Не говори ни слова don t say a word 2001

Действие остросюжетного криминального триллера «Не говори ни слова» разворачивается в Нью-Йорке во время празднования Дня Благодарения. Блестящий психиатр, настоящая медицинская легенда Нейтан Конрад, соглашается, по просьбе старого друга, осмотреть юную красавицу Элизабет Берроуз, которая содержится в муниципальной психиатрической лечебнице. Вскоре герой оказывается в гуще безумных событий: девушка связана с бандой грабителей, которые за десять лет до основных событий похитили рубин стоимостью миллионы долларов, но, из-за предательства одного из них, камень пропал. Бандиты выходят из тюрьмы и берут в плен семью врача Лиз и друга Конрада — доктора Сакса. Им нужно получить шестизначный шифр, который находится в памяти девушки…

  • Оригинальное название: Don’t Say a Word
  • Год выхода: 2001
  • Режиссер: Гэри Фледер
  • Страна: США, Австралия, Швейцария
  • Добавлено (обновлено): 22.11.2021 13:27:49
  • Качество: 720 — 1080
  • 7.1


  • Актеры: Майкл Дуглас, Бриттани Мерфи, Шон Бин, Дженнифер Эспозито, Фамке Янссен, Скай МакКоул Бартусяк, Шон Дойл, Виктор Арго, Конрад Гуд, Пол Шульц
  • Жанр: триллер, драма, детектив
  • Премьера: 29 ноября 2001

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Не говори ни слова

Original title: Don’t Say a Word

  • 2001
  • 16+
  • 1h 53m

Michael Douglas and Brittany Murphy in Не говори ни слова (2001)


When the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he’s horrified to discover that the abductors’ demand is that he break through to a post traumatic stress disorder suffering young woman who… Read allWhen the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he’s horrified to discover that the abductors’ demand is that he break through to a post traumatic stress disorder suffering young woman who knows a secret…When the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he’s horrified to discover that the abductors’ demand is that he break through to a post traumatic stress disorder suffering young woman who knows a secret…

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    Don't Say a Word

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    Good Thriller With Sustained Suspense

    Overall, I really liked this movie, which surprised me a little bit. The trailers I had seen for it had me thinking it was going to be kind of «cheesy» for lack of a better word, but this was actually very engrossing. It had an interesting story line, sustained suspense and for the most part was well acted.

    I particularly liked Brittany Murphy as Elisabeth Burrows, the psychiatric inmate whose tortured mind holds the information that Dr. Conrad (Michael Douglas) needs to get in order to save his young daughter Jessie’s (Skye McCole Bartusiak) life. Murphy seemed so «into» her character that it was almost spooky to watch her. She was extremely convincing. Douglas I thought also offered up a good performance, as did Sean Bean as Patrick, the head kidnapper. Young Miss Bartusiak was commendable but to me didn’t seem to portray the range of emotions I would expect a young child to be feeling in Jesse’s circumstances. She just seemed altogether too calm. The same could be said for Famke Janssen as Jessie’s mother Aggie Conrad. I realize the character had a broken leg and apparently couldn’t get out of bed, but again she just seemed to take the whole thing too calmly (and, when her own life was threatened she seemed able to move around well enough, broken leg or not!) As for Oliver Platt as Conrad’s colleague Dr. Sachs? I find that, depending on the movie, I either like Platt or don’t (no middle ground) and I didn’t care for him in this movie.

    Overall, though, the movie was quite good as a vehicle for Douglas. I’d rate it as a 7/10.

    • sddavis63
    • Jan 29, 2003

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    Группа воров крадет редкий драгоценный камень, но в процессе двое мужчин дважды обманывают лидера группы воров, Патрика, и сбегают с драгоценным камнем. Десять лет спустя известного психиатра Нэйтана Конрада приглашают обследовать тяжело больную молодую женщину по имени Элизабет. Тогда Патрик похищает дочь Нэйтана, вынуждая его попытаться заставить Элизабет раскрыть секретный номер, который в конечном итоге приведет Патрика к местонахождению драгоценного камня, который ускользнул от него. Но нет никаких гарантий, что после этого он останется в живых…

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    «Вы хотите того же, что они?… Я никогда не скажу… никому из вас» — вот первые слова Элизабет, обращенные к знаменитому психиатру Натану Конраду. Он принимается за лечение и узнает, что Элизабет и ее болезнь каким-то таинственным образом связаны с опасностью, грозящей ему и его семье.

    1 час 49 минут

    Год выпуска

    Премьера в России
    29 ноября 2001

    Премьера в мире
    24 сентября 2001


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Don’t Say a Word
    Dont Say a Word movie.jpg

    Theatrical release poster

    Directed by Gary Fleder
    Screenplay by Anthony Peckham
    Patrick Smith Kelly
    Based on Don’t Say a Word
    by Andrew Klavan
    Produced by Arnon Milchan
    Arnold Kopelson
    Anne Kopelson
    Starring Michael Douglas
    Sean Bean
    Brittany Murphy
    Guy Torry
    Jennifer Esposito
    Famke Janssen
    Oliver Platt
    Cinematography Amir Mokri
    Edited by Armen Minasian
    William Steinkamp
    Music by Mark Isham


    Regency Enterprises
    Village Roadshow Pictures
    NPV Entertainment
    Kopelson Entertainment
    New Regency
    Further Films
    Epsilon Motion Pictures (uncredited)

    Distributed by 20th Century Fox

    Release date

    28 September 2001

    Running time

    113 minutes
    Country United States
    Languages English
    Budget $50 million
    Box office $100 million

    Don’t Say a Word is a 2001 American psychological thriller film starring Michael Douglas, Brittany Murphy and Sean Bean based on the novel Don’t Say a Word by Andrew Klavan. It was directed by Gary Fleder and written by Anthony Peckham and Patrick Smith Kelly. It was released on September 28, 2001, receiving negative reviews from critics and grossing $100 million against its $50 million budget.


    In 1991, a gang of thieves steal a rare $10-million gem, but, in the process, two of the gang double-cross their leader, Patrick Koster, and take off with the precious stone.

    Ten years later, on the day before Thanksgiving, prominent Manhattan private practice child psychiatrist, Dr. Nathan R. Conrad, is invited by his friend and former colleague, Dr. Louis Sachs, to examine a «disturbed» young lady named Elisabeth Burrows at the state sanatorium.

    Having been released from prison two weeks earlier, Patrick and the remaining gang members break into an apartment which overlooks Nathan’s apartment, where he lives with his wife Aggie and daughter Jessie. Nathan is informed by Patrick that Elisabeth is only pretending to be insane to hide out in the institution from this gang that is searching for the gem. That evening, Patrick kidnaps Jessie as a means of forcing Nathan to acquire a six-digit number from Elisabeth’s memory. As Nathan visits Elisabeth, she is reluctant at first, but he gains her trust later – especially when he reveals the situation with Jessie. Sachs admits to Nathan that the gang who kidnapped Jessie also kidnapped his girlfriend to force him to acquire the number from Elisabeth. Sachs is then visited by Detective Sandra Cassidy, who reveals to him that his girlfriend has been found dead. Meanwhile, Aggie hears Jessie’s voice and realizes the kidnappers reside in the nearby apartment. The kidnappers send one of them to kill Aggie while the others escape with Jessie, but Aggie sets an ambush and kills him.

    After Nathan takes Elisabeth out of the sanatorium, she remembers certain events regarding the gang. It is revealed that Elisabeth’s father was the gang member who double crossed the others and kept the gem. However, other members of the gang later found him and ordered him to reveal where he had hidden the gem, subsequently pushing him in front of a subway train. The gang members were arrested immediately, and Elisabeth escaped with her doll in which the gem was hidden. She also remembers that the required number, 815508, is the number of her father’s grave at Hart Island and that her doll is placed beside him in the coffin. She explains that she had stowed away on a boat that was taking her father’s coffin for burial in Potter’s field on Hart Island, where the gravediggers put the doll, named Mischka, inside.

    Nathan and Elisabeth steal a boat to reach Hart Island. The gang members track them down and demand that Nathan give them the number they want. Elisabeth reveals the number and Patrick orders his companion to exhume her father’s coffin after releasing Jessie. He finds the doll and the gem hidden inside it. He then decides to kill Nathan and Elisabeth, but Cassidy arrives before he can shoot them. Patrick’s companion is shot by Cassidy, but Patrick manages to wound her. Taking advantage of the confusion, Nathan takes the gem from Patrick and throws it into an open mass grave. Nathan kicks Patrick into the grave, and then triggers a collapse of its sides, filling the grave with dirt and burying Patrick alive. Nathan reunites with Aggie and Jessie, thanks Cassidy, and invites Elisabeth to live with them.


    • Michael Douglas as Nathan Conrad
    • Sean Bean as Patrick Koster
    • Brittany Murphy as Elisabeth Burrows
    • Skye McCole Bartusiak as Jessie Conrad
    • Guy Torry as Dolen
    • Jennifer Esposito as Sandra Cassidy
    • Shawn Doyle as Russel Maddox
    • Victor Argo as Sydney Simon
    • Conrad Goode as Max
    • Paul Schulze as Jake
    • Lance Reddick as Arnie
    • Famke Janssen as Aggie Conrad
    • Oliver Platt as Louis Sachs


    An earlier version of the script did not feature the investigation side-plot set around Detective Sandra Cassidy. Although the film is entirely set in New York, shooting took place in winter 2000 in both New York and Toronto. Due to the film’s release nearly three weeks after the September 11 attacks, the filmmakers contemplated delaying the movie, but ultimately decided against it. However, they cut out and replaced shots of the World Trade Center from the edit, such as the opening shot, which now instead shows Brooklyn.[1]


    The film’s musical score was composed by Mark Isham. The soundtrack was released on CD from Varèse Sarabande that contains eight score selections from various scenes, including Heist, Kidnapped and the horrific events at Subway.

    Don’t Say a Word: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

    No. Title Length
    1. «Heist» 6:02
    2. «Elisabeth» 4:40
    3. «Kidnapped» 4:28
    4. «A Body» 1:37
    5. «Hart Island» 3:38
    6. «Subway» 4:06
    7. «Mishka» 3:13
    8. «A Family» 3:24
    Total length: 30:49


    Critical response[edit]

    Don’t Say a Word received poor reviews from critics. On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, 24% of 114 critics’ reviews are positive, with an average rating of 4.4/10. The website’s consensus reads: «Don’t Say a Word is slick and competently made, but the movie is routine and stretches believability with many eye rolling moments.»[2] Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned the film a score of 38 out of 100, based on 32 critics, indicating «generally unfavorable reviews».[3]

    Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film two and a half stars out of four, deeming that «the movie as a whole looks and occasionally plays better than it is» and praising Gary Fleder’s «poetic visual touch» as well as Brittany Murphy’s and Sky McCole Bartusiak’s performances.[4] Conversely, in his review for Empire, Kim Newman found the film bland and thought it «rarely manages to make you forget its blatant silliness». He did however praise the female cast, in particular Famke Janssen.[5]

    Box office[edit]

    The film earned over $100 million worldwide against a budget of $50 million.[6]


    External links[edit]

    Страна: США, Австралия, Швейцария, Канада

    Жанр: триллер, драма, детектив

    Год: 2001

    Режиссер: Гэри Фледер

    Актеры: Майкл Дуглас, Бриттани Мерфи, Шон Бин, Дженнифер Эспозито, Фамке Янссен, Скай МакКоул Бартусяк, Гай Торри, Шон Дойл, Виктор Арго, Конрад Гуд

    Слоган: «Цена молчания — жизнь!»

    Возрастное ограничение: зрителям, достигшим 16 лет

    Время: 113 мин. / 01:53

    Перевод: На русском языке

    Натан – психотерапевт, которому предстоит работать с Элизабет – девушкой, у которой множество психических расстройств. Спустя некоторое время Натан оказывает в критической ситуации. Все дело в том, что его любимую дочь похищают, после чего парень никак не может найти себе места. Однако он продолжает проводить сеансы, и наступает момент, когда парень начинает понимать, что Элизабет может серьезным образом помочь ему отыскать дочь.

    С этого момента они начинают искать вместе дочь, и через некоторое время у них получается узнать имя похитителей. Но вернуть маленькую девочку оказывается не так просто, и Натану предстоит оказаться в серьезной опасности, справиться с которой будет не так просто. Тем не мене он собирается рискнуть практически всем, что у него есть в жизни, но он просто обязан спасти дочь. Тем временем у Элизабет возникают новые трудности, справиться с которыми ей не представляется возможным. Натан старается помочь ей, но ему довольно тяжело переносить множество серьезных изменений, с которыми ему пришлось столкнуться.

    Тем временем преступники не собираются дожидаться того момента, когда за ними придет Натан, а планируют уничтожить его и Элизабет.

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