My word will last forever

I know you wrote nothing’ll last forever
I hold you close we can walk together
I know you go from valley to the river
I know you know
my love will last forever, yeah

I know you came like diamonds on the water
I know your name, barely I remember
I know we owe our lives to each other
I know you know that my love will last forever, yeah
my love will last forever, yeah
my love will last forever, yeah

Children awake to conquer the day and give it an honest start
Children awake to conquer the day and give it an honest start

Why don’t we start
Why don’t we start
Why don’t we start
Why don’t we start

I know you know nothing’ll last forever
but I love you so we oughta be together, yeah
my love will last forever, yeah
my love will last forever, yeah
my love will last forever, yeah
my love will last forever, yeah
my love will last forever, yeah….

Я знаю, что ты написал ничего не навсегда
Я держу вас близко, мы можем ходить вместе
Я знаю, что ты уходишь из долины в реку
я знаю, ты знаешь
моя любовь будет длиться вечно, да

Я знаю, что вы пришли, как алмазы на воде
Я знаю твое имя, едва помню
Я знаю, что мы обязаны нашей жизнью друг другу
Я знаю, что ты знаешь, что моя любовь будет длиться вечно, да
моя любовь будет длиться вечно, да
моя любовь будет длиться вечно, да

Дети бодрствуют, чтобы покорить этот день и честно начать
Дети бодрствуют, чтобы покорить этот день и честно начать

Почему бы нам не начать
Почему бы нам не начать
Почему бы нам не начать
Почему бы нам не начать

Я знаю, что ты знаешь, что ничего не будет вечно
но я люблю тебя, поэтому мы должны быть вместе, да
моя любовь будет длиться вечно, да
моя любовь будет длиться вечно, да
моя любовь будет длиться вечно, да
моя любовь будет длиться вечно, да
моя любовь будет длиться вечно, да ….

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

His words will forever stay with me.

Your words will forever stick with me

The writer’s words will forever remain in people’s memory: «I wrote a story, tried to open it to my people, so that it would go under the banner of justice into the future».

На могиле Есенберлина начертано: «Я написал историю, постарался открыть это своему народу, чтобы он шел под знаменем справедливости в будущее».

Другие результаты

This word will remain forever in the social space and, unfortunately, will be associated only with something tragic.

Это слово навсегда останется в общественном пространстве, и, к сожалению, будет ассоциироваться только с чем-то трагическим.

Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever.

Though he is no more, his words will live forever.

But his words will remain forever in the hearts of the millions who admire him.

It’s two words that will forever change your life.

And He knows that His word will last forever (see vs. 31).

А он знает, что говорит (см. выше).

Those words will now forever be owned by Nike.

Those words will torment them forever.

His word will stand fast forever as unalterable as His throne.

This so-called «c» word will follow me forever.

She left behind only two novels and a handful of articles, but the impact of her words will live on forever.

Она оставила после себя только два романа и несколько статей, но влияние ее слов будет жить вечно.

A few of the «Mythmakers» are no longer with us but their words will live on forever.

Her words will live with us forever.

It seems to me that these great words will be relevant forever because really the curiosity of the scientist should be so great that it could even go beyond what is allowed.

Мне кажется, эти великие слова будут актуальны вечно, ведь действительно любопытство учёного должно быть настолько велико, что даже могло бы и выходить за рамки позволенного.

These four words will now and forever be linked to you my dear friend.

Will words be forever lost in translation?

Then I heard words I will remember forever

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 4450. Точных совпадений: 3. Затраченное время: 441 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


Your word, O Lord, will last forever; it is eternal in heaven.


Your faithfulness endures through all the ages; you have set the earth in place, and it remains.


All things remain to this day because of your command, because they are all your servants.


If your law had not been the source of my joy, I would have died from my sufferings.


I will never neglect your instructions, because by them you have kept me alive.


I am yours — save me! I have tried to obey your commands.


The wicked are waiting to kill me, but I will meditate on your laws.


I have learned that everything has limits; but your commandment is perfect.


How I love your law! I think about it all day long.


Your commandment is with me all the time and makes me wiser than my enemies.


I understand more than all my teachers, because I meditate on your instructions.


I have greater wisdom than those who are old, because I obey your commands.


I have avoided all evil conduct, because I want to obey your word.


I have not neglected your instructions, because you yourself are my teacher.


How sweet is the taste of your instructions — sweeter even than honey!


I gain wisdom from your laws, and so I hate all bad conduct.


Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.


I will keep my solemn promise to obey your just instructions.


My sufferings, Lord, are terrible indeed; keep me alive, as you have promised.


Accept my prayer of thanks, O Lord, and teach me your commands.


I am always ready to risk my life; I have not forgotten your law.


The wicked lay a trap for me, but I have not disobeyed your commands.


Your commandments are my eternal possession; they are the joy of my heart.


I have decided to obey your laws until the day I die.


I hate those who are not completely loyal to you, but I love your law.


You are my defender and protector; I put my hope in your promise.


Go away from me, you sinful people. I will obey the commands of my God.


Give me strength, as you promised, and I shall live; don’t let me be disappointed in my hope!


Hold me, and I will be safe, and I will always pay attention to your commands.


You reject everyone who disobeys your laws; their deceitful schemes are useless.


You treat all the wicked like rubbish, and so I love your instructions.


Because of you I am afraid; I am filled with fear because of your judgments.


I have done what is right and good; don’t abandon me to my enemies!


Promise that you will help your servant; don’t let the arrogant oppress me!


My eyes are tired from watching for your saving help, for the deliverance you promised.


Treat me according to your constant love, and teach me your commands.


I am your servant; give me understanding, so that I may know your teachings.


Lord, it is time for you to act, because people are disobeying your law.


I love your commands more than gold, more than the finest gold.


And so I follow all your instructions; I hate all wrong ways.


Your teachings are wonderful; I obey them with all my heart.


The explanation of your teachings gives light and brings wisdom to the ignorant.


In my desire for your commands I pant with open mouth.


Turn to me and have mercy on me as you do on all those who love you.


As you have promised, keep me from falling; don’t let me be overcome by evil.


Save me from those who oppress me, so that I may obey your commands.


Bless me with your presence and teach me your laws.


My tears pour down like a river, because people do not obey your law.


You are righteous, Lord, and your laws are just.


The rules that you have given are completely fair and right.


My anger burns in me like a fire, because my enemies disregard your commands.


How certain your promise is! How I love it!


I am unimportant and despised, but I do not neglect your teachings.


Your righteousness will last forever, and your law is always true.


I am filled with trouble and anxiety, but your commandments bring me joy.


Your instructions are always just; give me understanding, and I shall live.


With all my heart I call to you; answer me, Lord, and I will obey your commands!


I call to you; save me, and I will keep your laws.


Before sunrise I call to you for help; I place my hope in your promise.


All night long I lie awake, to meditate on your instructions.


Because your love is constant, hear me, O Lord; show your mercy, and preserve my life!


My cruel persecutors are coming closer, people who never keep your law.


But you are near to me, Lord, and all your commands are permanent.


Long ago I learned about your instructions; you made them to last forever.


Look at my suffering, and save me, because I have not neglected your law.


Defend my cause, and set me free; save me, as you have promised.


The wicked will not be saved, for they do not obey your laws.


But your compassion, Lord, is great; show your mercy and save me!


I have many enemies and oppressors, but I do not fail to obey your laws.


When I look at those traitors, I am filled with disgust, because they do not keep your commands.


See how I love your instructions, Lord. Your love never changes, so save me!


The heart of your law is truth, and all your righteous judgments are eternal.


Powerful people attack me unjustly, but I respect your law.


How happy I am because of your promises — as happy as someone who finds rich treasure.


I hate and detest all lies, but I love your law.


Seven times each day I thank you for your righteous judgments.


Those who love your law have perfect security, and there is nothing that can make them fall.


I wait for you to save me, Lord, and I do what you command.


I obey your teachings; I love them with all my heart.


I obey your commands and your instructions; you see everything I do.


Let my cry for help reach you, Lord! Give me understanding, as you have promised.


Listen to my prayer, and save me according to your promise!


I will always praise you, because you teach me your laws.


I will sing about your law, because your commands are just.


Always be ready to help me, because I follow your commands.


How I long for your saving help, O Lord! I find happiness in your law.


Give me life, so that I may praise you; may your instructions help me.


I wander about like a lost sheep; so come and look for me, your servant, because I have not neglected your laws.


They have almost succeeded in killing me, but I have not neglected your commands.


Because of your constant love be good to me, so that I may obey your laws.


Your word, O Lord, will last forever; it is eternal in heaven.


Your faithfulness endures through all the ages; you have set the earth in place, and it remains.


All things remain to this day because of your command, because they are all your servants.


If your law had not been the source of my joy, I would have died from my sufferings.


I will never neglect your instructions, because by them you have kept me alive.


I am yours — save me! I have tried to obey your commands.


The wicked are waiting to kill me, but I will meditate on your laws.


I have learned that everything has limits; but your commandment is perfect.


How I love your law! I think about it all day long.


Your commandment is with me all the time and makes me wiser than my enemies.


I understand more than all my teachers, because I meditate on your instructions.


I have greater wisdom than those who are old, because I obey your commands.


I have avoided all evil conduct, because I want to obey your word.


I have not neglected your instructions, because you yourself are my teacher.


How sweet is the taste of your instructions — sweeter even than honey!


I gain wisdom from your laws, and so I hate all bad conduct.


Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.


I will keep my solemn promise to obey your just instructions.


My sufferings, Lord, are terrible indeed; keep me alive, as you have promised.


Accept my prayer of thanks, O Lord, and teach me your commands.


I am always ready to risk my life; I have not forgotten your law.


The wicked lay a trap for me, but I have not disobeyed your commands.


Your commandments are my eternal possession; they are the joy of my heart.


I have decided to obey your laws until the day I die.


I hate those who are not completely loyal to you, but I love your law.


You are my defender and protector; I put my hope in your promise.


Go away from me, you sinful people. I will obey the commands of my God.


Give me strength, as you promised, and I shall live; don’t let me be disappointed in my hope!


Hold me, and I will be safe, and I will always pay attention to your commands.


You reject everyone who disobeys your laws; their deceitful schemes are useless.


You treat all the wicked like rubbish, and so I love your instructions.


Because of you I am afraid; I am filled with fear because of your judgments.


I have done what is right and good; don’t abandon me to my enemies!


Promise that you will help your servant; don’t let the arrogant oppress me!


My eyes are tired from watching for your saving help, for the deliverance you promised.


Treat me according to your constant love, and teach me your commands.


I am your servant; give me understanding, so that I may know your teachings.


Lord, it is time for you to act, because people are disobeying your law.


I love your commands more than gold, more than the finest gold.


And so I follow all your instructions; I hate all wrong ways.


Your teachings are wonderful; I obey them with all my heart.


The explanation of your teachings gives light and brings wisdom to the ignorant.


In my desire for your commands I pant with open mouth.


Turn to me and have mercy on me as you do on all those who love you.


As you have promised, keep me from falling; don’t let me be overcome by evil.


Save me from those who oppress me, so that I may obey your commands.


Bless me with your presence and teach me your laws.


My tears pour down like a river, because people do not obey your law.


You are righteous, Lord, and your laws are just.


The rules that you have given are completely fair and right.


My anger burns in me like a fire, because my enemies disregard your commands.


How certain your promise is! How I love it!


I am unimportant and despised, but I do not neglect your teachings.


Your righteousness will last forever, and your law is always true.


I am filled with trouble and anxiety, but your commandments bring me joy.


Your instructions are always just; give me understanding, and I shall live.


With all my heart I call to you; answer me, Lord, and I will obey your commands!


I call to you; save me, and I will keep your laws.


Before sunrise I call to you for help; I place my hope in your promise.


All night long I lie awake, to meditate on your instructions.


Because your love is constant, hear me, O Lord; show your mercy, and preserve my life!


My cruel persecutors are coming closer, people who never keep your law.


But you are near to me, Lord, and all your commands are permanent.


Long ago I learned about your instructions; you made them to last forever.


Look at my suffering, and save me, because I have not neglected your law.


Defend my cause, and set me free; save me, as you have promised.


The wicked will not be saved, for they do not obey your laws.


But your compassion, Lord, is great; show your mercy and save me!


I have many enemies and oppressors, but I do not fail to obey your laws.


When I look at those traitors, I am filled with disgust, because they do not keep your commands.


See how I love your instructions, Lord. Your love never changes, so save me!


The heart of your law is truth, and all your righteous judgments are eternal.


Powerful people attack me unjustly, but I respect your law.


How happy I am because of your promises — as happy as someone who finds rich treasure.


I hate and detest all lies, but I love your law.


Seven times each day I thank you for your righteous judgments.


Those who love your law have perfect security, and there is nothing that can make them fall.


I wait for you to save me, Lord, and I do what you command.


I obey your teachings; I love them with all my heart.


I obey your commands and your instructions; you see everything I do.


Let my cry for help reach you, Lord! Give me understanding, as you have promised.


Listen to my prayer, and save me according to your promise!


I will always praise you, because you teach me your laws.


I will sing about your law, because your commands are just.


Always be ready to help me, because I follow your commands.


How I long for your saving help, O Lord! I find happiness in your law.


Give me life, so that I may praise you; may your instructions help me.


I wander about like a lost sheep; so come and look for me, your servant, because I have not neglected your laws.

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По словам Тео, последними словами художника


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Ты думаешь, что все это вечно: люди, машины и асфальт.

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Неужели кредиторы думают, что эта несправедливая ситуация может длиться вечно?


Jewelry for the foot, this piece will last forever and remind you of your special day for years to come.

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Ювелирные изделия для стопы, этот кусок будет длиться вечно и напомнить вам о вашей особый день на долгие годы.

If things here and elsewhere go as we hope,

the testing moratorium the United States adopted in 1992 will last forever.


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Если здесь и в других местах дела пойдут так, как

мы рассчитываем, то мораторий на испытания, введенный Соединенными Штатами в 1992 году, продлится вечно.


Oh, I am, however, going to commission a portrait to be done of

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О, и в любом случае, я собираюсь договориться, что портрет Чета

Above all, it teaches the United Nations that without human rights,


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Помимо всего прочего, она учит Организацию Объединенных Наций тому, что без прав человека ни мир,


Roughly speaking,»100-year storms» tend to occur every twenty years in the stock market as traders

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Грубо говоря, столетние штормы имеют тенденцию случаться каждые 20 лет на бирже, поскольку трейдеры

Daughter, I


find eyes for you that will last forever, as beautiful as the sky and which


never die.

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Доченька, я найду для тебя глаза, и они навечно будут твоими, такими же красивыми, как небо и которые всегда


полны жизни.

This new state will last forever, because the intercession of Jesus


save us from the wrath

of God on the Day of Judgment!

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Этот состояние продолжается вечно, потому что ходатайство Иисуса спасает нас от Божьего

гнева в судный день!

Roses are red, violets are blue, if you get this pretty petal bead, lucky you, Pretty petal and leaves garnish this sterling silver Pandora petal Leaf bead and

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Розы красные, фиалки синие, если вы получаете это довольно лепесток шарик, тебе повезло, милая лепесток и оставляет гарнир эту стерлингового серебра Пандоры лепесток лист шарик и сделать

The old man didn’t see that spring but people, who did, were immersing in the soft pink cloud and coming to the belief

that there is no death, and spring will last forever, and life is wonderful,

and happiness


arrive, and all their dreams


come true.


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Старик не увидел той весны, но люди погружались в нежно-розовое облако и верили, что смерти нет,

что весна будет вечно, а жизнь- удивительна и прекрасна, и что счастье придет, и все мечты сбудутся.




take acting lessons so I can stand before the judge like a sad little puppy and tell

him I’m fighting to make this work, that way our marriage will last forever.

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Я возьму актерские уроки чтобы я могла стоять перед судьей как грустный маленький щенок и говорить ему,

что я борюсь чтобы это получилось и чтобы наш брак длился вечно.

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Медовый месяц со своей половинкой навсегда!


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Или ты считаешь, что капитализм будет существовать вечно?

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Но к счастью, воспоминание не увянет никогда.

Результатов: 138,
Время: 0.0273





  1. Main page

  2. Artists

  3. We Came As Romans

  4. Let These Words Last Forever

  5. Let These Words Last Forever

Let These Words Last Forever

  • lyrics and translation
  • video

Lyrics «We Came As Romans — Let These Words Last Forever»

Let this love
Carry on, carry on
When we turn the dust
Let these words last forever
Make this life
(About something bigger than all of us)
All of us
Let this love
Let this love carry on

I will not
Hord the same of my mistakes
Like a newborn child
Pressed again my chest
They will not hold me down
Tighter than the straps
Waiting for a needle to put my heart to rest
I am who I, I am because of the things i’ve done (The tings i’ve done)
I’m not proud of them all but i’m ashame of none
I’ve lived for love in hopes that it never dies

I’ve lived for love
In hopes that it never dies
I’ve lived for love

I’d rather have my words remembered and not my name
I’d rather have this message remembered and not my face

Let this love carry on
Let this love
Carry on, carry on
When we turn the dust
Let these words last forever
Make this life
(About something bigger than all of us)
All of us
Let this love
Let this love carry on

We are who we are because of the choices we make
We are who we are because of the choices we make
Would you destroy this life x2
I will have this love carry on until the end of y days

Let this love
Carry on, carry on

Let this love
Carry on, carry on
When we turn the dust
Let these words last forever
Make this life
(About something bigger than all of us)
All of us
Let this love
Let this love carry on

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Translation «We Came As Romans — Let These Words Last Forever»

Пусть эта любовь
Продолжит жить, продолжит жить,
Когда мы превратимся в пыль.
Пусть эти слова будут вечными.
Сделай эту жизнь
(Чем-то большем, чем все мы),
Все мы.
Пусть эта любовь,
Пусть эта любовь продолжит жить.

Я не буду
Повторять те же свои ошибки,
Будто новорожденный ребенок,
Прижавшейся к груди.
Они не удержат меня
Крепче ремней,
Ждущих иглы, чтобы успокоить мое сердце.
Я тот, кто я есть, из-за того, что я делаю (того, что я делаю),
Я не горжусь этим, но ничего не могу с этим сделать.
Я жил ради любви, в надежде, что она никогда не умрет.

Я жил ради любви,
В надежде, что она никогда не умрет.
Я жил ради любви.

Я бы предпочел помнить свои слова, а не свое имя.
Я бы предпочел помнить это послание, а не свое лицо.

Пусть эта любовь продолжает жить,
Пусть эта любовь
Продолжит жить, продолжит жить,
Когда мы превратимся в пыль.
Пусть эти слова будут вечными.
Сделай эту жизнь
(Чем-то большем, чем все мы),
Все мы.
Пусть эта любовь,
Пусть эта любовь продолжит жить.

Мы те, кто мы есть, из-за выбора, который мы делаем.
Мы те, кто мы есть, из-за выбора, который мы делаем.
Ты хочешь разрушить эту жизнь?
Я позволю этой любви жить, до конца моих дней.

Пусть эта любовь
Продолжит жить, продолжит жить.

Пусть эта любовь
Продолжит жить, продолжит жить,
Когда мы превратимся в пыль.
Пусть эти слова будут вечными.
Сделай эту жизнь
(Чем-то большем, чем все мы),
Все мы.
Пусть эта любовь,
Пусть эта любовь продолжит жить.

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Watch music video «We Came As Romans — Let These Words Last Forever» online

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