New english file elementary word

10000+ результатов для ‘english new file elementary’

New English File Elementary: Clothes

New English File Elementary: Clothes

от Albtraum

New English File Elementary 3rd edition

English File A1 opposite adjectives

English File A1 opposite adjectives

от Sannaenglish

New English File Elementary

English File A1 imperatives

English File A1 imperatives

от Sannaenglish

New English File Elementary

English File A1 verb phrases

English File A1 verb phrases

от Sannaenglish

New English File Elementary

8B Rooms and parts of house

8B Rooms and parts of house

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

Match the answers to the questions A2

Match the answers to the questions A2

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

English File A1 jobs

English File A1 jobs

от Sannaenglish

New English File Elementary

8B Things in rooms

8B Things in rooms
Правда или ложь

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

Imperatives A2

Imperatives A2

от Yelena

New English File Elementary


Диаграмма с метками

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

Make questions A2

Make questions A2
Привести в порядок

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

Continents A2

Continents A2
Диаграмма с метками

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

Prepositions A2

Prepositions A2
Диаграмма с метками

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

Weekdays A2

Weekdays A2

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

Word order in questions

Word order in questions
Привести в порядок

от Sahandramedved

new english file elementary

Classroom objects A2

Classroom objects A2
Диаграмма с метками

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

Greetings A2: formal and informal

Greetings A2: formal and informal

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

Go, have, get

Go, have, get
Случайные карты

от Elenarbelova

New English File Elementary

About people A2

About people A2

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

Countries A2

Countries A2
Диаграмма с метками

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

Nationalities: mush-up of average faces from around the world

Nationalities: mush-up of average faces from around the world

от Nataliatar610

New English File Elementary

This-That-These-Those with plural A2

This-That-These-Those with plural A2
Найди пару

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

8B there is/are + some,any,a,an

8B there is/are + some,any,a,an

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

Irregular Plurals A2

Irregular Plurals A2
Групповая сортировка

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

NEF Elementary Speaking

NEF Elementary Speaking
Случайные карты

от Nordsway

new english file elementary

Common verbs New English File

Common verbs New English File
Случайное колесо

от Savelyevaelizav

New English File Beginner

GRAMMAR GAME 5B-6B (PrS, PrC, obj pronouns, like + Ving)

GRAMMAR GAME 5B-6B (PrS, PrC, obj pronouns, like + Ving)
Правда или ложь

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

Greetings A2

Greetings A2

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

English File A1 verb phrases 2

English File A1 verb phrases 2

от Sannaenglish

New English File Elementary


Найди пару

от Sahandramedved

new english file elementary

Everyday activities: healthy and unhealthy lifestyles

Everyday activities: healthy and unhealthy lifestyles
Случайные карты

от Sahandramedved

new english file elementary

Plural nouns A2

Plural nouns A2
Групповая сортировка

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

8B  There is/ There are (no some or any)

8B There is/ There are (no some or any)
Привести в порядок

от Jk240597

New English File elementary


Случайные карты

от Sahandramedved

new english file elementary

am/english file elementary 2b

am/english file elementary 2b
Привести в порядок

от Makotohime12

american english file elementary

Countries and nationalities

Countries and nationalities
Случайные карты

от Sahandramedved

new english file elementary

7A was were asking questions

7A was were asking questions
Случайные карты

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

7A Say who these people are/were

7A Say who these people are/were
Случайные карты

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

High numbers A2

High numbers A2
Случайные карты

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

Emotions A2

Emotions A2

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

6B adjectives T/F

6B adjectives T/F
Правда или ложь

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

Calculations A2

Calculations A2

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

6A Object pronouns ex2

6A Object pronouns ex2

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

8B Writing: Number the information in the order it comes in the description

8B Writing: Number the information in the order it comes in the description

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

8B Writing (SB summary words)

8B Writing (SB summary words)

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

6B match the adjectives with the pictures

6B match the adjectives with the pictures

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

U1 Past Simple find the mistakes

U1 Past Simple find the mistakes
Правда или ложь

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

7B Unjumble Past Simple sentences

7B Unjumble Past Simple sentences
Привести в порядок

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

About yourself A2

About yourself A2

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

8B houses and flats to rent

8B houses and flats to rent
Случайные карты

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

6A text facts + vocab

6A text facts + vocab
Правда или ложь

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

6C Music instr (WORDS)

6C Music instr (WORDS)
Случайные карты

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

8A Police interview

8A Police interview
Случайные карты

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

Countries and continents

Countries and continents

от Sahandramedved

new english file elementary

Adverbs and expressions of frequency

Adverbs and expressions of frequency
Привести в порядок

от Sahandramedved

new english file elementary

7A To be Past Simple

7A To be Past Simple
Привести в порядок

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

Plurals (sounds) A2

Plurals (sounds) A2
Групповая сортировка

от Yelena

New English File Elementary

New English File Elementary

New English File Elementary

от Mariaenglish

English File elementary - Feelings

English File elementary — Feelings
Случайные карты

от Englishrusanova

English File
English File elementary

6B fill in the gaps with an appropriate adjective

6B fill in the gaps with an appropriate adjective
Пропущенное слово

от Jk240597

New English File elementary

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Oxford University Press English Language Teaching Student's Site

Choose a vocabulary bank and an exercise above, or choose a vocabulary bank below.

  • Adjectives
  • Classroom language
  • Days of the week
  • Everyday activities
  • Food
  • go, have, get
  • Jobs
  • More verb phrases
  • Numbers 0-20
  • Places and buildings
  • The date
  • The family
  • The house
  • The weather
  • The world
  • Things
  • Verb phrases

<strong>New</strong> ENGLISH FILE <strong>Elementary</strong> slovníček This Wordlist is organized <strong>File</strong> by <strong>File</strong>. It includes all the words in the Vocabulary Banks in the Student’s Book and the MultiROM, all the words which are highlighted in the Student’s Book, and all the words in the More Words to Learn sections of the Workbook. FILE 1 Vocabulary Banks Numbers one /wVn/ jedna two /tu;/ dva three /Tri;/ tfii four /fO;/ ãtyfii five /faIv/ pût six /sIks/ ‰est seven /»sevn/ sedm eight /eIt/ osm nine /naIn/ devût ten /ten/ deset eleven /I»levn/ jedenáct twelve /twelv/ dvanáct thirteen /T3;»ti;n/ tfiináct fourteen /fO;»ti;n/ ãtrnáct fifteen /fIf»ti;n/ patnáct sixteen /sIks»ti;n/ ‰estnáct seventeen /sevn»ti;n/ sedmnáct eighteen /eI»ti;n/ osmnáct nineteen /naIn»ti;n/ devatenáct twenty /»twenti/ dvacet thirty /»T3;ti/ tfiicet thirty-one /T3;ti «wVn/ tfiicet jedna forty /»fO;ti/ ãtyfiicet forty-seven /fO;ti «sev@n/ ãtyfiicet sedm fifty /»fIfti/ padesát fifty-nine /fIfti «naIn/ padesát devût sixty /»sIksti/ ‰edesát sixty-three /sIksti «Tri;/ ‰edesát tfii seventy /»sevnti/ sedmdesát seventy-two /sevnti «tu;/ sedmdesát dva eighty /»eIti/ osmdesát eighty-six /eIti «siks/ osmdesát ‰est ninety /»naInti/ devadesát ninety-four /naInti «fO;/ devadesát ãtyfii a hundred /@ «hVndr@d/ sto two hundred /tu; «hVndr@d/ dvû stû a thousand /@ «TaUz@nd/ tisíc Countries and nationalities Argentina /A;dZ@n»ti;n@/ Argentina Argentinian /A;dZ@n»tIni@n/ argentinsk˘; Argentinec Brazil /br@»zIl/ Brazílie Brazilian /br@»zIli@n/ brazilsk˘; Brazilec/Brazilka Britain /»brItn/ Británie British /»brItIS/ britsk˘; Brit/ka China /»tSaIn@/ âína Chinese /tSaI»ni;z/ ãínsk˘; ãín‰tina; âíÀan/ka England /»INgl@nd/ Anglie <strong>English</strong> /»INglIS/ anglick˘; angliãtina; Angliãan/ka France /frA:ns/ Francie French /frentS/ francouzsk˘; francouz‰tina; Francouz/ka Germany /»dZ3:m@ni/ Nûmecko German /»dZ3;m@n/ nûmeck˘; nûmãina; Nûmec/Nûmka Ireland /»aI@l@nd/ Irsko Irish /»aI@rIS/ irsk˘; Irové Italy /»It@li/ Itálie Italian /i»t&li@n/ italsk˘; ital‰tina; Ital/ka Japan /dZ@»p&n/ Japonsko Japanese /dZ&p@»ni;z/ japonsk˘; japon‰tina; Japonec/Japonka Poland /»p@Ul@nd/ Polsko Polish /»p@UlIS/ polsk˘; pol‰tina Russia /»rVS@/ Rusko Russian /»rVSn/ rusk˘; ru‰tina; Rus/ka Scotland /»skQtl@nd/ Skotsko Scottish /»skQtIS/ skotsk˘; Skot/ka Spain /speIn/ ·panûlsko Spanish /»sp&nIS/ ‰panûlsk˘; ‰panûl‰tina; ·panûlé Thailand /»taIl&nd/ Thajsko Thai /taI/ thajsk˘; thaj‰tina; Thajec/Thajka the United States /D@ ju»naItId «steIts/ Spojené státy American /@»merIk@n/ americk˘; Ameriãan/ka Common objects address book /@»dres bUk/ adresáfi book /bUk/ kniha cigarettes /sIg@»rets/ cigarety coins /kOInz/ mince comb /k@Um/ hfieben credit card /»kredIt kA;d/ kreditní karta diary /»daI@ri/ diáfi dictionary /»dIkS@nri/ slovník file /faIl/ sloÏka glasses /»glA;sIz/ br˘le identity card /aI»dentIti kA;d/ obãask˘ prÛkaz keys /ki;z/ klíãe lighter /»laIt@/ zapalovaã lipstick /»lIpstIk/ rtûnka magazine /m&g@»zi;n/ ãasopis matches /»m&tSIz/ zápalky mobile /»m@UbaIl/ mobilní telefon newspaper /»nju;zpeIp@/ noviny pen /pen/ pero pencil /»pensl/ tuÏka photo /»f@Ut@U/ fotografie purse /p3;s/ penûÏenka (dámská) stamps /st&mps/ (dopisní) známky sunglasses /»sVnglA;sIz/ sluneãní br˘le tissues /»tISu;z/ kapesníãky umbrella /Vm»brel@/ de‰tník wallet /»wQlIt/ penûÏenka (pánská) watch /wQtS/ hodinky More Words to Learn about /@»baUt/ o, asi afternoon /A;ft@»nu;n/ odpoledne again /@»gen/ znovu Australia /Qs»treIlI@/ Austrálie business /»bIzn@s/ obchod Canada /»k&n@d@/ Kanada check /tSek/ (z)kontrolovat city /»sIti/ mûsto classroom /»klA;sru;m/ uãebna delicious /dI»lIS@s/ vynikající (o jídle) difference /»dIfr@ns/ rozdíl different /»dIfr@nt/ rozdíln˘, odli‰n˘, jin˘ evening /»i;vnIN/ veãer every /»evri/ kaÏd˘ eyes /aIz/ oãi famous /»feIm@s/ slavn˘ form /fO;m/ tvar good /gUd/ dobr˘ guess /ges/ hádat, odhadnout happy /»h&pi/ ‰Èastn˘ help /help/ pomoc holiday /»hQlIdeI/ dovolená important /Im»pO;t@nt/ dÛleÏit˘ instructions /In»strVkSn/ instrukce, pokyny international /Int@»n&Sn@l/ mezinárodní letter (a, b, c…) /»let@/ písmeno morning /»mO;nIN/ ráno, dopoledne music /»mju;zIk/ hudba people /»pi;p@l/ lidé please /pli;z/ prosím pocket /»pQkIt/ kapsa point /pOInt/ bod quiz /kwIz/ kvíz, test room /ru;m/ or /rUm/ pokoj see /si;/ vidût things /TiNz/ vûci think /TINk/ myslet try /traI/ zkusit word /w3;d/ slovo worry /»wVri/ dûlat si starosti More words in <strong>File</strong> 1 address /@»dres/ adresa age /eIdZ/ vûk airport /»e@pO;t/ leti‰tû answer /»A;ns@/ odpovûì ask /A;sk/ zeptat se, poÏádat be /bi;/ b˘t beef /bi;f/ hovûzí bike /baIk/ (jízdní) kolo bird /b3;d/ pták © Oxford University Press 2004 <strong>New</strong> <strong>English</strong> <strong>File</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> 2

  • Page 2 and 3: oard /bO;d/ paluba boot /bu;t/ bota
  • Page 4 and 5: Times and dates spring /sprIN/ jaro
  • Page 6 and 7: carpet /»kA;pIt/ koberec central he

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[ ‘hailaitɪd ]


a board

[ ə bɔ:d ]


slues down

[ slu:z daun ]

по вертикали


[ tʃintʃil ]


follow the rule

[ ‘fɔləu ði: ru:l ]

соблюдать правила

cover the text

[ ‘kʌvə ði: tekst ]

закройте текст

test a partner

[ test ə ‘pɑ:tnə ]

протестируйте партнера


[ rɔleplaɪ ]

проиграйте (прослушайте)

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