My second favorite f word

8 episodes

Meet the hosts of the number 1 podcast about Fishers Island in this brand new weekly show. You’ll be entertained by the stories of two people from different worlds connected by our Second Favourite F Word — Fishers Island. We’ll be talking lawsuits, summer people, islanders, DUIs, summer romances and more.
Get ready for discussions with two friends connected by Island life and the stories that make it My Second Favourite F Word.

Meet the hosts of the number 1 podcast about Fishers Island in this brand new weekly show. You’ll be entertained by the stories of two people from different worlds connected by our Second Favourite F Word — Fishers Island. We’ll be talking lawsuits, summer people, islanders, DUIs, summer romances and more.
Get ready for discussions with two friends connected by Island life and the stories that make it My Second Favourite F Word.

    • 19 OCT 2021

    Pequot Behind the Scenes with Felicia Urso | EP. 8

    Pequot Behind the Scenes with Felicia Urso | EP. 8

    Episode 8 of My Second Favourite F Word features everyone’s favourite (and most-hit on) Bartender, Felicia who worked at the Pequot for 2 Summers. Learn about what it’s like living and working at the Pequot, dance floor slumber parties, who the best tippers are, a secret list of the worst patrons and the truth of what staff really think of the Pequot owner. Join us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify weekly, with new episodes released every Tuesday morning.

    • 12 OCT 2021

    Sued Us Off The Island W/ Becky Cling | EP. 7

    Sued Us Off The Island W/ Becky Cling | EP. 7

    On this episode of My Second Favourite F Word, join us for the most shocking Fishers Island story of the season so far. Hear how one family had their 19thcentury original home stolen from them in a brutal legal battle spanning more than 4 years, resulting in a family tragedy.  We also discuss bringing friends to the island, spit balls, shoe fires and ensuring house guests survive the weekend. Listen to My Second Favourite F Word on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

    • 5 OCT 2021

    I Cant Comment On That W/ Arthur Anthony | EP. 6

    I Cant Comment On That W/ Arthur Anthony | EP. 6

    Welcome to the 6th episode of My Second Favourite F Word, we chat to the man, the myth, the legend Arthur Anthony about his outrageous times on Fishers. Some questions we have all been wanting to know. How it was growing up visiting the island, the best and most wholesome memories of FINY and why he hates bringing houseguests to the island. 

    • 28 SEPT 2021

    Dead Body Washed Ashore | EP. 5

    Dead Body Washed Ashore | EP. 5

    In the 5th episode of My Second Favourite F Word, we chat to ex-seasonal worker and news producer Meg Saunders. Hear about finding dead bodies on a fishers beach. crashing cars on the golf course. the WORST house on fishers and the old Pequot camaraderies. Listen now to the latest episode of My Second Favourite F Word on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

    • 21 SEPT 2021

    Fishing Legend Sean Kearney Spills His Secrets | EP. 4

    Fishing Legend Sean Kearney Spills His Secrets | EP. 4

    My Second Favourite F Word brings local fishing legend Sean Kearney in for the 4th episode to reveal all about his Fishers Island experience. From how he got the job on the Island, calling in sick to go fishing, the only sober fishers crash ever and how the island propelled his career. Listen now to My Second Favourite F Word podcast on Spotify now!

    • 14 SEPT 2021

    Fifth Generation Tells It Like It Is | EP. 3

    Fifth Generation Tells It Like It Is | EP. 3

    In Episode 3 of My Second Favourite F Word, we are joined by a little known but well established fifth generation summer islander. We talk Fishers Island past and present, unique memories, an unpopular opinion, as well as a babysitting scandal. Listen now to My Second Favourite F Word on Spotify.

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Hmmm. A 7 letter word that can mean SO MANY DIFFERENT things to so many people.

And you know what? I get some people even cringe when they hear that word these days because it’s almost so overused. And granted, us network marketers are a little to blame for that.

Here is the thing though, just because you haven’t aligned with other people’s version of what freedom is to them, doesn’t mean that you should switch off from the word. You also absolutely shouldn’t think that a version of Freedom isn’t available to you, because it is.

I live a pretty public life (happily). You will regularly (if you follow me over on Instagram) see me share our day-to-day lives, working from home (or cafes, or from wherever and whenever), being at the gym, us travelling the world, and the general musings of what happens in our life.

That, all of that – just the very basics of how I live, day-to-day, getting to choose where I work from, who I work with, when I work, and then getting to travel the world – is my idea of freedom.

And although that is MY version of Freedom, it doesn’t have to be yours.

(Full disclosure: I have been told by many mums in my team working from the beach doesn’t interest them at ALL. Point is, I get it.)

What I DO want to encourage you today to do however is know what Freedom DOES mean to you.

Is it your exact current reality? How beautiful – how can you then help more people find their own version of that though.

Is it being a stay at home mum that is the best baker & homemaker of all time? Perfect.

Is it actually owning a bricks and mortar business but that you get to CEO the pants off. That’s completely rad.

Is it being able to wake up when you want and earn passive income from investments you’ve managed to build up? Boomshakalaka. Fist bump.

Is it never having to worry about a bill again. Goosebumps, I feel you on that one.

Or maybe it’s travelling the world working from every infinity pool that you can find in all of your favourite countries (cocktail in hand of course). Can I come?

My point is,  my version of freedom, or other people’s versions of freedom might not resonate AT ALL with you and that’s ok. All I ever want is to inspire you to know what YOUR version of freedom is and start to move towards that, by living by example with my own.

My version of freedom is the life I get to lead every single day.

{ The view on my run this morning from Bondi to Bronte – and back }

It means that I get CHOICE, every single day, of where I want to be in the world. It’s how I move my body (but more specifically WHEN – 530am weights session? Awesome. 10am run? You bet. 1pm Pilates class? Why not. ). It’s working from wherever I want, with the hours that I want with NO BOSS (shout out to all my other soul sisters & brothers who have problems with authority). It’s earning an uncapped income that is tied to my EFFORT, not an income a corporation sets. It’s not stressing about bills, ever, because I found the power of residual income (that still blows my mind to tears every single day). And it’s knowing that when I become a mum, I still get to do all of the above with ease.

That’s freedom to me.

This morning, I woke up in a beautiful apartment in Bondi where I am staying for the week for a beautiful mix of business and pleasure. I woke up because my body was ready to wake up (I am an early riser by nature). I went running along the coast line, stopping when I got to a beach (Bronte) I sat at and just watched the waves for a good 30 minutes at. Why? Because I didn’t have to rush back to get ready for a j.o.b. I ran back towards the apartment when I felt ready for a coffee, and sat in a window in the sun people watching for another 30 minutes slowly finishing my coffee and organic breakfast smoothie. It’s now 11am and I am working from another gorgeous café by myself, writing this blog post, with the day ahead of me to do as I please.

Travel, and working from cafe’s and exercise may not be your jam AT ALL. Sleeping in and being home and having a boss may be your version of freedom (extreme opposites but you get my point).

{ Finding gorgeous cafe’s to work from no matter where in the world I am – is freedom and happiness to me }

I think the most important thing to ‘get’ from this though, is that it’s more important than ever to work out your own version of freedom. What does that FEEL like for you? What does that LOOK like for you?

And just know that you can have that. You really can.

Of course, MOST versions of freedom come down to need more time and more money, which I completely understand (as time and financial freedom IS my version of freedom) and getting to that stage takes work, of course, I know because we have done that and continue to work hard (on things we love) for that as well – but it’s WORTH IT.

I know as well that what Morgan and I do in network marketing isn’t for everybody, it IS however for a LOT of people and maybe you’re that person.

Maybe you’re sick and tired of working for the man or living pay cheque to pay cheque – or bigger than that, maybe you’re sick and tired of not living your version of Freedom. Or maybe you don’t even KNOW what Freedom would look and feel like for you as you’re so far from that (we get that too, we help lot’s of people who are at that stage as well).

But either way, getting to live our own life on our terms is only fun when we get to do with others who are doing the same.

And we’re ready to help you.

So if you are inspired, and would like to know if maybe, just MAYBE we can help you on your own version of Freedom, you can always get in touch with us over on our “vision” page. 

Either way – my own vow to you is to keep showing up to inspire daily, and just know, the day you ARE ready, our door is always open.

Featured Image: Instagram image by @chloe_bh

Why Friday Is My Second Favorite F Word!

We all love a big ‘ol good ending because 

“All’s well that ends well”

This Idiom sums up all of our feelings when the 5-day daily grind of a week comes to a halt, only to give us a little break from the work pressure, deadlines, and nagging bosses.

So leave all your worries behind and get your Friday groove on with these TGIF GIFs

Friday Is The Day Dedicated To Binge Watching

Source = Gph

Though everybody is just trying to be friendly and making plans to party together, you will make any god forbidden excuse to stay out of it. 

 You’re not that person; you would rather go buy a large tub of «cookies and cream» on your way home where you can binge watch an entire season of your favorite series with your furry friends.

It’s A Getaway From Forced Friendships

Source = Gph

We all at some point in our 9 to 5 shifts try to avoid certain clingy colleagues, the ones who will appear out of nowhere, startle you when you’re daydreaming or using the split urinals, but when it’s Friday, you can just wave them goodbye in the face as you’re leaving for the weekends.

You Can Dance Away Your Weekday Blues

Source = Gph

Just about everyone around you is counting down to the end of the day because Friday night is all about partying together with friends at a happening place or dancing on your own, cause you feel like it.

If happiness were to exist in an active physical form, it would most certainly be dancing

Fridays Are Universally Happy Days, Its Vibe Will Get You Moving

Source = Gph

Even though you have no apparent reason to smile, sing or dance, Fridays will work its magic on you to get your dancing shoes on or pick up a karaoke mic to let you inner Elvis shine or just look at memes all day and smile for no reason.

Hakuna Matata

Source = Gph

Fridays are like those days when Timon & Pumbaa from the “Lion King” felt like there are no worries in the world, just true bliss. 

You just have to pause your super fast life for a little and observe for a while doing nothing just look and feel the world around you.

That Sneaky Friday

Source = Gph

When the week has been mercilessly grinding your gears for so long that you don’t even realize it’s the weekend, but when you do, a euphoria dawns on you, with highly improbable overdue weekend plans in your head. 

“I will go trek the Himalayas this weekend”

Cause, Why Not!

So, shut down your systems of despair and unwilling short talks to get your Friday vibe on!

Disclaimer: My lovely wife, Ann Marie, has published an article with 30Seconds titled Why Fall is My (Second) Favorite F-Word: 25 Reasons to Love the Season. How could I not respond with this?

Football has always been my favorite sport. The season has so much to offer: action, competition, lazy Sundays and the food! My friends and family all know of my love for the season, which I start celebrating in the pre-season. I grew up in central New York and have wonderful childhood memories of watching football with my dad, cousins and friends. Some of my favorite memories and traditions with our boys take place during this season as well.

<Macro 'tip'>

If football is not yet your favorite (or second favorite) “F-word,” consider the following and maybe you’ll just change your mind:

  1. Watching your favorite team (the Dolphins!), win or lose.
  2. The food.
  3. The drinks (if you know what I mean!).
  4. The fashion: all the comfy, cozy team gear!
  5. Lazy Sundays on the couch.
  6. Team memorabilia.
  7. Jumping up and down when your team wins.
  8. The Jumbo-tron.
  9. The crisp scent in the air that reminds you it’s football season.
  10. Tailgating at a game.
  11. Tailgating in your buddy’s driveway.
  12. Your drunk friend who talks trash.
  13. Your drunk friend who paints himself in team colors from head to toe.
  14. Getting surprised with game tickets on your birthday.
  15. Winning the chili cookoff before the game.
  16. Winning the football pool.
  17. The first game of the season
  18. The second game of the season.
  19. And so on…
  20. When all you do is win-win-win in fantasy.
  21. When the hottie in your life wears a football jersey with your favorite player’s name on the back.
  22. The sound of the crowd when your team scores.
  23. Playoffs.
  24. The big game at the end of the season.
  25. Watching the game with your kids and starting a whole new generation of traditions!

What would YOU add to the list?

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