Nonetheless is it one word

Asked by: Rosetta Runte

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Because this adverb is really a collection of three words, many writers like to spell it as such with a space between each syllable. However, we actually speak the three words as if it were one, typically cutting a tic out of our pause between words in a sentence. So, nonetheless is the correct spelling.

Which is correct nevertheless Or nonetheless?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, nevertheless and nonetheless are interchangeable; however, strict grammarians insist that nevertheless should be used when referring to something that has occurred, is occurring, or might occur. Nonetheless means in spite of, in contrast to, or notwithstanding.

Is nevertheless one word or three?

A funny-looking adverb that appears to be made up of three words squished together, nevertheless means “even so» or «all the same.”

Why does nonetheless mean?

Nonetheless, it does have a definition. It means «in spite of.» Break this word up to examine its meaning: None-the-less means that the statement you’ve just made does not diminish or make less what comes next. We are not at all prepared to climb this mountain, nonetheless we are going to try.

Can you end a sentence with nonetheless?

Nonetheless means; in spite of. Nonetheless doesn’t belong at the beginning or end of a sentence. An example would be: «In a statement, the Bin Laden family said they were «devastated by this great loss, but nonetheless accept it was God’s will to lose them.» This is from

41 related questions found

How do we use nonetheless?

Nonetheless is defined as however. An example of nonetheless is using the word between two phrases to show the contrast of the two thoughts such as, «It was pouring outside; nonetheless, he still went for his evening run» which means that he went for a run even though it was raining. In spite of that; nevertheless.

How do you use nonetheless?

He was always very critical of his own country. Nevertheless / nonetheless, he never moved abroad. Nevertheless and nonetheless can follow but: Charles has lost a lot of money on the investment, but nevertheless / nonetheless he continues to be optimistic about it.

What is use of nevertheless?

You use nevertheless when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said. [formal] Many marriages fail. Nevertheless, people continue to get married. His father, though ill-equipped for the project, had nevertheless tried his best.

Can you say nonetheless?

It isn’t redundant, not least because but is a conjunction and nevertheless is an adverb. The OED has around 40 citations for but nevertheless, including this, for example, from the poet Stephen Spender: Leaves of Grass is a vague, formless, but nevertheless impressive and rhapsodic Aeneid of the American Civil War.

What kind of word is nevertheless?

«Nevertheless» is commonly used as a conjunctive adverb. The building is guarded around the clock, but robberies occur nevertheless.

What is the synonym of nevertheless?

in spite of everything, in spite of that, nonetheless, even so, however, but, still, yet, though, be that as it may, for all that, despite everything, despite that, after everything, having said that, that said, just the same, all the same, at the same time, in any event, come what may, at any rate, notwithstanding, …

What nevertheless means?

adverb. nonetheless; notwithstanding; however; in spite of that: a small but nevertheless important change.

Is nevertheless good or bad?

Nevertheless is an adverb that tells the reader that something happened even though there is something that might have stopped it from happening. Here are some example sentences with nevertheless: The math test was very difficult; nevertheless, she earned a good grade.

What is another word for anyways?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for anyway, like: anyhow, nevertheless, regardless, at-any-rate, anyways, in-any-case, in any manner, in-any-event, after-all, actually and thats.

What is difference between nevertheless and notwithstanding?

While they are both adverbs, meaning that they are modifiers, when properly applied, nevertheless should be used when referring to an event or situation which either has, is, or may occur. … In contrast, notwithstanding is a compound preposition, formed by prefixing a preposition with a noun, adverb, or adjective.

What is the another word for gas?

In this page you can discover 106 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for gas, like: vapor, gasoline, blab, prate, aeriform fluid, babble, nitrous-oxide, chitchat, fumes, jabber and petrol (British).

What is a word for many?

In this page you can discover 76 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for many, like: numerous, several, countless, diverse, multiplied, divers, manifold, myriad, sundry, innumerable and umpteen.

What is another word for where?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for where, like: in which, in what place?, at which place?, at which point, anywhere, in what direction?, wherever, in whatever place, whither, at which and toward what?.

How do we use despite?

We use despite / in spite of to express that something is unexpected or surprising. Despite the heavy traffic, we got there on time. Despite being much older than the others, he won the race. Despite and in spite of can be followed by a noun or verb.

Do you use comma after nevertheless?

Nevertheless can begin a sentence. Remember to use a comma after nevertheless.

Is nevertheless a connective?

‘However’, ‘nevertheless’ and ‘nonetheless’ are more formal and are usually used only in writing. These words are known as connective adverbs. In other words, they introduce an idea that connects to the preceding sentence.

When should nevertheless be used?

You use nevertheless when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said. He had problems but nevertheless managed to finish his most famous painting.

Can I use nonetheless to start a sentence?

Nonetheless doesn’t belong at the beginning or end of a sentence. An example would be: “In a statement, the Bin Laden family said they were “devastated by this great loss, but nonetheless accept it was God’s will to lose them.” This is from

How do you use nonetheless in a sentence?

Nonetheless in a Sentence ?

  1. Even though the donation was small, it was, nonetheless, a contribution for a worthy cause.
  2. Today’s sales may not be great, but nonetheless, they are better than yesterday’s tally.
  3. While the medicine has a few side effects, it is, nonetheless, effective against the disease.

Can we write “nonetheless” as more than one or two words? This article will explore the reasons behind the grouped form that we are so used to seeing. By the end of this, you should have a much better understanding of how it works!

“Nonetheless” is only correct as one word. We always group the phrase because it’s a very old-fashioned one. When it was first created, “none the less” was the spelling variation, but with the pronunciation and flow of the phrase, it made sense to group the words over time.

Nonetheless or None the less?

According to Google Ngram Viewer, “nonetheless” is the only acceptable option of the two. You can tell this based on the vast differences in popularity from the graph lines.

Nonetheless or None the less - Statistics

However, it wasn’t until the 1950s that “nonetheless” overtook “none the less” as the popular spelling variation. This shows that it’s still a recent change, where the three-word variation was once correct as well.

The Cambridge Dictionary and The Oxford Dictionary both provide an entry for “nonetheless.” This shows that it’s the officially recognized spelling variation, and it’s the one you should stick to in any case.

However, The Oxford Dictionary also states that “none the less” is a spelling variation because it was only seventy years ago that the three-word option died out. Relative to the evolution of language, “none the less” is still regarded as correct (but it’s never used).

Is “Nonetheless” One Word?

“Nonetheless” is correct. It should be the only form that we use. Years ago, the three-word option worked well, but people started to drop the spaces between the words in favor of simplicity and readability as it got used more. Since that change, “nonetheless” is the only correct option.

Interestingly, there are no specific rules we can refer to when something like this happens. It’s just something that can occur as language evolves, and people look for ways to simplify words and phrases they used to use.

The AP Stylebook comes the closest, but even that only refers to hyphenation rather than grouping multiple words.

Check out some examples to help you with it:

  1. Nonetheless, I do not think it is very reasonable to be seen out in public right now, sir.
  2. I have to do my duty, nonetheless. Otherwise, I’ll be the laughing stock of all my people.
  3. Nonetheless, I speak for the people who were not able to speak for themselves.
  4. I’m afraid that I will have to continue with this nonetheless. As touched as I am by your sentiment, the plan is already in motion!

Is “None the less” Three Words?

“None the less” was once correct as three words. However, this hasn’t been the case in seventy years. While it’s still recognized in The Oxford Dictionary, it’s best to completely avoid using this form. Most native speakers treat it as grammatically incorrect.

Since the flow of “none the less” is supposed to be much quicker, it made sense for people to group the words into one when they started writing it. This helped many people to understand what it meant.

Also, AP Stylebook grouping rules tend to apply to adverbs and adjectives, which “none the less” comes under. While no direct rules teach us to group the word, it made sense that “nonetheless” would eventually fall under the same umbrella here.

Perhaps you’d like to check these examples out to see how it works:

  • Correct: I’m nonetheless certain that I’ll be able to find a way to correct the wrongs that have taken place here.
  • Incorrect: You will none the less come back to the office with me, even though you claim to be busy.
  • Correct: Nonetheless, I think it’s more appropriate that you discuss these matters with him in private.
  • Incorrect: None the less, I do not want to hear any more about it!

Tip To Remember The Difference

It’s time to give you a quick tip to help you remember the key difference. Only the one-word variation is correct, so you should only stick to that.

“Nonetheless” is designed to be said quickly and sharply. Therefore, it makes sense to remember that it’s treated as one word without any pauses between the three different words.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

The Age of ‘Nevertheless’

Historically, the most striking difference between nevertheless and nonetheless is how much older nevertheless is. Samuel Johnson includes it in his original Dictionary of the English Language (1756):

NEVERTHELESS. ad. [never the less.] Notwithstanding that. Bacon.

That last notation means that Johnson found an instance of the word in Francis Bacon’s works; Bacon died in 1626. And it appears in Google Books search results going at least as far back as Injunctions Given by the Queens Majesty, Concerning Both the Clergy and the Laity of this Realm (1559):

  1. Also, For as much as variance and contention is a thing that most displeaseth God, and is most contrary to the blessed Communion of the body and blood of our Saviour Christ, Curates shall in no wise admit to the receiving thereof any of their cure and flock, which be openly known to live in sin without repentance, or hath maliciously and openly contended with his Neighbor, unless the same do first charitably and openly reconcile himself again, remitting all rancor and malice, whatsoever controversie hath been between them. And nevertheless, the just titles and rights they may charitably prosecute before such as have authority to hear the same.

  1. Also, That they shall take away, utterly extinct and destroy all Shrines, coverings of Shrines, all Tables, Candlesticks, Trindals, and Rolls of Wax, Pictures, Paintings, and all other Monuments of feigned Miracles, Pilgrimages, Idolatry an Superstition, so that there remain no memory of the same in walls, glass-windows, or elsewhere within their Churches and Houses, preserving nevertheless, or repairing both the walls and glass-windows ; and they shall exhort all their Parishioners to do the like, within their several Houses.

The Youth of ‘Nonetheless’

But Johnson does not have an entry for nonetheless—and neither do the various Webster’s dictionaries published between 1806 and 1960. In fact, the first Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary to include an entry for nonetheless is the Seventh Edition (1963), with the briefest of definitions:

nonetheless adv : NEVERTHELESS

That’s not to say that the phrase “none the less” does not long predate the twentieth century. A Google Books search for “none the less” turns up matches from the early 1700s, such as this example from A Review of the Affairs of France (March 13, 1705):

First, This Gentleman begs the Question, That there being so much Yarn Spun in Yorkshire, there is none the less Spun anywhere else.

And so many Stuffs made in London, there is none the less made in Norwich.

And many later matches are structured along similar lines, like this one from The National Preacher (February 1832):

Man sustains two relations to God. He is a moral agent, that is, susceptible of obligations, and he is dependant on God for sanctifying impressions. In the former relation he is active, in the latter he is passive. These two relations are almost entirely independent of each other. That is to say, we are none the less dependant for being under obligations ; and on the other hand, we are none the less bound to believe because faith is » the gift of God,» and none the less bound to love because love is » the fruit of the Spirit.”

And this one from George Aiton, “The Purpose of English in the High School” (read November 1896, and reprinted from School Review 1897):

A bowlder is none the less granitic because gray lichens fleck its sides. Gibraltar is none the less a fortress because wild vines festoon its precipices. Longfellow is none the less great because blue-eyed banditti trampled over his dignity. The human heart is none the less true to stern and difficult duty because a little of the beauty and of the pleasure of life has crept into it.

And this one from Max Lerner, Ideas Are Weapons: The History and Uses of Ideas (1939):

It is no historical accident but a matter of cultural logic that a Field should grow where a Morgan does; and a Brandeis is none the less organic a product of capitalist society than is a Debs. If the contrast between the first pair and the second is precipitous it is none the less contrast and not contradiction.

In each of these instances, “none the less” does not mean “nevertheless”; it means “not any less.” In the Lerner quotation, however, you can see how the second instance of “none the less” might be taken to mean “nevertheless,” whereas the first instance of “none the less” simply could not be understood that way. This seems to be what occurred with the one-word form nonetheless when it emerged in the first half of the twentieth century. For example, from Noel Busch, “Donald Nelson,” in Life magazine (July 6, 1942):

During the years when Nelson was practicing it as diligently as possible, U. S. business was undergoing a most extraordinary experience. Since, in effect, business is the U. S., efforts to belittle it patently constitute a sort of treason. Nonetheless, shortly after the last war apparently animated by an involved kind of masochism, U. S. intellectuals began not only to belittle but to berate, bedevil and belabor business by every means that came to mind. … Fundamentally, the question of whether U.S. business is good or bad is about as realistic as the question of whether U.S. air is good or bad. Nonetheless, by 1932 precisely this question had become the chief issue in a presidential campaign.

Changes in Frequency Over Time

An Ngram chart for the years 1800 through 2005 for the terms “nevertheless” (the red line), “never the less” (the yellow line), “nonetheless” (the blue line), and “none the less” (the green line) shows how the frequency of “none the less” has dropped in the past 80 years as the frequency of “nonetheless” has risen:

In addition, the frequency of “nevertheless” has taken a hit during the same time period, which suggests that in some of instances where people might have used nevertheless in the past, they may now be using nonetheless instead. If so, this state of affairs may provide another indication that the two terms now mean virtually the same thing.

Is there a difference between nonetheless and nevertheless? Are these words synonyms? Discover the definitions of nonetheless and nevertheless in my handy guide. I also provided examples of how to use them in sentences.

Nevertheless and Nonetheless: The Real Difference

httpsgrammarist.comcompound wordsnevertheless vs nonetheless

Nevertheless and nonetheless are both conjunctive adverbs with the same ending, -theless. They both show contrast or opposition and can be used interchangeably, according to Merriam-Webster and Oxford English Dictionary. But some style guides say otherwise and discuss a difference between usage.

When to Use Nevertheless

Nevertheless is an adverb that has been used since the 1300s. In terms of context, use it to mean in spite of that or however.

When to Use Nonetheless

Nonetheless was coined in the 1830s but only became popular in the 1930s. Use it to mean in spite of what has just been said or mentioned. It also means in contrast to or notwithstanding.

Is It Okay to Say ‘But Nevertheless’?

It’s not necessary to use but and nevertheless in the same sentence.

Is It Correct to Say ‘But Nonetheless’?

It’s not necessary to use but and nonetheless in the same sentence.

Is Nonetheless One Word?

Yes, nonetheless is one word.

Can We Use Nevertheless Instead of However?

Yes, both however and nevertheless express contrast.

How Do You Use Nonetheless and Nevertheless in a Sentence?

Here are some examples of nonetheless in a sentence.

  • The weather forecast called for rain, nonetheless, we decided to go on our hike.
  • Despite the challenges we faced, we were able to complete the project on time nonetheless.
  • He didn’t get the promotion he wanted, nonetheless, he remained positive and focused on his next opportunity.
  • The movie received mixed reviews, nonetheless, it was a box office success.
  • She was exhausted from a long day of work, nonetheless, she stayed up late to finish her book.
  • Meet Ivory Coast’s friendly elephant, who is nonetheless concerning locals. (The Observers)

Take a look at these sentence examples I found with the word nevertheless.

  • The traffic was heavy, nevertheless, we arrived at the meeting on time.
  • She didn’t have much experience in the field, nevertheless, she was able to impress the hiring manager during the interview.
  • He wasn’t feeling well, nevertheless, he decided to push through and play in the game.
  • The project was complex, nevertheless, the team was able to complete it successfully.
  • The restaurant was busy, nevertheless, we were able to find a table to sit at and have dinner.
  • Several rumors have swirled about Hendriks in the trade market, yet none conclude the idea that the White Sox have any interest in dealing the closer. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean the Sox aren’t listening. (NBC Sports)

Nevertheless vs. Nonetheless Summary

I hope my spelling and grammar tips have helped you understand these two compound adverbs and their difference in meaning. Nevertheless and nonetheless are both conjunctive adverbs of contrast that end in -theless. Most dictionaries and grammar authorities, including Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Dictionary, state they both mean in contrast to. However, other style guides and dictionaries note that:

  • Nevertheless means in spite of that.
  • Nonetheless means in contrast to.

Is nonetheless all one word?

Because this adverb is really a collection of three words, many writers like to spell it as such with a space between each syllable. However, we actually speak the three words as if it were one, typically cutting a tic out of our pause between words in a sentence. So, nonetheless is the correct spelling.

How do you use nonetheless in a sentence?

Nonetheless Sentence Examples

  1. Furious at Jessi, he was nonetheless concerned.
  2. Eyes blurred by tears, she nonetheless caught the flash of silver eyes.
  3. A full head smaller than him, Darkyn was nonetheless the most lethal creature Gabriel had ever known.

What are some characteristics of nonetheless?

They use it to link two seemingly contradictory thoughts. Nonetheless, it does have a definition. It means “in spite of.” Break this word up to examine its meaning: None-the-less means that the statement you’ve just made does not diminish or make less what comes next.

Do we put comma after nevertheless?

Nevertheless can begin a sentence. Remember to use a comma after nevertheless.

Is nevertheless polite?

However and nevertheless: to express a contrast We can use either of the adverbs however or nevertheless to indicate that the second point we wish to make contrasts with the first point. The difference is one of formality: nevertheless is bit more formal and emphatic than however.

How do you use nonetheless and nevertheless in a sentence?

“I kept losing money until I was left with none. The excitement was worth it, nonetheless.” “I never believed that I would lose all my money. Nevertheless, I continued to play.”

What does nevertheless mean in a sentence?

You use nevertheless when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said. [formal] Although the market has been flat, residential property costs remain high. Nevertheless, the fall-off in demand has had an impact on resale values. Synonyms: even so, still, however, yet More Synonyms of nevertheless.

Is nevertheless a formal word?

We can use either of the adverbs however or nevertheless to indicate that the second point we wish to make contrasts with the first point. The difference is one of formality: nevertheless is bit more formal and emphatic than however.

What is the difference between nonetheless and nevertheless?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, nevertheless and nonetheless are interchangeable; however, strict grammarians insist that nevertheless should be used when referring to something that has occurred, is occurring, or might occur. Nonetheless means in spite of, in contrast to, or notwithstanding.

What is use of nevertheless?

You use nevertheless when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said. [formal] Many marriages fail. Nevertheless, people continue to get married. His father, though ill-equipped for the project, had nevertheless tried his best.

Do you use comma after nevertheless?

Use a comma after certain adverbs: however, in fact, therefore, nevertheless, moreover, furthermore, still, instead, too (meaning ‘also’). Example: Therefore, he didn’t say a word. If these adverbs appear in the middle of a sentence, they are enclosed in commas.

  • 1

    nonetheless [ˏnʌnðəˊles]


    тем не ме́нее, всё же

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > nonetheless

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > nonetheless

  • 3

    тем не менее, всё же

    Nonetheless, support for biometrics is growing in Toronto as it is in many other communities. In an increasingly crowded and complicated world, biometrics may well be a technology whose time has come.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > nonetheless

  • 4

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > nonetheless

  • 5


    тем не менее, всё же

    НБАРС > nonetheless

  • 6

    adv тем не менее, всё же

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. nevertheless (other) after all; after all is said and done; all the same; anyhow; anyway; at any rate; be that as it may; even so; howbeit; however; in any case; in any event; in spite of everything; nevertheless; notwithstanding; per contra; regardless; still; still and all; still and all (US); though; withal; yet

    English-Russian base dictionary > nonetheless

  • 7

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > nonetheless

  • 8


    2) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: несмотря на

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > nonetheless

  • 9


    несмотря на, однако

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > nonetheless

  • 10

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > nonetheless

  • 11

    1 (0) тем не менее

    * * *

    несмотря на, однако

    * * *

    [ ‘nʌnðə’les]
    тем не менее, все же

    * * *

    несмотря на

    Новый англо-русский словарь > nonetheless

  • 12

    Англо-русский словарь по проекту Сахалин II > nonetheless

  • 13

    тем не менее

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > nonetheless

  • 14



    несмотря на, однако

    Англо-русский современный словарь > nonetheless

  • 15

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > nonetheless

  • 16
    nonetheless, it would be misleading to view it simply as …

      • тем не менее было бы заблуждением рассматривать это просто как…

    English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > nonetheless, it would be misleading to view it simply as …

  • 17
    I like him nonetheless

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I like him nonetheless

  • 18

    1. adv всё же, как бы то ни было

    2. cj хотя; всё же; несмотря на; однако

    she was very tired, nevertheless she kept working — она очень устала, но несмотря на это продолжала работать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. however (adj.) after all; although; however; in spite of that; nonetheless; notwithstanding; regardless; still; yet

    2. after all (other) after all; after all is said and done; all the same; anyhow; anyway; at any rate; be that as it may; besides; but; even so; furthermore; howbeit; however; in any case; in any event; in spite of everything; nonetheless; notwithstanding; per contra; regardless; still; still and all; still and all (US); though; withal; yet

    3. but (other) again; but; nonetheless; on the other hand

    English-Russian base dictionary > nevertheless

  • 19



    все-таки (still, nevertheless, though)

    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > still

  • 20

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > yet


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

См. также в других словарях:

  • nonetheless — index regardless Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • nonetheless — 1839, as phrase none the less; contracted into one word from c.1930 …   Etymology dictionary

  • nonetheless — (also none the less) ► ADVERB ▪ in spite of that; nevertheless …   English terms dictionary

  • nonetheless — [nun΄thə les′] adv. in spite of that; nevertheless: also none the less …   English World dictionary

  • nonetheless — 01. I lost the game, but I told myself that I had improved a lot [nonetheless]. 02. He does things quite slowly sometimes, but they are [nonetheless] very well done. 03. My job is quite demanding at times, but I really enjoy it [nonetheless]. 04 …   Grammatical examples in English

  • nonetheless — [[t]nʌ̱nðəle̱s[/t]] ADV: ADV with cl Nonetheless means the same as nevertheless. [FORMAL] There was still a long way to go. Nonetheless, some progress had been made… His face is serious but nonetheless very friendly. Syn: nevertheless …   English dictionary

  • nonetheless — none|the|less [ˌnʌnðəˈles] adv [sentence adverb] formal in spite of the fact that has just been mentioned = ↑nevertheless ▪ The region was extremely beautiful. Nonetheless Gerard could not imagine spending the rest of his life there. ▪ The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • nonetheless — adverb (sentence adverb) formal in spite of the fact that has just been mentioned; nevertheless: These islands are not a popular holiday destination, but are worth considering nonetheless. | The region was extremely beautiful. Nonetheless Gerard… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • nonetheless — See nevertheless. See nevertheless, nonetheless …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • nonetheless — adv. Nonetheless is used with these verbs: ↑retain …   Collocations dictionary

  • nonetheless — adverb I doubt you have much to add nonetheless, we want to hear your side of the story Syn: nevertheless, even so, however, but, still, yet, though; in spite of that, despite that, be that as it may, for all that, that said, just the same, all… …   Thesaurus of popular words

Here they are again: Words which sound so much alike, have similar meanings, and everybody uses them. What, then, is the difference?

Let’s begin with the fact that nonetheless, nevertheless, and notwithstanding are all compound words. This means that you can break the word up into separate words. By doing so, you can find clues to the distinctions, however slight, between the three words.

Compare the words none the less with never the less. If used as a pronoun, none means not one, no one, or not any. Applied as an adverb, it means not at all. In either case, the word signifies a physical or metaphysical thing. Never is an adverb which negates time. Viewed this way, one can see a difference.

  • “I kept losing money until I was left with none.”
  • “I never believed that I would lose all my money.”

Now, take it a step further and add to the sentences above.

  • “I kept losing money until I was left with none. The excitement was worth it, nonetheless.”
  • “I never believed that I would lose all my money. Nevertheless, I continued to play.”

While they are both adverbs, meaning that they are modifiers, when properly applied, nevertheless should be used when referring to an event or situation which either has, is, or may occur. Nonetheless should be applied to something which is measurably quantifiable.

Note, also, the structure of the example sentences. Nevertheless is used more frequently in the active voice, when the subject of the sentence acts upon the verb. You are more likely to see nonetheless as an example of the passive voice, where the subject is receiver of the action.

In common usage, the two words are effectively interchangeable. As with all words, once a meaning becomes universally accepted, there is no going back. At least one dictionary defines nonetheless as meaning nevertheless, adding that the only difference is that nonetheless is the more formal usage of the two. Linguistic historians will also note that nevertheless appeared in English usage (around 1350), much earlier than nonetheless, about two centuries later.

In contrast, notwithstanding is a compound preposition, formed by prefixing a preposition with a noun, adverb, or adjective. You’ll often see it as part of a prepositional phrase. It is commonly interchangeable with the word despite, or the phrase, “in spite of…”.

  • “Notwithstanding the extreme cold, I left the house wearing shorts.”

Like the other two, notwithstanding is likely to be used in more formal discourse. You’ll often find it in legal settings.


Notwithstanding the similarities among the three words, you’ll probably nevertheless use one more frequently than the other, which is nonetheless more formal.

Art by Molly Dowd Sullivan


- тем не менее, всё же

I like him nonetheless — несмотря на всё он мне нравится

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

It’s a good guess, but wrong nonetheless.

Это хорошее предположение, но всё же неверное.

Sometimes you can be a real jerk, but I like you nonetheless.

Ты иногда ведёшь себя, как полный урод, но всё равно ты мне нравишься.

He had his flaws, but he was great nonetheless.

Хоть у него и были недостатки, но, тем не менее, он был замечательным.

The paintings are complex, but have plenty of appeal nonetheless.

Хотя эти картины и сложны, но, тем не менее, довольно привлекательны.

The region was extremely beautiful. Nonetheless Gerard could not imagine spending the rest of his life there.

Край этот был чрезвычайно красив. Тем не менее, Джерард и представить себе не мог, что проведёт там остаток жизни.

Возможные однокоренные слова

nevertheless  — тем не менее, однако, несмотря на это, тем не менее, все-таки, несмотря на

What does the word nonetheless mean?

According to Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Dictionary and Cambridge English Dictionary, the word nonetheless (pronounced ˌnʌnðəˈles) is an adverb that means despite something that has been said or done. Try using this word of the day or other new words in a sentence today! This word is used in both American English and British English, and is considered an intermediate word in a person’s English vocabulary. 

Many different languages contain words meaning nonetheless. You may notice that some of these translations look and sound similar to each other. This is likely because they have a common origin. Often, cognates, which are words and phrases that sound, look, and mean the same thing across languages are formed when the two words or languages have a common language of origin such as Latin or Greek, This list of translations for the word nonetheless is provided by Word Sense. 

  • Korean: 그럼에도 불구하고‎, 그렇지만‎
  • Polish: niemniej jednak‎, jednakże‎, jednakowoż‎
  • Venetian: epura‎, epur‎
  • Roman: usprkos tome‎
  • Bokmål: likevel‎, allikevel‎
  • Japanese: にもかかわらず‎ (nimo kakawarazu)
  • Swedish: inte desto mindre‎, hur som helst‎
  • Dutch: niettemin‎
  • Spanish: no obstante‎, sin embargo‎
  • Finnish: silti‎, kuitenkin‎
  • Cyrillic: успркос томе‎
  • Czech: nicméně‎
  • Mandarin: 還是‎, 还是‎ (háishi), 然而‎ (rán’ér), 仍然‎ (réngrán)
  • Catalan: nogensmenys‎, no obstant‎
  • Latin: tamen‎
  • Italian: nondimeno‎, malgrado ciò‎, ciononostante‎
  • Norwegian:
  • French: néanmoins‎
  • Russian: тем не ме́нее‎
  • Telugu: అయినా‎ (ayinaa)
  • German: nichtsdestoweniger‎, nichtsdestotrotz‎
  • Portuguese: ainda assim‎
  • Nynorsk: likevel‎

How can the word nonetheless be used in a sentence?

The word nonetheless can be used in a variety of different ways to mean in spite of or nevertheless. This is considered a polite word, so one does not need to worry about the formality when using it – it is appropriate for any circumstance. Below are a few different examples of using the word nevertheless in a sentence. In this first example, Josh is trying to justify his bad grade to his mother.

Josh: It doesn’t matter.

Mom: Failing a test absolutely matters!

Josh: Yes I may have failed this test, but nonetheless I still have an A in the class. Plus, the rest of the class failed too. This exam had a 15% average. 

Here, Josh uses the word nonetheless to emphasize to his mother that he is still succeeding in the class despite garnering a failing grade on an assignment. In this next example, Josh’s mom is trying to comfort him after he did not get into his dream school.

Josh: Going there was all I ever wanted.

Mom: I know. You worked really hard, Josh. I know it’s disappointing, but nonetheless you will find a great school where you will make great friends and learn a ton. I promise.

Josh: I hope so.

Here, Josh’s mom uses the word nonetheless to tell him that even though he did not gain admittance to his dream school, a great college experience is still in store for him. The word nonetheless can be used in many different ways in the English language.

What are synonyms and antonyms for the word nonetheless?

There are many different words that can be used in place of the word nonetheless. These are called synonyms, which are words and phrases that have the same meaning as another word or phrase. Synonyms are a useful English language grammatical device to know if you are trying to avoid repeating yourself as well as if you are trying to expand your vocabulary. This list of synonyms for the word nonetheless is provided by Thesaurus.

  • nonetheless
  • although
  • even so
  • nevertheless
  • though
  • regardless
  • notwithstanding
  • howbeit
  • still
  • even though
  • still and all
  • however
  • withal
  • yet
  • at any rate
  • in spite of that
  • on the other hand
  • after all
  • despite
  • not the less
  • but
  • anyway

There are also many different words and phrases that mean the opposite of the phrase nonetheless. These are called antonyms. Antonyms are also a useful device to know if you are working on your vocabulary. This list of antonyms for the word nonetheless is also provided by Thesaurus. 

  • by virtue of
  • in behalf of
  • owing to
  • as things go
  • now that
  • due to
  • in as much as
  • as long as
  • for the sake of
  • as a result of
  • being
  • by cause of
  • because of
  • whereas
  • as
  • thanks to
  • seeing
  • on the grounds that
  • over
  • in that
  • considering
  • through
  • since
  • for the reason that
  • in view of
  • by reason of
  • for
  • in the interest of

What is the origin of the word nonetheless?

According to Etymonline, the word nonetheless was used starting in the year 1839 nas three words – none, the, and less. By 1930 it was contracted into one word. The word none is a pronoun that comes from the Middle English non or none from the Old English nan. This comes from no meaning not, and an meaning one. This word and cognates of it exist across many different languages. None was used as an adverb since the 1650s, and an adjective since 1600. The word less comes from the Old English læs meaning less. This comes from the  adjective læssa meaning smaller of fewer, which comes from the Proto-Germanic laisizan and the Proto-Indo-European root leis meaning small.  

Overall, the word nonetheless is an adverb that means in spite of or nevertheless. This word was originally three separate words – none the less – but has since been contracted into one word in modernity. This word is frequently used in both American and British English. 




Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

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It is a cliche these days to observe that the United States now possesses a global empire — different from Britain’s and Rome’s but an empire nonetheless.

Robert D. Kaplan






Nevertheless may refer to: ▪ Nevertheless, an album by Christine Fellows ▪ Nevertheless, an American Christian indie pop rock band ▪ «Nevertheless I’m in Love with You», a song written by Harry Ruby…

Definition of nonetheless in the English dictionary

The definition of nonetheless in the dictionary is despite that; however; nevertheless.


Synonyms and antonyms of nonetheless in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «nonetheless» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «nonetheless» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of nonetheless to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of nonetheless from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «nonetheless» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

sin embargo,

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

फिर भी

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

مع ذلك

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

тем не менее,

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

no entanto,

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Walau bagaimanapun

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

그럼에도 불구하고

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

dù sao

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

yine de

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

ciò nonostante

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

тим не менш,

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

cu toate acestea,

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

παρ ´όλα αυτά

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

icke desto mindre

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of nonetheless


The term «nonetheless» is very widely used and occupies the 13.749 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «nonetheless» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of nonetheless

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «nonetheless».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «nonetheless» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «nonetheless» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about nonetheless


Famous quotes and sentences with the word nonetheless.

Money is a huge issue for manic depressives. Sometimes the problem is not nearly on the same scale as it has been for me, but nonetheless, it’s difficult to deal with. Many get themselves into debt that can take years to clear up, write bad cheques, shoplift and borrow huge amounts from family and friends.

I never refused my help to any person black or white; and I liked the office nonetheless because there were neither fees nor salary connected with it.

For instance, he says I let him play golf, and he says, he lets me be miserable in my job. Now — that doesn’t quite sound right, does it? But nonetheless, I think for the first time in my life, I’m not going to be miserable in my life when I come and work at CNN.

I want a news service that tells me what no one knows but is true nonetheless.

It is always weird to be in the studio working on Christmas music in June and July, so we decorated the entire studio, we really did. We brought out lights, fake trees and decorated the place to get in the Christmas spirit. You’d leave the studio, and it’d be 100 degrees out in Nashville, but nonetheless, a great experience.

It is a cliche these days to observe that the United States now possesses a global empire — different from Britain’s and Rome’s but an empire nonetheless.

So nonetheless given the importance that was placed on sport in Australia, I wanted to be part of that scene, particularly since I had felt very strongly in my early schooling being marginalised even in the Catholic school.

We spent a lot of time on that record with the sound and recorded it on the Paramount sound stage which is this huge room where the sound is reflected but the reflection is so late and comes from so far away that it doesn’t blur the music but gives you a room nonetheless.

‘The Man Who Never Was,’ by Ewen Montagu, remains the best book about wartime espionage written by an active participant — incomplete, and dry in parts, it nonetheless summons up the ingenuity and sheer eccentricity of those who played this strange and dangerous game.

Things have slowed down considerably since the new series has started airing and I am currently looking for work. It has been a nice year-long vacation nonetheless.


Discover the use of nonetheless in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to nonetheless and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Language-led, and driven by a restless energy — poems of jagged, freer, fractured insights — the book swells to a crescendo in a series of workings and adaptations of older poems as they might appear in the mind of an imagined Irish writer.


Hitchcock Nonetheless: The Master’s Touch in His Least …

Often glossed over by scholars and Hitchcock aficionados, the fifteen films in this book — «Juno and the Paycock, The Skin Game, Waltzes from Vienna, Jamaica Inn, The Paradine Case, Under Capricorn, I Confess, Torn Curtain, Number 17, Rich …


Nonetheless, God Retrieves Us

With refreshing humor, a conversational style, and a blending of conventional and original thought, author Jonathan Bryan observes that we alienate ourselves from God and one another; nonetheless, God retrieves us.

The title to his book comes from a loose translation of Eppur Si MuoveIt Moves Nonetheless, the words uttered by Galileo as he was exiting the Papal Inquisition after writing the abjuration that saved his life.


Expanding Process: Exploring Philosophical and Theological …

The mind never stops storing; nonetheless it possesses what is called emptiness.
The mind never lacks duality; nonetheless it possesses what is called unity. The
mind never stops moving; nonetheless it possesses what is called stillness.


Can Virtue Make Us Happy?: The Art of Living and Morality

Nonetheless, it is not entirely independent ofthe course ofevents. Someone who
experiences the death ofa life partner or a child, whose friend deceives him, who
innocently suffers a permanent physical disability, or who like Job loses all his …

Otfried Höffe, Aaron Bunch, 2010


Social Panorama of Latin America

Nonetheless, the international economic scenario has changed since 2007, with
growth faltering and inflation accelerating worldwide. The rise in international
food and energy prices that gathered pace in that year fuelled inflationary forces


God Against Religion: Rethinking Christian Theology Through …

Rethinking Christian Theology Through Worship Matthew Myer Boulton. or
solemn routines, but they are nonetheless leitourgia, nonetheless works carried
out in order to standaright. These labors may not beexplicitly put forward as
offerings to …

Matthew Myer Boulton, 2008


Philosophical Historicism and the Betrayal of First Philosophy

Nonetheless, the original qualms about historicism ‘s coherence as a
philosophical logos remain incompletely allayed, since historicism poses and
has to pose as a comprehensive critique capable of overruling First Philosophy
and guiding …


Expositions of the Psalms 33-50

Nonetheless all things are empty, for everyone who lives. Verse 7. For whom are
you amassing your wealth? 11. Although each human being walks as an image.
What image is meant? Surely the image of him who said, Let us make humans …

Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.), Maria Boulding, John E. Rotelle, 2000


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term nonetheless is used in the context of the following news items.

Safety measures criticized after Germanwings crash

Nonetheless, the work group recommends abiding by the rule and that in a year’s time, it should be re-examined and possibly eliminated. «Deutsche Welle, Jul 15»

China, commerce and co-operation

The economic version of liberal internationalism has nonetheless had a remarkable renaissance since 1945. French foreign minister Robert … «Financial Times, Jul 15»

Shaun Marsh tunes up in case Test call comes

Nonetheless Voges will not want to wait too much longer than Edgbaston for a score beyond 50, lest Marsh find another way into the XI other … «, Jul 15»

Malaria vaccine gets ‘green light’

He said: «A bed net is more effective than this vaccine, but nonetheless it is a very significant scientific achievement. «I see it as a building block … «BBC News, Jul 15»

Low oil price weighs on BASF earnings

Nonetheless, CEO Kurt Bock provided an optimistic outlook for the rest of the year. «We’re hoping to prove our mettle in a very volatile market … «Deutsche Welle, Jul 15»

Tell us: Which ice cream cone type are you — sugar, waffle or wafer?

(It wasn’t a very scientific poll, but a poll nonetheless.) These cones are lighter in color and hold a good amount of ice cream, minimizing the … «, Jul 15»

Worldview starts legal proceedings against Petroceltic

Nonetheless, if Worldview decides to pursue the proceedings, the company will be obliged to vigorously contest and defend them and to seek … «Irish Times, Jul 15»

As death nears, chemotherapy may do more harm than good

Nonetheless, many, with their doctors, opt to continue treatment — faced with impossible choices, they hold on to hope that treatment might buy … «Los Angeles Times, Jul 15»

Do you know what caused this sinister looking smoke ring?

… rings in the sky above. Despite not being caused by UFOs, the black smoke rings are nonetheless an impressive man-made spectacle. world … «, Jul 15»

Seven Davis Jr: Universes review – funk swagger and 90s house …

… his thumping 2014 PARTY EP. Nonetheless, Universes is a warm, danceable introduction to an artist with plenty of sonic tricks up his sleeve. «The Guardian, Jul 15»


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