My favorite а word is friday

Why Friday Is My Second Favorite F Word!

We all love a big ‘ol good ending because 

“All’s well that ends well”

This Idiom sums up all of our feelings when the 5-day daily grind of a week comes to a halt, only to give us a little break from the work pressure, deadlines, and nagging bosses.

So leave all your worries behind and get your Friday groove on with these TGIF GIFs

Friday Is The Day Dedicated To Binge Watching

Source = Gph

Though everybody is just trying to be friendly and making plans to party together, you will make any god forbidden excuse to stay out of it. 

 You’re not that person; you would rather go buy a large tub of «cookies and cream» on your way home where you can binge watch an entire season of your favorite series with your furry friends.

It’s A Getaway From Forced Friendships

Source = Gph

We all at some point in our 9 to 5 shifts try to avoid certain clingy colleagues, the ones who will appear out of nowhere, startle you when you’re daydreaming or using the split urinals, but when it’s Friday, you can just wave them goodbye in the face as you’re leaving for the weekends.

You Can Dance Away Your Weekday Blues

Source = Gph

Just about everyone around you is counting down to the end of the day because Friday night is all about partying together with friends at a happening place or dancing on your own, cause you feel like it.

If happiness were to exist in an active physical form, it would most certainly be dancing

Fridays Are Universally Happy Days, Its Vibe Will Get You Moving

Source = Gph

Even though you have no apparent reason to smile, sing or dance, Fridays will work its magic on you to get your dancing shoes on or pick up a karaoke mic to let you inner Elvis shine or just look at memes all day and smile for no reason.

Hakuna Matata

Source = Gph

Fridays are like those days when Timon & Pumbaa from the “Lion King” felt like there are no worries in the world, just true bliss. 

You just have to pause your super fast life for a little and observe for a while doing nothing just look and feel the world around you.

That Sneaky Friday

Source = Gph

When the week has been mercilessly grinding your gears for so long that you don’t even realize it’s the weekend, but when you do, a euphoria dawns on you, with highly improbable overdue weekend plans in your head. 

“I will go trek the Himalayas this weekend”

Cause, Why Not!

So, shut down your systems of despair and unwilling short talks to get your Friday vibe on!

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Мой любимый день недели — пятница/ My Favorite Day of The Week Is Friday с переводом на русский язык.

My Favorite Day of The Week Is Friday Мой любимый день недели — пятница
My school week consists of five days and I love the last one more than others. First of all, because Friday marks the start of the weekend. Моя учебная неделя состоит из пяти дней, и последний из них я люблю больше других. Прежде всего, потому что пятница знаменует собой начало выходных.
On this day, after you come home from school, you can forget about your lessons for a while postponing them to Saturday or Sunday. And then all of a sudden you have the time for fun walks with friends in the yard and for your favorite hobby. I like to play online computer games but on weekdays my parents don’t let me do it because of a large amount of homework. But on Friday everything is allowed! On this day, I am not only allowed to play on my computer but I can also go to bed after ten o’clock in the evening. That is why on Fridays, we often watch exciting family movies on TV with my parents until nightfall. В этот день, придя домой из школы, можно ненадолго позабыть об уроках, отложив их на субботу или воскресенье. И тогда сразу появляется время для веселых прогулок с друзьями во дворе и любимого хобби. Мне нравится играть в сетевые компьютерные игры, но на буднях родители из-за большого количества домашних заданий запрещают делать это. Но в пятницу можно все! В этот день мне не только разрешается играть в компьютер, но и ложиться спать позже десяти часов вечера. Потому часто по пятницам вместе с родителями мы до самой ночи смотрим увлекательные семейные фильмы по телевизору.
However, school mornings on Fridays also seem very special. Everyone is in good spirits, looking forward to the end of the lessons. Teachers are also in a hurry to get home, so they do not keep us longer than necessary at school and do not load us with homework understanding that children need to rest. Но и школьное утро по пятницам тоже кажется совершенно особенным. Все пребывают в бодром расположении духа, с нетерпением ожидая окончания уроков. Учителя тоже торопятся попасть домой, потому не задерживают нас и не нагружают домашним заданием, понимая, что детям нужно отдохнуть.
Nevertheless, sometimes on Fridays, our school organizes entertainment events: concerts or performances. And on such days, few of the students rush to leave our lyceum after classes. Впрочем, иногда по пятницам в нашей школе организуют развлекательные мероприятия: концерты или спектакли. И в такие дни мало кто из учеников спешит после занятий покинуть лицей.
And finally, Friday for me is the day of stockеtaking and counting my school victories. If I got a lot of good grades during the week, my parents always prepare a gift for me. For example, a joint trip to the «Oceanarium» or sometimes we can go to a pizzeria. However, even if the school week was not very successful, I do not get upset because you can always work on your mistakes and then, after having some rest, start striving for new achievements. И наконец, пятница для меня — это день подведения итогов и подсчета своих школьных побед. Если за неделю я получил много хороших оценок, то родители всегда готовят мне какой-либо подарок. Например, совместную поездку в «Океанариум» или семейный поход в пиццерию. Впрочем, даже если учебная неделя выдалась не очень удачной, я не расстраиваюсь, потому что всегда можно поработать над ошибками, а затем, отдохнув, приступить к покорению новых высот.

It finally happened! I have literally waited my whole entire life for this day — and now it is upon me!! «What??» you ask…well…I have FINALLY been asked what is my favorite word!! For those of you who know and love me you know how important this is…how monumental…you will hopefully even know my favorite word!
What is my favorite word? I actually have 2!! But, I will share that in just a moment.

I have a wonderful new friend in blog land — Cindy @ I Owe It All To Him — what an incredibly inspirational site — I just love it and I know you will as well! Cindy hosts a virtual party every Friday with a different theme — this week Cindy made my dream come true and asked us all to share our favorite word. Thank you Cindy!!!


It all started when I was a little girl — I used to watch the television program «The Electric Company». Do any of you remember this show? They always had a special segment where a news reporter would randomly stop people on the street and ask them to share their favorite word. I knew at a young tender age that I had to be ready with my own favorite word in anticipation of my very own interview. Alas…it never happened…never mind that…I have been poised with my favorite word all of these years and I have finally been asked the question of questions!!!

So, without further adieu….drum roll please…my favorite word is and always will be: QUICKLY!


QUICKLY ~ isn’t it just a lovely word? I have no explanation of why this is my favorite word — and why would a 5 year old pick this word as a favorite? These are the mysteries of life!

Remember I said I have 2 favorite words — I have a favorite word in the Bible!
I know that «quickly» is in the Bible as well — but I have to have a separate favorite word that is God inspired. That word is ~ LOVINGKINDNESS. This is the most magnificent word to me — oh I just adore it. Most people do not realize that this is actually a word — believing it to be 2 separate words or even a word with a hyphen. This is an one word and I love it!!!
Psalm 26:3
For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes,
and I have walked in Your truth.
Psalm 36:10
Oh continue Your lovingkindess to those who know
You, and Your righteousness to the upright in heart.
Psalm 63:3

Your lovingkindness is better than life,
my lips shall praise you.
Jeremiah 31:3

The Lord appeared to me saying «Yes, I have
loved you with everlasting love; therefore with
lovingkindness I have drawn you.»
Psalm 103:1-5
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me,
bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and
forget not all His benefits; Who forgives all your
iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems
your life from destruction, Who crowns you with
lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your
mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed
like the eagle’s.

I am linking to:
Linky Party
hosted by Cindy @ I Owe It All To Him

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Happy Friday Wishes: Friday is their favorite day of the week for many people. It kicks off the weekend, and after working all week, the break and breath of fresh air on Friday are very welcoming and pleasing. Send a sweet message to your friends and family this Friday; wish your loved ones a fun and relaxing Friday with your message. Your wish will undoubtedly lift them up in the same way that Friday will. We have a variety of Friday wishes here, including wishes for your lover, friends, and family, as well as prayers and morning blessings. Find the perfect wish for your loved ones and send it to them.

Have a wonderful Friday. I hope this Friday finds you with everything good and nice.

Good Morning and Happy Friday. May your soul be replenished, and eternal peace overwhelms you today and always.

Happy Friday, my love. I hope you relax and enjoy the day to the fullest.


Weekends would be less if Friday didn’t exist. Happy Friday, everyone!

Thank God its Friday! It is the best day to spend time with the people you love.

Can you imagine a week that didn’t include Fridays? I’m afraid not. Happy Friday, everyone.

Good morning to you on this wonderful Friday. I hope your day is filled with fun and excitement, love and laughter, food and friends.

Fridays are so awesome that every day in the week should be Fridays. Wishing you a day full of cheers and happiness with your family!

It feels good to be alive to see one more Friday in life. I know you love the day just as much as I do. Happy Friday! Have a great time!

My dear friends, good morning. I hope you all have a peaceful Friday!

short friday morning msg

Only I know how much you wait for the whole week to have some fun on Fridays. Thank God it’s Friday. Let’s enjoy it to the fullest!

Don’t forget to take time on your Friday to say thanks to God for the life you are living. May you have a blessed Friday!

Friday nights are awesome. The day we have all been waiting for the entire week has just come once again. Happy Friday my dear!

Are you ready yet to have the biggest fun of this week? Another Friday has just come and we really need to make it a big one. Happy Friday!

Friday Prayers and Blessings

A good Friday can make you forget the long, cold week you had to survive for the last seven days. I hope this Friday will be a good Friday for you!

No work, no struggle but a lot of fun, drinks, and parties. This is what Friday offers us every weekend. Are you ready to live it once again? Happy Friday!

Forget what tomorrow may bring to you. It’s Friday today, and you don’t need to worry about any other day. Happy Friday to you!

I hope this Friday becomes the longest Friday for both of us. We both know how much we hate any other day in the week. Happy Friday!

Friday Morning Greetings

Sending my warm greetings this Friday morning. I hope you have a good day.

Good morning and happy Friday. Begin this Friday with all the energy you can muster.

Hello and good morning to you this Friday. You’ve worked hard all week, so I hope this Friday gives you some rest.

Don’t think about tomorrow, and live your present. Let the calming energy of Friday guide you to peace and comfort. Happy Friday.


It’s time to step up and be a hero. A hero who rescues all of the wine from the bottle. Have a good morning on a bright day like Friday.

Good morning. May this Friday be recharging and relaxing for you.

Good morning! Wishing you a Friday filled with love and laughter with your friends and family.

Good morning. It’s Friday. The most amazing day of the week. May your Friday be filled with God’s mercies and blessings.

Read More: 250+ Good Morning Messages and Wishes

Happy Friday Messages

Friday has arrived once more. Begin your day by reflecting on what is important to you. Concentrate on your goals. Have a fantastic weekend.

Fridays are so fantastic that they can be celebrated every day of the week. Wishing you a day filled with joy and happiness with your loved ones!

I hope God gives you His blessings to have a recharging Friday that gives you strength to get through the next week as.

Just know how much we look forward to Fridays after a long week. So Let’s make the most of it!

happy friday msg

A well-spent Friday will help you forget the long, cold week you’ve had to endure the previous seven days. So cheers.

After all of your hard work this week, you deserve to have a good and happy Friday. Make the most of your Friday.

I hope your Friday is filled with positivity and that this positivity lasts the entire week. Wishing you a very happy Friday.

Happy Friday, my darling! Friday has arrived; it is my favorite day of the week. It’s the day we can spend together without having to worry about work.

Every day in the week is a nightmare except Friday, in which our sweetest dreams come alive. Welcome to yet another Friday of your life!

Friday Prayers and Blessings

May the Lord’s grace and favour be upon you this Friday.

Thank you Lord, for this peaceful Friday. I repent for my sins and pray for your mercy and guidance.

Happy Friday! May the Almighty shower you and your family with His blessings.

Dear God, please free my heart from sadness, my body from illness, and my mind from worries. And, fill my Friday with your blessings.

friday prayers and blessings

I hope God guides you towards light this Friday. Warm greetings for Friday to you.

I hope God graces you with a peaceful Friday this week. Happy Friday to you.

Happy Friday! Wishing you a peaceful day filled with love and blessings!

May God’s blessings flow through you today, touching the lives of everyone you encounter along the way. Friday greetings.

You have a wonderful Friday! On this blessed day, seek God’s forgiveness!

All I wish is that every Friday prayer brings you peace, joy, and forgiveness into your life and strengthens your faith in the almighty. Have a wonderful Friday!

Also Read: Happy Weekend Messages

Friday Message To My Love

My beloved, I hope this Friday gives you a lot of pleasure and love.

Friday is my favorite day of the week since it is the weekend and I can see you.

Fridays are without a doubt the finest day of the week, and I’m going to make this Friday the best it can be for you.

No matter how difficult the week is, you always have a smile on your face on Fridays. So, I wait for Friday every week.

Fridays are my favourite days. We can gist all night long without worrying about the obligations that await us the next day. Love, I wish you a happy Friday.

Friday Message to My Love

Happy Friday, love. I cannot wait to see you today and spend the entire day with you.

It’s time to unwind and put your worries aside. Today is the start of the weekend. Let’s go out and have a good time. Happy Friday, my love.

Happy Friday, honey; as you walk into this beautiful day, I hope it gives you love and harmony.

It’s a beautiful morning, and the sun is shining brightly. I hope your life shines brighter today, and have a wonderful Friday.

Today is Friday, a day to be with you. Happy Friday love, thank you for making my life a better place.

Happy Friday Wishes For Friends

Fridays are awesome when we have good friends to have fun with. This Friday is not going to be any funnier than the last one. Happy Friday my friend.

I really wish the other days didn’t exist in a week. I could hang out with you all day long without worrying about the next day. Happy Friday!

Happy Friday, friends! Who needs therapy when we have Friday morning with friends?


Friends like you make Fridays more special. I am waiting to have another spectacular Friday night with you. Happy Friday!

The horrors of the entire week are nothing compared to a Friday evening spent with a good friend. I can’t wait to meet you again. Happy Friday!

All the good things in the world start with ‘F’, like ‘Friday’ and ‘Friend’. Let’s have another fantastic Friday this week. Happy Friday my friend!

Friday Wishes For Colleagues

You have worked hard during the whole week. It’s time to relax and have a good time with your friends and family. Happy Friday!

Weekends wouldn’t be so special for us if there was no Friday. Make the best of it this week. Wishing you a very enjoyable Friday with your family!

Fridays have been special to us since we were kids. I hope you are enjoying every Friday of your life as a kid. Happy Friday!

Friday is like a good, loyal lover. Whether you want it or not, it keeps coming back in life. Happy Friday my dear colleague!

I don’t care if any other day exists or not. But I’ll go crazy if there is no Friday. I know the same thing goes for you too. Happy Friday!

Friday Messages For Family

Friday is a blessing because it lets me spend time with the most amazing people in the world. A very happy Friday to all of you!

Special days should be spent with special people in our life. That’s why I love to be with you every Friday of the week. Happy Friday!

Friday Wishes Messages For Loved One

Good times and good foods with good people. That’s how I describe my Fridays. I love you all and I love Fridays. Happy Friday!

Fridays offer some perfect time to spend time with the people I love and enjoy a good meal prepared by mom. Happy Friday to all!

I don’t want anything extra-ordinary on Fridays. I want to be with you guys and share happiness together. Happy Friday!

Nothing makes me happier than spending a Friday with my lovely family. I’m coming home to be with you for another exciting Friday. Happy Friday!

Related: Happy Sunday Wishes

Friday Captions

I hope this Friday takes away all your stress and worries. Happy Friday everyone!

Friday seems to be the shortest day of the week for me. So the party must start early.

Happy Friday! May the lord shower you with his blessings this Friday.

I wish you all the joy you desire on this day. Good morning. Have a great Friday.

May God bless you with his mercy and forgiveness this Friday.

Friday, Friends, and Fries; the only things that keep me going in life. Happy Friday!

I hope this weekend begins with comfort and calmness for you. Happy Friday!

Sending my warm wishes for Friday; I hope the weekend brings you lots of joy.

Friday Quotes

“People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, all life for happiness.” – Raimonda.B

“Friday afternoon feels like Heaven.” – El Fuego

Finally, Happy Friday! It seemed like a week to get here!

“Fridays are the hardest in some ways: you’re so close to freedom.” – Lauren Oliver

“Friday sees more smiles than any other day of the workweek!” – Kate Summers

Good morning and happy Friday! Enjoy the day without thinking about tomorrow.

“Happy Friday! Here’s to all of us who made it through another week of faking adulthood.” – Nanea Hoffman

Happy Friday Text Messages

“Friday is my second favorite F word. Food is my first.”

“Love and Life begins on Fridays.”

Today is Friday, and you don’t have to think about anything else. Have a wonderful Friday, friends!

“Friday is about hanging out with friends, having fun.” – Rebecca Black

Mondays are a good day to make statements, not Friday. Ernie Els

Except for Friday, every day of the week is a nightmare. Hello to another Friday in your life!

Read: Happy Saturday Wishes

Everyone loves a lazy day after an exhausting week. Fridays offer us a temporary escape from the daily horrors in life and spend some time just on our own terms. It’s a day to relax and feel the happiness around you. It’s a day to feel blessed to be alive and thank God for giving us some wonderful people we call friends and family. Fridays should be spent in the most satisfying way one can ever spend. Friday wishes and messages can double the joy of your friends, family member, and colleagues by letting them know about your heartfelt good wishes for them.

Last updated on September 27, 2022

happy weekend quotes

Is there anyone out there who does not look forward to the weekend? You would have to look really hard to even find such a person out there.

For most of us, nothing is more exciting than the weekend. From Friday to Sunday, our thoughts go to the idea of relaxing, having adventures, and getting a break from work or school. Weekends are our chance to do what we really want to do.

Fridays are the last day of the work or school week. Once school or work is over on Friday, we get to begin our weekend plans and we do not have to worry about school or work again until Monday. The weekend break is something that many people look forward to.

Saturdays are known to be days that are full of adventure. Whether you go out exploring, or meet new people, Saturdays are absolutely filled with potential. On a Saturday, think about something that you have been wanting to do and try to make it happen.

Weekends are also a time for reflection. We get to think about the wonderful things we have in life. Sundays are especially known to be days where we can reflect on all of our blessings in life, partially because Sundays are the end of the week, giving us the perfect chance to think about the successful week that we have just completed.

If you are religious, you can also use the weekend to thank God for everything that you have. From family and friends to our jobs and possessions, there are many things out there to be thankful for. Even when we have things to be stressed out about, we also need to learn to appreciate the little things in life.

Use the weekend quotes below and share them with your family members and friends. These quotes consist of sage advice, positive words, and funny jokes. Share some of them with your loved ones as you celebrate a fun weekend and the completion of another successful week in your life.

Happy Friday Quotes

1. Smile because it is Friday!

2. Don’t just thank God because it is Friday. Thank God because it is another day.

3. I have not been this excited about Friday since last Friday.

4. Things people say…

funny friday quotes

5. There is no quote out there that can fully describe how great Friday is.

6. Happy Friday! Forget about all the bad things that happened to you this week and just have a great weekend.

7. Friday is like a superhero, flying and swooping in to save the rest of the week.

8. If Friday were a person, I would give it a big hug and a kiss.

9. Happy Friday! May your weekend be full of adventure and cheer, and may the beginning of the next week be far away.

10. Life begins on Friday night.

11. It’s Friday! Praise God for getting us through the work week.

12. Have a fantastically fabulous Friday, my friend.

13. May the Lord bless you with a peaceful Friday and a great weekend.

14. Stop stressing out and just chill out. It is finally Friday!

15. TGIF, Thank God It’s Friday!

16. Today is Friday. You deserve a high five!

17. Sending out love on this Friday. Have a healthy, happy, and fun weekend.

18. It is Friday, so that is kind of a party in itself.

19. Make sure that today is ridiculously amazing. It is Friday, after all.

20. It’s finally Friday! Time to have unlimited amounts of fun.

21. Keep calm. Today is Friday AND pay day! What could be better than that?

22. The only thing that is better than a Friday is when it also happens to be pay day.

23. Today is finally Friday. I hope that you enjoy your weekend.

24. Friday just called to let you know that you should get ready for a lot of fun this weekend.

25. Well hello, Friday. Where have you been all week?

26. Hello Friday, it sure is good to see you.

27. Friday is a blessing. Thank you Lord, for getting us through this week.

28. It’s Friday, I’m in love.

29. Today is Friday. We made it!

30. What do you mean tomorrow is Monday?! It was just Friday.

31. It is Friday and I am ready to enjoy my weekend.

32. Let’s all do a happy dance because today is Friday!

33. Wake up bouncing off the walls because today is Friday.

34. Friday is my second favorite word that begins with the letter F. My most favorite word that begins with the letter F is “friend,” because I have a friend like you.

35. Dear Friday, I am so happy that we are back together again. I am sorry that you had to see me with Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. This whole week all I could think about was you!

36. It is Friday. Make sure that today is so awesome that yesterday gets jealous.

37. Today is Friday and you deserve a medal for getting through this week.

38. It is Friday. Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

39. On this Friday, remember that you cannot direct the wind, but you do have the power to adjust the sails on your boat.

40. It is Friday. Time to do my happy dance.

41. Hello Friday, where have you been all week?

42. Coffee always tastes better on Fridays.

43. Good morning and happy Friday! Wake up and give today your last shot.

44. It is Friday, you made it! Reward yourself with a fun and relaxing weekend.

45. On Friday nights, the expectations include friends, partying, and crazy adventures. But more often than not, the reality involves one’s bed, lots of food, and a laptop.

46. It is Friday night and I have a hot date with my bed and my pajamas.

47. I hope that you have a fantastically fabulous Friday.

48. In some ways, Fridays can be so hard because you are so close to freedom.

49. Employees tend to be at their happiest on Fridays.

50. Youth is like a long weekend on a Friday night, while middle age is like a long weekend on a Monday afternoon.

51. Some people have asked…

funny friday quote for couples

52. On a Friday, even when you know that your weekend is so near, don’t just phone it in at work. Put in work that you can actually be proud of.

53. If you must have something to motivate you, think of your paycheck on Friday.

54. On Fridays, any plans of being a productive member of society gets thrown out of the window.

55. I always give my full 100% at work. That means 13% on Monday, 22% on Tuesday, 26% on Wednesday, 35% on Thursday, and 4% on Friday.

56. If my boss knew…

happy friday quotes

57. Happy Friday! Make it a good one.

58. Thursday does not even really count as a day. It is just the thing that is blocking Friday.

59. Thursday, in optimistic terms, is just another word for “Friday’s Eve.”

60. Friday is the golden child of the weekdays and the welcome wagon for the weekend.

61. “I’m so sad that it is Friday, I wish it was Monday instead,” said no one ever.

62. Why is it that Friday is so close to Monday but Monday is so far away from Friday?

63. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange, who? Orange you glad it’s Friday?

64. I know that every day is supposed to be a gift, but I wish I had receipts so I could exchange all of my Mondays for Fridays.

65. Dear Monday, I hate to be the one to tell you this but I want to break up with you. I am seeing Tuesday and I am endlessly dreaming about Friday. It’s not you, it’s me.

66. It is finally Friday and I just wanted to send a little love your way.

67. Today is Friday! I can’t wait to be ashamed of whatever I end up doing this weekend.

68. It’s Friday! If you’re happy and you know it, then let the corners of your mouth show it.

69. Happy Friday! If you happen to be reading this, I hope that something really good happens to you today

70. I am giving out Friday hugs. Have a great weekend, my dear friends!

71. I don’t care…

friday quotes

Happy Saturday Quotes

72. Hip, hip, hooray! Today is Saturday! Enjoy your weekend.

73. Saturday is the perfect day for shopping.

74. I love my Saturday morning coffee in the same way that I used to love Saturday morning cartoons.

75. Happiness is not having to set the alarm for the next morning. Happy Saturday!

76. Better days are coming. They are called Saturday and Sunday.

77. Today is Saturday, which means that today I will be multi-slacking instead of multi-tasking.

happy saturday quotes

78. Saturday, please stay.

79. On Saturdays we wear pajamas.

80. Every man has a right to a Saturday night bath. –Lyndon B. Johnson

81. Why should I spend the Saturday night out when I could just relax at home in my pajamas?

82. Dear Saturday, you are my most favorite day of the week.

83. Saturday is the perfect day for a wonderful adventure.

84. Have a simple Saturday. Be yourself in a world that asks you to just be like everyone else, and you will already have accomplished a lot with your day.

85. On this Saturday, remember that you are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.

86. Life can move pretty fast if you don’t stop to enjoy it. Have a great Saturday and don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.

Also, check out our Weekday Quotes.

87. Saturday, please stay.

88. Today is Saturday. Yesterday you said, tomorrow. Do it today. Do not make any excuses for yourself.

89. On this Saturday, remember that what you do today can have the potential to improve all of your tomorrows.

90. Today is Saturday, which means that the only decision that you should be making is whether to have a bottle or a glass of wine.

funny saturday quotes

91. Good morning! Today is a beautiful Saturday. Wake up every morning thankful for the wonderful life that you have been given.

92. It is Saturday night, which means that it is time for you to be a hero and rescue some that has been trapped inside a bottle.

93. For every girl who has sat home alone on a Saturday night, there is a guy out there wishing that he could find you.

Happy Sunday Quotes

94. A Sunday well spent can bring on a week of content.

95. A girl and her bed on Sundays are an endless love affair.

96. On this lovely Sunday…

sunday quotes

97. Keep calm and relax. Today is Sunday!

98. Happy Sunday! Remember to count your rainbows instead of your thunder storms.

99. Happy Sunday! Today is the last day of the weekend, so make sure that it is a really good one.

100. Sunday is the only day of the week that makes me happy in the morning and sad at night, because the following day is Monday.

101. It is Sunday. Be the person who you were too lazy to be yesterday.

102. Sundays should come with pause buttons.

103. It is a beautiful Sunday morning. Thank the Lord for all of our blessings.

104. Dear Sunday, can you last a little while longer? I’m not quite ready to go back to work just yet.

105. Today is a lovely, lazy Sunday morning.

106. When it is Sunday, all you have to do is sleep until you feel hungry and eat until you feel sleepy.

107. I’m easy like Sunday morning.

108. Stretch and relax. It is Sunday!

109. Happiness is a sleepy Sunday.

110. Sundays are a day to refuel your soul and to be grateful for the blessings that you have.

111. It’s Sunday. Let us sleep in today and not care about a thing in the world.

112. Today is Sunday, so please conduct yourself accordingly.  Sleep in, sip tea, lay around in your pajamas, listen to good music, and indulge yourself in an afternoon nap.

113. Today is Sunday. If it involves putting on some pants, then I am not doing it today.

114. There is nothing wrong with being lazy sometimes, especially when it happens to be a Sunday.

115. My Saturday was going pretty well until I realized that it was already Sunday.

116. Oh no! Tomorrow is Monday. Sunday went by way too fast.

117. Sundays are for snuggling.

118. The worst thing about Sunday is knowing that tomorrow is Monday.

119. Sundays are a time to count our blessings and to be thankful to our creator.

120. Nothing refreshes the soul and the stomach as well as a good Sunday brunch with people that you love.

121. Today is Stress-free Sunday. Sure, tomorrow is Monday and the beginning of your work, but do not worry about that today. Today, you should just relax and enjoy the rest of your weekend while you can.

122. Sunday clears away the rust of the old week.

123. Happy Sunday! Wherever you go on this beautiful, relaxing day, make sure that you always remember to bring the happiness of your own sunshine with you, so that you may spread that happiness to all of the people that you encounter.

124. Praise the Lord for a glorious Sunday! On this wonderful day, try to smile more than you cry, give more than you take, and love more than you hate.

125. On this Sunday, take the time to do what makes your soul shine.

126. There is always something to learn and feel each and every Sunday.

127. Sunday is the perfect…

funny sunday quotes

128. Today is Sunday. Take it slow and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body.

129. Today, on this Sunday, think of what would be good for your soul and do it.

130. Today is a beautiful Sunday morning and it is the perfect opportunity for us to thank the Lord for how blessed we are each and every day.

131. Start this wonderful Sunday with a clean heart. Start it without any doubt, tears, fears, or worry.

132. On this Sunday, let us take a few moments to stop and thank God for all of the beauty that is in this world.

133. It is Sunday. Let us all thank the Lord for the many priceless gifts and miracles that he bestows upon the world.

134. Sunday is your best day. You get to reflect on the amazing, productive week you had and you get to think about how you are going to tackle next week.

135. It is Sunday, which means that I am feeling 100% motivated to do absolutely nothing today. I would say that so far, I have accomplished that.

136. Happy Sunday. Remember that faith things possible, not easy. Be strong and courageous. Remember to not get discouraged or afraid. Everything will fall into place.

137. On this Sunday, remember that the Lord is with you at all times, guiding you through every moment of your life. Where you are right now is exactly where you are supposed to be.

138. To have a productive Sunday you need to remember to wake up early, get some fresh air, set a schedule for yourself, and be goal oriented.

139. On this Sunday, remember that your smile alone can save a sad soul or heal a broken spirit. Share your kindness with others and remember to have a blessed day.

140. Do not let your Sunday be taken from you. If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.

happy sunday quotes

141. Have a lovely Sunday. Let go of our anxieties and worries today so that you can be free.

142. Dear Sunday, I want to sleep in your arms and have a fun day.

143. On this Sunday, I want to thank God for blessing me with much more than I deserve. I am eternally grateful for all that I have and all that I continue to receive.

144. Sunday afternoon is for papers and writing.

145. My goal this Sunday is to leave home as little as possible.

146. Sundays are a day for rest and for family, but above all, Sundays are a day for the Lord.

147. Sunday is the core of our civilization, for it is dedicated to thought and reverence.

148. Happy Sunday! This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.

149. On this peaceful Sunday, I am wishing all of my friends and family plenty of love and laughter.

150. There is always something new to learn and feel each Sunday.

151. On this Sunday, I thank the Lord for letting me wake up this morning to a wonderful life and amazing family and friends.

152. On this wonderful Sunday, don’t forget to be thankful for the little things in life.

Happy Weekend Quotes

153. The only reason that we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our weekend.

154. The only happy end that I know is the weekend.

155. Two days is simply not enough for the weekend. There is just simply too much fun to be had.

156. A weekend does not count unless you spend it doing something that is absolutely pointless.

157. Better days are headed your way. They are called Saturday and Sunday.

158. If this weekend manages to go as planned, then it will not include any actual plans.

159. Why can’t the weekend last just a little bit longer?

160. It was Friday, I blinked, and before I knew it, it was already Sunday night.

161. I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the weekend to begin.

162. It is known that the first five days after the weekend are always the hardest to get through.

163. Weekends are like rainbows…

funny weekend quotes

164. Enjoy your weekend. I hope that it was worth the wait!





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FRIDAY is my second favorite F word. FOOD is the first obviously. TGIF baby!!! Funny Jokes, Hilarious, Funny Minion, Funny Photos, Funny Images, Friday Quotes Funny, Friday Humor Tgif, Friday Memes, Funny Friday


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FRIDAY is my second favorite F word. FOOD is the first obviously. TGIF baby!!!


Mayra Gomez



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FRIDAY is my second favorite F word. FOOD is the first obviously. TGIF baby!!!

Funny Jokes


Funny Minion

Funny Photos

Funny Images

Friday Quotes Funny

Friday Humor Tgif

Friday Memes

Funny Friday

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FRIDAY is my second favorite F word. FOOD is the first obviously. TGIF baby!!!


If you are one of those people who get really happy when Friday comes, then you will also love Friday captions.

Friday is that day of the week, for which you are anxiously waiting because the weekend is waiting ahead of you. Usually, you plan all your friends and family get togethers around Friday so you have the next day off and you can party late night as well.

If you have some pictures you clicked on Friday, then we have the right collection of Friday captions for you. Choose the best Friday captions for Instagram so all your Instagram followers know how hard you’re partying.

Life if fun and happy when Friday arrives because now you can give yourself a break and your body can fully relax after all the week’s hard work. So, if you want to post a picture of you relaxing on a Friday night, then post it with our Friday IG captions.

Those who have a productive week can surely enjoy the afternoon of Friday and for such people we have gathered Friday captions.

For some people Fridays are a sacred day so when they have to post a religious picture of them worshipping or going to a sacred place then checkout our Friday captions.

Let’s now take a look at our lists of Friday captions that will motivate you the entire weekend to party.

Best Friday Captions for Instagram

Life becomes good as soon as Friday comes so if you want to show your Instagram followers how your life has slowed down and come to a chill mode, then you can post our Friday captions for Instagram. You can also wish your dear followers a very happy Friday and a great weekend through our best captions for Friday.

  1. Life is good, especially on a Friday.
  2. Have a great Friday and a great weekend!
  3. Friendly Friday is here.
  4. I hope everyone had a successful and productive week. Enjoy your Friday! Life is all about balance.
  5. Friday afternoon feels like heaven.
  6. Thursday doesn’t even count as a day, it’s just the thing that’s blocking Friday.
  7. Music always sounds better on Friday.
  8. It’s always difficult to keep Fridays confined within themselves. They tend to spill over.
  9. We’re all just kids posing as professionals, counting the days until Friday.
  10. Friday sees more smiles than any other day of the workweek!
  11. Oh! It’s Friday again. Share the love that was missing during the week. In a worthy moment of peace and bliss.
  12. Fridays are my favorite.
  13. Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. Sincerely, It’s not me, It’s you.
  14. Today is the perfect day to be happy.
  15. The famous F word we thank God for every week.
  16. Tell my boss I’m not available, it’s Friday already!
  17. Without Friday, the weekend would be half over already.

Good Friday Captions for Instagram

Fridays are good and for all the good Fridays we have gathered some good Friday captions. Either you want to greet someone on Friday or give them good blessings, we are here to help you our with good Friday Instagram captions. Fridays are always aesthetically pleasing and comforting.

  1. It’s Friday!!! Time to make stories for Monday.
  2. Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.
  3. It’s Friday! I’m alive. I’m breathing. I’m living. I’m blessed. Life is good.
  4. Mondays are a good day to make statements, not Friday.
  5. Friday is a day to finish your goals for the week. It is a day to celebrate that which you set out to accomplish at the beginning of the week. Well done.
  6. Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.
  7. Fridays are special days, they usher in fun unlimited.
  8. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Happy Friday beautiful people and have a wonderful weekend.
  9. Oh, what joy! It promises to be lots of fun, networking, reconnecting and much more. It’s Friday, Y’all know!
  10. Making food is a wonderful way to spend a Friday night.
  11. Make a Friday a day to celebrate work well done that you can be proud of, knowing that you just didn’t put in the time to the next paycheck.
  12. I like to be home on a Friday night. I don’t go out. I don’t go to clubs. It’s not my thing. I sit at home with my glass of wine and watch hours of reality TV. 
  13. Make each day of the week like Friday and your life will take on new enthusiasm.

Short Friday Captions for Instagram

Long captions on your Instagram selfies get pretty boring and outdated so here are some quick and easy short Friday captions to make your selfies look better. If you have a Netflix and chill mode on then take a look at our Friday IG captions to post with your chilling photos.

  1. It’s Friday! Go home and have fun.
  2. Thank God, It’s Friday.
  3. It’s Friday. Be fierce.
  4. It’s Friday so act like it.
  5. Happy Friday.
  6. Feeling Fridaylicious! 
  7. Friendly Friday is here.
  8. Netflix and chill.
  9. TGIF.
  10. Friday funday.
  11. Time to wine.
  12. That Friday feeling.
  13. No plans, no problems.
  14. Friday, is that you?

Funny Friday Captions for Instagram

Are you feeling sad and exhausted? Don’t worry we have gathered the most funny Friday captions that will make you laugh even when you’re feeling low. Post these funny Friday Instagram captions below all you Insta posts to make your followers have a good laugh. We all wish everyday was Friday so we can ease ourselves out.

  1. If Friday had a face I would kiss it.
  2. I don’t work on Fridays, I make appearances.
  3. Employers are at their happiest on Mondays. Employees are at their happiest on Fridays.
  4. It’s Friday. The only decision you need to make is bottle or glass.
  5. If my boss knew how unproductive I am on Fridays, he wouldn’t want me here either.
  6. I am instantly 90% nicer after 4 PM on Fridays.
  7. I’m so sad it’s Friday. I wish it was Monday already’ said No one in history, ever.
  8. May today be the Fridayest Friday that ever Fridayed.
  9. Why is Monday so far away from Friday but Friday is so close to Monday?
  10. I hate it when the people who owe me money post about how much they are enjoying their Friday!
  11. Every day can be Friday if you’re really irresponsible.
  12. It’s Friday! Woo-Hoo! Oh, Wait… I’m a mother.
  13. Friday is like a bra… You did your job all week, now it’s time to take it off!… Does anyone need a hand?
  14. Tuesday just called and wants to know what happened to Friday!

Awesome Friday Captions for Instagram

These awesome Friday captions will make all your followers love you. If you are hell excited about Friday, then you must tell your followers about your happy emotions through our caption for Friday. Fridays are always fun-filled, that’s why we love them so much.

  1. Let’s get real with some Friday feels!
  2. Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from savagely beating one of my coworkers with a keyboard.
  3. TGIF! Thank God I’m free? Oh, wait. Thank God I’m fabulous? Hmmm …Oh yeah! Thank God It’s Friday…yeah!
  4. Fridays are exciting, knowing there is no alarm clock on Saturday, no stress from work. No one to answer to, and relaxing with your family.
  5. It promises to be great and fun-filled.
  6. When you leave work on Friday, leave work. Don’t let technology follow you throughout your weekend.
  7. To chill on Friday is an ideal end of the working week. Forget about problems and have fun!
  8. It’s Friday morning mankind! Good vibe, don’t frown and let the monster see you smile!
  9. Let this Friday be a day that reminds you of all the things you are thankful for.
  10. Savour the moment this Friday. Don’t live your Friday wishing it was Saturday. Happy Friday to You!

Cozy Friday Captions for Instagram

Nothing’s better than a winter’s Friday night so post these cozy Friday captions and enjoy all the cozy winter afternoons. Spread unlimited smiles through our captions about Friday. For some people, Friday is like rose and the cozy comfort it provides is out of this world.

  1. Cozy Friday vibes.
  2. I’m not feeling very worky today.
  3. Live, dream, love, execute!!
  4. Weekend wishes Good coffee. Long walks. Nerdy nonsense. Fabulous food. Late night talks. Cozy comfort. Calm spirit. Light heart.
  5. Friday means rose.
  6. Friday is my favorite F word.
  7. All the smiles over here.
  8. Cause I choose “Happiness”.
  9. Prove it to yourself today.
  10. Did you hear the good news? It’s Friday.

Love Friday Captions for Instagram

Love Friday captions will give all of us some good reasons to love Fridays because Fridays expire really quickly. You can also send love Friday captions for Instagram to all your friends who make your Fridays amazing and joyful.

  1. Oh Friday. Let me hug you.
  2. If love has a meaning it would be Friday.
  3. It’s Friday, I’m in Love.
  4. Friday I’m in love.
  5. I love Fridays… but they expire too quickly.
  6. Friday is my main squeeze.
  7. Friday, I’ve tried to see other days and none compare to you, I love you.
  8. When you realize that it’s the weekend.
  9. I don’t care if Monday’s blue Tuesdays gray and Wednesday too. Thursday I don’t care about you, It’s Friday I’m in love.
  10. I love Fridays like Kanye loves Kanye.
  11. I do like escapism. Like going to the movies on Friday night and seeing something fun.

Flashback Friday Captions for Instagram

Are you missing the best Fridays of your life in your school days and you want to post pictures with your friends on Instagram? Check out our list of flashback Friday captions to post with your favorite picture memories of your friends. A good Friday will make your entire week. Read the list below of Friday Instagram captions.

  1. I have not been this excited about Friday since last Friday.
  2. It’s bad luck to fall out of a thirteenth story window on Friday.
  3. Coffee makes my mornings, but Fridays make my week!
  4. Every day can be Friday if you’re really irresponsible.
  5. The working week is over, the slavery is done, Friday night is now upon us, and a weekend of fun fun fun…
  6. On Fridays, I prefer my espresso in a martini.
  7. I have been known to hang out and party back in the day. I had a weekend that lasted a few years.
  8. Incredible…. it’s Friday already. Where’s the party?

Happy Friday Captions for Instagram

We have gathered the best Instagram captions for Friday. These happy Friday captions for Instagram will make you all happy and cheerful. Friday is FRIYAY because it’s the best day ever and the start of a great weekend.

  1. Happy Friday! I hope your weekend is filled with lots of relaxing and creativity!
  2. Happy Friday. Make it a good one.
  3. Happy Friday! Create many unforgettable moments tonight.
  4. Friday is about hanging out with friends, having fun.
  5. Happy Friday friends! Have some fun this weekend.
  6. Friday just called. She’s on her way and bringing the wine.
  7. Make every day count, happy Friday.
  8. Happy Friday everyone! May your weekend be full of adventure and cheer, and may the start of next week be a long ways from here.
  9. FRIYAY! The weekend starts now.
  10. It’s a great day to make some more wonderful memories to add to you’re already blessed life! Happy Friday!
  11. Happy Friday!! Tag the one you want to grow old with.
  12. I believe that it is a mandatory Law of the Universe that on Fridays, you have to do something a little fun.

Black Friday Captions for Instagram

Black Friday is the biggest discount session of the entire years. Sales on a black Friday are breathtaking. If you want to show you black Friday haul to your Instagram family, then we have the right black Friday caption list for you.

  1. Black Friday makes me crazy every time.
  2. I’m only a morning person on Black Friday.
  3. Fridays are special but black Friday is of another league.
  4. Black Friday is my cardio.
  5. Be high on energy because it is time to shop. Happy Black Friday.
  6. That Friday kind of feeling.
  7. Black Friday brings great changes to me.
  8. There is something magical about Black Friday that we cannot resist.
  9. I don’t wait for any day like I wait for Black Friday.
  10. Black Friday has come means buying season has come.
  11. Life would have been so meaningless without Black Friday.
  12. I hate two words on black Friday ‘sold out’.
  13. Black Friday care for your wallet as it put less pressure on it.
  14. Work hard in silence let black Friday sale be your noise.
  15. Black Friday makes impossible things possible.
  16. May your credit card does not run out of balance. Happy shopping! Have a great black Friday.

Friday Night Captions for Instagram

Friday vibe night is what we all wait for. For a perfect Friday night we have Friday night captions. If you want to post pictures of you having a BBQ party with your friends on a Friday night, then post Friday night Instagram captions. Cheers to the weekend.

  1. Happy Friday night!
  2. Friday night vibes.
  3. It’s Friday night. Time to be a hero and rescue some wine trapped in a bottle.
  4. Cheers to the freakin’ weekend.
  5. Happy Friday night fam! Time to free yourself from worries and stresses and focus on all of your blessings!! Spread love & be happy this weekend!
  6. Happiness is not having to set an alarm for the next day.
  7. Cheers, it’s Friday.
  8. Friday night is our date night. We really carve out time for each other.
  9. Right after ‘Friday Night Lights’ ended, I was in sort of an existential crisis.
  10. A love a wild Friday night.
  11. Friday night… So many innocent beers have no idea what’s coming for ’em.
  12. Twinkle, twinkle little star, point me to the nearest bar.
  13. Friday Night! I have a date, with my bed…. We’re totally going to sleep together!
  14. Spend this Friday so that all are jealous of you! Enjoy!
  15. Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon.

Friday Feeling Captions for Instagram

These Friday feeling Instagram captions will accurately describe your Friday mood and your Friday feelings. Post your wine on a Friday night snaps with our Friday captions. What kind of glorious feeling it is to be alive on a Friday after the toughest week.

  1. Say goodbye to the week and welcome the weekend.
  2. What a glorious feeling it is to be alive! Life is good.
  3. Did you hear? It’s Friday.
  4. We got that Friday feeling.
  5. Weekend loading…
  6. You know what rhymes with Friday? Wine.
  7. Feel good Friday.
  8. It’s 4:55 on a Friday afternoon. Do you know where your margarita is?
  9. It’s Fri-yay! Our favorite time of the week.
  10. It’s the freakin’ weekend baby.
  11. Friday just called. She’s on her way and bringing the wine.
  12. Friday feels.
  13. This morning I am 92% coffee and 8% dry shampoo.

Friday Selfie Captions for Instagram

Post a perfect Friday selfie with Friday selfie captions. Fridays are the happy hour cocktail. If you feel like Friday is a gift of god, then we are pretty sure that you will love our great collection of caption for Friday selfie. On a Friday night we all go in a hibernating mode.

  1. Hibernating til Monday.
  2. Hello weekend. I’ve missed you. Can you please stay a little longer this time? Your last visit was way too short!
  3. It’s beginning to look a lot like happy hour cocktails.
  4. Freedom Friday’s.
  5. Would like to observe a moment of silence for all the innocent brain cells that lost their lives over the weekend.
  6. Today is Friday. God’s gift to the working people…. Enjoy!
  7. The beauty within is way more valuable.
  8. Dear Friday, I’m so glad we are back together. I’m sorry you had to see me with Monday-Thursday, but I swear I was thinking of you the whole time.
  9. Hey Friday! How ya been buddy?
  10. Can we take a lunch break on Friday and come back the next Friday?
  11. Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.

Friday Vibes Captions for Instagram

Weekend vibes and Friday vibes both are very strong. When every day is a coffee day, every Friday is a champagne day so make the most of it and post pictures with Friday vibes caption from the list below. Hands up if you’re ready to have a good Friday.

  1. The Friday vibes are strong.
  2. Weekend vibes.
  3. Finally, it’s here. The best day of the week. Thank God it’s Friday!
  4. The Friday vibes are strong.
  5. Move over coffee. Today is a day for champagne.
  6. It’s fun time, let’s party guys!
  7. Yesterday was Thursday. Today it is Friday. We so excited. We gonna have a ball today.
  8. Goody, it’s Friday! Let’s paint the town red, guys!!
  9. Hands up if you’re ready to do something you’ll regret this weekend. Go forth! You have my blessing.
  10. Yay for Friday!

Friday Captions for Dogs

Are you a dog lover and looking for some thought-provoking captions for your Instagram feed? You should take a look at our Friday captions for dogs. These great captions will remind you about your dog kisses and woofs if you’re missing your dad badly.

  1. Friday is more fun with Loved ones.
  2. Feeling quite fetching today.
  3. Happiness is dog kisses and coffee.
  4. It’s friday! Unleash the hounds!
  5. Bad to the bone.
  6. I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my squeak toy. Throw it, maybe.
  7. Feeling quite fetching today.
  8. Raise the woof!
  9. I don’t always bark at night, but when I do, it’s for no reason.
  10. Quit hounding me. I’m fetching as fast as possible.
  11. If you’ve had a rough day, I’m here to make you feel better.

Friday Captions for Pictures

If you still didn’t find the right captions for your pictures then you must look out a perfect one for you in Friday captions for pictures. You can thank God on many blessings in your life but having a Friday is the biggest of them all so always be grateful.

  1. Ladies and gentlemen, the moment we’ve all been waiting for… it’s Friday.
  2. Thank God I’m Female. Thank God I’m fabulous. Thank God I’m funny. And yes, Thank God It’s Friday!
  3. If you must have motivation, think of your paycheck on Friday.
  4. It’s the weekend. Do something that your future self will thank you for.
  5. Sending out some Friday love.
  6. Coffee in hand, sparkle in my eye, smile on my face yep, it’s Friday.
  7. Shake your pom-poms — it’s Friday.
  8. Have an amazing weekend and remember the stars are shining for you!
  9. The Friday brings the smell of weekend…Relaxation from daily works…So be happy and keep Smiling! Happy Friday!
  10. Never apologize for who you are.
  11. If you’ve got some news that you don’t want to get noticed, put it out Friday afternoon.
  12. Happy Friday! May your world be awe-inspiring and magical – at least till Monday.
  13. Wake up and smell the inspiration.
  14. Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the whatever.
  15. You know what I want to do? Wake up one weekend and not have to go anywhere and do nothing.

Friday Captions for Facebook

With Instagram being the top trend, people are no longer in Facebook. So, if you’re still one of those Facebook freaks, then you should take a look at Friday captions for Facebook. Friday is the day, you never want to let go off.

  1. It’s finally Friday! Felt like it took a week to get here!
  2. It’s finally Friday, I’m free again. I got my motor running for a wild weekend.
  3. Fridays are the hardest in some ways: you’re so close to freedom.
  4. It’s Friday! I can’t wait to be ashamed of what I do this weekend.
  5. I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday, 4% Friday.
  6. This Friday, finish your work and be done. Look forward to the weekend and have some fun!
  7. A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a workstation … and Friday is when it stops!
  8. I know every day is a gift, but where’s the receipt for Mondays? I want to exchange it for another Friday.
  9. I would like to thank you people for letting me know it’s Friday every week its thoughts like this that keep me on Facebook.
  10. Friday mood.
  11. Make everyday a little less ordinary.
  12. Well, it’s easy to tell I’m married. It’s Friday night and I’m at home updating my Facebook status.
  13. A little Friday night humor.
  14. If 40 is the new 30, and 50 is the new 40, why can’t Thursday be the new Friday?
  15. I work mostly during the week, and on the weekend I get to hang out with friends, so it balances out pretty well.

Friday Captions for Whatsapp

We have gathered the best Friday captions for Whatsapp in the list below. Life is too short so enjoy as much as you can, for all that life has given you. Dance and party all night long on a Friday night.

  1. Enjoy, its weekend.
  2. It’s Friday!! aren’t you happy?
  3. Can’t wait for Friday, it’s time to catch lots of fun.
  4. Pretending to look busy on a Friday is the hardest i work all week.
  5. May your Friday sparkle.
  6. It’s time for Friday slay.
  7. Tonight’s forecast, 99% chance of wine.
  8. Climb into bed tonight with that blissful feeling that there will be no alarm clock in the morning -It’s the weekend!
  9. My boss told me to have a good day, so I am going home early.
  10. Pretend like it’s the weekend … We could pretend it all the time.
  11. Every Friday, I feel like I deserve a new addition to my closet for all my hard work during the week.
  12. Don’t count the days. Make the days count.

More Friday Captions for Instagram

Still searching for some more Friday captions? Fret not, checkout Friday Instagram captions and we’re pretty sure that you will find the right kind of captions here. Finish your Friday with a grateful heart so you are ready for the upcoming week.

  1. It’s Friday!!!! Hope you all are having a fabulous long weekend!!!
  2. I challenge you to let every day be a Friday. Give yourself permission to be happy every day.
  3. The fastest day of the week is Friday, it disappears too quickly.
  4. Things people say: It’s Friday! Things self-employed people say: It’s Friday?
  5. Finish your day with a grateful heart!
  6. Friday. The golden child of the weekdays. The superhero of the workweek. The welcome wagon to the weekend.
  7. Oh, hello Friday. Where the heck were you on Wednesday when I really needed you?
  8. Friday, Aah the weekends here…Blink Monday? WTF?
  9. Friday is the favorite day of the week since exactly on this day all friends, relatives, and close people meet.
  10. Every Friday, I like to high-five myself for getting through another week on little more than caffeine, willpower, and inappropriate humor.
  11. I wanna be your Friday night sweet ride. Summertime sunshine barefoot in the moonlight.
  12. There’s just one legitimate synonym for Friday: Boom Shakalaka.
  13. Dear Radio Stations, please do not play Katy Perry’s “Friday Night” Monday morning at 8 AM during my drive to work.
  14. People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, all life for happiness.
  15. Although I understand that all days are equal with 24 hours each, most of us agree that Friday is the longest day of the week and Sunday the shortest.

Final Thoughts on Friday Captions

Let’s end our article on a reminder of Katy Perry’s famous song “Friday night”. You can also you some song lyrics from that song and post them as Friday captions on your Instagram profile.

We all feel like Friday is the longest day of the week and Sunday is the shortest so why not just post Friday captions to give friendly reminders to all our Insta followers to enjoy every day of the week.

If you still didn’t find the perfect Friday captions for Instagram, then scroll up because there you will definitely find some Friday Instagram captions according to your need.

Enjoy reading these and have a great weekend!

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