Not happy to do something one word

Is there a single word that describes the state of not being happy with something but having to be satisfied with it?


I wanted to split the video into small segments. Programming this would take a lot of time, as there’s no managed interface for C# to the multi media SDK. So, instead of doing it programmatically and wasting time, I’ll have to be satisfied with using the Nero application.

asked Aug 21, 2011 at 11:33

Avi's user avatar


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Given the context, I would suggest «make do with» as in «I’ll have to make do with using Nero.» This suggests the solution to your problem is suboptimal but workable. I would argue that to «resign oneself» to something is a bit too strong for this case. One might resign oneself to a life of thankless toil, or to never achieving one’s Olympic dreams, whereas one might make do with a pair of flip flops that are too large. A suboptimal software solution seems closer to the second case.

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 15:16

jela's user avatar


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In English, you can resign yourself to something. This site explains:

Meaning: If you resign yourself to something, you accept that it’s true and that there’s nothing you can do to change it.

For example:

Margaret has resigned herself to the fact that her company won’t survive, and she’s started looking for a job.

I admitted that my dream of being a famous movie star would never come true, and I resigned myself to a life in the suburbs with everyone else.

So if you resign yourself to something, then you aren’t happy with it but you accept it as is. The associated state of being is resigned.

Community's user avatar

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 12:02

simchona's user avatar


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Acquiesce would be the word you are looking for.

To acquiesce is to accept something reluctantly but without protest.

For example:

Avi didn’t want to go see that movie, but acquiesced
to Betty, who really wanted to see the film.

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 12:07

RGW1976's user avatar


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Also to settle for something.

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 19:12

Henrik N's user avatar

Henrik NHenrik N

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I’d also suggest suffice:

To be enough or sufficient; to meet the need (of anything); to be equal to the end proposed; to be adequate.

In the sentence:

…the Nero application will have to suffice.

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 21:03

jtbandes's user avatar


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Acceptance is the willingness to live with an unpleasant situation.

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 11:43


Tolerate is another option.

Daniel's user avatar


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answered Aug 21, 2011 at 15:07

Brandon Frohbieter's user avatar

You can also «cope» or «put up» with Nero.

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 14:50

ZJR's user avatar

It’s a bit informal perhaps, but I tend to use «swallow.» If I don’t like it, but have to accept it, I swallow it, or, even more informally, choke it down.

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 15:05

kitukwfyer's user avatar


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I am unfamiliar with this figure of speech. «Nero» clearly, from your explanation, represents the concept of non-optimal choice when a choice must be made. Sounds like politics. Thus, depending on the context what you are referring to is a compromise

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 18:28

xtian's user avatar


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You could say that you will «grudgingly use Nero».

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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answered Aug 22, 2011 at 13:18

Neil's user avatar

The expression grin and bear it according to the online dictionary means:

grin and bear it

to put up with something unpleasant without
complaining He doesn’t like his present job but he’ll just have to
grin and bear it till he finds another.

answered Aug 22, 2011 at 7:49

Pantelis Sopasakis's user avatar

There is an informal expression «you’ll have to lump it» which means more or less what you want. There is a further (stylistically neutral) expression «to put up with something» which is the same, e,g «you’ll use have to put up with it».

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 14:33

Stephen Winnall's user avatar

‘To bite the bullet’ is also a useful phrase in informal situations — here’s the definition from Wikipedia:

To «bite the bullet» is to endure a painful or otherwise unpleasant situation that is seen as unavoidable.

So, instead of wasting my time trying to program the interface, I’ll bite the bullet and use Nero.

answered Aug 22, 2011 at 15:42

Hannele's user avatar


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I’m resigned to doing it this way.


I’ll resign myself do doing it this way.

simchona's user avatar


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answered Aug 22, 2011 at 16:44

patrick's user avatar


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Maybe, «be patient» with something?

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 20:44

Anixx's user avatar


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You might consider the word «inured». Generally one speaks of becoming inured to a persistent annoyance that one is unable to stop. «I have become inured to my neighbours’ loud parties.»

Basically, «have learned to endure». It’s less suitable for a shorter-term issue, like an undesirable expediency.

answered Aug 21, 2011 at 21:07

Anonymous's user avatar

Satisfy + Suffice = Satisfice. I remember it from SmashingMagazine’s book #1 which talked about it in a chapter about UI and decision making. Not a real dictionary word, but it is widely used.

In decision making, satisficing explains the tendency to select the first option that meets a given need or select the option that seems to address most needs rather than the “optimal” solution. (Wikipedia)

While technically it talks about the process of finding the most optimal solution being too costly as the reason for choosing a less-optimal solution, I think it can still be used in your context.

answered Aug 22, 2011 at 0:04

shesek's user avatar


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The word «suffer» indicates something painful or tedious. The word muddle indicates bumbling or confusion. Depending upon what exact meaning you wish, one or the other may suffice.

So, instead of doing it programmatically and wasting time, I’ll have to suffer with using the Nero application.


So, instead of doing it programmatically and wasting time, I’ll have to be muddle through using the Nero application.

answered Aug 22, 2011 at 11:35

Andrew Neely's user avatar

Andrew NeelyAndrew Neely

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  • 1
    to be more than happy to do something

    hacer algo con mucho gusto

    English-spanish dictionary > to be more than happy to do something

  • 2


    1) glücklich; heiter [Bild, Veranlagung, Ton]; zufrieden; erfreulich [Gedanke, Erinnerung, Szene]; froh [Ereignis]; glücklich [Zeiten]

    not be happy about something/doing something — nicht froh über etwas (Akk.) sein/etwas nicht gern tun

    [strike] a happy medium — den goldenen Mittelweg [wählen]

    yes, I’d be happy to — ja, gern od. mit Vergnügen

    by a happy chance/coincidence — durch einen glücklichen Zufall

    * * *


    1) glücklich

    2) froh

    3) glücklich»>happiness

    — happily
    — happy-go-lucky
    — happy medium

    * * *



    I’m perfectly happy in my work ich bin mit meiner Arbeit[sstelle] absolut zufrieden

    a happy childhood eine glückliche Kindheit

    the happiest day/days of one’s life der schönste Tag/die beste Zeit in jds Leben

    to have a happy expression on one’s face glücklich aussehen

    a happy lot ein glückliches Schicksal

    happy marriage glückliche Ehe

    happy mood gute Laune

    happy occasion gelungenes Fest

    to be happy about sb/sth person, arrangement, situation mit jdm/etw zufrieden sein

    to be happy with sb/sth quality, standard mit jdm/etw zufrieden sein

    to be happy to do sth sich akk freuen, etw zu tun

    you’ll be happy to know that… es wird dich freuen, zu hören, dass…

    to be happy that… froh [darüber] sein, dass…

    to be happy to do sth etw gerne tun; ( form) etw tun können

    the manager will be happy to see you this afternoon der Geschäftsführer hat heute Nachmittag Zeit, Sie zu empfangen

    excuse me, can you help me? — I’d be happy to! Entschuldigung, können Sie mir helfen? — aber gern!

    to be perfectly happy to do sth etw mit größtem Vergnügen tun

    happy accident glücklicher Zufall

    a happy choice of language eine glückliche Wortwahl

    a happy phrase ein treffender Satz

    a happy thought eine geniale Idee

    6. attr, inv (in greetings)

    happy birthday alles Gute zum Geburtstag

    happy Easter frohe Ostern

    merry Christmas and a happy New Year frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches [o gutes] neues Jahr

    many happy returns [of the day] herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag


    [as] happy as a sandboy [or a lark] [or BRIT Larry] [or AM a clam] quietschfidel, quietschvergnügt

    * * *


    1) glücklich; harmonisch

    to make sb happy —

    the school is a happy place, it’s a happy school — an der Schule sind die Kinder glücklich

    Happy Easter/Christmas — frohe Ostern/Weihnachten



    I was happy to hear that you passed your exam —

    3) glücklich

    4) angeheitert, beschwipst

    * * *

    1. allg glücklich:

    a) glückselig:

    I’m quite happy ich bin wunschlos glücklich

    b) beglückt, erfreut, froh ( alle:

    at, about über akk):

    I’d be happy to do that ich würde das liebend gern tun

    c) voller Glück:

    happy days glückliche Tage, Tage voller Glück

    d) erfreulich:

    e) Glück verheißend (Nachrichten etc)

    f) gut, trefflich (Idee etc)

    g) passend, treffend, geglückt (Ausdruck etc)

    h) zufrieden:

    I’m not happy with my new TV set;

    he wasn’t happy with some of the answers ihm gefielen einige Antworten nicht;

    she wasn’t happy with the decision sie war mit der Entscheidung nicht einverstanden

    2. gewandt, geschickt

    3. umg beschwipst, angesäuselt

    happy New Year! gutes neues Jahr!, pros(i)t Neujahr; birthday A, Easter A

    b) begeistert, verrückt:

    c) umg süchtig:

    * * *


    1) glücklich; heiter [Bild, Veranlagung, Ton]; zufrieden; erfreulich [Gedanke, Erinnerung, Szene]; froh [Ereignis]; glücklich [Zeiten]

    not be happy about something/doing something — nicht froh über etwas (Akk.) sein/etwas nicht gern tun

    [strike] a happy medium — den goldenen Mittelweg [wählen]

    yes, I’d be happy to — ja, gern od. mit Vergnügen

    by a happy chance/coincidence — durch einen glücklichen Zufall

    * * *

    (about) adj.

    glücklich (über) adj. adj.

    froh adj. n.

    glücklich adj.

    English-german dictionary > happy

  • 3

       a. [person, smile, time, outcome] heureux

    I’m happy to say that… j’ai le plaisir de vous dire que…

       b. ( = contented) [person] content ; [childhood, life, marriage, family] heureux

    * * *



    5) () [choice, phrase] heureux/-euse


    English-French dictionary > happy

  • 4

    English-Portuguese dictionary > happy

  • 5
    as happy as a lark

    as happy as a lark/sandboy/Larry
    довольный как слон; счастливый как ребенок

    My son loves toys. If you give him something to play with, he’s as happy as a sandboy.

    We married nine days after we met, and three years on we’re happy as Larry.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > as happy as a lark

  • 6
    as happy as a Larry

    as happy as a lark/sandboy/Larry
    довольный как слон; счастливый как ребенок

    My son loves toys. If you give him something to play with, he’s as happy as a sandboy.

    We married nine days after we met, and three years on we’re happy as Larry.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > as happy as a Larry

  • 7
    as happy as a sandboy

    as happy as a lark/sandboy/Larry
    довольный как слон; счастливый как ребенок

    My son loves toys. If you give him something to play with, he’s as happy as a sandboy.

    We married nine days after we met, and three years on we’re happy as Larry.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > as happy as a sandboy

  • 8
    to be happy of something

    to be happy of something

    ser entendido em um assunto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to be happy of something

  • 9
    cut out for someone or something

    He wasn’t cut out for the happy life, was he? — Счастливая жизнь ему только снилась, не так ли?

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > cut out for someone or something

  • 10
    get shot of someone or something

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > get shot of someone or something

  • 11
    to be happy about something

    English-Tagalog dictionary > to be happy about something

  • 12
    to be happy about something

    English-Tagalog new dictionary > to be happy about something

  • 13



    1 más

    do you want some more wine? ¿quieres más vino?

    no more tears! ¡basta de llorar!

    1 más

    1 más


    the more…, the more… cuanto más…, más…

    the more…, the less… cuanto más…, menos…

    what is more además, lo que es más Table 1SMALLNOTA/SMALL Véanse también many y much/Table 1



    the more you eat, the more you want: cuanto más comes, tanto más quieres




    I mɔːr, mɔː(r)


    a) (additional number, amount) más

    the more money you earn, the more tax you have to pay — cuanto más dinero se gana, (tantos) más impuestos hay que pagar



    a) (additional number, amount) más

    and, what is more,… — y lo que es más,…

    the more she eats, the thinner she gets — cuanto más come, más adelgaza




    more often — con más frecuencia, más a menudo

    2) (again, longer) más

    once/twice more — una vez/dos veces más



    is there any more wine in the bottle? — ¿queda vino en la botella?

    a few more weeks — unas semanas más

    many more people — muchas más personas

    much more butter — mucha más mantequilla

    I have no more money — no me queda más dinero

    no more singing, I can’t bear it! — ¡que no se cante más, no lo aguanto!

    do you want some more tea? — ¿quieres más té?

    you have more money than I — tienes más dinero que yo

    it’s two more miles to the house — faltan dos millas para llegar a la casa


    we can’t afford more — no podemos pagar más

    is there any more? — ¿hay más?

    a bit more? — ¿un poco más?

    a few more — algunos más

    there’s no more left — no queda (nada)

    I shall have more to say about this — volveré a hablar de esto

    he’s got more than me! — ¡él tiene más que yo!

    more than one/ten — más de uno/diez

    not much more than £20 — poco más de 20 libras

    and what’s more… — y además…

    there’s more where that came from! — ¡esto no es más que el principio!


    (all) the more — tanto más

    the more the better, the more the merrier — cuantos más mejor

    more and more — cada vez más

    if he says that any more — si vuelve a decir eso, si dice eso otra vez

    «I don’t understand it» — «no more do I» — -no lo comprendo -ni yo tampoco

    he’s more intelligent than me — es más inteligente que yo



    he doesn’t live here any more — ya no vive aquí

    Queen Anne is no more — la reina Ana ya no existe


    «Más… que» or «más… de»?
    Use más with que before nouns and personal pronouns (provided they are not followed by clauses) as well as before adverbs and prepositions:

    It was much more than a book Era mucho más que un libro

    She knows more than I do about such things Ella sabe más que yo de esas cosas

    Spain won more medals than ever before España logró más medallas que nunca
    Use más … de lo que/del que/de la que/de los que/ de las que with following clauses:

    It’s much more complicated than you think Es mucho más complicado de lo que te imaginas

    There’s much more violence now than there was in the seventies Hay mucha más violencia ahora de la que había en los setenta
    Use más with de before lo + ((adjective/past participle)):

    You’ll have to work more quickly than usual Tendrás que trabajar más rápido de lo normal

    It was more difficult than expected Fue más difícil de lo previsto
    Use más with de in comparisons involving numbers or quantity:

    There were more than twenty people there Había más de veinte personas allí

    More than half are women Más de la mitad son mujeres

    They hadn’t seen each other for more than a year No se veían desde hacía más de un año
    But más … que c an be used with numbers in more figurative comparisons:

    A picture is worth more than a thousand words Una imagen vale más que mil palabras

    Más… que c an be used before numbers in the construction no… más que, meaning «only». Compare the following:

    He only earns 1000 euros a month No gana más que 1000 euros al mes

    He earns no more than 1000 euros a month No gana más de 1000 euros al mes

    A lot more
    When translating a lot more, far more {etc} remember to make the mucho in mucho más a gree with any noun it describes or refers to:

    We eat much more junk food than we used to Tomamos mucha más comida basura que antes

    It’s only one sign. There are a lot or many more Solo es una señal. Hay muchas más

    A lot more research will be needed Harán falta muchos más estudios
    For further uses and examples, see more

    * * *

    I [mɔːr, mɔː(r)]


    a) (additional number, amount) más

    the more money you earn, the more tax you have to pay — cuanto más dinero se gana, (tantos) más impuestos hay que pagar



    a) (additional number, amount) más

    and, what is more,… — y lo que es más,…

    the more she eats, the thinner she gets — cuanto más come, más adelgaza




    more often — con más frecuencia, más a menudo

    2) (again, longer) más

    once/twice more — una vez/dos veces más

    English-spanish dictionary > more

  • 14



    1) hacer, construir, fabricar

    2) hacer, obligar

    3) hacer, poner, volver

    4) ganar, hacer

    5) ser, equivaler

    6) ser, hacer

    7) calcular

    8) nombrar, elegir

    9) hacer



    — making
    — make-believe
    — make-over
    — makeshift
    — make-up
    — have the makings of
    — in the making
    — make a/one’s bed
    — make believe
    — make do
    — make for
    — make it
    — make it up
    — make something of something
    — make of something
    — make something of
    — make of
    — make out
    — make over
    — make up
    — make up for
    — make up one’s mind
    — make up to


    fabricar / producir



    what make of car did you buy? ¿de qué marca es el coche que compraste?

    have you made a list? ¿has hecho una lista?

    stop making all that noise! ¡dejad de hacer tanto ruido!

    2 (carry out, perform) hacer

    may I make a suggestion? ¿puedo hacer una sugerencia?

    4 (force, compel) hacer, obligar; (cause to do) hacer

    what makes you say that? ¿por qué dices eso?

    5 (be, become) ser, hacer; (cause to be) hacer, convertir en

    she made 1,000 pounds last week ganó 1.000 libras la semana pasada

    we made it! ¡lo conseguimos!

    9 (calculate, estimate, reckon) calcular

    how much do you make it? ¿a ti cuánto te da?

    what time do you make it? ¿qué hora tienes?

    10 (total, equal) ser, equivaler a

    that makes the third time you’ve asked me! ¡es la tercera vez que me lo preguntas!

    11 (complete, finish off) dar el toque final a, completar; (assure success of) consagrar


    to make or break somebody/something significar la consagración o la ruina de alguien/algo

    to make the best/most of something sacar partido de algo


    hacer, fabricar

    desarrollar, elaborar, formar

    hacer, constituir

    hacer, preparar

    hacer, poner


    hacer, forzar, obligar


    ir, dirigirse





    pret: hic-

    1. meɪk

    1) (past & past p made) transitive verb

    2) (create, produce) <<paint/cars>> hacer*, fabricar*; <<dress>> hacer*, confeccionar (frml); <<meal/cake/sandwich/coffee>> hacer*, preparar; <<film>> hacer*, rodar; <<record>> grabar; <<fire/nest/hole>> hacer*; <<list/will>> hacer*

    made in Spain/Mexico — hecho or fabricado en España/México

    made in Argentina/Peru — industria or fabricación argentina/peruana

    to make something into something: I’ll make this material into a skirt con esta tela me haré una falda; to make something out of/from/of something: she made the dress out of an old sheet se hizo el vestido con/de una sábana vieja; we made another meal from the leftovers hicimos otra comida con las sobras; it’s made of wood/plastic es de madera/plástico; don’t make an enemy of her — no te la eches encima como enemiga; see also difference 1) b), fuss I, mess I 1), 2)


    a) ( carry out) <<repairs/changes/payment>> hacer*, efectuar* (frml); <<preparations/arrangements>> hacer*; <<journey>> hacer*

    b) <<remark/announcement>> hacer*

    I’ll make you happy/rich — te haré feliz/rica

    the work made me thirsty/sleepy — el trabajo me dio sed/sueño

    what makes me angry is… — lo que me da rabia es…

    if nine o’clock is too early, make it later — si las nueve es muy temprano, podemos reunirnos (or encontrarnos etc) más tarde

    two large pizzas…, no, make that three — dos pizzas grandes…, no, mire, mejor déme tres


    b) ( compel) obligar* a, hacer*

    to make believe: you can’t just make believe it never happened no puedes pretender que no sucedió, no puedes hacer como si no hubiera sucedido; to make do (with something), to make something do — arreglárselas con algo


    a) (constitute, be) ser*

    b) (equal, amount to) ser*

    what time do you make it, what do you make the time? — ¿qué hora tienes?


    to make something of something: I could make nothing of the message no entendí el mensaje; make of that what you will — tú saca tus propias conclusiones

    to make something of somebody/something: what did you make of him? ¿qué te pareció?; I don’t know what to make of it — no sé qué pensar


    a) (gain, earn) <<money>> hacer*

    they made a loss/profit — perdieron/ganaron dinero

    they made a profit of $20,000 — ganaron or sacaron 20.000 dólares

    b) ( acquire) <<friends>> hacer*

    11) (colloq) (manage to attend, reach)

    to make it: he’ll never make it as a doctor nunca será un buen médico; they made it through to the finals — llegaron a la final

    if you go to Harvard, you’re made for life — si vas a Harvard, tienes el futuro asegurado

    to make or break something/somebody — ser* el éxito o la ruina de algo/alguien



    to make as if o as though to + inf — hacer* ademán de + inf

    2) (move, proceed)

    Phrasal Verbs:








    When make is part of a set combination, eg make an attempt, make a bow, make a case, make sure, look up the other word.

    1) hacer; hacer, confeccionar; construir; hacer, preparar; grabar; rodar; fabricar, hacer

    «made in Spain» — «fabricado en España»; «confeccionado en España»; «elaborado en España»

    they were made for each other — estaban hechos el uno para el otro

    it’s made of gold — es de oro, está hecho de oro

    show 2., 4)

    2) hacer; pronunciar; efectuar; cometer

    3) ganar

    he makes £350 a week — gana 350 libras a la semana

    the deal made him £500 — ganó 500 libras con el negocio, el negocio le reportó 500 libras

    4) llegar a

    we made it just in time — llegamos justo a tiempo

    sorry, I can’t make it — lo siento, no puedo or no me va bien

    to make land — (Naut) llegar a tierra

    to make port — (Naut) tomar puerto


    another beer, please, no, make that two — otra cerveza por favor, no, que sean dos


    to make or break sth/sb —


    he’ll make a good footballer — será buen futbolista


    9) calcular

    what time do you make it, what do you make the time? — ¿qué hora tienes?

    10) (Cards) ganar, hacer; (Bridge) cumplir

    to make sb sth

    to make sb/sth ({+ adjective/past participle}28})

    to make o.s. heard — hacerse oír

    ill 1., 1), sick 1., 2), unhappy
    to make sth/sb into sth convertir algo/a algn en algo

    to make sb do sth hacer a algn hacer algo; hacer a algn hacer algo, obligar a algn a hacer algo

    to make sb laugh/cry — hacer reír/llorar a algn

    it makes you think, doesn’t it? — da que pensar ¿no?

    to make o.s. do sth obligarse a hacer algo

    to make sth do, make [do] with sth arreglárselas or apañárselas con algo

    to make good cumplir; hacer bueno, probar; justificar; compensar; reparar; pagar
    make 2.
    to make sth of sth

    issue 1., 1)


    to make after sb — perseguir a algn, correr tras algn

    he made as if to — hizo como si , hizo ademán de

    to make good — rehabilitar, reformar

    he was making like he didn’t have any money — * hacía como si no tuviera dinero


    — be on the make

    * * *

    1. [meɪk]

    1) (past & past p made) transitive verb

    2) (create, produce) <<paint/cars>> hacer*, fabricar*; <<dress>> hacer*, confeccionar (frml); <<meal/cake/sandwich/coffee>> hacer*, preparar; <<film>> hacer*, rodar; <<record>> grabar; <<fire/nest/hole>> hacer*; <<list/will>> hacer*

    made in Spain/Mexico — hecho or fabricado en España/México

    made in Argentina/Peru — industria or fabricación argentina/peruana

    to make something into something: I’ll make this material into a skirt con esta tela me haré una falda; to make something out of/from/of something: she made the dress out of an old sheet se hizo el vestido con/de una sábana vieja; we made another meal from the leftovers hicimos otra comida con las sobras; it’s made of wood/plastic es de madera/plástico; don’t make an enemy of her — no te la eches encima como enemiga; see also difference 1) b), fuss I, mess I 1), 2)


    a) ( carry out) <<repairs/changes/payment>> hacer*, efectuar* (frml); <<preparations/arrangements>> hacer*; <<journey>> hacer*

    b) <<remark/announcement>> hacer*

    I’ll make you happy/rich — te haré feliz/rica

    the work made me thirsty/sleepy — el trabajo me dio sed/sueño

    what makes me angry is… — lo que me da rabia es…

    if nine o’clock is too early, make it later — si las nueve es muy temprano, podemos reunirnos (or encontrarnos etc) más tarde

    two large pizzas…, no, make that three — dos pizzas grandes…, no, mire, mejor déme tres


    b) ( compel) obligar* a, hacer*

    to make believe: you can’t just make believe it never happened no puedes pretender que no sucedió, no puedes hacer como si no hubiera sucedido; to make do (with something), to make something do — arreglárselas con algo


    a) (constitute, be) ser*

    b) (equal, amount to) ser*

    what time do you make it, what do you make the time? — ¿qué hora tienes?


    to make something of something: I could make nothing of the message no entendí el mensaje; make of that what you will — tú saca tus propias conclusiones

    to make something of somebody/something: what did you make of him? ¿qué te pareció?; I don’t know what to make of it — no sé qué pensar


    a) (gain, earn) <<money>> hacer*

    they made a loss/profit — perdieron/ganaron dinero

    they made a profit of $20,000 — ganaron or sacaron 20.000 dólares

    b) ( acquire) <<friends>> hacer*

    11) (colloq) (manage to attend, reach)

    to make it: he’ll never make it as a doctor nunca será un buen médico; they made it through to the finals — llegaron a la final

    if you go to Harvard, you’re made for life — si vas a Harvard, tienes el futuro asegurado

    to make or break something/somebody — ser* el éxito o la ruina de algo/alguien



    to make as if o as though to + inf — hacer* ademán de + inf

    2) (move, proceed)

    Phrasal Verbs:




    English-spanish dictionary > make

  • 15


    [rɪ’tɜːn]intransitive verb

    1) zurückkommen; zurückkehren ; zurückgehen; zurückkehren ; zurückfahren; zurückkehren

    return home — wieder nach Hause kommen/gehen/fahren/zurückkehren


    transitive verb

    1) zurückbringen; zurückgeben [geliehenen/gestohlenen Gegenstand, gekaufte Ware]; [wieder] zurückschicken [unzustellbaren Brief]; zurückweisen [Scheck]

    ‘return to sender’ — «zurück an Absender»

    3) abwerfen [Gewinn]

    4) erwidern [Besuch, Gruß, Liebe, Gewehrfeuer]; sich revanchieren für [Freundlichkeit, Gefallen]; zurückgeben [Schlag]

    5) wählen [Kandidaten]

    6) zurückschlagen [Ball]; zurückwerfen

    7) erwidern; entgegnen

    return a verdict of guilty/not guilty — [Geschworene:] auf «schuldig»/»nicht schuldig» erkennen



    1) Rückkehr, die; Heimkehr, die

    many happy returns [of the day]! — herzlichen Glückwunsch [zum Geburtstag]!


    by return [of post] — postwendend

    3) Rückfahrkarte, die

    return[s] — Ertrag, Gewinn, der (on, from aus)

    5) Zurückbringen, das; Rückgabe, die (to an +



    6) Erwiderung, die

    receive/get something in return [for something] — etwas [für etwas] bekommen

    * * *


    1) zurückkehren

    2) zurückstellen,-geben

    3) zurückkommen

    4) zurückgeben

    5) wählen

    6) aussprechen

    7) zurückschlagen


    1) die Rückkehr; Rück-…

    2) die Rückfahrkarte»>returnable

    — return match
    — return ticket
    — by return of post
    — by return
    — in return for
    — in return
    — many happy returns of the day
    — many happy returns

    * * *


    [rɪˈtɜ:n, AM -ˈtɜ:rn]

    I. n

    1. (to a place/time) Rückkehr f (to zu + dat), Wiederkehr f geh

    return home Heimkehr f

    after his return from the war,… nachdem er aus dem Krieg zurückgekehrt war,…

    return to school Schulbeginn m

    return of goods (by post etc.) Warenrücksendung f; (handed back) Rückgabe f

    by return [of post] BRIT, AUS postwendend

    a small return for your kindness ein kleines Zeichen der Dankbarkeit für Ihre Zuvorkommenheit

    in return for your cooperation we will give you a free gift als Anerkennung für Ihre Mitarbeit erhalten Sie ein Geschenk von uns

    5. BRIT, AUS (ticket) Hin- und Rückfahrkarte f, Retourbillet nt SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR a. Retourfahrkarte f

    day return Tagesfahrkarte f

    first-class/second-class return Hin- und Rückfahrkarte f erster/zweiter Klasse

    weekend return Wochenendkarte f

    return of serve Return m

    returns on capital Rendite f

    return of investment Investitionsrückfluss m

    return per day/month/week FIN Tages-/Monats-/Wochenrendite f

    law of diminishing returns Gesetzmäßigkeit f vom abnehmenden Ertragszuwachs

    8. POL (election) Wahl f [eines Parlamentsabgeordneten]

    his return to power seine Wiederwahl

    the returns pl die Wahlergebnisse

    returns pl Rücksendungen pl, Retourwaren pl, Remittenden pl

    [income] tax return [Einkommens]steuererklärung f

    13. (end of line indication) Zeilenbruch m


    to do sth by return BRIT etw sofort tun

    many happy returns [of the day] herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag

    II. adj attr, inv postage, flight, trip Rück-

    III. vi

    1. (come/go back) zurückkehren, zurückkommen; ( fig)

    is there any hope that peace will return? besteht die Hoffnung, dass es je wieder Frieden geben wird?

    to return from somewhere von irgendwo zurückkommen [o zurückkehren]

    to return to somewhere irgendwohin zurückkehren

    return to sender zurück an Absender

    2. (reoccur) pain, illness wiederkommen

    to return to sth etw wieder aufnehmen

    she returned to making her own clothes sie nähte sich ihre Kleider wieder selbst

    she longed to return to her gardening sie sehnte sich danach, wieder im Garten zu arbeiten

    to return to office [or power] wiedergewählt werden

    to return to a problem sich akk einem Problem wieder zuwenden

    to return to a subject auf ein Thema zurückkommen

    to return to a task sich akk einer Aufgabe wieder widmen

    to return to one’s old ways in seine alten Gewohnheiten zurückfallen

    to return to normal things sich wieder normalisieren; person wieder zu seinem alten Ich zurückfinden

    IV. vt

    to return sth etw zurückgeben

    when are you going to return the money you owe me? wann zahlst du mir das Geld zurück, das du mir schuldest?

    to return sth to sb/sth (in person) jdm/etw etw zurückgeben; (by post) jdm/etw etw zurückschicken

    to return goods Waren zurücksenden

    to return sth to its place etw an seinen Platz zurückstellen

    to return sth etw erwidern

    to return a blow/a salute/a wave zurückschlagen/-grüßen/-winken

    to return sb’s call jdn zurückrufen

    to return a compliment/a greeting ein Kompliment/einen Gruß erwidern

    to return a favour sich akk revanchieren

    let me return your favour jetzt tue ich dir einen Gefallen

    to return fire das Feuer erwidern

    to return good for evil Böses mit Gutem vergelten

    to return sb’s love jds Liebe erwidern

    to return sth somewhere etw irgendwohin zurückstellen [o zurücklegen]

    to return animals to the wild Tiere auswildern

    to return sb BRIT jdn wählen

    to return sb to power [or office] jdn wieder ins Amt wählen

    returning officer Wahlleiter(in) m(f)

    to return a profit einen Gewinn einbringen [o abwerfen

    to return a verdict of guilty/not guilty einen Schuldspruch/Freispruch aussprechen

    to return a volley einen Volley annehmen

    * * *


    zurück- or wiederkommen, zurück- or wiederkehren ; , zurückgehen; zurückfahren; wiederkommen, wieder auftreten; zurückfallen (to an

    to return to London/the town/the group — nach London/in die Stadt/zur Gruppe zurückkehren

    to return home — nach Hause kommen/gehen, heimkehren

    1) zurückgeben (to sb jdm); zurückbringen (to sb jdm); zurücksetzen/-stellen/-legen; (


    an +acc) zurückschicken or -senden; nicht einlösen; zurückschlagen/-werfen; zurückwerfen; erwidern

    to return a/sb’s blow — zurückschlagen

    to return a book to the shelf/box — ein Buch auf das Regal zurückstellen/in die Kiste zurücklegen

    to return goods to the shop —

    I hope to return your kindness —

    2) erwidern, zurückgeben

    4) (


    ) einbringen; abwerfen

    1) Rückkehr

    , Wiederkehr

    ; Wiederauftreten


    → point

    2) Rückgabe

    ; Zurückbringen

    ; Zurücksetzen/-stellen/-legen

    ; Zurückschicken

    or -senden

    ; Nichteinlösen

    ; Zurückschlagen


    ; Erwiderung

    4) aus) Einkommen

    ; Ertrag

    , Gewinn

    ; Ertrag

    in return — dafür

    8) Rückspiel

    ; Rückschlag

    ; Return

    ; Rückwurf

    ; Rückpass

    9) zurückgebrachte Ware; zurückgebrachte Karte; Remittende

    10) Zeilenendschaltung

    ; Rücklauftaste

    * * *

    return [rıˈtɜːn; US rıˈtɜrn]

    A v/i

    1. zurückkehren, -kommen ( beide:

    to zu, nach), wiederkommen, -kehren (beide auch fig), fig wieder auftreten (Krankheit etc):

    a) auf ein Thema, ein Vorhaben etc zurückkommen,

    b) in eine Gewohnheit etc zurückfallen, zurückkehren zu,

    c) in einen Zustand zurückkehren, zu Staub etc werden:

    2. zurückfallen (to an akk) (Besitz)

    3. antworten

    4. “return to sender” Postwesen: „zurück an Absender“

    5. Tennis etc: retournieren

    B v/t

    1. einen Besuch, einen Gruß, jemandes Liebe etc erwidern, ein Kompliment etc auch zurückgeben:

    3. zurückgeben, Geld auch zurückzahlen

    4. zurückschicken, -senden:

    5. (to) leere Flaschen etc zurückbringen (in den Laden etc), ein Buch etc zurückstellen (in das Regal etc), einen Schalter etc zurückstellen (auf akk)

    6. einbringen, (er)bringen, Gewinn abwerfen, Zinsen tragen:

    7. JUR

    a) (Vollzugs)Bericht erstatten über (akk)

    10. (amtlich) erklären für oder als, jemanden arbeitsunfähig etc schreiben:

    11. ( besonders zur Steuerveranlagung) erklären, angeben (at mit):

    he returned his income at £20,000

    13. eine amtliche Liste etc vorlegen oder veröffentlichen

    14. POL Br

    15. umwenden, umkehren

    16. Tennis etc: einen Ball retournieren

    17. ein Echo, Strahlen zurückwerfen

    19. besonders TECH zurückführen, -leiten

    20. ARCH wiederkehren lassen:

    a) vorspringen lassen

    b) zurücksetzen

    21. Kartenspiel: eine Farbe nachspielen

    C s

    1. Rückkehr f, -kunft f, Wiederkehr f (auch fig):

    (I wish you) many happy returns of the day herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag;

    2. Wiederauftreten n:

    3. besonders Br

    a) Rückfahrkarte f

    b) FLUG Rückflugticket n

    4. Erwiderung f, Rückgabe f:

    5. Rücksendung f (auch Ware):

    a) Rückgut n,

    6. zurückgewiesene oder zurückgesandte Sache

    7. WIRTSCH Rückzahlung f, -erstattung f:

    8. Entgelt n, Gegenleistung f, Vergütung f, Entschädigung f:

    9. meist pl WIRTSCH

    a) Umsatz m:

    b) Ertrag m, Einnahme f, Gewinn m, Verzinsung f:

    10. Erwiderung f (eines Besuches, eines Grußes, der Liebe etc):

    12. (Steuer- etc) Erklärung f

    a) Umfrageergebnis n

    b) Antwortenrücklauf m

    14. JUR

    a) Vorlage f (eines Gerichtsbefehls etc) (mit Vollzugsbericht)

    b) Vollzugsbericht m (des Gerichtsvollziehers etc)

    c) Stellungnahme f

    15. POL

    a) Wahlergebnis n

    b) Br Einzug m ( to Parliament ins Parlament), Wahl f (eines Abgeordneten)

    16. Zurückbringen n, -stellen n

    17. TECH

    a) Rückführung f, -leitung f

    b) Rücklauf m, -kehr f

    c) ELEK Rückleitung f

    18. Biegung f, Krümmung f

    19. ARCH

    a) Wiederkehr f

    b) vorspringender oder zurückgesetzter Teil

    c) (Seiten)Flügel m

    d) Kröpfung f

    20. Tennis etc: Rückschlag m, Return m

    21. SPORT Rückspiel n

    D adj

    1. Rück…:

    a) Rückfahrkarte f,

    b) FLUG Rückflugticket n;

    2. zurückgebogen:

    a) TECH U-Röhre f,

    b) Haarnadelkurve f (einer Straße)

    ret. abk

    * * *


    [rɪ’tɜːn]intransitive verb

    1) zurückkommen; zurückkehren ; zurückgehen; zurückkehren ; zurückfahren; zurückkehren

    return home — wieder nach Hause kommen/gehen/fahren/zurückkehren


    transitive verb

    1) zurückbringen; zurückgeben [geliehenen/gestohlenen Gegenstand, gekaufte Ware]; [wieder] zurückschicken [unzustellbaren Brief]; zurückweisen [Scheck]

    ‘return to sender’ — «zurück an Absender»

    4) erwidern [Besuch, Gruß, Liebe, Gewehrfeuer]; sich revanchieren für [Freundlichkeit, Gefallen]; zurückgeben [Schlag]

    5) wählen [Kandidaten]

    6) zurückschlagen [Ball]; zurückwerfen

    return a verdict of guilty/not guilty — [Geschworene:] auf «schuldig»/»nicht schuldig» erkennen



    1) Rückkehr, die; Heimkehr, die

    many happy returns [of the day]! — herzlichen Glückwunsch [zum Geburtstag]!


    by return [of post] — postwendend

    return[s] — Ertrag, Gewinn, der (on, from aus)

    5) Zurückbringen, das; Rückgabe, die (to an +



    receive/get something in return [for something] — etwas [für etwas] bekommen

    * * *

    (ticket) adj.

    hin und zurück adj. (mail) n.

    Rücksendung f. adj.

    Rückhol- präfix. n.

    Ertrag ë m.

    Rentabilität f.

    Rückgabe n f.

    Rückkehr en f.

    Rücklauf ¨e m.

    Wiederkehr f. v.

    erwidern (Besuch, Gefälligkeit) v.

    erwidern (Feuer — Militär) v.

    rückkehren v.

    rückspringen v.

    wiederkehren v.

    zurück gehen v.

    zurück holen v.

    zurück zahlen v.

    zurückholen (alt.Rechtschreibung) v.

    zurückkehren v.

    zurückschicken v.

    zurückzahlen (alt.Rechtschreibung) v.

    English-german dictionary > return

  • 16



    1) volver, regresar

    2) devolver

    3) volver

    4) devolver

    5) elegir

    6) pronunciar, declarar

    7) devolver


    1) vuelta, regreso

    2) billete de ida y vuelta

    — return match
    — return ticket
    — by return of post
    — by return
    — in return for
    — in return
    — many happy returns of the day
    — many happy returns

    vuelta / regreso

    billete de ida y vuelta

    a return to Brighton, please un billete de ida y vuelta a Brighton, por favor

    volver / regresar



    on his return, he found the safe empty a su regreso, encontró la caja vacía

    1 (come back, go back) volver, regresar

    have you returned your room key? ¿ha devuelto la llave de su habitación?

    3 SMALLPOLITICS/SMALL (elect) elegir


    many happy returns (of the day)! ¡feliz cumpleaños!

    volver, regresar

    reaparecer, resurgir


    devolver, volver (a poner), restituir

    producir, redituar, rendir

    pagar, devolver

    de vuelta



    , vuelta


    , retorno




    de impuestos



    , rendimiento


    , ganancia




    , datos





    1. rɪ’tɜːrn, rɪ’tɜːn

    intransitive verb

    to return to what we were saying earlier,… — volviendo a lo que decíamos anteriormente,…

    b) ( reappear) <<symptom>> volver* a aparecer, presentarse de nuevo; <<doubts/suspicions>> resurgir*




    a) ( give back) devolver*, regresar (AmL exc CS), restituir* (frml)

    b) ( reciprocate) <<affection>> corresponder a; <<blow/favor>> devolver*; <<greeting>> devolver*, corresponder a

    c) ( Sport) <<ball>> devolver*

    2) ( Law) <<verdict>> emitir

    3) ( Govt) <<candidate>> ( re-elect) reelegir*; ( elect) (BrE) elegir*



    a) ( to place) regreso m, vuelta f, retorno m (frml o liter)

    b) (to former activity, state) vuelta f, retorno m

    a) ( tax return) declaración f (de la renta or de impuestos)



    ( Sport) devolución




    ( ticket) (


    ) boleto


    or (


    ) billete


    or (


    ) tiquete


    de ida y vuelta, boleto


    de viaje redondo (




    a) <journey/flight> de vuelta, de regreso; <ticket/fare> (BrE) de ida y vuelta, de viaje redondo (Méx)

    b) ( Sport) de vuelta


    point 1., 5)

    2) reaparición

    ; resurgimiento

    3) devolución

    , restitución


    ; devolución

    ; (


    ) devolución

    ; reembolso

    , devolución


    4) (


    ) devolución

    ; devolución

    , entrada

    devuelta; libro


    5) (Econ) ganancia ; rendimiento

    diminishing, rate I, 1., 4)


    7) returns estadísticas

    ( for de); resultados

    (del escrutinio)

    early returns show Dos Santos with 52% of the vote — los primeros resultados del escrutinio muestran que Dos Santos tiene un 52% de los votos

    tax 3.

    8) respuesta

    , declaración

    9) (Parl) elección ; reelección

    10) : return ticket) billete

    de ida y vuelta, billete

    redondo (


    ); day

    11) (Sport) devolución

    return of serve or service — devolución del servicio or saque, resto

    12) return key

    13) carriage return

    1) devolver, regresar (


    ), restituir


    ; devolver; corresponder a; devolver, responder a

    to return fire — (Mil) devolver el fuego, responder a los disparos

    2) volver a colocar

    3) (Sport) devolver; (Tennis) devolver, restar; (Bridge) devolver

    4) declarar

    they returned a verdict of guilty/not guilty — lo declararon culpable/inocente

    5) (Pol) elegir, votar a; reelegir

    6) (Econ) reportar, rendir

    7) responder, contestar

    1) volver, regresar

    he left home, never to return — se marchó de casa, para no volver or regresar jamás

    to return to — volver or regresar a; volver a

    to return to what we were talking about,… — volviendo al asunto del que estábamos hablando,…

    2) volver a aparecer, reaparecer; volver a surgir, resurgir

    3) (Jur) revertir (to a)



    de regreso, de vuelta

    return flight N — (vuelo de) vuelta ; (vuelo de) ida y vuelta

    return journey N — (viaje de) vuelta ; (viaje de) ida y vuelta

    return key N — (Comput) tecla de retorno

    return match N — (Sport) partido de vuelta

    return ticket N — billete de ida y vuelta or (Mex) redondo

    return trip N — (viaje de) vuelta ; (viaje de) ida y vuelta

    * * *

    1. [rɪ’tɜːrn, rɪ’tɜːn]

    intransitive verb

    to return to what we were saying earlier,… — volviendo a lo que decíamos anteriormente,…

    b) ( reappear) <<symptom>> volver* a aparecer, presentarse de nuevo; <<doubts/suspicions>> resurgir*




    a) ( give back) devolver*, regresar (AmL exc CS), restituir* (frml)

    b) ( reciprocate) <<affection>> corresponder a; <<blow/favor>> devolver*; <<greeting>> devolver*, corresponder a

    c) ( Sport) <<ball>> devolver*

    2) ( Law) <<verdict>> emitir

    3) ( Govt) <<candidate>> ( re-elect) reelegir*; ( elect) (BrE) elegir*



    a) ( to place) regreso m, vuelta f, retorno m (frml o liter)

    b) (to former activity, state) vuelta f, retorno m

    a) ( tax return) declaración f (de la renta or de impuestos)



    ( Sport) devolución




    ( ticket) (


    ) boleto


    or (


    ) billete


    or (


    ) tiquete


    de ida y vuelta, boleto


    de viaje redondo (




    a) <journey/flight> de vuelta, de regreso; <ticket/fare> (BrE) de ida y vuelta, de viaje redondo (Méx)

    b) ( Sport) de vuelta

    English-spanish dictionary > return

  • 17



    ► vb: pret, ptp made




       a. ( = produce) faire ; [+ machines] fabriquer

    made + preposition

       b. [+ money] [person] gagner ; [company] réaliser un bénéfice net de ; [product] rapporter

    the company made $1.4 million last year la société a réalisé un bénéfice net de 1,4 millions de dollars l’année dernière

       c. [+ destination] arriver à ; [+ train, plane] avoir

       f. ( = be, constitute) faire

    what made you believe that…? qu’est-ce qui vous a fait croire que… ?

    to make sb happy/unhappy rendre qn heureux/malheureux


    ► Look up other combinations, eg make sb thirsty, make o.s. ridiculous, at the adjective.


    I’m coming tomorrow — okay, can you make it the afternoon? je viendrai demain — d’accord, mais est-ce que tu peux venir dans l’après-midi ?

    ( = act)

    she made as if to protest, then hesitated elle parut sur le point de protester, puis hésita

       a. ( = go to)

       b. ( = produce) produire ; ( = contribute to) contribuer à

       a. ( = distinguish) distinguer ; ( = hear) comprendre ; [+ handwriting] déchiffrer

       b. ( = claim, pretend) prétendre ; ( = portray as) présenter comme

       c. [+ cheque] libeller ; [+ will] faire

       a. ( = assign) [+ money, land] transférer (to à)

       b. ( = remake) [+ garment, story] reprendre ; ( = convert) [+ building] convertir make up

       b. ( = put together) [+ parcel] faire ; [+ dish, medicine] préparer

       c. [+ deficit] compenser ; [+ sum of money, numbers] compléter

       e. [+ dispute] mettre fin à ; [+ differences] régler

       g. ( = compose) composer ; ( = represent) constituer

    * * *



    1) () faire [cake, film, noise]

    to make something for somebody —

    to make room/the time for something — trouver de la place/du temps pour quelque chose

    made in France/by Macron — fabriqué en France/par Macron

    2) () se faire [friends, enemies]

    to make something bigger/better/worse — agrandir/améliorer/aggraver quelque chose

    to make passing exams easier —

    to make something grow — [person] réussir à faire pousser quelque chose; [chemical, product] faire pousser quelque chose

    4) ()

    to make somebody wait/talk — faire attendre/parler quelqu’un

    to make somebody something —

    to make something something —

    to make a habit/an issue of something — faire de quelque chose une habitude/une affaire

    6) () faire

    7) () gagner [salary, amount]

    8) () arriver jusqu’à [place, position]; atteindre [ranking, level]; faire [speed, distance]

    to make the first team/the charts — entrer dans la première équipe/au hit-parade

    9) ()

    10) () assurer la réussite de [holiday, meal, day]



    () battre [cards]

    Phrasal Verbs:


    English-French dictionary > make

  • 18



    1) desear (que)

    2) querer, desear

    3) desear


    1) deseo

    2) deseo

    3) deseo, saludo, recuerdo

    — wishing-well





    I wish I was rich! ¡ojalá fuera rico!

    1 desear ( for, -)

    1 deseo

    with best wishes from… saludos cordiales de…, recuerdos de…


    to wish somebody well / wish somebody all the best desear buena suerte a alguien

    desear, querer

    pedir (como deseo)




    , recuerdos



    fut/c: querr-•)





    his last o dying wish — su última voluntad

    wish to + INF: I’ve no wish to upset you, but… no quisiera disgustarte, pero…; I’ve no great wish to see the play — no tengo muchas ganas de ver la obra

    best wishes, Jack — saludos or un abrazo de Jack


    transitive verb

    to wish (THAT): I wish I hadn’t come ojalá no hubiera venido!; I wish I were rich ojalá fuera rico!; she wished she hadn’t told him lamentó habérselo dicho; I wish you wouldn’t say things like that me disgusta mucho que digas esas cosas; I do wish you’d told me before! — me lo podrías haber dicho antes!

    b) ( want) (frml) desear (frml), querer*

    should you wish to do so… — si así lo deseara… (frml)

    to wish somebody/something to + INF — desear que alguien/algo (+ subj) (frml)



    b) (want, desire)

    as you wish, sir — como usted mande or diga, señor

    Phrasal Verbs:


    their wish for peace is sincere, they are sincere in their wish for peace — son sinceros en sus deseos de paz

    he did it against my wishes — lo hizo en contra de mis deseos or mi voluntad

    his wish came true — su deseo se hizo realidad

    it is her dearest wish to go there one day — su mayor deseo es ir allí un día

    his dying wish was to be buried here — su última voluntad fue que lo enterraran aquí

    she expressed a wish that the money be donated to charity — manifestó su deseo de que el dinero se donara a instituciones benéficas

    the fairy granted her three wishes — el hada le concedió tres deseos

    I have no great wish to go — no tengo muchas ganas de ir, no me apetece mucho ir

    you shall have or get your wish — tu deseo se hará realidad, tu deseo se cumplirá

    to make a wish — pedir un deseo

    death 2.


    best wishes or all good wishes for a happy birthday — te deseamos un feliz cumpleaños, nuestros mejores deseos para un feliz cumpleaños

    the Prime Minister has sent a message of good wishes to the French president — el Primer Ministro ha mandado un mensaje de buena voluntad al presidente francés


    «did you go?» — «I wish I had» — -¿fuiste? -¡ya me hubiera gustado! or -¡ojalá!



    to wish sb sth: to wish sb good luck/a happy Christmas — desear buena suerte/felices pascuas a algn

    to wish sb well/ ill, we wish her well in her new job — le deseamos todo lo mejor en su nuevo trabajo


    to wish sth on sb — desear algo a algn



    querer, desear


    I don’t wish to sound mean, but… — no quisiera parecer tacaño, pero…

    without wishing to be unkind, you must admit she’s not the most interesting company — sin ánimo de ser cruel, tienes que admitir que no es una persona muy interesante

    1) pedir un deseo

    to wish for sth — desear algo

    «of course you’re earning a lot, aren’t you?» — «I wish!» — -claro que ganas un montón, ¿verdad? -¡ojalá!

    (just) as you wish — como quieras, como usted desee frm



    top of my wish list is… — mi deseo principal es…

    * * *




    his last o dying wish — su última voluntad

    wish to + INF: I’ve no wish to upset you, but… no quisiera disgustarte, pero…; I’ve no great wish to see the play — no tengo muchas ganas de ver la obra

    best wishes, Jack — saludos or un abrazo de Jack


    transitive verb

    to wish (THAT): I wish I hadn’t come ojalá no hubiera venido!; I wish I were rich ojalá fuera rico!; she wished she hadn’t told him lamentó habérselo dicho; I wish you wouldn’t say things like that me disgusta mucho que digas esas cosas; I do wish you’d told me before! — me lo podrías haber dicho antes!

    b) ( want) (frml) desear (frml), querer*

    should you wish to do so… — si así lo deseara… (frml)

    to wish somebody/something to + INF — desear que alguien/algo (+ subj) (frml)



    b) (want, desire)

    as you wish, sir — como usted mande or diga, señor

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > wish

  • 19


    [meɪk]transitive verb, made [meɪd]

    1) machen, anfertigen (of aus); bauen [Damm, Straße, Flugzeug, Geige]; anlegen [See, Teich, Weg usw.]; zimmern [Tisch, Regal]; basteln [Spielzeug, Vogelhäuschen, Dekoration usw.]; nähen [Kleider]; durchbrechen [Türöffnung]; herstellen; [er]schaffen [Welt]; zubereiten [Mahlzeit]; machen [Frühstück, Grog]; machen, kochen [Kaffee, Tee, Marmelade]; backen [Brot, Kuchen]; schreiben, verfassen [Buch, Gedicht, Lied, Bericht]; machen [Eintrag, Zeichen, Kopie, Zusammenfassung, Testament]; anfertigen [Entwurf]; aufsetzen [Bewerbung, Schreiben, Urkunde]

    make a dress out of the material, make the material into a dress — aus dem Stoff ein Kleid machen

    a table made of wood/of the finest wood — ein Holztisch/ein Tisch aus feinstem Holz

    be [simply] ‘made of money — im Geld [nur so] schwimmen

    be ‘made for something/somebody — : wie geschaffen für etwas/jemanden sein

    2) sich verbinden zu; bilden

    3) machen [Ärger, Schwierigkeiten, Lärm, Aufhebens]

    4) machen [Unterschied, Summe]; ergeben [Resultat]

    5) bilden [Gegensatz]; treffen [Unterscheidung, Übereinkommen]; ziehen [Vergleich, Parallele]; erlassen [Gesetz, Haftbefehl]; aufstellen [Regeln, Behauptung]; stellen [Forderung]; geben [Bericht]; schließen [Vertrag]; vornehmen [Zahlung]; machen [Geschäft, Vorschlag, Geständnis]; erheben [Anschuldigung, Protest, Beschwerde]

    make angry/happy/known — etc. wütend/glücklich/bekannt usw. machen

    make oneself heard/respected — sich (Dat.) Gehör/Respekt verschaffen


    9) abgeben


    11) machen [Vermögen, Profit, Verlust]; machen [Geld]; verdienen [Lebensunterhalt]; sich (


    ) erwerben [Ruf]; kommen zu od. auf, herausbekommen [Ergebnis, Endsumme]

    12) machen [Geste, Bewegung, Verbeugung]; machen [Reise, Besuch, Ausnahme, Fehler, Angebot, Entdeckung, Witz, Bemerkung]; begehen [Irrtum]; vornehmen [Änderung, Stornierung]; vorbringen [Beschwerde]; tätigen, machen [Einkäufe]; geben [Versprechen, Kommentar]; halten [Rede]; ziehen [Vergleich]; durchführen, machen [Experiment, Analyse, Inspektion]; führen [Krieg]; schaffen [Strecke pro Zeiteinheit]


    I don’t know what to make of him/it — ich werde aus ihm/daraus nicht schlau od. klug

    14) erreichen [Bestimmungsort]; : [noch] kriegen [Zug usw.]


    something makes or breaks or mars somebody — etwas entscheidet über jmds. Glück oder Verderben (Akk.)


    make ‘do with/without something — mit/ohne etwas auskommen



    make toward something/somebody — auf etwas/jemanden zusteuern


    make as if or as though to do something — so tun, als wolle man etwas tun



    1) Ausführung, die; Machart, die

    2) Fabrikat, das; Marke, die


    on the make — : hinter dem Geld her

    Phrasal Verbs:

    —»>make for

    — make off

    — make off with

    — make out

    — make over

    — make up

    — make up for

    — make up to

    * * *


    1) machen

    2) bringen zu

    3) machen

    5) ergeben

    6) sich erweisen als

    7) schätzen

    8) machen zu

    9) machen


    die Marke


    — making
    — make-believe
    — make-over
    — makeshift
    — make-up
    — have the makings of
    — in the making
    — make a/one’s bed
    — make believe
    — make do
    — make for
    — make it
    — make it up
    — make something of something
    — make of something
    — make something of
    — make of
    — make out
    — make over
    — make up
    — make up for
    — make up one’s mind
    — make up to

    * * *


    the newer makes of computer are much faster die neuen Computergenerationen sind viel schneller

    it’s jam of my own make das ist selbst gemachte Marmelade

    make of car Automarke f

    people of her make are rare Leute wie sie [o fam ihrer Machart] sind selten

    to be on the make (for sex) auf sexuelle Abenteuer aus sein; (for money) geldgierig sein; (for power) machthungrig sein; (for profit) profitgierig sein; (for career) karrieresüchtig sein

    to put the make on sb AM (sl) versuchen, jdn ins Bett zu kriegen fam

    <made, made>

    to make sth etw machen; company, factory etw herstellen

    ‘made in Taiwan’ ‚hergestellt in Taiwan‘

    to make bread Brot backen

    to make clothes Kleider nähen

    to make coffee/soup/supper Kaffee/Suppe/das Abendessen kochen

    to make a copy of sth etw kopieren

    to make a movie [or film] einen Film drehen

    to make peace Frieden schließen

    to make a picture ( fam) ein Foto machen

    to make a recording of sth etw aufnehmen

    to make a snowman einen Schneemann bauen

    to make steel/a pot Stahl/einen Topf herstellen

    to make time sich dat [die] Zeit nehmen

    to show what one’s [really] made of zeigen, was in einem steckt

    to make sb sth [or sth for sb] etw für jdn machen

    to make sth etw werden; (be) etw sein

    I don’t think he will ever make a good lawyer ich glaube, aus ihm wird nie ein guter Rechtsanwalt [werden]

    she’ll make a great mother sie wird eine tolle Mutter abgeben

    let’s make a circle lasst uns einen Kreis bilden

    champagne and caviar make a wonderful combination Champagner und Kaviar sind eine wunderbare Kombination

    to make a good answer/excuse eine gute Antwort/Entschuldigung sein

    to make a match gut zusammenpassen

    to make fascinating reading faszinierend zu lesen sein

    to make noise/a scene/trouble Lärm/eine Szene/Ärger machen

    to make sb one’s wife jdn zu seiner Frau machen

    to make sth do sth:

    you make things sound so bad du machst alles so schlecht

    the dark colours make the room look smaller die dunklen Farben lassen das Zimmer kleiner wirken

    to make sb do sth jdn dazu bringen [o geh veranlassen], etw zu tun

    what made you move here? was brachte dich dazu, hierher zu ziehen?

    what made you change your mind? wodurch hast du deine Meinung geändert?

    stories like that make you think again Geschichten wie diese bringen dich zum Nachdenken

    to make sb laugh jdn zum Lachen bringen

    to make oneself look ridiculous sich akk lächerlich machen

    to make sb suffer jdn leiden lassen

    to make sb do sth jdn zwingen, etw zu tun

    go to your room! — no, and you can’t make me! geh auf dein Zimmer! — nein, und es kann mich auch keiner dazu zwingen!

    to make the best of a situation das Beste aus einer Situation machen

    to make sb angry/happy jdn wütend/glücklich machen

    to make sth easy etw leicht machen

    to make oneself heard sich dat Gehör verschaffen

    to make oneself known to sb sich akk jdm vorstellen, sich akk mit jdm bekanntmachen

    to make sth public etw veröffentlichen

    to make oneself understood sich akk verständlich machen

    to make sb/sth into sth:

    this experience will make you into a better person diese Erfahrung wird aus dir einen besseren Menschen machen

    to make sth mistake, progress, offer, suggestion etw machen

    I’ll have a steak — no, make that chicken ich nehme ein Steak — ach nein, bringen Sie doch lieber das Hühnchen

    to make an appointment einen Termin vereinbaren

    to make a bargain ein Schnäppchen machen

    to make a bid for sth ein Angebot für [o über] etw akk machen

    to make a book STOCKEX eine Aufstellung von Aktien machen, für die Kauf- oder Verkaufsaufträge entgegengenommen werden

    to make a call anrufen

    to make a deal einen Handel schließen

    to make a decision eine Entscheidung fällen [o treffen]

    to make a deposit eine Anzahlung leisten

    to make a donation eine Spende vornehmen

    to make an effort sich akk anstrengen

    to make a face ein Gesicht ziehen

    to make a good job of sth bei etw dat gute Arbeit leisten

    to make a payment eine Zahlung leisten

    to make a promise ein Versprechen geben, etw versprechen

    to make reservations reservieren

    to make a request for sth um etw akk bitten

    to make small talk Konversation betreiben

    to make a speech/presentation eine Rede/Präsentation halten

    to make a start anfangen

    to make good time doing sth bei etw dat schnell vorankommen

    to make way [or space] [or room] den Weg frei machen

    to make a withdrawal from a bank Geld bei einer Bank abheben

    five plus five makes ten fünf und fünf ist zehn

    today’s earthquake makes five since January mit dem heutigen Erdbeben sind es fünf seit Januar

    this makes the third time my car has broken down das ist nun das dritte Mal, dass mein Auto eine Panne hat

    to make sth:

    he makes £50,000 a year er verdient [o fam macht] 50.000 Pfund im Jahr

    to make enemies sich dat Feinde machen

    to make a fortune sein Glück machen

    to make friends Freundschaften schließen

    to make a killing einen Riesengewinn machen

    to make a living seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen

    to make a lot of money out of sth mit etw dat viel Geld verdienen [o fam machen]

    to make a name for oneself sich dat einen Namen machen

    to make profits/losses Gewinn/Verlust machen

    to make sb president/advisor/ambassador jdn zum Präsidenten/Berater/Botschafter ernennen

    to make sth of sth:

    she makes a lot of politeness sie legt viel Wert auf Höflichkeit

    don’t make too much of his grumpiness gib nicht zu viel auf seine mürrische Art

    how much do you make the total? was hast du als Summe errechnet?

    I make the answer [to be] 105.6 ich habe als Lösung 105,6 herausbekommen

    what do you make the time? was meinst du, wie viel Uhr ist es wohl?

    13. ( fam: get to, reach)

    to make sth etw schaffen

    could you make a meeting at 8 a.m.? schaffst du ein Treffen um 8 Uhr morgens?

    he made captain/sergeant/manager AM er hat es bis zum Kapitän/Feldwebel/Manager gebracht

    to make the bus/one’s train/one’s plane den Bus/seinen Zug/sein Flugzeug kriegen

    to make the deadline den Termin einhalten [können]

    to make the grade sich akk qualifizieren, es schaffen

    to make the finals/a team SPORT sich akk für das Finale/ein Team qualifizieren

    to make the big time ( fam) groß einsteigen fam

    to make it to the top Karriere machen

    to make it es schaffen

    the patient may not make it through the night der Patient wird wahrscheinlich die Nacht nicht überstehen

    those curtains really make the living room diese Vorhänge heben das Wohnzimmer ungemein

    that made my day! das hat mir den Tag gerettet!

    you’ve got it made! du hast ausgesorgt!

    to make love sich akk lieben, miteinander schlafen

    to make sb AM, AUS (sl) mit jdm ins Bett gehen fam

    he tried to make her er hat versucht, sie ins Bett zu kriegen fam

    to make it with sb (fam!) es mit jdm treiben fam

    to make port Meldung an den Hafenmeister machen

    to make sail in See stechen

    to make way vorankommen

    to make contact den Stromkreis schließen


    to make a beeline [or dash] for sth/sb schnurstracks auf etw/jdn zugehen

    to make or break sth/sb das Schicksal von etw/jdm in der Hand haben

    to make a day/an evening of it den ganzen Tag/die ganze Nacht bleiben

    let’s make a night of it die Nacht ist noch jung

    to make a go of it es schaffen, in etw dat Erfolg haben

    to make sense Sinn ergeben [o machen

    <made, made>

    to make to leave/eat dinner/start a fight sich akk anschicken, zu gehen/Abend zu essen/einen Streit anzufangen

    to make as if to do sth aussehen, als ob man etw tun wolle

    stop making like you know everything! hör auf so zu tun, als wüsstest du alles!

    to make like… AM so tun, als ob…

    to make with the money/jewels Geld/Juwelen [über]geben

    make with the money bags, baby! her mit dem Geld, Baby! fam


    to make do with/without sth mit/ohne etw dat auskommen [o hinkommen]

    can you make do with a fiver? reicht dir ein Fünfpfundschein?

    to make do and mend ( prov) flicken und wiederverwerten, was man hat, sich akk mit etw dat zufriedengeben

    * * *

    A s

    1. a) Machart f, Ausführung f

    b) Erzeugnis n, Produkt n, Fabrikat n:

    is this your own make? haben Sie das (selbst) gemacht?

    2. Mode: Schnitt m, Fasson f

    3. WIRTSCH (Fabrik)Marke f

    4. TECH Typ m, Bau(


    ) m(f)

    5. Beschaffenheit f, Zustand m

    6. Anfertigung f, Herstellung f, Produktion f

    7. Produktion(smenge) f, Ausstoß m

    8. a) (Körper)Bau m

    b) Veranlagung f, Natur f, Art f

    9. Bau m, Gefüge n

    10. Fassung f, Stil m (eines Romans etc)

    11. ELEK Schließen n (des Stromkreises):

    a) Trumpfbestimmung f

    b) Bridge: endgültiges Trumpfgebot

    c) Mischen n (der Karten)

    a) schwer dahinter her sein, auf Geld oder auf seinen Vorteil aus sein,

    d) im Kommen oder Werden sein

    B v/t prät und pperf made [meıd]

    1. allg z. B. Anstrengungen, Einkäufe, Einwände, eine Reise, sein Testament, eine Verbeugung, einen Versuch machen:

    2. machen:

    a) anfertigen, herstellen, erzeugen ( alle:

    from, of, out of aus)

    b) verarbeiten, bilden, formen ( alle:

    to, into in akk, zu):

    c) Tee etc (zu)bereiten:

    d) ein Gedicht etc verfassen, schreiben

    3. errichten, bauen, einen Park, Weg etc anlegen

    4. (er)schaffen:

    5. fig machen zu:

    6. ergeben, bilden, entstehen lassen:

    7. verursachen:

    a) ein Geräusch, Lärm, Mühe, Schwierigkeiten etc machen

    b) bewirken, (mit sich) bringen:

    8. (er)geben, den Stoff abgeben zu, dienen als (Sache):

    10. bilden, (aus)machen:

    11. (mit adj, pperf etc)machen:

    they made him repeat it, he was made to repeat it man ließ es ihn wiederholen;

    make sth do, make do with sth mit etwas auskommen, sich mit etwas begnügen oder behelfen;

    14. fig machen:

    a) viel Wesens um etwas od jemanden machen,

    b) viel halten von, eine hohe Meinung haben von, große Stücke halten auf (akk)

    15. sich eine Vorstellung von etwas machen, etwas halten für:

    what do you make of it? was halten Sie davon?

    16. umg jemanden halten für:

    17. schätzen auf (akk):

    how old do you make him? wie alt schätzen Sie ihn?

    18. feststellen:

    19. erfolgreich durchführen: escape C 1

    21. sich ein Vermögen etc erwerben, verdienen, Geld, einen Profit machen, einen Gewinn erzielen: name Bes Redew

    22. schaffen:

    make it es (räumlich od zeitlich) schaffen ( B 23);

    he didn’t make it to the emergency exit er schaffte es nicht bis zum Notausgang;

    sorry, I couldn’t make it any earlier ich konnte leider nicht früher kommen

    23. umg etwas erreichen, schaffen, einen akademischen Grad erlangen, SPORT etc Punkte, auch eine Schulnote erzielen, einen Zug erwischen:

    make it es schaffen ( B 22);

    24. sl eine Frau rumkriegen, umlegen (verführen)

    25. ankommen in (dat), erreichen:

    make port SCHIFF in den Hafen einlaufen

    26. SCHIFF Land etc sichten, ausmachen

    27. Br eine Mahlzeit einnehmen

    28. ein Fest etc veranstalten

    31. LING den Plural etc bilden, werden zu

    32. sich belaufen auf (akk), ergeben, machen:

    33. besonders Br ein Tier abrichten, dressieren

    35. US sl jemanden identifizieren

    C v/i

    1. sich anschicken, den Versuch machen ( beide:

    2. (to nach)

    a) sich begeben oder wenden

    b) führen, gehen (Weg etc), sich erstrecken

    c) fließen

    3. einsetzen (Ebbe, Flut), (an)steigen (Flut etc)

    * * *


    [meɪk]transitive verb, made [meɪd]

    1) machen, anfertigen (of aus); bauen [Damm, Straße, Flugzeug, Geige]; anlegen [See, Teich, Weg usw.]; zimmern [Tisch, Regal]; basteln [Spielzeug, Vogelhäuschen, Dekoration usw.]; nähen [Kleider]; durchbrechen [Türöffnung]; herstellen; [er]schaffen [Welt]; zubereiten [Mahlzeit]; machen [Frühstück, Grog]; machen, kochen [Kaffee, Tee, Marmelade]; backen [Brot, Kuchen]; schreiben, verfassen [Buch, Gedicht, Lied, Bericht]; machen [Eintrag, Zeichen, Kopie, Zusammenfassung, Testament]; anfertigen [Entwurf]; aufsetzen [Bewerbung, Schreiben, Urkunde]

    make a dress out of the material, make the material into a dress — aus dem Stoff ein Kleid machen

    a table made of wood/of the finest wood — ein Holztisch/ein Tisch aus feinstem Holz

    be [simply] ‘made of money — im Geld [nur so] schwimmen

    be ‘made for something/somebody — : wie geschaffen für etwas/jemanden sein

    2) sich verbinden zu; bilden

    3) machen [Ärger, Schwierigkeiten, Lärm, Aufhebens]

    make time for doing or to do something — sich (Dat.) die Zeit dazu nehmen, etwas zu tun

    4) machen [Unterschied, Summe]; ergeben [Resultat]

    5) bilden [Gegensatz]; treffen [Unterscheidung, Übereinkommen]; ziehen [Vergleich, Parallele]; erlassen [Gesetz, Haftbefehl]; aufstellen [Regeln, Behauptung]; stellen [Forderung]; geben [Bericht]; schließen [Vertrag]; vornehmen [Zahlung]; machen [Geschäft, Vorschlag, Geständnis]; erheben [Anschuldigung, Protest, Beschwerde]

    make angry/happy/known — etc. wütend/glücklich/bekannt usw. machen

    make oneself heard/respected — sich (Dat.) Gehör/Respekt verschaffen



    11) machen [Vermögen, Profit, Verlust]; machen [Geld]; verdienen [Lebensunterhalt]; sich (


    ) erwerben [Ruf]; kommen zu od. auf, herausbekommen [Ergebnis, Endsumme]

    12) machen [Geste, Bewegung, Verbeugung]; machen [Reise, Besuch, Ausnahme, Fehler, Angebot, Entdeckung, Witz, Bemerkung]; begehen [Irrtum]; vornehmen [Änderung, Stornierung]; vorbringen [Beschwerde]; tätigen, machen [Einkäufe]; geben [Versprechen, Kommentar]; halten [Rede]; ziehen [Vergleich]; durchführen, machen [Experiment, Analyse, Inspektion]; führen [Krieg]; schaffen [Strecke pro Zeiteinheit]


    I don’t know what to make of him/it — ich werde aus ihm/daraus nicht schlau od. klug

    14) erreichen [Bestimmungsort]; : [noch] kriegen [Zug usw.]


    something makes or breaks or mars somebody — etwas entscheidet über jmds. Glück oder Verderben (Akk.)


    make ‘do with/without something — mit/ohne etwas auskommen



    make toward something/somebody — auf etwas/jemanden zusteuern

    make as if or as though to do something — so tun, als wolle man etwas tun



    1) Ausführung, die; Machart, die

    2) Fabrikat, das; Marke, die


    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    Fabrikat e n.

    Herstellung f.

    Marke n f. v.

    (§ p.,p.p.: made)

    = knüpfen v.

    machen v.

    vornehmen v.

    English-german dictionary > make

  • 20


    zufrieden (by mit); erfreut (by über +



    be pleased at or about something — sich über etwas (Akk.) freuen

    be pleased with something/somebody — mit etwas/jemandem zufrieden sein

    * * *


    * * *


    a pleased smile ein zufriedenes Lächeln

    to be pleased about sth sich akk über etw akk freuen

    to be pleased about sb sich akk für jdn freuen

    to be pleased with sth/sb mit jdm/etw zufrieden sein

    to be pleased that… froh sein, dass…

    to be pleased with oneself mit sich dat selbst zufrieden sein

    I’m pleased to report/say that… ich bin froh, sagen zu können, dass…

    I’m very pleased to meet you es freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen

    my father wasn’t exactly pleased mein Vater war nicht gerade begeistert

    to be pleased to do sth bereit sein, etw zu tun

    I’m only too pleased to help ich helfe wirklich gerne


    to be as pleased as Punch [about sth] sich akk wie ein Schneekönig [über etw akk] freuen fam

    * * *



    freudig; zufrieden

    I’m pleased to hear that… — es freut mich zu hören, dass…

    I’m pleased to be able to announce that… — ich freue mich, mitteilen zu können, dass…

    we are pleased to inform you that… — wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass…

    to be pleased with sb/sth — mit jdm/etw zufrieden sein

    * * *


    zufrieden (by mit); erfreut (by über +



    be pleased at or about something — sich über etwas (Akk.) freuen

    be pleased with something/somebody — mit etwas/jemandem zufrieden sein

    * * *


    erfreut adj.

    gefällt adj.

    zufrieden adj.

    English-german dictionary > pleased

  • Happiness is something everyone wants to have. You may be successful and have a lot of money, but without happiness it will be meaningless.

    That’s why I’m excited with this month’s theme of Happiness. We will discuss this topic all month long and I’m sure we will learn a lot. But, before we move further, it’s a good idea to get deeper understanding of the word happiness itself. Understanding what happiness is will give us good ground upon which to build our discussions.

    Let me start with an official definition. According to Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary, here is the definition of happiness:

    • a state of well-being and contentment
    • a pleasurable or satisfying experience

    This definition is a good starting point and we can dig deeper from it. The best way to do that is to consult some of the greatest minds in history. So I researched what these people say about happiness and found 10 essential definitions. Each of them has deep meaning. Take your time to absorb it.

    Here they are:

    Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
    Mahatma Gandhi

    Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values.
    Ayn Rand

    Happiness is something that you are and it comes from the way you think.
    Wayne Dyer

    Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere, wholeheartedly, one-directionally, without regret or reservation.
    William H. Sheldon

    Happiness is not a reward – it is a consequence.
    Robert Ingersoll

    Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing.
    George Sheehan

    Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.

    Happiness is not something you experience, it’s something you remember.
    Oscar Levant

    Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
    Margaret Lee Runbeck

    Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
    Denis Waitley

    All in all, I would say that happiness is a decision. Your happiness is your decision to make. All the quotes above require actions on our part and actions require decisions.

    So what do you think?

    What is happiness?

    Recommended Course

    • The Science of Happiness

    This article is part of July 2008 theme: Happiness

    • take-bring-fetch;
    • cry-weep-sob;
    • long-wish-yearn

    1. to bring — to take — to fetch

    to bring — to come with, to carry or lead. If you bring someone or something with you when you come to a place, you have them with you. If you ask someone to bring you something, you are asking them to carry or move it to the place where you are.
    приносить / приводить / привозить = у меня чего-то нет, и я жду, когда мне ПРИнесут 
    Please bring your calculator to every lesson.
    He would have to bring Judy with him.
    Bring me a glass of water, please.

    to take — to move or carry sth from one place to another.
    If you take someone or something with you when you go to a place you have them with you. If you take them to a place you carry or drive them there.
    брать / взять / отводить (детей) / отнести = у меня уже что-то есть, и я сам/а несу куда-то
    It’s Richard’s turn to take the children to school.
    She gave me some books to take home.

    to fetch — to go and get sth from another place and bring back.
    If you fetch sth, you go to the place where it is and return with it to the place where you were before.
    принести / захватить = я схожу, возьму и вернусь с этим предметом
    Let me fetch a chair for you.

    2. to cry — to weep — to sob

    to cry — to produce tears from the eyes as a sign of sorrow.
    The boy fell over and started crying.

    to weep (formal) — to cry tears because of sadness or strong emo-tion, usually quietly and for a long time.
    плакать / рыдать (навзрыд)
    Weeping, the mourners followed the coffin to the churchyard.

    to sob — to cry noisily while taking short breaths.
    плакать тихонечко / всхлипывать
    She couldn’t atop crying and sobbed herself to sleep.

    3. to long (for) — to wish — to yearn (for)

    to long — to want sth very much, especially when this used to happen or existed in the past.
    очень хотеть, страстно желать (чего-л.) , испытывать потребность (в чём-л.) , стремиться (к чему-л.)
    He longed for the good old days when teachers were shown respect.
    I long for you – ты мне очень нужен.

    to wish (formal) — to want strongly to do sth.
    желать чего-то сильно
    Everyone has the right to smoke if he or she wishes, but not the right to ruin the health of those around them.

    to yearn (formal) — to want sth so much that you do not feel happy or complete without it, but you know you are NOT likely to get it.
    томиться, тосковать по (кому-л. / чему-л.) ; очень сильно хотеть (чего-л.)

    Above all the prisoner yearned for freedom.


    A. take — bring — fetch

    1. Come to the party and ___ your friend, I’ll be very happy to see you both.
    2. Could you please go and ___ a piece of chalk from the teacher’s room?
    3. It was my grandmother who ___ me to the theatre for the first time.
    4. We are meeting at 8 near the school, don’t forget to ___ your packed lunches with you.
    5. It’s not so difficult to teach your dog to ___ sticks.
    6. Father came home early and ___ a big beautifully decorated cake.
    7. When I go travelling, I always ___ this bag, it’s very convenient.
    8. My friend ___ me this magnet as a souvenir from England.
    9. In the evening we used to go and ___ milk from the nearby farm.

    B. cry — sob — weep

    1. I held back tears because I didn’t want my friends to think that I was ___.
    2. Brokenhearted she ___ silently at night not to disturb her family.
    3. I always feel like ___ when I watch this scene at the end of the film.
    4. From behind the door we heard a child ___ loudly in the house.
    5. When Joan heard the happy news, she began to ___ tears of joy.
    6. We were woken up in the middle of the night by a loud noise: it was little Andy ___ and calling his mother.
    7. Please don’t ___, I’ll repair your doll, I promise.
    8. She ___ hysterically her whole body shaking.
    9. The girl __ quietly trying to hide her hitter tears from her friends.

    C. long (for) — yearn (for) — wish

    1. Duncan still ___ for his dead wife after all these years.
    2. If you ___ really hard, maybe you’ll get what you want.
    3, — Where is he now? — I only __ I knew.
    4. Max waited for the taxi to come. He ___ desperately to be back at home.
    5. They were the words she had secretly ___ to hear. Patricia was happy.
    6. Though Beatrice knew she couldn’t have children of her own, she ___ for them.
    7. ‘I ___ they could come,’ said Martin.
    8. Boris ___ for the winter to be over.
    9. Vera knew the family desperately needed her help, she understood she could hardly leave them, but she ___ to go to St. Petersburg to become a movie actress.

    Ссылки на видео, объясняющие разницу в некоторых словах этого блока:

    • Bring or Take –
    • Come, Go, Bring, Take, Fetch, Get: Learn English with Simple English Videos –

    Тест на модальные глаголы в английском языке

    Доброго времени суток всем читающим наш портал и покоряющим английский язык! Сегодня предлагаем проверить свои знания и решить тест на модальные глаголы в английском языке. Проводить практические занятия по уже освоенной теории нужно в обязательном порядке, поскольку без практики изученная информация быстро забывается и общий уровень знаний не повышается. Мы же всегда выступаем за то, чтобы прогресс в изучении языка был непрерывным, поэтому соберитесь с силами, настройтесь на серьезный лад и присоединяйтесь к закреплению темы «модальный английский глагол». Как всегда, сначала вспомним основные теоретические моменты, а уж затем ударно поработаем над практикой. Итак, начинаем!


    • Как правильно решать тест на модальные глаголы в английском языке
      • Modal Verbs
      • Modal Verbs 2
      • Can & Could
      • Can & Could 2
      • Modal Verbs Uses
      • Modal Verbs Uses 2
      • Modal Verbs Uses 3
      • Modal Verbs Uses 4
      • Modal Verbs 3
      • Modal Verbs 4

    Как правильно решать тест на модальные глаголы в английском языке

    Прежде всего напомним, какую роль играют в английских высказываниях модальные глаголы. Этот грамматический класс предназначен для того, чтобы указывать на возможность, желание или необходимость выполнения какого-либо действия. Иначе говоря, сам по себе модальный глагол не несет как таковой смысловой нагрузки, поэтому используется он всегда в паре с обычным глаголом, обозначающим действие. При этом смысловой глагол употребляется в своей начальной форме.

    • You can take my umbrella, if you want. — Вы можете взять мой зонт, если хотите.
    • We must go there, hurry up. — Мы должны туда пойти, поспешим.
    • Your son should be more patient. — Вашему сыну следует быть более терпеливым

    Это что касается назначения modal verbs. Но, конечно, все тесты на модальные глаголы в английском языке в основном ориентированы на грамматику данной части речи, поэтому давайте кратко пройдемся по основным нюансам употребления подобных слов.

    В первую очередь отметим, что modal verbs не зависимы от типа подлежащего, т.е. не изменяются по лицам и числам. Единственным исключением здесь является модальный глагол have to, форма которого при подлежащем в 3 лице ед. ч. меняется на has to.

    • I have to tell your dad about that. — Мне придется рассказать твоему отцу об этом.
    • He has to listen to me. — Он должен прислушаться ко мне.

    Также важно иметь в виду, что английские модальные глаголы способны самостоятельно создавать вопросительные и отрицательные предложения. Опять же, за исключением глагола have to, которому требуется участие вспомогательного do (does, did).

    • May we see him? — Можем мы его увидеть?
    • You mustn’t believe all they say. — Вы не должны верить всему, что говорят.
    • She doesn’t have to make any more decisions. — Ей не придется больше принимать какие-либо решения.

    Тестирование на модальные глаголы в английском языке уделяет особое внимание и времени свершения действий. В большинстве случаев modal verbs используются в простом Настоящем или Будущем, причем нисколько не изменяя свою форму. Но ряд модальных глаголов также имеет эквивалентные синонимы для обозначения прошедшего и будущего времен. Вспомним их с помощью небольшой таблицы.

    Настоящее время Прошедшее Будущее
    can could will be able to
    may might will be allowed to
    have to had to will have to

    Здесь же заметим, что ввиду сходства значений с have to must формально может использовать его форму прошедшего и будущего, но только если при этом не искажается смысл высказывания. Поэтому будьте крайне внимательны при сверке с ответами теста на модальные глаголы в английском.

    И, наконец, вновь вернемся к значению modal verbs. Не секрет, что многие представители данной части речи между собой схожи по смыслу. Этот нюанс наглядно демонстрируют сложные тесты на модальные глаголы на английском языке, содержащие коварные вопросы. Ученики часто путаются в контекстах подобных заданий и совершают досадные ошибки. Поэтому перед выполнением практической работы рекомендуем еще раз повторить основные черты каждого глагола. И для этого нам вновь понадобится вспомогательная таблица.

    Глагол Значение
    can мочь, уметь, быть в состоянии, иметь физическую возможность
    may возможность, вежливая просьба, вероятность, разрешение, позволение
    must необходимость, долг, обязанность (по внутренним ощущениям, самостоятельное решение)
    have to необходимость, долг, обязанность (решение принято под влиянием внешних обстоятельств)
    should следует, надлежит (совет, рекомендация)
    ought to формальный синоним should, используется крайне редко

    Вот и все, что необходимо было повторить для подготовки к написанию практической работы. Теперь осталось самое главное – сконцентрировать свое внимание на заданиях и пройти проверку на отлично! Мы уверены, что это вам под силу, а даже если совершения ошибок и не удастся избежать, вы всегда будете знать, какие конкретно нюансы темы стоит изучить еще раз. Именно для этого мы предоставляем на модальные глаголы в английском языке тесты с ответами, ведь разбор совершенных ошибок – ключ к улучшению знаний и достижению совершенного уровня владения английским. Итак, успешного выполнения работы!

    Пройдите тест на модальные глаголы английского языка

    Modal Verbs

    Chose the correct option.


    Remember, you’re in a library, you

    speak loudly.


    Don’t forget to take an umbrella. It

    rain later.


    wear jewellery to school?



    be ill. I’ve just seen her.


    I was using my mobile a minute ago. It

    be somewhere here.



    be hungry. You’ve just eaten lunch.



    make pancakes. I’ve already made some.



    borrow up to four books at a time.


    I’ve just bought a lottery ticket. I

    become rich soon.

    Modal Verbs 2

    Continue to choose the correct option.


    Mr. Black

    be away this weekend, but we’re not sure.


    Paul has finally got the job. He

    be really pleased.


    Don’t ride so fast. You

    have an accident.



    do the shopping. Dad has already done it.


    bring our own music to the school disco?


    Stella can’t find her car keys. They

    be in her bag.



    take any electronic devices on school trips.



    be at home. His car is outside.



    vacuum the carpet. Phil’s already cleaned the room.



    speak Spanish fluently. He’s been there for only a week.

    Can & Could

    Complete the sentences, write can /can’t / could / couldn’t


    The French soldier is happy because he dance with the girl.


    Yesterday Helen hang the banner for the festival.


    The businessman Mr Black had no money so he pay the bills.


    Barbara gets up early so she wash her hair.


    Peter got good marks at Geography since he tell the lesson quite well.


    The wind was so strong that Julio walk properly.


    Last Friday morning Sonia do her test very well.


    Lorenzo surf because he took lessons last summer.

    Can & Could 2

    Complete the sentences, write can /can’t / could / couldn’t


    There was no television so they listen to the radio.


    The lights went out but Alice light a candle.


    The famous singer arrived late but the audience enjoy at the concert.


    Today it’s Martha’s birthday so she blow the candles in the strawberry cake.


    It’s Saturday and Emilio wear sports clothes.


    It was very hot but David switch on the big fan.


    Martin eat fast food because he gets fat.


    Thomas stop kicking pebbles on the way home.

    Grammar practice

    Modal Verbs Uses

    Decide and write which of the modal verbs in the list correspond to the different uses. Sometimes more than one modal is possible: could, may, must, be used to, needn’t, have to, would rather, don’t have to, can, would, had better


    to ask for something politely: ,


    to offer to do something: ,


    to express a strong advice:


    absence of obligation: ,


    to express preferences:


    to express obligation: ,


    to be accustomed to doing something:

    Modal Verbs Uses 2

    will, mustn’t, should, need, get used to, used to, might, ought to, may,


    to express possibility: ,


    to express future predictions:


    to become accustomed to doing something:


    to express habits or routines in the past:


    to express prohibition:

    Modal Verbs Uses 3

    Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the following sentences.


    We are not completely sure but Cindy

    come back tomorrow.


    When I was a child, in the summer afternoons we

    play in the street with boys and girls from the neighbourhood


    I have some more wine, please?



    believe my eyes. Is George the one who is standing over there?



    be the richest person in the village. He’s just bought two luxurious cars.



    have studied more for the final exam and spend less time playing with the computer.


    My bedroom

    redecorating. I’m tired of the old furniture.

    Modal Verbs Uses 4

    Continue to choose the correct word or phrase to complete the following sentences.



    rather you checked my exercise before giving it to the teacher


    I use your mobile phone? It’s an emergency.


    In many schools of England students

    wear uniforms. It is compulsory.


    Sara’s daughter

    write perfectly when she was seven.



    let you know when I have more information about the matter.


    The worst

    have happened, but fortunately everybody came back safe and sound.


    The problem was so difficult that even the teacher

    solve it.

    More modal verbs.

    Modal Verbs 3

    Fill in the blanks with proper modal verbs. Use short form negative verbs: can’t, mustn’t, etc.


    When Susan was five, she read and write.


    I (need) get up early today. Because it is Sunday.


    I wear school uniform at my school.


    You smoke here. It is forbidden.


    you turn on the lights, please?


    I help my mother with the housework. She is tired.


    If you go to bed late, you be late for the school.


    You do your homework if you want to go out.


    you help me with the cleaning?

    Modal Verbs 4

    Continue to fill in the blanks with proper modal verbs


    Rose obey the rules but she didn’t.


    You pay the taxes regularly otherwise you be punished.


    You park here. You find a parkland.


    She win the match because she was ill.


    My father is very talented. He paint very well.


    It is raining heavily. You take your umbrella.


    When I was a young man, I run fast.


    elephants jump? No, they .


    You pick up these flowers. Otherwise, my mother get angry with you.


    My mother go to the dentist. She has a terrible toothache.

    Теперь вы проверили свои знания на тему модальных глаголов английского языка и можете сделать выводы, нужно подтянуть грамматику по этой грамматике или это усвоенный материал и нужно двигаться дальше, развивать словарный запас и больше общаться на английском языке. Учите английский язык, удачи!

    Просмотры: 5 707

    Потому что мы говорим не словами, а устойчивыми фразами, раз за разом используя привычные словосочетания. Именно построение фразы выдаёт иностранца, говорящего так, словно он читает газету. У носителя же языка готовые словесные обороты выскакивают сами собой.

    Фактрум публикует самые важные английские идиомы с переводами и примерами их употребления.

    Идиомы с трактовкой и синонимами Перевод Пример after all — despite, nevertheless все-таки I knew it! After all, I was right! all along — all the time все время, всегда I knew about his little secret all along. all ears — eager to listen весь внимание I am all ears. all of a sudden — suddenly неожиданно All of a sudden, he refused to pay. all the same — no difference все равно, без разницы If it’s all the same to you, let’s start at two. all thumbs — clumsy неуклюжий, неумелый He can’t fix anything, he’s all thumbs. apple of discord — subject of envy or quarrel яблоко раздора This question is an apple of discord in our family. as a rule — usually как правило As a rule, we offer a 5% discount. as far as I am concerned — in my opinion что касается меня, по моему мнению As far as I am concerned, both the book and the movie are good. as for me/as to me — in my opinion по моему мнению As for me, you can rely on his support. as well — also, too тоже, также He knows math, and physics as well. at all — (not) in the smallest degree совсем (не) He doesn’t know French at all. I don’t like it at all. at random — without order наугад, без плана He chose those places at random. at this point — at this time на данном этапе At this point, we can’t turn back. be about to — ready (to do) готов сделать I was about to leave when you called. be after someone — insist, press настаивать, чтобы сделал His mother is always after him to study. be all in — be extremely tired очень устать I’m all in, I’d better go to bed now. be back on one’s feet — healthy again or better financially встать на ноги после трудного времени He’s back on his feet after a long period of debt and unemployment. beat around the bush — avoid giving a clear/definite answer ходить вокруг да около Stop beating around the bush! Get to the point! be beside oneself — be very upset, nervous, worried, etc. быть вне себя от волнения, горя и др. She was beside herself with worry / with grief. be better off — be in a better situation (financially) в лучшей ситуации (материально) He’ll be better off with a new job. be broke — have no money at all быть «на мели» (без денег) I spent all my money, I’m broke. be hard on something /someone — treat roughly не беречь что-то My son is hard on shoes, they don’t last long with him. Life was pretty hard on Tom. be high on one’s list — be one of the most important things быть в начале списка нужных вещей A new car is high on my list of priorities. A new TV is not high on my list. be in charge of — be responsible for быть ответственным за He is in charge of marketing. be in the red — be in debt быть убыточным Our sales were in the red last year. be into smth. — be interested in увлекаться чем-то He is into computers. She is into sports. bend over backwards — try hard очень стараться I bent over backwards to help her. be on one’s way Я уже еду. I’m on my way. be on the safe side — not to take any chances на всякий случай Take an extra key, just to be on the safe side. be out of — be without нет в наличии We are out of bread, cheese, and sugar. be out of shape — be physically unfit быть не в форме He needs to exercise, he is out of shape. be out of sorts — in bad humor не в духе Leave him alone, he’s out of sorts today be pressed for time / money — be short of; not have enough не хватать времени или денег I’m pressed for time now. We are pressed for money at the moment. beside the point — off the point не по существу, не относится к делу What I said to him privately is beside the point. be to blame — be responsible for a mistake / something wrong винить за ошибку, неправильные действия Who is to blame for this awful mistake? Tom is to blame for this mix-up. be touch and go — be uncertain of the result на грани; неясно, куда повернется He was very sick, and for some time it was touch and go, but he is better now. be up against — be opposed by, have problems, be in danger иметь серьезные проблемы в чем-то, с чем-то Our company is up against serious attempts of hostile takeover. be up and around/about — able to be out of bed after an illness встать на ноги, поправиться He was sick for a month, but now he is up and around. be up to one’s ears — very busy по уши I’m up to my ears in work. be up to something — do mischief задумать, затеять I have to check what the kids are up to. be up to someone — be one’s own decision or responsibility на ваше усмотрение, под вашу ответственность It’s up to you to decide. It’s up to you to close the office every day at 8 o’clock. be used to — be accustomed to быть привычным к I’m used to hard work. He’s used to heat. big shot — important person важная персона He is a big shot around here. bite off more than one can chew — try to do more than one can переоценить свои силы I couldn’t handle two jobs and family. I really bit off more than I could chew. bite one’s tongue — stop talking прикусить язык I almost told her, but bit my tongue. bite the dust — die, be defeated умереть, падать ниц Many of them bit the dust in that war. black sheep — a good-for-nothing member of the family паршивая овца Their second son is the black sheep of the family, he is good for nothing. blind date — a meeting of a man and woman arranged by friends свидание вслепую She refuses to go on a blind date again because she had bad experience. blow it — lose the chance потерять шанс He understood that he blew it. blow over — pass, end стихнуть, пройти Wait here till his anger blows over. bottom line — main result/factor итог, основной момент The bottom line is, I don’t have enough money. break into — enter by force ворваться (в дом) силой The police broke into the robber’s house. break one’s heart — hurt deeply разбить сердце The news of her death broke his heart. break the ice — overcome shyness in making the first step сломать неловкость при знакомстве The party was dull until someone broke the ice with a joke and we all laughed. break the news — tell new facts сообщить важную новость CNN is breaking the news right now. bring home the bacon — earn the living for the family обеспечить семью He works very hard at several places to bring home the bacon. brush off — give no attention to отмахнуться от The boss brushed off my project again. brush up on — review освежить в памяти You need to brush up on the tenses. by all means -definitely, certainly обязательно, конечно Do you need my help? — By all means. by heart — by memorizing наизусть Learn this poem by heart for tomorrow. by hook or by crook — by any means possible любым путем, любым способом She will get what she wants by hook or by crook. by the way — incidentally кстати By the way, Ann is coming back today. call a spade a spade — use plain, direct words называть вещи своими именами He always tells the truth and calls a spade a spade. call it a day — consider work finished for the day считать работу законченной We’ve been working for 10 straight hours. Let’s call it a day. call off — cancel отменить, отозвать The police called off the search. carry out — fulfill доводить до конца She never carries out her plans. carry weight — be important иметь вес His advice always carries weight here. cast down — depressed, sad повергнуть в уныние He was cast down by the bad news. castles in the air — daydreaming about success (строить) воздушные замки Instead of working hard, he spends time building castles in the air. catch one’s eye — attract attention привлечь внимание This picture caught my eye. catch one’s breath — stop and rest перевести дух I can’t run, I need to catch my breath. catch someone off guard — catch someone unprepared застать врасплох He caught me off guard with his question. catch someone red-handed — find smb. in the act of doing wrong поймать за руку, когда делал плохое The manager caught the boy red-handed when he was stealing cigarettes. catch up — become not behind догнать He needs to catch up with the others. close call — a narrow escape, a bad thing that almost happened что-то плохое, что едва не случилось The speeding car almost hit the man. That was really a close call. come across — meet by chance наткнуться на I came across that article yesterday. come down with — become ill заболеть чем-то I’m coming down with a cold. come to one’s senses — start acting reasonably, intelligently взяться за ум, придти в себя He finally came to his senses, started to work hard, and passed his exams. come true — become reality осуществиться My dream came true when I met Pat. come up with — suggest предложить Mike came up with a brilliant idea. count on — depend on рассчитывать на You can always count on me for help. cut corners — to take a short-cut; to limit one’s spending срезать углы; ограничить расходы He ran fast, cutting corners where he could. I have to cut corners this week. cut down on — reduce сократить потребление You have to cut down on chocolate. cut out to be /cut out for it — have the ability to do something быть созданным для какой-то работы She isn’t cut out to be a surgeon. He’s cut out to be a leader. do one’s best — try very hard сделать все, что смог I did my best to help him in his work. do one’s bit — do what’s needed сделать положенное I’ll do my bit, you can count on me. do over — do again сделать заново This work is not good, do it over. do someone good — be good for принести пользу Fresh air and exercise will do you good. do something behind one’s back — do (harmful) things secretively делать (вредные) дела за спиной I hate people who do things behind my back. He did it behind my back again. do without — live without обходиться без I’ll have to do without a car for a while. down to earth — practical приземленный He’s quiet, sensible and down to earth. draw the line — fix a limit ограничить (предел) He drew the line for her at $100 a day. dress up — put on the best clothes нарядиться What are you dressed up for? drop off — deliver somewhere подвезти до, подбросить до Can you drop me off at the bank? drop out — quit (school) быть отчисленным He dropped out of school last year. duty calls — must fulfill obligations долг обязывает He said, «Duty calls» and left for work. easier said than done легче сказать, чем сделать It’s easier said than done, but I’ll try to do it. eat one’s words — take back words брать назад слова He had to eat his words after her report. even so — nevertheless, but тем не менее I work hard. Even so, I like my job. every now and then -occasionally время от времени Every now and then I visit my old aunt. every other — every second one через один She washes her hair every other day. fall behind — lag behind отстать от The little boy fell behind the older boys. fall in love — begin to love влюбиться Tom fell in love with Sue at first sight. fall out of love — stop loving разлюбить They fell out of love and divorced soon. false alarm — untrue rumor ложная тревога I heard he quit but it was a false alarm. a far cry from something — very different, almost opposite (neg.) далеко не такой хороший, как His second book wasn’t bad, but it was a far cry from his first book. feel it in one’s bones — expect something bad to happen чувствовать, что случится плохое Something bad is going to happen, I feel it in my bones. feel like doing something — want to do, be inclined to do smth. быть склонным к занятию чем-то I feel like going for a walk. I don’t feel like working now, I’m tired. feel up to — be able to do в состоянии сделать I don’t feel up to cleaning the house. few and far between — rare, scarce слишком редкие Her visits are few and far between. find fault with — criticize критиковать He always finds faults with everybody. find out — learn or discover узнать, обнаружить I found out that Maria left town. firsthand — directly from the source из первых рук, достоверная информация You can trust it, it’s firsthand information. first things first — important things come before others сначала главное First things first: how much money do we have to pay right away? fly off the handle — get angry разозлиться (вдруг) He flew off the handle and yelled at me. follow in someone’s footsteps — do the same thing идти по чьим-то следам, делать то же Igor followed in his father’s footsteps, he became a doctor, too. foot in the door — a special opportunity for a job получить шанс на работу Nina got a foot in the door because her friend works in that company. foot the bill — pay the bill заплатить по счету Her father footed the bill for the party. for good — forever навсегда After her death, he left town for good. for the time being — at this time на данное время For the time being, this house is all right for us. frame of mind — mental state умонастроение I can’t do it in this frame of mind. from A to Z — completely от начала до конца He knows this town from A to Z. from now on — now and in the future впредь From now on, I forbid you to go there. get a grip on oneself — take control of one’s feelings контролировать свои чувства Stop crying! Get a grip on yourself! get along with — have good relations быть в хороших отношениях, ладить Ann gets along with most coworkers, but doesn’t get along with Laura. get away with — not be caught after doing wrong уйти от наказания The police didn’t find the thief. He got away with his crime. get carried away — get too excited and enthusiastic about something слишком увлечься чем-то He got carried away with opening a store and lost most of his money. get cold feet — be afraid to do побояться сделать I wanted to try it but got cold feet. get even with — have one’s revenge расквитаться с кем-то I’ll get even with him for everything! get in touch with — contact связаться с кем-то Get in touch with Mr. Smith for help. get lost — lose one’s way потерять дорогу She got lost in the old part of town. Get lost! — Lay off! Исчезни! I don’t want to see you again. Get lost! get mixed up — get confused перепутать I got mixed up, went the wrong way and got lost. get off one’s back — leave alone отстать от кого-то Stop bothering me! Get off my back! get on one’s high horse — behave haughtily towards someone вести себя высокомерно Every time I ask her to help me with typing, she gets on her high horse. get on (the bus, train, plane) сесть на (транспорт) I got on the bus on Oak Street. get off (the bus, train, plane) сойти с (транспорта) I got off the bus at the bank. get out of hand — get out of control выйти из-под контроля If he gets out of hand again, call me right away. get over — recover after an illness or bad experience поправиться, преодолеть что-то I can’t get over how rude he was to me. She got over her illness quite quickly. get rid of — dispose of, discard избавиться He got rid of his old useless car. get together — meet with собираться вместе My friends and I get together often. get to the bottom — know deeply добраться до сути He usually gets to the bottom of things. get to the point — get to the matter дойти до сути дела Get to the point! Give me a break! — spare me с меня хватит Come on, stop it! Give me a break! give someone a hand — help помочь кому-то Can you give me a hand with cooking? give someone a lift /a ride — take to some place by car подвезти кого-то Can you give me a lift to the bank? He gave her a ride in his new Porsche. give someone a piece of one’s mind — criticize frankly высказать, что на уме, критиковать She lost my umbrella again, so I gave her a piece of my mind about her carelessness. give up — stop doing something, stop trying to do something отказаться от чего-то, прекратить попытки I gave up smoking. I gave up trying to fix my old car. go back on one’s word — break a promise нарушить свое слово, обещание First he said he would help me, but then he went back on his word. go for it — try to do a new thing пробовать новое дело If I were you, I would go for it. go from bad to worse — be worse становиться все хуже His business went from bad to worse. go out — go to parties, movies пойти развлекаться Do he and his wife go out often? go out of one’s way -try very hard очень стараться He goes out of his way to please her. go to one’s head — make too proud успех вскружил голову His acting success went to his head. go to pieces — get very upset, fall apart сильно расстроиться She went to pieces when she heard it. go with the flow — lead quiet life плыть по течению She always goes with the flow. grow on someone — become liked постепенно понравиться When she knew him more, he grew on her. had better — should лучше бы, а то… You look ill, you’d better see a doctor. have a ball — have a good time отлично провести время Yesterday we had a ball at the party. have a bone to pick — complain or discuss something unpleasant иметь счеты с кем-то, претензии к кому-то Mr. Brown, I have a bone to pick with you. My mail was lost because of you. have a word with someone — talk to поговорить о чем-то Can I have a word with you? have words with someone — argue with someone about something крупно поговорить I had words with my coworker today because he used my computer again. have it in him — have the ability иметь нужные качества Laura has it in her to be a good doctor. have no business doing something — have no right to do нечего вам здесь делать, быть и др. You have no business staying here without my permission. have one’s back to the wall — be hard-pressed, on the defensive быть прижатым к стене I had no choice, I had my back to the wall. have one’s hands full — very busy быть очень занятым He has his hands full with hard work. have one’s heart set on something — want something very much очень хотеть получить что-то, кого-то She has her heart set on going to New York. He has his heart set on Betty. have pull — have influence on иметь влияние на Does he have pull with the director? (not) have the heart — (not) have the courage to do smth. unpleasant (не) хватает духа сделать неприятное I don’t have the heart to tell him that he wasn’t accepted, he’ll be so unhappy. high and low — everywhere везде (искать и т.д.) I searched high and low for my lost cat. hit the nail on the head — say exactly the right thing попасть в точку You hit the nail on the head when you said our company needs a new director. hit upon something — to discover обнаружить ценное They hit upon gold. I hit upon a plan. hold it against someone — blame somebody for doing something (не) держать зла на кого-то I lost his book, but he doesn’t hold it against me. Hold it! — Stop! Wait! Остановитесь/Стойте! Hold it! I forgot my key. Hold on! — Wait! Подождите! Hold on! I’ll be back in a minute. hold one’s own — maintain oneself in a situation, behave as needed постоять за себя, утвердиться в чем-то He can hold his own in any situation. We need men who can hold their own. hold up — rob using a weapon грабить с применением оружия This bank was held up twice last year. ill at ease — uncomfortable не по себе She felt ill at ease because of her cheap dress. in advance — well before заранее He told her about his plan in advance. in a nutshell — in a few words кратко, вкратце In a nutshell, my plan is to buy land. in care of someone — write to one person at the address of another адресату по адресу другого человека (у кого остановился) I’m staying at Tom’s house. Write to me in care of Tom Gray, Chicago, Illinois. in cold blood — mercilessly хладнокровно He killed her in cold blood. in fact — actually, in reality фактически In fact, he works as a manager here. in general — generally, generally speaking в общем, вообще In general, he likes to be alone. He described the place only in general. in one’s element — what one likes в своей стихии He’s in his element when he’s arguing. in other words — using other words другими словами In other words, you refused to do it for her. in plain English — in simple, frank terms проще говоря I didn’t really like the concert. In plain English, the concert was terrible. the ins and outs — all info about входы и выходы He knows the ins and outs of this business. in someone’s shoes — in another person’s position на месте другого, в положении другого I’d hate to be in his shoes now. He lost his job, and his wife is in the hospital. in the long run — in the end в конечном счете In the long run, it’ll be better to buy it. in the same boat — in the same situation в таком же положении Stop arguing with me, we’re in the same boat and should help each other. in the clear — free from blame вне претензий Pay the bill and you’ll be in the clear. in time (to do something) — before something begins придти вовремя, чтобы успеть что-то сделать (до начала чего-то) I came in time to have a cup of coffee before class. it goes without saying — should be clear without words не стоит и говорить, само собой It goes without saying that he must pay what he owes right away. It’s on the tip of my tongue. вертится на языке His name is on the tip of my tongue. it’s time — should do it right away пора Hurry up, it’s time to go. It’s worth it. / It’s not worth it. It’s (not) worth buying, visiting, watching, etc. оно того стоит /оно того не стоит; (не) стоит покупать, посетить, смотреть и т.д. Watch this film, it’s worth it. Don’t buy this coat, it is not worth it. This museum is worth visiting. This film is not worth watching. it will do — it’s enough достаточно Stop reading, it will do for now. jump at the opportunity/chance — accept the opportunity eagerly ухватиться за возможность His boss mentioned a job in Europe, and Peter jumped at the opportunity. just as soon — prefer this one предпочел бы (это) I’d just as soon stay home, I’m tired. just in case — to be on the safe side на всякий случай Take an extra shirt, just in case. Just my luck! — Bad / Hard luck! Мне всегда не везет! They lost my job application. Just my luck! keep an eye on — take care of, watch, look after последить за, присмотреть за Betty keeps an eye on my sons for me. I’ll keep an eye on you! keep a straight face — not to laugh стараться не смеяться I tried to keep a straight face, but failed. keep company — accompany составить компанию She keeps me company quite often. keep one’s word — fulfill a promise держать слово You promised, now keep your word. keep someone posted — inform держать в курсе событий Keep me posted about your plans. keep your fingers crossed — hope that nothing will go wrong надеяться, что все пройдет гладко I have a job interview today. Keep your fingers crossed for me, will you? kill time — fill/spend empty time убить время I went to the show to kill time. (not) know the first thing about — not to have any knowledge about ничего не знать по какой-то теме I don’t know the first thing about nuclear physics. know the ropes — be very familiar with some business знать все ходы и выходы He knows all the ropes in this company. last-minute notice — little or no time to prepare for something сообщение в последний момент His arrival was a last-minute notice, we didn’t have time to prepare for it. lay one’s cards on the table — be frank and open сказать честно, открыть карты Finally, we asked him to lay his cards on the table and tell us about his plans. lay one’s life on the line — put oneself in a dangerous situation ставить жизнь на карту He laid his life on the line to fulfill this task, but nobody appreciated his efforts. lead a dog’s life — live in misery вести собачью жизнь He leads a dog’s life. lead someone on — make someone believe something that isn’t true заставить кого-то поверить неправде They suspect that you are leading them on. You led me on! leave it at that — accept reluctantly оставить как есть Leave it at that, what else can you do? leave word — leave a message оставить сообщение He left word for you to meet him at the airport at 6. let bygones be bygones — forget and forgive bad things in the past не ворошить прошлое Why don’t you let bygones be bygones and forget about what he said? let go of — release the hold отпустить, не держать Let go of my hand or I’ll call the guard. let (it) go — forget bad experience, return to normal life освободиться от тяжелого переживания He’s still in despair and can’t let (it) go. You can’t change anything, so let it go. let one’s hair down — be relaxed and informal with other people держаться неофициально She is always so formal. She never lets her hair down. let someone down — disappoint, fail someone подвести кого-то Don’t let me down this time! let someone know — inform известить Let me know when you find a job. like father, like son — be like one’s parent in something какой отец, такой и сын Paul won a prize in a chess tournament. Great! Like father, like son! little by little — step by step понемногу Little by little, he got used to Tokyo. look for — search for искать What are you looking for? look forward to — expect with pleasure ожидать с нетерпением I’m looking forward to your letter. Mary is looking forward to the party. look out — be careful, watch out остерегаться Look out! The bus is coming! look up — check with /in a dictionary or a reference book посмотреть в словаре или справочнике If you don’t know this word, look it up in the dictionary. lose one’s temper — become angry разозлиться He loses his temper very often. lose one’s way — get lost потерять дорогу I lost my way. Can you help me? lose track of — not to know where someone or something is потерять из виду I lost track of him years ago. lucky break — a lucky chance счастливый случай He got his lucky break when he got this job. make a living — earn money to provide for life зарабатывать на жизнь He works hard. His family is big, and he has to make a living somehow. make allowance for — take into consideration when judging учитывать, делать скидку на Don’t criticize him so hard, make (an) allowance for his inexperience. make a point of — be sure to do something intentionally считать обязательным для себя сделать что-то Make a point of asking about his wife. Make it a point to be here by 10. make ends meet — to have and spend only what one earns сводить концы с концами His doesn’t get much money. I wonder how he manages to make ends meet. make friends — become friends подружиться Anton makes new friends easily. make fun of — laugh at, joke about высмеивать He made fun of her German accent. make no bones about it — say/do openly, without hesitation сказать прямо, не скрывая отношения I’ll make no bones about it: I don’t like your attitude to work. make room for — allow space for освободить место для We can make room for one more dog. make sense — be logical имеет смысл What you say makes sense. make the most of smth — do the best in the given situation извлечь лучшее из Let’s make the most of our vacation. make up — become friends again помириться I’m tired of fighting. Let’s make up. make up for smth — compensate компенсировать I’ll make up for the time you spent on it. make up one’s mind — decide принять решение When will you go? Make up your mind. make yourself at home — be comfortable, feel at home будьте как дома Come in please. Make yourself at home. man of his word — one who keeps promises, is dependable хозяин своего слова, держит слово You can depend on his promise to help. He’s a man of his word. mean well — have good intentions хотеть сделать, как лучше He meant well, but it turned out that he spoiled a couple of things for me. might as well — a good idea может быть неплохо I might as well telephone him now. missing person — someone who is lost and can’t be located пропавший человек (в розыске) The little boy disappeared. The police registered him as a missing person. meet someone halfway — compromise with others идти на компромисс с кем-то He’s reasonable and tries to meet his coworkers halfway, when possible. never mind — it doesn’t matter неважно, ничего Thank you. — Never mind. not to mention — in addition to не говоря уж We have three dogs, not to mention two cats. no wonder — not surprising неудивительно, что He ate three big fish. No wonder he’s sick. now and again — occasionally время от времени I meet them now and again at the bank. odds and ends — a variety of small unimportant things or leftovers мелочи, остатки, обрезки I needed to buy some odds and ends for the kitchen. off the cuff — without preparation без подготовки Off the cuff, I can give you only a rough estimate. off the point — beside the point не относится к делу What I think about him is off the point. off the record — not for the public, unofficially не для публики, неофициально Strictly off the record, I think the director is going to get married soon. once and for all — decidedly однажды и навсегда You must quit smoking once and for all. on credit — not pay cash right away в кредит He bought a car on credit. on edge — nervous, irritable нервный, раздраженный He’s been on edge ever since she left. on guard — on the alert настороже, бдительный He’s cautious and always on guard. on hand — available под рукой Do you have a calculator on hand? on one’s own — alone, by oneself самостоятельно, один, сам по себе She likes to live and work on her own. on one’s toes — alert, attentive, prepared for difficulties бдительный, собранный He was on his toes and produced a very good impression on them. on purpose — intentionally нарочно, с целью I didn’t do it on purpose, it just happened so. on second thought — after thinking again по зрелом размышлении I’d like to sit on the aisle. On second thought, I’d like a window seat. on the alert — on guard начеку, настороже He’s cautious and always on the alert. on the carpet — called in by the boss for criticism вызвать на ковер Yesterday the boss called her on the carpet for being rude to the coworkers. on the go — busy, on the move в движении, на ходу He is always on the go. on the off chance — unlikely to happen, but still маловероятно, но на всякий случай On the off chance that you don’t find him at work, here’s his home address. on the other hand — considering the other side of the question с другой стороны I’d like to have a dog. On the other hand, my wife likes cats better. on the spot — right there на месте, сразу I decided to do it on the spot. on the spur of the moment — without previous thought / plan под влиянием момента He bought this car on the spur of the moment, now he regrets it. on time — punctual в назначенное время Jim is always on time. out of one’s mind — crazy сумасшедший If you think so, you’re out of your mind. out of one’s way — away from someone’s usual route не по пути I can’t give you a lift to the bank, it’s out of my way today. out of the question — impossible не может быть и речи Paying him is out of the question! pack rat — a person who saves lots of unnecessary things тот, кто не выбрасывает старые ненужные вещи Why does she keep all those things she never uses? — She is a pack rat. pay attention — be attentive обратить внимание Pay attention to his words. pick a fight — start a quarrel начать ссору He often tries to pick a fight with me. pick up — take, get подобрать, взять I’ll pick you up at 7. play one’s cards right — choose the right steps in doing something сыграть правильно If you play your cards right, he’ll agree to your plan. potluck supper — a surprise meal, where nobody knows what dishes other guests will bring ужин вскладчину, никто не знает, что принесут другие You know what happened at our last potluck supper? Everybody brought macaroni and cheese, apples, and beer! pull oneself together — brace oneself, summon your strength cобраться с силами Stop crying and complaining! You have to pull yourself together now. pull the wool over someone’s eyes — deceive, mislead someone обмануть, ввести в заблуждение Are you trying to pull the wool over my eyes? It won’t do you any good. put a damper on — discourage охладить пыл She always puts a damper on my plans. put in a word for someone — say positive things about someone замолвить словечко I’d be very grateful if you could put in a word for me when you speak to him. put off — postpone откладывать Don’t put it off till tomorrow. put one’s foot down — object strongly решительно воспротивиться Her father put his foot down when she said she wanted to marry Alan. put one’s foot in it — do the wrong thing, make a fool of oneself сделать/сказать глупость He put his foot in it when he told the boss his daughter wasn’t pretty. put up with — accept, tolerate мириться с, терпеть I can’t put up with your bad work! quite a bit of — much, a lot of много I had quite a bit of trouble with that car. quite a few — many, a lot of много He wrote quite a few good stories. rack one’s brain — try hard to think напрячь мозги He racked his brain to solve the puzzle. read between the lines — find or understand the implied meaning читать между строк His books are not easy to understand; you have to read between the lines. remember me to — say hello to передать привет от Please remember me to your family. right away — immediately сразу же, немедленно It’ very important to do it right away. ring a bell — remind someone of something familiar /half-forgotten напоминает что-то знакомое Annabel Lee? Yeah, it rings a bell, but I can’t place it right now. rock the boat — make the situation unstable раскачивать лодку, вести к нестабильности Peter always rocks the boat when we discuss company’s spending policy. rub shoulders with — meet with близко общаться с He doesn’t rub shoulders with the rich. rub someone the wrong way — irritate, annoy, make angry раздражать, злить кого-то His remarks rub many coworkers the wrong way. run into — meet by chance случайно встретить I ran into an old friend yesterday. save face — try to change the negative impression produced спасать репутацию He said a stupid thing and tried to save face by saying he misunderstood me. save one’s breath — stop useless talk не трать слова попусту There’s no use talking to him about his spending habits, so save your breath. scratch the surface — study something superficially изучать поверхностно He examines all the facts closely, he doesn’t just scratch the surface. see about — make arrangements for позаботиться о чем-то I have to see about our plane tickets. see eye to eye — agree сходиться в мнении We don’t see eye to eye any longer. serve someone right — get what someone deserves поделом It serves him right that he didn’t get this job, he despised all other candidates. serve one’s purpose — be useful to someone for his purpose отвечать цели I doubt that hiring this man will serve your purpose. show promise — be promising подавать надежды This young actor shows promise. show up — appear появиться I waited for hours but he didn’t show up. size up — evaluate someone оценить, составить мнение It took me 5 minutes to size up that man. sleep on it — postpone a decision till next morning отложить решение до следующего утра Don’t decide now, sleep on it. a slip of the tongue — a mistake обмолвка (ошибка) It was just a slip of the tongue! slip (from) one’s mind — forget забыть It slipped my mind what she asked me. smell a rat — suspect something подозревать недоброе I’m not sure what it is, but I smell a rat. so far — up to now до сих пор, пока So far, I have read 3 books by King. so much the better — it’s even better еще лучше If he can pay cash, so much the better. spill the beans — tell a secret проболтаться Who spilled the beans about our plan? stand a chance — have a chance нет шансов He doesn’t stand a chance of getting it. stand out — be noticeable выделяться He stands out in any group of people. stand to reason — be logical логично, что It stands to reason that he apologized. straight from the shoulder — speak frankly честно, откровенно Don’t try to spare my feelings, give it to me straight from the shoulder. take a dim view of something — disapprove of something не одобрять My sister takes a dim view of the way I raise my children. take a break — stop for rest сделать перерыв Let’s take a break, I’m tired. take advantage of — use for one’s own benefit, to profit from воспользоваться возможностью We took advantage of the low prices and bought a computer and a monitor. take after — be like one of the parents быть похожим на родителей (родителя) Tom takes after his father in character, and after his mother in appearance. take a stand on something — make a firm opinion/decision on smth. занять четкую позицию, мнение People need to take a stand on the issue of nuclear weapons. take care of — look after, protect, see that smth. is done properly позаботиться о ком-то, чем-то, присмотреть за Can you take care of my dog while I’m away? Tom takes good care of his car. take hold of something — take, hold взять, держать Take hold of this rope and pull. take into account — consider smth. принять во внимание You must take into account her old age. take it easy — relax, be calm не волнуйся Take it easy, everything will be OK. take (it) for granted — accept as given принимать как должное Mother’s love is always taken for granted by children. take one’s breath away захватить дух That great view took my breath away. take one’s time — do slowly делать не торопясь Don’t hurry. Take your time. take one’s word for it — believe поверить на слово Take my word for it, he won’t go there. take pains — try hard to do it well прилагать усилия He took pains to make his report perfect. take part in smth. — participate in принять участие Mary is going to take part in the show. take place — happen иметь место, случиться The accident took place on Oak Street. take someone’s mind off things — distract from fixed ideas/thoughts отвлечь от навязчивых мыслей Go to a concert or a movie to take your mind off things. take steps — take action /measures принимать меры We need to take steps against it. take the words right out of one’s mouth — say the same before somebody else says it сказать то же самое чуть раньше, чем другой говорящий I was about to say the same! You took the words right out of my mouth. take time — take a long time занять много времени It takes time to get used to a new place. take time off — be absent from work взять отгул He took time off to attend the wedding. take turns — alternate doing something one after another делать по очереди, меняться местами We went to Minsk by car. We didn’t get tired because we took turns driving talk back — answer rudely дерзить Don’t talk back to the teacher! talk it over — discuss обсудить с кем-то I’ll talk it over with my family. tell apart — see the difference различить, отличить от Can you tell the twins apart? That’s just the point. — That’s it. В этом-то и дело. That’s just the point! I hate this job! the writing on the wall — a sign of future events (usually, trouble) предзнаменование (обычно, беды) The plane crashed. Tim said he saw the writing on the wall about this flight. not think much of — think low невысокого мнения I don’t think much of her cooking. think over — consider carefully обдумать Think over your answer. Think it over carefully. till one is blue in the face — try hard стараться до посинения I repeated it till I was blue in the face! to make a long story short — in short короче говоря To make a long story short, we won. to say the least — to make the minimum comment about smth. самое малое, что можно сказать The film was boring and long, to say the least. try on — put on new clothes to test them for size or look примерить одежду (перед покупкой) Try on this leather coat, it’s very good. She tried it on, but it didn’t fit her at all. try one’s hand at something — try попробовать себя в I want to try my hand at painting. turn on / off — switch on / off включить/выключить Turn on the radio. Turn off the water. turn out to be — result/end this way оказаться He turned out to be a very good actor. turn over a new leaf — make a fresh start in life, work, etc. начать (жизнь, новое дело) заново He promises to turn over a new leaf and quit alcohol for good. turn the tide — reverse the course of events повернуть вспять ход событий The new evidence turned the tide, and the defendant was acquitted of charges. twist one’s arm — make to agree выкручивать руки They twisted his arm to sell the house. under the weather — feel ill нездоровится I’m a little under the weather today. up-and-coming — showing promise of future success многообещающий, подающий надежды He is an up-and-coming young lawyer who might help you with your case. up in arms — hostile to, in strong protest against something протестовать против, сопротивляться The employees are up in arms about the new retirement rules. up in the air — undecided еще не определено My vacation plans are still up in the air. (not) up to par — equal in standard (не) в норме His behavior isn’t up to par. used to — did often in the past, but not now в прошлом делал, сейчас нет I used to play the piano when I was in school (but I don’t play it now). walk on air — be very happy летать от счастья He got the job and is walking on air now. waste one’s breath — speak uselessly, to no purpose не трать усилия зря Don’t waste your breath trying to make him do it, he won’t change his mind. watch one’s step — be careful быть осмотрительным Watch your step! watch out — look out, be careful остерегаться Watch out for that car! Watch out! wet blanket — a kill-joy, who spoils everybody’s fun тот, кто портит всем удовольствие Remember what a wet blanket he was last time? Please don’t invite him again. What’s the matter? — What is it? В чем дело? What’s the matter? What happened? which way the wind blows — what the real situation is какова реальная ситуация He knows which way the wind blows and always acts accordingly. white lie — unimportant lie невинная ложь A white lie is told to spare your feelings. word for word — in the same words дословно, дословный Tell me word for word what he said. would rather — prefer предпочитать I’d rather stay at home today.

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    adjective, hap·pi·er, hap·pi·est.

    delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: I’m so happy to see you!

    characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy: a happy mood;a happy frame of mind.

    willing to be helpful, as with assistance, a contribution, or participation: We’ll be happy to bring a couple of salads to the party.

    favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky: Our home country is a happy, fruitful land.

    (used as part of an expression of good wishes on a special occasion): Happy Valentine’s Day to my husband.Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

    apt or felicitous, as actions, utterances, or ideas: Their collaboration was a happy accident.

    obsessed by or quick to use the item indicated (usually used in combination): He was a trigger-happy gangster.Everybody is gadget-happy these days.



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    Idioms about happy

      Origin of happy

      First recorded in 1350–1400; from Middle English; see origin at hap1, -y1

      OTHER WORDS FROM happy

      o·ver·hap·py, adjectivequa·si-hap·py, adjective

      Words nearby happy

      happen-so, happenstance, happi coat, happily, happiness, happy, happy as a clam, happy as the day is long, happy camper, happy-clappy, happy dust Unabridged
      Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


      What are other ways to say happy?

      The adjective happy is sometimes used to describe things that are favored by fortune. How does it differ from fortunate and lucky? Find out on 


      What is a basic definition of happy?

      Happy describes a feeling of joy, delight, or glee. It also describes something that is related to or shows joy. Happy can describe someone being willing to do something or be helpful. Happy is used in many expressions that wish good tidings to another person. Happy has a few other senses as an adjective.

      Happy describes feeling really good, as when a person in a good mood that makes them smile. Happiness refers to this positive emotion. Happily means in a happy way.

      Real-life examples: Everybody has something that makes them happy. Cute animals, presents, compliments, and loved ones make most people feel happy.

      Used in a sentence: The surprise birthday party really made Abdul happy.

      Happy also describes something that shows or is related to feelings of happiness and joy.

      Used in a sentence: The friendly clown had a happy smile. 

      Happy describes someone being willing to do something, especially to help or assist someone else. They don’t think whatever they will do is a problem or a chore.

      Real-life examples: Many experts are happy to show off their knowledge. Salespeople are often happy to explain things to customers if it means selling more items.

      Used in a sentence: I’d be happy to give you a ride to the mall since I was going there anyway. 

      The word happy is used in many greetings and expressions that wish a person well or wish that they have a good future.

      Used in a sentence: Happy birthday!

      Where does happy come from?

      The first records of happy come from around 1350. It comes from Middle English and is a combination of the word hap, meaning “a person’s luck or lot,” and the suffix –y meaning “characterized by.” The word hap comes from the Old Norse happ, meaning “luck” or “chance.”

      Did you know … ?

      How is happy used in real life?

      Try using happy!

      Which of the following words is a synonym of happy?

      1. sad
      2. angry
      3. cheerful
      4. scared

      Words related to happy

      cheerful, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, glad, joyful, joyous, jubilant, lively, merry, overjoyed, peaceful, pleasant, pleased, satisfied, thrilled, upbeat, apt, fortunate

      How to use happy in a sentence

      • I’m happy I’m not a freshman right now because I think that my dorm experience is something I never would have wanted to give up.

      • In fact, I was the kid who, if I got called up in front of the class, was not happy to publicly speak.

      • It’s a way to keep the ice-cream makers happy while saving the rainforest, and it can be scaled up now.

      • Zoom happy hours and small dinner parties are the pandemic’s new social scenes and cocktails should be part of this home experience.

      • Rodríguez, who now lives in Arizona, in a message she sent to the Blade said she was very happy when Moreno called her and told her she had won her case.

      • So, as far as Mexican officials like Peña Nieto are concerned, the goal is to keep their countrymen here — and keep them happy.

      • How do you celebrate when happy occasions are colored by loss and absence?

      • He seemed by all appearances perfectly happy to let the Republicans control the state senate.

      • The church was not happy with his views, and there was talk of excommunication.

      • “We wish each and every one of you a happy and safe new year,” Giorgio said at the very end.

      • And that was that if he and his wife were to ever live together again and be happy, the family were to be kept out of it.

      • Cousin George’s position is such a happy one, that conversation is to him a thing superfluous.

      • Liszt gazed at «his Hans,» as he calls him, with the fondest pride, and seemed perfectly happy over his arrival.

      • M’Bongo and his whole court are now clothed, I am happy to say, at least to a certain extent.

      • He was aware that his act by this time, had helped nobody, had made no one happy or satisfied—not even himself.

      British Dictionary definitions for happy (1 of 2)

      adjective -pier or -piest

      feeling, showing, or expressing joy; pleased

      willingI’d be happy to show you around

      causing joy or gladness

      fortunate; luckythe happy position of not having to work

      aptly expressed; appropriatea happy turn of phrase

      (postpositive) informal slightly intoxicated


      (in combination)happy birthday; happy Christmas

      Derived forms of happy

      happily, adverbhappiness, noun

      Word Origin for happy

      C14: see hap 1, -y 1

      British Dictionary definitions for happy (2 of 2)

      adj combining form

      denoting excessive enthusiasm for or devotion togun-happy

      Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
      © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
      Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

      Other Idioms and Phrases with happy

      In addition to the idioms beginning with happy

      • happy as the day is long
      • happy camper
      • happy hour
      • happy hunting ground
      • happy medium

      also see:

      • many happy returns
      • trigger happy

      The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
      Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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