Natural disaster word problems

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Solutions Pre-Intermediate 4C

Solutions Pre 4C natural disasters

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SM5_unit 1_revision_disasters
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Natural disasters

Solutions PI Natural Disasters

Solutions Pre 4C Natural disasters

Solutions PI 4C Natural Disasters

Solutions Pre  natural disasters 4c

Solutions Pre 4C Natural disasters definitions

solutions natural disasters

Natural disasters - vocabulary extension

SM5_unit 2_disasters

SM5_unit 2_disasters
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Natural disasters

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SM5_unit1_disasters_voc 2

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Natural disasters

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SM5_unit1_disastesr_voc 3
Пропущенное слово

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Natural disasters

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Natural disasters

Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters

EO3_unit 8_the video

Natural disasters - vocabulary extension B2

natural disasters

Natural disasters - vocabulary extension B2

Natural disasters

Natural disasters

Natural disasters - Crossword  - extension

 Solutions pre-intermediate 4C  Natural disasters

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Solutions Pre-Intermediate 4C NATURAL DISASTERS

Solutions Pre-Intermediate 4C Natural Disasters

Natural disasters - flash cards with definitions

Natural disasters

Natural disasters

Natural disasters

Natural disasters

natural disasters

natural disasters
Поиск слов

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Natural Disasters - match up

Natural disasters

Natural disasters

Natural disasters

Solutions Pre-Intermediate 4C disasters

Natural disasters  weather

natural disasters.

Natural disasters

  Natural disasters

2.1 Natural disasters

Natural disasters FCE


Natural disasters

natural disasters

Natural disasters quiz

Natural disasters

Natural disasters missing word

Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters

 natural disasters gateway b2

Natural disasters

Natural Disasters Sol Pre

Solutions Pre Int 3rd Ed 4C Natural disasters

Solutions Pre 4C - Natural disasters - questions for speaking

Solutions pre-intermediate 3rd edition Unit 4C Natural Disasters 2

Mother nature has a variety of ways to cause trouble. This natural disasters word search puzzle lists a few of her tricks.

Natural Disaster Word Search

Find the natural disaster words from the list either forward or backward in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions. 

The puzzle is optimized to fit on a standard 8.5″x11″ sheet of paper.

Download links: [Wordsearch Image] [Wordsearch PDF]

If you need a little help finding one or all of the astronomy terms, a solved version of the puzzle is available.

Download links: [Solution Image] [Solution PDF]

Natural disasters worksheets

A collection of free natural disasters worksheets for ESL, science, and general English classes.

The first worksheet above is a picture and word vocabulary matching exercise with 16 natural disasters.

The answers to this handout are -1 Hailstorm, 2 Asteroids, 3 Sinkhole, 4 Flood, 5 Earthquake, 6 Forest fire, 7 Tsunami, 8 Thunderstorm, 9 Drought, 10 Tornado, 11 Hurricane, 12  Avalanche, 13 Volcanic eruption, 14 Sandstorm, 16 Snowstorm, and 17 High winds.

To help students complete the worksheet you can give them clues such as – “An asteroid is a large rock that comes from space into our sky” or “An avalanche is snow falling down a mountain”.

Many of the disasters are self-explanatory, just give assistance where you feel the class needs it.

There is also a related natural disasters conversation questions worksheet for discussion classes.

natural disasters worksheet writing

Natural disasters writing worksheet

This is the first of 3 natural disasters worksheets for writing.

In this task students are to identify and write about 3 natural disasters – floods, droughts, and wildfires or forest fires.

Students are to write the disaster’s name, what happens during the disaster, how it is caused, and how we can survive or prepare for the events.

natural disasters worksheet writing 2

Natural disasters writing 2

This worksheet is the same as the one above except that it has 3 different natural disasters – earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes.

You can use both sheets together or individually depending on how much time you have. It is also a good idea to do one in class and set the other as homework.

natural disaster writing prompt

Natural disasters writing prompt

A simple creative writing task with a picture prompt of a flood (it could also be a tsunami).

Depending on your class’s level, you might want to provide them with any vocabulary in the picture that they are not familiar with.

You can also introduce other flood vocabularies to help them such as – flow, wave, deluge, downpour, stream, torrential, float, sink, and rise.

easy natural disasters word search

Easy natural disasters word search

The next 2 natural disasters worksheets are word search puzzles.

This first one is easier because the 15 words to find have been given. The words can be found horizontally, vertically, and diagonally but noy backwards.

natural disasters word search

Hard natural disasters word search

You can use this fun puzzle worksheet if you really want to challenge your class!

The clues here are pictures which they must identify. The words can also be found in all directions and even written backwards. From left to right the pictures represent these events –

forest fire, volcanic eruption, hurricane, snowstorm, hailstorm

earthquake, flood, drought, sinkhole, sandstorm

tsunami, tornado, thunderstorm, meteors, and avalanche.

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Тема «Natural disasters»



1) Умение воспринимать, анализировать, критически оценивать и интерпретировать прочитанное

2) Умение аргументировать своё мнение и оформлять его в устных и письменных высказываниях, участвовать в  обсуждении по теме


1) Формирование способности обучающихся к саморазвитию и самообразованию

2) Развитие коммуникативных компетентностей в общении и  сотрудничестве с одноклассниками, способности уважительно относиться к чужому мнению


1) Формирование умения самостоятельно планировать пути  достижения целей,  осознанно выбирать  наиболее эффективные способы решения учебных задач

2) Развитие умения  анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы

3) Развитие умения контролировать, оценивать, корректировать собственную деятельность



What season is it now?

What are winter months?

What is the weather usually like in winter?

What is the weather like today?

What’s your favourite weather?


Tornadoes happen in different parts of the world.


Now, please, look at the presentation. (prirodniye kataklizmy)

How do you think, what is the topic of our lesson today?

So, today we are going to talk about natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, storms, drought and others.


Let’s start with revising the words. Now look through the words in your vocabularies.


R G U H O T D (drought)

A E K U Q R E H A T (earthquake)

H A V A C E L N (avalanche)

C R H R I U E N A (hurricane)

O O D F L (flood)

N T I S A M U (tsunami)

A T D O R O N (tornado)


1 drought

2 earthquake

3 avalanche

4 hurricane

5 flood

6 tsunami

7 tornado

You can use the words

strong, dangerous, terrible, horrible, to suffer from, massive, horrific, threatening, violent.

Write the word combinations down (on the blackboard).

And now let’s make up sentences with these word combinations.


OK. There were some mistakes in your sentences so let’s revise grammar.

What topic do we study? What grammar? (Infinitive and –ing form)

Now look at the slide.

1) Match the phrases to form complete sentences (Самостоятельно)

1 You should avoid

A to help the earthquake victims.

2 Our teacher suggested

B swimming with a full stomach.

3 You must always

C to solve this problem on her own.

4 She doesn’t let her children

D putting a recycling bin in the classroom.

5 Teams of doctors tried

E to photograph the animals.

6 Alex doesn’t mind

F take keys with you.

7 They don’t allow tourists

G play with matches.

8 She’d prefer

H walking to his office on cold days.

Now check yourselves

KEYS: 1B 2D 3F 4G 5A 6H 7E 8C

How many mistakes have you got?

2) And now Put the verbs into –ing form or infinitive

(Делаем все вместе)

1 Oh, no! I forgot (lock) the door!

2 There’s no point in (worry) about it!

3 George would like (visit) China one day.

4 Let me (help) you with that heavy suitcase.

5 We’re looking forward to (see) our parents.



Volcanic eruption in Italy

Nearly two thousand years ago, a volcano called Vesuvius erupted on the west coast of Italy, south of Naples. There was a loud explosion. There was dust and ash everywhere. Children ran to their parents crying. People tried to run away, taking their things with them. They tried to escape, but most of people and animals died.

Vesuvius has erupted many times. The last big eruption was in 1944. Will Vesuvius erupt again? Nobody knows. If it does, it might be a small eruption or a big one. Some people live close to Vesuvius because the soil around it is good for growing crops. But it is also very dangerous.

1 It was very noisy when Vesuvius erupted.

2 The parents were frightened.

3 People tried to find a safe place.

4 It is dangerous to live near the volcano.

5 Vesuvius erupted only once.

1+ 2- 3+ 4+ 5-

2) Read and answer the questions

You have 2 minutes to read this text

Disaster in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is very flat and part of the country is below the level of the sea. The people there have to make sure that the walls by the sea – the dykes – are very strong.

Usually, there is no problem, but in January 1995, it rained and rained for more than two weeks. The water in the canals and rivers rose higher and higher, and thousands of people had to leave their homes because of a danger of floods. They went to other towns and waited until the water level fell down again.

And now answer the questions


What disaster happened in the Netherlands in 1995?

Why did flood occur?

Why did people have to leave their homes?


1 What natural disasters do you know?

2 What problems do they bring to people?

3 What natural disasters can we have in our region?


Делают самостоятельно, затем проверяем.

1 An earthquake

a)… is a large amount of water which covers a place that is usually dry land.

2 A hurricane

b)… is a sudden shaking of the ground

3 A drought

c)… is a very violent wind or storm

4 A tornado

d)… is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed.

5 A flood

e)… is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are thrown from the crater.

6 A volcano

f) … is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

7 An avalanche

g)… is a large amount of sea water, moving towards the coast

8 A tsunami

h)… is a heavy fall of snow and ice coming down a mountain.

What are your answers

1b 2c 3f 4d 5a 6e 7h 8g


Look at your papers, find exercise and fill in the words. You have 3 minutes.

Group 1

Hit, hurricane, leave, destroyed, winds, hour

Hurricanes are very strong ______ that come from the sea. Warm wet air rises in a spiral and goes faster and faster — over 160 km an ______. In 1992, “Hurricane Andrew”_____Florida. The people there had to _____their homes and move to other towns and wait. When the______arrived, it killed 15 people and_______thousands and thousands of buildings. More than 50,000 people had nowhere to live.

Group 2

Floods, leave, rained, water, level, waited, January

In _______ 1995 in the Netherlands, it rained and ______ for more than two weeks. The ______in the canals and rivers rose higher and higher and thousands of people had to ______ their homes because of the danger of ______. They went to other towns and ______ until the ______ fell again.

Group 3

Thousands, animals, winds, Africa, rain, desert, area, water

Sometimes in _____ climates, it does not ____ for a long time. This happened between 1968 and 1974 in The Sahel, in West _____. The ____changed direction and the _____ did not receive any rain for six years. Hundreds of ____of people and nearly half of the ______ in the area died because there wasn’t enough water. People had to walk many kilometers to find ______.

Well, it’s high time to check up your task. Who wants to try?


Now listen and say what natural disaster is it?

drought — a period of time with no rain

flood —large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry

tornado —a violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast

tsunami —a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land

earthquake-a shaking of the ground

avalanche —a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain

hurricane —an extremely violent wind or storm


р78 ех2

р79 ех6

р84 ех5

р146 ех4

11 Работа с РТ

р50 ех1, 2, 3, 4, 5


What do you feel about our lesson today?

Choose the smile.

RED – I have problems, I need help

Yellow –I had some problems but I am ready to go on

Green – everything was clear and interesting


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