Mr green just pronounced has just pronounced the new word strangely

 7 класс.
(Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.) ТРЕНИРОВАЧНЫЕ


Choose the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences.

1. Molly
(have/has) has read a fantastic text.

2. Ben
(have/has) _____ fallen off his bike.

3. We
(have not/has not) _____ spoken to the teacher yet.

4. The
meeting (have/has) _____ just finished.

5. They
(have/has) _____ pronounced the new words several times.

6. Fortunately
my little brother (have not/has not) ______ developed a cold.

7. The
boys (have/has) _____ swum in the swimming pool.

8. My
parents (have not/has not) _____ been to Italy.

9. Sofie
(have not/has not) ____ begun learning the vocabulary yet.

Tom and Dan (have/has) _____ borrowed the
books from the library.

Sam has never travelled. Write where he has not been and what he has not seen.

London/Big Ben — Sam hasn’t been to
London and hasn’t seen Big Ben.

Washington, D.C./the White House

3. Rome/the Colosseum

4. Paris/the Eiffel Tower

5. Moscow/the Kremlin

6. New York/the Statue of

7. Oxford/Oxford

8. Madrid/the Royal Botanical Garden

3. Use present perfect of the verbs in brackets to
complete these sentences.

1. Captain
Drake (be) has been to many countries of the world.

2. Doris
and Helen (follow) ____ the group.

3. His
parents (not speak) ___ to the teacher yet.

4. I
(never swim) ____ in the ocean.

5. Mike
(hear) ___ a strange sound.

6. Bob
(write) _____ an interesting essay.

7. The
boys (play) ____ football.

8. The
students (pronounce) ____ the new words after the teacher.

The sportsmen (run) ____ 10 kilometers.

4. Make up questions from
these words and word combinations using
present perfect.

1. Barbara/seen/the
new/film/has? — Has Barbara seen the new film?

met/any/students/have/you/foreign? —

3. begun/the

4. yet/has/Bill/the
office/rung? —

visited/their/have/granny/Jane and Mary?

eaten/ever/has/Len/pizza? —

7. Olga/has/a
professional/become/dancer? —

8. carried/have/you/into your
room the suitcase?

5. Make up sentences from these words and word

1. Olga/carried/the
books/has/upstairs — Olga has carried the rooks upstairs.

2. never/been/the
children/to/the circus/have —

we/room/done/already/our/have —

4. nave/just/their/they/begun/homework/doing

5. never/I/swum/have/the
ocean/in —

hasn’t/Nick/back/given/dictionary/my —

7. cousin/become/my/has/an
engineer —

8. Mr
Watterson/written/new/book/a/has —

6. Write questions to the
underlined words.

Molly has been to New York. – Where has Molly been?

Sam has eaten potato soup for lunch. —

Sandra has learned the poem very well. —

The boss has written ten e-mails today. —

Doris has come to see you. — _________

You have borrowed vour mum’s dress. —

She has given her sister a lot of money. —

He has visited this sportsman. —

9. Peter has run to the
stadium. —

8. Choose the appropriate
verb forms.

1. He (did/has done) did his
work very well yesterday.

2. Mr Green (just
pronounced/has just pronounced) ____ the new word strangely.

3. Jill and Bob (read/have
read) ___ an interesting book today and say they like it.

4. Molly (became/has become)
____ a professional sportswoman.

5. Jane (saw/has seen) ____
Mark the other day.

6. James (fell/has fallen)
_____ from the roof last week.

7. Mother (gave/has given) ____
me some money. I can buy a new blouse.

8. Bob (rang/has rung) _____
the wrong door last night.

9. Helen (never swam/has never
swum) _____ in the ocean.

10. English (developed/has
developed) ___ into a global language.

9. Write the where necessary.

“Star Hotel”            New
Zeeland                           Indo-European family                             French

Berlin                      Cinderella
                               Miami                                                     British

Colorado                 Pacific
                                     Beckets                                                   Ontario

Latin                       USA
                                        Australia                                                 South

Little Italy               Kremlin
                                  Trafalgar Square                                     UK

 10. Use the prepositions from the box where necessary to
complete the sentences.
at,   from,   in,   on,   to,
  into,   of,   by

 1. Bob has developed into
a real writer.

2. Mother dislikes to borrow
things ___ strangers.

3. There is a vocabulary ____
the end ____ the textbook.

4. He has been ____ France this

When he was young, my dad preferred
coffee ____ tea.

His speech ___ the meeting was

Do you follow ____ me?

The Smiths went ____ the sea ___ train.

Do you use dictionaries ____ school?

You can’t have a real rest when you
travel ____ business.

11. Martha developed interest ____ dancing.

12. Last year I took lessons
____ French ____ summer.

13. Julia speaks ___ Greek
fluently, it’s her mother tongue.

14. Children should spend a lot
of time ____ the open air.

15. English has become the
language ___ the world.

16. Ben has fallen ___ love
with a nice girl.


Козлова Елена Сергеевна

Тест. Английский язык, 7 класс

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Контрольная работа 7 класс Rainbow English Unit 2.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Запишите вторую и третью форму глагола to give.

Вопрос 2

Запишите вторую и третью форму глагола to answer .

Вопрос 3

Запишите вторую и третью форму глагола to speak.

Вопрос 4

Запиши предложение из этих слов и словосочетаний

never/I/swum/have/the ocean/in

Вопрос 5

Запиши предложение из этих слов и словосочетаний


Вопрос 6

Выбери верные предлоги.

The Smiths went ____ the sea ___ train.

Варианты ответов
  • to/by
  • in/in
  • to/in

Вопрос 7

Выбери верный предлог.

English has become the language ___ the world.

Варианты ответов
  • in
  • of
  • to

Вопрос 8

Вставь верное слово в предложение.

Molly has ____ been to Bristol this week.

Варианты ответов
  • probably
  • even
  • only

Вопрос 9

Вставьте верное слово предложение.

The verb is a part of ____ .

Варианты ответов
  • vocabulary
  • speech
  • tongue

Вопрос 10

Напишите американский вариант слова cinema.

Вопрос 11

Напишите американский вариант слова autumn.

Вопрос 12

Выбери правильную форму глаголов, дополняя предложение.

Mr Green  ____ the new word strangely.

Варианты ответов
  • just pronounced
  • has just pronounced

Вопрос 13

Выбери правильную форму глаголов, дополняя предложение.

Molly (became/has become) ____ a professional sportswoman.

Варианты ответов
  • has become
  • became

Вопрос 14

Выбери верный перевод предложения.

English has developed  into a global language.

Варианты ответов
  • Английский язык стал всемирным языком.
  • Английский развился в глобальный язык.
  • Английский-всемирный язык.

Вопрос 15

Выбери нерное наречие, дополняя предложение.

Sally has ____ spoken to her friends

Варианты ответов
  • yet
  • already

Вопрос 16

Вставьте верное слово в предложение.

 I gave my passport to the officer. Two minutes later he handed it ________ to me.

Варианты ответов
  • in
  • back
  • out

Вопрос 17

Вставьте верное слово в предложение.

Please hand ________ your keys when you leave the hotel.

Варианты ответов
  • over
  • in
  • out

Вопрос 18

Вставьте верное слово в предложение.

Pupils wrote the new English word in their _________.

Варианты ответов
  • vocabulary
  • dictionary

Вопрос 19

Вставьте верное слово в предложение.

What famous ________ of the English language do you know? 

Варианты ответов
  • vocabulary
  • dictionary

Choose the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences:

  1. He (did/has done) his work very well yesterday.

  2. My uncle (just pronounced/has just pronounced) the new word strangely.

  3. Her sister and brother (read/have read) an interesting book today and say they like it so much.

  4. Sally (became/has become) a professional dancer.

  5. Jane (saw/ has seen) her aunt the other day.

  6. His friend (fell/ has fallen)from the roof last week, while cleaning its snow.

  7. Mother (gave/has given) me some money. I can buy a new dress.

  8. Bob (rang/ has rung) the wrong door last night.

  9. Helen never swam/ has never swum) in the ocean.

  10. English (developed/ has developed) into a global language.

Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Present Perfect:

  1. Ted (follow) his manager to the office. They are talking now.

  2. He (carry) a very heavy suitcase to the second floor. That’s why he is so tired.

  3. The children (visit) fantastic places. They can tell you about them.

  4. I (begin) reading an interesting book a week ago.

  5. My father (come) late last night.

  6. Mr. Black (speak) for an hour at our yesterday’s meeting.

  7. Jack (take) a lot of money from the bank, he is going to buy a new house.

  8. My sister (swim) never in the sea.

  9. Albert (write) his test badly. Just look at it!

  10. Meg (need) to buy a dictionary yesterday.

  11. Those buildings (belong) to him those years.

Complete the sentences using the words in proper forms:

  1. Yesterday I (go) to see a travel agent and (ask) him about where (go) in Scotland and what (do) there on my (one) visit.

  2. She already (be) to some English-speaking countries and always (say)they (not speak) the same English there.

  3. When (appear) English as a language?

  4. Julia is busy, she (look) up some words she (not know) in a dictionary.

  5. Why are you here? -We (come) to the library to borrow some books by English writers and now we (think) what books to take.

  6. It is already 4.45 p.m. If Alice (not arrive) at 5, we (start) without (she).

  7. He already (speak) to Monica but she says she doesn’t want (give) up.

  8. What you (do), Pam? — I (read) a new novel by my favourite author.

  9. What (be) her job? — She (work) for the MERCEDES company in the city.

  10. It (rain) again, we (not be) able to go for a walk.

  11. In my view, the Chinese language is the (difficult) language in the world.

  12. They say (goose) have saved Rome.

  13. A lot of (foreign) s have visited our school museum.

  14. My elder sister has a (wonder) (collect) of different dolls.

Опубликовано 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от Кybako

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    прочитайте текст еще раз и определите правильное или неправильное предложение

  2. Ответ

    Ответ дан


    ребят, делайте так. мне 5 поставили

Самые новые вопросы


Математика — 3 года назад

Решите уравнения:
а) 15 4 ∕19 + x + 3 17∕19 = 21 2∕19;
б) 6,7x — 5,21 = 9,54


Информатика — 3 года назад

Помогите решить задачи на паскаль.1)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти произведение всех элементов массива.2)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти сумму четных элементов массива.3)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива.4)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива среди элементов,
кратных 3.


География — 3 года назад

Почему япония — лидер по выплавке стали?


Математика — 3 года назад

Чему равно: 1*(умножить)х?     0*х?


Русский язык — 3 года назад

В каком из предложений пропущена одна (только одна!) запятая?1.она снова умолкла, точно некий внутренний голос приказал ей замолчать и посмотрела в зал. 2.и он понял: вот что неожиданно пришло к нему, и теперь останется с ним, и уже никогда его не покинет. 3.и оба мы немножко удовлетворим свое любопытство.4.впрочем, он и сам только еле передвигал ноги, а тело его совсем застыло и было холодное, как камень. 5.по небу потянулись облака, и луна померкла. 


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Образцы вариантов ВПР 2023 года, демоверсии всероссийской проверочной работы для 7 класса по Английскому языку.

1. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  City attractions.

2.  A London cinema.

3.  A London theatre.

4.  A London street.

5.  Nature sights.

6.  A London museum.

A.  The Lake District, in the northwest of England, is a small area, but extremely beautiful, with the varied delights of soft hills and woodland and the panoramas of the great lakes. The Lake District is more often visited, both by day tourists and holidaymakers, than any other region of outstanding natural beauty in the British Isles.

B.  England’s most ancient northern city lies on the River Ouse in the centre of the Vale of York between the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors. It was once the principal town of Yorkshire, and it remains the seat of the Archbishop of York. A child-friendly city, its Viking, Castle and Railway museums have plenty to engage young people as well as adults.

C.  Along the north part of Trafalgar Square is the famous National Gallery. Founded in 1824, the gallery has since grown into one of the most outstanding and comprehensive collections in the world, with a list of masters ranging from Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt to El Greco and Van Gogh.

D.  The London Coliseum famous for its richly decorated interiors was used for variety shows, musical comedies, and stage plays for many years. In 1974 its name was changed to the English National Opera. Today it is used primarily for opera as well as being the London home of the English National Ballet. When not on tour they perform regular seasons throughout the year.

E.  The Mall is London’s impressive ceremonial way, a broad tree-lined avenue. The spectacular parade takes place here each June to celebrate the official Birthday of the Sovereign. Queen Elizabeth II rides down the avenue in a horse-drawn carriage. Over 1,000 officers and men are on parade, together with two hundred horses; over two hundred musicians march and play as one.

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2. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Country’s brave defenders.

2.  A really international place.

3.  Governesses of rich children.

4.  Textile business links.

5.  A nice-sounding building.

6.  The initial steps of commerce.

A.  Moscow has always been a multicultural city. If we look back at its history, we will see that there were several foreign communities living in Moscow on a permanent basis. We all know about German people inhabiting the banks of the Yauza river, where little Peter, the future tsar of all Russia, ran around, made friends and got his first ideas of learning about ships and fleets. But what do we know about the British community of Moscow? Did it even exist?

B.  The first ties between Russia and Britain were formed in the middle of the 16th century in the time of Ivan the Terrible. It was then that some wealthy British merchants founded the Muscovy Company which held a monopoly on trade between Britain and Russia until 1698. The building of its Moscow headquarters was granted to the company by the tsar in 1556 and can be still visited at 4, Varvarka Street, known to us now as The Old English Court.

С. Beginning from the time of Peter the Great, several talented British military men moved to Russia. Many of them served as army generals and navy admirals, defending Russian borders in different wars and battles. Among the most famous ones were Field Marshall James Bruce, Field Marshall Barclay de Tolly and Admiral Thomas Mackenzie, all of them of Scottish origin.

D.  In the 18th century, British industrialists made themselves known in Russia. One of the most outstanding figures was Robert McGill, who lived in Moscow and served as an intermediary between Lancashire mill engineers and the Russian cotton industry, and built over 180 mills (cotton factories) in Russia. Robert McGill had a house in Spiridonovka Street and together with his wife Jane was a prominent member of the British community in Moscow.

E.  If you talk to Moscow concert musicians who were active between the 1970s and the 1990s, they will tell you of the fantastic acoustics of the “Melodiya” recording studio at 8, Voznesensky Lane, which they lovingly called ‘kirche’, mistakenly thinking it was a German church. This building, designed in the English neo-gothic architectural style, was in fact built in 1885 by Robert McGill and is St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, which was used as a recording studio in Soviet times.

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3. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Soapy Plates

2.  Enjoyable Ads

3.  Where is the Fog?

4.  Main Tourist Attraction

5.  Traditional Measures

6.  Who Should Do It?

A.  An Italian boy, who is in Britain for the first time, talked about the weather, “I can’t understand it. I’ve been here for over a week and I still haven’t seen any fog!”

B.  A Japanese student from Tokyo said, “I’ve been in Britain since April and have been living with a British family. I’ve noticed one big difference between British and Japanese families. British men do jobs like cooking, washing up and ironing. They’re jobs which I’ve never seen Japanese men do. They think it’s women’s work. But I don’t agree with it!”

C.  A German student at a language school in Oxford said, “I thought Britain was a modern European country  — you’ve been in the EEC for years now. So why do you still use miles,Or pints and pounds instead of kilometres, litres and kilos? And why do you still drive on the wrong side of the road?”

D.  A Danish girl who works as an «au pair» in Liverpool said, “I came to Britain a month ago. I’ve noticed one very strange thing here. After British people have washed the dishes, they never rinse them. They just take them out of the dirty, soapy water and leave them to dry!”

E.  A Swedish girl said, “I’ve watched a lot of television since I arrived two weeks ago. British television’s brilliant! But the “programmes” which I’ve enjoyed most are the advertisements. They’re very funny or very clever, or both. Back home in Sweden we don’t have any TV advertisements at all!”

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4. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Polite Neighbours

2.  A Working TV set

3.  Night Visitors

4.  Anxious Night

5.  Ready to Defend Myself

6.  Strangers in the Garden

A.  Last night, at about three o’clock in the morning, I heard a strange noise downstairs. I got out of bed and put on my dressing gown. With my heart beating fast, I slowly went to the top of the stairs. It sounded like there were people talking in the kitchen.

B.  I didn’t know what to do. Finally, I decided to go downstairs. I made my way quietly down the stairs and listened at the kitchen door. A man asked: “Did you kill him?” and a woman replied: “Yes, I shot him.” Then the man asked: ’’Why did you do that?” Suddenly I realised that there were not really any people in the kitchen. It was just the TV. But why did it turn itself on in the middle of the night?

C.  While I was standing in the kitchen wondering about the TV, I looked out of the window. It was dark, but I could see a figure outside. Someone was walking slowly across the garden! He whispered something. He was talking to another person! What were they doing in my garden?

D.  I was wondering what to do when they started walking towards the kitchen window. They were coming towards me! I didn’t know what to do so I grabbed a knife and waited. They were getting closer and closer. I was so frightened. They came right up to the window, and I saw their faces. It was my neighbours, Anna and Larry!

E.  They obviously were not trying to break into my house, so why were they talking in my garden in the middle of the night? I opened the kitchen door and Anna and Larry came in. They sat down, and I made them both a cup of coffee. This is what Anna told me: “We were sleeping in our bedroom when we heard a loud noise coming from your kitchen. So Alan and I decided to investigate. We came down to your garden, but couldn’t see any lights on.

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5. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Shopping

2.  Entertainment

3.  Celebrities

4.  Places to visit

5.  Eating out

6.  Accommodation

A.  Los Angeles is the second largest city in the USA. It’s also home to film stars, sunny weather, tall buildings and heavy traffic. The hotels in LA are more expensive than those in many other American cities, but they are pretty clean and safe.

B.  There are many interesting places that you can visit, like Venice Beach with its street performers or Universal Studios to see how they make films. Children can visit the Children’s Museum  — ne of the most exciting museums in the world.

C.  There are famous restaurants you can eat at, like the Buffalo Hub, a place packed with celebrities, or Musso and Frank’s, Hollywood’s oldest restaurant. For the most delicious Mexican dishes at the Border Grill.

D.  You can buy cheap fashionable clothes on Melrose Avenue. Do you want designer clothes? Then go to the expensive shops on Rodeo Drive. A visit there is always unforgettable.

E.  The nightlife is exciting on the Sunset Strip, an area in Hollywood with famous clubs. There you can enjoy rock’n’roll music. LA is a really modern city with something for everyone. It’s noisy and crowded, but it’s also fascinating.

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6. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Computer virus.

2.  Game addiction.

3.  A crime.

4.  An important message.

5.  Punishment.

6.  Using neighbours’ wi-fi.

A.  A Singapore teenager who used his neighbours’ wi-fi Internet network will not be able to use the Internet for the next 12 months. The message for wi-fi users is clear: if it isn’t yours, don’t use it.

B.  Seventeen-year-old Tan Luo was an online-game fan and played games at all hours of the day. He didn’t have time to study and wasn’t able to complete his course at the college. In the end, his parents were very worried and they disconnected their Internet access so Tan couldn’t go online.

C.  However, this didn’t stop him. He knew his neighbours had Internet access, so he used theirs. He was able to connect to their wireless Internet network, or ‘wi-fi’, and continued playing online games from his own home.

D.  The neighbours noticed Tan was using their wi-fi one night. They told him to stop, but he didn’t, and so they called the police. In Singapore it’s a crime to use a wi-fi network that isn’t yours. So, the young wi-fi thief had to go to court.

E.  In court, Tan said he was very sorry. The judge didn’t sent him to prison. Instead, he sent Tan to a boys’ hostel for nine months. At the hostel, he will do sports and other activities, but he won’t be allowed to play video games. Furthermore, he won’t be able to use the Internet for the next year.

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7. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Making money.

2.  Just like real life.

3.  Old customs disappear.

4.  Scare yourself.

5.  The first theme park.

6.  See Ancient Egypt.

A.  For many years, it has been a tradition in many parts of the world to hold a fair during public holidays. During religious festivals, there was a carnival atmosphere in many towns as fairgrounds appeared for a few days for people just to have fun. But slowly these fairs have been replaced by more permanent sites, where people can have fun all the year round.

B.  Opened in 1955, Disneyland in California is regarded by many as the original fun park. Visitors were greeted by characters from various Disney films and the procession of Mickey Mouse and his friends is still a beautiful sight for people of all ages.

C.  Nowadays, such parks can be found all over the world: indeed, it is becoming hard to avoid them. Special events, such as unforgettable firework displays, are organised in order to bring in the crowds. Creating a theme park involves a lot of money and the managers cannot afford to relax.

D.  A trip to a fun park is not complete without something to really scare you. A roller coaster is nothing special these days. For real thrills, there’s ‘Oblivion’, at Alton Towers in England, which takes you headfirst into a dark hole filled with smoke. It doesn’t last long, but three minutes of nightmare is enough.

E.  For people who don’t like frightening rides there are plenty of other ways to spend the time. At the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, there is a glass copy of the tomb of Tutankhamun. There are shops and restaurants and imitation temples, but-best of all there is the possibility of a boat trip down the Nile.Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.


8. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Groups of stars.

2.  Hot clouds of gas.

3.  Moving to the west.

4.  Giving out light.

5.  Orbiting round stars.

6.  The nearest star.

A.  Over millions of years, hot clouds of gas called ‘nebulae’ grow until they explode and form huge, blazing balls of fire. This is how stars are born. Our own sun is a star. Eventually, like all stars, it will run out of fuel and die. Don ’t worry though  — this won’t happen for another 5 billion years!

B.  Stars are sources of light. This is the reason they shine so brightly in the sky. The moon, planets and comets also shine, but they don’t give out their own light. They just reflect it from the sun.

C.  Stars are very, very far away. In fact, when their light reaches our eyes, we sometimes see them as they were thousands of years ago. Our sun is the nearest star to Earth, but it is still about 160 million km away! It is part of the Milky Way galaxy, a white band of stars that stretches across the night sky.

D.  Constellations are groups of stars. If you draw lines between them (and use lots of imagination) they sometimes look like objects, animals or people. The ancient Greeks thought that Orion looked like a giant hunter with a sword attached to his belt.

E.  As the earth moves around the sun, we see the constellations in different positions in the sky at different times of the year. In the same way, the whole sky seems to move towards the west as the earth rotates on its axis throughout the night.

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9. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Dangerous shoes.

2.  Following the rules.

3.  Angry shoppers.

4.  New fashion.

5.  Dress rules.

6.  Wear in special areas.

A.  A new kind of training shoes, with wheels in the heel, are in fashion in Wales. Many teenagers asked for them at Christmas. But the manager of the St Andrew`s Shopping Centre in Liverpool says the shoes, called ‘Heelies’, are dangerous. He says kids in ‘Heelies’ can’t enter the mall. They must take them off and walk around in their socks.

B.  The manager, Gilmour Johnes, thinks there is a safety problem. Teenagers with these shoes could break a shop window or knock down an older customer. Mr. Johnes says that the rule against wheels is not new. ‘For many years we have had the rules against using rollerblades or skateboards in the centre.’

C.  Many other malls also have specific dress rules for teenagers. In the USA, some malls have rules about wearing baseball caps. You mustn’t wear your cap to the side  — the cap must be straight, and you mustn’t wear it low over your face. The security camera must be able to see your face.

D.  Many of these rules are to stop big groups of teenagers getting in the way of shoppers. Groups of kids sometimes stand on the stairs or in the doors and customers can’t pass. Some shoppers are afraid of large groups of noisy teenagers. One mall manager said, ‘We are here to sell. If you don’t want to buy, we don’t want you here.’

E.  However, the problem with ‘Heely’ shoes is not just the feelings of other shoppers. There is a real safety problem  — these shoes can be dangerous. The company that makes them tells users not to wear them in crowded places.

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10. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Difficult life

2.  First success

3.  Personality

4.  Popularity

5.  Successful lifestyle

6.  Free-time activities

A.  Liza Smith is a successful British singer. Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concerts to millions of fans.

B.  However, life used to be very different for this bright young star from Bristol. She lived in a small terraced house with her parents and three brothers. They didn’t have a lot of money and she worked as a cleaner to make ends meet. She used to buy clothes from second-hand shops.

C.  In her free time she used to sing in the college choir. She learnt the words to every pop song and people hired her to sing at parties. Her friends liked her voice a lot and persuaded her to send a cassette to a record company. That’s how it all started and her life changed completely.

D.  Today Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and her daughter. She looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes. She goes to the gym every day to keep her body in shape. In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.

E.  Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool. I think I’m very lucky to lead the life I lead today. It’s not easy, though, because I don’t have the privacy that I used to have. Still, I have a lovely family and a very promising career. What else could I ask for?’ she says.

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11. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  The never-sleeping country.

2.  The city having two parts.

3.  The golden city.

4.  The sunshine state.

5.  The cheap and free city.

6.  A land of song.

A.  Some visitors say that London is a very expensive city, but there are a few things to do which do not cost a lot of money. Most museums are free and give guided tours as well as lectures. The National Theatre next to the Royal Festival Hall also has free concerts in the foyer every evening and on Saturday lunchtimes. Some cinemas are cheaper on Mondays; others sell half-price tickets before 6 pm.

B.  Florida was bought from the Spanish in 1819. It is the southernmost state on the mainland and has a long coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. Oranges grow all year round even in winter, when the weather is very cold further north. The warm climate has made Florida an important vacation resort. More than ten million visitors come to Miami Beach every year. There are also many theme parks and other entertainment.

C.  Spain is famous for its unusual lifestyle. For example, Spanish people usually have lunch at 2.30 pm and dinner at 10.00 pm. People don’t usually go to bed before midnight. At 10.00 on Friday and Saturday nights the bars and restaurants are full. Spanish night-life really starts at mid night. A lot of disco-bars don’t close before 6.00 in the morning. On the east coast of Spain some discos open at 10.00 on Sunday mornings!

D.  The Welsh have been famous for their singing for centuries. If you go to any Welsh rugby match, you will hear supporters singing in harmony. Male-voices choirs are found throughout Wales and many Welsh people have become famous opera singers. The reputation of Wales as a centre for music attracts musicians from all over the world to its various festivals.

E.  Budapest has a population of over two million people. The River Danube divides the city into two parts. On the west bank there are the woods and hills of Buda and the old town. On the east ban k there is the bigger and more modem Pest, the business and shopping centre. From Buda there are wonderful views of Pest and the river. Six bridges join Buda and Pest. For nearly a thousand years Buda and Pest w ere two towns. Then in 1873 they joined and became one city, Budapest.

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12. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  The long-distance teacher.

2.  Injured in a mountain.

3.  Miracle escape.

4.  International influences.

5.  Survival at sea.

6.  Channel champion.

A.  Five-year-old Mark Harris from Bristol fell 70 feet from a bridge into the river Avon when he was running after his dog. The river carried him towards a waterfall and threw him onto some rocks. Fortunately, three older boys who were fishing saw Mark. They quickly pulled him out and rang the police.

B.  In April this year, Garry Smith was climbing Ben Nevis, Britain’s highest mountain, when he lost his way and spent three days in sub-zero temperatures. He was in trouble. He fell off a rock and hurt his knees. He could not move. Mountain rescue teams went out to look for Garry, and found him at 1:00 in the morning. A helicopter took him to hospital, where he needed several operations.

C.  Twenty-one days after Bill and Sarah Butler left Panama in their yacht, they met some whales. They started to hit the side of the boat and suddenly Bill and Sarah heard water. Two minutes later the yacht was sinking. They jumped into the life raft and watched the boat go under the water. For twenty days they had tins of food, and bottles of water. After fifty days at sea their life raft was beginning to break up. Suddenly a fishing boat saw them and picked them up.

D.  Thirteen-year-old Thomas Gregory from London is the youngest person to swim the English Channel. He swam 31 miles in just 11 hours 55 minutes. He drank hot tomato soup because he felt so cold in the water. Often he could not see anything because the sun was shining in his eyes, and that was the worst thing. He was very pleased when he finally arrived on the beach in France, where his parents were waiting for him.

E.  Pop music in Britain is influenced by music from all over the world. Many teenagers in our survey liked reggae, which comes from Jamaica. Boys also enjoyed dancing and listening to Black-American rap. Some music in Britain is a mixture of styles. Pop music is also influencing traditional music. Recently some young musicians of Asian origin have started to mix bhangra (traditional music from the Punjab region) with Western pop.

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13. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Tomorrow’s vegetables.

2.  Environment in danger.

3.  Additions to your food.

4.  Genetically modified food.

5.  Fast food.

6.  Unhealthy eating habits.

A.  Fast food and packaging come together. When you have eaten the beef burger, you throw away the packaging and somebody will then burn or bury it. This is clearly a problem. Fast food also contributes to global warming. In Brazil, 12 million acres of forest were cut down to build farms. Farmers use this land to grow soya beans and soya is given to the cows that become the beef in your beefburger. Fewer forests mean more global warming.

B Traditional methods of cooking and eating are disappearing, and are being replaced by fast food and ready-prepared meals. As a result, people today (especially children) have too much sugar, too many sweet drinks, too much white bread. This makes people’s level of blood glucose go up, causing tiredness, nervousness and headaches. Among schoolchildren it can also cause low concentration and bad behaviour.

C.  A lot of fast food contains ingredients that have been changed by scientists to be different: the tomatoes in the tomato sauce, the flour in the bread. How is it possible that you can buy a bright red tomato in Moscow, that comes from Cyprus, that is still fresh after four weeks? But the changes are not always bad. Some plants can be modified to provide more vitamin C, for example.

D.  Not many children like vegetables. It has been proved that eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life. So yesterday chocolate-flavoured carrots went on sale in Britain as part of a campaign to encourage children to eat vegetables. The range of products also includes cheese-and-onion flavoured cauliflower, pizza-flavoured sweeetcorn, and peas that taste like chewing-gum.

E.  You should expect to find a lot of chemical ingredients in fast food. None of them are good for your health, but not all of them are bad. Chlorine is used to make bread white. Cochineal (made from dried insects) is used to make things red. However, more research is needed to find out exactly how these chemicals will affect our health in years to come.

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14. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  World’s strangest name.

2.  Famous people’s names.

3.  The name of the computer.

4.  The names children dislike.

5.  Unusual names.

6.  The importance of names.

A.  Your name is extremely significant. It’s how you identify yourself. It’s how other people identify you. Elton John was born Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Can you imagine someone famous with a name like that? He had to change it. Marilyn Monroe sounds so much more glamorous than Norma Jean Baker.

So parents make one of the most important decisions in the lives of their children — giving them a name.

B.  Some people choose names because they are fashionable. Other parents do the opposite and call their children strange names, or they even invent names. People who choose strange names for their children want to show how special they are. However, the children are not always happy with their parents’ choice. David Bowie’s son found the name Zowie so embarrassing that he changed it to Joe.

C.  These days it’s fashionable to give your child the name of a place that is important to you: Victoria and David Beckham decided to call their son Brooklyn because they were in New York when they discovered that Victoria was going to have a baby. Madonna named her daughter Lourdes after the town in France, the ex-US-President Bill Clinton named his daughter Chelsea after a part of London that he and his wife liked.

D.  A woman, Mrs Bennet, was in hospital after the birth of her son. She was trying to decide what to call her son, when she walked past a door. It had the name ‘KING’ on it. That’s a good name, she thought. A little later, she walked past another door, and this time she saw the name ‘NOSMO’. Interesting, she thought. But she liked it, too, and so her son was named Nosmo King Bennet. It was only six months later that she discovered her terrible mistake.

E.  A.L.I.C.E. is an award-winning chat robot at She’s intelligent and funny and has won prizes for being the most human-like computer. She was created by Dr Richard S. Wallace. Six thousand people a month chat to A.L.I.C.E. Some people spend up to four and a half hours a day chatting online with her, and some have even said they prefer her to their own girlfriends.

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15. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  The windy city.

2.  Things to see.

3.  The roof of the world

4.  The place suggested seeing.

5.  The destroyed house.

6.  Pilotless aircraft.

A.  If you are bored with beaches, try Alaska. Our trip to America’s largest and most northerly state was one of the greatest experiences of my life. We entered a different world. The scenery with its mountains ‘and volcanoes was spectacular, particularly the dramatic Columbia Glacier, over 90 metres high. We. spent our final day in Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city.

B.  Yesterday afternoon a 35-year-old housewife escaped death when a tree blew and fell onto her house, completely destroying it. It was windy. She heard a strange noise coming from the tree. Suddenly the wind blew a little stronger, and she watched it crash onto the roof. The Bonnet family are staying with their friends while their house is rebuilt.

C.  The third largest city in the United States, Chicago, is on the shore of Lake Michigan. Two rivers, the Chicago and the Calumet, run through the city, and canals link them with the Mississippi River, which flows down to the Gulf of Mexico. Ships can also sail from Chicago through the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. The climatic conditions of the city are very specific, because strong winds blow through it.

D.  An American jet pilot took off from Fort Worth, but the jet’s engines went wrong. The pilot ejected, but the plane didn’t crash. The engines began working again. The jet flew for more than one hour over three states. Finally it crashed near Lincoln, Nebraska. It hit some trees in a field where a farmer was working. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

E.  Last year I went to Spain for my holiday. I spent the first week in Seville, and then I took a train to Barcelona, where Г spent another ten days. It is a beautiful city and I had a marvellous time. I stayed in a very expensive hotel right in the centre, but I didn’t mind spending a lot of money because it is a wonderful place and very convenient. My brother recommended it; he goes to Spain a lot and he never stays anywhere else.

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16. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.   Out-of-town shopping.

2.  Bargain hunters.

3.  The best shopping street.

4.  A convenient way of paying.

5.   Internet shopping.

6.  The key to success.

A.  Mary has already started doing her Christmas shopping on-line. She usually spends about £300 on presents and pays for them on her debit card. She is buying food from supermarket shopping services and has ordered books and CDs from on-line bookshops. Buying on-line saves her a lot of money, and it’s a lot nicer staying at home than having to go out in the High Street.

B.  A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is in Warsaw. It’s called Nowy Swiat, which means New World. An incredible 15,000 Poles walk down this main street every hour. It is a lovely place to shop. It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. There are a lot of shops from the West, but the interesting thing is that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality goods.

C.  Many small street and comer shops are closing because people prefer to drive to shopping complex outside town. There they can park their cars without any problems and do all their shopping in one place. In a British shopping complex, you usually find a supermarket, a branch of most of the chain-stores, some smaller shops, and a few cafes. Most of the new shopping complexes are built near big roads.

D.  Mail-order shopping has become very popular because it saves time. Shoppers use credit cards to pay for something over the telephone after they have seen it advertised in a mail-order catalogue, on TV, or in a newspaper or magazine. A number of mail-order companies accept phone orders twenty-four hours a day and most have toll-free numbers.

E.  Many Americans like sales. They shop at stores that sell goods at a discount. An item on sale can cost as little as hall the normal price. Sales are advertized in newspapers, on radio on TV, or by mail. Stores compete with each other by reducing their prices and staying open in the evening. Many arc open seven days a week and sometimes until 10.00 at night.

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17. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Sports and money.

2.  The riskiest sports.

3.  The most popular sport.

4.  Sports at school.

5.  Young, sporting and rich.

6.  Sporting inventions.

A.  According to recent statistics, the sport that causes most injuries is rugby, and football is a close second. Despite the popularity of these games, and although we teach school children to play them, they injure more people per 1,000 than motor-racing, skiing, or scuba-diving. Of course, people do get hurt in ‘adventure sport s’ and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year.

B.  Britain does not often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world sporting championship s, but it has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games. Go lf was first played in Scotland in the fifteenth century. Cricket was first played in England in the sixteenth century. Nineteenth-century team sports, such as football, rugby and hockey, were first played in British public schools.

C.  Sport today’ means big business for both players and sponsors. Sporting events like the World Cup, which has a TV audience of 45 billion people, make huge amounts of money. Companies like Coca Cola and Adidas have paid more than $30 million to sponsor a sports event. The y know that people all over the world will see their names and logos at the sports stadiums and on participants’ clothes.

D.  Children are encouraged to participate in sports at an early age. There are children’s baseball, football, and basketball team s in almost every community. The rivalry between high schools and colleges in sporting events goes right through the school year from football in September to track and field in June. Cheerleaders and bands lead the supporters in rooting for their home team.

E.  Many top stars make a fortune during their sporting careers. Tiger Woods, the professional golfer, was only 23 years old when he had already earned more than $5 million. He had won eight tournaments in his career by that time, including the US Masters which he won in 1997. He reached the position of the world’s top player in the shortest time ever  — just 42 weeks. Now he is sponsored by Nike, the sportswear company.

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18. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Taking English abroad.

2.  The rise of America.

3.  The French influence.

4.  The expansion of learning.

5.  Orthographic difference.

6.  The global language.

A.  A billion people speak English, two-thirds of the world’s scientists write in English, and 85 per cent of the world’s electronic information is stored in English. One result is that the British are terribly lazy about learning other languages. The reasons for the popularity of English are either lost in history, or something to do with the superpower on the other side of the Atlantic.

B.  English has many similarities with Romance languages, whose origin is Latin. The words like government, parliament, court, legal, army, crown, state, country, power, and people came to England with the French-speaking Normans. Notice that the word:, are associated with power: Norman-French was used as the language of government. Words of Latin origin are usually longer than words of Germanic origin.

C.  The period from the Renaissance to the present day has seen many new ideas and inventions, especially in science and technology. As new things are invented, new words have to be created. Often these new words are created from existing Greek or Latin words put together in new ways. There are now thousands of such words in English. Just think of telephone, television, microscope, and thermometer.

D.  Today, there are some differences in vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation between American and British English. Sometimes, the difference in spelling is because Americans wanted to make things simpler, so that a word would be spelled the way it is pronounced. Noah Webster, founder of one of the most famous American English dictionaries, decided to eliminate from a won I any letters that were not pronounced (honor  — honour, theater  — theatre).

E.  During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, British navigators sailed across the seas with the aim of extending Britain’s power and prosperity. They colonized new territories around the world, taking their language with them. In many cast the process of bringing ‘civilisation’ to the existing peoples of these lands was accompanied by cruelty and injustice.

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This text deals with …

1.  Money.

2.  Social Concerns.

3.  Parents.

4.  Part-Time Work.

5.  Sport.

6.  Helping at Home.

A.  What teenagers feel and do is also of interest to governments. The following facts are taken from the official survey. Almost 60 per cent of British teenagers have a part-time job. The most popular jobs are working in shops and stores (usually on Saturdays), doing a paper round (mornings, before school), or babysitting.

B.  Nearly all teenagers claim they help with the housework. But most admit they only do it because they have to.

C.  Two thirds of those who were interviewed take part regularly in one or more sporting activities. Swimming is very popular with both sexes, while more than 45 per cent of boys play football.

D.  Money is seen as a problem by most teenagers. Without it they can’t buy clothes or gadgets, or go to concerts, cinemas or discos. The majority of girls spend their pocket money on clothes; half the boys spend it on gadgets. Three quarters of all teenagers try to save at least some money.

E.  Most teenagers get along with their parents quite well. Although a lot of teenagers believe their parents are too strict, most agree that their parents offer help and support in times of crisis. When there are arguments, however, they are usually about what time they should come home at night, where they are going, and who they are going with.

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This text deals with …

1.  Eat out.

2.  Living It up after Dark.

3.  Shop till You Drop.

4.  Take a Capital Break.

5.  Room at the Top.

6.  Going out in London.

A.  It’s up to you to decide whether you want to steep yourself in the past, step into the future, learn ab out the living world or enjoy film and theatre. There’s something for everyone in London  — art-lovers, culture vultures, thrill-seekers and anyone with a passion for history. The city boasts a wealth of theatres and museums and collections  — as much culture as your feet can bear! So even if you have been to the city many times before, there’s something new to view and somewhere different to go in a city full of surprises.

B.  London’s shops cover the complete spectrum of fashion  — from traditional, high-class tailoring, through top designer names, trend-setting street | fashion to retro, antique and period clothes. You can buy yourself wild fashion or exclusive tailoring; the I newest ideas or the most traditional. From the shopper’s point of view London really is ‘Absolutely fabulous, darling!’ London’s 30,000 shops offer the most extraordinary choice, quality and value. Come and enjoy yourself!

C.  Over 5,800 different restaurants and cuisine from more than 60 different countries await you in Britain’s capital. Come to London and eat your great meal from all the best cuisines all around the world! The experience of eating out in London is reaching new heights, with restaurants opening every week and some of the best-known names in cuisine to work here.

D.  London comes alive at dark. If New York is the city that never sleeps, London doesn’t doze much either! Night-time London offers a staggering range of things to see and places to go. Time Out, London’s weekly guide to what’s on, will give you all the details you need  — under useful headings like classical music, opera, jazz/funk, garage, house.

E.  Hotels in London very from some of the greatest and most luxurious establishments in the world to bed and breakfasts and humble hostels  — with everything in between. About 1,000 hotels of all different price ranges are spread all over the city, with the great concentration in the West End. But if you take advantage of London’s extensive public transport system and stay out of the centre it will be less expensive.

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21. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Accommodation.

2.  Catering.

3.  Extra Services.

4.  Amenities.

5.  Description.

6.  Entertainment.

A.  Superior 5 Hotel, set in a beautiful, unspoiled, seafront location amongst the green lawns gardens which run down a fine sandy beach, with crystal clear sea water. Its warm family atmosphere, numerous facilities, excellent food and friendly service will make your stay a most enjoyable one. Another nice sandy beach is just 200 meters away. Shops, bars, restaurants etc can be found within 200 metres from the hotel. A local bus service is available to the resort centre or into the nearby bustling resort of Ayia Napa (10 kilometres).

B.  The hotel offers large swimming pool with swim-up pool bar serving food and snacks. Extensive grass or pavement sun terraces with sunloungers and umbrellas are also available. The hotel boasts tennis courts, children’s playground, games room with table tennis, snooker, video games. Ample parking is at your service.

C.  The hotel owns 245 rooms enjoying excellent views of sea with a most beautiful coastline or the evergreen countryside. All the rooms have bathrooms, balconies, central air-conditioning, direct dial telephone and mini-bars.

D.  Afternoon and evening programme ranges from piano and bouzouki music to folklore dancing and magic shows. Regular dancing to live music, bingo, dancing lessons are available. “A different event almost every night.”

E.  The following are available either on request basis or at a charge: physician, hairdressing service, tennis equipment, beach facilities, early children meals, baby sitting, room service, special diets, full laundry service, safe deposit boxes. A great selection of water sports is also available at the beach under separate management.

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22. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  School.

2.  School uniform.

3.  Bullies.

4.  Free time.

5.  Clothes and looks.

6.  Pubs and clubs.

A.  British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in Britain can leave school at 16 (year 11). This is also the age when most students take their first important exams, GCSEs. They take between five and ten subjects and that means a lot of studying. They are spending more time on homework than teenagers have done before.

B.  Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll notice is the school uniform. Although school uniform has its advantages, by the time most teenagers are 15 or 16 they are tired of wearing it. When there is more than one school in a town, a school uniform can make differences and rivalries between schools worse.

C.  Music is the number one interest for British teens. But they certainly don’t all like the same music! UK garage, hip-hop and new metal are all popular. Teenagers love going out too. However, finding somewhere to go isn’t always easy. Pubs and clubs have strict rules for under 18-year-olds in Britain. It’s no surprise that British teenagers spend more free time online than European or American teens and use chatrooms to make a new friend.

D.  In Britain, teenagers judge you by the shirt or trainers you are wearing. Thirty per cent of British teenagers love Nike 150s (trainers that cost $150), but not for sport  — for posing!

E.  Fifty per cent of teenagers in Britain say they have been bullied because of their race, looks, accent, intelligence or for no reason at all. Sixteen teenagers in Britain have serious problems every year because of bullying. The authorities are trying to find the solution.

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23. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Perfect for a quiet holiday.

2.  Land of nature wonders.

3.  A visit to the zoo.

4.  Perfect for an active holiday.

5.  Difficult start.

6.  Bad for animals.

A.  The mountains of Scotland (also called the Highlands) are а wild and beautiful part of Europe. A golden eagle flies over the mountains. A deer walks through the silence of the forest. Salmon and trout swim in the clean, pure water of the rivers. Some say that not only fish swim in the deep water of Loch Ness. Speak to the people living by the Loch. Each person has a story of the monster, and some have photographs.

B.  Tresco is a beautiful island with no cars, crowds or noise  — just flowers, birds, long sandy beaches and the Tresco Abbey Garden. John and Wanda welcome you to the Island Hotel, famous for delicious food, comfort and brilliant service. You will appreciate superb accommodation, free saunas and the indoor swimming pool.

C.  The Camel and Wildlife Safari is a unique mixture of the traditional and modern. Kenya’s countryside suits the Safari purposes exceptionally well. Tourists will have a chance to explore the bush country near Samburu, to travel on a camel back or to sleep out under the stars. Modern safari vehicles are always available for those who prefer comfort.

D.  Arrival can be the hardest part of a trip. It is late, you are road-weary, and everything is new and strange. You need an affordable place to sleep, something to eat and drink, and probably a way to get around. But in general, it’s a wonderful trip, full of wonderful and unusual places. Whether it is the first stop on a trip or the fifth city visited, every traveller feels a little overwhelmed stepping onto a new street in a new city.

E.  No zoo has enough money to provide basic habitats or environments for all the species they keep. Most animals are put in a totally artificial environment, isolated from everything they would meet in their natural habitat. Many will agree that this isolation is harmful to the most of zoo inhabitants, it can even amount to cruelty.

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24. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Old word  — new meaning.

2.  Not for profit.

3.  For body and mind.

4.  Generosity to taste.

5.  New word  — old service.

6.  For various travellers’ needs.

A.  The residents of the southern United States are particularly warm to visitors, ready to welcome them to their homes and to the South in general. Food places an important role in the traditions of southern hospitality. A cake or other delicacy is often brought to the door of a new neighbor as a means of introduction. When a serious illness occurs, neighbors, friends, and church members generally bring food to that family as a form of support and encouragement.

B.  Destination spas exist for those who only can take a short term trip, but still want to develop healthy habits. Guests reside and participate in the program at a destination spa instead of just visiting it for a treatment or pure vacation. Typically over a seven-day stay, such facilities provide a program that includes spa services, physical fitness activities, wellness education, healthy cuisine and special interest programming.

C.  When people travel, stay in a hotel, eat out, or go to the movies, they rarely think that they are experiencing many-sided, vast and very diverse hospitality industry. The tourism industry is very challenging for those who work there, as they should be able to meet a wide variety of needs and to be flexible enough to anticipate them. The right person to help us feel at home likes working with the public, and enjoys solving puzzles.

D.  five years ago, with the help of friends and family, Frederick Kühne founded Hospitality Club as a general-purpose Internet-based hospitality exchange organization. Now, it is one of the largest hospitality networks with members in 256 countries. This is a completely free organization, which involves no money. The core activity is the exchange of accommodation, when hosts offer their guests the possibility to stay free at their homes.

E.  To the ancient Greeks and Romans, hospitality was a divine right. The host was expected to make sure the needs of his guests were seen to. In the contemporary West, hospitality is rarely associated with generously provided care and kindness to whoever is in need or strangers. Now it is only a service that includes hotels, casinos, and resorts, which offer comfort and guidance to strangers, but only as part of a business relationship.

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25. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1.  Weather considerations.

2.  Joys of biking.

3.  Preparations.

4.  Meeting the locals.

5.  Beware of thieves.

6.  Follow the rules.

A.  If you want to see Europe on $45 a day you might prefer to stay at hostels and shop at farmers’ markets, but you definitely will not be able to do it without the help of a bike as it is one of the most economical ways to see Europe. But most bikers choose to pedal for the sheer joy of it. Just imagine riding up a beautiful mountain road, going to the very top, hearing birds singing in the treetops, and enjoying a well-earned and glorious downhill run.

B.  The most important thing to do before you go for a long ride is to learn which tools to bring for basic repair work, such as patching a flat. If possible, first take a weekend camping trip with everything you’ll need with you. If you don’t already know how to fix your bike, you can ask about classes at your local bike shop. Although you can buy a good touring bike in Europe, you’re better off bringing a bike that you’re sure is the right fit for you as well as your own racks and panniers.

C.  Expect rain and bring good bikers’ rain equipment. You’ll also be exposed to the sun, so plan on using plenty of sunscreen. Even if you never ride at night, you should bring a back light for long and unavoidable tunnels. Always wear a helmet as well as biking gloves to guard against unsightly road rash. Beware of the silent biker who might be right behind you, and use hand signals before stopping or turning. Stay off the freeways; smaller roads are nicer for biking, anyway.

D.  Use a bike lock to secure your bike and never leave your pump, bag or laptop on your bike if you’re going to step away, even for a moment. Keep your bike inside whenever possible. At hostels, ask if there is a locked bike room, and, if not, ask for a place to put your bike inside overnight. Remember that hotels and many pensions don’t really have rules against taking a bike up to your room. It is advised just to do it quietly so the owners and other guests aren’t disturbed.

E.  The most rewarding aspect of bicycling in Europe is having the chance to get to know and communicate with new people. Europeans love bicycles, and they are often genuinely impressed when they see a tourist who rejects the view from a tour-bus window in favor of riding through their country on two wheels. Your bike provides an instant topic for conversation, the perfect bridge over cultural and language barriers.

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26. Установите соответствие между текстами A  — E и их темами, выбрав тему 1  — 6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) the country’s strange tradition.

2) the country’s geography.

3) the country’s famous people.

4) the country’s history.

5) the country’s traditional food.

6) the country’s animals.

A) Iceland is a country quite unique in many ways. Located in the Arctic Region of Northern Europe, it is covered by ice, more than 20 active volcanos, glaciers and geysers. Even though located in the north, Iceland is warmed by the Gulf Stream, and so the winter temperatures seldom drop below minus 10 degrees Centigrade,

while in the summer they stay around plus 10.

B) Iceland was discovered by the Vikings in the 870s AD. Scandinavian people from Norway, Denmark and Sweden were the first to settle in Iceland. Soon they were followed by the Celts who came over from Scotland and Ireland. For centuries Iceland was part of some other kingdom  — Norway or Denmark, and only in 1918 did it become an independent country.

C) When Iceland was first discovered by the Vikings, there was only one land mammal living there  — the Arctic fox. Europeans brought sheep, chickens, horses and goats to Iceland. Now there are also mice, rats, rabbits and reindeer. Sometimes, polar bears visit Iceland. They usually arrive from Greenland on icebergs!

D) Icelanders don’t have family names or surnames. Instead of the family name they use their father’s name to which they add “sdottir”  — “daughter of” or “sson”  — “son of”. So if the father is called Jon, and his daughter’s given name is Eva, her full name would be Eva Jonsdottir. If Jon has a son whose name is Adam, it would be Adam Jonsson.

E) There are at least two people from Iceland who are very well-known around the world. The first one of them is Leif Erikson who was the first European explorer to discover America  — long before Christopher Columbus! The other one is Björk, a popular singer and actress of today.

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27. Установите соответствие между текстами A  — E и их темами, выбрав тему 1  — 6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) places of interest

2) buying gifts

3) transport

4) museums

5) shopping

6) history

A) If you want to move around the Moscow City and save some money while travelling, we recommend you to buy a special card. We strongly advise you to choose Moscow Metro as a way to travel, because it’s high-speed. Besides, you can use metro without being afraid to be late because of traffic jams. It works from 5.30 to 1.30.

B) Moscow has a lot of attractions that are not only cultural and historical; they all are also of public importance. Russia is associated with the Kremlin and Red Square by many tourists from different parts of the world. The guests of the capital of Russia can enjoy the beautiful architecture of the central part of the city with historical monuments.

C) It’s impossible to visit Moscow and ignore its museums. Some of them are mansions and estates which used to belong to aristocratic families of the Russian Empire. They are now monuments of architecture and an. They are museums which home more than hundreds of thousands different items. You can spend the whole day there.

D) In Moscow you will find some opportunities to buy what you want. The city has many fantastic shops, boutiques, shopping malls and galleries. Moscow’s stores can be divided into three categories: expensive boutiques, mass-market shops, and discount centers (outlets), where you can get great discount prices. Everybody will be able to find something.

E) In Moscow you will find lots of souvenirs such as sets of small dolls (matryoshka). There are the sets of three, four, seven, ten, fifteen and more dolls. Each doll is smaller than the previous one and is inside it. These dolls are traditional Russian souvenirs. Of course, there are also standard postcards, key chains, magnets, too.

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28. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) water activities

2) a hobby

3) school

4) geography

5) transport

6) a film

A) The Volga Federal District gets its name from the Volga river which flows through it. The Volga is the largest river in Europe. The district makes up about 6% of the total territory of the Russian Federation. There are five cities with

a population of over one million. Many cities of the Volga Federal District can be reached by an overnight train from Moscow.

B) «Sonya» is a great musical story of underwater sea life. It introduces us to a little fish who doesn’t want to stay in the water. A young boy on the beach finds and saves the unusual little fish and names her Sonya. The boy and his fish become friends. They have a great adventure together. The story will be interesting for the whole family. It is really worth seeing.

C) Going to the Waikato River is very exciting. The longest river in New Zealand is a wonderful place for sports and fun. Visitors and locals alike enjoy its waters for boating, waterskiing, cruising and kayaking. The west coast also provides a variety of opportunities for relaxation. You can find everything from surfing to a hot water beach on its beautiful banks.

D) The main options of getting around in England are train and long-distance bus. The bus is called coach in England. Services between the big towns and cities are generally good. However, at peak times you must book in advance to be sure of getting a ticket. If you book early or travel at off-peak periods  — ideally both  — train and coach tickets can be very cheap.

E) At the age of eleven children in England study about 10-15 subjects. They have such subjects as English, Maths, Science, History, Geography and others. At the end of the year they have to take examinations. The lessons usually finish by 3 o’clock and pupils may go home. Many children take part in out-of-class activities and hobby clubs to learn something new and develop new skills.

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29. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) popular exercise;

2) the weather;

3) traditional food;

4) health advice;

5) an animal;

6) a place to visit.

A) The beluga whale lives in the Arctic. They can dive more than 3,100 feet deep looking for food. They eat fish, mainly cod. Beluga whales live in groups. Usually there are ten individuals, and they live and feed together. In Russia, the whales generally live in the waters that border the north of the country. The whales migrate according to the seasons.

B) You should go to the zoo if you want to see animals with your own eyes. There you can learn about what they eat, their habits, environment, and all sorts of other interesting facts about animals. Another name for a zoo is a zoological garden. Today many zoos do wonderful work in animal research and take great care of their animals. Many animals feel at home there.

C) September and October are wonderful months in Canada, as most days are cool, crisp and pleasant. The Canadian winters are cold and long, and in the northern parts of the country they can be severe. In the central part the daily average temperatures are about -20 °Celsius. In these regions, snow can cover the ground almost six months of the year.

D) Japanese cuisine is very popular around the world and for good reason. It has a good balance of ingredients. Centuries before Japanese people were eating sushi, they first enjoyed raw fish without the rice. The name «sashimi» means any thinly sliced raw food, including raw beef and chicken. However fish and seafood are the most popular types of this dish.

E) To eat well and best prepare for your training, it is always smart to eat a nice breakfast. If you don’t eat at all before exercising, you could feel weak. If you are going to eat a big breakfast, eat it at least three hours before exercising. If you only have two hours before your game, eat a smaller portion. You also need to eat some food after you exercise to help your muscles recover.

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This text deals with …

1) entertainment;

2) transport;

3) reading;

4) places of interest;

5) shopping;

6) a festival.

A)  London is a good place to buy things. Charing Cross in London is famous for its bookshops. There are lots of them there, and they sell both old and new books. One of the oldest and most famous bookshops in London is Foyles. It has thousands of books  — but it can sometimes be very difficult to find the book you want.

B)  London’s West End has some of the best theatres in the world, so tickets there can sometimes be very expensive. However, if you go in the afternoon, it is often much cheaper. There is something for everybody  — from a play by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Barbican Theatre to Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap, which is a very famous play.

C)  The exciting Notting Hill Carnival in London takes place on the last Sunday and Monday in August. There are two wonderful parades to watch  — one on Sunday and one on Monday, and you can see them going through the streets near Portobello Road and Ladbroke Grove. Thousands of tourists come to London to watch this carnival.

D)  There is so much to see in London. Take a picture of Tower Bridge, which is near the Tower of London. It first opened in 1894 and is one of the most beautiful and famous bridges in the city, Then you can see St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is not far away, on Ludgate Hill. It was built by Sir Christopher Wren after the Fire of London.

E)  If you don’t have much time to see London and still want to see some of its most famous buildings, you can use the famous red buses. Some of them are specifically for tourists. Their route is one and a half hours long, but you can break your journey any time and get off and then on again to see a sight and then move to the next one. It’s very convenient.

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31. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) a city attraction.

2) an amazing fish.

3) a job.

4) a traditional dish.

5) a place to eat.

6) a water sport location.

A)  Kamchatka is one of the most interesting diving destinations in Russia. It offers an opportunity to dive in a unique underwater world with more than 350 species of fish, seals, sea lions, sea otters, walruses, orcas, and whales. Avachinsky Bay, Starichkov Island, and Russian Bay are just a few of many diving sites popular among local divers.

B)  Ben’s Fish Café might look like a Mediterranean tavern from the outside, but it offers some of the tastiest fish in London. Take your pick from a wide variety of grilled, steamed or deep-fried fish, accompanied by a side of potatoes served in either chip, new potato or mash form at this south London location. Ben’s Fish Café is really worth visiting.

C)  The new Sea Life London Aquarium is home to one of Europe’s largest collections of global marine life. It takes visitors on an interactive journey along the Great Oceanic Conveyor. There is plenty of interaction along the way from feeding the fish to touch pools and discovery zones. You will see seahorses, octopus, zebra sharks and the popular clown fish.

D)  Becoming a professional swimmer is more of a lifestyle choice than a career. In order to be successful, you will need to keep your body fit at all times. You will have to manage your diet, train every single day, and have serious drive and ambition. The majority of professional swimmers compete in pool swimming competitions.

E)  The mola, also called the giant ocean sunfish, is gigantic. These huge sunfish can grow to weigh 5,000 pounds. That’s almost as much as a small pickup truck. The mola has an unusual look. It’s round. They are not dangerous, but they are rather curious. They often approach divers and snorkelers  — just to investigate.

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32. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) a sport;

2) a swimming pool;

3) clothes;

4) a famous person;

5) an animal;

6) a place to visit.

A)  Maya Plisetskaya was one of the world’s greatest ballerinas. Plisetskaya was born in Moscow in 1925. She was prina ballerina of the Bolshoi Ballet of Moscow. Plisetskaya visited many countries with her performances. She was a guest artist

with the Paris Opéra in 1961 and 1964. A well-known designer Pierre Cardin created some of her dance costumes and clothes.

B)  Copenhagen has been named as the best city in the world for swimming. Copenhagen is surrounded by water, and has many places by the waterfront. Locals enjoy swimming early in the morning, especially during the summer. These swimming areas are also popular among tourists. Copenhagen also has Amager Beach Park, which is specially designed for outdoor activities.

C)  Horse polo is often called polo. This game is played on horseback. Polo is played using a plastic ball. Two teams can play with four members each. The players wear a helmet, a colored shirt, riding boots, and white trousers. The main objective of the game is to ride on a horse and score goals against the opposing team. It is exciting to watch and play.

D)  Police dogs help the police to solve crimes. Police dogs have saved many lives with their unique skills and bravery. They are loyal, watchful, and protective of their police officer. They are an important and irreplaceable part of many police departments. Police dogs need to have very special training. They are usually trained from puppies to learn their job.

E)  Take a big suitcase if you are going to visit London in December. You should pack warm sweaters, long-sleeved T-shirts, trousers or jeans. You will need a warm coat or a jacket. While it rarely snows in London in December, it is rather cold. So take gloves, a scarf and boots. Ofcourse, it is London, which means an umbrella should be in your suitcase year-round!

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33. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) nature;

2) a famous person;

3) an animal;

4) a film;

5) a place to visit;

6) school activities.

A)  Yury Gagarin was the first man to orbit the earth in a man-made space rocket. On 12 April 1961, Gagarin became the first human to fly into space. Every move he made and every word he said that day was to become legendary. After the flight, Gagarin became an international celebrity. Meeting him was a great honour for kings, presidents and artists all around the globe.

B)  Many people love elephants. They think that they bring good luck. There are two types ofelephants. The African elephant lives on the continent of Africa and the Indian elephant lives in Asia. Elephants eat plants rather than meat. They are very intelligent and can communicate. They are also very skilled with tools and can be trained for all sorts of tasks.

C)  You can see scientific, technological, and mathematical achievements in the London Science Museum. It might sound too serious or even boring. In fact, a trip to the Science Museum is not boring at all. There are a lot of interactive exhibits, flight simulators and an IMAX cinema to make science exciting, There is even a milkshake bar. This is a science lesson you will never forget.

D)  If you are fond of animals, you should watch a new story about a dog and a young country boy. The boy was walking in the field near his village and found a dog, which lived in the wild. They became good friends and had many adventures. The story takes place in a wonderful location. You will definitely enjoy a colourful movie and beautiful music.

E)  Getting good grades for the test can be quite difficult sometimes. You should plan your time to study the material. You

need to find a comfortable place where you can concentrate on learning. You should study the questions and learn the most important numbers and dates. It is also a good idea to find a person who will check your answers.

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34. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) clothes;

2) transport;

3) leisure activities;

4) weather;

5) a sports competition;

6) a city.

A)  Russian summers are quite warm and sunny. Many cities such as Moscow and even those as far east as Tomsk can experience intense heat waves. The temperature may rise to +30 °C and above. However, brief heavy showers and even thunderstorms occur unexpectedly; it’s good to carry a small travel umbrella with you even on the sunniest days.

B)  Millions of people around the world watch the Tour de France cycle race on their TV screens and tablets. The greatest number of fans come for the final stage of the event when it comes to Paris. Hundreds of thousands of people line the route of the race each day. Because of the crowds and the excitement, there is often a party or carnival atmosphere.

C)  There are a lot of cars, buses and a big underground in London, but city residents are looking for new ways to travel round the city. For example, London’s public bicycle scheme will help you get around quickly and easily. You simply hire a bike from one of the hundreds of docking stations across the city, ride it where you like, then return it to any of those stations.

D)  Sports in Greece are developing every year. Many people from different countries come to Greece to try extreme sports like windsurfing, sailing, mountain biking and lots of others. Most trainers and guides are experienced and speak foreign languages well. All locations where sports are organized are magnificent in natural beauty.

E)  It can be really hard to dress for a rainy day because there are so many things to consider. Don’t be scared to wear something bright on a rainy day. Bad weather can be depressing, so why not go out of your way to wear something non-depressing and cute. Just put on a bright waterproof jacket and take your colourful umbrella!

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35. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  transport;

2)  food;

3)  a museum;

4)  spending free time;

5)  history;

6)  famous people.

A)  It’s impossible to get bored in London. If you like to listen to jazz musicians, you can hear some of the best ones at Ronnie Scott’s Club in Fifth Street. For ballet, go to the Sadler’s wells Theatre in Rosebery Avenue or to the Royal Opera House. To get cheap tickets, you should buy them an hour or two before the performance begins.

B)  Madame Tussaud’s in London is one of its most visited places. It is located in Marylebone Road and it is famous for its figures of people made of wax. You can see famous people from the past and some of the celebrities of our times. There is also the Chamber of Horrors there where you can see some of the famous London criminals of the past.

C)  London’s famous red buses and the underground called The Tube are already a cultural experience. Still, if you don’t want to use London buses or underground, you may try London taxis called black cabs. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful and they know London very well indeed. You can also take a boat trip to Hampton Court.

D)  London is not a cheap city, but it doesn’t mean you will have to spend much money on food there. There are a lot of fish and chips shops in London, where the meals are delicious and inexpensive. A lot of Londoners and visitors to the city love pies and delicious chocolate cakes from local bakeries. In London you can also find takeaways and pubs.

E)  London is a very old city. It grew up around the first point where the Roman invaders found the Thames narrow enough to build a bridge. They founded a Celtic settlement then known as Londinium and later they turned it into a large port and important trading centre with a long wall of stone and brick. London grew and became a great city we can see today.

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36. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  transport;

2)  food;

3)  a museum;

4)  spending free time;

5)  history;

6)  famous people.

A)  It’s impossible to get bored in London. If you like to listen to jazz musicians, you can hear some of the best ones at Ronnie Scott’s Club in Fifth Street. For ballet, go to the Sadler’s wells Theatre in Rosebery Avenue or to the Royal Opera House. To get cheap tickets, you should buy them an hour or two before the performance begins.

B)  Madame Tussaud’s in London is one of its most visited places. It is located in Marylebone Road and it is famous for its figures of people made of wax. You can see famous people from the past and some of the celebrities of our times. There is also the Chamber of Horrors there where you can see some of the famous London criminals of the past.

C)  London’s famous red buses and the underground called The Tube are already a cultural experience. Still, if you don’t want to use London buses or underground, you may try London taxis called black cabs. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful and they know London very well indeed. You can also take a boat trip to Hampton Court.

D)  London is not a cheap city, but it doesn’t mean you will have to spend much money on food there. There are a lot of fish and chips shops in London, where the meals are delicious and inexpensive. A lot of Londoners and visitors to the city love pies and delicious chocolate cakes from local bakeries. In London you can also find takeaways and pubs.

E)  London is a very old city. It grew up around the first point where the Roman invaders found the Thames narrow enough to build a bridge. They founded a Celtic settlement then known as Londinium and later they turned it into a large port and important trading centre with a long wall of stone and brick. London grew and became a great city we can see today.

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37. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  the history of sport;

2)  a place;

3)  a diet;

4)  fast food;

5)  a popular person;

6)  the history of transport.

A)  The first railway line in Russia was just 17 km. It was opened in 1837 between St Petersburg and the imperial palace in Tsarskoe Selo. This was followed by the greater public project of the St Petersburg to Moscow line. It was built between 1842 and 1851. The project was a great success and by the end of the century all the track in Russia was over 30000 km long.

B)  David Beckham has been one of the top football players in the world over the last 10 years. He has played for teams such as Manchester United and Real Madrid. David is perhaps best known as a football star for Manchester United. Beckham scored 62 goals with the team over the eight years and became an international football superstar. He has a lot of fans.

C)  The Olympics has individual and team events. The first time women were allowed to compete in the Olympics was during the Paris games of 1900. They were not allowed to compete in all events, however. The events women could compete in were tennis, golf, horseback riding, and sailing. Charlotte Cooper, a tennis player, became the first female Olympic Games gold medalist.

D)  Good eating habits are important in keeping a healthy weight. Eat a variety of food, and remember that it is okay to eat something tasty sometimes. Stop drinking coke and eating fast food. Try to eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables each day. It’s good to eat food from all the different food groups. You should choose healthy snacks. Always eat breakfast.

E)  Barra Airport is a small airport located on the tiny island of Barra, about 140 miles away from the city of Glasgow. The airport uses a beach as a runway. The airport has one small terminal. There is a big car park which is free to all passengers. There are several taxis and buses at the airport. The beautiful beach and amazing nature make this airport really popular.

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38. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  The history of the country

2)  Geography

3)  A well-known person

4)  A picture

5)  Clothes

6)  A place to visit

A)  Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg in 1703 as the capital of his Russian empire, and over 300 years later the city still attracts tourists from around the world. It is a great option to go on a cruise from Moscow to St. Petersburg. There are so many sites to see in St. Petersburg that cruise boats usually stay for two or three nights. The city is wonderful for walking.

B)  Leonardo da Vinci is one of the greatest artists in history. Leonardo was talented in many areas including drawing, painting, and sculpture. Although we don’t have a lot of his paintings today, he is most famous for his art and also gained great fame during his own time due to his paintings. Two of his most famous works include the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

C)  Europeans arrived in Canada more than a thousand years ago. However, they left and didn’t return until 1497 when John Cabot explored the Atlantic Coast. Later explorers from other countries would arrive. The first permanent settlements were French. Later most of Canada became part of the British Empire. In 1831 Canada became a fully independent nation.

D)  The Indian Saree is a traditional dress for Indian women. It is made of one piece of fabric which is five to nine yards long and two to four feet wide, It is wrapped around the body. Women can wear a Saree in different styles. They are usually bright and colourful. They can be made of cotton or silk. They say 75% of Indian women wear a Saree every day.

E)  If you ever visit Museum Ludwig in Germany, don’t miss the painting Lady in a Green Jacket. It was created by August Macke in 1913. In this painting a lady is standing in the park. She is wearing a dark green jacket. She is looking down. There are two couples walking away from her. You get the feeling that she is lonely. The painting has special light and colour.

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39. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  A fun tradition

2)  History

3)  Cooking

4)  An important holiday

5)  Travel advice

6)  A country

A)  Russian people celebrate Victory Day on May 9th. It is the day for remembering Russia’s participation in World War II. Many people attend a military parade or watch the military parade on Red Square. There are fireworks at night on Victory Day. Another tradition is to give flowers to veterans on the street and to lay wreaths at war memorial sites.

B)  Going to Vancouver in Canada during winter holidays is very exciting. The city is very nice. The weather there is much milder than in many other Canadian cities. But be prepared for rain on any day. Put on a warm sweater or a pullover underneath a waterproof jacket. You will also need waterproof shoes or boots. Don’t forget warm gloves, a hat, and an


C)  The tomato is native to South America. Wild versions were small and yellow. People were growing tomatoes in southern Mexico by 500 BC. The Spanish brought tomatoes to Europe in the 16th century. After their arrival in Italy tomatoes were grown for decoration only in gardens or flower beds. Later Spanish and Italian people started using tomatoes for cooking.

D)  Tomatoes are very popular in many cuisines around the world. They are eaten in different ways raw or cooked. Tomatoes are very sweet and tasty. We add them in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks. Tomatoes are used in many Spanish and Italian dishes. In Italy tomatoes are served with olive oil and cheese. It is difficult to think ofa pizza without tomatoes.

E)  La Tomatina festival takes place in Spain. For more than 17 years the festival has been held on the last Wednesday of August, during the week of summer festivities. Participants of the festival throw tomatoes at each other. They have a tomato fight just for entertainment. Usually, the fight lasts for about an hour, after which the town square is covered with tomatoes.

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40. Установите соответствие между текстами A  — E и их темами, выбрав тему 1  — 6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  Transport

2)  Seasons

3)  Geography

4)  History

5)  Weather

6)  A place of interest

A)  Because the Atlantic Ocean is close to St. Petersburg, the city has a milder climate than it is typical for a territory so far in the north. At the same time, winters are rather cold, with a usual January temperature of about -6 °C, a few degrees warmer than in Moscow. Winter temperatures can drop below -40 °C, however. Snow stays on the ground for about 132 days.

B)  The Winter Palace is much larger than the eye can see. You must first look at it from afar, from the opposite bank of the Neva, then come closer, cross the bridge and the small garden near the Admiralty, and pause in Palace Square to see how beautiful the place is. The Winter Palace is a building which you will never forget once you’ve seen it.

C)  St. Petersburg is a city in the northwestern part of Russia. It is an important historical and cultural centre and a port. St. Petersburg lies about 400 miles (640 km) northwest of Moscow. The main river is the Neva River. It flows from Ladoga Lake to the Baltic Sea. The population of the city is about 6 million people; its area is 550 square miles.

D)  St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 by the Russian tsar Peter I who was dreaming of a new capital for his new Russia. The land on the site was marshy and the climate quite cold. A lot of people died while building the city. The first building in the city was Peter and Paul Fortress which is now visited by thousands of tourists every year.

E)  St. Petersburg is one of Russia’s most important transport centres. Its port, the country’s largest, is of international importance. Ships and steamboats connect the city with several western European ports in summers. The city is also a centre of rail routes. There are several big passenger rail terminals in the city. The city also has an underground.

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41. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  Geography

2)   Life in the past

3)   A new technology

4)   Drawing a city

5)   Music

6)   A famous person

A)  The Skomorokhs were Russian street performers. They entertained people with songs, dances, comic plays and acrobatic tricks. They appeared in Russia in the 11th century. Skomorokhs added new genres to Russian folk art  — drama and comedy. They staged tales, made plays out of song lyrics or composed plays themselves. The actors wore masks.

B)  Going to Silver Bell Festival is an unforgettable experience. You will have a chance to listen to the best singers performing live. There is always a folk orchestra concert where you can hear the songs from all over the world. You can even try to play different instruments. The participants come from different countries, such as Russia, France, Canada, Japan and many others.

C)  The New York Public Library now has computers in every building. You can use the computers to go on the Internet or to write a paper. The librarians will help if you have a question and there are even free classes to help people learn how to use new computer programs. But this is only the beginning of how the library wants to use modern ideas.

D)  Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It’s no wonder that Florence attracts more than 16 million visitors a year. The city is located in the central part of the country in the region of Tuscany. It is surrounded by hills, and the famous Arno River divides the city into two parts. No matter what time you decide to visit, Florence is an Italian destination not to be missed.

E)  Leonardo da Vinci is a well-known artist, scientist, and inventor of the Italian Renaissance. He made a lot of drawings with different ideas. His journals were filled with over 13,000 pages of his observations of the world. Many of his drawings were on the subject of anatomy. He studied the human body. He had detailed figures of various parts of the body.

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42. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  A book

2)  A holiday

3)  A place of interest

4)  Traditional footwear

5)  A famous person

6)  The weather

A)  Lapti are old style shoes of the Russian farmers. Until the beginning of the 20th century lapti were worn in every Russian village, but nowadays one can hardly find anyone wearing them except for special occasions, like celebrations or costume shows. Lapti didn’t last long, and broke in a week or two. They broke even faster in spring or autumn because of the rainy


B)  Princess Diana was a member ofthe British royal family. She was also called Lady Di. Princess Diana was seen as the real-life heroine of a fairytale. Her fantastic style and beauty attracted people. She was a leader of fashion. Lady Di became the most popular member of the royal family. She was known as the queen of hearts who truly cared about people.

C)  Father’s Day is celebrated throughout the world. It is popular in the United States. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Most people spend the day with their dad. They often give presents and a card, or cook their dad a meal. Typical Father’s Day gifts include ties, clothes, electronics, and tools. Around S1 billion is spent each year on Father’s Day gifts.

D)  The Gallery of Costume in Manchester has one of the largest collections of clothing and fashion accessories in Britain. The collection has clothes from the 17th century to the present day. Many of the clothes represent high fashion of the day. You can also see the uniform of working people, such as the traditional footwear and clothes of Lancashire workers.

E)  A new story by a famous writer Laura Green is worth reading. It is called» A Secret Holiday.» It tells about a brave boy who decided to change his life. When he starts writing a plan, interesting things begin to happen around him. The story will be interesting for teenagers who like good humour and mysteries. You will also enjoy the original colourful pictures.

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43. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  A picture

2)  A show

3)  Travel advice

4)  A sport

5)  Winter

6)  A bird

A)  The Durov family is known as talented animal-trainers and naturalists. They started the Durov Animal Theatre in 1912. The theatre today offers fantastic performances with goats, horses, pigeons, cats, dogs and mice! The animal actors perform freely and even with pleasure. Their training is based on using their natural instincts and habits without punishment.

B)  The biggest of all penguins is the emperor penguin. It is almost as tall as the average seven-year-old child! Incredibly, emperor penguins live on the ice in Antarctica during winter. They face temperatures of −30 degrees Celsius and below. In the wild, emperor penguins live 15 to 20 years. Also, they have the deepest dive of all birds: up to 1,850 feet.

C)  The most famous work of the Louvre Museum in Paris is Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. It is a portrait of a charming lady with long hair. She is wearing a dark dress. The lady is looking at you no matter where you stand. It is only one of the mysteries of the painting. Millions of visitors want to see the unforgettable smile of the lady in the portrait.

D)  August is a great time in Germany. The weather is nice and you can take your favourite dresses and shoes. This is the time of year to pack your warm weather outfits, like shorts and T-shirts or skirts. Don’t forget a light sweater and rain jacket. Also put a swimsuit in your suitcase as swimming is one of the best activities in summer. A pair of sandals is necessary too.

E)  There are a lot of reasons why you should take up swimming. First ofall, it is fun and relaxing. Swimming is a great way to keep fit, stay healthy and make friends. While it’s most often associated with summer, swimming is actually a physical activity in which you can participate any time of the year. You just need to find an indoor pool in your area and buy a swimsuit.

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44. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  Transport

2)  A celebration

3)  A street

4)  A place to eat

5)  A sports competition

6)  A traditional dish

A)  Karavay is a round Russian yeast bread usually baked for weddings. It is always richly decorated with a pastry wreath symbolizing wealth. Karavay is seen as a symbol of happiness and wealth. The puffier the karavay is, the happier and richer the newlyweds will be once they have tasted it. It is usually served on an embroidered towel with a little cup of salt on top.

B)  Champs-Elysées is one on the most famous places in the world. This Paris avenue stretches 1,17 miles from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde. It is divided into two parts. The lower part is surrounded by gardens, museums, theatres, and a few restaurants. The upper part is the site of luxury shops and hotels, restaurants and pavement cafés, theatres, banks, and offices.

C)  There are many buses in Copenhagen, but the fastest way to get from one part of the city to another is by bike. Forty percent of Copenhageners use their bikes every day, and the city has been designed for cyclists with separate bicycle lanes on most large roads. Cyclists are often allowed to ride both ways in one-way streets. This is a common means of daily transportation.

D)  The Tour de France is probably the world’s most famous cycle race. It takes over 23 days and covers over 2,000 miles. Each year the race takes a different route, but the finish is always in Paris with a magnificent sprint down the Champs-Élysées. Although named the Tour de France, the race sometimes takes place in other countries such as Belgium, Italy and Spain.

E)  You should visit Oliver’s Diner in Belsize Park. You will find generous portions of traditional fish and chips in this bright and welcoming dining room. They also serve a range of more health-focused food including salads, grilled fish and desserts. You can drink a nice cup of tea or coffee and enjoy the atmosphere of this traditional cafe.

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45. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  Music

2)  A building

3)  Food

4)  Nature

5)  A sport

6)  Health

A)  Lake Baikal is located in Siberia. This deep lake is very old. There is a legend that the water of the lake is magic and can make you younger and healthy. There are beautiful Sayan mountains with many hot springs around Lake Baikal. The wildlife is also amazing. Many of the plants which grow there are rare, so you can find them only in this place.

B)  Sailing is a great outdoor activity. It helps us feel connected to nature. Breathing the sea air is healthy. Although sailing can be hard work, once you learn it, it becomes a very relaxing pastime. It also gives you food for thought. With sailing the mind comes first, muscles after. Sailing is about feeling the sea and the wind. It is so exciting to take part in the sailing competitions.

C)  The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous sights in Australia. It is known for its unforgettable architectural style. The architect, Jorn Utzon, was inspired by the natural world as he designed it. Utzon wanted to show the beauty of the sea. So he decided to make the roof like rising boat sails. The Sydney Opera House is actually one of the best places to listen to music.

D)  The island of Sri Lanka is best known as the Island of Rice and Curry. The main feature of the country’s cuisine is steamed or boiled rice served with other dishes such as vegetables, chicken or fish. It is very healthy. In fact, Sri Lankan cuisine has been influenced by several cultural and historic factors. Contact with foreigners has also changed the country’s cuisine.

E)  A famous singer visited Moscow last Saturday. She had a concert in one of the biggest stadiums of the city. The audience had a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the best songs and to sing along. The singer presented several new songs at her show. Her voice was very beautiful. The sound and the light were perfect. It was real gift for all the Russian fans of the singer.

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46. Установите соответствие между текстами A−E и их темами, выбрав тему 1−6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) healthy eating;

2) travelling in Greece;

3) an amazing fish;

4) a traditional dish;

5) the history of sports;

6) outdoor activities.

A)  Visiting the famous Lake Baikal of Russia is a great experience. This natural wonder provides a lot of opportunities to relax. Here you can enjoy fishing, kayaking, motor-biking, skating, and hiking or walking in the woods. If you are not excited with the idea of hiking you can stay at the campsites which are located close to Lake Baikal.

B)  Greeks live long lives. Many people think that their diet keeps them active for a long time. They eat a lot of lamb, fish, squid, chickpeas and different fresh fruit and vegetables. Their traditional dishes always include olives and olive oil, which reduce the risk of a heart attack. Greeks consume a high volume of wild greens, which are high in vitamins and minerals.

C)  The first Olympic Games were held in the southern city of Olympia in 700 B. C. to honour Zeus, the king of the gods. Only men could compete in the events such as sprinting, long jump, discus, javelin, and chariot racing. But those taking part in the wrestling event had to be the toughest, as there were hardly any rules.

D)  Blue marlins are among the largest, fastest, and most recognizable fish in the world. Their cobalt blue and silvery white bodies and spear-shaped upper jaws make this big fish stand out in a big ocean. Just how big is a blue marlin? Female blue marlins can grow up to 14 feet in length and can weigh more than 900 kilograms!

E)  Fish soup, which is called «ukha,» is very popular in Russia and easy to make. Try it with pike, perch or salmon. Put water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Add potatoes, onions and parsley. Heat for 10 to 15 minutes and add the fish. Heat for 10 more minutes, then squeeze in lemon juice and season with salt and pepper to taste.

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47. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  a job

2)  getting around

3)  history

4)  keeping fit

5)  clothes

6)  a place of interest

A.  June is a lovely month to visit Moscow, even if you are not very lucky with sunny skies and warm temperatures. Early June in Moscow can be cool, it’s best to take a light jacket or a raincoat when you travel to Moscow. You can bring some T-shirts. It’s also a good idea to pack long pants or a long skirt. Since it often rains, always carry an umbrella in your bag.

B.  Many people do their best to be in good shape. They try to have a healthy lifestyle and keep to a diet. It is important to eat healthy food, such as fruit and vegetables. Many shops sell organic food, which is healthy. It is also very important to get enough exercise every day. For example, cycling is a great way to get around the city and train your muscles.

C.  One of Brazil’s most famous symbols is the statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro. It is one of the modern wonders of the world. The statue is 98 feet tall and has a 26-feet tall pedestal. Its arms stretch 92 feet wide. The statue is made of stone and concrete. It is located on Corcovado mountain. The construction of the statue of Jesus Christ started in 1922 and finished by 1931.

D.  Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. It is famous for its bicycle-friendly residents and infrastructure. In fact, about 62% of all citizens in Copenhagen go to work, college, or school by bicycle. A well-designed system of cycle tracks in Copenhagen makes cycling an easy mode of transport for its citizens. Cycling is also a healthier and cleaner mode of transport.

E.  Working as a tour guide is very interesting, but it can be hard. Tour guides introduce visitors to sightseeing. They tell interesting information about museums and historical sights to tourists, students and other visitors. They should be keen on history, art, culture and geography. A tour guide visits many places of interest. They usually wear a company uniform.

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48. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  a holiday with history

2)  a holiday for children

3)  a forgotten holiday

4)  a family holiday

5)  a patriotic holiday

6)  an old tradition

A.  Perhaps the most favourite holiday in Russia is New Year’s Eve. Russian people love it even more now because of long holidays (usually from the 1st to the 9 — th or 10 — th of January). Traditionally, New Year’s Eve is a family holiday, which is usually spent at home with loved ones, when you can eat tasty food, play board games or spend a lot of time outdoors.

B.  The date for Christmas in Russia is different from Europe. In Russia it is one of the main religious Christian holidays. Christmas Day is the beginning of the Christmas period, which lasts until the 19th of January. During this time, Russian girls used to predict their future. It was believed that at Christmas time, such fortunetelling was most likely to come true.

C.  People in Russia think International Women’s Day is very important. This is a holiday that has expanded its limits. It was originally dedicated to the struggle by women for their rights, but over the years, it has almost lost its meaning. Now on this day, Russian men give women flowers and small gifts and do all the housework.

D.  The 9 — th of May is one of the most important and favourite holidays in Russia. It is dedicated to Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941−1945. This is the day to congratulate veterans and remember the heroism of Soviet soldiers, many of whom had to pay for the victory with their lives. The 9th of May ends with a firework display in all cities of Russia.

E.  The 1st of September is the beginning of the school year in Russia. On this day you can see lots of school children with bouquets of flowers, accompanied by their parents to school. Not all of them have greatly missed their studies over the summer, but still they are happy to be back at school, to meet old friends and to make new ones.

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49. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  parks;

2)  a place of Interest;

3)  food;

4)  history;

5)  shopping;

6)  animals.

A.  In 1666, there was a big fire in London. It’s called The Fire of London. It began in Pudding Lane, near London Bridge. More than a quarter of a million Londoners lost their homes in the fire. But the fire also destroyed most of the worst old buildings, and the new houses that went up after this were much better for people to live in than the previous ones.

B.  The Tower of London is now a museum, and one of London’s most famous buildings. More than two million people visit it every year. There you can see the Crown Jewels and visit the Bloody Tower and the White Tower. You may also take a walk round the wall and perhaps see one of the Tower’s most famous birds — the ravens.

C.  When you are tired of looking at London buildings, you can sit or walk in one of London’s beautiful parks. Regent’s Park is the home of London Zoo. The zoo has thousands of birds and animals from all over the world. There is also a theatre in the park. In the evening in summers you can sit out under the night sky and watch a play by William Shakespeare.

D.  You can find food from nearly every country in the world in London. In Soho in the West End you can find the most famous restaurants and cafes. There are also thousands of pubs in the city. If you want to try some English fish and chips, London is the best place to do it. This is a tasty dish and it’s quite cheap. Everybody will find something tasty.

E.  Oxford Street in London has many big shops — Selfridges, Marks and Spencer, John Lewis, Debenhams. There are always lots of people looking at the shops there, but at Christmas thousands of people come to buy things for their friends and family for Christmas. One more busy shop in London is certainly Harrods. The Queen does her shopping there.

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This text deals with …

1)  travel advice;

2)  a well-known person;

3)  school activities;

4)  books;

5)  free time activities in the past;

6)  a national sport.

A.  The 19th century was the golden age of literature and arts in Russia. Alexander Pushkin was a famous writer and poet who lived during this time. You can hardly find a person who hasn’t read his books. Not only did Pushkin write about ordinary Russians and Russian themes, he also wrote in Russian. He created the Russian literary language at a time when the court used French.

B.  People in Italy enjoyed all sorts of entertainment during the sixteenth century. They went to festivals, sporting events, and played games such as chess and cards. Perhaps the biggest event was a carnival which took place at the beginning of spring each year. People would have big parties and dress up in colourful costumes for the Masquerade. This tradition is still very popular.

C.  Students should read a lot of different books, including classic novels from the past and early twenty-first century fiction for teenagers. They also study plays by the well-known English writer William Shakespeare. Students learn about his style. They also study a wide variety of non-fiction texts such as newspapers and speeches. There is a lot of discussion at the lessons.

D.  The best time to visit Lake Baikal is from May to October. Summer is the best time for hiking, going on excursions, fishing, riding jeeps along the coast, and swimming. In addition to this, one can enjoy the beaches and yachting. In wintertime, people come to Lake Baikal mostly for skiing. You should also try such activities as riding snowmobiles, skating, and mountain skiing.

E.  Skiing has a special place in Norwegian culture and history. It is a favourite pastime during winter. A national ski marathon attracts a lot of Norwegians year after year. Norway has traditionally dominated the skiing world cup and Olympic events. Skiers like Bjorn Daehlie are among the greatest stars in the country. Many tourists come to skiing schools in Norway.

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51. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1)  traditional food;

2)  visitors;

3)  a big city;

4)  clothes;

5)  healthy food;

6)  the weather.

A.  Many people believe that it is very cold in Russia, but is it not completely true. Russia is certainly one of the coldest countries in the world in the winter. In the Moscow area the temperature can be -30 degrees Celsius. In the North it gets even colder. However, a lot of regions in Russia also have incredibly warm and sunny summers, and very mild fall and spring seasons.

B.  Fruits and vegetables of all kinds are very good for your body. Cucumbers have a mild, refreshing taste and high water content. They can be pleasant to eat in hot weather. Cucumbers have been grown in India for food and medical purposes since ancient times. They lower risk of extra weight, diabetes and heart disease. They increase energy, and lead to a healthy body weight.

C.  Italian ice-cream is called gelato, and it is part of everyday life in Italy. In fact, gelato is not the same as ice-cream because it has less butter fat. Many people are sure that this is the best ice-cream in the world. You can buy gelato everywhere in Italy, especially in the warmer months. There are many different tastes, such as vanilla, chocolate, nuts and of course fruits.

D.  If you go to Australia, you must visit Sydney. It is a place of many attractions and a popular first destination for visitors to Australia. You can see the famous Sydney Opera House, yachts, and ferries on Sydney Harbour. There are a lot of white-sand beaches to enjoy. You should visit galleries and museums in the heart of Sydney. You will be excited by many other attractions.

E.  Winters in Scandinavia might be really cold. People wear warm winter boots for walking on the snow and ice. It is necessary to have a warm waterproof jacket and a classic set of a hat, gloves and a scarf if you live in Scandinavian countries. Many people buy long underwear. For trips to the cities, visitors should dress warm and never forget their hats.

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