Never use the word just

Why You Should Stop Using the Word «Just»

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Why You Should Stop Using the Word «Just»

Sep 05, 2017

«Just» is one of the most common words in the English language.

When you don’t want to sound demanding in a text you send «Just wondering if you still want to grab dinner». Or when someone asks you what your job title is and you think it’s incomparable to their job title, have you responded «Just a/an *insert profession*»?

Somewhere we developed a gray area between being humble and getting stepped on. And that’s why we started adding «just» in front of our sentences. It’s almost like we feel the need to apologize so we throw in the word «just».

One slant in the wrong direction comes off as overly confident or under qualified. We use word fillers, and words that justify that we are just like everyone else. But are we really just like everyone else? Cue the dreaded interview question «What makes you unique?»

I was listening to the Goal Digger podcast by Jenna Kutcher and she was interviewing her friend Rhiannon Bosse about seasons of life as an entrepreneur. If you haven’t listened to her podcast, you’re missing out! If there is anything you should know about Rhiannon Bosse, it’s that she strives to make everyone she meets feel appreciated and loved. Which leads to why she is passionate about ditching the word «just».

In this specific podcast, Rhiannon talks about proving yourself even when you don’t believe in yourself. Rhiannon said that we are all sensitive to people telling us we are not good enough, but it comes naturally for us to think «I’m failing because I’m not doing what everyone else is doing.»

Have you personally been in that place?

And this is why the «just» word finds a home in our vocabulary.

The word just denotes every hill and valley it took to get to where we are today. For instance, I usually find myself saying «I’m just a writer» followed by a shrug. With that, I mean that I am not anything special, in fact, I feel extremely vulnerable and nervous whenever I submit an article. But if someone else called me «just a writer» I would feel compelled to explain all the challenges I’ve faced to get where I am today.

Part of our human nature is that we are sensitive to being devalued.

We hate feeling like we are not appreciated for something we want to scream from the peak of the mountain. This is why a bodybuilder’s worst nightmare is being called «soft» and a mom’s worst nightmare is having her child be behind on the growth chart.

But somehow we have no problem telling ourselves that we are unworthy of something great.

We begin to devalue everything we are proud of by saying «I’m just a/an (insert profession)».

If you’re a nurse, you are not just a nurse.

You are a nurse who put in hours day and night to study the human body to make sure you were fully qualified to be around people in their most desperate time of need.

If you’re a college graduate, you’re not just a college graduate.

You have missed out because studying for a test was more important. You wanted to pursue something and you completed it even if there were challenges.

If you are a stay-at-home parent, you’re not just a stay-at home parent.

You have decided that it would be best for you and your spouse to have designated roles. It works for your family to take care of your children during that season of life.

Lastly, if you’re a working parent, you’re not just a working parent.

You didn’t leave your kids in the dust to pursue your own dreams. You decided that in order to be the best parent for your children, it would be best to pursue your career during the day. Don’t be ashamed if you’re equally passionate about your job and the well-being of your children.

No matter what your role is in life, own up to it and be proud of yourself. You should never feel the need to use word fillers to soften your thoughts. Be honest about how you feel but don’t forget the hill you’ve walked.

Next time the word «just» pops into your head as the next word to say, think about everything it took to get where you are today. Do you really need to make yourself feel unappreciated or devalued?

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Yes, we just never use it.

Yes, we just never use it.

The best bet is to just never use heroin.

Другие результаты

And you probably just will never use it, but it’s there.

Equivalently, never use just a single colour.

It’s just, I never use a desk.

According to the security firm, just 19 percent never use the same password twice.

But, I never use just one method.

Never use just one word when you could use two or three.

To achieve healthy and strong strands, it is never enough just to use shampoo and conditioner.

«They’ve had this latent capability that was developed maybe 20 years after the Tomahawk emerged, but they’ve just never been able to use it.»

«Русские обладали этими скрытыми возможностями уже давно, возможно, всего через двадцать лет после появления «Томагавка», но раньше у них не было случая для их применения».

But I just have never heard anyone use the words «corpulent» and «jaundice» ever in my life.

Просто я никогда не слышал, чтобы хоть кто-нибудь употреблял слова «тучный» и «желтуха» в разговоре.

I practically never use a purse, just my backpack.

You should never use animation just because you can.

Не следует применять анимацию только потому, что вы можете это сделать.

I never use my camera anymore. I just take pictures with my phone.

But tour pros never use ’em, so they usually just pass them off to their friends.

I never use soap on my face, just water.

Never use an image just to brighten up your presentation.

It will just sit in the garage and you will never use it.

These are not just theoretical skills which you will never use in your life.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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называют вещи своими именами.


However, Darwin never used the word in his writings after this year, not even in

his most»ecological» writings such as


foreword to


English edition of Hermann Müller’s


Fertilization of Flowers(1883) or in his own treatise of earthworms and mull formation in forest soils


formation of vegetable mould through


action of worms, 1881.

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даже в своих наиболее« экологических» Записках, таких как предисловие к английскому изданию Германа Мюллера Оплодотворение Цветов( 1883), или его собственный трактат о земляных червях и размышление о формирование лесных почв формирование растительных форм на основе действий« червей», 1881.

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One could probably use the word«support» but never


word»glorify» where terrorism was concerned.


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В отношении терроризма можно было бы, вероятно, использовать слово» поддерживать», но отнюдь не» восхвалять.


utilize chat




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чат снифферов



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Если б он


слыхал, что бывает любовь, он никогда и


употреблял бы этого слова. Он и не знает, что такое любовь».

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Public office holders shall never in any way use their official authority for the The word«improper» was deleted.


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Государственные должностные лица никогда и никоим образом не используют свое официальное положение Слово» неподобающий» исключено.


We had acquired a fuzzy

concept of


morontia level of existence— but we never heard the word«morontia» used until


Papers started.

context icon

Нас познакомили с



ясной концепцией о моронтийном уровне существования, но мы никогда не слышали, чтобы слово» моронтия» использовалось раньше- до получения Урантийских Документов.

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Results: 1119094,
Time: 0.1841





Audtakorn Sutarmjam/EyeEm/GettyImages

by Liz Walter

Just is a really annoying word for learners of English! It’s very common and we use it in lots of different situations, often with quite different meanings. In this post, I will try to explain some of the most common ways in which we use it – not only on its own, but as a part of some common phrases.

We often use just to talk about when something happens. It can mean ‘a very short time ago’ or ‘very recently’:

I’ve just spoken to Tom. (UK)/I just spoke to Tom. (US)

They had just arrived in London.

If we want to be more emphatic, we can say only just:

Don’t get mud on the floor – I’ve only just cleaned it. (UK)/I only just cleaned it. (US)

Rather confusingly, just can also be used with present tenses to mean ‘now’ or ‘in a very short time’:

I’ll do it in a minute. I’m just having a cup of tea.

We’ll be a bit late – we’re just leaving the house.

If we say we are just about to do something, we mean that we are going to do it almost immediately:

I think Maria’s just about to leave.

The rainy season was just about to start.

And if we say that something happens just as another thing happens, we mean that they happen at the same time:

They arrived just as we were leaving.

A completely different, but also extremely common, meaning of just is ‘only’:

I thought the book was about Europe but it was just about France.

We often use this just to show that something isn’t as important, large, difficult, etc. as someone might think it is:

You just need to work a bit harder.

I don’t live here – I’m just a tourist.

They were just trying to have some fun.

We often use just as with an adjective when we are comparing two things, to say that they have the same amount of a quality. Remember that you need to say just as …. as if the adjective is followed by a noun or noun phrase:

Mick can be rude, but you’re just as bad.

Her new book is just as good as her last one.

Finally, just can be used as a general emphasizing word:

I just don’t believe it!

There are certainly other subtle uses of just, but I hope this post has helped you to understand and use the main ones.


We use «ever» in interrogative sentences:

a. Have you ever been to the United States?
b. Have you ever traveled by train?
c. Have you ever failed a class?


We use «never» in affirmative sentences: but the meaning is negative.

a. I have never cheated in an exam.
b. My son has never been to Moscow.
c. My brother has never visited London before.

We use «just» to express a recently completed action.

a. The cat has just caught a bird.
b. The guests have just arrived.
c. I have just finished my homework.


We use «already» to express that something has happened sooner than expected.

a. Don’t forget to bring your book! Oh, I have already brought it.
b. The boys are going to pack, aren’t they?
No. They have already packed.
c. Is Adam going to buy a new car? No, he isn’t. He has already bought it.


We use «yet» in interrogative and negative sentences and it suggests a time later than expected.

a. Have you done your homework? No, I haven’t done it yet.
b. Has your father seen your report?
No, he hasn’t seen it yet.
c. Have the visitors arrived?
No, they haven’t arrived yet.

Also See:

Present Perfect Tense
Another exercise with already / just / yet

Quick Exercise

Fill in the blanks using ever, never, just, already and yet.

1. Have you been in America?
2. Do you hear the noise? The train has arrived.
3. No. Your cousin hasn’t come to the party .
4. Can you open the door? Oh, it is open.
5. Your daughter has returned home. You don’t have to worry anymore.
6. Haven’t you finished your food ? No, I am still eating mom.
7. I am a very lucky person. I have had nightmares.
8. Are you going to meet me at the shop? Yes, I am there.
9. I have realized how beautiful you are.
10. Would you like to have dinner with us? No thanks, I have
had dinner.
11. Have you seen such a big ant?
Correctness =
Correct answers:


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