My formulas are not copying in excel

  • #2

None without seeing the formula in the cell that is not working, and without knowing how you’re trying to copy the formula to the other cells.

It could be as simple as trailing spaces in B56:B58 on one of the sheets causing the whole thing to error.

The fact that the formulas in row 59 are working tells me that the column matches are working correctly, but that is the only definite factor that can be established so far.

  • #3

None without seeing the formula in the cell that is not working, and without knowing how you’re trying to copy the formula to the other cells.

It could be as simple as trailing spaces in B56:B58 on one of the sheets causing the whole thing to error.

The fact that the formulas in row 59 are working tells me that the column matches are working correctly, but that is the only definite factor that can be established so far.

Here is the formula from C56: =IFERROR(INDEX(‘IS-1482272′!$B$5:$G$96,MATCH($B56,’IS-1482272′!$B$5:$B$96,0),MATCH(C$5,’IS-1482272’!$B$5:$G$5,0))+INDEX(‘IS-2299824′!$B$5:$G$96,MATCH($B56,’IS-2299824′!$B$5:$B$96,0),MATCH(C$5,’IS-2299824’!$B$5:$G$5,0)),0)

I copied the formula to the other cells by highlighting my selection from C59 to G59, then dragging the corner up in to the above 3 rows. I’ve tried deleting the cells in column B and retyping those accounts (Telephone, Travel, Utilities) but that didn’t seem to fix it up.

  • #4

That should work perfectly fine. If the values in the 2 source sheets are from formulas then I can see a potential problem in the event that one sheet had a value while the other was blank, but given that both sheets have values it should be giving you something.

If this gives you a result that is equal to the value from one of the sheets then that will identify a problem in the other sheet.

Excel Formula:


To test for additional problems, try

Excel Formula:



Excel Formula:


Do they return errors or numbers? If they return numbers then that will tell you which row the result is coming from in the source sheets (possibly not the correct row). If they return errors then it means that for some reason that (Telephone, Travel, Utilities) in column B are still not matching correctly.

  • #5

That should work perfectly fine. If the values in the 2 source sheets are from formulas then I can see a potential problem in the event that one sheet had a value while the other was blank, but given that both sheets have values it should be giving you something.

If this gives you a result that is equal to the value from one of the sheets then that will identify a problem in the other sheet.

Excel Formula:


To test for additional problems, try

Excel Formula:



Excel Formula:


Do they return errors or numbers? If they return numbers then that will tell you which row the result is coming from in the source sheets (possibly not the correct row). If they return errors then it means that for some reason that (Telephone, Travel, Utilities) in column B are still not matching correctly.

Fantastic! The second formula you gave me helped me identify the problem. It turns out that I have two rows within my source sheets with the heading ‘Telephone’ (and Travel and Utilities), which was confusing the original formula I had worked out.

  1. 07-07-2009, 12:44 PM


    jakethesnake is offline

    Registered User

    Excel will not copy formulas

    I am trying to do a very simple copy and paste of a simple formula in Excel 2007 and nothing seems to be working. Excel will not let me copy and paste a formula and will only paste the value into to workbook. For instance, if I make a very simple spreadsheet such as:
    A1 type in 10, A2 type in =A1 (calculated A2 to be 10)
    B1 type in 5

    And then click the copy on B1, and then click paste special on cell B2, the only options it gives me are text and unicode text and so no matter how I paste, cell b2 will always be populated with a value of 5. I cannot imagine a simpler copy and paste and no matter what I do I can’t make this work.
    All cells are formatted as general. It seems that all copy and pasting of formulas in my excel has been disabled. If I open any spreadsheet on my computer, I can’t copy and paste formulas, but do the exact same thing on the exact same spreadsheet on any other computer and it works no problem.

    Any help?

    Last edited by jakethesnake; 07-07-2009 at 12:48 PM.

  2. 07-07-2009, 12:51 PM


    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    Sounds to me as though you have 2 separate instances of XL running as opposed to 2 files within the same instance of XL.

    For ex. close everything completely, open XL, press CTRL + N to create a 2nd file in the same instance of XL, repeat your process above and you should find you can copy / paste etc… If you open 2 instances of XL and run one file in each you will experience the issues you mention.

  3. 07-07-2009, 12:54 PM


    jakethesnake is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    I only have one spreadsheet open and one instance of excel open. I am literally trying to copy and paste from the cell above to the cell below. Not into different work books or different files.

  4. 07-07-2009, 12:57 PM


    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    Could you attach the offending file to the board — we can then see if it’s a client issue or specific to the workbook… there may be a setting I’m not aware of
    (I suspect there are plenty!)

  5. 07-07-2009, 12:58 PM


    mikeydaman is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    sorry to add my 2 cents but did you try dragging the formula down cells? or is that not what you are looking for?


  6. 07-07-2009, 12:59 PM


    jakethesnake is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    I’m not at the offending computer at the moment, but it does it for all spreadsheets, even new ones, but if I save it to our common drive and open it up on any other computer, it works like a charm, so I doubt it would be a file issue (as it is happening to all files and only on this computer), but if you’d still like the file I can upload it in about half an hour..

  7. 07-07-2009, 01:00 PM


    jakethesnake is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    And yes, I’ve tried dragging down, also to no avail (again, but only on this computer…)

  8. 07-07-2009, 01:01 PM


    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    Just checking … not to sound like the IT dept but have you tried completely rebooting the client in question ?

  9. 07-07-2009, 01:03 PM


    mikeydaman is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    when you click on paste special check values and see if that works?

  10. 07-07-2009, 01:05 PM


    jakethesnake is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    I haven’t tried the ‘magic windows fix-all’ of rebooting yet, but I will now!

    And mikey, when I click paste special, the only two options are text and unicode text. Values, formulas, etc don’t even appear.

  11. 07-07-2009, 01:17 PM


    mikeydaman is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    ahhhh maybe it has something to do with excel itself. I wonder if all the components are installed on it. Does it do it no matter how many different excel sheets you open?

  12. 07-07-2009, 01:23 PM


    jakethesnake is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    Well, well, resetting did it. By the looks of it there was a program that was accessing the clipboard that had hijacked it and was causing it to fail. It’s amazing how much can be fixed by a hard reset. Thanks for your help everyone!

  13. 07-07-2009, 01:26 PM


    mikeydaman is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

  14. 07-07-2009, 01:27 PM


    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    re: clipboard etc… some useful links to apps to aid determining underlying cause:

  15. 04-01-2011, 12:28 PM


    flippertie is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    In case it helps anyone —
    I had this exact problem in Excel 2003. Using this thread as a guide I traced the problem to a clipboard enhancement tool I use called Arsclip. Kill that and the copy / paste / paste special works as normal..

    It’s a real shame because I find Arsclip really useful — and this is the only time I’ve found it to interfere with any other program.

  16. 09-27-2011, 01:19 AM


    mscanna is offline

    Registered User

    Unicode (hex) symbol through VBA

    Hello all, I am looking to use VBA to replace <= with character code: 2264 from Unicode (hex) or 32 from ASCII (decimal).

    Typically I would do:

    Cells.Replace What:=»<=», Replacement:=»=», LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder _
    :=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False

    But as you can see from the latter half the symbol is not there. Would definitely appreciate any help that you can give me. Thank you!

  17. 03-27-2012, 11:08 AM


    lextran12 is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    I had this exact same problem with Excel 2007 on Windows 7, and was able to solve it easily once I figured out what the problem was.

    My problem was Skype.

    Specifically, the Skype «click-and-dial» software, which installs itself in numerous programs and browsers. I de-installed Skype (including click-and-dial) then reinstalled Skype without click and dial (for some reason, it did not even offer to install it during the reinstall).

    Voila! Problem solved!

    Last edited by lextran12; 03-27-2012 at 11:11 AM.

  18. 04-25-2012, 10:20 PM


    Irasaf is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    I have been having the exact same problems — I just deleted the Skype «click-and-dial» software. Seems to have cured the problem but it was an on or off issue so I am going to give it a few days.

  19. 04-25-2012, 10:31 PM


    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    It usually only causes a problem if you have the browser add-in installed and have your browser open while Excel is open. If the browser is closed, copy/paste should work normally. There is also an updated version of the browser add-in from Skype if you do need it installed.

  20. 05-15-2012, 03:45 PM


    Lady Engr is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    Try this: Click on: Formulas > Calculation Options. From the drop down mwnu, choose Automatic.
    Let me know if that works.

  21. 06-08-2012, 03:47 AM


    miut is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    it is right, i also experience the same error, can not «copy» or use «paste special option» though i have been trying a lot of steps
    to this problem you can:
    1/ Close Skype if it is opening
    2/Delete/ remove Skype from Google Chrome browser, no need to unistall it

    Done. Every thing is ok now.

  22. 06-08-2012, 02:12 PM


    Beta1 is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    I’m having the same problem. When you say you reset it, do you mean you just re-booted your computer?

  23. 06-08-2012, 02:19 PM


    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    Uninstall the Skype browser add-in and you should be able to copy and paste in Excel. If you need the Skype add-in, download the latest version from their website which has fixed the compatibility issue.

  24. 09-21-2012, 07:45 PM


    bluejak is offline

    Registered User

    Angry Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    I have similar problems in both Excel and Word — but they are random. Sometimes they copy normally, sometimes it is text-only which is very annoying in both. However, I do have Skype running so I shall try what has been suggested here. Thanks.

  25. 01-05-2015, 06:35 PM


    Fyyzer is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Excel will not copy formulas

    Just had this happen in Excel 2010 and couldn’t figure out what was happening until some googling found this discussion.

    For the record it was PushBullet’s Universal Copy/Paste feature that was the culprit in my case. Hope this is helpful for someone else down the road.


  • #1

Hi everyone,

My formulas were working just fine until today. I think
some setting somewhere in Excel has gone haywire, but I
don’t know what or how.

I’ve got a column of data and have a column next to it
that I’m using as a running total. When I drag the formula
down in the running total it is showing the correct field
references in all the fields after I’ve dragged it down,
however it is producing unexpected results. i.e it is
showing the same number in every field in that column as
the result instead of the result of the actual formula.
Has anyone else had this problem? What did you do to fix


Norman Harker

Arvi Laanemets

  • #3


Or calculation is set to manual (Tools.Options.Calculation). You can easily
test it, pressing F9


  • #4

Hi Norman,

No that is not the problem at all.

Here is an example!
Debits Credits Balance
$307.28 $307.28
$514.81 $822.09
$13.38 $835.47
$16.14 $851.61
$114.22 $965.83
$4.41 $970.24
$44.18 $1,014.42
$4.93 $1,019.35
$228.80 $1,248.15
$17.04 $1,265.19

Now that above is the result I am wanting! So that it is a
running total of the debits column minus the credits
column. If we call Debits Column A, Credits Column B and
the balance column C, and I was trying to get the second
row’s result to be $822.09 I would put in the formula
=C1+A2-B2. I would then drag the formula down so that it
will update the rest of Column C.

Now, that always worked fine for me until today. When you
look at the formulas it puts into the remaining fields in
Column C, they appear to be correct (ie, the next line
would be =C2+A3-B3 and then the next one =C3+A4-B4 and so
on)however, it keeps giving the result of $822.09 on every
line regardless of the formula. It’s very peculiar!

I hope that makes a bit more sense now…

JE McGimpsey

  • #5

Tools/Options/Calculate select the Automatic radio button.


  • #6

Thanks heaps for that! It works now!

——Original Message——
Tools/Options/Calculate select the Automatic radio button.



  • #7

For Microsoft Excel 2010,
go to ‘Formulas‘ tab, then under the Calculation group, located at the end of the ribbon, click ‘Calculation Option‘ and select ‘Automatic’. :)

My formulas won’t copy to another excel sheet?

I have a project due tonight, it’s lengthy but the bulk is knocked out. I can’t get my formulas to copy from one worksheet to the other, would this have something to do with page layout being slightly different? Previously I had all of my formulas spaced out but cut them into a new place to organize them and then I tried to copy that onto another worksheet hoping my formulas would transfer. What am I doing wrong?

As an Excel user, I know how frustrating it can be when formulas don’t copy down as expected.

From my experience, I learned that common issues like incorrect cell formatting, incorrect references, or Excel calculation settings might prevent formulas from copying down properly.

This tutorial examines seven reasons formulas may not copy down in Excel and offers possible solutions.

Reason #1: Workbook Calculation Mode is Set to Manual

Excel has two calculation modes: Automatic and Manual. 

Automatic calculation mode is Excel’s default setting, where Excel automatically recalculates all formulas in the workbook whenever a change is made to any referenced cell in the formula. 

However, you may get a workbook where the calculation mode has been set to Manual, meaning Excel will not automatically recalculate formulas. 

For example, consider the following dataset in a workbook where the calculation mode has been switched to Manual.

The dataset shows the descriptions, quantities, and prices of various electronic devices bought by a particular firm.

Calculation mode has been changed to manual

We want to use a formula to return the total prices of the items in column D. 

So, we proceed as follows:

  1. Select cell D2 and enter the formula below:
enter the formula in cell D2
  1. Drag or double-click the fill handle feature to copy the formula down the column.
copy the formula down the column

Notice that the total price is the same in every row of column D of the dataset, which needs to be corrected. 

How to Fix 

We can do any of the following to fix the issue of formulas not copying down because the workbook is set to Manual calculation Mode:

  • Switch the worksheet’s calculation mode to Automatic by selecting the Formulas tab, opening the Calculations Options drop-down on the Calculations group, and choosing Automatic.
change the calculation mode to automatic
  • Calculate the entire workbook by pressing F9 or clicking Calculate Now button on the Calculation group of the Formulas tab.
click on the calculate now icon in the ribbon

Either of the above steps will copy the formula down the column and give us the correct total price in every row of column D of the dataset:

data set where formula has been calculated correctly
Also read: VLOOKUP Not Working – 7 Possible Reasons + Fix!

Reason #2: The Fill Handle is Disabled

The fill handle in Excel is the small green square located in the bottom right corner of a selected cell or cell range, as shown below:

fill handle in Excel

If the fill handle is enabled, when we enter a formula in a cell and double-click or drag the fill handle, the formula is copied down the column. 

However, in some situations, the fill handle may be disabled such that we may not be able to drag the fill handle, or if we double-click it, we enter into edit mode instead of copying the formula down the column.

How to Fix

We enable the Fill Handle using the steps below:

  1. Click File to open Excel’s Backstage window.
click on the file tab in the ribbon
  1. Click Options on the left sidebar of Excel’s Backstage window.
click on options
  1. On the Excel Options dialog box, select Advanced on the left sidebar, select the Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop option on the right and click OK.
select the enable fill handle and cell drag and drop option

With the fill handle enabled, we can copy the formula down the column by dragging or double-clicking the fill handle. 

Also read: Excel Shortcuts Not Working - How to Fix?

Reason #3: There are Blank Cells in the Cell Range

Excel will stop copying down a formula when it encounters a blank cell in the range.

For example, look at the following dataset with an empty row 5.

data set with a blank empty row

When we enter a formula in cell D2….

enter the formula in cell D2

….and double-click the fill handle to copy the formula down the column, we notice that Excel stops copying the formula in cell D4:

double click on the fill handle to copy the formula down

How to Fix

Ensure there are no blank cells in the relevant cell range. In this case, we delete the blank cell D5 by deleting the empty row 5:

  • Right-click the numeric header of row 5 and select Delete option on the menu that appears.
click on the delete option in the right click context menu

With the blank cell removed, we can double-click the fill handle in the cell where Excel stopped copying the formula, and the formula is copied down the column:

formula copy down after the blank row is deleted

Reason #4: The Formula Contains Absolute References

Absolute references in Excel do not change when you copy a formula to another cell.

Therefore, a formula containing absolute references does not adjust to new cells when copied down. 

For example, the dataset below has a formula with absolute references in cell D2:

enter the formula in cell D2 with absolute references

When we double-click or drag the fill handle to copy the formula down column D, we get the same total price in every cell, which needs to be corrected.

double click on the fill handle to copy the formula down

How to Fix

Change the absolute references in the formula to relative references by removing the dollar signs in the references, as shown below:

change the cell references to relative

Note: You can either manually delete the dollar signs or select each cell reference in the formula and press F4 several times until all the dollar signs are removed.

Now when we drag or double-click the fill handle, the formula adjusts appropriately in every cell down the column, giving us the correct total price for each item:

formula works correctly after changing the cell references to relative

Reason #5: The Worksheet or Particular Cells are Protected

A protected Excel worksheet is a worksheet that is locked to prevent users from making changes to particular aspects of the worksheet’s contents, structure, or formatting. 

If the worksheet or specific cells are protected, formulas may not copy down if the cells being copied to are locked.

For example, the following dataset is on a protected worksheet with only cell D2 containing the formula unlocked:

enter the formula in cell D2

If we double-click or drag the fill handle tool to copy the formula down the column, the formula is not copied, and instead, Excel gives us a warning message indicating that the cells we are trying to change are on a protected sheet.

message box mentioning that the cells we are trying to change are on a protected sheet

How to Fix

We must unprotect the worksheet to copy the formula down the column.

We use the following steps to unprotect the worksheet:

  1. On the Review tab, click the Unprotect Sheet button on the Protect group.
click on the unprotect sheet option in the ribbon
  1. If the worksheet’s author protected it with a password, Excel requests you to enter the password. Enter the password used by the author to protect the worksheet on the Unprotect Sheet dialog box and click OK.
enter the password if any

The worksheet becomes unprotected. 

  1. Drag or double-click the fill handle tool to copy the formula down the column.

The formula is copied down the column, but you notice an error indicator next to the cell range in column D.

When you hover the cursor over the indicator,  it displays the error message showing that the active cell has a formula and is not locked to protect it from being altered unknowingly. 

orange triangle mentioning that cell contains a formula and is not locked to protect it from being changed inadvertently
  1. To remove the error indicator, click the down arrow on the error indicator and choose Ignore Error.
click on ignore error option

The error indicator is removed from every cell in the cell range:

formula can now be copied down

Reason #6: The Fill Formulas in Tables AutoCorrect Option is Disabled

By default, when we enter a formula in a cell in an Excel table, the formula is automatically copied to the other cells down the column.

However, formulas are not automatically copied if the Fill Formulas in tables to create calculated columns AutoCorrect option is disabled.

Suppose we have the following Excel table showing the description, quantity, and price of various electronic gadgets bought by a particular company.

excel table where we want to enter the formula and copy it down

Let’s enter type the following formula into cell D2 to compute the total price:

=[@Qty]*[@[Price(USD) ]]
enter those structuraed references formula in cell D2

When we press Enter, we realize that the formula is not automatically copied down the column as expected:

formula does not get automatically copied down the column

How to Fix

To fix the issue of the formula not being automatically copied down the column, we must enable the fill formulas in tables AutoCorrect option using the following steps:

  1. Click File to open Excel’s Backstage window. 
click the file tab
  1. Click Options on the left sidebar of the Backstage window.
click on options
  1. Click Proofing on the left sidebar of the Excel Options dialog box and click the AutoCorrect Options button on the right.
click on the auto correct options button
  1. On the AutoCorrect dialog box, open the AutoFormat As You Type tab, select the Fill formulas in tables to create calculated columns option, and click OK.
check the option fill formulas in tables to create calculated columns
  1. Click OK on the Excel Options dialog box. 
  2. Select the cell containing the formula on the Excel table and click at the end of the formula on the formula bar.
again enter the formula in cell D2
  1. Press Enter, and the formula is automatically copied down the column.
press enter and the formula is copied down the column in Excel table

Reason #7: There are Merged Cells in the Target Cell Range

If merged cells are in the cell range to which we want to copy a formula, they will prevent the formula from copying down as expected. 

Let’s consider the dataset below. First, notice that cells D8 and D9 are merged.

data set with merged cells in it

 We want to enter a formula in cell D2 that computes the total price of the first item on the list and copy the formula down the column to calculate the total prices of the electronic items. 

We use the steps below.

  1. Select cell D2 and type in the formula below:
enter the formula in cell D2 that you want to copy down
  1. Double-click or drag down the fill handle feature to copy the formula down the column.

Excel does not copy the formula down the column but instead displays a warning message indicating that all the merged cells must be the same size to copy the formula down the column.

prompt saying that all the merged cells need to be the same size

How to Fix

We must unmerge the merged cells to fix the problem of the formula not copying down because of merged cells in the target cell range.  

We use the steps below to split the merged cells:

  1. Select the merged cells D8 and D9.
select the merged cells
  1. On the Home tab, open the Merge & Center drop-down on the Alignment group and choose Unmerge Cells:
click on the unmerge cells option in the ribbon

The merged cells are now unmerged:

the merged cells have been unmerged

Now, when we double-click the fill handle in cell D2, the formula copies down the column as expected:

you can now copy down the formula
Also read: Why is Merge and Center Grayed Out?

This tutorial explained seven possible reasons for formulas not copying down in Excel and offered solutions. We hope you found the tutorial helpful.

Other Excel articles you may also like:

  • Excel Fill Series Not Working
  • Excel Not Responding – How To Fix It!
  • Formula Bar in Excel – Show/Hide Formula Bar!
  • Excel Crashes When Opening File
  • Not Enough Memory to Complete This Action in Excel – How to Fix?

  • — By
    Sumit Bansal

Watch Video – Copy and Paste Formulas in Excel without Changing Cell References

When you copy and paste formulas in Excel, it automatically adjusts the cell references.

For example, suppose I have the formula =A1+A2 in cell B1. When I copy the cell B1 and paste it in B2, the formula automatically becomes =A2+A3.

Copy and Paste Formulas in Excel - Reference change demo

This happens as Excel automatically adjusts the references to make sure the rows and columns now refer to the adjusted rows and columns.

Note: This adjustment happens when you’re using relative references or mixed references. In the case of absolute references, the exact formula gets copied.

Copy and Paste Formulas in Excel without Changing Cell References

When using relative/mixed references in your formulas, you may – sometimes – want to copy and paste formulas in Excel without changing the cell references.

Simply put, you want to copy the exact formula from one set of cells to another.

In this tutorial, I will show you how you can do this using various ways:

  • Manually Copy Pasting formulas.
  • Using ‘Find and Replace’ technique.
  • Using the Notepad.

Manually Copy Paste the Exact Formula

If you only have a handful of formulas that you want to copy and paste without changing the cell references, doing it manually would be more efficient.

To copy paste formulas manually:

  • Select the cell from which you want to copy the formula.
  • Go to the formula bar and copy the formula (or press F2 to get into the edit mode and then copy the formula).
  • Select the destination cell and paste the formula.

Note that this method works only when you have a few cells from which you want to copy formulas.

If you have a lot, use the find and replace technique shown below.

Using Find and Replace

Here are the steps to copy formulas without changing the cell references:

This will convert the text back into the formula and you will get the result.

Note: If you use the # character as a part of your formula, you can use any other character in Replace with (such as ‘ZZZ’ or ‘ABC’).

Using Notepad to Copy Paste Formulas

If you have a range of cells where you have the formulas that you want to copy, you can use a Notepad to quickly copy and paste the formulas.

Here are the steps to copy formulas without changing the cell references:

  • Go to Formulas –> Show Formulas. This will show all the formulas in the worksheet.Copy and Paste Formulas in Excel - show formulas
  • Copy the cells that have the formulas that you want to copy.
  • Open a notepad and paste the cell contents in the notepad.
  • Copy the content on the notepad and paste in the cells where you want the exact formulas copied.
  • Again go to Formulas –> Show formulas.

Note: Instead of Formulas –> Show formulas, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Control + ` (this is the same key that has the tilde sign).

You May Also Like the Following Tutorials:

  • How to Convert Formulas to Values in Excel.
  • Show Formulas in Excel Instead of the Values.
  • How to Lock Formulas in Excel.
  • Understanding Absolute, Relative, and Mixed Cell References in Excel.
  • How to reference another sheet in Excel.
  • How to Remove Cell Formatting in Excel
  • How to Copy Excel Table to Word
  • How to Copy and Paste Column in Excel?
  • How to Multiply a Column by a Number in Excel

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31 thoughts on “How to Copy and Paste Formulas in Excel without Changing Cell References”

  1. Thank you for your help.
    “Using Find and Replace” is very good option. it really works.

  2. Thank you very much

  3. BROOOOOO! This was so smart and easy. Thanks my friend!

  4. Excellent. That has made my work today so much easier!!

  5. Thanks you so much! This Helped me a lot!!

  6. Great! Thanks for the teaching! Loving the Notepad method

  7. Amazing….such a nice n easy way to do it with replace..thanks a lot

  8. Thanks alot. really helpful

  9. Nice. Very well explained, thank you.

  10. OH. MY. GOSH. I’m 10 hours of copying and pasting formulas but this has saved me at least a few more and countless future hours! Replacing = with #, pasting, then replacing # with =. It’s so simple… why didn’t I think of it. 🙂 Thank you!

  11. Thanks a lot Simple & Eazy

  12. # is best and easiest solution, thanks a lot!!! very clever!

  13. thanks a lot

  14. This saved me tonnes of work. Thanks so much!

  15. For a copying and pasting a large array of formulas comprising both relative and absolute references to different cells, sheets and workbooks, the ‘find and replace’ has proven to be convoluted, time consuming and problematic. One has to ‘cherry pick’ through the array to ensure which of one’s relative cell references are not to be changed.
    I migrated to excel from lotus-123; as a comparison using ‘123’ back then, one would simply ‘highlight rows (or columns)’, ‘copy’, ‘insert’ equal rows (or columns), then ‘paste’ – quick and most importantly no cherry picking errors.
    Excel’s ‘insert copied cells’ command hides the ‘insert row or column’ command, therefore one cannot emulate the ‘123’ way. Even if one tries the ‘insert sheet rows (or columns)’ command then attempt to paste directly from ‘clipboard’, only text and not formulas are pasted.

  16. amazing!
    saved me 20 min. of work…


    • Agree! This is so simple, but very helpful. Thanks!

  18. I have a cell reference issue I hope someone can help me with. I have a cell outside of a range that I always want to refer to a specific cell inside of the range, even when cells are inserted or deleted from the range. For example, cell A10 refers to C10 in the range B1:D200. If someone inserts cells B7:D13, I still want A10 to refer to C10, not C17. I think I need a helper column that has the text “C10” in cell E10. What is the Function that gets A10 to use the static text in E10 to refer to cell C10?

    • You can use the INDIRECT function. This should work =INDIRECT(“C10”). If you have text C10 in cell E10, just use =INDIRECT(E10)

      • Thanks. That is the Function I was looking for, but could not remember.

      • Even though INDIRECT is less complicated, can you tell me why CELL(“contents”,ADDRESS(10,3)) didn’t work?

        • Jim,
          although these are functions I’ve never had cause to use, I think this might be because the $C$10 from the ADDRESS function is seen as text, not a cell reference
          CELL(“contents”,”$C$10″) certainly does not work
          t’other jim

      • although INDIRECT is the way to go with this, you could also use OFFSET:
        =OFFSET(A10,,2) should work
        both are volatile formulae (will recalculate on every worksheet change), which you might be able to avoid by using =INDEX(C:C,10) which would only fail your requirements if a whole column were inserted or deleted somewhere between A:A and C:C

        • taking this a step further, =INDEX(1:1048576,10,3) will always refer to C10 – but it’s very clumsy-looking

    • I’ve made a step in the right direction. ADDRESS(10,3) results in $C$10 and it does not change when cell C10 is moved. CELL(“contents”,$C$10) gives me the proper result. However, CELL(“contents”,ADDRESS(10,3)) is not even accepted. What is wrong with the nested formula?

      • you should use “=CELL(“contents”, INDIRECT(ADDRESS(10,3,1,1,”Sheet1″),1))” as there are certain arguments to ADDRESS function which ADDRESS(10,3) is not capturing and those arguments are not optional.

  19. I think Bansal’s point was that sometimes you can have a range of dynamic formulae that you want to replicate elsewhere
    I’ve had this situation occur before but I never thought of using the Notepad method – thanks for that, another weapon in my arsenal

  20. Absolute cell reference is the best. i.e. =A$1$ + B$1$ this cell is locked in that way.

  21. I use absolute/Dynamic references for doing this

    • I love method 3. Thanks you.

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Excel makes it easy to copy your formula across an entire row or column, but you don’t always get the results you want. If you end up with unexpected results, or those awful #REF and /DIV0 errors, it can be extremely frustrating. But don’t worry—you won’t need to edit your 5,000 line spreadsheet cell-by-cell. This wikiHow teaches you easy ways to copy formulas to other cells.

  1. Image titled 579572 1 3


    Open your workbook in Excel. Sometimes, you have a large spreadsheet full of formulas, and you want to copy them exactly. Changing everything to absolute cell references would be tedious, especially if you just want to change them back again afterward. Use this method to quickly move formulas with relative cell references elsewhere without changing the references.[1]
    In our example spreadsheet, we want to copy the formulas from column C to column D without changing anything.

    Example Spreadsheet

    Column A Column B Column C Column D
    row 1




    row 2




    row 3




    row 4




    • If you’re just trying to copy the formula in a single cell, skip to the last step («Try alternate methods») in this section.
  2. Image titled 579572 2 3


    Press Ctrl+H to open the Find window. The shortcut is the same on Windows and macOS.


  3. Image titled 579572 3 3


    Find and replace «=» with another character. Type «=» into the «Find what» field, and then type a different character into the «Replace with» box. Click Replace All to turn all formulas (which always begin with an equal’s sign) into text strings beginning with some other character. Always use a character that you have not used in your spreadsheet. For example, replace it with # or &, or a longer string of characters, such as ##&.

    Example Spreadsheet

    Column A Column B Column C Column D
    row 1




    row 2




    row 3




    row 4




    • Do not use the characters * or ?, since these will make later steps more difficult.
  4. Image titled 579572 4 3


    Copy and paste the cells. Highlight the cells you want to copy, and then press Ctrl + C (PC) or Cmd + C (Mac) to copy them. Then, select the cells you want to paste into, and press Ctrl + V (PC) or Cmd + V (Mac) to paste. Since they are no longer interpreted as formulas, they will be copied exactly.

    Example Spreadsheet

    Column A Column B Column C Column D
    row 1





    row 2





    row 3





    row 4





  5. Image titled 579572 5 3


    Use Find & Replace again to reverse the change. Now that you have the formulas where you want them, use «Replace All» again to reverse your change. In our example, we’ll look for the character string «##&» and replace it with «=» again, so those cells become formulas once again. You can now continue editing your spreadsheet as usual:

    Example Spreadsheet

    Column A Column B Column C Column D
    row 1





    row 2





    row 3





    row 4





  6. Image titled 579572 6 3


    Try alternate methods. If the method described above doesn’t work for some reason, or if you are worried about accidentally changing other cell contents with the «Replace all» option, there are a couple other things you can try:

    • To copy a single cell’s formula without changing references, select the cell, then copy the formula shown in the formula bar near the top of the window (not in the cell itself). Press Esc to close the formula bar, then paste the formula wherever you need it.
    • Press Ctrl and ` (usually on the same key as ~) to put the spreadsheet in formula view mode. Copy the formulas and paste them into a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit. Copy them again, then paste them back into the spreadsheet at the desired location. Then, press Ctrl and ` again to switch back to regular viewing mode.
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  1. Image titled 579572 7 3


    Type a formula into a blank cell. Excel makes it easy to propagate a formula down a column or across a row by «filling» the cells. As with any formula, start with an = sign, then use whichever functions or arithmetic you’d like. We’ll use a simple example spreadsheet, and add column A and column B together. Press Enter or Return to calculate the formula.

    Example Spreadsheet

    Column A Column B Column C
    row 1




    row 2



    row 3



    row 4



  2. Image titled 579572 8 3


    Click the lower right corner of the cell with the formula you want to copy. The cursor will become a bold + sign.

  3. Image titled 579572 9 3


    Click and drag the cursor across the column or row you’re copying to. The formula you entered will automatically be entered into the cells you’ve highlighted. Relative cell references will automatically update to refer to the cell in the same relative position rather than stay exactly the same. Here’s our example spreadsheet, showing the formulas used and the results displayed:

    Example Spreadsheet

    Column A Column B Column C
    row 1




    row 2




    row 3




    row 4




    Example Spreadsheet

    Column A Column B Column C
    row 1




    row 2




    row 3




    row 4




    • You can also double-click the plus sign to fill the entire column instead of dragging. Excel will stop filling out the column if it sees an empty cell. If the reference data contains a gap, you will have to repeat this step to fill out the column below the gap.
    • Another way to fill the entire column with the same formula is to select the cells directly below the one containing the formula and then press Ctrl + D.[2]
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  1. Image titled 579572 10 3


    Type the formula into one cell. As with any formula, start with an = sign, then use whichever functions or arithmetic you’d like. We’ll use a simple example spreadsheet, and add column A and column B together. When you press Enter or Return, the formula will calculate.

    Example Spreadsheet

    Column A Column B Column C
    row 1




    row 2



    row 3



    row 4



  2. Image titled 579572 11 3


    Select the cell and press Ctrl+C (PC) or Command+C (Mac). This copies the formula to your clipboard.

  3. Image titled 579572 12 3


    Select the cells you want to copy the formula to. Click on one and drag up or down using your mouse or the arrow keys. Unlike with the column or row fill method, the cells you are copying the formula to do not need to be adjacent to the cell you are copying from. You can hold down the Control key while selecting to copy non-adjacent cells and ranges.

  4. Image titled 579572 13 3


    Press Ctrl+V (PC) or Command+V (Mac) to paste. The formulas now appear in the selected cells.

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  1. Image titled 579572 14 3


    Use a relative cell reference in a formula. In an Excel formula, a «cell reference» is the address a cell. You can type these in manually, or click on the cell you wish to use while you are entering a formula. For example, the following spreadsheet has a formula that references cell A2:

    Relative References

    Column A Column B Column C
    row 2




    row 3


    row 4


    row 5


  2. Image titled 579572 15 3


    Understand why they’re called relative references. In an Excel formula, a relative reference uses the relative position of a cell address. In our example, C2 has the formula “=A2”, which is a relative reference to the value two cells to the left. If you copy the formula into C4, then it will still refer to two cells to the left, now showing “=A4”.

    Relative References

    Column A Column B Column C
    row 2




    row 3


    row 4



    row 5


    • This works for cells outside of the same row and column as well. If you copied the same formula from cell C1 into cell D6 (not shown), Excel would change the reference «A2» to a cell one column to the right (C→D) and 5 rows below (2→7), or «B7».
  3. Image titled 579572 16 3


    Use an absolute reference instead. Let’s say you don’t want Excel to automatically change your formula. Instead of using a relative cell reference, you can make it absolute by adding a $ symbol in front of the column or row that you want to keep the same, no matter where you copy the formula too.[3]
    Here are a few example spreadsheets, showing the original formula in larger, bold text, and the result when you copy-paste it to other cells:

    • Relative Column, Absolute Row (B$3): The formula has an absolute reference to row 3, so it always refers to row 3:

      Column A Column B Column C
      row 1




      row 2




      row 3




      row 4




    • Absolute Column, Relative Row ($B1): The formula has an absolute reference to column B, so it always refers to column B.

      Column A Column B Column C
      row 1




      row 2




      row 3




      row 4




    • Absolute Column & Row ($B$1): The formula has an absolute reference to column B of row 1, so it always refers to column B of row 1.

      Column A Column B Column C
      row 1




      row 2




      row 3




      row 4




  4. Image titled 579572 17 3


    Use the F4 key to switch between absolute and relative. Highlight a cell reference in a formula by clicking it and press F4 to automatically add or remove $ symbols. Keep pressing F4 until the absolute or relative references you’d like are selected, then press Enter or Return.

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  • Question

    When I try to pull down formula, it stays the same and does not change with row, what can I do?

    Community Answer

    Go to Formulas, Calculation Options, and change them from Manual to Automatic.

  • Question

    When I click and drag, it copies the format also. I don’t want to copy the format, just the formula?

    Krisztian Toth

    Krisztian Toth

    Community Answer

    Right after the drag there should be an icon in the lower right corner of the highlighted area. Hover over that and select from the various fill options, among which you can find an option to fill without format.

  • Question

    How do I copy a date formula I have created (that includes the week day as well as date) so that it runs in sequence?

    Krisztian Toth

    Krisztian Toth

    Community Answer

    Double click into the cell, copy your formula, double click into the destination cell, then press Ctrl+V or Command+V.

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  • If you copy a formula to a new cell and see a green triangle, Excel has detected a possible error. Examine the formula carefully to see if anything went wrong.[4]

  • If you accidentally did replace the = character with ? or * in the «copying a formula exactly» method, searching for «?» or «*» will not give you the results you expect. Correct this by searching for «~?» or for «~*» instead.[5]

  • Select a cell and press Ctrl (apostrophe) to fill it with the formula directly above it.

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  • Different versions of Excel may not show exactly the same screenshots in the same ways as are displayed here.



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Article SummaryX

To copy a formula into multiple adjoining cells in Microsoft Excel, type the formula into a cell, and then press Enter or Return to calculate it. Hover your mouse cursor over the bottom-right corner of the cell so the cursor turns to a crosshair, then drag the crosshair down to copy the formula to other cells in the column. If you’d rather copy the formula to cells in a row, drag the crosshair left or right.
To copy a formula to cells that aren’t touching the formula cell, click the cell once to select it, and then press Control + C (on a PC) or Command + C (on a Mac) to copy the formula. Now, select the cell or cells you want to copy the formula to, then press Control + V (on a PC) or Command + V (on a Mac) to paste it into the selected cells.

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