Не работает экспорт excel



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  • I upgraded to Internet Explorer 10.  In PWA Export to Excel does not export the data.  It starts up Excel but the sheet is blank.  Worked fine with IE9.  How to fix?

All replies

  • Try opening PWA site in compatibility mode

    Hrishi Deshpande – Senior Consultant DeltaBahn

    Blog | < |

    Please click Mark As Answer; if a post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been useful to you.This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Tried this still the same.  Opens Excel with a blank sheet.  Does not display any error.  Also no events in the Windows event logs.  I also cleared the browser cache and reset IE setting back to the default and the same thing.


  • Hi,

    From which page you are trying to export the data?

    Try exporting in xls format instead of xlsx.

    Hrishi Deshpande – Senior Consultant DeltaBahn

    Blog | < |

    Please click Mark As Answer; if a post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been useful to you.This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    • Edited by

      Thursday, April 18, 2013 4:39 PM

  • I have tried it from most all the pages in PWA by clicking on Export to Excel button on the top ribbon.  There is no selection to export to xls instead of xlsx.


  • Try using F12, and selecting use in IE7/IE8/IE9 mode.

    As per TechNet, IE10 is not fully supported, so any real problems you should roll back for now.

  • Rob,

    Tried that.  Still a blank sheet in Excel.


  • Try using F12, and selecting use in IE7/IE8/IE9 mode.

    As per TechNet, IE10 is not fully supported, so any real problems you should roll back for now.

    The IE10 is now supported in the SP2 but this problem is not resolved yet.

  • Hi All,

    Use the below workaround so that clicking the export button will work similarly to how it does with previous IE versions and such. 

    1. Open the Windows registry editor (regedit32.exe) and take a backup of the registry
    2. Go the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Pathsexcel.exe
    3. Here, you’ll see a string value named “useURL”
    4. Rename this value to something else.  For example “useURLx”

    Post this change, you should be able to use the Export to Excel functionality. When you click the button, you’ll get a message from IE asking if you want to Open, Save or Save As the XLS file and you can choose Open.  You’ll then see the “normal” prompt
    within Excel about whether or not you want to open the file even though the contents don’t match the file extension.


    Cheers! Happy troubleshooting !!! Dinesh S. Rai — MSFT Enterprise Project Management

    Please click Mark As Answer; if a post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been useful to you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    • Edited by
      Dinesh S. RaiMicrosoft employee
      Wednesday, July 31, 2013 7:41 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Dinesh S. RaiMicrosoft employee
      Wednesday, July 31, 2013 7:41 AM

  • This worked for me.  thanks

    1. Open the Windows registry editor (regedit32.exe) and take a backup of the registry
    2. Go the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Pathsexcel.exe
    3. Here, you’ll see a string value named “useURL”
    4. Rename this value to something else.  For example “useURLx”

  • There is a fix in the August 2013 CU:



    Paul Mather | Twitter |
    http://pwmather.wordpress.com | CPS

    Yes, I saw but…. For the moment we are unable to apply this CU.

    Our PS actual version is SP2 and the setup od the CU does not accept this one. We try to use th option
    PACKAGE.BYPASS.DETECTION.CHECK=1 but the update was staying at 0% «Extracting file …»

  • We try to intall ubersrvprj2010-kb2817573-fullfile-x64-glb.exe on a SP2 but it does not accept » The expected version of the product was not found on the system»

  • Hello,

    Ok, I have deployed the same patch on my farm that was already patched with SharePoint and Project Server 2010 SP2. No issues. Did SP2 deploy successfully without any issues?


    Paul Mather | Twitter |
    http://pwmather.wordpress.com | CPS

  • Hope someone is still tracking this one!

    I tried the Registry edit, too, and it indeed lets «Export to Excel» work, but if I try to edit an Excel spreadsheet in a SharePoint library, like the Business Intelligence pivot table reports, MS Word tries to start up in addition to Excel,
    and the obvious «invalid file format» error is returned. Excel does open correctly, but MS Word is a distraction. Anyone know how to stop this from happening?

    We probably do need to consider the February 2015 CU in order to get the code fix!



    JAckson T. Cole, PMP, MCITP

  • I upgraded to Internet Explorer 10.  In PWA Export to Excel does not export the data.  It starts up Excel but the sheet is blank.  Worked fine with IE9.  How to fix?

    Hello All,

    I am trying to to export Data web query, but due to lower IE version (7) not able to view the page.

    Can anyone help me to update the IE version on Excel.

    Excel > Data > From Web > URL > Error as Not supported due to lower IE version 7.



Включил отображение ошибок в PHP (error_reporting(‘E_ALL’)) при загрузки /admin/easypopulate.php выводятся ошибки:

Warning: Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by (output started at /путь/admin/easypopulate.php:1) in /путь/inc/vam_setcookie.inc.php on line 21

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter — headers already sent (output started at /путь/admin/easypopulate.php:1) in /путь/admin/includes/application_top.php on line 358

После нажатия на кнопку экспортировать появляются следующие:

Warning: Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by (output started at /путь/admin/easypopulate.php:1) in /путь/inc/vam_setcookie.inc.php on line 21

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Большое спасибо за совет) Попробовал сделать по вашему совету))Забыл уточнить, что список не имеет кастомных полей.

…тест кейсы:

1-ый тест

1.1)создал новое представление для данного списка 

1.2)в представлении оставляю только поле Название

1.3) пробую выгрузить 20к элементов…..Облом

Мысль: Может из-за кол-ва элементов падает…хз

2-ой тест:

2.1)нашел «небольшое» представление в котором 15к элементов (там есть поле название и еще пару полей)

2.2) выгружаю список в эксель…РАДОСТЬ…выгрузился…проверяю кол-во элементов 12к…Печаль…в итогах представления указано то 15к элементов

Мысль: Что за фигня…неужели есть какое то пороговое значение…или ему чем то остальные элементы не приглянулись

3-ий тест:

3.1)создаю новое представление 

3.2)в параметрах представления оставляю только поле Название и ставлю условие чтобы выгружал элементы с ID>0 AND 5<ID

3.3)Делаю выгрузку в эксель…выгрузил))…только столбцы :((, а значения не захотел… о_О WTF????

Мысль:нужно проверить в чем отличие  элементов,которые выгрузились в тесте2 от тех которые не выгрузились….нету отличий.

в данном списке есть рабочий процесс…на каких то элементах он завершен,на каких то ошибка,но как показала проверка это не влияет на текущую проблему…так как из завершенных есть элементы которые (не)выгрузились…так же и для элементов
у которых статус — ошибка

Не могу понять на что еще грешить

Делайте вывод сами

Вот что пишется в свойствах нерабочей dll

c:Program Files (x86)EnergomeraAdminTools 3.11STORAGExmlexcel.dll
on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Revision 2 family x64 Server 4.0 Version 6.1 (build 7601) Service pack 1

No file version information available

Creation Date : 20/04/2016 18:41:36
Last Modif. Date : 07/07/2017 12:50:36
Last Access Date : 05/12/2018 11:55:55
FileSize : 86016 bytes ( 84.000 KB, 0.082 MB )

а вот рабочая со старой версии

c:Program Files (x86)EnergomeraAdminTools 3.11STORAGExmlexcel.dll
on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Revision 2 family x64 Server 4.0 Version 6.1 (build 7601) Service pack 1

File Version Information :

Version language : Русский (Россия)
CompanyName : ЗАО «Энергомера»
FileDescription : Библиотека экспорта в формат Excel
FileVersion : 3, 3, 4, 0
InternalName : stxmlssc
LegalCopyright : Copyright (C) 2012
OriginalFilename : stxmlssc.dll
ProductName : stxmlssc Dynamic Link Library
ProductVersion : 3, 3, 4, 0

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