Need to get the last word

Our The Last Word Guide for Destiny 2: Forsaken & Black Armory will show you step-by-step how-to obtain this Exotic Hand Cannon! We’ve got all the quest steps below, and we’ve added a bunch of tips and explanations on how to best complete them.

The Last Word Release Date

The Last Word was released on January 29th, 2019!

The Last Word — Exotic Kinetic Hand Cannon

«Yours, until the last flame dies and all words have been spoken.» — Shin Malphur to you, as you journey forth into the unknown

The Last Word Perks

  • Fan Fire: This weapon can be fired quickly and continuously. Faster reload and increased accuracy on successive hip-fire damage.
  • Corkscrew Rifling: Balanced barrel. — Slightly increases range and stability — Slightly increases handling speed
  • Accurized Rounds: This weapon can fire longer distances. — Increases range
  • Hip-Fire Grip: Ergonomic grips that increase accuracy and stability when firing from the hip.
  • Textured Grip: The friction on this weapon’s grip is particularly strong. — Greatly increases handling speed — Slightly decreases stability

Knew this day would come, and with it, one last lesson…

There’s an end to all things, kid. Good and bad.

Sure, the best times seem small, and the bad tend to linger, but the only permanent is eternity.

I’m off to meet it.

If you’re lucky, someday you will too.

For now, though, you’ve got road yet traveled and lives yet lived.

I know you got hate in you. Most do. Trick is to use it, ‘stead of it usin’ you.

But you know this—vengeance is a motivator, not the motive.

Meant to—hoped to—say these words to you one last time in person, but writin’ ’em down seems the safe bet with the prey we’re trackin’.

Worst part about bein’ a good guy? As much as you may want it, you can’t always win. But that truth don’t bother me. We do the right thing, ’cause the right thing needs doin’. So, when another does harm—casts their shadow upon you or your kin—you go ‘head and hunt for the justice needed to answer any sins inflicted.

Don’t hunt ’em ’cause you been wronged.

Hunt ’em ’cause what they did was wrong.

There’s a world of difference there, kid.

One makes you selfish. The other makes you a hero.

And I see a hero in you.

And with this last good lesson, a gift. I know it feels right in your hand—its weight easy, its trigger smooth. Use it as you will—I know you’ll use it right.

It’s yours now, ’til the last flame dies and all words’ve been spoken.

‘Til that time.

Safe journeys. Straight aim. And good huntin’.


—A letter to Shin Malphur from his third father, Jaren Ward, written before Ward’s ill-fated showdown with the infamous Dredgen Yor in the wooded hollow beyond Beggars’ Gulch

The Last Word Quest Steps

You will be doing a mix of Crucible PvP stuff, and then running around and killing a lot of Hive to complete these steps.

Step 1: Tainted Artifact

Seek the guidance of one who dabbles in the arcane to learn more. This unknown artifact seethes with an odd, familiar sickness.

Head on over to The Drifter to start in on this Exotic quest.

Step 2: The Cleansing

Purge the artifact of its sickness.

«Some who walk a darker path believe what we call ‘Weapons of Sorrow’ ain’t a complete science. This artifact could be key to a new understanding- if you’re willing to risk temptation.» — The Drifter

This requires the following steps that you’ll need to complete:

  • Defeat Hive with Solar damage
  • Collect 75 Hive Tablets
  • Defeat 3 Hive bosses

Hive Tablets will naturally drop as you defeat Hive on your way to completing this step of the quest. One of the best spots to complete this is on Mars and doing Escalation Protocol. You’ll fight a ton of Hive and you’ll be able to collect all the tablets and defeat the bosses required.

Step 3: A Cleansed Artifact

The artifact is now cleansed. But what is its purpose?

«The artifact is free of disease now. I might be able to see what it’s for. Bring it to me. Let’s see how far down this dead-end leads.» — The Drifter

This step just leads directly into the next one.

Step 4: The Temptation

Want to see what this artifact can do? Feed it Light by defeating Guardians in the Crucible. Being defeated will impede progress.

«The 7th Book of Sorrow speaks of a great Unmaking. Old friends of mine believe it’s the blueprint for terrible weapons made in its name. I think they’re mostly right, but to find out some of your friends are gonna have to suffer.» — The Drifter

It’s time to head into the Crucible and get some kills. However, you are going to want to make sure to not get yourself kill too often. For every kill you get, you get 2% towards the goal, and each time you are eliminated you will lose 1%. Play pretty safe so you don’t end up having to continue this step indefinitely.

Step 5: The Damnation

The artifact is calling to something dark. Uncover a dark ritual on Titan and stop the twisted ceremony.

«The artifact is in pain. Can you hear it? It’s made to feed on Light, and that Light is feeding something other. The trail is faint, but the screams don’t lie. Get to Titan. Answers wait where dead things play.» — The Drifter

This is a pretty easy mission that just recommends that you have a 500 power level to complete. It shouldn’t be an issue to finish.

Step 6: A New Jagged Purpose

You found a Guardian’s helmet penetrated by a unique bullet.

«The artifact was part of a Hive ritual tied to their efforts to perfect the Weapons of Sorrow. But that helm you found? Only one thing can cut through a Guardian like that. We may be too late. New weapons may already be in play.» — The Drifter

Another quick step, this leads into one of the longest parts of the chain.

Step 7: Sullied Light

The Hive weapon master is creating new Weapons of Sorrow. You need to stop it. Gather powerful objects to sully your Light and complete the ritual.

  • Collect Etched Crystals from Lost Sector wanted escapees.
  • Earn multiple «Best served cold» and «Blood for blood» medals in the crucible.
  • Defeat Hive with precision damage to collect larvae.
  • Sacrifice Hive bosses summoned in witches’ rituals.

«This is it, Guardian- the furthest you’ve gone down sorrow’s road. There ain’t no turnin’ back. If the Hive are upgrading their arsenal, we need to know where and how, so we can stop it and learn from it. Don’t worry. This ritual won’t make you a bad guy It’ll just feel like it.» — The Drifter

This is a much longer portion of the quest that you’ll need to complete. The first part requires you to run Lost Sectors over and over until you collect 15 Etched Crystals. You can do this in any Lost Sector as long as it has a wanted boss at the end.

Time to head back to the Crucible for some more PvP action. You will need to get either the «Best served cold» or «Blood for blood» medal when you play 25 times. To get «Best served cold» you will need to eliminate a person who last eliminated you (getting revenge on them). «Blood for blood» is given for killing an enemy that kill your teammate most recently. Best served cold is likely going to be harder to do and you’ll just get it randomly, but if you keep an eye on your teammates and they get eliminated, you can immediately try to get the kill and will hopefully be able to rack up these medals.

To collect the Hive Larvae, you just need to kill Hive with precision hits (headshots).

You’ll need to do three Heroic Hive rituals, there’s a pretty common one on Titan. This has to be done in Heroic, so you’ll need to stand in the circular green areas and shoot the crystals in the top corners of the room to trigger the Heroic event.

Step 8: Sorrow’s Road

You have all you need to track the Hive weapon master.

«Using the thorn from your dead friend’s helm and lettin’ corruption touch your Light ain’t an easy call. But you didn’t back down. Come see me and we’ll track the weapon that fired that jagged bit of death.» — The Drifter

Almost done, time for one more mission!

Step 9: The Conversation

Enkaar, the Hive weapon master, is hiding in Hellrise Canyon in the Tangled Shore. Hunt him down!

«Time to hunt us a Hive weapons master and put an end to whatever he’s cookin’ up. This is where you get to be a hero, and we both get to learn a little bit more about things best left undiscovered. Careful out there, you’ll be alone, and the odds’ll be stacked. Hope you make it back.» -The Drifter

This is a cool little mission, and all you really need to know is that you need to shoot the guns out of the Hives hands to complete it.

Step 10: A Darker Path

You defeated the Hive weapon master thanks to a mysterious gift, the Last Word. What would the Drifter say about that?

«The hunt is over. Our weapon master is defeated, thanks to you. And in his wake, you’ve found the Last Word? Well I’ll be. Hm. It’s probably best we close this case down. For now.» — The Drifter

Once you’ve completed the previous mission, you will earn yourself this sweet new Hand Cannon!

get the last word

сказать последнее слово

Shelton was on the point of saying something bitter, but checked himself. ‘Here am I,’ thought he, ‘Trying to get the last word, like an old woman.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Island Pharisees’, part III, ch. XVII) — У Шелтона чуть было не сорвалось с языка резкое замечание, но он сдержался. «Ну и хорош я, — подумал он, — как старая баба, стараюсь, чтобы последнее слово осталось за мной».

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа»..

Смотреть что такое «get the last word» в других словарях:

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word — n. to get in, have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) * * * [ˌlɑːst wɜːd] have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) to get in …   Combinatory dictionary

  • The L Word — Titre original The L Word Translittération Le mot L Autres titres francophones Elles ( Québec) Genre Série dramatique Créateur(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The L word — Titre original The L Word Autres titres francophones Elles Genre Série dramatique Créateur(s) Ilene Chaiken Pays d’origine  Ét …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Last Puritan — The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel was written by the American philosopher George Santayana. The novel is set largely in the fictional town of Great Falls, Connecticut; Boston; and England, in and around Oxford. It relates the life …   Wikipedia

  • The Last Wish (book) — The Last Wish   Cover of the American edition of The L …   Wikipedia

  • The Last Vampire — Series is a 6 book set written by Christopher Pike and chronicles the 5,000 year life of the last vampire , Sita. The Last Vampire The book opens with a brief narration. A young woman, who appears to be in her late teens named Alisa Perne, is not …   Wikipedia

  • Get the Party Started — «Get the Party Started» Сингл …   Википедия

  • The Last Dangerous Visions — was planned to be a sequel to the science fiction short story anthologies Dangerous Visions and Again, Dangerous Visions , originally published in 1967 and 1972 respectively. It is edited by Harlan Ellison. The projected third collection was… …   Wikipedia

  • The Last Grain Race — is a 1956 book by Eric Newby, a travel writer, about his time spent on the Moshulu s last voyage in the Australian grain trade. Background to the book In 1938 Eric Newby, at the age of eighteen, signed on as an apprentice of the four masted… …   Wikipedia

Just for variety’s sake, let’s try a reverse iterator to take away some of the drudge work of indexes. Then we’ll account for spaces at the end of the string with a simple boolean flag found_nonspace. It starts out false.

Each time through the loop we examine the current character. If the flag is false, and it’s a space, we use continue to move onto the next iteration. In this manner we can skip all trailing whitespaces.

As soon as it hits something that is not a space, we flip the flag to true and add that character to s1.

If the flag is true, then we’ve been going through the last word. If that’s the case and we hit a space, then we break and the loop is done. We’ve got the entire last word in s1.

Finally, there’s no need to check anything. At this point we know by process of elimination that we’re in the last word, and it’s still going on, so we add the current character to s1.

Of course, s1 will be the last word backwards, but as we’re only accumulating it to return its length, that’s irrelevant.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int lengthOfLastWord(string const& s);

int main() {
    std::string s;
    std::getline(std::cin, s);
    std::cout << lengthOfLastWord(s) << std::endl;

int lengthOfLastWord(string const& s) {
    bool found_nonspace = false;

    std::string s1;

    for (auto ch = s.rbegin(); ch != s.rend(); ch++) {
        if (!found_nonspace && std::isspace(*ch)) {
        else if (!found_nonspace) {
            found_nonspace = true;
        else if (found_nonspace && std::isspace(*ch)) {
        else {

    return s1.length();

In fact, if we really don’t need to get the last word, but just its length, we needn’t worry about s1 at all, and could just increment a length variable and then return it.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int lengthOfLastWord(string const& s);

int main() {
    std::string s;
    std::getline(std::cin, s);
    std::cout << lengthOfLastWord(s) << std::endl;

int lengthOfLastWord(string const& s) {
    bool found_nonspace = false;

    int len = 0;

    for (auto ch = s.rbegin(); ch != s.rend(); ch++) {
        if (!found_nonspace && std::isspace(*ch)) {
        else if (!found_nonspace) {
            found_nonspace = true;
            len += 1;
        else if (found_nonspace && std::isspace(*ch)) {
        else {
            len += 1;

    return len;

Let’s really exercise iterators

We can actually make this a lot more terse, just by declaring our reverse_iterator outside of our loops. We’ll use two loops. The first will reverse advance (from the end) the iterator through any spaces. This loop doesn’t need a body.

Second, we’ll basically do the same, but advance over any non-space characters, incrementing len as we go. Then we’ll return len.

Also: we’ll definitely want to check that we aren’t trying to iterate too far by checking for ch != 2.rend().

int lengthOfLastWord(string const& s) {
    std::string::reverse_iterator ch = s.rbegin();
    int len = 0;

    for (; ch != s.rend() && std::isspace(*ch); ch++);
    for (; ch != s.rend() && !std::isspace(*ch); ch++, len++);

    return len;

How to get The Last Word in Destiny 2

Steps and tips to complete The Draw an exotic quest to unlock The Last Word in Destiny 2.

Nothing gets the Destiny 2 community worked up quite like a secret or Exotic quest. Today’s Exotic quest, called The Draw, is given to Guardians by the Drifter. The reward for completing this quest will be familiar to those who played a lot of the original Destiny, as The Last Word Exotic Hand Cannon is yours should you grind this one out. Below are the steps to complete the quest, and tips to help get The Last Word in your hands a bit faster.

How to get The Last Word

The Last Word Exotic Quest The Draw

Begin by loading into the Tower and visiting the Drifter. He will have a quest called The Draw. Once you pick up the quest, open your inventory and view the first quest step, entirely centered around the Hive.

Quest Step: The Cleansing

The Cleansing Quest Step The Last Word Destiny 2

  • Hive defeated with Solar damage (100%)
  • Hive Tablets collected (75)
  • Hive bosses defeated (3)

One of the easiest ways to complete this quest step is to fire up the Core Terminus lost sector on Mars. It’s the one just outside the Braytech Futurescape building. Make sure that your subclass, energy weapon, and power weapon are all Solar damage, then start obliterating Hive. A few runs of this and all three objectives should be completed. Unlike the Cargo Bay 3 lost sector on Titan, this Hive boss actually counts, whereas the Ogre in that one doesn’t for some odd reason. It’s also worth noting that strike bosses don’t count as Hive bosses either. It’s a confusing system, but just know that the Hive bosses (and minion Hive) that you seek are in the Core Terminus lost sector.

Quest Step: A Cleansed Artifact

A Cleansed Artifact Quest Steop The Last Word Destiny 2

  • Drifter visited

Simply return to the Drifter and speak to him. This is a transition step. Nothing more than busy work to make you waste Vanguard rocket fuel flying to the Tower and then back out where you really need to be.

Quest Step: The Temptation

The Temptation Quest Step The Last Word Destiny 2

  • Guardians Defeated (100%)

Head into the Crucible for the next step, which is by far the most aggravating for most Guardians. The goal here is to land final blows, defeat opponents, and limit your deaths. Skilled PvP players are going to blast through this in a few rounds, while those of us who aren’t the best in PvP might struggle for a considerable time. Death means lost progress, so it’s important to keep your final blows and defeats above your deaths. If you’re not comfortable running into the middle of the map and killing five Guardians at once, hang back with a pulse rifle and focus on doing damage to targets engaged with teammates. You don’t have to kill them to get points. If you defeat (participate in the killing of an opponent, but not land the final blow) several Guardians per life, positive progress on this step is guaranteed.

Quest Step: The Damnation

  • Hive ritual stopped

The Damnation quest step tasks players with heading to Titan to stop a Hive ritual. This is a special mission that is launched from the planet. Use the map to track the blue banner, find it on Titan, and then launch the quest step. The mission involves heading into the Cargo Bay 3 lost sector. Kill the Hive Wizards in the room to lower the boss’ shield. Deal damage to the boss until the shield regenerates, then kill the Wizards again and enter another damage phase. Staying alive with the constant spawning of Hive minions is by far the most challenging part of this quest, but it’s fairly easy regardless.

Quest Step: A New Jagged Purpose

  • Drifter visited

Head on back to the Drifter to show him the helmet you found. Listen to his spiel or jump to the next step.

Quest Step: Sullied Light

  • Etched Crystals collection 0/15
  • Crucible medals earned 0/25
  • Hive Larvae collected 0/50
  • Heroic Hive rituals completed 0/3

This next step is going to be a bit time-consuming, though far less frustrating than the Temptation portion of acquiring the Last Word. Players will need to collect Etched Crystal from Lost Sector wanted escapees, earn «Best served cold» and «Blood for Blood» medals in the Crucible, defeat Hive with precision damage, and complete the Heroic version of the Witches Ritual Public Event. The «Best served cold» medal is awarded for landing the killing blow on an enemy the last killed you. The «Blood for Blood» medal is awarded for killing an enemy that just killed an ally. 

Running the Cargo Bay 3 lost sector was by far the fastest way for a buddy and I to complete the Etched Crystals and Hive Larvae portions of this quest step. Because the Hive in Cargo Bay 3 are largely made up of Acolytes, they have big heads that are easy to hit, and Hive Larvae drops on critical kills. Furthermore, we were able to run this lost sector (after finishing the Hive Larvae portion) from entry to exit in about a minute.

The Hive Rituals heroic public event is found on Titan and Mars. No way to cheese this one. Just keep an eye out for these events and head to the planet they take place on. Be fast, though, as this event can be beaten very quickly, even when turned to its heroic version. My suggest is to focus on the Hive Larvae and Etched Crystals portion, but check on Hive Ritual public events between runs. No point waiting around doing nothing if you don’t have to.

The final step requires 25 Crucible medals made up of Blood for Blood and Best Served Cold. Blood for Blood is the easier, more controllable, medal to earn. It involves killing an opponent that just killed you. To do this, stay behind teammates and focus on killing enemies that just defeated your pals. Best Served Cold is about killing the player that last killed you, which is tough to control. If Mayhem is running as a Crucible mode, head in there. Not only are people dying all over the place, but you’re able to toss up about 10 super abilities per round. I believe it took me in the range of five to seven Mayhem matches to complete this step. 

Quest Step: Sorrow’s Road

  • Drifter visted

Return to the Drifter to pick up the final leg of the quest for the Last Word.

Quest Step: The Conversation

  • Enkaar defeated

The final quest step for the Last Word is called The Conversation and requires players hunt down and kill Enkaar, the Hive weapon master. The mission to kill Enkaar is found on the Tangled Shore and is launched while in Patrol. Head to the Tangled Shore, open the map and track the blue banner called The Draw. The goal will be to kill all three Wizards and then kill Enkaar. 

There is a problem where the «Find Enkaar, the weapon master» is bugged. To stop this bug from happening, approach the three Wizards near the crystal to get their attention. Do not shoot them from a distance. If the bug happens, exit the mission and try again.

Use your Sparrow to reach the mission location and launch it via the flag. Spawn in and start killing Hive, progressing when you kill the yellow-health Ogre which will drop a Worm. Take the Worm to the door to gain access to Enkaar’s lair. Run up and get the attention of all three Wizards and then proceed to kill them. The Wizards will spread out into different areas of the cave, hunt each of them down to progress the mission. Note that you will be suppressed while in the lair and the only way to heal will be to collect the Restorative Light that drops from enemies. With all three Wizards defeated, destroy the crystal and drop down the hole.

This next area utilizes a new mechanic involving plates and a classic western stand-off. Stand on the plate to activate the «Steady…» effect, once it completes, hold the appropriate button to «Draw» the Last Word. At this point, wait for Enkaar to raise its gun and then use the Last Word to shoot the weapon out of Enkaar’s hand. This mechanic is repeated a few more times. For each successive plate, another copy of Enkaar will appear, take note of the order that the Enkaar’s appear. The one that appears first will draw their weapon first and you will need to shoot them in the correct order. After Enkaar is defeated three times, the quest will complete and you will be rewarded with The Last Word. All thlat’s left to do is check out the Destiny 2 strategy guide we have been building since the game’s initial release for more help acquiring all the game’s goodies.

Managing Editor

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

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So maybe he went back to get the last word.

I’m an adult and I wasn’t about to let her get the last word.

An argument is when two people try to get the last word in first.

You have to get the last word, too?

Don’t try to get the last word.

You get the last word on all of that.

By law you get the last word.

I am finally going to get the last word in.

Don’t worry, you’ll always get the last word.

They both seemed to want to get the last word.

At least temporarily, I get the last word.

I will let these gentlemen get the last word.

Mental illness doesn’t get the last word.

The assassins and the prosecutor get the last word.

How dare you get the last word.

In business and in life, you won’t always get the last word in.

You always wanted to be the person to get the last word.

Of course, just so long as you get the last word.

Jim, the president began this segment, so I think I get the last word, so I’m going to take it.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 35. Точных совпадений: 35. Затраченное время: 134 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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