Nice word for my best friend

In the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget to show love to those who stand by us through thick and thin. We know these friends deserve to be reminded how irreplaceable they are. Here are a few messages for that.

Share with your best of friends to brighten up their day and make them feel loved and cherished.

Nice Words to Say to a Friend You Cherish

When you cherish a friend, don’t hesitate to use these nice words to say to a friend on him or her. They are sweet collection of beautiful words for friendship.

1. We’ve weathered terrible storms
Had fights, shared laughs, made memories that would always make me smile and bring me joy.
I simply wonder how dark and depressing my life would be without you in it.

2. Gems, Diamonds
Precious stones
They all come with a price tag
But you, my friend, are beyond worth.
You’re priceless.

3. I asked for a friend and I got a best friend
Whom I can pour my heart to without the fear of being judged
Flaws, mistakes and all. You accept me for who I am
Please continue being my pillar.

4. It’s amazing
How fate works
I am certain it was a divine hand that brought us together
The yin to my yang
Laughter to my seriousness
Our balance is unique
Opposites they say
But our friendship is destined to be.

5. You are unwavering in how you manage to make everyone smile no matter how you’re feeling
Your happiness bringing warmth to those around you
Blessings would follow in your wake
You are simply magic. English Text About Friendship

6. Do you remember to smile today? Well I did, I remembered I have a friend like you.

7. Fairytales are when things go perfectly but in all bad situations, in every grey cloud. You’re my silver lining.

8. Don’t let anyone get you down today. You’re loved, you’re special, you’re unique. Your worth isn’t based on what they say.

9. Roses are red. Violets are blue
I was in need of someone special and God sent me you.

10. Dark and depressing the world might be but with you by my side, everywhere is sunny and gay.

The best of beautiful and sweet words to say to your best of friends and make them feel special and loved.

11. Tips to brighten up your day
One always believes in yourself. Two, look in the mirror and remember how awesome you are.

12. Just as the Sun keeps shining. Don’t let life keep you down, always keep smiling.

13. Seasons might change but my feelings for you are branded in my heart. They would always remain the same.

14. Yes, you. The person reading this, you’re appreciated. You’re someone very dear to me.

15. I’m glad I met you. You showed me a rare kind of good exist. You’re a rare kind of friend. Short And Sweet Love Sms for Friend

16. Turn that frown upside down. Wipe those tears away, you’re made for success. Nothing can hold you back, please continue to smile today.

17. When life gets too hard. Call for me, I might not be able to help but I promise to remain by your side.

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18. Flowers brighten up the room.
You’re more than a flower, you brighten up my life.

19. As fine wine gets better with time. May our friendship continue to flourish and sparkle with each passing day.

20. People might have a way to erase pencil marks but I have no means to erase the marvellous effect you have in my life.

21. In the times of sadness, where happiness is a memory. In the times of pain where joy seems a burden. In those times. You’re the ray of light in an often dim world.

22. As droplets of water fill up a cup. Let every aspect of your life be filled with the love of our friendship.

23. Live and be happy. Make the choice every day to smile, live your life with no regrets. Greatness takes time.

24. I am lucky to have known you and I pray every day the world never changes the brilliance of your smile.

25. May your worries float away. All your disappointments pave the road for better things. You deserve the best. Good things are coming.

26. A clock to wake you every morning. An angel to watch over you today. A prayer to guide your way and a message to make your day special.

27. Please help me tell the wonderful person reading this, to breathe deeply, to hold on. To experience every day with love and cherish it.

28. Good things take time
Good friends too
I would never take for granted
How lucky I am to find you.

29. Run while you still have feet. Smile while you still have teeth. Dance while you still have legs. Laugh, live, love, enjoy every moment.

30. No worries should bring you down, don’t be worried about the light at the end of the tunnel. All the light you need is within.

31. Look around and see that no matter how many people are in the world, there’s only one of you.

32. There might be other definitions of humble, amazing and special but you define all those qualities to me.

33. Joy resides in my heart. Fear flees far from me. Happiness fills my thoughts, simply because I have you in my life.

34. Some friends come and go but others like you become family, with bonds that will stand the test of time.

35. May the awakening of a new dawn brings forth new things and may the rising sun represent the brightness of your future.

36. Smile through the tears. Brave out the day with hope. Live simply with faith. Live happily with God.

37. It’s okay to let go. You don’t have to be strong all the time. I will always have your back.

38. Heaven and earth might be far apart but when you’re around, it’s like a part of heaven is by my side.

39. Whatever your worries might be. May they disappear like grains of sand in the wind.

40. Know that you’re precious. Far more than the eye can see. Far more than words can describe. For you are a special person to me.

41. You’re like the sun chasing the dark shadows. You take my sadness away.

42. Everyone has a regret. Everyone has a story but not everyone has a friend that makes the journey of life beautiful.

43. Stories have the good and the bad. Colours have black and white but your flaws are hard to find. Your generosity covers it all.

44. As rain feels cool and refreshing. Your presence in my life has the same effect. It brings me peace.

45. Hello, world. Take care of the person reading this. He holds a special place in my heart.

46. Kindling to the fire. That is what your friendship is to me. My heart is always warm as a result of your care.

47. Don’t give up or relent. All your hard work will pay. Meet you at the top, my friend.

48. I always feel cherished around you. You’re a friend indeed.

49. I hope you hear me clearly, only once in a blue moon comes a person like you. You see the best in others and support them with everything.

50. Your heart of gold makes everything shine around you. May the good work you do always return multiplied to you.

51. Don’t be insecure,
Your flaws are a proof you survived.
That you’ll be better
These flaws make you perfect in my eyes.

52. Stop looking so worked up.
Even if life isn’t a bed of roses
You give a special kind of fragrance
That even roses are in envy of.

53. Let’s rewrite history
Make the world beautiful and lovely,
Everyone living in harmony
Only that in every version we write
I always want to have you by my side.

54. Let the feelings, of good words, bring wash over you.
Let happiness give you hope.
Let sadness depart from your life and never return.
This is my prayer for you.

55. I heard the amazing news.
Remember when I said you were favoured and gifted
I am very happy that the world now knows it too.

56. Sometimes I think that raindrops are tears, people were afraid to shed.
And the sun brilliant rays were precious stones hidden in the world.
I think I found one of those precious gems when I found you.

57. You’re my bestie till the end.
Age might bring wrinkles,
Life might bring scars
But I’ll continue to remain joyful as long as I have you in my life.

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58. An old friend once told me,
Giving up was not an option,
It was not the end till you succeeded.
Now I remind that friend of what he said
Never give up dear until you win.

59. I hope you’re happy today.
I hope that your smile never leaves your face
I hope you know without a doubt
That come rain or shine, I’ll be there for you.

60. Hold still and let the pain go.
Drop the lead weights of disappointments and breathe again
Let joy fill your being
Never let your mistakes define you.

61. Waking up each morning to a brand new day makes me realize that in a way, we’re beginning with a clean slate. A chance to make things right
A chance to remind beautiful people like you to always smile.

62. For the times you were strong for me in this friendship.
Making our bond go deeper than what friendship is.
For all the times you made me feel that I wasn’t alone in the world.
Thank you for all these special times.
They make living a delight.

63. You’re like a spicy meal on a cold day. Bringing delight to my senses and warmth to every part of me.

64. Saying goodbye to you is like a comma in a sentence.
It doesn’t signify the end
It simply means until we meet again.

65. It’s always a rollercoaster of excitement with you.
A ride I always want to be on
Because no matter how it goes,
I am never bored.

66. The jokes we told.
The stories we shared
Memories I will hold dear
You are someone I simply can’t forget.

67. Drive on the wheel of destiny.
The wind whipping through your hair
Dancing in tune with time
Laugh freely and watch your frown turn upside down.

68. For a long time, you listened to the voices in your head.
You fought your demons by yourself
That was a long time ago,
Now, you’ll always have me to help.

69. I blew the candles and wished.
Threw a coin in the wishing well for the same thing.
I wondered sadly if I was destined to be alone
Until you came and made my world whole.

70. You might feel out of place sometimes.
The odd one out of the crowd
Don’t worry too much
Because just as socks and shoes have their pairs
Yours is out there waiting
Tailor-made for you.

71. Spectacles make seeing easier.
A torchlight makes the dark room brighter
A smile from you makes me all the happier.

72. Music that motivates
That lightens my mood.
Music that inspires, that lift my spirits.
All day, every day
My music is you.

73. Talk to me, tell me what bothers you. I won’t count how many times you fall
You can still rise up
Say the words, remember a problem shared is half solved.

74. We don’t often see eye to eye.
We had our differences, our fights
But like bread and butter
We keep finding our way back to each other.

75. The body is nothing without the soul.
The stomach is nothing without food. The word friendship is nothing without you.

76. Push and pull,
Black and white.
Two opposites they called us
It’s no wonder why we always attract.

77. Your happiness makes mine genuine.
Embers of fire that makes my life warmer.
Don’t let the fire burn out
Never let pain taint that smile.

78. From the crib to adulthood.
I could not have asked for a better partner in crime
I could not have asked for a better friend.

79. Sometimes caught up in this big, noisy world. I forget to remind you how precious you are.
Now I state it loud and clear
You are very dear to me.

80. In a group of mere stones.
You’re a diamond
In a group of flowers, you’re unique
In a group of acquaintances,
You’re a friend.

81. Fake friends are all around.
Evil now is masked as good
Hate packaged as love
But you’re an exception
Everything about you is real.

82. I’ve made my share of mistakes, lost people I should’ve held on to.
Kept the wrong ones by my side
Now I’m finally doing what is right
I’m never letting a friend like you go.

83. Someone I admire and care about is reading this. Hope he knows he’s an amazing person.

84. As kryptonite is to Superman.
You’re my weakness
But you’re also my greatest strength.

85. Forget our quarrels and the times we let anger lead.
All the fights we had
All those times apart made me realise just how much you mean to me.

86. I admire you, I really do.
I care, I hope you know it’s true
I’ll stand by you.
My hands are stretched out to grab hold of you
No matter how many times you fall.

87. Some feelings change faster than the sun rising or setting.
But my feelings towards you have weathered many storms
Changing only in one way
They have gotten stronger.

88. This is for happy times
For good things that fill you with joy
For friends that become family
For people like you who make life worth living.

89. It’s not worth it if it doesn’t make you feel something.
It isn’t friendship if you don’t make sacrifices.
I know it’s all this and more because of the wonderful things you’ve done.

90. Good things come and go.
Favourite memories sometimes get old
But a friendship like ours will always remain evergreen.

91. Certain unexpected things occur that makes all the difference.
Certain unexpected people come into your life and makes it all kind of special
You’re an example of those type of people.

92. You’re amazing.
You’re beautiful
You bring magic to all around you
You will get through whatever ails you so keep believing in yourself and carry on.

93. Sweets to a sugar addict are what you are to me. I cannot do without your friendship in my life.

94. Like carved symbols on a rock, you’re imprinted in my heart.
Like the sunset with beautiful hues
You’ll forever be someone special to me.

95. Hello dear,
This is from someone who cares
Be happy and do your best
Your very special friend.

96. The feel of the sun on your face shows that you’re awake to another day.
The world is waiting for you to win
Rise and shine!

97. Favoured are you
In every step you take.
Blessed are you
In every step you make.

98. I hold you very close for that is how special you are.
You’re simply a friend like no other.

99. Distance, long silences and missed calls might try to dim the light of our friendship.
But it’s an ever-growing flame that can’t be put out.

100. Once upon a time,
I met someone who changed my life
Now many years on that journey,
I realize that someone is a gift that a lot of hope to find
That someone is you.

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How do you write nice words to a friend to make them feel special? Here is a list of nice things to say to a friend to make them smile. Whether is your boyfriend or your girlfriend. 

Compliments are very necessary for maintaining and building friendships.

Here are cute things to say to your best friend to make them smile or even cry. Here are also some cute thank you messages for a friend to appreciate them for their love.

Saying nice things to someone can go a long way to make their day. Sweet words lift a broken heart. Don’t also forget to read how to be nice to your friends in order to strengthen your friendship.

Sweet words to tell a friend to make her smile

1. You’re incredible.
2. You dressed like an Angel
3. Your smile lights the room
4. You look so sweet
5. You’re like the bright morning star
6. A friend without you is useless
7. You’re the best I have met so far.
8. You’re cute
9. You have a sweet voice.
10. You look so takeaway

Importance of saying nice things to a friend

Saying nice things to someone, especially your friend can turn their mood from sad to happy. It can make them realize how much you love them. Words are powerful. Therefore, endeavor to use them wisely.

Examples of compliments for friends.

01. Life could have not been better for me if not because of you, thank you for being the best friend I have.

01a. Ever since I met you, I have come to notice 3 things about you. You are cute, kind, and trustworthy.

2. If I should ever come into the world a 2nd or 3rd time, you will still be my friend. You know what? You are incomparable.

3. If not for you, I wouldn’t have been where I am today. You are a friend indeed.

4. Words cannot describe how I feel about you. Ever since I met you, everything about me changed. Thank you, buddy.

5. As the soon cannot set in the night, so we are to each other. You complete me, my dear friend.

6. I may not have everything it takes to honor a friend like you but accept my profound gratitude. Thanks, dear.

7. Since I was born, and now I am getting old, I have never seen a friend like you. You are the best ever.

8. As gold is tested in the furnace, so have a hard time testing our friendship. I celebrate you, my best friend.

9. I may not have enough money to spend, and enough food to share, but with you, I am satisfied. Nice having you as a friend.

10. I owe you a million thanks. When everyone else abandoned me, you stood behind me. Thank you, my lovely friend.

12. You’ve made me realize the importance of friendship. You are a true friend indeed.

13. My happiest moment is not when I am at a party or a bar, but when I am with you. You complete me, dear.

14. I imagine how life would have been without you. Thanks for coming into my life.

15. You have the best smile in the world.

16. I love your dress. You look so cute

17. Knowing you are my greatest investment

18. You are such an incredible friend. Your kindness and generosity always brighten my day. Thank you for being such an amazing part of my life.

Women talking

Sweet words to say to a friend to make them smile

1. You are a perfect friend.

2. Your smile lifts my soul.

3. Each day I see you, life becomes easy for me.

4. You are the star the world is waiting to shine.

5. You’re such an interesting friend.

6. I really love your sense of humor. You have a good personality.

7. You are a light to my soul, my best friend.

8. You’re the source of my inspiration.

9. You always give me joy

Read also: What to say to a friend who is grieving to comfort them.

11. You’re such an intelligent being

12. You look great today.

13. You’re enough for me.

14. Never give up, you will surely succeed.

15. You’re too beautiful to be stressed

16. You’re an excellent friend

17. You are my companion.

18. You’re amazing.

19. You’re like a bright morning star

20. Keep moving, you’re unstoppable my lovely friend.

21. Dear best friend, no matter how many new people I meet in life, you’re always at the top of the list. I love you, dear friend

22. If I call you an Angel, I’m not mistaken because you are an Angel in disguise.

23. Any friend who is not like you is fake. You are a true friend, indeed.

 nice things to say to a friend

Funny Words To Say To A Friend

Here are words that will make your friend laugh out loud. These funny words are things to text your best friend to make them smile. Below are funny compliments for friends.

1. You look like an Angel that falls from heaven.

2. You are an ice block for me when am hot.

3. Your Angelic voice is capable of raising the dead.

4. Am finished if I had never met you. You are incredible.

5. If having a friend is a crime, I prefer going to jail for knowing you.

6. My shine, shine, you look so takeaway.

7. You always make me smile. Keep up the good work!

8. My day isn’t complete without seeing or hearing from you

9. I could have been dull if I had a dull person as a friend

10. My friendship with you is till prison tears us apart.

Motivating words to tell a Friend

Inspire and motivate your friends with these motivating words.

01. Never ignore your little beginning for your tomorrow shall be great.

2. When it seems like all hope is lost, never forget that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

3. Never give up on your dreams for all things are possible to those who believe.

4. The moon cannot shine on its own. Therefore, never look down on anyone in life, no matter how insignificant they may appear to you. 

5. When others shall be saying casting down, you will be saying lifting up.

6. Your courage and dedication inspire me.

7. You are one of the most thoughtful people I know.

8. Your persistence and hard work have paid off.

9. Your unique perspective always challenges me in the best way.

10. You always bring such positive energy to the room.

11. You have a great sense of humor and I love being around you.

12. You have an amazing talent for making the best out of any situation.

13. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come.

14. Your kind heart and willingness to help others are admirable.

15. Your intelligence and leadership skills are remarkable.

Nice Compliments for Your Girlfriend to make her feel special

Here are nice things to say to a girl. It consists of funny compliments for girls, things to say to a girl to make her feel special, cute things to say to a girl over text, things to say to a girl to turn her on, sweet things to say to your girlfriend to make her cry, cute things to say to a girl over text to make her smile, things to say to a girl you just met, what to say to a girl you want to date, sweet words to tell a girl to make her fall in love with you, letter to best friend to make her cry, etc.

#1. You are the woman every man would like to have.

#2. Your smile gives me joy.

#3. Your beauty is incomparable.

#4. You are the joy of my soul.

#5. I have found a perfect woman and that is you.

#6. Thank God I met You.

#7. Am complete without You.

#8. Each day I remember you I know my day will be great.

#9. You’re such a nice woman.

#10. You are enough for me.

#11. You’re beautiful

#12. You’re flawless.

#13. I can’t stop thinking about you.

#14. Being with you makes me happy always.

#15. You’re the best friend I have ever had.

#16. Your presence gives me joy.

#17. I always dream of dating you, my lovely friend.

#18. I love you with the whole of my heart.

#19. You’re such a darling.

Nice Words to say to your Boyfriend

Here are some one-word compliments for your boyfriend, Cute things to say to your boy best friend

#1. You’re the best boyfriend in the world

#2. My buddy, I love you.

#3. You’re indeed the love of my life.

#4. I need you

#5. My life has changed for the better because of you.

#6. You’re indeed a boyfriend.

#7. You’re a cute boyfriend.

#8. I love you, darling.

#9. I can’t stay without you

#10. I desire you.

11. You are the love of my life.

12. A life without you is a waste of time

13. My heart belongs to you, darling.

14. You are the best boyfriend any girl can ask for

15. You are my dream come through

16. I thank God I found you

17. Your love makes me feel better

18. I’m glad I found a humble and caring guy like you.

19. I want to always be seen beside you, my love.

20. You make life pleasurable for me.

Nice things to say to people

1. You are such a nice person

2. The world would be a better place if we could find good people like you

3. You deserve more than a compliment, thank you.

4. You are a savior to many generations

5. Thanks for being who you are.

6. You are on your way to greatness

7. May God reward you with success

8. You have made my day

9. Today was a success because you were part of it.

10. You deserve a million thanks

Nice words to say to a girl

1. You are the best cook in the world

2. A little smile on your face makes my day

3. You are such a beautiful damsel

4. Your body is so fresh and young

5. I am happy I met an amazing young beautiful girl like you

6. You encourage me to be the best even without speaking to me

7. I am where I’m today all because of you

8. Thanks for giving me room in your heart

9. Thanks for hanging out with me today.

10. You are a wife material

11. May you marry a nice man like me

12. I love your cute smile.

Nice things to say to someone

1. I love your courage

2. You never stop surprising me

3. I never get bored with your company

4. You are different from everyone else

5. I wouldn’t have achieved this without you

6. Never stop trying until you get there

7. Never stop dreaming until your dreams come through

8. You are more important than you think you are

9. May the good things of life never be far from you

10. You have given me a reason to smile.

Positive things to say

1. You are improving

2. Don’t quit until you get there

3. With courage and determination, you can make it.

4. Today shall be better than your yesterday

5. You are a genius

6. You are super talented

7. Do not be afraid, victory belongs to you.

8. You make everything easier for me

9. You are too caring

10. May your day be filled with pleasantries

Words to describe your best friend

1. You are my personal person

2. The best buddy in the world

3. You are more than a million friends

4. You are the only one that helps me solve problems that require thousands of people to solve

5. You are a burden lifter

6. My gossip mate

Nice things to say about someone’s personality

Are you looking for words to describe personality characteristics? Here are the best ways to describe someone’s personality. Here are words to describe someone special. Do you love your friend’s character and want to put them in words, here are nice things to say. This is the best way to tell someone they are amazing.

01. You have an amazing smile

2. You’re too intelligent and creative.

3. You have a good humor

4. You’re as gentle as a dove.

5. Your smile lights the room

6. You’re such a funny type.

7. I love the way you laugh

8. You have a lovely voice

9. You’re such a smart friend.

10. I love your sexy eyes.

11. You know how to take care of people. Am really proud of you

12. You’re a nice friend

Nice things to say to a friend on their birthday

1. I am glad you are plus one today

2. Congratulations on seeing your new age

3. Special people are born on this day. Congrats on your new age.

4. Welcome to a new season of your life. Be glad my dear friend

5. Bravo! my dear friend! Celebrate your new age.

Additional things to say

Here are some suggestions on nice words to say to your husband, wife, and a stranger

Cute Words For Your Husband

#1. You are the best husband in the world.

#2. You’re the commander of every Soldier in this territory.

#3. You are my strength in weakness.

#4. You’re such a loving husband.

#5. I thank God for a perfect man like you.

#6. Am so glad you are my husband.

#7. You’re my one and only.

#8. You are the reason why I smile every day.

#9. Life without you is nothing.

#10. I appreciate your love for me.

Nice Words To Say To Your Wife

#1. You are the best wife ever.

#2. He who finds you finds a good thing.

#3. You are my precious jewel

#4. I am so glad to have you as my wife.

#5. You are my pride

#6. You are awesomely made.

#7. Your beauty is immeasurable

#8. You are the Angel of my life

#9. You’re a paragon of perfection.

#10. You are the Apple of my eye.

#11. You’re the butter in my bread.

#12. You are the sugar in my tea.

#13. You’re my Queen

14. You’re a beautiful creature

15. Your appearance lights the room

Nice things to say to a Stranger

1. You’re such a kind person.

2. Nice meeting you, thank you.

3. You are a blessing to me. I really appreciate you.

4. Meeting you is the greatest thing I have ever had in life. You are so nice.

5. You’re a precious gift to those around you.

6. I love your style. You look so sweet

7. I like your personality. You’re selfless

8. I love your sense of humor. You are too funny to be with.

Best Compliments Quotes

Be thankful without any reason. Compliment is the best gift you can offer to anyone


“If you can’t get a compliment any other way, pay yourself one.

The greatest but the most difficult thing is showing appreciation. Appreciate the little you have for more to come”


The Importance of saying Nice Things

Having nice things said about you improves performance. A few positive words can go a long way to healing a wounded soul. Good compliments energize when one is weak and stranded.

They are lots of cute words you can say to your boyfriend or girlfriend to make him/her feel loved.

For instance, some nice words or funny words can make a friend who is in distress or unhappy put on a smile again.

According to Research, compliments are good for your health. Therefore, kind words are capable of helping you remain in a healthy state or healthy relationship.

When a friend does something for you, it is good to compliment them. So, use any of the above-suggested words to compliment your friend.

Friendship is one of the most important and valuable things. All of us need friends to share our thoughts and feelings, our happy and sad moments of life. Let them know how much they mean to you by sending them cute best friend quotes, best friend wishes and sweet cards. Lots of  best friend messages with images you will find on our page.

Best friend quotes

Best friend quotes

Friendship is when you don’t talk to each other for months and still feel like you are soulmates when you finally have the opportunity to meet up. Nothing can change the way best friends feel about each other. 


I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe that we’ve met each other for a special reason, and I think that the reason is our mutual happiness. Sometimes it’s hard to start your day with a smile, but you make it so much easier. 


I’m so glad I don’t know what loneliness means, because you never let me feel lonely. You are my biggest support, my shoulder to cry on, my ride or die. You are my biggest blessing, bud. 


Diamonds are a girl’s best friends, huh? I don’t think someone who said that realized that friends like you exist. You are definitely better than diamonds.  You’re better than anything and everything, actually.


Even if we’ll have a huge fight someday and never talk to each other again, I will still be there for you if you need me. I will never leave you when you’re feeling down, and I’ll do everything to make you feel better.

Messages for best friend

best friend wishes image

Tennessee Williams once said, that “life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” I totally agree with that. I feel really blessed to have you as my friend. 


Do you remember what Dumbledore said? “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” You are my light, buddy, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. 


I can’t stop thinking about what Leo Buscaglia once said. “A single rose can be my garden…a single friend, my world.” I’m so glad that I found that kind of person. Thank you for you, buddy. 


I feel like anything is possible, because I always have your support. Your beautiful soul lights up my world like nothing else does, and I feel like I can fly. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. 


“Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected.” Charles Lamb said these wonderful words. Thank you for always appreciating my nonsense, buddy.

Cute best friend quotes

best friend card

We’re building friendship with someone through tears and laughter, securing every brick with common experience and sometimes traumas. But that’s what make it stronger. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, your friend will always understand and support you.


Toxic friendship is something so common and terrible, yet sometimes unnoticeable. A friend will never humiliate you in front of other people to make oneself look better. A friend will never say that you are not enough. Choose your friends wisely.


Being someone’s friend is a huge responsibility. You need to accept your friend no matter what. You need to support and understand your friend no matter what. You need to be with your friend no matter what. Are you being a good friend to somebody you consider your bestie?


True friendship is hard to find, but that what makes it so valuable. Take care of your friends and don’t let go of them. Every fight is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship and understand each other a little bit more. 


Friends don’t need to have similar interests or work together to maintain friendship. Friendship is about having same souls and feeling each other on a very special level, which you can feel with your heart only.

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Best friend wishes

card for best friend

I just realized that I would do anything for you. No matter how sad or tired I am, I will always be there to support you. I guess that’s how real friendship looks like. Nothing can tear us apart. 


Friendship is like a favourite book with no ending. Your every adventure will stay on these pages forever, and you never know what will happen next. Isn’t it the most exciting thing in the world? 


I don’t need anything until I have a friend like you. I feel whole because of your presence in my life. Your every wound hurts me as well, your every heartache is my heartache. People help people. Friendship makes everything so much better. 


It is so important to have someone who understands you on every possible level, who loves and accepts you unapologetically. Lovers can hurt you sometimes, but friends will always be there to support you. Love and appreciate your friends. 


The art of being a good friend is something you have to study for years. But friendship is about learning new things each and every day. I wish all of us to try our best to be better for our friends, because they deserved it.  

My best friend quotes

my best friend quotes

True friendship is something that lights up your darkest days. Hold on to it, because best friend will always be there for you no matter what you say or do. 


A human cannot last long without having someone around. Best friends truly save each other from emotional drought. Cherishing and appreciating friendship are one of the most important things we shouldn’t forget about. 


Friendship is a relationship in which you don’t even have to talk to each other every day. But when you meet your friend after months of silence, you will understand that nothing will ever change, and that true friendship is everlasting. 


Don’t ever forget about those who saved your life with their kindness and support. True friends are hard to find, so don’t lose the ones you already have. 


My best friend deserves everything. The Sun, the Moon and the stars. If you need anything, I’ll always do my best to make it happen. May all your dreams come true as soon as possible, buddy.

Lines for best friend

words for bff

We met each other in this cold and unfriendly world on purpose. Together we are able to fight against all odds and sorrows. I would never achieve happiness and success without your support and wisdom. Thank you, my dear friend.


I still remember the first time we met. The first thought that occurred to me was: “Oh, this dude is so cool, we would definitely get along great”. And I was right! Many years have passed since then, but we are still best friends and I still think you are the most amazing person in my life.


You are the one I always go to when I’m confused and need a piece of advice. You are the one I always go to when I’m spiritually exhausted and need to regain my strength. You are the one who can make me laugh even though I am sad and blue. You are my best friend, and I will never ever trade our friendship for anything else in the world.


Sometimes I perceive ourselves as a whole, as two parts of one soul. Because I know everything about you, and you know everything about me. We don’t hide secrets from each other. Our friendship is pure, transparent and genuine. I’m really proud of it.


Anyone can be a friend, but not every person can be a good friend. Those who think that being a friend is easy, are gravely mistaken. Being a good friend requires you to be kind, patient and sometimes to sacrifice your own needs and wishes. It’s hard to become a good friend, but I’m learning this art with a magnificent teacher, and it’s you, buddy.

Short best friend quotes

messages for bff

I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful person in my life as you are, my friend. While all the other people come and go, while everything changes, your presence in my life remains permanent and irreplaceable. I wish it would always be this way.


It doesn’t matter how bad my day is going, because I know that I have a person who can fix everything in the blink of an eye and make things right again. And this precious person is you, buddy.


I believe that we should really appreciate people who make us smile. And you always make me laugh so hard that it stings in my stomach. You are an amazing person, dude, and I’m really happy we are best friends.


Nothing can stop me from being your friend. Even though we fight sometimes and have misunderstandings, you are still the closest person to me. Difficulties make our friendship stronger, and I promise to do everything I can to preserve it for many long years. Because it means a world to me.


We’ve been friends since we were kids. It’s funny to watch us grow up and change, while our friendship remains just the same. I’m so happy that we have each other, because this is one of the few things that make me believe in miracles.

best friend wishes card

Best friend is like the ray of sunshine in the darkness. When storm clouds of life are gathering and it seems that there’s no hope, the best friend will always come to you and light your way out.


Many people use the word “friend” every day referring to their mates or simple acquaintances – in other words, the people they don’t even know. And it what makes friendship so cheap nowadays. The word “friend” is beautiful, majestic and full of meaning, that’s why we shouldn’t neglect it.


Admitting that you have the funniest, the smartest, the most honest and loyal friend in the world is a complement not only to your friend, but to you also.


When we are happy, we want to share our happiness with someone close and dear to our heart, because we know that it’ll make him happy too. When we are upset, we also want to share our sadness with someone who’s able to change our mood for the better. And this someone is the best friend.


The most precious thing one can get from friendship is an unwavering confidence that you’ll never know what it means to tackle with the problems on your own as long as your friend stays by your side.

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Friendship quotes and messages

Birthday wishes for friend

Sometimes a true friend can be closer to you than your own family. Sometimes he can understand you better than you can understand yourself. A real friendship knows no borders and limits.


Best friend is someone who can sacrifice for you a lot and do for you many things that he can’t do even for himself. Real friendship is a great gift and a curse at the same time.


Best friends bring much pleasure and joy to each other. But if you really want to have a strong and long-lasting friendship you also have to take on the responsibilities, because being a good friend is very, very hard.


The truth is that we need our best friend all the time, not only when we have difficult times in our life or in the moments of joy. We should always think about our friend and concern about his well-being.


The best friend, who betrayed you or traded you for someone else, was not your best friend at all. He is not worth of crying and suffering.

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It’s wonderful how friendship is able to create a special magical world where only you and your friend live. This world is full of common interests, points of view, humour, jokes and secrets which only you can understand.


Best friend is someone you are not afraid to call in the middle of the night and cry your heart out. He will never shout at you or something – he will listen to you very attentively and then offer his help.


Sometimes I feel like me and my best friend are either the same person or have a special connection. When my friend’s happy, I’m happy too. When my friend gets hurt, I feel his pain too. I always feel the same as my friend does.


Best friend will never try to change you despite he understands you’re not perfect. Best friend is like a mother – he loves and accepts you just the way you are. And even more – he turns your drawbacks into advantages.


The best way to know if your best friend is a real one is to see what he will tell other people about you after a fight. There’s no former best friends – real friendship is for life.

Nobody can buy a real friend. The only way to get a friend is to gain his trust and try to never lose it.


They say that the most significant and dearest people for us are those whom we think about first when you wake up. And you are one of these people, because you’re my best friend, my soul mate.


When your best friend comes, you’ll make the most delicious dinner to delight him. When he says that he’s leaving, you’ll make everything that is possible to make him stay a little bit longer. When he says that you’re the best friend of him, it’s enough to make you happy.


There’s only one best friend. Not four, not three, not even two – only one. But this friend costs a hundred of so-called friends. Remember that he’s the only one for you on this planet and take good care of him as hard as you can.


Sometimes you don’t need to explain your feelings – your best friend will understand you without a word. Sometimes you don’t need to explain yourself – your best friend knows you even better than you know yourself.

True friendship is a lovely track, travelled by friends, caring about each other, sharing troubles and delights,
understanding and forgiving. It is the knowledge: „When you need me, I will always be there for you“.


You realize that your friend is really close and dear to your heart when you can’t stand telling everyone around you how great, intelligent and funny your friend is. You never envy you friend – you’re really proud of him.


Being best friend is not that easy. It is not something we can be taught – it’s something we should learn and comprehend ourselves. But in the long run it’s the most useful and beautiful knowledge in our life.


Just a talk and a nice walk around the city with you is enough to make me a little bit happier. You know the secret buttons of my soul and you know which one you should press to make me feel good. You know me better than I do, and I’m grateful to you for it.


Sometimes I think that our friendship is the Eighth Wonder of the World, because it never ceases to amaze me with its incredible depth and versatility. I believe our friendship will last forever and, probably, we’ll become best friends in our future lives too. I bet it!

Spending time with the best friend is like having a holiday. It brings you so many positive emotions and joy that you can’t forget it for a long time.


True friendship brooks no lies and selfishness. It’s a real blessing if you know how to treat it right, and it’s a curse if you neglect or don’t appreciate it. I wish I would never let our friendship come to an end, because there’s no life for me if I lose you.


Lovers come and go, but true friendship persists. It was you who always was my crying shoulder and my support. It was you who led me through the dark times to the light. It is you whom I never betray or let down. I promise.


You are the only person who lets me be myself. You know the real me and you love me for who I am, even though I’m not the best person. In the world of short-term and empty relationships, I’m so glad we’ve found each other. You will never be lonely, because I will never let it happen.


We have been through so many things together. We had our ups and downs, we shared happiness and sorrows together. You have always been with me in the most significant moments of my life, and it means a world to me.

To make one hundred friends in one year is not a great achievement.
But to make one friend for a hundred years, that is the true achievement!


What is friendship? It’s when you pick me up in the middle of the night because I’m drunk. It’s when I have an urgent matter to discuss and you are eager to listen to me at any time of the day. It’s when we can’t spend a day without talking to each other. And it’s when we don’t need to open our mouths to speak, because we understand each other perfectly without it.


I like many things about you, buddy. I like your laugh, because it always makes me laugh too. I like your thoughts and vision of the world, because it kind of expands my own outlook. I like the fact that you consider me your best friend, because it’s a great honor for me.


Although we are miles away now, I never stop thinking about you and try to catch every opportunity to talk to you. And I’m really looking forward to seeing you soon, because I feel like I’ve been missing you a lot recently, buddy.


I’ve heard that complete understanding is impossible, but I think we are an exception. Somehow you can understand we even without words. I guess, you feel me with your heart, and so do I. We are a perfect match, and I don’t want to lose our precious friendship.

True friend is just like a morning,
Although he cannot be with you all day,
You can be sure, that he will be there when you get up tomorrow, next year, always.


When I have something big and important happening in my life, I always want to share it with you. You are the person I always go to. You are my friend, my soulmate, and I’m more than happy to share my life with you.


Sometimes I think I had known you long before I met you. You seem so close and so dear to me that I start considering that we were friends in our previous lives. It’s a crazy idea, but there’s no other explanation.


I’ll be there for you every time you need me, buddy. I don’t mind at all to be your crying shoulder or your punch bag – everything it takes to make you feel alright. Just know that.


We are the best dudes in the world, because we have each other. Together we are able to move mountains and to have a really great time. We fit together just as we are two puzzles of the same picture. I have an amazing feeling that we met on purpose.

Friendship is like wet cement – the longer you stand on it, the harder it gets to leave and you can never go without leaving a footprint.


Friends exist to help each other and cheer each other up. Friends exist to tell the truth, when the rest of the world is lying. Friends exist to be role models for each other. And you know what, buddy? We are the best example of totally perfect friendship.

Some people believe in luck, other people believe in love or power. But I believe in true friendship – the noblest thing on the planet.

How can we tell a true friend from a fake? Only time can tell. The only thing we can do is try to be patient and never judge our friends too strict but at the same time we shouldn’t allow them let us down.

Best friend will tell you the bitter truth not to offend you or let you down, but to open your eyes and to show you the right way.

The best friend is the one who tells unpleasant truths right in your face, but not behind your back.

Friendship is like a tree. And it depends on you whether it’s going to be a strong, mighty and healthy tree or a weak and sickly bush. Friendship needs to be looked after and taken care of.

The best friends don‘t need to have the same characters. They just need to have the best understanding of their differences.

Friendship is not just a word or some kind of liability.
It is a silent promise that I was, I am and I will always be there for you.

If I had an opportunity to have all the money in the world, I would never take it. Because for me, there’s no more valuable thing on the Earth than real friendship.

You realize that you have the best friend only when you both spend a sleepless night because there are so many significant things to talk about. A fusion of souls is what real friends feel every time when they open their heart.

Knowing that there’s somebody who’s able to understand your lonely heart is very, very rare and this makes it so valuable and special.

We need to learn how to choose friends. But we will never learn how to choose best friends, because they are sent to us by providence. They are the missing pieces of ourselves, our souls and hearts.

How do we tell a best friend from a good mate? They both can feel your mood, but the best friend always looks deeper. He always knows the reason of your happiness or sadness. He loves you even when you forget to love yourself.

Best friend is someone who will share a lonely Friday evening with you and make your melancholy go away. Best friend is someone who will give you a shelter when you need to feel safe and warm. In other words,best friend will never let you know what loneliness is.

Friend are like stars, although you cannot see them all the time, but you know for sure that they won‘t disappear.

Real friendship is the best cure for loneliness. I fell so grateful for having such a great friend like you.

When I feel that nothing is under control and the entire world is falling apart, I go to the only safe place on the Earth I know. And this place is your house. Thank you for the friendship you give me.

Actually, we don’t need any therapists. When there’s a sad or funny story to share the best place we can go is our friend’s house. Heart-to heart chats over a cup of tea are everything we need to get better.

True friendship doesn‘t need any proofs or promises.
It has no demands nor expectations.
It just needs two people, who can hear the hearts of each other.

Every garden should have a Rose,
Every face should have a Smile,
Every grass should have a Dew
And every person should have a true friend like you!

Friendship is a great gift that has to be cherished with love and care.
I will always cherish our friendship in my heart!

Friendship is not written on a sheet of paper, cause it can be torn,
It is neither written on a rock, cause even rock can be broken.
True friendship is written on the person‘s heart
And it stays with him forever.

I guess I am one of the lucky few
To have such an amazing friend like you!

True friendship is not a demonstration of care by sending messages and calling.
True friendship means that we deeply understand each other and keep remembering each other in our hearts.

Friends are an important part of life. The true friends help us to keep the lights, make your day brighter and happier. With nice friendship text messages, you can express exactly how much you love and appreciate your best friend.

If you’re searching for best quotation of all time that perfectly capture what you’d like to say or just want to feel inspired yourself, browse through an amazing collection of paragraph for my best friend, best friendship quotes, friend missing quotes and happy birthday best friend.

Friendship is one of the most beautiful things; it is a blessing. Hope these wishes from heart help you cherish your strong bond and show your friends how much you appreciate their friendship.

I want to be your BFF until I’m too old to remember what BFF means.

I don’t tell you I love you nearly enough.

You are my true friend, always there when I need you most, loving and comforting.

Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . . ― C.S. Lewis

I want to say thank you my friend… You always tolerate my most annoying times. You might not know this, but you helped me find happiness in being the person that I really am.

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival. ― C.S. Lewis

best messages to send best friend

You’re my favorite person to be socially awkward with.

Real friends never leave each other, never part. Sometimes, they couldn’t be physically together, or they just sit silently, deep within each other’s heart, saying, ‘I am just here if you need me.’

I still can’t believe I was lucky enough to meet someone as weird as you.

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. ― Elbert Hubbard

Friends are known to be protective and caring.

You are amazing! As a friend, you understand the all the things I never say and never says anything I don’t understand.

text best friend

We’re so hilarious together that I feel bad for the people who don’t get to listen to our conversations.

We are best friends. Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up… after I stop laughing.

I haven’t completely lost faith in humanity yet, because of people like you.

I love you more than words can say.

There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. ― Jane Austen

The beautiful friendship we share makes me so happy. When I am with you, I can be honest and lay my heart bare.

message for best friend

Thank you for always being there for me when I can’t afford to get a therapist.

Thanks for being there for me, even when I’m at my most annoying.

There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate. ― Linda Grayson

I believe that we should remember and care about our friends not only while we’re together, but when they’re far away. I will always remember you, my dear friend.

Always remember that our friendship doesn’t depend on being physically together, because we perfectly understand each other, and we will be friend forever.

friendship messages

I love that we’ve been BFFs since before the acronym existed.

I honestly think you’re the funniest person I’ve ever met.

I’m so grateful you came into my life when you did.

We’ll be friends forever because you already know too much.

I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light. ― Helen Keller

I’m so proud of myself because I met you. Whatever happens, I’ll always be your side and never let you to face anything alone. You are the perfect friend.

Best Friendship Messages

You’re the friend I’d feel the worst about killing in a post-apocalyptic death match for food.

If anyone ever hurts you, I will destroy them.

Wishing you a happy friendship day, my dear friend. May God strengthen our bond and fill our lives with happy memories.

You know what? No matter what is happened, you have stuck by my side. You are not only my greatest friend, but also my inspiration, and I love you so much.

You have no idea how beautiful you are.

It’s hard to meet people in life who are willing to give everything without the hope of any return. I call myself lucky because I have someone like that in my life. It’s you!

Promise me we are true friends. You are the roof, I am the ground. You are the floor, I am the tiles. You are the sun, I am the rays. I am the tree, you are the monkey.

You are like the aeroplane that takes me against the wind of sadness into the clouds of joy. Thanks for being my friend.

From the day I met you, the beautiful connection we shared, I realize now that you are my best friend of all in life. I treasure our friendship more than anything else, my friend.

Let me celebrate you, my friend, because you deserve it more than anyone I know but never do it yourself. You’re the most amazing human being on this crazy planet, and I feel so lucky to be your best friend.

What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. ― Aristotle

Thank you for listening to my long, stupid stories as though you haven’t already heard them a millions times.

I’m lucky to have a friend like you and not like me.

I wish you were here. Everybody else sucks.

Friendship takes work. Finding friends, nurturing friendships, scheduling face time, it all take a tremendous amount of work. But it’s worth it. If you put in the effort, you’ll see the rewards of positive friends who will make your life extraordinary. ― Maya Angelou

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything. ― Muhammad Ali

How do people tell a friend from an acquaintance? They both can feel your mood, but when it comes to friends, they always look much deeper. Thanks to you, I understand that a true friend always knows the reason for your sadness or happiness. I loves you even when I forget to love myself.

I hope we never get tired of making fun of each other.

I know life sucks right now, but you’re going to end up successful. I can tell.

It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like ‘What about lunch?’ ― A. A. Milne

I’m more than happy to send you a friendship wishes because I have found a true friend in you, for you have always been in support whenever I need it and this has really help me to become a better person in this workplace.

I know your life can go on without me, that I can be happy without you, that I can survive without you. But even if you turn me away, I will still stay with you and will always be your friend.

You always make me feel better when I’m upset.

Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies. ― Richelle Mead

There is no one with whom I can share my tears and fears if you were not here. Thanks for being by my side, and always giving me reasons to cheer.

You make me better person, my friend, I wouldn’t have become the person I am today. You have always supported to me and this made me a confident person. Everything I am and will be is because of you, my sweet friend.

We’ve been friends for so long I can’t remember which one of us is the bad influence.

I miss you. You’re coming over this weekend, and no, you don’t have a choice.

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. ― Anais Nin

Hey my lovely friend! Today, I remembered the amazing times that we’ve had. As the years have gone by, I realize that you have been the only person in my life who bonded with me without any expectation. How can I ever thank you? You are rock!

I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, my dearest friend.

Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you can’t laugh at yourself… call me, I’ll do it for you.

If we weren’t friends, I would hate you with a passion, because you’re perfect.

If you have two friends in your lifetime, you’re lucky. If you have one good friend, you’re more than lucky. ― S.E. Hinton

Cute Friendship Text Messages To Send Your Best Friend

I can’t understand why people visit any therapists. The friend’s house is the best place you can go to when you need someone to talk to. These friendly heart-to heart chats over a cup of tea are everything I need to get better.

It is really important to remember and care about our closest people not only while we can be together, but also when miles separate us. Distance tests the strength of friendship and I am glad to have friends who are close to me even though we aren’t next to each other right now.

Thank you for being the only person I talk to instead of about.

I want you to know that I’m proud of everything you’ve accomplished.

Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find. ― William Shakespeare

My dear friend, we have had a lot of fights and disagreements, there have been the rough and bumpy roads which we passed. But I am sure about only one thing: our journey together will never stop. You are my friend untill the end of my days.

I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile. Then walk into a pole.

I look like a crazy person whenever I read your texts, because I start laughing out loud.

Silence make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying, but the never needing to say that counts. ― Margaret Lee Runbeck

The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thank you so much for your care, kindness, and for being such an amazing friend. I just wanted you to know that I am happy to have such a wonderful person in my life. I will remember you in my thoughts forever. Thank you. For being you. For being the most wonderful best friend, I could ever ask for.

I know understand that since I have good friend like you, no matter how much life is sucking, we can make each other’s laugh.

Real friends should have eaten salt and sugar together and stood the test of time. Real friends won’t give up on their friendship, because they know that together they’re invincible and, what is more important, happy.

Friendship- my definition- is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don’t have trust, the friendship will crumble. ― Stieg Larsson

Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success. ― Oscar Wilde

True friends are always together in spirit. ― L.M. Montgomery

Send A Message To My Best Friend

You are my best friend, with whom I share my joys, sorrows, and innermost fears. You are truly special, my friend.

Just wanted to say hello, and I love you.

If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me.

Keep on shining, my friend. Just know that you can always count on me.

Hey, just wanted to check on you and ask how your day’s going. Sorry, I’ve been away for a while. Let’s meet sometime soon! I’ve missed my best friend.

Never say you’re happy when you’re really sad. Never say you’re fine when you’re not ok. Never say you feel good when you feel bad and never say you’re alone when you still have me.

There is no one else who can replace you. You’re my best buddy, and I love you.

I could never understand how people call someone their best friend and then break up their friendship the next day. You’re my best friend for life.

Thank you for being there for me when I call you and need someone to just listen. It doesn’t matter where we are in this world or in our lives, I know you will always pick up.

You were always there with me in my ups and downs. I’m blessed to have you in my life.

You and I are a pack of two. The closest-knit family and friends. Thanks, my wolf-buddy. I’ve never regretted a single day of our friendship.

Thank you for the moments of silence we share together, where words don’t need to be said, but we know we are in it together.

We grew closer as friends, laughed a lot, and shared our dreams. Thank you for taking the time to show your love, friend.

It’s as easy as ABC. You’re my best friend, and I’d give my life for you.

Thank you for texting me and keeping up with me more thoroughly than my significant others have.

I don’t think you’ll ever realize how special you are. You are my shining star in the gloomy sky.

Just saw your Instagram selfie, and was reminded that my BFF is a model

Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you. William Arthur Ward

Love my best friend and so glad I was able to have her in my life. She will always be a part of me.

Short Messages For Best Friend

I don’t know where I’d be without you in my life. I value our friendship so much and just want to say you’re the best.

You are the guy who brightens my smile when you are with me.

Best friends are those who stand by you no matter what. Thanks for proving time and time again what an incredible friend you are!

Friends are the family you choose.

I am sure we will be best for so long. Because we are so lazy to make new friends.

Life was meant for good friends and great adventures.

I want to say thank you for the sincere friendship you give me, for all the great moments you have given me and for being my best friend in the whole world.

I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful person in my life as you are, my friend.

I want to be your BFF until I’m too old to remember what BFF means.

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul. Proverbs 27:9

I feel comfortable and able to say anything when I am with you. Thanks for being that special friend.

You’re my best friend and my family by choice. Thank you for being in my life. I feel truly lucky.

Rain or shine, you’ll always be my best buddy. Let’s never stop adding to the great tale of our adventures!

Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.

I believe best friends have twin souls. We feel the same, we think the same, and we’re always on the same wavelength. Love you, bestie.

We’ve known each other for such a long time that I can hardly remember my life before we met. You’re my best friend, and you’re a part of me.

True friends are always together in spirit.

Whatever happens, I have always got your back. I hope you know this. You’re my best friend and I’ll stick by you no matter what.

Messages For Best Friend Forever

Thank you for being the greatest gift God could have ever blessed me with. Thank you for touching my life and adding new colors to it. Love you, best friend.

You hold great value in my life, and nobody can ever take your place. I am so blessed to have a friend like you in my life. We will keep our friendship forever stronger than ever.

God keep you for me, my friend, you are my backbone and the thought of you energizes me daily to achieve and make things happen. You are my drive and I can never stop loving you, my wonderful friend.

You are my mentor, a sister, my advisor, and a friend. I will always treasure our friendship.

Friends are a treasure and you are my most prized treasure, though I know that you are not a possession. You just chose to stay with me no matter what and I am very thankful for that.

We don’t need matching necklaces or bracelets to mark our friendship. The marks we have are seared deep in our hearts. You’re my best friend forever.

A good friend is a connection to life — a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world. Lois Wyse

Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

True friendship is seen through the heart not through the eyes.

I must have done something good in life because I ended up with a friend like you. We promise to be there for each other. That is because we’re friends forever.

You have always been there in my hard times and my heartbreaks. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a true friend like you!

It doesn’t matter whether you need me in the middle of the night or mid-day; I will always be there for you. And I know you would do the same for me. Best friends forever, mate.

Thank you for being around when I was going through hard times, my best friend forever.

Emotional Messages For Best Friend

Thank you for your help. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Thank you for making me smile again. You are one of the secrets to my success at school. Thank you for always being my best supporter.

Sometimes, I forget how great our friendship is. Come rain, come sunshine, we will remain the best of friends. I’m glad I have you for life.

Thank you for loving me while knowing me inside and out. You always have your own way to charm my heart; I love it so much.

True friendship is not a game that you can just end like that; it starts today and stays forever.

I don’t know where my life would be without you. More than anything else, I value our friendship most. You have given me so much to be grateful for. Even though I don’t deserve it, you have constantly reminded me how special I am.

I never knew what true friendship meant until I met you. With you now I know how good friendship is.

You’re the only one who understands my deepest fears even without me having to voice them out. You’re my true friend.

You are the most amazing person in my life. Sometimes, I look for reasons to create petty arguments with you, but you are too pure and graceful. Cheers to being patient, loving, kind and modest. I celebrate you.

Your friendship is the best thing that has ever happened to me in life. I love you dearly.

What I love most about you is your sense of humor and humility. Keep on being the glamorous fashionista that you are. I love you, best friend.

No matter where life takes us, I’ll always run to you, should you call. That’s what best friends do, and I’d do this and infinitely more for you.

A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad. Arnold H. Glasgow

Special Messages For Friends

I know I can always count on you when everything in my life comes to an end. It feels so nice to have a nice friend like you.

You are my closest friend, and you have a special place in my heart.

Our friendship gives me the push I need to get what I desire for. Thanks for all the support, dear friend.

Dear friend, I want to let you know that you can always count on me in anything. You are a very special friend to me. I will always treasure you.

Just imagine how horrible life without friends would be. They give us love, they make us feel special, and we all should always be grateful for such a gift.

We have our ups and downs, but none has the power to break us apart. I will always treasure you, my best friend.

You shelter my soul when you hug me and comfort my heart, although it is made a thousand pieces, it always has a space for you.

You’re way stronger than you know. You are incredibly powerful. You are mindlessly beautiful. You are kind. You are grounded.You are awesome and I totally, absolutely love you.

Friends make your life memorable. Thank you for making mine sweet and memorable.

When I look at you, I see an understanding and reliable friend. This makes you a true friend.

You are an incredibly dear friend and I’m always so proud of you.

You are the best thing that anybody can ask for as a friend. Your friendship is nothing but an inspiration for me to be happy in life!

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. Marcel Proust

Nice Messages To A Friend

For my dear friend, if you die before me, and you are standing on the gates of heaven, ask if you can get me along!

You are more fun than anyone or anything I know, including bubble wrap.

Sending you a million smiles, one for each and every day, as I want you to keep smiling each and every day.

A single rose can be my garden…a single friend, my world.

True friends never leave each other, silence does not mean we have forgotten each other; you are always there in my heart. I am always here if you need me.

You are the most perfect you there is.

You make a bigger impact than you realize.

I don’t wish for much in life. I don’t need money, power, or endless happiness. All I need is a friend like you. You are my riches and make me the happiest person in the world. Our amazing friendship is more than I’ve ever wanted. Thank you.

Having a friend like you means being the happiest person alive. I can’t even think of a world without you in it. The warmth that you give me each and every day fills my heart with so much love. I love you, buddy.

You have the best smile.

You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever been lucky enough to know.

You are always so helpful.

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Having a friend like you is a true blessing. I feel like you are one of a kind. When I think of you, I immediately feel better, safer, calmer. I want to thank you for being the most wonderful human being the world.

You are enough.

You’re a great listener.

You can be by my side, or you can also be apart. But, I know that you will forever stay in my heart. Love you my friend!

Sometimes I feel like I got you as a reward for some good work I did. I am incredibly lucky to have found you. I sincerely pray that our friendship will be so sweet forever.

You are one of the strongest people I know.

I appreciate our friendship.

You’d do anything for the people you care about.

Maybe, I don’t really know you that well. I don’t know how you exactly act, but those things will not keep me away from you. Coz those are my reasons why I’m here… to know you much better.

You may not be my BFF. But you are my BFFFF (best friend for foreseeable future).

Your outlook on life is amazing.

You have shown me what true friendship means. Thank you, my dear friend.

My family may have raised me. But you’re the one who lifts me up.

You look great today.

Your strength inspires me.

Your inside is even more beautiful than your outside.

Thank you for touching my life in ways you can never imagine. You have really changed the way I see things. May God bless you!

You just light up the room.

You just glow.

You have the best laugh.

There is nothing as precious in life as a true friend. A true friend is the best thing to have in the world, proud of you my friend!

You’ll always be one of my very favorite people.

I love the way you bring out the best in people.

Things To Text Your Best Friend To Make Them Smile

You’re my hero, and I’m so lucky to call you my BFF.

You are a perfect friend.

You are my person and you will always be my person.

I know other people claim to have best friends, but you truly are the best.

Your smile lifts my soul.

You have a special gift – you make people feel super comfortable around you.

Sending you a virtual hug. I hope you can feel it.

Thank you for being my best friend, and also watch out for that pole in front of you.

Was just thinking about you, so I guess it was the universe telling me to send you this text hoping you have a great day.

Each day I see you, life becomes easy for me.

If you magically turned into ice cream, I promise I wouldn’t eat you. You know that’s big, because you know how much I love ice cream.

Hope you’re having the best day ever, and if not, let’s get margs later and vent.

Sometimes, I wonder if I should buy a lottery ticket, because I’m the luckiest person in the world to have a friend like you.

You know how to do the smile magic no matter how moody I am.

Water you doing? I can’t wait to sea you again. You’re my favorite beach.

Hoping you have a truly kick*ss day today, because you deserve it.

I hope you are super proud of yourself, bestie, because I am!

I value our friend-chip, because you guac my world.

You’ve got a pizza my heart. Also, I’m hungry.

You are the star the world is waiting to shine.

Not to sound totally cheesy, but you’re a gouda best friend.

I can just tell that the outfit you have on today is something I want to borrow.

Words cannot espresso how much you bean to me. Wanna get Starbucks later?

The Instagram photo you just posted is absolutely GORGEOUS. You’re a goddess.

You are my best friend, the love of my life, my soul mate. You are kind, caring, handsome and gorgeous. You are my heart! I will never let you go. Thank you for all you do for me. I hope you know how much I appreciate you! I love you more than anything else in this world.

Beautiful Messages For Friend

My life has become more beautiful than ever since I met you. You are the best friend ever.

Friendship is about those who walk into your life and make the most meaningful impact that forever change your life, irrespective of the time you know each other.

Whenever I need any mental or emotional support in life, you were always there for me, as a true friend. I’m so lucky that I have you!

In the sweetness of friendship let there be cheerfulness, for in the midst of laughter, the heart finds its happiness and refreshed.

Friendship looks so sweet when it is new, but it is really sweet because of you, for a true friend!

If you weren’t in my life, I don’t know where I would have been. I value your friendship dear and I love you so much.

Conversations may be short and silences long, but friendship makes for life’s most beautiful song.

You make me forget about my sorrows and sufferings. I have wondered about how you can see through my soul for some time now.

Our friendship is a rare type of currency. It never depreciates, it always appreciates, it is acceptable in all countries but it is available only to a lucky few friends like us.

When the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is within all of our hands. Maria Shriver

You are my best friend who listens, doesn’t judge and somehow makes everything alright.

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship. Thomas Aquinas

Heart Touching Friendship Messages

I am forever grateful to Lord for sending you into my life. May God bless you.

One thing that I appreciate in life is you, without you, my life would be in a mess. I am glad that I don’t have to live a single day without your company!

I appreciate you every day, and I feel really great to have you in my life, dear.

I can never be grateful enough for the many times you have checked up on me and brilliantly given you all just to make me happy. As long as we are great friends, I will always have your back.

Without you, dear friend, I’m not sure where my life would be.

Thank you from the depths of my heart for being my friend. I would choose you over material wealth a million times over. Indeed, you are a precious gift from God.

You have given me so much to be grateful for, my buddy.

To be honest with you, I am forever grateful to Lord for sending you into my life. May God bless you.

Whenever I need, you give me your support. Your friendship is very important to me and I appreciate that so much.

There is nothing in life so precious than a loving and caring friend. God was kind enough to me that he gave me a friend like you!

My dear buddy, you are the most incredible person I have ever met.

The bond we share together, will never be broken. We have been through so much and you have always been there for me. When I’m having a bad day, no one else could ever cheer me up except for you. I love you and I hope that we will stay this close forever.

Thank you so much for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material things but in having friends like you.

I wish I could show you how important you are to me. All I want in life is you to remain my best friend till my last breath!

Sweet Messages For Friend

You are the best person I know and the best friend I’ve ever had. Thanks for all the happiness and laughter you bring to my life.

You are more than a friend. You know me better than I know myself. You know what I like, what I love, what I hate. You applaud my passions and tolerate my faults. You’re there for me, always.

To the one person who knows me best, cares for me no matter what I do, and is always there to share in both my joys and sorrows. Thank you for being my friend.

Many things fade with time and lose their sparkle, but I know our friendship will only grow stronger and shine brighter each day. I hope you will forever remain by my side in our bond of friendship.

A lot of people have friends, I have you as my blood, my twin, and my chum. I feel blessed to have you in my life. My life has been beautiful ever since I met you. You are the best.

Friendship is like a tree. It withstands the hard weather of winter only to bloom again each spring. You and I will always be like that, and there are no words that can express how grateful that makes me.

We might not be family, but, in my eyes, our friendship is stronger than any tie blood could create. Thank you for being who you are and for coming into my life.

For every smile you have given me, for every time you have let me cry on your shoulder, for every good piece of advice and every wake-up call, thank you. You are and always be my dearest friend.

Thank you for the gift of your friendship. It is something I will always treasure because I know how rare, unique, and precious it is.

It is so wonderful to have you as a friend. You turn the most average day into an extraordinary one. It is impossible to feel sad or unhappy with you around. Thank you for simply being you.

Thank you for always being there for me and lifting me up when I fall. Friendships like ours are hard to find. For that, I will be eternally grateful and forever give thanks.

I am so thankful to have you as a friend. Thank you for helping me navigate all the tricky corners in life and being the first to grab the champagne when I have something to celebrate…or even when I don’t!

Caring Messages For Friends

You are just as precious as our friendship. I don’t want to lose either one. Please take care of yourself.

Each day is special, so are you. Live every moment of your life, and take care of yourself.

I hope the day brings greatness to your joy. Take care and have a lovely day.

I can’t imagine a day without you, bestie. Stay safe, stay healthy. Don’t ever leave me.

When you feel tired and alone, just tell me. Even though my hands can’t hold you, my feet may not be able to run to you, my voice may not reach you, but my knees are always here to pray for you.

You’re always in my thoughts, and I wish the best for you. Take care, my dear friend.

Let your every day be followed by a smiley face, deep breath and healthy routine. Take care, my friend!

Knowing you has made living worthwhile for me. I always pray for you and I hope you get all you deserve in life.

Make your days more amazing than the last one. Be the one that rules, not the one that follows the rules. Take care always.

I want you to know that our friendship means a lot to me… you cry, I cry, you laugh, I laugh, you jump off the window, I ain’t jump. Instead, I’ll catch you with my arms and hug you tight!

All our lives are equally meaningful. Don’t let it go with an unhealthy lifestyle; take proper care of yourself.

I thank you every day for making me realize what is friendship. You mean so much to me. Always take care of yourself.

My dear friend, I hope you are taking good care of yourself and your health and I hope to see you soon back in office. I wish you a good night with beautiful dreams and a sound sleep.

Send a Nice Message to a Friend

A real friend is one of the most precious gifts you can ever hope for.   They are the ones who brighten your day with a smile or a kind word.  They are always there for you when you need them. So if you are lucky enough to have a real friend in your life, make sure to let them know how much they mean to you.  Sending a nice message to a friend, lets them know how much you appreciate their friendship.

Send your best friends a message letting them know how much you appreciate their friendship, and how lucky you feel to have them in your life.

A simple “I’m thinking of you” message can make all the difference in their day, and it will let them know they are always in your thoughts.

So take a moment to reach out to your real friends and let them know how much you appreciate their friendship.  These friendship quotes are perfect to send to a very special friend.

It will make their day!

An African American girl & a Latin girl having fun a

So in today’s post, I wanted to share the best message to send to a friend.  A good friend represents all that is good in life, and we all know how important communication is in our relationships, and sometimes we just need a little reminder of what to say.

Whether you’re looking for something sweet, supportive, or just funny,, we’ve got you covered!  These cute messages work well for a very special friend, and will let them know how important they are in your life!

So keep reading to find out the best message to send to a dear friend.

True friendships are hard to find, so when you do find it, it’s important to appreciate such a true friend.

  • Friends make your life memorable.  Thank you for making mine sweet and memorable.  Thank you for being such a true friend. #truefriendship
  • Dear friend, the most important thing in life is quality and not quantity.  In life, we strive to have reliable, good, and understanding friends.  That’s why I am so lucky to a real friend like you. 
  • A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.  I’m so glad that I can call you my very special friend.
  • You are the best friend I could ever hope to have.  Thank you for always being there and never leaving my side.  Let’s be friends forever.

What is the Best Message to Send to Your Friend

I’m always looking for new ways to show my real friends how much I appreciate them and I know you are too.  So I came up with the best message for friends that will make their day!

Whether you want to text them, post on social media, or say it face-to-face, these messages will show your friends just how much you care. 

Whether you’re trying to stay in touch with an old friend or let someone know you’re thinking of them.  These friendship messages are the perfect way of letting them know you are glad they are in your life!

Thanks for being here with me and making my life less vulnerable. I want to have you as my friend forever

  • Hey friend!  You’re one of the best friends I know and I’m really grateful for you.  You always make me laugh and feel good about myself, no matter what! I am so lucky to have a friend like you!   I hope you have a great day today!  Sending lots of love your way 🙂 xoxo 
  • Hey you!  I wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciate you.  You are a wonderful friend and one of the most special people in my life.  Thanks for always being there for me.  For listening when I need someone to talk to, and for just being awesome in general!  I now know what a real friendship looks like.  I hope you have a fantastic day, love you lots 🙂  
  • True friends are very had to come by, so I cherish our true friendship very much.  Thank you for being my best friend when I needed one. Only true friends can be there as you have been for me. I hope we remain best friends forever.

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Cute Friendship Messages

What’s the best message to send to your friend?  It honestly depends on what kind of mood they’re in and what you want to say.

If they’re feeling down, a cute and personal message is sure to cheer them up.  Of course, if they’re already in a good mood, you don’t want to ruin it with a cheesy message.  So just use your best judgement and send whatever friendship message you think will make your dear friend smile. 

  • We have known each other for such a long time now.  I cherish our true friendship and all the laughs we’ve shared together.  I hope we can continue to be best friends for many years to come. I hope we are always best friends.
  • A friend is someone who makes you laugh even when you don’t want to.  Thank you for being that person in my life.  You brighten up my day, no matter what mood I’m in.  Thank you for being such a good friend, always.
  • The most precious things in life can’t be seen or even touched.  They must be felt with the heart.  And that’s how I feel about our friendship.  It’s the most precious thing in my life!  
  • True friends are hard to find, but they are worth the all of the effort.  Thank you for being my truest and dearest friend. You are the only person who really gets me!  
  • Hi best friend.  A good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.  I feel so lucky to count you as my incredible friend. 

A Nice Message to Your Best Friend

When you find true friendship, it’s something to celebrate!  These are the people who are always there for you, no matter what.

They come through for you when you need them the most, and they’re always happy to help out.

If you want to tell your best friends how much they mean to you, here are a few heartfelt messages that will let them know you are grateful for them.

True friendship is a priceless gift, and it’s one that should be appreciated every day!

Here are some friendship quotes to get you started:  

  • You are more than best friends to me, you have become family.  I can’t even imagine my life without your endless support and understanding in everything that happed over these past few years.  This is what true friendship is all about.
  • You guys are my best friends.  I love spending time with you, no matter what is going on in life at the monument. You help guides me through all the tricky corners in life and I am forever grateful.  You are true friends, and I love you all.
  • You are an awesome person and I hope you have the best day! You deserve to be the happiest person alive because you are the most wonderful human alive!  Thanks for being a real friend.
  • I’m grateful for our friendship and all the wonderful memories we’ve created together.  Here’s to true friendship. You are an amazing human. 

You’re My Person Gifts for Best Friend

If you’ve ever seen the TV show Grey’s Anatomy, you know the phrase, “you’re my person.”  It’s used to describe someone who is your best friend, your ride or die, your partner in crime.

And if you have a friend like that in your life, then you know how lucky you are.  So, why not show them how much they mean to you with a gift that celebrates your friendship?

Here are some ideas for the perfect “you’re my person” gift for your best friend.

  • I am so glad you are my friends!  You make me laugh and smile every day. My life is so much more memorable with you in it!
  • You are my one true friend and I love that I can tell you anything.  Thank you for being there for me, even though sometimes I get annoying.  It’s so much more fun to go through this totally insane world with best friend like you!
  • I’m so glad to have you as a friend in this totally insane world.  You are always there for me, and that makes the world feel like such a warm place.  Thank you best friend. 

Girls having fun in front of the camera

Short Message For a Friend

However, they are some general guidelines that can help you decide what type of friendship message to send your friend.  If you want your friend to feel happy and loved, try sending them a cute or heartfelt friendship message is always a good option.

Whatever you do, make sure that your message comes from the heart, and that you take the time to personalize it for your best friends.  They will appreciate it!  Check out best collection of sweet friendship quotes below.

  • A loyal friend laughs at your jokes even when they’re really not funny, that’s true friendship!!
  • I’m so glad we are real friends to each other.
  • Friendship messages are the best.  Just know I have your back…..always, love your good friend ______.
  • I love that we will grow old together.  Love you bestie.
  • You make life memorable just by being you.
  • Dear friend, I appreciate you and all that you do!  I’m so glad we are best friends.

Best Friendship Messages to share With Your Besties

  • Hey there!  I hope you’re doing well.  I was just thinking about you and wanted to send you a quick message.  You are a dear friend, who has always been there for me.  We are so close, I consider you my sister, AND MY FAMILY.  Your support and love have meant more to me than anyone else in my life.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You are the epitome of what true friendship should be! 
  • Hey best friend.  Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how much I value our friendship.  You’re always there for me when I need you.  You are my dearest friend and a precious gift.  I thank god everyday that you are my best friend.  

  • As today is Best Friend Day, I wanted to send some (I hope) cute friendship messages to you :).  You are a treasure to me, and I am so lucky to have you in my life.  I thank god everyday for our friendship.
  • Friendship is a circle of love, not just between two people but also between groups of people.  I cherish our friendship and hope it lasts forever.  Happy National Best Friend Day to my best friends.

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”

  • Hey amazing friend.  You’re awesome and funny and it’s great to hang out with you.  Thanks for being my slightly cracked pal! You are the perfect friend to have on this crazy planet! 
  • Hey, best friend!  Thank you for being there for me over the years.  I don’t know how I would have survived middle school if it wasn’t for you.  You always know what to say to make me feel better.  Thanks for being my rock, I am eternally grateful for our friendship.

Best Friendship Messages

True friendship is a beautiful thing.  It’s rare to find someone you can truly count on, and it’s even rarer to find someone who understands and appreciates your friendship. 

If you have true friends, don’t take them for granted.   Let them know how important they are to you, by telling them what they really mean to you.

They’ll appreciate the sentiment and your friendship will become even stronger!

Besties having fun outdoors

Sending a message to real friends can make them feel loved and supported.   Sometimes, we need help getting through tough times, and our friends are always there for us.  That is what true friendship is.

So what are the best friendship quotes you can send to your friend?  Whether it’s a heartfelt note or just a funny meme, let your friend know that you’re thinking of them!

  • You’re  one of a kind, and I love you for that.  Thank you for always having my back, and then some! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. 
  • A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today exactly as you are.  Thank you for being a true friend.  I am so lucky to have you in my life. I want you as my friend forever.
  • One of the most beautiful things in life is realizing that you’re not alone.  You have friends who care about you and want to be there for you through thick and thin.  I’m so grateful to call you my friend.  I love you bestie.

2 friends hanging out at the beach

  • I know you have been having a tough time of it lately.  Just know that I am here for you any time you need me. We will forever remain great friends!  I am so lucky to have a friend like you!
  • Hi bff.  I know you are going through a tough time and I want to be there for you.  so if there’s anything you want to talk about, or just need someone to listen, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.  I love you and care about you very much.  XOXO
  • Hi bestie.  I know this has been a hard week for you, and I’m so sorry.  I am coming over to yours tonight, let’s do take out and curl up on the couch and catch up.  See you soon my favorite person in the whole wide world. 

Sweet Message For a Friend

  • Friendship is the purest form of love.  It is unconditional, unselfish, and understanding.  I cherish our true friendship and hope it lasts forever. Real friendship is a true blessing.  
  • A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else is still celebrating your smile.  Thank you for being that friend to me.  I am so lucky to have a friend like you, you have always been a real friend.   
  • You make me want to be a better person
  • Real friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.  I’m so glad that we’re friends and I hope we stay friends forever.  You are an amazing person, and I’m so glad I get to spend all my time with you.

Bff's laying on the grass taking photos on their phones

One of the best things about having a best friend or friends is getting to share sweet moments together.  Whether you’re catching up, goofing around, or supporting each other through tough times.  There’s nothing quite like hearing those little things to make your day.

Here are some of our best friendship messages messages to send to our besties.

  • You are the greatest gift I’ve ever received.  You’ve been by my side through thick and thin.  You always given me a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to.  You’ve helped me laugh when I thought I’d never smile again. You represent everything that is good in this world.   You are the greatest gift from god.
  • You are my best friend.  You always have been, and I know that we will be able to grow old together.  Thanks for being there through everything best friend.
  • I love that I can tell you anything and know that you won’t judge me.  That’s what true friendship is.

Diverse group of friends having lunch

  • No matter what life throws at you, you always come out swinging. When the world walks over me, you are my wake up call.  I always tell my mom you are my most reliable friend. 
  • You are the friend everyone should have.  You never hesitate to offer a listening ear or shoulder to cry on.  You always make me feel loved and supported.  Thank you for being the best friend in the world possible.  
  • You make me laugh harder than anyone else. 
  • To my amazing, beautiful friend.  You deserve all the love and happiness in the world!  You are my last single friend and I wish you all the happiness and a sweet forever with your new love. 

Kind Messages to Friends

Do you ever find yourself looking for the perfect thing to say to your friends?  Well, look no further!

Here are some adorable messages that will make your friends smile.  Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or just want to let them know that you care.  These messages will show your friends how much they mean to you.

So go ahead and make someone’s day today with one of these cute friendship messages!

  • Hi bestie.  Thanks for being such a great friend.  I cherish our friendship more than you could ever know.  I am incredibly lucky to have such a nice friend. Love ya to the moon and back! 
  • Hi besties!  Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate your friendship.  You always make me laugh and brighten my day.  I feel super lucky to have you in my life.  Thanks for being such good  friends.  I hope we can keep hanging out for years to come!  xoxo  
  • What’s up friends!  I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe.  I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say hi and let you know that I’m thinking of you all.  We may be apart physically, but we can stay connected virtually.  So please reach out if you need anything or just want to chat.  Miss you all!!!!! 
  • If you want to have a perfect friend, you also have to be perfect. But nobody’s perfect, that’s why we have to accept and learn to love all the drawbacks of our dear friends.

A pink square with white text

  • Hey girl!  I’m so glad we are besties.  I wanted to write this note to you to let you know some of the things I love about you.  So, this is for you, You are amazing my beautiful friend and you make my life better each and every day.
  • I am so grateful every day that I have someone like you as my friend.  Thanks for being here with me and making my life less vulnerable.  I want to have you as my friend forever.  Love you! 
  •  I appreciate so many things about you.  It means so much to know you’re on my side. Thank you for all the times you’ve been there for me.  Thanks for putting up with me. Your friendship means so much to me. 

Good Messages for Friends

We all need a little pick-me-up sometimes, and what better way to do it than with a sweet friendship message?

Whether you’re just saying hi or telling her how much you appreciate her, these friendship quotes are sure to put a smile on her face.

So go ahead and start spreading the love!

  • You are the best friend everyone should have!   You’re always there for your friends, no matter what they need.  You’re the shoulder to cry on, the sounding board for new ideas, and the voice of reason when things get tough.  I hope we remain best friends forever.
  • You are my kindred spirit and my best partner in crime. You keep me going when nothing else can. I am so grateful to have such a wonder friend in you.
  • To the one person who knows me best, cares for me no matter what I do, and is always there to share in both my joys and sorrows!

Best friends having fun outside

Nice Messages for Friends

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.  So it’s important to nurture that bond and continue to let your best friend or friends know how much you care about them.

Here are some of the best friendship messages you can choose from.

  • Hey friend!  I hope you’re having a nice day.  I just wanted to text you and let you know that I’m thinking about you, and that I miss your face!  You’re one of the best fiends a girl could ask for.  Please know that no matter what happens in life, you always have a special place in my heart 🙂  Love ya lots. 
  • You’re the friend I’d feel the worst about killing in a post-apocalyptic death match for food. If anyone ever hurts you, I will destroy them. Wishing you a happy friendship day, my dear friend.

Friendship Messages to a Friend

Your best friend is always there for you, whether you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to share a laugh with. 

So it’s important to let them know how much you appreciate their friendship with some heartfelt friendship wishes.

Here are some emotional friendship messages to send to your besties that will let them know just how special they are to you.

A green square with white text

  • I was thinking about you today and how much I appreciate our friendship.
  • I hope you have a great day filled with lots of smiles.
  • There’s nobody in the world that I trust more than you.  You’re my best friend and I love you.
  • Thank you for being the most amazing best friend anyone could ever ask for.
  • You have no idea how genuinely beautiful you are inside and out. Thanks for cheering me up whenever I’m sad.  You are the best friend ever. Whenever I need any  mental or emotional support in life, you are always there for me, as a true friend. 

You’re the most amazing human being on this crazy planet, and I feel so lucky to be your best friend

  • I cherish you, and I cherish our friendship. It means so much to know you’re on my side. Thank you for all the times you’ve been there for me.  Thanks for putting up with me. Your friendship means so much to me. 
  • You know that if you you need me in the middle of the night or mid-day; I will always be there for you. You hold great value in my life, and nobody can ever take your place. I We will keep our friendship forever stronger than ever.

Kind Messages to Friends

Sending a text message, email, or social media post is a great way to show your friend you’re thinking about them and take a little time out of your day.

These messages can be anything from a simple “hello” or “thinking of you”, to something more heartfelt or funny.

No matter which friendship wishes you send, your friend will appreciate the sweet gesture.  

  • Hey friend, take a break from your day for me, will ya?  Just wanted to say hi real quick.  Things have been CRAZY lately and it feels like we never get a chance to hang out anymore.  Can we meet up this weekend?  Love ya lots ox.
  • Hey best buddy.  I hope you’re having a great day.  I just wanted to take a few minutes of my day to tell you how much I appreciate you.  You mean the world to me.  I’m so grateful to have you in my life!  Let’s get together for coffee soon xoxo. 

Take a few minutes out of your busy day to send a true friend a message telling them how much they mean to you.  Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget to tell the people who matter the most how much they mean to us.

A quick, heartfelt message can make someone’s day and remind them that they are loved and appreciated.

So why not take a minute today and let your friends know just how special they are.  Believe me they’ll appreciate the gesture!

Friendship Quotes to Send To Your Best Friends

Here is a list of the 125 most memorable friendship text messages you can send to your best friends to show them how much they mean to you.

#1 I don’t know where I’d be without you in my life. I value our friendship so much and just want to say you’re the best.

#2 Best friends are those who stand by you no matter what. Thanks for proving time and time again what an incredible friend you are!

#3 You’re my best friend and my family by choice. Thank you for being in my life. I feel truly lucky.

#4 We’ve known each other for such a long time that I can hardly remember my life before we met. You’re my best friend, and you’re a part of me.

#5 Thank you for being my rainbow after the heaviest rain. You have a talent to make everything better and you support me during the hardest times. That’s what best friends do.

#6 Let me celebrate you, my friend, because you deserve it more than anyone I know but never do it yourself. You’re the most amazing human being on this crazy planet, and I feel so lucky to be your best friend.

#7 Hey, just wanted to check on you and ask how your day’s going. Sorry, I’ve been away for a while. Let’s meet sometime soon! I’ve missed my best friend.

#8 I could never understand how people call someone their best friend and then break up their friendship the next day. You’re my best friend for life.

#9 Whatever happens, I have always got your back. I hope you know this. You’re my best friend and I’ll stick by you no matter what.

#10 I believe best friends have twin souls. We feel the same, we think the same, and we’re always on the same wavelength. Love you, bestie.

#11 Rain or shine, you’ll always be my best buddy. Let’s never stop adding to the great tale of our adventures!

#12 What I love about our friendship is that it never gets old. We’re always genuinely interested in each other and always laugh our hearts out together. Love you, buddy.

#13 No matter where life takes us, I’ll always run to you, should you call. That’s what best friends do, and I’d do this and infinitely more for you.

#14 You and I are a pack of two. The closest-knit family and friends. Thanks, my wolf-buddy. I’ve never regretted a single day of our friendship.

#15 It’s as easy as ABC. You’re my best friend, and I’d give my life for you.

#16 Every hero needs a sidekick, and I’m happy to be yours. You’re way cooler than anyone I know, including myself. So happy to be your friend!

#17 We fit together so well because you’re everything I’m not, and I’m everything you’re not. We were meant to be best friends!

#18 I miss the old days, buddy, but please remember that you’re always in my heart, however far apart we may be. Real friends last forever.

#19 You’ve taught me everything I know about friendship and loyalty. I can’t say how much I love you, buddy.

#20 You know you can always count on me to help you go through the rough patch. I’m there for you now, and I’ll always be there for you. You’re my best friend.

#21 Hey buddy, you know I’ll always support you and care for you. I’m also up for punching anyone in the face who hurts you, so… you’ve got options. Love you.

#22 You hold a special place in my heart that no one can compete for. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I can’t say how much I appreciate you.

#23 It just occurred to me that I’d never thanked you for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve been my greatest supporter in words and in deeds, and I’m eternally grateful for a friend like you.

#24 We get on and fight just like siblings, and that’s very telling because you’ve truly become my family. Thank you for being the closest person I’ve got, and for our wonderful friendship.

#25 I feel like we share the same blood. I’d do anything for you, and I know you’d do anything for me. That’s what best friends are all about.

#26 We don’t need matching necklaces or bracelets to mark our friendship. The marks we have are seared deep in our hearts. You’re my best friend forever.

#27 Our friendship is so effortless and natural, that I’ve no doubt it was meant to be. Thank you for finding me in this big world, friend!

#28 The skies are there for us to conquer, and I’m sure we can do it together. You’re my dream team and my best friend.

#29 You’re the person I’m always comfortable with, and we’re always on the same wavelength. Thanks for being the best friend ever.

#30 Your friendship has been the light to guide me through the roughest seas. Only thanks to you am I still sailing.

#31 You are my kindred spirit and my best partner in crime. You keep me going when nothing else can. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful friend.

#32 I’m genuinely proud to be your friend because you never cease to amaze me with your wits, your humor, and your abilities. The world has to know how awesome you are!

#33 In our lives, we meet a lot of people who leave their imprint on us. You’ve left the biggest one, my friend, and have been seared right into my heart.

#34 Everyone has a story, and you’re a big part of mine. Without you, it’s just not the same. Thank you for being in my life, friend.

#35 I remember the day we met because my whole life changed at that moment. I’ve never known sorrow since you became my friend. Thank you for everything.

#36 Being best friends with someone is like exchanging huge parts of yourselves and carrying them around with you. I’ll always take care of you and you of me.

#37 I never feel as much myself as I do when I hang out with you. Best friends don’t need to wear masks around each other, and I’m very grateful to you for accepting me for who I am.

#38 You know you can always come to me and ask for anything, right? I’ll do whatever it takes to help you because you’re my best friend and a part of my soul.

#39 I know what true loyalty means because I see it in your eyes. Glimpses of it are in your words, your actions, your care. I cherish our friendship and the loyalty we have for each other.

#40 You’re not one of those people who leave you when the bad times come. You’ve been with me through thick and thin. Honestly, you’re the best friend I could have hoped for.

The Most Famous Quotes to Include with Your Text Message for Your Best Friend

“A good friend is a connection to life — a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.”
Lois Wyse

“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.”
Thomas Aquinas

“Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.”

“Someone to tell it to is one of the fundamental needs of human beings.”
Miles Franklin

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
Anais Nin

“Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.”
Baltasar Gracian

“When the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is within all of our hands.”
Maria Shriver

“Every friendship goes through ups and downs. Dysfunctional patterns set in; external situations cause internal friction; you grow apart and then bounce back together.”
Mariella Frostrup

“A friend to all is a friend to none.”

“It’s the friends you can call up at 4 am that matter.”
Marlene Dietrich

“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.”
Linda Grayson

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”
Woodrow T. Wilson

“If it’s very painful for you to criticize your friends — you’re safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that’s the time to hold your tongue.”
Alice Duer Miller

“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.”
Mark Twain

“Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.”
Elie Wiesel

“If you can survive 11 days in cramped quarters with a friend and come out laughing, your friendship is the real deal.”
Oprah Winfrey

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
Marcel Proust

“We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.”
Orson Welles

“A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad.”
Arnold H. Glasgow

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
Walter Winchell

“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you.”
William Arthur Ward

“Friendship is a wildly underrated medication.”
Anna Deavere Smith

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
William Shakespeare

“Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.”
Washington Irving

“Of all the things which wisdom provides to make us entirely happy, much the greatest is the possession of friendship.”

“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
Elbert Hubbard

“Friendship is inexplicable, it should not be explained if one doesn’t want to kill it.”
Max Jacob

“A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship.”
Markus Zusak

“True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.”
David Tyson

“If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.”
Maxwell Maltz

“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”
Tennessee Williams

“A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling.”
Arthur Brisbane

“A friend can tell you things you don’t want to tell yourself.”
Frances Ward Weller

“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“A friend is a gift you give yourself.”
Robert Louis Stevenson

“True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.”
Charles Caleb Colton

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.”
Ed Cunningham

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
Dale Carnegie

“Some people go to priests, others to poetry, I to my friends.”
Virginia Woolf

“Friendship is one mind in two bodies.”

“Friendship is like a glass ornament, once it is broken it can rarely be put back together exactly the same way.”
Charles Kingsley

“Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.”
Richard Bach

“Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another.”
Eustace Budgell

“A true friend stabs you in the front, not the back.”
Oscar Wilde

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Friendship Text Messages for Best Friends

Author Biography

Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith’s work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.

Message for Best Friend: Searching for Message for Best Friend Forever? Having a friend is one of the best things that can happen in one’s life. Therefore it’s good to express our feelings towards our friends as we grow our Friendship.

You can tell them how much you care by sending them one of these best friend messages. Tell them how much you love them and care. Inspire them every day.


  • Short Message for Best Friend
  • Short Message for Best Friend Forever
  • You Are My Best Friend Message
  • Best Friend Text Messages
  • Text Message for Best Friend
  • Text best friend Messages
  • Good Message for Friend
  • Message for Best Friend
  • Sweet Message for Best Friend
  • You Are My Best Friend Poem

Below are some of you are my best friend SMS. They are ideal for friends girls or boys.

1. You are my true friend, always there when I need you most, loving and comforting. You always encourage me through life. I Love you, my friend.

2. Friends are known to be protective and caring. You are that friend who will always be cherished.

3. I have never met a person like you; you have such a great personality. You are just the best.

Short Message for Best Friend

4. You are the brother that I didn’t have; your presence is calming and loving. You always give me hope and a sense of living.

5. No matter how much we fight, we will always be friends. You are a wonderful person, and will always appreciate our friendship.

6. A good friend is always there when you need them most; you are always there for me. Thank you for being there for me.

7. Since I met you, you have always shared everything you have with me. You are an amazing person. May our friendship last forever!

8. It is difficult to keep friends, though you are always in my heart. One of a kind friend, I love you.

best friend forever quotes

9. You are a great friend, I love the thought that you are always in my heart. Thanks for being that special person in my life.

10. I am glad to have a friend like you that I can always count on. Dear friend, you are one in a million.

11. What else do I need in a friend, or what else can I ask for? You are responsible, caring, reliable, and understanding.

Read: Reasons Why I Love my Best Friend

Short Message for Best Friend Forever

12. You are my mentor, sister, my advisor, and friend. I will always treasure our friendship.

13. The greatest thing that has ever happened in my life is being part of you. Thanks for being a great friend.

14. I celebrate this day with you because you are a special friend in my life.

15. Thank you for the inspiration, you are such a wonderful pal.

16. Thank you for filling my life with happiness, life without people like you is worthless.

best friend forever status

17. You are a true friend, everywhere I go, you are always in my heart.

18. You are an angel sent to guide me, if it was not for you, I would be lost.

19. No matter how hard I try, I cannot find a friend like you, you have shaped my life in many ways.

20. I am glad this friendship has brought a new meaning to my life. You gave me hope and a purpose to work hard.

21. Money cannot buy friendship, you are a true friend. The bond will remain forever.

Best Friend Text Messages

You Are My Best Friend Message

22. I feel comfortable and able to say anything when I am with you. Thanks for being that special friend.

23. We were once strangers, now you are part of me, you are too dear to me, a good friend indeed.

24. Thank you for being that special friend in my life, you are just an amazing person.

25. You are the greatest thing that ever happened in my life. You are full of love and compassion.

26. Thank you for being there for me, you are a caring and loving friend. I love you.

27. Our friendship started when we were young kids, we have grown together, played together and here we are, great friends. You are a wonderful friend.

28. When you are not near, I can always feel your absence, you are part of my heart. Thank you for being my best friend.

word for best friend forever

29. The best thing that came into my life is a friend like you, Thank you for being there for me

30. I will always cherish our friendship.

31. My dear friend, our friendship will last forever, I will always make sure the bond lasts.

Read: Trust Messages

Best Friend Text Messages

Looking for Best Friend Text Messages or text messages for a best friend? When you have a friend, they normally play a very important role in your life.

Best friends understand us better even before we utter a word. It’s good to appreciate our best friends and one way to do so is through special messages for friends.

Find more messages for best friend below

Thank you for always seeing the positive side of me, you have really motivated me.

Without you in my life, I don’t know where I would be. I really value our friendship. Thank you for being my best friend.

Text best friend Messages

Friends like you make the world a better place to live. I cherish you, my dear friend.

I’m so grateful for this friendship I share with you. You are a very special friend to me.

You are my best friend ever as you have never betrayed my trust. My secrets are always safe with you and yours with me.

I don’t know where I would be without you my best friend. I treasure our friendship so much. You are my best friend ever.

Every single day when I wake up, I feel truly blessed to have you in my life. You are my best friend!

Text Message for Best Friend

Life is awesome with you!

You are an amazing friend; you are always honest about everything. You never lie just to make me happy even if I am in the wrong. I will always treasure our friendship

You give meaning to true friendship. Thank you for always sticking with me.

You know how to make me happy even when I am sad and have the ability to make me smile in my worst moments. You have the most beautiful heart ever.

You are the best friend ever, and I promise I will never let you down.

You have been my guide and support. Thank you so much my best friend.

Best friends are the ones who will always be there when you need them. Thank you for proving to be the best friend in my life.

Text best friend Messages

Having you as a friend is the best gift that ever happened in my life.

I am very happy to have you as a friend, a friend who does not see me as unworthy.

I thank God for giving me a friend like you, a person to love and spend time with.

Friendship makes life magical, spending time together, and having fun, I can wish for another person other than you.

My friend, I can’t imagine a day without you. Loneliness would wear me out.

You have become part of my family. The one who never lets me down, I love you best friend.

There is no doubt our friendship will last forever. You’re my best friend

Good Message for Friend

Thank you for teaching me the true meaning of friendship. You are the type of best friend that I would never like to lose.

My life has been full of joy and happiness since I met you. Thank you for being the best friend ever.

Sometimes I feel like I received the best gift ever. I am extremely lucky to have found a friend like you. It is my prayer for our friendship to last forever.

I know no matter what happens in life, you will always be there for me. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I truly value our friendship.

Everyone has got something good in their life. For me, you are the best thing that ever happened to me.

I am sure we will be best friends forever because we never have time to look for new friends.

When I am sad and low, you are the one who brightens my day.

I don’t know how you do it; you know how to complete every word before I say it. No one understands me better than you do.

Message for Best Friend

Best friends are more than a family; they will never desert you in time of need.

Best friends are more like diamonds, the more you keep them, the more precious they become.

Whenever I need support, you are always there for me. I am so lucky to have a friend like you. You are a true friend. I love you best friend.

Best friends make good moments more enjoyable and difficult moments easy.

Don’t expect to find someone like you, we are all made differently. You are unique and special in every way. A good best friend!

You are the light to my darkness. You make me happy when I am sad in a matter of seconds. You are a great best friend.

Sweet Message for Best Friend

I love you the way you are, I don’t want anything to change between us. You are my best friend.

If our friendship was more like a garden, I would water it every day so that it never dries for you are the type of best friend that everyone would wish to have.

Just the way you have my back is the same as I have got yours. Best friends, that’s what we were meant to be.

You are the one who understands me better than anyone else in the whole world. You are my best friend.

I am grateful for your kindness, love, and support. Thank you for being my best friend.

There are no words that can express my love for you. It is hard to live in this world without best friends like you. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.

You Are My Best Friend Poem

You are my best friend
From the time I met you
I knew you were the one
The love grew into what it is

You brought love into my life
I never knew it would feel this way
You brought meaning into my life
You gave me a reason to live

You brought happiness into our family
You are my happiness when I am sad
You are my strength when I am weak
You are my best friend

When I need you
You are always there
You are my hope and inspiration
You are my best friend

You’re my sunshine
The best friend that I ever had
Oh! I have never been this close to someone
You are my best friend

When you have a best friend you have found a treasure. Best friends are always there for you; they will inspire and support you in every way. There are those that brighten your days and others come to your rescue when you are faced with problems. It is always good to cherish and appreciate your best friend. Pick one of these text messages for best friend and send them.

If you find these Messages, Wishes & Quotes useful and lovely, kindly share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Thank You for Doing so.

Michael Andrew

Michael Andrew is a content writer for Weds Kenya. He is a loving husband proud father of two. If you have any questions or would like to add to this content, please send us an email. You can follow us on Twitter or facebook.

Yes, there are friends who stick closer than a brother. When you win, they are there to give you a thumb-up; on your way to becoming the better version of yourself, they’d cheer you up, and when you get things wrong, they are there to give some encouragement to lift you up in whatever means they can. This kind of friends deserve thoughtful friendship appreciation messages.

It’s important to make your friends know how important they are to you and how much you truly appreciate their love and your friendship. It’s good to send some words to express your gratitude to friends who had proven to be loyal, faithful, and supportive over time.

Friendship appreciation messages to loved ones, will not only serve as appreciation words for good work, but it will also solidify the bond of friendship.

And you actually do not need to wait for a special day (like a birthday, wedding anniversary, or world friendship day) to do that. In fact, it carries more weight and meaning when we send our loved ones appreciation quotes for their selfless and sincere love, care, and contribution to our lives and growth.

Here are some emotional thank you messages to friends, loved ones, or sweethearts. And in case you want to take it a step further, with an appreciation message to friends and family, I got you covered, either way.


  1. Thank You for Being My Friend Quotes and Messages
  2. Emotional Thank You Message
  3. Appreciation Prayer Message
  4. Sweet Message for My Best Friend
  5. Short Quotes for Best Friend

Thank You for Being My Friend Quotes and Messages

Saying “Thank you for being my friend” isn’t an odd thing to do, as it may appear so to some folks. Sending friendship appreciation quotes to your inner circle is a way to lubricate the relationship and express gratitude to those who really deserve it.

Below is a collection of appreciation message to friends that you will love to share.

1. How else do I appreciate a wonderful friend like you, than to sincerely say “Thank you” for being such a great companion and confidant. You’re a friend closer than a brother.

2. It is believed that there are very few good friends. I think I’ll agree to that. But you are not a good friend, you are a GREAT friend. Thank you for all you do.

3. Sometimes, I wonder if you’re human or an Angel. You must be an angel. You have an amazing heart, a pure soul, and a beautiful spirit. I love you. Thank you for being a friend indeed.

4. There are friends who watch us when we cry and wish we’ll stop crying. There are friends who want to do all they can, so we may stop crying. You’re none of these. You go the extra mile to put a smile on my face. Thank you for being such an amazing friend.

5. You are so supportive; I wouldn’t have achieved all these without you. Thank you for the kind of friend you are.

6. Hey dude, you’re a great friend. I’m so grateful for all you do. Thank you for your kindness and support.

7. Hello guy. Do you know that some guardian angels have flesh and blood? I bet you don’t know. Actually, you are one of them! You’re amazing. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.

8. Friendship is sweet when shared with the right person. For me, you’re the right person to share friendship with. Thank you.

9. I’m sure not a perfect person, but you’ve loved me in spite of my imperfection. Thank you for this friendship. I’ll not fail you.

10. You’ve been a sweet friend, and you’ve done several amazing things for this friendship. For whom you are and the things you do, I want to say, Thank you for this wonderful relationship!

Emotional Thank You Message

friendship appreciation messages

When it comes to expressing your gratitude to your worthy friend, it’s fine to become emotional. Say it as it comes, no editing, and no formality. Pour out your heart and let them know you do really appreciate them.

And your friend too may get emotional reading this emotional thank you message, because they might not know how much they mean to you until you express it to them.

Send any of these “sweet thank you messages” to them, and get them smiling as they read through your texts.

1. When I counted my blessings, you came first on the list. You’re not just another friend, you’re God-sent, and a divine gift I need to walk through life victoriously. Thank you for always being there for me.

2. I keep wondering how life would have been for me without a friend like you to walk with. I appreciate all that you do for me and to me. Once again, thank you.

3. Some friends are as close as my shadow. When the light is so bright, my shadow disappears. When thick darkness covers me up, it’s nowhere to be found; but you’re a friend that is always there irrespective of time and season. I cherish our friendship. Thank you for staying through.

4. I don’t think I have the right word to say this, but I need you to know that you mean so much to me. Thank you for this friendship.

5. I have had friends. I still have some who stick around till now. Guess what? None can be compared to you. Thank you for being my best friend.

6. When this friendship began, I never knew it will grow to become what I’ll cherish this much. I thank God for the day our paths met.

7. In you, I have met one person who is like no other person in the world. Through this friendship, I am growing to become the person I have always wanted to be. Thank you.

8. Meeting you brought me into a world I might not have been exposed to if I had not met you. A better me is emerging out of the former me because you came into my life. Thank you, friend.

9. Walter Winchell was right when he said “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” Thank you for being a real friend.

10. I have had friends who want to seat on the sofa to sip hot coffee with me when it’s snowy outside; but you are a friend who wants to walk the street with me in the rain, even without an umbrella.

Appreciation Prayer Message

friendship appreciation messages

I assume it would be thoughtful of you to add some tone of prayers into your appreciation message. So here is a collection of beautiful appreciation prayer messages for your special friend, boss, uncle, partner, or parent.

And that’s right. Who doesn’t love prayer? I guess we all love to be prayed for and receive some blessing wishes from loved ones. So, with these nice appreciation prayer messages, express your wishes and send your blessings to them.

1. Thank you for being a wonderful friend. I pray that heaven will orchestrate many wonderful experiences into your path until you become a wonder all around you.

2. Who would have thought that our friendship would come this far. Thank you and God bless you for your continuous support and understanding that has kept it going.

3. Thank you for being there always when I call or need someone to talk to. I pray that you’ll no lack support and encouragement in a time of need.

4. I pray that the Lord will bless you as you have been a blessing to me. Thank you for all you do.

5. Yes, I cannot repay you for all the good deeds you’ve done to me and my family, so I pray that God will make all you do be a success and grant you favor everywhere you go. Once again, thank you.

6. I have come this far because you have been so kind to me. I pray that God takes you farther than you may think or imagine. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

7. You’ve been my physical angel. Thank you for your continuous support and assistance. May you be marvelously helped by God where you need it the most.

8. For your kind heart, thank you. For your kind gesture, I’m grateful. May God bless you abundantly.

9. I do not take for granted everything you do for me. I am forever grateful for your love and care. My prayer for you is that God will continue to take care of you too.

10. For all you are doing, for all you represent, and who you are, I want to say “Thank you”. I pray that God’s blessing will continually flow over your life and all your endeavors.

Sweet Message for My Best Friend

friendship appreciation messages

Best friends are the best or part of the best people in our lives. They are always there when you need them most, and even when you don’t think you need them. They are shoulders to cry on. They are reliable support when our strength cannot carry on. It is therefore natural that you might want to send sweet messages to your best friend.

Sweet messages for my best friend is a collection of heartfelt messages to friend. We decided to include this session in this article titled friendship appreciation messages, because, It is a way of saying nice things to your friends and reassuring them of your love and commitment to the relationship.

Take a look and make your choice from these thoughtful, sweet, prayerful, and emotional messages to best friend.

1. You are such a wonderful friend. If I’m to pay for your friendship, I sure wouldn’t be able to afford you. Thank you for your kindness and support, friend.

2. Thank you, friend. You thought me how to make lemonade from the lemons life throws at me. I’ll forever be grateful for your impact on my life.

3. Thinking about how we met, I cannot ignore the fact that you’re a gift from God. I’m so glad we met; my life is better for it.

4. Never give up, friend. Keep going, keep pushing hard, and don’t forget that I’m always there when you need someone to hold along the way.

5. Nothing remains forever. Bear in mind that this is just another face of life. Soon, we’ll get through it. Don’t forget that we are in this together.

6. I think some of the reasons why I can’t do away with you are that you are real, sincere, truthful, and never ashamed to accept your mistakes. Not many people have those combinations of virtues.

7. A merry heart strengthens the soul. Eat, drink, sing, dance, and never stop smiling. Remember, we are still evolving; soon we’ll get there…together.

8. We are friends, but you know what? You’re actually an inspiration to me. You are my hero. I celebrate your courage, wisdom, and focus that cuts through every kind of challenge that comes your way.

9. “A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.” I think this quote describes you perfectly. You’re a friend indeed.

10. Tahar Ben Jelloun once said, “Real friendship, like real poetry, is extremely rare – and precious as a pearl.” You are a real friend. Your kind is rare.

Short Quotes for Best Friend

Sometimes, words fail us to express the thought racing through our minds, at such time; it is fine to make it short and succinct. When you have too much to say to your best friend but don’t know how to say it, any of these short quotes for best friend may be appropriate to express your love and appreciation to your friend.

You may want to add some tweaks to it, to make it perfect for you; at the same time, each of them can trigger a thought in your best friend till they begin to feel emotional and even cry or smile as the case may be.

1. Friendship is never by force; it is by choice. I chose you and I am glad that I did earlier.

2. Friendship is when two hearts beat as one. Your win is my win and your pain is my pain.

3. Life’s good with a good friend. Thank you for being a good friend.

4. Darkness hides many things, but when the cloud becomes darker, true friendship is revealed. I’m lucky I found a true friend in you.

5. Real-life begins when you found a real friend. It’s a different life entirely when you find none. Friend, you’re worth more than gold.

6. We don’t have to walk on the same path to breathe with the same heart. Thank you for exemplifying the meaning of true friendship.

7. Beauty fades, riches may disappear, but true friends like you remain till the end of time.

8. There are hope, faith, and love; but the greatest of these is love. Thank you for the love we share and preserve.

9. The reason why our love is so perfect is that we understand that we both are not so perfect. If everyone will see from this perfect view, life will become a perfect place.

10. Knowing that you love me, gives me strength. Knowing that I love you, gives me courage.

There you have 110 thoughtful and inspiring friendship appreciation messages and quotes to help you say “Thank you for being my best friend”. You shouldn’t stop at sending one, two, or three of these Thank you messages to best friends; send as many as you can, maybe at an interval of days, to create that impression that would linger for a longer time.

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