# | word | transcription | translation |
1 | able | [‘eibl] | способный |
2 | about | [ə’baut] | около; о, об |
3 | above | [ə’bʌv] | наверху |
4 | account | [ə’kaunt] | счёт (в банке) |
5 | across | [ə’krɔs] | через, сквозь |
6 | act | [ækt] | действовать |
7 | action | [‘ækʃ(ə)n] | действие |
8 | actually | [æktʃuəli] | фактически |
9 | add | [æd] | прибавлять |
10 | affair | [ə’fзə] | мероприятие |
11 | afraid | [ə:freid] | бояться |
12 | after | [‘a:ftə] | после |
13 | afternoon | [a:ftə’nu:n] | после полудня |
14 | again | [ə’gein] | опять, снова |
15 | against | [ə’gen(t)st] | против |
16 | ago | [ə’gəu] | тому назад |
17 | agree | [ə’gri:] | соглашаться |
18 | ahead | [ə’hed] | вперёд |
19 | air | [ɛə] | воздух |
20 | alive | [ə’laiv] | живой |
21 | all | [ɔ:l] | все, всё |
22 | allow | [ə’lau] | позволять |
23 | almost | [‘ɔ:lməust] | почти |
24 | alone | [ə’ləun] | единственный |
25 | along | [ə’lɔŋ] | вдоль |
26 | already | [ɔ:l’redi] | уже |
27 | also | [‘ɔ:lsəu] | тоже, также |
28 | although | [ɔ:l’ðəu] | хотя, если бы даже |
29 | always | [‘ɔ:lweiz] | всегда |
30 | american | [əmerikən] | американский |
31 | among | [ə’mʌŋ] | между, посреди |
32 | and | [ænd] | и |
33 | animal | [‘ænim(ə)l] | животное |
34 | another | [ə’nʌðə] | другой |
35 | answer | [‘a:n(t)sə] | ответ, отвечать |
36 | any | [‘eni] | любой |
37 | anyone | [‘eniwʌn] | кто угодно |
38 | anything | [‘eniθiŋ] | что-нибудь |
39 | anyway | [‘enivei] | в любом случае |
40 | appear | [ə’piə] | появляться |
41 | are | [a:(r)] | мн. ч. наст. врем. гл. to be |
42 | arm | [a:m] | рука; |
43 | around | [ə’raund] | кругом, вокруг; поблизости |
44 | arrive | [ə’raiv] | прибывать |
45 | art | [a:t] | искусство |
46 | as | [æz] | как, когда |
47 | ask | [a:sk] | спрашивать |
48 | ass | [æs] | задница |
49 | at | [æt] | около, у; в, на |
50 | attention | [ə’ten(t)ʃ(ə)n] | внимание |
51 | aware | [ə’wɛə] | осведомлённый |
52 | away | [ə’wei] | далеко; прочь |
53 | baby | [‘beibi] | ребёнок, младенец |
54 | back | [bæk] | спина, задний |
55 | bad | [bæd] | плохой |
56 | bag | [bæg] | мешок; сумка |
57 | ball | [bɔ:l] | мяч, шар, бал, танцы |
58 | bank | [bæŋk] | банк |
59 | bar | [ba:] | брусок, бар, прилавок, батончик (шоколада) |
60 | beautiful | [‘bju:təful] | красивый |
61 | beauty | [‘bju:ti] | красота |
62 | beaver | [bi:və] | бобёр |
63 | became | [bi’keim] | становился |
64 | because | [bi:kɔz] | потому что |
65 | bed | [bed] | кровать |
66 | been able | в состоянии (способен) | |
67 | before | [bi’fɔ:] | прежде |
68 | beginning | [bi’giniŋ] | начало |
69 | behind | [bi’haind] | за; сзади |
70 | being | [‘bi:iŋ] | существование |
71 | believe | [bi’li:v] | верить |
72 | below | [bi’ləu] | внизу, ниже |
73 | beneath | [bi’ni:θ] | под |
74 | beside | [bi’said] | рядом с |
75 | best | [best] | наилучший |
76 | better | [‘betə] | лучше |
77 | between | [bi’twi:n] | между |
78 | beyond | [bi’jɔnd] | за, по ту сторону |
79 | big | [big] | большой |
80 | bill | [bil] | счёт, законопроект, клюв |
81 | bird | [bз:d] | птица |
82 | bit | [bit] | кусочек |
83 | black | [blæk] | черный |
84 | block | [blɔk] | квартал (города), заграждать, преграждать |
85 | blood | [blʌd] | кровь |
86 | blue | [blu:] | синий |
87 | board | [bɔ:d] | доска |
88 | boat | [bəut] | лодка |
89 | body | [‘bɔdy] | тело |
90 | bone | [bəun] | кость |
91 | book | [buk] | книга |
92 | boss | [bɔs] | хозяин |
93 | both | [bəuθ] | оба |
94 | bottle | [‘bɔtl] | бутылка |
95 | box | [bɔks] | коробка |
96 | boy | [bɔi] | мальчик |
97 | brain | [brein] | мозг |
98 | break | [breik] | ломать, перерыв, пауза |
99 | breath | [breθ] | дыхание |
100 | bright | [brait] | блестящий |
101 | bring | [briŋ] | приносить, привозить |
102 | brother | [‘brʌðə] | брат |
103 | brown | [braun] | коричневый |
104 | brutal | [‘bru:tl] | брутальный |
105 | building | [‘bildiŋ] | постройка, сооружение |
106 | business | [‘biznis] | дело |
107 | but | [bʌt] | но, а |
108 | by | [bai] | у, около |
109 | call | [kɔ:l] | звать |
110 | cannot | [‘kænɔt] | не могу |
111 | car | [ka:] | автомобиль |
112 | card | [ka:d] | карточка |
113 | care | [kɛə] | забота, беспокоиться |
114 | carefully | [‘kзəfuli] | внимательно |
116 | carry | [‘kæri] | нести, носить |
117 | case | [keis] | случай |
118 | cause | [kɔ:z] | причина |
119 | center | [‘sentə] | центр |
120 | certain | [‘sз:t(ə)n] | определённый |
121 | certainly | [‘sз:t(ə)nli] | конечно |
122 | chair | [tʃɛə] | стул |
123 | chance | [tʃa:n(t)s] | шанс |
124 | change | [tʃeindʒ] | менять |
125 | chapter | [tʃæptə] | глава (книги) |
126 | charge | [tʃa:dʒ] | заряжать |
127 | check | [tʃek] | проверять |
128 | cheek | [tʃi:k] | щека |
129 | chest | [tʃest] | сундук |
130 | child | [tʃaild] | ребёнок |
131 | children | [‘tʃildr(ə)n] | дети |
133 | cigarette | [sig(ə)’ret] | сигарета |
134 | circle | [‘sз:kl] | круг |
135 | city | [‘siti] | город |
136 | clean | [kli:n] | чистый |
137 | clear | [kliə] | ясно, чистый |
138 | clock | [klɔk] | часы |
139 | close | [kləuz] | близкий; закрывать(ся) |
140 | clothes | [kləuðz] | одежда |
141 | cloud | [klaud] | облако |
142 | cold | [kəuld] | холодный |
143 | color | [‘kʌlə] | цвет |
144 | coming | [‘kʌmiŋ] | прибытие |
145 | common | [‘kɔmən] | общий |
146 | company | [‘kʌmpəni] | компания |
147 | concern | [kən’sз:n] | беспокойство |
148 | consider | [kən’sidə] | полагать |
149 | continue | [kən’tinju:] | продолжать |
150 | control | [kən’trəul] | контроль |
151 | conversation | [kɔnvə’seiʃ(ə)n] | беседа |
152 | cool | [ku:l] | прохладный, клёвый |
153 | corner | [‘kɔ:nə] | угол |
154 | could | [kud] | мог, умел |
155 | count | [kaunt] | счёт, считать |
156 | country | [‘kʌntri] | страна |
157 | couple | [‘kʌpl] | пара |
158 | course | [kɔ:s] | курс |
159 | cover | [‘kʌvə] | накрывать, обложка |
160 | crazy | [‘kreizi] | сумасшедший |
161 | creature | [‘kri:tʃə] | создание, творение |
162 | cross | [krɔs] | крест, пересекать |
163 | crowd | [kraud] | толпа |
164 | cry | [krai] | плакать |
165 | dad | [dæd] | папа |
166 | damn | [dæm] | ругательство |
167 | danger | [‘deindʒə] | опасность |
168 | dark | [da:k] | тёмный |
169 | darkness | [‘da:knəs] | темнота |
170 | daughter | [‘dɔ:tə] | дочь |
171 | day | [dei] | день |
172 | dead | [ded] | мертвый |
173 | deal | [di:l] | сделка |
174 | dear | [diə] | дорогой |
175 | death | [deθ] | смерть |
176 | decide | [di’said] | принимать решение |
177 | deep | [di:p] | глубокий |
178 | desire | [di’zaiə] | желать |
179 | desk | [desk] | парта |
181 | die | [dai] | умирать |
182 | different | [‘dif(ə)r(ə)nt] | другой |
183 | dinner | [‘dinə] | обед, обедать |
184 | direction | [di’rekʃ(ə)n] | направление |
185 | discover | [di’skʌvə] | обнаруживать |
186 | distance | [‘dist(ə)n(t)s] | дистанция |
187 | doctor | [‘dɔktə] | доктор |
188 | dog | [dɔg] | собака |
189 | doing | [‘du:iŋ] | дела, действие |
190 | dollar | [‘dɔlə] | доллар |
191 | door | [dɔ:] | дверь |
192 | doubt | [daut] | сомнение, сомневаться |
193 | down | [daun] | вниз, внизу |
194 | dozen | [‘dʌz(ə)n] | дюжина |
195 | dream | [dri:m] | мечта, сон |
196 | dress | [dres] | одежда, платье |
197 | during | [‘djuəriŋ] | в течение |
198 | each | [i:tʃ] | каждый |
199 | ear | [iə] | ухо |
200 | early | [‘з:li] | рано |
201 | earth | [з:θ] | земля |
202 | easily | [‘i:zili] | легко |
203 | east | [i:st] | восток |
205 | easy | [‘i:zi] | легкий |
207 | eating | [‘i:tiŋ] | принятие пищи |
208 | edge | [edʒ] | край |
209 | effort | [‘efət] | попытка |
210 | eight | [eit] | восемь |
211 | either | [‘aiðə] | один из двух |
212 | else | [els] | ещё |
213 | empty | [’empti] | пустой |
214 | end | [end] | конец; кончать(ся) |
215 | enemy | [‘enəmi] | враг, вражеский |
216 | enjoy | [in’dʒɔi] | наслаждаться |
217 | enough | [i’nʌf] | достаточно |
218 | enter | [‘entə] | вход, входить |
220 | escape | [es’keip] | спасаться бегством |
222 | especially | [is’peʃ(ə)li] | особенно |
223 | even | [‘i:v(ə)n] | даже |
224 | evening | [‘i:vniŋ] | вечер |
225 | ever | [‘evə] | когда-либо |
226 | every | [‘evri] | каждый |
227 | everybody | [‘evribɔdi] | каждый |
228 | everything | [‘evriθiŋ] | всё |
229 | evil | [‘i:vil] | зло |
230 | exactly | [ig’zæktli] | в точности |
231 | except | [ik’sept] | за исключением |
232 | expect | [ik’spekt] | ожидать |
233 | experience | [ik’spiəriən(t)s] | опыт |
234 | explain | [ik’splein] | объяснять |
235 | expression | [ik’spreʃ(ə)n] | выражение |
236 | eye | [ai] | глаз |
237 | face | [feis] | лицо |
238 | fact | [fækt] | факт |
239 | faint | [feint] | вялый |
240 | fair | [fɛə] | справедливый |
241 | family | [‘fæm(ə)li] | семья |
242 | fang | [fæŋ] | клык, крюк |
243 | far | [fa:] | далеко |
244 | fast | [fast] | быстрый |
245 | fat | [fæt] | жирный |
246 | father | [‘fa:ðə] | отец |
247 | fear | [fiə] | страх |
248 | feeling | [‘fi:liŋ] | чувство |
249 | feet | [fi:t] | ноги |
250 | fellow | [‘feləu] | человек, парень |
251 | felt | [felt] | чувствовал, войлок |
252 | few | [fju:] | немного |
253 | field | [fi:ld] | поле |
254 | fifty | [‘fifti] | пятьдесят |
255 | figure | [‘figə] | фигура |
256 | fill | [fil] | наполнять |
257 | finally | [‘fain(ə)li] | окончательно |
258 | fine | [fain] | отлично |
259 | finger | [‘fiŋgə] | палец (на руке) |
260 | finish | [‘finiʃ] | конец, заканчивать |
261 | fire | [‘faiə] | огонь; стрелять; зажигать |
262 | first | [fз:st] | первый |
263 | five | [faiv] | пять |
264 | fix | [fiks] | исправлять |
265 | flash | [flæʃ] | вспышка |
266 | flat | [flæt] | плоский, квартира |
267 | floor | [flɔ:] | пол; этаж |
268 | flower | [‘flauə] | цветок |
269 | fly | [flai] | муха, полёт |
270 | folk | [fəuk] | народ |
271 | follow | [‘fɔləu] | следовать (за) |
272 | following | [‘fɔləuiŋ] | следующий |
273 | food | [fu:d] | пища |
274 | foot | [fut] | ступня |
275 | for | [fɔ:] | для |
276 | force | [fɔ:s] | сила |
277 | form | [fɔ:m] | форма, вид |
278 | forth | [fɔ:θ] | вперёд, дальше |
279 | forty | [‘fɔ:ti] | сорок |
280 | forward | [‘fɔ:wəd] | вперёд |
281 | four | [fɔ:] | четыре |
282 | free | [fri] | свободный |
283 | fresh | [freʃ] | свежий |
284 | friend | [frend] | друг |
285 | from | [frɔm] | от, из, с |
286 | front | [trʌnt] | передний |
287 | full | [ful] | полный |
288 | funny | [‘fʌni] | смешной |
289 | further | [‘fз:ðə] | дальше |
290 | gain | [gein] | зарабатывать |
291 | game | [geim] | игра |
292 | gate | [geit] | ворота |
293 | general | [‘dʒen(ə)r(ə)l] | основной, генерал |
294 | girl | [gз:l] | девушка |
295 | glad | [glæd] | рад |
296 | glance | [gla:n(t)s] | сверкнуть |
297 | glass | [gla:s] | стекло, стакан |
298 | God | [gɔd] | Бог |
299 | goes | [gəuz] | идёт |
300 | going | [‘gəiŋ] | собираться (что-л. сделать) |
301 | gonna | [‘g(ə)nə] | собираться (что-л. сделать) |
302 | gold | [gəuld] | золото |
303 | good | [gud] | хороший |
304 | grab | [græb] | хватать |
305 | grass | [gra:s] | трава |
306 | gray | [grei] | серый, седой |
307 | great | [greit] | большой, великий |
308 | green | [gri:n] | зелёный |
309 | grey | [grei] | серый, седой, пасмурный |
310 | grin | [grin] | ухмыляться |
311 | ground | [graund] | земля |
312 | group | [gru:p] | группа |
313 | growing | [‘grəuiŋ] | выращивание |
314 | guard | [ga:d] | охрана |
315 | guess | [ges] | догадываться |
316 | gun | [gʌn] | пистолет |
317 | guy | [gai] | парень |
318 | hair | [hɛə] | волосы |
319 | half | [ha:f] | половина |
320 | hall | [hɔ:l] | фойе |
321 | ham | [hæm] | ветчина |
323 | han | [hæn] | китаец; китаянка |
326 | hand | [hænd] | рука |
330 | happen | [‘hæp(ə)n] | случаться |
331 | happy | [‘hæpi] | счастливый |
332 | hard | [ha:d] | твёрдый |
333 | hardly | [‘ha:dli] | едва |
334 | has | [hæz] | имел, имела |
335 | hat | [hæt] | шляпа |
336 | hate | [heit] | ненависть, ненавидеть |
337 | haven | [‘heiv(ə)n] | порт |
338 | having | [‘hæviŋ] | владение |
339 | he | [hi:] | он |
340 | head | [hed] | голова |
343 | heart | [ha:t] | сердце |
344 | heavy | [‘hevi] | тяжёлый |
345 | hell | [hel] | ад |
346 | hello | [‘he’ləu] | привет! алло! |
347 | help | [help] | помощь; помогать |
348 | her | [hз:] | её |
349 | here | [hiə] | здесь, тут |
350 | herself | [hз:’self] | себя, себе, собой |
351 | hey | [hei] | привет |
352 | hi | [hai] | привет |
353 | high | [hai] | высокий |
354 | hill | [hil] | холм |
355 | him | [him] | его |
356 | himself | [him’self] | себя; сам |
357 | his | [hiz] | его |
359 | history | [‘hist(ə)ri] | история |
360 | holding | [‘həuldiŋ] | вклад |
361 | hole | [həul] | дыра |
362 | home | [həum] | дом |
363 | hope | [həup] | надежда, надеяться |
364 | horse | [hɔ:s] | лошадь |
365 | hospital | [‘hɔspit(ə)l] | больница |
366 | hot | [hɔt] | горячий |
367 | hour | [auə] | час |
368 | house | [haus] | дом |
369 | how | [hau] | как |
370 | however | [hau’evə] | тем не менее |
371 | huge | [hju:dʒ] | огромный |
373 | human | [‘hju:mən] | людской |
374 | hundred | [‘hʌndrid] | сто |
375 | hurry | [‘hʌri] | спешить, спешка |
376 | husband | [‘hʌzbənd] | муж |
377 | I | [ʌi] | я |
378 | idea | [ai:diə] | идея; мысль |
379 | if | [if] | если |
380 | imagine | [i’mædʒin] | воображать |
381 | immediately | [i’mi:diətli] | немедленно |
382 | important | [in’pɔ:t(ə)nt] | важный |
383 | impossible | [im’pɔsədl] | невозможный |
384 | in | [in] | в |
385 | indeed | [in’di:d] | в самом деле |
386 | inside | [in’said] | внутри |
387 | instead | [in’stead] | вместо |
388 | interest | [‘int(ə)rəst] | интерес |
389 | interior | [in’tiəriə] | внутренний |
390 | into | [‘intu:] | в |
391 | is | [iz] | 3- е л. ед. ч. наст. врем. гл. to be |
392 | it | [it] | он, она, оно; это |
393 | its | [its] | его, её (о предмете) |
394 | itself | [it’self] | себя, себе, сам |
395 | job | [dʒɔb] | работа |
396 | join | [dʒɔin] | присоединяться |
398 | jump | [dʒʌmp] | прыгать |
399 | just | [dʒʌst] | только что |
400 | key | [ki:] | ключ, клавиша, кнопка |
401 | kid | [kid] | ребёнок |
402 | kill | [kil] | убивать |
403 | kind | [kaind] | сорт, класс |
404 | king | [kiŋ] | король |
405 | kiss | [kis] | целовать, поцелуй |
406 | kitchen | [‘kitʃin] | кухня |
407 | knee | [ni:] | колено |
408 | knock | [nɔk] | стучать |
409 | knowing | [‘nəuiŋ] | знание |
410 | lady | [‘leidi] | леди |
411 | lake | [leik] | озеро |
412 | land | [lænd] | земля |
413 | large | [la:dʒ] | крупный |
414 | last | [la:st] | последний |
415 | late | [leit] | поздно |
416 | later | [‘leitə’] | позже |
417 | laugh | [la:f] | смеяться |
418 | laughing | [‘la:fiŋ] | смех |
419 | law | [lɔ:] | закон |
420 | leader | [‘li:də] | руководитель |
421 | least | [li:st] | минимальный |
422 | leaving | [liviŋ] | предоставление |
423 | left | [left] | левый, налево, уехал |
424 | leg | [leg] | нога (от бедра до ступни) |
425 | less | [les] | меньше |
426 | letter | [‘letə] | буква |
427 | library | [‘laibr(ə)ri] | библиотека |
428 | lie | [lai] | ложь, лгать |
429 | life | [laif] | жизнь |
430 | light | [lait] | свет; легкий |
431 | like | [laik] | похожий; как, нравиться |
432 | likely | [‘laikli] | вероятный |
433 | line | [lain] | линия |
434 | lip | [lip] | губа |
435 | listen | [‘lis(ə)n] | слушать |
436 | little | [‘litl] | маленький |
437 | live | [liv] | жить |
438 | living | [‘liviŋ] | образ жизни |
439 | lock | [lɔk] | локон, замок |
440 | long | [lɔŋ] | длинный; долго |
441 | longer | [lɔŋgə] | дольше |
442 | look | [luk] | взгляд, смотреть |
443 | looking | [‘lukiŋ] | смотреть |
444 | lord | [lɔ:d] | господин |
445 | lot | [lot] | жребий. лот |
446 | loud | [laud] | громкий |
447 | love | [lʌv] | любовь, любить |
448 | low | [ləu] | низкий |
449 | lower | [‘ləuə] | нижний |
450 | lying | [‘laiiŋ] | ложный |
451 | machine | [mə’ʃi:n] | машина |
452 | mad | [mæd] | сумасшедший |
453 | main | [mein] | основное |
454 | making | [‘meikiŋ] | создание |
455 | man | [mæn] | человек, мужчина |
456 | manage | [‘mænidʒ] | руководить, управлять |
457 | manner | [‘mænə] | манера |
458 | many | [‘meni] | много |
459 | mark | [ma:k] | марка, маркировать |
460 | marriage | [‘mæridʒ] | брак |
461 | marry | [‘mæri] | жениться |
462 | master | [‘ma:stə] | главный |
463 | matter | [mætə] | материал, иметь значение |
464 | maybe | [‘meibi] | может быть |
465 | me | [mi:] | мне, меня |
466 | memory | [‘mem(ə)ri] | память |
467 | men | [men] | люди, мужчины |
468 | mention | [‘menʃ(ə)n] | упоминание |
469 | merry | [‘meri] | весёлый |
470 | middle | [‘midi] | середина |
471 | mile | [mail] | миля |
472 | million | [‘miljən] | миллион |
473 | mind | [maind] | разум |
474 | mine | [main] | мой, рудник, мина |
475 | minute | [‘minit] | минута |
476 | miss | [mis] | потеря, утрата |
477 | moment | [‘məumənt] | момент |
478 | money | [‘mʌni] | деньги |
479 | monster | [‘mɔn(t)stə] | монстр |
480 | month | [mʌnθ] | месяц |
481 | moon | [mu:n] | луна |
482 | more | [mɔ:] | больше |
483 | morning | [mɔ:niŋ] | утро |
484 | most | [məust] | наибольший |
485 | mostly | [‘məustli] | по большей части |
486 | mother | [‘mʌðə] | мать |
487 | mountain | [‘mauntin] | гора |
488 | mouth | [mauθ] | рот |
489 | move | [mu:v] | двигать(ся) |
490 | movie | [‘mu:vi] | фильм |
491 | moving | [‘mu:viŋ] | движение |
492 | much | [mʌtʃ] | много |
493 | murder | [‘mз:də] | убийство |
494 | music | [‘mju:zik] | музыка |
495 | must | [mʌst] | должен |
496 | my | [mai] | мой |
497 | myself | [mai’self] | себя |
498 | name | [neim] | имя; название |
499 | natural | [nætʃ(ə)r(ə)l] | естественный, природный |
500 | nature | [‘neitʃə] | природа |
501 | near | [niə] | возле, ближний |
502 | nearly | [‘niəli] | близко |
503 | neck | [nek] | шея |
504 | need | [ni:d] | нуждаться |
505 | neither | [naiðə] | ни тот, ни другой |
506 | never | [‘nevə] | никогда |
507 | new | [nju:] | новый |
508 | news | [nju:z] | новости |
509 | next | [nekst] | следующий |
510 | nice | [nais] | милый |
511 | night | [nait] | ночь |
512 | nine | [nain] | девять |
513 | no | [nəu] | нет, не |
514 | nod | [nɔd] | кивок, кивать |
515 | none | [nʌn] | никто |
516 | nor | [nɔ:] | также не |
517 | north | [nɔ:θ] | север |
518 | nose | [nəuz] | нос |
519 | not | [nɔt] | не, нет; ни |
520 | note | [nəut] | заметка, запись |
521 | nothing | [‘nʌθiŋ] | ничего |
522 | notice | [‘nəutis] | уведомление, замечать |
523 | now | [nau] | сейчас |
524 | number | [‘nʌmbə] | число |
525 | of | [ɔv] | из, от, о, об |
526 | off | [ɔv] | с, от |
527 | offer | [‘ɔfə] | предлагать |
528 | office | [‘ɔfis] | офис |
529 | often | [‘of(t)(ə)n] | часто |
530 | okay или OK | [əu’kei] | ладно |
531 | old | [əuld] | старый |
532 | on | [ɔn] | на |
533 | once | [wʌn(t)s] | однажды |
534 | one | [wʌn] | один |
535 | only | [‘əunli] | только |
536 | onto | [‘ɔntu:] | на; в |
537 | open | [‘əup(ə)n] | открывать(ся) |
538 | or | [ɔ:] | или |
539 | order | [‘ɔ:də] | порядок |
540 | other | [‘ʌðə] | иной |
541 | ought | [ɔ:t] | выражает долженствование |
542 | our | [‘auə] | наш |
543 | out | [aut] | вне, снаружи |
544 | outside | [,aut’said] | внешняя, наружная часть |
545 | over | [‘əuvə] | над; свыше |
546 | own | [əun] | свой; владеть |
547 | pack | [pæk] | пачка, упаковывать |
548 | page | [peidʒ] | страница |
549 | pain | [pein] | боль |
550 | pale | [peil] | бледный, бледнеть |
551 | paper | [‘peipə] | бумага |
552 | park | [pa:k] | парк, парковка |
553 | part | [pa:t] | часть |
554 | party | [‘pa:ti] | партия, вечеринка |
555 | pass | [pa:s] | передавать |
556 | past | [pa:st] | прошлое |
557 | path | [pa:θ] | тропинка |
558 | pause | [pɔ:z] | пауза |
559 | people | [‘pi:pl] | люди |
560 | perfect | [‘pз:fikt] | совершенный |
561 | perhaps | [pə’hæps] | может быть |
562 | person | [‘pз:s(ə)n] | человек |
563 | phone | [fəun] | телефон |
564 | pick | [pik] | собирать; рвать |
565 | picture | [‘piktʃə] | картина, фотография |
566 | piece | [pi:s] | кусок |
567 | place | [pleis] | место; помещать |
568 | plan | [plæn] | план, планировать |
569 | play | [plei] | играть, игра |
570 | playing | [pleiŋ] | игральный |
571 | please | [pli:z] | пожалуйста, угодить |
572 | pleasure | [‘plezə] | удовольствие |
573 | [‘pɔkit] | карман | |
574 | point | [pɔint] | острие; точка; смысл |
575 | police | [pə’li:s] | полиция |
576 | poor | [puə] | бедный |
577 | position | [pə’ziʃ(ə)n] | местоположение |
578 | possible | [‘pɔsəbl] | возможный |
579 | post | [pəust] | почта |
580 | power | [pauə] | сила (мощь) |
581 | present | [prez(ə)nt] | настоящее время |
582 | press | [pres] | жать, пресса |
583 | pretty | [‘priti] | прелестный |
584 | probably | [‘prɔbəbli] | наверное |
585 | problem | [‘prɔbləm] | проблема |
586 | professor | [prə’fesə] | профессор |
587 | project | [‘prɔdʒekt] | проект |
588 | promise | [‘prɔmis] | обещание, обещать |
589 | public | [‘rʌblik] | общественный, публика |
590 | pull | [pul] | тянуть |
591 | purpose | [‘pз:pəs] | намерение |
592 | push | [ruʃ] | толкать |
593 | quarter | [‘kwɔ:tə] | четверть |
594 | question | [‘kwestʃən] | вопрос |
595 | quick | [kwik] | быстрый |
596 | quickly | [‘kwikli] | быстро |
597 | quiet | [‘kwaiət] | тихий |
598 | quite | [kwait] | вполне |
599 | radio | [‘reidiəu] | радио |
600 | rain | [rein] | дождь |
601 | raise | [reiz] | поднимать |
602 | rather | [‘ra:ðə] | охотнее |
603 | reach | [ri:tʃ] | достигать |
604 | reading | [‘ri:diŋ] | чтение |
605 | ready | [‘redi] | готовый |
606 | real | [riəl] | реальный |
607 | realize | [‘riəlaiz] | выполнять |
608 | really | [‘riəli] | действительно |
609 | reason | [‘ri:z(ə)n] | причина |
610 | red | [red] | красный |
611 | remain | [ri’mein] | оставаться |
612 | remember | [ri’membə] | помнить |
613 | reply | [ri’plai] | отклик |
614 | report | [ri’pɔ:t] | доклад, докладывать |
615 | rest | [rest] | отдых, отдыхать |
616 | retrieve | [ri’tri:v] | отыскать, поиск |
617 | return | [ri’tз:n] | возвращаться |
618 | rich | [ritʃ] | богатый |
619 | right | [rait] | правый; верно |
620 | ring | [riŋ] | кольцо, ринг, звенеть |
621 | river | [‘rivə] | река |
622 | road | [rəud] | дорога |
623 | rock | [rɔk] | скала, камень |
624 | roll | [rəul] | катиться |
625 | room | [ru:m] | комната |
626 | rose | [rəuz] | роза, розовый |
627 | round | [raund] | круглый |
628 | running | [‘rʌniŋ] | бегающий |
629 | rush | [rʌʃ] | бросаться, мчаться |
630 | russian | [‘rʌʃ(ə)n] | русский |
631 | safe | [seif] | безопасный |
632 | same | [seim] | тот же самый |
633 | save | [seiv] | спасать |
634 | saw | [sɔ:] | видел, пила |
635 | saying | [‘seiiŋ] | поговорка |
636 | scare | [skɛə] | пугать; испугать |
637 | school | [sku:l] | школа |
638 | scream | [skri:m] | крик, вопить |
639 | sea | [si:] | море |
640 | seat | [si:t] | сиденье |
641 | second | [‘sek(ə)nd] | секунда; второй |
642 | secret | [‘si:krət] | секрет, тайна |
643 | seeing | [‘si:iŋ] | видение |
644 | seem | [si:m] | казаться |
645 | self | [self] | сам |
646 | sense | [sen(t)s] | чувство |
647 | service | [‘sз:vis] | служба |
648 | set | [set] | комплект |
649 | settle | [‘setl] | поселиться |
650 | seven | [‘sev(ə)n] | семь |
651 | several | [‘sev(ə)r(ə)l] | несколько |
652 | shadow | [‘ʃædəu] | тень |
653 | shall | [ʃæl] | вспомогательный и модальный глагол |
654 | shape | [ʃeip] | очертание |
655 | sharp | [ʃa:p] | острый, ровно |
656 | she | [ʃi:] | она |
657 | ship | [ʃip] | корабль |
658 | shirt | [ʃз:t] | рубашка |
659 | shit | [ʃit] | дерьмо |
660 | shock | [ʃɔk] | шок |
661 | shoe | [ʃu:] | ботинок |
662 | shot | [ʃɔt] | выстрел |
663 | should | [ʃud] | 1) вспом. глагол; 2) должен, следует |
664 | shoulder | [‘ʃəuldə] | плечо |
665 | shout | [ʃaut] | кричать |
666 | show | [ʃəu] | показ; показывать |
667 | shut | [ʃʌt] | закрывать |
668 | sick | [sik] | больной |
669 | side | [said] | сторона |
670 | sight | [sait] | зрение, вид |
671 | sign | [sain] | знак; символ, подписывать |
672 | silence | [‘sailən(t)s] | тишина |
673 | silent | [‘sailənt] | безмолвный |
674 | silver | [‘silvə] | серебро, серебряный |
675 | simple | [‘simpl] | простой |
676 | simply | [‘simpli] | просто |
677 | since | [sin(t)s] | с тех пор |
678 | single | [‘siŋgl] | единственный |
679 | sir | [sз:] | сэр |
680 | sister | [‘sistə] | сестра |
681 | sitting | [‘sitiŋ] | заседание |
682 | situation | [sitʃu’eiʃ(ə)n] | положение, ситуация |
683 | six | [siks] | шесть |
684 | skin | [skin] | кожа |
685 | sky | [skai] | небо |
686 | slow | [sləu] | медленный |
687 | slowly | [‘sləuli] | медленно |
688 | small | [smɔ:l] | маленький |
689 | smell | [smel] | запах |
690 | smile | [smail] | улыбка; улыбаться |
691 | smiling | [smailiŋ] | улыбается |
692 | smoke | [sməuk] | курение, дым |
693 | snow | [snəu] | снег |
694 | so | [səu] | так |
695 | soft | [sɔft] | мягкий |
696 | some | [sʌm] | несколько |
697 | somehow | [‘sʌmhau] | как-то |
698 | someone | [‘sʌmwʌn] | кто-то |
699 | something | [‘sʌmθiŋ] | что-то |
700 | sometimes | [sʌmtaimz] | иногда |
701 | somewhere | [‘sʌmwɛə] | где-то |
702 | son | [sʌn] | сын |
703 | song | [sɔŋ] | песня |
704 | sonny | [‘sʌni] | сынок |
705 | soon | [su:n] | вскоре |
706 | sorry | [‘sɔri] | сожалеющий |
707 | sort | [sɔ:t] | сорт |
708 | soul | [səul] | душа |
709 | sound | [saund] | звук |
710 | south | [sauθ] | юг |
711 | space | [speis] | пространство |
712 | speaking | [‘spi:kiŋ] | беседа, говорящий |
713 | special | [‘spe?(?)l] | особенный, специальный |
714 | spirit | [‘spirit] | дух |
715 | spot | [spɔt] | пятно |
716 | stand | [stænd] | стоять; ставить |
717 | standing | [‘stændiŋ] | ранг, стоящий |
718 | star | [sta:] | звезда |
719 | stare | [stɛə] | уставиться |
720 | start | [sta:t] | начало; начинать(ся) |
721 | state | [steit] | государство, штат |
722 | station | [‘steiʃ(ə)n] | станция |
723 | stay | [stei] | останавливаться |
724 | step | [step] | шаг; шагать |
725 | stick | [stik] | палка |
726 | still | [stil] | тихий; все еще |
727 | stone | [stəun] | камень |
728 | stop | [stɔp] | остановка; останавливать(ся) |
729 | store | [stɔ:] | магазин, запас |
730 | story | [‘stɔ:ri] | рассказ |
731 | straight | [streit] | прямо |
732 | strange | [streindʒ] | чужой, странный |
733 | stream | [stri:m] | поток, ручей |
734 | street | [stri:t] | улица |
735 | strength | [streŋθ] | сила |
736 | strong | [strɔŋ] | сильный, сильно |
737 | study | [‘stʌdi] | изучение |
738 | stuff | [stʌf] | материал |
739 | subject | [‘sʌbdʒekt] | предмет |
740 | such | [sʌtʃ] | такой |
741 | sudden | [‘sʌd(ə)n] | внезапно |
742 | suddenly | [‘sʌd(ə)nli] | вдруг |
743 | summer | [‘sʌmə] | лето |
744 | sun | [sʌn] | солнце |
745 | suppose | [səpəuz] | полагать |
746 | sure | [ʃuə] | уверенный; конечно |
747 | surprise | [sə’praiz] | удивление |
748 | sweet | [swi:t] | сладкий |
749 | system | [‘sistəm] | система |
750 | table | [‘teibl] | стол, таблица |
751 | tad | [tæd] | ребёнок, капелька, чуточка |
752 | taking | [‘teikiŋ] | захват, брать |
753 | talk | [tɔ:k] | разговор; говорить |
754 | talking | [‘tɔ:kiŋ] | разговор, говорящий |
755 | tall | [tɔ:l] | высокий |
756 | teeth | [ti:θ] | зубы |
757 | telling | [‘teliŋ] | красноречивый |
758 | ten | [ten] | десять |
759 | terrible | [‘terəbl] | ужасный |
760 | than | [ðæn] | чем |
761 | thank | [θæŋk] | благодарить |
762 | that | [ðæt] | тот |
763 | the | [ðə:] | определенный артикль |
764 | their | [ðɛə] | их |
765 | them | [ðem] | их, им |
766 | themselves | [ðəm’selvz] | сами |
767 | then | [ðen] | тогда; затем |
768 | there | [ðɛə] | там, туда, здесь |
769 | these | [ði:z] | эти |
770 | they | [ðei] | они |
771 | thick | [θik] | толстый |
772 | thin | [θin] | тонкий |
773 | thing | [θiŋ] | вещь |
774 | thinking | [‘θiŋkiŋ] | мышление |
775 | third | [θз:d] | третий |
776 | thirty | [‘θз:ti] | тридцать |
777 | this | [ðis] | этот |
778 | thoracic | [θɔ’rasik] | грудной |
779 | those | [ðəuz] | те |
780 | though | [ðəu] | хотя |
781 | thought | [θɔ:t] | думал, мысль |
782 | thousand | [‘θauz(ə)nd] | тысяча |
783 | three | [θri:] | три |
784 | throat | [θrəut] | горло |
785 | through | [θru:] | через (сквозь) |
786 | thus | [ðʌs] | таким образом |
787 | tie | [tai] | галстук, узел, завязывать |
788 | till | [til] | до, не раньше |
789 | time | [taim] | время; раз |
790 | tire | [‘taiə] | уставать, шина |
791 | to | [tu:] | к, в |
792 | today | [tə’dei] | сегодня |
793 | together | [təgeðə] | вместе; совместно |
794 | tomorrow | [tə’mɔrəu] | завтра |
795 | tongue | [tʌŋ] | язык |
796 | tonight | [tə:nait] | сегодня ночью |
797 | too | [tu:] | также; слишком |
798 | top | [tɔp] | верхушка, верхний |
799 | touch | [tʌtʃ] | касаться |
800 | toward(s) | [tə’wɔ:dz] | к |
801 | town | [taun] | город |
802 | track | [træk] | след, отпечаток, курс |
803 | train | [trein] | тренироваться, поезд |
804 | tree | [tri:] | дерево |
805 | trouble | [‘trʌbl] | неприятности |
806 | truck | [trʌk] | грузовик |
807 | true | [tru:] | правильный |
808 | trust | [trʌst] | доверие |
809 | truth | [tru:θ] | ИСТИНА |
810 | try | [trai] | пытаться |
811 | trying | [‘traiiŋ] | пытаясь |
812 | turn | [tз:n] | поворачивать(ся) |
813 | turning | [‘tз:niŋ] | поворот |
814 | twenty | [‘twenti] | двадцать |
815 | two | [tu:] | два |
816 | type | [taip] | тип |
817 | under | [‘ʌndə] | под; ниже |
818 | unite | [ju:nait] | объединять |
819 | unless | [ʌn’les] | если не |
820 | until | [(ə)n’til] | до, (до тех пор) пока (не) |
821 | up | [ʌp] | наверх(у), выше |
822 | upon | [ə’pɔn] | на |
823 | use | [ju:z] | использовать, польза |
824 | usually | [‘ju:ʒ(ə)li] | обычно |
825 | very | [‘veri] | очень |
826 | view | [vju:] | вид; пейзаж |
827 | visit | [‘vizit] | посещение |
828 | voice | [vɔis] | голос |
829 | wait | [weit] | ждать |
830 | waiting | [‘weitiŋ] | ожидание |
831 | walk | [wɔ:k] | ходить |
832 | walking | [‘wɔ:kiŋ] | ходьба |
833 | wall | [wɔ:l] | стена |
834 | want | [wɔnt] | хотеть |
835 | wanted | [‘wɔntid] | разыскиваемый полицией |
836 | war | [wɔ:] | война |
837 | warm | [wɔ:m] | тёплый |
838 | watch | [wɔtʃ] | 1) смотреть, следить; наблюдение; 2) часы |
839 | watching | [wɔtʃiŋ] | наблюдение |
840 | water | [‘wɔ:tə] | вода |
841 | way | [wei] | путь |
842 | we | [wi:] | мы |
843 | wearing | [‘wɛəriŋ] | предназначенный для носки |
844 | week | [wi:k] | неделя |
845 | well | [wel] | хорошо |
846 | west | [west] | запад |
847 | wet | [wet] | мокрый, влажный |
848 | what | [(h)wɔt] | что |
849 | whatever | [(h)wɔt’evə] | какой бы ни |
850 | wheel | [(h)wi:l] | колесо |
851 | when | [(h)wen] | когда |
852 | where | [(h)wɛə] | где; куда |
853 | whether | [‘(h)weðə] | любой из двух |
854 | which | [(h)witʃ] | который |
855 | while | [(h)wail] | в то время как |
856 | whisper | [‘(h)wispə] | шептать |
857 | white | [(h)wait] | белый |
858 | who | [hu:] | кто |
859 | whole | [həul] | весь, целый |
860 | whom | [hu:m] | кого |
861 | whose | [hu:z] | чьё |
862 | why | [(h)wai] | почему |
863 | wide | [waid] | широкий |
864 | wife | [waif] | жена |
865 | wild | [waild] | дикий (о животных); дикорастущий |
866 | will | [wil] | 1) вспом. гл. будущ. врем.; 2) модальный глагол |
867 | wind | [wind] | ветер |
868 | window | [‘windəu] | окно |
869 | wing | [wiŋ] | крыло |
870 | wish | [wiʃ] | желать, хотеть, желание |
871 | with | [wið] | с (вместе с) |
872 | within | [wi’ðin] | в (внутри) |
873 | without | [wi’ðaut] | без |
874 | wolf | [wulf] | волк |
875 | woman | [‘wumən] | женщина |
876 | women | [‘wimin] | женщины |
877 | wonder | [‘wʌndə] | удивляться |
878 | wood | [wud] | лес (древесина) |
879 | word | [wз:d] | слово |
880 | working | [‘wз:kiŋ] | обработка, работающий |
881 | world | [wз:ld] | мир, вселенная |
882 | worry | [‘wʌri] | надоедать; докучать |
883 | worse | [wз:s] | хуже, худшее |
884 | would | [wud] | 1) вспом. глагол.; 2) модальный глагол |
885 | writing | [‘raitiŋ] | письмо, писание |
886 | wrong | [rɔŋ] | неправильный |
887 | yard | [ja:d] | ярд |
888 | yeah | [jɛə] | да |
889 | year | [jiə] | год |
890 | yellow | [‘jeləu] | жёлтый |
891 | yes | [jes] | да |
892 | yet | [jet] | всё ещё |
893 | you | [ju:] | вы |
894 | young | [jʌŋ] | молодой |
895 | your | [jɔ:] | ваш |
896 | yourself | [jɔ:’self] | сам |
Learning English alphabet
Borrowed words from English
Speech Turns
1000 most used words
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100 words = 50% of English
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Irregular verbs of English
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With examples
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Learn how to improve your English vocabulary, listening, and speaking at the same time using the 3000 most commonly used words in English.
Fortunately, you don’t have to learn them all to become fluent in English. Americans use around 2500 – 3000 of the most common words in their daily lives. If you know these 3000 most common words, you can understand at least 95% of all conversations, e-mails, newspapers, and books.
Sounds great! But what is the most effective way to learn these words?
Focus on example sentences when learning vocabulary. Here’s why?
When it comes to learning English vocabulary, the most important thing
you need to focus on are
example sentences because they help you to improve all your English skills — including vocabulary, listening, speaking, and writing.
If you want to speak English fluently, learn with your ears, not with your eyes
Learning English can be broken down into two parts: input and output. Input consists of reading and listening while output consists of writing and speaking. The more input you get, the more output you can produce. It’s that simple.
Here’s the little secret you probably don’t know yet:
Repetition is the secret to English fluency
If you want to quickly achieve fluency level — to speak English easily, fluently and automatically, you’ll need to do one more thing:
Learn deeply through lots of repetition.
It means that you will need to listen to every example sentence many, many times, until you MASTER it. Don’t listen just one time or a few times. It’s not enough. You will forget it very soon.
You may know how to use a word to make a correct sentence, but here’s the thing: Can you use it quickly, easily, and automatically?
If the answer is no, you need to repeat more. You must listen to that example sentence again and again.
Don’t ignore this simple secret. This is how you will achieve automatically fast speaking.
FREE English Lessons — 3000 Most Frequently Used Words in English
In the following section, you will find around 3000 free lessons for the 3000 most commonly used words in English. Each lesson consists of the definition (meaning) of the word, the audio pronunciation, and many example sentences with high-quality audio.
Listen to (and repeat) each lesson many times — and watch how fast your English speaking improves!
Enjoy the lessons!
P/S: Check out the Resources page for our recommended courses and lessons.
The words we’ve compiled here probably look familiar: they are the 100 most frequently written words in the English language. Many of the most frequently used words in English are important, fundamental parts of speech like articles, conjunctions, and prepositions.
If those terms sound like gobbledygook to you, or you haven’t heard them since third grade English class, we understand. So we’re going to give you a rundown of these frequently-used words and break down their parts of speech along the way. As an added bonus, we have some helpful suggestions for more interesting synonyms (or words with similar meanings) that you might want to try instead.
Note: this list doesn’t include multiple forms of the same word. For example, we have only included do, not does, doing, and did. Also, each of these words may have multiple meanings. We have listed them here by their most common part of speech. For example, the word this can be a pronoun, adjective, or adverb, depending on the context, but we have it listed under pronoun because that’s one of its most common uses.
Ready? Let’s go!
Most-used articles
An article denotes whether a noun is specific or unspecific. There are three articles in English, and they are some of the most frequently used words:
- the
- a
- an
Most-used verbs
A verb is a word that describes an action, state, or a relation between two things.
To be or not to be?
The verb to be and its various forms (is, am, were, etc.) is used constantly in writing and speech. It’s an important verb, to be sure (we just used it again), but be mindful of how often it pops up in your writing. Try substituting one of these alternatives:
- continue
- hold
- remain
- occur
- transpire
Helper (auxiliary) verbs
These overused verbs are used to create verb forms that indicate time or mood and are not usually found on their own.
- may
- can
- will
Action verbs
These frequently used verbs describe movements and actions. And these verbs, like to be, have a tendency to get overused. When you’re writing, instead of repeating these same verbs, mix it up with some of the synonyms we have suggested after each below:
- do: accomplish, prepare, resolve, work out
- say: suggest, disclose, answer
- go: continue, move, lead
- get: bring, attain, catch, become
- make: create, cause, prepare, invest
- know: understand, appreciate, experience, identify
- think: contemplate, remember, judge, consider
- take: accept, steal, buy, endure
- see: detect, comprehend, scan
- come: happen, appear, extend, occur
- want: choose, prefer, require, wish
- look: glance, notice, peer, read
- use: accept, apply, handle, work
- find: detect, discover, notice, uncover
- give: grant, award, issue
- tell: confess, explain, inform, reveal
Most-used adverbs
An adverb is a word that modifies verbs, clauses, adjectives, and other adverbs. For example, in the sentence I drove quickly, the word quickly is an adverb modifying the verb drove. The most common adverbs are:
- when
- now
- how
- also
- not
- as
- up
- here
- there
- so
- very
Instead of these typical adverbs, why not choose some of these more colorful alternatives?
- immediately
- initially
- additionally
- nearby
- extremely
- greatly
Most-used nouns
A noun is a word that describes a person, place, or thing. There are surprisingly few nouns in the top 100 most frequently written words in the English language. However, the nouns we do use most describe things that are fundamental:
- time
- year
- people
- day
- man
- thing
- woman
- work
- child
- life
- world
- way
- back
The thing about “thing”…
One of the most common nouns is thing. When you’re writing, you should try to avoid this word as much as possible! Nine times out of 10, thing can be replaced with a more accurate and precise description. For instance, instead of writing “We weren’t able to find the thing,” write, “We weren’t able to find the million-dollar treasure.” It is more clear, interesting, and compelling.
Most-used pronouns
A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. We use pronouns to avoid repeating the same nouns.
- I
- you
- your
- he
- she
- them
- their
- her
- him
- me
- my
- it
- its
- our
- these
- this
- that
- those
- who
- what
- which
Most-used adjectives
An adjective is a word that modifies, or describes, a noun or pronoun.
Is “good” really good enough?
One of the most frequently used adjectives is good. We think good is, well, not that good of a word. It’s boring! Instead of this common word, try one of these more illustrative synonyms next time:
- acceptable
- competent
- satisfying
- efficient
- adept
- honest
- sound
Other frequently used adjectives are not as easily replaced. Makes sense why they are used all the time then, right?
- all
- just
- even
- first
- many
- one
- two
- some
- like
- other
- more
- new
- any
- down
Most-used conjunctions
A conjunction is a word that links words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. These little words do important work, which helps explain why we rely on them so much.
Here are the most-used conjunctions:
- and
- or
- if
- because
- but
- than
Most-used prepositions
A preposition is a word that links one phrase to a phrase that is modifying or describing, it. Often it is used to describe the spatial or temporal relationships between things: in The book is on the table, the preposition on describes where the book is.
Here are some common prepositions:
- of
- in
- to
- for
- with
- on
- by
- out
- into
- about
There are around 150 prepositions or prepositional phrases in the English language. And many of them don’t get much use. Some prepositions you might want to try to spice up your writing are:
- atop
- astride
- notwithstanding
- vis-à-vis
- pursuant to
- based on
- by virtue of
When writing, keep this list in mind. Some words you can’t necessarily avoid—like prepositions and conjunctions—but, when it comes to verbs or adjectives, try to think outside of the box and pick words that might not get their time in the spotlight.
It will make your work more interesting to read—and build your vocabulary, too!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Studies that estimate and rank the most common words in English examine texts written in English. Perhaps the most comprehensive such analysis is one that was conducted against the Oxford English Corpus (OEC), a massive text corpus that is written in the English language.
In total, the texts in the Oxford English Corpus contain more than 2 billion words.[1] The OEC includes a wide variety of writing samples, such as literary works, novels, academic journals, newspapers, magazines, Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, blogs, chat logs, and emails.[2]
Another English corpus that has been used to study word frequency is the Brown Corpus, which was compiled by researchers at Brown University in the 1960s. The researchers published their analysis of the Brown Corpus in 1967. Their findings were similar, but not identical, to the findings of the OEC analysis.
According to The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists, the first 25 words in the OEC make up about one-third of all printed material in English, and the first 100 words make up about half of all written English.[3] According to a study cited by Robert McCrum in The Story of English, all of the first hundred of the most common words in English are of Old English origin,[4] except for «people», ultimately from Latin «populus», and «because», in part from Latin «causa».
Some lists of common words distinguish between word forms, while others rank all forms of a word as a single lexeme (the form of the word as it would appear in a dictionary). For example, the lexeme be (as in to be) comprises all its conjugations (is, was, am, are, were, etc.), and contractions of those conjugations.[5] These top 100 lemmas listed below account for 50% of all the words in the Oxford English Corpus.[1]
100 most common words
A list of 100 words that occur most frequently in written English is given below, based on an analysis of the Oxford English Corpus (a collection of texts in the English language, comprising over 2 billion words).[1] A part of speech is provided for most of the words, but part-of-speech categories vary between analyses, and not all possibilities are listed. For example, «I» may be a pronoun or a Roman numeral; «to» may be a preposition or an infinitive marker; «time» may be a noun or a verb. Also, a single spelling can represent more than one root word. For example, «singer» may be a form of either «sing» or «singe». Different corpora may treat such difference differently.
The number of distinct senses that are listed in Wiktionary is shown in the polysemy column. For example, «out» can refer to an escape, a removal from play in baseball, or any of 36 other concepts. On average, each word in the list has 15.38 senses. The sense count does not include the use of terms in phrasal verbs such as «put out» (as in «inconvenienced») and other multiword expressions such as the interjection «get out!», where the word «out» does not have an individual meaning.[6] As an example, «out» occurs in at least 560 phrasal verbs[7] and appears in nearly 1700 multiword expressions.[8]
The table also includes frequencies from other corpora. Note that as well as usage differences, lemmatisation may differ from corpus to corpus – for example splitting the prepositional use of «to» from the use as a particle. Also the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) list includes dispersion as well as frequency to calculate rank.
Word | Parts of speech | OEC rank | COCA rank[9] | Dolch level | Polysemy |
the | Article | 1 | 1 | Pre-primer | 12 |
be | Verb | 2 | 2 | Primer | 21 |
to | Preposition | 3 | 7, 9 | Pre-primer | 17 |
of | Preposition | 4 | 4 | Grade 1 | 12 |
and | Conjunction | 5 | 3 | Pre-primer | 16 |
a | Article | 6 | 5 | Pre-primer | 20 |
in | Preposition | 7 | 6, 128, 3038 | Pre-primer | 23 |
that | Conjunction et al. | 8 | 12, 27, 903 | Primer | 17 |
have | Verb | 9 | 8 | Primer | 25 |
I | Pronoun | 10 | 11 | Pre-primer | 7 |
it | Pronoun | 11 | 10 | Pre-primer | 18 |
for | Preposition | 12 | 13, 2339 | Pre-primer | 19 |
not | Adverb et al. | 13 | 28, 2929 | Pre-primer | 5 |
on | Preposition | 14 | 17, 155 | Primer | 43 |
with | Preposition | 15 | 16 | Primer | 11 |
he | Pronoun | 16 | 15 | Primer | 7 |
as | Adverb, conjunction, et al. | 17 | 33, 49, 129 | Grade 1 | 17 |
you | Pronoun | 18 | 14 | Pre-primer | 9 |
do | Verb, noun | 19 | 18 | Primer | 38 |
at | Preposition | 20 | 22 | Primer | 14 |
this | Determiner, adverb, noun | 21 | 20, 4665 | Primer | 9 |
but | Preposition, adverb, conjunction | 22 | 23, 1715 | Primer | 17 |
his | Possessive pronoun | 23 | 25, 1887 | Grade 1 | 6 |
by | Preposition | 24 | 30, 1190 | Grade 1 | 19 |
from | Preposition | 25 | 26 | Grade 1 | 4 |
they | Pronoun | 26 | 21 | Primer | 6 |
we | Pronoun | 27 | 24 | Pre-primer | 6 |
say | Verb et al. | 28 | 19 | Primer | 17 |
her | Possessive pronoun | 29, 106 | 42 | Grade 1 | 3 |
she | Pronoun | 30 | 31 | Primer | 7 |
or | Conjunction | 31 | 32 | Grade 2 | 11 |
an | Article | 32 | (a) | Grade 1 | 6 |
will | Verb, noun | 33 | 48, 1506 | Primer | 16 |
my | Possessive pronoun | 34 | 44 | Pre-primer | 5 |
one | Noun, adjective, et al. | 35 | 51, 104, 839 | Pre-primer | 24 |
all | Adjective | 36 | 43, 222 | Primer | 15 |
would | Verb | 37 | 41 | Grade 2 | 13 |
there | Adverb, pronoun, et al. | 38 | 53, 116 | Primer | 14 |
their | Possessive pronoun | 39 | 36 | Grade 2 | 2 |
what | Pronoun, adverb, et al. | 40 | 34 | Primer | 19 |
so | Conjunction, adverb, et al. | 41 | 55, 196 | Primer | 18 |
up | Adverb, preposition, et al. | 42 | 50, 456 | Pre-primer | 50 |
out | Preposition | 43 | 64, 149 | Primer | 38 |
if | Conjunction | 44 | 40 | Grade 3 | 9 |
about | Preposition, adverb, et al. | 45 | 46, 179 | Grade 3 | 18 |
who | Pronoun, noun | 46 | 38 | Primer | 5 |
get | Verb | 47 | 39 | Primer | 37 |
which | Pronoun | 48 | 58 | Grade 2 | 7 |
go | Verb, noun | 49 | 35 | Pre-primer | 54 |
me | Pronoun | 50 | 61 | Pre-primer | 10 |
when | Adverb | 51 | 57, 136 | Grade 1 | 11 |
make | Verb, noun | 52 | 45 | Grade 2 [as «made»] | 48 |
can | Verb, noun | 53 | 37, 2973 | Pre-primer | 18 |
like | Preposition, verb | 54 | 74, 208, 1123, 1684, 2702 | Primer | 26 |
time | Noun | 55 | 52 | Dolch list of 95 nouns | 14 |
no | Determiner, adverb | 56 | 93, 699, 916, 1111, 4555 | Primer | 10 |
just | Adjective | 57 | 66, 1823 | 14 | |
him | Pronoun | 58 | 68 | 5 | |
know | Verb, noun | 59 | 47 | 13 | |
take | Verb, noun | 60 | 63 | 66 | |
people | Noun | 61 | 62 | 9 | |
into | Preposition | 62 | 65 | 10 | |
year | Noun | 63 | 54 | 7 | |
your | Possessive pronoun | 64 | 69 | 4 | |
good | Adjective | 65 | 110, 2280 | 32 | |
some | Determiner, pronoun | 66 | 60 | 10 | |
could | Verb | 67 | 71 | 6 | |
them | Pronoun | 68 | 59 | 3 | |
see | Verb | 69 | 67 | 25 | |
other | Adjective, pronoun | 70 | 75, 715, 2355 | 12 | |
than | Conjunction, preposition | 71 | 73, 712 | 4 | |
then | Adverb | 72 | 77 | 10 | |
now | Preposition | 73 | 72, 1906 | 13 | |
look | Verb | 74 | 85, 604 | 17 | |
only | Adverb | 75 | 101, 329 | 11 | |
come | Verb | 76 | 70 | 20 | |
its | Possessive pronoun | 77 | 78 | 2 | |
over | Preposition | 78 | 124, 182 | 19 | |
think | Verb | 79 | 56 | 10 | |
also | Adverb | 80 | 87 | 2 | |
back | Noun, adverb | 81 | 108, 323, 1877 | 36 | |
after | Preposition | 82 | 120, 260 | 14 | |
use | Verb, noun | 83 | 92, 429 | 17 | |
two | Noun | 84 | 80 | 6 | |
how | Adverb | 85 | 76 | 11 | |
our | Possessive pronoun | 86 | 79 | 3 | |
work | Verb, noun | 87 | 117, 199 | 28 | |
first | Adjective | 88 | 86, 2064 | 10 | |
well | Adverb | 89 | 100, 644 | 30 | |
way | Noun, adverb | 90 | 84, 4090 | 16 | |
even | Adjective | 91 | 107, 484 | 23 | |
new | Adjective et al. | 92 | 88 | 18 | |
want | Verb | 93 | 83 | 10 | |
because | Conjunction | 94 | 89, 509 | 7 | |
any | Pronoun | 95 | 109, 4720 | 4 | |
these | Pronoun | 96 | 82 | 2 | |
give | Verb | 97 | 98 | 19 | |
day | Noun | 98 | 90 | 9 | |
most | Adverb | 99 | 144, 187 | 12 | |
us | Pronoun | 100 | 113 | 6 |
Parts of speech
The following is a very similar list, subdivided by part of speech.[1] The list labeled «Others» includes pronouns, possessives, articles, modal verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions.
Rank | Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Prepositions | Others |
1 | time | be | good | to | the |
2 | person | have | new | of | and |
3 | year | do | first | in | a |
4 | way | say | last | for | that |
5 | day | get | long | on | I |
6 | thing | make | great | with | it |
7 | man | go | little | at | not |
8 | world | know | own | by | he |
9 | life | take | other | from | as |
10 | hand | see | old | up | you |
11 | part | come | right | about | this |
12 | child | think | big | into | but |
13 | eye | look | high | over | his |
14 | woman | want | different | after | they |
15 | place | give | small | her | |
16 | work | use | large | she | |
17 | week | find | next | or | |
18 | case | tell | early | an | |
19 | point | ask | young | will | |
20 | government | work | important | my | |
21 | company | seem | few | one | |
22 | number | feel | public | all | |
23 | group | try | bad | would | |
24 | problem | leave | same | there | |
25 | fact | call | able | their |
See also
- Basic English
- Frequency analysis, the study of the frequency of letters or groups of letters
- Letter frequencies
- Oxford English Corpus
- Swadesh list, a compilation of basic concepts for the purpose of historical-comparative linguistics
- Zipf’s law, a theory stating that the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in a frequency table
Word lists
- Dolch Word List, a list of frequently used English words
- General Service List
- Word lists by frequency
- ^ a b c d «The Oxford English Corpus: Facts about the language». OxfordDictionaries.com. Oxford University Press. What is the commonest word?. Archived from the original on December 26, 2011. Retrieved June 22, 2011.
- ^ «The Oxford English Corpus». AskOxford.com. Archived from the original on May 4, 2006. Retrieved June 22, 2006.
- ^ The First 100 Most Commonly Used English Words Archived 2013-06-16 at the Wayback Machine.
- ^ Bill Bryson, The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way, Harper Perennial, 2001, page 58
- ^ Benjamin Zimmer. June 22, 2006. Time after time after time…. Language Log. Retrieved June 22, 2006.
- ^ Benjamin, Martin (2019). «Polysemy in top 100 Oxford English Corpus words within Wiktionary». Teach You Backwards. Retrieved December 28, 2019.
- ^ Garcia-Vega, M (2010). «Teasing out the meaning of «out»«. 29th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar.
- ^ «out — English-French Dictionary». www.wordreference.com. Retrieved November 22, 2022.
- ^ «Word frequency: based on 450 million word COCA corpus». www.wordfrequency.info. Retrieved April 11, 2018.
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3,000 Core Vocabulary Words
Our editors have identified 3,000 English words that are most important to know. Study this list to improve your vocabulary.
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- 100 Essential Words for the TOEFL: 100 must-have words to study for the TOEFL test
- Sports: Words for popular American sports
- Air Travel: Useful words for traveling on airplanes and through airports
- The Environment: Vocabulary related to environmental science and climate change
- Family members: Relatives and other important people
- Jobs/Professions: Types of jobs and careers
- Legal English: Vocabulary for court trials and other legal proceedings
- Words for emotions: Different feelings that people have
- Parts of the Body : External parts of the human body
- Noncount nouns: Nouns that cannot be counted or be plural
- Time adverbs: Words that tell when and how often
- Health: Words for common medical problems
- Personality types: Adjectives that describe behavior and personality
- Periods of time: Long and short amounts of time
- Employment: Words for work in a company
- Academic writing: About the structure and content of academic writing
- College and university life: Vocabulary for college and university students
- Economics: Concepts in economics
- Weather: Terms that describe weather conditions
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