nice girl
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nice girl
English-Russian base dictionary > nice girl
nice girl
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > nice girl
nice girl
симпатичная девушка, милая девочка
Новый англо-русский словарь > nice girl
(a) nice girl
1) славная (очаровательная, умная, хорошенькая, скромная) девушка
2) симпатичная/славная девушка
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) nice girl
she is such a nice girl
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > she is such a nice girl
1) вкусный, приятный, милый, славный, симпатичный, красивый, чудесный, хороший
It smells nice to me. — Мне нравится этот запах.
That is not nice to me. — Это не хорошо по отношению меня.
Everybody will be nice to you there. — Там все будут к вам хорошо относиться.
They are very nice people. — Они очень порядочные/милые люди.
I had a nice wall this morning. — Я сегодня утром очень хорошо прогулялся.
There were many nice things on the table. — На столе было много вкусных вещей.
He has nice manners. — У него приятные манеры.
— unusually nice— nice family
— nice little boy
— nice little girl
— nice face
— nice smile
— nice dress
— nice hat
— nice colour
— nice flat
— nice home
— nice taste
— nice weather
— nice day
— nice party
— nice trip
— nice food
— nice breakfast
— nice ice cream
— nice fruit
— nice wine
— be nice to the taste
— taste nice
— look nice
— have a nice time
— say some nice things about smb
— smell nice
— have a nice taste in literature
— be nice for smth2) любезный, тактичный, деликатный
She has a nice way of putting such things. — Она излагает такие вопросы с большим тактом.
She was really nice about the incident (about the matter). — Во время этого инцидента (в этом вопросе) она проявила большой такт.
Everybody was very nice to me. — Со мной все были очень добры/любезны.
I wish I could be nicer with him. — Мне жаль, что я была с ним недостаточно любезна.
— be nice to smb
— be nice about smth
— it is nice of you3) щепетильный, разборчивый, деликатный, трудный (часто в отрицательных предложениях)
He is not too nice in his criticism (in his business, about the means). — Он не очень-то разборчив/щепетилен в своей критике (в делах, в выборе средств).
4) (в функции усилителя, в конструкции с and и вторым прилагательным)
— place is nice and healthy
— it will be nice and fine, I hopeEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > nice
1. n геогр. Ницца
2. a хороший, приятный, милый, славный
nice home — уютная квартира; хорошенький домик
3. a ирон. хорошенький
4. a изящный, элегантный; сделанный со вкусом
5. a вкусный, аппетитный
6. a любезный, внимательный, тактичный
7. a скромный, благовоспитанный
8. a требующий большой точности, осторожности, щепетильности; трудный, сложный
9. a щепетильный; безукоризненный, безупречный
10. a уместный, тактичный
11. a острый; тонкий; чуткий
nice ear — тонкий слух, чуткое ухо
12. a точный; тщательный, подробный, скрупулёзный
13. a разборчивый, взыскательный; придирчивый; изысканный
14. a эмоц. -усил. уст. -застенчивый; жеманный
Синонимический ряд:
1. choosy (adj.) choosy; clerkish; dainty; fastidious; finical; finicking; finicky; fussy; miminy-piminy; niminy-piminy; old-maidish; old-womanish; particular; pernickety; persnickety; picksome; picky; precious; squeamish; squeamy
2. decorous (adj.) accurate; au fait; becoming; befitting; careful; chaste; Christian; civilized; comely; conforming; correct; de rigueur; decent; decorous; done; exact; meticulous; modest; precise; proper; pure; respectable; right; rigorous; seemly; virtuous; well-bred
3. fine (adj.) delicate; fine; finespun; hairline; hairsplitting; refined; subtle
4. pleasant (adj.) agreeable; amicable; congenial; excellent; favorable; favourable; friendly; good; grateful; gratifying; marvelous; pleasant; pleasing; pleasurable; pleasureful; welcome
5. accurate (other) accurate; critical; demanding; distinguishing; exact; exacting; right
6. careful (other) careful; considerate; delicate; discerning; discriminating; particular; tactful
7. fastidious (other) choosy; dainty; fastidious; finical; finicky; fussy; minute; neat; trivial
8. pleasant (other) admirable; agreeable; delightful; excellent; good; inviting; likable; pleasant; pleasing; superior
9. refined (other) cultured; decorous; gracious; polite; proper; refined; seemly; well-mannered; well-spoken
Антонимический ряд:
coarse; deformed; disagreeable; disfigured; displeasing; grim; haphazard; hideous; horrid; impolite; improper; inaccurate; mean; miserable; misshapen; nasty; naughty
English-Russian base dictionary > Nice
1. n девочка
2. n дочка
3. n девушка; девица
4. n разг. женщина
5. n служанка, прислуга
6. n продавщица
7. n невеста, возлюбленная; девушка
8. n разг. хористка, «гёрл»
pin-up girl — хорошенькая девушка, «картинка»
chorus girl — хористка; участница танцевально-хоровой группы
Синонимический ряд:
2. female child (noun) child; demoiselle; female child; filly; junior miss; schoolgirl; young woman
3. girl friend (noun) best girl; gal; girl friend; lady friend; lass; mouse; popsy
4. maid (noun) biddy; handmaid; hired girl; housemaid; maid; maidservant
5. sweetheart (noun) darling; fiancйe; girlfriend; lover; mistress; sweetheart
English-Russian base dictionary > girl
English-Russian big medical dictionary > nice
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > girl
1) славный, хороший; милый; приятный
2) тонкий, изящный
2000 самых употребительных английских слов > nice
naɪs прил.
1) а) хороший, приятный, милый, славный (тж. ирон.) nice time ≈ славное время nice person ≈ приятный человек Syn: pleasing, agreeable б) хороший, хорошо сделанный nice shot ≈ хороший выстрел Syn: good в) соответствующий, подходящий Syn: appropriate, fitting
2) а) любезный, внимательный that’s nice of you to say ≈ очень любезно с вашей стороны сказать… Syn: polite, kind б) тактичный;
воспитанный, благовоспитанный Syn: well-bred в) добродетельный, приличный Syn: virtuous, respectable
3) а) изящный, сделанный со вкусом;
элегантный б) изысканный( о манерах, стиле)
4) острый;
тонкий nice ear nice observer
5) а) точный, тонкий, чувствительный( о механизме) б) тонкий, требующий большой точности, деликатности nice question ≈ щекотливый вопрос Syn: accurate
6) а) аккуратный;
подробный, скрупулезный, тщательный б) разборчивый, привередливый, придирчивый;
щепетильный ∙ Syn: particular, accurate, punctilious
7) уст. распущенный;
застенчивый, жеманный
в конструкции с союзом and и вторым прилагательным имеет эмоционально-усилительное значение The train is going nice and fast. ≈ Поезд идет быстро. хороший, приятный, милый, славный — * face хорошее лицо — * smile приятная улыбка — * boy славный мальчик — * home уютная квартира;
хорошенький домик — * little girl милая девчушка — * day приятный /погожий, хороший/ день — * to the taste приятный на вкус — to look * иметь привлекательную внешность — (how) * to see you! (как я) рад(а) вас видеть! (приветствие) ;
как хорошо, что вы пришли( ироничное) хорошенький — you’ve got us into a * mess! в хорошенькую историю вы нас втянули! — a * state of affairs! хорошенькое дело! — here is a * muddle! ну и путаница! — a * one to talk ему хорошо говорить;
ему бы помолчать изящный, элегантный;
сделанный со вкусом — very * in one’s dress изящно /элегантно/ одетый вкусный, аппетитный — * cooking хорошая кухня (of, to, about) любезный, внимательный, тактичный — this is very * of you это с вашей стороны очень любезно /мило/ — he was very * to me он был со мной очень любезен /приветлив, мил/ — he was very * about the incident во время этого инцидента он проявил большой такт скромный, благовоспитанный — * people порядочные люди — * girls do not do that порядочные девушки так не поступают требующий большой точности, осторожности, щепетильности;
трудный, сложный( о вопросе и т. п.) — * question щекотливый /деликатный/ вопрос — negotiations needing * handling переговоры, требующие осторожного и тонкого подхода — a * point of law сложный юридический вопрос — one of the *st problems for a man to solve одна из труднейших задач, которые приходилось решать человеку (преим. с отрицанием) щепетильный;
(морально) безукоризненный, безупречный — he is not too * in his business methods он не слишком щепетилен в деловых вопросах — to be not too * about the means не особенно стесняться /не быть слишком щепетильным/ в выборе средств уместный, тактичный — not a * remark не очень уместное замечание — it is not a * song это неподходящая /не вполне пристойная/ песня острый;
чуткий — * distinction тонкое различие — * ear тонкий /острый/ слух, чуткое ухо — * judgement тонкое и верное суждение — a * shade of meaning тонкий оттенок значения — * eye for distances хороший глазомер — he has a * eye for these delicate differences он хорошо разбирается в этих тончайших оттенках — a * sense of honour обостренное /высокоразвитое/ чувство чести точный;
тщательный, подробный, скрупулезный — * inquiry тщательное /подробное/ расследование — * observer внимательный наблюдатель, наблюдательный человек — weighed in the *st scales взвешенный на самых точных весах разборчивый, взыскательный;
изысканный (о манерах, слоге) — * critic взыскательный /разборчивый/ критик — * in one’s food привередливый /разборчивый/ в еде — * taste изысканный вкус — * taste in art тонкое понимание искусства — too * in her dress слишком разборчива /придирчива/ в отношении одежды;
на нее трудно угодить( эмоционально-усилительно) (в конструкции с союзом and и вторым прилагательным) — the place is * and healthy это очень здоровая местность — I hope it will be * and fine надеюсь, что погода не подведет /что все будет в порядке/ — you’ll be * and ill in the morning к утру вы обязательно расхвораетесь — aren’t we going * and fast? хорошая скорость, правда? — I didn’t like his speech but at least it was * and short его речь мне не понравилась, но, к счастью, она скоро кончилась (устаревшее) (притворно-) застенчивый;
~ разборчивый, привередливый;
придирчивый, щепетильный;
he is nice in his food он привередлив в еде
a ~ state of affairs! хорошенькое положение дел!;
here is a nice mess I am in! в хорошенькую переделку я попал!
it is ~ and warm today сегодня довольно тепло;
the train is going nice and fast поезд идет довольно быстро
~ требующий большой точности или деликатности;
a nice question щекотливый вопрос;
negotiations needing nice handling переговоры, требующие осторожного и тонкого подхода
nice аккуратный;
тщательный, подробный, скрупулезный ~ изысканный (о манерах, стиле) ~ изящный, сделанный со вкусом;
элегантный ~ любезный, внимательный;
тактичный ~ острый;
a nice ear тонкий слух ~ разборчивый, привередливый;
придирчивый, щепетильный;
he is nice in his food он привередлив в еде ~ уст. своенравный, глупый ~ сладкий, вкусный ~ точный, тонкий, чувствительный (о механизме) ;
weighed in the nicest scales взвешено на самых точных весах ~ требующий большой точности или деликатности;
a nice question щекотливый вопрос;
negotiations needing nice handling переговоры, требующие осторожного и тонкого подхода ~ хороший, приятный, милый, славный (тж. ирон.) ;
a nice boy хороший парень;
nice weather хорошая погода;
nice home хорошенький домик
~ хороший, приятный, милый, славный (тж. ирон.) ;
a nice boy хороший парень;
nice weather хорошая погода;
nice home хорошенький домик
~ острый;
a nice ear тонкий слух
~ хороший, приятный, милый, славный (тж. ирон.) ;
a nice boy хороший парень;
nice weather хорошая погода;
nice home хорошенький домик
~ judgement тонкое, правильное суждение;
a nice observer внимательный, тонкий наблюдатель
~ a ~ and в соединении с другим прилагательным часто означает довольно
~ judgement тонкое, правильное суждение;
a nice observer внимательный, тонкий наблюдатель
~ требующий большой точности или деликатности;
a nice question щекотливый вопрос;
negotiations needing nice handling переговоры, требующие осторожного и тонкого подхода
a ~ shade of meaning тонкий оттенок значения;
a nice taste in literature хороший, тонкий литературный вкус
a ~ state of affairs! хорошенькое положение дел!;
here is a nice mess I am in! в хорошенькую переделку я попал!
a ~ shade of meaning тонкий оттенок значения;
a nice taste in literature хороший, тонкий литературный вкус
~ хороший, приятный, милый, славный (тж. ирон.) ;
a nice boy хороший парень;
nice weather хорошая погода;
nice home хорошенький домик
it is ~ and warm today сегодня довольно тепло;
the train is going nice and fast поезд идет довольно быстро
~ точный, тонкий, чувствительный (о механизме) ;
weighed in the nicest scales взвешено на самых точных весахБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > nice
nice Jewish girl
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > nice Jewish girl
nice good-tempered girl
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > nice good-tempered girl
nice little girl
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > nice little girl
the girl next door
любящaя, вepнaя, милoвиднaя, нo «зeмнaя» и зaуpяднaя пo уму дeвушкa или мoлoдaя жeнщинa
She was pretty, petite and brunette, a nice Italian girl, the girl next door, who would never fool around with another man and that had been important to him (M. Puzo)
Concise English-Russian phrasebook > the girl next door
a nice good-tempered girl
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a nice good-tempered girl
the girl had a nice slender figure
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the girl had a nice slender figure
(a) nice little girl
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) nice little girl
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См. также в других словарях:
Nice Girl Project! — (NICE GIRL プロジェクト!, Nice Girl Project!?) est un ensemble de chanteuses idoles japonaises en solo ou en groupes. C est un projet du producteur Tsunku similaire et parallèle à son Hello! Project, créé en 2007 sur son propre label TNX, toujours avec … Wikipédia en Français
Nice Girl? — Nice Girl Directed by William A. Seiter Produced by Joe Pasternak Written by Richard Connell (screen play) Gladys Lehman (screen play) Phyllis Duganne (play) … Wikipedia
nice girl — likable girl, pleasant girl, friendly girl, well behaved girl … English contemporary dictionary
Confessions of a Nice Girl — Studio album by Katie Armiger Released October 5, 2010 (2010 10 05 … Wikipedia
How Did a Nice Girl Like You Get Into This Business? — A poster bearing the film s alternative title: The Naughty Cheerleader Directed by … Wikipedia
What’s a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This? — Infobox Film name = What s a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This? image size = caption = director = Martin Scorsese producer = writer = narrator = starring = music = cinematography = editing = distributor = released = 1963 runtime = 9… … Wikipedia
Nice guy — is a term in the general public discourse and in popular culture describing an adult or teenage male with friendly yet unassertive personality traits in the context of a relationship with a woman.[1] A typical nice guy is perceived to put the… … Wikipedia
nice — W2S1 [naıs] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(good)¦ 2¦(friendly)¦ 3¦(something you want)¦ 4 it s nice to know (that) 5 have a nice day! 6 nice to meet you 7 (it s been) nice meeting/talking to you 8¦(not nice)¦ 9 nice try 10 ni … Dictionary of contemporary English
nice — [ naıs ] adjective *** ▸ 1 attractive/enjoyable ▸ 2 friendly/kind ▸ 3 for showing you like something ▸ 4 with small difference ▸ 5 skillful ▸ 6 with high moral standard ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) attractive, enjoyable, or pleasant: Your hair looks nice.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
nice — nicely, adv. niceness, n. /nuys/, adj., nicer, nicest. 1. pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit. 2. amiably pleasant; kind: They are always nice to strangers. 3. characterized by, showing, or requiring great accuracy, precision, skill,… … Universalium
nice */*/*/ — UK [naɪs] / US adjective Word forms nice : adjective nice comparative nicer superlative nicest 1) attractive, enjoyable, or pleasant Your hair looks nice. London is a much nicer place to live nowadays. a nice cup of tea There s a nice view from… … English dictionary
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
милая девушка
хорошая девочка f
хорошая девушка
хорошую девушку
милой девушкой
милую девушку
хорошей девочкой
симпатичная девушка
хорошей девушкой
красивой девушкой
милой девочкой
милой девушке
приятная девушка
прекрасная девушка
She was a nice girl who prefers…
Good, you seem like a nice girl.
Not my type, but a nice girl.
A: I am happy that this brilliant, beautiful, smart, nice girl took elements of rhythmic gymnastics.
Я счастлива, что эта блестящая, красивая, умная, хорошая девочка взяла элементы из художественной гимнастики.
I told her that you’re a nice girl.
I know she’s a nice girl.
I love how you’re such a nice girl.
You’re a nice girl, but I’m not interested.
She’s a nice girl, she puts up with you.
I never realized how extraordinary a nice girl could be.
Я никогда не знал, насколько невероятной может быть милая девушка.
You’re the nice girl, the kind that becomes a cheerleader.
Ты милая девушка, из тех, что танцуют в группе поддержки.
Oliver’s bride seems to be a very nice girl.
You know, a nice girl like Megan might want more.
Ты знаешь, милая девушка Меган, может хочеть большего.
There’s a real nice girl named, Christie.
Kills me to see a nice girl like Cindy Taylor Settle for a guy like Aaron ferguson.
Ужасно видеть, что такая милая девушка как Синди Тейлор связалась с таким парнем как Арон Фергюсон.
Zoe’s a nice girl, control yourself.
Really nice girl, just empirically.
Очень хорошая девушка, только вот совершенно непривлекательна.
She seems like your average nice girl.
You may get lucky and find a nice girl.
She looks like such a nice girl that has lost her mind.
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Предложения с «nice girl»
My first impression of Kim was that she was a nice girl, a little shy, and a little plain. |
Ким с первого взгляда показалась мне милой девушкой , слегка застенчивой и немного простоватой. |
And how the nice girl helped him and took him back to his cool house. |
И как добрая девочка помогла ему и отнесла назад в холодный домик. |
Bottom line, I am looking to meet a nice girl in the cheese section. |
В общем, я ищу симпатичную девушку в сырном отделе. |
I’m a professional and Misty is a very nice girl. am sure she is. |
Я профессионал, а Мисти очень хорошая девушка . |
All right, she was a nice girl but she was cheeky. She’d refused to hear him out, and even now was moving on to the Kazakh. |
Приятная — приятная, а дерзкая: не дослушав, уже перешла к казаху. |
Who is this nice girl we’re divulging all of our deepest, darkest secrets to? |
Кто эта хорошенькая девушка , которой мы раскрываем наши самые страшные секреты? |
Droopy, why’d you go and kill that nice girl for, huh? |
Друпи, почему тебе не пойти и не убить ту милую девушку , а? |
Oh, she’s a nice girl, she’s a nice girl, and I knew she’d be good going, if only some damned man would set her stack on fire! Ha-ha-ha! |
Она славная девочка, очень славная. И я всегда знал, она будет замечательной бабой, если найдется молодец, который сумеет запалить этот стог сена! Ха — ха — ха! |
What’s a nice girl like you doing with two deviant vampires? |
Что такая хорошая девочка как ты делает с двумя ненормальными вампиршами? |
‘A nice girl, I suppose, because she’s madly in love with you, and a perfect lady because she’s resisting your advances till she’s got a contract.’ |
Милая девушка , вероятно, потому, что она от тебя без ума, а настоящая леди — так как отвергает твои ухаживания, пока ты не подпишешь с ней контракта? |
She’s a nice girl were such simple, humble words, so out of harmony with his feeling. |
Она славная девушка были такие простые, низменные слова, столь несоответственные его чувству. |
You’re the nice girl, the kind that becomes a cheerleader. |
Ты милая девушка , из тех, что танцуют в группе поддержки. |
First off you’re a nice girl, we’re getting on and then… you’re keeping your distance, reading up on me. |
Сначала ты была милой девушкой , мы поладили, а потом… ты держишь меня на расстоянии, что — то обо мне выясняя. |
She’s a nice girl, Lester, put in his father, who was standing near the open fire. |
Летти славная девушка , Лестер, — вставил отец, стоявший у камина. |
She seemed like a very nice girl. |
Она показалась мне очень симпатичной девушкой . |
Now I would prefer that the nice girl who broke me out of a mental institution not get killed because you screwed up. |
Я предпочел бы, чтобы милая девушка , которая вытащила меня из дурдома, не была бы убита из — за того, что ты ошибся. |
You’re gonna meet a nice girl with low standards, no real options or sense of smell… |
Ты встретишь девушку без претензий без вариантов или с отбитым обонянием. |
Marguerite was the nice girl from the other side of town, but Marguerite liked Alan, and they wound up going steady. |
Маргарита была хорошей девчонкой, но ей нравился Алан, с которым в итоге она начала встречаться. |
She seems like a nice girl but women go a bit loony when they’re in the family way, believe me. |
На вид милая девушка , но… поверьте мне, женщины немного слетают с катушек, когда они в положении. |
Or maybe he’s having a nice meal with a nice girl. |
А может просто ужинает с приятной девушкой . |
Nice girl, but a bit too keen for my liking. |
Милая девочка, но на мой вкус чересчур увлекающаяся. |
If you wanna have some good, wholesome fun with a nice girl I’ll help you out. |
Если ты хочешь провести хороший, нравственный вечер с красивой девушкой я тебе в этом помогу. |
She seemed like a nice girl. |
Она казалась порядочной девушкой . |
She was the first nice girl he had ever known. |
Она была первой девушкой из общества на его пути. |
And instead of that what a nice girl you could be, Lamia… |
ы могла бы быть чудесной девушкой . |
She’s what we call a stud, which is very confusing for a nice girl like you, because, let’s be honest, she looks like a man. |
Таких как она мы называем бучихами, что может смутить таких милых девушек как вы, потому что, уж будем честными, она выглядит как мужик. |
She is a nice funny little girl. |
Она милая смешная маленькая девочка. |
If only he’d met a nice, sensible girl like you |
Если бы только он встретил хорошую, умную девушку , как ты. |
This girl was awfully nice, and he liked her no-nonsense attitude about sex. |
Девушка была чертовски хороша, и ему нравилось, что к сексу она относилась без комплексов. |
Then he meets this nice, homey, sincere girl getting on a bus. |
Потом встречается с такой некрасивой, простой, честной девушкой , когда она лезет в автобус. |
Don’t you have a nice little girl you want to see? |
У тебя нет хорошенькой девочки, которую ты бы хотел видеть? |
Some grim stuff to hang on a pretty girl with a nice smile. |
Какие — то мрачноватые вещи, чтобы их вешать на такую симпатичную девушку с приятной улыбкой. |
It looks as though your boy has lost the Rivers’ affinity so he may as well just settle down in Brittany with a nice fat peasant girl. |
Твой сын потерял невесту, но все еще может остепениться в Бретани с пухлой милой крестьянкой. |
I want a nice, homely girl who likes to raise a family and dogs and all that kind of thing. |
Я хочу милую домашнюю девушку , которая любит растить детей и собак и типа того. |
You need to find a nice Indian girl from a good family. |
Ты должен найти замечательную индийскую девушку из хорошей семьи. |
Nice to meet you too little girl. |
Мне тоже очень приятно, малышка. |
Nice day for a talk with your girl. |
Хороший день для разговора с тобой, девочка. |
Must be nice to have a pretty girl care for you. |
Приятно, наверное, когда ты дорог симпатичной девушке . |
‘I suppose that’s what the Boynton girl threw away, but it’s a nice little box.’ |
Чего ради девушка выбросила такую миленькую коробочку? |
A nice looking dark-haired girl brought in the tea at this moment. |
В комнату вошла миловидная черноволосая девушка . Она принесла чай. |
A perfectly nice harmless girl murdered in a telephone box. |
Совершенно безобидная славная девочка убита в телефонной будке! |
She just seemed a nice, likeable girl. |
Она просто показалась мне милой, привлекательной девушкой . |
The Lytton Gore girl. The one who is so fascinated by Charles. (What a wretch Charles is — he will do it!) She thinks that that nice old man down in Cornwall was murdered, too. |
Эгг Литтон — Г ор — та, которая так увлечена Чарлзом. Что за негодник — никак не угомонится! Она думает, что того славного старика в Корнуолле тоже убили. |
He’s too nice to take advantage of a buzzy girl. |
Он слишком милый, чтобы воспользоваться пьяной девушкой . |
Katie Holmes is a nice, respectable, wholesome girl. |
Кэти Холмз красивая , достойная, приятная девушка . |
I found her for you — your nice, square, straight-out girl. |
Я тебе ее нашел — твою прямодушную девушку . |
See, he’s in love with this Japanese girl named Karen who his parents don’t approve of, so he and Karen see each other secretly while his parents keep setting him up with nice Korean girls. |
Он влюблен в японку Карен которую не одобряют его родители, и они встречаются тайно пока его родители сводят его с хорошими кореянками. |
I agree the girl is nice, and pretty, and whatever, but if we don’t stop now, people will not throw water but camber pots instead. |
Я согласен, девушка хорошая, и симпатичная, и что еще ты хочешь услышать, но если мы не остановимся сейчас, в нас будут швыряться не водой, а ночными горшками. |
Or maybe you were just being nice to the simple girl from the backwoods. |
Или, может, ты просто показывал свои манеры перед простой девушкой из захолустья. |
You know, Bambi, you need work, but my books could really use a nice British girl. |
Ты знаешь, Бэмби, тебе нужна работа, но я беру действительно милых Британских девушек . |
She’s a most agreeable girl, and I want you to be very nice to her. |
Она милая девушка , будь с ней поласковей. |
Amy, that nice unconventional girl. |
Эми, ту замечательную необычную девушку . |
But she’s a respectable girl and I’d say she’d make a good wife for anybody. For any nice, plodding, respectable boy. |
Она девушка порядочная, и я сказала бы, что из неё выйдет отличная жена для любого — любого славного, порядочного юноши со средними способностями. |
I’m a nice sort of girl to be walking out with a respectable milkman.’ |
Ну как смогу я после этого проводить время с молочником, ведь он такой порядочный! |
That’s all wrong, a nice-looking girl like you. |
Да еще такой красивой женщине, как вы! |
Nice-looking girl you got there. |
Красивая у тебя девушка . |
I think it was the one they call Carol — a very nice-looking girl — so like her brother. Really they might be twins. |
Кажется, это была Кэрол — миловидная девушка , похожая на брата; они могли бы быть близнецами. |
His wife’s a nice-looking girl — the quiet sensible kind. |
Жена славная женщина — спокойная и разумная. |
She was a nice, clean-looking girl. |
Она была милой опрятной девушкой . |
Preferably a girl with a real nice… phone. |
Предпочтительно, девушку с хорошим… телефоном. |
nice girl — перевод на русский
Oliver’s bride seems to be a very nice girl.
Невеста Оливера, похоже, очень милая девушка.
She’s a very nice girl.
Она очень милая девушка.
You’re a very nice girl with too much imagination.
Вы очень милая девушка, но у вас слишком развитое воображение.
— Nice girl.
Милая девушка.
Here is Lucía, a nice girl.
Это Люси, милая девушка.
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You’re a nice girl, Mickey.
Вы хорошая девушка, Микки.
You’re going to keep your mouth shut because you’re such a nice girl you’d help if you knew your uncle was the man we wanted.
Вы будете молчать потому, что вы хорошая девушка. Потому что такая хорошая, что помогли. Если бы знали, что это ваш дядя.
She seems a nice girl.
Хорошая девушка.
That’s a nice girl, that, but she ought to go careful in Vienna.
Хорошая девушка, но ей следует быть поосторожнее в Вене.
And a nice girl wouldn’t turn a dog away on a night like this.
В такую ночь хорошая девушка даже собаку на улицу не выгонит.
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You’re really a nice girl.
Ты правда хорошая девочка.
There’s a real nice girl named, Christie.
С нами учится очень хорошая девочка, Кристи.
She’s a very nice girl, but she’s like your father.
Она очень хорошая девочка, но слишком похожа на твоего отца.
— Huanita? A nice girl, — she is good for 80 thousand.
Хорошая девочка, гибкая ей хватит восьмидесяти тысяч.
-I thought she was such a nice girl.
— Я думала, что она такая хорошая девочка.
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I’m not a nice girl.
Я не милая девочка.
Mind telling me what a nice girl like you is doing with a gun, Ilsa?
Не расскажешь что такая милая девочка делает с пистолетом, Эльза?
Very nice girl.
Очень милая девочка.
She is a nice girl.
— Она милая девочка.
It’s that nice girl, Julie, from your show.
Та милая девочка Джули из твоего шоу.
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She’s a nice girl.
Она славная девушка.
She’s a nice girl, Sadie.
Она славная девушка.
— Nice girl.
— Славная девушка.
Nice girl.
Славная девушка.
That Candy, she’s the nicest girl I know.
Эта Кэнди — славная девушка.
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— Awful nice girl.
Очень хорошая!
Oh, she is a nice girl.
О да, хорошая.
I think she’s a nice girl too.
Я тоже думаю, что она хорошая.
She’s a nice girl.
Она хорошая.
So you admit I’m a nice girl.
Так ты признаешь, что я хорошая.
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She’s a nice girl, but she drinks like a fish.
Она милая, но пьет как лошадь.
She’s a very nice girl.
Она очень милая.
You’re still a nice girl and I still like you.
Ты всё равно милая и нравишься мне.
Bo: Lily seems like a nice girl.
Лили, кажется, милая.
— She’s a really nice girl.
— Она милая.
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Hadass is a nice girl but don’t make her into more than she is.
Хадасс прекрасная девушка, но не делай её большим, нежели она есть.
Asiye is a little crazy but she’s a nice girl.
Асия немного сумасшедшая, но она прекрасная девушка.
She’s a nice girl…
Она прекрасная девушка ….
Why not? She’s a nice girl.
Она прекрасная девушка
Nice girl.
Прекрасная девушка.
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Nice girl
Красивая девушка.
I know she’s nice girl.
Она красивая девушка.
She’s a nice girl.
Она красивая девушка.
There are many nice girls around there.
Там много красивых девушек.
I’m sorry, I-— I didn’t mean-— it’s just-— it’s just, uh, a lot of the nice girls here, like Jeannie, they sometimes-— um-— wait, are we on a date?
извини, я не имел в виду… это просто… просто, здесь так много красивых девушек, например, Дженни, они иногда… постой, у нас свидание?
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Those boys said they wanted nice girls.
Им нужны порядочные девушки.
Like nice girls.
Как порядочные девушки.
Nice girls don’t show off their ecstasy.
Порядочные девушки не показывают экстази.
— I mean, these are nice girls.
Они порядочные девушки.
We brought you here because we thought you were nice girls.
Мы привезли вас, думая, что вы порядочные девушки.
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How to Say Nice girl in Different LanguagesAdvertisement
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Please find below many ways to say nice girl in different languages. This is the translation of the word «nice girl» to over 100 other languages.
Saying nice girl in European Languages
Saying nice girl in Asian Languages
Saying nice girl in Middle-Eastern Languages
Saying nice girl in African Languages
Saying nice girl in Austronesian Languages
Saying nice girl in Other Foreign Languages
Saying Nice girl in European Languages
Language | Ways to say nice girl | |
Albanian | vajze e mirë | Edit |
Basque | polita neska | Edit |
Belarusian | мілая дзяўчына | Edit |
Bosnian | Fina djevojka | Edit |
Bulgarian | хубаво момиче | Edit |
Catalan | bona noia | Edit |
Corsican | bella zitella | Edit |
Croatian | Lijepa djevojka | Edit |
Czech | pěkná holka | Edit |
Danish | dejlig pige | Edit |
Dutch | leuke meid | Edit |
Estonian | tore tüdruk | Edit |
Finnish | mukava tyttö | Edit |
French | fille sympathique | Edit |
Frisian | aardich famke | Edit |
Galician | boa rapaza | Edit |
German | Schönes Mädchen | Edit |
Greek | καλό κορίτσι [kaló korítsi] |
Edit |
Hungarian | szép lány | Edit |
Icelandic | góð stelpa | Edit |
Irish | cailín dheas | Edit |
Italian | ragazza carina | Edit |
Latvian | jauka meitene | Edit |
Lithuanian | miela mergina | Edit |
Luxembourgish | léift Meedchen | Edit |
Macedonian | добра девојка | Edit |
Maltese | tfajla sabiħa | Edit |
Norwegian | snill pike | Edit |
Polish | miła dziewczyna | Edit |
Portuguese | Linda garota | Edit |
Romanian | fata draguta | Edit |
Russian | красивая девушка [krasivaya devushka] |
Edit |
Scots Gaelic | nighean laghach | Edit |
Serbian | Фина девојка [Fina devojka] |
Edit |
Slovak | pekné dievča | Edit |
Slovenian | lepo dekle | Edit |
Spanish | Buena chica | Edit |
Swedish | snäll tjej | Edit |
Tatar | матур кыз | Edit |
Ukrainian | гарна дівчина [harna divchyna] |
Edit |
Welsh | merch neis | Edit |
Yiddish | שיינע מיידל | Edit |
Saying Nice girl in Asian Languages
Language | Ways to say nice girl | |
Armenian | գեղեցիկ աղջիկ | Edit |
Azerbaijani | yaxşı qız | Edit |
Bengali | সুন্দর মেয়ে | Edit |
Chinese Simplified | 好姑娘 [hǎo gūniáng] |
Edit |
Chinese Traditional | 好姑娘 [hǎo gūniáng] |
Edit |
Georgian | სასიამოვნო გოგონა | Edit |
Gujarati | સરસ છોકરી | Edit |
Hindi | अच्छी लड़की | Edit |
Hmong | hluas nkauj zoo | Edit |
Japanese | 素敵な少女 | Edit |
Kannada | ಸಂತೋಷವನ್ನು ಹುಡುಗಿ | Edit |
Kazakh | жақсы қыз | Edit |
Khmer | ក្មេងស្រីដែលស្រស់ស្អាត | Edit |
Korean | 좋은 여자 [joh-eun yeoja] |
Edit |
Kyrgyz | жакшы кыз | Edit |
Lao | ສາວງາມ | Edit |
Malayalam | നല്ല പെൺകുട്ടി | Edit |
Marathi | चांगली मुलगी | Edit |
Mongolian | сайхан охин | Edit |
Myanmar (Burmese) | မိန်းမကောင်း | Edit |
Nepali | राम्री केटि | Edit |
Odia | ଭଲ ଝିଅ | Edit |
Pashto | ښایسته نجلۍ | Edit |
Punjabi | ਚੰਗੀ ਕੁੜੀ | Edit |
Sindhi | سٺي ڇوڪري | Edit |
Sinhala | හොඳ කෙල්ල | Edit |
Tajik | духтари хуб | Edit |
Tamil | நல்ல பெண் | Edit |
Telugu | మంచి అమ్మాయి | Edit |
Thai | ผู้หญิงที่น่ารัก | Edit |
Turkish | güzel kız | Edit |
Turkmen | gowy gyz | Edit |
Urdu | اچھی لڑکی | Edit |
Uyghur | چىرايلىق قىز | Edit |
Uzbek | chiroyli qiz | Edit |
Vietnamese | Cô gái xinh đẹp | Edit |
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Saying Nice girl in Middle-Eastern Languages
Language | Ways to say nice girl | |
Arabic | فتاة جميلة [fatat jamila] |
Edit |
Hebrew | ילדה נחמדה | Edit |
Kurdish (Kurmanji) | keçika xweş | Edit |
Persian | دختر خوب | Edit |
Saying Nice girl in African Languages
Language | Ways to say nice girl | |
Afrikaans | oulike meisie | Edit |
Amharic | ጥሩ ልጅ | Edit |
Chichewa | zabwino mtsikana | Edit |
Hausa | kyau yarinya | Edit |
Igbo | nice girl | Edit |
Kinyarwanda | umukobwa mwiza | Edit |
Sesotho | ntle ngoanana | Edit |
Shona | musikana akanaka | Edit |
Somali | gabar fiican | Edit |
Swahili | msichana mzuri | Edit |
Xhosa | intombi entle | Edit |
Yoruba | nice girl | Edit |
Zulu | nice intombazane | Edit |
Saying Nice girl in Austronesian Languages
Language | Ways to say nice girl | |
Cebuano | nindot nga babaye | Edit |
Filipino | Mabait na babae | Edit |
Hawaiian | kaikamahine maikaʻi | Edit |
Indonesian | Gadis yang baik | Edit |
Javanese | girl becik | Edit |
Malagasy | tovovavy tsara | Edit |
Malay | gadis yang baik | Edit |
Maori | kotiro pai | Edit |
Samoan | teine aulelei | Edit |
Sundanese | budak awéwé alus | Edit |
Saying Nice girl in Other Foreign Languages
Language | Ways to say nice girl | |
Esperanto | bela knabino | Edit |
Haitian Creole | bèl ti fi | Edit |
Latin | nice quod puella | Edit |
Dictionary Entries near nice girl
- nice
- nice day
- nice fellow
- nice girl
- nice guy
- Nice job!
- nice man
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«Nice girl in Different Languages.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/nice_girl. Accessed 13 Apr 2023.
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Англо-русский перевод NICE GIRL
прелестный девушка
Big English-Russian dictionary .
Большой Англо-Русский словарь.
If you’re looking for cute things to say to your girlfriend- you’re on the right track toward her heart.
Even though actions matter, girls love to be spoiled with words. In the words of our great J. K. Rowling: “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”
Isn’t that the truth? Words cut deeper than any knife could ever do and for that same reason, we have to be careful how we use them.
With the right and cute things to say to your girlfriend, you can get her to completely fall head over heels for you. So stay with me because I’m going to help you build your way to a woman’s heart with sweet, cute, and adorable words.
I understand that not every man out there is very good with words and that they aren’t so romantic and/or creative with them either (kudos to the exceptions). But do not worry, I’m going to reveal the exact things to say to a girl to make her want you.
Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend: Flirting Stage
So, you’ve seen her a couple of times, you’ve maybe exchanged a few words, but nothing really happened. When you do start to communicate, text, or talk, be sure to put in a few of these sweet words to make her fall in love with you. She will be impressed and you’ll be one step closer to this beautiful girl.
1. Would you believe me if I said that I clearly remember the day I met you? You were so stunning, so wonderful, and so gorgeous. I couldn’t look away.
2. I love the sound of your voice. It makes me remember that there are still beautiful things in this world.
3. Since I met you, I am not able to look at any other girl. When you’re around me, I only look at you and when you’re not there, I only think of you. I must be bewitched.
4. I am pretty sure that no man ever knew how to treat you right, but I promise you I will. I will be the one to show you how a woman should actually be loved and cared for because you deserve it. You deserve it all.
5. I must say that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Especially when I know that your soul is the most beautiful part of you.
6. What? Why am I all over you? Well, because you’re you. No one else is you, right? I fell for those wild eyes and that messy hair. I fell for you! And because of that, no one else can even come close to my heart.
7. You are just perfect. You might not see it right now, but you are. You are every bit amazingly perfect.
8. I can’t wait for the moment when you realize that I am truly and deeply in love with you. That will also be the moment when you realize that I will do whatever it takes to make you happy. Your happiness is and forever will be my priority.
9. As you can see, I am not really a man who knows how to hide these feelings of mine. Or maybe it is just because of you that I am so open about it. You make me feel like who I truly am is enough.
10. Why are you so fragile? I see that you’re always having a tough time with emotional things. I kind of just want to hold you and show you that everything will be alright, but I know that you’re strong. Maybe I just want an excuse to hold you tight?
See also: How To Make It Up To Your Girlfriend And Keep Her Happy
Sweet Things To Say To Your Girlfriend When You’re In A Relationship
No matter if you have just started your relationship or if you have been together for years, saying sweet words for her occasionally to make your girlfriend remember that she is loved, wanted, and needed and that you are always thinking of her is really important.
When she gets those random romantic love messages, good night paragraphs for her, or romantic bedtime stories from you, believe me, her smile will be more beautiful than usual.
So don’t forget the importance of these messages because they truly do bring a lot of happiness to a girl. And don’t be discouraged because of the length of some of these.
So don’t hold back! It doesn’t matter how long it will take you to tell her everything you have to.
11. Some say that thinking of the person you love is overrated. Of course, having someone on your mind is less important than being by their side 24/7, but it’s still important to me. So I think of you and you’re in all my prayers. I always think of you when I pray – just to let the Lord see that you are still my biggest wish.
12. The thought of losing you freaks me out. It’s like thinking about the end of everything. It’s like falling into an abyss without ever having the ability to get out of it. Oh, please never let me fall into those depths. Never leave me. I promise I will do whatever it takes to make you the happiest woman alive. There is nothing I can’t do if it means that I will see a smile on your beautiful face.
13. I am so sorry if I have upset you. There is nothing more precious to me than your happiness. It’s just that I got overwhelmed with emotions I simply couldn’t control. It’s not your fault. Everything will be alright.
14. Everything will be fine as long as you and I are together to show the whole world how people should love each other! We are the best example of perfection out there!
15. Remember those summer nights when we first started going out? Whenever I look at you today, I can feel that breeze again on my skin, reminding me of the excitement I felt when I first touched you. Even then, I loved you more than you will ever know.
16. I love the way I didn’t expect any of these things to happen. You. Me. Forever? Life holds so many wonderful surprises for us, doesn’t it?
17. I know that it’s a cliche, but words can’t describe how much I care for you. People simply weren’t able to invent words for emotions this strong.
18. The other night I dreamt that I woke up and you weren’t next to me. I freaked. I panicked. That’s when I woke up for real and I saw you sleeping next to me. I never knew what true fear was until that dream. I don’t want to see any mornings without you by my side.
19. I want to wake up next to you for the rest of our lives. With you, nights always have a more beautiful smell and mornings bring a beautiful light through the windows. I don’t remember any mornings before you came into my life that were that beautiful.
20. There will never be anything or anyone as important to me as you are because you truly are something special, something wonderful that only happens once in life. I don’t want to lose my only chance, so I’m going to do whatever I need just to keep you happy and to make you feel loved.
Nice Things To Say To Your Girlfriend In A Long-Distance Relationship
When you’re in an LDR relationship, all you have are have an emotional connection you can build up through your words before you two can actually see each other.
To say something cute to your girlfriend while you’re in a long-distance relationship means that she gets the reassurance that you will forever love her and that you two will have a future together because your love is stronger than the miles dividing you.
21. It’s days like these when I miss you the most… when the rain is falling outside and we could be cuddled up inside, watching movies, and kissing until the morning. But what gets me through the day is the thought that I will see you again soon and that you and I will have a bright future together. These miles between us won’t break us up. I promise you!
22. Please, don’t cry! I know that we are now apart from each other, but close your eyes and imagine us together. Let your imagination save you in these moments of sorrow. I promise you that I will do whatever I can to hold you close again soon. We just have to be patient.
23. I’m telling myself that everything will be alright, but my heart yearns for you more than usual. I just want to kiss your lips again and hold you close to my chest. Yes, I want you to listen to my heart that’s only beating for you.
24. Sometimes I wonder: who am I to make you wait this long for me? We have been apart for so long that it seems like an eternity. Someone could comfort you right now. Someone who would be right there next to you. But then I also remember that no one will ever be able to love you as much as I love you. Even if the both of us have to wait for that day to come, when we will know that we will spend the rest of our lives waking up next to each other, at least we will know that we have won!
25. Today, someone told me again that there was no chance that these miles between us won’t tear us apart. I just remembered you and your beautiful smile, your calming voice, and your amazing soul and it was enough for me to just tell them to fuck off. I know what I’m fighting for and I will forever continue to fight for the two of us.
26. To be honest with you, I never believed in soulmates until I met you. Just imagine how long our souls have been yearning to be together, that they have actually found a way to conquer these miles between us and all those people telling us that we should give up.
27. I will give everything I can and everything I have just to one day say that I will never leave you alone again.
28. I’ll be there in a few days! Just wait until you see how much I miss you. I won’t let go of you for the whole time we will spend together.
29. I hope one day you will forgive me for being away from you for this long. But I promise you it will all be worth it once we’re back together when we buy our own little place and we have our own family. That is when we will know that our love was stronger than any of the obstacles that were laid in front of us.
30. I need you. Please, hold on just a little while longer. I promise you everything will be alright.
31. Although we can’t be together, at least I’m happy to see the same moon as yours.
32. Who says long-distance relationship couples are not real? They’re always carrying their loved ones in their hearts.
33. Days might pass, and months will go without us setting eyes on each other, but nothing changes because the heart knows where it belongs. Keep building yourself, because I am preparing myself for you because the future holds more for our union.
34. Babe I want to be kissing you, not missing you!
35. I’ll always pray to see you soon because my heart misses you with the passing of each second. I know you are away to achieve your dreams, and I will always pray for you because your desires align with mine. Your success is my success, and I am ready to make this sacrifice to see you smile.
36. Distance isn’t easy, but it is not impossible either – you are worth every mile between us.
37. The distance between us means so little because I love you here and everywhere else, I love you now and forever. Even if I await you to return to me, my love for you didn’t drop for one bit. I will always be here for you, no matter how long it takes.
38. You’ve taken a part of my heart with you. When are you coming back to return it?
39. Many couples seem to regret getting into long-distance relationships. Ours has withstood the test of time; it brings both of us so much joy and hope. You are wonderful. I’m looking forward to celebrating many more years with you!
40. I’m in my bed, you are in yours – one of us is obviously in the wrong place.
41. Thousands of miles apart cannot change the romantic feelings I have for you. My heart cannot seem to let you walk away.
42. Sometimes it’s hard to understand why we’re doing this long-distance thing, but then I get to see you. Whenever I’m around you, I can’t help but be elated. You add so much joy and positivity to my life. I’m looking forward to the day that the distance between us is a few paces instead of many, many miles.
43. I bear the distance only because I know there will be a morning when we will see the sunrise together.
44. Facetime and Skype are great, but there’s just no replacement for seeing that handsome face of yours in person. I long for the day that you come back and I get to hold you in my arms again.
45. No matter where you are, you are never alone because I’m always thinking of you with a smile on my face.
46. I’d love to hold you close and rest in your lovely arms but until then, I love and miss you.
47. I’ll make up for all the time spent apart. I’ll kiss you more and love you more when I see you again. I miss you, my darling.
48. I love you so much and even though the distance is strenuous, my love for you is very persistent. I miss you greatly, my darling.
49. You are one of the few things that make me smile. No matter how far away you are, your beaming face is forever engraved in my eyes.
50. We’re apart right now, but I feel your presence every day. We are far away from each other, but I feel more connected to you. I feel your presence with me even when you’re a thousand miles away. The distance has created loneliness in a way, but I know we have what it takes to stay tight and get through this period. I love you very much, honey! I can’t wait to have you back.
51. I’m jealous of everyone who will get to meet you today.
52. Distance doesn’t matter to two hearts that care. We’ve been through thick and thin, we’ve cried together, laughed, and struggled together; none of these moments tore us apart. We’ve come a long way, and our love remains firm. Despite the distance, I still feel your presence around me. I can feel the warmth of your heart and your endearing smile. I can’t wait to have you back, baby.
Cutest Things To Say To A Girl On Her Birthday
If you’re wondering how to congratulate your girlfriend’s birthday, here are some of the most romantic ways to do it.
This is a very special day for her and I think that you’re aware of that as well. It’s not just super cute to say one of these things to your girlfriend on her birthday, but it’s also very important for your relationship because she will know that you remembered and this is the best way to show her how much you love her.
53. On this day, everything I could ever want was born. Yes, I’m talking about you! Thank you for existing and thank you for choosing me to make all your next birthdays more and more amazing. But for now: Happy Birthday. Thank you for being so incredible!
54. I wish you an amazingly loving birthday. Maybe, there are times I can’t give you everything you have ever dreamed of, but I promise you that I will love you more and more each day.
55. Today is your day, my queen! I will do whatever it takes to make you happy. Your wish is my command!
56. To the best girl ever, the light in all my darkest days, the smile that lights up every room, my angel, my lucky charm, and the only one I will love for the rest of my days: Happy Birthday!
57. Tonight, even the stars in the sky are singing you a happy birthday song with their amazing shimmer. I wanted to join them, but I must say that your beautiful eyes shine brighter than they do. Happy Birthday my darling. May the stars forever be in our favor!
58. I wish that all your greatest dreams come true! Happy Birthday my queen. I want to see you smiling like this for the rest of your life, right here by my side.
59. Happy Birthday, my dear. May you one day realize how much I love you. Maybe on that day, humankind will invent words to describe how strong my feelings for you truly are!
60. I want you to have a beautiful birthday! Today, I will do whatever it is you demand of me to do. I really and truly only want your happiness.
61. Happy Birthday! I hope that you will like the gifts I have for you. I know that they’re not as beautiful as you, but nothing really is and nothing will ever be.
62. On this day, I wish you everything your heart desires. You are such a good woman that you truly deserve the best the world has to offer. Here’s to another happy birthday for you!
63. Happy Birthday! They say home is where your heart is. Well, my heart is with you. I’m so blessed to have a wife like you to walk by my side through all of life’s ups and downs. I hope this is your happiest birthday yet!
64. Happy Birthday to my dear wife. Thank you for so many wonderful years together. I can’t wait to find out what the future holds for us! I hope you have a wonderful day today, and here’s to many more adventures in the coming year!
65. I wanted to get you something truly amazing and inspiring for your birthday and then I remembered that you already have me. Happy Birthday!
Sweet Things To Say To Your Girlfriend After a Fight
Knowing what to say after an argument with your GF seems like a mission impossible. But luckily, I know how you feel and I got you covered- here is the list of things that will ease up the tension and chase away her anger.
We’ve all been there. You look at the person you love the most, suffering and being angry at you, and your chest is ripping itself apart.
Your heart is breaking, your mind is clouding – in these moments, you will need the right words more than ever! Communication really is the best way to solve any kind of conflict you two are having, but throwing in a few cute words won’t do any harm, believe me. If anything, it will make her remember why she loves you in the first place!
67. I never wanted to make you angry. It wasn’t my intention I promise you! That’s why I am truly sorry for everything. You have to know that I love you and that this is breaking my heart!
68. My heart is breaking slowly because of how angry you are at me. I don’t want to see you act like this when I know how pure your smile looks. So please, smile for me and I promise I will never again do anything to upset you!
69. You can’t push me away! Not now, not ever! I will forever stick around to make you happy and safe. So what if we had one little fight? These little things will never be strong enough to break us apart!
70. I have made you cry tears of joy every day until today. Can you forgive me in the name of all those tears of joy you shed? I will show you that once you smile again, I will never make you this sad again.
71. I will never again be as angry at myself as I am right at this moment, for I have made my queen cry. How will I ever live with myself again? Please, my dear, forgive me! I was a fool for believing that I did the right thing. I am truly sorry.
72. I am sorry. I am sorry that this happened and that now we’re both suffering! We’re both suffering for the same reason: for the words I said and the things I did. Know that I am truly sorry! Please, forgive me.
73. Even if silly arguments like these happen, there is no need for you to doubt my love for you! My mouth was faster than my brain and I said some really awful things. I am truly sorry.
74. I won’t stop loving you because of this fight! Actually, I will never stop loving you! This is just a little reminder that other people have it even harder than we do because they let stupid things like silly fights break them up! Well, we are so much better than that! Am I right?
75. Don’t let these small imperfections of mine be the reason you question our whole relationship!
76. I’m sorry for everything I said. I take it all back. The love I have for you is stronger than any anger will ever be.
You have to be a real magician with words when you’re trying to win a girl back. You can’t say a wrong word unless you don’t want to make things even worse. That’s exactly why you should play it safe and use one of these lines- I promise you that she’ll be back into your arms before you know it.
I know that restarting a relationship isn’t always a good idea, but if you two have had an awesome time together and neither one of you is happy with the breakup, then maybe use these cute sentences and paragraphs to win her back.
77. I messed up, okay? I messed up like never before. But I am ready to change if you are ready to take me back.
78. I don’t think that something as special as our relationship deserves to be easily broken like this; I am willing to give it another go! You are so precious and so dear to me that I simply can’t go back to living my life without you by my side.
79. Don’t ever say that this was supposed to happen! NO! We were supposed to be happy together. This? This right here is a test from the Lord to see if we really do love each other and if we’re ready to fight for this relationship. If you’re ready to take my hand again, let’s go together and pass this test!
80. I am nothing but sorry. I can’t believe I let go of such an angel like you. I will never forgive myself for this mistake. But if you’re willing to give me just one more chance, I promise you I will treat you right and show you what true love is all about.
81. Do you think that you will ever be able to forgive me? Not for me, not for you. But for the relationship we had and for all those people who looked up to us. We are the perfect match because we love each other. Don’t let our love fade away.
82. Don’t do this to me! Don’t leave me like this without telling me why it’s happening! I love you and I won’t let go of you! I will fight for us, so please think about this once more.
83. Is there anything I can do to change your mind? If there is, I will even bring the stars from the sky to bow before you and beg you with me to come back to the love we had.
84. Look, I’m not big with words, but I promise you that once you give me another chance, I will work on myself to improve our relationship. I will work day and night if needed, just to show you that I truly do love you.
85. I won’t just throw away everything! Remember those laughs and those nights we ended up talking until the sun rose up above the horizon? Yes! I am ready to fight for all of those again if you just give me a chance.
86. You wanted to marry me. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with me. What happened? Is it really worth throwing away what we had? Don’t do this. I am truly sorry. Just please don’t leave me.
Sweet Words To Make Her Smile On Your Anniversary
Even though you love your GF every single day, your anniversary should be a day to remember and you have to use your words wisely. Don’t forget that girls put a lot of value on dates and special occasions, so you mustn’t forget to tell her something adorable on this remarkable day. These are the love quotes that will help you express your enormous love for her.
87. One year has passed and I have been kissing you for every single one of those 365 days. I look forward to all those days that are yet to come, to continue kissing you and showing you my love!
88. The Lord must really love me if he chose to put you in my life and show me that I will forever have a reason to be happy – just like this past year we’ve spent together. I can’t wait to see what the upcoming years have in store for us. Thank you for everything! Happy Anniversary!
89. Happy Anniversary, my love! I can’t believe another year has passed. Somehow I always feel like we’ve just met because I love you as much as I did back in the days when we were young and so full of energy!
90. I wish you a Happy Anniversary! Not just this one but all those anniversaries that are yet to come. We will show time that it’s not a limit to our untameable love!
91. I couldn’t imagine that I would be the one celebrating anniversaries with you. But here we are, so Happy Anniversary my darling! You have made me the absolute happiest man alive.
92. The other day, you told me how much you loved me and I was struck dumb. I didn’t know what to say then. But now I do: the love I feel inside me is burning brighter than a flame and I will love you until the end of time! Happy Anniversary!
93. When everything was falling apart, I could always count on you to pull me back on track. That’s why I know that this won’t be our last anniversary to celebrate! Because we will always be there to catch each other.
94. I chose to spend my life beside you. I would choose you again, not just today, but every upcoming anniversary and every day to come!
95. Don’t forget how much I care for you because that would break my heart. I want to remind you of my love on every one of the 365 days in a year, but today is special. Today is when we started our journey and let’s make this, once more, the most beautiful day ever!
96. A year from now, nothing will be the same – just like a year before today when we didn’t think that love between two people could be this strong. But we made it and are looking at something we created. We are looking at a love that will bloom for all the years that lie ahead! Happy Anniversary!
97. A year ago, you found parts of me I didn’t know existed and in you, I found a love I no longer believed was real.
98. The celebration of our anniversary will last for twenty-four hours, but the celebration of our lives together will last a lifetime and beyond. Happy first anniversary my darling.
99. Thanks for making sure that the first year of our married lives was perfect. I promise I’ll do everything I can to make sure that every single year of the rest of our lives is perfect – exactly how you deserve it to be.
100. One year has passed, but I will never forget that moment in my life when you said YES. I’m so happy my darling because you make my life complete!
101. A beautiful rose for a beautiful woman who has given me a beautiful life. Happy anniversary!
102. Our house would not have become a home without you. Our kids would not have understood the meaning of family without you. I would not have experienced love without you. Happy anniversary!
103. Instead of a card, you should get a trophy for putting up with me another year. You’re the only one for me.
104. No one else would understand our wonderful relationship and no one else in this world would understand me the way you do. Love stories are beautiful, but ours is my favorite. Happy anniversary darling!
105. Today reminds me that God truly loves me, for He gave me the most amazing woman and chose her to be my life partner. I won’t stop being grateful. Happy anniversary dear!
106. Today and all days, I will love you forever. You bring so much joy to life, even when life gets hard. You always know how to make the most of everything.
107. My dear wife, you are the seat belt on the roller coaster of my life, which in every turn and in every ups and downs of my life, protects me. You are very special to me. Happy anniversary.
108. I like waking up and looking at your amazing eyes every morning, it makes me feel very special, just by looking at you, I can tell you feel the same way, it’s been * years, and look at us now! Happy anniversary baby!
109. It is with great pleasure that I announce that our marital life has officially completed a decade. It was a glorious experience. I eagerly await the opportunity to spend the rest of my life with you.
110. Thanks, babe for seeing to it that I don’t have to play the game of life alone. Having you by my side has allowed me to appreciate the finer sides of the gameplay of life. Happy anniversary! Let’s keep playing!
111. Wish you a Happy Wedding Anniversary for gifting me a moment of love, a day of suffering, a week of war, and a month of quarrel. Even after that, you are always special to me because you are my best companion.
Cutest Things To Say To Your Girlfriend On Valentine’s Day
Every girl dreams of a perfect Valentine’s day, so why not give it to her if you can? You don’t have to be Shakespeare to win her over, because you have everything already written down. Use these sweet words to tell a girl to make her fall in love with you all over again.
Here are some simple, yet adorable lines to use on Valentine’s day.
112. Happy Valentine’s Day, gorgeous.
113. You’re the one and only Valentine I’ll love always – Thanks for being totally amazing.
114. My day is not complete without thinking of you. You are my one and only love. Happy Valentine’s Day!
115. Wishing the sweetest, happiest day to my forever Valentine.
116. If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you’ve made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand.
117. My sweet Valentine, I promise to behave like a perfect gentleman this year and make sure to give you all you want on this special day. Today it’s all about us and our love for each other. Happy Valentine’s Day!
118. Especially today, I hope you feel how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life.
119. If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.
120. When I wake in the morning, my first thought is of you, because when I begin my day with you in my mind, I know that it’ll be perfect.
121. I don’t just love you. I love that I get to have you as my Valentine. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend Over A Text
Just because you and your GF are not physically together at the moment, it doesn’t mean that you’re allowed to put romance on hold. Instead, use text messages to heat things up and send her one of these cute lines.
Also, these messages will do wonders for you if you’re one of those guys who doesn’t know to express himself properly at the moment. Sometimes, the right words just cannot be up at the right time and that’s why texting your GF sweet things is definitely your cup of tea.
122. How come you look so beautiful every time I see you?
123. Words can’t explain what a wonderful person you are.
124. If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me.
125. It’s because of you my life feels so perfect.
126. I wish I could wake up right next to you.
127. I fell in love with you for the million things you never knew you were doing.
128. Your beautiful smile turns my day around every time.
129. I love all those things you don’t do: you never try to change me, you never mind my quirky moods, you never laugh when I attempt to be serious, and you never turn away when I need you most.
130. That look in your eyes when I’ve got to say goodnight makes it super hard for me to walk away from you.
131. If anyone asked me to define love, I’d send them to you, so they could see a real example of what that feeling really is.
Nice Things To Say To Your Girlfriend To Wish Her A Good Morning
If your girl is the first person you think about the moment you open your eyes, even after you’ve seen her last night, here are the most romantic ways to let her know that. What can be better than sending her one of these cute texts in the morning?
132. You are still in the arms of sleep, and I embrace you and wish you a good morning!
133. Morning Sunshine… You look great today. How do I know? Because you look great every day.
134. I can’t wait to see you today!
135. You have found true love when you realize that you want to wake up beside your love every morning, even when you have your differences.
136. You’re the best. Hope you have a wonderful day today.
137. Sometimes, I wish there was no alarm clock because that is the only device that wakes me up while I am dreaming of you.
138. I’m getting butterflies because I know I’ll see you later.
139. Every morning is a joy because it is another chance to see your lovely smile, your penetrating eyes, and your sweet lips. I cannot wait for this night to pass so I can see you again in the morning.
140. I’m counting down the minutes until I get to see you again.
141. You can’t bring back yesterday. You can’t look into tomorrow. So the only gift you have is today. That is why it’s called the present.
142. At the start of each day, I drop to my knees and thank the heavens for you. You have changed my life and warmed my heart in more ways than you can ever know.
143. Good morning, sweetheart. I just want to greet you with an uplifting message today. You popped into my life out of nowhere but suddenly became my whole world. You’re amazing and I’m sure you have the power to conquer anything just like you conquered my heart. Love you and have a nice day!
Cute But Cheesy Things To Say To Your Girlfriend To Melt Her Heart
Some call these lines cheesy and some call them classics. Either way, the important thing is that you can’t go wrong using them.
There are two scenarios when using cheesy pickup lines – either she is going to fall for it, or you’re going to make her laugh. Whatever the outcome, it’s a good thing it happened.
144. You can’t see the sun when it rains, but you know it’s there. I hope we can both be like the sun, who don’t always see each other, but who are always there for each other.
145. If you were a movie, I’d watch you over and over again.
146. Him: “Do you have a phone?” Her: “Sure. Why?” Him: “I promised my mother I would call her the second I fell in love.
147. An angel once asked why I care for you so much. I told her I care for you so much because… I can’t find a reason not to.
148. If loving you was a job, I’d be the most deserving, dedicated, and qualified candidate. In fact, I’d even be willing to work for free!
149. They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Well, apparently, no one has ever been standing next to you.
150. I admit I’ll never be the perfect one. I’ll never always be there. I may fail to make you smile at times, but there is one thing I could do. I could be the person I am, for you.
151. If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I’d say “Simply Amazing.”
152. What makes some people more special than others? It’s not just the happiness you feel when you meet them, but the anguish you feel when you miss them.
153. Would you grab my arm, so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel?
Romantic Things To Say To Your Girlfriend To Let Her Know How Beautiful She Is
Every woman wants to hear she is beautiful every now and then. Choose your words and really let her know you sincerely think she’s beautiful. A girl’s got to hear that from time to time.
154. I’ve never seen so many features reflect a woman’s true beauty quite as yours do.
155. Your beauty blinds me because it comes from your heart and it is reflected in your eyes.
156. Your beauty is all I need as it comes from your heart.
157. The sparkle in your eyes is like staring into a sea of gemstones.
158. Sometimes my heart feels like you were carefully constructed by the careful hands of the Lord.
159. There is nobody more beautiful in this world than a woman in love, so there is nobody more beautiful than you.
160. You are the love of my life; your beauty is not only outward, but it runs deep into your heart.
161. The beauty you possess is unmatched by shining stars.
162. Your elegance and class are more than I can bear, and I love you for it.
163. Magic is when our eyes meet and we feel the spark between our hearts. You are wonderful.
Cute things to say to your girlfriend when you want to propose to her
Finding the right words to propose to your GF is every man’s nightmare. Well, not anymore because here you have just the right lines when you’re about to pop the question.
Proposing to the love of your life is one of the most important moments of your relationship. It’s something both her and you will remember for as long as you live. You want to do it right and you want to make it memorable.
164. The day we met was the day I found meaning and joy. I hope I am that for you. Will you marry me?
165. My entire life is wonderful because you are with me. You make me happy even if I feel sad and low. Your smile lightens up my whole life and all the darkness disappears. Your love has made me crazy. I will love you till the end of my days. And I want to be with you all my life.
166. With this ring, I give you my heart. I promise you will never walk alone for another day of my life; my heart will be your shelter, and my arms will be your home.
167. I don’t know how to express my heart, but all I can say is I love you always and forever. Being with you makes me smile and happy and sharing life with you is my biggest dream; make it true with your love.
168. Look into my eyes and you will understand how much you mean to me; would you be mine forever?
169. Let all my happiness be yours, all your sadness be mine. Let the whole world be yours, only you be mine! I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to.
170. You are always on my mind and all the time I keep on thinking of you. Come to me, hold my hand, and then never leave it. I want to spend my life with you, and walk beside you. All I want is to be with you all my life.
171. They say: “I want to grow old with you.” I say: “I want to be with you beyond the boundaries of time.”
172. Don’t search for me anywhere because I am always in your heart. Put your hand on your heart and you will feel me. Please never leave me and never ever let me go because I will never find a more beautiful place to live. Please be with me till the end of life.
173. Ever since we met, I no longer feel an emptiness inside my heart. Stay with me and never let us part.
Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend When You Want To Wish Her A Good Night
Here’s what you’re going to say to let her know she will be on your mind even if she’s not with you. It’s the end of the day and you’re still thinking about her- if that’s not love, then what is?
174. I know that it’s tough for you to fall asleep without me. Let it be the biggest nuisance in your life.
175. Good night, my love. I hope you sleep well and have the best dreams. I cannot wait to see you in the morning.
176. I wish you nothing but the sweetest dreams tonight and don’t forget I’m always there in spirit. I miss you.
177. The lights are off, time to sleep, goodnight to you, may you have the most wonderful dreams. Have a restful night.
178. I’ll miss our conversations until the morning. The night is empty without you. Sweet dreams.
179. It is so hard to be away from you. I miss you so much. I cannot wait to be home and see you again. Good night. Hugs and kisses.
180. Cherish all the beautiful moments today and think about them when you go to bed at night for a good night’s sleep. Good night!
181. My hectic day is over. I want you to know that I was thinking about you and now I will imagine you in my arms. Sweet dreams.
182. I had such a wonderful time with you tonight. You looked so beautiful, and I enjoyed our conversation over dinner. Sleep well and have wonderful dreams.
183. The stars are bright, turn off the light, I wish you a sweet and sound good night.
Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend To Turn Her On
Are there some magic words that can get your GF’s engine running? You can bet on it- they’re right in front of you.
Sleeping together isn’t the most important part of a relationship, but in a way it’s essential. Where there is no physical attraction, there is no love in the long run.
184. Your ass looks just as amazing in those sweatpants as it does in your little black dress.
185. I’ll meet you in the bedroom after I fold the laundry.
186. You have no idea how crazy you make me.
187. Do you want a back massage, a foot massage, or both?
188. Put that book down right now or I’m going to have to take it from you.
189. Your mind is just as sexy as your tight little body.
190. Can you tell how much I want you?
191. I bought some handcuffs and a blindfold. Should I put them on you or me?
192. Go into the bathroom and take your panties off.
193. I tidied up the bedroom, but I don’t mind if you mess up the sheets with me.
Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend When You Want To Flirt With Her
Some think flirting is not easy… well, it is when you know just what to say!
Here are the lines that will knock your GF off her feet.
194. I want to hold you, touch you, and then kiss you just to check if you are actually made of sugar. Because you are so sweet!
195. You must be someone from the future. Because I see my future with you. I’m glad to meet you in the present because we’ll have a lot of time to know each other.
196. You stole my heart and I didn’t have a say in it. But you are stealing my sleep too! Now, it has started to bother me, really. Why steal sleep when we can have it together!
197. I thought my heart was made of stone. But I never knew your beauty could melt stone-like wax. Please save my melting heart!
198. Your gorgeous eyes can penetrate a thousand guards at a single blink. And my heart was just a soft cardiac tissue. How could I possibly resist falling in love with you!
199. Heaven does not always mean a place to be in. Sometimes it’s a person to be with. For me, heaven is being with you all the time!
200. I don’t know what you think of me but I have all kinds of weird fantasies about you. Some of them include hugging and kissing, but some of them are even more romantic!
201. You stole my heart without my permission. I fell in love without your permission. Now I ask for your permission to marry you. Will you say yes?
202. I believe sometimes people come from God to bless the lives of those who live on this earth. But tell me, since when did He start sending supermodels?
203. I was wondering: if I want to book a seat in your heart, will I have to wait in the queue or will I get some extra privileges because we’re friends?
Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend To Make Her Smile
Wondering about the perfect way to make your GF smile? Just use these lines and I promise you that she’ll grin from ear to ear.
Nothing is prettier than seeing the person you love smile. Make sure she feels special and there will always be a big smile on her face.
204. When you touch me, I get butterflies.
205. You are my destiny. Making you my friend was not a choice, falling in love with you was not a coincidence, but making you my wife was my greatest achievement. I adore every step I took to make you mine.
206. You make my sadness disappear with that beautiful smile.
207. I do not think much, I do not think often, but when I am thinking, I am thinking of you.
208. I love how your hair feels when I run my fingers through it.
209. You are my happiness, my heart’s desire, my everlasting flame, the one that makes my heart beat fast. My love, my queen, I cannot think for a second without you in my mind. I cherish you, princess of beauty.
210. I want you to know I want to kiss every inch of you.
211. Love is a risk; either you sink in it or it sinks you. For me, I have deeply drowned in the love that I have for you. Thank you for giving me this unconditional love.
212. I want to make time stand still when I’m with you, but it always finds a way to fly past.
213. You are the one woman that makes me feel like I’m on top of the world!
Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend When You Miss Her
Do you want her to know how much you miss her but you can’t find the words to describe how you’re feeling? Just keep on reading…
214. You are my drug and I am addicted to you.
215. I miss your scent. You always smell so good, and it makes me feel warm and comfortable.
216. Since you left, I have been really sick. I honestly just wish that someone was with me, and I wish that someone was you.
217. I’m not saying that I’m counting the minutes since you’ve been away, but there are 1,400 minutes in a day, and I think we just crossed the one million mark. At least, it feels that way.
218. I’m just sitting around thinking about you and how cute and nice and funny you are. How great is the feeling to be with you and how much I wish to be with you every moment?
219. Waking up without seeing you by my side makes my heart break, but then when I hear your voice, I feel better.
220. You are the sun in my morning. You are the wind in my skies. You are the waves in my oceans. You are the beat in my heart. I miss you.
221. Looking at your picture helps me feel better about you being away, but I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.
222. If ever a day goes by that I don’t say I love you or I miss you, always know that I do.
223. I guess what I miss most about you is your smile. I love the way it lights up the room and my heart.
Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend When You Want To Apologize
If you have trouble swallowing your pride and saying “I’m sorry”, you’ve come to the right place. You’re about to get a list of sweet things to say to your GF when you want to apologize.
Arguments are a part of every relationship. What makes you special is the fact you want to make an effort to make things right. If you’ve screwed things up, you want to find the words to make it up to her.
224. Darling, I am so sorry for my awful behavior! I’ll change for you, baby!
225. I wish I could take back what I did/said. How can I make it up to you?
226. I am so very sorry that I took you for granted. You are everything to me and more. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
227. An apology is the smallest thing I can do for you. Let me tell you that I have understood how silly I was. Please, forgive me!
228. I’m not perfect, but I try my best. Please accept my apology.
229. You may not forgive me for what I’ve done, but I just want you to know that I’m sorry and I want to make everything all right again.
230. I am sorry, the last thing that I want to do is drive you away. You are the one person I love.
231. An apology is nothing compared to what I’ve done, but still, I know that you have a forgiving and understanding heart and you won’t let resentment destroy our love.
232. I know that I ruined your trust in me. Please forgive me. I never wanted you to doubt me and my intentions.
233. You know that it is hard for me to admit my guilt and apologize, but I was wrong and I am so sorry for the hurt and sadness that I have caused.
Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend When You Want Her To Know She’s The Only One
Here are the things every girl in the world wants to hear. These are the lines you tell her when you want to make sure she knows she is the only one for you.
No relationship is perfect and everyone hits a crisis where they start questioning whether they are loved and whether this relationship is right for them. When you notice this happening, turn on your charm and tell her some of these things.
234. Your voice is my favorite sound, your name is my favorite word, your hug is my favorite site.
235. They don’t know I’ve waited all my life to meet a love like you.
236. With your love and care, I feel like I can conquer the whole wide world.
237. I think of you and kiss my pillow before I fall asleep every night.
238. Sorry, I got lost in your eyes. What were you saying?
239. You are the sunshine in my darkest days.
240. My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for you will never end.
241. You are one of the sweetest and most adorable people I have ever met. Love you, my love.
242. You are not only my partner but also my best friend and guardian angel. I don’t know what I will ever do without you
243. The day I met you, I found my missing piece.
244. I will spend the rest of my life choosing you over and over again.
How Can I Melt My Girlfriend’s Heart With Words?
The best words you should use to meet your girlfriend’s heart are the ones that will make her feel special. Make sure she knows that she is your priority and the only woman in the world you’d ever be with and that you’d rather be alone than with any other girl on the planet.
Here is the list of messages to make her heart skip a beat!
245. Very few people believe in true love these days. When I chose to believe in it, I did not expect such a blessing as you. You are the most precious thing in my life and I will never let you go.
246. If I had to serve a few years in prison just so I could have you like mine, I would do so in a heartbeat. That’s how much you and your happiness mean to me. A life without you would be dull and pointless.
247. No matter how much I try to suppress my feelings for you, my heart will always find a way to remind me that you are the missing piece in my life. To me, you are as essential as the air. How in the world am I supposed to exist without you?
248. I know I might not say it every day, but you’re the reason my life is as amazing as it is. You made me feel loved, worthy, and special. Thanks, baby, and don’t forget that you will always have my love.
249. When I asked God for the best girlfriend, I did not expect such an exceptional woman who was not only my partner but also a best friend who is a super beautiful and caring human being. I can’t live without you, baby.
250. Everybody would doubt my love for you, but that’s only because a love like ours doesn’t exist anywhere else. I am beyond honored to be able to share my memories with you.
251. I have become a fool for you. I say your name everywhere. People are getting tired of me talking about you all the time but I don’t care one bit. It doesn’t matter if they all leave me so long as I got you, babe.
252. If too much love could kill. I would have been dead by now. My whole being beams with love for you. A love that I know from deep down will never die.
253. I have loved you before I met you, and I always thought it was true love. I could have lived believing that lie but now that I met you, I know the taste of true love. You are truly my soulmate.
254. No matter how hard I try to fall asleep, it seems impossible because my mind is busy thinking about you. Whenever the thoughts of you settle on my mind, my heart melts. Since the day I met you, my life, which was once apart, fell into place. For the first time, things seem to be going my way.
How Do I Make My Girlfriend Feel Special Over Text?
If you want to make your girlfriend special over text, don’t ever stop sending her love messages. Let your name be the first thing she’ll see on her phone screen the moment she wakes up and never allow her to go to sleep without your cute message.
Never start your texts by calling her by her first name- that’s too official. Instead, use one of the nicknames from the list at the end! Here is the list of texts that will definitely put a smile on her face.
255. I’d like to say that I couldn’t be more in love with you, but I know that’s not true. I’ll love you even more tomorrow.
256. You are that special person in my life who brightens my day; my future is very bright with you.
257. My wish came true the first time I set my eyes on you. I no longer need to wish each time I see a falling star.
258. You do a million little things that bring joy to my life.
259. Everyone has their own motivation to get up in the morning and face the day. You are mine.
260. Understand, I want just you. I want all of you, all your flaws and imperfections and mistakes. You are all I want and need.
261. You are so special to me, you’re my joy, my love, and my life. Living without you would tear me apart because you make my life worth living. I love you because I know you’re always there, there to catch me when I fall, there to listen when I need you, there when I feel alone.
262. Heart is a special word for love. Love is a special world for care. Care is a special word for you. And you are always special to me!
263. No one else comes close to you. No one makes me feel the way you do.
264. Whenever memories of you flood my mind and my heart, I feel like I’m walking on clouds. You are the definition of exquisite.
What Can I Say To Make A Girl Blush?
Flirty messages and compliments are the way to go for making every girl blush. If you’ve just started dating- telling her how attractive and beautiful she is will be enough.
But if you two have been together for some time, you’ll hit a jackpot with more teasy lines. Here is the ultimate list of words that will put some color on every girl’s cheeks.
265. You stole my heart and I didn’t say anything. But you are stealing my sleep too! Now, it has started to bother me really. Why steal sleep when we can sleep together?
266. I threw myself on the bed and in utter happiness, I slipped and nearly broke my neck. But don’t worry! It’s a little price for getting a text message from you.
267. I tried googling some flirty text messages to send you. But even the greatest of them faded in front of your elegance.
268. Your lips are like wine and I want to get drunk.
269. I’m not flirting. I’m just being extra friendly to someone who is extra attractive.
270. Quick, what’s something I can text you right now to make you fall in love with me?
271. I understand you don’t want children, but is there any chance we can at least practice tonight?
272. I’ve just got out of the shower. How about coming over and helping me get dirty again?
273. Even if I can’t see you right now, I know you’re looking hot.
274. Can you send me a picture? My friends don’t believe that angels exist.
What Is The Sweetest Thing To Say To A Girl?
“I love you” is, without a doubt, the sweetest possible thing you can say to your girl. But if you want to get a little more creative, here is a list of different things they all want to hear.
275. I’m much more me when I’m with you.
276. Thank you for painting my life with the colors of happiness: you make me feel loved, happy, and special. Thank you for giving me so much joy and making me the luckiest man alive.
277. I love you for what you make me when I’m with you. It’s you that makes me a better person.
278. Deep inside my heart, I feel fulfilled and accomplished. This feeling is till eternity because I’ve never felt this way for someone else. May our love for each other lighten up the world. I have become so addicted to you, that I can’t stop thinking about you.
279. When you are near me, I literally get weak in the knees.
280. You’ve made my life beautiful and amazing. You keep showing me the practical meaning of love. Every day, I wake up feeling very lucky to have you as my own. You always have something good for me on every new day. Through the end of time, my love for you will continue to bloom.
281. I wish I could turn back the clock. I’d find you sooner and love you longer.
282. I must be dreaming. Every time I look into your eyes, I remember the past that was so dark and lonely, and when I see the light in your eyes, and realize that was the time before I met you.
283. When people ask me “what’s the best thing that ever happened to you?” It’s always so easy to tell them how you have made my life complete.
284. There isn’t another soul on this planet that’s more caring and understanding than you.
Sweet Words To Make Her Feel Special
Every man needs a list of nicknames to show his GF how much she is loved. After all, every woman loves hearing you call her like this more than anything.
Together with all the cute things to say to your girlfriend, here’s also a list of sweet words that will make your girl realize how special she is to you.
1. Angel
2. Apple of my eye
3. Apple pie
4. Babe
5. Baby bear
6. Babylicious
7. Beautiful
8. Biscuit
9. Blue/Green/Brown eyes
10. Blueberry
11. Bombshell
12. Boo
13. Bootie pants
14. Bumble bee
15. Bun
16. Button Candy
17. Candy eyes
18. Canoodle
19. Caramel
20. Carebear
21. Champagne
22. Charlie’s angel
23. Cherry blossom
24. Chica
25. Cinderella
26. Cuddles
27. Cupcake
28. Cutie pie
29. Cookie
30. Dear
31. Dreamgirl
32. Dreamy
33. Eyecandy
34. Fluffy
35. Fruitloop
36. Giggles
37. Gorgeous
38. Gummy bear
39. Heaven
40. Honey
41. Honey bunny
42. Hop
43. Hottie
44. Hun
45. Ice pop
46. Jaw drop
47. Jelly bean
48. Jolly
49. Joy
50. Kit kat
51. Kitten
52. Linda
53. Lioness
54. Little one
55. Lollipop
56. Love bird
57. Lovebug
58. Lover
59. Lover girl
60. Luvs
61. Mama bear
62. Marshmallow
63. Meow
64. Mi amor
65. Minnie
66. Mousy
67. Muffin
68. My all
69. My dear
70. My lady
71. My love
72. My one and only
73. Nutter butter
74. Pancakes
75. Pearly
76. Pretty face
77. Princess peach
78. Queen
79. Sleeping beauty
80. Smiley
81. Snowflake
82. Snugglebear
83. Snuggles
84. Sprinkles
85. Sugar mama
86. Sunshine
87. Sweet potato
88. Sweet thang
89. Sweet tooth
90. Sweetheart
91. Sweets
92. Sweety pie
93. Teacup
94. Thick thighs
95. Tiny
96. Tootsie roll
97. Twinkle
98. Valentine
99. Waffles
100. Wifey
For more cute GF nicknames, check out this article; 65 Cute Nicknames For Girls (Plus Meanings).
A girl who believes she’s the best choice for a girlfriend. She doesn’t understand why guys only go for «sluts» or «whores» when she can «cook and clean» and also she’s «ugly so it’s not like I can ever cheat on you!!!!!!» Nice Girls have self-esteem issues and throw passive-aggressive fits on social media when they get rejected. Nice Girls believe that you can tell whether or not a girl has morals by looking at the size of her butt. Nice Girls are self-centered, jealous girls usually in their teenage years, but some occasionally last up until 30s. Others never grow out of their Nice Girl phase.
Nice Girl: «Ugh, why doesn’t Brad notice me?! I’m super cute, obsessively loyal, and all I ever do is read books and play video games! I’m not like other girls, I’m special!!!»
Nice Girl: «Stacy is such a slut. I can’t believe Luke turned me down for her! Her butt is so big, she probably doesn’t even know how to keep her legs closed. Guys are so stupid.»
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A complete bitch who thinks she’s better than anyone because she is a «Nice» Girl when in reality she’s a horrible human being who tries to get people to pity her into dating her
Nice girl: oh I really like you we should go out.
Guy: sorry i’m already dating someone
Nice girl: OMG like I didn’t even like you LOL your just some fat ass loser with a small dick.
Guy: Wtf I’m dating someone
Nice girl: I’m not like the other girls i can cook and clean and I’m not a whore, Fuck you.
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The type of girl who really thinks that thinks the everyone’s life is about her. Any thing can be made bad if she needs a troubled life and drama. Most common complaint is that she doesn’t have «A Man», however more prefers to complain about it rather than go out with someone. Also the type of person who would look up her name here and only write positive traits about herself.
Guy in the pic: Hey
Nice Girl: No
Guy in the pic: I’m literally the guy in the pic.
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1. The self-labeled female equivalent of the “Nice Guy”. A woman who will spend most of her time whining about how men “just want to date sluts”. Oblivious to the fact that no one finds people who feel sorry for themselves attractive, much less people who blame others for their lack of success. To stupid to figure out why men don’t find them attractive, they conclude that in order to be in a relationship they must act promiscuous and trashy.
They tend to befriend men who are already in relationships (sometimes who are in relationships with other men! Or who are married!). Often misrepresenting their intentions and trying to use emotional manipulation and the facade of friendship as an excuse to get closer to the man and start a relationship with him.
2. Sometimes, however nice girl just means a girl who is sweet and kind. And thus, has no negative meaning like my definition #1.
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A female friend of some poor, insecure bustard, who loves her and gets close to her. He doesn’t know that he is the guy of her dreams, as well. She endures their platonic relationship (he is always there to help her, like a demented puppy-dog). She hopes that they relationship may progress to something more. Sometimes he loses his control and blurts out to her that he loves her, but he is too chicken to go any further. She is fed up and unhappy, but she loves him enough not to show it. Therefore, out of disappointment and not to ruin the relationship, she tells him that she wants to be just friends. She still hopes for his decisive move though, but finally loses her virginity with someone else.
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I’ll hug the world, suffocate it with a pillow
Pat ’em on the head,
Make a boy feel little
Snuck out the side door, sly on my tiptoe
He said he’s hard
But he crumble like Nabisco
Super sweet ice tea, apple pie
What do you really mean
When you calling me nice?
You eat the peach, gotta check if it’s ripe
I know he want a salad
Аnd I know he not my type and
Dust yourself off, girl, keep your chin up
You wanna hold a gun
Вut they made you a pinup
A girl want fun and a girl wanna sin some
I want the teddy bear,
Now a bitch gonna win one
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be ne-
He says he wants a nice girl
I’m that «fuck up your life» girl
I don’t wanna be a nice girl
Bad, bad, I ain’t right, girl
He says he wants a nice girl
I’m that «fuck up your life» girl
I don’t wanna be a nice girl
Bad, bad, I ain’t right, girl
Pnkie swear that I might be nice
He says I’m a lost cause
And he might be right
Fuck a faux-pas,
It’s my time to shine
I’m in the country club
Getting my card declined
What’s he doing?
I don’t need a brave knight
We can sword fight,
That don’t mean I’ll behave nice
Stick it to him like a stick of dynamite
Cyanide on the side,
Ooh, I love the limelight
Woah, woah, we’re a lousy bunch
To tell the truth,
Role models weren’t around me much
On a bad day, you could say I’m sweeter than ice cream
They told me to be nice
And I told ’em to bite me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be next to me
Know he wanna,
Know he wanna be…
He says he wants a nice girl
I’m that «fuck up your life» girl
I don’t wanna be a nice girl
Bad, bad, I ain’t right, girl
He says he wants a nice girl
I’m that «fuck up your life» girl
I don’t wanna be a nice girl
Bad, bad, I ain’t right, girl
Я обниму весь мир, а потом задушу его подушкой,
Погладив мальчика по голове,
Я заставлю его почувствовать себя малышом.
Улизну через заднюю дверь, прокрадусь на цыпочках.
Он говорит, что он брутал,
Но его сломать так же легко, как Набиско 1.
Он как холодный сладкий чай, как яблочный пирог.
Что ты имеешь в виду,
Когда зовёшь меня «милая»?
Когда ешь персик – проверяй созрел ли он.
Он сам не знает, что ему нужно,
Это не мой типаж.
А ну-ка взбодрись, девочка, хватит унывать!
Ты хочешь взять в руки оружие,
А они рисуют тебя на плакатах 2.
Девушка хочет повеселиться, она хочет погрешить.
Я хочу плюшевого мишку,
И эта сучка получит его во что бы то ни стало.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть ря…
Он говорит, что хочет себе милую девушку,
А я – та девушка, которая «разъ*бёт тебе всю жизнь».
Я не хочу быть миленькой,
Я плохая, плохая, я не идеал.
Он говорит, что хочет себе милую девушку,
А я – та девушка, которая «разъ*бёт тебе всю жизнь».
Я не хочу быть миленькой,
Я плохая, плохая, я не идеал.
Клянусь на мизинчиках, что я могу быть хорошей.
Он говорит, что я просто пропавшая,
И, возможно, он прав.
Нах*й манеры,
Пришло моё время показать себя.
Я в загородном клубе,
Растрачиваю все деньги.
А что же он делает?
Мне не нужен рыцарь в сияющих доспехах.
Пусть он хоть на мечах дерётся,
Я всё равно не стану прилежной.
Я для него, словно динамитная шашка,
Могу пустить в ход цианид,
У, как же я люблю быть в центре внимания.
Воу, воу, мы группка паршивцев,
По правде говоря,
В моём окружении было мало примеров для подражания.
В плохие дни, я лучше, чем мороженное,
Мне говорят быть милой,
А я прошу укусить меня.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть рядом со мной.
Я знаю, что он хочет,
Знаю, что он хочет быть…
Он говорит, что хочет себе милую девушку,
А я – та девушка, которая «разъ*бёт тебе всю жизнь».
Я не хочу быть миленькой,
Я плохая, плохая, я не идеал.
Он говорит, что хочет себе милую девушку,
А я – та девушка, которая «разъ*бёт тебе всю жизнь».
Я не хочу быть миленькой,
Я плохая, плохая, я не идеал.