Not getting what you want word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не получишь желаемого

Не получить желаемого

не получить то, что вы хотите

не получить то, что хочешь

не получать то, что хочешь

не получаете то, чего хотите

не получить того, чего Вы хотите

не получаете то, что хотите

You may have screwed me over, but you’re not getting what you want.

Silvino, you’re not getting what you want.

Not getting what you want here and now — this is normal.

Not getting what you want is suffering.

Not getting what you want is suffering.

Not getting what you want is hard.

If You’re Not getting what you want

Not getting what you want is Suffering.

Not getting what you want is often better than getting it.

Not getting what you want?

Not getting what you want,

Not getting what you want is suffering.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a…

Fear not getting what you want.

Sometimes, NOT getting what you want is a gift.

It sucks not getting what you want.

That’s still no excuse for not getting what you want.

Fear of not getting what you want.

In other words, get used to not getting what you want.

In other words, get used to not getting what you want.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Not getting what you want
in a sentence and their translations

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Look, I know


really wanted a little ant farm for Christmas,

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Слушай, я знаю,


ты очень хотел муравьиную фермочку на Рождество,

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As a wise man once said, the only thing worse than not getting what you


is someone else



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not getting what you want

le avocado

  • #1

Hi everybody,
My friend want to become a pianist in the future. But she have been lazy lately. I would like to give her some advice. Can I use either sentences below. I think that there is no difference in the meaning between them. Right?

(1)You are not getting what you want if you keep being lazy like this. Start practicing right now.
(2)You won’t get what you want if you keep being lazy like this. Start practicing right now.
(3)You are not going to get what you want if you keep being lazy like this. Start practicing right now.

Thank you.

    • #2

    (2) and (3) are fine.
    (1) doesn’t quite work.
    «Your are not getting what you want» suggests a threat (I am not going to give you what you want) which is not what you mean to say here.

    «You are not going to get what you want…» would be all right.

    Предложения с «not get what you want»

    I recently read about what the young generation of workers want in Harvard Business Review.

    Недавно я прочитала о том, чего хотят молодые специалисты, в журнале «Harvard Business Review».

    Purpose is less about what you want than about what you give.

    Предназначение — скорее не то, что вы хотите, а то, что даёте.

    In order to have an idea meritocracy, we have let people speak and say what they want.

    Для меритократии идей нужно дать людям говорить то, что они хотят.

    And this is what I want to talk you through, as well as how do we challenge this in a modern era?

    Вот об этом я и хотела поговорить с вами, а также о том, чем мы сегодня можем ответить на этот вызов.

    If you do not know the answer and if you want to know the answer, what would you do?

    Если не знаете, но хотите узнать, что вы сделаете?

    Typically, traditionally, we solve these types of social dilemmas using regulation, so either governments or communities get together, and they decide collectively what kind of outcome they want and what sort of constraints on individual behavior they need to implement.

    Традиционно такого рода социальные дилеммы решаются с помощью законов, правительства или сообщества вместе решают, что им нужно и как для этого ограничить поведение отдельной личности.

    After all, this is what people say they want.

    В конце концов, это то, чего хотят люди.

    And so what we need to recognize is that the human architecture is limited and that we have certain boundaries or dimensions of our lives that we want to be honored and respected, and technology could help do that.

    Следует признать, что храм человека имеет пределы, и мы ограничены определёнными аспектами нашей жизни, которые мы должны чтить и уважать, и технологии могут помочь нам в этом.

    I want them to be prepared for what they’ll face, and that is why it is so important to keep our earth-observing satellites up there and to hire diverse and smart and talented people who do not hate clouds to improve the climate models.

    Вот почему так важно запускать в небо спутники для наблюдения за Землёй, принимать на работу разносторонних, умных, одарённых людей, которые не испытывают ненависти к облакам, для улучшения климатических моделей.

    And I want to start by just focusing on how much time they take from us, and then we can talk about what that time looks like.

    Хочу обратить ваше внимание на то, как много времени они у нас отнимают, а затем посмотрим, на что мы тратим своё время.

    But of course, that doesn’t tell us much about what we should do at home in our own lives, so I want to make some suggestions.

    Конечно, это не подскажет, что нам следует сделать, поэтому я кое — что предложу.

    Are you going to report only what the general and commander want, or will you confront them?

    Вы будете сообщать только то, что одобрят генерал и команданте, или будете сопротивляться их приказам?

    And I want to tell you what I did, but first, let me explain where I’m coming from, so you can understand my reaction.

    Я расскажу вам, какой выбор сделал, но сперва позвольте объяснить, откуда я родом, чтобы вам было проще меня понять.

    And what I want to tell you today is that though the problems are real, the solutions are real, too.

    Я хочу вас уверить: хотя все эти проблемы реальны, у них есть и реальные решения.

    What would you or I want if we were a refugee in a city?

    Будь мы на их месте, в чём бы мы нуждались?

    And I want to show you what I saw when I drove across to the north of the island: a pile of life jackets of those who had made it to shore.

    Хочу показать вам, что я увидел, проезжая по его северной части: груда спасательных жилетов, оставленных приставшими к берегу.

    And so what we want to do now is to prepare for that future by developing tools and attitudes that can help us find hope — hope that can inspire action.

    Что бы нам хотелось сейчас сделать, так это подготовиться к будущему и продумать инструменты и взгляды, дающие нам надежду, надежду, вдохновляющую на поступки.

    I just want to share with you what I have been experiencing over the last five years in having the great privilege of traveling to many of the poorest countries in the world.

    Я хотел бы поделиться с вами своим опытом последних пяти лет, в течение которых мне посчастливилось побывать во многих беднейших странах мира.

    What do you want to study?

    Что ты хочешь изучать?

    That’s what we want to do.

    Вот что мы хотим сделать.

    And I asked them, as I always do, What do you want to be when you grow up?

    Я спросил их, как обычно: «Кем вы хотите стать, когда вырастете?»

    What I learned from my own experience is that we must face our fears if we want to get the most out of our technology, and we must conquer those fears if we want to get the best out of our humanity.

    Я на собственном опыте убедился, что страхам надо смотреть в глаза, если мы хотим извлечь максимум из того, на что способны технологии, и что надо побеждать эти страхи, если мы хотим сохранить всё самое лучшее, на что способно человечество.

    Thinking usually costs very little, but this is really expensive most of the time, so by the time you get there, you want to make sure you’re super prepared and you can squeeze every last drop out of what you’ve got.

    Придумывание обычно почти ничего не стóит, но воплощение проекта встаёт в копеечку, поэтому приняв решение, будь уверен, что ты готов нести затраты и можешь выжать всё возможное из имеющегося.

    You want to know what democracy looks like?

    Хочешь узнать, как выглядит демократия?

    What medical care will help you live the way you want to?

    Какая медицинская помощь поможет вам жить полной жизнью?

    So we’ll call this the King Midas problem of stating an objective which is not, in fact, truly aligned with what we want.

    Итак, назовём это проблемой царя Мидаса: постановка цели, которая в действительности не совпадает с нашим желанием.

    Now, in order to be useful to us, it has to have some idea of what we want.

    Но, чтобы приносить пользу, у него должно быть общее понимание наших желаний.

    Well, I don’t really know what wrong is, but I know that I don’t want to do it.

    Я точно не знаю, что правильно, а что нет, но я точно знаю, что не хочу ошибаться.

    And the principles are: machines that are altruistic, that want to achieve only our objectives, but that are uncertain about what those objectives are, and will watch all of us to learn more about what it is that we really want.

    Основные моменты: это альтруистичные машины, которые хотят добиваться лишь наших целей, но не знают, каких именно целей, и будут наблюдать за всеми нами, чтобы узнать, чего мы на самом деле хотим.

    Basically, what we’re seeing here is, if you want to understand a behavior, whether it’s an appalling one, a wondrous one, or confusedly in between, if you want to understand that, you’ve got take into account what happened a second before to a million years before, everything in between.

    Самое главное: чтобы понять поведение, независимо от того, ужасное оно, образцовое или представляет собой что — то среднее, нужно учитывать всё, что произошло за последние миллион лет, а не только за одну секунду до.

    What if we empowered all kids as scholars, asked them what colleges they were going to, designed a summer school they want to attend to completely eliminate the summer learning loss and close two-thirds of the achievement gap?

    Что, если мы во всех детях начнём видеть студентов, начнём спрашивать у них, в какой колледж они идут, спланируем летнюю школу, которую они захотят посещать, чтобы избавиться от потери знаний за летний период и ликвидировать две трети разрыва в уровне успеваемости?

    And what deniers want to do is take their lies, dress them up as opinions — maybe edgy opinions, maybe sort of out-of-the-box opinions — but then if they’re opinions, they should be part of the conversation.

    Те, кто отрицает Холокост, хотят взять ложь, приукрасить её, выдать её за мнение, пусть и спорное, нестандартное мнение, и с этим мнением участвовать в обсуждении.

    So if you were a scientist trying to cure this disease, at what point would you ideally want to intervene?

    Представьте себя учёным в поиске лекарства, на каком этапе вы бы вмешались?

    So when I started to go on tour when I was really young, I would see Steffi Graf, I would see Monica Seles, and I would even see Pete Sampras, and I would see what they did, and I noticed that Steffi and Monica didn’t really talk to a lot of the other players, and they kind of were on their own, and they were just so focused and I would see Pete Sampras, the technique that he did, and I was like, I want to do that.

    Поэтому, когда я начала участвовать в соревнованиях, а я была ещё маленькой, я смотрела на Штеффи Граф, я смотрела на Монику Селеш и даже на Пита Сампраса, я видела, что они делали, я замечала, что Штеффи и Моника не очень много общаются с другими игроками, они были как бы сами по себе, очень сосредоточены, и я смотрела на технику Пита Сампраса и говорила: Я хочу играть так же.

    I’m really fortunate and superblessed, and I felt like not only am I happy with my body, but I want other people and other young girls that have experienced what I’ve experienced to be happy with themselves.

    Мне и правда повезло, я не только чувствую, что довольна своим телом, но я также хочу, чтобы и другие люди, другие девочки, которым пришлось пережить то, что пережила я, нравились себе такими, какие они есть.

    Now, kids , you know, we fell in love with science when we were kids, and yet we somehow spend most of our time during high school and college just jumping through hoops and doing things so that we can polish our résumé instead of sitting down and reflecting on what we want to do and who we want to be.

    Дети, Знаете, Мы Влюблялись В Науку, Когда Были Детьми, И Всё Же Большую Часть Времени В Старших Классах И Колледже Мы Из Кожи Вон Лезли, Делали Всё, Чтобы Отшлифовать Резюме, Вместо Того Чтобы Сесть И Подумать Над Тем, Чем Мы Хотим Заняться И Кем Стать.

    They can be dangerous if they’re overused, but they can also be ineffective if they’re not used in a way that’s consistent with what patients want and need.

    Они могут быть опасны при передозировке, но они также могут быть неэффективны, когда их не принимают согласно с желаниями и нуждами пациентов.

    And last but not least, putting patients first the way those medical marijuana dispensaries do, making patients feel legitimately like what they want, what they need, is why, as healthcare providers, we’re here.

    И последнее, но не менее важное, — ставить пациентов превыше всего, как в диспансерах медицинской марихуаны, давать им чувство законности того, что они хотят, что им нужно, и это причина, по которой мы как медперсонал здесь.

    I did not know exactly what this word feminist meant, and I did not want Okoloma to know that I did not know.

    Я не знала, что именно значит это слово, и не хотела, чтобы Околома понял, что я этого не знала.

    What we want to do is remove these — anything between the two pads we want to remove, since it can cause something called arcing.

    И что мы захотим сделать, так это удалить эти, мы захотим убрать всё, что находится между двумя электродами, иначе может возникнуть электрическая дуга.

    Unfortunately, due to the size of Jabba’s mouth and also what he puts in said mouth, we may not want to actually do the mouth-to-mouth part.

    К сожалению, по причине размера рта Джаббы и того, что он кладёт в этот рот, мы, вероятнее всего, не захотим выполнять ту часть про рот — в — рот.

    What I want to point the finger at is the legal and regulatory system, a system in which there are networks of agreements just like this one which serve to silence people and seal off data points from public health experts and epidemiologists.

    Я хочу обратить ваше внимание на то, что правовая и нормативная система — это система, в которой соглашения, подобные этому, служат, чтобы заставить замолчать людей и скрыть информацию от экспертов в области здравоохранения и эпидемиологов.

    So we sit down and literally all I want to do is just eat and chill, and my kids have a completely and totally different idea of what we’re going to be doing.

    Мы просто сидим, и я хочу лишь есть и отдыхать, а у моих детей совершенно другое представление о том, что мы будем делать за ужином.

    But in the famous words of Mick Jagger, You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.

    Но как пел Мик Джаггер: Ты не можешь всегда получать то, что хочешь, но если постараешься, ты поймёшь, что получаешь всё, что тебе нужно.

    We’d still want to reconstruct an accurate picture of what was going on.

    Мы всё ещё хотим воссоздать верное изображение происходящего.

    Well, I’m still a believer in the American dream, and I think what we can teach our children is the basics, which is that hard work and believing in yourself in America, you can achieve whatever you want.

    Я всё ещё верю в американскую мечту, и думаю, мы сможем учить наших детей основам основ, что при усердной работе и вере в себя в Америке можно достигнуть любых высот.

    What I propose is not to abolish spelling, and have everyone write however they want.

    Я не предлагаю совсем отменить орфографию и разрешить всем писать как угодно.

    If we truly want young people to engage safely, ethically, and yes, enjoyably, it’s time to have open honest discussion about what happens after yes, and that includes breaking the biggest taboo of all and talking to young people about women’s capacity for and entitlement to sexual pleasure.

    Если мы реально хотим, чтобы отношения молодых людей были безопасными, этичными и, да, приятными, пора честно поговорить о том, что происходит после да, в том числе нарушить самое главное табу и поговорить с молодыми людьми о способности женщин получать удовольствие от секса и их праве на это.

    I want them to be able to ask for what they want in bed, and to get it.

    Я хочу, чтобы они могли просить о том, чего они хотят в постели, и получать это.

    And finally, in German, of course in German, they have a word called zielschmerz which is the dread of getting what you want.

    И наконец, в немецком, куда уж без него, — слово цильшмерц, что означает боязнь получить желаемое.

    Escalating disgust and intractable conflict are not what we want for ourselves, or our country or our next generation.

    Растущее отвращение и неразрешимые конфликты — не этого мы хотим для себя и для нашей страны, и для следующих поколений.

    So today, what I’d like to do is tell you about that crisis, I want to talk about gender inequality in film.

    Итак, сегодня я бы хотела поговорить с вами об этом кризисе, о гендерном неравенстве в кинематографе.

    What you really want is lots of energy coming out of those microbes as quickly as possible.

    Всё, что нужно — много энергии, получаемой от микробов, и как можно быстрее.

    If you think about the oil slicks that we saw before, or those massive algal blooms, what you really want to do is put your Row-bot out there, and it eats up all of those pollutions, and then you have to go collect them.

    Если подумать о пятнах нефти, что мы видели раньше, или массовом цветении водорослей, вам надо будет поместить вашего Row — bot там, он съест все эти загрязнения, после чего вам придётся идти их собирать.

    But is one explanation of what’s happened in the last year that a group of people have got fed up with, if you like, the liberal elites, for want of a better term, obsessing over many, many different identities and them feeling, But what about my identity?

    Но разве нельзя в какой — то мере объяснить произошедшее за последний год тем, что группу людей достала, скажем так, либеральная элита — за неимением более подходящего термина, — кричащая о множестве разных идентичностей, и они подумали: А как же насчёт моей идентичности?

    And here’s a great question from Cameron Taylor on Facebook: At the end of ‘Sapiens,’ you said we should be asking the question, ‘What do we want to want?

    Вот хороший вопрос от Кэмерон Тэйлор на Facebook: В конце книги Sapiens вы говорите, что нам нужно задаться вопросом: Чего мы хотим хотеть?

    ‘ Well, what do you think we should want to want?

    Так чего же, по — вашему, нам следует хотеть хотеть?

    Mostly what we want is to change reality, to fit it to our own desires, to our own wishes, and I think we should first want to understand it.

    Мы же по большей части хотим изменить действительность, подогнать её под наши желания, под наши стремления, а я думаю, что мы в первую очередь должны захотеть её понять.

    And I could see they weren’t happy with me, but I felt I had no way of knowing what they’d want to do next.

    Я видел, что они мной недовольны, но я чувствовал, что иначе не узнать, что будет дальше.

    She listened carefully and patiently, and then to my joy she said, If that’s what you want to do, and it means so much to you, then let’s do it.

    Она терпеливо меня выслушала и затем, к счастью, сказала: Если это то, чем ты хочешь заниматься, и это многое для тебя значит, давай так и сделаем.

    Oscar Wilde? George Bernard Shaw? Oliver Onions? Anonymous?

    Quote Investigator: The psychology of human desire is paradoxical. The failure to achieve a goal can lead to unhappiness and ever despair. Yet, attaining an objective can produce an aftermath of uncertainty and lassitude. The following adage is humorous and poignant:

    There are two tragedies in life—not getting what you want, and getting it.

    This notion has been credited to the famous wit Oscar Wilde and the prominent playwright George Bernard Shaw. Did either of these Irishmen really employ this saying? Would you please explore this topic?

    Quote Investigator: Both Wilde and Shaw used versions of this adage, but Wilde deserves credit for coinage. Oddly, the version in Shaw’s 1903 play “Man and Superman” changed over time as shown in the citations given further below.

    The earliest close match known to QI appeared in the 1892 play “Lady Windermere’s Fan: A Play About a Good Woman” by Oscar Wilde. The minor character Mr. Dumby asked the character Lord Darlington whether the love he felt for Lady Windermere had ever been reciprocated. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:[1]1893 Copyright, Lady Windermere’s Fan: A Play About a Good Woman by Oscar Wilde, (Performed at St. James Theatre in London on February 22, 1892), Third Act, Quote Page 94, Elkin Mathews and … Continue reading

    She doesn’t really love you then?

    No, she does not!

    I congratulate you, my dear fellow. In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. The last is much the worst, the last is a real tragedy! . . .

    Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.

    In 1895 the line was selected and placed into the privately printed collection titled “Oscariana: Epigrams”:[2] 1895, Oscariana: Epigrams, Section: Lady Windermere’s Fan, Quote Page 75, Privately Printed, London. (Google Books Full View) link

    In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. The last is much the worst, the last is the real tragedy.

    In 1896 William Archer assembled a London-oriented overview of theatrical productions during the previous year. The saying under examination was memorable enough to be reprinted:[3]1896, The Theatrical ‘World’ of 1895 by William Archer, Chapter 3: An Ideal Husband (Pall Mall Budget, 10th January), Start Page 14, Quote Page 18 and 19, Walter Scott, London. … Continue reading

    In each of Mr. Wilde’s plays there has been one really profound saying, which serves to mark it in my memory. In Lady Windermere’s Fan it was: “There are only two tragedies in life: not getting what you want—and getting it.” In A Woman of no Importance it was: “Thought is in its essence destructive; nothing survives being thought of.”

    In 1903 George Bernard Shaw wrote the drama “Man and Superman: A Comedy and a Philosophy” which included the following:[4] 1903, Man and Superman: A Comedy and a Philosophy by George Bernard Shaw, Act IV, Quote Page 174, Archibald Constable, Westminster. (HathiTrust Full View) link

    RAMSDEN [coming between Malone and Tanner] You are a happy man. Jack Tanner. I envy you.

    MENDOZA. [advancing between Violet and Tanner] Sir: there are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart’s desire. The other is to get it. Mine and yours, sir.

    In 1906 British short story writer Oliver Onions published a tale in “Blackwood’s Magazine”. A character in the story employed the adage while disclaiming credit:[5] 1906 July, Blackwood’s Magazine, Volume 180, The Fairway by Oliver Onions, Start Page 70, Quote Page 73, Column 2, William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, Scotland. (HathiTrust Full View) link

    One of these new writers I don’t pretend to understand says there are two tragedies in life — not getting what you want, and getting it. I know I used to think that if ever I became head of a decent grammar-school; . . . well, I’ve been head of a grammar-school. When I’d got that I wanted something else ; and so on.

    In 1917 the columnist Mary Garden writing in a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania newspaper used an instance while crediting Wilde:[6]1917 November 25, The Pittsburgh Press, Section: The Sunday Press Illustrated Magazine, Mary Garden Analyzes Men in Their Several Aspects by Mary Garden, Quote Page 4, Column 3, Pittsburgh, … Continue reading

    Wilde summed up life for me when he remarked that there are only two tragedies in life, to get what you want, and not to get it. As I sit and think things over, I am constantly more convinced that the greater tragedy is to get what is wanted, to succeed in the material sense.

    In 1920 “The Evening State Journal” of Lincoln, Nebraska printed a filler item crediting Shaw. The word “great” was added:[7] 1920 August 24, The Evening State Journal (Lincoln Journal Star), (Filler item), Quote Page 10, Column 5, Lincoln, Nebraska. (Newspapers_com)

    There are two great tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart’s desire. The other is to get it.—George Bernard Shaw.

    In 1943 the saying appeared in the reference “Thesaurus of Epigrams” and Shaw received credit:[8] 1943 Copyright, Thesaurus of Epigrams, Edited by Edmund Fuller, Topic: Desire, Quote Page 85, Crown Publishers, New York. (Verified with scans; HathiTrust)

    There are two tragedies in life.
    One is not to get your heart’s desire.
    The other is to get it. —G. B. Shaw

    In 1947 the saying appeared in the reference “A Little Book of Aphorisms” and Wilde received credit:[9] 1947, A Little Book of Aphorisms, Collected by Frederick B. Wilcox, Section: Happiness, Quote Page 66, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (Verified with hardcopy)

    In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. The last is much the worse; the last is a real tragedy.

    In 1949 a book review of “The Quintessence of G.B.S.” edited by Stephen Winsten appeared in a Madison, Wisconsin newspaper. The book’s subtitle “The Wit and Wisdom of Bernard Shaw” described its contents. Interestingly, the following instance used the words “lose” and “gain” instead of “get”:[10] 1949 October 22, The Capital Times, Minority Report by August Derleth, Quote Page 3, Column 8, Madison, Wisconsin. (Newspapers_com)

    There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it. . . We have two tyrannous physical passions: concupiscence and chastity. We become mad in pursuit of sex: we become equally mad in the persecution of that pursuit.

    Volume two of the 1954 omnibus collection “Major British Writers” included a reprint of Shaw’s “Man and Superman”. The reprint contained the revised version of the saying which used the words “lose” and “gain”:[11]1954 Copyright, Major British Writers, Volume 2, General Editor: G. B. Harrison (University of Michigan), Section: George Bernard Shaw edited by Reuben A. Brower, Man and Superman, Start Page 535, … Continue reading

    Mendoza [advancing between Violet and Tanner]. Sir: there are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it. Mine and yours, sir.

    In 1957 “The Book of Unusual Quotations” compiled by Rudolf Flesch included the revised version of Shaw’s statement:[12] 1957, The Book of Unusual Quotations, Compiled by Rudolf Flesch, Topic: Desire, Quote Page 58, Column 2, Harper & Brothers, New York. (Verified with scans)

    There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it. George Bernard Shaw

    In conclusion, Oscar Wilde deserves credit for the remark he included in the 1892 play “Lady Windermere’s Fan”. George Bernard Shaw included a similar remark in the 1903 play “Man and Superman”. Shaw’s statement was revised in 1949 or before, and modern quotation references often present the revised statement.

    Image Notes: A fantasy castle in the sky from peter_pyw at Pixabay. The image has been cropped and resized.

    (Great thanks to the anonymous person who inquired about the saying “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” While investigating the provenance of that quip QI encountered the saying explored in this article. QI recalled a similar quotation from Shaw which prompted an in-depth analysis.)

    Have you ever heard this quote from the Dalai Lama “sometimes not getting what we want is a wonderful stroke of luck”? I love this quote, it makes me think about all the things I thought I wanted and all the things I didn’t get.

    Looking back at a younger me, I see a very different person from the one I get to be today. Just a few years ago, I had drastically different priorities and possessed what I would now consider to be pretty questionable values. Back then I hoped for things I wouldn’t want today. Just a few years ago I wished for a life I would go great lengths to avoid now. This doesn’t mean that I was wrong. It simply shows how much I didn’t know.

    Isn’t it amazing how much can change within a relatively short period of time? Particularly when we make room for personal growth. This kind of growth takes patience and a whole lot of soul searching. It requires thinking outside of the box. It may call for visiting places we’ve never been before and it might demand of us to let go of predispositions we oh so cherish. If we pay attention, we can almost hear our inner selves silently screaming to break out of their tightly fitted comfort zones. If only we dared to try something new, something scary, just enough to shift our perspective. If only we gave our soul some room to stretch its legs. Imagine the wonder we could find.

    Through my own set of experiences, I now see that not all of our wishes are meant to come true and I now realize just how wonderful that can be. Here are some examples of what I didn’t know just a short time ago and how grateful I am to know them today.

    • I didn’t know that the quiet of the forest sounds better than the noise of a bustling city.
    • I didn’t know that money is just a supporting role, not the lead.
    • I didn’t know that there is so much more to life than building a career.
    • I didn’t know that big mansions and fancy cars do not guarantee happiness.
    • I didn’t know that by chasing things on the outside I would never find inner peace.
    • I didn’t know that facing uncomfortable inner pain of the past leads to finding the ultimate freedom of the future.
    • I didn’t know that struggles and challenges don’t happen to us but happen for us, in order to propel us to become stronger and more resilient beings.
    • I didn’t know that being comfortable in my own skin feels way better than trying to fit in.
    • I didn’t know that trust is worth the effort even if there is a chance we may get hurt.
    • I didn’t know that vulnerability is much more attractive than perfection.
    • I didn’t know that being weird is actually much more fun than being normal.
    • I didn’t know that being myself was not only enough, it is the key to emotional freedom.
    • I didn’t know that I don’t need attention to feel validated.
    • I didn’t know that a walk in nature can help us solve some of our most complex problems.
    • I didn’t know that welcoming and accepting all beings just as they are, feels so much better than criticizing and judging them. I mean this for the smallest of things, like judging someone’s attire to bigger more meaningful ideas like criticizing someone’s lifestyle choices. I’ve learned to love letting people be!
    • I didn’t know that love is the answer to almost every problem. At the very least, it is at the core of every solution. If we think and act from a place of love, our lives will be better and more fulfilled.

    I’m grateful that the wishes of my past did not become the reality of my today. So if you haven’t quite obtained what you are hoping for right now, perhaps it’s life’s way of telling you that there are better and more meaningful experiences waiting ahead. Don’t fret over not getting that job, not landing the deal or not getting a callback. Maybe it’s all preparing you for the future, more wiser, more resilient and more complete you. After all not getting what we want could be a wonderful stroke of luck.

    Need help with soul searching?  Try these articles How to Live Awake and Surviving in an overachieving world

    Sending you love, peace and good vibrations.

    When we don’t get what we want, mostly we feel bad. But if we go back and look at the same situation, often we will find that things worked out. It might have been a blessing that led to something else. Every situation, challenge, person we encounter in our life is there for a reason; it helps us grow. Tibetans have a saying that we should be thankful to our problems as they help us grow and test us.

    Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

    Dalai Lama

    Hey everyone! Today’s quote is from the great Dalai lama who you probably know by all of the quotes that i have done. He is the 14th Dalai Lama, and i have heard that he is the best one but i am most definitely not one to decide that. Anyways, his real name is Lhamo Thondup and he is 85 years old! The most important thing is that he is super wise and continues to be one of the most influential people in the world!

    Usually, we all think that if we got everything we want life would be absolutely perfect, but in reality, you would miss out on the excitement of surprise. Another thing is if we were able to know everything that went on in the world and in the future of our lives, there would be no reason to live. The reason to live is to push yourself to make the best decisions to get the best outcomes. There is no point in living if you are just going to know exactly what will happen.

    I am going to give you an example I saw in a TV show. It is a little silly, but i like the concept. So there is a boy who wants new clothes for school. he is normally used to getting clothes which are high-branded, and expensive, but his family is in a rough time where they cannot afford this stuff. He really wants it, but all that they can afford is thrift store clothing. He learns to deal with it and ends up going to the store. He gets there and finds a black turtleneck that he likes, and his dad goes “thats awesome buddy! that looks just like the ones that Steve Jobs wore!”

    I am sure you probably know what is about to happen. They buy the shirt, and the thrift store employee comes to there house a couple days later. she asks for the shirt back but the family says, “no way! we bought this for our son why would we return it?” and turns out that the Jobs’ family’s maid ended up bringing it there by accident! the family even offered them 25,000 dollars just for it back and that ended up helping the family get through their crisis and arise to their normal state.

    Buddhist Quote by Dalai Lama on Luck

    My name is Gurbani Singh. Since I am a teenager, I often find myself searching for positive quotes for girls. After reading these I have made it a goal to post Positive and Inspiring quotes daily. I hope that these are as encouraging to you as they are for me to learn from and apply to our daily lives.

    If you are a parent, I hope you find my posts inspirational and motivating. 

    Encourage your kids to read and write what this means to them & how they can apply this quote to their lives. Also, consider learning and practicing breathing meditation as a way to help relax and reflect on the message.

    You can read all of my encouraging quotes for teens. 

    So did you find this post helpful, what do you think? 

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    Many times, we see that we start feeling irritated and agitated all the while just because we had wanted something in our lives and offensively we failed to achieve it. However, we fail to realize that maybe, we haven’t achieved that thing only because God had better plans for us.

    Many a time, our failure is a wonderful stroke of luck. It is not because we had been inefficient that we have not gain what we actually wanted to, rather it happened because we deserved something better than that.

    The best way to analyze this is to think about something that you had wanted crazily years ago, so much so, that it seemed as if your life was in vain for you couldn’t get it. Now, look at the ‘present you’ and question yourself that aren’t you better for being a loser at that time!

    We often tend to feel low or blame ourselves and the people around us for our failure. However, it is essential to understand that it is only because we haven’t achieved that particular thing or person, that we could walk towards what we are today!

    Not everything is meant for each one of us. We might want a lot of things, but we get only those in our lives that we truly deserve! it is only because that you were denied at that point of time which leads you to a more successful life, catching up with a way better partner or something else!

    When you fail at certain points, do not consider it to be your last hope of achievement. Take things positively and understand that if you have not achieved something, you did not receive a tag of ‘failure’ but rather you take home the lessons and ensure yourself of not repeating the same thereafter.

    You can use those failures as your clues for your goal. Do not let your failure ruin you, instead, you should make them a reason for your success the next time. You must understand that your failures are the reasons for your success.

    Did you ever fail in an interview or attempting something for the first time? Well, that happens and there’s nothing so heart-breaking about it!

    I know it’s easier said than done but the sooner you accept the fact, the better it is for you! Sit back and try to figure out that what did actually go wrong so that you can take the lessons into account for the next time you appear for the same task or job.

    get what you want — перевод на русский

    You’ve got what you wanted

    что хотел.

    Did you get what you wanted?

    Ты получил все, что хотел?

    You got what you wanted?

    Ты получил, что хотел?

    -Exley got what he wanted.

    -Эксли получил, что хотел.

    Got what I want.

    Получил, что хотел.

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    You just better make sure you’re the only one who got what you wanted.

    Сколько убедись, что ты один получил что хотел.

    You got what you wanted, the Nygaax is free.

    Ты получил что хотел. Нигаакс свободен.

    I got what I wanted.

    Я получил что хотел

    So he got what he wanted,

    Значит, он получил что хотел,

    And now that I’ve got what I want, I no longer need you.

    И сейчас, когда я получил что хотел. Ты мне не нужен теперь.

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    One day you’ll understand that you don’t always have to act like an idiot to get what you want.

    В один день вы поймете, что не должны всегда вести себя как идиоты, чтобы получить желаемое.

    If you lied, you would have an easier time getting what you wanted.

    Если б вы соврали, вам было бы проще получить желаемое.

    There’s nothing I won’t do… to get what I want

    на что бы я ни пошла… чтобы получить желаемое.

    Framing a good man to get what you want?

    Подставишь хорошего человека, чтобы получить желаемое?

    I don’t need a lecture from someone who’s willing to endanger the lives of his friends, even his own brother, to get what he wants.

    Я не хочу слышать нотаций от того, кто подвергает опасности жизни своих друзей и даже своего брата ради того, чтобы получить желаемое.

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    You know sometimes a man will do almost anything to get what he wants.

    Знаешь, некоторые люди готовы… практически на всё, чтобы добиться своего.

    Sometimes, as a younger man, I stretched the truth to get what I wanted.

    Тогда, в молодости, для меня не составляло труда приукрасить правду чтобы добиться своего.

    Why, because you lied and intimidated me in order to get what you want?

    Потому что морочили мне голову и запугивали, чтобы добиться своего?

    But you’re brave enough to risk everything to get what you want.

    Но у тебя хватает храбрости рисковать всем, чтобы добиться своего.

    You used that memo to get what you wanted, but it never would have held up in court because you wrote it.

    Ты использовал тот отчет, чтобы добиться своего, но в суде бы это не прокатило, потому что его написал ты.

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    She’s got what I want.

    В ней есть то, что мне нужно.

    Not until I get what I want.

    — Только когда получу то, что мне нужно.

    Getting what i want.

    ! — Получаю то, что мне нужно.

    I’m really good at getting what I want from firefighters.

    У меня очень хорошо получается получать от пожарных все, что мне нужно.

    — Did you at least get what I wanted? — No.

    Ты хотя бы нашёл, что мне нужно?

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    When Lawrence has got what he wants, he will go home.

    Когда Лоуренс получит своё, и он вернётся.

    Maggie’s gonna get what she wants, with or without you.

    Мэги получит свое, с вами или нет.

    You got what you wanted out of me!

    И от меня тоже получил.

    — Yes, I got what I wanted.

    — Да, получил.

    I think you’re gonna get what you want.

    Думаю, теперь ты получишь своё.

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    Now, listen, pally, I know how to get what I want.

    Слушай, приятель, я знаю, как добиться желаемого.

    Completely revamp everything in your life to get what you want.

    Нужно исправить все в твоей жизни, чтобьI добиться желаемого.

    How does this help get what you want?

    Как это поможет вам добиться желаемого?

    They tell lies to get what they want.

    Они лгут нам, чтобы добиться желаемого.

    There’s always a way to get what you want.

    Всегда есть способ добиться желаемого.

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    Listen, baby. I always get what I want.

    Послушай, я всегда добиваюсь своего.

    No, I’m not trying to get what I want.

    Я не добиваюсь.

    And instead of enjoying themselves while working to get what they want they go around being miserable all the time.

    И, вместо того, чтобы радоваться жизни, пока добиваешься чего-либо они все время ходят, как в воду опущенные.

    Gets what he wants through intimidation.

    Он добивается своего запугиванием.

    She’s a despicable young woman who uses people to get what she wants, and then when she’s done using them…

    Эта презренная особа использует людей в своих целях, и когда она добивается своего…

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    I’m really happy that you got what you wanted.

    Я правда рада, что ты добилась чего хотела.

    Look, Case, you already got what you wanted.

    Послушай,Кейс,ты уже добилась чего хотела.

    You’re in the clear, so I guess you got what you wanted.

    Теперь ты чист и ты добился всего что хотел.

    Okay, if we do lose-lose, neither of you gets what you want.

    Так, если у нас стиль Проигравший-Проигравший, никто из вас двоих не добьется чего хочет.

    No. It’s about letting things go So you can get what you want.

    А в том, чтобы позволять делам продвигаться поэтому ты можешь добиться чего хочешь.

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    You’ve been getting what you want, When you want it.

    Ты всегда получала чего хотела, и когда хотела.

    And don’t forget the polls show the American people want capital punishment and they want a balanced budget and I think even in a fake democracy people ought to get what they want once in a while just to feed this illusion

    И не забудьте провести общественный опрос Что думают американцы о смертной казни и о бюджете Я думаю что даже при лже-демократии люди имеют право получать то чего хотят хотя бы изредка чтобы подпитать иллюзию что они что-то решают.

    Get what I want?

    Получаю что хочу?

    And I want Jessica Simpson to stop putting out CDS, but you can’t always get what you want.

    А я хочу, чтобы Джессика Симпсон перестала выпускать диски, но не всегда получаешь что хочешь.

    Everybody gets what they want, huh?

    Все получать что хотят, а?

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    • что хотел
    • получил что хотел
    • получить желаемое
    • добиться своего
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    • получит своё
    • добиться желаемого
    • добиваюсь
    • добилась чего хотела
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