Never trust a word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Well, personally, I would not trust a word.

Do not trust a word they say.

While many girls usually do not trust a word they say, I think it is better to hear their thoughts at least once, because the words and actions of a drunk person are usually the genuine thoughts and intentions of a sober one.

В то время как многие девушки, как правило, не верят ни одному слову, я думаю, что это лучше послушать их мысли по крайней мере один раз, потому что слова и действия пьяного человека обычно являются подлинными мыслями и намерениями трезвого.

Do not trust a lender at their word.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

There are 3 very important reasons why you should never trust a man’s words.

(Since I’ve seen too many women blindly holding onto a man’s words and ultimately being let down over and over…)

Look, here’s the truth…

There are plenty of men around you who are sweet talkers or smooth talkers…

They’d say what you want to hear just so they can get what they want from you. (Sounds familiar?)

The thing is, it was never about the words in the first place. It’s about understanding something much deeper than his words.

So here’s a video I made for you on this…

First reason: Words are cheap, very cheap!

Let me ask you this… How easy is it for a man to say something he doesn’t truly mean?

As human beings, we all rely on our words to communicate, yet it only counts as 8% of all forms of communication. (ie… rest is tonality and body language.)

So words are really the easiest form of manipulation that we all have access to.

Many very smart scientists have even concluded that the reason why we have such big brains is to have the ability to deceive others. (Think about that for a moment.)

So remember, words are not just easy, they are also cheap. It literally costs nothing to say things that you don’t mean or say things to get what you want.

CLICK HERE to discover the ONE PHRASE you can say to ANY man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say!

Second reason: It’s easy to get sucked into the right words

Guess who tends to use the right words?

Yup, men who are smooth talkers! And they’re so good at saying the right things at the right time because they’ve had a lot of practice!

So men who are smooth talkers, are the ones who are full of masks that they wear.

You have to test them, prod them and peel those masks off to really see who they are and to know if they mean what they say or will do what they say.

Women who easily fall prey to these smooth talkers are most often those who feel deprived of something, whether that is attention, praise, or connection.

Is your man serious about committing to you? CLICK HERE to find out with my specially crafted 8 Question Quiz!

Third reason: By trusting a man’s words, there’s a tendency to turn a blind eye to his actions.

Isn’t that right?

When you hold on to his words, you naturally turn a blind eye on his actions, his habits and his intent.

But why is it so easy to hold onto words?

It’s because words are tangible. It’s something you can believe in and rely on because he said so.

But remember, words are cheap and you should never believe them easily.

There Are 7 Common Signs That A Woman is Perceived as Low Value to All Men. CLICK HERE to find out what they are.

So what should you do when you can’t trust a man’s words wholeheartedly?

The key is to put your trust and your instinct to your man’s actions, behaviors, habits and intent.

And to do that you have to dig deeper to know who this man really is. Know what kind of a person he is beyond the mask he’s wearing.

The question to ask really is this:

Are his actions, behaviours, intent and habits congruent to his words?

Is this man congruent in his ways???

How do you tell?

Get him out of his routine and find ways to strip him off his mask, routines and shells.

Then hit him with tough questions!

You can also test him with questions like…

“What would you rather have- a billion dollars or fall in love for the rest of your life”?

We’re trying to find out who this man really is so don’t be afraid to ask him tough questions if you have them.

The goal is to push him to reveal his true self and his intentions.

Is this man congruent in his ways???

Are his words congruent with his actions, behaviour and intent?

Alright, that’s it from me.

What I want you to do now is to send in your tough questions that you want to ask your man. Comment it in the comment section and let’s discuss it!

D. Shen Commitment Triggers

author D Shen

David is the founder of Commitment Triggers & co-founder of Shen Wade Media where we teach women how to show up as a high value high status woman whom easily inspires a deep sense of emotional commitment from her chosen man. Together with his wife Renee at The Feminine Woman, they have positively influenced the lives of over 15 million women through their free articles and videos as well as 10’s of thousands through paid programs through the Shen Wade Media platform.

Connect deeper with his work through the social media links below.

never trust — перевод на русский

Never trust old men, old showmen, old wankers.

Никогда не доверяй старикам, старым шоуменам, старым козлам.

Never trust anybody, man or woman.

Никогда не доверяй никому, ни мужчине, ни женщине.

Never trust a man with dirty fingernails!

Никогда не доверяй человеку с грязными ногтями!

Never trust a man as wears a hat.

Никогда не доверяй человеку, носящему шляпу.

You can never trust him.

Никогда не доверяй ему.

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Never trust a nigger.

Никогда не верь неграм.

Never trust a traitor.

Никогда не верь предателю.

Never trust a woman who lies. You may rest assured, daddy.

Никогда не верь женщине, которая врет.

Never trust people who are too sincere.

Никогда не верь людям которые слишком серьезны.

Never trust a woman who whistles for her own cabs. Excuse me.

Никогда не верь женщинам, которые чтобы поймать такси свистят.

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— Oh, I never trust my memory.

— О, не доверяю своей памяти.

I assure you, in my business I never trusted a man who didn’t enjoy his food.

Уверяю вас, в моей профессиональной сфере… Я не доверяю людям, которые не получают наслаждение от еды.

— I never trust samurai.

— Я не доверяю самураям.

I never trust applause.

Я не доверяю аплодисментам.

Never trust anything from the street.

Я слухам не доверяю.

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But never trust a hero.

Но не верь герою.

Never trust a vegetarian.

Не верь вегетарианкам.

Mr Laurio, never trust a beautiful woman, especially one who’s interested in you.

Лорио, не верь красоткам, особенно тем, которым можешь приглянуться ты.

Never trust a con, cowboy.

Не верь таким, парень.

Like I said, never trust a con.

Я же говорил… не верь осуждённым.

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I should have never trusted you.

Тебе нельзя доверять!

Never trust a farmer. Ha. For them, everything’s around the bend.

Нельзя доверять крестьянам, они ничего не видят дальше своего носа.

I always knew we could never trust you.

Я всегда знала, что тебе нельзя доверять.

You can never trust a monster.

Чудовищу нельзя доверять

I knew we should never trust the goddamn French.

Так и знал, что нельзя доверять чертовым французам.

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Poor boy, he’ll never trust another adult.

Бедный ребенок, он уже никогда не поверит взрослым.

She’ll probably never trust a guy again.

Она больше никогда не поверит парню.

But you lied to him, making it so he can never trust you… About anything.

— Но Вы солгали ему, и теперь он Вам никогда не поверит, ни в чем.

Believe me, she will never trust you.

Поверь мне, она никогда не поверит тебе.

He’ll never trust you again, and he will never love you again.

Он никогда не поверит тебе и никогда не полюбит вновь.

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They’ll never trust us.

Они никогда не будут нам верны.

But I can never trust him.

Но я никогда не буду ему доверять.

I will never, never trust him.

Я никогда, никогда не буду ему доверять.

I will never trust you.

Я никогда не буду тебе доверять.

— I’ll never trust you.

— Я никогда не буду тебе доверять.

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But I’ll never trust her.

Но я никогда не смогу доверять ей.

I can never trust you.

Я никогда не смогу доверять тебе.

I found out I’ll never trust someone enough to get married, and that’s fine.

Я понял, что никогда не смогу доверять кому-то настолько, чтобы жениться, но это нормально.

«I’ll never trust you, Paul, «and once the trust is gone, love is lost.»

«Я никогда не смогу доверять тебе, Пол, а как только исчезает доверие, исчезает и любовь.»

I guess I should’ve never trusted him.

Думаю, я уже никогда не смогу доверять ему.

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Never trust an Elf!

Нельзя верить эльфу!

Never trust the Welsh.

Нельзя верить валлийцам.

you can never trust him.

Ему нельзя верить.

Never trust a drunk.

Нельзя верить пьяному на слово.

I said I was fair, but if there is one thing you should have learned from our beloved Mary, it’s never trust a witch.

Я всё же справедлив, но пора уже знать, хотя бы от нашей возлюбленной Мэри, нельзя верить ведьме.

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One should never trust… what the rumors in the floating world

Никогда нельзя доверять… как слухам в изменчивом мире.

You can never trust a girl from Tampa.

Никогда нельзя доверять девушке из Тампы.

You can never trust a woman.

Черт. Никогда нельзя доверять женщине.

Ugh, you can never trust a koala, man.

Никогда нельзя доверять коале, старик.

I should have never trusted a cop.

Никогда нельзя доверять копам.

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The popular quote “Never trust a man who has only one way to spell a word” and its variants are NOT by Mark Twain.

Most of the versions are ascribed to Mark Twain, while a couple of them are credited to Andrew Jackson, Davy Crockett, Thomas Jefferson and Archibald Alexander Hodge.

Know How To Spell A Word More Than One Way

know how to spell a word more than one way

Now if you ask Google Search, “who said I respect a man who knows how do you spell a word more than one way?

Instantly Google will spell out Mark Twain!

So is if you ask Google Search, “what did Mark Twain say about spelling?

Goodness, Google still shows you this Mark Twain misquote from GoodReads:

“Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination”.

First and foremost, let’s me spell it for you.

Mark my words, the humorist and novelist Mark Twain never said or wrote this particular quip.

It is because there are so many versions of this quote, it is difficult to pinpoint the actual author.

Before we look into this wrongly-attributed quote, let’s check out some of Twain’s sarcastic comments about the English spellings.

Mark Twain On Spelling

I know Mark Twain wrote and spoke widely about the subject on spelling.

Twain had a strong view on spelling which can be found in his speeches and articles.

Here are some of Mark Twain takes on spelling or rather funny spelling:

“Look at the “h’s” distributed all around. There’s “gherkin.” What are you going to do with the “h” in that? What the devil’s the use of “h” in gherkin, I’d like to know. It’s one thing I admire the English for: they just don’t mind anything about them at all.” – Mark Twain

(Mark Twain’s Speeches, The Alphabet And Simplifies Spelling, Address At The Dinner Given To Mr. Carnegie At The Dedication Of The New York Engineers’ Club, December 9, 1907) source

“…look at the “pneumatics” and the “pneumonias” and the rest of them. A real reform would settle them once and for all, and wind up by giving us an alphabet that we wouldn’t have to spell with at all, instead of this present silly alphabet, which I fancy was invented by a drunken thief.” – Mark Twain

(Mark Twain’s Speeches, The Alphabet And Simplifies Spelling, Address At The Dinner Given To Mr. Carnegie At The Dedication Of The New York Engineers’ Club, December 9, 1907) source

(This speech was featured in The New York Times on December 10, 1907 titled “MARK TWAIN JEERS AT SIMPLE SPELLING; Has Fun with Mr. Carnegie’s System at the Dedication of the Engineers’ Club. PUTS HARD WORDS TO HIM One of Them Is Pterodactyl — The Ironmaster Elected to Honorary Place in Club for His Gift“)

“And we shall be rid of phthisis and phthisic and pneumonia and pneumatics, and diphtheria and pterodactyl, and all those other insane words which no man addicted to the simple Christian life can try to spell and not lose some of the bloom of his piety in the demoralizing attempt.” – Mark Twain

(Mark Twain’s Speeches, Spelling And Pictures, Address At The Annual Dinner Of The Associated Press, At The Waldorf-Astoria, September 18, 1906) source

(The quote is also found here)

“I don’t say we needed it, for I don’t see any use in spelling a word right, and never did. He spells cow with a large K. Now, that is just as good as to spell it with a small one. It is better. It gives the imagination a broader field, a wider scope. It suggests to the mind a grand, vague impressive, new kind of a cow. Superb effects can be produced by variegated spelling.” – Mark Twain

(The Shamrock Volume 12, Irish National Newspaper And Publishing Company, Limited, 1874, The Shamrock, Dublin Saturday, June 19, 1875, Mark Twain On Spelling, P. 608) source

(The quote is also found here.)

Related: There is this cautionary article on the perils of language simplification titled “MEIHEM IN CE KLASRUM” [pronounced as Mayhem in the Classroom] by Dolton Edwards.

(Astounding Science Fiction, September 1946, Vol. XXXVIII No. 1, New York: Street & Smith Publications, Inc., Articles, MEIHEM IN CE KLASRUM by Dolton Edwards, P. 94-95) source

Astounding Science Fiction spelling

Incidentally, this article is also mis-attributed to Mark Twain under the title “A Plan for the Improvement of English Spelling“.

who has only one way to spell a word

By the way, here are the variants of this spelling quote:

“You should never trust a man who has only one way to spell a word.” – Attributed to Mark Twain

(Mark Twain Society Bulletin, Volumes XV, No. 2, Elmira, New York: Mark Twain Society, July, 1992, P. 6) source

(The quote is also found here.)

mark twain misquote

Note: This is taken from the then Vice President Dan Quayle who wrongly ascribed this never trust a man who has only one way to spell a word to Mark Twain.

“I don’t give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.” – No Attribution

(The Pittsburgh Press, June 26, 1946, P. 31) source

joe laurie jr spell word

Note: The article mentioned the epigram I don’t give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way is printed on the personal stationery of American vaudeville monologist Joe Laurie, Jr.

joe-Laurie jr mark twain quote

You can read Joe Laurie Jr.’s free 1953 bookVaudeville From The Honky Tonks To The Palace” over here.

vaudeville joe laurie jr

“Any man who can’t think of more than one way to spell a word can’t have too good an imagination ” – Attributed to Thomas Jefferson

(Getting the Most from WordStar and MailMerge:Things MicroPro Never Told You By M. David Stone, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1984, P. 139) source

“…it is a damned poor mind that cannot think of more than one way to spell a word.” – Attributed to Andrew Jackson

(Daily News, Friday, May 18, 1945, P. 21) source

Note: Here is The New York Times article titled “JACKSON ON SPELLING, KENNEDY ON YALE” on May 19, 1985, Section 4, Page 20, with the above quote.

andrew jackson spelling

This is another attribution to Andrew Jackson found in “The New England Historical and Genealogical Register”, July 1882.

“The variety of ways in which Groton Town-Clerks contrived to spell the same office is marvellous to behold. Evidently, like General Jackson, they despised a man who could spell a word in only one way.”

(The New England Historical And Genealogical Register, New England Historic Genealogical Society, For The Year 1882, Volume XXXVI, Boston: The Society’s House, 1882, Addendum: Hog Reeves or Hog Constables, July 1882, P. 273) source

spell word only in one way andrew jackson

“I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way” – Attributed to Mark Twain

(The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, Sunday, May 15, 1932, column 2, P. 8) source

No Respect for a Man Who Can Spell a Word Only One Way

Note: The article stated that the personal letterhead of American comedian Ed Wynn bears Mark Twain’s epigram: “I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way”.

I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way

“I think a man must be an awful poor speller if he can’t spell a word only one way.” – No Attribution

(Democrat And Chronicle, Saturday, July 19, 1890, P. 4) source

spell a word only one way

“He must be a very ignorant man who cannot spell a word in more than one way.” – Attributed to Davy Crockett

(Suggestions To Medical Writers By George M. Gould, Philadelphia: The Philadelphia Medical Publishing Company, 1900, Ch. III, Orthography, Punctuation, Pronunciation, P. 40) source

(The quote is also found here.)

cannot a word in more than one way

“…I have a poor opinion of a man who can not spell a word more than one way!” – Attributed to A. A. Hodge (Archibald Alexander Hodge)

(Between Two Wars, 1861-1921: Being Memories, Opinions And Letters Received By James Mark Baldwin, In Two Volumes, Volume 1, Boston, Mass: Stratford Company, 1926, Vol. I, Memories, VI, A Winter At Oxford, P. 114) source

You can read the full book here.

More Than One Way To Spell A Word Quote

Now, let’s find out how does this spurious quotation, I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way or never trust a man who has only one way to spell a word come about.

I think it is a combination from these two different sources:

The first part of the quote is taken from Mark Twain’s autobiography.

“…I never had any large respect for good spelling. That is my feeling yet. Before the spelling-book came with its arbitrary forms, men unconsciously revealed shades of their characters and also added enlightening shades of expression to what they wrote by their spelling, and so it is possible that the spelling-book has been a doubtful benevolence to us.”

(Mark Twain’s Autobiography, Volume 2, With An introduction By Albert Bigelow Paine, New York & London: Harper & Brothers, 1924, Wednesday, February 7, 1906, Susy Clemens’s biography of her father.–Mr. Clemens’s opinion of critics, etc., P. 68) source

(The quote is also found here and here.)

The second part is probably taken from a news article published in The Olean Journal, August 24, 1855.

I could not locate this original article, but I managed to find the same article from another New York newspaper, The Buffalo Commercial, dated August 29, 1855.

It is about the lawyer Nyrum Reynolds of Wyoming county who was ridiculed for his poor spelling in court.

He retorted with this line:

‘the learned counsel on the other side finds fault with my writin’ and spellin’, as though the merits of this case depended upon such matters! I’m agin lugging in any such outside affairs, but I will say, that a man must be a great fool who can’t spell a word more than one way.

(The Buffalo Commercial, August 29, 1855, Spelling Word more than one Way, From the Olean (N. Y.) Journal, Aug. 24) source

Note: This particular line cannot be read properly here as it is from the OCR (optical character recognition) text.

You can read this full article from The Fremont Weekly Journal, October 5, 1855, column 7, on page 1.

(Here is another source of the story at: The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, Volume XVIII, Liverpool: Orson Pratt, 1856, The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, Saturday, December 8, 1855, Varieties, P. 784) source

nyrum reynolds spelling

This article when it was published from August to October 1855, the lawyer or barrister was Nyrum Reynolds of Wyoming county.

But in November 8, 1855 in “The Independent“, it not only changed from Nyrum Reynolds of Wyoming county to Hiram Runnels of Wyoming Pennsylvania.

The article had also been rewritten as the one published in the 1862 “The Ladies’ Repository, Volume 22” and the 1880 “Wit And Humor: A Choice Collection” by Marshall Brown.

By the way, there was this lawyer by the name of Nyrum Reynolds from Wyoming county.

But I am not certain about Hiram Runnels of Wyoming Pennsylvania.

The only Hiram Runnels I managed to locate online is Hiram George Runnels who was a U.S. politician from the state of Mississippi.

hiram runnels Mississippi Governor

To conclude, never trust a man who has only one way to spell a word or I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way epigram is not by Mark Twain.

Предложения с «never trust»

Never trust a culture that makes sausages from dogs.

Никогда не верь тем, кто делает сосиски из собак.

Never trust that word when it comes out of the mouth of a woman, Murdoch.

Никогда не верьте тому, что говорят женщины, Мёрдок.

Never trust anybody and you’ll never be disappointed.

Не доверяй никому , избежишь разочарований.

Never trust a non-drinker in a bar.

Никогда не доверяйте непьющим в баре.

Chif inspector Japp, I must ask you to trust me as you never trust in me before.

Старший инспектор Джепп, я вынужден Вас просить доверять мне так как Вы никогда ещё не доверяли раньше.

Rule 69: Never trust a woman who doesn’t trust her man.

Правило 69: никогда не доверяй женщине, которая не доверяет своему мужчине.

Never trust a woman with a pistol in hand.

Никогда не доверяй женщине с пистолетом в руке.

Never trust someone who buys in bulk.

Нельзя никогда доверять тому, кто продается попарно

You made only one little mistake. Never trust a Swiss with a missing index finger.

Но вы допустили одну маленькую ошибку. Никогда не доверяйте швейцарцу без указательного пальца на правой руке.

Never trust someone who skimps on dental hygiene.

Никогда не доверяйте человеку, который экономит на зубах.

Silent as a dormouse, said the Outlaw; and never trust me but I am grieved for thy daughter.

Будь спокоен, буду молчать, как сурок. И поверь, что я искренне печалюсь о судьбе твоей дочери.

Never trust old men, old showmen, old wankers.

Никогда не доверяй старикам, старым шоуменам, старым козлам.

Never trust a stingy warlock, Maia.

Никогда не доверяй жадному магу, Майя.

Never trust a man who eats blood pudding.

Никогда нельзя верить человеку, который на десерт пьет кровь.

Because you can never trust caterers.

Ведь кейтеринговым компаниям нельзя доверять.

Allies never trust each other, but that doesn’t spoil their effectiveness.

Союзники, правда, никогда не верят друг другу, но это не мешает им действовать эффективно.

Don’t never trust no dame about nothing.

Не верь бабам. Ни единой.

You can never trust a drug addict.

Вы не должны доверять наркоману.

Piece of advice… never trust a crooked jockey on a doped-up horse.

Совет… Никогда не сажай пьяного жокея на рьяную лошадь.

Never trust a new passport, in my view.

На мой взгляд никогда не стоит доверять новым паспортам.

Never trust a class with an exclamation mark in the title.

Никогда не доверяла тренажеркам с восклицательным знаком в названии.

You can never trust anyone who spells his name… with dollar signs on his license plates.

Тебе лучше никогда не полагаться на тех, кто пишет свое имя со знаками долларов на номерных знаках.

I’ll never trust another old person.

Больше никогда не поверю старикам.

I say never trust someone more than 4 ft.

Говорил ведь, не верь никому больше 1 метра 20 сантиметров.

Never trust the people who stand to profit, plain and simple.

Никогда не доверяй людям, которые ищут наживы, просто и понятно.

Never trust the quiet ones.

Никогда не доверяй тихоням.

‘Never trust a man, Dorcas, they’re not worth it!’

Доркас, никогда не доверяйте мужчинам, они не стоят этого.

Never trust a politician.

Никогда не доверяй политикам!

I will never trust an operative.

Я никогда не поверю сыщику.

You know that your siblings will never trust you again.

Ты знаешь ,что твои родственники никогда не будут тебе снова доверять.

They would never trust themselves to try it again.

Они никогда не поверят в то, что смогут сделать это снова.

That is why people say to never trust the tabloids.

Вот почему люди говорят никогда не доверять таблоидам.

It is unfair to say that one should never trust a bull.

Несправедливо говорить, что никогда нельзя доверять быку.

Uber and Didi are early but powerful examples of how technology is creating trust between people in ways and on a scale never possible before.

Uber и Didi — ранний, но яркий пример того, как технологии формируют доверие между людьми способами и в масштабах, которые ранее нельзя было и представить.

I would never betray the president’s trust like that.

Я бы никогда не предал доверие Президента подобным образом.

I would never abuse my office or the trust of the people of this great State in that way.

Я бы никогда не стал злоупотреблять своим положением или доверием жителей этого осударства таким образом.

He wished her no ill-fortune, but he couldn’t help wishing he’d never heard her screams, and he knew too well how misplaced her trust might be against the odds they faced.

Он не желал ей зла, но невольно жалел, что услышал ее крики.

Flesh cannot trust them, because Phyrexia will never see flesh as anything but a mistake to be erased.

Живые не могут доверять им, потому что Фирексия всегда считала живых людей ошибкой.

Angelica, if we didn’t trust you, we never would have made the pitch in the first place.

Анжелика, если мы не доверяли бы тебе, то мы не сделали бы тебе предложение изначально.

Because I realized I will never be able to trust you again, no matter what you say, how you look at me, or if you jump on an airplane to help me with a friend at a moment’s notice.

Потому что я осознала, что никогда не смогу доверится тебе снова, не смотря на то, что ты скажешь и как посмотришь на меня, или если прилетишь на самолете, чтобы помочь мне с подругой совершенно внезапно.

Seventy-five percent of crimes are not reported due to lack of trust in the authorities, and 98% of crimes are never resolved or punished.

О 75% преступлений не сообщают из — за отсутствия доверия властям, а 98% преступлений остаются нераскрытыми или безнаказанными.

As former Clinton administration official William Galston put it, trust is never more important than when citizens are asked to make sacrifices for a brighter future.

Как сказал бывший чиновник администрации Клинтона Уильям Галстон, доверие никогда не бывает более важно, чем в моменты, когда граждан просят делать пожертвования во имя светлого будущего.

‘Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.’

Будьте мужественны, Ридли. Божьей милостью мы зажжем сегодня в Англии такую свечу, которую, я верю, им не погасить никогда .

The business men and financiers of the Pacific coast never forgot the lesson of Charles Klinkner and the California & Altamont Trust Company.

Биржевики и финансисты Тихоокеанского побережья на всю жизнь запомнили урок, который получили Чарльз Клинкнер и Калифорнийско — Алтамонтский трест.

Blend in, get people to trust you, acquire what you need from them, and then you’re gone, as if you were never there.

Втираешься в доверие к людям, получаешь от них что нужно, и затем исчезаешь, будто тебя и не было.

Trust me, I never planned on being your Sundance kid, especially in the armpit of Motor City.

Уж поверь, никогда не мечтала бегать с тобой по помойкам. Особенно по окраинам Детройта!

You need never win back my trust , my son, for you have never lost it.

Тебе не нужно завоёвывать мое доверие, мой сын, поскольку ты никогда его не терял.

His father trusted him implicitly, and so diplomatic and earnest was he in the fulfilment of his duties that this trust had never been impaired.

Отец слепо верил ему, и он так умно и ловко, с таким увлечением исполнял свои обязанности, что вера эта ни разу не была поколеблена.

Look, Doug is the only person we’ve ever been able to trust , and he played this very smart. He never put us in any real danger.

Даг — единственный, кому мы вообще доверяли, он всё очень ловко провернул и ни разу не подверг нас риску.

Mildred, at first a little reserved in her appreciation-I never quite trust these foreign places, you never know what there is in these messed up dishes-was insensibly moved by it.

Милдред сперва огляделась с неодобрением — не верю я этим иностранцам: бог его знает, чего только не намешано в их блюдах, — но в конце концов и она не устояла.

Now trust me when I tell you, if this turns into a massacre, it will never get out of your head.

Просто поверь мне. Начнешь здесь побоище — никогда его не забудешь.

And after he pushed me into the reptile enclosure, I was never able to trust another man again.

И после того, как он толкнул меня в вольер для рептилий, я так больше и не смогла доверять другим мужчинам.

He was a lonely man, never having been able to bring himself to trust his peculiar temperament in the hands of any woman.

Не решившись доверить ни одной женщине заботу о своей несколько своеобразной особе, он остался холост.

My mama taught me never to trust dirty war profiteers.

Моя мама учила меня никогда не доверять грязным военным спекулянтам.

Julie always said that the trust never got signed because things became overwrought at that meeting.

Джули всегда говорила, что доверенность так и не подписали, потому что обстановка на этом собрании была нервозной.

That’s a shame, Eve said sympathetically. But you must learn never to trust a man.

Какой кошмар! — посочувствовала Ив. — Тебе пора бы усвоить — мужчинам доверять нельзя!

I never put much trust in that technobabble anyhow.

Я никогда особо не доверял этим новым компьютерным штукам.

But you could trust me never to deny that I did it.

Но вы можете быть уверены, что я бы никогда не отказался убить его.

Trust me, I never thought I’d see you guys again.

Поверьте, никогда не думал, что встречу вас снова.

The trust in the world that terror annihiIates is never regained.

Доверие в мире, уничтожаемом террором, не восстанавливаемо.

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