Not giving up word combinations or sentences with these words

Make up word combinations or sentences with these words.

new blue jeans / a new orange T−shirt. − Yesterday Miss Chatter bought new blue jeans and a new orange T−shirt.

































Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 4 класс Биболетова. SECTION 1. Shopping for clothes. Номер №7


Перевод задания
Составьте словосочетания или предложения с этими словами.
новые синие джинсы / новая оранжевая футболка. − Вчера мисс Чаттер купила новые синие джинсы и новую оранжевую футболку.


a big yellow raincoat

short grey trousers

a small pink jacket

long jeans

a nice red dress

a new orange coat

dirty boots

clean trainers

brown mittens

a small black dress

a green sweater

nice yellow shoes

Перевод ответа
большой желтый плащ
короткие серые брюки
маленькая розовая куртка
длинные джинсы
красивое красное платье
новое оранжевое пальто
грязные сапоги
чистые кроссовки
коричневые варежки
маленькое черное платье
зеленый свитер
красивые желтые туфли

Make up word combinations or sentences with these words. Example: new blue jeans / a new orange T-shirt. — Yesterday Miss Chatter bought new blue jeans and a new orange T-shirt. big short small long nice new dirty clean brown red black green yellow grey orange pink blouse boots cap coat dress jacket jeans mittens sweater trainers T-shirt shoes trousers clothes raincoat

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Make up word combinations or sentences with these words. Example: new blue jeans / a new orange T-shirt. — Yesterday Miss Chatter bought …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Make up word combinations or sentences with these words. Example: new blue jeans / a new orange T-shirt. — Yesterday Miss Chatter bought new blue jeans and a new orange T-shirt.

Перевод на русский Make up word combinations or sentences with these words. Example: new blue jeans / a new orange T-shirt. — Yesterday Miss Chatter bought new blue jeans and a new orange T-shirt. big short small long nice new dirty clean brown red black green yellow grey orange pink blouse boots cap coat dress jacket jeans mittens sweater trainers T-shirt shoes trousers clothes raincoat

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Перевод на русский Make up word combinations or sentences with these words. Example: new blue jeans / a new orange T-shirt. — Yesterday …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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Главная » Английский язык » Перевод на русский Make up word combinations or sentences with these words. Example: new blue jeans / a new orange T-shirt. — Yesterday Miss Chatter bought new blue jeans and a new orange T-shirt.

Make up word combinations or sentences with these words.

Example : new blue jeans / a new orange T — shirt.

— Yesterday Miss Chatter bought new blue jeans and a new orange T — shirt.

Big short small long nice new dirty clean brown red black green yellow grey orange pink blouse boots cap coat dress jacket jeans mittens sweater trainers T — shirt shoes trousers clothes raincoat.

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Данное упражнение относится к четвёртому разделу учебника (Unit 8 Sport in Our Life) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса. В этом задании необходимо выбрать правильное слово по контексту предложений. Комментарии, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.

Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]

Give English equivalents of these word combinations and make up true sentences with them.

Example: I was shown the new edition of William Shakespeare’s sonnets.

  • Мне показали приз — I was shown a prize
  • Нам одолжили лодку — We were rent a boat.
  • Им заплатили за праздники — They were paid for holidays.
  • Ему сказали интересную историю — He was told an interesting story.
  • Мне предложили хорошую идею — I was offered a good idea.
  • Нас просили об этом уникальном месте — You were asked about this unique place.
  • Ей отказали в получении кредита в банке — She was refused to get a loan in the bank.
  • Им отослали письмо -They were sent a letter.
  • Ей дали ещё один шанс сдать экзамен — She was given one more chance to pass the exam.
  • Тебе разрешили взять больше денег на отпуск — You were allowed to have more money on vocation.

Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

Give English equivalents to these word combinations and make up true sentences with them
Пример : Нам показали — We were shown a new film
1.Тебе отдолжили
2.Им заплатили
3.Ему сказали
4.Мне предложили
5.Ей отказали
6.Вас спросили
7.Им отослали
8.Нам дали
9.Тебе разрешили
10.Им показали


Светило науки — 9927 ответов — 180294 помощи

1) You were lent a lot of money.
2)They were paid for their help.
3) He was said that his bus hadn’t arrived yet.
4) I was offered to go in the mountains.
5) She was refused in getting more time to finish the project.
6) You were asked to tell more about your sport club.
7) They were sent to a parcel with some souvenirs.
8) We were given an interesting detective story to read. 
9) You were allowed to dance at the school concert.
10) They were shown a rare stamp.
1) Тебе одолжили много денег.
2) Им заплатили за помощь.
3) Ему сказали, что его автобус еще не прибыл.
4) Мне предложили поехать в горы.
5) Ей отказали дать больше времени, на то, чтобы закончить проект.
6) Вас попросили рассказать о вашем спортивном клубе.
7) Им отправили посылки с сувенирами.
8) Нам дали почитать интересный детектив. 
9) Тебе разрешили танцевать на школьном концерте.
10) Им показали редкую марку.

7. Make up word combinations or sentences with these words. __________________ ___________________ [ big brown [ [blouse sweater[

yellow cap; brown blouse; short T-shirt , red sweater , new trainers; clean boots, pink coat , dirty shoes, nice mittens , long trousers ,small black dress , orange jaсket , green raincoat , grey jeans, big clothes


в избранное



Знаете ответ?

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  • Фотография и видеосъемка
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  • Досуг и развлечения
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  • Наука и техника


7. Make up word combinations or sentences with these words.

__________________ ___________________
[ big brown [ [blouse sweater [
[ short red [ [boots trainers [
[ small black [ [cap T-shirt [
[ long green [ [coat shoes [
[ nice yellow [ [dress trousers [
[ new grey [ [jasket clothes [
[ dirty orange [ [jeans raincoat [
[clean pink [ [mittens [
[__________________[ [ _________________[_

1 ответ:



1. My brother put a big brown sweater on and went out.
2. She didn’t like her short red boots at all.
3. The boy had a small black T-shirt and a cap on.
4. He wanted to buy her a long green coat but she wanted a coat of another color.
5. She always wears a nice yellow dress that suits her much.
6. This new grey jacket was bought for her last Sunday.
7. This dirty orange raincoat needs to be cleaned.
8. The little girl liked her clean pink mittens very much.

Читайте также

<span>1. The little boy told his mother that he hadn’t done that.
2. </span><span>The teacher said that London is the capital of England.
3. Ella asked Bob</span><span><span> if he had ever seen that man</span>.
4. Tom asked the stranger</span><span><span> where the police station was</span>.
5. The mother told Dan not to</span><span> fight with his brother.
6. He said that Greece is hotter than England.
7. She ordered her son</span><span><span> to eat his dinner</span>.
8. Rob promised Mary to write to her as soon as he arrived.
9. Hellen said that he had gone for a walk the day before.
10. Ted suggested playing in the yard.</span>

1. a) -, 2. c) The, 3) his смысл странноватый., 4. b) at….at, 5. b) more important, 6. b) any.

Не поняла только фразу в 3 абзаце «Cant be like the star player of the planet..»..тут ,наверное,лучше перефразировать типо такого » do they really think ,that girls cant be like the star player….. и далее»

И следущее предложение Messy couldnt* play football himself …в таком порядке


<span>From Monday to Friday I think about weekends OR how I will spend Saturday and Sunday. I don’t have many friends, that’s why I have to come up with the entertaining ideas for me on my own. I’m not a couch potato and hate spending my time only beside the TV-set. I’m likely to go somewhere on foot just to have a walk if I have no other plans. Active life captivates me most of all.                           Поможет надеюсь</span>

1 saw 2met, fell, 3 was, came 4 didn’t smoke, 5 won,
6 отсутствует
7 отсутствует
8 didn’t sleep  
9 took
10 did you write

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  • Not getting what you want word
  • Not getting a word in edgewise
  • Not get a word in edgeways это
  • Not get a word in edgeways перевод идиомы
  • Not functioning other word