Nice word for your love

Emotions are not proven by love words but action – there’s no doubt about that.

However, all of us enjoy hearing words of love, receiving goodnight paragraphs, good morning paragraphs for him and her, love poems, and other romantic things from our partners. So, your loved one is no exception. 

That’s why we’re here: to give you a hand and save you from having to think of the right words to express your feelings.

Deepen your love by using all the right words – CLICK HERE.

Here you have the ultimate list of love messages and romantic words of love for every situation. 

List of Romantic Words For Her And Him

happy couple standing close to each other

1. Sweetie, when I tell you how much I love you, I don’t say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

2. Until I met you, I wasn’t aware that I could love another person this much.

3. Words can’t express the magnitude and the depth of my feelings for you.

4. You might have your flaws, but to me, you’re perfectly imperfect.

5. The way you look at me makes it impossible not to love you.

6. I could never thank you enough for being the light to my darkness and the angel in my hell.

7. Sometimes, I wonder what I did to deserve having someone as you in my life.

8. Loving you made me the happiest person in the world .

9. If I could choose how to die, I’d want for it to happen in your arms.

10. I love the person I became next to you. Thank you for showing me that I am lovable.

11. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, I adore everything and everywhere in between.

12. I cannot imagine my life with you not being a part of it. I cannot imagine a life without your kissable lips, captivating look, and a calming hug. 

13. Just remember, when things aren’t going the right way, I’ll be there to make it better.

14. I thought I fell in love with you from the very first moment I caught your captivating look and saw your ravishing beauty. I knew that you’re the love of my life after all the love songs started reminding me of you and I started looking for you in all romantic quotes.

15. When I met you, I finally realized why it never worked out with anyone else before you and why I had to go through all of those heartbreaks. You’re my only true love, my best friend, my destiny, my soulmate, my forever person, and the love of my life.

16. Waking up next to you every morning is a dream come true.

17. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I wake up just to listen to the rhythm of your breathing.

18. I can’t find the right words to express my undying love for you. I can only promise to love you for the rest of our lives. I know I love you because every time you cross my mind, I can’t help but smile.

19. You’re my peaceful harbor and your kindhearted soul is my home.

20. Having you in my life makes each day a little brighter.

21. Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite.

22. There’s no doubt about one thing – we belong together.

23. The moment you showed up in my life, you filled all the empty space in my heart.

24. Your mesmerizing eyes captured my attention from the very first time I saw you. And those mesmerizing eyes are the reason I keep falling in love with you every time you look at me.

25. I’m convinced you were made to perfectly fit in my arms and that your luscious and kissable lips were made for mine. 

Man kisses woman near pine tree

26. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can’t thank God enough for sending you in my life.

27. Nothing and nobody could ever stop me from loving you.

28. I love the way you love me.

29. I choose you. And I will choose you over and over again. Without a doubt, in a heartbeat, I will forever keep on choosing you.

30. Sweetie, I will stop loving you when the stars fall from the sky, when all the rivers run dry, and when I die.

31. Your love is like a flame that has been lighting my path. 

32. You’re not just my number 1, you’re my one and only. You’re not just my main squeeze, you’re the only person in my life. 

33. I wish you two things: everything and nothing. Everything that makes you happy and nothing that makes you suffer.

34. You make my entire body tremble and my heart smile. You’re endearing, lovable, and adorable. 

35. The first person I think of when I hear the word “love” is you.

36. Thoughts of how much I love you are keeping me up longer and longer each night.

37. I’m addicted to your touch and smile. I’m hooked on your love.

38. If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes because only then would you realize how special you are to me.

39. Now that I have you, I know that fairytales come true.

40. The adorable sound of your voice is my favorite melody.

41. I might have fallen for you just because you’re a good-looking heartthrob. But I grew to love you because of your kindhearted and feisty personality. 

42. Ever since you entered my life, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder, and smile a little more.

43. All of us have our motivation to get up in the morning and face the world. You’re mine.

44. I’m not asking you to do any romantic things for me. Just promise that we’ll laugh together for the rest of our lives. 

45. You are my answered prayer, my fulfilled wish, and my realized dream. My whole life would be pointless without you in it. 

46. I don’t know for how long I am going to live, but I know that every single second will be worth a lifetime because I will spend it with you.

47. You may hold my hand for a while but you hold my heart forever.

48.All sweet words of love that exist on this planet might not be enough for me to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me.

49. Whenever you feel alone, I will be your shadow. Whenever you want to cry, I will be your shoulder. Whenever you’re sad, I will be your smile. Whenever you need me, I will be there.

50. My loved one, thank you for painting my whole life with the colors of happiness.

Love Messages And Romantic Words For A Long Distance Relationship

woman typing on her phone while sitting on floor

When you’re in a long distance relationship and you don’t have your partner by your side all the time, doing romantic things for them is quite difficult.

However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t at least try and come up with some sweet good morning texts for him or her to send them at the beginning of every day to let them know you’re thinking about them and put a smile on their face. 

1. I miss you more and more every day and I can’t wait to roll to the other side of the bed to find your luscious lips instead of a text message. 

2. Even though we’re apart, you’re still my best friend, and my soulmate. 

3. Out of all the sweet love words, I can’t find one that can express how much I miss you. 

4. Every day I spend without you by my side is a new heartbreak. 

5. Whenever I close my eyes, I can’t help but see your bewitching look right in front of me. 

6. When I fell in love with you, suddenly, all the love songs and love messages started making sense.

7. In love like ours, the smallest distance is too great and the greatest distance can be bridged. 

8. You might be a thousand miles away, but no one else is closer to my heart than you are. 

9. My sweet love, I’m jealous of the people who get to see you every day. 

10. The thought of being with you tomorrow gives me the strength to get through today. 

Love Messages And Romantic Words For A Special Occasion

couple looking each other while holding glass of wine

You don’t need a special occasion to declare your love to your significant other.

However, there are days in which you want to tell them some love romantic words to let them know how important they are to you on that day and always. 

Romantic Words About Love For Valentine’s Day: 

smiling woman with gift box hugging with her boyfriend

1. There’s nothing better than spending this day with the person I care about the most. 

2. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I just want nothing else but to be with you on Valentine’s Day and forever after. 

3. On this day of lovers, I want to make you three promises: to always be there for you, to respect you, and to love you for all my life. 

4. You are a special gift from the heavens. Your smile warms my heart and your presence makes me whole. I love you on this special day and forever. 

5. There is no one I’d rather share my heart with on this Valentine’s Day than you.

Romantic Words For Lover On Their Birthday:

woman giving gift to her boyfriend

1. May you have a birthday that is as awesome as you.

2. Every day with you is special, but today is extra special because it’s your day. With all my love and kisses, happy birthday to you! 

3. Your birthday is just another excuse for me to shower you with kisses, love, and affection.

4. What poem should I write for you? Which song should I sing for you? Which lyrics should I pen for you? Which notes should I compose for you? Which melody should I hum for you? If you have an answer to this, let me know today so I can wish you an original happy birthday. 

5. You’re not special because it’s your birthday. You’re special because you’re you. 

Romantic Words For Him And Her On Your Anniversary: 

man in suit hugging woman in red dress

1. With every year, I love you more and more. Remember that our best years are still ahead of us, and you and I will be there for every up and down in between.

2. On the day I met you, you gave me a reason to wake up every morning and thousand more to love you after that. 

3. You’re the one who keeps reminding me what butterflies feel like after all these years. 

4. You are mine, forever and a day. I thank God for this date that marks the day we officially became an item. 

5. Our anniversary is not just a date. It signifies how beautifully intertwined our fates are.  

Funny and Sassy Love Messages And Romantic Quotes

smiling man hugging woman outside

Romantic words don’t have to be pathetic – they can also be sassy yet classy. So, here is a witty list of romantic words: 

1. You’re my main squeeze and my only true love. 

2. I know looks aren’t everything. But I love it that you’re good-looking, just in case. 

3. I kinda love you (meaning: I’m madly in love with you and absolutely adore you, but I’m afraid to say it.)

4. I know I’m a handful but that’s why you’ve got two hands.

5. Your lips are the gun. Your smile is the trigger. Your kisses are the bullets. I label you a killer. 

6. If I had a dollar for every time I thought of you, I’d be in a higher tax bracket.

7. I love you with all of my belly. I would say heart but my belly is bigger.

8. I am yours and you are mine – no refunds. 

9. I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me tonight?

10. I promise to always be by your side. Or under you. Or on top.

11. You’re stuck with me. Deal with it. 

12. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember that I put up with you as well. So I guess we’re even.

13. I love you so much that I’d fight a bear for you. Well, not a grizzly bear, they have claws, and not a panda bear, they know kung fu. But a care bear, I’d definitely fight a care bear for you.

14. I didn’t want to fall in love with you but at some point, you smiled and I blew it. 

15. I plan on bugging you every single day for the foreseeable future.

90 Romantic Words & Messages For Your Loved One To Melt Their Heart

Loveliest of Sweet Love Words, Cute Love Words, Romantic Love Words and Beautiful Love Words you can send to your Lover, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband or Wife. Perfect Loving words to express your Love for Him or Her.

101 love messages, love words for lovers, sweet romantic words for lovers, sweet romantic words, beautiful words for lovers, beautiful love messages, sweet words for lovers, sweet romantic words for her, sweet love words for her, love words messages, special words for lovers, words for lovers, sweet romantic love words, romantic sweet words, sweet love word for Him/Her.

You can send any of them in the morning in the afternoon or at night, as greetings for your lover. Just add good morning, good night, or I miss you appropriately. You’re good. Thumbs up!

Wait, Did You Know?

A relationship can blossom beyond one’s wildest imagination that it would get to a point where all the Sweet, Cute and Romantic Love Words in all the best of dictionaries will fail to perfectly describe how your partner makes you feel. It’s such a time that words do fail to express the romantic streaks you feel deep inside. If you have been there, I sure have too! And if you are not there yet, it’s just a matter of time and your own season shall come too.

Ideally, no matter how scintillating a moment the above is, the truth of it is: nothing grows which is not planted and cultivated. To think about having a relationship that has no moment of ill feeling and such that will continue in unending bliss is easier than the call of Jack Robinson. It still takes effort to make such happen, not mere thoughts and talks.

The moment you let your thought only rule your relationship, without making conscious effort to build it, you will later find out that you are the undoing of your own relationship: love in a relationship will only grow to its maxima on the condition that you both work it out- it still takes two to tango!

Do you want your relationship to thrive and flourish with endless romantic streaks? Then make sure you work it out. Set great plans, beyond the scope of mere feelings. Cultivate the habit of being better giver than being an all-time-receiver. And in no time, you will see results beyond reasonable doubts.

To help in the working-it-out process, we have helped you create these Sweet, Cute, Romantic and Beautiful Love words that you can send to your lover to help grow your relationship to your thoughts desire.

What about this?

your relationship is not like those “Hit and Run” ones, pick any of these Love Words and post it on the Facebook timeline of your lover, or at least tweet it at them.

P.S. If you Love these collection of Sweet Love Words, and you know this is worth sharing, then help hit the share button to make your friends see the Love Words that work. I wish you have a relationship that will last. Thanks for coming. Mwah!


A Moment without You is Like a Day without Sunshine

I have tried so hard, to keep my body and soul together, tell my heart to stop telling me I miss you, but all not working.

A Day Without You is a Day Without a Smile

I See Us Making a Love that Lasts a Lifetime

We Are a Match Perfected from Heaven Above

Take the Whole of Me as an Proof of My Love to You

This is an Express of Love Divine

I’m Loving You Always and Forever More

I’m Glad I Finally found You

Having You as Mine is a Dream Come True

The Thoughts of Your Love is Beyond a Wonderful Feeling

I Love You as Much as You Do Love Me

I Care for You as Much as You Do Care for Me

My Life Has Never Remained the Same Since I Met You

Since I met you, my life has anchored around limitless bliss that’s inherent in love. I’ve been made better, since you became mine. I love you.

I Give Every Beat of My Heart to Loving You

I See Me Falling in Love with You on a Daily Basis

Our Love Deserves a Daily Celebration

I am Enjoying the Dictates of True Love for the First Time in My Whole Life

Within and Without, I Love Every Part of You

From your head to your toe, you’ve got such an amazing look.
Looking within you, I see virtues beyond words. I love you.

It Still Beats Me How I Have Found a Jewel Like You

Deep within me, I wouldn’t stop asking how a guy like me was so lucky to have found a jewel of inestimable values like you.

It’s Unimaginable How I’ve Found a Prince Like You

I Love You in Countless Ways

It’s so Sweet to Be Loved by Someone Like You

I’ve Tried but Can’t Just Get Enough of Your Love

Of your love, your hugs, your care
And your endless devotion…
I’ve gotten so much of them,
Yet I can’t get enough of you.

I Keep Falling in Love with You and I Can’t Help It

I Care About You Beyond What Can Be Verbalized

I Will Always Cherish and Adore You, Yes You.

I Am Longing for Your Touch

Can I Have Your Attention?

Meeting You Was the Proof of Deep Love

It was hard for me to believe that someone could live this deeply until I met you and you gave me the best. Thanks for it all. I love you.

What Would I Do Without You in My Life?

I see how wonderfully my life has been going since I met you. I’ve had a first class experience of love undefined and the more I get, the more you proof to give. So I thought, what will I do without you in my life. Thank you. I love you.

With You, No One Else Matters in My Life

You are my essence, you’re my ecstasy. You’ve been my stay in time of loneliness and in my weary moments, you gave a hand to help carry on. And today I came to a conclusion that I wouldn’t need anyone else in my life since I have you. I love you.

I Choose to not Have a Moment Without You

Your Presence Gives the Peak of My Merriment

I Can’t Fancy A Life Without You

I Am Giving All of My Heart to You

I Will Always Love You Like I’ve Always Been Doing

Your Love Has Brought Me to a Spotlight

I’ve Never Seen Love This Way Before

I Wish to Be Close to You

I Am Longing for Your Touch

I am Longing to Be Close to You Again

I Cherish the Way You Hold Me

It’s Wonderful How You Look at Me

I Love the Way You Always Make Me Feel

I Love You in Countless Ways

I Give My Heart and Soul to Loving You

I Miss You Every Second You’re Away from Me

This is the Moment I Need You Most

Would You Come Back to Me

I Wish I Have You in My Arms

This Moment Would Have Been Better Shared with You

Without You Here, I’m Like a Stray with No Home

I Don’t Ever Want to Stop Loving You

I Wish You’ll Love Me Forever Too

Would You Always Be Mine?


I Promise to Love You Until Death Do Us Part

I Promise a Lifetime Devotion to this Relationship

I Promise to Love You Come What May

I Promise to Always Cherish You

I Promise to Be There for You at all Times

I Promise to Be Your One and Only Lover

I Promise to Never Break Your Heart

I Promise to Be Your Best Friend Forever

I Promise Unwavering Commitment to this Relationship

I Promise to Never Break Your Heart

I Promise to be Your Confidant

I Promise to Defend Your Interests

I Promise to Keep Your Heart Unbroken

I Promise to Build a Future with You

I Promise to Always Make You Happy

I Promise to be Your Lifetime Companion

I Promise to Always Trust You

I Promise to Always Stand By You

I Promise to Always Care for You

I Promise to Never Take You for Granted

I Promise to Help Make this Relationship Last


I Don’t Mind Going to the End of the Word for You

I Desire to Always Wake Up Next to You

I Wish to Always Be Wherever You Are

You’re My Knight in Shining Armour

Isn’t it Thrilling How I’m a Part of Your Life?

I Can’t Stop Being Head Over Heels for You

I Am Forever Happy in Your Arms

In Your Arms, I find Warmth and Safety

My Love for You Grows with the Least of the Things You Do

I Can’t Stop Having a Great Time with You

Life Has Worth the Living Since You Came into My Life

Your Love is the Rhythms My Heart Dances To

To Love You is My Heritage

To Always Be Yours is My Culture

To Stay with You Forever is My Tradition

I Find Loving You an Easy Thing to Do

With You, I See Myself Becoming the Happiest Person Alive

My Heart Can’t Stop Leaping for You

You’re in Every of My Thoughts and Decisions

I Knew My Lonely Days Were Over When I Met You

It’s Evident that Our Love Can’t Grow Old

Our Love Bond Will Grow Ever Stronger

This is a Celebration of a Special Kind of Love

Your Love Has Set the Stage for Endless Romantic Streaks

I Am So Glad I Found this Wonderful You

I Am Forever Grateful to Have You in My Life

Our Love Rocks, Makes Sense Forever

You’re the Best Gift that Life Ever Gave to Me

I’ve Come to Say Thank thank you for Everything You’ve Done for Me

The Sky is the Starting Point for Our Love

Words Are Never Enough to Express How I Feel About You

There’s Nothing Possible that I Wouldn’t Do To Make You Smile

There’s Nothing Within My Power that I Wouldn’t Do to Make You Happy

Our Love Story is Legendary

This is more than a Glimpse of Heaven

I’ve heard they say to love is to receive a glimpse of heaven but falling in love with you has defied the saying! Your love is more than words can say, falling in love with you is more than a glimpse of heaven.

Your Love is a Rare Gift of Nature

We Were Two Separate Hearts that became one

Wherever Love Leads, I’m Walking There with You

It’s Obvious, We’re Made for Each Other

We Are on a Journey of Blissfulness Together

I Can See that We’re Perfect Together

Our Love is Being Built to Last

We Make an Enviable Union

I See Us Celebrating a Boundless Love Forever

The Intimacy We Share is Rare

We’re Inseparable through Life’s Tick and Thin

This is Nothing But Friendship Redefined

Where in the World Would I Ever Be Without You?

I Love You with Every Heartbeat of Mine

Your Beauty is Never-fading

You Are so Elegant Inside and Out

Your Love is More than Enough for Me

You’re My Lifetime Partner in Love

You’re My Friend in Need and Indeed

Your Love Has Brought a Never-ending Smile to My Face

You’ve Always Brought Out the Best in Me

Your Love Has Finally Complemented Me

Your Love Has Forever Completed Me

You’re All I Ever Wanted and Needed

Your Love Ignites an Ember of Passion within Me

You’ve Filled My Life with a Great Joy

I’ll Ever Delight Myself in You

Your Love is Blossoming

You’re in the Habit of Taking My Breath Away

You’ve Become My Favourite

Your Love Lights Up My Life

You’ve Always Had the Key to My Heart

You Were too Good to Be True and now too Essential to Be Without

Heart Touching  Love Words and Quotes for Him or Her

Here are the most romantic love words and sayings anyone can get around, all you need to do is to send it to your lover and be glad you did.

1. No matter how the best of professional dictionaries advance in their definitions of love, I just know that none of their words would be qualitative enough to describe my love for you and even yours for me. We are the best.

2. You are my heart when it comes to love. You are my merriment when it comes to fun. You are sure my fulfilment when it comes to talking about the future. I love you.

3. I welcome you into my heart today. I choose you to be my heart desires. I wish you a great ride in there – but mind your steps. You are welcome.

4. I know what love really is when you started showing me. I could have lived all my life celebrating lust and call it love! Thank God I found you.

5. Heartbeats reaches its maxima when love becomes a strange phenomenon. If you ask me how I feel now, I will say that’s exactly the way. Your love is magical.

6. I am not giving you a part of me. I choose to give you all and all. No one else deserves it but you. I love you!

7. Love is a game when it ends with a lower and a winner. Ours is not like that. Ours is an endless tango, which will ever takes two to make. I love you.

8. Like a flame which lights up my path, so is your love. Like a galaxy of stars in the midst of my gross darkness, so is your care. I love you.

9. Like a tree without leaves is no good for shed, my life without you is far away from reality. You are all I need. I love you.

10. This height of ecstasy your love has brought me, is where I choose to stay all my life. Every other places might be better, but a bird in the hand is more than thousands out there in the bush.

Sweet Love Words to say I love you

Here are unforgettable love words you can send to your Lover: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife, Fiancé, fiancée. And you will be amazed to see the result if you can just send it to him or her.

11. Even if by privilege lions do rule in the bush, I give you the privilege to reign and rule in my heart like a king. You deserve more my love.

12. No matter how far in life I go, I see me coming back into your arms. We are the two that are joined together by God – we are the inseparable two!

13. I once thought about travelling throughout the whole world and I begin to see its reality when I know you to be my whole world. Your love rocks.

14. I want to make memories with you, such that can be cherished forever. Being mine forever is the key. A deal? I love you.

15. If there is any value I’ve seen my whole life developing of recent, it’s courtesy of nothing else but your love. Thank God I met you. I love you.

16. No matter how the world puts us apart, you will always be in my heart, deep down in my every right thoughts. I love you.

17. I just want to be where your love would lead me, until the end of time. It is a choice that is worth making. I love you.

18. Love is beautiful, love is cute, love is wonderful and love is glorious. I know all these through your care. You are indeed an heaven-sent.

19. If love do have a measure, it must be such that will be so limitless: I tried to measure your love and care and I’ve been sapped each time.

20. A plant without source of water would wither in no time. This is tantamount to a heart having no true love. Glad you are the best for me. I love you.

Romantic Love Words to say I love you

Good Morning and Good Night to your Lover: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife, Fiancé, Fiancée.

21. You are so essential to my life, as breathing is essential to life! You are the very one my heart needs.

22. The road to a successful relationship might be rocky. But as long as it’s with you, it will be more than a fantastic ride. I am loving my whole life with you.

23. When I’m down, I may be motivated by encouragement. But none of such saves a heart that is broken. Your coming was an all-in-one fix my heart ever longed for. Thanks for being mine. I love you.

24. I thought I would have to go back to grade one just to learn the basics of love, but you prove to have more than I would ever need in a relationship teacher. At your service, my love.

25. I saw all about me changing for the better and for the best. I saw my heart beating to the rhythms of bliss. I looked around, and within, for the cause, and I was so glad it’s you. I love you.

26. I want to go with you in this journey of love. I want to remember my past hurts and pains no more. I choose to be wherever your love would go. Would you take my hand?

27. To love you effortlessly, I choose for you a pedestal. And I declare eternity to be the end of our relationship. Isn’t it worth it? I love you.

28. The worst lie I can ever tell you is that I wrote your name in the sky. I do not have that wherewithal and yet I have all it takes to inscribe you in the centre of my heart. You deserve to be there.

29. My love is such that can wait. It sure can wait for the right time. But it’s not such that can give up the one it dearly loves. I love you.

30. You are my choicest out of available millions. The best I can ever find and rely on is you. None deserves my heart but you. I love you.

Amazing Love Words to say I love you

Send this amazing love quotes to your husband, wife girlfriend or boyfriend and watch him or her love you the more.

31. My heart has waited for this all my life. It has waited for the one who understands what it is to have a perfect heart, and not the one who would break it at will. Glad you are that person.

32. I have seen shame. I have seen hurts. You have no idea what pains my heart has gone through. But an end came to it when I met you. I love you.

33. Every day is just like pay day to me. I wake up and sleep with boundless joy filling my heart. What a fulfilment your love has brought.  I love you.

34. I didn’t see this coming. If I knew I could get a love so true like this, I would have smiled and really laughed out my moments of heartbreaks and hurts. Glad this moment came.

35. Love is not just rapturous tickling and loads of glamorous sensations. Love is purely giving. I know this when you came into my life.

36. I want to go down the aisle with you. I want this so fast and I am feeling like I can’t wait. I take a pause and I can clearly see that it’s worth the waiting. Smiles, I love you.

37. If I am given a lifetime to express how lucky I am to have met the lovely you, it just won’t be enough. I love you.

38. I want to love you until you don’t have any idea of how much I do love you. Until then, all I will be doing would only be trial and error. Be expectant.

39. You are kind, cheerful, and yet sociable. You are more than I ever want in a lover. You deserve me. I love you.

40. No matter how hard you try, you won’t get to know how long I want to love you. If you can tell how Kong eternity is, then you will get a clue. I love you dearly.

Cute Love Words to say I love you

Here are cutest love sayings and quotes you can send to your lover that will win you her complete love.

41. My search for true love that is believed to be scarce ended when I found you. You have always been my prime source of joy since then. I wish this tends to eternity. I love you.

41. This relationship is so eventful. How I wish this has started long time ago: it would have featured more than heaven on earth by now.

42. I don’t want to appreciate what I have after I have lost it, so I am keeping you forever. You are my best and none else fit.

43. I got the key to the world of fulfilment the very day I met you. I would only be out of my mind to call it quit with you.

44. As long as my heart beats, I can’t call it quit with you. As long as I live, I won’t have no other lover but you. None else deserve me.

45. I have waited for a love like this all my life. It’s such a relief finding the perfect one for me. You will understand this someday.

46. I don’t care how love will be spelt or how it will be defined in the future. I only care about you being my love forever.

47. Your love is more than I can write in text messages. It’s more than I can express in sweet words. Your love is sure matchless.

48. As fitness is the key to a healthy lifestyle, a perfect heartbeat is key to a healthy relationship. I am glad I have that. Courtesy of you.

49. If 60 seconds do make one minute, 72 heartbeats makes one minute too. My heart beats for you that much in a minute. I love you.

50. Far away into the unknown land, wherein endless peace and serenity dwells, is where with you I want to be. It’s worth the ride! I love you.

Hey, wait!

Just before you continue reading the rest, I have this word for you (but not love words anyway.)

Are you one of those who only want to get all they can get from a lover and in turn give a heartbreak? If yes, for how long do you want to continue living in that self-deceit?

For how long do you want to see the end of a relationship that your partner did all they could to bring together? For how long do you want to live like one of those Heartbreakers out there? Don’t you know that you can lose your best while playing the game of hit and run?

Why not just stick to a lover and plan a future with such? You won’t regret doing this. I see a change coming your way. Can we smile together?


Appreciate the kind of love your lover has shown you right from the time you start till now, with the following I thank you for loving me.

51. Even if it seems hard, I will choose to risk it all for you. If I don’t, who else will? I love you.

52. You are an example of love which is classical. A rare gem to my heart you will forever be. I love you eternally.

53. You are not just a touch of kindness. You are love in its purest form. You are lovely and it’s obvious. I love you.54. I will stick with you. Under any kind of weather will I stand by you! If you ask why, I’ll say it’s because you deserve it.

55. Adorable is the word that describes you at present. And I can see that words will begin to fail me to describe in the nearest future.

56. I wouldn’t be here today if not for God that gave a caring hand to me from you. Thank God I met you. I love you.

57. With your love, I see everything turning around for my favour. My worst moments I see turning to merriments. Your love rocks!

58. Your love is more than thrilling to my soul. If it were a food, I sure can’t ever take it all. You are more than sweet. I love you.

59. To talk of dreams, you are the kind that comes true for me. To talk about joy, you are a daily dose for me too. I love you

60. Your love is more than mere tickling. Your love is what light up my whole world. I love you sweetheart.


Let your lover come running back to your arms just after you’ve send him or her this I miss you saying from the heart.

61. I miss that cure smile and your fun-filled laughter. I can’t wait to set my eyes on you my love. I am miss you lke badly.

62. When it’s here, it’s like heaven on earth, but when it’s away it’s more than killing. This is nothing else but your presence. I have really missed you.

63. I love you very dearly and that is seen very clearly but missing a moment without you is what I detest so madly. I have really missed you.

64. I will miss those lovely moments we share until I am bound in your arms and we live to part no more. I love you, but I miss you more.

65. The more I see the sun shines and then the stars appear later in the night, the more my heart is torn, knowing that another day is gone without you.

66. I just have to cut off the basics and tell you how I really feel when you are not here. Always feel like I’m lost. I am missing you so much.

67. I might have deserved this, but I plead for forgiveness. Your absence would do more harm than your scolding me would. Please come back my love.

68. The magical ways of endearing me to you is so enchanting! But not when I am missing you this much. Please understand how I feel.

69. I know you have not fully understood how really I am missing you. If you do, you will be here by now. Tears in my eyes.

70. The breeze might choose to cease, and the sun to cease to shine. All I care is for your eyes to meet mine. Longing to see you.


71. When the going gets tough, I choose to stand by you. Pledging my undying love, I promise to ever stay with you.

72. We won’t be worst of enemies never but I will forever remain the best friend of you. I love you.

73. When your love gives little and even when it gives nothing, I will ever pledge my allegiance to you. I wouldn’t do less because I do love you.

74. I am ever with you with my passion unwavering. Clinging more in love to you and my devotion unswerving. I love you.

75. I didn’t just allow my tongue and lips to blab. When I say I love you, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

76. The day you have the idea of how much I love you is the very day my love would mean nothing to you anymore. Don’t want this to happen!

77. You might not mean everything to me. But you mean a dream come true and destiny fulfilment to me. I love you.

78. Under any kind of weather, come what may, I will stand by you. I love you.

79. Your love is worth being kept forever and it sure a promise I will keep. I love you.

80. I wouldn’t let this joy end. I wouldn’t let this moments of bliss bid its goodbye. I stay forever with you, for I don’t want to lose you.

81. I choose to stay and stand with you forever, because it’s worth it all the way! I love you.

82. Even if all relationships don’t last, I see ours going till eternity. I love you.

83. This love will be until the end of time, because true and undying love is what do bind us. I love you.

84. You have always been my prime source of joy since then. I wish this tends to eternity. I love you.

85. I have talked enough. It’s time for action. Prepared to love you and stop once it’s a day after eternity. See how long that will take? Love you.


Let your lover know he or she is all that satisfies you in the world, by sending her the following you are all that pleases me quotes for lover from the heart.

86. One million might be put there but all I want is you. You are the only one I trust my future with. Thanks for being the help my destiny needs.

87. No other person can ever fit into my agenda of fulfilment but you. I choose to stand by you all my life.

87. Be with me on my journey to destiny fulfilment. Stand by me for you are all I need. Would you?

88. Thanks for being on this path with me. Thank you so much for taking a lifetime decision to be mine. Thanks and thanks for it all. I love you sweet.

89. Thanks for your choice of being called my own. Thanks for the offer to help build my Rome. Thanks for choosing to help my being alone. I love you.

90. The helping hand when I am down is you. The strength when I am weak is none else but you. More than all you’ve done, I still need you forever my love.

91. My glorious future awaits celebrating you because it’s been you all the while. You are more than a darling. Mwah.

92. Not just your beauty and the elegance than comes with it. I prime your heart above them all: for with it, our future can be built to last. I Love you.

93. I can see myself scaling high. I can see the future so bright. But when I checked, it’s because you are with me. I wouldn’t let you go, never!

93. I was done chasing shadows when I knew you were the real picture of a helping hand that I need for a life of significance. Thanks for being you.

94. Waking up with a thought of your love is more than winning a battle. Why wouldn’t I, when I can see a glorious future with you in it? I love you.

95. The day draws near. My boundless joy calls. I bask in endless peace, when I look into my future and I can see you in there. I can’t wait to be with you forever sweetie.

96. This journey is worth it. The road is worth plying. All risks worth taking, as long as the future is great with you. I love you.

97. When there is a will there is also a way. Thanks for your choice of going this path with me. I promise to make it worth it.

98. My lifetime heart, my endless desire, my dearly loved, and my all is none else but you. This is who you will ever be, because no one fits but you.

99. My devotion to you is unwavering. My clinging to you, that unswerving. My love, my life, my pride that is you! Welcome into my future with you.

100. Everything is taking form, the worse is taking shape. The moments of limitations are bidding farewell and it’s because I see you in my future.

101. As long as you are on this page with me, I can dance and merry to celebrate a future so great. Why wouldn’t I, when you are mine?

Thanks for reading. If this is worth sharing, kindly share with your friends and loved ones.

I love you messages

I love you messages

You will always be the one I run to. There are millions of people in this world, but all I see is you. No one can make me feel like you do, and I will do anything to keep this feeling safe. 


Love is not about saying words that don’t mean a thing. It’s about doing everything to show your significant other how much you care about them. 


When you’re in love, the whole world is shining. Every bird sings for you, every flower blooms for you. Enjoy these precious moments and don’t think about what the future holds. What matters is now. 


We all wish to fall in love until we do. Despite your experience, enjoy every form of love that the universe gives you. Even when you are hurt, it means that you’re alive. 


All I see is you, literally. In a crowd full of people, I will recognize your face immediately. Your voice will wake me up from the deepest sleep. Your touch will bring me to life when I feel weak. That’s how I love you.

Sweet love messages

Sweet love messages

You taught me how to love. You showed me how to take care of this amazing feeling and make it last forever. Everything I’ve learned about love, I’ve learned it from you. Love is you, baby. 


You brought so much love and happiness into my life. I almost stopped believing in all of that stuff, and there you came. Everything that I have ever dreamed of. You are my very own miracle. 


How come you have no flaws? You keep saying that you don’t like your smile or that your hair doesn’t look good enough.But I don’t see it. I want you to know that you are the most amazing human being in the world, and I love you like crazy. 


It’s hard for me to show my emotions. I even used to think that I will never be able to feel love at all. But you’ve changed my mind. I’m head over hills in love with you. Is it witchcraft? I want the truth!


This feeling I have for you is more than just butterflies in my stomach. I feel waves of pure energy going through my body every time I see your face. You are the air that I breathe, love. 

Love text messages

love messages

As the song says, saying “I love you” is not the words I want to hear from you. What you do defines who you are, and your every action shows the way you feel about someone. Just hold the one you love, and it will be enough.


Every human being is yearning for love, sometimes without fully understanding the desire to love and to be loved. Your time will come. Enjoy your life and don’t hurry this amazing feeling. 


Love is the most complex and multifaceted feeling that I could think of. It has a lot of faces, stages, levels, call it whatever you want, but we will never be able to fully understand the nature of love. Isn’t it amazing? 


Everything is love. When you accept it, your whole world will change. You will see world’s true colours, and it will give you so much peace and power. Being able to love is the most important skill you can develop.


Always remember that somebody loves you. Somebody thinks of you every second of their life, and you mean so much for that somebody. Love is more thang hugs and kisses. It’s something spiritual. 

matched content

Beautiful love words

love messages

L is for the way you look at me… I can see everything in your eyes. I know that my eyes show everything either. I love every inch of your skin and every hidden corner of your soul. Your love is everything I have ever dreamt of. 


It’s so hard for me to say “I love you”. These three words are impossible to say. And that’s when I know that this feeling is real. It’s so strong that I feel like no words can express the way I feel. You are everything I have ever wanted. 


Love hurts. But it’s okay if you are the reason. As long as you are with me, I’m ready to experience any kind of pain and emotions. I will do anything for you, baby. I love you endlessly. 


Do you notice that I’m blushing every time I catch your eye? You give me butterflies. I have never felt anything like this before. This love feels like a storm in my chest, 24/7. May it last forever. 


Loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. There’s nothing that can turn me away from you. You are perfect to me, and I will do everything to make sure that you are the happiest human being alive. I love you endlessly.

Cute love sms

Cute love sms

Love fills our lives with sense. It makes us want to wake up in the morning, makes us want to sing and dance. This is what life is all about, so let’s not hide our emotions. 


Love for other people is beautiful. But it is also important to love yourself. To understand other people, you have to understand yourself first. Smile to yourself in the mirror and each and every day remind yourself that you are loved. 


Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. When you receive love, it fills you with this warmest calm feeling, but when you give it, it makes you even happier. Spread love and make other people happy, so you could be happy as well.


Love has no age or skin color. It has no fear and no shame. No boundaries. That’s what makes it so beautiful. You can’t be prepared for love, but you can open your soul to let it in.


Love is a decision. Instead of hating everyone on this beautiful planet, let yourself love each and every soul. You heart will fulfill with gratitude and joy, and harmony enters your soul.

Love messages

beautiful love card

Every day is a new day to love you and be loved by you. I’ll never give up on the person that makes me smile for no reason. I’ll never give up on you. Promise me to do just the same.


Your soul is like outer space: so large and so mysterious. I believe that true love is a special connection of two souls and I really wish I could be the astronaut who would discover all the secrets you hide.


You are my bridge to happiness. You’re my tower that lifts me into heaven. You are my castle that protects me from sorrows. And sure, there is no doubt that you are a genius creation of a very talented architecture.


I’m here to heal all you wounds and make you happy. I won’t ever let you down or make you cry. Trust me. And if you ever want me to leave, I’ll leave. Because the only thing that matters is your well-being. Just know that.


You are like a rainbow: so many colors and shadows. You always make me admire you. Nature has created you so beautiful, and sometimes I doubt if I am a good match for you.

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Love messages for him (with Images)

Romantic love messages

Romantic love messages

Love is an amazing thing that everyone of us must experience at least once in life. Even if you haven’t found your love yet, don’t worry, with time comes a lover!


You are the person who understands me without a word. You are the one who makes me laugh even when everything is bad. You have the power to heal my wounds. You are so special to me and I wish we would never part.


Recently I’ve been thinking about my life and I’ve understood that all the good memories I have are about you. I remember every little thing and it makes me incredibly happy. You make me happy. Please, don’t ever stop.


Time flies so fast, that is why I don’t want to waste a minute. I want to give my life purpose and meaning. And I’ve noticed one interesting thing: every time I’m with you, my life really makes sense. How do you do it?


It does not matter whether it is hot or cold outside or whether I have troubles at work or everything is fine, because you’ll always have a place in my heart. You can always count on me, because my love for you is ultimate and unconditional.

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Good morning messages for her (with Images)

Good morning messages for him (with Images)

If I could, I would give you the stars that sparkle in the night sky,
The sun that shines on a bright day,
But I can only give you my love, I hope that’s enough.


You’re like a picture painted by a genius artist: so beautiful and so mysterious. I hope one day you will allow me to solve this riddle, because I’m a fool for you and you’re all I can think about.


I like you just the way you are. I know that nobody is perfect, nor you neither I, but I love every single feature of yours. And if you ever change, I will never stop loving you, because your essence will still be the same for me.


Honey, if you leave, all the world will stop. The birds will stop singing and the sun will stop shining. And you’re the only one who’s able to fix it. I hope we will never part, because my love for you is eternal.


We are so different, but we still love each other. We never know what is coming, but together we will overcome any hardship and fight any sorrow. If we love each other, truly and completely, then nothing will hurt us.

I love you messages

They say love is blind, but actually it has opened my eyes and changed me for the better. Thanks to you, now I know what true love is.


It took one look at you to fall in love with you. It took one day with you to understand that I want to grow old with you. You’re incredible and I don’t want to lose you.


If you were a beautiful song, you would be my favorite one. If you were a book, you would change my mind forever. But you are you, and I love you no matter what.


They say if you love somebody, just let him/her go. I want you to know that I love you so much that I will let you go, if you want, though it will hurt terribly…


Every time I see the Sun shining bright, I think about you. And you know what? Thousands of suns can’t outshine the light that comes from your beautiful soul and angel face.

Meeting you was like an answer to a prayer, I became happier, my heart always feels good, I feel good, and I know for sure, you feel good as well.


There are so many roads to walk and so many people to meet, but of all the roads that exist I had chosen the one where I met you – the most amazing person in the world. I believe, it’s fate and together we will fulfill our destiny and become happy.


Sometimes I wish to become your favorite cup, so you could touch and hold me in your beautiful arms every day. Sometimes I wish to become your favorite blanket, so I could make you feel cozy and warm. Sometimes I wish to become your guardian angel to protect your from evil and sorrows.


Darling, all I want is to stay with you until the rest of my life. You give me comfort, confidence and inspiration. I really hope that you feel just the same when you’re by my side.


Love is in the details, but it’s also about feats and big deals. Love is loud, but sometimes it needs silence. Love is what connects two people and warms their hearts even when they are far away from each other. Love is so multifaceted, but at the same time stable and safe. Love is what happens between us.

You know the secrets of my heart, you have the key to open my heart, and I’m sure you will never lose it or throw away!


I know that sometimes life gets tough, but you are not alone. You can always count on me, because making you happy is my life mission and I won’t fail you, my love.


Our lives are full of ghosts: ghosts of the people we met or things we did. Some memories are a heavy burden to carry. But I promise you can share your memories and concerns with me and we will carry them together throughout life. This is the best I can do for the person I love the most.


I would follow you round the world. I would do anything for you. If you are sad, I will do everything I can to make you happy. If you’re tired, I will fill you with energy and joy. I’m completely yours and you should know that.


When you talk, I hear the voice of angel. When you smile, I’m going blind because of the light coming from your face. When you look at me, I’m losing my mind completely. What are you doing to me? I guess, it’s love.

I love you so much that I’m going crazy. I can’t stop thinking and dreaming about you. Only it makes me feel alive and gives my life a meaning. Please, don’t ever take it away from me.


I have a dream – to be with you until the rest of my days. I’ll do everything it takes to make this dream come true. I hope you have just the same dream and together we’ll build our common future.


You’re like some magical and unbelievable creature. You do magic with your love. I can’t imagine my life without that wonderful feeling you give me every time you talk to me, hug me, kiss me. It’s a heaven on earth.


I’ve never believed in love. I thought I was just a fairy tale for kids. But then I met you and you changed everything. Now I believe in love and fairy tales. Thank you for making me a believer.


Love is the best drug; it takes you so high and makes you forget about the real world. Love addiction is the most pleasant addiction ever. You’re my drug, my addiction, and I don’t want it to stop.

The most wonderful things happen when you expect them the least. We found each other in difficult times for both of us and became guiding stars for each other. I believe, if we stick together, nothing will hurt us. You can always rely on me.

I just want to let you know that falling in love with you
Was the second best thing that happened to me,
Because the first one was meeting you!

You are all I got. I’ve never thought that all happiness in the world may fit into one person. And this person is you. You’re the eighth wonder of the world and I won’t stop admiring you ever.

Life would be such a dark place without you. I love you with all my heart and I want to thank you for every amazing memory you gave me.

When you fall in love, it’s like a fresh start and a good opportunity to forget about your failures and flaws. It’s a new page and whether it’s going to be a happy story or a tragedy, depends on what you are going to write in it. I want you and me to become co-authors and write an unforgettable love story about us.

Love is the air I breathe. Without you, my darling, I wouldn’t be alive, because you have a piece of my heart, and that’s why I need you by my side so much.

Love is like a freedom-loving bird, because it doesn’t tolerate control. Love is like a fish that can easily slip through your fingers if you squeeze it too hard. Love is built on trust and this is the only way to make it strong and faithful. I believe we both will choose this way and reach our happiness.

When you are next to me, or when we are apart,
You are always the first in my thoughts and in my heart.

Every love story is a story about two people who do everything they can to make each other happy. All I want to do is make you happy for all my life. And I really hope that you want it as well.

When I look into the night sky with thousands of stars, I remember your eyes, because they sparkle exactly like stars. When I see the sun I remember you, because you brighten not just my day, but my life.

Love can be destructive and creative, painful and healing. Love can be so different that sometimes we can’t understand whether it’s love or something else. But I know that as long as two people want to stay together, they will cope with all challenges making their way to happiness.

Every day I want to have you next to me,
When you’re not here, I’m always sad,
When you are here, my heart is full of joy,
I never want to lose you.

Every time I think about giving up, I think about you and it gives me strength. Somehow you motivate me and fill me with inspiration. The amazing feeling of love and gratitude leads me through hardships to happiness. Our happiness.

They say it doesn’t matter how long you know a person, to know it’s true love, I know we don’t go way back, but it feels like I have known you forever, because we were meant for each other.

When one door closes, the other one opens. But when I met you, so many doors opened at once and I long to see what hides behind each and every of them. These doors are my ways to happiness, love and inspiration.

Love is what I see when you smile,
Love is what I feel when you touch me,
Love is what I hear when you say something,
Love is what we share!

Sometimes love hurts, sometimes it makes you truly happy. Anyway, it’s something that makes you feel alive and gives you an appetite for life. Because of you, I’m hungry now and want to get from life as much as possible.

I remember the days when I thought I had diamonds, but now that I have you, I know I used to have rocks, and you are the one that I never want to lose.

I had thought that life was a never-ending string of torments and pain before I met you. You have changed my whole view on life and helped me to see the good side of it. And I’m infinitely grateful to you for it.

You are my sun, my stars, my sky…
The one I truly love and care for,
I don’t need anyone else, but you,
Your eyes and your smile!

They say that true love may occur only once. But I don’t believe it, otherwise how can we explain the fact I keep falling in love with you over and over again?

I know that we sometimes fight, but honey you are my everything, if I could I would give you all the flowers in the world, but instead I give you my love.

There are only a few things that warm me up, when I’m sad and cold. Sunlight, my favorite blanket and your love. If you take it away from me, I’ll become frozen forever. You are my sunshine, you are my hope and I can’t imagine my life without you.

I love you to the moon and back, and you know that. I will never let you down, even if you make me mad, you can always ask me advice, I will never leave you.

Every day we choose something: what to wear, what to eat, whom to talk to. And I’m so happy to know that I was chosen by you – the most amazing person on this planet. I believe that your choice wasn’t accidental and we’ll spend many beautiful years together in love and peace.

When you are away, I’m full of sadness,
When you are next to me, I’m so happy,
Every single day I’m feeling that I cannot live without you.

We never know what the future holds for us, but we do know that everything we have now can change in a moment. We have to enjoy every minute of it and do everything we can to preserve it from falling apart. May our love help us.

The sun doesn’t shine as bright
When you’re not by my side,
The sky isn’t as blue
As it is with you, and that’s why I love you!

The best gifts are those that were sent from above. And you are exactly this kind of a gift. You mean a world to me and I will never trade you for anyone else, because losing you is tantamount to death.

You’re a real magician, because there’s no other way I can explain how I feel when I’m next to you. I feel real magic running through my veins and making its way to my heart. You fill it with hope and sparkles. You fill it with love.

You know you really love someone, when all you can think about is that only person. When you can’t be without him, and when you always want to see him smiling… Well, now I know – I love you!

I’m drawn to you in a weird sort of way. I think about you all the time. Your happy smile and sparkling eyes stay in my mind no matter what I’m doing. One thought about you is enough to fill my heart with joy. Thank you for being mine.

Great philosophers of all time struggled with the question of what love is. Some say it’s just some special chemical reactions in our body. Some say it’s a blessing from above. I haven’t found the answer as well, but there’s one thing I know for sure: if you really love somebody, you will love this person in all circumstances. My dear, I love you when you are strong and when you are weak, when you’re healthy and when you’re sick, when you’re happy and when you’re sad. And it will never change. Trust me.

I wish I could share everything with you,
All sad and joyful moments,
Your ups and downs,
Every single moment of your day.

I believe that people need to fight for such treasures, as love, hope and happiness. Only fight makes them so precious and welcome. But you can’t fight alone, because loneliness kills. So let’s fight together for our happiness and I promise we’ll become king and queen of happiness!

True love is not just a feeling – it’s also a choice. Whether to stay together no matter what or split up at the first sign of trouble. Whether to talk and discuss issues or be angry and irritated. Love is hard, love takes much courage and resilience, but in the end, it’s worth it. Would you like to go through this battle together with me?

You know I love you, and you should never forget that, because you are my sun, my sky and my world… you are my everything!

It’s so easy to become callous and cynic and so hard to find some light and kindness inside your soul. Surprisingly, I’ve found it all and you are the reason why. If I lose you, I’ll lose all hope and all faith. But if you stay with me, you’ll make me the happiest man on Earth.

You know that you love someone, when you cannot stop thinking about this person. You know that you fell in love with someone, when you dream about spending your whole life with this person. That’s exactly how I feel about you.

Love is just one short word, but it can say a lot… Even if you don’t want to say it, or you’re afraid… you know you shouldn’t be, and that’s why I say – I love you!

Only the Moon can love the Earth the way I love you. Even when you don’t see me for some time, I’m still coming back in the end of the day. Even if I’m far away, I’m the closest person in your life. I will never give up on us, love.

When I think that I spent so many years without you I get so mad. It was such a waist of my life. And then you came, baby. You filled my life with sense and love, and there is nothing more I could ask for. The Earth is spinning because our giant and strong love is moving it.

Love is born from the joy to look at each other.
Love matures from the need to be together all the time.
Finally, it becomes impossible to break up.
This is love.

I will never let you go, sweetie. You are the meaning of my life, and I absolutely cannot imagine myself without you always being around. I want to hear your voice when I wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night. You are my treasure.

I’ve seen a lot of stars in the sky, but you, my love, shine the brightest. I will never understand why a girl like you could ever fell for someone like me, but nevertheless I feel like the happiest man in the whole world. My love for you will never die.

I never get tired of listening to your stories that you tell me all day long, even if they sound the same, I love when you are talking, smiling, laughing, and I never want to see you cry, because your tears hurt me. I love you!

I will fight for you, love. There is nothing that can stop me when it comes to your happiness and safety. I feel like I can move mountains when I’m with you, and I really can do anything to make you smile. Love you endlessly.

Just say you love me – and my day will be the best day in life. All I need is you by my side, smiling and laughing like only you can. My life is nothing but emptiness without you in it, so baby please, don’t you ever leave me.

The way you look at me makes me feel like I am the queen of the world. Each and every day you make me feel so amazing and loved, I could not be more grateful to you for all the love you give me. I promise to do my best to make you feel the same way. Love you unbelievably.

Love is my everything. It’s everywhere. It’s in the messages you send me, it’s in the words you say to me and it’s in your eyes when you look at me. Love is in my heart and in my thoughts. Love is you and me.

It’s funny, but I have never thought of us being together. It seemed impossible for us to spend a minute without screaming at each other, but somehow I fell for you like crazy. I cannot imagine my life without you in it, honey.

When I met you I understood how people write all of those love songs we hear on the radio every day. It’s just such an overwhelming feeling, you cannot keep it inside, so you put your love in words and magic happens. Each and every love song is about us. You are my everything, baby.

It was hard for me to understand what love is. But somehow you’ve managed to make me feel so special, I couldn’t be more grateful for what you’ve done to me. My whole life has changed in the most magical way. I love you.

Love is unexplainable feeling. It’s so huge that doesn’t fit in any words, especially these three simple words “I love you”. I want our love to be special and unique. I want it to be eternal.

When your hand touches mine, I feel like I’m falling into tiny pieces. I’m craving for more, and that’s what my love for you does to me. Never stop looking at me the way you do. Never stop loving me, and my love will never die.

I remember the first time ever I saw your face. I got lost in those shiny eyes and immediately fell for you. You’ve got me under your spell, and I want this magic to last forever. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone before. It’s special, baby.

Sometimes it seems to me that I’m dreaming, cause your love is something that simply cannot be real. I can never get enough of you, and the best part is that I know you feel the same about me. I love you insanely.

I can’t spend a day without you, can’t you see?
I love you so much. You are a part of me and this is for ever.

You are the only person who can make me laugh even when I feel like my life is falling apart. I appreciate that so much, baby. I feel like you are the love of my life, and I will do everything to make this last forever. Love you to the Moon and back.

Being with you is like living in Heaven on Earth. You make my life so special, it seems like every day is my birthday. I’ve never met someone as extraordinary as you are. Baby, I will never stop loving you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.

No one knows me better than you do. Once I gave you my heart and I know that I’ve made a right choice. I know that you will never let me down. Your endless support is something that fills me up with strength and confidence. I love you endlessly.

My mother has always told me to be careful when it comes to love. Hearts break so easily, but it’s hard to bring it to life. But I know that this time it’s real. I love you insanely, and I know you feel the same way about me too.

Love isn’t when you buy me things, when you spoil me with presents, love is when I see your smile and when you give me all your hugs, I love you!

To love someone like you is the easiest thing to do, because you are so beautiful. Every freckle on your face is perfect, every single wrinkle is stunning. Your giant heart is full of love and kindness; I have never met someone as generous as you are. You are everything to me. I love you insanely.

Every time I hear a love song I immediately think of you. The feeling you give me is indescribable, it fills my heart with joy and hope, and even if I feel bad, you’re always there to tell me that everything is going to be okay. You are my knight in shining armor.

I don’t think that I’m the nicest person in the world, not even close, but somehow you bring out the best in me. You light up my life with your endless optimism, your heart is the heaviest of all, because you carry so much love in it. You are precious. Thank you for everything.

My heart beats faster when you are around. My whole body trembles when I hear your sweet voice, I melt down when I see you. I’m desperately in love with you and I know that this love is real. Thank you for being mine, babe.

To love somebody means to give without wanting to receive. I’m so in love with you, I want to give you everything that I have. My heart, my life, the whole world will be yours if you just say you want it. I’ll do anything for you, love.

When I don’t see you every day, I think of you all the time,
When I see you every day, I think about how lucky I truly am to have you.
I love you!

Sometimes it hurts to love you. I feel so empty when you don’t text me back or being late for dinner. But nevertheless, I would never give up on this relationship, because I love you so very much. You are my other half, sweetheart. Thank you for being you.

You know what I’ve just realized? It hit me like a ton of bricks. Baby, I cannot live without you. You are the reason I wake up in the morning, you are the air in my lungs and Sun in the sky. There is no one like you. I love you.

The greatest love stories are not supposed to be perfect, dear. It’s okay if we fight and argue sometimes, because that’s what makes our life even more passionate and interesting. I can never get bored with you. I love you more than anything in the whole world.

There are no words that can describe the way I feel about you. Loving you is such an endless cosmic feeling, and I know that you see it in my eyes when I look at you. I want you to be mine till the end of time. Love you forever.

It was hard for me to trust someone again. I’ve been hurt too many tomes so I couldn’t believe that someone can heal my heart the way you did. You saved me from falling apart, baby. I love you so very much.

Relationships are hard. We fight, we argue and don’t talk to each other from time to time. But you know what’s even harder? Not having you by my side. I will love you forever, and it’s not just words to me. You are my everything.

There are seven billion people in the world, but in my personal world there is only one and that is you, my love.

You smell like lavender and morning coffee. Your hands are softer than the rose’s leaf, your kiss is sweeter than honey. Every single part of me is crazy in love with you, and I want to spend a lifetime having you by my side.

Love is when you want to come back no matter what. Even if we fight and you say that you don’t want to see me, I know that in the end I will hold you, kiss you, whisper that everything is going to be fine, and it will be, baby. I love you endlessly.

There is no way I can describe the way I feel about you. I just can’t breathe, eat or sleep when you don’t text me back, I worry about you so much it’s insane. I want you to always be around, baby. I love you so very much.

It was hard for me to understand how relationships work. I couldn’t deal with the fact that you can love someone so much that you decide to live with this person or even get married eventually. But now I get it. I love you, sweetie. You are my everything.

I can’t stop thinking of you. When I’m hanging out with my friends, they get so angry cause I’m always starring at the phone waiting for your texts. You are my end and my beginning. There is no one like you, honey. Love you so very much.

I think that true love is when you wish someone the best of all, even if it means that you have to suffer. I know that it’s not the case here, but I want you to be happy even if it means I have to step back. You are everything, baby. I love you endlessly.

I love you, like I never loved before,
I always wished to know that feeling.
Cause only when I fell in love with you,
I started to enjoy my living.

Your voice is a beautiful song I want to hear every time I wake up. Your love fills my soul with peace and harmony, and all I can think about is you. Every single second of my life – you, baby. I love you to the Moon and back.

Sometimes it seems to me that I’m dreaming awake, cause having you by my side is something absolutely unreal. You make my life a fairy tale and I’m addicted to that feeling you give me each and every day. Pretty sure it’s called love, baby. Be mine till the end of time.

Being with you is the biggest blessing I could ever receive. You are everything. My past, my present, my future. No one can make me laugh like you do, no one can make me so happy and grateful. I’m blessed with your presence in my life. Love you so very much.

Baby, you are my rock. I’ve been looking for someone like you all my life, even though I didn’t know that I need you so bad. Your love fills my life with sense, and every time you smile my world lights up. Thank you for being you, love.

My love for you is indescribable. I get so confused trying to explain how much I need you in my life, it just seems impossible. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I will never let you go. I love you more than anyone in the world.

My love for you fills my heart with joy and happiness. Every day I wake up and think of you, I eat my lunch and I think of you, I go to bed thinking of you. You are my everything, baby. I love you endlessly, thank you for being mine.

It’s good to love and to know that you are surrounded by love.
It’s good to believe that this love will last forever.

There is something about you that makes me go crazy. Each and every part of your body and soul is perfect, and It seems to me that you are my other half. I feel like our love will last forever. You are my Sun, and I can’t live a minute without your light.

Some say that love is heavyweight. But I don’t feel like that when I’m with you. You make me feel so complete, I feel like all my life I’ve been looking for you. And now that I found you, I could not be happier. I love you endlessly.

You’ve blinded me with your beauty. The moment I saw you I realized that I’m going to spend my life with you. Your amazing personality makes you completely perfect, and I feel like the luckiest man in the world to have you by my side.

It’s amazing how you’ve made me believe in true love. I used to think that it’s just a fairy tale for little girls, but now I know that it’s real. You’ve showed me, and now I understand. Thank you for everything, sweetheart. I love you so very much.

I used to dream about meeting a girl like you. It was hard for me to think that something like that can even happen, but the first time ever I saw your face I realized that you are the one. It will never change, I promise. I love you.

I love you. And I’m saying these words because I really mean it. It was hard for me to let somebody in, my heart was full of disbelieve and I thought that I was just destined to be alone. But you saved me. And I promise to remember that till the end of time.

I would give up everything just to make you happy. You are the most important person in my life, and I want you to be sure that I will do anything to see this breathtaking smile on your beautiful face. I love you to the Moon and back.

I can’t stop thinking about you, I can’t be anywhere else but with you, I know that it may be too much, but this is Love, and I love you, because you are my everything, and I couldn’t stand losing you.

Just a thought of you makes my heart beat faster. Your eyes, your smile, your beautiful body and amazing personality are such a gift of God, I could not be more blessed in this life. You are the most precious thing in this world. I love you so very much.

Being in love with you is such an amazing feeling that keeps me from falling apart. Every morning I wake up thinking of you, and that gives me strength to stand up and start my day with a perfect mood. I can’t even describe how precious you are to me. I love you.

You make me happy in a thousand ways. I love you to the moon and back, and I have no idea what I would do, if I lost you, because I feel like I will lose my entire world.

I can’t stop looking at you. When you smile, when you laugh, when you wake up in the middle of the night from a bad dream, when you make your morning coffee. And the reason is – I love you so very much. You are my Sun, my Moon and the Stars.

I love you baby, and when you’re not with me holding my hand, you are in my mind controlling my thoughts, that’s why I love you!

When I have you next to me, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world,
And when you are away, my mind and my heart are still with you!

I am feeling jealous of all the people that you ever hugged,
Because for a moment they were holding the whole world of mine.

It’s beautiful when the evening comes,
When the stars shine in the dark,
But it’s even more beautiful
When the love is born in two people’s hearts.

What is a flower without the sun, what is the earth without the sky?
Who am I without you, that’s why I tell you that I love you.

To love means to live, not to exist,
To run barefoot through the snow
And to laugh in the pouring rain.
It cannot be better, I know.

I feel so happy now,
Because I’m yours and you’re mine,
No matter where I am
You’re always on my mind.

If somebody would ask me a question what a beautiful life means to me, I would put my arms around you, lean my head on your shoulder and say “Like this!”

Loving people complement each other and this makes their life complete.
Love connects people to the depths of their souls.

Every day think of you,
Every night I dream of you,
Every minute I love you!

My love for you is like the sun,
Maybe sometimes it hides behind the clouds,
But it is always there to keep you warm.

Live and Love,
Don’t run away from it,
And if you fall in love,
Then love forever!

You cannot deny that love exists
You cannot deny that it’s real.
And when you feel it, cherish it
And never let go from your heart!

I wish to forget everything in the world from your kisses,
I wish to fall asleep in your arms
And see your face, when I wake up.
I dream to love and be loved, purely and sincerely.
And I wish that dream come true,
Because my dream is you!

If I could ask for three wishes,
I would ask very simple things:
Learn to never give up,
Want more out of life than I wanted yesterday
And always be next to you!

Every day I will find time to say “I love you”,
Each morning I will start with a kiss and words “Good morning, my love”.
And before falling asleep I will embrace you and wish you “Sweet dreams”.

Meeting and knowing a person like you has made me happy in a million ways.
And if you ever have to leave me, I will find a million reasons for you to stay.

Picking the right words is crucial in romantic situations. Though it might be challenging, finding the right words to convey your feelings and how much you care for someone can be very rewarding.

One simple act that keeps relationships alive and promotes their growth is expressing your love to that special someone. If you need a little inspiration, look through these short and long love messages in a range of formats.

These formats include text messages, love poems, love letters, quotes from famous authors, and more. Love letters can also strike the particular emotional note you’re aiming for, whether romantic, sweet, humorous, adorable, witty or even depressing. But you don’t want to say “I love you” again.

You said for a thousand times already. What alternatives can you go with, then? Well, in today’s post, we are going to explore some alternative phrases, nice words for love that you substitute. So, without further ado, let’s look at some tremendous alternative words!

Why Use Other Phrases Than “I Love You”?

an ethnic couple taking a picture in front of mountains

Photo by Andres Molina on Unsplash

Telling your wife or girlfriend how much you love her is crucial to any healthy relationship, but many people frequently overlook it. This does not imply performing it only twice per month. Regularly hearing encouraging words from your one and only fosters intimacy and trust.

Additionally, it will help her feel respected and valued for who she is. We recommend using some of the quotes we’ve provided to woo her even more.

You could argue that rather than finding the appropriate words, why not just make a nice gesture? Although it’s often the case that deeds speak louder than words, this does not imply that they are the only significant factor. Consider that you are, of course, keeping the details of a substantial birthday surprise under wraps.

If you leave it like that, your partner will probably notice that you’ve been acting dishonestly lately, which could negatively affect your relationship.

Just tell her that you still adore her today as much as you did yesterday. Express your love and genuine concern for her in your words. This is obviously not just advice for planning a surprise!

Actually, you should make an effort to connect regularly with your emotional side. Why? Because being vulnerable with your wife or girlfriend is not a sign of weakness. The opposite is true—she will value it. 

Nice Words for Love Worth Considering

  • I love you so much that every day feels like the first day we met!
  • I didn’t really believe in love before I met you that day. You’ve changed my way of live, and I couldn’t be happier. Thanks for filling my heart with love!
  • Yeah, I remember the days when I used to laugh at romantic dinners. That was until the day your love came into my heart. I love you for making me feel love again, a feeling that I forgot long time ago.
  • Your love is what life means to me. To those who don’t feel love, don’t expect to know the meaning of life!
  • A good person helps when we fall. The best person, never lets us fall in the first place. I love you for all the ways you’ve protected me thus far!
  • Your kiss makes my world turn. I do everything to see you smile when I get home in the evening. I cherish your love and will continue doing so every day of my life!
  • Thinking of your eyes help me go through the day when I feel spent.
  • Knowing you’ll be there with me in the night is the only way I keep going. Your love keeps me going, seeing you is the best part of my day!
  • I love the way you make me feel about myself — loved!


We hope our list of nice words for love was able to help you express your true love to your significant other. Sometimes, a simple I love you won’t suffice to make your other half feel loved. In those days, you need to get creative with your words for love!

How to Identify Nice Words to Express Your Love

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

150+ Sweet words to tell a woman to make her fall in love with you

Every woman should feel special and loved. There is no better way to do this than to express your feelings for her to make her fall in love with you every day. Coming up with sweet words for her and sending them to her may seem very simple, but it will brighten her day. She will feel loved and appreciated for who she is.

sweet words for her to make her smile

Sweet words to tell a woman. Photo:, @iamjiroe (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Have you been asking yourself, «How can I melt my girlfriend’s heart with words?» There are many sweet words for her that will make her swoon over you. You can always tweak them to make them more personal. Here is a compilation of sweet things to say to your girlfriend or partner.

It is not uncommon to ignore the importance of telling your girlfriend or wife just how much you love her. This is because many people are not taught how to express love in words. However, you can learn all the nice things to say to a girl today.

Sweet words for her to make her smile

Expressing your sweet love words for her in the morning will make her smile the entire day. Do not fret if you do not know what to say to her. Below are simple words that will, undoubtedly, make her happy all day long.

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  • I was just thinking about how wonderful you are. I thought you should know.
  • I really never thought I’d feel this way about someone. But then you came along. You’ve made me believe in soul mates.
  • Sometimes I look at you and can’t believe you’re with me. What did I do to deserve you?
  • God was probably just showing off by creating someone like you.
  • Every day of my life, every hour and minute, my heart is beating your name.
  • When you look into my eyes, you will find me there. But when you look into my heart, you will find yourself.
  • Life without you is so not worth living. I only feel happy and complete when you are with me.
  • Every time I see your gorgeous face and look into your amazing eyes, I fall in love with you more and more, and it feels like heaven to know that we are together.
  • Being with you, talking with you and laughing with you, that’s what I enjoy most.
  • You are more than just beautiful – you are gorgeous, charming, and magnificent.
  • I never knew how it felt to have butterflies all around my stomach before you came into my life, and now I experience it every single day.
  • You are a better part of me and my second half. Without you, I would probably be lost. You complete me, and right now, I could not wish for a better life partner.
  • Everything you do adds to my happiness, subtracts from my sadness, and multiplies my joy!
  • I don’t even want to think about what life would be like without you.
  • If I were to spell out my favourite thing in the world, I’d spell “Y-O-U.”
  • Believe me when I say that I have my eyes on you and no other, living or dead. Trust me with your heart, for I will be long dead before anything I do makes you cry or weep bitterly.
  • After all is said and done, I am convinced that you belong to me. I know that because right now, I can feel your heart thumping aloud merrily for me. That’s how it should be, my love.

sweet love words for her

Sweet love words for her. Photo:, @hudsoncrafted (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Short sweet words for her

What are some sweet things to say to your girlfriend? Here are some short and sweet words to make her feel deeply loved.

  • I love the person you are.
  • You are my favourite human being on the planet.
  • You make me so happy.
  • I’m so excited to experience life with you.
  • You’re everything to me.
  • You are my treasure—the most precious thing in my life.
  • You make my soul sing when you walk into the room.
  • Whenever I see you, I think, “Good job, God!”
  • Without you, my life can be compared to a broken pencil: it is totally pointless.
  • You are my sunshine.
  • I’m thinking about you.
  • You take my breath away.
  • I’m yours.
  • Love conquers distance.
  • We have an unbreakable bond.
  • You are always in my heart.
  • We’re perfect for each other.
  • I feel so lucky to be with you.

READ ALSO: Deep love messages for her: Emotional text messages to girlfriend

Cute things to say to your girlfriend

You can use these cute and passionate words to tell your girl how she makes you feel. They will make her fall head over heels in love with you.

  • I was listening to this song on the radio about the singer’s version of his perfect lady, and it totally reminded me of you.
  • If I ended up in heaven after death and was asked in which form I would like to come back, I would choose the form of a tear. This way, I can be born in your eyes, then I would roll down your cheeks and then die right on your lips.
  • Your father must be a crafty thief because he took all the stars from the sky, stole them, and placed them in your eyes.
  • Today, I love you more than I did yesterday, but also less than I will love you tomorrow.
  • If I had a dozen roses, eleven of which were real and one was artificial, I would love you until the very last rose died.
  • Last night I went out, looked up into the sky and matched all the stars with the reasons why I admire you. Long story short, I was doing fine, but then I ran out of stars.
  • You are incredibly cute and sweet, and when I see your smile lighten up your face, I love you even more.
  • The best part of waking up is seeing your beautiful face next to me! Words can’t describe how much I love you.
  • I was about to say something… but I looked at you and forgot what I wanted to say.
  • If there was a choice between loving you and breathing, my last breath would be used just to say that I love you.
  • Do you know why I believe in God? Because He gave me the greatest miracle – He brought me you.
  • Whenever my phone rings and I see your name on the screen, my heart instantly beats faster. What have you done to me, girl?
  • If there’s anything called freedom from love, I would rather be in chains than wander aimlessly deprived of your love.
  • People say that a picture can tell you a thousand words. For me, a picture of you can tell only three of the most important words: I love you!
  • I adore all these little things you do when you show your care for me. They only make me love and appreciate you more. Thank you for being here.
  • The day I met you, I found the piece of me I didn’t know was missing. I fancy you, this relationship and the better part of me you brought out.
  • The moment I first kissed you, I gave you everything. I gave you my body, my heart and soul, and a promise that for as long as I live, my love for you will be the same.

how to express love in words

Expressing love in words. Photo:, @timmossholder (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sweet words for her soul

These lovely words will touch her soul and make her fall in love with you even more. Use them, and she will be yours forever.

  • If people say that no one is perfect, then for me, my darling, you are no one.
  • I would have conquered the world with only one hand if it was you who was holding my other one.
  • I have seen a lot of precious things in my life, but you, my love, are definitely the most precious of them all. I will never let you go.
  • I can see a thousand stars in the night sky, but there is only one star in my heart, and this, my darling, is you.
  • You are not just my lover. You are my best friend, the one who I can trust and who always supports me, the one I can absolutely count on in everything, the love of my entire life. You are everything to me, my one and only.
  • You came into my life to fill the dark holes in my heart, and I just want to hold you close and not let go because letting you go will bring back those holes.
  • When I’m with you, I feel like I am the strongest man on earth. I’m undefeatable and tireless. Oh, darling, I’m full of adoration and inspiration. You are the only one who makes me feel this way, and I wish it would never stop.
  • Your presence in my life means more than anything else in this world to me. Everything I do, I do it because I feel inspired by you. I pray for you every night before I go to sleep. You are everything that matters.
  • You are making me the happiest person in the entire wide world by just existing. And when you are with me, I am beyond happy.
  • Everything I am is thanks to your love. Without it, I have no idea where I would have been right now. You saved me from misery.
  • You inspire me to write poems and prose about love because with you I finally know what love is.
  • You are the perfect woman for me, mainly because you are always so caring and sweet.
  • Without your text or call, my day immediately becomes worse.
  • Sometimes I feel like without you in my life, I would have stepped on a dark path.
  • One thing I love about you is that you do not lie to me and that it is obvious how your love for me is true.
  • As I give my heart to you, I promise you that I will never break yours as long as I live.
  • You are such an amazing person that you could have easily won anyone’s heart. Thank you for giving your love to me.

READ ALSO: Lovely text messages for him that will make your partner smile

Romantic things to say to your girlfriend

When did you last pamper your beloved girl with romantic words? Below are sweet romantic words for her to accompany the sweet romantic things you do for her to make her love you even more.

  • You were my wish upon a shooting star. I remember wishing to find true love one day, and I did. Now, I believe that every wish always comes true if you really need it.
  • My love, you deserve the entire world. I am unable to give you the world, but I can give you something even more valuable: I can give you my heart, my soul, and all of me.
  • You are my everything, my flower. Do you notice how hard and long I stare at you, how stuck I get when I catch a whiff of your fragrance? Do you even know that you are my everything, the only flower in my entire garden?
  • From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, I adore everything and everywhere in between.
  • I will always make you feel like you are the most special and beautiful woman in the entire world. This is my main objective – to make you smile and feel good about yourself.
  • When it is a beautiful cloudless night, and you, by any chance, are outside, just look at the sky. You will see thousands of stars. Every one of them stands for one reason why I cherish you so much.
  • I have never seen someone as graceful and elegant as you are. When I look at you, I understand what true love feels like. You give me goosebumps every time you smile. The day I met you was the happiest day of my life.
  • I need you like the poet needs the pain and like the flowers need the rain. Living is wonderful, but living without you is hurtful. I am entirely yours – my body and soul fully belong to you.
  • Even if I try, I won’t be able to express the way I feel about you. Every day when I wake up (even on Mondays!) I feel so overwhelmed with happiness; I almost lose my breath.
  • I adore the way you always wrap your arms around my neck. In your passionate embrace, I feel like I am protected from all troubles and worries.
  • I love all the parts of your body and all the traits of your personality. There is not one part of you that I do not love.
  • You are the reason why I breathe. If you left, it would feel like my breathing was cut off.
  • If I was asked what love means for me, I would not even hesitate – I would reply in just one world. For me, love is you.
  • Seeing you with someone else is impossible. For me, you are only mine, and you will always be mine deep in my heart.
  • It would take so long to list all the reasons why I love you. But the main reason is that you are a beautiful and charming person, and I am just magically drawn to you.
  • Being with you makes life so easy for me, and it is incredible how your presence can change so much about me.
  • Honey, do you know that after we meet, it is impossible to forget your fragrance, your touch and your smile for weeks?
  • My love for you will never end, and I mean these words. It is eternal and unstoppable, and if it ever changes, it will only change for the better.
  • In case your love is a dream, then I never want to wake up from it, otherwise, my entire life will be a nightmare.
  • English vocabulary does not have enough words for describing how you make me feel. This special feeling I feel when I am next to you is the best thing ever.

sweet things to say to your girlfriend when you miss her

What to say when you miss her. Photo:, @paulcusick (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sweet things to say to your girlfriend when you miss her

Use these beautiful words to let her know that she means the world to you even when physical distance is keeping you away from each other. Give her a little warmth and love in your own words to make her feel happy and loved by you.

  • I’m counting down the minutes until I get to see you.
  • When I remember that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I start really missing you because I want the rest of my life to come already.
  • Baby, you give me reasons to hope, to look forward to, and to keep the faith that someday, we will be united, at last, never to be separated by distance anymore.
  • Yesterday at night, I asked an angel to protect you in your sleep. The angel refused, and I asked what the reason was. The angel then told me that angels cannot protect other angels.
  • I was thinking about you today. You are always on my mind, and I constantly wonder about your well-being and safety. I hope you are alright!
  • If you will take eleven roses in your hands and look in the mirror, you will see the twelve most beautiful and amazing things in the world.
  • When you are not here, my life is an incomplete puzzle. You are the biggest missing part of my puzzle, which makes it fall into place.
  • When I am with you, I am a better person. When I am away from you, I am just half of this person you make me be.
  • For you, I wake up every day and go to bed every night knowing I will see you again tomorrow. You are worth all the good things in the world.
  • When you are far away from me, I miss you. When you are not with me, you are the only thing on my mind. When I think about you, I only wish I was with you right now. And, darling, when I am with you, I have this amazing feeling that all of my dreams have finally come true.
  • My love for you is without reason. I just adore you for the amazing, wonderful person you are, and I simply adore everything about you.
  • You can be gone for but a second, and I miss you as if you’ve been gone for weeks.
  • I cherish you so much that it hurts when you are not around, and it makes me happy when you are close to me.
  • I want to be with you, my darling. I want to meet the end of the world together with you because you would make any difficult moment easier.
  • I wish you were here with me. Together, we could create so many more beautiful memories because every day spent with you is a blessing to me.
  • I miss you so much, my sweetheart. All I can think about is hugging you tightly, and when this happens, I will be the luckiest person in the entire universe.
  • To stop thinking about you is the most difficult task in the universe. I just keep thinking about all this time spent with you, and it brings a huge smile to my face.
  • You are always with me, even when you are far away. Our memories together will not fade away in my mind, and they will always be in my heart.

READ ALSO: 100+ romantic love messages for husband to make him feel loved

Sweet things to say when your girlfriend is stressed

Everyone goes through stressful moments in life. If your girlfriend is stressed, show her your love and support, and she will forever be grateful.

  • I went to the hospital and got an x-ray, do you know what they found? You in my heart. The doctor said my heart will always be fine with you in it.
  • You free tonight? I have a little surprise for you.
  • I know you’re busy today, so no need to reply — just wanted to send a quick reminder that I love you, I believe in you, and I’m here for you.
  • What’s the best way I can support you right now?
  • Wish I could give you a huge hug right now, but I’ll save it for when I see you later.
  • I’m so proud of how you’ve been balancing everything lately under so much pressure. You inspire me each and every day.
  • I just know you’re going to do amazing. I cannot wait to see you rock this.
  • You are so close to the finish line. I know you’ll get there, darling!
  • Remember to take a break and eat something nourishing today! I love you.
  • When you need someone to be there for you, I’ll be right there by your side always!
  • Can I bring you some lunch today? #ServiceWithASmooch
  • I’m already planning the most relaxing weekend for you. Almost there!
  • How does take-out and a movie sound tonight?
  • I know you are feeling down, but please cheer up, my sunshine the world needs your smile to survive.
  • You can count on me dear, because I will always be there for you, no matter what you need.
  • I know you have a lot going on. Thinking of you!
  • Remember it’s OK to take a break. I love you.

sweet things to say to your girlfriend when she's mad

What to say when she is angry. Photo:, @nathandumlao (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sweet things to say to your girlfriend when she’s mad

Little fights in a relationship are normal. These words will calm her whenever she is mad at you for whatever reason.

  • In case we ever fight and you would want to resolve the misunderstanding, just kiss me.
  • The biggest happiness in my life is your smile. Seeing you happy is like being blessed again and again. Thank you for being you.
  • If I could, I would hold you in my arms forever and whisper words of love and encouragement in your ear, because you absolutely deserve it.
  • I don’t enjoy making you mad, but you’re just so hot when you are.
  • I hate fighting with you, what do I have to do to make it stop?
  • Come back to me.
  • You look so cute when you are angry.
  • For my sake, I hope you’re as forgiving as you’re pretty.
  • I recognize you’re hurt, so take all the time you need, and I’ll be here when you can stand me again.
  • You’re not going anywhere, baby, and neither am I. For better or worse, remember?
  • I don’t know who first said ‘do not let the sun set on your anger,’ but I totally agree with them. Don’t you?
  • We are better together. Stop being mad at me, please.
  • I apologize from the deepest part of my heart for causing you pain. Please forgive me?
  • Not talking to you this past few days has been nothing short of agonizing. I don’t want to live like this anymore, I’d do anything.
  • I’m flattered you’re this mad at me ‘cause it shows that you care
  • I hate this so much. Can we kiss and make up already?
  • You mean the world to me, and I hope you remember that even in moments like this.

READ ALSO: Deep love messages for him that will make him feel special

How to say I love you without saying those words

Have you ever felt your heart overflowing with love and wondered how to tell her exactly how you feel without sounding mundane? If the three-word phrase feels inadequate to express your feelings, use the phrases below.

  • When you are with me, I always want to be close to you, just to hear the sound of your heart beating.
  • You are the crayons to my colouring book.
  • My life with you and without you is like two different worlds. You have totally changed my entire existence, and I want to thank you for sticking with me.
  • I’m crazy for you, or maybe just crazy!
  • I always say that I adore you, but you should know that I mean these words. I express what my heart feels when I say those three words to you.
  • You’re my dream come true.
  • When you are here with me, living on earth feels like heaven. I know that I do not need heaven as long as I am with you.
  • You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  • Girl, you are my lucky charm. Ever since I got together with you, everything in my life just started going in the right direction.
  • We go together like biscuits and gravy.
  • Your beauty attracted me, but I admire you for the person you are and the joy you’ve brought to my life.
  • You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  • Your heart is the only world I want to spend my whole life.
  • I do not have any fantasies, I already have a fantastic woman.
  • Now that you have entered my heart, I have locked its doors and threw the keys away.
  • Each time we look into each other’s eyes I know you are the one for me now, and forever.
  • You have stolen my heart that is why I can not breathe without you.
  • You are the crown of my glory, the fountain from where my life flows out from.

nice things to say to a girl

Nice things to say to a girl you love. Photo:, @ashkanforouzani (modified by author)
Source: UGC

What words make a girl feel special?

Words that communicate love and romance will make any woman feel special and loved, for example, my everything, gorgeous, and beautiful.

What is the sweetest word to say to a girl?

While there is no single word that is considered the sweetest, there are numerous sweet and cute words to call the one you love, for example, my love, honey, darling, and angel.

What can I text to make her smile?

You can text her sweet words to express your genuine feelings for her to make her smile all day long. If words do not come easily to you, a love meme can also do the trick.

How can I romance her with words?

You can carefully choose words that compliment her personality, physical appearance, and abilities. Make sure you do not overdo it to avoid looking clingy.

How can I melt my girlfriend’s heart with words?

Using romantic words and calling her sweet names will make her heart melt. You can say the words to her face-to-face, send her a text, or even have her listen to a special song.

How can I make my girlfriend happy with sweet words?

You can tell the words to her verbally, leave her a cute note, or send her cute and romantic texts.

Are you looking for sweet words for her to make her feel special? The list above has over 150 options to choose from. You can also modify or tweak some phrases to personalise them for her.

READ ALSO: Top text messages to make her fall in love with you in 2021 recently published the top text messages to make her fall in love that any lady would be happy to receive. Telling your loved one exactly how you feel is challenging for many people.

If you lack the words to express just how deeply you feel for someone face-to-face, you can send them a loving message. It will make them feel cherished and appreciated.


Hearing sweet and sincere romantic love words from the heart will bring the two of you closer.

Sweet words to tell a girl can make her fall in love with you. Sometimes, it is just hard to find the right cute words to make her feel special. When you put your feelings into words, it can help love grow in your relationship.

Sending good morning message for her, sweet goodnight text and emotional love letters will help you to preserve a loving and healthy relationship.

Love Words To Make Her Feel Special

You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had. I want to spend my entire life with you.

I love making you laugh.

I love you more than pepperoni pizza.

You’re my dream girl.

I love you because you’re a wholesome person. You are kind-hearted, patient, and caring.

If there’s one thing that I know I’ll want to do for the rest of my life, that is loving you.

Every day seems like a blessing since I have met you. I feel so lucky and honored to be in love with you with all of my heart.

When you kiss me, without uttering a single word you speak to my soul. You are my Sunshine.

I’ve been happy before I met you, but now I realize that I never truly understood what happiness was. You make each and every day of my life better by just being in it.

Your beauty mesmerizes me. Your sense of humor puts a smile on my face. Your kindness and compassion fill me with awe. My lady love, thank you for being all that I could ask for in a woman and so much more.

It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can’t live without you.

And if love be madness, may I never find sanity again.

We’re all unique in our own ways, but life was just showing off when you were made. I love you.

I don’t know what I’d do without you.

I love the person you are.

I feel like I’m in heaven when I’m with you.

Coming home to you is always the best part of my day.

You light up my day whenever I see you.

My love, you deserve the entire world. I am unable to give you the world, but I can give you something even more valuable: I can give you my heart, my soul, and all of me.

No matter what life brings towards us, you’ll always be my everything, my life, my lady and my queen. I love you deeply.

Where do I start? You are the love of my life; you make me feel like each day is the most incredible ever. Your kisses are like magic, filling my heart with joy and desire. I love you, baby!

You are today and all of my tomorrows.

When it comes to love, I won the lottery.

The key to my happiness is spending time with you.

You are my favorite human being on the planet.

You are the most beautiful lady that I have ever met.

Do you know what my perfect world looks like? It’s the world when you and I are living together happily ever after. That’s honestly all I need. To love you and cherish you till the end of time.

No words in any languages can ever express my love for you. It flows like a calm stream down a riverbank and somehow reaches every part of your mind, body and soul. Please know that it will never stop flowing. Love you, honey.

I can be annoying, weird, and sometimes overly emotional. But I’ll always love you like there’s no tomorrow.

I found my soulmate, I found my one true love, I found my one and only forever and always, I found that in you. You are the reason why I find this world beautiful.

In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.

When I hold you in my arms, I feel so lucky.

You make me so happy.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of you from the very first day, and you’ve been on my mind everyday since then.

sweet words for her

When I miss you, I read our old conversations, smile like an idiot, listen to songs that remind me of you, then I miss you more.

When you look into my eyes, you will find me there. But when you look into my heart, you will find yourself.

If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go.

My heart is, and always will be, yours.

Thank you for listening.

I plan on being with you until forever ends.

When I’m with you, nothing else matters.

Your smile is like the morning sun warming my day.

It’s funny how big of an impact you have on me. When I see you, you don’t even have to speak. All you can do is smile and it can make my day.

Out of sight but babe you are never off my mind.

Your love is all I need to feel complete.

I fit best with you because you’re my other half.

If I ever made a good decision, it was loving you.

My favorite place is inside your hug.

Do you have any idea how much I adore you?

It’s so hard for me to say, “I love you”. These three words are impossible to say. And that’s when I know that this feeling is real. It’s so strong that I feel like no words can express the way I feel. You are everything I have ever wanted.

I used to go to sleep every night wishing to find true love. Every day I’d get more and more disappointed, until I finally met you. Then all that waiting made sense, and my life gained a new meaning.

love words for her

My first thought in the morning is always you.

When I remember that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I start really missing you, because I want the rest of my life to come already.

I never want to stop making memories with you.

There is my heart, and then there is you, and I’m not sure there is a difference.

Let’s meet in our dreams tonight.

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.

I promise to be on your team. I promise to be faithful. I promise to be quick to forgive. I promise to always surprise you. I promise to stand by you. I promise to trust you, respect you, follow you, honor you and support you. I promise to love you, always.

Once upon a time I became yours and you became mine and we’ll stay together through both tears and laughter, because that’s what they call happily ever after.

All love is sweet, but ours is the sweetest.

For you see, each day I love you more Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

Falling in love with you makes me feel so alive. You are gorgeous, cute and pretty.

Accept my heart and I’ll build you a castle with love as its foundation.

Love fills our lives with sense. It makes us want to wake up in the morning, makes us want to sing and dance. This is what life is all about, so let’s not hide our emotions.

Yes, you’re on my mind right now. And yeah, I can’t help it.

Because you’re in my life, I know true love exists.

You’re not just my friend, you’re my love. You’re not just my love, you’re my heart. You’re not just my heart, you’re my life. You’re not just my life, you’re my everything.

I’ll never be able to give you all that you deserve, but for the rest of my days I’ll do my best to come close. My heart, love, and all that I am, I give to you.

words to make her feel special

The day I met you, I found my missing piece. You complete me and make me a better person. I love you with all my heart and all my soul.

The day I met you, I found the piece of me I didn’t know was missing. I fancy you, this relationship and the better part of me you brought out.

You bring out the best in me.

You’re the best thing I’ve ever waited for.

My heartbeats are dedicated to you, and my love knows no bounds.

I never knew how it feels to have butterflies all around my stomach before you came into my life and now I experience it every single day.

We are two peas in a pod.

Cute Romantic Words for Her to Make Her Smile

I looked into your eyes and found my favorite color.

When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul.

I’m so excited to experience life with you.

I can’t stop thinking about you.

You’ll always be my girl.

Since the day I met you, my life has never been the same.

When I close my eyes, I imagine your beautiful smile. When I open them to see you, I can’t believe my eyes.

When I’m with you, I feel closer to the essence of divinity. I love that I’m in love with you.

I’m so completely in love with you. I wake to think of you and I sleep to see you in my dreams.

Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.

When I look into your eyes, it’s like falling in love all over again.

Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true.

Loving you was the best decision of my life.

Time is meaningless unless it’s spent with you.

I love the way the light shines off of your beautiful eyes.

You’re everything to me.

You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.

You have that sparkle.

Looking into your eyes, I can see a whole new Universe. You’re my soulmate, my best friend, my home.

romantic words for her

When I saw you, it was love at first sight, at second sight, and at every sight.

Sweetheart, I’m so happy to have you in my life. You are very special to me.

I have loved you all my life; it has just taken me this long to find you.

You are my treasure—the most precious thing in my life.

Words simply cannot tell how much I love you. There aren’t enough words in the world to express my feelings for you, so I will just say: I Love You.

I love you today. I will love you tomorrow. And I’ll keep on loving you every day after that, too.

You’re my spark in the dark.

Let us always meet each other with smile.

You are my sunniest sunshine, my heaviest color pattern, my sweetest sugar. You trigger me to come alive with no efforts, something no one has ever been successful at.

Never lose sight of who you are, for that is the person I fell in love with and will always admire.

I wish time could just stop when I’m in your arms because it’s the best feeling ever.

“I love you” is an understatement when it comes to the scintillating words I want to tell you every day. Indescribable though, I am deeply and overwhelmingly passionate about you.

When I promise something, I never ever break that promise ever. I promise that I’ll make you feel wanted, loved and needed every single day.

My mind wanders and I get lost in thoughts of you.

The best part about the morning is that I’m thinking about you, but the worst part of this morning is that I’m away from you.

I can’t believe a girl like you exists and that I’m lucky enough to have found her.

You are my song. You are my song of love.

Love is friendship that has caught fire.

People say that a picture can tell you a thousand words. For me, a picture of you can tell only three of the most important words: I love you!

Know that no matter where life takes us, you will always be the only one for me.

When I look at you, I see joy, happiness, beauty, and a reflection of a better version of myself. From the moment I met you, you motivated me into being a better person, and for that, you have my eternal gratitude.

cute romantic words for her

You’re beautiful, from the tips of your toes to the depths of your soul.

Look into my heart and feel what I am saying, for my heart speaks the truth and the truth is I love you.

You’re so beautiful I feel like I’m wasting my time when I’m not looking at you.

I love you because you have taught me the true meaning of love.

My favorite part of every day is the time I get to spend with you.

Your beautiful smile and your happy laughter attracted me to you, but your caring loving heart is the reason why I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

You have worked so hard to make our relationship the best it can be and have shown great strength even in the toughest moments. You’re always patient, kind and take care of me.

Every day, every night, every hour, every place I go, I always think about you.

My love for you is a journey starting at forever and ending at never.

Whenever I see you, I feel like I’m looking at the most beautiful angel on earth.

If you’re wondering whether or not I’m thinking of you, the answer is yes.

I need you like a heart needs a beat.

When others talk about their greatest achievements and things they are most proud of, the only thing that comes to mind is you.

Let’s make this lovely journey last for a lifetime, do not ever let me go. I am yours as long as you want me to.

I happen to adore you.

I love everything about you: your mind, your sense of humor, your positivity, your outlook on life, your soul, your goals and desire, and of course, your beauty.

sweet romantic words

Whenever I see your face, a wave of happiness touches my heart.

Cuddling with you would be perfect right now.

I love you – those three words have my life in them.

I love seeing you blush.

My love for you has no expiration date.

I like it when you smile. But I love it when I’m the reason.

You are my world.

Only you can give me that feeling.

I was just driving one day, and this song came on the radio. I don’t remember the exact lyrics or the song’s name, but it was about finding the perfect woman. I smiled throughout it all, as I had already found you.

romantic words of love

I remember the first day I ever looked into your eyes and felt my entire world flip.

I’m missing you.

I love you, in ways you’ve never been loved, for reasons you’ve never been told, for longer than you think you deserved and with more than you will ever know existed inside me.

I actually fell for you before I even realized I did.

Now that I’ve found you, I’m never going to let you go.

There is a big difference between living and just existing. When I’m with you, I am alive.

Sweet Love Words For Her From The Heart

Take my hand, my love, and my soul because they were meant for you.

You came into my life and then became my life.

You ground me.

You’re kinda, maybe a little, sorta, pretty much always on my mind.

I would follow you anywhere.

You’ve made my life beautiful and amazing. You keep showing me the practical meaning of love. Every day, I wake up feeling very lucky to have you as my own. You always have something good for me on every new day. Through the end of time, my love for you will continue to bloom.

I miss your love I miss your touch, but I’m feeling you everyday.

When I’m with you, I feel like I’m right where I belong.

My love for you knows no time and place. My heart starts thumping every time I see your beautiful face.

Together with you is my favorite place to be.

Deep inside my heart, I feel fulfilled and accomplished. This feeling is till eternity because I’ve never felt this way for someone else. May our love for each other lighten up the world. I love you more than you can imagine.

I find happiness in you because you are my heart desire.

You are nothing short of my everything.

You make me feel so special, I am glad I found you.

Roses are red, that much is true; Violets however, aren’t really blue; Anyway, that’s not really the point I wanted to make to you; Because the only thing that I really wanted to say was: I love you.

You are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.

You are incredibly cute and sweet, and when I see your smile lighten up your face, I love you even more.

What I need to live has been given to me by the earth. Why I need to live has been given to me by you.

It always makes my day, every time I see you.

No matter how hard I try to fall asleep, it seems impossible because my mind is busy thinking about you. Whenever the thoughts of you settle on my mind, my heart melts. Since the day I met you, my life, which was once apart, fell into place. For the first time, things seem to be going my way.

When I want to smile, I know exactly what to do, I just close my eyes and I think of you.

I love that feeling I get when I see your smile.

You stole my heart, but I’ll let you keep it.

Everytime I see you, every day, I fall in love with you more and more.

Whenever I count my blessings, you are at the top of my list.

You are irreplaceable and irresistible, I absolutely adore you.

I never could have accomplished what I have today without the love I feel from you!

One day someone will walk into your life and make you realize how it feels to live a true love story.

You’re all my heart ever talks about.

You’re what I enjoy most about my day.

No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will do. I will always love you. I swear it.

I love you more than I could ever really say.

You make me so incredibly happy.

You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart.

In this crazy world, full of change and chaos, there is one thing of which I am certain, one thing which does not change: my love for you.

You’re like my favorite song on the radio, I could listen to you all day.

Even if I spend the entire day with you, I will miss you the second you leave.

The first time you touched me, I knew I was born to be yours.

A regular day turns into an extraordinary day when I can just spend time talking, laughing, and being with you.

I love all these little things you do when you show your care for me. They only make me love and appreciate you more. Thank you for being here.

Everyone has their own reasons for waking up in the morning, mine is you.

When I wake up in the morning, I am thinking of you. When I go to sleep at night, I am thinking of you. And all those hours in between, I think of us.

I am the luckiest man alive because I get to call you mine.

I will never regret choosing you as my loyal companion, my love, and my hope.

You deserve the world, but since I cannot give that to you, I will give you the next best thing, which is my world.

I adore the way you brighten up a room and most of all, brighten up my life.

My mind thinks of you the second I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up each morning.

Have I mentioned how lucky I am to love you?

I’ve seen beauty in the past. There are many beautiful women in the world. But you’re more than that. You are elegant, gracious and intelligent.

The reason it hurts so much for us to be separated is because our souls are connected.

I promise no matter how hard it gets, no matter how much we argue, I will never leave you. I will risk everything for you. No one compares to you. I love you.

When we’re together, nothing else matters.

If I could choose to live my life all over again, I’d only agree if I knew that it would be besides you.

I will love you until the stars go out, and the tides no longer turn.

Sweet Words To Tell A Girl To Make Her Fall In Love With You

You have made my dreams come true.

You are truly gorgeous.

Today, I love you more than I did yesterday, but also less than I will love you tomorrow.

I smile every time I think of you.

With you by my side, I can only see bright things for the future.

Spending time with you is what I love most. I want to do it every day.

You are the most important person in my life, now and always.

Thank you for taking a chance on me. I don’t deserve your love, but I’ll make a priority every day to earn it.

The greatest achievement in my life is to have a woman as beautiful as you in my life. I love you.

My love for you will burn with a passion forevermore; it’ll never fade or lose its power.

You mean the world to me.

When I’m with you, everything feels right.

My day starts with you in my mind and ends with your sweet dreams.

When we first met, I genuinely remember my heart skipping a beat. It was like life itself smiling back at me.

Spending some time with you makes me feel so happy.

There’s no better match than me and you.

You deserve the happiest place in the world and I am trying my best to make you feel great with me. I am blessed to have such an amazing girl in my life, I love you.

I’ll keep loving you until the day I die…and even after that, if possible.

I love you beyond any words can express, I would walk for a thousand miles just to be with you.

I can’t explain how much you mean to me. You are my world. I love you so much.

I love doing life with you.

I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

People keep saying that love gives you that “butterflies in your stomach” type of feel. I always considered it nonsense, gibberish even. But I get it now. It’s like a constant warmth, a feeling of contentedness that doesn’t go away as long as I am with you.

Falling in love with you was never on the list of my agendas, but I’m so happy I did it. Because I know that I’ll be a fool not to make falling in love with you an agenda. I love you to the moon, and I love you back from the moon.

My love for you will never end, and I mean these words. It is eternal and unstoppable, and if it ever changes, it will only change for the better.

No one understands me like you do.

It is not falling in love what is making me happy, I think it’s you.

Being with you trumps all other plans.

The night sky is magical, but its magic will never be as serene as a moment that I share with you. If that moment is spent stargazing together, even better.

To stop thinking about you is the most difficult task in the universe. I just keep thinking about all this time spent with you and it brings a huge smile to my face.

You make me want to continue my way no matter how hard it gets sometimes.

When I’m with you, I feel like I am the strongest man on earth. I’m undefeatable and tireless. Oh, darling, I’m full of adoration and inspiration. You are the only one who makes me feel this way, and I wish it would never stop.

I just remembered you and your beautiful smile, your calming voice, and your amazing soul and it was enough for me.

I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I’d be dreaming of you… but I woke up this morning with a smile because you weren’t a dream.

You are my paradise and I would happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.

I can feel myself coming alive every time I hear your laughter. It’s more than music to ears. It’s food for my soul.

Anywhere with you is better than anywhere without you.

This morning, I jumped out of bed because I was so excited to see you.

I cherish our love that grows stronger each day.

No matter how much time I spend with you, I can never ever get enough of you. Your love is forever mine and I need you everyday.

So many reasons are there to love you. Your cute smile, your sweet laugh, your innocence and your kind heart makes me love you.

That thing they say about finding your better half is completely true. I knew something was missing from me, but I didn’t know what until I met you.

I feel like everything in my life had led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks and my regrets. Everything. And when we’re together, my past seems worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you.

It is true that my heart always skips a beat when you take my name.

If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I’d say … Simply amazing.

I wanna be your last kiss, last love, and last everything.

I always say that I love you, but you should know that I mean these words. I express what my heart feels when I say those three words to you.

When you walk by and I catch your fragrance, it’s like my brain just gets reset and I have to refocus on what I was doing. I love you.

You know me so well, inside out. Your deep acceptance of me is what I love most about you.

I love you is not enough to describe my feelings for you.

Keep in mind that you complete me in a such a unique and wonderful way.

If I am sad, I only have to spend a minute with you.

“I love you” means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times.

I wish that you were here or I were there or we were together anywhere.

Emotional Words For Her

I just wish that every day could be exactly like today, today’s so sweet and beautiful — just like you, my angel.

You are artwork I could admire forever.

The only thing I truly fear is losing you. Because you give me strength and inspiration to go through life and notice wonderful things around me. You mean a world to me, sweetheart.

I want to fondle you. Allow me to cuddle you up in my arms and ease you the day’s pain and stress. I cherish you forever.

When I look at you I see all the best things in my life. You are the reason I wake up in the morning and my last thought before I fall asleep. Thank you for being with me. I love you endlessly.

When you hold my hands, I get butterflies in my stomach, I love you.

Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.

The happiest place in this world is being with you. I want to be with you forever.

I have tried all my possible best to see that I take you out of my memory, but it always seems like it’s an impossible task. I love you and every single thing about you.

The love I have for you has become a core part of who I am, and I couldn’t be happier about anything else.

You know exactly what I need, even if I don’t say it.

Humor, honesty, and patience are the traits I admire about you.

You’ve served me joy, peace, happiness and love on a golden plate and that what make me go emotional. I love you beyond words.

Never lose sight of who you are, for that is the person I fell in love with and will always admire.

I can’t wait to meet you, I miss you so much.

Without you, I’d have no direction in life. I know this for sure because I was lost and alone before I found you.

I love you right up to the moon—and back.

The only place that I want to be is next to you. You are my world and sunshine. I love you beautiful.

Now I know what love is. You’ve taught me how to love, and now I know what love is all because of you, my dear. I love you.

I can see a thousand of stars in the night sky, but there is only one star in my heart, and this, my darling, is you.

When I’m with you hours feel like seconds. When we’re apart days feel like years.

I wished for my life to be better, and then I met you. That wish couldn’t have had a better gift for me.

Love to me is someone telling me, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and if you needed me to I’d jump out of a plane for you.

You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.

I know there are other people but I don’t want anyone else, I want you. Even when you’re sad, even when you make mistakes, even if we don’t agree at times. I still just want you.

We’ve come a long way, and our love remains firm. Despite the distance, I still feel your presence around me. I can feel the warmth of your heart and your endearing smile. I can’t wait to have you back, baby.

My six-word love story: I can’t imagine life without you.

I admire your honesty, your kindness and above all, your heart.

You are stronger than you seem, braver than you believe, and smarter than you think.

Loving you is like breathing, how can I stop?

My favorite sound in the universe is your laugh.

I’m not very good with words, so here goes: I really love you, and that’ll never change. I hope you know that.

Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing means absolutely everything to me.

I’ve been yours since the second we met.

Our planet may spin around the sun, but you’re my whole orbit, universe, and meaning.

Seeing you happy all the time makes my day. I love you, baby!

You are the beauty that melts my heart, the one who makes my heart beat faster.

You take my breath away.

Meeting you was one of the best days of my life.

All that I am today is only because of you. Thank you for existing.

Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours.

My love, I would give up everything just to be with you every day.

My heart is always for you, whenever I think about you, I want to be with you for a long time.

I hope to make you happy beyond belief.

I love you not only for who you are, but also for who I become when I am with you.

I didn’t know what love was until I first laid eyes on you.

When I get up every morning, I pinch myself just to remember that you are in my life.

True love stories never have endings.

It is impossible to spell ‘beautiful’ without U! Darling, your beauty forever spellbinds me!

Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.

There is only one happiness in this life: to love and be loved.

I can’t get enough of you.

I hope you want to stay for a long time because my heart really likes you.

No three words have greater power than ‘I Love You’.

You add beauty to my life in the most incredible way. I have a lot to say about the miracle of your love, but for the meantime, I love you.

You are not only loved, you are love.

Because nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you.

For every day, I miss you. For every hour, I need you. For every minute, I feel you. For every second, I want you. Forever, I love you.

I have found the best place to be in the entire world… standing by your side.

I want you today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and for the rest of my life.

With this ring I give you my heart and I promise from this day forward you shall not walk alone. May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home.

Having you in my life means I’ll always have someone I can rely on. Even when you’re not with me, I know you’re just a phone call away.

You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.

I wanna live, sleep, and wake up by your side.

Yes, I am thinking about you right now and I miss you so much.

Your voice is my favorite sound, your name is my favorite word, and your hug is my favorite place to be.

love texts, love messages, love phrasesNice words for my love

Today you can have a special touch to your girl. You can make her consider you the best boyfriend in the world if you dedicate a pretty phrase. Think of all the beautiful moments you spend with her and that way you will feel inspired to write something nice.

If even trying you do not know how to express your feelings, do not worry. In this article we present some examples of beautiful words for your love. Check our list and select the message you want to dedicate to your loved one. Then send it via Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp Messenger, or other means for her to know how lucky you are for being the owner of her heart.

Free list of nice love words:

– “We’ll always be together, and the sky and the stars, such as fish and sea as you and I were born to love and nothing will change this beautiful feeling.”
Category :love words

– “When I think of how happy I am with you I feel as if this were all a dream. Your kisses tenderly sweeten my soul. Thanks for be my love. “
Category :love words

– “I will never tire of giving you all my love, you are a sweet, tender and affectionate girl and that’s why I’m so in love with you. I thank you for transporting me to a beautiful world when you kiss my lips. “
Category :love words

– “Your love is the greatest blessing that life has given me, just to see your beautiful eyes make my day and enlighten you making me feel an enormous happiness. By your side everything is perfect, my love. “
Category :love words

– “I like your eyes because I see in them the beauty of your soul reflected, when I met you I realized that you were the woman I always dreamed of, is a great joy to have found you.”
Category :love words

– “I love to go to sleep because in my dreams I am aware, I am very lucky to have your love. You are a wonderful girl and I’ll love you forever. “
Category :love words

– “I think I’m going crazy because I do nothing but think of you, and I don’t care any other thing but your love. I do not know what is exactly what I like about you, but what I do know is that I’ll never stop loving you. “
Category :love words

– “I have to admit that sometimes I wanted to get away from you because I thought you deserved someone better, but I realized that I cannot live without you and I began to force myself to be a better person. You wake up in my heart the most beautiful feelings. “
Category :love words

– “Since my ex-girlfriend played with my feelings I promised to never fall in love with anyone else, but you came along and showed me that I could trust you. Today you’re the owner of my heart and I don’t regret to love you like I love you. “
Category :love words

– “Being together has not been easy because we have all had to face, but it was worth it because we’re both very much in love and this love is here to stay, ours is a sense of truth.”
Category :love words

– “When I close my eyes to sleep your image appears in my mind and it’s like you’re watching over me while I sleep. I love you so much my angel of love. “
Category :love words

– “I only believed in love until you came along and showed me what true love is, beside my days are full of peace and happiness”
Category :love words

We hope that these beautiful words of love have been to your liking. Go ahead and dedicate some words to your girl, she will love it so much and will be so surprised with such a nice detail.

Image courtesy of “mapichai” /

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love messages, love phrases, love sms, love text messages, love texts, love thoughts, love verses, love poems, love wordings, love quotations

According to the well-known folk wisdom «women love with their ears». However, this does not mean at all, that the male part of the population of our planet is not averse to hearing compliments, addressed to them.

If the man you love doesn’t mind, then it is worth thinking about, how to please him, coming up with some cute and funny nickname.

Listen to recommendations on the right approaches to expressing feelings for a man with affectionate words:

Any pair of lovers is unique and unique so much, how unique is their relationship. And if a girl is in love with her chosen one, then she tries to come up with a nickname for him. And all the fair sex are trying to invent such an association from giving the meaning of affectionate words, which would be as exclusive as possible, affectionate and pleasant to the ear.

Varieties of male nicknames

what kind words to say to your beloved man

You need to hurry to say affectionate words to your loved ones. Until someone else told them unkindly about you. ©

All fictional diminutives can be classified according to several criteria.. Here are some of them:

  • Name (surname). The easiest way to choose a nickname is to associate it with the name or surname of a loved one.. For example «ram» with the surname Baranov or «Petyunka» if the guy’s name is Peter.
  • Character. Here they start from certain character traits. People with a quick-tempered and aggressive disposition are often called «tyranny», and people who are not particularly demanding of themselves and their actions are «lazy».
  • Age. For a man, prestige is very important, so in order not to drop it, it is very important to pay attention to age. If a couple has a difference in 10 years or more, men are often called «daddy» or «daddy», however, do not use the cynical and vulgar «sugar daddy».
  • Traditions. There are many common nicknames, and many girls do not at all strive for originality when choosing a nickname pleasant to them and the guy. Especially enhance the effect for such «handsome», «Peaches» and «pupsikov» can the word «My».
  • Love. In addition, the use of the aforementioned word «mine» can neutralize the negative effect of any nickname, as it serves as an expression of love. The guy’s delight has no boundaries, if he knows, that he is only your «cat», and only this way and nothing else.
  • Dignity. The use of the word «most» in relation to any nickname will significantly increase a man’s self-esteem and give him self-confidence. Therefore, calling him «the strongest» or «the kindest», you will be pleasantly surprised, what miracles can happen to a guy using just one word.

TOP-15 Pleasant phrases for men (list)

There is a stereotype, that men only love delicious food, passionate sex, exciting sport, Well, of course, women. But everything is not so primitive and standard, as it seems to many. If you take a closer look at the chosen one, then you can be very pleasantly surprised and fall in love with him even more, but at the same time, surprise him with your words .

Original nicknames for a loved one

You will almost always achieve more with caress, than brute force. ©
  1. Native.
  2. Affectionate.
  3. Cat.
  4. Sun.
  5. Wonderful.
  6. Dear.
  7. Favourite.
  8. My good.
  9. Only.
  10. My angel.
  11. Tender.
  12. Sexual.
  13. Beautiful
  14. Best.
  15. Great.

Unusual words for a man

Ideal. Long awaited. Talented. Hot. Chocolate. Courageous. Unforgettable. Unusual. Wise. Understanding. Strong. Caring. Sincere. Soulful. Sexy. Present. Shining. Desired. Great. Fairy. Sweet. Mysterious. Cute. Unusual. Great. Elegant. Imposing.

Sweet words, which men love

Vrednyushka. King. Macho. Temperamental. Brave. The best (lover). My prince. My Lord. My owner. My Lord. My divine. My inspiration.

Beautiful words to a man in prose: about love, at night, miss…

The above words can also be used to build phrases, then a man will be delighted with this.

List of affectionate expressions

You can give an example of a huge number of such expressions., best according to men:

  • My favorite kitten, I’m so lonely and bad without you, that I want to be with you always.
  • I want to purr in your ear about, how I love you and never get tired of it.
  • The best day for me is that, at the end of which you will return home and fall into my arms.
  • The most beautiful evenings and nights for me will be those, during which we will chat with you about everything in the world, looking at the moon and the magnificent surf.
  • Today I am the happiest, because you are next to me. The one, which is softer than clouds and warmer than the sun.
  • I will reflect on the asphalt, sand and walls all my delight from you. And if suddenly these inscriptions disappear, i will write them again.
  • Remember, my love for you is eternal and never ends.
  • You are my dream, which finally came true thanks to our meeting, I’m glad, that we found each other and now we will always be together. I really need.
  • You’re an angel, descended from heaven. You gave me your heart and wings. This is priceless to me, and in return I will give you all of me.
  • You are so sexy, that my body is burning with passion and desire. help me, put out this fire. touch me, hug, kiss, let me enjoy you.
  • My hero, i am ready to die for your love, but why, because I want to live and enjoy you, your emotions and feelings. And I also want to exchange them, give me yours, and I will give you mine … We will like.
  • You are for me the most dear and dear person in the whole world. thank you, that in this whole huge world you are right next to me.
  • There is great joy in my life. And it is you. Apparently I deserve it with my love, which serves as your amulet and amulet, she will heal you from wounds and protect you from all troubles.
  • I’ve been given many gifts in my life, but your gifts are the most beautiful, and the best gift for me is you.
  • I will never deceive you in my life, because you are worthy only of pure and bright truth. Even if this truth tastes bitter, I will never hide anything from you anyway, just because you deserve it. And I will brighten the bitterness of this truth with my kisses and hugs.
  • The best morning is that, which starts with your kiss.

Compliments and affectionate words about a hobby of a loved one

Men are mostly romantics. But they will always appreciate, if you reflect their passions or hobbies in your compliments, share his hobbies in conversation with him, give it special attention. Here are examples of such situations.

what to tell his beloved about a hobby

The most sincere emotions are caused by compliments about hobbies and hobbies!
  • Favourite, I know, FIFA World Cup starts today, which you have been waiting for. I promise you, that I will not interfere with enjoying the spectacle. I also bought you beer and chips and I won’t be angry at all, when you scream and applaud loudly. I want you to rest!
  • Do you want, I will cook your favorite dishes. I am ready to fulfill all your culinary desires and passions. I promise to do so, that you will remember this dinner for a long time.
  • I want to make you a gift! I will buy you a new rod in a new store, which I looked after recently. I want to do something nice, to make you feel happy.

List of gentle and sexy phrases for SMS to your beloved guy

What sms to write to your beloved man

When I get bored, i send a message to a random number “I hid the body … what’s next?”
  • You are brighter, than light, sweeter than candy, you are the best, I know that and I adore you.
  • My sweetest little man, I am crazy in love with you, you are the dearest to me. You are for me, like a bright sun, which shines and warms me with its warmth every day.
  • I’m just out of the shower. Transparent drops of water caress my skin, and I’m so sorry, that you are not caressing me.
  • To me you’re like a drop of moonlight in the middle of a dark night.
  • I love you all, whole whole: eyes, the words, sweet Lips, thoughts. I reflect your tenderness, your kisses, driving me crazy, the scent of your body, sight, caressing me, in which I see warmth and fire, which make me just happy.
  • I am immensely glad every our meeting, every call and message.
  • I’m like a piece of ice, melting in your strong and tight arms. And I adore my most precious treasure — you!
  • Message from your mobile operator: If you don’t send a message to your beloved, then we will be forced to disconnect the subscriber.
  • You are very unstable and I know it. But I’d rather be doubting, that you love me, than to be confident, what no.
  • In this dark wilderness of the night, I only want one thing — to be by your side, my native!
  • All 61 second in a minute and that’s it 25 hours a day I think only of you. … And already in time I got confused.
  • Billions of people live on our planet, but I think only about you. And i know why. Because no one can lure you.
  • Hello, favourite. I’m literally fresh out of the shower. And you have exactly 5 minutes, so I don’t have time to get dressed.
  • If you are tired of me, call the police, if you feel bad from me, then to the ambulance, and if you burn from my sight, then you should definitely go to the firemen.
  • You are worried about the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. We have information, what if you don’t kiss your girlfriend hard when you get home, then you explode like a bomb.
  • Put your lips to my heart and feel all the warmth, love and tenderness that I feel, seeing you.
  • As soon as you were born, Rain is coming. Probably, this sky was crying, it knew, that a beautiful angel goes to earth, then to find your love.
  • And we girls are like telephones. They take us with them, talk to us, but you should accidentally press the wrong place, how will they turn you off immediately.
  • But I’ll call you now, and I will say, that you’re just the best!
  • When the world is sweet and beautiful, it becomes clear, that only you are more beautiful than him.
  • If you are in a bad mood, I want to turn into your guardian angel and give you a smile.
  • You remind me of an unbridled wild cowboy, macho, bullfighter. I am insanely good with you and it cannot be otherwise.
  • call me back. I want to hear your voice and remember, how beautiful he is.
  • It’s just hard for you to imagine, how i want to hug your long hairy, slender legs.
  • Attention wanted! The most beautiful eyes in the world made the illegal crossing of the border of friendship and love and committed theft of my heart. If you find, call me immediately.
  • We know very little, but I know you already well. Especially your eyes, lips and smile. I will never trade them for anything.
  • Love me with all your soul and heart. It is a great happiness and a cherished dream — to be next to you..
  • But you know, what i decided today: 1. I will not talk on the phone for hours anymore; 2. quit smoking; 3. stop falling in love with guys like that, like you, because, that I don’t want to depend on your whims.
  • You are like the south breeze, exotic fruit nectar, gentle tropical sea breeze, carrying away into the distance, loud-voiced bird of paradise, the scent of a summer meadow, heady to madness. I love you more than life!
  • When the distance between us, I’m going crazy, I feel so bad and sad, but the sweeter and more joyful the meeting will be. Love, you my dear boy.
  • My thoughts fly in the dark, when you are not around, come back to me soon, I’m waiting for you!
  • You are the sweet nectar of heavenly fruits, gentle warm and cheerful south wind, gentle breeze of the tropical sea, sweet-voiced bird of paradise, you are the heady scent of a summer meadow. Love you madly!

Amazingly accurate selection of affectionate words and tips for choosing a nickname for your beloved, associated with his zodiac sign:

Expressing your love through love messages is always special. Show your loved one how much you love him/her with simple yet meaningful romantic love messages. Express your gratitude with some words of admiration for him/her. Finding the right message to express your feelings of love may seem difficult at first, but by looking at these heart-touching love messages, you’ll surely find what you’re looking for. You can use these messages in text messages, card messages, letters, and even Facebook or Instagram posts to show how much your heart loves her/him.

  • Love Messages
  • Love Messages For Her
  • Love Messages For Him
  • Romantic Love Messages
  • Deep Love Messages
  • I Love You Messages
  • Sweet Love Messages
  • Heart Touching Love Messages
  • Love Quotes
  • Love Text

I have fallen in love many times. But every time, it was with you!

If you ask me when I want to be with you, my answer will be – now and forever.

I am really blessed to have you in my life. I love you so much, sweetheart ❤️

Love Messages

You are my everything sweetheart and I am so lucky to call you mine. I love you.

No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will do. I will always love you.

I want you in my life for today, tomorrow and forever 🥰

Your love is a drug, and I never want to recover from it.

I love you- this is the least I can say. I wish I could do more to show what I really feel for you.

If you ask me to make a last wish, it would be to go on like this, holding your hands in mine, till my last breath.

My love for you is undoubtedly the only thing that will never end. You make me feel the best I’ve ever felt, and I’ll forever treasure it. You make my dreams come true and are the best thing God has ever given me. I will always love you.

Nothing can explain fully how fortunate I am to have you in my life. I am forever grateful to God for blessing me with an angel like you! Love you sincerely.

The whole world may turn upside down, but even that wouldn’t change my love for you. You are everything to me ❤️

If there’s one thing in this world I’m afraid to lose, it’s you. I am so in love with you that I can’t afford to lose you!

The world is on one side, and you, my love, are on the other side. I will choose you no matter what.

I want to be with you always and forever. Nothing in this world can replace you in my heart.

sweet love message

Your heart is so full of love, and I’m lucky enough to find a place there. Love you, honey.

I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever!

My love for you is bigger than the ocean, I plead for you louder than the blue whale. I can never truly express the amount of love I have for you. All I can say is that I won’t survive without you in my life. I love you so much.

Loving you is the only thing that makes my life worth living. The world might call me crazy, but I’m glad to be crazy about you! I love you so much sweetheart!

I now understand what happiness feels like. It’s you and everything about you; your goddess face, mellow voice, kind heart, and gentle, warm hands. Honey, I really do mean it. You make me happy.

Good night my love! You are the brightest star that lights up my life every day.

Good morning my love! No matter what happens, I know one person will be there for me. That’s you!

Everything feels empty when you are not around, but our love is what keeps me going. Miss you, babe.

We might be miles apart, but our souls are right next to each other- that’s how strong our love is, darling.

I never knew what real love would be like until I met you. You taught me how to love, how to show how I feel, how to care, and how to be responsible. Now I feel like I have everything I need in life. I love you, and words won’t ever be enough to thank you for all you have done for me. May this go on forever.

Best Love Message

Falling in love with you was the happiest incident of my life. You loved me, stood by my side, and turned me into the person I am today. I am just so lucky to have you, darling, and I am never letting you go.

I am lucky enough to get a person like you in my life who gives me a thousand reasons to smile every day. You are so precious, my handsome.

You don’t know how blessed I am to have you in my life. You are the reason for my smile and my happiness. I love you endlessly!

Saying it a thousand times won’t be enough to express my feelings towards you, but I’m going to keep saying it nevertheless- I love you! I will keep loving you till the end of my days, no matter what lies ahead of us.

I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.

I am so lost in loving you that I don’t know the right words to express what I feel for you. No words can describe my love for you! No language can express how much I love you.

Your love is everything that keeps me alive and makes me feel complete. I love you!

My greatest fantasies are the ones that start with you and end with you. I love you truly madly and deeply!

Thank you for being my wife; thanks for giving me many reasons to live my life to the fullest. You are my perfect one.

Waking up next to you every day is nothing but a pure blessing. Thank you for being my husband.

If I get paid for loving you, I would be a millionaire by now!

I love you images

You are the only reason why I survive; I love you so so much honey ❤️😘

Sweetheart, I wish I could make you as happy as you make me. Love you.

When someone asks me if I have something in my life worth fighting for, I think of your face right away. I would fight alone and win a war just for you. You make me want to live. I love you so much!

Life without you is impossible. Life after you is unimaginable. Even after death, I want our souls to be reunited!

My love for you is deeper than the ocean and wider than the sky. Nobody can measure it, but you know how much I love you.

You are just so beautiful, both inside and outside. I must be so lucky that I could find you in this big world and make you mine.

If you were a book, I would read you over and over again. That is how much I love you my prettiness.

It takes great luck to have someone like you as a boyfriend. I feel blessed every day and every moment for this gift.

I will love you till my last breath, no matter what life brings before us!

Romantic Love Message

Every second of being with you is precious to me. Your hugs and kisses melt my worries away! That’s how I know I can never live without you! I love you ❤️

My love for you is always growing stronger, and I’m slowly losing myself deeper into it.

Your love is the source of my happiness. Please never leave me alone. I cannot imagine a single day without you.

The more I love you, the more I think it’s less. You always deserve all the love in this world.

I don’t know what you have that always draws me to you. I love you so much. I can’t live a minute without you.

Love Messages for Her

The most beautiful thing that ever happened to me is YOU. I love you so much, babe!

I am the luckiest man on earth to call you mine. You are such a precious treasure to me!

In this chaotic world, your love is the shelter that I will always keep seeking. You make my life so much easier, darling.

Every time I look at you, I realize that this is the woman I want to spend my whole life with. You mean the world to me, sweetie.

If I got a penny for every time I fell in love with you, I would’ve been a billionaire by now. I don’t need that though, you are all the wealth I need.

You make me feel alive every moment. You are the reason behind every joy and every smile of my life. You’re the most amazing girl that I can spend the rest of my life with. Thanks for being mine. I love you so deeply!

love message for her

No matter how busy I am, my heart never forgets to remind me of you. I love you, baby.

The more days go by, the more I fall in love with you. You are the Queen of my heart ❤️

I never thought I’d run into someone like you. I never thought that a woman is as wonderful as you would like someone like me. But it all makes me realize that real love does exist and that I am lucky to have it.

You gave me a reason to live, dream, and fight. You make my days worth living. Thank you for being the only person who understands me!

I don’t want the world, I don’t want the skies, I don’t want the moon, I just want you in my share. Love you a lot, my love!

You are the queen of my heart and the love of my life, and I cannot imagine my life without you.

I can’t stop loving you because it’s the only thing I’m good at and the only reason I was sent here on earth. I love you!

Your presence in my life is a lifetime blessing. You’re the gift that I never dared to ask for. The love you have given me is more than I could ever imagine.

Sometimes it feels like I’m having a dream, but then I realize it’s all real and I’m one lucky fellow in this beautiful world. Thank you for being mine 🥰

Some fall in love with a pretty face, some fall in love with a kind heart- I found both of these within you. Never forget how special you are to me.

I thank god every day because he answered my prayer and gave me the most gorgeous woman in the world. I can’t help myself from falling in love with you every day!

You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. I love you more than anything else in life! I feel like the luckiest man as I have you in my life. May God bless you and us together.

Your smile is the reward I want to get every day. It is the only thing that keeps me breathing beautifully.

You light up my world like nobody else, and I love that about you the most, sweetie. Tons of love.

Sweet Love Quotes for Her

I’m both glad and thankful to have you in my life. Love you honey 😘

I am madly, deeply and unconditionally in love with you, and I will be until the end of times. Please be my girl forever.

Thanks for rocking my world in every possible way. Love you to the moon and back, queen.

Wish I could show you how much you mean to me. You’re the one with whom I can fall in love over and over again.

The beauty in your eyes and the innocence in your face drive me crazy all the time. I want you in my life for today, tomorrow, and forever.

I heard from somewhere that the best way to figure out how important someone is to you is to try to picture your life without them. Well, you seem to be the most important person to me because I can’t imagine my life without you at all.

As the flower needs the sunshine, I need you in my life. You make me bloom. You are the person I want to spend my life with.

I know our lives have pain and trouble. But when I am with you, I forget all the bad experiences. I want to walk with you on the shore holding your hand. I want to live a fairytale life with you. I want you by my side always.

Also Read: 100+ Love Messages For Him or Her

Love Messages for Him

My sweet prince, I loved you once, love you still, always have and always will.

I feel the happiest and safest when I’m in your arms. Love you so much, honey.

Since I’ve met you, I have realized what true love feels like. You made me feel special and loved. I can see myself spending the last day of my life with you, baby. Happily ever after! I love you.

You give me a reason to wake up every day, a dream to fight for, a life worth living off. I love you, my king ❤️

You have always made me feel how important I am to you. The small things you do for me bring so much joy to my life. You have given me so much love and care. I can’t thank you ever enough. I’ll love you always.

You are not just the man of my dreams, you are beyond any expectations I could have! Thanks for being mine, handsome.

Falling in love with you is the only kind of falling that makes me feel good. Oh, and falling into your arms too.

love messages with images

My love for you grows every day, and I will always cherish you till the last day of my life. Thanks for making my life like a fairy tale.

You know every trick to make my heart melt like April snow. I am so lucky that you’re in my life. The love I have for you will never fade!

I don’t want to live without you even a single day. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I’ll cherish you in my heart forever!

Thanks for being my knight in shining armor and having my back. Love you so much.

You may not be the first man in my life but definitely the last, at least I want you to be.

Most probably we’re a match made in heaven. I fall in love with you every day more, my man. Thanks for everything.

I promise to always love you, cherish you and support you no matter what. You are my world, my source of happiness. I love you baby.

The love I have for you is immeasurable. You are the strength that carries me forward. You are the dream that I can wrap myself around. I adore you with all my heart.

My heart sealed your place in it right at the moment I met you. This place will always remain constant and intact. I love you so much!

The word ‘fortunate’ made sense to me only after you came into my life. Be with me always handsome.

You are half of my soul, and you serve as the purpose of my existence. I will turn the world upside down just to be in your loving arms every day. You are my everything 🥰

Love Message for Him

I’m so lucky to have you by my side. Your love is like a warm hug that makes me feel safe and loved. My heart only craves your love and hug.

I wish I could hug you forever. As soon as I feel your presence around me, I feel alive. I am nothing without you, my love.

I’m afraid of losing you because I’m so attached to you. But then I think about how kind and wonderful you are, and I can’t help but smile. I trust you, honey, and I have put all of my faith in us, in you!

You are the one who taught me how to live life with gratitude. Now I know the true meaning of life. I am thankful to you for being my husband.

My love is spreading like fire for you, my handsome. You have been a blessing and a wish to come true. I shall hold your hand for the rest of my life.

Your touch is the warmest comfort I have ever found. Your voice is the sweetest music I have ever heard. Your love is the greatest gift life has given me. Love you honey!

I love sharing my life with you and I can totally picture us growing old together. It would be such an adventure, and I want only you to be my partner in it.

Romantic Love Messages

Loving you is the best thing I have ever done. And I will never regret it.

My love for you is never-ending, and no matter how hard life becomes, I will always be there for you like you have been for me. I love you, darling.

I love you like a bee loves a flower. I love you like the ocean loves the shore. I love you more than life.

I have a special chamber inside my heart. Nothing can occupy this but you. Sending you a box full of love, my sweetheart!

You can finish counting the stars in the sky, but you can never finish counting the love I have for you. Because my heart is filled with infinite love for you!

Romantic Love Message

I need an entire lifetime to appreciate God for bringing you into my life. All I want now is to dedicate this life in loving you!

You are the sunshine of my life; you make me the happiest. Thank you for making my life brighter in ways that you can’t even imagine; I love you ❤️

I don’t care about anything and anyone else, as long as you love me. I can ignore the rest of the world if you’re with me. I love you so much.

You know that I really don’t have much to offer you. But you need to know that I’m always going to give you all I have. My heart is yours, and you can keep it forever.

Darling, my day goes well if I get just a small peak of your face or hear that sweet voice of yours! You are truly my lucky charm!

Even if the stars fail to shine and the moon refuses to light up the world, I know I have nothing to fear. I have my guardian angel to look after me, care for me and love me forever and always. I love you!

I live every day hoping to wake up someday with you beside me. Nothing can make me happier than a day that starts with you and ends with you!

Thousand reasons are not enough to make me feel loved and special. Only your touch and smile can do it in a blink. Love you forever.

My heart was filled with sorrow and hard feelings, but you came and filled it with love and happiness. I can never be grateful enough to you for loving me like that.

Every day of ours feels just like the very first day because I cannot help falling in love with you over and over again. I love you!

Every time I think of you, half my worries are gone. You make everything around you so positive and energetic. I love you so much 😘

There are no words I could use to describe the love we share. I’m so incredibly thankful for you.

I sometimes feel like my body and mind are literally overflowing with my love for you. I love you so much that I feel like I am drowning in my own happiness.

Every ounce of my heart and soul is devoted to you, and I’ll never stop loving you. I love you with all of the love that could ever possibly exist.

I want to describe my love for you in words but I am not sure if I can find the right words. You are the most wonderful person in this world who always makes me happy.

Read: Good Morning Love Messages

Deep Love Message

You’re the center of my fantasy because I love you way more than the sun that brightens my day and the moon that keeps the night awake.

Love has the power to transform the hardest of hearts; it has the power to heal and the power to comfort and redeem. I know this because I’ve seen what your love does to me.

You came into my life, and suddenly everything became beautiful. You are the only sunshine in my life ❤️😘

Being around you is like serotonin running through my veins. You make me the happiest, sweetheart.

No matter how dull my days go, your presence makes everything in my life colorful, so grateful to have you in my life.

If I had a choice to be even a tiny bit of you, I would’ve chosen to be your tears: formed in your eyes, dwelt on your cheeks, and perished on your lips because they were all created in your heart.

When I look into your eyes, I see a world full of love and affection. I want to be lost in your eyes and find myself again in a new world. I love you!

Love Message From The Heart

I’ve seen the truest and purest form of love in you. I don’t need anything else in life as long as I have your love. Thank you for loving me so sincerely and genuinely!

If there’s anything in life I wouldn’t want to change, it is the chance of meeting you and falling in love with you.

My mind and my soul always want to feel your presence by my side. I love you so much that I can’t even imagine living without you. The moment I am away from you, I start to miss you.

I’ve made it a priority to love you. It isn’t a decision or an option any longer.

The sun could rise in the west, and the stars could twinkle in broad daylight but one thing that would never change is my love for you. It’s the universal truth.

They say love can’t be seen; it can only be felt. But they were wrong. I have seen it many times. I have seen true love for me in your eyes. And it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!

I love you because I see myself in you and you let me be myself around you.

I have never believed in love at first sight. Love surely takes time to develop. And I’m glad that I chose to let my love for you grow each day. It’s worth the wait. I love you.

My dearly beloved, I send my whole heart filled with love to you to take care of and cherish my existence, I am forever in love with every breath of you.

You are my sunshine. You are my rainbow. You paint my life with the color of your love. I love you.

You know, how a lion protects her lioness? “Like you protect me.” You are my lion. I love you. I am grateful that you are with me.

Your perfect smile, the innocence of your face, the softness of your voice- everything about you keeps amazing me. I had never planned on falling so deeply in love with someone until you came into my life.

Your eyes are as deep as the ocean, your voice is like music, and your smile is like a drug. You are my entire universe and everything to me. My love for you becomes deeper day by day.

I love You Messages

You are the reason for my smile and my happiness. I love you, honey!

I would give up breathing but not being in love with you. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Each time I make a wish, I wish for us to be together forever. I know it will come true because you already live in my heart. I love you.

I cannot be more blessed for having you in my life. I will cherish you in my heart forever and always. I love you so much, honey ❤️

I love you msg with images

Someday, I might write a poem to describe your beauty or a song to express my affection for you. But right now, I’m just lost in your love!

I was in love with you. I am in love with you. I will always be in love with you and you only.

I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I didn’t meet you. You make me a better person. I love you.

All of me is yours to keep. You deserve all of my time, day and night. You deserve what I have now and in the future because you are the best thing ever to me. I love you.

You make my days brighter, my nights longer and my heart flutter. I love you so much 🥰😘

Loving you is the only thing that makes my life worth living. I enjoy every moment I spend in loving you. You are my sunshine in life!

I have loved you more times than I have loved myself. You are the reason why I’m happy and hopeful always. I love you so much!

I love you and every moment we spend together. You truly are my angel!

i love you

We can be a world apart and still; my love will find you. You own my entire heart, babe. Love you so so much!

When I’m with you, all I do is pray to God that he stops the time from flowing. All I want in life is to spend forever with you. I love you dear!

You are where my true love story begins, and I fervently pray to end it with you. I love you.

Your love gives me a dazzling glow and a pleasant warmth all over my body. You are incomparable. Love you.

Before I mate you, my life was meaningless and empty. You filled my life with adventure. My love for you is never going to end. I love you.

Whenever I am sad, I remind myself of your smiley face, which makes my heart melt. I love you so much, sweetheart.

Read: Funny Love Messages

Sweet Love Messages

Nothing in this world is as precious as your love for me. May our love last forever.

No words can describe what you mean to me. You are the sunshine of my life. I love you so much.

Without you, my life is like an earth without sunshine. You are the color that brings happiness in my journey in life.

Look at the computer keyboard, U and I were placed side by side. That’s how the alphabet should be arranged because my love will never cease to exist as long as it’s you and me.

Loving you is similar to breathing for me; my love for you only grows with each passing second.

Your smile is my second favorite thing in the world; my first favorite thing is you, always you.

Each time I look at you, I smile and think, ‘I certainly could not have done better’. You are perfect the way you are. I love you, honey.

Loving you is like breathing- I do it so effortlessly and often without knowing!

Every moment we spend together is so precious to me. I love you more and more each day, and I can’t wait to spend more years ahead.

I love spending the whole day with you and seeing you smile. Your smile makes my day worth living. I love you!

Romantic Love Messages

I know I do many stupid things and I am not good enough for you but thank you for always being next to me.

You are not only my lover. You are my doctor of mental health. Your love is the best medicine that keeps me going on, and I cannot love you enough for that.

Time with you goes by too fast, 24 hours just isn’t enough. I’ll love you forever and beyond.

A sky full of stars is not even comparable with my love for you. My love, my feelings for you is immeasurable. You are my sweetheart.

Sweet Love Quotes

You love me despite my flaws, and that means everything to me. You came into my life when I needed you the most, and I thank God for you every day.

If I were given all the time to live from the big bang to the big crunch, I would spend the entire time loving you.

Your smile lights up my world, and your touch gives me butterflies every day. You are my everything honey!

You are the most beautiful addition to my life’s journey, and I could not want more. I love you to the moon and back.

My life is incomplete without your love. My soul is incomplete without your companionship. Don’t leave me till my last breath. Love you so much.

Heart Touching Love Messages

If I were a teardrop in your eye, I would roll down onto your lips. But if you were a tear in my eye, I would never cry as I would be afraid to lose you.

There is not a single scale in this world that can measure my love for you. It’s deeper than the ocean and truer than my reality!

You mean everything to me. Without you, everything is dull and meaningless. I want to be with you for an eternity and more. I love you, sweetheart!

Thanks for nurturing my heart with all your love and care for which my heart blooms. I have never felt the warmth of love before I met you.

I love you for being my truest lover, biggest friend, and most loyal companion. Without you, my life is nothing but an ocean of dust.

I dream of a world where you and I would live for a thousand years to love each other. I know I’ll never be tired of loving you.

The Almighty has blessed me with such a precious gem like you. I will never let you go. I love you.

Every moment I spent with you seems to me like a treasure. I will preserve you and these treasures lifelong. I will never let you go away from me. I love you.


If you could see yourself through my eyes, you would know how much I love you. You hold a very special place in my heart! I will love you forever!

Every morning of my life gives me a new reason to love you and to appreciate you for what you’ve given me. You are the one that holds the key to my heart!

Carrying all the love for you in my heart, sending all my care to you for hugging you tight. I wish you can feel every bit of my heart. I love you unconditionally.

How else can I describe my perfect soul mate? You are the music to my heart because our hearts will always beat in harmony. I love you and always will.

No fear can touch me except the fear of losing you. I have never loved anyone this much before. My only hope in life is you. I love you!

Heart Touching Love Message

As long as you are in my life, I have absolutely no reason to be sad. Only you can give me everything I want in life. I love you for that!

I will never promise you everything on earth, but I’ll promise you everything my heart brings out because you own my heart.

When you pull me into your chest, the world slows down, and my eyes only see you. You are my reason to live. I love you!

I have never met someone as beautiful as you both inside and out. Your love and care have touched my heart in such a way that I cannot describe. I love you!

Your love has touched my heart in every possible way. Your love has transformed my life into a fairytale, and I am forever grateful for that. I love you.

Read More: Beautiful Love Messages

Love Messages for Girlfriend

My heart belongs to you and it doesn’t want anything but YOU! I love you, beautiful.

I consider myself as the luckiest man in the world because I’ve you beside me. I love you, my dear.

My world was so empty and dark. But when I met you, suddenly it felt like the sky over me had lightened up by a thousand stars. You bought so much more blessings along with you in my life, and you make me feel like I’m over the moon. I love you!

You are the sunshine of my life, and you make it so much better. I love you so much ❤️

I fall in love with you every time I see you. You have that magic. Keep my heart safe in your magic box my prettiness.

I’m dedicating all the love songs in this world to you because you are worthy of all those lovely lyrics. Love you, beautiful.

It’s hard to find someone willing to stay with you in every up and down of your life. I feel blessed to have you in my life because I know no matter what happens, you will never stop loving me!

Love Message for Girlfriend

You are so good to be true that at times I feel like it’s a dream, I keep falling for it more every day. My love for you is always growing stronger and I’m slowly losing myself deeper into it.

You made me realize that love is actually real. You add so much more reasons to exist. I pray to the lord that our relationship keeps on going strong. I can’t imagine my life with you.

Since you entered my life, there have been chapters before you and will never be any chapter after you. It’s only about you and all about you!

Sweetheart, you know why I don’t like romantic movies? It’s because you and I make the greatest love story ever and no one can even come close!

I love you the way cloud loves the sky; I love you the way birds love to fly, I love you the way waves love the sea, I love you the way the bee loves honey. I love you, now and forever ❤️🥰😘

My angel, you give me everything without asking for anything in return. Please stay with me forever, and I promise to make you my queen. I love you more than words can say!

The two most beautiful feelings I have ever felt are falling in love with you and being unconditionally loved by you.

Even though you are mine, I still want to win your heart over and over again. Because you are my queen and you are worth every effort. I love you!

You are a beauty with a brain, along with a kind heart, good humor and comforting nature- you are just the best combination. I’m so proud to have you!

My world would be incomplete without you as part of it – no matter how near or far apart we may be from one another!

To me, you are my entire world and everything else fades away in comparison when I’m with you.

Read More: Love Messages for Girlfriend

Love Messages for Boyfriend

My love for you only grows by each day because I am truly addicted to you! I love you, baby.

You have given me all the reasons to love you but I love you for everything you are and everything you are not. I love you today, tomorrow and every day!

Every time I make a wish, I wish to be with you like this for the rest of my life.

In this world full of chaos, I find peace in your arms. Never let me go, for I can’t live without you!

The more I spend time with you, the more I fall in love with you every day. You have a very gentle and beautiful heart that I promise to take care of all my life. I love you!

I was lost and hopeless. But I kept praying for a savior to come into my life. God accepted my prayer and sent you. Now I owe you my life for eternity. Loving you madly is the only thing I can do perfectly!

Thanks for being there for me always. I have never known anyone who could love with such intensity. For me, you are the best lover in this world. I can’t help loving you deeply.

Love Message for Boyfriend

Your love for me is one of a kind. No one in this world can or will love me as you do. You are the brightest star that lights up my life every day.

You taught me the real meaning of love and bought so much more happiness to my life. It’s a privilege for anyone to be able to love you! I feel lucky every moment!

I love how you make me fall in love with not only you but also with everything. You are my precious sweetheart. I love you so much.

In case you don’t know, you are my no. 1! Thank you for sticking by through thick and thin. I love you to the moon and back. Boyfriend.

Dear boyfriend, I cannot wait to marry you one day and live happily ever after. Thank you for making me believe that it isn’t unreal. I love you ❤️

I’m grateful for all the lovely moments. I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow.

My love for you is so strong. I don’t want to let go of you so easily. I’ll hold onto you as long as I can. I pray that we stay together, forever.

Who knew I would be this lucky to have such an amazing guy like you. You are such a blessing in my life.

Nothing makes me happier than your smile, and no one makes me feel like you do. You’re my home.

Read More: Love Messages for Boyfriend

Love Message for Wife

My love for you grows stronger with time, and I will never let go of you. Thank you for marrying me, my beautiful wife.

A beautiful girl with a tender, caring heart- I am lucky to have such a perfect wife! You are my angel, love!

You are my greatest comfort and biggest inspiration. You are the reason why my life is so beautiful and my dreams are so colorful. I love you for making my life a piece of heaven.

Sweetheart, you’re not my other ‘half’ because you are a complete and beautiful person yourself. Rather, you complimented me in such a way that no one could. I love you ❤️

Marrying you was a fairy tale that came true for me. I’m still living in a fantasy, and all credit for that goes to you. I love you!

It’s so wonderful to be able to stand beside the most amazing woman I know. I am truly the luckiest man!

You are the kind of wife that every man desires for. You are that fairy which comes in a dream and never disappears even when the dream is over.

Love Message for Wife

Hey my wife, my best friend and the love of my life, I’m glad we found each other in this life. Just remember, I want to be with you forever. All I want is only you.

Some people get sweeter as they grow old, and some love becomes stronger with time. The first one is true for you and the second one is for me!

I asked God for someone who would love me, but He gave me the best. He sent me an amazing woman who has become my best friend, my soulmate, best wife, my passionate lover, and the one person I can’t live without! I’m glad you’re in my life.

If incarnation is true, I will want you as my wife in every life I get. You are my strength and biggest inspiration.

I still skip my heartbeat whenever I look at you. You surely are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I’ll be a cloud in the sky to cheer you up, a shoulder to cry on to comfort you, and I’ll always be by you to support you through everything. Love you always and forever, my sweetheart 😘

Dear wife, I hope you know that you are the love of my life. Thank you for saying “Yes,” thank you for everything!

The way you motivate me and push me every day, I cannot express my gratitude in words. No one understands me better than you, the Queen of the home. I love you.

Your beauty holds me in a trance. I’m amazed by how kind you are and how much you care. My wife, thank you for being everything and more that I could want in a woman!

I love you everything and every single moment of my life; I am over the moon to be loved by you! Thank you, hon!

Read More: Love Messages For Wife

Love Message for Husband

I’m the luckiest woman in this world to have the best man as my partner. Thanks for making my life simply amazing!

You have fulfilled my life. Marrying you is like a dream come true. I love you, dear husband ❤️

In this life, God has blessed me with many things, but the best one is obviously you, my dear husband.

You are perfect even with all of your imperfections. You are amazing, even at times when you are annoying. I love you for everything!

Every moment with you is a blessing. You are the strongest and kindest soul I have ever met and I am lucky to have you as my companion. I find peace when I am with you. I want nothing more than you and nothing less than you!

I don’t think I will ever be able to thank God enough for sending you into my life and blessing me. Thank you for being the best! I love you.

Through thick and thin, we have been together. May God bless our bond and keep us safe. I will love you for a thousand years more, husband.

Thanks, hubby, You are there when I feel sad. You are there when my mood is bad. You always support me in life. You are the only reason why I survive. Love you!

Love Messages for Husband

The things you do for our family and me melts my heart and makes me realize how lucky I have you by my side forever. Stay with me always, dear husband.

Love, at first sight, was a myth until I set my eyes on you. I cannot help but keep falling in love with this amazing man I married. You are my one true love.

Dear husband, I’ve never loved anybody else the way I love you, and I’ll never love anyone else more than you.

My love for you will never fade, whatever happens to us. In every type of situation, I will stand by your side.

I’m lucky to have a supportive husband like you by my side who loves me unconditionally and motivates me to do my best.

Nothing beats waking up every morning to find you next to me. My life has changed completely since we started this journey of marriage. I love you, handsome.

Read More: Love Messages For Husband

Love Quotes

“Love is being stupid together.” – Paul Valery

“True love stories never have endings.” — Richard Bach

“If I know what love is, it is because of you.” – Hermann Hesse

“If you want to know how much I love and care for you, count the waves.”

“People say that love hurts, but I’m willing to risk everything if it means I can be with you.”

“Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.” – Oscar Wilde

“Loving you never was an option. It was a necessity.” — Truth Devour

“You came to my life as a blessing. Thank you, darling, for never giving up on me.”

Love Quote

“I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.” – Ian McEwan

“Living this life without you will be worthless. I want to stay with you forever and always.”

“You are my sunshine, sweet blessing and drop of joy. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything without you. I love you.”

“I love you and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Beyond life, there are a few things I care about, the first of which is love, and the second of which is you.”

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

“I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had.” – The Notebook

“Love is a special feeling and I am lucky to be falling in love with you. Thank you, love.”

“My love for you is so real that it makes me want to do unreal things like jumping on the clouds and climbing the rainbow. I love you.”

“I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.”

“The water shines only by the sun. And it is you who are my sun.”

“Be the candle that gives light, not the candle that is melted by its own bright. I love you.”

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn

“If you are a prize, I’ll do anything to take you home. If you are Medal, I’ll work hard to earn you. If you are a flower, I’ll be watering you to grow beautifully.”

“If you listen to my breaths closely, you will hear the words ‘I Love You’ coming out with every single one. I am literally living with you, and only you. I love you.”

Read More: 100+ Romantic Love Quotes For Her or Him

Love Text

My love, you are a treasure that I don’t want to share with anyone else.

I love you with all of my heart, and I cherish every moment we spend together.

You are my greatest possession and I cannot risk losing you for anything.

I don’t need a thousand reasons to feel special. All I need is you. You are the sunshine of my life.

Every day, my love for you keeps on increasing. You are so precious to me, and I pray that we go strong forever.

These days of distance are only making me fall more and more in love without you. I wish you were in my arms!

I am so grateful to have you. My love for you grows every day as I get to know you more!

I love you and that’s the truth; nothing else will ever matter except you and me.

I love you honey! I want to keep you by my side as long as the earth breathes life.

My love for you is nothing to do with me. It’s all about the way you are and the way you bring joy to everyone around you.

God listened to my prayer and sent you into my life when I badly needed a savior. God bless you, my love.

I’m so blessed that I found my best friend and soulmate in one person. You made my life so much better.

You have given me every reason to thank the Lord for your presence in my life.

My love for you is immeasurable and it’s growing every day.

My love, you are the reason behind my every smile. Thanks for always supporting me. I love you.

You have made me realize that love is the best feeling any human can feel. Thank you for coming into my life. I love you.

If you ever asked me to pick between you and my dreams, I wouldn’t know what to say because being with you is my only dream. I love you.

You bring smiles to my face and joy to my heart. I love you, honey.

Short Love Message

I love you, babe. You make me feel special!

Your love is all that makes me a happy person in this unhappy world.

I’m in love with you, and I’m the happiest for the rest of my life.

I love you with all my heart, sweetheart!

My life has never been this much better. I wish I had met you sooner.

I Love You Messages

Nothing in this world can replace your place in my heart because you own it.

All I want from God is you for today, tomorrow, and forever.

No matter how dark my days are, your presence lights up my heart every time.

I can’t live without you; you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

I love you and we meant to be, and being together was written into our destiny.

You complete me, and this is the best feeling ever. Love you, darling.

In your smile, I see something more beautiful than flowers.

I love you more than I can say. You’re my favorite person of all time.

My love is all yours for the rest of my life, my queen.

I can never think of anyone else who could love me so deeply!

If I ever found a genie in a bottle, I would spend my three wishes wanting you by my side forever.

Read More: 100+ Short Love Messages

Long Love Messages

Ours is the most beautiful love story that ever happened on this earth. For me, you are a priceless gem that I don’t want to lose ever. Your love makes my life worth living every day. Thank you for being the nicest person that I have ever met!

A girl like you deserves all the happiness in the world. You are so precious to me, and I’ll protect you from every harm. Every time I see the smile on your face, it feels like heaven to me. You are the most beautiful part of my life, and I’ll keep you happy always, I promise.

Sharing your life’s journey with someone else is the best way to find your own. I will never feel a bit sorry that I chose you to be my best friend, love, hope, and life partner. When I see you, I see all of the good things that have happened to me. You are what makes me get out of bed in the morning and what keeps me awake at night. I love you so much!

Heaven is when our tiny warm hands are warmly intertwined. Heaven is a place where I can be with you for all eternity. I love you. I love your smile, your eyes, and how your eyes light up when I tell a joke. I love how easily we connect and how deeply we can talk about anything and everything. I love the way you gaze at me as if I am the only person in this world. I love how hard it is to stay mad at you for any length of time. I love your voice sounds, especially when you whisper in my ear. I love the way you smell and how good it feels when we are together. I love you everything, sweetheart!

You are beautiful, smart, kind, and every good thing a person can be. You are the love I never imagined I would find. The moment you became mine, I became a whole person. Thank you for all of these, my precious. I love you more than anything!

No matter how gloomy my day is, seeing you always makes me brighten up and realize that, with you by my side, I am doing right. You’re my best friend, soul mate, companion forever, and everything. You are all that I’ve ever wanted in a woman, and I thank God every day for bringing you into my life.

You are pretty much the only reason why I feel alive. You have always been there for me, and I am so thankful that I found you. I want to be with you forever. I can’t even think what I would do without you because it feels like a part of me has been missing for so long until we met.

The only desire of my heart is to be with you every moment of my life. Your love draws me closer to you like a magnet. For me, you’re the only person with whom I can be myself without all the worries of being judged.

It is a privilege to wake up beside you every day. It is a dream come true to have you by my side. You are my strength and my power. You make me full of hope even when there’s no hope left. You are the treasure that I looked for all of my life! Love you like nothing matters without you, dear husband.

I’ll always find my way back to you no matter where life takes us. You are my perfect soulmate and the only person who knows me better than anyone. I am grateful for every single happy moment I have spent with you! You’re my only reason to smile.

You’re the best thing that life has given me so far and I know nothing can take your place in my heart. The love I have for you is pure and eternal! You bring so much joy into my life that it is very hard for me even to imagine a life without you. It feels like I have been living my life in paradise since I met you.


I love how even being with you all day long doesn’t get boring. I guess that’s what love does! I want to be with you during both happy and sad times. Because without happiness, sorrow is worthless, and happiness can’t be enjoyed to the fullest without sorrow. So, glad that I have you in my life, sugar.

Our bond was decided in heaven long before we met each other. I can never think of a world without you. You are the sunshine of my life. I feel blessed every day for having such a beautiful soulmate like you! I will love you not like anybody, but as nobody has ever loved you.

The mountains that touch the sky, never saw how beautiful you look in the morning. The grass that spreads its greenery far and wide never saw your glimmering smile that melts my heart. I wish to love you for till eternity when the mountains will crumble and the grass will perish, but my heart for you will never.

I’m not afraid of the dark, death, or anything else. Losing you is the only thing I really fret about! Because you give me the strength and inspiration to go through life and see all the beautiful things around me. You make it possible for me to love and be loved. You mean everything to me, honey.

Read More: Love Paragraph for Him

Love Messages for Caption

Thank you for coming into my life. I love you, darling.

I feel lucky to have you. I love you, honey ❤️🥰😘

My love {name}, no one can take your place in my life. I will always cherish you as long as I breathe.

Do you know what I cherish about one thing?! It’s your love and the fact you are mine 🥰

My love for you will never end in this life. I want to spend my afterlife with you too.

Life with you feels surreal and magical. Thanks for blessing me with your existence.

When I hold your hand and you smile, I think to myself, “This must be what heaven is like.”

I treasure every memory we’ve shared and absolutely can’t wait for the future! Love you!

Thank you for being the one who makes my heart skip a beat 🥰

Your arms are the only place I need, and I will need them forever. So just know you are my peace and everything I need!

Every good wish and love to you my better half.

You are the only thing I want in my life. I love you ❤️

You are the most precious thing in my life.

Your love has turned my world around and all the darkness into light!

Expressing love for a special person will never get old. Whenever someone tells us, “I love you,” it makes us feel precious. In our busy lives, we forget our feelings for our beloved. But we can’t deny their importance in our lives. When it comes to expressing your love, choosing the right words is the most important thing. It doesn’t matter how much you love someone; if you fail to craft the art of picking the right words for your romantic messages, all your efforts to make them realize it will go in vain. All the love messages we have compiled here help you to find the perfect romantic messages for her/him.

Our partners are the ones who bring joy and happiness into our lives. Sending each other sweet love words is never going to get boring. It will make both partners happy in their relationship. A small loving wish can easily set a mood for romance. Romance is an inevitable part of life, and words are the perfect component to make it incredibly rewarding. You do not need a special day like an anniversary or valentine’s day to say how much you love your partner. Brighten up their day by saying how you feel about them.

We have crafted these romantic and perfect love messages to fulfill your dash of inspiration to express your heartfelt feelings. Because this life is too short not to say ‘I love you’ to the loved one. People treasure a touching love message more than an expensive gift. So please do not ignore the power of words and jump in the boat to render your affection through words anytime, anywhere you want. Explore the uniquely crafted romantic messages and pick the one you think is best for your lover. Send them via text message to make them feel the warmth of your love. Tell them just how much you care for him/her with these extraordinarily wonderful romantic love messages.

Last updated on April 3, 2023

Sweet Love Messages: Find some of the best sweet love messages that you can send to your lover. Use the messages to express your feelings as well as a daily reminder of your love for your special ones.

This is the perfect time to show your love, these messages will inspire you to write your own unique sweet love message.


  • Sweet Love Messages
  • Sweetest, I Love You Message
  • Sweet Love Message for My Love
  • Short Sweet Love Messages
  • Sweet love message for her
  • Sweet Romantic Love Messages
  • Sweet Love Messages for Her
  • Sweet Love Text Messages
  • Romantic Love Message to My Love
  • Sweet Love Message for My Queen
  • General FAQ

1.    You mean the world to me, without you the world is meaningless. I wish to be with you every day.

2.    You fill my head with your thoughts; you are the apple of my eye. Your absence is hard to bear. Love you, my dear.

3.    Days have passed since I saw you. It’s been tough missing you. All I got is memories of how we spent our time together. I miss you.

Sweet Love Messages

4.    You are so far, yet so near, I can feel you near me, I can’t touch you, but I can hold you close, No Matter Where You Are, you are always in my heart.

5.    As you admire the beautiful things God has made, remember you are one of them, wonderful and special. I love you.

6.    When I look at you, I realize how much you’ve been part of my life. How special you are and how much you have always made me happy.

7.    Each time I look at you, I see how much you mean the world to me, I can’t imagine my life without you. I love you.

8.    You are the sunlight to my day, happiness to my heart, and joy to my life. Words cannot express how much I love you.

9.    You are the reason I work so hard, to make that perfect moment for you. I love you.

Romantic Love Messages for your Lover

10.    This is the sweetest thing that ever happened in my life. Meeting you. You are my first thought in the morning as well as my last thought before I sleep.

11.    The day you came into my life, was the day I crowned you the queen of my heart. From that day I gave you all my heart.

Read: Beautiful Words about Love

Sweetest, I Love You Message

1. I can’t imagine facing all the challenges life has to offer without you. You are my strength and inspiration. The reason I work hard is because of you. I love you.

2. You are the one who has made me feel this way, this feeling is so magical. I love you to the moon and back.

Sweet love message for her

Sweet love message for her

3. I don’t need to be famous, all that matters is that I have you. You are my world. I love you so much.

4. Finally I found my soul mate; you are now part of my life and I will never let you go. I will always love you.

5. Never leave me, hold my hands tightly. Without you in my life, everything is meaningless.

6. I am so blessed to have someone like you, you are a true treasure. I will always treasure and love you till the end of time.

Sweet Love Message for My Love

Find sweet love message to my love. These sweet love messages for my love will inspire you to find a sweet message to send to your love.

1. Each time I look at you, I find myself smiling. Just because you are perfect the way you are. Love you, dear.

2. Every time I pray, I pray for us to be together forever. It’s my wish I make every day.

3. I had been dreaming about you even before I met you, I am glad I found my dream. I love you!

Sweet Romantic Love Messages

4. Darling, I promise to love and treasure you all the days of my life, because I love you so much.

5. Without you, I would be lost. You make my dreams true. You are my dream.

6. All my life I have been dreaming of an angel coming into my life. My dreams came true when I met you. You are my angel.

7. You are beautiful, cute and so caring.

8. Darling, you are the queen of my heart. My love for you will never change. I love you dearly.

9. You bring joy into my life, I love you

Sweet Love Messages for Her

10. Every time we part, I realize I want to be closer to you.

11. I love you more than anything in this world. My love for you is immeasurable.

12. You are the love of my life.

13. Me and you the love we share is one of a kind. I love you!

14. It is very difficult to have someone willing to be with you at every step of your life. We have been through every up and down together. I will forever love you.

15. My world was empty and dark, my life had no purpose. But when I met you, everything changed. I am now at peace knowing you have lightened up my life. I love you.

Read: Every Day is a New Beginning Quotes

Short Sweet Love Messages

1. Your love awakens my soul and it makes me reach for more. It’s like it is burning my heart for you. I love you.

2. When I am with you, I feel like I am in heaven, I love you.

3. All I have ever wanted is to have you for life

4. No matter where I go, I always find my way back to you. Darling, you are my compass star.

5. Darling, just want to let you know I am deeply in love with you.

6. Every time I think about you, I can’t focus on anything, my heart skips a beat.

7. Darling, I can only say thank you for standing with me even after everything seemed to work against me. Now I know what true love means. You are my love.

8. Every moment I spend time with you, I deeply fall in love with you. You are so beautiful, gentle, and caring. I love you.

9. Thank you for being there for me. There is no one who has ever gone out of their way for me. I cannot help but love you deeply.

10. I was lost and hopeless, but now I have a purpose in life all because of you. I love you so dearly that I cannot imagine you leaving.

11. How I wish every day could be like today, very beautiful just like you girl!

12. Darling, no matter what happens in life; you will always be my queen, my world, and my life. I love you so much!

13. I have tried very hard to stop thinking about you; it’s not an easy task. I love you will every part of my body.

14. You are the reason I wake up very happy. You are always in my mind. I love you.

15. You are perfect, my dreams and my everything. I love you.

16. It feels so great to have someone like you. Every day I feel so blessed and lucky to have you in my life. I love you.

Read: You Are My Soul Mate

Sweet love message for her

1. Words alone, cannot express how much I love you. You are so wonderful, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

2. Darling, you have taught me the true meaning of life. You are truly my dream come true. I love you!

3. From the first day, I was attracted to you. Now it’s not only the attraction but the love.

4. Since you came into my life, every piece of my life has fallen into its right place. I love you so much!

5. Being in love is a beautiful thing. It can move mountains. I am deeply in love with you and I can do anything for you.

6. You are the most important person in my life, everything I do; I do for our future. I love you.

7. Sweetheart, I cannot do anything without thinking of you! you are a darling to my heart. I love you.

Sweet Romantic Love Messages

Find sweet and romantic love messages that you can send to the love of your life.

1. Every time I close my eyes, I see your beautiful smile. I see us being very happy together. Be with me forever my love.

2. I feel lucky to have you in my life, as you light every moment of it with your glow. I love you.

3. Being with you gives me the strength to conquer the world. I find the strength to solve all life problems. I need you to be in my life forever.

4. Darling, I value your presence so much; you are so dear to my heart. I love you!

5. Your smile melts my heart; I will make sure you are always happy.

6. It’s a beautiful thing to be in love with someone. But what’s magical is being in love with someone who is madly in love with you.

Sweet Love Messages for Her

1. Darling, I cannot imagine if can survive in this world without your love and support. You are the pillar of my life. I love you.

2. You have made me know how it feels to love and find true love. Thank you for accepting to be part of my life. I love you!

3. Darling, I will love you until no breath is left in me. I love you so much.

4. Every moment with you is a treasure. I will never let you down. I love you dearly.

5. Sweetheart, I miss your smile, your sparkling eyes, and your gentle touch. I can’t wait to be with you.

Sweet Love Text Messages

1. No matter how far, I would walk a thousand miles, no matter how long the ocean is, I would swim across, no matter how high the mountain, I would climb, just to be with you.

2. With you in my life, my world is complete.

3. The best part of my day is when I see a smile on your face. I would do anything just to make sure you are happy. I love you!

4. I love the way our hands perfectly fit into each other. We were meant for each other.

Romantic Love Message to My Love

Find a romantic love message for my love. These love and romantic message will enable you to express your feelings to your love.

I am thinking of you with a big smile on my face.

I am happier today because of the joy that you bring to my heart.

To my queen, I hope you are having an awesome day.

I am glowing today because you have given me the peace of mind that I need.

Life is full of caring people. To me, you are the most caring of them all.

Your face is shining like the stars.

I can’t resist your love. You are the sweetest thing that ever happened in my life.

Sweet Love Message for My Queen

To my loving queen, I hope you are having a beautiful day as you are.

Candy, cakes and cookies might be sweet but they are nothing close to your sweetness.

I think I have never told you how much you mean to me. You are my everything, the queen of my heart.

Thank you being the love of my life, you are just the best and I love you so much.

I can’t stop thinking about you. I hope you are having an awesome day.

To the queen of my heart, I am sending you the best love to keep you warm all day. I love you.

General FAQ

What is the best sweet love message?

You mean the world to me, without you the world is meaningless. I wish to be with you every day.

What is the Best Romantic Love Messages for your Lover?

This is the sweetest thing that ever happened in my life. Meeting you. You are my first thought in the morning as well as my last thought before I sleep.

Make your relationship more enjoyable and fun by sending sweet romantic love messages to him or her. These sweet romantic love messages will enable you to find the right wording to use. You can also pick the sweet love message and text it to him or her.

If you find these Messages, Wishes & Quotes useful and lovely, kindly share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Thank You for Doing so.

Michael Andrew

Michael Andrew is a content writer for Weds Kenya. He is a loving husband proud father of two. If you have any questions or would like to add to this content, please send us an email. You can follow us on Twitter or facebook.

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