Nice word for man

According to the well-known folk wisdom «women love with their ears». However, this does not mean at all, that the male part of the population of our planet is not averse to hearing compliments, addressed to them.

If the man you love doesn’t mind, then it is worth thinking about, how to please him, coming up with some cute and funny nickname.

Listen to recommendations on the right approaches to expressing feelings for a man with affectionate words:

Any pair of lovers is unique and unique so much, how unique is their relationship. And if a girl is in love with her chosen one, then she tries to come up with a nickname for him. And all the fair sex are trying to invent such an association from giving the meaning of affectionate words, which would be as exclusive as possible, affectionate and pleasant to the ear.

Varieties of male nicknames

what kind words to say to your beloved man

You need to hurry to say affectionate words to your loved ones. Until someone else told them unkindly about you. ©

All fictional diminutives can be classified according to several criteria.. Here are some of them:

  • Name (surname). The easiest way to choose a nickname is to associate it with the name or surname of a loved one.. For example «ram» with the surname Baranov or «Petyunka» if the guy’s name is Peter.
  • Character. Here they start from certain character traits. People with a quick-tempered and aggressive disposition are often called «tyranny», and people who are not particularly demanding of themselves and their actions are «lazy».
  • Age. For a man, prestige is very important, so in order not to drop it, it is very important to pay attention to age. If a couple has a difference in 10 years or more, men are often called «daddy» or «daddy», however, do not use the cynical and vulgar «sugar daddy».
  • Traditions. There are many common nicknames, and many girls do not at all strive for originality when choosing a nickname pleasant to them and the guy. Especially enhance the effect for such «handsome», «Peaches» and «pupsikov» can the word «My».
  • Love. In addition, the use of the aforementioned word «mine» can neutralize the negative effect of any nickname, as it serves as an expression of love. The guy’s delight has no boundaries, if he knows, that he is only your «cat», and only this way and nothing else.
  • Dignity. The use of the word «most» in relation to any nickname will significantly increase a man’s self-esteem and give him self-confidence. Therefore, calling him «the strongest» or «the kindest», you will be pleasantly surprised, what miracles can happen to a guy using just one word.

TOP-15 Pleasant phrases for men (list)

There is a stereotype, that men only love delicious food, passionate sex, exciting sport, Well, of course, women. But everything is not so primitive and standard, as it seems to many. If you take a closer look at the chosen one, then you can be very pleasantly surprised and fall in love with him even more, but at the same time, surprise him with your words .

Original nicknames for a loved one

You will almost always achieve more with caress, than brute force. ©
  1. Native.
  2. Affectionate.
  3. Cat.
  4. Sun.
  5. Wonderful.
  6. Dear.
  7. Favourite.
  8. My good.
  9. Only.
  10. My angel.
  11. Tender.
  12. Sexual.
  13. Beautiful
  14. Best.
  15. Great.

Unusual words for a man

Ideal. Long awaited. Talented. Hot. Chocolate. Courageous. Unforgettable. Unusual. Wise. Understanding. Strong. Caring. Sincere. Soulful. Sexy. Present. Shining. Desired. Great. Fairy. Sweet. Mysterious. Cute. Unusual. Great. Elegant. Imposing.

Sweet words, which men love

Vrednyushka. King. Macho. Temperamental. Brave. The best (lover). My prince. My Lord. My owner. My Lord. My divine. My inspiration.

Beautiful words to a man in prose: about love, at night, miss…

The above words can also be used to build phrases, then a man will be delighted with this.

List of affectionate expressions

You can give an example of a huge number of such expressions., best according to men:

  • My favorite kitten, I’m so lonely and bad without you, that I want to be with you always.
  • I want to purr in your ear about, how I love you and never get tired of it.
  • The best day for me is that, at the end of which you will return home and fall into my arms.
  • The most beautiful evenings and nights for me will be those, during which we will chat with you about everything in the world, looking at the moon and the magnificent surf.
  • Today I am the happiest, because you are next to me. The one, which is softer than clouds and warmer than the sun.
  • I will reflect on the asphalt, sand and walls all my delight from you. And if suddenly these inscriptions disappear, i will write them again.
  • Remember, my love for you is eternal and never ends.
  • You are my dream, which finally came true thanks to our meeting, I’m glad, that we found each other and now we will always be together. I really need.
  • You’re an angel, descended from heaven. You gave me your heart and wings. This is priceless to me, and in return I will give you all of me.
  • You are so sexy, that my body is burning with passion and desire. help me, put out this fire. touch me, hug, kiss, let me enjoy you.
  • My hero, i am ready to die for your love, but why, because I want to live and enjoy you, your emotions and feelings. And I also want to exchange them, give me yours, and I will give you mine … We will like.
  • You are for me the most dear and dear person in the whole world. thank you, that in this whole huge world you are right next to me.
  • There is great joy in my life. And it is you. Apparently I deserve it with my love, which serves as your amulet and amulet, she will heal you from wounds and protect you from all troubles.
  • I’ve been given many gifts in my life, but your gifts are the most beautiful, and the best gift for me is you.
  • I will never deceive you in my life, because you are worthy only of pure and bright truth. Even if this truth tastes bitter, I will never hide anything from you anyway, just because you deserve it. And I will brighten the bitterness of this truth with my kisses and hugs.
  • The best morning is that, which starts with your kiss.

Compliments and affectionate words about a hobby of a loved one

Men are mostly romantics. But they will always appreciate, if you reflect their passions or hobbies in your compliments, share his hobbies in conversation with him, give it special attention. Here are examples of such situations.

what to tell his beloved about a hobby

The most sincere emotions are caused by compliments about hobbies and hobbies!
  • Favourite, I know, FIFA World Cup starts today, which you have been waiting for. I promise you, that I will not interfere with enjoying the spectacle. I also bought you beer and chips and I won’t be angry at all, when you scream and applaud loudly. I want you to rest!
  • Do you want, I will cook your favorite dishes. I am ready to fulfill all your culinary desires and passions. I promise to do so, that you will remember this dinner for a long time.
  • I want to make you a gift! I will buy you a new rod in a new store, which I looked after recently. I want to do something nice, to make you feel happy.

List of gentle and sexy phrases for SMS to your beloved guy

What sms to write to your beloved man

When I get bored, i send a message to a random number “I hid the body … what’s next?”
  • You are brighter, than light, sweeter than candy, you are the best, I know that and I adore you.
  • My sweetest little man, I am crazy in love with you, you are the dearest to me. You are for me, like a bright sun, which shines and warms me with its warmth every day.
  • I’m just out of the shower. Transparent drops of water caress my skin, and I’m so sorry, that you are not caressing me.
  • To me you’re like a drop of moonlight in the middle of a dark night.
  • I love you all, whole whole: eyes, the words, sweet Lips, thoughts. I reflect your tenderness, your kisses, driving me crazy, the scent of your body, sight, caressing me, in which I see warmth and fire, which make me just happy.
  • I am immensely glad every our meeting, every call and message.
  • I’m like a piece of ice, melting in your strong and tight arms. And I adore my most precious treasure — you!
  • Message from your mobile operator: If you don’t send a message to your beloved, then we will be forced to disconnect the subscriber.
  • You are very unstable and I know it. But I’d rather be doubting, that you love me, than to be confident, what no.
  • In this dark wilderness of the night, I only want one thing — to be by your side, my native!
  • All 61 second in a minute and that’s it 25 hours a day I think only of you. … And already in time I got confused.
  • Billions of people live on our planet, but I think only about you. And i know why. Because no one can lure you.
  • Hello, favourite. I’m literally fresh out of the shower. And you have exactly 5 minutes, so I don’t have time to get dressed.
  • If you are tired of me, call the police, if you feel bad from me, then to the ambulance, and if you burn from my sight, then you should definitely go to the firemen.
  • You are worried about the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. We have information, what if you don’t kiss your girlfriend hard when you get home, then you explode like a bomb.
  • Put your lips to my heart and feel all the warmth, love and tenderness that I feel, seeing you.
  • As soon as you were born, Rain is coming. Probably, this sky was crying, it knew, that a beautiful angel goes to earth, then to find your love.
  • And we girls are like telephones. They take us with them, talk to us, but you should accidentally press the wrong place, how will they turn you off immediately.
  • But I’ll call you now, and I will say, that you’re just the best!
  • When the world is sweet and beautiful, it becomes clear, that only you are more beautiful than him.
  • If you are in a bad mood, I want to turn into your guardian angel and give you a smile.
  • You remind me of an unbridled wild cowboy, macho, bullfighter. I am insanely good with you and it cannot be otherwise.
  • call me back. I want to hear your voice and remember, how beautiful he is.
  • It’s just hard for you to imagine, how i want to hug your long hairy, slender legs.
  • Attention wanted! The most beautiful eyes in the world made the illegal crossing of the border of friendship and love and committed theft of my heart. If you find, call me immediately.
  • We know very little, but I know you already well. Especially your eyes, lips and smile. I will never trade them for anything.
  • Love me with all your soul and heart. It is a great happiness and a cherished dream — to be next to you..
  • But you know, what i decided today: 1. I will not talk on the phone for hours anymore; 2. quit smoking; 3. stop falling in love with guys like that, like you, because, that I don’t want to depend on your whims.
  • You are like the south breeze, exotic fruit nectar, gentle tropical sea breeze, carrying away into the distance, loud-voiced bird of paradise, the scent of a summer meadow, heady to madness. I love you more than life!
  • When the distance between us, I’m going crazy, I feel so bad and sad, but the sweeter and more joyful the meeting will be. Love, you my dear boy.
  • My thoughts fly in the dark, when you are not around, come back to me soon, I’m waiting for you!
  • You are the sweet nectar of heavenly fruits, gentle warm and cheerful south wind, gentle breeze of the tropical sea, sweet-voiced bird of paradise, you are the heady scent of a summer meadow. Love you madly!

Amazingly accurate selection of affectionate words and tips for choosing a nickname for your beloved, associated with his zodiac sign:

I can’t imagine your joy now that you have the man of your dreams.

Whether it is your husband or boyfriend, these special Romantic Words for Him will blow his mind.

Having a man to love you for who you are; heart and body is one of the most beautiful feeling ever.

Much more, having a man who you love with your whole self is a huge icing on the cake.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling your man how much he means to you.

So, as often as possible, go through our Romantic Words for Him and tell your man exactly how much you love him.

Sweet Cute and Romantic Words for Him – your Boyfriend or Husband.

1. Mr handsome, I look at you every day and I sincerely wish I had met you earlier.
I needed to have had a love like yours all along.

2. I can say that my best defining moments started when I met you.
I wasn’t exactly looking for a man yet but your love found me and there’s no going back.

Romantic Words for Him

3. You should know that you are one of my life’s best decision.
Sharing my life and heart with you is all I intend to do for eternity.

4. I bet you don’t know the effect you have on me; even on my rough days, you still put a smile on my face.

5. Darling, I will always be happy as long as I have you around me.
You mean that much to me.

6. There are problems only your big hugs can solve.
Yes, you have that huge effect on me.

7. Hey baby boy, I love you so much because you have seen me at my worst and you have loved me even more for it.

8. King of the best, you are a daily reminder of everything that is right with this world.

9. To the best man in the world, I’m in no hurry to get to forever so I can have all the time to love you.

10. Hey prince, there isn’t really enough time in this world to love you in all the ways I want.

11. Prince charming, there’s no night I don’t want to sleep in your arms.
When I don’t, you are all I dream of.

12. I never knew I could find a man who would be all I wanted and more. And in so such a short time, you became my everything.

13. Having you as the man in my life has made me forget the past and all it’s hurts and look to the future with all happiness.

14. Dear prince charming, I will fall in love with you over and over again.
Once is no longer enough.

15. I had no idea that a person could become a home until you came into my life.
There’s no man like you, you have my heart and love.

16. When I can’t tell you what I feel for you, I hope you will let me show you what it means to have a man like you.

17. I’m at my happiest when I’m with you.
No one else makes me smile this much, no other man makes me happier.

Trending Today

18. I want to spend every minute of the day in the week of the months of each year being by your side and loving you.

19. Losing you would mean losing the best man and my soul mate, something I don’t wish for.
So do me a favour and stay.

20. After all these while, I still can’t find the right way to put into words what I feel towards you.
Darling, you are so special.

Romantic Words for Him

21. I don’t laugh this hard unless I’m with you.
My heart skips a beat every time I see you.
Everything about my heart is always going to be you.

22. I have always, still am and I will always be attracted to you.
Your heart is as amazing as your physique.

23. You are worth everything; my unconditional love and much more.
The reason I let myself be vulnerable to you without a doubt.

24. There is a whole lot of love in the world but I choose yours.
And I intend to keep choosing you always.

25. Hey, best guy, I want you to know that I’m always going to be here for you; time and time again no matter what.

26. For the rest of my days on earth, I want to come home to you; you have become my home by the way.

27. When I look at you, nothing else matters.
At that moment, my heart beats a little faster because I know that I have the man of my dreams.

28. In any other time, in any other life, be assured that I will always choose to be yours and you mine.

29. The best girl deserves the best man.
Your love was made just for me and now, we have each other.

30. If there’s anyone I want to make more memories with, it’s you.
I cherish all the beautiful moments we have had.

Romantic Words for Him

31. I am completely in love with everything you do, especially with the way you run your hands through my back as you unzip my dress.

32. There’s a feeling I have whenever I think of you, it’s a feeling I never want to stop having.

33. Hey awesome guy, you still take my breath away and even more, you do it without even trying.

34. I’m extra playful when I’m with you.
I’m extra clingy when you are around me.
I have peace just because you are here.

35. Hello prince charming, out of nowhere, you became the very core of my life, the love in my heart and the best part of me.

36. There are people who mean the world to me, who I care for as my own but I can say in all sincerity that above all, I care about you the most.

37. I can’t remember having bad days any more, it’s impossible to have such when you are here with me. You are such a gentleman.

38. At every single sunrise and sunset, I want to be right by your side, holding your hands and looking at the beauty of the world.

39. Although the future may seem uncertain, one thing I know for sure is that I want to have the best man; you, around forever.

40. It’s plain and simple; I love you very much, I want to love you until my last breath.
I want to be in your arms at night, I want to be your lady forever.

Romantic Words for Him

41. My every thought of happiness revolves around you.
When I think of the word happiness, I’m invariably thinking of you, my hunk.

42. You are the best guy that I know, you happen to also be my best friend and my favourite human too.

43. I no longer care how cheesy it is to say that I love you very much and I literally can’t stop myself from thinking about you and how much I don’t want to stop.

44. You have shown me what it means to be in love with a real man; you get to love not just my body but also my heart.

45. Loving you makes me feel like a very special lady; when I’m with you, I feel like the only girl in the world because of your love.

46. Most of the days when I’m with you, I wish the days last a little more than twenty-four hours. With you, there’s no such thing as too much time together.

47. I still ponder on how well you understand me; both on the days my hormones make me crazy and the days I’m struggling to be myself.

48. I have random thoughts of you in the middle of the day and late into the nights, oh how much of an ideal man you are, I love you every other day.

49. I know that things begin and end, I know that people come and go but you, my man are the special kind and I hope you stay forever.

50. You are my other half; sometimes my better half.
You are such a strong man, a great support system and I love you in every way possible.

Romantic Words for Him

51. Ever since I met you, it seems like forever is not as long as I thought it was.
I want to love you forever and way beyond.

52. Whatever happens, wherever we go, whatever we do, just know that I’m always going to be here for you.

53. The truth is: having you in my life as my man is the happiest I have ever been and day by day, the feelings keep getting better and more awesome.

54. You looked at me in a way no one else has before, at that moment I knew I wanted this for life. I knew I wanted to be in your arms for life.

55. And when I met you, it seemed like my life began to change all for the better, slowly and at the same time; all at once.

56. You are the best man I ever met, even though most of the times you drive me crazy, annoy the life out of me and make me yell but yet I still love you endlessly.

57. I don’t say I LOVE YOU because it’s something I have to say or because I’m trying to keep you but because I really mean it and that’s how you make me feel.

Trending Today

58. You took my heart by surprise, changed my life forever in the most unexpected way, all these you have done in so short a time.

59. The beginning and end of my journey of love and happiness lie with you; never before has my life been gifted with a good man like you.

60. When I am in your warm embrace, I feel like such a little girl.
It means a lot to me that I have you with me.

Romantic Words for Him

61. In my heart, you have a place, one I hope you stay in for as long as life remains.
It’s like every day, I keep falling more in love with you.

62. To the man after my heart, I need you to know that I am completely and helplessly in love with you.

63. There are not many men like you and I’m grateful to have one of the best men alive.
You are amazing in all the ways one can imagine.

64. I totally love my personal space but you, my favourite man has become part of that space.
I love being alone, especially alone with you.

65. Even when I wasn’t sure I wanted to give my heart to another man, somehow, I knew it was you I wanted.
It has and will always be you.

66. The happiness I feel of late, I attribute most to you.
You totally know how to make me feel like a woman, loving my heart even much more than my body.

67. The things you say, the way you say them, how much we laugh together, even the silence is all beautiful.
Never met a more loving man.

68. The moon and the stars will stop shinning, I will stop breathing before I can stop loving you, my golden man.

69. The world is so beautiful, there are things that make me so happy but nothing makes me happier than being yours and having you as mine.

70. You make me so happy, I will choose you in all the lifetimes there is, there are just no choices to make, it’s you, only you.

Romantic Words for Him

71. The best part about our love story is this; I wasn’t exactly searching for a good man but I guess God felt that I deserve one.
You are my good man.

72. In a day, I get to meet a lot of people who in a way or another make my life better but none compares with how much happiness you bring to me.

73. Hubby of life, I hope you know that you are my world and my home and there’s absolutely nothing that can change that.

74. I heard a lot about good men, I have always wanted to have my own good man, and now I have you.
I love you so much.

75. When I’m with you, dear lover of my soul, it feels like this is exactly where I was born to be;
fitted right into your arms.

76. Having you as my husband has taught me a lot, all the things we have been through has made me love you even much.
Grateful we are doing life together.

77. One of the biggest reasons I look forward to each new day is because of the man that you are; the best man there is.

78. I’m in love with a man who treats me like a queen, who touches my body just the way I want it, who kisses my lips with a lot of passion.
That man is you and I love you so much.

79. I had no idea that it was possible to love someone just as much as myself.
This is what happens when I’m in love with a man like you.

80. Even the most little moments we spend together means the most to me, the little moments we spend apart tears me apart.

Romantic Words for Him

81. I have one wish and one wish alone; that forever you will be my man and me your lady.
Until then, I still am yours.

82. It still beats me how possible it was to find everything I was looking for in a man in you.
You are still and will always be my favourite person.

83. Lying next to you, talking with you, just knowing that I am your woman changes my entire mood; usually for the better of course.

84. When I first met you, I knew you were the kind of man I needed in my life so you can imagine the joy I feel every day waking up next to you.

85. I want to see your face and touch your broad shoulder every day, I’m not ashamed to say that I am a lot more obsessed with you every single day.

86. My heart and my brain are in sync on this one; loving you with all my heart until my last breath.
You truly are all that I need.

87. Until there are no more mornings, until there are no more nights, until my heart cannot love anymore, I’m going to keep loving you.

88. I only have one life to live and I want to live it to the fullest with you by my side.
The man of my dreams has become the man in my life.

89. Whenever you are happy, I want to be part of the reason why.
When you are sad, I want to be the one to turn your frown upside down.

90. It’s not even the middle of the day, yet all I want to do is have your warm lips on mine and snuggle perfectly into your arms.

Romantic Words for Him

91. Whenever you are not around, no matter the buzz going on around me, it still feels like my whole world is empty.

92. I am super delighted for your existence, my superman and nothing is as beautiful as me being part of your life.

93. To say that you consume me completely is, to say the least; I love you so deeply that I can go to the ends of the earth to make sure that you are alright.

94. I have always craved for the good kind of love; the type that you now give me and I know that I want to be part of the reason you smile forever.

95. I want to believe that our hearts were woven from the same fabric, how else do I explain this deep connection we share? We are one and the same.

96. We aren’t just best friends, we are much more than that.
We aren’t just lovers, we are soul mates now and always.

97. I am yours and you are mine, and no these aren’t mere expressions.
There’s so much of myself inside of you that you have literally become a part of me.

98. You love me so deeply in all my entirety despite all my flaws.
And for loving me for who I am, I promise my soul will always absorb all of your love.

99. Standing right next to you, I have seen the better side of love, the selfless side and on this beautiful path, I hope to hold your love forever in my heart.

100. Darling, it’s the little things that you do, the attention to details that you pay that makes me fall more in love with you on a daily. I couldn’t ask for more.

101. You are my significant other, the one who has completely defined the word ‘love’ for me in every language and from there ever could be. I love you too.

102. You are a very special man, I’d probably never meet anyone like you again.
You are a once in a lifetime kind of love and I intend to have you for a lifetime.

103. Do you know how much you make my days better? You really listen to me, you make feel like a queen and you truly care.
I want to see where this love takes us, I have a feeling it’s somewhere between forever and eternity.

104. And most of the nights, the only thing that calms my nerves is holding your hand while I listen to your breath. Or maybe, all of the nights.

105. Every single day that we wake up to, all I ever want to be for you is a symbol of a reminder as to what love truly means.

106. The things you say, the things you don’t, they all mean a lot to me.
I love to notice when you need a new haircut or even the slightest detail about you.

107. I lose count of the numerous times I think of you each day, well how can I not think about a part of me.
Because when I think of you, I’m invariably thinking of me too.

108. I find myself smiling just thinking of the moments we have shared and the ones we are yet to explore.
Totally looking forward to your company throughout this life.

109. When you became my husband, I knew I had found my home in a person.
And even though it took a while for our hearts to align, I know this is it forever.

110. I asked the universe for a little love and beautiful friendship, and I got you, the very best man ever.
You came around with a whole lot of love and a lifetime of friendship.

111. With you, all I wake up to are bright and beautiful days.
You give me the best feelings over and over again.
Let’s do this forever.

112. Even when I have a lot of work stuff to think about; you are still number one on my ‘thought chart’.
Even if I am in a room full of people, it’s still you I look out for.

113. I know that everything that starts has an end but I hope that it’s not the same as our love.
I hope to give you the kind of love that never ends.

114. Hey hubby of life, whether we have nothing to talk about or we have plenty of things to talk about, you are still the only person I enjoy having a conversation with.

115. I lost faith in genuine love until you came and made me believe yet again that a heart could be made for another person.
You were made to sing to my heart.

116. I know that love stories are different but I couldn’t have asked to share mine with any other than the most caring man I have ever met.
I love you so much.

117. My heart is down only for you; this means that I intend to stick around come what may.
Fasten your seat belt as we do this journey of love together.

118. I just know that I want to spend the rest of our live special together showing you what love truly means; like stroking your beard when we are old and grey.

119. I want to cry with you, laugh with you, make love with you.
I want to explore everything there is on this beautiful path we chose to go down together.

120. Having you, a perfect gentleman has reminded me what following through with actions means for a relationship.
Love is more than the words, love is action.

121. I crave a lot of intimacy with you, and no this is not about sex.
I need genuine affections and to feel like I’m truly loved.
And that and more have you done.

122. There’s a lot to love about your sexy and muscular body.
However, I don’t just wish to love your body but your entire being because in doing that, I will never let go.

123. There’s such a soft heart behind your hunky frame, a caring soul beneath the strength, the most gentle touch from you; you are a whole package.

124. Darling, you are worthy of every love and light I send your way.
You have done a whole lot more for me and all I can do is to be here for you as much as you are for me.

125. You have taught me what it means to be a man’s queen, something I hope I never take for granted.
You have the biggest and most caring heart any man could have.

Romantic Words for Him

126. I have searched high and low for the appropriate words to describe such a good man like you.
But at every attempt, words fail me.

127. With you, there are no on and off days of love.
Being in your arms makes me feel like I have everything I have ever needed.

128. I’m holding on to you, because you love me so much, flaws and all.
I promise to return the favour every single day of our lives.

129. The love I imagined growing up, that’s what I have with you now.
A love that makes me excited for each new day, a love that I’m grateful for each night.

130. I may not exactly know the perfect way to love you but I know that I am giving it my all; I’m loving you with my whole being and I hope that that’s enough.

131. You loved me at a time I couldn’t quite love myself, I’m only saying that I love you too and I’m never going to be able to replace you.

132. I have something to tell you, I’m absolutely and completely obsessed with you.
You are the only man I want in my life and I wish we are in each other forever.

133. Life has been good to me but with you, it’s never been better.
With you, I am completely myself and what’s more, you love me for me.

134. I have never felt lonelier than when you are not around.
Knowing that you are somewhere in this world makes me feel complete and all the more understood.

135. There are a lot of things that hurt me but having you around makes everything a whole lot better.
Having you makes things all the easier.

136. I love the way you love me in all the ways.
It’s the little things you do that make this love special.
It’s in all the million ways you say my name and touch my body.

137. Because you are my king of heart, you are totally worth all of my time and love.
My favourite thing about you is that I understand you a lot and that makes loving you so easy.

138. I sincerely wish you could see my heart, and then maybe you might understand half of how much I love and cherish you deep down.

139. Oh that you would kiss my lips with passion and touch my body like it was our first time.
Look at me with so much love in your eyes and never let me go.

140. I think every woman out there deserves a man like you, not you lol.
Because of every single time, you make me feel like I belong in your world.

141. There’s no bottom to the depth of my heart and how much it is filled with love for you.
You are such a wonderful being and there’s no time in this world where I would stop loving you.

142. And when our bodies meet, boy what a spark and beautiful chemistry.
What we have is what I want in my life as long as the sunrise exist.

143. We were two strangers who fell in love, two souls that found each other.
And now, we are two hearts that will beat in harmony forever.

144. Dear King of the best, my heart will forever reach out to you.
I am like a flower that blooms at your touch.
I am yours forever.

145. I could be in your arms and forget that the world exists.
You would kiss my lips and I would feel the world melting away leaving just you and me.

146. My friends call me a little crazy but I can hear the sound of your voice when I read your text.
I can see your face when I speak to you over the phone.

147. Have you ever listened to a song for the very first time and got hooked on it?
That’s how I felt when I first met you, I knew you would be my favourite person.

148. It took having you, my prince charming in my life to make me realise that one could possibly have a feel of heaven on earth.
Love like yours is true and loyal.

149. I’m so glad that I have you, love like yours gives me nothing but sweetness.
More than 7 billion people in the world and you are my most precious.

150. I always look forward to your warm embrace, the gentle feeling of your lips on mine and everything else that follows.
If there’s a life after this, I still want to have you in it.

How to Say Nice Words to a Man? 50 Examples. Saying nice words to a guy is not a feat, but the norm. But why is this so? Do men need compliments, affectionate nicknames, and sweet phrases? And what beautiful words are better to use in different cases? About why it is important at least sometimes to indulge your chosen one with cute expressions, as well as what exactly to say to him, will be discussed further.

Everyone, even the most self-confident man, will not refuse pleasant phrases addressed to him. If you approach the selection of compliments and affectionate expressions with meaning, then you can please any guy. What will happen if you say tender words to your chosen one at least a couple of times a day?

  • The couple becomes emotionally close. Feelings, trust, mutual understanding will be strengthened. The risk of betrayal, the number of conflicts will decrease.
  • A man will be inspired to new actions or a certain manner of behavior, will try to do something pleasant in return.
  • This is a great way to get a few kind words in return… If you pamper him with such sayings regularly, then he himself will begin to say pleasant things more often for no reason.
  • Guy’s self-esteem will improve, determination, his faith in his own strength. Thanks to this, he will often be in a good mood. In this state, he will become more likely to succeed in everything.

When a man achieves something or simply puts a lot of effort into a certain business, then, naturally, he wants to receive a portion of recognition. If he receives it from the woman he loves, he will always return home with a smile on his face. Even in the choice between friends and a girl, he is more likely to give preference to the latter.

If the couple does not consider it necessary to at least occasionally show their care, support, love through words, routine comes to visit. Partners begin to live simply as neighbors, there is a feeling of “quid pro quo”. At the same time, there may be no quarrels at all, but there will be no closeness either.

Compliments are not meant to cover negativity… And they don’t. Pleasant phrases will not have the desired effect if a woman now and then says something like:

  • “How can you even call yourself a man? I couldn’t even fix the shabby door.”
  • “And what, that you washed the dishes? I do this every day. And I don’t consider anything, I’m alive, a feat. ”
  • “You earn little, I haven’t seen flowers for several years, your mother has already got it with her advice. What can I take from you?”
  • “Yes, what is there to understand? Only the dumbest can understand this. Once again I explain … “, etc.

That is, pleasant words to a beloved man will always create and accumulate positive, creating harmony. But they do not hide or cancel the previously uttered painful and offensive phrases.

But what to do if you want to say affectionate compliments, but nothing comes to mind at all? Then it’s time to look at the list of suitable options and choose a couple for your situation and your own taste.

How to Say Nice Words to a Man? 50 Examples.

Examples of pleasant phrases for a loved one.

1. After a quarrel.

  1. Sorry for breaking off. I didn’t mean to offend you, it’s just that you and everything related to our relationship are very important to me, which is why I react so emotionally. I will try to continue to be gentler with you, dear.
  2. I think that we are both to blame for the quarrel in our own way, but I do not want to continue to play “silent”. You are a very dear person to me, and even a minute of resentment between us is already unpleasant. Let’s reconcile?
  3. I thought a little and decided to come to put up first. You have done a lot for me, I appreciate and respect you, so I want to take the initiative. Please forgive me for what I … (shouted, deceived, did not do something, etc.).
  4. You pout so sweetly that it is impossible to continue to be offended by you. At such moments I remember why I fell in love with you and how good you are for me. Peace?
  5. If you were indifferent to me, I would now just go somewhere or continue to go about my business as if nothing had happened. But I cherish you and I want everything to be fine with us. So let’s try to discuss the problem again, but calmly. I believe that we will succeed.
  6. I admit, I shouldn’t have behaved like this. I’m sorry, I’ll try not to do that again. But I would appreciate it if you would go a little way towards me and … (sometimes helped with cleaning, spent more time, etc.).
  7. I love you and happy to be your girlfriend. But I think that everything will be even better for us if we try for each other. I promise that right from now I will work on … (my problem). Will you help me?

2. In the morning.

  1. I love your sleepy face. I open my eyes, I see how my native miracle lies nearby, and now the day has already set. Your presence alone lifts my mood and energizes me for the whole day.
  2. Good morning, love. How nice it is to wake up next to you, sleepily stretch and reach out to you to hug and snuggle. This is my favorite part of the day.
  3. I hate getting up in the morning. But even being a real owl and grumbling at the alarm clock at 7 o’clock, I involuntarily smile, imbued with warmth and love when I see you sleeping next to me.
  4. Even the most beautiful dream does not give me such pleasure as seeing you in my bed. Good morning my dear.
  5. Honey, are you sleeping? Wake up, sweetie. There the whole world is waiting for you to get up and start your next feat. Absolutely nothing without you. And I can’t start the day without you either.
  6. Today I dreamed of the best man on earth. I dreamed about how we walk hand in hand, hug, kiss, laugh together. I woke up from a dream, opened my eyes – and he was lying next to me.
  7. I can’t get out from under the covers and start doing business. I’m ill. I have a shortage of kisses and hugs. Mmm kissed. Well, I immediately came to life, cheered up! What do you want for breakfast?

3. At night.

  1. I want you to come to me in dreams, and not just in reality. Then it will be the most pleasant, the sweetest, the very best dreams in the world.
  2. Good night dear. You did a great job today and deserve a good rest. Sleep tight and sweet. I love you so much!
  3. Even such a courageous and strong man like you needs a good rest. Therefore, quickly fall asleep and let you dream of something very, very pleasant. Sweet dreams.
  4. The last thing I see today are your favorite features. Now I just have to have good dreams. How wonderful it is to fall asleep together.
  5. My sleep is always sound, and my dreams are bright and pleasant when you fall asleep next to me. Probably, thanks to your presence, I feel completely safe and have such a good rest.
  6. Can I curl up next to you (hug you, fall asleep on your shoulder, etc.)? I want, even falling asleep, to feel your smell, a strong body, to hear even soothing breathing and the beat of my own heart. Good night, my love.
  7. Kiss me, dear, let this day end on the most beautiful and tender note. Well, now it was definitely a good day, and I did not live it in vain.

How to Say Nice Words to a Man? 50 Examples.

4. Separated.

  1. Words cannot describe how much I miss you. I terribly miss the sound of your voice, your touches, hugs, words of support. I hope that we will be together again soon.
  2. Without you, everything is so gray, uncomfortable, joyless. I wish you would return as soon as possible and everything would again become good, easy, rosy. Come as soon as possible, I’m waiting for you.
  3. I feel like we haven’t seen each other for ages. My will would already be with you, snuggling, hugging, kissing, and basking next to you.
  4. You are far away, and I feel the emptiness around like never before. At such moments I understand how much I love you and how much I need you, important, dear.
  5. I feel so bad without you that I literally feel sick. Come back soon, my sweet vitamin (savior, doctor, hero).
  6. Friends said she looked worse. And I answered: “So no for anyone, girls. My main connoisseur of beauty has left, now I don’t even want to preen, paint, dress up.
  7. Yes, I understand that you have important matters that cannot be delayed. I understand, honestly. But still I can not do anything, I miss you madly. Let everything resolve itself as soon as possible and you can return home.

5. Before an important event for him.

  1. Relax, dear, don’t be nervous. I already know well that you are my most successful, strong, intelligent, and simply irreplaceable. And today the whole world (your boss, coach, company leaders, etc.) will know about it.
  2. Of course, you will succeed! It’s you. I have no idea who is capable of this task but you. Perseverance, intelligence, experience, strength – you have everything to succeed.
  3. I know that you are a little uneasy, you are worried, because this is not an easy task. Take a deep breath, straighten your shoulders and just be yourself. I believe in you.
  4. I’m very proud of you. Not everyone will be able to go so far and decide to take this step. That is why everything will be great. They will admire you as much as I do.
  5. Remember that I will be there (mentally, in the hall, at the office, etc.). I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I will not hope for a positive result, since I am firmly convinced that it will be so.
  6. Dear, you have put a lot of effort into this matter. I am sure that no other candidate would have coped with such a load. Your success is guaranteed.
  7. Let’s hug and kiss you for good luck. Even though you don’t really need it. Today is definitely your day and you will be the undisputed winner.

How to Say Nice Words to a Man? 50 Examples.

6. When he is in a bad mood.

  1. I know you’re upset, I’m really sorry that this happened. But life consists not only of dark bands. You’ll see, soon luck will smile at you. You deserve a lot and soon everyone will notice.
  2. You know, sometimes we don’t get something, so that later fate will give us a gift twice as much as before. I think that you deserve much more and soon fate will give you a new, even better chance.
  3. I’m sorry you had to go through this. What can I do to make you feel better? Let me help you and drive away bad thoughts for a while.
  4. When you are in this state, then everything turns out badly for me. The mood immediately deteriorates, you don’t want anything, everything irritates. I don’t want anything to make you sad. Let’s try to fix the situation together.
  5. Let’s digress a little now, let’s go for a walk and clear our heads. I think a little respite will do you good, especially since you’ve been working so hard all day.
  6. What’s bothering you? Tell me more, please. I want to know the reason for your sadness, then together we will find a solution. I promise I will listen from start to finish without interrupting.
  7. My sun, dear, beloved, golden, my precious. I love you very much. Do not be sad, otherwise, even the sun hides behind the clouds, the birds do not sing, and I walk around not myself. Let’s try to cheer you up. Let’s go to a cafe (a park for a walk, an entertainment center, a forest for a picnic, etc.).

7. After sex.

  1. That was incredible! You surprise me every time. Where do you have so much endurance (fantasy/ardor/passion)?
  2. Everything, now I can’t walk normally for a week. Legs tremble and give way. Wow, in bed you are just indomitable.
  3. You know by heart all my erogenous zones. The slightest touch, a light kiss on a sensitive point – and I melt in your hands.
  4. Mmmm, maybe some extras? It was so sweet, and the restless sweet tooth just woke up in me.
  5. How hot are you? My head is spinning from you, it becomes impossible to think, inside everything is on fire.
  6. How I love it when you are so passionate (gentle, affectionate, commanding). And these soft (sharp, fast, smooth) movements, pace!
  7. It was the best sex of my life. Yes, I know I say this all the time. But I really feel like this every time.
  8. I love it when you dominate (moaning, teasing, using dirty words). I am immediately covered with a hundred waves of pleasure.

Girls are used to receiving frequent compliments. Alas, not all of them are ready to say nice words to the guy just as regularly. But a kind, encouraging word towards your man can improve relations with him, win his sympathy, respect, appreciation. Fortunately, this list will help you quickly fix the problem and please your chosen one with a couple of affectionate phrases.

How to Say Nice Words to a Man? 50 Examples.

The more often you say pleasant words to men, the better your relationship becomes. This is an immutable truth, which, unfortunately, many women forget. How to make your choice pleasant?

Show its significance

nice words for men

For men, competence is not just a word. Know that their skills, talents and personality traits are recognized, it is extremely important for the stronger sex. Of course, in no case should you flatter. Lying is always felt, and therefore affects the level of trust in you and your words.

But if you know that your chosen one is fine inhe understands something, do not be too lazy to tell him about it. Pleasant words for men are especially good to say after they have done something valuable and enjoyable for you. Of course, everything must be done in moderation. Jump to the ceiling with happiness with joyful exclamations: «Darling, you are so surprisingly fast, exactly and in time, hammered a nail into the wall!» is an obvious search. But the compliment should not be said casually. Just sincerely praise your man, not limited to the word: «Good». A brief praise may seem formal.

Explain to him what you liked. Compare the reaction to the words: «You’re a smartie» and «Thank you very much for visiting the store, I’m so tired today that it would be difficult for me to bring these heavy bags.» I appreciate your concern. «

What words are pleasant to a man?

what words are pleasant to a man

If we talk about conversion, here the universalNo answer. Someone likes to be called exclusively by name. Someone accepts such appeals as «the sun», and some like different cute nicknames like «rabbits», «cat», etc.

The best way to find out is to ask directly. If a man says or pretends that he does not know, just pay attention to how he calls you. Try to use similar words for it.

In any case, every man like thesewords like «beloved,» «dear,» «dear,» «sweet,» etc. But they need to be spoken only if you really feel such feelings for him. And remember that very nice personal words for men are better to speak alone. Of course, in the company of friends, if it is appropriate, you can call it «sun», but it is better to refrain from «puppik». And of course, there is no need to say anything like this when colleagues. After all, if in the eyes of others he is a successful man, he will hardly want to appear before the public in the role of «rabbit».

Pleasant words to a man in prose

pleasant words for a man in prose

In principle, few men like beautifulletters. However, there are exceptions. Do not write too tearful and touching words. Just sincerely describe your feelings that you feel for him. You can mention some pleasant moments from your life.

The main thing when you say nice words to men,do not try to impress and wait expectantly in the hope of a reciprocal compliment. Give warmth and tenderness unselfishly. Then the man will understand that you tell him pleasant words not from lack of attention, but because in fact you appreciate and love him.

Remember, the more you talk about his good qualities, the more you will see their manifestations. Less criticism and more praise is the key to a strong relationship.

</ p>>

Иногда так хочется похвалить своего молодого человека и быть оригинальной, а он, как на зло, иностранец. С комплиментами девушке на английском для меня было проще. Для этой статьи же пришлось потрудиться. Пока изучала информацию по теме комплиментов для мужчин, встречала комментарии на подобии “настоящим мужчинам не нужны комплименты” и много советов о том, что, если вы решились хвалить, то нужно делать это искренне. По поводу того, нравятся ли мужчинам комплименты, сказать ничего не могу. Думаю, это зависит от того, кто вам попался. Когда же идет речь об искренности, то в случае, если вмешивается иностранный язык, все становится немного сложнее. Поэтому так же, как некогда мы писали о “Способах признаться в любви на английском”, полагаю, будет не лишним подготовить вам список комплиментов на английском мужчине. Вы уже выбирайте сами, что подойдет для вашей второй половинки и определенной ситуации. 

compliments-for-men-002You are so handsome. 

Ты такой красивый. 

You are the best of the best! 

Ты лучший из лучших! 

You are the strongest of all. 

Ты самый сильный. 

You are my stronghold. 

Ты моя крепость. 

I always feel safe when I’m around you. 

Я всегда чувствую себя в безопасности, когда я рядом с тобой. 

You are so understanding… 

Ты такой понимающий… 

You are my perfect man! 

Ты мой идеальный мужчина! 

You are so kind/kindhearted.

Ты такой добрый.

You are so fearless!

Ты такой бесстрашный!

You are incomparable.

Никто с тобой не сравнится.

Your charm is irresistible!

Нельзя устоять перед твоим обаянием!

You are so bright and intelligent.

Ты такой сообразительный и умный.

I can always count on you for the best advice.

Я всегда могу рассчитывать на то, что ты мне дашь лучший совет.

You always give the best advice.

Ты всегда даешь лучшие советы.

You are so seductive!

Ты такой обольстительный!

You are so funny/witty!

Ты такой смешной/остроумный!

You can always make me smile.

Ты всегда можешь заставить мне улыбнуться.

You’re the funniest man I’ve ever met.

Ты самый смешной (в значении “остроумный”) мужчина, которого я когда-либо встречала.

You make me laugh like no other!

Ты меня можешь рассмешить, как никто другой!

Your humor is the best!

У тебя лучшее чувство юмора!

I can’t help but smile around you.

Я не могу не улыбаться рядом с тобой.

You always know exactly what to say.

Ты всегда знаешь, что сказать.

You’re the most attractive man in the world / universe!

Ты самый привлекательный мужчина в мире/во вселенной.

How loving you are! I’m so lucky!

Какой ты любящий! Мне так повезло!

How energetic is my man!

Мой мужчина такой энергичный!

You are so courageous.

Ты такой смелый.

You’re the most talented!

Ты самый талантливый!

I love what you do, it’s so meaningful.

Я люблю то, чем ты занимаешься. Это очень важно.

Your style is impeccable!

У тебя безупречный стиль!

This suit is just stunning!

Этот костюм просто потрясающий!

You are so romantic.

Ты такой романтичный.

You are my cup of tea!

Ты в моем вкусе!

You are a real gentleman.

Ты настоящий джентельмен.

You inspire me!

Ты вдохновляешь меня!

I’m so proud of you.

Я так горжусь тобой.

My strong, confident and powerful man!

Мой сильный, уверенный и могущественный мужчина!

With you I feel like a real lady.

С тобой я чувствую себя настоящей леди.

All my friends love you, they think you’re such a great guy to hang out with.

Все мои друзья любят тебя. Они думают, что с тобой так здорово проводить время.

You know, I’ve never met a guy who’s as just as you. You’re such a man of principles.

Знаешь, я никогда не встречала такого парня, как ты. Ты такой принципиальный человек.

It’s so nice to see a man who can cook.

Как хорошо видеть мужчину, который умеет готовить.

You’re the strongest man I’ve ever met.

Ты самый сильный мужчина, которого я когда-либо встречала.

I love how you listen and respect me.

Люблю то, как ты слушаешь и уважаешь меня.

You make me feel beautiful/appreciated/respected.

С тобой я чувствую себя красивый/что меня ценят/уважают.

You really know how to treat a woman.

Ты знаешь, как обращаться с женщиной.

What are you wearing? You smell magnificent.

Что на тебе? Ты пахнешь удивительно.

Is there anything you CAN’T do?

Есть ли что-то, что ты не умеешь?

Honestly, you are way hotter than Brad Pitt.

Честное слово, ты намного привлекательнее Брэда Питта.

I have never met a man like you. You’re genuinely different from the rest and I’m loving it!

Я никогда не встречала такого мужчину, как ты. Ты действительно отличаешься от других, и я это обожаю!

I love how easy it is to have a conversation with you.

Люблю то, как легко с тобой общаться.

You are absolutely charming. I just can’t pull myself away!

Ты совершенно очарователен. Не могу оторваться от тебя!

You can fix anything, can’t you?

Ты умеешь найти решение всему, не так ли?

Judging by the way you’re so sweet and playful with kids, you’re going to make a great dad one day.

Судя по тому, какой ты милый и веселый с детьми, ты будешь отличным отцом.

Whatever you put your mind to, I know you’ll be able to achieve it. You always have.

Ты сможешь достичь всего, за что возьмешься. У тебя это всегда получалось.

Of course people want to work with you/for you. People trust you and your abilities. As they should. You’re amazing at what you do.

Конечно, люди хотят работать с тобой/на тебя. Люди доверяют тебе и твоим способностям. И должны. У тебя замечательно получается то, что ты делаешь.

You’ve accomplished so much in your life already. I’m sure you’ll continue doing many more great things. You’ll make the most of any situation that comes your way.

Ты уже столько достиг за свою жизнь. Уверена, что ты продолжишь совершать много великих вещей. Ты извлекаешь максимальную пользу из любой ситуации.

I noticed that you did (this) for me. Thank you for being so thoughtful. I really appreciate it. You’re very sweet with me and I love it.

Я заметила, что ты сделал (это) ради меня. Спасибо за то, что ты такой внимательный. Я очень ценю это. Ты очень мил, и я люблю это.

I love how forgiving you are with those closest to you. It took a lot of strength to be the bigger man back there and you couldn’t have done any better.

Люблю то, как ты прощаешь своих близких. Потребовалось много сил, чтобы быть мужчиной тогда, и ты не смог бы сделать это лучше.

I’ve never felt more safe and comfortable around any other person. I love being in your presence.

Я никогда не чувствовала себя более безопасно и комфортно с любым другим человеком. Мне нравится быть с тобой.

© Ландыш

You’re head over heels in love.

And everyone loves a sincere and meaningful compliment.

Think of how you felt the last time you received one. 

Special. Respected. Admired. Irresistible. 

You want to make him feel that way, too.

So, look through this list of 115 compliments for men. 

You’ll find just the words or the inspiration you need. 

Does a Man Like Compliments?

Your guy may seem cool and confident and never fish for praise, but underneath, he needs to know you appreciate him and like who he is.

He may not ask, “Do these jeans make my butt look big,” but he’ll certainly be thrilled to hear you say, “You look so hot in those jeans.”

Beyond praise of his looks and physique (which are nice but superficial), your recognition of his good character, charm, intelligence, hard work, career success, values, and integrity go a long way in cementing a bond between you.

Try saying things like . . .

  • “I really admire the way you spoke to the waiter when he brought out the wrong order.”
  • “You are the most hard-working man I know, and you still make time to visit your family.”
  • “You always make people feel so comfortable when you speak to them.”

When you compliment your guy on the qualities that mean the most to him, he’ll feel that you really “get” him and understand him on a level that others don’t. And hopefully, you really do.

[Side Note: You might consider the Couples Communication Course. In this online course, learn healthy communication skills and build the intimacy you’ve always wanted in your relationship.]

How to Compliment a Guy the Right Way 

Before you dive into our list of compliments, though, we’d like to share some ideas for offering him a compliment in a sincere way. You know the guy in question better than we do, but the following points are worth considering:  

  • Stick to the truth. Empty flattery will get you nowhere. Stick to what he knows is true. And if you’re complimenting him in on his eyes, get the color right. 
  • Deliver with sincerity and without an ulterior motive. Don’t pay him a compliment just to get something from him or to soften him up for a big ask. 
  • Make it specific. Saying “You look good” is okay, but “I love that color on you” or “You look handsome in that shirt” is more specific and meaningful. 
  • Get to know what matters most to him.  If you don’t know (or care) what matters most to him, your compliments will miss their mark and push him further away.
  • Focus on things he’s proud of.  If he’s been working on some self-improvement project (hitting the gym, volunteering, taking risks, etc.), celebrate his progress. 
  • But don’t neglect praise-worthy traits he’s less aware of. Call his attention to things you love about him that he may not even notice. 
  • Choose your timing carefully.  For example, don’t interrupt him in the middle of something that requires concentration to compliment him on his golf game.
  • Don’t fish for a return compliment.  Don’t pay him a compliment in the hopes that he’ll compliment you right back or tell you something you want to hear. 
  • Tell him how he makes you feel. Keeping in mind the tip on making it specific, let him know when his words and actions make you feel safe, respected, beautiful, etc.

How do you compliment a guy on his looks?

Everyone, guys included, likes to hear compliments about how they look. Who wouldn’t want their partner to look at them and say, “Wow, you look great!” 

couple holding flowers face to face compliments for your man

Generally, though, the more specific the compliment, the more significant the impact: 

  • “Those jeans look fantastic on you!” 
  • “I love the way that shirt brings out your eyes.” 
  • “Those glasses frames are perfect for you. Great choice!”

How do you compliment a guy sexually?

If you’re complimenting your guy’s performance in bed, he’ll enjoy it more if you focus on one or more of the following: 

  • What he did that you particularly enjoyed 
  • Your inability to stop thinking about your last time together
  • How being with him has reinvented sex for you in the best possible way

Don’t lay it on too thick, but let him know he has nothing to worry about. 

How do you compliment a guy over text?

Keep in mind a text can be noticed by others, so this may not be the best vehicle for a sex compliment. That said, there’s plenty of room for the kinds of compliments he’ll love to see coming from you. Focus on one of the following: 

  • His appearance
  • His work
  • The effort he puts into the relationship
  • His character
  • His personality
  • His heart
  • His mind 

How do you compliment a guy in one word?

If you could only use one word to compliment the man in your life, the following steps can help you find the best words to use:

  • Start with a list of positive words that describe him. 
  • Highlight those that relate to the qualities in him you most admire. 
  • If he shows a distinct preference for any, use those more, too. 

Stick with what you know to be true about him. 

Now that you know how to deliver a compliment your favorite guy will love, go ahead and look through the following list to find at least one great compliment for today. 

Each of the following compliments for men comes with an explanatory follow-up thought. You can either add it to your compliment or use it as inspiration. 

Different situations call for different kinds of compliments, so you’ll see these divided into separate categories to help you find the one with the best fit. 

Compliments for Him about His Looks

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want their significant other to find them attractive — irresistible, even. You’re not being shallow by complimenting your man’s physical appeal.

There’s a time to focus on the reasons he makes your senses happy.  

woman smiling man kissing her neck compliments for your man

1. You are so handsome. You can make any outfit look good. And with that smile, it’s hard to care about the clothes, anyway. 

2. You have a great sense of style.  I like the clothes you wear. Not every guy has a knack for picking out clothes that look great on him. 

3. I love to watch you move. But I’d rather be close enough to hold your hand. 

4. Just looking at you makes me smile. The sight of you makes everything better. 

5. When I look into your eyes, I see intelligence, humor, and kindness. I could look into them all day. But I can think of better things to do when you’re here. 

6. You smell fantastic. (This one isn’t about looks, but it does go to physical appeal.)

7. Your smile is my favorite thing. Nothing lights me up inside like seeing you smile.

8. Don’t rush to shave on my account. You’re irresistible with or without facial hair. 

9. Whatever you’re doing to look this good, keep it up. It’s working (at least on me).

10. I’m powerless against that smirk of yours. Ties me in knots every time I see it. Never lose the smirk. 

11. I love that every time you call, I get to see your face on my phone.

12. You really are adorable. I look at you and just want to hug you. 

13. I’m glad you take such good care of your teeth. I love seeing them. 

woman smiling man leaning into her head compliments for your man

14. I love your feet. Fine with me if you walk around barefoot most of the time.

15. Whatever your hair is doing, it always looks hot. How is that possible?

16. I love watching your mouth. If I don’t always hear what’s coming out of it, be patient. I’ll get there. Eventually. 

17. I see how other women are drawn to you. Inside and out, you’re in a league of your own.

Compliments for Men and Their Work and Accomplishments

You can praise your man’s work and accomplishments without denigrating your own; in fact, the compliments will mean more if you also value and respect yourself.

Show him you’ve noticed and are impressed with what he’s learned and how far he’s come.

1. You did a fantastic job at [latest job well done]. I hope you don’t mind my bragging about you to everyone who will listen.  

2. I love watching you work. You just keep getting better at it. And I love the view. 

3. You should be proud of what you’ve accomplished this year. (Recount some of his accomplishments and remark on why they matter and how proud you are of him.) 

4. I’ve never met anyone as knowledgeable and perceptive about this as you are. If I have any questions, I know whom to ask. 

5. You continually impress me. Just when I think I’ve seen you at your best, you find another way to surprise me and make me even prouder. 

6. I admire the way you handled that situation. You treated others with respect and took calm, decisive action. You set a good example for others.

7. I love watching the way you treat people. I know I can trust you to treat people with patience, respect, and fairness — however they treat you. 

8. I’m in awe of how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown. You amaze me. Just watching and listening to you makes me want to be better. 

9. I’d like to learn more about [something that interests him]. Where should I start? 

10. Have I told you lately how much I love it when you cook? And not just because I don’t have to. 

11. You’re always learning, and I love that about you. You never get bored of learning new things. I want to learn with you. 

12. I’m honestly jealous of the people who get to work with you. Lucky jerks.

13. No one is more trustworthy or competent when it comes to your job. 

14. I read everything you write. Everything feels like it was written just for me.

15. You combine intelligence and drive with a strong work ethic. You inspire people around you, including me. 

16. When you set your mind on something, you get it done. I admire that. 

17. Can you help me fix this? You have a knack for fixing things and making them better.

Compliments for Him and His Personality

Focusing on his personality doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate his other gifts.

But every man wants to know that you see the person behind the pretty face, that you admire his character, and that it’s his personality — not his physical attributes — that you love most.

1. You’re the best listener I know. You listen to understand — not to win an argument. 

2. I love listening to your ideas. The way your mind works fascinates me. 

3. You’re not afraid to take risks and try new things. I admire your courage and your sense of adventure. 

4. You crack me up all the time. I don’t know anyone who makes me laugh as much.

5. You’re the kindest, most generous person I know. I admire your character and your compassion. 

6. Having a good time with you is effortless. No one is more fun than you are. 

7. I love talking to you and listening to you talk. You’re the best conversation partner. 

8. Life with you is never boring. Whatever you want to do, I’m up for it.  

9. You have a knack for saying what I need to hear. I need you around more often.

10. When I beat you at something, you’re the first one to brag to others about it. You’re never a sore loser — or an insufferable winner. 

11. When I’m good at something, you never let me forget it. You’re as proud of my gifts as I am of yours. 

12. You have never been afraid of losing — just of failing to learn from it. You inspire me to take more risks. 

13. I love how much energy you put into lifting people up. 

14. I don’t know anyone with a bigger heart or a more beautiful mind. 

15. Corny as your jokes are, I can’t help smiling when you tell them. 

16. You always try to see the best in people, including me. 

17. You’re the best person to have around in a crisis. You help me feel calm when everything turns to chaos. 

18. You can take even lame jokes and make them funny. How do you do that?

Love Compliments for Men

These compliments express your love in a variety of ways by showing your man how he, his words, and his behavior make you feel. Because while no one wants to be responsible for making someone happy all the time, how he makes you feel still matters. A lot.

1. I’ve never felt more loved than when I’m with you. You remind me every day.

2. I feel most at home when I’m with you. I feel perfectly comfortable being myself.

3. You make me feel like someone worth standing up for. I feel valued and supported.

4. You make me feel beautiful, even when I’m not at my best. That smile of yours says everything. 

5. You make me feel like I can do anything. Your confidence in me has changed my life. Just thinking of you makes me feel braver.

6. I will always choose you. Whatever happens, you’re the one I want by my side.

7. I’m never prouder than when I’m thinking of you. And I’ve never been so grateful for someone’s company.  

8. When I’m hurting, there’s no one whose company I’d rather have than yours. You are my greatest comfort. 

9. You’re the reason I keep hoping the world can be better. And it is better with you.

10. I can always count on you to see the best in me. I want to see me as you do.

11. You put so much thought into everything you do, as if it were the last thing you could do for someone. 

12. I’ve never known someone so relentless. You’re unstoppable. 

13. With all we’ve been through together, you keep reminding me how great we have it.

14. Our kids know you’d break the world to be there for them. You’re irreplaceable. 

15. I love spending mornings with you. Your smiles and hugs are better than the strongest coffee.

16. I can always count on you to help me put things in perspective. Your insights and compassion have helped me make better choices.

Sexy Compliments for Men 

Think of compliments that you’ve received in the past that have erased every mental track but one.

That said, we kept the following compliments clean.  

1. You’ve been in my head all day today. People keep asking why I’m smiling so much.

2. I can’t hear your voice without wanting to do things with you. Keep talking. 

3. Something about you makes me want to grab hold of you and kiss you. But I don’t, because . . . boundaries. 

4. Last night was incredible. I’m having a hard time thinking of anything else. 

couple smiling under blankets in bed compliments for your man

5. Talk nerdy to me. Your mind is every bit as sexy as the rest of you. 

6. You know exactly how to get me in the mood. It’s a gift you should use more often.

7. I never thought I’d enjoy kissing as much as I love kissing you. It’s not weird or pointless at all. I’m into it. 

8. You know exactly how I want to be touched — when I want to be touched. Use this power for good. 

9. When I hear your voice, my mind goes to some dark places — which reminds me, we should find one of those… like right now

10. You smell good. I’m gonna need a longer hug. 

11. Would you mind wearing this blanket for a day? I want it to smell like you. 

12. I have a hard time not staring at you right now. My eyes are getting tired. 

13. You are rocking that suit! And I didn’t think you could look any hotter.

Funny Compliments for Men

For the ultimate multi-tasker, pay your guy a compliment while making him laugh (because oh, that laugh!). Try any of the following, and let them inspire you to create your own. 

1. You’re like the yoga pants and ice cream of my life. I feel most comfortable when I’m with you. 

2. You are such a nerd. I’m into it. 

3. My favorite color is… whatever you’re wearing. 

4. You may not be perfect, but your weirdness is a good fit for mine. 

5. I like you more than Star Wars geeks like to trash-talk the prequel trilogy. 

6. You’re like math. Difficult, sometimes, but so worth getting to know. 

7. I just want to hang with you and do dumb things together. 

8. You can do anything you put your mind to. But I know that look. Maybe hold off a bit. 

9. I bet you do crossword puzzles in ink. 

10. How are you like strong coffee and soothing tea at the same time?

11. The world is not ready for the kind of chemistry we have. I say we ease ‘em into it with some random, intense PDA. 

12. You could totally survive a zombie apocalypse. Even zombies would be like, “He’s too pretty!” 

13. If I created a meme with your face on it, I would break the internet. No one should have that kind of power. 

14. My plant was near death when I started talking to it about you. My being a lovesick idiot saved a life! 

15. Chocolate is awesome, but have you tried looking at you? 

16. If this were Neverland, all I’d have to do to fly is think of you. And I’d be flying a lot! 

17. Don’t ask me how often I think of you. It’s embarrassing. I may have set a record.

18. Only someone as amazing as you can make terrible dancing look hot. 

Sweet Compliments for Guys

These compliments are good for any moment you have together, whatever your mood and inclinations. Share one to let him know you’re still head over heels for him. 

1. Every morning I get to wake up to you is a good one. I love this day already.

2. Every time I see you, I want to check my hair and make-up. And with one look, you put me at ease.

3. You’ve always been worth the wait. But waiting has been the hardest thing ever.

4. I’m amazed at what you’ve done with your life so far. You just keep going. 

5. Everything you touch, you improve. Is there anything you can’t do? 

6. You have so many varied interests. I love hearing about what you’ve been up to. 

7. Until you, I’d never met the perfect blend of brilliant, funny, and kind. You’re a miracle.

8. I can be in the darkest mood, and one text from you will crack me up, anyway. Thank you for not letting me brood in peace. 

9. Hard as you work, I hardly ever hear you complain — about anything. 

10. You inspire me, every day, to take action. I’ve accomplished more since knowing you than I have in all the years before. 

11. I trust you, more than anyone else, to be there for me and have my back. 

12. You’re the smartest man I know. I love the way your mind works. 

13. Your arms are my favorite place to be, whether we’re resting or doing something else.

14. One look at you, and my mind is flooded with inappropriate thoughts. So, if I look distracted, that’s why. 

15. There’s no one I’d rather get lost with than you. Let’s go on a road trip. 

16. The only thing better than being friends with you is being more than friends. With you, I get the best of both. 

How and when will you use these compliments for men?

Now that you’ve looked over these 115 compliments for men, what kinds of compliments do you think your man needs to hear more of? 

And are you willing to pay him at least one compliment every day — not so he’ll return the favor but just to let him know how much you appreciate him? 

Of course, we’re hoping he does return the favor. But more than that, we hope these compliments help deepen your connection and strengthen your relationship. 

The benefits are worth plenty of awkward moments. 

Before you dive into our list of compliments, though, it’s important to know how to compliment a guy in a way he likes to be complimented.

Compliments for men

Praises and compliments are important in any romantic relationship, even for guys. Men deserve to be appreciated and complimented for all they do just as much as women. So if you’re wondering how to compliment your boyfriend, we have 250+ lovely compliments for men!

If you use these best compliments for men, your partner will surely feel on top of the world, and fall more in love with you. Complimenting a guy using this list of compliments for men will prove fruitful to your relationship and strengthen your bond. 

Furthermore, praising a man with compliments makes him feel important, special, adored, and respected. So if you want your man to feel his best today, shower him with one of the 300 best compliments for men over here!

In this article, we’ll list down all types of male compliments:

  • Best compliments for guys
  • Nice compliments for him
  • Cute compliments for him
  • Unique compliments for him
  • Sweet compliments for him
  • Sexy compliments for men
  • Masculine compliments
  • Hot compliments for guys
  • Deep compliments for him

You can browse through all categories of man compliments, and choose the one that fits best for your lover boy. Without any further ado, let’s begin with the best compliments to give a guy!

Sexy compliments for men

250+ Compliments for Men that they cherish for life! 

Guys love to be noticed, respected, and admired by everyone but particularly by their special one! The best way to make them feel above the clouds is by complimenting guys. 

There are several sweet compliments for guys that ladies can use to get their attention and win their heart. In case you have already won his heart, these men compliments will help you keep your romance alive!

Complimenting men ensures your partner knows that you affirm their presence. Whenever you use these men compliments, their inner craving to be noticed, loved, and respected is satisfied.

The good thing about these compliments for guys is that when you are familiar with them, you will have no problem with the following:

  • How to compliment a guy on his looks?
  • How to compliment a guy on his personality?
  • How to compliment a guy through text?
  • How to compliment a man on his dressing?
  • How to compliment a guy in bed?

Anyway, we’ll still answer these questions further down in the article. For now, let’s begin with the best compliments to give a man!

Best Compliments for Guys

When complimenting a guy, make sure you choose genuine and real words. Appreciate his efforts; pick something unique about his personality and make praises out of it.

The best compliment to give a man is reminding him of his strength, his accomplishments, his ability to do more, especially on days it appears he could not meet up with demands.

Here are the best compliments to give a man:

1. You look buff.
Some masculine compliment words!

2. When you talk, I am all ears.
This shows you keenly hear everything your boyfriend says.

3. I have never seen a person so flawless.
For a flawless boyfriend.

4. Your love is the only thing I want to feel in this noisy world.

5. Even hell can be a nice place if I am with you.
Best compliment for a man whom you trust blindly.

6. No one excites me but you.

7. That morning voice of yours makes my morning sweet.

8. Every touch of you makes me fall for you all over again.
Improve your intimacy with sweet compliments for men like this.

9. You make my cold hands warm.

10. You don’t come first on my priority list. You are my priority list.
11. You are more than I wished for.
12. I still don’t get it. How did I get so lucky to have a person like you in my life?
Compliment for your boyfriend to appreciate his presence.

13. I can lose everything but not you.

14. I like that I am learning so much from you.

15. You make this uncomfortable world so comfortable for me.

16. You make my heart melt like butter on a heating pan.
If thoughts of him drive you crazy, this is the perfect thing to say.

17. I honestly think we make a wholesome couple.
How do you feel when you are together? Does the earth spin and it feels like spring? Let him know how you feel as a couple.

18. Whenever you are around, I do not have to be pretentious. I can be myself in front of you. I love you.
Comfort is one of the most valuable things in a relationship. If you are at peace around him, you should tell him.

19. Without you, I feel like I am lost in a dark forest.
This one is an empowering compliment. Use it to show your boyfriend you trust him with all your heart.

20. You are the bright sun to my rainy days.
If he isn’t sure how you feel around him, this line will melt his heart.

21. Ever since I found you, I have understood what true love feels like.
So romantic!

22. All the storms in my head end, when I am in your arms.
Constantly hugging is a great way to strengthen your relationship. Tell him you love the warmth of his hugs.

23. You always know how to cheer me up, when I’m not feeling it.
In case your boyfriend is the most adorable when you aren’t feeling it, you should appreciate it. Tell them how you feel when you see them on a sad day.

24. Your hugs feel so warm and safe. I wish we could hug 24/7.
Again, some appreciation for the warm hugs.

25. I miss you every time you are not around. At such a time, only your cute texts can cheer me up.
Sending each other I miss you messages randomly can improve your connection even more. If you don’t yet, start randomly snapping your boyfriend with cute texts on pictures of you.

26. My only favorite thing is your smile!
Do you want to see his shining teeth? Use this compliment.

27. I love every time you call. Your voice makes my day.
If you enjoy talking to him over call, let him know.

28. I love your pretty feet.
We can walk around feet-naked if you ask. I will keep gazing at how amazing you look when you walk.

29. No matter how you style your hair, they look hot every single time.
Somebody, wake me up from this hot dream!

30. I love watching your lips move when you talk to me.
And I love kissing them when you finally stop talking. Not that I hate when you talk. I just love both, kissing you and listening to you.

31. I love listening to your ideas, they are so interesting.
The way your brain works is so inspiring.

32. It is effortless to have a good time with you.
There is nothing else I would choose doing over spending my time in your arms.

33. The way you are so generous and helpful and kind, it makes my heart happy.
I wish to see you grow into a successful person.

34. Even lame jokes sound funny, when you crack them.
How is that possible?

35. I trust you more than anyone else.
There is nobody I can trust more than you; I have all my faith in you.

36. Every time I talk to my friends, I talk about you.

37. You have taken over my heart and brain, there is nothing else I can think about.

38. You are everything that I want and I need.
Best compliment for a man he’ll ever need.

39. The love story of you and me is the best love story to happen.
There’s no love story I would rather be a part of than this one!

40. You don’t look like an angel, but you sure feel heavenly. I feel like I am above the clouds when I am around you.
Cute compliment for a guy who makes you feel like you’re in paradise!

41. You know exactly how to win my heart and keep it safe.
I trust you with my heart’s safety.

42. Thank you for being with me and showering your love on me.

43. You make me happier than I have ever been.
Compliment a guy who makes you happy.

44. I love when you treat me like a lady; you surely know how to be a gentleman.
Complimenting him for his decent behavior is the best way to appreciate a man!

45. If you are wondering why I keep smiling like an idiot, the reason is you!
As long as I have you, the world will always find me smiling.

46. I hope you know how special you are to me. The place you have in my heart is irreplaceable.

47. I enjoy talking to you about everything and anything. We can literally talk forever, and I will not get tired.
Compliment a man would cherish!

48. I hit a home run when I found you.
49. Goodbyes were easy before I met you. Now I can’t even imagine a day without your soft kisses.
Compliment for men who are special!

50. You’re like a healthy drug I am connected to.

These were 50 best compliments for men! Your boyfriend would feel highly appreciated and loved when listening to these sweet words from their lover’s mouth.

We have 250 more compliments for boys, so keep reading and get acquainted with the best complimenting words for a man!

Before that, we wanna talk about how guys feel when complimented. Do guys like compliments? Let’s find out.

Do guys like compliments?

How to compliment a man on his looks

Men usually try to look cool and confident, and never expect or ask for a compliment. However underneath, they need to listen that you appreciate him and adore the kind of person he is.

He may never ask, “Do I look good in this outfit today?” But if you tell him by yourself, “Hey! You kind of look hot today,” he would never ever forget it in his entire life.

Yes, you heard it right. He’ll remember and cherish your compliment for years to come—that’s how compliment-deprived men are!

What compliments do guys like?  

Men absolutely crave compliments from their special person. Not only about their looks or appearance, but for their character, vibes, intelligence, hard work, career success, ethics and morals, and personality! 

When you appreciate a man for his qualities, he starts to feel accepted by you and begins loving you more. Try complimenting a man like,

a) “I respect the way you talked with our table waiter. You’re so down to earth and treat helpers so nicely. I love that about you.”

b) “I love the fact that even the worst of days can’t stop you from doing hard work, and you still manage to take time out for me. That’s the kind of man I wanna spend my life with.”

c) “You have this charming personality that makes everybody comfortable around you and act in their genuine selves. Not everyone is that sweet and understanding.”

d) “Your drawing skills are amazing! Can you make a portrait of me too? I want to be drawn by my favorite artist.”

When you use real praises and genuine words to compliment guys, they feel that you really “get” them and understand their personality better than other people.

So, always try to praise a guy for his originality and real self. Here are some genuine and sweet compliments for men!

Nice Compliments for him!

Sometimes, you may not be sure of the right words to use when complimenting your boyfriend, but it doesn’t have to be so hectic.

Compliments only feel good when they are genuine and true. So if you are looking forward to cheering up your baby boy, these genuine man compliments will sway him away:

51. You are such a strong guy. I am proud of you.
Use this simple compliment when your guy does something that makes you feel proud of him!

For instance, when he exhibits traits that are rarely shown by today’s city boys, like lifting some heavy stuff for you or helping an older person in need. A proud compliment infuses some level of pride in him and makes him more confident in his abilities.

52. I feel the safest around you. You’re like my home.
The more you know your man and get closer to him, you should reassure him of how you feel about him. It brings out the confidence in him and he will go out of his way please you.

53. I am glad you’re in my life. OMG, what would have I done if you weren’t here with me.
When you have spent a great deal of time with him, then this line is best. It helps you concretize your relationship. It shows that you are no more testing the waters and that you want to keep your guy.

54. You are such a unique guy—a goal getter. You do things differently.
One of the best unique compliments for him.

55. It’s so warm to be with you.

56. You are a rare breed. How do you keep your cool and calm even under provocation? Teach me. I want to learn from you.
Some of the best compliments for a guy is when you praise their ability to be ruthless!

57. A moment spent with you feels like heaven.
Compliment for guys who make you feel like you’re in paradise!

58. You’re so mindful and down to earth. I love your thoughtfulness.
Best compliment to a guy with good brains!

59. Don’t blow your kisses in the air. I need every one of it. You are such a great kisser.
One of the best compliments for a man who kisses you like it’s your last kiss.

60. You are a knight in armor who came to rescue me from this world and take me to your palace in the hidden skies!

Cute compliments for him!

These are some of the most heart-touching compliments your boyfriend will ever hear. If you want to shower him with genuine love, use these good compliments for guys and make his day!

Related Article: Cute Good morning texts to make him smile!

61. When I look into your big brown eyes, I see unlimited intelligence, humor, and kindness!
I can never fall out of love. Your eyes are keeping me captive!

62. You smell wonderful. It makes me want to rest in your arms 24/7.

63. Whatever you’re doing to be this fantastic person, keep it up.
You’re slowly becoming irresistible to me.

64. I am proud of everything you accomplished this year. You were unstoppable every day, every week, and every month. You’re a ruthless beast!
One of the compliments men love.

65. I have never met a man as knowledgeable and smart as you. I’m glad I found you.
Complimenting boyfriend for his brains is simply perfect!

66. You’re the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.

67. Even if I say “I love you” for every star I see in the sky, I still wouldn’t have said it enough times.
There isn’t enough time for me to tell you I love you enough times.

68. You are so cute, I want to shower you with kisses.

69. Every day with you is an exciting day, every night with you is a dreamy night.
One of the cute compliments guys like!

70. You make my heart sing the sweetest melody.

71. I’m so comfortable around you.
It triggers hero instinct in a man.

72. You are the most hardworking man I’ve ever seen in my life.
How do I compliment a guy? Praise his abilities and skills.

73. You look way too handsome today.

74. I have started to smell like you. It makes me feel like you’re always around me. I love it so much!

75. I’m happier when I’m around you.

76. Nothing excites me but you.
I can stay without meeting anyone, but I can’t stay a single day without you!

77. I’m never too busy for you.

78. You are one of the best creatures on earth.
Best compliments to a man who seems extraordinary!

79. How are you so perfect?

80. Who gave you the right to look so handsome today?
The best compliments for a man are the ones that make him feel amazing!

Sweet compliments for him!

Sweet compliments for him

Love is all about how much you respect your partner and make them feel happy. Giving your boyfriend sweet compliments shows him how much you care, respect, and appreciate his existence in your life.

A man may seem tough and rough, but they are all sweet from the inside. And believe me, they want to hear all the sweet compliments for guys even without asking for it.

Sometimes, giving your special ones sweet compliments can make their day very special. Here are some sweet compliments for him to make your boyfriend blush all day!

81. Can you stop looking so adorable in front of everyone?
What if someone takes you away from me?

82. What did I do to deserve a person like you?

83. Look at you, brightening everyone’s life by literally just showing up.
A compliment to men who are really charming.

84. God spends a whole night making a piece like you.

85. You are brighter than this full sun, easily making my life shine every day by being in it.

86. You are more beautiful than this moon. Everyday, I feel like I’m a tide getting pulled up towards you.
Sweetest compliment words for guys!

87. If I have to choose between shopping and you, it will always be you. That’s something you won’t ever hear from a girl’s mouth. Be happy now.

88. How about I eat you tonight instead of this boring dinner?
One of the hot compliments to say to a guy!

89. You are more spicy than this chilly soup.

90. Take me anywhere you love. I will walk hand-in-hand with you, without asking where you’re taking me.
One of the best compliments for a guy who you trust blindly.

91. I wouldn’t say I like it when you take my permission to be extra steamy in bed.
You’re such a gentleman!

92. You have the best dressing sense on earth.
Compliments to say to guys who are good at dressing up decently!

93. You’re a brilliant gamer. I would love to play video games with you.

94. Where did you get that sass from?
Even I don’t have that kind of jizz in me!

95. Your smile brightens up my sad world.

96. I feel powerless when you smile at me.

97. Stop looking this hot in public.
I’m scared someone would steal you from me.

98. I hate when girls look at you! I mean, that’s my man.

99. I can’t wait to make more versions of you.
One of the best compliments for boyfriend who is shy.

100. I knew it; you can do anything. You’re a powerful tiger and you are mine!

Unique Compliments for him! 

Even though all the compliments in this list are extraordinary, we shall share more unique compliments for men that will make him desire you more!

These unique compliments for men will not only leave your lover boy stunned, but also unleash hundreds of butterflies in his stomach. So here are some unique compliments to give a guy:

101. You have no idea how much I admire your hard work.
It’s hot to look at you work hard actually.

102. You make me the luckiest girl on this earth.

103. The only thing that you are allowed to do is hold my hand.

104. I can spend the whole night looking at you.
Because you’re more beautiful than the night.

105. I would love to travel the world with you.

106. I get speechless when you start looking at me.
Your gaze shuts my lips up.

107. You are going to be the best father for my kids.
I wonder how many babies I am getting.

108. You are all the sweetness in my life.

109. You are the mouse to my keyboard.

110. You make my storms calm when I’m around you.

111. All I want from you is your attention. I wish we could be all alone in this world, so you would spend all your time with me.
How do you compliment a guy? With cute lines like this!

112. The reason for my wide smile is you.

113. I like it when you take my stand in front of everyone.
You’re a reliable man.

114. I’m so grateful for your existence in my life.

115. You are the winner of my losing life.

116. My best day counts when I’m with you.
All the other ones I spent anticipating meeting you.

117. You’re so lovely, I will love you till my last breath.

118. You’re the sunshine in my life. I want my mornings to start with you.

119. I want each of my nights to end with you.

120. Can I make you something to eat?

121. You make me want to spend every second of my life with you.

122. That hot look can make me dead.
You’re killing with your eyes.

123. Even when you are lame, you are funny to me.
I can’t stop laughing when I am around you.

124. You’re the most trustworthy partner. I can trust you with two of my eyes closed.

125. I will gladly choose you over my life.

126. You make me so proud each day.

127. I didn’t know my life would be so much fun with you.
If I knew, I would have made you my boyfriend earlier.

128. All my thoughts are about you.

129. I’ve never seen someone so unstoppable in my life.

130. You’re so amazing, you live in my head now.

131. You’re like a mind reader. How are you always so sure about my mood?

132. You’re so handsome, you can rock in any outfit.
Compliments for guys to make them confident about their style!

133. Whatever you wear becomes my favorite color.

134. You are my coffee in the morning that makes me all strong and fresh for the whole day.
My day can’t even begin without you.

135. You are my daily dose of happiness.

136. You are more chocolatey than these chocolates these days.
And I wanna devour you tonight!

137. I could wait for you my whole life because you are worth the wait.

138. I love the fact that you can easily pick me up with your big and strong hands and I want you to keep picking me up and taking me places.

139. You’re that dessert, I never want to finish.
I want to have more and more of you. There’s no one better than you, and you are my favorite snack.

140. You smell so good, I want to form a candle out of you and light it up.

Funny Compliments for Men!

Funny compliments for men

Whenever you are having a bad day, I am sure your boyfriend does all he can to put a smile on your face. From giving you thousands of chocolates to taking you on a long drive, boyfriends frequently make romantic gestures to make you feel good.

But most girls fail to understand that he might also have bad days. In those bad days, you should be the one putting a smile on his sad face. Here are some funny compliments for men having a bad day!

141. Being with you brings me more joy than a coloring book brought when I was a child. You make me happy as a tiny kid.
I wish we could always stay two kids crazy in love.

142. You’re so hot, I can cook a meal on you.
Not that he works as a stove, but this one is also funny.

143. I feel bad for other girls, whenever you walk around holding my hands. They must be so jealous of me.
You’re so beautiful, I am grateful to have you as my boyfriend.

144. If we were the only two people left on earth, I wouldn’t mind working on restoring the population.
You’re so hot, only dumb people would say no to a romantic time with you.

145. Your sexy face, I love it.
I wanna kiss all over your lovely face!

Related article: Kissing pick up lines

146. Whenever we go out, people keep gazing at you. Stop taking away all my attention!

147. You deserve all of it.

148. If I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t be as happy and excited for life, as I am with you around me.
I feel like the luckiest girl alive.

149. I wanna congratulate your mom for giving birth to such a hot guy, oof.
When you’re close to me, I literally start sweating.

150. I would still hang out with you and share hugs even if you haven’t showered for days!
I am a very hygienic person, but I’ll make this sacrifice. Afterall, it is your hug we’re talking about.

151. Truth to be told, I really have a great taste in men. Look at the wonder that is you!
It is true.

152. You’re more fun than a bubble wrap.
This one is a universally accepted top compliment. Use only if he really is more fun than a bubble wrap.

153. If you were a dog, you’d either be the leader of your pack, or the one that sleeps 15 hours a day. Sometimes I just cannot tell if you’d give up the laziness.
But I am sure you’ll be the leader!

154. You’re more fun than a big pool filled up with candies and toys.
And if there was such a pool, I’d only want to go there with you.

155. You’re so adorable.
That too after kissing your lips once more.

156. I change my favorite color every day after I see the color you’re wearing.
Literally, whatever you wear, becomes my next favorite color.

157. If I was given only one attempt to talk about you, I would go on the whole day.
That’s how much you’ve filled up in my head.

158. You know what is amazing—chocolate cake or your neck? Chocolate cake on your neck.
I think I am out of my mind now.

159. When I am with you, hours go by like the fastest train.

160. Other than eating tasty food, you’re my favorite activity every day.

161. Are you a rainbow? You make my life so colorful and fun.

162. I am in so much love with you, you’re my new password for all social media.
Don’t try to log in my ID though.

163. You are so sexy, girls under 18 shouldn’t even be allowed to look at you.
Kidding, girls of any age shouldn’t be allowed to speak with you.

164. Even when you do embarrassing things, I enjoy them a lot.
You’re my private joker.

165. You always keep track of little things, how can you be so thoughtful and hot at the same time?

166. You may not be incredibly perfect looking, but you’re an inch close.

167. You give me chills, goosebumps, butterflies all at once, whenever you hold me from behind.

168. You’re so euphoric, I can bet you sweat glitter.

169. You deserve to be kissed by Angelina Jolie.
Not that I’d let her. Your lips belong to me.

170. If someone asked me to choose the perfect quality about you, I’d not say anything. There isn’t just one quality, you’re entirely perfect!

171. On a scale of one to ten, you’re a 100.

172. The feeling I get with you is the same as when I get out of the bath feeling entirely refreshed.
What would happen if we bathed together?

173. You’re that one sock in a pair that disappears for no reason. But no matter what, I do not rest until I find it. So I won’t rest until I am with you.

174. The people who raised you deserve gold trophies.

175. You can never be an ice cream, because if you were, you’d be melting all the time because of your own hotness.

176. You’re the “nothing” when somebody asks me what I am thinking about.

177. If anything is smarter than Google, it is you.

178. Your smile is proof that the most beautiful things in the world are free.

179. The only crime I ever liked is you stealing my heart.

180. The best feeling for me is when you take me for a ride on your big back.
I love riding you, both ways!

These smirky, witty, and funny compliments are perfect to use when your boyfriend is having a bad day. I am sure these will cheer him up for good!

If you are looking for ways to compliment a guy, these 180 compliments for your boyfriend will make him feel so special, and fill up his tummy with butterflies.

Most of these compliments to give men are sweet and nice. However, several men love to get complimented on the way they look and dress. They find it amazing when a girl compliments their style and appearance.

Are you wondering, how to tell a man he looks good? Read ahead!

How to compliment a guy on his looks?

Almost every person on this planet would like to hear someone praising their appearance. This is because everyone, including guys, likes compliments on their look or attire.

So if you’re thinking how to compliment guys, praise his outfit and dressing style. Compliments on physical appearance are a great confidence booster and largely improves an individual’s self esteem.

Your boyfriend would feel like Tom Cruise if you said these simple words—”Oh honey, you look fabulous today. I can’t believe you’re mine.”

But how to compliment a man on his looks? Start by being specific about what you’re complementing.

For instance, if he has stylish shoes on, tell him you like his new kicks. If he has a good outfit of the day, tell him he’s slaying that attire and everyone’s gonna be watching him. If his wrist watch shines extraordinarily, mention it and compliment his choice of watches.

The more specific you are when complimenting a guy, the better your compliment’s significance will be. More examples of unique compliments for him:

a) “I love how you styled that white shirt. The way it’s making your broad chest look, I wanna take you back home right now.”

b) “Wide pants look better on you than skinny jeans.”

c) “Those sunglasses look perfect on you. I guess your face has the right structure to suit these glasses.”

d) “Great choice of rings there. Your hand looks hot with those shiny rings.”

Thinking of things to compliment a guy is very easy. Simply, take a look at him and notice what extraordinary items he is wearing. This is because guys always put effort into their dress up, but usually get neglected.

So if you observe closely, you’ll find many things to compliment a guy!

How to compliment a guy on his looks in one-word?

Here are some one-word compliments for men if you’re wondering how to compliment a guy on his looks in one-word:

  • Irresistible boy
  • Bold
  • Captivating
  • Handsome guy
  • Polished attire
  • Confidence king
  • Worthy of attention
  • Delightfully yummy
  • Sexually soothing
  • Refined looks
  • Stunning outfit
  • Impressive attire
  • Mind-blowing fashion
  • Radiant
  • Breathtaking
  • Enticing
  • Angelic
  • Devilish
  • Fascinating
  • Enticing

These were some great one-word compliments for men. Use these the next time your guy looks amazing and you don’t have words to compliment him!

How to tell a guy he looks good?

If you’re wondering how to compliment a guy’s looks, start by noticing what about him makes your jaw drop. Then, specify it and compliment it smoothly.

You don’t have to blabber around because guys treasure compliments. Even a single sweet line of compliment would stay in his heart for his lifetime. He’ll smile again and again, thinking of what you praised about him!

Here are some simple compliments for a boyfriend:

  • “I love your dark afro hair.”
  • “What a perfect outfit! It looks great on you.”
  • “I don’t need the pillows anymore, your broad chest will do.”
  • “You were created just for me.”
  • “You look divine.”
  • “There is no man like you darling… You are the best of your kind.”
  • “I can’t get tired of looking at you.”
  • “Your look turns me on.”
  • “You look so hot.”
  • “Your body is amazing.”
  • “I love every part of you.”

How to compliment a guy’s personality?

Personality is the combination of qualities or attributes that make up an individual’s distinctive character.

Your partner may not be the best, no human is perfect. But true love, maturity, and mutual respect are when we learn to see our partner’s imperfections perfectly. So how to compliment a guy on his personality?

In light of the above, you should compliment your partner by celebrating his strengths rather than confronting him ceaselessly with his weaknesses and faults. We could compliment guys in the following ways.

a) “You have and carry a very good presence. I enjoy my time with you.”

b) “It was wonderful having you around, the warmth of your personality robbed my heart.”

c) “Has anyone ever told you how contagious your personality is? It’s so fun, I feel like I am a humorous person.”

d) “Thanks for standing by me. You truly have a commanding presence.”

e) “I feel confident and encouraged when I have you around me.”

f) “You have an aura that is so lovable, commanding, and warm; it is quite irresistible.”

g) “You are amazingly humorous. There is no moody moment with you”

i) “I love your personality. You are Affectionate and empathetic.”

How to compliment a guy through text?

How to compliment a guy through text

Complimenting a guy is a key ingredient to making friends easily. The following are ways you can compliment a guy through text:

Be real and true

Don’t fake things up or use words you do not mean. Let your lines on the text come out real and natural.

Just be you and no one else. Occasionally call his name or rather use his name with lovable attributes as adjectives. Your message should make your man happy.

Send a message full of humor. Reading your messages should make him smile, ease off some stress, and also keep him anticipating to hold you whenever you see yourselves.

Even if you may not be in a committed relationship with a guy, ensure your messages keep him yearning for your physical presence because of the kind of humor that comes along with it.

Be straightforward

When complimenting a guy via text, ensure you don’t use complex words and also endeavor to be straight forward. Avoid unnecessary repetition of words.

Don’t always expect an expressive response

Following up on the text message you sent a guy , hoping he would show his happiness is wrong. If you compliment a guy, you should not wait around for a response.

Did you compliment him to make him happy or to get a good reply? Instead of a good intended compliment, it becomes a regretted venture.

Rather than doing this, get busy with something else after sending your man, your friend, or a guy a message. Do not forget, men can’t cope with undue pressure. If you introduce them to one, gradually but firmly they push you aside.

Best Compliments for Men According to Relationship Experts!

Best compliments for men

Sometimes you may not find the perfect words to say to your boyfriend, but it doesn’t mean you should not give it a try.

Also, when you try saying something super cute to him, he’s going to appreciate it even if you awkwardly say it. That’s how you build something vital in a relationship, by learning and growing together.

So, here are simple compliments for men that relationship experts find amazing and helpful for couples!

181. “I love the way you think,” — Stacy Karyn, an online dating consultant
It’s always a war in the relationship when you both don’t agree to a particular thing. In such cases, instead of trying to win the argument, it’s better to say to your partner — “I love the way you think”.

They might win the particular argument but you’ll win their heart, and that’s how a relationship builds stronger when both the partners are understanding and ready to give up any argument for each other.

182. “You always know exactly what to say,” — Allana Pratt, an intimacy expert, and coach.
Start praising him whenever he makes the right decision.

183. “I’m so lucky to have you,” — Susan Winter, a New York city-based relationship expert and dating coach.
It’s so important to let people know about how important their existence is in our lives. If you feel like you’re the luckiest person to have him as your boyfriend, then start complimenting him about it.

184. “Thank you for everything you do,” — Lisa L. Payne, life transitions coach and author of What If They Knew: Secrets of an impressive woman.

Sometimes, simply thanking your boyfriend for everything he does for you is enough to show gratitude. You can start saying thank you to him even for his small gestures.

185. “I’m on your side, like you are on mine.” — Dr. Shannon Kolakowaski, psychologist and author of the forthcoming book, When Depression Hurts Your Relationship.

The best thing you say to your boyfriend is that you will always support him, no matter what. Tell him that you value what he values when he feels like there’s nobody to help him.

186. “I trust you more than anything,” — Georgianna Donadio, Ph.D., relationship expert and author of Changing Behavior: Immediately Transform Your Relationships with Easy to Learn Proven Communication Skills.

Communication is the key to working in all relationships. Start showing him that you trust him, and that’s a relief for guys.

187. “I respect you so much,” — Dr. Eris Huemer, a licensed marriage, and family therapist featured on Bravo’s LA Shrinks.

This compliment might be an old-fashioned compliment to tell your boyfriend, but it lets him know about the respect you have for him.

188. “You look incredibly handsome,” — New Yorker Charles C.

This is the compliment that men want to hear every time and especially when they are trying to impress you. No matter the place or occasion, tell your boyfriend he looks so handsome. Click a picture of him as soon as you call him handsome!

189. “I am happy to be with you” — Sophie Keller, a happiness expert and author of How Happy Is Your Marriage?

This might sound like a bland compliment, but every woman and man are different, and everyone wants to hear the truth. When you are in a relationship, your priority should be happiness and when you are finally happy, show him how glad you are when he’s around.

190. “You’re a rockstar, because you rock my world!” — New Yorker Lauren

No matter what, if you don’t cherish your boyfriend, then you are not taking him seriously. Start adoring him and tell him that he’s the absolute rockstar in your life.

191. “You easily make me laugh,” — Brendan M.
Having a funny boyfriend is no less than a blessing. Being able to laugh together and have fun in a relationship proves that it’s a real healthy relationship.

192. “I am proud of you,” — Dr. Sue Johnson, author of Hold me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love.

Telling a man that you support him and show that you are proud of him makes him feel so positive and know that he has the right woman by his side.

Men are sensitive but will never let you know. So even when you praise them for their minor performance issues, they’ll feel so much better and will never give up.

193. “I appreciate all you do for me,” — Susan Winter, New York City-based relationship expert and dating coach.

Every small detailed effort counts in a relationship. Instead of ignoring them, start appreciating your partner’s efforts with these sweet compliments.

194. “You’ll become a great father,” — Winter.
Telling a man that he’ll be an amazing father for his kids can be the happiest moment for him. They’ll find themselves good at caring and loving, after hearing this compliment.

195. “Your friends are fun,” — Lucie V.
For men, friends and family members are an essential part of their lives, and you must respect and show them love. Going to a family gathering together or at a party with his friends will make him feel special!

So these were some of the best compliments for men as relationship experts advise. Use these awesome compliments for guys to make them feel genuinely loved and appreciated.

Nonetheless, this mega list of 250+ compliments for men doesn’t end here. We have a lot more in our pocket. Here are some more awesome compliments for men to build a strong & healthy relationship with him:

196. You make me so proud with everything you do.
Every day your boyfriend may make different choices to show his affection towards you. You have to tell him you’re proud to have him as your boyfriend.

197. I love when you reach out for my hands out of the blue, and hold them tightly. You’re like a sneaky lover boy.
This compliment will tell your boyfriend that you absolutely adore him when he holds your hands. So, he’d continue doing it again and again.

198. You’re a heart thriller. Spending time with you is a big thrill for my heart. As soon as you say this, get ready for 24/7 togetherness.

199. You never fail at putting a big laugh on my face.

200. I love spending every fraction of my day with you.

201. You’re a great lover.
Complimenting your partner’s love-making is a great way to nurture intimacy and strengthen your bond. They’ll feel confident while having an intimate time with you, which will simply improve the quality of time you spend together.

202. I love how hard you make me laugh, you’re so hilarious. My stomach hurts from laughing, every time you crack a joke.
If you’re looking forward to laughing all the time, this compliment is best.

202. I love your intelligence. You’re so smart, I want to kiss your brain.
Not that you’ll be able to, but it is funny to say. Plus, he’ll like that his girlfriend thinks he’s smart.

203. I really appreciate how you make me feel totally supported.
For more future support, use this compliment for guys, girls.

204. I really appreciate how you are okay with being vulnerable in front of me. This pushes me too, into sharing my deep thoughts with you.
It takes a lot of courage to be vulnerable in front of someone. Appreciating this may sway off any doubts they may have had.

205. You are enough.
This is one of my favorites. Telling someone they are enough makes them feel satisfied. It feels as if all the efforts they put into this relationship are appreciated and respected.

206. The color of your jacket makes you look so dashing. Wow!
Complimenting your boyfriend on his dressing style is a great confidence booster. As much as I know guys, he’ll surely recall your compliment, everytime he wears that jacket.

207. You understand me better than most people I know.
Say this ONLY if he understands you. No lies.

208. Spending one hour with you is like ten hours in a carnival. Colors everywhere, bright lights, happiness, joy, and comfort—I feel everything when you’re around.
Say this to him when you’re on a ferris wheel. I bet he’ll cry.

209. There is something about you that really turns me on. Whenever you come close to me, I feel like I am on fire.
Well, if you want to make out right now, use this compliment for guys.

210. I couldn’t get any more comfortable around you. You are so soothing.
Saying this will tell your boyfriend that you feel safe around him and he has good company.

211. You’re so wonderful, you make bad days feel not so bad.
If your boyfriend frequently takes good care of you whenever you are sad, he deserves to hear this compliment.

212. You seem to know how to fix everything.
If your boyfriend is good at solving issues and fixing problems between you both, complimenting this trait will actually improve it.

213. Your smile can light up any room.
Say this and notice how your boyfriend’s smile would stretch like elastic.

214. You are always so positive and full of energy. It fills me up with positivity too!
The energy is not intimacy over here, it is their never-say-no attitude that is delightful.

215. Every word that comes out of your mouth is lovely to hear.
Complimenting them about how they talk can improve the quantity of healthy communications.

216. Talking to you makes my soul feel alive.
This is an emotional compliment, so don’t be surprised if your boyfriend starts shedding tears over your shoulder.

217. Every tiny thing you do makes me fall more and more in love with you!

218. If this is how it feels to wake up next to you, I wanna sleep together every night!

219. Your shirt smells so nice, I can wear it every day this week.

220. Everything about you is sensual and exciting.

One of the best compliments for men.

Here are some extra compliments for men:

  • Your sleepy voice makes me curl my toes.
  • I have never met a man like you.
  • You make my belly fill up with colorful butterflies.
  • I adore how genuine you are.
  • You are so hilarious.
  • I’m so lucky I found you in my life.
  • I feel so special when you use your strong arms to pick me up.
  • With you as my boyfriend, everything seems so lovely.
  • Giving you my heart is the best thing I have ever done.
  • I love hearing my name from your mouth.
  • I can’t resist your voice, it is so calming.
  • You have made my life so beautiful; my mornings start with you and my nights end with you.
  • You make me want to be the best girlfriend ever.

These compliments will make your boyfriend believe he’s a good person, and a great boyfriend. He’ll keep loving you and paying attention to you because he knows you appreciate everything he does.

Also, these simple compliments for men are very cute and will leave your boyfriend blushing. Complimenting your boyfriend regularly can also improve your relationship, and make it healthier and stronger.

Bottom line

When two people are in love, they can make everything memorable in this world, and complimenting and praising each other can be the purest form of love. Complimenting your boyfriend about each and every small detail can make him feel so special and happy.

Mentioned above are the best compliments for men that you can use to make your boyfriend feel that he’s the luckiest man on earth. Whenever they feel low or sad, start showering some love by using these sweet compliments for men to cheer them up!

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Masculine compliments

How To Compliment A Guy

Compliments for Guys

From the earliest days, songs have been sung about female beauty, the world-famous painters were capturing their allure for centuries. Wars were fought over some Helen of Troy. Some Layla got you on your knees. Some Sharona is making your motor run. It seems like women are paralyzing all surrounding observers with its lush. But, what about men? We come to the point of always emphasizing the need that women should be given praise. Beneath all that toughness, men also care for nice words.

I have always been a “show don’t tell” kind of gal, but sometimes it is so gratifying and pleasurable to hear those words. It’s not an ego booster, but it’s sincerity, open-mindedness, and if that is not important for a relationship, I don’t know what is…

50 Unique Compliments for Men

Complimenting a Guy on his looks

  • Are you a National treasure of your country?
  • Your beard is majestic.
  • That shirt looks so good on you. But shirtless, you are astonishing.
  • You are glowing —and that’s the least interesting thing about you.
  • I could play with your fingers for hours.
  • I am so jealous of your eyelashes, so long and thick.
  • I like losing myself in the depth of your eyes.
  • Your body is stunning.
  • Your lips seem so soft and kissable.
  • Damn, look at you. So hot!
  • You know the song Beautiful? I think it’s about you…

Next: 70 Cute Things To Say To Your Boyfriend

Complimenting personal traits

  • I enjoy your cheerful nature.
  • I bet that if I look in the dictionary I will find your picture next to the word “charming”.
  • You are so smart. God, I’m in love with your brain.
  • Your soul is so cuddly.
  • I really appreciate the way you acted selflessly there.
  • You are so down-to-Earth and still can dream your way up to the highest cloud.
  • It never ceases to amaze me how brave and daring you are.
  • Damn! Jokes are even funnier when you tell them.
  • Is there anyone who doesn’t love you? Like immediately?
  • I admire your open-mindedness and honesty and your kind heart.
  • Such a gentleman…
  • There is ordinary, and then, there are you.

Next: 55 Cute Names to Call Your Boyfriend

Complimenting accomplishments and resourcefulness

These will show him your trust and support…

  • I believe in you.
  • You are my knight in shining armor. My hero.
  • I got your back.
  • You’re so responsible. I can always rely on you.
  • Is there anything you can’t do?
  • I need your help, you are so good at fixing stuff.
  • You are so talented and hard-working. You got this.
  • The sky is the limit for you.
  • I bet you do a crossword puzzle in the blink of an eye.
  • I am on your side.
  • You’re so strong and confident. You should be in my future!
  • Your arms are the safest place on Earth.
  • You are my best friend.

Next: 50 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Compliments that are saying sorry and thank you

Because let’s face it, it’s not always sunshine and roses. Don’t take him for granted, he also enjoys feeling appreciated.

  • I really appreciate everything you are doing for me. You are the sweetest.
  • I am so lucky to have you.
  • It never ceases to surprise me how strong you make me feel. And how weak, too.
  • You are making me the best version of myself.
  • Sorry I was mad. Thank you for giving me some time.
  • Nobody listens to me as you do. Everything seems easier after talking to you…
  • It amazes me how you always know what to say to me…
  • The ones you love… they are the luckiest people alive.

Next: 120+ Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend

Cute and funny compliments

  • You know how you don’t believe in ghosts? That’s how I didn’t believe in soulmates. Until I found you.
  • I enjoy our long phone calls.
  • You are my muse, my inspiration, my passion.
  • I want to be part of your dreams.
  • Wow! Even those dark clouds light up when you come around.

Compliments for boyfriend that tells him how he makes you feel

  • You’re not only keeping my bed warm but also my heart.
  • Your voice gives me tingles.
  • I love the way your hands are worshiping my body.
  • You are my favorite hug.
  • When you touch my skin, I am not myself. You make me weak in the knees.
  • You give me butterflies when you smile like that.
  • When I see you calling me, I smile like an idiot.
  • You are my home.

Next: 20 Games to Play With Your Boyfriend

These are just some of the types of manly compliments. But, in the end, you know best how to make him melt. Just be brave and say to him what’s in your heart. That’s what this is all about, right?!

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Tanja Petrovic Dasic

Tanja Dasic is an English professor, journalist, and freelance writer based in Serbia. She enjoys writing about culture, media, food, books, and games. She is hoping that this article made your day.

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  • How To Compliment A Guy
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Tanja Petrovic Dasic

Tanja Dasic is an English professor, journalist, and freelance writer based in Serbia. She enjoys writing about culture, media, food, books, and games. She is hoping that this article made your day.

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  • How To Compliment A Guy

Compliments for Men - Post

via: Depositphotos / DmitryPoch

It can be hard to think of compliments for men. Men, after all, are notoriously difficult to compliment and bad at giving compliments.

Whether you’re just trying to get in the good graces of someone, trying to make a new friend, or trying for something more, you’ll need a few compliments for guys to advance your relationship that little bit further.

Compliments are, at heart, a way of signaling admiration, respect, and an interest in getting closer. They can make the difference between a promotion and the same old job, or between a night out with the guys and a lonely night at home.

Try some of the compliments below, and you’re sure to be getting more from the guys you talk to immediately.


Compliments for Men - 11 Best Compliments For Men

via: Pexels / the happiest face =)

Whatever you’re planning to use your compliments for men for, you probably don’t want to start with a bad one and ruin the whole project.

Obviously, you need to lead with the best for the best result, so try a few of the best compliments for your bros listed below.

1. Your outlook on life is amazing.

When you truly admire the guy, you can tell him so with this.

2. You have the best sense of style.

Guys may not talk about it as much, but they like to be thought of as stylish just like the ladies.

3. I know that you will always have my back, because that is the kind of person you are.

Make them feel tough and reliable all in one.

4. Your hair looks amazing.

Tell him this, even when his hair is awful.

5. You kick ass.

Short and sweet and something he’ll be happy to hear.

Compliments for Men - You kick ass.

via: Unsplash / Kenan Buhic

6. Jokes are funnier when you tell them.

Very sweet, and open to how you want it interpreted.

7. When you make up your mind, nothing stands in your way.

You’ll make him feel decisive and admirable.

8. You’re always learning new things and trying to better yourself. That’s awesome.

He’ll be grateful you noticed he’s trying.

9. You’ve got a killer work ethic.

This can be great to hear, or sound like sarcasm, depending on the guy.

10. You’re a good man.

Perhaps the very best thing a man can ever hear.

Compliments for Men - You’re a good man.

via: Unsplash / Colton Kresser

11. I respond to you on such a deep level.

This opens up the opportunity to discuss how you’re feeling.

10 Compliments For Men You Can Also Say to Girls

It can be a pain learning too many compliments for guys that only work with guys. So, save yourself some time and use compliments that work both ways.

All the comments below are as easily compliments for girls as they are for guys.

12. I trust you.

Trust is powerful, and saying you feel it for another, whoever they are, is a powerful compliment.

13. You can fix anything, can’t you?

A natural one for the compliments for guys category, but a girl may love to get it too.

14. I Love The Way You Think

This can be such an intimate compliment, no matter who is receiving it.

Compliments for Men - I Love The Way You Think

via: Unsplash / Austin Distel

15. You are making a difference.

At heart, we all want to hear this, and we want someone to notice it as well.

16. You’re a great listener.

A nice way to show gratitude to a man or a woman who’s been helping you.

17. Hanging out with you is always a blast.

Who doesn’t want to think they’re the life of your party?

18. You should be thanked more often. So thank you!!

There’s surely something they think they’ve done that deserves this response.

19. You’re great at figuring stuff out.

Make a guy or a girl feel like they’re your favorite problem solver.

Compliments for Men - You're great at figuring stuff out.

via: Unsplash / Dylan Gillis

20. You seem to really know who you are.

Like the rest of us, they’re probably a little insecure on this point and will love to hear you think otherwise.

21. Your style is so authentic.

Men and women equally search to be authentic to themselves.

10 Funny Compliments For Men

Perhaps the easiest way to deliver compliments is by making them funny.

Funny compliments help men to stay cool and react in a way they are comfortable with. They can always joke back or laugh it off, after all.

If you’re eager to deliver compliments for guys that don’t have any chance of leading to awkward moments afterward, try these.

22. You could survive a zombie apocalypse.

We all secretly hope someone has that confidence in us.

23. You’re not lazy, just that the people around you are way too active.

One of the compliments that’s fun and almost too accurate for most of us.

Compliments for Men - You're not lazy, just that the people around you are way too active.

via: Unsplash / Lionello DelPiccolo

24. I would hang out with you even if you hadn’t showered for a couple days.

And since he probably hasn’t, it’s nice to hear.

25. If you were running for president, I would vote for you.

He may hold you to that.

26. You know that one friend in horror movies, who is like, «Hey, here’s a dumb idea: let’s split up and not be safe.» That friend is an idiot. You are not that friend.

A compliment for men best delivered to a horror movie lover.

27. I quite enjoy your constant use of sarcasm. Even when it’s wildly inappropriate. Scratch that. Especially when it’s wildly inappropriate.

Just remember you’re egging him on now.

28. You have really good taste in friends (i.e. me).

A nice backwards reminder that they’re lucky to have you too.

Compliments for Men - You have really good taste in friends (i.e. me).

via: Pexels / ELEVATE

29. I like that if you don’t have anything nice to say, you will go ahead and say it anyway. You play by your own rules and I admire that.

A nice repost after another tease he sends your way.

30. It’s comforting to know that if I ever get into trouble you’ll be there for me. Mostly because you were probably involved, but also because you’re a good friend.

Funny, and almost an invitation to get into more hijinks.

31. Your sense of humor is exactly like mine.

Compliment? Or insult? He’ll have to decide.

How to Give Compliments for Men

Compliments for Men - How To Give Compliments For Men 5 Steps

via: Unsplash / frank mckenna

Now you have some compliments for guys, you may feel like you’re going to run into trouble using them. After all, it can be difficult to know when and how to say something, even when you know what to say.

Thankfully, this process is actually really easy. If you take a moment to think and follow these steps, you can make sure you deliver a great compliment in just the right way.

1. Decide What You Want from This Guy

Who is this guy to you? Is this a colleague you want to get to know? A boss you want to charm? A guy you’d like to be your friend? Or a guy you want something more from?

Knowing what you’re looking for will help you choose the compliment that works best. You can pick a compliment that leads your relationship in that ideal direction.

2. Think About What He Wants to Hear

At the same time you’re choosing a compliment that fits your purposes, think about how he probably sees himself.

You want your compliment to speak either to something he’s proud of about himself or something he’s insecure about.

If he’s always nervous about people thinking they can walk all over him, tell him you think he could be a great leader. If he’s really proud of how he dresses, tell him he’s got great hair. In both cases, you’ll be sure to hit the mark.

3. Settle on the Right Moment

Some compliments are ruined by timing and circumstance. Guys are much worse than girls at responding to a compliment, particularly in the wrong company.

So, give him the compliment when it’s just the two of you and when he seems loosened up. Perhaps give it over a beer or while hanging out and relaxing. He’s much more likely to give a genuine reaction.

4. Respond Coolly to His Immediate Reaction

No matter how he responds, be sure to keep it casual. If he senses you’re looking for a certain reaction, he’s more likely not to give it.

If he just says thanks, accept it and move on. If he laughs and is embarrassed, laugh with him and introduce a new topic. If you play it cool, he’ll take the compliment as genuine, and he’s more likely to respond positively.

5. Look for His True Reaction Later

Compliments for Men - Step #5 Look For His True Reaction Later.jpg

via: Unsplash / Felea Emanuel

The thing about compliments for men is that men often have a delayed reaction. Since they aren’t good at immediately showing positive emotion, his real reaction may come later.

Watch to see if he acts differently when you see him the next few times. He may act more chummy or make a greater effort to talk to you and hang out.

That’s the real reaction you were seeking, and if it’s positive, feed it with more compliments.

More Steps on Talking to Men

Getting your chat on with guys takes more than handing out a few compliments. Don’t worry, though, we’ve got you covered on all your conversation tools.

Use these to improve your gift for gab:

  1. With questions to ask a guy, you’ll get him chatting despite himself.
  2. Try some interesting questions to ask a guy to lead him into conversations that are interesting for both of you.
  3. When you want to build a relationship from scratch with a guy, use questions to ask a guy to get to know him.

In Conclusion

Having some compliments for men ready is incredibly handy. Whether you just want to express what a good friend someone is, you want to build friendships, or you want something more, compliments are the way to make those things happen.

Compliments for guys also make it easier to get along in life, no matter the situation. A random colleague will be happy to receive a compliment in the same way a long-time friend is.

Now, no matter the situation you’re in, or what you’re looking for from that situation, you’ll have a compliment on hand to let a guy know how you feel.

When men can be so bad at expressing their feelings, this can let you break down those boundaries and really express yourself and get closer.

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