No word to say quotes

Happy to read and share the best inspirational No Words To Say quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

No Words To Say Quotes By Sarah Dessen: As if he was beating me to the
As if he was beating me to the punch, his words living forever, while I was left speechless, no rebuttal, no words left to say. — Sarah Dessen

No Words To Say Quotes By Ramona Matta: There is no perfect moment to say I
There is no perfect moment to say I love you because when you feel the urge to say the words of love then you are already in the perfect moment. — Ramona Matta

No Words To Say Quotes By Ralph Vaughan Williams: The duty of the words is to say
The duty of the words is to say just as much as the music has left unsaid and no more. — Ralph Vaughan Williams

No Words To Say Quotes By William Faulkner: I learned that words are no good; that
I learned that words are no good; that words dont ever fit even what they are trying to say at. — William Faulkner

No Words To Say Quotes By Alexander McCall Smith: There was no need for words, for there
There was no need for words, for there are times when words can only hint at what the heart would wish to say. — Alexander McCall Smith

No Words To Say Quotes By Heather Gudenkauf: But you know all about that, being sorry
But you know all about that, being sorry and having no words to say something when you know you should but you just can’t — Heather Gudenkauf

No Words To Say Quotes By Cheryl McIntyre: is the way I like to talk. No
is the way I like to talk. No words are needed when you can say everything you want to with two fingers and a stiff dick. Two — Cheryl McIntyre

No Words To Say Quotes By Katie McGarry: I love you', I tell her. 'I don't
I love you’, I tell her. ‘I don’t face fancy shit inside me or other pretty words to say, but know that, no matter what, I love you. — Katie McGarry

No Words To Say Quotes By Christian Baloga: Pay no attention to toxic words. What people
Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you. — Christian Baloga

No Words To Say Quotes By Shauna Niequist: Food is a language of care, the thing
Food is a language of care, the thing we do when traditional language fails us, when we don’t know what to say, when there are no words to say. — Shauna Niequist

No Words To Say Quotes By Vicki Pettersson: So much to say, yet no words would
So much to say, yet no words would ever be enough. — Vicki Pettersson

No Words To Say Quotes By Michel De Montaigne: No man is exempt from saying silly things;
No man is exempt from saying silly things; the mischief is to say them deliberately. — Michel De Montaigne

No Words To Say Quotes By Saul Bellow: It's no small matter to become rich and
It’s no small matter to become rich and famous by saying exactly what you think — to say it in your own words, without compromise. — Saul Bellow

No Words To Say Quotes By Lauren Groff: No words could possibly contain all he has
No words could possibly contain all he has to say. He manages to utter, at last, I’m okay, and this is enough for now. — Lauren Groff

No Words To Say Quotes By Andrea Hairston: No one should let yesterday use up too
No one should let yesterday use up too much of today. Easy to say, hard to live. — Andrea Hairston

No Words To Say Quotes By Federico Chini: Once words have been said there is no
Once words have been said there is no way to un-say them — Federico Chini

No Words To Say Quotes By Tessa Bailey: Oh no. You wanted to be turned around
Oh no. You wanted to be turned around and fucked like a bad girl. Now you’ll say the bad words that go along with it. Tell me what you want. — Tessa Bailey

No Words To Say Quotes By Joyce Meyer: Ask God to fill your mouth with the
Ask God to fill your mouth with the words you need to say today. No issue is so small that it doesn’t require God’s wisdom. — Joyce Meyer

No Words To Say Quotes By Alfred Russel Wallace: To say that mind is a product or
To say that mind is a product or function of protoplasm, or of its molecular changes, is to use words to which we can attach no clear conception. — Alfred Russel Wallace

No Words To Say Quotes By Megan Hart: There seemed to be so much to say,
There seemed to be so much to say, but no words adequate to say it. — Megan Hart

No Words To Say Quotes By E.A. Bucchianeri: A conscience without regrets ~ to live life
A conscience without regrets ~ to live life without having to say you’re sorry. — E.A. Bucchianeri

No Words To Say Quotes By Rion Amilcar Scott: Some shit I got to say to you,
Some shit I got to say to you, I won’t even try to say ’cause there ain’t no words for it. — Rion Amilcar Scott

No Words To Say Quotes By Justine Ezarik: What we say to each other-even when it's
What we say to each other-even when it’s anonymous, even when we think no one is paying attention, even when it’s online-matters. Words have meaning. — Justine Ezarik

No Words To Say Quotes By Lynette Ferreira: Have you ever tried to find the words
Have you ever tried to find the words to say something, but no matter what you think of saying, you know it might come out wrong? — Lynette Ferreira

Enjoy reading and share 100 famous quotes about No Words To Say with everyone.

No Words To Say Quotes By Johnny Weir

No mother wants to hear her son say he’s gay. Those two words rip the picture of a daughter-in-law and grandchildren into pieces. I felt sorry for my mom and wanted her to know everything was going to be all right. But then she said, ‘I don’t really care, Johnny, as long as I know that you are going to be happy.’ — Johnny Weir

No Words To Say Quotes By Jacques Yonnet

Every day the words that Keep-on-Dancin’ and the Gypsy imparted to me — theories, observations, advice and warnings — are substantiated and acquire deeper meaning.

‘It’s not for nothing there are so many bistrots in Paris,’ Keep-on-Dancin’ asserted. ‘The reason so many people are always crowded into them isn’t so much they go there to drink but to meet up, congregate, come together, comfort each other. Yes, comfort each other: people are bored the whole time, and they’re scared, scared of loneliness and boredom. And they all carry around in their heart of hearts their own pet little arch-fear: fear of death, no matter how devil-may-care they might appear to be. They’d do anything to avoid thinking about it. Don’t forget, it’s with that fear all temples and churches were built. So in cities like this, where forty different races mingle together, everyone can always find something to say to each other. — Jacques Yonnet

No Words To Say Quotes By Rachel Joyce

How could he say all this? It amounted to a lifetime. He could try to find the words, but they would never hold the same meaning for her that they did for him. «My house,» he would say; and the image that would spring to her head would be of her own. There was no saying it. — Rachel Joyce

No Words To Say Quotes By Tessa Dare

I never told her I loved her. What an ass I am. No wonder she left. I mean, I told her in a dozen different ways, but I never said the words.»
«Are they so hard to say?»
«Yes, but … I don’t know. They shouldn’t be.» Gray shook his head. «Do you know, that fifteen-year-old boy had the courage to say in front of the whole crew what I couldn’t bring myself to whisper in the dark? He’ll make a fine officer someday, Davy Linnet. Got bigger stones than either of us, I’d wager.»
Joss snorted. «Speak for yourself. — Tessa Dare

No Words To Say Quotes By Jon Bon Jovi

If you told me to cry for you
I could
If you told me to die for you
I would
Take a look at my face
There’s no price I won’t pay
To say these words to you — Jon Bon Jovi

No Words To Say Quotes By Jim Butcher

They say you can know a man by his enemies, Dresden.» He smiled, and laughter lurked beneath his next words, never quite surfacing. «You defy beings that should cow you into silence. You resist forces that are inevitable for no more reason than that you believe they should be resisted. You bow your head to neither demons nor angels, and you put yourself in harm’s way to defend those who cannot defend themselves.» He nodded slowly. «I think I like you. — Jim Butcher

No Words To Say Quotes By T. S. Eliot

So here I am, in the middle way, having had twenty years
Twenty years largely wasted, the years of l’entre deux guerres
Trying to learn to use words, and every attempt
Is a wholly new start, and a different kind of failure
Because one has only learnt to get the better of words
For the thing one no longer has to say, or the way in which
One is no longer disposed to say it. And so each venture
Is a new beginning, a raid on the inarticulate
With shabby equipment always deteriorating
In the general mess of imprecision of feeling,
Undisciplined squads of emotion. — T. S. Eliot

No Words To Say Quotes By Henry Miller

No man ever puts down what he intended to say … words … are but crude hieroglyphs chiseled in pain and sorrow to commemorate an event which is untransmissible. — Henry Miller

No Words To Say Quotes By Chris Colfer

After seeing amazing magical places like Neverland, Oz, Narnia and Wonderland, why did you ever want to leave?»
The girls looked to one another; they had never been asked the question before, at least in Alex’s mind.
«Because no matter where you go or what you see, you’ll always want to be where you belong,» Lucy said.
«Your home is where you feel most comfortable and loved,» Wendy said.
«It’s a part of you,» Alice added. «It’s where your family is.»
«There’s no place like home,» Dorothy said, as if it was the first time she’d ever said those words.
Alex appreciated what they had to say, but wasn’t sure if she entirely agreed. «I wonder, though, if home sometimes isn’t where you’re from,» she said.
The girls looked at her as if she had already answered her own question. Alex wondered if that had been the real question lingering in her mind all along. — Chris Colfer

No Words To Say Quotes By Kathryn Stockett

I’m pretty sure I can say that no one in my family ever asked Demetrie what it felt like to be black in Mississippi, working for our white family. It never occurred to us to ask. It was everyday life. It wasn’t something people felt compelled to examine.
I have wished, for many years, that I’d been old enough and thoughtful enough to ask Demetrie that question. She died when I was sixteen. I’ve spent years imagining what her answer would be. And that is why I wrote this book. — Kathryn Stockett

No Words To Say Quotes By Edwidge Danticat

I once heard an elder say that the dead who have no use for their words leave them as part of their children’s inheritance. Proverbs, teeth suckings, obscenities, even grunts and moans once inserted in special places during conversations, all are passed along to the next heir. — Edwidge Danticat

No Words To Say Quotes By John Ashbery

And just as there are no words for the surface, that is,
No words to say what it really is, that it is not
Superficial but a visible core, then there is
No way out of the problem of pathos vs. experience. — John Ashbery

No Words To Say Quotes By Martin Luther

We are so unrepentant that we would rather perish than confess truthfully that we are sinners and justify God by means of confession. David justified the prophet Nathan’s words: ‘You are an adulterer, a murderer, and a blasphemer.’ When David heard this, he was chastened and replied: ‘The words are true.’ He confessed his sins immediately and received forgiveness. Nathan did not write David a letter of indulgence, nor did he say to him: ‘Make a pilgrimage to St. James, or have Masses read; or lie down in a hairy garment!’ No, he said: ‘The Lord has removed your sin. — Martin Luther

No Words To Say Quotes By Jane Goodall

For those who have experienced the joy of being alone with nature there is really little need for me to say much more; for those who have not, no words of mine can ever describe the powerful, almost mystical knowledge of beauty and eternity that come, suddenly, and all unexpected. — Jane Goodall

No Words To Say Quotes By Mia Sheridan

You’re jealous of a bird?» she asks.
«What? No!» I snap. I just don’t think I like peacocks very much.
«You’re jealous of a bird,» she says, a glint of amusement coming into her eyes. She glances back at her phone. «He IS gorgeous. Goddddd, soooo gorgeous,» she moans out the words, throwing her head back.
«Hilarious,» I say, trying not to smile now at my own ridiculousness. «That bird was trying to move in on my territory. I know a brazen male threat when I see one. — Mia Sheridan

No Words To Say Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

You’re going to have to detach from Luke at some point,» Jack said. «Maybe you shouldn’t have said it to him.»
«He’s a baby,» I said indignantly. «He has to hear it from someone. How would you like to come into the world and not have anyone say they loved you?»
«My parents never said it. They thought you shouldn’t wear out the words.»
«But you don’t agree?»
«No. If the feeling is there, you might as well admit it. Saying the words, or not saying them, doesn’t change a damn thing.»
-Jack & Ella — Lisa Kleypas

No Words To Say Quotes By Samuel Beckett

And even my sense of identity was wrapped in a namelessness often hard to penetrate, as we have just seen I think … Yes, even then, when already all was fading, waves and particles, there could be no things but nameless things, no names but thingless names. I say that now, but after all what do I know now about then, now when the icy words hail down upon me, the icy meanings, and the world dies too, foully named. All I know is what the words know, and the dead things, and that makes a handsome little sum, with a beginning, a middle and an end as in the well-built phrase and the long sonata of the dead. And truly it little matters what I say, this or that or any other thing. Saying is inventing. Wrong, very rightly wrong. You invent nothing, you think you are inventing, you think you are escaping, and all you do is stammer out your lesson, the remnants of a pensum one day got by heart and long forgotten, life without tears, as it is wept. To hell with it anyway. — Samuel Beckett

No Words To Say Quotes By Dean Koontz

Nowhere can a secret keep
Always secret, dark and deep,
Half so well as in the past,
Buried deep to last, to last.
Keep it in your own dark heart.
Otherwise the rumors start.
After many years have buried
Secrets over which you worried,
No confidant can then betray
All the words you didn’t say.
Only you can then exhume
Secrets safe within the tomb
Of memory, of memory,
Within the tomb of memory.
-The Book of Counted Sorrows — Dean Koontz

No Words To Say Quotes By Brent Weeks

Neither day nor night is our master. And do you know what happens when a woman walks without fear?»
Teia shook her head, but there was a sudden longing deep in her that swelled so strong it paralyzed her tongue. Tell me. Tell me.
«She becomes.»
Becomes what? Teia didn’t say the words aloud, but he knew what she was thinking, for he answered:
«She becomes whatever she wills. Minus only one thing.» In the dark, he held up a finger, almost like he was scolding her.
Teia was silent now. The question was obvious, and now she didn’t want to ask it.
Sharp said, «She has one thing she can never be, never again. You know what it is, don’t you?»
The words came unbidden to her lips, from a place so dark no light had ever touched it: «A slave. — Brent Weeks

No Words To Say Quotes By John Boyne

I don’t change the language for children books. I don’t make the language simpler. I use words that they might have to look up in the dictionary. The books are shorter, but there’s just not that much difference other than that to be honest. And the funny thing is, I have adult writer friends [to whom I would say], «Would you think of writing a children’s book?» and they go, «No, God, I wouldn’t know how.» They’re quite intimidated by the concept of it. And when I say to children’s books writers, would they write an adult book, they say no because they think they’re too good for it. — John Boyne

No Words To Say Quotes By Cassandra Clare

But sleep didn’t come. She could hear Jace’s soft piano playing through the walls, but that wasn’t what was keeping her awake. She was thinking of Simon, leaving for a house that no longer felt like home to him, of the despair in Jace’s voice as he said ‘I want to hate you’, and of Magnus, not telling Jace the truth: that Alec did not want Jace to know about his relationship because he was still in love with him. She thought of the satisfaction it would have brought Magnus to say the words out loud, to acknowledge what the truth was, and the fact that he hadn’t said them — had let Alec go on lying and pretending — because that was what Alec wanted, and Magnus cared about Alec enough to give him that. Maybe it was true what the Seelie Queen had said, after all: Love made you a liar. — Cassandra Clare

No Words To Say Quotes By Deyth Banger

We do and say useless and pointless stuff and words, if we think little deeper why we go and masturbate?? (No,… No don’t change the page… don’t close it or whatever do…. look me right in the face and listen it’s not a shit… it’s how the matrix is build)… well… let’s start from here… we masturbate and after all in the other day or after few days we will do it again…, we eat food and after all we eat again and again until we die… we say useless words and after all who in the hell to know why, we do that???

But after all from this useless words comes the one useful story if the useless words didn’t exist… it won’t also exist the advange called itself «story». — Deyth Banger

No Words To Say Quotes By Neil Gaiman

God who knows all things, I have no prayer book and I do not know any prayers by heart. But you know all the prayers. You are God. So this is what I am going to do. I am going to say the alphabet, and I will let you put the words together. — Neil Gaiman

No Words To Say Quotes By Simone Elkeles

I park my bike in her driveway and ring her doorbell. I clear my throat so I don’t choke on my words. Mierda, what am I gonna say to her? And why am I feeling all insecure, like I need to impress her because she’ll judge me?
Nobody answers. I ring again.
Where’s a servant or butler to answer the door when you need one? Just as I’m about to give up and slap myself with a big dose of what-the-fuck-do-I-think-I’m-doing, the door opens. Standing before me is an older version of Brittany. Obviously her mom. When she takes one look at me, her disappointing sneer is obvious.
«Can I help you?» she asks with an attitude. I sense either she expects me to be part of the gardening crew or someone going door-to-door harassing people. «We have a ‘no soliciting policy’ in this neighborhood.»
«I’m, uh, not here to solicit anythin’. My name’s Alex. I just wanted to know if Brittany was, uh, at home?» Oh, great. Now I’m mumbling uh’s every two seconds. — Simone Elkeles

No Words To Say Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

I know that a stranger’s hand will write to me next, to say that the good and faithful servant has been called at length into the joy of his Lord. And why weep for this? No fear of death will darken St. John’s last hour: his mind will be unclouded; his heart will be undaunted; his hope will be sure; his faith steadfast. His own words are a pledge of this: «My Master,» he says, «has forewarned me. Daily he announces more distinctly, ‘Surely I come quickly!’ and hourly I more eagerly respond, ‘Amen; even so come, Lord Jesus! — Charlotte Bronte

No Words To Say Quotes By Helen Oyeyemi

She isn’t a storm or a leader or a king or a war or anyone whose life and death makes noise. The problem is words. There is skin, yes. And then, inside that, there is your language, the casual, inherited magic spells taht make your skin real. It’s too late now
even if we could say «Shut up» or «Where’s my dinner?» in the first language, the real language, the words weren’t born in us. And unless your skin and your language touch each other without interruption, there is no word strong enough to make you understand that it matters that you live. The things that really «stay» are an Orisha, a kind night, a pretended boy, a garden song that made no sense. Those come closer to being enough. — Helen Oyeyemi

No Words To Say Quotes By Diana Gabaldon

Let me tell ye in your sleep how much I love you. For there’s no so much I can be saying to ye while ye wake, but the same poor words, again and again. While ye sleep in my arms, I can say things to ye that would be daft and silly waking, and your dreams will know the truth of them. Go — Diana Gabaldon

No Words To Say Quotes By Melody Anne

The deep baritone of his voice, and the words he uttered, held Haley spellbound. Was she beautiful? As she’d looked in the mirror at the glimmering teal gown, she’d felt … different, more attractive. But would she go so far as to say she was beautiful? No one had ever told her she was — certainly not her grandparents — so how could she think that of herself? — Melody Anne

No Words To Say Quotes By A.L. Jackson

For so long, I’d wanted to hear those words fall from her lips. I’d just had no idea that in those words there would be so much sadness, that they would be tainted by years of her sorrow, and that my own thrill in finally hearing her say them aloud would be tarnished by the immense amount of resentment over what she had done. — A.L. Jackson

No Words To Say Quotes By C.K. Webb

Don’t say it is too hard or you can’t find the words and please don’t tell me there isn’t enough time in the day. Writers start each day with a pen in their hand and do not make excuses. To be a writer is to do what is too hard, to find the words when others could not and make time no matter what. The proof is in the book you hold, the words you read and the stories that live on forever. — C.K. Webb

No Words To Say Quotes By Ryan Winfield

I love you.»
The words come out almost in a panic, as if there’s no time. As if he’s about to walk into Eden again, and I’ve got to say it before he disappears behind the door.
«I love you too.»
Jimmy’ response startles me back to the room, the tobacco tin forgotten in my hand. I close it and set it on the counter, afraid of whatever drug it is inside that has me hallucinating.
«I must be losing my mind,» I say, shaking my head. «I thought I just heard you say that you loved me.»
«I did,» Jimmy replies.
«You did?»
«Of course. You said it to me first. It woulda been rude to leave ya hangin’ there, wouldn’t it? — Ryan Winfield

No Words To Say Quotes By Lionel Fisher

Putting thoughts into words is vastly different from putting truth into words. For words are not truth. As ardently as writers sort and select and polish their words, at the end of the day they are still words. They are not, in themselves, truth. However carefully we choose our words, no matter how eloquently we compile and conjoin and convey them, they remain just words, merely signposts that point to the truth, as Eckhart Tolle put it. Just as preachers, politicians, PR spin masters and the media can’t create truth by writing or speaking words they say are true, authors can’t validate truth by putting it into print. And the rest of us can’t know it by simply hearing or reading the words. We can only find our way to truth by following the signposts and ultimately believing. It all comes down to believing, to faith, for there is no proof this side of the big dirt nap. — Lionel Fisher

No Words To Say Quotes By Charlotte Stein

You know what else is adorable? When I can clearly see you having a furious discussion in your own head.»
«That’s visible?»
Oh, God, how mortifying.
«Kit, you practically mouth the words.»
«I do not,» I protest, but now I’m not so sure. No one’s ever said this to me before. I was always certain that my silence was taken for a lack of things to say, instead of the opposite: sometimes, there are so many things I want to say that they overwhelm me. I’ve got years of unsaid conversations in my head. — Charlotte Stein

No Words To Say Quotes By Swami Vivekananda

No doubt it is an evil to be bound by laws, but it is necessary at the immature stage to be guided by rules; in other words, as the Master used to say that the sapling must be hedged round, and so on. — Swami Vivekananda

No Words To Say Quotes By Joyce Meyer

Ask God to fill your mouth with the words you need to say today. No issue is so small that it doesn’t require God’s wisdom. — Joyce Meyer

No Words To Say Quotes By Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If any man would come after me, let him deny himself.» The disciple must say to himself the same words Peter said of Christ when he denied him: «I know not this man.» Self-denial is never just a series of isolated acts of mortification or asceticism. It is not suicide, for there is an element of self-will even in that. To deny oneself is to be aware only of Christ and no more of self, to see only him who goes before and no more the road which is too hard for us. Once more, all that self denial can say is: «He leads the way, keep close to him. — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

No Words To Say Quotes By Cassandra Clare

The Angel blade burns you, just as God’s name chokes you,» said Valentine, his cool voice sharp as crystal. «They say that those who die upon its point will achieve the gates of heaven. In which case, revenant, I am doing you a favor.» He lowered the blade so that the tip touched Simon’s throat. Valentine’s eyes were the color of black water and there was nothing in them: no anger, no compassion, not even any hate. They were empty as a hollowed-out grave. «Any last words?»
Simon knew what he was supposed to say. Sh’ma Yisrael, adonai elohanu, adonai echod. Hear, oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. He tried to speak the words, but a searing pain burned his throat.
«Clary,» he whispered instead. — Cassandra Clare

No Words To Say Quotes By David Barton

In 1965, in Reed v. Van Hoven, a court determined (237 F.Supp. 48. W.D.Mich. 1965.) that it was permissible for students to pray over their lunch at school so long as no one knew they were praying — that is, they couldn’t say words or move their lips, but they could pray only if no one knew about it! — David Barton

No Words To Say Quotes By Richard Ford

And there are words, significant words, you do not want to say, words that account for busted-up lives, words that try to fix something ruined that shouldn’t be ruined and no one wanted ruined, and that words can’t fix anyway. Telling — Richard Ford

No Words To Say Quotes By Leonardo Da Vinci

They will say that I, having no literary skill, cannot properly express that which I desire to treat of, but they do not know that my subjects are to be dealt with by experience rather than by words. And [experience] has been the mistress of those who wrote well. And so, as mistress, I will cite her in all cases. Though I may not, like them, be able to quote other authors, I shall rely on that which is much greater and more worthy: on experience, the mistress of their masters. — Leonardo Da Vinci

No Words To Say Quotes By D.T. Dyllin

Neither one of us said anything. There was no need for words at the moment, what we’d needed to say to each other had been fully expressed with our bodies, each word communicated artfully with the touch of our fingertips and the slide of our skin against one another’s — so for the moment — we were all talked out. — D.T. Dyllin

No Words To Say Quotes By Glennon Melton

No relationship would be successful without a little compromise. If you can’t learn to do that then I’m sorry to say your relationship will never survive. Love is about giving and taking, it’s not just about smiles and kind words. Compromise is key. — Glennon Melton

No Words To Say Quotes By Gillian Flynn

Libby wasn’t a big talker — Michelle and Debby seemed to hog all her words. She made pronouncements: I like ponies. I hate spaghetti. I hate you. Like her mother, she had no poker face. No poker mood. It was all right there. When she wasn’t angry or sad, she just didn’t say much. — Gillian Flynn

No Words To Say Quotes By Katherine Boo

No one knows, but don’t worry,» Zehrunisa said. «Just leave everything to God and keep praying. Now we have a lawyer who will say the right words, and then it will end, because the judge will pick up the truth.»
«Pick up the truth,» he repeated skeptically. As if truth were a coin on a footpath. He changed the subject. — Katherine Boo

No Words To Say Quotes By E.A. Bucchianeri

A conscience without regrets ~ to live life without having to say you’re sorry. — E.A. Bucchianeri

No Words To Say Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

The Truth is far more all-encompassing than the mind could ever comprehend. No thought can encapsulate the Truth. At best, it can point to it. For example, it can say: «All things are intrinsically one (The Pearl of Great Price).» That is a pointer, not an explanation. Understanding these words means feeling deep within you the truth to which they point. — Eckhart Tolle

No Words To Say Quotes By Andrew Klavan

Stories are not just entertainment, not to me. A story records and transmits the experience of being human. It teaches us what it’s like to be who we are. Nothing but art can do this. There is no science that can capture the inner life. No words can describe it directly. We can only speak of it in metaphors. We can only say: it’s like this — this story, this picture, this song. — Andrew Klavan

No Words To Say Quotes By Harriet Prescott Spofford

Can you say those words and not like it? Don’t it bring to you a magnificent picture of the pristine world, — great seas and other skies, — a world of accentuated crises, that sloughed off age after age, and rose fresher from each plunge? Don’t you see, or long to see, that mysterious magic tree out of whose pores oozed this fine solidified sunshine? What leaf did it have? What blossom? What great wind shivered its branches? Was it a giant on a lonely coast, or thick low growth blistered in ravines and dells? That’s the witchery of amber, — that it has no cause, — that all the world grew to produce it, maybe, — died and gave no other sign, — that its tree, which must have been beautiful, dropped all its fruits, and how bursting with juice must they have been — — Harriet Prescott Spofford

No Words To Say Quotes By Edna St. Vincent Millay

Well, I have lost you; and I lost you fairly;
In my own way, and with my full consent.
Say what you will, kings in a tumbrel rarely
Went to their deaths more proud than this one went.
Some nights of apprehension and hot weeping
I will confess; but that’s permitted me;
Day dried my eyes; I was not one for keeping
Rubbed in a cage a wing that would be free.
If I had loved you less or played you slyly
I might have held you for a summer more,
But at the cost of words I value highly,
And no such summer as the one before.
Should I outlive this anguish, and men do,
I shall have only good to say of you. — Edna St. Vincent Millay

No Words To Say Quotes By Paul Kalanithi

The problem, however, eventually became evident: to make science the arbiter of metaphysics is to banish not only God from the world but also love, hate, meaning — to consider a world that is self-evidently not the world we live in. That’s not to say that if you believe in meaning, you must also believe in God. It is to say, though, that if you believe that science provides no basis for God, then you are almost obligated to conclude that science provides no basis for meaning and, therefore, life itself doesn’t have any. In other words, existential claims have no weight; all knowledge is scientific knowledge. Yet — Paul Kalanithi

No Words To Say Quotes By Simone Weil

If you say to someone who has ears to hear: «What you are doing to me is not just,» you may touch and awaken at its source the spirit of attention and love. But it is not the same with words like, «I have the right … » or «you have no right to … » They evoke a latent war and awaken the spirit of contention. — Simone Weil

No Words To Say Quotes By Quinn Loftis

Jacque leaned over and whispered in Sally’s ear, «I give it two days before he lays one on her.»
«You’re being generous. I say less than twenty four hours.»
«Is that a bet?» Jacque asked, eyebrows raised.
«Better believe it,» Sally answered. Her lips eased into a crooked smile.
Jen leaned around Sally and glared at her two best friends. «What are you two betting on?»
«Good grief. What, does she have eagle ears or something?»
«No, you dork. Your whisper is just you talking in normal volume but making your voice raspy. Really, you sound more like a chick who’s been smoking for thirty years.»
Jen shrugged. «I’m just throwing that out there. You can take it and apply it at your leisure.»
Fane was chuckling at Jen’s words when Jacque elbowed him, causing him to cough.»You don’t get to laugh, wolf-man.»
Jacque turned back to Jen. «Thank you for that observation, Sherlock.»
«Always glad to help a friend in need, Watson.» Jen grinned at Jacque’s irritated look. — Quinn Loftis

No Words To Say Quotes By Lea DeLaria

My idea as far as comedy goes has always been to push the limits of what’s acceptable for a woman to do or say or be. My hero in that would be Lenny Bruce, who teaches us that words have no meaning. It’s the intent behind them that is what’s important. — Lea DeLaria

No Words To Say Quotes By Jay Asher

I don’t know what’s going on with you,’ the man says from across the counter, ‘but I’m not taking your money.’ He blows into a straw and pinches both ends shut.
I shake my head and reach back for my wallet. ‘No, I’ll pay.’
He winds the straw tighter and tighter. ‘I’m serious. It was only a milkshake. And like I said, I don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t know how I can help, but something’s clearly gone wrong in your life, so I want you to keep your money.’ His eyes search mine, and I know he means it.
I don’t know what to say. Even if the words would come, my throat is so tight it won’t let them escape. — Jay Asher

No Words To Say Quotes By Cyndi Goodgame

My friend Wicker once said to be careful what and how you say what you’re really thinking to a woman. After much screwing up in that department with Emma, I’ve learned it’s not what you should hide, but what you say that makes her react the way she does. If I am unable to make myself clear, as I so often do, it’s more likely going to go to pot if I try to explain how I really feel. Instead, I rework in my brain what she needs to hear. I don’t always nail it, but I’m getting better at it. And it’s always the truth even if it isn’t how I see it.
Is it deceiving? No. It’s being considerate and aware that she is an emotional creature, and that for some crazy reason, craves my attention. I love to make her happy. My jumbled up mess of a mind isn’t important in the long run if it just confuses her. So I chose words carefully. When something goes right, I use it over and over again. -Ames — Cyndi Goodgame

No Words To Say Quotes By Anne Bishop

They went to the tree. Daemon dismounted and leaned against the tree, staring in the direction of the house. The stallion jiggled the bit, reminding him he wasn’t alone. «I wanted to say good-bye,» Daemon said quietly. For the first time, he truly saw the intelligence — and loneliness — in the horse’s eyes. After that, he couldn’t keep his voice from breaking as he tried to explain why Jaenelle was never going to come to the tree again, why there would be no more rides, no more caresses, no more talks. For a moment, something rippled in his mind. He had the odd sensation he was the one being talked to, explained to, and his words, echoing back, lacerated his heart. To be alone again. To never again see those arms held out in welcome. To never hear that voice say his name. To … Daemon gasped as Dark Dancer jerked the reins free and raced down the path toward the field. Tears of grief pricked Daemon’s eyes. The horse might have a simpler mind, but the heart was just as big. — Anne Bishop

No Words To Say Quotes By Charles Portis

I don’t know what position you’re talking about, sir. The Gnomon Society has never questioned the rotundity of the earth. Mr. Jimmerson is himself a skilled topographer.»
«Excuse me, Mr. Popper, but I have it right here in Mr. Jimmerson’s own words on page twenty-nine of 101 Gnomon Facts.»
«No, sir. Excuse me but you don’t. Please look again. Read that passage carefully and you’ll see what we actually say is that the earth looks flat. We still say that. It’s so flat around Brownsville as to be striking to the eye.»
«But isn’t that just a weasel way of saying that you really believe if to be flat?»
«Not at all. What we’re saying is that the curvature of the earth is so gentle, relative to our human scale of things, that we need not bother or take it into account when going for a stroll, say, or laying out our gardens. — Charles Portis

No Words To Say Quotes By Sarra Manning

Now, Neve, are you about to say no to me?’ ‘Well, it’s just that — ‘ ‘Because the word «no» is not in my vocabulary, along with the words «can’t» and «Victoria Beckham». — Sarra Manning

No Words To Say Quotes By Chanda Hahn

So I heard on the news that the Tard died and your house burnt down. I bet secretly you’re relieved you don’t have to live with him anymore in that dump.»
The whole commotion in the hallway immediately stopped, as if her words had been spoken over the intercom. It became so quiet that you could hear Mina’s and Nan’s sharp intakes of breath. Mina wasn’t prone to violence and was about to think of something mean to say back to Savannah, but she didn’t have the chance to, because Nan Taylor, perky, happy-go-lucky Nan Taylor, pulled back her fist and punched Savannah in the face.
Savannah wasn’t prepared, and fell to the floor. Nan stood over her shocked face and yelled, «No way was he handicapped, or different. He was the most special, coolest and smartest kid ever. And the world is a much sadder place because he’s not here. And don’t you ever, EVER, insult him again!» Nan shook with anger.
The hall was full of students and teachers, and one by one they started to clap. — Chanda Hahn

No Words To Say Quotes By Audra Claire

Even hearing him say those words thrilled her. She wanted him to possess her. To desire her. To ravish her. She no longer had any resistance against him. He could do as he pleased and she would give in. — Audra Claire

No Words To Say Quotes By Joy Harjo

How do I say it? In this language there are no words for how the real world collapses. I could say it in my own and the sacred mounds would come into focus, but I couldn’t take it in this dingy envelope. So I look at the stars in this strange city, frozen to the back of the sky, the only promises that ever make sense. — Joy Harjo

No Words To Say Quotes By Paul Auster

Yes. A language that will at last say what we have to say. For our words no longer correspond to the world. When things were whole, we felt confident that our words could express them. But little by little these things have broken apart, shattered, collapsed into chaos. And yet our words have remained the same. Hence, every time we try to speak of what we see, we speak falsely, distorting the very thing we are trying to represent. [ … ] Consider a word that refers to a thing- » umbrella», for example. [ … ] Not only is an umbrella a thing, it is a thing that performs a function. [ … ] What happens when a thing no longer performs its function? [ … ] the umbrella ceases to be an umbrella. It has changed into something else. The word, however, has remained the same. Therefore it can no longer express the thing. — Paul Auster

No Words To Say Quotes By Dogen

Students, when you want to say something, think about it three times before you say it. Speak only if your words will benefit yourselves and others. Do not speak if it brings no benefit. — Dogen

No Words To Say Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

He did not say so, but the words behind the words told me that he would rather have launched me into a good marriage than watch me row against the tide at my own work. It remains that a woman with an incomplete emotional life has herself to blame, while a man with no time for his heart just needs a wife. — Jeanette Winterson

No Words To Say Quotes By Marcus Clarke

Take care what you say! I’ll have no hard words. Wretch! If I am a wretch, who made me one? If I hate you and myself and the world, who made me hate it? I was born free — as free as you are. Why should I be sent to herd with beasts, and condemned to this slavery, worse than death? Tell me that, Maurice Frere — tell me that! — Marcus Clarke

No Words To Say Quotes By Andrea Hairston

No one should let yesterday use up too much of today. Easy to say, hard to live. — Andrea Hairston

No Words To Say Quotes By Kimberly Kinrade

Would you like to hold my sword?» He asked the question with a gleam in his eyes.
Lucy burst out laughing. At least she didn’t giggle again. «You did not just say that. But, um, yeah, I’d like to hold your sword, Agent Riley.»
Hunter grinned and unzipped his backpack, pulling out something surprisingly small. He held it out to her, and noticed the disappointed look on her face. «Expecting something bigger?»
She smirked at his continued play on words. She had a lifetime of training in verbal and physical sparring; he was no match for her. «They say size doesn’t matter, but I disagree.»
Hunter, who apparently hadn’t expected her response, choked on his own comeback and unsheathed the sword, then placed it in her hand. «You have to stroke it a certain way to make it bigger. — Kimberly Kinrade

No Words To Say Quotes By Megan Erickson

I ran my fingers along his jaw and he stroked my hip. We didn’t talk because there were no words to say, nothing to describe the moment where we grew from boys who were best friends to men who were lovers. — Megan Erickson

No Words To Say Quotes By Rebecca McNutt

People who mock incidents in history such as 9/11 or the Holocaust, referring to it all as a hoax or stirring up crazy conspiracy theories about it, should really stop and think about their words first, both because it shows flaws in logic and rationality to deny the obvious, and because to play pretend with incidents which killed innocent people, well, that’s just like laughing in the face of tragedy. It’s as if to say, «no, it’s not horrible enough that these people were killed, oh no, we have to drag on these incidents by indulging in melodramatic fantasies!» In essence this means that those who lost loved ones not only have to live with these losses forever, they also have to live with the people who deny that any of it ever happened. It does no good to forget history or to deny it. All it does is desensitize people; it tells them that it’s all just a game, which then risks the possibility of nobody taking it seriously enough to prevent something similar from happening again. — Rebecca McNutt

No Words To Say Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

As she died, Mary was alone on the planet as were Dwayne Hoover or Kilgore Trout. She had never reproduced. There were no friends or relatives to watch her die. So she spoke her very last words on the planet to Cyprian Ukwende. She did not have enough breath left to make her vocal cords buzz. She could only move her lips noiselessly.
Here is all she had to say about death: ‘Oh my, oh my.’

Like all Earthlings at the point of death, Mary Young sent faint reminders of herself to those who had known her. She released a small could of telepathic butterflies, and one of these brushed Dwayne Hoover, nine miles away.
Dwayne heard a tired voice from somewhere behind his head, even though no one was back there. It said this to Dayne: ‘Oh my, oh my.
… — Kurt Vonnegut

No Words To Say Quotes By Chris Anderson

We live in an era where the best way to make a dent on the world may no longer be to write a letter to the editor or publish a book. It may be simply to stand up and say something … because both the words and the passion with which they are delivered can now spread across the world at warp speed. — Chris Anderson

No Words To Say Quotes By Jenny Lawson

No matter how shitty it got, I could always look back and say, «At least I don’t have my arm stuck up a cow’s vagina.» In fact, that’s kind of become my life’s motto. It’s also what I say when I’m at a loss for words when talking to people who are grieving the loss of their grandparents. — Jenny Lawson

No Words To Say Quotes By Jessica Brooke

Julie was downright giddy about the fully paid trip, and my promised shopping spree with the black Am Ex card that Omar gifted to me with the words, «Whatever makes you happy. There is no limit to this card, and there is no limit to what I would give you for the joy you’ve brought to my life.» Needless to say, not only did I squeal, but when I told Julie, she fell off her chair. — Jessica Brooke

No Words To Say Quotes By Cassandra Clare

That’s all true, but I’m not doing it.»
Raphael looked incredulous. «Why not?»
The words exploded out of Simon. «Are you kidding me? Because you have never done one single thing for me in the entire time since I became a vampire. Instead you have done your level best to make my life miserable and then end it. So-if you want it in vampire language-it affords me great pleasure, my liege, to say to you now: Hell, no. — Cassandra Clare

No Words To Say Quotes By Ayn Rand

They stood silently before each other for a moment, and she thought that the most beautiful words were those which were not needed. When he moved, she said: «Don’t say anything about the trial. Afterward.» When he took her in his arms, she turned her body to meet his straight on, to feel the width of his chest with the width of hers, the length of his legs with the length of hers, as if she were lying against him, and her feet felt no weight, and she was held upright by the pressure of his body. They lay in bed together that night, and they did not know when they slept, the intervals of exhausted unconsciousness as intense an act of union as the convulsed meetings of their bodies. — Ayn Rand

No Words To Say Quotes By Tracy Kidder

Sure,» I said. «But some people would ask, ‘How can you expect others to replicate what you’re doing here?’ What would be your answer to that?» He turned back and, smiling sweetly, said, «Fuck you.» Then, in a stentorian voice, he corrected himself: «No. I would say, ‘The objective is to inculcate in the doctors and nurses the spirit to dedicate themselves to the patients, and especially to having an outcome-oriented view of TB.’ » He was grinning, his face alight. He looked very young just then. «In other words, ‘Fuck you. — Tracy Kidder

No Words To Say Quotes By Courtney Cole

I squint my eyes and glare at him.
«I don’t have a crush on Quinn anymore.»
He raises a golden eyebrow.
I shake my head. «No.»
«Why is that?»
I stare at him long and hard, trying to decide what to say. Should I be downright, painfully honest? I’ve always found that the best way to be, so I nod.
«Two words.»
He waits.
«Dante. Giliberti.»
I hear him suck in his breath and I smile. Sometimes, honesty is refreshing and so very worth it.
«Me?» He sounds so surprised, as though he doesn’t know that he is practically a living breathing Adonis. I nod.
He studies me again and I fight the need to fidget as I wait for his reaction.
After a minute of nerve-wracking silence, he finally answers.
«So, will you keep the bracelet?»
I nod.
«Can I kiss you again?»
I nod.
So he does. — Courtney Cole

No Words To Say Quotes By Susan Smith

At this time of sadness, there are no words to say, My heart is full of sympathy, for you and your family today. — Susan Smith

No Words To Say Quotes By Teju Cole

The shape the words end up taking are themselves the meaning of the words, they are retrospectively what we meant to say. There’s no way of knowing this until you register it in visible form. But the other side of this is that you do have some idea of where you are going. — Teju Cole

No Words To Say Quotes By Paul The Apostle

Your teaching must have the integrity of serious, sound words to which no one can take exception. If it does, no opponent will be able to find anything bad to say about us, and hostility will yield to shame. — Paul The Apostle

No Words To Say Quotes By Dave Eggers

People say I talk slowly. I talk in a way sometimes called laconic. The phone rings, I answer, and people ask if they’ve woken me up. I lose my way in the middle of sentences, leaving people hanging for minutes. I have no control over it. I’ll be talking, and will be interested in what I’m saying, but then someone — I’m convinced this what happens — someone — and I wish I knew who, because I would have words for this person — for a short time, borrows my head. Like a battery is borrowed from a calculator to power a remote control, someone, always, is borrowing my head. — Dave Eggers

No Words To Say Quotes By Osho

To see this mysterious existence, to feel it in the deepest core of your heart, and immediately a prayer arises — a prayer that has no words to it, a prayer that is silence, a prayer that doesn’t say anything but feels tremendous, a prayer that arises out of you like fragrance, a prayer that is like music with no words, celestial music, or what Pythagoras used to call «the harmony of the stars,» the melody of the whole. When that music starts rising in you, that’s what the Secret of the Golden Flower is all about: suddenly a flower bursts open in you, a golden lotus. You have arrived, you have come home. — Osho

No Words To Say Quotes By Van Morrison

There’s no difference between lyrics and poetry. Words are words. The only difference is the people who are in academic positions and call themselves poets and have an academic stance. They’ve got something to lose if they say it’s all poetry; if there’s not music to it, and you have to wear a certain kind of checkered shirt or something like that. It’s all the same. Lyrics are lyrics, poetry is poetry, lyrics are poetry, and poetry is lyrics. They are interchangeable to me. — Van Morrison

No Words To Say Quotes By Richelle Mead

As I watched all the problems you were struggling with, I realized how much you meant to me. It changed everything. I was worried about you — so, so worried. You have no idea. And it became useless to try to act like I could ever put any Moroi life above yours. It’s not going to happen, no matter how wrong others say it is. And so I decided that’s something I have to deal with. Once I made that decision … there was nothing to hold us back.» He hesitated, seeming to replay his words as he brushed my hair from my face. «Well, to hold me back. I’m speaking for myself. I don’t mean to act like I know exactly why you did it.»
«I did it because I love you,» I said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And really, it was. — Richelle Mead

No Words To Say Quotes By Mark Doty

What makes a poem a poem, finally, is that it is unparaphrasable. There is no other way to say exactly this; it exists only in its own body of language, only in these words. I may try to explain it or represent it in other terms, but then some element of its life will always be missing.
It’s the same with painting. All I can say of still life must finally fall short; I may inventory, weigh, suggest, but I cannot circumscribe; some element of mystery will always be left out. What is missing is, precisely, its poetry. — Mark Doty

No Words To Say Quotes By Sarah Dessen

As if he was beating me to the punch, his words living forever, while I was left speechless, no rebuttal, no words left to say. — Sarah Dessen

No Words To Say Quotes By Carmen Agra Deedy

It is not enough to say you are sorry. You must utterly own the terrible thing you have done. You must cast no blame on the one you have injured. Rather, accept every molecule of the responsibility, even if reason and self-preservation scream against it. Then, and only then, will the words ‘I am sorry’ have meaning. — Carmen Agra Deedy

No Words To Say Quotes By Colm Toibin

Greta Wickham. He used to say if only Nora and Greta were here now, we wouldn’t be in this mess, even when there was no mess at all.» «Oh, he talked very warmly about you,» Peggy interjected, «and William Junior and Thomas had nothing but good words to say about Maurice Webster when he was teaching them. I remember one day Thomas had a temperature and we all wanted him to stay in bed and he wouldn’t, oh no he wouldn’t, because he had a double commerce class with Mr. Webster that he could not miss. You know they wanted Thomas to stay in Dublin when he qualified. Oh, he got offers with very good prospects! We told him he should consider — Colm Toibin

No Words To Say Quotes By Jon Fasman

They call it ‘the whispering of the stars.’ Listen,» he said, raising a finger for silence. I could still hear the tinkling and craned my neck to see what it was. Zhensky laughed. «No, here. Look.» He formed his mouth into a wide O and exhaled slowly. As he did, I saw the cloud of breath fall in droplets to the ground. That was the sound I heard: our breath falling. «It’s a Yakut expression. It means a period of weather so cold that your breath falls frozen to the ground before it can dissipate. The Yakuts say that you should never tell secrets outside during the whispering of the stars, because the words themselves freeze, and in the spring thaw anyone who walks past that spot will be able to hear them. — Jon Fasman

No Words To Say Quotes By Shauna Niequist

What I’m finding is that when I’m hungry, lots of times what I really want more than food is an external voice to say, «You’ve done enough. It’s OK to be tired. You can take a break. I’ll take care of you. I see how hard you’re trying.» There is, though, no voice that can say that except the voice of God. The work I’m doing now is to let those words fall deeply on me, to give myself permission to be tired, to be weak, to need. — Shauna Niequist

No Words To Say Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

Talking of being eaten by dogs, there’s a dachshund at Brinkley who when you first meet him will give you the impression that he plans to convert you into a light snack between his regular meals. Pay no attention. It’s all eyewash. His belligerent attitude is simply — «
Sound and fury signifying nothing, sir?»
That’s it. Pure swank. A few civil words, and he will be grappling you … What’s the expression I’ve heard you use?»
Grappling me to his soul with hoops of steel, sir?»
In the first two minutes. He wouldn’t hurt a fly, but he has to put up a front because his name’s Poppet. One can readily appreciate that when a dog hears himself addressed day in and day out as Poppet, he feels he must throw his weight about. Is self-respect demands it.»
Precisely, sir.»
You’ll like Poppet. Nice dog. Wears his ears inside out. Why do dachshunds wear their ears inside out?»
I could not say, sir.»
Nor me. I’ve often wondered. — P.G. Wodehouse

No Words To Say Quotes By Federico Chini

Once words have been said there is no way to un-say them — Federico Chini

No Words To Say Quotes By Anonymous

Do Muslims believe the Quran to be God’s «literal» word? Yes and No. Yes, in the sense that the Quran is seen as representing the exact words of the original text as revealed by God. And No, in the sense that the Quran is not a book that is devoid of metaphor and allegory. What would be more correct then is to say that Muslims believe the Quran to be «God’s immutable word» because they believe it to be unchanging over time and unable to be changed. — Anonymous

No Words To Say Quotes By Sarah MacLean

His hand came to her neck, his fingers tracing the corded muscle there, and she knew he could feel her pulse racing. «You think I did not miss you?» She froze at the words, her breath coming shallow, desperate for him to say more. «You think I did not miss everything about you? Everything you represented?» He pressed against her, his breath soft against her temple. She closed her eyes. How had they found themselves here, in this place where he was so dark and so broken? «You think I did not want to come home?» His voice was thick with emotion. «But there was no home to which I could return. There was no one there.» «You’re wrong,» she argued. «I was there. I was there . . . and I was . . .» Alone. She swallowed. «I was there. — Sarah MacLean

No Words To Say Quotes By Salley Vickers

Beware, beware of those who care,’ as some wise person said. Not that I’m suggesting there is anything wrong with caring. But as Granny Maud used to say, ‘Fine words butter no parsnips,’ and she might have added, ‘Caring should be felt and not heard. — Salley Vickers

No Words To Say Quotes By Jennifer Lee Carrell

But there were other great writers who had done all these things. What set Shakespeare apart … even from other greats, was his generosity: his invitation, even insistence,for others to join him in the act of imagining … His reticence [to add stage directions] made his works wonderfully elastic. It also made them demnding
sometimes maddeningly so
for directors and actors who had to figure out at every turn why these words and no others needed to be said right here and now. But Shakespeare was also demanding of his audiences: ‘Yes,’ you could almost hear him say, ‘you are sitting in a fairly barren wooden theater. But dream yourselves to France. To a seacoast in Bohemia. To a magic-haunted island in a tempest-tossed sea. I dare you.’ -Kate Stanley — Jennifer Lee Carrell

No Words To Say Quotes By Stephen Fry

Our language, tiger, our language: hundreds of thousands of available words, frillions of legitimate new ideas … And yet, oh, and yet, we, all of us, spend all our days saying to each other the same things time after weary time: «I love you,» «Don’t go in there,» «Get out,» «You have no right to say that,» «Stop it,» «Why should I,» «That hurt,» «Help,» «Marjorie is dead. — Stephen Fry

No Words To Say Quotes By Tessa Bailey

Oh no. You wanted to be turned around and fucked like a bad girl. Now you’ll say the bad words that go along with it. Tell me what you want. — Tessa Bailey

No Words To Say Quotes By Paulo Coelho

And suddenly the miracle happens. I look across at the woman who has just made some coffee and is now reading the newspaper, whose eyes look tired and desperate, who is her usual silent self, who does not always show her affection in gestures, the woman who made me say yes when i wanted to say no, who forced me to fight for what she, quiet rightly, believed was my reason for living, who let me set off alone because her love for me was greater even than her love for herself, who made me go in serch of my dream,; and suddenly, seeing that small, quiet woman, whose eyes said more than words, who was often terrified inside, but always courageous in her actions, who could love someone without humbling herself and who never ever apologized for fighting for her man — suddenly. my fingers press down on the keys. — Paulo Coelho

No Words To Say Quotes By Monique Wittig

There was a time when you were not a slave, remember that. You walked alone, full of laughter, you bathed bare-bellied. You say you have lost all recollection of it, remember … You say there are no words to describe this time, you say it does not exist. But remember. Make an effort to remember. Or, failing that, invent. — Monique Wittig

When you have nothing to say, say nothing.
Votes: 5

Charles Caleb Colton

Not Helpful

I’ve got nothing to say most of the time.
Votes: 4

David Byrne

Not Helpful

People who have nothing to say, speak the loudest.
Votes: 4

John Rzeznik

Not Helpful

Writers who have nothing to say always strain for metaphors to say it in.
Votes: 4

Florence King

Not Helpful

To those who does not know the world is on fire, I have nothing to say.
Votes: 4

Bertolt Brecht

Not Helpful

Blessed are they who have nothing to say and who cannot be persuaded to say it.
Votes: 4

James Russell Lowell

Not Helpful

Journalists write because they have nothing to say, and have something to say because they write.
Votes: 4

Karl Kraus

Not Helpful

Science has everything to say about what is possible. Science has nothing to say about what is permissible.
Votes: 4

Charles Krauthammer

Not Helpful

I have nothing to say for myself, only that I have always tried to make this earth a little bit better
Votes: 4

Joe Hill

Not Helpful

Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.
Votes: 4

D. H. Lawrence

Not Helpful

When you have nothing to say, say nothing; a weak defense strengthens your opponent, and silence is less injurious than a bad reply.
Votes: 4

Charles Caleb Colton

Not Helpful

I’ve nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Anish Kapoor

Not Helpful

lalalalalalallalalallalalalal have nothing to say
Votes: 3

Roald Dahl

Not Helpful

When you have nothing to say,
Votes: 3

Richard Siken

Not Helpful

Pardon me I’ve got nothing to say.
Votes: 3

George Carlin

Not Helpful

sometimes there’s nothing to say about death.
Votes: 3

Charles Bukowski

Not Helpful

When you have nothing to say, sing it.
Votes: 3

David Ogilvy

Not Helpful

If you have nothing to say, say nothing.
Votes: 3

Mark Twain

Not Helpful

God has nothing to say to the self-righteous.
Votes: 3

Dwight L. Moody

Not Helpful

I don’t tweet — I have nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Gina Torres

Not Helpful

I have nothing to say, and I am saying it.
Votes: 3

John Cage

Not Helpful

When you have nothing to say,
set something on fire.
Votes: 3

Richard Siken

Not Helpful

The stork is voiceless because there is really nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Will Cuppy

Not Helpful

Health is the state about which medicine has nothing to say.
Votes: 3

W. H. Auden

Not Helpful

I ain’t got nothing to say. I just wanna play football.
Votes: 3

Marshawn Lynch

Not Helpful

I have nothing to say. And I am saying it. That’s poetry.
Votes: 3

John Wain

Not Helpful

The fact that I’m silent doesn’t mean I have nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Jonathan Carroll

Not Helpful

I have nothing to say, I am saying it, and that is poetry.
Votes: 3

John Cage

Not Helpful

People who have nothing to say are never at a loss in talking.
Votes: 3

Josh Billings

Not Helpful

An Englishman is content to say nothing when he has nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Samuel Johnson

Not Helpful

Herbert Asquith’s clarity is a great liability because he has nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Arthur Balfour

Not Helpful

It costs nothing to say something kind. Even less to shut up altogether.
Votes: 3

Nathan Fillion

Not Helpful

my dear, I have nothing to heart burns like the evening sky.
Votes: 3

Sanober Khan

Not Helpful

What is the point of having free speech if you have nothing to say?
Votes: 3

John Hagee

Not Helpful

If you have nothing to say for yourself then kindly keep your mouth shut!
Votes: 3

Roland Freisler

Not Helpful

I sometimes feel that I have nothing to say and I want to communicate this.
Votes: 3

Damien Hirst

Not Helpful

When there is nothing to say about a book; we end up saying «Beautiful Story».
Votes: 3

Crestless Wave

Not Helpful

When there is nothing to say about a book; we end up saying Beautiful Story.
Votes: 3

Crestless Wave

Not Helpful

When appearance and reality coincide, philosophy and literary criticism find themselves with nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Mason Cooley

Not Helpful

I cannot write long books; I leave that for those who have nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Celia Green

Not Helpful

One cannot create an art that speaks to men when one has nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Andre Malraux

Not Helpful

you had nothing to say about it and yet made the nothing up into words.
Votes: 3

C. S. Lewis

Not Helpful

The true writer has nothing to say. What counts is the way he says it.
Votes: 3

Alain Robbe-Grillet

Not Helpful

When you have nothing to say, or to hide, there is no need to be prudent.
Votes: 3

Andre Gide

Not Helpful

The greatest teacher has nothing to say. He simply gives himself in service, and never worries.
Votes: 3


Not Helpful

I do not foresee a time when I shall feel that I have nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Alberto Moravia

Not Helpful

when one never speaks, one has nothing to say because one has too much to say.
Votes: 3

Ingrid Bergman

Not Helpful

Listen up, because I’ve got nothing to say and I’m only gonna to say it once.
Votes: 3

Yogi Berra

Not Helpful

There are few wild beasts more to be dreaded than a talking man having nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Jonathan Swift

Not Helpful

A stupid disgusting bore is a guy who has nothing to say, and nonetheless says it anyway.
Votes: 3

William C. Brown

Not Helpful

Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact.
Votes: 3

George Eliot

Not Helpful

You can only make art that talks to the masses when you have nothing to say to them.
Votes: 3

Andre Malraux

Not Helpful

After I write, I have nothing to say. The commentary afterwards is superfluous. I write. And that’s enough.
Votes: 3

Yasmina Reza

Not Helpful

To those who think that the law of gravity interferes with their freedom, there is nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Lionel Tiger

Not Helpful

When there is freedom of speech, I’ve found that the majority of people really have nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Not Helpful

I’ve just vowed my love for you. Have you nothing to say in return?» Duncan asked. «Thank you, husband.
Votes: 3

Julie Garwood

Not Helpful

Birdsong brings relief to my longing. I am just as ecstatic as they are, but with nothing to say.
Votes: 3


Not Helpful

In my youth, I wanted to be a great pantomimist — but I found I had nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Victor Borge

Not Helpful

I needed it to have experiences I could write about. I thought I was someone who had nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Karl Hyde

Not Helpful

I didn’t say anything. Got nothing to say. I’m a married man; I don’t need a relationship with another man.
Votes: 3

Shaquille O’Neal

Not Helpful

The writers who have nothing to say, are the ones you can buy, the others have too high a price.
Votes: 3

Walter Lippmann

Not Helpful

I have nothing to say to him [Ronald Reagan], because he is mad. He is foolish. He is an Israeli dog.
Votes: 3

Muammar al-Gaddafi

Not Helpful

A good listener is not someone with nothing to say. A good listener is a good talker with a sore throat.
Votes: 3

Katharine Whitehorn

Not Helpful

Sometimes people have nothing to say because they’re too empty.
And sometimes people have nothing to say because they’re too full.
Votes: 3

Yasmin Mogahed

Not Helpful

Not a word passes between us, not because we have nothing to say, but because we don’t have to say anything
Votes: 3

Khaled Hosseini

Not Helpful

Our language has become a tired and inefficient thing in the hands of journalists and writers who have nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Colin Wilson

Not Helpful

There may be other reasons for a man’s not speaking in publick than want of resolution: he may have nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Samuel Johnson

Not Helpful

Modern religious teaching have little or nothing to say about the place of prudence in life or in the hierarchy of virtues.
Votes: 3

Josef Pieper

Not Helpful

Silence is said to be golden, but the best fools the world has ever produced had nothing to say on the subject
Votes: 3

Josh Billings

Not Helpful

No, I don’t want to talk about River. I have nothing to say about it that I would want to be public.
Votes: 3

Joaquin Phoenix

Not Helpful

Ask photographers to write and they have nothing to say; ask them to talk about their work and they won’t shut up.
Votes: 3

Bill Jay

Not Helpful

You always have to find something to say about the subject and in seven cases out of ten there is nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Jonathan Meades

Not Helpful

I have nothing to say about my childhood. It was a perfectly pleasant upbringing — it’s not like it was unhappy or anything.
Votes: 3

Graham Norton

Not Helpful

How the hell can a person go to work in the morning
And come home in the evening and have nothing to say
Votes: 3

John Prine

Not Helpful

The woman poet must be either a sexless, reclusive eccentric, with nothing to say specifically to women, or a brilliant, tragic, tortured suicide.
Votes: 3

Marilyn Hacker

Not Helpful

Now, I have nothing to say against uncles in general. They are usually very excellent people, and very convenient to little boys and girls.
Votes: 3

Dinah Maria Murlock Craik

Not Helpful

Make no mistake, those who write long books have nothing to say. Of course those who write short books have even less to say.
Votes: 3

Mark Z. Danielewski

Not Helpful

A giraffe has a black tongue twenty-seven inches long and no vocal cords. A giraffe has nothing to say. He just goes on giraffing.
Votes: 3

Robert Fulghum

Not Helpful

It’s funny how guilty people start to question your spirituality and education only because they have nothing to say that will justify their faults.
Votes: 3

J.B. Albano

Not Helpful

He may well speak French and Latin and half a dozen languages, but since he has nothing to say – what good are they?
Votes: 3

Philippa Gregory

Not Helpful

If the past has nothing to say to the present, history may go on sleeping undisturbed in the closet where the system keeps its old disguises.
Votes: 3

Eduardo Galeano

Not Helpful

Jehovah had nothing to say to Moses and the others about the care of the planet. He had plenty to say about tribal loyalty and conquest.
Votes: 3

E. O. Wilson

Not Helpful

Most people talk when they have nothing to say. I’m not talking because I have too much to say. None of which I’d want you to hear.
Votes: 3

Megan McCafferty

Not Helpful

Neil Kinnock’s speeches go on for so long because he has nothing to say and so he has no way of knowing when he’s finished saying it.
Votes: 3

John Major

Not Helpful

Dialect tempered with slang is an admirable medium of communication between persons who have nothing to say and persons who would not care for anything properly said.
Votes: 3

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Not Helpful

Caffeine is like a really attractive girl that has nothing to say. You get all jacked up on it and then you’re left feeling hollow and empty.
Votes: 3

Adam Levine

Not Helpful

Those who have had anything useful to say have said it far too often, and those who have had nothing to say have been no more reticent.
Votes: 3

B. F. Skinner

Not Helpful

When this is over, the media will lose interest. There’ll be nothing to say. It won’t fit into a headline anymore. It won’t fit into a template.
Votes: 3

Robert Pattinson

Not Helpful

Birdsong brings reliefto my longing.I am just as ecstatic as they are,but with nothing to say!Please, universal soul, practicesome song, or something, through me!»
Votes: 3


Not Helpful

Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can’t, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.
Votes: 3

Robert Frost

Not Helpful

The literary gift is a mere accident — is as often bestowed on idiots who have nothing to say worth hearing as it is denied to strenuous sages.
Votes: 3

Max Beerbohm

Not Helpful

Personally, when things upset me, I get quiet and closed off. I have nothing to say, and a chill sets in while I think about what’s going on.
Votes: 3

Freddie Prinze, Jr.

Not Helpful

God’ — as revealed in his book of edicts and narratives is practically an idiot. He has nothing to say that any sensible person should want to listen to.
Votes: 3

Johann Most

Not Helpful

God’ — as revealed in his book of edicts and narratives is practically an idiot. He has nothing to say that any sensible person should want to listen to.»
Votes: 3

Johann Most

Not Helpful

‘God’ — as revealed in his book of edicts and narratives is practically an idiot. He has nothing to say that any sensible person should want to listen to.
Votes: 3

Johann Most

Not Helpful

I am an obsessive rewriter, doing one draft and then another and another, usually five. In a way, I have nothing to say, but a great deal to add.
Votes: 3

Gore Vidal

Not Helpful

How can I find the words? Poets have taken them all and left me with nothing to say or do» «Except to teach me for the first time what they meant.
Votes: 3

Dorothy L. Sayers

Not Helpful

You know how when people lose their grandma or grandpa, people they say they’re sorry? They do mean it, but… there’s nothing to say. There’s a void that cannot be filled.
Votes: 3

Amaury Nolasco

Not Helpful

There is nothing to say because I know everything about him. I raised him. I know what’s a charade, and I know what’s not a charade. I’ll leave it at that.
Votes: 3

Shaquille O’Neal

Not Helpful

I was so astonished that I could think of nothing to say, but wondered irrelevantly if I was to be caught with a teapot in my hand on every dramatic occasion.
Votes: 3

Barbara Pym

Not Helpful

The books for young people say a great deal about the selection of Friends; it is because they really have nothing to say about Friends. They mean associates and confidants merely.
Votes: 3

Henry David Thoreau

Not Helpful

People have nothing to say, but they are afraid of saying nothing, so what they do say comes out flat and vapid and meaningless. The shadow of death is on every face.
Votes: 3

William S. Burroughs

Not Helpful

I’ve been in a long and happy relationship for 22 years and it’s never inspired me to write anything. It’s too good — nothing to say. Problems, conflict, that’s what makes for good stories.
Votes: 3

Emma Donoghue

Not Helpful

…as an actor there`s nothing better than a great moody moment to play with nothing to say. It`s so much easier to do because you can really get inside your head.
Votes: 3

Ewan McGregor

Not Helpful

Of course I planned to write the Great American Novel; that lasted about a week, at which point I decided I had nothing to say that could possibly qualify. So I wrote a romance instead.
Votes: 3

Jasmine Cresswell

Not Helpful

I did an interview where they were harping on and on about sensuality and sexuality… really, I have nothing to say about any of that stuff because it’s so boring and I never think about it.
Votes: 3

Scarlett Johansson

Not Helpful

Justice to my readers compels me to admit that I write because I have nothing to do; justice to myself induces me to add that I will cease to write the moment I have nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Charles Caleb Colton

Not Helpful

Yes’ is a far more potent word than ‘no’ in American politics. By adopting the positions which animate the political agenda for the other side, one can disarm them and leave them sputtering with nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Dick Morris

Not Helpful

I don’t know if I have a voice of my own. I don’t see me being an important person with something to say. I haven’t. I’ve got nothing to say. My opinion is of no consequence or value.
Votes: 3

Peter Ackroyd

Not Helpful

Everything a writer learns about the art or craft of fiction takes just a little away from his need or desire to write at all. In the end he knows all the tricks and has nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Raymond Chandler

Not Helpful

I did have a Twitter account that I tried for a couple days, but found I had nothing to say. There are some interesting facts I could share, but I don’t want to share that part of myself.
Votes: 3

Jim Parsons

Not Helpful

Talk to me. Say something, anything,» he pleaded quietly as if he was trying to tame a wild animal.»There’s nothing to say.»He looked up and lowered his eyebrows on his eyes. «Why did you kiss me?
Votes: 3

Stephanie Witter

Not Helpful

We have not known a single great scientist who could not discourse freely and interestingly with a child. Can it be that haters of clarity have nothing to say, have observed nothing, have no clear picture of even their own fields?
Votes: 3

John Steinbeck

Not Helpful

Really? And what curse befalls the Adams of the world?» Ann opens her mouth and, presumably thinking of nothing to say, closes it again. It is Felicity who answers, eyes steely. «They are weak to temptation. And we are their temptresses.
Votes: 3

Libba Bray

Not Helpful

A gap will yawn, achingly, day by day, it will turn into a colossal pit, an abyss without foundation, a gradual invasion of words by margins, blank and insignificant, so that all of us, to a man, will find nothing to say.»
Votes: 3

Georges Perec

Not Helpful

To overcome of our enemies we must have our own socialist militarism. We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia’s population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated.
Votes: 3

Grigory Zinoviev

Not Helpful

I will sit in the car on the way to a meeting and just smile. I really mean that. It helps you get through life. If you have nothing to say, smile. Look up at the sky and smile. Just be grateful.
Votes: 3

Andre Leon Talley

Not Helpful

It is no great art to say something briefly when, like Tacitus, one has something to say; when one has nothing to say, however, and none the less writes a whole book and makes truth into a liar — that I call an achievement.
Votes: 3


Not Helpful

God has nothing to say to the self-righteous. Unless you humble yourself before Him in the dust, and confess before Him your iniquities and sins, the gate of heaven, which is open only for sinners, saved by grace, must be shut against you forever.
Votes: 3

Dwight L. Moody

Not Helpful

I would be horrible at Twitter. I wouldn’t know the answer to fans’ questions half the time — and the patience involved! I couldn’t imagine. I did have a Twitter account that I tried for a couple days, but found I had nothing to say.
Votes: 3

Jim Parsons

Not Helpful

I go into meetings with some film-makers and they literally have nothing to say, they’re almost bored by their own material. I’d rather work with people who are very passionate and very animated about what they want to do. People who just want to tell stories.
Votes: 3

Jamie Bell

Not Helpful

I’d never painted anything before. I was quite content to take other people’s work since I didn’t care anyway about the subject matter. I approached subject matter as a scoundrel. I had nothing to say about it whatsoever. I only wanted to make these exciting paintings.
Votes: 3

Tom Wesselmann

Not Helpful

Economics is a study of cause-and-effect relationships in an economy. It’s purpose is to discern the consequences of various ways of allocating resources which have alternative uses. It has nothing to say about philosophy or values, anymore than it has to say about music or literature.
Votes: 3

Thomas Sowell

Not Helpful

Evolutionism, as taught by Darwinism, has nothing — nothing — to say about how life originated. Has nothing to say about how the governing principles in the universe — gravity, thermodynamics, motion, fluid motion — how any of those originated. It’s…it’s got some gigantic missing pieces.
Votes: 3

Ben Stein

Not Helpful

I begged Ana to shut them up, come out as Cuban, play the jail card. But she refused to claim that authority. ‘It will mean you, as a Kentucky girl, have nothing valuable to say about Cuba. And Cubans have nothing to say about the rest of the world.
Votes: 3

Kelly J. Cogswell

Not Helpful

We never say so much as when we do not quite know what we want to say. We need few words when we have something to say, but all the words in all the dictionaries will not suffice when we have nothing to say and want desperately to say it.
Votes: 3

Eric Hoffer

Not Helpful

I should think that to hear such lovely music as that would really make him feel better.The lady gave a discriminating smile. I am afraid there are moments in life when even Beethoven has nothing to say to us. We must admit, however, that they are our worst moments.
Votes: 3

Henry James

Not Helpful

I should think that to hear such lovely music as that would really make him feel better.»The lady gave a discriminating smile. I am afraid there are moments in life when even Beethoven has nothing to say to us. We must admit, however, that they are our worst moments.
Votes: 3

Henry James

Not Helpful

Think about it: If you don’t have any actual, tangible skills, then how can you do anything? You may be laughing and nodding, but do you realize how few people, when asked the basic question, ‘What can you do?’ stumble on the answer and have nothing to say? Most people.
Votes: 3

Tucker Max

Not Helpful

I’ve got nothing very original to say myself.
Votes: 2

A. N. Wilson

Not Helpful

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
Votes: 2

Elbert Hubbard

Not Helpful

Writing is learning to say nothing, more cleverly each day.
Votes: 2

William Allingham

Not Helpful

One always speaks badly when one has nothing to say
Votes: 2


Not Helpful

There’s no reason to speak. I have nothing to say.
Votes: 2

Julie Anne Peters

Not Helpful

Well, I don’t have anything to say to Mr. Sneddon, you know? Nothing at all.
Votes: 2

Tito Jackson

Not Helpful

People who say, ‘There’s nothing to fear from spiders’ have clearly never been to Australia.
Votes: 2

Cate Blanchett

Not Helpful

When people say, ‘Nothing’s coming to me,’ they usually don’t like what’s coming to them.
Votes: 2

Amy Ray

Not Helpful

I don’t know what to say about literary critics. I think it’s probably best to say nothing.
Votes: 2

Salman Rushdie

Not Helpful

When you have nothing important or interesting to say, don’t let anyone persuade you to say it.
Votes: 2

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Not Helpful

One of my favorite little sayings is, ‘To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.’
Votes: 2

Robert M. Gates

Not Helpful

Nothing I can say or devise, and nothing anybody else can say or devise, is going to be perfect.
Votes: 2

Terry Pratchett

Not Helpful

My worst date would be with someone nervous who has nothing to say. I like people who inspire me.
Votes: 2

Tamara Mellon

Not Helpful

Lawyers enjoy a little mystery, you know. Why, if everybody came forward and told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth straight out, we should all retire to the workhouse.
Votes: 2

Dorothy L. Sayers

Not Helpful

Whatever you say, say nothing.
Votes: 0

Colum McCann

Not Helpful

Nothing’s planned. Never say never.
Votes: 0

Mike Rutherford

Not Helpful

Can you say something about nothing?
Votes: 0

Aldous Huxley

Not Helpful

I have nothing intelligent to say.
Votes: 0

Meg Tilly

Not Helpful

Wise men say nothing in dangerous times
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

Wise people say nothing in dangerous times.
Votes: 0

John Selden

Not Helpful

When I say nothing, I say everything
Votes: 0

Jack White

Not Helpful

Say nothing but good of the dead.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

Those who say they understand Chess, understand nothing
Votes: 0

Robert Hubner

Not Helpful

Love is nothing, nothing, nothing like they say.
Votes: 0

Liz Phair

Not Helpful

To remain mysterious, say little and do nothing.
Votes: 0

Mason Cooley

Not Helpful

Explain nothing. Put it there. Say it. Leave.
Votes: 0

Elias Canetti

Not Helpful

Nothing is sometimes the right thing to say.
Votes: 0

Malcolm Forbes

Not Helpful

I say nothing to him I love him
Votes: 0

Therese of Lisieux

Not Helpful

Of those who say nothing, few are silent.
Votes: 0

Tom Neil

Not Helpful

We must say something, even when we know nothing.
Votes: 0

John Podhoretz

Not Helpful

Nothing like watching your relatives fight, I always say.
Votes: 0

Rick Riordan

Not Helpful

People say money ain’t nothing; money is basically everything.
Votes: 0

Meek Mill

Not Helpful

There is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre.
Votes: 0

Kurt Vonnegut

Not Helpful

You can’t say everything, so you don’t say nothing.
Votes: 0

Patrick Ness

Not Helpful

Time will say nothing but I told you so…
Votes: 0

W. H. Auden

Not Helpful

Nothing is an obstacle unless you say it is.
Votes: 0

Wally Amos

Not Helpful

Science «says» nothing. People say things and knowledge changes.
Votes: 0

Frank Schaeffer

Not Helpful

There’s nothing you could say that would shock me.
Votes: 0

Laura Prepon

Not Helpful

All I say cancels out, I’ll have said nothing.
Votes: 0

Samuel Beckett

Not Helpful

Your yes means nothing if you can’t say no.
Votes: 0

Meshell Ndegeocello

Not Helpful

Man can’t say he knows nothing when saying it.
Votes: 0

Toba Beta

Not Helpful

Nothing haunts us like the things we don’t say.
Votes: 0

Mitch Albom

Not Helpful

Evil grows when good people do and say nothing.
Votes: 0

Dorothy Koomson

Not Helpful

You write your name in the snow Yet say nothing.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

You say it best, when you say nothing at all.
Votes: 0

Alison Krauss

Not Helpful

Just say yes, just say there’s nothing holding you back
Votes: 0

Zoe Sugg

Not Helpful

In my case, I can sincerely say nothing is impossible.
Votes: 0

Novak Djokovic

Not Helpful

Time makes me stronger
Well,there’s nothing more to say.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

War, what’s it good for? Absolutely nothing. Say it again.
Votes: 0

Edwin Starr

Not Helpful

When I do not understand, I like to say nothing.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.
Votes: 0

Paul Brown

Not Helpful

He knew the precise psychological moment when to say nothing.
Votes: 0

Oscar Wilde

Not Helpful

Writing is learning to say nothing, more cleverly every day.
Votes: 0

William Allingham

Not Helpful

Everybody gon’ say something. I’d be worried if they said nothing.
Votes: 0

Kanye West

Not Helpful

There is nothing I can say that I haven’t thought before.
Votes: 0

Kurt Cobain

Not Helpful

My music was typically continental — nothing like, say, The Beatles.
Votes: 0

Giorgio Moroder

Not Helpful

Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out
Votes: 0

Taylor Swift

Not Helpful

Its hard to say what’s wrong when nothing is going right!
Votes: 0

Sherif A. El-Mawardy

Not Helpful

A man would rather say evil of himself than say nothing.
Votes: 0

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Not Helpful

I just didn’t have anything to say, so I said nothing.
Votes: 0

Frank Robinson

Not Helpful

Even if you have nothing to write, write and say so.
Votes: 0

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Not Helpful

What can I say about this move? Nothing so I won’t.
Votes: 0

Randy Savage

Not Helpful

Better to say nothing at all, rather than something you’ll regret.
Votes: 0

Abe Musaibli

Not Helpful

There is nothing in this world that I fear to say.
Votes: 0

Dmitri Mendeleev

Not Helpful

People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
Votes: 0

A. A. Milne

Not Helpful

He’s gone, and forgot nothing but to say farewell to his creditors
Votes: 0

Benjamin Franklin

Not Helpful

I was surprised, but I always say nothing surprises me in football.
Votes: 0

Les Ferdinand

Not Helpful

Years ago I heard the Indian Jesuit Raimundo Panikkar say: Expect Nothing.
Votes: 0

Lawrence Fagg

Not Helpful

Nothing succeeds, they say, like success. And certainly nothing fails like failure.
Votes: 0

Margaret Drabble

Not Helpful

Without innocence, nothing can further, as they say in the I Ching.
Votes: 0

Frederick Lenz

Not Helpful

That’s the beauty of love. Sometimes you don’t have to say nothing.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

To say nothing, especially when speaking, is half the art of diplomacy.
Votes: 0

Will Durant

Not Helpful

Look wise, say nothing, and grunt. Speech was given to conceal thought.
Votes: 0

William Osler

Not Helpful

In radio, they say, nothing happens until the announcer says it happens.
Votes: 0

Ernie Harwell

Not Helpful

People say that love is easy, but love spares nothing and no-one.
Votes: 0

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

Not Helpful

Of the horse I will say nothing because I know the times.
Votes: 0

Leonardo da Vinci

Not Helpful

To sum it all up, I must say that I regret nothing.
Votes: 0

Adolf Eichmann

Not Helpful

I think boys are yucky, and that’s it. Nothing more to say.
Votes: 0

Nicki Minaj

Not Helpful

Whatever good things people say of us, they tell us nothing new.
Votes: 0

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Not Helpful

When your rage is choking you, it is best to say nothing.
Votes: 0

Octavia Butler

Not Helpful

Say nothing and just make music and you’ll find plenty to say.
Votes: 0

Richard Hugo

Not Helpful

When your past calls, don’t answer. It has nothing new to say.
Votes: 0

Lionel Richie

Not Helpful

There is nothing we need be afraid to say before the Lord.
Votes: 0

Madeleine L’Engle

Not Helpful

they say that nothing is wasted: either that or it al is
Votes: 0

Charles Bukowski

Not Helpful

When there is nothing else to say, I go for a smoke
Votes: 0

Gustavo Cerati

Not Helpful

The value of being silent: I never miss an opportunity to say nothing.
Votes: 0

Garrison Wynn

Not Helpful

Ladies are like creeds; if you cannot speak well of them, say nothing.
Votes: 0

Herman Melville

Not Helpful

Better say nothing at all. Language is worth a thousand pounds a word!
Votes: 0

Lewis Carroll

Not Helpful

Say nothing of my religion. It is known to God and myself alone.
Votes: 0

Thomas Jefferson

Not Helpful

I will say nothing to an actor that cannot be translated into action.
Votes: 0

Elia Kazan

Not Helpful

As some say, Solon was the author of the apophthegm, «Nothing in excess.
Votes: 0

Diogenes Laertius

Not Helpful

There’s nothing that anyone could say about me that would hurt my feelings.
Votes: 0

Marilyn Manson

Not Helpful

There’s nothing you can say that won’t make you seem ungrateful or rude.
Votes: 0

Steven Petrow

Not Helpful

Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.
Votes: 0

I. F. Stone

Not Helpful

All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.
Votes: 0

I. F. Stone

Not Helpful

The people who say they’re for democracy want nothing to do with democracy.
Votes: 0

John Cusack

Not Helpful

What can I say about Brian Williams. Nothing, because I work for NBC.
Votes: 0

Cecily Strong

Not Helpful

Sixty-five percent of Americans say they know nothing about either Muhammad or Islam.
Votes: 0

Deepak Chopra

Not Helpful

No, I will be the pattern of all patience; I will say nothing.
Votes: 0

William Shakespeare

Not Helpful

Say what you will, nothing can make a complete soldier except battle experience.
Votes: 0

Ernie Pyle

Not Helpful

People with nothing to hide don’t usually feel the need to say so
Votes: 0

Danai Gurira

Not Helpful

Say whatever your memory suggests is true; but add nothing and exaggerate nothing.
Votes: 0

Charlotte Bronte

Not Helpful

By the way, nothing I ever say, ever, has any truth behind it.
Votes: 0

Daniel Tosh

Not Helpful

Philosophers say that nothing can be seen that is neither illuminated nor colored.
Votes: 0

Leon Battista Alberti

Not Helpful

The best of the sport is to doe the deede, and say nothing.
Votes: 0

George Herbert

Not Helpful

Propositions show what they say: tautologies and contradictions show that they say nothing.
Votes: 0

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Not Helpful

There’s nothing that you can say in the paper that should affect you.
Votes: 0

Scott Brooks

Not Helpful

If you want others to have a good opinion of you, say nothing.
Votes: 0

Blaise Pascal

Not Helpful

Yale is practicing a most unusual media strategy. I’d call it Just say nothing.
Votes: 0

Merrie Spaeth

Not Helpful

There was nothing I could say in retaliation except something that would confuse her.
Votes: 0

E. Lockhart

Not Helpful

To cowards what advice shall I offer? — nothing whatsoever have I to say.
Votes: 0

Swami Vivekananda

Not Helpful

I’d have to say Sunset Salsa. Nothing against Honey Lime, but it’s for losers.
Votes: 0

Jim Gaffigan

Not Helpful

Well may we say ‘God save the Queen’, because nothing will save the Governor-General’.
Votes: 0

Gough Whitlam

Not Helpful

You gotta be careful: don’t say a word to nobody about nothing anytime ever.
Votes: 0

Johnny Depp

Not Helpful

If there’s one thing you can say about mankind, there’s nothing kind about man.
Votes: 0

Tom Waits

Not Helpful

Yet we must say something when those who say the most are saying nothing.
Votes: 0

Saint Augustine

Not Helpful

On my tombstone it will say: ‘I tried everything — nothing was easy.’
Votes: 0

Rita Rudner

Not Helpful

If you just say nothing, there is no way they can make you talk.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

Everything we say is a story. But nothing we say is just a story.
Votes: 0

Anne Fortier

Not Helpful

There is nothing people can throw at me to say: Do this, do that.
Votes: 0

Iain Duncan Smith

Not Helpful

If you have nothing good to say about anyone, come and sit with me.
Votes: 0

Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Not Helpful

When everything is said and done there is nothing left to do or say.
Votes: 0

Darryl Dawkins

Not Helpful

Nothing factual that I write or say will be as truthful as my fiction.
Votes: 0

Nadine Gordimer

Not Helpful

I don’t have a ‘side'»”I’m responsible for what I say and nothing else.
Votes: 0

Glenn Greenwald

Not Helpful

What did Jesus Christ say to the Teamsters? ‘Do nothing till I get back.
Votes: 0

Donald E. Westlake

Not Helpful

Yet we must say something when those who say the most are saying nothing.
Votes: 0

Augustine of Hippo

Not Helpful

I’m constantly around people that talk a lot but say nothing. A sad case.
Votes: 0

Henry Rollins

Not Helpful

You know everybody has something to say. I’ll be worried when they say nothing.
Votes: 0

Bobby Shmurda

Not Helpful

Corporations have nothing to do with values, and they know it, and sometimes say it.
Votes: 0

Eric Kierans

Not Helpful

Those who say nothing about their poverty will obtain more than those who turn beggars.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

Blest is that nation whose silent course of happiness furnishes nothing for history to say.
Votes: 0

Thomas Jefferson

Not Helpful

I used to say: «Everything is Representation Theory». Now I say: «Nothing is Representation Theory».
Votes: 0

Israel Gelfand

Not Helpful

I think I speak for America when I say, nothing says NASCAR like Whoopi Goldberg.
Votes: 0

Christian Finnegan

Not Helpful

This place? Nothing positive. OK, I want to say something positive. It’s positively a dump.
Votes: 0

Charles Barkley

Not Helpful

It’s no company at all, when people know nothing and say nothing,’ she muttered.
Votes: 0

Emily Bronte

Not Helpful

If you have something to say and say nothing, you are really telling a lie.
Votes: 0

Ashleigh Brilliant

Not Helpful

There is nothing people can throw at me to say: ‘Do this, do that.’
Votes: 0

Iain Duncan Smith

Not Helpful

Nothing is often a good thing to do and always a good thing to say.
Votes: 0

Will Durant

Not Helpful

Do what you say you’re going to do! People can do nothing but respect that.
Votes: 0

Steve Harvey

Not Helpful

When there is too much to say it is easier to say nothing at all.
Votes: 0

Patricia Wentworth

Not Helpful

Look, there is nothing you can say about this show that I don’t already know
Votes: 0

Craig Ferguson

Not Helpful

There is nothing that you could say to me now that I could ever believe.
Votes: 0

Gordon Brown

Not Helpful

When a woman who has much to say says nothing, her silence can be deafening.
Votes: 0

Margaret Landon

Not Helpful

If women want any rights they had better take them, and say nothing about it.
Votes: 0

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Not Helpful

To say that my grief will be eternal would be ridiculous — nothing is eternal.
Votes: 0

Marie Bashkirtseff

Not Helpful

Sometimes nothing is the best thing to say and often the best thing to do.
Votes: 0

Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Not Helpful

…even professors of economics, to say nothing of the public, do not generally have scientific minds.
Votes: 0

Frank Knight

Not Helpful

I should say nothing! I’m through with it! I hate to repeat myself all the time.
Votes: 0

Agnes Varda

Not Helpful

When people say, «I have nothing to hide,» what they’re saying is, «My rights don’t matter.»
Votes: 0

Edward Snowden

Not Helpful

Nothing replaces real-life experience. Of course, I say this as someone who went to law school.
Votes: 0

Daniel L. Doctoroff

Not Helpful

I would say aside from Moxie soda bottles and Masonic artifacts, there’s nothing I really collect.
Votes: 0

John Hodgman

Not Helpful

Every time we remember to say «thank you», we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.
Votes: 0

Sarah Ban Breathnach

Not Helpful

Yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often. Best to say nothing at all, my dear man.
Votes: 0

J. K. Rowling

Not Helpful

There’s nothing wrong with keeping your mouth shut if you don’t have anything nice to say.
Votes: 0

Jennifer Weiner

Not Helpful

One of my favorite little sayings is, ‘To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.
Votes: 0

Robert M. Gates

Not Helpful

Bureaucrats are the only people in the world who can say absolutely nothing and mean it.
Votes: 0

Hugh Sidey

Not Helpful

Nothing cuts deeper than when another person says exactly what you’re afraid to say out loud.
Votes: 0

Laurell K. Hamilton

Not Helpful

Holding hands, for example, is a way to remember how it feels to say nothing together.
Votes: 0

Nicole Krauss

Not Helpful

No one knows who is listening, say nothing you would not wish put in the newspapers.
Votes: 0

Charles Spurgeon

Not Helpful

That’s a miserable and cursed word, to say I had, when what I have is nothing.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

Profiles mean nothing. You could say, ‘I want this,’ but then it’s not out there.
Votes: 0

Chip Kelly

Not Helpful

I know what I’m having ’em put on my tombstone: ‘I have nothing more to say’.
Votes: 0

Ted Turner

Not Helpful

Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.
Votes: 0

Mahatma Gandhi

Not Helpful

Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner ain’t got nothing more to say.
Votes: 0

Sojourner Truth

Not Helpful

How dare you say it’s nothing to me?Baby, you’re the only light I ever saw.
Votes: 0

John Mayer

Not Helpful

I have nothing to regret, to retract or take back . . . I can only say; God Save Ireland!
Votes: 0

Edward Condon

Not Helpful

I wish I could say farewell and retire but there is nothing for me to retire from.
Votes: 0

Tommy Chong

Not Helpful

I don’t believe people when they say their songs have nothing to do with their personal life.
Votes: 0

Angel Olsen

Not Helpful

I have nothing to speak of but my self-and what can I say but what I feel
Votes: 0

John Keats

Not Helpful

Nothing, they say is more certain than death, and nothing more uncertain than the time of dying
Votes: 0

Thomas Paine

Not Helpful

Leaders who refuse to listen, will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing helpful to say
Votes: 0

Andy Stanley

Not Helpful

STOP looking back!!!! When your past calls do NOT pick up!! it has nothing new to say.
Votes: 0

Joseph Simmons

Not Helpful

Consider all the past as nothing, and say, like David: Now I begin to love my God.
Votes: 0

Saint Francis de Sales

Not Helpful

Perhaps sometimes life shows you a side of itself which leaves you with nothing more to say
Votes: 0

Alessandro Baricco

Not Helpful

As a filmmaker, you want nothing more than to have people say, ‘I love your movie.’
Votes: 0

Peter Jackson

Not Helpful

It is forgivable to say nothing out of ignorance; it’s inexcusable to remain silent once awareness dawns.
Votes: 0

Joshua Ferris

Not Helpful

In general those who nothing have to say Contrive to spend the longest time in doing it.
Votes: 0

James Russell Lowell

Not Helpful

You mean to say he became mad deliberately?’ …Nothing is more likely,’ said the duke.
Votes: 0

Susanna Clarke

Not Helpful

It’s better to say nothing than spend 1,000 words or an hour speech saying nothing. Get to the point.
Votes: 0

Richard Branson

Not Helpful

Women are outside the law; they make nothing, they say yes or no to some collections of whereases.
Votes: 0

Christina Stead

Not Helpful

Look, I ain’t gon’ say that we back or nothing Cause that implies that we’re back from something.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

I tell everyone a different story. That way nothing’s ever boring, even when they turn and say goodbye.
Votes: 0

Jane Siberry

Not Helpful

What is there to say, finally, except that pain is bad and pleasure good, life all, death nothing.
Votes: 0

Gore Vidal

Not Helpful

Nothing in the universe can travel at the speed of light, they say, forgetful of the shadow’s speed.
Votes: 0

Howard Nemerov

Not Helpful

What brothers say to tease their sisters has nothing to do with what they really think of them.
Votes: 0

Esther M. Friesner

Not Helpful

Sometimes it’s better to leave things as they are, he thought to himself, and decided to say nothing.
Votes: 0

Paulo Coelho

Not Helpful

I choose what I believe, and say nothing. For I am not as simple as I may seem.
Votes: 0

Catherine of Aragon

Not Helpful

When you play the guitar, you don’t have to say nothing. The girls would say something to you.
Votes: 0

Buddy Guy

Not Helpful

I have nothing but love in my heart and everything I say is just an instrument for laughs.
Votes: 0

Jackie Mason

Not Helpful

What am I supposed to say to an atheist when he sneezes, ah, when you die nothing happens.
Votes: 0

Dane Cook

Not Helpful

I can only say that I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation.
Votes: 0

Robert E. Lee

Not Helpful

There is nothing like death to say what is always such an artificial thing to say: The End.
Votes: 0

Kurt Vonnegut

Not Helpful

They say that hens do cackle loudest when there is nothing vital in the eggs they have laid.
Votes: 0

Ambrose Bierce

Not Helpful

No matter what you do or say, there’s nothing that you can do to make people understand you.
Votes: 0

Kurt Cobain

Not Helpful

Only when I am by seawater can I truly breathe, to say nothing of my ability to think.
Votes: 0

Thomas Bernhard

Not Helpful

Don’t say I gotta do anything in life. There is nothing you gotta do. But I want to.
Votes: 0

Moe Norman

Not Helpful

Cindy Sheehan is one tough mother and nothing you say or anyone else is gonna slow her down.
Votes: 0

Phil Donahue

Not Helpful

Do I believe in the concept of Zero Harm? Let’s just say I believe that nothing is impossible
Votes: 0

Dave Collins

Not Helpful

All the things we don’t say, all the words we swallow, and it makes nothing but trouble.
Votes: 0

Anna Quindlen

Not Helpful

The toilets at a local police station have been stolen. Police say they have nothing to go on.
Votes: 0

Ronnie Barker

Not Helpful

Nothing beats having this beautiful child look at me and say mum. I get soppy all the time.
Votes: 0

Nicole Appleton

Not Helpful

Failure isn’t really an option because, as my grandmother used to say, «Nothing beats a failure but a try.»
Votes: 0

Joy Bryant

Not Helpful

I pick up my pen. It flows. A building appears. There it is. There is nothing more to say.
Votes: 0

Oscar Niemeyer

Not Helpful

If Mumia Abu-Jamal has nothing important to say, why are so many powerful people trying to shut him up?
Votes: 0

John Edgar Wideman

Not Helpful

If I have one vice and I can call it nothing else it is not able to say ‘no’.
Votes: 0

Abraham Lincoln

Not Helpful

The United States can tell you all about what’s wrong with the British, to say nothing of the Russians.
Votes: 0

Arthur Hays Sulzberger

Not Helpful

If a man could say nothing against a character but what he can prove, history could not be written.
Votes: 0

Samuel Johnson

Not Helpful

Twitter is good. Why say a lot to a few people when you can say virtually nothing to everyone?
Votes: 0

Jerry Seinfeld

Not Helpful

In my heart, I’m 100% real. You can’t pull out nothing in my past that can say I’m not 100% real.
Votes: 0

Young Jeezy

Not Helpful

Bette [Davis] and I are good friends. There’s nothing I wouldn’t say to her face — both of them.
Votes: 0

Tallulah Bankhead

Not Helpful

A lot of times people say, ‘You act like a grandmother, you’re just totally laid back, nothing bothers you.’
Votes: 0

Chamique Holdsclaw

Not Helpful

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing a conductor say, ‘Play softer,’ as they’re waving their hands in huge gestures.
Votes: 0

Joshua Bell

Not Helpful

There is nothing more foolish or self-defeating than for a Christian to say that he is not interested in doctrines.
Votes: 0

David Lloyd-Jones

Not Helpful

I don’t have 30 days and 30 nights to show you why all the hoochies say there’s nothing finer…than Scott Steiner.
Votes: 0

Scott Steiner

Not Helpful

It is contrary to reasoning to say that there is a vacuum or space in which there is absolutely nothing.
Votes: 0

Rene Descartes

Not Helpful

It is good to say it aloud: ‘Nothing has happened.’ Once again: ‘Nothing has happened.’ Does that help?»
Votes: 0

Rainer Maria Rilke

Not Helpful

There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s only a word. What’s in a name? Nothing! Cats say, «Call me Muhammed so-and-so. »
Votes: 0

Art Blakey

Not Helpful

But it seems impossible to speak and yet say nothing, you think you have succeeded, but you always overlook something.
Votes: 0

Samuel Beckett

Not Helpful

Logically there is nothing new to say about the New. Or maybe it’s just a problem of articulating unfamiliar perceptions.
Votes: 0

David Toop

Not Helpful

Complexity serves nothing but our ego. Be able to say what you do in a way that people can understand.
Votes: 0

Chris Brogan

Not Helpful

It is when there is nothing you can say or do to help that a friend needs you the most.
Votes: 0

Robert Breault

Not Helpful

It’s a place I’ll always remember, and I have nothing bad to say about New England. I love that place.
Votes: 0

Logan Mankins

Not Helpful

No one will ever know from what secret I am writing and the fact that I say so changes nothing.
Votes: 0

Jacques Derrida

Not Helpful

She is my friend, and there is nothing you can say or do that can stop me from helping her.
Votes: 0

Peter G. Nogel

Not Helpful

When people tell me nothing has changed, I say come walk in my shoes and I will show you change.
Votes: 0

John Lewis

Not Helpful

What I say is that ‘just’ or ‘right’ means nothing but what is in the interest of the stronger party.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

I will not say nothing. I will defend my church and my religion when it is insulted and spit on.
Votes: 0

James Joyce

Not Helpful

Nothing I say can explain to you Divine Love Yet all of creation cannot seem to stop talking about it.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

I have the honesty to say I’m an Atheist. There is nothing that supports the idea of a personal God.
Votes: 0

Ernst Mayr

Not Helpful

There is really nothing more to say-except why. But since why is difficult to handle, one must take refuge in how.
Votes: 0

Toni Morrison

Not Helpful

My old drama coach used to say, ‘Don’t just do something, stand there.’ Gary Cooper wasn’t afraid to do nothing.
Votes: 0

Clint Eastwood

Not Helpful

I was watching ‘Wild at Heart,’ and I can honestly say I did nothing for that apart from show up!
Votes: 0

Willem Dafoe

Not Helpful

I can say that I don’t have a lot of leisure time, just sitting around doing absolutely nothing, but that’s okay.
Votes: 0

Nicholas Sparks

Not Helpful

Chiron probably wanted me to say, Heck it wa nothing. I eat hellhounds for breakfast. But I didn’t feel like lying.
Votes: 0

Rick Riordan

Not Helpful

You can say, «I don’t believe in anything,» but you do because you believe in nothing. That is your belief system.
Votes: 0

Darren Lynn Bousman

Not Helpful

Words are for explaining the mistakes we might have made, names are for calling when there is nothing left to say.
Votes: 0

Gordon Lightfoot

Not Helpful

Say nothing good of yourself, you will be distrusted; say nothing bad of yourself, you will be taken at your word.
Votes: 0

Philibert Joseph Roux

Not Helpful

I always say nothing you can imagine is totally impossible. It might be unlikely, but that’s as far as I’ll go.
Votes: 0

Emily Rodda

Not Helpful

What would you do without me? Say ‘nothing.'» «Nothing,» said the Prince. «Good. Then you’re helpless and I’ll help you.
Votes: 0

James Thurber

Not Helpful

Fighting a cold, but I’m powering through. As they say, there’s nothing better for a cold than doing interviews all day.
Votes: 0

Don Hertzfeldt

Not Helpful

There’s nothing compared to the history of writing about the city of New York that you get, say, in Charles Reznikoff.
Votes: 0

Stephen Vincent Benet

Not Helpful

Many people will find this book disrespectful. There is nothing amusing about being dead, they will say. Ah, but there is.
Votes: 0

Mary Roach

Not Helpful

They say, ‘Nothing can be done here!’ I reply, ‘I know no such word in the vocabulary I adopt!’
Votes: 0

Dorothea Dix

Not Helpful

If people ask me, ‘What do you think could improve in Toronto dining,’ I’d say there’s nothing to improve on.
Votes: 0

David Chang

Not Helpful

I always say that failure was my friend. I learned nothing at school, so I just lived in my own world.
Votes: 0

Willard Wigan

Not Helpful

I can say I’m a little scared of racing. It brings back memories, of course. But it’s nothing I can’t handle.
Votes: 0

J. R. Celski

Not Helpful

«We liked it» or «I didn’t like it» people say. As if it were nothing higher than to please the people!
Votes: 0

Robert Schumann

Not Helpful

I say that Roger Casement
Did what he had to do,
He died upon the gallows
But that is nothing new.
Votes: 0

William Butler Yeats

Not Helpful

You know I say just what I think, and nothing more and less. I cannot say one thing and mean another.
Votes: 0

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Not Helpful

There is nothing so wrong as accepting a thing merely because men who have done things say it should be so.
Votes: 0

Alfred Stieglitz

Not Helpful

I have nothing bad to say about my job. I love the public, I love to talk, get to know people, everything.
Votes: 0


Not Helpful

There was really nothing for serious men to do in cases of wild gossip, for superstitious rustics will say and believe anything.
Votes: 0

H. P. Lovecraft

Not Helpful

Miss Marple believes in justice and has very high standards. There is nothing you could say or do that would shock her.
Votes: 0

Joan Hickson

Not Helpful

Try to say nothing negative about anybody for three days, for forty-five days, for three months. See what happens to your life.
Votes: 0

Yoko Ono

Not Helpful

The greatest thing in the world is for a man to be able to do something well, and say nothing about it.
Votes: 0

E. W. Howe

Not Helpful

Look, all administrations, all governments lie, all officials lie and nothing they say is to be believed. That’s a pretty good rule.
Votes: 0

Daniel Ellsberg

Not Helpful

Like all school students, I think I did a play in my school. The common things, I would say. Nothing really exceptional.
Votes: 0

Isabelle Huppert

Not Helpful

We possess nothing in the world — a mere chance can strip us of everything — except the power to say ‘I.
Votes: 0

Simone Weil

Not Helpful

The public wishes itself to be managed like a woman; one must say nothing to it except what it likes to hear.
Votes: 0

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Not Helpful

FYI: when you see a grammar nazi foaming at the mouth, you are watching someone with absolutely nothing of substance to say.
Votes: 0

Nils Parker

Not Helpful

The truth is, sometimes too much can happen in a relationship, and then there’s nothing anyone can do or say. It’s broken.
Votes: 0

Gabrielle Zevin

Not Helpful

I’ve always been really dark, and drawn to darker humor. Nothing has been forced, and I don’t say anything for shock value.
Votes: 0

Amy Schumer

Not Helpful

I don’t know if rock is dying. I wouldn’t want to say that, but the world does change. Nothing stays the same.
Votes: 0

Mick Jagger

Not Helpful

Yes some people say ignorant things about autism but silencing them solves nothing. They need to be educated. That’s how things change.
Votes: 0

Stuart Duncan

Not Helpful

I am as omnivorous as it’s possible to be. I always say there’s nothing I won’t eat and nothing I won’t wear.
Votes: 0

Padma Lakshmi

Not Helpful

I’ve been a target my entire life. At this point, there’s nothing anyone can say that will faze me. Bring it on!
Votes: 0

Tori Spelling

Not Helpful

Some asked me where the rubies grew, And nothing I did say; But with my finger pointed to The lips of Julia.
Votes: 0

Robert Herrick

Not Helpful

How could I look my grandchildren in the eye and say I knew what was happening to the world and did nothing.
Votes: 0

David Attenborough

Not Helpful

Some people say I’m obnoxious and lazy, that I’m uneducated, that my opinion means nothing, but I know I’m a real good dancer.
Votes: 0

John Mellencamp

Not Helpful

In the right key one can say anything. In the wrong key, nothing: the only delicate part is the establishment of the key.
Votes: 0

George Bernard Shaw

Not Helpful

Now I must wait and be still and say nothing I don’t know, nothing I haven’t lived over and over, and that’s everything.
Votes: 0

Philip Levine

Not Helpful

People can say what they like about the eternal verities, love and truth and so on, but nothing’s as eternal as the dishes.
Votes: 0

Margaret Mahy

Not Helpful

It’s not charming to go on a show and say, I dunno. It doesn’t fool anybody. There’s nothing glamorous about it at all.
Votes: 0

Jeff Goldblum

Not Helpful

I have nothing snarky to say about Joan Rivers’ appearance. We should all be that happy with how we look on camera, frankly.
Votes: 0

Julie Klausner

Not Helpful

The novelist must be his own most harsh critic and also his own most loving admirer and about both he must say nothing.
Votes: 0

Angus Wilson

Not Helpful

If someone were to say, ‘Well, what would you have done differently?’ I’d say, ‘Nothing’. I think you need to make mistakes.
Votes: 0

Kim Kardashian

Not Helpful

I have nothing nice to say about Chris Pratt, of course. He’s probably the greatest hero of our time in real life, honestly.
Votes: 0

Bryce Dallas Howard

Not Helpful

We don’t say nothing more. What else is there to say? Everything and nothing. You can’t say everything, so you don’t say nothing.
Votes: 0

Patrick Ness

Not Helpful

He used to say that it was better to have one friend of great value than many friends who were good for nothing.
Votes: 0

Diogenes Laertius

Not Helpful

Once I get the ball, you’re at my mercy. There is nothing you can say or do about it. I own the ball.
Votes: 0

Michael Jordan

Not Helpful

It’s a nice reader, but there’s nothing on the iPad I look at and say, ‘Oh, I wish Microsoft had done it.’
Votes: 0

Bill Gates

Not Helpful

In what you say of another, apply the test of kindness, necessity and truth, and let nothing pass your lips without a 2/3 majority.
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Liz Armbruster

Not Helpful

Magic is a funny term,’ she’d say. ‘There is nothing supernatural about the earth. As long as you know what does what.
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Suzanne Palmieri

Not Helpful

I have said nothing because there is nothing I can say that would describe how I feel as perfectly as you deserve it.
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Kyle Schmid

Not Helpful

One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say.
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Will Durant

Not Helpful

There’s nothing to talk about to strangers anymore, if you know what I mean. Everything I want to say, I say to her.
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Charles Baxter

Not Helpful

I am called a gold digger all the time. I don’t care. There is nothing you can do about what other people say.
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Anna Benson

Not Helpful

They say that instead of cursing the darkness, one should light a candle. Nothing is mentioned, though, about cursing a lack of candles.
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George Carlin

Not Helpful

About guns, about hunting, it’s safe to say I know nothing. The last gun I fired was a musket at Boy Scout camp.
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Rosecrans Baldwin

Not Helpful

For people who say they hate being lied to, just start telling them nothing but the pure truth—about everything. That will teach them
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Seth Adam Brown

Not Helpful

I don’t beef with people, because I don’t be around people. Nobody can’t say nothing about me, because ain’t nobody know nothing about me.
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Fetty Wap

Not Helpful

…and you smile back and try not to think about the fact that you have nothing, absolutely nothing, to say to each other.
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David Nicholls

Not Helpful

There are two things for which animals are to be envied: they know nothing of future evils, or of what people say about them.
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Not Helpful

And those who say, «I’ll try anything once,» often try nothing twice, three times, arriving late at the gate of dreams worth dying for.
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Carl Sandburg

Not Helpful

When you’re a mom to three children, nothing bothers you. Trust me. Who cares what people say? I’ve got other things to deal with.
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Faith Hill

Not Helpful

You say you experience great difficulty in the mission. Alas! Monsieur, there is no lot in life where there is nothing to be endured.
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Vincent de Paul

Not Helpful

Did I say the book of nature is a catechism? Yes, But, after it answers the first question with «God,» nothing but questions follow.
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George Washington Cable

Not Helpful

In the morning, when the nothing vase casts a something shadow, like the memory of someone you’ve lost, what can you say about that?
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Jonathan Safran Foer

Not Helpful

Master Chuang Tzu says the spring insect knows nothing of the winter! We can also say suspicion knows nothing of the peace of mind!
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Mehmet Murat ildan

Not Helpful

There is nothing ugly in art except that which is without character, that is to say, that which offers no outer or inner truth.
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Auguste Rodin

Not Helpful

We can’t say what enlightenment is, we can’t say what it isn’t, because these are words and words have nothing to do with reality.
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Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell

Not Helpful

If people take any notice of what we say, we say we’ve been through the drug scene, man, and there’s nothing like being straight.
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John Lennon

Not Helpful

When stalking one’s prey, it is best to take one’s time. Say nothing, and as sure as eggs he will become curious and emerge.
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Harper Lee

Not Helpful

Nothing that readers say or do strikes me as a nuisance. Anyone who cracks open a book of mine is, to me, a gem.
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Garrison Keillor

Not Helpful

I’m so busy during my everyday, when I go on vacation I need to pull the plug like they say, and to do nothing.
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Georges St-Pierre

Not Helpful

Is this muteness a real physical handicap? One of the many symptoms of being Dead?Or do we just have nothing left to say?
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Isaac Marion

Not Helpful

Every night I talk to God, but he don’t say nothing back. I know he protecting me, but I still stay with my gat.
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Curtis Jackson

Not Helpful

I don’t have to do nothing you say, you old heifer cow. And you are old. Really, really old. And a cow, too. (Simi)
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Sherrilyn Kenyon

Not Helpful

In both pop and disco, the meaning of the lyrics is not too important. I have nothing I feel I particularly want to say.
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Giorgio Moroder

Not Helpful

Life means nothing to you, at least that’s what they say. But it doesn’t mean that you have the right to take life away.
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Ray Davies

Not Helpful

One Sided Love is nothing but we can say its a one way hurt to yourself in any little moment while you see her
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Amardeep Singh

Not Helpful

There is nothing at all that can be talked about adequately, and the whole art of poetry is to say what can’t be said.
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Alan Watts

Not Helpful

Nothing will stop me, and whether I’m here or wherever I may be, I’ll always have the same feelings, I’ll say what I feel.
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John Lennon

Not Helpful

People use to say that time can change everything but as far as I know the nothing can change the tease inside your heart .
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Nutan Bajracharya

Not Helpful

I would love nothing more than compromise. But I would say to you that compromise that’s not a solution is a waste of time.
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Marco Rubio

Not Helpful

Send a wise man on an errand, and say nothing unto him.
[Send a wise man on an errand, and say nothing to him.]
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George Herbert

Not Helpful

He’ll sit there are he’ll say «Do this! Do that!» and nothing will happen. Poor Ike — it won’t be a bit like the army.
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Harry S. Truman

Not Helpful

In the sports arena I would say there is nothing like training and preparation. You have to train your mind as much as your body.
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Venus Williams

Not Helpful

It’s interesting when you get those roles, which seem like nothing on the page, and you kind of subvert them. It’s hard to say no.
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Cate Blanchett

Not Helpful

As a music supervisor, you learn to embrace the best of every genre, and I really have to say there’s nothing that I’m embarrassed of.
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Alexandra Patsavas

Not Helpful

I loved my friend He went away from me There’s nothing more to say The poem ends, Soft as it began- I loved my friend.
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Langston Hughes

Not Helpful

The days come and go but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away.
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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Not Helpful

Do they choose to be so dense? Were they born that way? I have no friends. I have nothing. I say nothing. I am nothing.
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Laurie Halse Anderson

Not Helpful

Donate and do not talk about it, they say you do nothing for the society; do and talk about it, they say you seek publicity!
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Amitabh Bachchan

Not Helpful

You have been saying much about Dr. Carey and his work. When I am gone, say nothing about Dr. Carey; speak about Dr. Carey’s Saviour.
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William Carey

Not Helpful

When someone, let’s say a teacher, speaks of the world and you are not in it, it’s like looking into the mirror and seeing nothing.
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Adrienne Rich

Not Helpful

Nobody has to tell nobody nothing,— I say, taking another step forward. “You never were a poet, were you, Todd?— he says.
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Patrick Ness

Not Helpful

You can always tell when a woman is with the wrong man, because she has so much to say about the fact that nothing’s happening.
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Caitlin Moran

Not Helpful

I thought of breaking down the door, but there’s nothing left to say. That Chevy four by four says it all, sitting in my place.
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Rhett Akins

Not Helpful

When a woman marries she belongs to another man; and when she belongs to another man there is nothing more you can say to her.
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Cesare Pavese

Not Helpful

Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?
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Kurt Vonnegut

Not Helpful

Aim at perfection and nothing less. Need the best. Deserve the best. Those who say it’s not possible are the people who decided to settle.
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Behdad Sami

Not Helpful

I am writing Parsifal only for my wife — if I had to depend on the German spirit, I should have nothing more to say.
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Richard Wagner

Not Helpful

How great the lie right to the top: We don’t torture people in America and people who say we do simply know nothing about our country.
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George W. Bush

Not Helpful

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a partner and doing the things to have one. To protect ourselves, we have to say, ‘I don’t need one.’
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Hill Harper

Not Helpful

Bow to nothing, son. I make mistakes as well as any man. If you think me wrong, be so good as to damn well say so.
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David Gemmell

Not Helpful

I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings.» -from the Fox-
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Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Not Helpful

God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.
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Soren Kierkegaard

Not Helpful

I’ll say American for now. I really have no preference, though. Nationality is nothing. It’s all about the girl — but she has to be curvy!
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Daniel Radcliffe

Not Helpful

I would love to say how nice it is to see you again, but that would be a lie. And I am nothing if not honest.
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Kami Garcia

Not Helpful

Nothing you say can ensure that the other person will get it, or respond the way you want. You may never exceed his threshold of deafness.
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Harriet Lerner

Not Helpful

My private life is private. But at the same time, I have nothing to hide. So what I will say is that I am very happy.
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Cynthia Nixon

Not Helpful

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.
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Larry King

Not Helpful

Do not listen to those who say there is nothing you can do to the very real and large social and environmental issues of our time,
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Maude Barlow

Not Helpful

I’ve learned to really just say no. If I don’t want to do something, I won’t do it. There’s nothing that can make me do anything.
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Adam Ant

Not Helpful

Cool parents, I thought, are the ones who know nothing. It made me feel a little sad for mine, but I didn’t say any of this.
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John Darnielle

Not Helpful

It is nothing new or original to say that golf is played one stroke at a time. But it took me many years to realize it.
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Bobby Jones

Not Helpful

There is nothing true anywhere, The true is nowhere to be seen; If you say you see the true, This seeing is not the true one.
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Abraham Lincoln

Not Helpful

You have to stand up and say, ‘There’s nothing wrong with me or my shape or who I am; you’re the one with the problem!’
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Jennifer Lopez

Not Helpful

As to what I would like to be, it is difficult to say. An artist of some kind. If nothing else I shall always study the Arts.
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Jackson Pollock

Not Helpful

I’m very bad at ending sentences. A lot times I just want to say, ‘That’s the end of my sentence. I have nothing more to say.’
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Nathan Fielder

Not Helpful

The best way to begin is to say: Balthus is a painter of whom nothing is known. And now let us have a look at his paintings.
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Not Helpful

If what we said cannot go beyond the century we live in, it means that we have said nothing. Let us say something for all the centuries!
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Mehmet Murat ildan

Not Helpful

In short: if one has nothing of value to say, only that which is impure defilement, avoid them. They are masters of the dark. Of no use.
Votes: 0

Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Not Helpful

Last night you sat there singing to me ‘nothing to hide, believe what I say’ and not ten hours later you’re standin’ in front of me lyin
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Kristen Ashley

Not Helpful

I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this government: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.
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Winston Churchill

Not Helpful

What can a sales person say to somebody to get them to buy a product that they already use every day if they don’t like it? Nothing.
Votes: 0

Larry Ellison

Not Helpful

To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves. Nothing is often a good thing to say, and always a clever thing to say.
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Will Durant

Not Helpful

Your value is nothing if you cannot honor your word. If you do not mean what you say, you are the most mean person on the Earth.
Votes: 0

Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Not Helpful

I would not dream of taking on Tobey Maguire. Plus, he’s a talented and nice guy, and I have nothing but nice things to say about him.
Votes: 0

Neil Patrick Harris

Not Helpful

He will wipe the tears from all faces.’ It takes nothing from the loveliness of the verse to say that is exactly what will be required
Votes: 0

Marilynne Robinson

Not Helpful

It is ridiculous to say that art has nothing to do with morality. What is true is that the artist’s business is not that of the policeman.
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George Bernard Shaw

Not Helpful

Once upon a time, I could sing three hours. Now, when you see me say ‘I’m done,’ I’m done; ain’t nothing left till the next night.
Votes: 0

Bobby Womack

Not Helpful

To die is nothing. One is here, one is no longer here. It is only at the end one must be able to say ‘I was a man’.
Votes: 0

Louis L’Amour

Not Helpful

All I say is by way of discourse, and nothing by way of advice. I should not speak so boldly if it were my due to be believed.
Votes: 0

Michel de Montaigne

Not Helpful

When I left, it was for you. Coming back was for you. There’s nothing you can say, nothing you can do that would make me leave you again.
Votes: 0

Nora Roberts

Not Helpful

It’s a lot easier to act when the writing is good. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to figure out ‘Well, why did I say this next?’
Votes: 0

Anna Kendrick

Not Helpful

I would say I know nothing about the music business, in a nice sort of way. I totally forgot I was in that music video. That’s so funny.
Votes: 0

Zooey Deschanel

Not Helpful

I ain’t affraid to let it out, i’m not affraid to take that fall, but i found beyond all doubt, you say more by saying nothing at all.
Votes: 0

Brandon Boyd

Not Helpful

Time will say nothing but I told you so, Time only knows the price we have to pay; If I could tell you I would let you know.
Votes: 0

W. H. Auden

Not Helpful

If a man, day and night, thinks he is miserable, low and nothing, nothing he becomes. If you say yea, yea, «I am, I am», so shall you be;
Votes: 0

Swami Vivekananda

Not Helpful

February 2, 2023 6:00 AM EST

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This is an issue that is of particular interest to me, as it is an issue that I struggled with for years myself.

The ability to say “no” comes easier to some, but feels virtually impossible to others.

Many people are very comfortable with saying “no” when their plate is too full, or they simply do not want to do something.

Other people find it almost unbearable to say no, no matter how busy they are, and how much they do not want to do a task.

Hopefully, these quotes will illuminate why it is easy for some, virtually impossible for others, but important for all nonetheless.

If you love this quote collection, read out our most popular quote article about short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. 

If you need more inspirational quotes, check out our motivational quotes category page.

Quotes about learning to say “no”

1. “There are often many things we feel we should so that, in fact we don’t really have to do. Getting to the point where we can tell the difference is a major milestone in the simplification process.” – Elaine St. James

Say No Quotes to teach you how to choose

2. “Let today mark a new beginning for you. Give yourself permission to say NO without feeling guilty , mean, or selfish, Anybody who gets upset and/or expects you to say YES all of the time clearly doesn’t have your best interest at heart, Always remember: You have a right to say NO without having to explain yourself, Be at peace with your decisions.” – Stephanie Lahart

Say No Quotes about new beginnings

3. “Say no to everything, so you can say yes to the one thing.” – Richie Norton

Say No Quotes about choosing the right thing

You will also enjoy our article on selfish people quotes.

4. “It takes heart to say no when our heart and brains and guts and most important, pride are yearning to say yes, Practice.” – Cole Harmonson

Say No Quotes about pride

5. “You have to learn to say no without feeling guilty, setting boundaries is healthy. You need to learn to respect and take care of yourself.” – Unknown

Say No Quotes about setting boundaries

6. “Learn the art of saying no. Don’t lie. Don’t make excuses, don’t over-explain yourself. Just simply decline.” – Unknown

Say No Quotes about declining

7. “It is simple to say no when your priorities are in order.”- Unknown

Say No Quotes about priorities

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of priority quotes that will help you clarify what’s important to you in your life.

8. “It’s only by saying NO that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.” – Steve Jobs

Say No Quotes about important things

9. “Don’t say MAYBE if you want to say NO.” – Unknown

Say No Quotes about not saying maybe

10. Saying yes to happiness means learning to say no to the things and people that stress you out.” – Thema Davis

Say No Quotes about happiness

11. “I refuse to please others at the expense of my emotional well-being. Even if it means saying “no” to people who are used to hearing “yes.”” – Unknown

Say No Quotes about pleasing others

12. “No is a complete sentence. It does not require justification or explanation.” – Unknown

Say No Quotes about justification

13. He who trim himself to suit everyone else will soon whittle himself away.” – Unknown

Say No Quotes to make you more wise

14. “Saying NO means you know your limits.” – Unknown

Say No Quotes about setting limits

15. “Say NO out of strength instead of YES out of weakness.” – Unknown

Say No Quotes about strengths and weeknesses

16. “Sometimes you have to forget what you feel, and remember what you deserve.” – Unknown

Say No Quotes to remind you what you deserve

17. “You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage pleasantly, smilingly, and non-apologetically – to say “no” to other things. And the way to do that is by having a bigger yes burning inside.” – Stephen Covey

Say No Quotes about highest priorities

18. “Not every opportunity it meant to be my assignment.” – Lysa Terkeurst

Say No Quotes about opportunities

19. “When you say YES to others, make sure you are not saying NO to yourself.” –Paulo Coelho

Say No Quotes about personal priorities

20. “Simplify: say no to the good so you can say yes to the best.” – Unknown

Say No Quotes about choosing what is best

More quotes about saying no

21. “Silence isn’t always agreement. Sometimes people no longer argue because they no longer care.” – Joyce Rachelle

Say No Quotes about silence

22. “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” – Anna Taylor

Say No Quotes about boundaries

23. “Take no as an encouragement to redouble his efforts, so it was easier to say yes right away.” – Stieg Larsson

Say No Quotes about Acceptance

24. “Real freedom is saying ‘no’ without giving a reason.” – Amit Kalantri

Say No Quotes about explanation

25. “Tone is the hardest part of saying no.” – Jonathan Price

Say No Quotes about the tone

26. “NO is a complete sentence. It does not require an explanation to follow. You can truly answer someone’s request with a simple No.” – Sharon E. Rainey

Say No Quotes about giving an answer

27. “When you say no to the wrong people, it opens up the space for the right people to come in.” – Joe Calloway

Say No Quotes about the wrong people

28. “When I claim more than what I can handle, I limit the opportunities for another person in my community.” – Jeff Shinabarger

Say No Quotes about claiming more than you can handle

29. “When others are not okay with your NO’s, they should not be allowed around for the YES’s either.” – Christine E. Szymanski

30. “You don’t have to stay committed to something just because you’re good at it.” – Brittany Burgunder

Say No Quotes about commitment

Short Say No Quotes To Help You Walk Away When You Should

31. “Focusing is about saying no.” — Steve Jobs
32. “Sometimes no is the kindest word.” — Vironika Tugaleva
33. “Saying no can be the ultimate self-care.” — Claudia Black
34. “You can say no if that is more truthful than a resentful yes.” — Judith Lasater
35. “You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no.” — Lori Deschene
36. “It takes true courage and real humility to say no.” — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
37. “Saying no to something is actually much more powerful than saying yes.” — Tom Hanks
38. “Freedom comes when you learn to let go, creation comes when you learn to say no.” – Madonna
39. “If you must say yes, say it with an open heart. If you must say no, say it without fear.” — Paulo Coelho
40. “Saying no does not always show a lack of generosity and that saying yes is not always a virtue.” – Paulo Coelho

Say No Quotes To Make You Learn When To Say No

41. “One key to successful relationships is learning to say no without guilt, so that you can say yes without resentment.” ― Bill Crawford
42. “Learn to say no in situations where saying no can be difficult, where it could mean getting fired. Say no anyway, because it could lead you to greater opportunities.” ― Samuel Dash
43. “Just saying yes because you can’t bear the short-term pain of saying no is not going to help you do the work.” ― Seth Godin
44. “As you get older, you become more comfortable in your skin and comfortable in saying no to things…I’ve also learned that saying no is just as valuable as saying yes.” ― Meghan Markle
45. “Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.” ― Josh Billings
46. “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” ― Warren Buffett
47. “Until you learn how to confidently say no to so many things, you shall always say yes to so many things.” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
48. “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” ― W. Clement Stone
49. “Part of the skill of saying no is to shut up afterward and not babble on, offering material for an argument.” ― Judith Martin
50. “Serenity comes from the ability to say yes to existence. Courage comes from the ability to say no to the wrong choices made by others.” ― Ayn Rand

Say No Quotes to Embrace Self-Care and Prioritizing Your Time

51. “You don’t have to say yes to everything. Learning to say no is a valuable skill.” ― Rachel Hollis

52. “Saying no to negativity can lead to greater happiness and peace.” ― Oprah Winfrey

53. “Saying no to things that don’t serve you opens up the space for what does.” ― Christine Kane

54. “Saying no to the non-essential frees you to say yes to the truly important.” ― Tim Ferriss

55. “Saying no to one thing means you can say yes to something else that is truly important to you.” ― Greg McKeown

56. “Saying no is not just a rejection of the opportunity itself, it’s a declaration of your priorities and values.” ― Maria Popova

57. “Saying no is a form of self-care. It allows you to prioritize your time and energy.” ― Brené Brown

58. “Saying no gives you back control over your life and your time.” ― Tim Cook

59. “Learning to say no is a valuable tool in maintaining control over your own life.” ― Sheryl Sandberg

60. “Saying no is a form of self-respect. It allows you to prioritize your values and keep your commitments to yourself.” ― Arianna Huffington

What did you learn from these “say no” quotes?

Hopefully, these thoughts have inspired and empowered you enough to consider when you may want and need to say “no” to others yourself.

That saying so if not the end of the earth, but perhaps the end of being walked over, and of missing out on the opportunities that you want and should be saying yes too.

It is about not over-extending yourself, and leaving room in your life for opportunities where you want and should be saying “yes.”

Everyday Power

| June 11, 2021 | Motivational Quotes |

Looking for wise quotes about learning to say NO. We have rounded up the best collection of saying no quotes, sayings, captions, proverbs, messages, (with images and pictures) which will give you an insight on when to say NO.

Learning to say NO means you need to decline or refuse to few habits, decisions, things before you destroy yourself by accepting (saying yes) each and everything which comes to you.

“No” – it’s a small word but it has huge impact. We’re often taught that saying “no” is a negative thing, that it hurts those around us and causes us to miss out on new, exciting opportunities. Hence, due to such conditioning many people are uncomfortable saying it and are unable to say so.

On the other hand there are few who can easily say “NO” to things which they do not want to do. They don’t hesitate and do not feel guilty in doing so. Learning to say no is important to thing and decisions which are burdensome and leave you stressed. It’s a decision and habit which you should form for your own good without feeling selfish. It’s all about respecting your priorities and time.

Hope these wise words of wisdom on NO quotes will inspire you to be more easy going in refusing/declining things you don’t really want to go forward with.

Learn To Say No Quotes

  1. “It’s okay to say no.”

  2. “Simplify your life. Learn to say no.”                                                                                                   Saying No Quotes
    Saying No Quotes

  3. “Saying NO means you know your limits.”

  4. “Focusing is about saying no.”- Steve Jobs                                                                                   Learn To Say No Quotes Images
    Learn To Say No Quotes Images

  5. “Learn to say no without explaining yourself.”

  6. “Say NO to being used, abused, and exploited!”

  7. “It’s okay to say ‘NO’ without explaining yourself.”                                                                             Learn To Say No Quotes
    Learn To Say No Quotes

  8. “You can’t improve on saying nothing.”- Golda Meir

  9. “Don’t say maybe if you want to say no.”- Paulo Coelho                                                     Saying No Quotes Pictures
    Saying No Quotes Pictures

  10. “You don’t have to accept things you are not okay with.”

  11. “Sometimes no is the kindest word.”- Vironika Tugaleva

  12. “Say NO out of strength instead of YES out of weakness.”                                                         Say No Quotes
    Say No Quotes

  13. “Tone is the hardest part of saying no.” – Jonathan Price

  14. “Saying no can be the ultimate self-care.”- Claudia Black

  15. “Coffee is a girl who never tells a boy no.”- Andrew Smith

  16. “Simplify: say no to the good so you can say yes to the best.”                                                         Quotes About Learning to say No
    Quotes About Learning to say No

  17. “Freedom isn’t the ability to say yes. It’s the ability to say no.”

  18. “If you want more time, freedom, and energy, start saying no.”

  19. “Say no to the things that confine you to a life of mediocrity.”

  20. “Real freedom is saying ‘no’ without giving a reason.” – Amit Kalantri

  21. “Not every opportunity it meant to be my assignment.” – Lysa Terkeurst

  22. “Say no to everything, so you can say yes to the one thing.”- Richie Norton

  23. “He who trim himself to suit everyone else will soon whittle himself away.”

  24. “No is a complete sentence. It does not require justification or explanation.”                                                                                                                                                       No Means No Quotes
    No Means No Quotes

  25. “You can say no if that is more truthful than a resentful yes.”- Judith Lasater

  26. “You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no.”- Lori Deschene

  27. “It takes true courage and real humility to say no.”- Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

  28. “Always say no pun intended to draw attention to the intended pun.”- Teju Cole

  29. “Sometimes you have to forget what you feel, and remember what you deserve.”

  30. “The ability to say no is a tremendous advantage for an investor.”- Warren Buffett

  31. “Saying no to something is actually much more powerful than saying yes.”- Tom Hanks

  32. “If you believe that saying no will get you shot, well, what a fine way to go.”- Peter Block

  33. “Do yourself a favor. Learn how to say no without feeling like you need to explain why.”

  34. “The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes.”- Tony Blair

  35. “When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.”- Paulo Coelho                                                                                                                                         Inspirational Learn To Say No Quotes
    Inspirational Learn To Say No Quotes

  36. “Learn to say ‘no’ when you have to. Else you will be forced to say ‘yes’ when you don’t want to.”

  37. “Learn to say no; it will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.”- Charles Spurgeon

  38. “Freedom comes when you learn to let go, creation comes when you learn to say no.” – Madonna                                                                                                                                       Quotes About Saying No
    Quotes About Saying No

  39. “When you learn to say yes to yourself, you will be able to say no to others, with love. ”- Alan Cohen

  40. “If you must say yes, say it with an open heart. If you must say no, say it without fear.”- Paulo Coelho

  41. “The courage to say no, the courage to say yes. Decisions do determine Destiny.”- Thomas S. Monson

  42. “It’s only by saying NO that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.”- Steve Jobs

  43. “Give yourself the permission to say no to anything that makes you unhappy or drains your energy.”

  44. “You don’t have to stay committed to something just because you’re good at it.”- Brittany Burgunder

  45. “The oldest, shortest words – ‘yes’ and ‘no’ – are those which require the most thought.”- Pythagoras

  46. “Freedom comes when you learn to let go, creation comes when you learn to say no.”- Madonna Ciccone

  47. “Learn the art of saying no. Don’t lie. Don’t make excuses. Don’t over-explain yourself. Just simply decline.”

  48. “Take no as an encouragement to redouble his efforts, so it was easier to say yes right away.” – Stieg Larsson

  49. “Saying yes to happiness means learning to say no to the things and people that stress you out.” – Thema Davis

  50. “Saying no does not always show a lack of generosity and that saying yes is not always a virtue.” – Paulo Coelho

  51. “When you say no to the wrong people, it opens up the space for the right people to come in.” – Joe Calloway

  52. “Some selfish people rise because some kind people haven’t learned the art of saying no to them.” – Sanhita Baruah

  53. “Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.”- Josh Billings

  54. “When you arrive at a certain level it’s very easy to say yes: that is the moment to learn to say no.” – Jose Carreras

  55. “Just saying yes because you can’t bear the short-term pain of saying no is not going to help you do the work.”- Seth Godin

  56. “When others are not okay with your NO’s, they should not be allowed around for the YES’s either.” – Christine E. Szymanski

  57. “Part of the skill of saying no is to shut up afterward and not babble on, offering material for an argument.”- Judith Martin

  58. “I refuse to please others at the expense of my emotional well-being. Even if it means saying no to people who are used to hearing yes.”

  59. “Until you learn how to confidently say no to so many things, you shall always say yes to so many things.” – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

  60. “You have to learn to say no without feeling guilty, setting boundaries is healthy. You need to learn to respect and take care of yourself.”

  61. “One key to successful relationships is learning to say no without guilt, so that you can say yes without resentment.”- Bill Crawford

  62. “It takes heart to say no when our heart and brains and guts and most important, pride are yearning to say yes, Practice.” – Cole Harmonson

  63. “Serenity comes from the ability to say yes to existence. Courage comes from the ability to say no to the wrong choices made by others.”- Ayn Rand

  64. “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” – Warren Buffett

  65. “No is a complete sentence. It does not require an explanation to follow. You can truly answer someone’s request with a simple no.”- Sharon E. Rainey

  66. “Learn to say no. You only have so much time and energy. If you always say yes to others, you’ll never have enough time for the things that matter the most to you.”

  67. “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.”- W. Clement Stone

  68. “As you get older, you become more comfortable in your skin and comfortable in saying no to things…I’ve also learned that saying no is just as valuable as saying yes.” – Meghan Markle

  69. “Learn to say no in situations where saying no can be difficult, where it could mean getting fired. Say no anyway, because it could lead you to greater opportunities.”- Samuel Dash

  70. “To be happy is to wisely use the power of saying ‘NO’ to some people. Don’t be afraid to disappoint people who only conveniently remember you when they want something from you.” – Dodinsky

  71. “Learning to just say no to emotional reactions isn’t repression. Saying no means not engaging the frustration, anger, judgment, or blame. Without engagement, you won’t have anything to repress.”- Doc Childre

  72. “You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage pleasantly, smilingly, and non-apologetically – to say no to other things. And the way to do that is by having a bigger yes burning inside.”- Stephen Covey

  73. “Saying No gains you respect. When you say No, the other person may feel disappointed. But ultimately, they will respect you for taking good care of yourself. And most of all, you’ll respect yourself because you are being true to yourself!”- Doreen Virtue

  74. “You have a right to say no. Most of us have very weak and flaccid no muscles. We feel guilty for saying no. We get ostracized and challenged for saying no, so we forget it’s our choice. Your no muscle has to be built up to get to a place where you can say, I don’t care if that’s what you want. I don’t want that. No.”- Iyanla Vanzant

  75. “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.”- Steve Jobs

  76. “Let today mark a new beginning for you. Give yourself permission to say NO without feeling guilty, mean, or selfish. Anybody who gets upset or expects you to say yes all of the time clearly doesn’t have your best interest at heart. Always remember: You have a right to say no without having to explain yourself. Be at peace with your decisions.”- Stephanie Lahart

Why You Can’t Say NO?

There are some people who are full of self-doubt and are low on self-confidence, they’re constantly under the performance pressure to please everyone by saying “YES” to almost everything.

But this habit is leads to frustration, pent up anger and resentment in yourself if you constantly do things against your will.  Hopefully, these wise thoughts have inspired and empowered you enough to consider when you may want and need to say “no” to others yourself.

Share your feelings with friends and family today with these wise words of wisdom if you feel inspired to do so.

Feel free to share with friends and family on Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter and more.

About The Author

Ananya Bhatt

I am Ananya, a professional speaker and I love motivating people and inspiring them to pursue their dreams. Sharing quotes, proverbs, and sayings of great authors to touch people’s lives to make it better.

There was a time when you were not a slave, remember that.

You walked alone, full of laughter, you bathed bare-bellied. You say you have lost all recollection of it, remember . . . You say there are no words to describe this time, you say it does not exist. But remember. Make an effort to remember. Or, failing that, invent.

No words to describe quote Be careful what you say. Words do not only describe reality. Words create realit

Be careful what you say. Words do not only describe reality. Words create reality.

No matter what your race, creed or sexual preference, there is a word that people use to describe you that is very nasty. It’s what we all have in common. That, and masturbation.

No words to describe quote Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.

Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.

One moment it’s a cathedral, at another time there is no words to describe it when it ceases, for short periods of time, to have any regard for the proprieties that constitute not only Parliament, but its tradition. I’ve seen it in all its greatness. I have inwardly wept over it when it is degraded.

When we try to describe the truth with words, we distort it and it’s no longer truth—it’s our story. The story may be true for us, but that doesn’t mean it’s true for anyone else.

No; I did not hate him. The word is too weak. There is no word in the language strong enough to describe my feelings. I can say only that I knew the gnawing of a desire for vengeance on him that was a pain in itself and that exceeded all the bounds of language.

No words to describe quote Obsessed is just a word lazy use to describe the dedicated.

Obsessed is just a word lazy use to describe the dedicated.

My son is two weeks old today. The minute he came in my arms and looked at me it changed my life. Literally changed my life. When I say changed my life, I mean he showed me love I thought… I know… the word love, there is no way to describe this love. It’s so powerful.

The word is too weak. There is no word in the language strong enough to describe my feelings.

In a universe governed by God there are no chance events.

Indeed, there is no such thing as chance. Chance does not exist. It is merely a word we use to describe mathematical possibilities. But chance itself has no power because it has no being. Chance is not an entity that can influence reality. Chance is not a thing. It is nothing.

No words to describe quote Immature: a word boring people use to describe fun people.

Immature: a word boring people use to describe fun people.

Patty Griffin is iconic, and there’s no other word to really describe her.

She is iconic for a lot of people — not only for me but for a lot of fans. Her voice is one of a kind, and she’s such an important figure in the American music scene.

When we try to describe one person to another …, what do we say? Not usually how or what that person ate, rarely what he wore, only occasionally how he managed his job—no, what we tell is what he said and, if we are good mimics, how he said it. We apparently consider a person’s spoken words the true essence of his being.

No mother. Two small words, and yet within them lay a bottomless well of pain and loss, a ceaseless mourning for touches that were never received and words of wisdom that were never spoken. No single word was big enough to adequately describe the loss of your mother.

Spirituality is rooted in desire. We long for something we can neither name nor describe, but which is no less real because of our inability to capture it with words.

There are no words to describe the pain of burying a child, and specifically there is no word to label their new, lifelong status. If you lose a spouse, you are a widow; if you lose a parent, you are an orphan. But what about when you lose a child? How do you name something you cannot comprehend?

Seems like I’m in a dream. Prince dead at 57. There are no words to describe this loss.

No words, phrases, or sentences are capable of describing or naming the Way, because once it is named, it is a false name and has to be eliminated. Once it is eliminated, only emptiness is left. When the false is abandoned, the true emerges.

I’m a constitutional conservative. I’m a Reagan constitutional conservative. I can think of no three better words to describe my political philosophy. And I will remain a Reagan constitutional conservative. It doesn’t matter to what the elites D.C. think in the Republican or the Democratic Party

For me, language is a freedom. As soon as you have found the words with which to express something, you are no longer incoherent, you are no longer trapped by your own emotions, by your own experiences; you can describe them, you can tell them, you can bring them out of yourself and give them to somebody else. That is an enormously liberating experience.

There’s a word like overprotective to describe some parents, but no word that means the opposite. What word do you use to describe parents who don’t protect enough? Underprotective? Neglectful? Self-involved? Lame? All of the above.

Nobody wants to see the truth. Everybody wants to have the fantasy. When I look back at the books I was reading in my childhood were selling some sort of fantasy as well. Most stories are not going to tell the deep suffering of every day. No book prepared me for the suffering I would experience in life because the word «suffering» does not even describe what the suffering is. No story is going to tell you that, and no words can tell you that.

For those who have experienced the joy of being alone with nature there is really little need for me to say much more; for those who have not, no words of mine can ever describe the powerful, almost mystical knowledge of beauty and eternity that come, suddenly, and all unexpected.

In that process of coming to know that which we name as divine, the God who is love is slowly transformed into the love that is God. Let me repeat that…We breathe love in, and we breathe love out. It is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. It is never exhausted, always expanding. When I try to describe this reality, words fail me; so I simply utter the name God. That name, however, is no longer for me the name of a being.

Beauty can only be best described at its origin through a befuddling silence, the kind that leaves one almost on the verge of a pleasurable death, just because one chooses beauty over life. There is nothing in this world to hold something so pure, so divine except a loving heart. And it is the only manner through which love recognises love; the language of love has no alphabet, no words.

Quoting Dudjom Rinpoche on the buddha-nature: No words can describe it No example can point to it Samsara does not make it worse Nirvana does not make it better It has never been born It has never ceased It has never been liberated It has never been deluded It has never existed It has never been nonexistent It has no limits at all It does not fall into any kind of category

If there is one word that describes the meaning of character, it is the word honor. Without honor, civilization would not long exist. Without honor, there could be no dependable contracts, no lasting marriages, no trust or happiness. What does the word honor mean to you? To me, honor is summarized in this expression by the poet Tennyson, «Man’s word [of honor] is God in man.»

‘But surely «blind» is just how you would describe men who have no true knowledge of reality, and no clear standard in their mind to refer to, as a painter refers to his model, and which they can study closely before they start laying down rules about what is fair or right or good where they are needed, or maintaining, as Guardians, any rules that already exist.’
‘Yes, blind is just about what they are’

All I can do in my writing is to stimulate a certain amount of thought, clarify some technical facts and date my work. But when I preach sharpness, brilliancy, scale, etc., I am just mouthing words, because no words can really describe those terms and qualities it takes the actual print to say, “here it is.

I have come to see the nonsense of attempting to describe fine scenery.

There is no such possibility. If scenery could be adequately reproduced in words, there would have been no need of God’s making it in reality.

If you’ve lived through it, you already know there are no words that will ever come close to describing it, and if you didn’t — you will never understand.

There was no word in the dictionary adequate to describe the sensation other than sensational.

One dictionary defines denouement as «a final part in which everything is made clear and no questions or surprises remain.» By that definition, it is exactly the wrong word to describe this chapter. This chapter will make nothing clear; it will raise many questions; and it may even contain a surprise or two. But I say we call it the denouement anyway because the words sounds so sophisticated and French.

There is no point in using the word ‘impossible’ to describe something that has clearly happened.

When I confront a human being as my Thou and speak the basic word I-Thou to him, then he is no thing among things nor does he consist of things. He is no longer He or She, a dot in the world grid of space and time, nor a condition to be experienced and described, a loose bundle of named qualities. Neighborless and seamless, he is Thou and fills the firmament. Not as if there were nothing but he; but everything else lives in his light.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, KCVO (Henry Charles Albert David; born 15 September 1984) is a member of the British royal family. He is the younger son of King Charles III and Diana, Princess of Wales. He is fifth in the line of succession to the British throne. In 2018, Harry was made Duke of Sussex prior to his wedding to American actress Meghan Markle. They have two children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet. In January 2020, the couple stepped down as working royals and moved to the Duchess’s native Southern California. May these Prince Harry Quotes On Success inspire you to take action so that you may live your dreams.

1. “Conversations with my mother, father, my grandparents, as I’ve grown up have obviously driven me towards wanting to try and make a difference as much as possible.” Prince Harry

2. “The majority of us carry some form of unresolved trauma, loss, or grief, which feels – and is – very personal. Yet the last year has shown us that we are all in this together.” Prince Harry

3. “There’s a lot of times that both myself and my brother wish, obviously, that we were just completely normal.” Prince Harry

4. “All I want to do is make my mother incredibly proud. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.” Prince Harry

5. “One of the biggest lessons that I’ve ever learnt in life is you’ve sometimes got to go back and to deal with really uncomfortable situations and to be able to process it in order to be able to heal.” Prince Harry

One of the biggest lessons that I've ever learnt in life is you've sometimes got to go back and to deal with really uncomfortable situations and to be able to process it in order to be able to heal. Prince Harry

6. “Anyone who says they don’t enjoy the Army is mad – you can spend a week hating it and the next week it could be the best thing in the world and the best job you could ever, ever wish for. It has got so much to offer.” Prince Harry

7. “It’s so important to know that if you’re going to have a bad day, if you’ve had a bad week or you’ve experienced more trauma or another loss or more stress in your life that you’ve got at your fingertips, whether it’s a WhatsApp group whether it’s an online support group, you’ve got at least a handful of people you can reach out to.” Prince Harry

8. “Every day you are inundated with an overexposure of advertising and mainstream media, social media, and endless comparisons, distorting the truth and trying to manipulating the power of positive thinking. But you don’t let them sway you.” Prince Harry

9. “To be happy is to be mindful, mindful of your feelings, mindful of your surroundings and mindful of the 7.7 billion other humans that inhabit this planet.” Prince Harry

10. “This is not just about women. We men need to recognize the part we play, too. Real men treat women with the dignity and respect they deserve.” Prince Harry

This is not just about women. We men need to recognize the part we play, too. Real men treat women with the dignity and respect they deserve. Prince Harry

11. “Everyone has a different opinion; every country has a different way of doing things. But I do believe that we need a regulatory body so that everyone who owns or manages wildlife is subject to inspection and rated on how well they look after the animals and how the communities benefit.” Prince Harry

12. “People would be amazed by the ordinary life William and I live. I do my own shopping. Sometimes, when I come away from the meat counter in my local supermarket, I worry someone will snap me with their phone. But I am determined to have a relatively normal life, and if I am lucky enough to have children, they can have one, too.” Prince Harry

13. “It’s something my mother believed in: If you are in a position of privilege, if you can put your name to something that you genuinely believe in, you can smash any stigma you want, and you can encourage anybody to do anything.” Prince Harry

14. “I do enjoy running down a ditch full of mud, firing bullets. It’s the way I am. I love it.” Prince Harry

15. “You’ve got to have fun in life, otherwise, wow, imagine life without fun.” Prince Harry

You've got to have fun in life, otherwise, wow, imagine life without fun. Prince Harry

16. “I really regret not talking about it. It is OK to suffer, but as long as you talk about it. It is not a weakness. Weakness is having a problem and not recognizing it and not solving that problem.” Prince Harry

17. “I was the typical 20-, 25-, 28-year-old going around, going, ‘Life is great. Life is fine.’” Prince Harry

18. “We won’t unlock these opportunities for young women and girls unless we can change the mindset of every family and community. To achieve this, it cannot just be women who speak up for girls.” Prince Harry

19. “For me personally, as I said, I want to serve my country. I’ve done it once, and I’m still in the army, I feel as though I should get the opportunity to do it again.” Prince Harry

20. “We all have mental health in the same way that we all have physical health. It’s OK to have depression, it’s OK to have anxiety, it’s OK to have adjustment disorder.” Prince Harry

We all have mental health in the same way that we all have physical health. It's OK to have depression, it's OK to have anxiety, it's OK to have adjustment disorder. Prince Harry

21. “I sometimes still feel I am living in a goldfish bowl, but I now manage it better. I still have a naughty streak, too, which I enjoy and is how I relate to those individuals who have got themselves into trouble.” Prince Harry

22. “I think losing your mother at such a young age does end up shaping your life massively. Of course it does, and now I find myself trying to be there and give advice to other people who are in similar positions.” Prince Harry

23. “I had never heard of Meghan before. I was beautifully surprised when I walked into that room and saw her, and there she was, sitting there. I thought, ‘I am really going to have to up my game here, sit down, and make sure I’ve got a good chat.” Prince Harry

24. “‘When did I know she was ‘The One?’ The very first time we met.” Prince Harry

25. “Part of my role and part of my job is to shine a spotlight on issues that need that spotlight, whether it’s people, whether it’s causes, issues, whatever it is.” Prince Harry

Part of my role and part of my job is to shine a spotlight on issues that need that spotlight, whether it's people, whether it's causes, issues, whatever it is. Prince Harry

26. “My mother died when I was very young. I didn’t want to be in the position I was in, but I eventually pulled my head out of the sand, started listening to people, and decided to use my role for good. I am now fired up and energized and love charity stuff, meeting people, and making them laugh.” Prince Harry

27. “I have witnessed first-hand how the power of sport can positively impact the lives of wounded, injured, and sick Servicemen and women in their journey of recovery. The Invictus Games will focus on what they can achieve post-injury and celebrate their fighting spirit through an inclusive sporting competition that recognizes the sacrifice they have made. I am extremely proud that we are bringing an event like this to the UK for the first time and believe it can have a long-lasting impact on the well-being of those who have served their nations so bravely.” Prince Harry

28. “The only way to see real progress is not by chance; it’s by change.” Prince Harry

29. “I hope that a lot of my mother’s talents are shown in a lot of the work that I do.” Prince Harry

30. “I had to step my family back from all I have ever known to take a step forward into what I hope can be a more peaceful life.” Prince Harry

I had to step my family back from all I have ever known to take a step forward into what I hope can be a more peaceful life. Prince Harry

31. “The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was sort of confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned; everything was just perfect. It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life; I fell into her life.” Prince Harry

32. “I know that at the end of the day, she chooses me. I choose her. Whatever we have to tackle will be us together as a team.” Prince Harry

33. “You know, silence only allows the abuser to abuse. Right?” Prince Harry

34. “Once you’re in the military, she means a lot more to you than just a grandmother. She is the queen. And then you suddenly, it’s like start realizing, you know, wow, this is quite a big deal. And then you get goosebumps and then the rest of it.” Prince Harry

35. “You’ve got to give something back. You can’t just sit there.” Prince Harry

You've got to give something back. You can't just sit there. Prince Harry

I hope you enjoyed these Prince Harry Quotes On Success. Do let us know which one was your favorite in the comments section below.

Check Out Prince Harry’s Interview About Princess Diana’s Death From 60 Minutes:

Have A Great Day!

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