Nasty word of the day

Wordle #256 is not as difficult as some recent puzzles, but it could flummox you if your starting word doesn’t too reveal many green or yellow tiles. To help you whittle down the possibilities, Newsweek has prepared a short guide.

There are many viable strategies for solving the daily Wordle brainteaser. For instance, you might prioritize finding all the vowels in your initial guess, or you could focus on using up as much of the alphabet as possible (a tactic that is favored by the game’s developer, Josh Wardle).

None of these approaches is inherently wrong, but their effectiveness depends on a number of factors. If the word of the day includes a lot of repeating characters (as it did on February 25) then Wardle’s strategy isn’t going to serve you very well. Similarly, some answers contain only a single vowel, which can make starting words such as «adieu» next to useless.

If you’re having trouble with the puzzle on March 2, there is no shame in looking for a bit of help. Before we get to our hints and tips though, it is worth reflecting on Wordle’s extraordinary journey. When the unassuming guessing game launched in October 2021, it had just 90 active players but is now attracting over 1 million users every day.

Wordle has become so successful that it has not only inspired a craze for similar puzzles, but has also been acquired by The New York Times Company for a low seven-figure sum. This astronomic growth is depicted in the below chart from Statista.

Wordle Use Stats

‘Wordle’ #256 Clues for March 2

The final answer to Wordle #256 will be published at the end of this article. However, if you just want a gentle nudge in the right direction, here are a few clues.

  • Hint #1: Wordle #256 has either one or two vowels in it (depending on whether you count the letter «Y»).
  • Hint #2: A good starting word is «haste,» which will reveal a total of three green tiles.
  • Hint #3: The word of the day is synonymous with «unpleasant,» «horrible,» «awful,» «obscene,» «disagreeable» and «vile.»
  • Hint #4: The word for March 2 is also an anagram of «antsy.»
  • Hint #5: Merriam-Webster defines Wordle #256 as «disgustingly filthy» or «physically repugnant.»

‘Wordle’ #256 Answer for March 2

The answer to Wordle #256 is «nasty.»

Wordle refreshes every 24 hours at 7 p.m. ET. While you wait for the new puzzle to become available, you might want to tide yourself over with the math-themed Nerdle or an alternative word game.

Wordle #256 Answer for March 2
Image shows the answer to «Wordle» #256 on March 2. The word of the day is «nasty.»
The New York Times Company

Yesterday Jet pointed out that there is a nasty side to GEMEEN (common). When my computer bleeped to alert me to Jet’s comment, I was just reading a blog by my old friend the biologist Arno. He usually discusses wildlife and the not so wild life in and around his house. Nature is his business. Besides being a great photographer, he tells stories that are for education and enjoyment (ter lering en vermaak). 


In his latest posting Arno tells the story of two mice looking for shelter when the GEMEENTE (municipality) Zoetermeer decided to clean up the little park in front of his house. The two wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) fell into the paws of the two cats (Felis catus) that shared their luxury lives with the two senior humans (Homo sapiens tiletarnonensis) of the suburban house in Zoetermeer (Sweet Lake City)

Later I’ll you more about the fate of these homeless little mice. For now, I’ll focus on the word GEMEEN (mean or nasty). Many people will call the actions of the two cats GEMEEN and vicious but those who are biologists or merely enlightened ones will abstain from these rash judgments saying: ‘No, it won’t do to call cats mean and vicious; their actions are the result of natural instinct’.

True, of course, as my favourite philosopher Baruch Spinoza, pointed out over three centuries ago: nature is the equivalent of what some call god (Deus sive Natura” -> God or Nature) and therefore there is no good or evil in nature. Only humans with their passionately rational properties can discern these values. Cats and all other beasties are morally as indifferent as the tree or the volcano or the ocean. No cruelty there! It’s all in the mind of human beholders.

Back to GEMEEN (mean). In yesterday’s posting I discussed GEMENEBEST which means commonwealth. According to my favourite etymologist Nicoline van der Sijs in her chronological dictionary GEMEEN – in the sense of ‘common’ or ‘communal’ – first appeared in Dutch writing in the tenth century.

Anyway, as you can see, GEMEEN and ‘mean’ are close relatives.They go back to early Germanic times when the word ‘meen’ or ‘mene’ must have meant something like ‘common possession’ or ‘possessed jointly’ (according to the Oxford English Dictionary, my favourite dictio… I know… right).

The Latin word ‘commūnis’ (which entered the English language as ‘common’) has a similar meaning: ‘com’ (together) and ‘mūnis’ (bound). ‘Het gemene volk’ meant and still means ‘the common people’. GEMEEN in this sense has found its place in all kinds of words (algemeen, in het gemeen -> in general, gemeenschappelijk -> communal, gemeente -> municipality, gemenebest -> commonwealth etc.).

In time English ‘mean’, Dutch GEMEEN and German ‘gemein’ acquired the general senses of ‘ordinary’ and later ‘not exceptionally good’ or even ‘inferior’. In the eighteenth century the Dutch word GEMEEN assumed negative meanings like: nasty, mean, vicious, malicious, low and vile. ‘Een gemene streek’ is ‘a mean or dirty trick’. ‘Gemeen spel’ is ‘foul play’.

And ‘een gemene kat’ is a vicious cat… Oh no, there is no such thing as a vicious animal.
So back to Arno’s wonderful ‘cat and mouse story’. Here it is in an abridged version. You’ll find my English translation underneath.

gemeen 2

‘Een van de muizen is direct opgegeten, maar de andere ontsnapte en vestigde zich in de keuken onder het aanrecht. Daar hoorden wij hem een paar weken scharrelen. De katten bleven er ‘s nachts voor op en posteerden zich bij de afwasmachine. Zo’n twee weken was er een patstelling. De muis liet zich niet vangen. Tot gisteren. Plotseling was er veel kabaal. De siamees liep met een muis door het huis, liet hem los en begon het wrede spel dat steevast eindigt met een kleine maaltijd. Muizen verdedigen zich tegen katten. Deze probeerde de kat in de lippen en de neus te bijten. En sprong daar zelfs naartoe. Voor deze muis liep het goed af. Ik ving hem met een vangnet en liet hem verderop in het plantsoen los. En nu maar hopen, dat hij niet terugloopt naar ons huis waar ie al aardig gewend was.

(One of the mice was eaten straight away, but the other one escaped and took up its abode in the kitchen below the sink. There we heard it rummaging around for several weeks. At night the cats stayed up and posted there near the dishwasher. For a couple of weeks the situation was stalemated. The mouse did not allow itself to be caught. Until yesterday. Suddenly there was a lot of noise. The Siamese walked through the house with a mouse, let it loose and began the cruel game which will invariably end in a snack. Mice defend themselves against cats. This one tried to bite the cat in its lips. And it even jumped up to them. For this mouse the story ended well. I caught it with a net and let it loose down in the little park. And we are now hoping that it will not go back to our house where it had settled down quite nicely.)

Cat and Mouse story and photo: Arno van Berge Henegouwen © 2014)
Translation: Ruud Hisgen

Be Nasty Day is celebrated every year on March 8. A fun, light-hearted holiday, this day isn’t meant to be taken seriously at all. Be Nasty Day is a great tongue-in-cheek way to celebrate being a little less polite. 

Sometimes, society takes the idea of politeness too far. Terrible people like to take advantage of the social expectation for politeness and use it for their own means. So if you’re the kind of person who is too polite, use this day as an excuse to break away and say “no” when you want to.

History of Be Nasty Day

Be Nasty Day is one of the lesser-known holidays. A day set aside to be nasty, this is meant to be a lighthearted way to observe the darker side of human nature. Being nice all the time is great, but occasionally it can get a bit boring. 

At times we have to be nasty, so we can maintain our boundaries with people, no matter where or who they are. From family, friends, and even workplaces, sometimes people don’t get the hint. Moreover, being nice seems to encourage people to argue, even if you’re saying no to something. A lot of people think that saying no politely is an invitation for them to convince you otherwise. In these cases, it’s not only important but necessary to be nasty so that you won’t be harassed.

The word ‘nasty’ has also taken a completely different connotation since Hillary Clinton was called that by her political opponent. Ever since, the word has become a feminist rallying cry, with women all over the world encouraged to be nasty to hold on to their rights and fight for what they believe in. 

The Nasty Woman has become part of memes, art and performing arts, books and magazines, and other popular culture. The Nasty woman Project took off, becoming an important part of the feminist movement, and working towards achieving gender equality. As the movement states, sometimes being nasty is what it takes to do what you need to do, and stand up for what you believe in, because there’s no other way to make people listen. 

Be Nasty Day timeline


Janet Jackson Releases ‘Nasty’

The song is later referenced in the Nasty Woman movements and is about self-defense, and developing an attitude to protect yourself from abuse.


Britney Spears Covers ‘Nasty’

As part of her “…Baby One More Time” Tour, Britney Spears covers a medley of Janet Jackson songs, including the hit ‘Nasty.’


Hillary Clinton is Called a ‘Nasty Woman’

Clinton’s political opponent calls her a nasty woman for wanting to tax people, and the phrase is immediately claimed by women.


Nasty Woman Movement Raises Funds

The movement that began in 2016 grows and raises funds for a number of feminist causes including Planned Parenthood.

What is a nasty person?

Someone who is unpleasant or unkind is called nasty. 

What is a nice nasty person?

A nice nasty person is someone with the ability to look perfectly pleasant while being rude to the people around them. 

How do you deal with a nasty person?

Draw your boundaries clearly, and make sure the person knows and experiences consequences for their actions. 

Be Nasty Day Activities

  1. Be rude to people who’re rude

    Be Nasty Day is a great way to give people a dose of their own medicine. If you know someone who’s habitually nasty, be nasty back.

  2. Be nasty on your own behalf

    Take this opportunity to stick up for yourself against people who’re running off their mouths, and relying on you being too polite to stick up for yourself. Be nasty to them, and be on your own side.

  3. Help out the Nasty Woman Movement

    Stick it to the man and work for gender equality by pitching in with the fundraising and organizing efforts of the Nasty Woman Movement.

5 Facts About Be Nasty Day That Will Surprise You

  1. It’s celebrated with International Women’s Day

    With how many women have been called nasty, women are taking the word back, starting with celebrating Be Nasty Day on International Women’s Day.

  2. Nasty means something different now

    Since 2016, women have redefined nasty to mean intelligent, outspoken, and strong, and wear the description of nastiness with pride.

  3. People are nasty because they’re insecure

    Often, when people are being mean, it’s because of their own insecurities, so the simplest thing to do is to ignore them.

  4. There’s a book on Nasty Women

    “Nasty Women Project: Voices From The Resistance” is a book with stories from the most prominent voices in the Nasty Woman Movement.

  5. There’s a lot of cool merchandise

    From t-shirts, wines, lipgloss, to card games, a lot of products were designed related to the Nasty Woman Movement, which is very popular with women across the country.

Why We Love Be Nasty Day

  1. We want to stick up for ourselves

    Sometimes, we have to be nasty to other people to be nice to ourselves. We can’t do this every day, so a day to celebrate being nasty is perfect.

  2. We recognize that people are human

    No one can be nice all the time. Sometimes life just gets us down, and we lash out by being nasty, and this day is an ideal opportunity to acknowledge our humanity.

  3. We want to wear fun t-shirts

    The Nasty Woman Movement has some cool merchandising that we love to wear. We want to support the feminist movement for gender equality.

Be Nasty Day dates

Year Date Day
2024 March 8 Friday
2025 March 8 Saturday
2026 March 8 Sunday
2027 March 8 Monday
2028 March 8 Wednesday


: mean, tawdry

living a cheap and nasty lifeG. B. Shaw



: causing severe pain or suffering



: difficult to understand or deal with


: psychologically unsettling : trying

a nasty fear that she was lost


Choose the Right Synonym for nasty

filthy carries a strong suggestion of offensiveness and typically of gradually accumulated dirt that begrimes and besmears.

a stained greasy floor, utterly filthy

foul implies extreme offensiveness and an accumulation of what is rotten or stinking.

a foul-smelling open sewer

nasty applies to what is actually foul or is repugnant to one expecting freshness, cleanliness, or sweetness.

it’s a nasty job to clean up after a sick cat

In practice, nasty is often weakened to the point of being no more than a synonym of unpleasant or disagreeable.

his answer gave her a nasty shock

squalid adds to the idea of dirtiness and filth that of slovenly neglect.

All these terms are also applicable to moral uncleanness or baseness or obscenity.

dirty then stresses meanness or despicableness

don’t ask me to do your dirty work

, while filthy and foul describe disgusting obscenity or loathsome behavior

a foul story of lust and greed

, and nasty implies a peculiarly offensive unpleasantness.

a stand-up comedian known for nasty humor

Distinctively, squalid implies sordidness as well as baseness and dirtiness.

engaged in a series of squalid affairs

Example Sentences

She has a nasty habit of biting her fingernails.

The medicine left a nasty taste in my mouth.

That nasty old man yelled at me just for stepping on his lawn!

He sent a nasty letter to the company.

She’s got quite a nasty temper.

He said lots of downright nasty things about her.

She called him a few nasty names and left.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

The tires, beefy B.F. Goodrich All-Terrain rubber, worked beautifully on both dirt and pavement, displaying no nasty quirks and being next to silent at all times.

Pete Lyons, Car and Driver, 26 Mar. 2023

This was a supercell, the nasty type of storm that brews the deadliest tornado and most damaging hail in the United States, said University of Northern Illinois University meteorology professor Walker Ashley.

Chicago Tribune, 25 Mar. 2023

This was a supercell, the nasty type of storm that brews the deadliest tornado and most damaging hail in the United States, said University of Northern Illinois University meteorology professor Walker Ashley.

Emily Wagster Pettus, Fortune, 25 Mar. 2023

When politics can sometimes feel dominated by the nasty TV ads, the angry tweets or the hot takes, keep in mind that at its best, politics can be about the empathetic, the curious, the human beings who want to see a better country.

Chuck Todd, NBC News, 24 Mar. 2023

But a few rules of thumb can stave off some nasty surprises.

Joe Rennison, New York Times, 24 Mar. 2023

The whole, nasty cocktail, destructive of soul, mind, and body.

Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 24 Mar. 2023

This year, he’s turned himself into one of the best two-way baseball players in the state, developing a nasty cutter to get batters out.

Richard Obert, The Arizona Republic, 24 Mar. 2023

What started as TikTok users analyzing posts from the two women in search of potential shade or wrong-doing has quickly spiraled into as nasty cesspool of hate and manufactured competition.

Larisha Paul, Rolling Stone, 24 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘nasty.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of nasty was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near nasty

Cite this Entry

“Nasty.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on nasty

Last Updated:
27 Mar 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

противный, неприятный, грязный, скверный, гадкий, мерзкий, отвратительный, злобный


- отвратительный, тошнотворный; противный, мерзкий

nasty smell — отвратительный запах, зловоние
nasty taste — противный вкус
nasty sight — ужасное /омерзительное/ зрелище
to leave a nasty taste in the mouth — образн. оставить неприятный осадок (о событии, разговоре и т. п.)

- грязный, непристойный

nasty words /language/ — сквернословие
nasty stories — непристойные анекдоты
he has a nasty mind — у него всегда грязные мысли

- неприятный, скверный; трудный

nasty weather — неприятная погода
nasty habit — гнусная привычка
nasty problem — трудноразрешимая проблема, загвоздка
nasty traffic jam — досадная задержка движения, пробка
that’s a nasty corner for a big car — здесь большому автомобилю не развернуться
we had a nasty climb to reach the summit — пока мы добрались до вершины, нам пришлось попотеть

- вызывающий потрясение, шок

she was forced with a nasty fear that she was lost — при мысли, что она могла заблудиться, ею овладел панический страх
the hotel bill was a nasty shock — счёт за проживание в гостинице потряс нас

- злобный; недоброжелательный; раздражённый

nasty temper — раздражительность, тяжёлый характер
nasty trick — злостная выходка; подвох; гадость
nasty remark — ядовитое замечание
nasty dog — злая собака
to be in a nasty mood — быть в раздражении, злиться
he was nasty to me — он говорил со мной неприятным тоном /недоброжелательно, раздражённо/

- угрожающий, опасный

nasty look — угрожающий взгляд
to turn nasty — взять угрожающий тон, перейти к угрозам
things look nasty for me — дело принимает для меня дурной /угрожающий, опасный/ оборот

- разг. неприятный, неудачный

nasty illness — неприятная /тяжёлая/ болезнь
nasty sea — бурное море
nasty cut — неприятный /глубокий/ порез
he had a nasty fall — он упал и расшибся
a nasty place to cross a main road — неудачное /неподходящее/ место для перехода магистрали

Мои примеры


a nasty pigsty of a room — не комната, а мерзкий свинарник  
the detestable actions of a nasty little man — мерзкие делишки гадкого коротышки  
he had a nasty chafe on his knee — на колене у него была серьёзная ссадина  
bad / nasty fall — неудачное падение  
nasty fright — неприятный испуг  
nasty / vicious insult — грязное оскорбление  
dirty / nasty / vicious look — масляный взгляд  
a man with a nasty mind — человек с грязными мыслями  
nasty story — непристойный анекдот  
nasty little house — скверный маленький домишко  
nasty wound — неприятная рана  
things are bad / nasty — нехорошо  

Примеры с переводом

What’s that nasty smell?

Чем это так воняет? / Что это за противный запах?

He is nasty to everyone.

Он со всеми ведёт себя, как свинья.

This milk must be bad, it’s giving off a nasty smell.

Это молоко прокисло, оно отвратительно пахнет.

She has a nasty habit of biting her fingernails.

У неё есть скверная привычка грызть ногти.

She screwed up her face at the nasty smell.

Она поморщилась от неприятного запаха.

Nasty medicine is difficult to swallow down.

Очень трудно принимать противные на вкус лекарства.

Caroline’s too classy to say anything nasty like that.

Кэролайн слишком утончённая натура, чтобы говорить такие ужасные вещи.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

You’re a nasty little brute!

Harry was a nasty foul-mouthed old devil.

The weather turned nasty towards the evening.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dynasty  — династия
nastily  — мерзко, гадко
epinasty  — эпинастия, искривление побега, эпинастия

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): nastier
прев. степ. (superlative): nastiest

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