Mother is the first word

She spent a lifetime taking care of you
She slept tight just at night or two
She always hide her pain behind a smile
Mothers never cry

As you were growing up you made her proud
You knew both of your hearts were tied
That special love you share will last
Way beyond this life
Mothers never die

Мама моя,
I’m a better person thanks to your love
I’m a better soul since I am your child
This world is a safer ground

When you hold my hand I fly,
Мама, я
I have not seen time goes by,
Мама, я
In the mirror of your eyes I see life
Aging with natural grace
Let me hold you,
Мама я.

When I am lost you guide my every step
And you dry every tear I shed
You are the woman I want to become
Fair, loyal and strong

Tell me the secrets of your shining smile
of every virtue you deny
The patience you were held me with
Help me through the rain
Spare me most a pain

Мама моя,
I’m a better person thanks to your love
I’m a better soul since I am your child
This world is a safer ground

When you hold my hand I fly,
Мама, я
I have not seen time goes by,
Мама, я
In the mirror of your eyes I see life
Aging with natural grace
Мама, я люблю тебя!

Мама, я люблю тебя.

Она провела всю жизнь, заботясь о тебе,
Она спала крепко лишь ночь или две,
Она всегда скрывает боль за улыбкой —
Мамы никогда не плачут

Когда ты росла, она гордилась тобой
Ты знала, ваши сердца связаны.
Особая любовь, которую ты даришь будет длиться
На протяжении всей жизни
Мамы не умирают.

Мама моя,
Я хороший человек, благодаря твоей любви
У меня добрая душа, ведь я твой ребенок
Этот мир безопасен

Когда ты держишь мою руку, я лечу
Мама, я
Я не замечала, как бежит время
Мама, я
В зеркале твоих глаз я вижу жизнь,
Стареющую с естественным изяществом
Дай мне обнять тебя,
Мама, я.

Когда я потеряна, ты ведешь меня на каждом шагу
И вытираешь каждую мою слезу
Ты та женщина, которой я хочу стать:
Честная, верная и сильная.

Раскрой мне секреты твоей сияющей улыбки,
Той силы, которую ты отрицаешь.
То терпение, с которым ты меня поддерживала,
помогло мне пройти сквозь дождь,
уберегло меня от боли

Мама моя,
Я хороший человек, благодаря твоей любви
У меня добрая душа, ведь я твой ребенок
Этот мир безопасен

Когда ты держишь мою руку, я лечу
Мама, я
Я не замечала, как бежит время
Мама, я
В зеркале твоих глаз я вижу жизнь,
Стареющую с естественным изяществом
Мама, я люблю тебя!

Мама, я люблю тебя.

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

на тему: «Mother is the first word»

«Мама-первое слово».

Праздник для мам- праздник учащихся 5 Б класса.

Цели: воспитание чувства любви и уважения к маме и к бабушкам, развитие способностей каждого ребенка и сплочение детского коллектива.


Образовательные : совершенствовать речевые навыки, прививать вкус к чтению стихов и песен на английском языке

Развивающие : развивать творческие способности учащихся, формировать мотивацию у учеников к изучению английского языка, развивать их внимание, память, мышление и воображение, знакомить с социокультурными аспектами страны изучаемого языка.

Воспитательные : воспитывать уважительное отношение к близким людям, воспитывать у учащихся стремление к изучению английского языка, воспитывать у учащихся уважение к культуре и традициям других народов.

Оборудование: кабинет, украшенный воздушными шарами, плакат с фотографиями мам детей и их ладошками, вырезанными из цветной бумаги. Для праздника подготовлены фонограммы песен и презентация.

Ход мероприятия:

Звучит классическая музыка. Учитель начинает праздник со стихотворения про маму. Учащиеся по одному составляют слово мама на английском языке из ярких букв.

«M» is for the million things she gave me.

«O» means only that she is growing old,

«T» is for the tears she shed to save me.

«H» is for her heart of purest gold.

«E» is for eyes, with love lights shining

«R» means right she ll always be.

Put them altogether, they spell mother,

A word that means the world for me.

Ведущие ученик 1 и ученик 2 переводят эти строчки на русский язык.

Вед .уч-к 1 :М – million –это миллионы вещей, которые она мне подарила,

O- old – означает что она становится старше

Т -tears-это слезы, которые она пролила чтобы спасти меня

H – heart- это ее сердце из самого чистого золота.

Вед. уч-к 2 : E-eyes- это ее глаза, которые излучают любовь

R-right- означает право, право быть всегда рядом с ней.

Сложите все вместе и получится слово мама,

Слово, которое означает мир для меня.

Учитель:Good evening, dear mummies, grannies, children and our guests. Welcome to our party! We are glad to see you!

Вед .уч-к 1 : Добрый вечер, дорогие мамы, бабушки, ребята и наши гости. Добро пожаловать на наш праздник! Мы рады вас видеть!

Учитель:Today we are going to celebrate holyday «Mother’ s day». We would like to thank our mums for everything and make them happy today.

Вед. уч-к 2:Сегодня мы празднуем Мамин день. Мы хотим поблагодарить наших мам за все и сделать вас сегодня немного счастливее.

Вед.уч-к 1:We want to say the best words to you, our dear mums and grannies. We love you very much. These poems are for you!

Вед. уч -к 2: Наши дорогие мамы и бабушки, мы хотим вам сказать самые лучшие слова. Мы вас очень любим. Эти стихотворения – для вас!

Учащиеся рассказывают стихотворения, посвященные маме на англ. языке с переводом.

См .приложение

Вед.уч-к 1: Max, do you love your mum?

Вед. уч-к 2: Yes, I do!

Учитель: a song «I love my mummy!»

Группа уч-ся исполняет песню на англ. языке «I love my mummy!»

См. приложение

Учитель:Our kids can sing and dance.

Вед.уч-к 1:Наши ребята умеют не только петь, но и танцевать.

Вед. уч-к 2:Let’s meet a group of cool dancers.

Учащиеся исполняют танец.

Учитель:I know that Mark has a great hobby, he can play a musical instrument.

Вед.уч-к 1:Really? Max, can you play any musical instrument?

Вед. уч-к 2: Yes, I сan! The flute.

Ученик 5 б класса Батрак Максим исполняет произведение на флейте.

Учитель: Mother is the first word. It’s the first word for baby because It’s all the world for him!

Вед.уч-к 1:Мама- это первое слово. Это первое слово для малыша потому что мама-это целый мир для ребенка.

Учитель: Сhildren are going to sing this beautiful song « Mother is the first word» in Russian language.

Вед. уч-к 2:И сейчас эту красивую песню «Мама-первое слово» ребята исполнят на русском языке.

Дети поют песню «Мама-первое слово» на русском языке.

Вед.уч-к 1:Dear mums , we have a surprise for you!

Вед. уч-к 2: Mihailova Kristina made unique and touching present for you!

Учитель: Dear mums and grannies, we hope that you enjoyed our concert. I’ d like to say thanks our kids. Let’ s applaud them one more time!

Дорогие мамы и бабушки, мы надеемся что вам понравился наш концерт . Я хотела бы поблагодарить наших ребят. Давайте поаплодируем им еще раз!

Now I propose you to have some fun and to take part in interesting competition.

Теперь я предлагаю вам немного повеселиться и поучаствовать в интересных конкурсах.


  1. The first game is for children .«Guess your mum’ s hand»

5 mums take places in the chairs and give their hands , a child should get wize to his or her mother ‘ hand (with closed eyes).

Первая игра – для ребят. Называется « угадай мамину руку» .

5 мам садятся на стулья и протягивают руку, ребенок должен угадать мамину руку с закрытыми глазами.

  1. The second competition is for mummies. «Where is my child ?»

5 сhildren make a circle , mum should stand in the centre of this circle and guess where her child is ,touching kids’ heads. Mum’ eyes are closed.

Второй конкурс — для мамочек. «Где мой ребенок?»

5 ребят делают круг, мама встает в центр круга и трогая головы детей с закрытыми глазами, угадывает где ее ребенок.

  1. Now is the funniest competition.

Mum and her child are taking part in this game. Mum is standing 2 metres from her kid. She is making a circle , using her hands. Mum’ son or daughter must throw the balloon in this “basket”.

В этом конкурсе принимают участие мама и ее ребенок. Мама встает в двух метрах от своего ребенка. С помощью рук изображает баскетбольное кольцо. Сын или дочка должны забросить в эту ‘баскетбольную корзину ‘воздушный шарик.

4 .Dear mums and grannies, ten years ago, you sang cradle songs for your babies. Let ‘s remember these touching moments of childhood and sing lullaby all together.

Дорогие мамы и бабушки, еще 10 лет назад, вы пели колыбельные вашим малышам. Давайте вспомним эти трогательные моменты детства и все вместе споем колыбельную.

Мамам и бабушкам учитель раздает листы с напечатанным текстом колыбельной и под фонограмму музыки все вместе поют.

Праздничный концерт завершается чаепитием.


My mother’s face

I know a face, a lovely face

As full of beauty as of grace,

A face of pleasure and of smile.

In darkness it gives light.

A face that is itself like joy,

To see it I’m a happy boy.

And I have a joy that have no other:

This lovely woman is my mother!

Лицо моей мамы

Я знаю это лицо, прекрасное лицо

Полное красоты, изящества,

Лицо радостное от улыбки.

В темноте оно излучает свет.

Лицо, которое само, как счастье,

Когда я вижу его, я счастливый мальчик.

И у меня радость, которой нет у других:

Эта прекрасная женщина моя мама!


I love you, Mommy.

My dearest Mommy.

You make me happy

When I am sad.

I want to tell you

I really love you!

When I’m with you

I am so glad!

Я люблю тебя, мамочка,

Моя дорогая мамочка.

Ты делаешь меня счастливым,

Когда мне грустно.

Я хочу сказать тебе,

Я очень тебя люблю!

Когда я с тобой,

Я очень счастлив!


My mother is very nice.

She’s got beautiful eyes.

She’s got a smile to charm us.

She’s got a song to calm us.

Моя мать очень хорошая.

У неё красивые глаза.

У неё есть улыбка, что очаровывает нас,.

У неё есть песни, что успокаивают нас.


I like to walk with Grandma

Her steps are slow like mine

She never says-now hurry up

She always takes her time.

I like to walk with Grandma

Her eyes see things like mine do

Wee pebbles bright,

a funny cloud

Half-hidden drops of dew.

Most people have to hurry

They’ve no time

to stop and see

I’m so glad that God made Grandma

Unrushed and young like Me!

Мне нравится гулять с бабушкой.

Она ходит также медленно как я.

Она никогда не скажет: «Поторопись!»

Она никуда не спешит.

Мне нравится гулять с бабушкой.

Ее глаза видят то же, что и мои:

Маленькие сверкающие камушки, смешные облака,

Прячущиеся капельки росы.

Многим людям приходится спешить.

У них нет времени остановиться и посмотреть.

Я так рад, что Бог сделал Бабушку

Такой же неторопливой и молодой как я!

Приложение 2

I Love My Mommy lyrics:

I love my mommy, I love my mommy (point to mommy)

I love my mommy, Yes, I do (shake head for yes)

Here’s a kiss and a hug for you (blow a kiss and wrap arms around yourself)

Thank you mommy for all you do! (bow or curtsy)

Happy Mother’s day

Happy Mother’s day

I love you! (make heart shape with fingers)

I love my mommy, I love my mommy

I love my mommy, Yes, I do

Here’s a kiss and a hug for you

Thank you mommy for all you do!

Happy Mother’s day

Happy Mother’s day

I love you!

Я люблю мою маму текст:

Я люблю мою маму, я люблю свою маму (покажи на свою маму)

Я люблю свою маму, да, я (киваем головой Да)

Вот поцелуй и объятие для вас (воздушный поцелуй и оберните руки вокруг себя)

Спасибо мамочка за все, что вы делаете! (поклон или реверанс)

Счастливый день матери

Счастливый день матери

Я люблю тебя! (сделать фигуру сердца с пальцами)

Я люблю мою маму, я люблю свою маму

Я люблю свою маму, да, я

Вот поцелуй и объятие для вас

Спасибо мамочка за все, что вы делаете!

Счастливый день матери

Счастливый день матери

Я люблю тебя!

Приложение 3

Мама — первое слово,

Главное слово

В каждой судьбе.

Мама жизнь подарила,

Мир подарила

Мне и тебе.

Так бывает, ночью


Мама потихоньку


Как там дочка,

Как там сынок её,

Лишь под утро

Мама уснёт.

Мама — первое слово,

Главное слово

В каждой судьбе.

Мама жизнь подарила,

Мир подарила

Мне и тебе.

Мама землю и солнце,

Жизнь подарила

Мне и тебе.

Так бывает,

Если случится вдруг,

В доме вашем горе-беда,

Мама, самый лучший

Надёжный друг,

Будет с вами

Рядом всегда.

Мама — первое слово,

Главное слово

В каждой судьбе.

Мама жизнь подарила,

Мир подарила

Мне и тебе.

Мама землю и солнце,

Жизнь подарила

Мне и тебе.

Так бывает,

Станешь взрослее ты

И как птица,

Ввысь улетишь.

Кем бы ни был, знай,

Что для мамы ты,

Как и прежде,

Милый малыш.

Мама — первое слово,

Главное слово

В каждой судьбе.

Мама жизнь подарила,

Мир подарила

Мне и тебе.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

When officials returned the child to his home, his mother’s first words were, «how come you’re back so early?»

Когда девушки возвратились домой, их отец спросил: «Что вы так скоро пришли сегодня?».

Другие результаты

Mother is the first word of a child.

Amma (mother) is the first word that man picks up in life.

«Мама» — это первое слово, которое произносит человек в своей жизни.

«Mother is the first word, the main word in every destiny…»Everyone will agree with these lines.

«Мамапервое слово, главное слово в каждой судьбе…» Все согласятся с этими строками.

According to his mother Maria, the first words that Picasso had uttered were «piz piz,» a shortening of the Spanish word for pencil, lápiz.

I can never forget the first words out of my mother’s mouth when she saw me lying there.

Никогда не смогу забыть первые слова матери, которые она произнесла, когда увидела меня лежащим здесь.

My Mother’s first English word

In 1909, San José became home to one of the US‘s first radio stations.

В 1909 году Сан-Хосе стал домом для одной из первых радиостанций в США.

Victor Yushchenko‘s first visit was also marked by other important agreements.

Первый визит Виктора Ющенко был отмечен и другими важными договоренностями.

‘s first chemical research laboratory was built for M.V. Lomonosov.

Однако первой по-настоящему научно-исследовательской химической лабораторией стала лаборатория М.В. Ломоносова.

It was the internet‘s first online Yellow Pages.

A camera on this module provided live television coverage of man‘s first step on the Moon.

Камеры на этом модуле показывали в прямом эфире «Первый шаг человека на Луне».

This referendum was not the region‘s first.

Отметим, данный референдум для острова не первый.

It was found that children‘s first fast low weight gain.

Установлено, что у детей с изначально низким весом прирост идет быстрее.

Come and enjoy Europe‘s first music festival every January and February.

Приезжайте и насладитесь фестивалем, который посвящен европейской музыке и проводится в январе и феврале каждого года.

Sunshine!!‘s first season.

The series is expected to premiere in Disney+‘s first year.

Премьера ожидается осенью 2020 года на Disney+.

I was as proud as a mother hearing her child utter her first word.

FOUND HIM? were the first words of an excited mother.

Mother is one of the first words we say when we’re little kids.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 23891. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 939 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Kris Armstrong

Score: 4.2/5
(38 votes)

According to The Oxford Dictionary, ‘mother’ comes from the Old English mōdor, from the Old Germanic moder, and from the Indo-European root mehter, shared also by the Latin mater and Greek mētēr. Indo-European is a reconstructed language, origin for many modern languages.

Where did the word mother come from?

“Mother” is the modern-English equivalent of the Old English “modor,” pronounced “moh-dor.” This comes from the Latin word “mater,” pronounced “mah-ter.” I’m sure most of the fine folks reading this could guess as much; does the phrase “Alma Mater” ring any bells? It means “nourishing mother” in good-ole Latin.

What is the root word for mother?

-mater-, root. -mater- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning «mother. » This meaning is found in such words as: maternal, maternity, matriarch, matricide, matrimony, matrix, matron.

How old is the word mother?

Origin of mother

First recorded before 900; Middle English mother, moder, Old English mōdor; cognate with Dutch moeder, German Mutter, Old Norse mōthir, Latin māter, Greek mḗtēr, mā́tēr Sanskrit mātar-; all from Proto-Indo-European mātér-.

Is the word mother derived from Sanskrit?

The word mother can be traced back cleanly to Proto-Indo-European, as can father, brother and sister — it appears in cognate form in languages like Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and so forth, and it may go back further.

18 related questions found

What was the first word for mother?

“Mama,” along with “papa,” “dada” and “baba,” are typical first words of babies the world over, says Sharon Weisz, a Toronto-based speech language pathologist. But that’s not because babies are recognizing or naming their parents. It’s because those sounds are the easiest for babies to make.

What is Mom called in Sanskrit?

«Mātā» (माता) is the Hindi word for «mother», from Sanskrit matr. (मातृ), and the «-jī» (जी) suffix is an honorific suffix used to indicate respect.

What are the oldest words?

Mother, bark and spit are just three of 23 words that researchers believe date back 15,000 years, making them the oldest known words.

What is the full meaning of mother?

As discussed above, the most common full form of MOTHER is ‘Magnificent Outstanding Tender Honourable Extraordinary Remarkable‘.

Is a pregnant woman a mother?

The words ‘mother’ and ‘pregnant woman’ are used interchangeably as if their meaning is identical, although the Oxford English Dictionary defines mother as a female parent, one who has borne a child. The term therefore does not apply to a pregnant woman.

Does Mort mean death?

-mort-, root. -mort- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning «death. » This meaning is found in such words as: amortize, immortal, immortality, immortalize, morgue, mortal, mortality, mortgage.

What does the word mother mean in the Bible?

Mothers in the Bible are depicted as honourable beings worthy of the love and respect of their children and the entire community. A woman, Mary, brought the saviour, Jesus Christ, into the world, and in this regard, every mother in the world is believed to be connected to Mother Mary.

Where did the terms mother and father come from?

The words can be traced back to the 1500s for “dad” and the 1800s for “mom”. As with so many etymologies, where these words were first uttered and by whom is a mystery. Even the Oxford English Dictionary has admitted that they have “no evidence” on where the word “dad” originated.

What do the Bible say about mothers?

The Bible consistently asks followers to honor and love their mothers. Examples of this can be seen in Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and your mother,” and Leviticus 19:3, “Every one of you shall revere his mother and his father.

What is the full form of father and mother?

FATHER F- Friendly A- Achiever T- Trustworth H- Heroic E- Exceptional R- Really a great person!

Why do I love my mom 10 lines?

Ten Lines on My Mother

1) My Mother is my best friend with whom I share all my secrets and can talk freely on any matter. 2) She is a great person who cares about me, thinks about me and wants to protect me from all problems. 3) She is the one who is always concerned about my health and food.

What are the 23 oldest words?

Here they are in all their ancient — and modern — glory:

  1. Thou. The singular form of «you,» this is the only word that all seven language families share in some form. …
  2. I. Similarly, you’d need to talk about yourself. …
  3. Mother. …
  4. Give. …
  5. Bark. …
  6. Black. …
  7. Fire. …
  8. Ashes.

What’s the first language on earth?

As far as the world knew, Sanskrit stood as the first spoken language because it dated as back as 5000 BC. New information indicates that although Sanskrit is among the oldest spoken languages, Tamil dates back further. Tamil dates as far back as 350 BC—works like the ‘Tholkappiyam,’ an ancient poem, stand as evidence.

What was the 1st English word?

There was no first word. At various times in the 5th century, the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and other northern Europeans show up in what is now England. They’re speaking various North Sea Germanic dialects that might or might not have been mutually understandable.

What is the Sanskrit word for love?

Sanskrit Words for Love

स्नेह (Sneha): Maternal love or affection. काम (Kama): Erotic or amorous love. You might recognize this word from the title of the famous ancient text, the Kama Sutra. अनुरक्ति (Anurakti): Passionate love or attachment.

What is daughter called in Sanskrit?

Pronunciation. IPA: dɔtərSanskrit: डॉटर

What does Amma mean?

An abbess or spiritual mother. noun.

What is the mother of all languages?

The oldest form of Sanskrit is Vedic Sanskrit that dates back to the 2nd millennium BCE. Known as ‘the mother of all languages,’ Sanskrit is the dominant classical language of the Indian subcontinent and one of the 22 official languages of India. It is also the liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

Why is Dada a baby’s first word?

A baby’s first words are often «mama» and «dada,» much to the delight of parents. … This suggests «mama» and «dada» (or «papa») are well-chosen words to teach a baby, and it also indicates that the ability to more easily recognize these sorts of repetitive sounds is hard-wired in the human brain.

Essay on my mother: – Mother is the most suitable word in this world. Who doesn’t love his/her mother? This entire post will deal with different topics related to the word ‘mother’. You will get some essays on my mother.

Besides those “My Mother” essays, you will get some articles on my mother along with a paragraph on my mother and of course an idea on how to prepare a speech on my mother as well.

So without any DELAY

Let’s navigate to my mother essay.

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50 words Essay on My Mother in English

(My Mother Essay for Class 1,2,3,4)

The most important person in my life is my mother. By nature, she is very hard-working and caring as well. She takes care of each and every member of our family. She gets up early at dawn and prepares food for us.

My day starts with my mother. Early in the morning, she gets me up from the bed. She makes me ready for school, and cooks delicious food for us. My mother also helps me in doing my homework. She is the best teacher for me. I love my mother so much and hope she lives very long.

100 words Essay on My Mother in English

(My Mother Essay for Class 5)

The most influential person for me in my life is my mother. I have a very strong admiration and respect for my mother.

My mother is the first teacher of my life. She takes every care for me and sacrifices a lot for me. She is very dedicated to her work and her hardworking nature always enrapture me a lot.

My mother gets up at dawn and her daily routine starts before we get up from our bed. My mother can be called the manager of our family. She manages each and everything in our family. 

My mother cook’s delicious foods for us take care of us, go shopping, prays for us and does lots more for our family. My mother also teaches me and my brother/sister. She helps us in doing our homework. My mother is the backbone of my family.

150 words Essay on My Mother in English

(My Mother Essay for Class 6)

Mother is the most suitable word that I have learned so far. My mother is the most influential person for me in my life. She is not only hardworking but also very dedicated to her work. Early in the morning, she gets up before the sun rises and starts her daily activities.

My mother is a very beautiful and kind-hearted lady who manages everything at our home. I have special respect and admiration for my mother as she is my first teacher who not only taught the chapters from my books but also shows me the right path in life. She cooks food for us, takes proper care of each member of the family, goes for shopping, etc.

Though she remains busy all the time, she spares time for me and play with me, help me do my homework and guide me out in all activities. My mother supports me in my every activity. I love my mother and pray to God for her long life.

200 words Essay on My Mother in English

(My Mother Essay for Class 7)

Mother can’t be described in words. In my life, my mother is the person who occupies my heart the most. She always plays a vital role in shaping my life. My mother is a beautiful lady who takes care of me in every walk of my life.

Her busy schedule starts before the sun rises. She not only prepares food for us but also helps me with all my daily work. Whenever I find any difficulty in my studies my mother plays the role of teacher and solve my problem, when I get bored my mother plays the role of a friend and plays with me.

My mother plays a different role in our family. She spends a sleepless night when any member of our family falls sick and takes proper care of us. She can sacrifice with a smiling face for the benefit of the family.

My mother is very hardworking in nature. She works all day from morning to night. She guides me in every walk of my life. At a tender age, it was not easy to decide for me what was good or what was bad. But my mother is always with me to show me the right path of life.

250 words Essay on My Mother in English

(My Mother Essay for Class 8)

My mother is the all in all for me. I could see this beautiful world only because of her. She has brought me up with utmost care, love and affection. According to me, the mother is the most trustworthy friend for a person.

My mother is my best friend. I can share my good moments with her. During my bad times, I always find my mother with me. She supports me during those bad times. I have a strong admiration for my mother.

My mother is very hardworking and dedicated to her work. I have learned from her that hard work brings success. She does her work all day with a smiling face. She not only prepares delicious food for us but also she doesn’t forget to take care of us.

She is the decision-maker of our family. My father also seeks advice from my mother as she is excellent at making good decisions. We have four members in our family, me, my mother-father, and my younger sister.

My mother takes proper care of us equally. She also teaches me the moral value of life. Sometimes when I am stuck while doing my homework, my mother plays the role of my teacher and helps me in finishing my homework. She remains busy all the time.

Besides, my mother is a very kind-hearted lady. She always put her umbrella of love above our heads. I know I can’t find such a genuine and mighty love in this world besides my mother’s love.

Every child loves his/her mother. But the value of a mother can be felt by the one who doesn’t have anyone near to him/her to call ‘mother’. In my life, I want to see my mother’s smiling face in every walk of my life.

Image of My Mother Essay

300 words Essay on My Mother in English

(My Mother Essay for Class 9)

Mother is the first word of a child. As for me, my mother is the most precious gift of God for me. It is a very challenging task for me to describe her in words. For every child, the mother is the most caring and loving person they have ever met in life.

My mother also possesses all those qualities that a mother has. We have 6 members in our family; my father-mother, my grandparents and my younger sister and me. But my mother is the only member for whom we can call our house “A Home”.

My mother is an early riser. She gets up at dawn and starts her schedule. She takes proper care of us and feeds us different delicious food. My mother knows all the likes and dislikes of each and every member of our family.

She even remains alert and checks whether my grandparents have had their medicines on time or not. My grandfather calls my mother ‘the manager of the family’ as she can manage each and everything in the family.

I have grown up with the moral teachings of my mother. She guides me in every walk of my life. She understands my feelings and support me in my bad times and inspires me in my good moments.

My mother teaches me to be a disciplined, punctual and trustworthy person. My mother is a tree for our family who provides shade to us. Though she has to manage lots of work she remains calm and cool all the time.

She doesn’t lose her temper and patience even in difficult situations. There is a special bond of love between my mother and me and I always pray to God to keep my mother fit and healthy for forever.

450 words Essay on My Mother in English

(My Mother Essay for Class 10)

Famous poet George Eliot quotes

Life began with waking up

And loving my mother’s face

YES, we all start our day with our mother’s smiling face. My day started when my mother gets me up early in the morning. For me, my mom is the best example of love and kindness in this universe. She knows how to take care of us.

From the very tender age, I became a fan of her as I like my mom’s hardworking and dedicated nature. My mom sacrificed a lot in order to shape my life. She has brought me up with utmost love and care.

She could understand me even when I couldn’t utter a word. Mother is another name of true love. A mother loves his child selflessly and doesn’t expect or demand anything in return. My mother whom I call mom turns our house into a home.

My mother is the busiest person at our home. She gets up much before the sun rises and start to perform her duty. She cooks food for us, takes care of us, goes shopping and even plans our future too.

In our family, my mother plans how to spend and how to save for the future. My mom was my first teacher. She also plays a vital role in shaping my moral character. She doesn’t even forget to take care of our health.

Whenever any one of our family members falls sick, my mother spends a sleepless night and sits beside him/her and take care of him/her for the whole night. My mom never tires of her responsibility. My father also depends on her whenever he finds any difficulty in taking any serious decision.

The word mother is full of emotion and love. The value of this sweet word is truly felt by those children who don’t have anyone to call ‘mother’. So the one who has his/her mother beside them should feel proud.

But in today’s world, some wicked children consider their mother a burden when she gets old. The person who spends all her life for their children become a burden for their child at the last moment of her life.

Some selfish child even doesn’t bother to send his/her mom to old age home. This is really a shame and unfortunate incident as well. The government should keep an eye to those incidents and should take those shameless children in judicial custody.

I want to stand with my mother like a shadow all the time. I know today I am here only because of her. So I want to serve my mother for the rest of my life. I also want to build my carrier so that my mom feels proud of me.

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Paragraph on My Mother in English

Mother is not a word, it is an emotion. My mother is my role model and she is the best mother in the world. Everyone thinks so because there is nothing amazing in this world like a mother’s love for her children.

A person who enjoys mother’s love considers himself as one of the luckiest people in the world. The love of a mother can never be expressed in words or activities; rather it can be felt in deep of our heart.

In a Family the Leadership Quality is maintained by Mother as She knows exactly when to push and when to Let go.

My Mother is my inspiration like everyone else. She is the woman whom I admire most and she has influenced me a lot throughout my lives.

In terms of love and care, nobody can take the place of a mother. As a child, our initial Schooling is said to be started in our home in the guidance of our mother. We can call our mother as our First Teacher as well as our first best friend.

My mother wakes up very early in the morning. After preparing and serving breakfast for all of us, she used to drop us to school. Again in the evening, she came to pick us up from School, help us in doing our assignments, and prepare dinner.

She woke up to prepare dinner for us in her sickness also. In addition to her day to day household works; My Mother is the one who spends her sleepless nights if any family members feel sick. She is always very concerned about our health, education, character, happiness etc.

She becomes happy in our happiness and feels sad in our sadness. Moreover, she guides us to do always the right things in life and choose the right path. A Mother is like NATURE who always tries to give us as much as possible and never take back anything in return. May 13th is declared as the “Mothers Day” to pay thankfulness to the mothers.

(N.B. – This essay on my mother is crafted in order to give an idea to the students how to write an essay on my mother. Students can add more points to this my mother essay depending on the word limit. If you need expert help and want to pay someone to write your essays on this topic, you can get in touch with professional writers on WriteMyPaperHub service.)

Final Words: – So finally we have reached the concluding part of this post ‘my mother essay’. As we have mentioned earlier in this post we have crafted the essay on my mother only to give an idea to the students.

After navigating through these essays they will know how to write an essay on my mother. Moreover, these essays on my mother are composed in such a way that a student can easily write a paragraph on my mother or an article on the subject.

In order to deliver a speech on my mother, you can pick any one of the above essays and prepare my mother speech as well.

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