No ask for any word the word is me

for any work

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

On this page, for example, there are links for any words we have in our dictionary.

На странице, например, есть ссылки для любых слов, которые мы имеем в нашем словаре.

It’s too awful for any words.

You can quickly search for any words using the voice search.

Your ads may be triggered when someone searches for any words that include your keywords.

Ваши объявления могут появляться, когда кто-то ищет слова, связанные с вашими ключевыми словами.

we ask forgiveness for any words or acts

Или попросить прощения за мысли или поступки.

Другие результаты

WEB — on this site you can get a large number of synonyms for any word.

ШЕВ — на этом сайте вы можете получить большое количество синонимов к любому слову.

Winston lives under the constant surveillance of Big Brother and the Thought Police, for any word or thought against the system.

Жизнь Уинстона проходит под постоянным контролем Большого Брата и Полиции Мысли, отслеживающей любое слово или мысль, направленную против системы.

You can search for any word or phrase in the text.

The dictionary expression for any word can be represented as a set of disjuncts.

Выражение в словаре для любого слова может быть представлено как набор разъединителей (set of disjuncts).

We looked for any word that vaguely resembled something in English.

И мы начали подбирать слова, которые фонетически хоть сколько-то похожи на английские.

For such feelings there is no satisfactory expression; they are too deep and too strong and too vague for any word.

Подобным чувствам нет удовлетворительного выражения: они глубже и сильнее — и непосредственнее всякого слова.

Therefore, it’s impossible to tell about the divine frankly, for any word would be a mere allegory.

Поэтому о божественном прямо не скажешь, так как всякая мысль будет лишь аллегорией.

It gave its users the option to search for any word on any webpage.

This appears to be happening for any word.

A full-text search feature is available, providing the user with the opportunity to search all the studies instantaneously for any word or combination of words.

Предусмотрена функция полнотекстового поиска, которая дает пользователю возможность мгновенно находить во всех исследованиях то или иное слово или сочетание слов.

Unlike its predecessors, it allowed users to search for any word in any webpage, which has become the standard for all major search engines since.

В отличие от своих предшественниц, она позволяла пользователям искать по любым словам, расположенным на любой веб-странице — с тех пор это стало стандартом для большинства поисковых систем.

Thousands have gathered in cities across the world, waiting with bated breath for any word on the fate of Apollo 11 and its crew.

Тысячи людей собрались во всех уголках планеты и, затаив дыхание, ждут новостей о судьбе «Аполлона 11» и его экипажа.

Unlike its predecessors, it allowed users to search for any word in any webpage, which has become the standard for all major search engines since.

В отличие от своих предшественниц, она позволяла пользователям искать по любым словам, расположенным на любой веб-странице — с тех пор это стало стандартом для большинства поисковых систем.

Then, I tried to stop listening for any word in my mind, and just let my hand do what it wanted.

Затем я попытался перестать слушать слова и просто позволил руке делать то, что она хотела.

In the gardens and salons of the wealthy, she listened for any word that would help Qui’thonas.

Они рассказывали новости, какие слышали в других городах и селах, и за это получали милостыню.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 484243. Точных совпадений: 5. Затраченное время: 1050 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Опубликовано 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от skoll2hyj

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    1. Where have you worked as a volunteer?
    2. How has the tornado stopped?
    3. Why have you moved to the country since spring?
    4. What has destroyed the town?
    5. Where have the villagers come from?
    6. What have the volunteers done?

    1. Ответ

      Ответ дан


    2. Ответ

      Ответ дан

      Не за что!

Самые новые вопросы


Математика — 3 года назад

Решите уравнения:
а) 15 4 ∕19 + x + 3 17∕19 = 21 2∕19;
б) 6,7x — 5,21 = 9,54


Информатика — 3 года назад

Помогите решить задачи на паскаль.1)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти произведение всех элементов массива.2)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти сумму четных элементов массива.3)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива.4)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива среди элементов,
кратных 3.


География — 3 года назад

Почему япония — лидер по выплавке стали?


Математика — 3 года назад

Чему равно: 1*(умножить)х?     0*х?


Русский язык — 3 года назад

В каком из предложений пропущена одна (только одна!) запятая?1.она снова умолкла, точно некий внутренний голос приказал ей замолчать и посмотрела в зал. 2.и он понял: вот что неожиданно пришло к нему, и теперь останется с ним, и уже никогда его не покинет. 3.и оба мы немножко удовлетворим свое любопытство.4.впрочем, он и сам только еле передвигал ноги, а тело его совсем застыло и было холодное, как камень. 5.по небу потянулись облака, и луна померкла. 


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Without Any Words (Only Crying and Laughter) - '68

Информация о песне На данной странице вы можете ознакомиться с текстом песни Without Any Words (Only Crying and Laughter), исполнителя — ’68. Песня из альбома Two Parts Viper, в жанре Пост-хардкор
Дата выпуска: 26.04.2018
Лейбл звукозаписи: chariot
Язык песни: Английский

Выберите на какой язык перевести:

Without Any Words (Only Crying and Laughter)


I hope you hear my song
I’d rather burn out than to fade away
All the damage is done
The «dramatic one» has gone away
And without any words, I can hear your name
It’s a different verse but the song is the same
I’ve paid my dues but the bills all remain for us
Never wanted to lie
But tell ’em I’m doing fine
Tell ’em I’ll be okay
And maybe I’ll be alright
The saddest songs that I wrote are how I wish you were here
The saddest songs that I wrote… I wish you were here
The saddest songs that I wrote
And without any words, I can hear your name
It’s a different verse but the song is the same
I’ve paid my dues but the bills all remain for us, yeah
I said all my soul
I laid it out on the radio
Oh how I wish you could say
«Well done» to me (Yea)
And without any words, I can hear your name
A different verse but the song is the same
I’ve paid my dues but the bills all remain
I hope for the best but I’m anxious to see
This revolution is small but it matters to me
I wanted it all but you wanted to breathe
I can never understand why you wanted to bleed for us
Alls I’ve ever known is another world where I am not alone
Will my heart just allow you to breathe
I wish you were here, yeah
That’s all

Без Всяких Слов (Только Плач и Смех)


Я надеюсь, ты слышишь мою песню
Я лучше сгорю, чем исчезну
Весь ущерб нанесен
«Драматический» ушел
И без слов я слышу твоё имя
Это другой куплет, но песня та же
Я заплатил свои взносы, но все счета остаются за нами.
Никогда не хотел лгать
Но скажи им, что я в порядке
Скажи им, что я буду в порядке
И, может быть, я буду в порядке
Самые грустные песни, которые я написал, это то, как я хочу, чтобы ты был здесь
Самые грустные песни, которые я написал… Я хочу, чтобы ты был здесь
Самые грустные песни, которые я написал
И без слов я слышу твоё имя
Это другой куплет, но песня та же
Я заплатил свои взносы, но все счета остаются за нами, да
Я сказал всю свою душу
Я выложил это на радио
О, как бы я хотел, чтобы ты сказал
«Молодец» для меня (Да)
И без слов я слышу твоё имя
Другой куплет, но песня та же
Я заплатил свои взносы, но все счета остались
Я надеюсь на лучшее, но мне не терпится увидеть
Эта революция маленькая, но она важна для меня
Я хотел всего этого, но ты хотел дышать
Я никогда не могу понять, почему ты хотел пролить кровь за нас.
Все, что я когда-либо знал, это другой мир, где я не один
Позволит ли мое сердце тебе дышать?
Я хочу, чтобы ты был здесь, да
Это все

Рейтинг перевода: 5

/5 |
Голосов: 1

Polite requests in English — SPEAK ENGLISH

как вежливо попросить на английском

Today we will not talk about what to say, but about how. It’s no secret that there are many ways to express the same thought.

You can, for example, say «step back, please», or «excuse me, can I get in?» or even «well go away!» And in that, and in the other, and in the third case, we expressed a desire for someone to walk away and give us a way, but our tone was different every time: in the first case, we talked with someone familiar and equal to us in status, in the second — with a stranger to «you», and in the third we were rude.

Our article is devoted to the second case — communication with strangers with whom we are “you”. We will learn how to be polite in English.

Let’s look at a few broad situations in which we need courtesy.

1. How to politely ask someone for something?

How to voice a request so that it does not sound like an order? First of all, you need to say please. But one magic word is not enough — to sound as polite as possible, use the following construction:

could you
Could you

For example:

could you open the window? Could you open the window?

could you help me with my luggage, please?
Can you help me with my luggage, please?

There are also more elaborate phrases that can be used instead of “Couldyou«

I would appreciate it if you could

(Literally: “I’d appreciate it if you could”)

I would be grateful if you could
I would be grateful if you could

Would you be so kind as to
Will you be so kind,

For example:

I would appreciate it if you could help me.
I’ll be gratefulif you could help me.
(Literally: “I would appreciateif you could help me «)

I would be grateful if you could tell me his phone number.
I would appreciateif you could tell me his phone number.

Would you be so kind as to show me the way?
Will you be so kindshow me the way.

We will separately talk about the case when we request information that is not currently available, but in the future it may appear. It so happens that we ask a person to tell us something when an opportunity arises, or information, or something will happen, etc. In such cases, instead of a simple “say”, the following phrase is better suited:

Let me know

For example:

LetmeKnow if there are any news, please.
Let me know if there is any news, please.

If he calls again please flightmeKnow.
If he calls again, please let me know.

There is another type of request: often in everyday life we ​​have to squeeze through the crowd. How to make it clear to a person so that he gave us a pass? Using the magic word:

! In our country it is customary to ask the person in front of the vehicle: «Are you getting out?» Never do this to foreigners :). Instead, it’s better to just say “Excuseme“To get him away.

Finally, it happens that something annoys us in the behavior of a foreigner. How can you politely ask him to speak more quietly or not ask you uncomfortable questions?

Would you mind

(Literally: «You don’t mind»)

This expression requires the action to end —ing!

Wouldyoumind turning off the radio, please?
You could notwould turn off the radio please?
(Literally: “Do you mind turn off the radio please? ”)

Wouldyoumind closing the door before leaving?
YounotРјРѕРіР »Ryowould close the door before leaving?
(Literally: “Do you mind close the door before leaving? «)

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2. How do you politely say “I want”?

“Want” is a good word, but a little rough: it sounds like a demand. In order to soften it, you can use the following constructions:


Help me English translation. How will you please in English? Request in the form of a soft order

как вежливо попросить на английском

In learning any language, the most important thing is to master the spoken language. This is necessary in order to be able to start any conversation in a foreign language, as well as not to get confused in various conversational situations. And here English polite phrases and words will help us. After all, our treatment of the interlocutor should be kind in order to make a favorable impression on him.

Expressing courtesy and respect in English

Expressing courtesy, courtesy and respect in English is very important. Certain phrases will help us start a conversation, say hello, express refusal or agreement, regret or joy, ask for help, apologize, say goodbye, wish good luck in English.

Expressions of courtesy in English, as in any other language, are usually used when meeting and saying goodbye, when starting a telephone conversation and at the end of it.

It is necessary to be attentive and distinguish between communication with a peer and with a person older than you, with a friend and with a stranger, since you cannot say to an elderly person “Hey! Hi, Hello!«But»Hello! How do you do, Good day!».

Also, when we say goodbye to an elderly person, we do not say “Bye, bye. Bye«But»Goodbye. Good bye».

So, here are the basic expressions for polite greetings and goodbyes in English. These expressions will help you say hello, start a conversation, and at the end of it, say goodbye to your interlocutor:

  • Good morning! — Good morning!
  • Good day / evening! — Good afternoon / evening!
  • Nice to meet you! — Glad to meet you
  • Hello! Hi! — Hey!
  • How are you today? — How are you today? How are you doing?
  • Glad to see you! — Glad to see you (you)!
  • Welcome! — Welcome!
  • Good bye! — Bye!
  • Good night! — Goodnight!
  • Have a nice day! — I wish you have a good day!
  • See you! — See you!
  • See you soon! — See you soon!
  • See you later! — See you later!
  • Bye-bye! — Bye!

Expressions that will help when meeting

These English courtesy phrases are meant to help you introduce yourself, give your name, introduce your friend, colleague, etc.

  • What is your name? — What is your name? My name is — My name is
  • Nice to meet you! — Glad to see you!
  • Nice to meet you, too. — I’m glad to see you too
  • Let me introduce my friend, my colleague — Let me introduce my friend, colleague
  • This is my friend — This is my friend

How to politely thank and respond to gratitude?

Gratitude is also an expression of respect in any language of the world. As you can imagine, these expressions of courtesy sound gratitude, as well as what to respond if you are thanked:

  • Thank you! — Thanks. Thank you
  • Thank you very much! — Many thanks
  • Thank you ever so much! — Thank you very much
  • Thanks a lot! — Many thanks
  • Be welcome. — Please. Please contact again
  • You are welcome. — Please
  • It’s my pleasure. — With pleasure
  • Not at all. — It’s my pleasure.

Here you should pay attention to the word “Please«. This word in English is not an answer to gratitude, although it is translated as «Please». It is used when you want to make a request.

For example:

  • Please, help me! — Please help me!
  • Please, give me your pencil. — Please give me your pencil.

How to ask for forgiveness in English?

These expressions of courtesy can help you apologize and apologize or express regret in a given situation:

  • Pardon! — I’m sorry, I’m sorry
  • Sorry! — Sorry
  • I am sorry! — I’m sorry.

But the expression “Sorry!» and «Excuse me!«. The phrase «Excuse me!» used when you want to ask about something, to clarify something, etc.
For example:

  • Sorry, I can’t come to you. — Excuse me, I can come to you.


How to ask permission in English

как вежливо попросить на английском

Many students wonder what words should be used to start a request for permission in English. How to use «Can I», «Could I» and «May I» correctly?

We will try to answer this question in this article. Having so many options can confuse anyone, so let’s break down each one separately.

  • Can I?
  • May I?
  • Could I?

Can I?

«Can I?» Is the most relaxed way to ask permission for anything. It is common in conversations with friends, colleagues, and family members:

Can I see it? (Can I see?)

Can I get something to drink? (Can I have something to drink?)

In traditional English grammar «Can I?» was not used for permission requests. Everything has changed in the last 50 years. Today, this is the most common expression of the three.

May I?

«May I?» Is already a more formal way to ask permission in English. Formal language is used when talking to strangers, or when there is a big chasm between you and your interlocutor.

You can ask a stranger for a little favor like this:

May I borrow your pen for a second? (Can I take your pen for a second?)

Some elementary, middle, and high school teachers require students to apply for permission using «May I?»

student: Can I go to the bathroom?

Teacher: May I?

student: May I go to the bathroom?

Teacher: Yes, you may.

«Can I go to the toilet?» — one of the most popular questions in the lesson

Could I?

«Could I?» Is a good way to ask for something really substantial. In other words, you are not comfortable asking for it. For example, you can ask your sister:

Could I borrow your other car when I’m in town? (Can I take your second car when I’m in town?)

«Could I?» not as formal as «May I?», but for big requests it is better to use it.
In fact, the difference between «Can I», «Could I» and «May I» is very small. It’s okay if you get confused about where to use which expression. If you can, then remember the difference, but when you need to ask permission, just choose the design you see fit and ask with confidence!


How to write polite questions in English?

Being polite is an art. The art of using grammar correctly. Today we will learn exactly this — namely, how nice and polite to offer something or ask for a favor.

How to offer?

In this section, we will restrict ourselves to just one construction, it is the most common and uncomplicated in education. If you offer something (a cup of coffee, have lunch, go to the cinema together), it is better to start with “would you” — “want / want”, because the usual “do you want” sounds rather rude and straightforward.


  • Would you a cup of coffee? — Would you like some coffee?
  • Would you to go out for lunch? — Would you like to go to lunch?
  • Would you to go to the cinema with me? — Do you want to go to the cinema together?
  • Would you to go shopping on Sunday? — Do you want to go shopping on Sunday?

How to answer?

For example: Would you some ice cream? — Would you like ice cream?

We agree:

  • Yes, please — yes, please
  • Yes, with pleasure — yes, with pleasure
  • Yes, I’d love some — yes, I would like a little

The complete answer will look like this:

Yes, I would some ice cream is a grammatically complete sentence. But in dialogue it will sound a little strange. See for yourself, when someone asks you: “Will you have ice cream?”, You are unlikely to answer “Yes, I will have ice cream”. You will most likely say, «Yes, with pleasure.» Likewise in English, in order not to sound like a robot, you need to know how, quickly and concisely to respond to a proposal.

We refuse:

  • No, thank you — no, thank you
  • Maybe next time, thank you — maybe next time, thank you
  • Thank you, maybe later — thanks, maybe later

How to ask?

Now let’s see how best to ask for something.

Let’s start with the simplest structure:

  • Could you please? — Could you / could you?
  • Could is not the last form of the verb can, let me remind you that could is a modal verb and in such questions it is needed to demonstrate politeness.


  • Could you open the door please? — Could you open the door?
  • Could you bring me another cappuccino please? — Could you bring another cappuccino?
  • Could you help me with my homework please? — Could you help me with my homework?
  • Could you explain this topic one more time please? — Could you explain this topic again?

And to enhance the effect, add the following phrase:

  • I am sorry to bother you — sorry to bother you.
  • I am sorry to bother you, but could you help me with the books? / with the suitcase? — Sorry to bother you, could you help me with these books / suitcase?
  • I am sorry to bother you, but could you open the window please? — Sorry to bother you, could you open the window?
  • I am sorry to bother you, could you tell me the time please? — Sorry to bother you, could you tell me what time it is?

Now the turn of the so-called «indirect questions» has come, they are incredibly polite, and when you translate them into Russian, it becomes even a little uncomfortable, and I want to ask — «What century are you from?» But, this is how it is customary to ask for something in English, you cannot do without such polite questions, especially if you are lucky enough to go to the UK.

Indirect questions usually start with phrases:

  • Could you tell me — could you tell
  • Do you mind if I ask — you will not mind if I ask
  • Would you mind telling me — do you mind telling me
  • Do you know — you know

Of course, indirect questions have their own peculiarities — the word order after the «introductory» phrase (they are listed above) remains the same as in a regular sentence. Although, this is rather good news. That is, you say, for example, «Would you mind telling me», and then simply state the essence of the request. For example, we need to ask something like «Could you tell me where to charge the phone?» We build an action plan.

1. «Could you tell me» — Could you tell me / Would you mind telling me

2. And then we build the usual sentence «where can I charge my phone» — where I can charge my phone. Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that «can» does not need to be transferred to the beginning — put after where, as we usually do in questions.

3. Putting a polite question together — Could you tell me where I can charge my phone?

Well, let’s see some more examples from «Could you tell me»?

  • Could you tell me where the lift is? — Can you please tell me where is the elevator?
  • Could you tell me where the bus stop is? — Can you tell me where the bus stop is?
  • Could you tell me what time it is? — Could you tell me what time it is?

Now let’s look at examples with the initial phrase «Do you mind if I ask»

  • Do you mind if I ask where the check-in is? — May I ask you where is the registration desk?
  • Do you mind if I ask what time it is? — Can I ask you the time?
  • Do you mind if I ask how old you are? — May I ask, how old are you?
  • Would you mind telling me — Do you mind telling me / nothing if I ask

I will dwell on this issue in more detail in order to explain why it is necessary to say «telling». This is not Present Continuous, as one might think. You probably know that in English the second verb in a sentence is either in the infinitive, or the ending «ing» is added to it. For example, I would to invite him to my party — I would like to invite him to a party. “Would” is the first verb.

We put the next «invite» in the infinitive with the particle «to» — I would TO invite. Also, the infinitive with a particle «to» is used after the verbs: want (want), offer (offer) agree (agree), refuse (refuse), promise (promise), hope (hope) and others. But after the verb «mind» (to object) to the next verb you need to add the ending «Ing» — hence «would you mind telling».


  • Would you mind telling me where the main hall is? — Can you tell me where the main hall is?
  • Would you mind telling me where I can buy a tourist card? — Could you tell me where you can buy a tourist card?
  • Would you mind telling me what you name is? — Do you mind if I ask for your name?

And the last phrase:

  • Do you know — Do you know?



Polite words in English —

It is extremely important to use polite words in English, otherwise you may be perceived as rude and ill-mannered. In this video, we’ll walk you through the most common courtesy phrases and when to use them. To get started, watch this video of ours.

Order in a cafe in English

When ordering something from a cafe or restaurant, it is very important to be polite. To do this, you can use phrases such as: «can I», «could I» or «may I». For example, when ordering water, say:

Could I please get a water; may I have a water, please. «

That is, try to place your order as a polite request.

Phrases like «give me water» or «I want a glass of water» sound rude in English.

How to ask permission in English

Imagine a situation when your phone is dead and you need to call urgently. You will probably want to borrow a phone from someone you know to make a call. Or perhaps you need to interrupt someone’s conversation.

In each of these cases, it is important to use expressions such as «do you mind if», «would it be a problem.», «I was wondering if I could»

For example, if you want to ask someone for a phone number, you can say:

«Do you mind if I borrow your phone», «would it be a problem if I borrow your phone», «I was wondering if I could borrow your phone».

These are really very polite ways to ask permission. You shouldn’t say “let me borrow your phone” or “I want to borrow your phone”, “give me your phone”. Such phrases sound like an order, not a request. Perhaps you can say this to a close friend, but when it comes to unfamiliar people, you need to be as polite as possible.

If you don’t hear or understand something

This point is very important, because you are only learning English and from time to time, regardless of your level, you may have problems understanding and listening to English. In such cases, you will have to ask the person to repeat what was said. This should be done as politely as possible so as not to offend the person. You can say:

I’m sorry, excuse me, or pardon. You can also say «could you please repeat that?»

This is a very polite way to clarify something.

Avoid using phrases like “what”, “huh” — this sounds very rude in English. Saying them often can make the person feel uncomfortable and even hurt.

Refusal of invitation

Quite often people will invite you to various events, and maybe you don’t have time to agree to the invitation, and you need to refuse the invitation as correctly as possible. The best way to do this is to explain that you would gladly accept their offer, but for some reason you can’t. One way to do this is to say «I’m afraid».

You can say:

I’m afraid I can’t I have to work on Friday.

You can also say something like:

«I’d love to go to the party with you, but I have to see my grandfather on that day, so I can’t» I can not).

The third way is to say “sadly» (Unfortunately).

For example:

«Unfortunately I have plans for that day, so I can’t join you, but it would be great next time» ).

That is, you need to show that you really would like to accept the invitation, but you cannot, and there is a good reason for this.

Be sure to use the words of courtesy in English, because they are an indicator of good manners and good manners. Remember that in English, even a simple rejection without regretful words can look very rude.


How the most polite request begins. Polite requests. Indirect polite questions


The British have earned the title of the most courteous nation in the world. Wherever you are — in a store, public transport or just on the street, you will hear «Sorry», «Please» and «Welcome» every now and then. But did you know that, even using all these words, you can suddenly be known as an unceremonious rude? The reason is ridiculously simple — polite phrases in English follow completely different rules than in Russian.

In order not to shock the interlocutors, it is important to use «magic words» in the correct construction and take into account purely English phraseological units that correspond to the rules of good manners.

Polite requests in English

Consider a situation as if you are telling the interlocutor: «Prepare this for tomorrow» or «Call me back» (attention: this is wrong!). For a Russian person, these are simple requests that do not carry a negative connotation, but for a foreigner it is a signal that you are a very ill-mannered person giving rude orders.

The first line of the hit parade of offensive phrases is represented by the phrase «Do it!» Take on the polite «Let» s do it! «To avoid sharp edges of misunderstanding.

What do we know about the word «please»? «Please» means «please» and is used in requests.

— Could you tell me the time, please?

— Could you tell me the time, please?

— Thanks!

Since childhood, we are used to: if you want to get a candy, do not forget to add «please». However, this is not enough in English. The use of «Please» in requests adds an unpleasant tinge of familiarity to what has been said.

For example, you ask a friend «Give me, please, a coat.» It will sound something like this: «Give me a coat.» If not «Please», you say, then how to ask for a service in English, so as not to inadvertently offend a person.

In order for the request to acquire a tinge of courtesy, use modal constructs:

Could / would — Could you

Could / would you, please?

Could / would you be so kind as to

For example:

— Could you check your e-mail, please?

— Could you check your email?

— Of course!

— Jane, would you be so kind as to call him on Monday?

— Yes, of course!

“Jane, could you (be kind) call him on Monday?”

— Oh sure!

When shopping or in a restaurant, use the following constructions in colloquial speech:

Can / could + please — Could you + please
Can / could I have, please?

Can / could I please have?

For example:

— Can I have some tomatoes and fresh green, please?

— Can I, please, tomatoes and fresh herbs?

— Could I please have a glass of water?

— Can I please have a glass of water ??

Examples of a kind request in English

Would you do me a favor? Could you do me a favor?
Could you do me in favor? May I ask you a favor?


How to order coffee in English. We offer 6 universal phrases! — Blog

  • 05.03.2019
  • : Svetlana
  • Section: Blog

Very often there are situations when people studying English are faced with some difficulties in everyday everyday English. Well, for example, with phrases that are used when ordering coffee, tea or food in a restaurant. It would seem, what is so difficult here. Never mind. But, perhaps, somewhere at the beginning of the study, the emphasis was on something else, and such a simple thing was either overlooked or not worked out to the required degree of confidence and automatism.

Therefore, let’s put on the shelves the most frequently used phrases that you can use to order yourself delicious and aromatic coffee or tea.

6 different ways to order your own coffee in English:

• «I would _______» — «I would like to ______»

• «I’ll have _________» — «I’ll be ___________»

• «Can I get ________?» (less formal) — «Can I _________?»

• «Could I have_________?» — » May I__________?»

• «I’ll take _________» (less formal) — «I (take) will be ___________»

• «Could I try ________?» — «Can I try ___________?»

Can or Could

«Can I have a latte with skim milk?» or «Could I have a latte with skim milk?» Which phrase would be better? They are both correct, but it is better to be guided by the situation.

“Can” can be easily used in a coffee shop or restaurant, because they already sell coffee and you just make your choice and ask them to bring it to you. You can use “Could” while visiting. You’re kind of interested in having a coffee and you want to sound polite.

This phrase will sound like «Can I ask you for coffee?» Those. in principle, you are not obliged to be treated to coffee there or it may run out, so you are interested in the opportunity to drink coffee.

Size and temperature:

When ordering coffee, you can use one of the six above-mentioned phrases and also indicate the size of the drink: small, medium, large, etc. And you can also choose either hot coffee or chilled coffee.

For example: • «Could I have a large (small, medium), hot coffee»

• «I would a medium, iced cappucino»

We wish you a pleasant coffee! )))


Request letter in English. How to achieve your goal?

I ask you to write to you, what more

The letter of request in English was created just for this purpose. Ask. Justify. To convince. Get your way.

Some of my students are outraged by the need for all sorts of subversions of ornateness. The need to be polite. Observe conventions.

But the point is, it really helps you achieve your goals! The impression and attitude of the reader directly depends on the writing style. And the impression is followed by the willingness to cooperate with us. Or unavailability.

As selfish as it may sound, our polite letter of request is not written for the addressee, but for us. After all, we need the result! We want to get some kind of benefit! And if our letter of request in English is not convincing, we will not see what we want.

Who wants to cooperate with a boor who knows no boundaries?

So how do you write a letter of request? How to comply with the conventions of the written genre and the norms of etiquette? How can you achieve your goal? How to become a person with whom it is pleasant to deal?

We have already talked about English politeness and learned the cliché for making a request. Moreover, we watched excerpts from films in English with examples of requests. We’re almost masters of courtesy, aren’t we?))

There is one final touch left — a letter of request in English.

Style is our everything!

I’ll tell you a secret that politeness, tact and adherence to style in requests are more important than perfect grammar. This is equally true in letters and verbal requests in everyday communication.

And this is good news from all sides. Firstly, you can burn all grammar textbooks and dance in the ashes))) And secondly, any style has its own stable clichés and generally accepted formulas for drawing up an address. It is enough to work them out to automatism — and you can easily pass for a polite person with whom it is pleasant to deal))

As an illustration of the secondary importance of grammar — a letter of request in English with impeccable grammar and extensive vocabulary. Admire! Would you do this request?

Dear Mr. Scrooge,

I’ve been your tenant here for a year now, and I sure have been a good one — in case you haven’t noticed! I’ve been paying my rent on time and I have also had some renovations and repair works done at my expense, which cost a bloody fortune! I’m not a millionaire, you know! On top of that, I haven’t heard any complaints from neighbors, even more so, they all say I’m the best neighbor they’ve ever had. That means something.

So, taking into account all this and because the apartment is a shithole which costs a ton of money, I think you have to lower the rent (which is totally crazy and overpriced at the moment). You also have to reimburse my renovation expenses, and you better pay cash! ..

If I received such a letter, I would have kicked this tenant to another shithole)))

I have highlighted inappropriate phrases in this letter with a marker. They are either overly informal or rude and even offensive.

Dear Mr. Scrooge,

I’ve been your tenant here for a year now, and I sure have been a good one– in case you haven’t noticed! I’ve been paying my rent on time and I have also had some renovations and repair works done at my expense, which cost a bloody fortune! I’m not a millionaire, you know! On top of that, I haven’t heard any complaints from neighbors, even more so, they all say I’m the best neighbor they’ve ever had. That means something.

So, taking into account all this and because the apartment is ashithole which costs a ton of money, I think you have to lower the rent (which is totally crazy and overpriced at the moment). You also have toreimburse my renovation expenses, and you better pay cash! ..

And if the author wrote the same thing in a polite language and with a sense of tact — and albeit with grammatical errors, I would have thought about how to meet him halfway. For example, like this:

Dear Mr.scrooge,

I’ve been your tenant here for a year now, and I hope you’ll agree that I have been a good one. I’ve been paying my rent on time and I have also had some renovations and repair works done to improve the apartment. In addition, I haven’t heard any complaints from neighbors, even more so, they all say I’m the best neighbor they’ve ever had. Hopefully, this demonstrates how much I care about your property and how serious I am about making it a long-term commitment.


Writing Email in English: Useful Phrases

In today’s business world, writing email in English is part of the daily routine for employees of international companies.

But everyone should know how to correctly write an email in English — this applies not only to knowledge of English grammar, but also to the vocabulary that is used in writing letters in English.

Who knows, maybe tomorrow you will be offered a job in a foreign agency or company. You need to be ready!

Note: An experienced Business English tutor can be found here.

Let’s move on to the topic. First of all, I will talk about what useful phrases you can and should use when writing an email in English.

Please find attached

Quite often we have to attach important files to letters: documents or images.

So, to notify the recipient about the attachment of these files to the message, use the phrase Please find attached.

The word «attachment» means «attachment, attachment of something.» For example:

  • Please find my attached resume.
  • Please find attached photos from the conference.

As a rule, this phrase is written in the final part of the letter.

I have forwarded

When you need to forward a message or file to other recipients, use the phrase I have forwarded (something to someone).

The verb «forward» is synonymous with «resend» and means «to forward.» For example:

  • I’ve forwarded Bill’s resume to you.
  • I’m forwarding John’s email to you.

We often forward files or letters to people we know, so I’ve and I’m can be abbreviated. In business letters, such abbreviations should be avoided and written completely — I have and I am.

I’ve cc’ed

Strange at first glance reduction ccd/cced/ copied actually stands for Carbon Copy and means «put someone in a copy of receiving emails.»

If you need to notify that you have put in a copy of people who will find it useful to see some letters, use the phrase I have cc’ed (somebody).

Business and busy people prefer brevity and conciseness in emails, which is why these types of abbreviations are popular in English.

For example:

  • I’ve cc’ed Lisa on this email.
  • I’ve copied Jim on these emails.

There is a good expression: to keep someone in the loop.

Literally «to keep someone in the loop», that is, «to keep someone in the loop.» This is by the way and note to you.

For further details

To politely complete your email in English, the phrase For further detailswhich means «for more details» or «for more details».

For example:

  • For further details contact us any time.
  • For further details write to our HR-manager.

Another very common phrase used at the end of an email: If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me, which translates as «If you have any questions, feel free to write to me.»

It turned out not a literal translation, but conveyed the essence. The verb «hesitate» means «hesitate, hesitate, hesitate.»

I look forward to

If you are waiting for a response to your letter — use the phrase I look forward to your reply / hearing from youwhich means I am waiting for your reply.

Accordingly, these phrases should be written at the end of the email.

In conclusion about writing an email in English

Remember that to write your email correctly in English, you should use certain intro and end phrases.

For example, you can use the following English phrases to complete a letter:

  • Regards,
  • Sincerely yours,
  • Yours truly,
  • Kind regards,
  • Yours faithfully, (if the letter is addressed to a department, group of recipients)

If you are writing to a colleague or friend:

  • Best wishes,
  • warm wishes,
  • Best Regards,

+ your name (and title) from the paragraph.

Remember to keep it short, to the point and in the appropriate style when writing an email, especially a business one.

Reread your email several times before sending it — avoid grammatical and typos.

Writing letters in English, like verbal communication, shows your level of education and knowledge of business ethics.

Good Luck!


How to ask again in English if you don’t understand

Let’s say you are learning English. You work hard and already understand TV announcers and even have simple conversations with a teacher or an electronic textbook. You boldly come to Great Britain and here with horror you find that you do not understand a word. “That is absolutely,” as Little Red Riding Hood sang.

Who is to blame?

In addition to the system of sounds, which in English is very different from other European languages, the perception of colloquial speech is much more dependent on its intonation and rhythm. It seems to us that we understand (well, a little


How to ask in English: «If it’s not difficult for you?»

How to politely ask an American about something if it is a small request or a favor?

Is it possible to say literally:
«If it’s not too hard for you»? — «If it’s not very hard for you.»
«If it’s not too difficult for you»? — «If you do not mind».

Check out the most common phrases of how Americans themselves ask for a small favor. Read the material to the end, tk. at the end, I give the nuances of communicating with foreigners and it will be useful to know anyone who starts to communicate with them.

If you need to ask an American for help with English:

I wrote their phrases, as they themselves ask to help them with the Russian language:

They DO NOT speak with the «not» particle:

The most common type of request with the word «Please»:

A politely emphatic request — formal book use:

With the word «If you don’t mind, if you don’t mind»:

Do me a favor

Americans write favor.
The British write favor.


Americans DO NOT use the «not» particle in requests, as it is in Russian.

Americans do not curry favor and do not hesitate to ask for help with the Russian language.

Americans will never write «Thank you in advance» and «If it’s not difficult for you», as we do.

Americans DO NOT ask for something global / send money or something «Russian» /, they are not accepted. They do not shift their problems and questions onto other people, but decide everything themselves.

The most that I was asked for during the whole time of communication is to tell how much it costs to rent housing in Moscow, check their Russian language and suggest how to correctly say this or that phrase in Russian. Also, I helped them translate incomprehensible moments in Russian into English. Even Russian folk songs, Soviet cartoons, and “our” films with subtitles that they like, they look for on the Internet themselves.

If you write literally «If it’s not too hard for you»: «If it’s not hard for you»

“If it isn’t too difficult for you” — so you can say, you will be understood, but the Americans themselves do not say that in life.

“If it’s not too hard for you” — you can also say, it is not used by neytivs. But how critical is this phrase?

The word «Hard» can have a sexual connotation — «hard-on»

American answer:

«If it’s not too hard for you» is totally normal.
«Hard» can have a sexual context.

However, in most instances, the word «hard» is completely fine to use.It means difficult or hard.

I wouldn’t worry about using it, unless you are speaking about a man.


Business correspondence for dummies or what phrases can be used in business letters

Do you write business letters in English every day? Or are you just learning the basics of official correspondence in business English courses? Our selection of useful phrases and expressions will teach you how to write correct business letters in English and help you diversify your speech.

Because of business etiquette, it is common knowledge that customers should be greeted at the beginning of an email and said goodbye at the end. Do you start having problems writing the main body of the letter? How, for example, can you tell customers that the shipment is delayed, or how can you hint that it would be nice to get money for the services rendered? All this can be correctly told if you use the right «blanks» for different situations. With these «blanks» writing letters will be a simple and enjoyable task.

Starting a letter or how to start a correspondence in English

At the beginning of each business letter, right after the greeting, you need to explain why you are writing all this at all. Perhaps you want to clarify something, get additional information, or, for example, offer your services. The following phrases will help in everything:

  • We are writing — We write to
  • — to confirm — to confirm — to request — to request — to inform you that — to inform you what — to enquire about — to inquire about

  • I am contacting you for the following reason — I am writing to you with the following purpose / I am writing to you in order to
  • I would be interested in (receiving / getting information) — I would be interested in (receiving / getting information)

Establishing contacts or how to tell the interlocutor how do you know about him

Sometimes it’s worth reminding your business partner when and how you last saw each other or discussed your collaboration. Maybe a couple of months ago you already wrote a business letter on this topic, or perhaps you met at a conference a week ago and then started negotiating.

  • Thank you for your letter regarding — Thank you for your letter on the subject.
  • Thank you for your letter of May 30. — Thank you for your letter of May 30.
  • In reply to your request, — In response to your request ..
  • Thank you for contacting us. — Thank you for writing to us.
  • With reference to our conversation on Tuesday — Regarding our conversation on Tuesday
  • In reference with your recent letter — Regarding a recently received letter from you
  • It was a pleasure meeting you in New-York last week. — It was very nice to meet you in New York last week.
  • I would just to confirm the main points we discussed yesterday — I would like to confirm the main points we discussed yesterday.

Expressing a request or how to tactfully ask an interlocutor in English

In business letters, sometimes you have to ask your partners for something. Sometimes you need a reprieve, and sometimes additional samples of material. Business English has its own set of phrases to express all this.

  • We would appreciate it if you would — We would be very grateful if you
  • Could you please send me / tell us / let us — Could you send me / tell us / let us
  • It would be helpful if you could send us — It would be very helpful if you could send us
  • I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. “I would be grateful for your urgent attention on this matter.
  • We would be grateful if you could — We would be grateful if you could

Complaints in English or how to make it clear that you are not happy

Unfortunately, it often happens that we didn’t like something. But when writing business letters, we cannot give free rein to our feelings and by a direct test say what we think about the company and its services. You should use business English and express your dissatisfaction carefully. This way we can keep a business partner and let off some steam. Standard business correspondence phrases that will help with this:

  • I am writing to complain about — I am writing to complain about
  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with
  • I am afraid there may be a misunderstanding — I am afraid there was a misunderstanding
  • I understand it is not your fault, but — I understand that this is not your fault, but
  • We wish to draw your attention to. — We want to draw your attention to

How to communicate good or bad news in business emails in English

In business correspondence, it often happens that we have to upset clients. It is worth doing this gracefully so as not to anger your partner even more.

Bad news

  • I am afraid that I must inform you that — I am afraid that we must inform you that
  • Unfortunately we cannot / we are unable to — Unfortunately we cannot / we are unable to
  • We regret to inform you that — We regret to inform you that


Business correspondence in English: the intricacies of business communication

The modern world is open to people who speak foreign languages. This is more of an urgent need than a hobby. The cooperation of entrepreneurs from different countries does not surprise anyone. Finding partners and maintaining contacts is facilitated by the ability to conduct business correspondence. Since the business world pays special attention to documents and official letters, we will discuss all the requirements that business correspondence in English must meet with specific examples.

What are the rules for business correspondence in English

It is obvious that the ability to write official letters in English is an important skill for companies working with foreign partners. Fluency in the language, knowledge of business ethics and office work can be the determining criteria for selecting a candidate for a vacant position in the organization.

Let’s conditionally divide business letters into two large groups:

  1. Free form letters.

  2. Template letters: applications, reports, etc.

Writing letters in free form is a more difficult task, since template letters only require adherence to the form, and most often organizations have developed standard forms, as well as instructions for filling them out. Therefore, it makes sense to spend time and get acquainted with the rules of free text presentation. You will master various accompanying documents, applications, reports and other letters in a unified form in the process of work.

You should begin your acquaintance with the rules of business correspondence by defining the text blocks contained in a business letter in English. Let’s analyze each item in order.

Sender’s address

The upper right corner is reserved for specifying information about the sender, which are arranged in a strictly defined order without the use of punctuation marks.

Bank details Example
Last name and first name


Do you know how to tactfully end a conversation in English?

Anna Kovrova

It is not always possible to interrupt a boring dialogue politely, even if it is in the native language. What can we say about English when the language barrier complicates the task! Today we will offer some suitable English phrases and tactics of behavior, and in addition a couple of tricks against the most tenacious bore.

Body Language

Before declaring your desire to end communication, you should «warn» about it in body language:

  • less often look at the interlocutor. An absent look is a clear sign that the conversation no longer interests you;
  • step back a little;
  • start putting things in your bag;
  • put on a jacket or sweater to show that you are going to leave;
  • if you were sitting, stand up;
  • Look at items you were working with before talking, such as a computer. Sometimes it is okay to even start working while still talking;
  • in some cases, it is appropriate to wait for a pause and shake the other person’s hand.

Keep your answers shorter and shorter: “Well”, “Totally”, “Ok”, “Anyway”, “So”.

Find an excuse

Often these non-verbal cues are enough for the interlocutor to bring the dialogue to an end. If not, you have to do this:

Oh look at the time!  Look at the time!
I promised to meet my sister in half an hour. I promised to meet my sister in half an hour.
I have another appointment in an hour. I have another meeting in an hour.
I’ve lost track of time; gotta run. I don’t keep track of time at all; we must run.
I wish we could talk a bit more but I’m running late. I would like to talk a little more, but I’m late.
I’ve just noticed I’m late for my next appointment. I just realized that I am late for my next appointment.
I’ve got a pressing deadline. I urgently need to hand over the work.
I need to get to the shop before it closes. I need to go to the store before it closes.

Perhaps someone is waiting for your call («I need to make a phone call»). At a party, it’s appropriate to say that you want to get another drink («I need to get another drink») or saw a friend on the other side of the room («I’ve spotted my friend across the room»). For a sitting guest, inform that you are practicing conversational English with a native speaker and the Skype lesson is about to begin.

If you notice that the interlocutor is already expressing impatience himself, you can say:

I don’t want to keep you any longer.  I don’t want to detain you anymore.


Wh Question words are called Wh words because in such words, ‘Wh’ letters have existed, and these words are used to ask certain types of questions in sentences.

For example, What, How, etc.

Wh-questions Structure

  • Wh-word + main verb + object?– (When the auxiliary verb is absent)
  • Wh-word + auxiliary + subject + main verb + object?– (When the auxiliary verb is present)

wh-questions words


  • The word ‘What’ is used to ask something or ask for any information through a question.
  • It can also use for asking for the repetition of any word to reconfirm.


  1. What is your good name?
  2. What time did you say? I didn’t hear that.
  3. You did what? Say again.
  4. What are you talking about?
  5. What is the color of the dress he wears?


  • It is used to ask in something
  • To ask at what place or position something is placed.


  1. Where are they going?
  2. Where is her residence?
  3. Where did you go that day?
  4. Where is the cafeteria?
  5. Where is she coming from?


  • It is used for asking for any reason or cause.
  • The word ‘Why don’t’ is used for suggesting something.


  1. Why don’t you go for a ride?
  2. Why did you ask me about it?
  3. Why is he looking at me?
  4. Why don’t you help me last time?
  5. Why are you doing such a stupid thing?


  • It is used for asking the time in a sentence


  1. When will you go to the US?
  2. When did he come to my home?
  3. When are they leaving this place?
  4. When did we eat KFC last time?
  5. When will be the holidays start?


  • ‘Which’ is used for asking about the choice and likes of someone.


  1. Which one will you select for your kid?
  2. Which one is your favorite superstar?
  3. Which door will you want to open?
  4. Which one is your baby?
  5. Which building in the world is the highest one?


  • ‘Whose’ word is used for asking about the ownership.


  1. Whose pet is missing?
  2. Whose pencil is this?
  3. Whose answer is more correct?
  4. Whose picture do you like to watch?
  5. Whose performance is better?


  • ‘Whom’ is used to ask about ‘what’ or ‘which’ regarding person and place or object.


  1. Whom should we ask now?
  2. Whom did you meet last time?
  3. To whom are you going to ask?
  4. Whom do you know personally in this class?
  5.  From whom did you receive these flowers?


  • ‘Who’ word is used to ask for a person (subject in a sentence)


  1. Who is he?
  2. Who will win this game?
  3. Do you know who am I?
  4. Who told you this?
  5. Who wants to take a ride on this horse?


  • ‘How’ is used for asking about the period, condition, manner, process, or quality.


  1. How old are you?
  2. How many chocolates do we have?
  3. How dare you say that?
  4. How did you get my number?
  5. How long will it take to reach there?

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