My one word book review

From the United States

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 31, 2023

As the visionary for our G3 (God’s Girls Gathering) Seasonal Book Club, this book has become one of my all time favorites. It is a process that relieves one from the overwhelming feeling of failure when it comes to making new year resolutions or goals that are a drudgery. This especially since I typically fail year after year. Mike and Rachel have created a streamlined process that forces us to focus by faith on a forward pathway that forges life with God in a very practical way. It literally brings to life the fact that “we plan, but God orders our steps.” As we look through the lens of Jesus and the one powerful word we selected, our lives will be forever transformed as we do. Thank you both for being led of God to share this with the world!

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Liberating and Life Changing!

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 31, 2023

As the visionary for our G3 (God’s Girls Gathering) Seasonal Book Club, this book has become one of my all time favorites. It is a process that relieves one from the overwhelming feeling of failure when it comes to making new year resolutions or goals that are a drudgery. This especially since I typically fail year after year. Mike and Rachel have created a streamlined process that forces us to focus by faith on a forward pathway that forges life with God in a very practical way. It literally brings to life the fact that “we plan, but God orders our steps.” As we look through the lens of Jesus and the one powerful word we selected, our lives will be forever transformed as we do. Thank you both for being led of God to share this with the world!

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Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on April 7, 2023

Like the concept, the book is great and explains it very well.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 31, 2023

I stepped into 2023 with great excitement to see where the Lord would lead me! Then, to start off with the ‘My One Word’ book being our first read of the year in our quarterly book club, let’s me know that the Lord wants to do big things this year! This book is eye-opening as well as liberatering! It set me from from the bandage of «New Year’s Resolutions!» I will highly recommend this book to others who may be looking to elevate to the next level in their life!

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 31, 2023

This book frees you to focus on one word that will deepen your relationship with God. Just as we perceive things around us based on what we focus on, this will expand the things you see in your life. Our book study group read this book and we are all engaged in our exciting journey with our one word for 2023.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 31, 2023

This book was awesome!!! Definitely an eye opener, spiritually. I’m talking to anyone that will listen and purchased it for several friends. My one word for 2023 is “expectations”. My expectations are from Hod alone, and I’m expecting great things from the Lord. Kudos to the Authors!! May God bless you for the gift you’ve shared in my spiritual journey.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Life Changing!!

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 31, 2023

This book was awesome!!! Definitely an eye opener, spiritually. I’m talking to anyone that will listen and purchased it for several friends. My one word for 2023 is “expectations”. My expectations are from Hod alone, and I’m expecting great things from the Lord. Kudos to the Authors!! May God bless you for the gift you’ve shared in my spiritual journey.

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Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 28, 2023

I was inspired to look at my walk with Christ more deeply in the spiritual realm. Some of us are still shallow in our relationship with God. One word takes you further into how God wants that relationship with his followers. All of the testimonies were riveting. Great read.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on July 7, 2017

I’m going to admit right now, even though I haven’t finished the book, I’ve lost a little bit of respect for the author after reading in the book that he was unable/unwilling to train his dog the way he needed to be trained and then gave him away to a college fraternity. As a side note, because the author says he received the dog as a gift, live animals are not gifts and people really need to research what kind of dog they are bringing into their home to see if it will be compatible with their lifestyle. (puts soapbox away)

Okay, I finished the book and I’m over the dog thing. (mostly) It’s a really great book. I first heard about My One Word through a facebook prayer group I joined and I chose a word for this year but I didn’t get around to reading the book until now, the beginning of the third month of the year.

I definitely took a lot away from this book, ways to get closer to God and to live a more godly life. I wasn’t really sure what to expect from the whole MOW experience before reading the book though. I figured I’d pick and word and be more deliberate about it. Or something along those vague lines. But MOW really gives you a better sense of what to expect, or not to expect, when doing this exercise. As Pastor Ashcraft says, God often uses our One Word in a completely different way than we expected.

I really liked the little blurbs throughout the book where people gave small testimonies about their words and why they had chosen them. I also really liked the chapter about journaling as a way to talk to God. It’s a practice that I started off and on last year and I am working to be more diligent in writing my prayers and also journaling my thoughts, feelings, etc, to try to capture those moments when I really feel God moving in my life.

Overall I really enjoyed this book and am going to step up my One Word game starting now.

6 people found this helpful


Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on November 15, 2022

I have enjoyed reading this book and taking the time to put it into practice.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on December 28, 2012

As soon as I put down the article I was reading about author Rachel Olsen and her book project My One Word, I downloaded the book on my Kindle and started reading. It resonated with me because I am the one who makes a list of 20 New Year’s resolutions, only to fall off the wagon by January 3rd (if I’m lucky enough to make it that far!) I often end up discouraged by my inability to be perfect.

It sounded easy, but how does one choose just one word to be the focus for the year? I love that the book walks you through the steps to reflect on who you want to become in the coming year and how to choose a word. The authors also share different ways that your word can influence your decisions moment by moment, and how to use journaling and other tools to keep your word at the forefront during the coming year. I enjoyed the examples from past participants, and their reflections on how their «word» had changed them in the past year.

The book also contains reflection questions for journaling, as well as a discussion guide for the DVD that you can purchase to accompany the book. My husband and I are using the book and study as a team building activity for our company retreat. I believe that the book resources, in addition to the small group experience will help us not only to know one another better, but to support each other in the coming year as we focus on our chosen words.

I highly recommend «My One Word» as a tool to help you get excited about positive change and focus in the coming year!

26 people found this helpful


Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on August 13, 2013

New Year’s resolutions are something I don’t make, probably because I know I wouldn’t keep them. Therefore, when a friend suggested this book, choosing just one word to guide my Christian walk for the year was appealing because it seemed doable. This was a self help book that really did make a difference in my life. I was especially blessed by the endeavor to select my word. I spent much time in reflection, meditation and reading the Bible. I considered and discarded several words before I settled on CALM as my word for the year. It seemed an appropriate choice for my current situation, caring for my 90 year old Mother who lives with us. I know everyone’s life is unpredictable and subject to change at any moment, but mine has been especially filled with upheaval, constant interruptions and unrelenting stress in recent years. Impatience often crops up, and I need the peace that passes understanding and the presence of the Lord who could CALM the raging sea, reigning in my chaotic life. «My One Word» ends with the admonition to «finish well» and that is my heart’s desire. Read this book, and be blessed with a closer sense of God’s presence as you let one word work in your heart and life.

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on February 24, 2018 •

I discovered Evan Carmichael’s YouTube channel serendipitously. It soon became my early morning “boost” — I eagerly looked forward to listening to his interviews on the “10 rules of success” every day (I still do). In all his posts, he talked about “your one word”. I thought I already had an idea of what he meant, so I never bothered to read his book until early this month — I am glad I did.


“All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word.” — Winston Churchill

Although originally intended for Entrepreneurs, hidden in the pages of this book are invaluable, transforming life lessons that apply to all (in a technical sense, we are all entrepreneurs). Evan not only shared his personal experiences but those of highly successful entrepreneurs as well. The book “Your One Word” is highly practical and you would find it a very useful handbook through your journey of life.

No one really has a bad life… Just bad moments. — Regina Brett

I would easily rank this book as one of the most impactful I have read recently. Some critical lessons that stood out for me:

1. Do something important with your life: Majority of people are mediocre — you do not belong there. You NEED to discover your relevance and unleash your greatness. That is what makes you stand out from the crowd. There is ONE word that defines who you are. To make meaning out of your life, you need to stand for something powerful and important — your ONE WORD!

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” — Francis of Assisi

2. Know yourself: This is pretty straight-forward. First, find your one-word then motivate yourself to pursue it. This makes it easy for people to talk to you and to talk about you. If the message you communicate to people is one word, it is powerful, important, difficult to forget and easy to relay to others.

“People who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones that actually do!” — Steve Jobs

3. Be motivated and stay motivated: You need to prove to yourself that your one word is really powerful and the only way you can do that is by testing it. You always have to remind yourself why you do what you do and what you hope people remember you for. Let these be your driving force as you press on.

“The answer isn’t to be unafraid but rather to feel the fear and do it anyway because this is your only shot at living up to your true potential instead of continuing on in mediocrity.” — Evan Carmichael

4. Planning is key: You need to be genuinely interested in what you do. Break your one word into core meanings, make them powerful, share it, turn it into a credo and tell your story powerfully. Determine the steps you need to take to give life to your one word and do it! That way, people would follow you.

“Your story is important—way more important than you likely give it credit for.” — Evan Carmichael


In course of reading the book, I discovered that my one word is #PASSION. I have shared a few insights on what my one-word means here.

“The unique part isn’t the word but your take on the word.” — Evan Carmichael

If you are wondering what YOUR one word is, this book provides a step-by-step guide on how to find it.

“People have to learn who they are—you can’t have somebody else telling you who you are.” — Hale Irwin

If you desire to start a business at any time in your life, this book shows you how.

“If you just work for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing, success will be yours.” — Ray Kroc

….so, read the book!

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Categories: My Book Reviews

Tags: Believe, Determination, Motivation, Passion, Self-Development

Your One Word Book Review Evan Carmichael

In this post I’m super excited to share Your One Word book review, whose author is Evan Carmichael, who’s also the owner of a massive YouTube channel with over 600,000 subscribers.

And as you’ve seen in the title of this post, there is an interview down below that I did with Evan.

First of all, I gotta say that for me personally this book has been a big eye opener when it comes to personal branding. As this is one of the things a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with, not knowing where to start.

Evan really takes it back to the very foundation, where you have to start before even building a business. It comes down to what you’re passionate about, because just trying to make money without any purpose is never gonna work.

So if you’re a network marketer and currently struggling with how to build your brand, this book is for you. If you are already an entrepreneur, this book will help you get more clarity and tweak your brand to create bigger impact on your audience. Or if you’re just trying to figure out what to build, get your hands on this book. You won’t regret!

Your One Word Book Review Biggest Takeaways (Quoted from the book)

  • Your business is not just about making a product or service. That’s a recipe for failure. And something that I’ve already mentioned before – If money is your only goal, you’ll never be rich.
  • Your limiting mindset is holding you where you are.
  • Be crazy and passionate enough to have people follow you and be inspired by you.
  • The #1 marketing secret – TEST.
  • You need to make big decisions with your heart and the little ones with your head.

I wanna share a couple things for all the readers. The book is written in a VERY simple language. And what I mean by that is some books just take you forever to read, because you need to look up the meanings of some words (especially if you’re a not native English speaker like me). This book is completely different. You can literally read it within one or two days.

Evan broke down the book into 3 parts – Core, Campaign and Company. This is basically the breakdown of how you can build any kinda business by understanding the simple principles and identifying YOUR ONE WORD.

In the video with my full Your One Word book review I share 3 more of my biggest takeaways from the book, so be sure to watch it.

Order Your One Word Book by Evan Carmichael Here

I hope you enjoyed the book review in the above video! And if you know me well, I always love to over-deliver, so I’ve decided to do an interview with Evan, talking about how he got started in the online marketing world, how he built up his YouTube channel, and much more. 

So check out the full interview over here:

Interview with Evan Carmichael

Wanna Know What Tools I Use to Build My Business?

  • My Ultimate Tool Kit – I get asked a lot as to what exactly I’m using to grow my brand and my business, so I’ve put together one page where I shared everything I recommend. Hope you enjoy it!

Jelena Ostrovska

Jelena Ostrovska


Got Questions?Reach Out to Me on Facebook

“Coaching Entrepreneurs Using the No BS Marketing Strategies”

If you enjoyed Your One Word book review, feel free to comment and share

I’m so excited to share this new book with you today! As you might remember, I have chosen a “word of the year,” or as this book calls it, My One Word , for several years now.



2012 was a year of FAITH for me.

2011 was the year of REST. Resting in God and His goodness toward me.

2010 taught me to ABIDE in Christ.

2009 ~ my first year with a word…COMPASSION.

Friends, these words have changed me. These words have shaped my prayers and my walk with God. God has used these words…words that HE has put upon my heart…to work in me.

One thing I loved about this book, My One Word, is that they shared how desperate we are for Christ. We are nothing without Him. We can’t change ourselves. We can’t just pick a word and expect God to help us.

God is the driver of this journey…He is steering the boat…He speaks to us through His Word, through our prayer time, through other believers. He leads us to where we need to be each and everyday. So, we can trust Him to lead us to the word He has for us this year.

As you know, God has already been dealing with me on the subject of contentment.

I have shared a few posts on being content in our homes, being content with what we have and how being thankful leads to contentment.

But, what God is continuing to show me is that true contentment has nothing to do with my home, the car I drive or the gifts I’ve been given.

True contentment is found in the person of Jesus. 
True contentment is being so filled up with Him that we truly have no desire for material things.
True contentment is a heart at peace. 

So, it’s no surprise that God is leading me to continue this journey of contentment as I choose my word for 2013…


This book, My One Word, is the perfect guide for those of us setting out on this journey. This book will encourage you as you choose a word, with tips for that process as well. The authors encourage you to pray and examine your hearts…ask yourselves, “where is God at work in my life? What is He teaching me? What is he working on?” These are all questions that will help us find our word. And, there are practical questions at the end of each chapter.

This book will help you with ideas to keep on keeping on with your word as the year progresses. This book has ideas and practical tips for what to do with this word. Throughout the book there are lots of examples of words others have chosen in years past, along with explanations of why they chose these words. I loved reading these!

This book was released at the perfect time…the very end of the year as we all seek to start a new year…fresh with all those resolutions that we never keep. 🙂 This book suggests that instead of lots of lists, start with a word. 

Be sure to check out the website My One Word for more great helps in choosing a word and living the year with it!

{I also happened to notice on amazon that there is a DVD series to go with this book! This would be great for a small group to do together!! I haven’t previewed this yet, of course, but if it goes along with the book, I’m guessing it is good too!}

I would love to hear about your word of the year…how is God moving in your life and what areas is He pruning and growing you.

Please join us in Praying the Scriptures through January! Free Printable here!

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One Word Book Reviews: Because I’m Lazy Like That

one word book reviews featured image


  1. I like longer reviews! Maybe a brief explanation of why you chose those words? Then you give people the option of breezing through your one-word thoughts, or reading why you felt that way! For example, I’m currently listening to the audiobook for Don’t Read the Comments, and I would love to know why you chose “candid” as your word! I think it’s applicable, but feel there’s an opportunity for discussion we’re missing out on. I like that you’re able to summarize an entire book with a single word, and don’t think it’s something I could easily do. :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?😷 💬

    • Thanks so much for your input, Lindsi! I don’t think I’ll always do one word reviews, for the reasons you listed, but I thought I would experiment and try something new!

      And oooo you’re listening to the audiobook for Don’t Read the Comments? What do you think of it? What is the audiobook narrator like?

      • The narrators were amazing! I loved them both!

  2. mehsi
    May 15, 2020 at 10:31 pm — Reply

    I love this idea! And I would definitely like more of it.
    Also given you made graphics… I don’t think you are that lazy. :P

    • Haha the graphics did take a bit of time…so you’re probably right. Maybe I should have used that energy to write proper reviews haha. ANYWHO, thanks so much for your lovely comment! I’m glad you liked my super short reviews :)

      • mehsi
        May 16, 2020 at 5:30 pm — Reply

        Haha, I think it is time and energy well spend though if you can make such pretty graphics. :)

  3. This was so cute Kat! I loved it :D I think a mix of long reviews and these one word book reviews is a good idea. Like when you REALLY love a book you can do the long review and perpetuate just how much this book needs to be read, like NOW lol, and when you come across a bunch of books you enjoyed but they weren’t exactly the best waffles you’ve ever eaten lol even though they were really good you can just string them together into the one word reviews.

    • “They weren’t exactly the best waffles you’ve ever eaten” – GOSH I LOVE THAT haha. Such a mood, tbh. But anyway, I’m glad that you thought these super short reviews were cute! I had fun doing them!

  4. Amber
    May 16, 2020 at 1:39 am — Reply

    I love this idea! I often don’t have time to read long reviews so this was perfect.

    • Haha same! I sometimes get distracted/overwhelmed if I open a review post and it is just A WALL of text (thanks, goldfish brain. I appreciate that). I’m so glad that you liked this idea!

  5. This is a really fun idea, I love it! If I could pulled off the pretty graphics like you do to spice up the post, I would probably do it but ehh I can’t 😂

    • I’m so glad to hear that you like this idea, Tasya! It was actually a lot of fun to do!

  6. this is definitely an amazing idea!! 😆 i’m in looove with the graphics you made, they always add such a special touch to your posts. you’ve probably heard it millions of times, but you’re SUCH a talented graphic designer!!

    i’ve been wanting to read most of these books, so seeing your one-word reviews was very fun. 💖

    • I’m so glad that you like this idea so much, Ash! And oh gosh, you are so nice! Thank you for your kind words; I appreciate it so much! I had a lot of fun making these little graphics, so it’s nice to hear that people like them :)

  7. Belle
    May 16, 2020 at 11:39 am — Reply

    This was so interesting to read, and your graphics are amazing, Kat 😮😍! I like both long and short reviews depending on the mood I’m in, and being in a short review mood right now, I really loved this post haha 😄! It’s really cool how you experimented with this! I recently added It Sounded Better In My Head to my TBR, and it sounding “relatable” is exactly the reason why 😅.

    • Thank you so much, Belle! I’m so glad that you enjoyed these little reviews! And It Sounded Better In My Head was a SUCH a mood – I hope you enjoy it when you get around to it :)

  8. Aria
    May 16, 2020 at 12:44 pm — Reply

    I loved reading this so much! The one word reviews are such a great idea, and your graphics add so much to the one word, and that’s amazing!

    • Thank you so much, Aria! I appreciate that :) I’m also so happy to hear that you loved reading these!!

  9. This is such a cute idea! I can definitely relate to reading a bunch of books then realising with horror that you haven’t reviewed any of them. (My review-to-come shelf on Goodreads mainly consists of books I read in August 2019 and now can’t remember enough about to review 😅).

    I made a new rule for myself, which was that as soon as I finish a book I have to go update it on Goodreads and just write down my thoughts straight away. Usually a somewhat coherent review spills out, and I can go back and format it later. I’ve found it’s the quickest and easiest way for me.

    These one word reviews are so cute, I love them! ❤️

    • Thank you so much, Abi :) Also, I like this rule you have – maybe I should do something similar. My problem is that I’m such a perfectionist that if I’m going to write something about a book, I feel like it needs to be PERFECT. derp.

  10. Holly
    May 16, 2020 at 11:38 pm — Reply

    These were so much fun to read!! <3

    • Thank you so much, Holly :)

  11. This is such a great idea! It definitely makes me want to click and learn more about the book since I don’t have a huge idea of what the story is about. 💛

    • I’m so glad that you liked these, Charis! They were a lot of fun to do :)

  12. This is so fun! I never really considered one-word reviews, but they’re perfect for books I read a long time ago (and therefore don’t remember too much about) yet want to shove into people’s TBRs :). The graphics you designed are so pretty as well, I especially love the one for From the Desk of Zoe Washington.

    • Thank you so much, Nushu! I’m glad that you thought these reviews were so much fun – I had a lot of fun making them as well :)

  13. This is such a fun idea! I love it!

  14. For someone who reads romances (me), I wonder how many books will be clubbed under a single word. 😂

    • That is a fair point. It was actually kind of hard to pick just a single word that I thought encompassed my feelings about the entire book…

  15. I actually read five of those books, and nodded at the word you chose for each. I especially found “relatable” perfect for It Sounded Better in My Head. I also commend you for taking on the challenge of trying to find a single word to capture your feelings about the book. I am know for being terse, but I am not sure I could do it.

    • I’m so glad that you thought the words I chose accurately described the books! It was actually a lot harder to do than I initially thought it would be. And oh gosh yes, isn’t It Sounded Better in My Head such a mood? haha

  16. One word reviews—I loved this post! It is quite the challenge to describe something in just one word. :)

    • Thanks so much, Kamilla! I’m so glad you liked this :) And I agree – it was actually a lot harder to chose just one word to describe each book than I thought it would be.

  17. […] 🔱 Kate @ Your Tita Kate 🔱 Rain @ Bookdragonism 🔱 Aentee @ Read at Midnight 🔱 Kat @ Novels & Waffles 🔱 Annie @ Blossoms and Bullet Journals 🔱 May @ My 1st Chapter 🔱 Ilsa @ A Whisper of […]

  18. I think that Sweet is the perfect way to describe The Secret of a Heart Note! And just your one word got me to check out From the Desk of Zoe Washington, so I’d say this reviewing method is pretty effective! I’m a very big fan of shorter review, because I have a deep rooted fear of spoilers, and a limited attention span when it comes to books I haven’t read yet, so I think this kind of reviewing method is brilliant!

    • I’m exactly the same way with reviews; I get distracted so easily when I’m reading them, especially if it’s about a book I haven’t picked up or heard about yet. So I’m glad to hear that this sort of suuuper short review worked for you!

  19. […] Kat @ Novels & Waffles was super concise in her one word book reviews. […]

  20. Ha! This is a really fun way to review those books you weren’t going to get around to reviewing otherwise.

    • I’m so glad that you thought that this was a fun concept, because I had a fun time doing it! :)

  21. […] month has been the busiest since I first started my blog. So thank you to Emer @A Little Haze & Kat @Novels and Waffles (& other that retweeted), go check their blog cause they’re […]

  22. […] Kat @Novels and Waffle […]

  23. This is such a clever concept and I LOVE your graphics! I struggle with keeping up with reviews too, I just go from one book to the next without fleshing a full review and when the time comes to write one I start sweating

  24. Hi Kat ! I just found your blog and it gorgeous :) Your blog is probably the cutest, most creative blog I’ve ever seen – the theme is waffles and breakfast !! It makes me so hungry….I am very sure millions of people must have told you this already . And it great if you can describe the book in one word and it was so fun to read

    • Oh my goodness, thank you SO MUCH for such a lovely comment, Krisha! It really means the world to me! I can’t stop smiling! I’m so glad that you like my blog, and I that you think some of my posts are creative! Seriously, this made my day!!!

  25. […] Kat @ Novels and Waffles is my ultimate inspiration in blog design. I discovered her at the very start of my blogging journey when she commented on my first ever post. As soon as I clicked through to her website I realised I had so much more to learn about designing an attractive blog. Luckily, she shares lots of guides and tips so anyone can learn from her! She’s written about topics like how to make your blog SEO friendly, how to pick an Instagram theme, and so many more! […]

  26. theonewhoreadit
    August 5, 2020 at 1:51 am — Reply

    WOW! First of all, your blog is absolutely stunning! This post was such an amazing idea! I can’t wait to read Truly Devious and see why you found it thrilling! It Sounded Better In My Head sounds fun! Also, HOW can you think that you’re lazy? The graphics must have taken so long to do! WOW just WOW!

  27. It’s an interesting idea. Definitely makes me wonder why exactly does that word come to your mind when thinking about certain book. I like it. Makes me want to pick those books up and read them to solve the mystery.

  28. Hm I think one word reviews can be very impactful if done well. And I think you did an amazing job with it, Kat! I’d love to see more of your one word reviews. The graphics are AMAZING and your blog is just so beautiful. Some of these books are on my TBR list so I hope to get to them soon.

  29. […] month has been the busiest since I first started my blog. So thank you to Emer @A Little Haze & Kat @Novels and Waffles (& other that retweeted), go check their blog cause they’re […]

  30. […] Kat @Novels and Waffle […]

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