Most well known person in the word

For many people it was simply illegitimate, that, probably,


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Для многих


он был просто незаконнорожденным, что, вероятно,


These could be comments of



long-standing customers or indicating the fact that a well-known person uses the services offered.


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Это могут быть отзывы



давних клиентов или упоминание о том, что предлагаемыми услугами пользуется известная личность.


The reason was that he had close ties with his cousins Khalid Islambouli, who allegedly killed President al-Sadat, and Mohammed Islambouli,


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Причина этого заключается в том, что он поддерживал тесные контакты со своими двоюродными братьями- Халидом Исламбули, который предположительно убил Президента Садата, и Мохаммедом Исламбули,


The magazine believes that»there is some point in such rumors: Mikhalkov is a well-known person in our country and is respected in the West;

and the country prospered under Chernomyrdin, this is doubtless.».

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Журнал считает, что в этом» что-то есть»: Михалков-» человек известный, и у нас в народе, и на Западе уважаемый,

а при Черномырдине( тут уж не поспоришь) страна процветала».

I have met every well-known person that ever stopped here- in my day, that is. And i have searched

the registers, old and new… but no comte du chenfrais. Are you sure he stayed here?

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И встречала всех известных лиц кто останавливался здесь в любое время я искала в регистрациях старых

и новых но не нашла графа Ду Шенфрес вы уверены что он останавливался здесь?

In recent years, Mufti Said Ismagilov has been constantly present at most events relating to matters of religion and Islam,

he is a well-known person in media, hehas mastered Ukrainian language

and speaks out from a clear pro-Ukrainian perspective.


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Муфтий Саид Исмагилов в последние годы постоянно присутствует на большинстве мероприятий, касающихся вопросов религии и ислама,

и выступает с четкой проукраинской позицией.


A fraudster may give the name of a well-known person or entity as his or her own or suggest an association with it,

or a fraudster may simply adopt the name of another


or entity to hide the fraudster’s own identity.


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Мошенник может представиться хорошо известным лицом или представителем


организации или намекнуть на связь с ними, или мошенник

может просто взять имя или название другого


или организации, чтобы скрыть собственную личность.


After reading the news of his death one year ago I thought that no one

is safe as Boris was a wealthy and a well-known person who lived in the center of Moscow,

was respected by many and knew the political system from the inside.


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Хотелось бы посвятить данную статью этому


узнав о смерти которого год назад я

подумал, что никто не в безопасности, ведь Борис Немцов был обеспеченным и известным человеком, жил в центре Москвы,

был уважаем многими и знал государственную систему изнутри.


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Newspaper journalists listened to hundreds of well-known persons, politicians, rival journalists, SMS’s of a killed teenager.

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Журналисты газеты прослушивали телефонные сообщения сотен известных людей, политиков, журналистов- соперников, погибших британских бойцов и убитой девочки- подростка.

The winners were chosen by a Jury comprised of well-known persons of culture and art of the republic.

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Победителей выбирало жюри, состоявшее из известных деятелей культуры и искусства республики.

A solid investment opportunity should stand on its own merits and


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Солидная возможность вложения средств должна определяться собственными достоинствами,


Among the attendees of the evening, there were Azerbaijan’s well-known persons, collectors of international art works and representatives of Italian culture.”.

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Среди присутствующих были известные лица Азербайджана, коллекционеры международного искусства, представители академических кругов и итальянской культуры».

After the event, Mehriban Aliyeva met well-known persons of art Pierre Sheremetyev, Huguette Sheremetyeva and Colette Tolstoy, who attended the event.

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В заключение Мехрибан

Алиева встретилась с принявшими участие в мероприятии известными деятелями искусств Пьером Шереметьевым, Хугует Шереметьевой и Колетт Толстой.

At the event, which continued with performances of well-known persons of art, children were distributed clothes

on behalf of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

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На мероприятии, которое продолжилось выступлениями известных деятелей искусств, от имени Фонда Гейдара Алиева

детям были розданы комплекты одежды.

The continued presence of well-known persons who have been indicted for serious war crimes is a major obstacle

to the post-conflict normalization process.


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Одним из основных препятствий на пути постконфликтной нормализации

обстановки является продолжение присутствия в стране хорошо известных лиц,


отношении которых были вынесены обвинительные акты


связи с совершением серьезных военных преступлений.


Pfeffel was a friend or acquaintance of many well-known persons of his period, including Voltaire, Vittorio Alfieri and the Swiss poet Johann Kaspar Lavater,

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Пфеффель поддерживал дружеские отношения со многих известными людьми своего времени, в том числе Вольтером, Альфьери и швейцарским поэтом Лафатером.

References printed in press organs about the eminent composer and his works in different periods,

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В книге также собраны изданные в разное время в органах печати отзывы о

выдающемся композиторе и его произведениях, высказывания известных личностей.

Then the artistic part of the inauguration of the Days of Azerbaijani Culture started,

and performances by Azerbaijan’s well-known persons of art and musicians were listened.

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Затем началась художественная часть церемонии открытия Дней азербайджанской культуры,

состоялись выступления известных деятелей искусства и музыкантов Азербайджана.

Well-known persons of art are demonstrating their works during this week,

and this, in turn, gives a chance to be plunged in a rich world of art.

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В течение грандиозной недели известные деятели искусства демонстрируют свои произведения,

что, в свою очередь, создает возможность окунуться в богатый мир искусства.

Every year we are visited by well-known persons fond of food and they participate with pleasure in culinary master classes,

contest games, taste tests, quizzes and exhibition competitions.

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Каждый год к нам приходят известные люди, неравнодушные к еде и с радостью участвуют в кулинарных мастер-классах,

конкурсах, дегустациях и показательных соревнованиях.

Nor had it provided the information requested concerning a number of well-known persons, such as Chen Guangcheng,

Ablikim Abdureyim, the Panchen Lama Gendun Choekyi Nyima and Bishop Su Zhimin.


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Она также не представила запрошенных сведений о судьбе нескольких известных лиц, среди них Чен Гуангчен,

Абликим Абдуреим, Панчен Лама Гендун Чоеки Нуима и епископ Су Жемин.


Along with officials of the city of Florence and well-known persons of the region, the event was also attended

by Executive Director of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Anar Alakbarov.

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На мероприятии также присутствовало руководство города Флоренция, известные личности региона, исполнительный директор ФондаГейдара Алиева Анар Алекперов.

With over a hundred scholars from Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran, Bulgaria, Algeria and India delivering a speech,

the conference was attended by well-known persons from various higher schools and brain centres of Turkey.

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На конференции, где выступили свыше ста ученых из Азербайджана, России, Ирана, Болгарии, Алжира и Индии,

приняли участие известные личности из различных вузов и исследовательских центров Турции.

Well-known persons of art Pierre Sheremetyev, Huguette Sheremetyeva and Colette Tolstoy, who

came to Azerbaijan to participate in the events associated with the 200th anniversary of Lermontov, were also present at the inauguration.

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На церемонии официального открытия выставки также присутствовали известные деятели искусств Пьер Шереметьев,

Хугует Шереметьева и Колетт Толстая, приехавшие в нашу страну для участия в мероприятиях по случаю 200- летнего юбилея Михаила Лермонтова.

Its two members, who are listed by name, decided not to continue proceedings out of fear of

verbal attacks, abuses or threats in public, as even well-known persons and academics were victims of such abuses.


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Два его члена, которые были названы, решили прекратить дальнейшие действия из опасения словесных нападок,

злоупотреблений или публичных угроз, поскольку даже хорошо известные лица и ученые оказались жертвами таких злоупотреблений.


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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


It is one of the most well-known spots on earth.

На сегодняшний день это один из самых известных кладов, которые отыскали в тверской земле.

One of the most well-known advocates…

Yellow gold is undoubtedly the most well-known precious metal.

Harvard is perhaps the most well-known US University.

However, in order to help the reader, are common methods of removal of the most well-known protective groups.

Тем не менее, для того, чтобы помочь читателю, приводятся общие методики удаления наиболее известных защитных групп.

Some of the most well-known behavioral geneticists recognize that it’s time to go beyond heritability estimates.

Некоторые из наиболее известных поведенческих генетиков признают, что пришло время выйти за рамки оценок наследуемости.

His version became one of the most well-known.

И именно их версия произведения стала одной из самых известных.

Diazepam or Valium is undoubtedly another of the most well-known anxiolytics.

Диазепам или Валиум, несомненно, является еще одним из самых известных анксиолитиков.

Beans, along with peas, one of the most well-known legumes in the world.

Фасоль, наряду с горохом, одно из самых известных в мире растений семейства бобовых.

Here is one of the most well-known examples.

Gosnell was one of the most well-known abortion doctors in the country.

Тиллер являлся одним из самых известных в стране врачей, специализировавшихся на абортах.

It is true that some of the most well-known blockchains are public.

Это правда, что некоторые из самых известных блокчейнов являются публичными.

Of course, both lists have been criticized for the exclusion of the most well-known low-tax jurisdictions.

Конечно же, оба списка были раскритикованы в части исключения самых известных низконалоговых юрисдикций.

As a result, one of the most well-known geobotanists in the country could not get a diploma in biology.

В результате, один из наиболее известных в стране геоботаников не смог получить диплом биолога.

Other of the most well-known Celtic rituals is that of the search of the knowledge inside one himself.

Другой из самых известных кельтских ритуалов является то, что поиск знания внутри себя.

Now, 25 years later, he is one of the most well-known Dutch designers.

Сейчас, 25 лет спустя, он является одним из самых известных голландских дизайнеров.

Feta cheese is probably the most well-known Greek cheese.

This is one of the most well-known benefits of Aniracetam and one of the biggest reasons why people start using it.

Это одно из самых известных преимуществ анирацетама и одна из главных причин, почему люди начинают его использовать.

Perhaps the most well-known example of this was demonstrated by Europe from the 1970s to the 1990s.

Пожалуй, самый известный опыт такого рода может предложить Европа 1970-1990-х гг.

One of the most well-known prolific marriages in the UK confirms these figures are almost one hundred percent.

Один из самых известных плодовитых браков в Великобритании подтверждает эти цифры практически на сто процентов.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат the most well-known

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  • #1

I’m proof-reading a text in which I’ve found the following phrase: «The novels for which Austen is most well known….«

Having been taught that the comparison of the adjective «good» is «good, better, best,» I am sorely tempted to correct «most well known» to «best-known.» But there seems to be considerable acceptance of «most well known.»

Your opinions?

Thanks in advance.

  • Driven

    • #2

    I think both ways are ok. Personally, I would say best known also but I think «most well known» is also acceptable. (I wouldn’t use a hyphen with best known though unless it was preceding the noun. For example, his best-known novels. Or, he is best known for the novels…..)


    • #3

    Thanks, Driven. You’re right about the hyphen, of course.


    • #4

    Since I’ve had the doctrine of being parsimonious with words drilled into me at a relatively early age, «most well known» would fall victim immediately to my red pencil.


    • #5

    The two constructions seem about equally common and equally acceptable to me. Presumably the phrase ‘well known’ is reinterpreted as an adjective ‘well-known’ (which I’d hyphenate on the grounds it was now a single word). As a phrase containing an adverb, the adverb is inflected; as an adjective it takes ‘more’.

    You get the same thing with complexes of ‘high’: ‘most high-profile’ = ‘highest-profile’. Oddly, for me at least ‘high quality’ isn’t an adjective; I can only say ‘highest quality’, not ‘most high-quality’. I’m not aware of any complexes of ‘well’ where there’s any difference in acceptability.


    • #6

    I would be comfortable with both best known and with most adjectival phrase.I read well known (with no need for a hyphen when it does not come before a noun, and with a hyphen required when it does) as an adverb followed by the adjective it modifies; most modifies the combined adverb +adjective.

    Ultimately it is a question of stylistic preference, as the meanings of the alternative terms are the same.


    • #7

    Thanks to all. Much appreciated.

    • #8

    I think the acceptance is because the «well known» is seen as different from just «known».

    Algebraically, if I might : Most (well known) is different from (Most well) known. The latter cries out for «best» while the most of the former sits quite happily on its own.


    • #9

    Interesting and useful analysis, Julian. Thanks.


    • #10

    Drifting back to a starting point…

    Having been taught that the comparison of the adjective «good» is «good, better, best,» I am sorely tempted to correct «most well known» to «best-known.»

    I wonder if this is pertinent. Do we say «good» known? Isn’t it more useful to think of our options as —

    least known>>>known>>more known>> most or best known ?

    Of course we can say better known, so that confuses things a little. English is not algebraic, even if we sometimes benefit from trying algebraic analysis.


    • #11

    I wonder if this is pertinent. Do we say «good» known?

    Cuchu, I think it is pertinent :)D) because not only do we say good-better-best, we also say well-better-best….

    That said, I agree with Julian and with you: it depends whether we’re thinking of most (well-known) or (most-well) known = best-known.


    • #12

    Indeed. I should have put it «well-better-best» in the first place.

    Wynn Mathieson

    • #13

    There is also the difference between

    — most well-known writers (as in, say, «Most well-known writers are not wealthy»)


    — best-known writers (as in, say, «He is one of the country’s best-known writers»)

    • #14

    Michael Swan (he’s got a very got grammar) says:
    compound adjectives:


    better-known or more known best-known or most well-known
    the same happens with


    but there is a text which goes like this:
    For almost 17 years Jane has worked as one of the Tower of London’s Yeoman Warders, ______ known to tourist as Beefeather.
    (the teacher’s book says this is the correct one)
    there is no hyphen and I do not understand why


    can’t be the answer too.
    If we can say



    more known

    , why does the teacher’s book say that the answer is


    and not



    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013


    • #15

    No, we can’t say ‘more known’. The discussion above is about ‘more well-known’. In the positive degree, with no comparison:

    :tick:The Beefeaters are well known.
    :cross:The Beefeaters are much known.

    Now form the comparative degree of those two sentences. ‘Much’ becomes ‘more’ in the second one, and is still ungrammatical, for the same reason:

    :cross:The Beefeaters are more known than the Swiss Guards.

    For the first one, there are two ways of making the comparative of ‘well known’, and they are both grammatical:

    :tick:The Beefeaters are better known than the Swiss Guards. [(‘more’ + ‘well’) + ‘known’ — because we say ‘better’ for ‘more well’]
    :tick:The Beefeaters are more well known than the Swiss Guards. [‘more’ + (‘well’ + ‘known’) — as if ‘well-known’ is a new adjective]


    • #16


    better-known or more known best-known or most well-known

    I think that this is saying that if something is even more «known» than (well-known or better-known) then it’s (best-known or most well-known), i.e. «more known» is not part of the list but part of the text explaining the list. Compare this to: (a little bit red) pink or rose (more red) carmine or crimson. «More red» is not a color.

    • #17

    I’m proof-reading a text in which I’ve found the following phrase: «The novels for which Austen is most well known….«

    Having been taught that the comparison of the adjective «good» is «good, better, best,» I am sorely tempted to correct «most well known» to «best-known.» But there seems to be considerable acceptance of «most well known.»

    Your opinions?

    Thanks in advance.

    best known

    • #18

    Since I’ve had the doctrine of being parsimonious with words drilled into me at a relatively early age, «most well known» would fall victim immediately to my red pencil.

    I would agree. Most well known sounds like something Dell Boy would say; rather like, «It’s my most favourite, Rodney». I’d favour best known (hyphenated, or not depending on exact useage).

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