/about somebody/something
    • say (something) for (someone or something)
    • say for
    • open (one’s) big mouth
    • hint at
    • hint at (something)
    • hold tongue


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    he doesn’t have a good word to say

    общ. у него доброго слова не найдётся (for; для)

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    word for — перевод на русский

    You can take my word for him. There are ghosts in this house.

    Поверьте мне на слово, в этом доме обитают призраки.

    But I’ll take your word for it.

    Но поверю тебе на слово. Мистер!

    Well, I had no way of counting’ the miles, Mr. Morgan, but I’ll take your word for it.

    Ну, мистер Морган, мили я не считал, но верю вам на слово.

    Take my word for it, Miller, it’s the easiest thing in the world.

    Поверь мне на слово, Миллер, это самая простая вещь на свете.

    Will you take my word for it if I tell you I didn’t?

    Поверите ли вы мне на слово, если я скажу, что не делала этого?

    Показать ещё примеры для «на слово»…

    Maybe you’ll even put in a good word for me?

    — То вы замолвите за меня словечко.

    I wanted to say thank you for putting in a good word for me.

    Я просто хотел поблагодарить вас, что замолвили за меня словечко.

    Maybe you could put in a good word for me with Captain Sisko.

    Может, ты могла бы замолвить за меня словечко капитану Сиско.

    — Put in a good word for me.

    — Замолви за меня словечко.

    Just put in a good word for me on your way out.

    Просто замолвите за меня словечко, когда будете уходить.

    Показать ещё примеры для «за меня словечко»…

    Take my word for it.

    — Можешь мне поверить! — Ох, боже мой!

    Take my word for it, cocker.

    Можешь поверить.


    Тебе просто придется поверить здесь мне.

    And we don’t have a VCR anymore so you’ll have to take my word for it.

    И видика у нас больше нет, так что придется мне поверить.

    You’re just going to have to take our word for it.

    Вы просто должны нам поверить.

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    Замолвишь за меня словечко?

    How about putting in a good word for me down at headquarters?

    Замолвишь за меня словечко в штаб-квартире.

    You put in a good word for me,right?

    — Ты ведь замолвишь за меня словечко?

    Would you put in a good word for me with Fring?

    Не замолвишь за меня словечко Фрингу?

    Maybe you could put in a good word for me?

    Может ты замолвишь за меня словечко?

    Показать ещё примеры для «замолвишь за меня словечко»…

    But you don’t have to take my word for it.

    Но вам не обязаны верить мне на слово.

    You don’t have to take my word for it.

    Вам не нужно верить мне на слово.

    But don’t take my word for it. Let’s take a look at the tape.

    Но не стоит верить мне на слово.

    But don’t take my word for it.

    Но можете не верить мне на слово.

    You don’t have to take my word for it.

    Ты не обязана верить мне на слово.

    Показать ещё примеры для «верить мне на слово»…

    You’ll have to take my word for that.

    Тебе придется поверить мне на слово.

    Will you take my word for it that I have only one husband?

    Можете ли вы поверить мне на слово, что у меня только один муж?

    — I know, I know but you’ll have to take my word for it.

    Я знаю, но вам придется поверить мне на слово.

    I just made it. You can take my word for it, it was a rough trip.

    Я только что прибыл и можете поверить мне на слово,

    You just have to take my word for it.

    Ты должна просто поверить мне на слово.

    Показать ещё примеры для «поверить мне на слово»…

    Perhaps you have another word for it?

    Возможно, у вас есть другое название этому?

    Inuit’s another word for Eskimo.

    Inuit — это другое название Эскимо.

    Is… Is an old word for…

    *Бруммагем — старое название города Бирмингем, на сленге — «фальшивка, дешевка»

    Yeah, well, I’m assuming it’s like a code word for something he’s about to sell to an unspecified buyer, for $850 million, by the way.

    Думаю, это — кодовое название товара, который он собирается продать неопознанному покупателю. За 850 миллионов баксов, между прочим.

    A gown is a fancy word for a dress.

    Мантия — это такое необычное название платья…

    Показать ещё примеры для «название»…

    I got two words for you:

    У меня есть для тебя два слова…

    I got two words for you, Jake:

    У меня есть для тебя два слова, Джейк:

    I have two words for you:

    У меня для тебя два слова:

    I have two words for you, Rachel Hoffberg: Eric who?

    У меня есть для тебя два слова, Рэйчел Хоффберг:

    I’ve got two words for you.

    У меня для тебя два слова.

    Показать ещё примеры для «для тебя два слова»…

    I looked at him and I was hit by such a fit of anger that I couldn’t find words for it.

    Глянул я на неё и вдруг такое меня зло разобрало, что и сказать не могу.

    What word for that lad who would come So much to visit us at home And used to lie with you?

    Что ж сказать мне молодому, что ходил так часто к дому и с тобою счастлив был?

    I don’t find exact fucking words for it… but it fucking disturbs and concerns me.

    Блядь, как бы это сказать, меня это пиздец как тревожит и беспокоит.

    I’m going to put in a good word for you.

    Или лучше сказать – будущая миссис Кевин Роули?

    There’s no other word for it.

    По-другому не скажешь.

    Показать ещё примеры для «сказать»…

    That’s just another word for moping around.

    Это по-другому называется.

    There’s another word for it. Bestiality.

    Это называется по-другому — скотоложство :)

    What is the Georgian word for that stick?

    Как по-грузински называется эта палка?

    What’s a seven-letter word for a subatomic particle?

    Как называется субатомная частица из семи букв?

    There is no word for it.

    Да никак это не называется.

    Показать ещё примеры для «называется»…

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    Смотрите также

    • на слово
    • за меня словечко
    • поверить
    • замолвишь за меня словечко
    • верить мне на слово
    • поверить мне на слово
    • название
    • для тебя два слова
    • сказать
    • называется



    word for word — слово в слово; точь-в-точь; буквальный
    drop a word for me! — замолви за меня словечко
    take my word for it — разг. уверяю вас, поверьте мне
    pass one’s word for — ручаться
    to leave word for smb. — велеть передать кому-л. (что-л.)
    translate word for word — переводить дословно
    translate a word for word — переводить дословно
    word for word translation — подстрочный письменный перевод; буквальный перевод; пословный перевод
    to be not the word for it — быть недостаточным для выражения или определения чего-л.
    to translate word for word — переводить дословно

    put in a word for somebody — замолвить за кого-либо словечко
    that’s not the word for it — слишком слабо сказано
    to say a good word for smb. — замолвить за кого-л. словечко
    to leave word for smb. (that) — велеть передать кому-л. (что)
    to put in a good word for smb. — произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л.
    he has a good word for everyone — у него для каждого найдётся доброе слово
    he has a kind word for everyone — у него для каждого найдётся доброе слово
    to put in / say a word for smb. — замолвить словечко за кого-л.
    to pass one’s word for smb., smth. — поручиться за кого-л., что-л.
    literal [word for word] translation — буквальный /дословный/ [пословный] перевод
    to put in in a (good) word for smb. — замолвить словечко за кого-л.
    tactlessness is not the word for it! — «бестактность»
    substitute a new word for the old one — заменять одно слово другим
    take it from me!, take my word for it — можете мне поверить; уж я-то знаю!, можете не сомневаться!
    please leave word for me at the office — пожалуйста, оставьте мне записку в канцелярии
    to say /to put in/ a good word for smb. — хвалить или отстаивать кого-л.; замолвить за кого-л. словечко
    he has a kind /a good/ word for everyone — у него для каждого найдётся доброе слово
    to translate word for word [off-hand, adequately] — переводить дословно [без подготовки, точно]
    his speech was transcribed in the newspapers word for word — его речь была дословно воспроизведена в газетах
    we would take it kindly if you would put in a good word for the boy — мы будем очень признательны, если вы замолвите словечко за этого молодого человека

    ещё 20 примеров свернуть

    Автоматический перевод

    слово за слово

    Перевод по словам

    word  — слово, известие, речь, обещание, текст, вести, сформулировать, выражать словами


    I winged a word for his ears.

    Я сказал кое-что, предназначенное специально для его ушей.

    What’s the right word for this?

    Как это называется?

    What is the French word for car?

    Как по французски «автомобиль»?

    What’s the French word for ‘happy’?

    Как по-французски будет «счастливый»?

    The speech was copied word for word.

    Выступление было скопировано слово в слово.

    ‘Agone’ is an archaic word for ‘ago’.

    Слово «agone» является архаичной формой слова «ago» (тому назад).

    The word for a pedal extremity is ‘foot’.

    Словом, обозначающим нижнюю конечность, является «нога».

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    She hated to say the words, for fear of causing pain.  

    The sandhogs’ word for a miscellaneous happening in which a sandhog is injured is mishap.  

    The words “bow” for a part of a ship and “bow” for a weapon that shoots arrows are homographs.  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    get good (at something) разговорная английская фраза перевод

    поднатаскаться, получить навыки в чем-то, начать хорошо делать что-то

    1. I’ve gotten real good at it. I felt everything went over pretty well. / Я неплохо поднатаскался в этом. У меня было ощущение, что все прошло довольно хорошо. (фраза из фильма The Weather Man)

    2. There’s an old saying in the ancient Chinese game of Go: “To get good at Go, lose your first hundred games fast.” / Есть старая поговорка о древней китайское игре Гоу: «Чтобы научиться хорошо играть в Гоу, надо быстро проиграть первые сто игр».

    3. Oh, no! It would take me a year to get good. / О, нет! У меня уйдет год, чтобы поднатаскаться (фраза из фильма The Groundhog Day).

    4. — I’d like to get good at chess. / Я бы хотел научиться хорошо играть в шахматы.

        — You’re doing good already. / У тебя уже хорошо получается.

    5. What Shannon is getting at, I suspect, is that generating good ideas is about getting good at multiplying the essence of every input. / На что намекает Шэннон, как я подозреваю, это генерирование хороших идей как поднатаскаться в преумножении сущности каждого вложения.

    6. I want to use this post to share my takeaways from the course, that is the 10 critical operating system concepts that you need to learn if you want to get good at developing software. / В этом посте я хочу поделиться совими знаниями, которые я вынес из курса по десяти концепциям операционных систем, которые вам нужно знать, если вы хотите стать хорошим разработчиком софта.

    Предложения с «have a word for»

    I don’t have a word for that yet, but I will.

    У меня пока нет для этого слова , но будет.

    I believe the French even have a word for that, when the men get together to honour their leaders.

    У французов есть даже специальное слово для этого. Когда люди собираются вместе, чтобы почтить своих лидеров.

    He was- they have a word for it over there- liquidated.

    Его… там они это называют ликвидировали.

    So if you don’t have a word for evil, does it vanish?

    Если нет слова для зла, исчезнет ли само зло?

    Grownups have a word for that.

    У взрослых людей есть для этого специальное слово .

    I bet the people wo worshipped in those religions have a word for them.

    Держу пари, что у людей, которым во поклонялся в этих религиях, есть для них слово .

    In French, we have a word for the science that studies writing systems and their evolution through history, it’s etymographie.

    Во французском языке есть слово , обозначающее науку, изучающую письменные системы и их эволюцию на протяжении истории, — это этимография.

    Surely the Manx have a word for British?

    Наверняка у мэнксов есть слово для обозначения британцев?

    In Durban, South Africa, an NGO called Gateway Health have distributed 11,000 three-word address signs to their community.

    В Дурбане в ЮАР неправительственная организация Gateway Health разместила 11 000 табличек с адресами — из — трёх — слов на территории своей общины.

    The Khmer word for art, silapak, in fact, at its root, means magic.

    Кхмерское слово «искусство», «silapak», происходит от слова «магия».

    The Khmer word for I, for me, is khnhom.

    В кхмерском языке слово «Я», «меня», это «khnhom».

    This very same word can also mean slave and dancers were in fact known as knhom preah robam, or slaves of the sacred dance.

    Это слово также означает «раб», и танцоры были известны как «knhom preah robam», или «рабы сакрального танца».

    And the effect of hearing these horrible stories over and over instilled one word in a young mind: enemy.

    Эффект, который производили все эти жуткие истории, складывался в детской голове в одно слово : «враг».

    It is now writing a 600-word essay on maritime trade in the 17th century.

    Сейчас он пишет сочинение в 600 слов о морской торговле XVII века.

    So if it can find a word which is a planet and which is co-occurring with these keywords, that must be the answer.

    Если он сможет найти слово , означающее планету в сочетании с этими ключевыми словами , это и должно оказаться ответом.

    A fully automatic math-solving machine has been a dream since the birth of the word artificial intelligence, but it has stayed at the level of arithmetic for a long, long time.

    Полностью автоматизированная машина по решению математических задач была мечтой с момента появления термина «искусственный интеллект», но она очень долгое время оставалась на уровне арифметики.

    While this word often conjures up emotions of sadness and anger and fear.

    Слово «рак» обычно связано с печалью, гневом и страхом.

    The next time you hear the word cancer, I want you to add to the emotions: hope.

    Когда вы вновь услышите слово «рак», я бы хотел, чтобы к вашим эмоциям добавилась ещё одна — надежда.

    What was that word?

    Что за слово такое «коммунитас»?

    I hate the word disabled when it’s used to describe people.

    Ненавижу слово «инвалид», когда им характеризуют людей.

    Do a search and replace operation on the text of your mind, and wherever you encounter the word self, substitute the word other.

    Произведите операцию поиска и замены в тексте вашего разума, и когда вам повстречается слово «сам», замените его на «остальные».

    It dumbfounds me how the word refugee is considered something to be dirty, something to be ashamed of.

    Меня поражает, как слово «беженец» считается чем — то грязным, чем — то, чего надо стыдиться.

    The word midget is a slur.

    Слово «лилипут» — это оскорбление.

    So while it’s reasonable to ask the question, it’s not reasonable to say that refugee is another word for terrorist.

    Поэтому хотя это и разумный вопрос, неразумно полагать, что «беженец» — синоним слову «террорист».

    I’ve sent you word, so all I can do is wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait for you.

    Я послала тебе весточку, и всё, что я могу, — это ждать, и ждать, и ждать, и ждать, и ждать, и ждать тебя.

    I really thought that gay was a sophisticated English word for happy.

    Я искренне верил, что гей — это особое английское слово для обозначения счастья.

    The two and a half alphabets which form the word प्रेम, which means love, if you are able to understand that and practice it, that itself is enough to enlighten mankind.

    Две с половиной буквы образуют слово प्रेम, что означает любовь, и если вы способны понять это и претворить в жизнь, то одного этого уже достаточно для просвещения человечества.

    How wonderful would it be if solidarity, this beautiful and, at times, inconvenient word, were not simply reduced to social work, and became, instead, the default attitude in political, economic and scientific choices, as well as in the relationships among individuals, peoples and countries.

    Как замечательно было бы, если бы братство — такое прекрасное, но зачастую так мешающее нам слово — не ограничивалось бы работой социальных служб, а стало бы всеобщей заботой при принятии политических, экономических и научных решений и вообще в отношениях между людьми, странами и народами.

    I did not know exactly what this word feminist meant, and I did not want Okoloma to know that I did not know.

    Я не знала, что именно значит это слово , и не хотела, чтобы Околома понял, что я этого не знала.

    And the first thing I planned to do when I got home was to look up the word feminist in the dictionary.

    И я пообещала себе сразу, как только вернусь домой, посмотреть в словаре слово феминистка.

    Of course a lot of this was tongue-in-cheek, but that word feminist is so heavy with baggage, negative baggage.

    Конечно, по большей части всё это было не всерьёз, но у слова феминистка такой большой груз неприятных ассоциаций.

    What if we decide to simply dispose of that word.

    Что, если мы постараемся избавиться от самого понятия?

    I don’t think there’s an English word I dislike more than emasculation.

    Мне кажется, я ненавижу эти два слова больше всего: Мужское достоинство.

    We use the word respect to mean something a woman shows a man but often not something a man shows a woman.

    Мы используем слово уважение, говоря о том, что женщина проявляет к мужчине, но реже — о том, что мужчина оказывает женщине.

    I know a woman who hates domestic work, she just hates it, but she pretends that she likes it, because she’s been taught that to be good wife material she has to be — to use that Nigerian word — very homely.

    Одна моя знакомая ненавидит работу по дому, вот просто ненавидит, и всё, но она делает вид, что ей нравится, потому что её научили, что, чтобы быть хорошей женой, она должна быть, как говорят в Нигерии, очень домашней.

    And when I looked up the word in the dictionary that day, this is what it said: Feminist: a person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes.

    И когда я посмотрела это слово в словаре , оказалось, что Феминист — тот, кто верит в социальное, политическое и экономическое равенство представителей разных полов.

    My great grandmother did not know that word feminist, but it doesn’t mean that she wasn’t one.

    Моя прабабушка не знала слова феминистка, но это не значит, что она ею не была.

    More of us should reclaim that word.

    Нас больше, чем нам кажется.

    The mere mention of the word nipples, and people get into a little bit of a tizzy.

    Стоит лишь упомянуть слово соски́, и люди становятся немножечко нервными.

    So when the word black appears in American culture, what co-occurs with it?

    Итак, когда же в американской культуре появилось слово чёрный, какие ассоциации оно вызывает?

    And we use that word to talk about the internet: something not real.

    И мы используем это слово по отношению к интернету: что — то нереальное.

    Anger would be the first word that I would think of.

    Первое, что приходит на ум — недовольство.

    She said, The nice thing about being Catholic is we don’t have to speak, and that’s good, because we’re not word people.

    Она сказала: Одна из особенностей католиков — молчание, это очень удобно, ведь мы не из тех, кто высказывается.

    That phrase rung in my head: word people.

    Мне хорошо запомнилась эта фраза.

    A lot of us in the TED community are word people, but if you’re not, the economy has not been angled toward you, and so 11 million men, for example, are out of the labor force because those jobs are done away.

    В TED сообществе мы в основном высказываемся, потому что иначе невозможно влиять на ход экономики, и таким образом 11 миллионов человек, к примеру, остались без заработка, потому что их рабочие места пропали.

    It’s held in — the German word is the volk — in the people, in the common, instinctive wisdom of the plain people.

    Это лексема, олицетворяющая народ, — Volk с немецкого люди — общую, самобытную мудрость простых людей.

    I totally agree with that, but I think that when he was proposing a huge government program last night that we used to call the bad s-word, stimulus, I find it completely ironic.

    Абсолютно согласна, но, на мой взгляд, то, что он представил огромную правительственную программу, которую мы раньше обзывали стимулом, — это просто смешно.

    And I would like to believe — the c-word has also become a horrible word — compromise, right?

    Я бы хотела верить в силу этого ставшего устрашающим слова — компромисс, верно?

    I was 10 years old when I learned what the word genocide meant.

    Мне было 10 лет, когда я узнала, что означает слово геноцид.

    Why does every word feel as if I’m saying my last?

    Почему каждое моё слово кажется мне последним?

    Every word I knew became empty noise, and Zeinab said, Well, get on with it.

    Все слова , которые я знала, стали пустым звуком, и Зейнаб сказала: Ну, давай уже.

    And it was that word should that brought me up short, because I will never tell a woman what she should do with her body.

    — меня насторожило слово должна, потому что я никогда не скажу женщине, что она должна делать со своим телом.

    I just want to say a word here for Saviour Chishimba, who was one of the candidates in the recent Zambian presidential election.

    Хочу сказать пару слов о Сейвиуре Чишимбе, одном из кандидатов на последних президентских выборах в Замбии.

    I was brought up like this, I got used to doing it this way, when I read a written word in simplified spelling, my eyes hurt.

    Я не хочу ничего менять, меня так научили, я привык делать именно таким образом, и когда я вижу, что слово написано упрощённо, глазам больно.

    In Greek, there’s a word, lachesism which is the hunger for disaster.

    Так, в греческом языке есть слово лахеизм, означающее жажду бедствия.

    In Mandarin, they have a word yù yī — I’m not pronouncing that correctly — which means the longing to feel intensely again the way you did when you were a kid.

    В севернокитайском есть слово юйи — я произношу неправильно, — что означает сильное желание быть полностью чем — то захваченным, как это бывало в детстве.

    In Polish, they have a word jouska which is the kind of hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.

    В польском — слово жуска, что — то вроде гипотетической беседы, которую вы машинально ведёте в голове.

    And finally, in German, of course in German, they have a word called zielschmerz which is the dread of getting what you want.

    И наконец, в немецком, куда уж без него, — слово цильшмерц, что означает боязнь получить желаемое.

    And so as soon as I published that, I got a lot of response from people saying, Thank you for giving voice to something I had felt all my life but there was no word for that.

    Опубликовав это, я получил много откликов от людей, говорящих: Спасибо, что озвучили то, что мы чувствовали всю жизнь, но не находили для этого слов.

    There is no stranger feeling than making up a word and then seeing it take on a mind of its own.

    Странное чувство, когда выдуманное тобой слово вдруг начинает жить своей, отдельной от тебя жизнью.

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  • Not happy to do something one word
  • Not happy other word
  • Not good enough in one word
  • Not giving up word combinations or sentences with these words
  • Not getting what you want word