My personal word dictionary

WordTheme Pro 10.7.1 Мод (полная версия)

  • Обновлено: Вчера, 08:35
  • Жанр: Образование
  • Версия: 10.7.1
  • Русский язык: Да
  • Требования: Android 5.0
  • Просмотров: 5 074

My personal dictionary — WordTheme Pro — образовательный проект, что по сути является богатым на возможности блокнотом. Он идеально подойдёт для определения и систематизации получаемых и уже имеющихся данных при изучении иностранных языков. Заполнение пространства программы позволяет быстро находить то, что следует повторить или же воспользоваться. Различные параметры и качества помогают составить правильную иерархию, добавить изображение поясняющее слово или фразу, отрепетировать произношение и многое, многое другое. Приложение может стать отличным подспорьем для всех кто не хочет что-то забыть.

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Отзывы о WordTheme Pro 10.7.1 Мод (полная версия)



Персональные словари

Создание собственных подборок слов и тренажер для заучивания.

Основная идея сервиса — создание собственных подборок слов и возможность изучать их.

Сервис прежде всего адресован людям, изучающим языки. Вы создаете свои подборки, добавляете в них слова и фразы и изучаете с помощью встроенного тренажера.

Personal Dictionaries Main Page

Доступно в Google Play

Создание личных словарей

Основная идея сервиса — создание собственных подборок слов и возможность изучать их. Подборки слов мы
называем словарями.

Сервис прежде всего адресован людям, изучающим языки. Вы создаете свои словари, добавляете в них слова и фразы и изучаете с помощью встроенного тренажера.

К словам, помимо перевода, можно добавить примеры и заметки, что значительно упрощает запоминание слов.

Personal dictionary words

Помощь при добавлении слов

Когда вы добавляете слова или фразы в словарь, система автоматически создает перевод. Вы можете его
скорректировать прямо во время добавления.

Добавление слов в личный словарь

Тренажер для заучивания слов

Встроенный тренажер — удобный способ вспомнить уже выученные слова или начать изучать совершенно новые.

В него включено 6 упражнений, которые можно использовать на свое усмотрение.

Тренажер для заучивания слов

Интервальное повторение слов

Это режим, необходимый для того, чтобы повторять уже выученные слова через определённые интервалы

Функция интервального повторения автоматически отмечает даты в календаре, когда вы должны повторить слова, и
отображает соответствующие уведомления в интерфейсе.

Кроме этого, режим интервального повторения следит за тем, чтобы все слова были повторены и ни одно из них не

Интервальное повторение изученных слов

Ещё много возможностей для удобного создания словарей и изучения слов

Упорядочивание словарей с помощь тегов

Упорядочивание словарей по тегам

Каждому словарю можно присвоить несколько меток (тегов), для того чтобы по этим меткам можно было
легко найти нужный словарь в списке.

Кроме этого, можно отметить словарь как «Избранный» — это дополнительно позволит выделить нужный

Предоставление общего доступа к личному словарю

Возможность поделиться словарем

К созданным вами словарям можно предоставить доступ другим людям. Для этого нужно включить общий
доступ в настройках словаря и передать ссылку.

Элементы для быстрого заучивания слов в личном словаре

Заучивание в таблице

В интерфейсе словаря предусмотрены функции, которые позволяют скрывать перевод или оригинал
слова. С их помощью удобно заучивать слова прямо в списке слов.

Тематические подборки словарей

Готовые подборки слов

Для удобства заполнения словарей, мы создали и продолжаем заполнять, специальную коллекцию слов,
разделенную по темам.

Вы можете выбрать любую подборку и скопировать её в свои словари.


Весь основной функционал доступен бесплатно.

Ограничения действуют только на размер хранилища.

Без подписки С подпиской
Лимит словарей 200 5 000
Лимит слов 2 000 50 000

Наша подписка называется Student Pack.

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Статистика сервиса

Статистика по всем пользователям сервиса.

Everyone has a personal vocabulary that contains at least a few important, unique words or word combinations.

We also have terms that are part of our professional language or personal style. We want to keep them and never change them into something else.

InstaText’s Personal dictionary allows you to enter multi-word entries, which is especially handy. Why? Continue to learn more…

Illustrative example

Let’s start with a simple example. We want to check the following text for possible improvements:

In the financial industry, time series prediction is sometimes used to predict a credit score of a company.

Here is the original output by InstaText:

In this particular domain, we want to keep the term “time series prediction”.

I understand that “time series forecasting” means practically the same as “time series prediction”. However, as an author, I may prefer “time series prediction” (e.g., I am using this term throughout my article or book).

Now I add the following entry to the dictionary:

My problem is solved: InstaText won’t bother me with “time series forecasting” (as a replacement for “time series prediction”) anymore.

Now “time series prediction” is no longer replaced with “time series forecasting”.

How to use your Personal dictionary

Clicking on the small icon next to your name above the InstaText editor opens a window like the one in the image below.

InstaText allows you to improve your writing and editing experience by adding terms (i.e. words or word combinations) to your personal dictionary.

There are two different ways this can be done:
Don’t change: this <term> should always stay as it is.
Stop changing: <term1> should never be changed to <term2>.

There are two types of Personal dictionary entries: Don’t change and Stop changing.

Don’t change

There are particular terms that I never want to be changed such as “threefold repetition” in the domain of chess.

Suppose that InstaText originally suggested correcting “threefold repetition” to “a triple repetition”.

In this particular domain, we want to keep the term “threefold repetition”.

After including a relation don’t change “threefold repetition”, InstaText will no longer include this suggestion:

When “threefold repetition” is in the dictionary, it will not change anymore.

Stop changing

As another case, suppose that InstaText originally suggested correcting “credit score” to “credit rating” in the following sentence:

Here we want to keep the term “credit score”.

After including a relation stop changing “credit score” (the from term) to “credit rating” (the to term), InstaText will no longer include this suggestion:

After entering the “credit score” into the Personal dictionary, this sentence remains intact.

Caveats and more details for advanced users

The English language is rich in possibilities, and the retention of word combinations is a complex problem. A seemingly small change can sometimes have big consequences. InstaText therefore hides markup only for exact matches of “green-red” terms. In the following example, the words high and good are also part of the markup, so the dictionary does not trigger in this case, but leaves the decision of what to keep to the user.

The company has a high credit rating good credit score as its equity ratio is high.

We need to be especially careful with the don’t change option. It is particularly useful for combinations of words that make sense but are rarely used – like “threefold repetition” in the example above, the otherwise largely unknown term is often used to describe the repetition of moves in a game of chess. We certainly don’t want to use this option for common terms, especially if they contain only one word.

Keep in mind that InstaText hides markup only for exact matches of terms in your dictionary, to protect you from unwanted behaviour. Therefore:

Plural forms are not automatically included, they must be entered manually.
– All terms are case sensitive.
– In the stop changing setting both terms should be exactly the same, otherwise the suggestion may still occur (see example below).

In the following example, InstaText still suggests replacing “credit score” with “credit rating” because there are other changes associated with these terms.

The company has a good credit rating because score as its equity ratio is high.

Using the dictionary is easy and intuitive, but it is good to have these caveats in mind.

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Our team is constantly working on updates and improvements to make InstaText even better. There is a lot of innovation and various improvements coming, stay tuned. 😉

“I use your great program regularly and it is truly the best among all the tried grammar checking tools. Thank you very much for it!”

— Dr. Nives Kokeza, Author and Translator

“Last year our faculty ordered a full-year license for all staff, and after one year we find that the number of high-quality articles has doubled and the volume of all articles has increased. Without exception, all staff members are very enthusiastic about the application and can no longer imagine doing scientific work without it”

— Dr. Matej Dolenec, University Professor

“InstaText is an amazing tool. I never submit a chapter to my publisher without first running it through InstaText. I’ve also noticed that my own writing has improved since I started using it. InstaText has taught me how to write better.”

— Marko Lukša, Author

InstaText helps you to rewrite your texts and make them more readable and understandable.

Phew am I ever pumped to share this FREE word and sound personal dictionary with you today, my friend! And, as you may know, when I am pumped about something, I tend to get a bit chatty. It all stems from passion … it always does … so please bear with me.

To thank you for bearing with me (or should that be baring? Hmmm … if I wasn’t so pumped I would check that before continuing to write … but alas) I will give you your very own printable word and sound dictionary to use with your own little learner.

As you might know, last year I decided to expand my homeschool offerings. I have available to you my:

  • Preschool Curriculum
  • Kindergarten Curriculum
  • And fresh last year, my Grade One Curriculum

The Grade One Curriculum includes a core skills bundle, which covers all literacy and math core skills for grade one students in only ONE workpage per day. This coupled with my unit studies, and your little ones are soaring! And having the time of their lives as well. 

Well, my intention was to roll out Grade Two this year, and with all of the interest in these core skills bundles, I have decided to create and release BOTH Grade Two and Grade Three by summer!!!

But, alas, I am only human, and a homeschooling human at that, so I decided I needed some back up. I partnered with an amazing teacher friend of mine who has been helping me complete these curriculums. 

(Hang in there my friend, we are just about to the part where this becomes relevant)

Well, this amazing teacher friend of mine, Belinda, suggested we incorporate a “Sound Dictionary”. After asking a million and three questions, I declared the idea, and this human, BRILLIANT.

If you have ever used a “Word Wall” or “Personal Dictionary” with a young child, you likely know the shortcomings already. It is difficult for children to be independent because so many words do not begin with their phonetic sound … such as:

  • once (sounds like a ‘w’ to me)
  • can (hold on, is that with a ‘kicking k’?)
  • phone (definitely going to think it’s an ‘f’)
  • know (and you just know those silent ‘k’ words are a nuisance!)

So, to help our young learners be more successful AND more independent, what if we included those words under the letter sounds where they belong phonetically.

For example, the word “once” would appear under the letter ‘o’ and it would also appear under the letter ‘w’. The intention being little ones would be able to recognize the word once they saw it. But first, they have to be able to see it!

This then led me to about 5 solid sleepless nights wondering, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

I mean, really, why? It is so logical …

But, never mind all that, and please skip those sleepless nights yourself and just accept your very own, free, printable word and sound dictionary! 

This word and sound dictionary includes the First 100 Sight Words and also includes lots of space to add your young learner’s words as he or she encounters them.


I hope this little teaching tool is helpful to you and yours. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. I am here to help!



And while you are here, check out my Level One Core Skills Bundle

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