Most used word english dictionary

# word transcription translation
1 able [‘eibl] способный
2 about [ə’baut] около; о, об
3 above [ə’bʌv] наверху
4 account [ə’kaunt] счёт (в банке)
5 across [ə’krɔs] через, сквозь
6 act [ækt] действовать
7 action [‘ækʃ(ə)n] действие
8 actually [æktʃuəli] фактически
9 add [æd] прибавлять
10 affair [ə’fзə] мероприятие
11 afraid [ə:freid] бояться
12 after [‘a:ftə] после
13 afternoon [a:ftə’nu:n] после полудня
14 again [ə’gein] опять, снова
15 against [ə’gen(t)st] против
16 ago [ə’gəu] тому назад
17 agree [ə’gri:] соглашаться
18 ahead [ə’hed] вперёд
19 air [ɛə] воздух
20 alive [ə’laiv] живой
21 all [ɔ:l] все, всё
22 allow [ə’lau] позволять
23 almost [‘ɔ:lməust] почти
24 alone [ə’ləun] единственный
25 along [ə’lɔŋ] вдоль
26 already [ɔ:l’redi] уже
27 also [‘ɔ:lsəu] тоже, также
28 although [ɔ:l’ðəu] хотя, если бы даже
29 always [‘ɔ:lweiz] всегда
30 american [əmerikən] американский
31 among [ə’mʌŋ] между, посреди
32 and [ænd] и
33 animal [‘ænim(ə)l] животное
34 another [ə’nʌðə] другой
35 answer [‘a:n(t)sə] ответ, отвечать
36 any [‘eni] любой
37 anyone [‘eniwʌn] кто угодно
38 anything [‘eniθiŋ] что-нибудь
39 anyway [‘enivei] в любом случае
40 appear [ə’piə] появляться
41 are [a:(r)] мн. ч. наст. врем. гл. to be
42 arm [a:m] рука;
43 around [ə’raund] кругом, вокруг; поблизости
44 arrive [ə’raiv] прибывать
45 art [a:t] искусство
46 as [æz] как, когда
47 ask [a:sk] спрашивать
48 ass [æs] задница
49 at [æt] около, у; в, на
50 attention [ə’ten(t)ʃ(ə)n] внимание
51 aware [ə’wɛə] осведомлённый
52 away [ə’wei] далеко; прочь
53 baby [‘beibi] ребёнок, младенец
54 back [bæk] спина, задний
55 bad [bæd] плохой
56 bag [bæg] мешок; сумка
57 ball [bɔ:l] мяч, шар, бал, танцы
58 bank [bæŋk] банк
59 bar [ba:] брусок, бар, прилавок, батончик (шоколада)
60 beautiful [‘bju:təful] красивый
61 beauty [‘bju:ti] красота
62 beaver [bi:və] бобёр
63 became [bi’keim] становился
64 because [bi:kɔz] потому что
65 bed [bed] кровать
66 been able в состоянии (способен)
67 before [bi’fɔ:] прежде
68 beginning [bi’giniŋ] начало
69 behind [bi’haind] за; сзади
70 being [‘bi:iŋ] существование
71 believe [bi’li:v] верить
72 below [bi’ləu] внизу, ниже
73 beneath [bi’ni:θ] под
74 beside [bi’said] рядом с
75 best [best] наилучший
76 better [‘betə] лучше
77 between [bi’twi:n] между
78 beyond [bi’jɔnd] за, по ту сторону
79 big [big] большой
80 bill [bil] счёт, законопроект, клюв
81 bird [bз:d] птица
82 bit [bit] кусочек
83 black [blæk] черный
84 block [blɔk] квартал (города), заграждать, преграждать
85 blood [blʌd] кровь
86 blue [blu:] синий
87 board [bɔ:d] доска
88 boat [bəut] лодка
89 body [‘bɔdy] тело
90 bone [bəun] кость
91 book [buk] книга
92 boss [bɔs] хозяин
93 both [bəuθ] оба
94 bottle [‘bɔtl] бутылка
95 box [bɔks] коробка
96 boy [bɔi] мальчик
97 brain [brein] мозг
98 break [breik] ломать, перерыв, пауза
99 breath [breθ] дыхание
100 bright [brait] блестящий
101 bring [briŋ] приносить, привозить
102 brother [‘brʌðə] брат
103 brown [braun] коричневый
104 brutal [‘bru:tl] брутальный
105 building [‘bildiŋ] постройка, сооружение
106 business [‘biznis] дело
107 but [bʌt] но, а
108 by [bai] у, около
109 call [kɔ:l] звать
110 cannot [‘kænɔt] не могу
111 car [ka:] автомобиль
112 card [ka:d] карточка
113 care [kɛə] забота, беспокоиться
114 carefully [‘kзəfuli] внимательно
116 carry [‘kæri] нести, носить
117 case [keis] случай
118 cause [kɔ:z] причина
119 center [‘sentə] центр
120 certain [‘sз:t(ə)n] определённый
121 certainly [‘sз:t(ə)nli] конечно
122 chair [tʃɛə] стул
123 chance [tʃa:n(t)s] шанс
124 change [tʃeindʒ] менять
125 chapter [tʃæptə] глава (книги)
126 charge [tʃa:dʒ] заряжать
127 check [tʃek] проверять
128 cheek [tʃi:k] щека
129 chest [tʃest] сундук
130 child [tʃaild] ребёнок
131 children [‘tʃildr(ə)n] дети
133 cigarette [sig(ə)’ret] сигарета
134 circle [‘sз:kl] круг
135 city [‘siti] город
136 clean [kli:n] чистый
137 clear [kliə] ясно, чистый
138 clock [klɔk] часы
139 close [kləuz] близкий; закрывать(ся)
140 clothes [kləuðz] одежда
141 cloud [klaud] облако
142 cold [kəuld] холодный
143 color [‘kʌlə] цвет
144 coming [‘kʌmiŋ] прибытие
145 common [‘kɔmən] общий
146 company [‘kʌmpəni] компания
147 concern [kən’sз:n] беспокойство
148 consider [kən’sidə] полагать
149 continue [kən’tinju:] продолжать
150 control [kən’trəul] контроль
151 conversation [kɔnvə’seiʃ(ə)n] беседа
152 cool [ku:l] прохладный, клёвый
153 corner [‘kɔ:nə] угол
154 could [kud] мог, умел
155 count [kaunt] счёт, считать
156 country [‘kʌntri] страна
157 couple [‘kʌpl] пара
158 course [kɔ:s] курс
159 cover [‘kʌvə] накрывать, обложка
160 crazy [‘kreizi] сумасшедший
161 creature [‘kri:tʃə] создание, творение
162 cross [krɔs] крест, пересекать
163 crowd [kraud] толпа
164 cry [krai] плакать
165 dad [dæd] папа
166 damn [dæm] ругательство
167 danger [‘deindʒə] опасность
168 dark [da:k] тёмный
169 darkness [‘da:knəs] темнота
170 daughter [‘dɔ:tə] дочь
171 day [dei] день
172 dead [ded] мертвый
173 deal [di:l] сделка
174 dear [diə] дорогой
175 death [deθ] смерть
176 decide [di’said] принимать решение
177 deep [di:p] глубокий
178 desire [di’zaiə] желать
179 desk [desk] парта
181 die [dai] умирать
182 different [‘dif(ə)r(ə)nt] другой
183 dinner [‘dinə] обед, обедать
184 direction [di’rekʃ(ə)n] направление
185 discover [di’skʌvə] обнаруживать
186 distance [‘dist(ə)n(t)s] дистанция
187 doctor [‘dɔktə] доктор
188 dog [dɔg] собака
189 doing [‘du:iŋ] дела, действие
190 dollar [‘dɔlə] доллар
191 door [dɔ:] дверь
192 doubt [daut] сомнение, сомневаться
193 down [daun] вниз, внизу
194 dozen [‘dʌz(ə)n] дюжина
195 dream [dri:m] мечта, сон
196 dress [dres] одежда, платье
197 during [‘djuəriŋ] в течение
198 each [i:tʃ] каждый
199 ear [iə] ухо
200 early [‘з:li] рано
201 earth [з:θ] земля
202 easily [‘i:zili] легко
203 east [i:st] восток
205 easy [‘i:zi] легкий
207 eating [‘i:tiŋ] принятие пищи
208 edge [edʒ] край
209 effort [‘efət] попытка
210 eight [eit] восемь
211 either [‘aiðə] один из двух
212 else [els] ещё
213 empty [’empti] пустой
214 end [end] конец; кончать(ся)
215 enemy [‘enəmi] враг, вражеский
216 enjoy [in’dʒɔi] наслаждаться
217 enough [i’nʌf] достаточно
218 enter [‘entə] вход, входить
220 escape [es’keip] спасаться бегством
222 especially [is’peʃ(ə)li] особенно
223 even [‘i:v(ə)n] даже
224 evening [‘i:vniŋ] вечер
225 ever [‘evə] когда-либо
226 every [‘evri] каждый
227 everybody [‘evribɔdi] каждый
228 everything [‘evriθiŋ] всё
229 evil [‘i:vil] зло
230 exactly [ig’zæktli] в точности
231 except [ik’sept] за исключением
232 expect [ik’spekt] ожидать
233 experience [ik’spiəriən(t)s] опыт
234 explain [ik’splein] объяснять
235 expression [ik’spreʃ(ə)n] выражение
236 eye [ai] глаз
237 face [feis] лицо
238 fact [fækt] факт
239 faint [feint] вялый
240 fair [fɛə] справедливый
241 family [‘fæm(ə)li] семья
242 fang [fæŋ] клык, крюк
243 far [fa:] далеко
244 fast [fast] быстрый
245 fat [fæt] жирный
246 father [‘fa:ðə] отец
247 fear [fiə] страх
248 feeling [‘fi:liŋ] чувство
249 feet [fi:t] ноги
250 fellow [‘feləu] человек, парень
251 felt [felt] чувствовал, войлок
252 few [fju:] немного
253 field [fi:ld] поле
254 fifty [‘fifti] пятьдесят
255 figure [‘figə] фигура
256 fill [fil] наполнять
257 finally [‘fain(ə)li] окончательно
258 fine [fain] отлично
259 finger [‘fiŋgə] палец (на руке)
260 finish [‘finiʃ] конец, заканчивать
261 fire [‘faiə] огонь; стрелять; зажигать
262 first [fз:st] первый
263 five [faiv] пять
264 fix [fiks] исправлять
265 flash [flæʃ] вспышка
266 flat [flæt] плоский, квартира
267 floor [flɔ:] пол; этаж
268 flower [‘flauə] цветок
269 fly [flai] муха, полёт
270 folk [fəuk] народ
271 follow [‘fɔləu] следовать (за)
272 following [‘fɔləuiŋ] следующий
273 food [fu:d] пища
274 foot [fut] ступня
275 for [fɔ:] для
276 force [fɔ:s] сила
277 form [fɔ:m] форма, вид
278 forth [fɔ:θ] вперёд, дальше
279 forty [‘fɔ:ti] сорок
280 forward [‘fɔ:wəd] вперёд
281 four [fɔ:] четыре
282 free [fri] свободный
283 fresh [freʃ] свежий
284 friend [frend] друг
285 from [frɔm] от, из, с
286 front [trʌnt] передний
287 full [ful] полный
288 funny [‘fʌni] смешной
289 further [‘fз:ðə] дальше
290 gain [gein] зарабатывать
291 game [geim] игра
292 gate [geit] ворота
293 general [‘dʒen(ə)r(ə)l] основной, генерал
294 girl [gз:l] девушка
295 glad [glæd] рад
296 glance [gla:n(t)s] сверкнуть
297 glass [gla:s] стекло, стакан
298 God [gɔd] Бог
299 goes [gəuz] идёт
300 going [‘gəiŋ] собираться (что-л. сделать)
301 gonna [‘g(ə)nə] собираться (что-л. сделать)
302 gold [gəuld] золото
303 good [gud] хороший
304 grab [græb] хватать
305 grass [gra:s] трава
306 gray [grei] серый, седой
307 great [greit] большой, великий
308 green [gri:n] зелёный
309 grey [grei] серый, седой, пасмурный
310 grin [grin] ухмыляться
311 ground [graund] земля
312 group [gru:p] группа
313 growing [‘grəuiŋ] выращивание
314 guard [ga:d] охрана
315 guess [ges] догадываться
316 gun [gʌn] пистолет
317 guy [gai] парень
318 hair [hɛə] волосы
319 half [ha:f] половина
320 hall [hɔ:l] фойе
321 ham [hæm] ветчина
323 han [hæn] китаец; китаянка
326 hand [hænd] рука
330 happen [‘hæp(ə)n] случаться
331 happy [‘hæpi] счастливый
332 hard [ha:d] твёрдый
333 hardly [‘ha:dli] едва
334 has [hæz] имел, имела
335 hat [hæt] шляпа
336 hate [heit] ненависть, ненавидеть
337 haven [‘heiv(ə)n] порт
338 having [‘hæviŋ] владение
339 he [hi:] он
340 head [hed] голова
343 heart [ha:t] сердце
344 heavy [‘hevi] тяжёлый
345 hell [hel] ад
346 hello [‘he’ləu] привет! алло!
347 help [help] помощь; помогать
348 her [hз:] её
349 here [hiə] здесь, тут
350 herself [hз:’self] себя, себе, собой
351 hey [hei] привет
352 hi [hai] привет
353 high [hai] высокий
354 hill [hil] холм
355 him [him] его
356 himself [him’self] себя; сам
357 his [hiz] его
359 history [‘hist(ə)ri] история
360 holding [‘həuldiŋ] вклад
361 hole [həul] дыра
362 home [həum] дом
363 hope [həup] надежда, надеяться
364 horse [hɔ:s] лошадь
365 hospital [‘hɔspit(ə)l] больница
366 hot [hɔt] горячий
367 hour [auə] час
368 house [haus] дом
369 how [hau] как
370 however [hau’evə] тем не менее
371 huge [hju:dʒ] огромный
373 human [‘hju:mən] людской
374 hundred [‘hʌndrid] сто
375 hurry [‘hʌri] спешить, спешка
376 husband [‘hʌzbənd] муж
377 I [ʌi] я
378 idea [ai:diə] идея; мысль
379 if [if] если
380 imagine [i’mædʒin] воображать
381 immediately [i’mi:diətli] немедленно
382 important [in’pɔ:t(ə)nt] важный
383 impossible [im’pɔsədl] невозможный
384 in [in] в
385 indeed [in’di:d] в самом деле
386 inside [in’said] внутри
387 instead [in’stead] вместо
388 interest [‘int(ə)rəst] интерес
389 interior [in’tiəriə] внутренний
390 into [‘intu:] в
391 is [iz] 3- е л. ед. ч. наст. врем. гл. to be
392 it [it] он, она, оно; это
393 its [its] его, её (о предмете)
394 itself [it’self] себя, себе, сам
395 job [dʒɔb] работа
396 join [dʒɔin] присоединяться
398 jump [dʒʌmp] прыгать
399 just [dʒʌst] только что
400 key [ki:] ключ, клавиша, кнопка
401 kid [kid] ребёнок
402 kill [kil] убивать
403 kind [kaind] сорт, класс
404 king [kiŋ] король
405 kiss [kis] целовать, поцелуй
406 kitchen [‘kitʃin] кухня
407 knee [ni:] колено
408 knock [nɔk] стучать
409 knowing [‘nəuiŋ] знание
410 lady [‘leidi] леди
411 lake [leik] озеро
412 land [lænd] земля
413 large [la:dʒ] крупный
414 last [la:st] последний
415 late [leit] поздно
416 later [‘leitə’] позже
417 laugh [la:f] смеяться
418 laughing [‘la:fiŋ] смех
419 law [lɔ:] закон
420 leader [‘li:də] руководитель
421 least [li:st] минимальный
422 leaving [liviŋ] предоставление
423 left [left] левый, налево, уехал
424 leg [leg] нога (от бедра до ступни)
425 less [les] меньше
426 letter [‘letə] буква
427 library [‘laibr(ə)ri] библиотека
428 lie [lai] ложь, лгать
429 life [laif] жизнь
430 light [lait] свет; легкий
431 like [laik] похожий; как, нравиться
432 likely [‘laikli] вероятный
433 line [lain] линия
434 lip [lip] губа
435 listen [‘lis(ə)n] слушать
436 little [‘litl] маленький
437 live [liv] жить
438 living [‘liviŋ] образ жизни
439 lock [lɔk] локон, замок
440 long [lɔŋ] длинный; долго
441 longer [lɔŋgə] дольше
442 look [luk] взгляд, смотреть
443 looking [‘lukiŋ] смотреть
444 lord [lɔ:d] господин
445 lot [lot] жребий. лот
446 loud [laud] громкий
447 love [lʌv] любовь, любить
448 low [ləu] низкий
449 lower [‘ləuə] нижний
450 lying [‘laiiŋ] ложный
451 machine [mə’ʃi:n] машина
452 mad [mæd] сумасшедший
453 main [mein] основное
454 making [‘meikiŋ] создание
455 man [mæn] человек, мужчина
456 manage [‘mænidʒ] руководить, управлять
457 manner [‘mænə] манера
458 many [‘meni] много
459 mark [ma:k] марка, маркировать
460 marriage [‘mæridʒ] брак
461 marry [‘mæri] жениться
462 master [‘ma:stə] главный
463 matter [mætə] материал, иметь значение
464 maybe [‘meibi] может быть
465 me [mi:] мне, меня
466 memory [‘mem(ə)ri] память
467 men [men] люди, мужчины
468 mention [‘menʃ(ə)n] упоминание
469 merry [‘meri] весёлый
470 middle [‘midi] середина
471 mile [mail] миля
472 million [‘miljən] миллион
473 mind [maind] разум
474 mine [main] мой, рудник, мина
475 minute [‘minit] минута
476 miss [mis] потеря, утрата
477 moment [‘məumənt] момент
478 money [‘mʌni] деньги
479 monster [‘mɔn(t)stə] монстр
480 month [mʌnθ] месяц
481 moon [mu:n] луна
482 more [mɔ:] больше
483 morning [mɔ:niŋ] утро
484 most [məust] наибольший
485 mostly [‘məustli] по большей части
486 mother [‘mʌðə] мать
487 mountain [‘mauntin] гора
488 mouth [mauθ] рот
489 move [mu:v] двигать(ся)
490 movie [‘mu:vi] фильм
491 moving [‘mu:viŋ] движение
492 much [mʌtʃ] много
493 murder [‘mз:də] убийство
494 music [‘mju:zik] музыка
495 must [mʌst] должен
496 my [mai] мой
497 myself [mai’self] себя
498 name [neim] имя; название
499 natural [nætʃ(ə)r(ə)l] естественный, природный
500 nature [‘neitʃə] природа
501 near [niə] возле, ближний
502 nearly [‘niəli] близко
503 neck [nek] шея
504 need [ni:d] нуждаться
505 neither [naiðə] ни тот, ни другой
506 never [‘nevə] никогда
507 new [nju:] новый
508 news [nju:z] новости
509 next [nekst] следующий
510 nice [nais] милый
511 night [nait] ночь
512 nine [nain] девять
513 no [nəu] нет, не
514 nod [nɔd] кивок, кивать
515 none [nʌn] никто
516 nor [nɔ:] также не
517 north [nɔ:θ] север
518 nose [nəuz] нос
519 not [nɔt] не, нет; ни
520 note [nəut] заметка, запись
521 nothing [‘nʌθiŋ] ничего
522 notice [‘nəutis] уведомление, замечать
523 now [nau] сейчас
524 number [‘nʌmbə] число
525 of [ɔv] из, от, о, об
526 off [ɔv] с, от
527 offer [‘ɔfə] предлагать
528 office [‘ɔfis] офис
529 often [‘of(t)(ə)n] часто
530 okay или OK [əu’kei] ладно
531 old [əuld] старый
532 on [ɔn] на
533 once [wʌn(t)s] однажды
534 one [wʌn] один
535 only [‘əunli] только
536 onto [‘ɔntu:] на; в
537 open [‘əup(ə)n] открывать(ся)
538 or [ɔ:] или
539 order [‘ɔ:də] порядок
540 other [‘ʌðə] иной
541 ought [ɔ:t] выражает долженствование
542 our [‘auə] наш
543 out [aut] вне, снаружи
544 outside [,aut’said] внешняя, наружная часть
545 over [‘əuvə] над; свыше
546 own [əun] свой; владеть
547 pack [pæk] пачка, упаковывать
548 page [peidʒ] страница
549 pain [pein] боль
550 pale [peil] бледный, бледнеть
551 paper [‘peipə] бумага
552 park [pa:k] парк, парковка
553 part [pa:t] часть
554 party [‘pa:ti] партия, вечеринка
555 pass [pa:s] передавать
556 past [pa:st] прошлое
557 path [pa:θ] тропинка
558 pause [pɔ:z] пауза
559 people [‘pi:pl] люди
560 perfect [‘pз:fikt] совершенный
561 perhaps [pə’hæps] может быть
562 person [‘pз:s(ə)n] человек
563 phone [fəun] телефон
564 pick [pik] собирать; рвать
565 picture [‘piktʃə] картина, фотография
566 piece [pi:s] кусок
567 place [pleis] место; помещать
568 plan [plæn] план, планировать
569 play [plei] играть, игра
570 playing [pleiŋ] игральный
571 please [pli:z] пожалуйста, угодить
572 pleasure [‘plezə] удовольствие
573 pocket [‘pɔkit] карман
574 point [pɔint] острие; точка; смысл
575 police [pə’li:s] полиция
576 poor [puə] бедный
577 position [pə’ziʃ(ə)n] местоположение
578 possible [‘pɔsəbl] возможный
579 post [pəust] почта
580 power [pauə] сила (мощь)
581 present [prez(ə)nt] настоящее время
582 press [pres] жать, пресса
583 pretty [‘priti] прелестный
584 probably [‘prɔbəbli] наверное
585 problem [‘prɔbləm] проблема
586 professor [prə’fesə] профессор
587 project [‘prɔdʒekt] проект
588 promise [‘prɔmis] обещание, обещать
589 public [‘rʌblik] общественный, публика
590 pull [pul] тянуть
591 purpose [‘pз:pəs] намерение
592 push [ruʃ] толкать
593 quarter [‘kwɔ:tə] четверть
594 question [‘kwestʃən] вопрос
595 quick [kwik] быстрый
596 quickly [‘kwikli] быстро
597 quiet [‘kwaiət] тихий
598 quite [kwait] вполне
599 radio [‘reidiəu] радио
600 rain [rein] дождь
601 raise [reiz] поднимать
602 rather [‘ra:ðə] охотнее
603 reach [ri:tʃ] достигать
604 reading [‘ri:diŋ] чтение
605 ready [‘redi] готовый
606 real [riəl] реальный
607 realize [‘riəlaiz] выполнять
608 really [‘riəli] действительно
609 reason [‘ri:z(ə)n] причина
610 red [red] красный
611 remain [ri’mein] оставаться
612 remember [ri’membə] помнить
613 reply [ri’plai] отклик
614 report [ri’pɔ:t] доклад, докладывать
615 rest [rest] отдых, отдыхать
616 retrieve [ri’tri:v] отыскать, поиск
617 return [ri’tз:n] возвращаться
618 rich [ritʃ] богатый
619 right [rait] правый; верно
620 ring [riŋ] кольцо, ринг, звенеть
621 river [‘rivə] река
622 road [rəud] дорога
623 rock [rɔk] скала, камень
624 roll [rəul] катиться
625 room [ru:m] комната
626 rose [rəuz] роза, розовый
627 round [raund] круглый
628 running [‘rʌniŋ] бегающий
629 rush [rʌʃ] бросаться, мчаться
630 russian [‘rʌʃ(ə)n] русский
631 safe [seif] безопасный
632 same [seim] тот же самый
633 save [seiv] спасать
634 saw [sɔ:] видел, пила
635 saying [‘seiiŋ] поговорка
636 scare [skɛə] пугать; испугать
637 school [sku:l] школа
638 scream [skri:m] крик, вопить
639 sea [si:] море
640 seat [si:t] сиденье
641 second [‘sek(ə)nd] секунда; второй
642 secret [‘si:krət] секрет, тайна
643 seeing [‘si:iŋ] видение
644 seem [si:m] казаться
645 self [self] сам
646 sense [sen(t)s] чувство
647 service [‘sз:vis] служба
648 set [set] комплект
649 settle [‘setl] поселиться
650 seven [‘sev(ə)n] семь
651 several [‘sev(ə)r(ə)l] несколько
652 shadow [‘ʃædəu] тень
653 shall [ʃæl] вспомогательный и модальный глагол
654 shape [ʃeip] очертание
655 sharp [ʃa:p] острый, ровно
656 she [ʃi:] она
657 ship [ʃip] корабль
658 shirt [ʃз:t] рубашка
659 shit [ʃit] дерьмо
660 shock [ʃɔk] шок
661 shoe [ʃu:] ботинок
662 shot [ʃɔt] выстрел
663 should [ʃud] 1) вспом. глагол; 2) должен, следует
664 shoulder [‘ʃəuldə] плечо
665 shout [ʃaut] кричать
666 show [ʃəu] показ; показывать
667 shut [ʃʌt] закрывать
668 sick [sik] больной
669 side [said] сторона
670 sight [sait] зрение, вид
671 sign [sain] знак; символ, подписывать
672 silence [‘sailən(t)s] тишина
673 silent [‘sailənt] безмолвный
674 silver [‘silvə] серебро, серебряный
675 simple [‘simpl] простой
676 simply [‘simpli] просто
677 since [sin(t)s] с тех пор
678 single [‘siŋgl] единственный
679 sir [sз:] сэр
680 sister [‘sistə] сестра
681 sitting [‘sitiŋ] заседание
682 situation [sitʃu’eiʃ(ə)n] положение, ситуация
683 six [siks] шесть
684 skin [skin] кожа
685 sky [skai] небо
686 slow [sləu] медленный
687 slowly [‘sləuli] медленно
688 small [smɔ:l] маленький
689 smell [smel] запах
690 smile [smail] улыбка; улыбаться
691 smiling [smailiŋ] улыбается
692 smoke [sməuk] курение, дым
693 snow [snəu] снег
694 so [səu] так
695 soft [sɔft] мягкий
696 some [sʌm] несколько
697 somehow [‘sʌmhau] как-то
698 someone [‘sʌmwʌn] кто-то
699 something [‘sʌmθiŋ] что-то
700 sometimes [sʌmtaimz] иногда
701 somewhere [‘sʌmwɛə] где-то
702 son [sʌn] сын
703 song [sɔŋ] песня
704 sonny [‘sʌni] сынок
705 soon [su:n] вскоре
706 sorry [‘sɔri] сожалеющий
707 sort [sɔ:t] сорт
708 soul [səul] душа
709 sound [saund] звук
710 south [sauθ] юг
711 space [speis] пространство
712 speaking [‘spi:kiŋ] беседа, говорящий
713 special [‘spe?(?)l] особенный, специальный
714 spirit [‘spirit] дух
715 spot [spɔt] пятно
716 stand [stænd] стоять; ставить
717 standing [‘stændiŋ] ранг, стоящий
718 star [sta:] звезда
719 stare [stɛə] уставиться
720 start [sta:t] начало; начинать(ся)
721 state [steit] государство, штат
722 station [‘steiʃ(ə)n] станция
723 stay [stei] останавливаться
724 step [step] шаг; шагать
725 stick [stik] палка
726 still [stil] тихий; все еще
727 stone [stəun] камень
728 stop [stɔp] остановка; останавливать(ся)
729 store [stɔ:] магазин, запас
730 story [‘stɔ:ri] рассказ
731 straight [streit] прямо
732 strange [streindʒ] чужой, странный
733 stream [stri:m] поток, ручей
734 street [stri:t] улица
735 strength [streŋθ] сила
736 strong [strɔŋ] сильный, сильно
737 study [‘stʌdi] изучение
738 stuff [stʌf] материал
739 subject [‘sʌbdʒekt] предмет
740 such [sʌtʃ] такой
741 sudden [‘sʌd(ə)n] внезапно
742 suddenly [‘sʌd(ə)nli] вдруг
743 summer [‘sʌmə] лето
744 sun [sʌn] солнце
745 suppose [səpəuz] полагать
746 sure [ʃuə] уверенный; конечно
747 surprise [sə’praiz] удивление
748 sweet [swi:t] сладкий
749 system [‘sistəm] система
750 table [‘teibl] стол, таблица
751 tad [tæd] ребёнок, капелька, чуточка
752 taking [‘teikiŋ] захват, брать
753 talk [tɔ:k] разговор; говорить
754 talking [‘tɔ:kiŋ] разговор, говорящий
755 tall [tɔ:l] высокий
756 teeth [ti:θ] зубы
757 telling [‘teliŋ] красноречивый
758 ten [ten] десять
759 terrible [‘terəbl] ужасный
760 than [ðæn] чем
761 thank [θæŋk] благодарить
762 that [ðæt] тот
763 the [ðə:] определенный артикль
764 their [ðɛə] их
765 them [ðem] их, им
766 themselves [ðəm’selvz] сами
767 then [ðen] тогда; затем
768 there [ðɛə] там, туда, здесь
769 these [ði:z] эти
770 they [ðei] они
771 thick [θik] толстый
772 thin [θin] тонкий
773 thing [θiŋ] вещь
774 thinking [‘θiŋkiŋ] мышление
775 third [θз:d] третий
776 thirty [‘θз:ti] тридцать
777 this [ðis] этот
778 thoracic [θɔ’rasik] грудной
779 those [ðəuz] те
780 though [ðəu] хотя
781 thought [θɔ:t] думал, мысль
782 thousand [‘θauz(ə)nd] тысяча
783 three [θri:] три
784 throat [θrəut] горло
785 through [θru:] через (сквозь)
786 thus [ðʌs] таким образом
787 tie [tai] галстук, узел, завязывать
788 till [til] до, не раньше
789 time [taim] время; раз
790 tire [‘taiə] уставать, шина
791 to [tu:] к, в
792 today [tə’dei] сегодня
793 together [təgeðə] вместе; совместно
794 tomorrow [tə’mɔrəu] завтра
795 tongue [tʌŋ] язык
796 tonight [tə:nait] сегодня ночью
797 too [tu:] также; слишком
798 top [tɔp] верхушка, верхний
799 touch [tʌtʃ] касаться
800 toward(s) [tə’wɔ:dz] к
801 town [taun] город
802 track [træk] след, отпечаток, курс
803 train [trein] тренироваться, поезд
804 tree [tri:] дерево
805 trouble [‘trʌbl] неприятности
806 truck [trʌk] грузовик
807 true [tru:] правильный
808 trust [trʌst] доверие
809 truth [tru:θ] ИСТИНА
810 try [trai] пытаться
811 trying [‘traiiŋ] пытаясь
812 turn [tз:n] поворачивать(ся)
813 turning [‘tз:niŋ] поворот
814 twenty [‘twenti] двадцать
815 two [tu:] два
816 type [taip] тип
817 under [‘ʌndə] под; ниже
818 unite [ju:nait] объединять
819 unless [ʌn’les] если не
820 until [(ə)n’til] до, (до тех пор) пока (не)
821 up [ʌp] наверх(у), выше
822 upon [ə’pɔn] на
823 use [ju:z] использовать, польза
824 usually [‘ju:ʒ(ə)li] обычно
825 very [‘veri] очень
826 view [vju:] вид; пейзаж
827 visit [‘vizit] посещение
828 voice [vɔis] голос
829 wait [weit] ждать
830 waiting [‘weitiŋ] ожидание
831 walk [wɔ:k] ходить
832 walking [‘wɔ:kiŋ] ходьба
833 wall [wɔ:l] стена
834 want [wɔnt] хотеть
835 wanted [‘wɔntid] разыскиваемый полицией
836 war [wɔ:] война
837 warm [wɔ:m] тёплый
838 watch [wɔtʃ] 1) смотреть, следить; наблюдение; 2) часы
839 watching [wɔtʃiŋ] наблюдение
840 water [‘wɔ:tə] вода
841 way [wei] путь
842 we [wi:] мы
843 wearing [‘wɛəriŋ] предназначенный для носки
844 week [wi:k] неделя
845 well [wel] хорошо
846 west [west] запад
847 wet [wet] мокрый, влажный
848 what [(h)wɔt] что
849 whatever [(h)wɔt’evə] какой бы ни
850 wheel [(h)wi:l] колесо
851 when [(h)wen] когда
852 where [(h)wɛə] где; куда
853 whether [‘(h)weðə] любой из двух
854 which [(h)witʃ] который
855 while [(h)wail] в то время как
856 whisper [‘(h)wispə] шептать
857 white [(h)wait] белый
858 who [hu:] кто
859 whole [həul] весь, целый
860 whom [hu:m] кого
861 whose [hu:z] чьё
862 why [(h)wai] почему
863 wide [waid] широкий
864 wife [waif] жена
865 wild [waild] дикий (о животных); дикорастущий
866 will [wil] 1) вспом. гл. будущ. врем.; 2) модальный глагол
867 wind [wind] ветер
868 window [‘windəu] окно
869 wing [wiŋ] крыло
870 wish [wiʃ] желать, хотеть, желание
871 with [wið] с (вместе с)
872 within [wi’ðin] в (внутри)
873 without [wi’ðaut] без
874 wolf [wulf] волк
875 woman [‘wumən] женщина
876 women [‘wimin] женщины
877 wonder [‘wʌndə] удивляться
878 wood [wud] лес (древесина)
879 word [wз:d] слово
880 working [‘wз:kiŋ] обработка, работающий
881 world [wз:ld] мир, вселенная
882 worry [‘wʌri] надоедать; докучать
883 worse [wз:s] хуже, худшее
884 would [wud] 1) вспом. глагол.; 2) модальный глагол
885 writing [‘raitiŋ] письмо, писание
886 wrong [rɔŋ] неправильный
887 yard [ja:d] ярд
888 yeah [jɛə] да
889 year [jiə] год
890 yellow [‘jeləu] жёлтый
891 yes [jes] да
892 yet [jet] всё ещё
893 you [ju:] вы
894 young [jʌŋ] молодой
895 your [jɔ:] ваш
896 yourself [jɔ:’self] сам

Learning English alphabet
Borrowed words from English
Speech Turns

1000 most used words


Learn the words

100 words = 50% of English

Learn the words

Irregular verbs of English

Learn the words
With examples
With voice

Learn how to improve your English vocabulary, listening, and speaking at the same time using the 3000 most commonly used words in English.

Fortunately, you don’t have to learn them all to become fluent in English. Americans use around 2500 – 3000 of the most common words in their daily lives. If you know these 3000 most common words, you can understand at least 95% of all conversations, e-mails, newspapers, and books.

Sounds great! But what is the most effective way to learn these words?

Focus on example sentences when learning vocabulary. Here’s why?

When it comes to learning English vocabulary, the most important thing
you need to focus on are
example sentences because they help you to improve all your English skills — including vocabulary, listening, speaking, and writing.

If you want to speak English fluently, learn with your ears, not with your eyes

Learning English can be broken down into two parts: input and output.  Input consists of reading and listening while output consists of writing and speaking. The more input you get, the more output you can produce. It’s that simple.

Here’s the little secret you probably don’t know yet:

Repetition is the secret to English fluency

If you want to quickly achieve fluency level — to speak English easily, fluently and automatically, you’ll need to do one more thing:

Learn deeply through lots of repetition. 

It means that you will need to listen to every example sentence many, many times, until you MASTER it. Don’t listen just one time or a few times. It’s not enough. You will forget it very soon.

You may know how to use a word to make a correct sentence, but here’s the thing: Can you use it quickly, easily, and automatically? 

If the answer is no, you need to repeat more. You must listen to that example sentence again and again. 

Don’t ignore this simple secret. This is how you will achieve automatically fast speaking.

FREE English Lessons — 3000 Most Frequently Used Words in English

In the following section, you will find around 3000 free lessons for the 3000 most commonly used words in English. Each lesson consists of the definition (meaning) of the word, the audio pronunciation, and many example sentences with high-quality audio.

Listen to (and repeat) each lesson many times — and watch how fast your English speaking improves!

Enjoy the lessons!

P/S: Check out the Resources page for our recommended courses and lessons.

The words we’ve compiled here probably look familiar: they are the 100 most frequently written words in the English language. Many of the most frequently used words in English are important, fundamental parts of speech like articles, conjunctions, and prepositions.

If those terms sound like gobbledygook to you, or you haven’t heard them since third grade English class, we understand. So we’re going to give you a rundown of these frequently-used words and break down their parts of speech along the way. As an added bonus, we have some helpful suggestions for more interesting synonyms (or words with similar meanings) that you might want to try instead.

Note: this list doesn’t include multiple forms of the same word. For example, we have only included do, not does, doing, and did. Also, each of these words may have multiple meanings. We have listed them here by their most common part of speech. For example, the word this can be a pronoun, adjective, or adverb, depending on the context, but we have it listed under pronoun because that’s one of its most common uses.

Ready? Let’s go!

Most-used articles

An article denotes whether a noun is specific or unspecific. There are three articles in English, and they are some of the most frequently used words:

  • the
  • a
  • an

Most-used verbs

A verb is a word that describes an action, state, or a relation between two things.

To be or not to be?

The verb to be and its various forms (is, am, were, etc.) is used constantly in writing and speech. It’s an important verb, to be sure (we just used it again), but be mindful of how often it pops up in your writing. Try substituting one of these alternatives:

  • continue
  • hold
  • remain
  • occur
  • transpire

Helper (auxiliary) verbs

These overused verbs are used to create verb forms that indicate time or mood and are not usually found on their own.

  • may
  • can
  • will

Action verbs

These frequently used verbs describe movements and actions. And these verbs, like to be, have a tendency to get overused. When you’re writing, instead of repeating these same verbs, mix it up with some of the synonyms we have suggested after each below:

  • do: accomplish, prepare, resolve, work out
  • say: suggest, disclose, answer
  • go: continue, move, lead
  • get: bring, attain, catch, become
  • make: create, cause, prepare, invest
  • know: understand, appreciate, experience, identify
  • think: contemplate, remember, judge, consider
  • take: accept, steal, buy, endure
  • see: detect, comprehend, scan
  • come: happen, appear, extend, occur
  • want: choose, prefer, require, wish
  • look: glance, notice, peer, read
  • use: accept, apply, handle, work
  • find: detect, discover, notice, uncover
  • give: grant, award, issue
  • tell: confess, explain, inform, reveal

Most-used adverbs

An adverb is a word that modifies verbs, clauses, adjectives, and other adverbs. For example, in the sentence I drove quickly, the word quickly is an adverb modifying the verb drove. The most common adverbs are:

  • when
  • now
  • how
  • also
  • not
  • as
  • up
  • here
  • there
  • so
  • very

Instead of these typical adverbs, why not choose some of these more colorful alternatives?

  • immediately
  • initially
  • additionally
  • nearby
  • extremely
  • greatly

Most-used nouns

A noun is a word that describes a person, place, or thing. There are surprisingly few nouns in the top 100 most frequently written words in the English language. However, the nouns we do use most describe things that are fundamental:

  • time
  • year
  • people
  • day
  • man
  • thing
  • woman
  • work
  • child
  • life
  • world
  • way
  • back

The thing about “thing”…

One of the most common nouns is thing. When you’re writing, you should try to avoid this word as much as possible! Nine times out of 10, thing can be replaced with a more accurate and precise description. For instance, instead of writing “We weren’t able to find the thing,” write, “We weren’t able to find the million-dollar treasure.” It is more clear, interesting, and compelling.

Most-used pronouns

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. We use pronouns to avoid repeating the same nouns.

  • I
  • you
  • your
  • he
  • she
  • them
  • their
  • her
  • him
  • me
  • my
  • it
  • its
  • our
  • these
  • this
  • that
  • those
  • who
  • what
  • which

Most-used adjectives

An adjective is a word that modifies, or describes, a noun or pronoun.

Is “good” really good enough?

One of the most frequently used adjectives is good. We think good is, well, not that good of a word. It’s boring! Instead of this common word, try one of these more illustrative synonyms next time:

  • acceptable
  • competent
  • satisfying
  • efficient
  • adept
  • honest
  • sound

Other frequently used adjectives are not as easily replaced. Makes sense why they are used all the time then, right?

  • all
  • just
  • even
  • first
  • many
  • one
  • two
  • some
  • like
  • other
  • more
  • new
  • any
  • down

Most-used conjunctions

A conjunction is a word that links words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. These little words do important work, which helps explain why we rely on them so much.

Here are the most-used conjunctions:

  • and
  • or
  • if
  • because
  • but
  • than

Most-used prepositions

A preposition is a word that links one phrase to a phrase that is modifying or describing, it. Often it is used to describe the spatial or temporal relationships between things: in The book is on the table, the preposition on describes where the book is.

Here are some common prepositions:

  • of
  • in
  • to
  • for
  • with
  • on
  • by
  • out
  • into
  • about

There are around 150 prepositions or prepositional phrases in the English language. And many of them don’t get much use. Some prepositions you might want to try to spice up your writing are:

  • atop
  • astride
  • notwithstanding
  • vis-à-vis
  • pursuant to
  • based on
  • by virtue of

When writing, keep this list in mind. Some words you can’t necessarily avoid—like prepositions and conjunctions—but, when it comes to verbs or adjectives, try to think outside of the box and pick words that might not get their time in the spotlight.

It will make your work more interesting to read—and build your vocabulary, too!

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Studies that estimate and rank the most common words in English examine texts written in English. Perhaps the most comprehensive such analysis is one that was conducted against the Oxford English Corpus (OEC), a massive text corpus that is written in the English language.

In total, the texts in the Oxford English Corpus contain more than 2 billion words.[1] The OEC includes a wide variety of writing samples, such as literary works, novels, academic journals, newspapers, magazines, Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, blogs, chat logs, and emails.[2]

Another English corpus that has been used to study word frequency is the Brown Corpus, which was compiled by researchers at Brown University in the 1960s. The researchers published their analysis of the Brown Corpus in 1967. Their findings were similar, but not identical, to the findings of the OEC analysis.

According to The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists, the first 25 words in the OEC make up about one-third of all printed material in English, and the first 100 words make up about half of all written English.[3] According to a study cited by Robert McCrum in The Story of English, all of the first hundred of the most common words in English are of Old English origin,[4] except for «people», ultimately from Latin «populus», and «because», in part from Latin «causa».

Some lists of common words distinguish between word forms, while others rank all forms of a word as a single lexeme (the form of the word as it would appear in a dictionary). For example, the lexeme be (as in to be) comprises all its conjugations (is, was, am, are, were, etc.), and contractions of those conjugations.[5] These top 100 lemmas listed below account for 50% of all the words in the Oxford English Corpus.[1]

100 most common words

A list of 100 words that occur most frequently in written English is given below, based on an analysis of the Oxford English Corpus (a collection of texts in the English language, comprising over 2 billion words).[1] A part of speech is provided for most of the words, but part-of-speech categories vary between analyses, and not all possibilities are listed. For example, «I» may be a pronoun or a Roman numeral; «to» may be a preposition or an infinitive marker; «time» may be a noun or a verb. Also, a single spelling can represent more than one root word. For example, «singer» may be a form of either «sing» or «singe». Different corpora may treat such difference differently.

The number of distinct senses that are listed in Wiktionary is shown in the polysemy column. For example, «out» can refer to an escape, a removal from play in baseball, or any of 36 other concepts. On average, each word in the list has 15.38 senses. The sense count does not include the use of terms in phrasal verbs such as «put out» (as in «inconvenienced») and other multiword expressions such as the interjection «get out!», where the word «out» does not have an individual meaning.[6] As an example, «out» occurs in at least 560 phrasal verbs[7] and appears in nearly 1700 multiword expressions.[8]

The table also includes frequencies from other corpora. Note that as well as usage differences, lemmatisation may differ from corpus to corpus – for example splitting the prepositional use of «to» from the use as a particle. Also the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) list includes dispersion as well as frequency to calculate rank.

Word Parts of speech OEC rank COCA rank[9] Dolch level Polysemy
the Article 1 1 Pre-primer 12
be Verb 2 2 Primer 21
to Preposition 3 7, 9 Pre-primer 17
of Preposition 4 4 Grade 1 12
and Conjunction 5 3 Pre-primer 16
a Article 6 5 Pre-primer 20
in Preposition 7 6, 128, 3038 Pre-primer 23
that Conjunction et al. 8 12, 27, 903 Primer 17
have Verb 9 8 Primer 25
I Pronoun 10 11 Pre-primer 7
it Pronoun 11 10 Pre-primer 18
for Preposition 12 13, 2339 Pre-primer 19
not Adverb et al. 13 28, 2929 Pre-primer 5
on Preposition 14 17, 155 Primer 43
with Preposition 15 16 Primer 11
he Pronoun 16 15 Primer 7
as Adverb, conjunction, et al. 17 33, 49, 129 Grade 1 17
you Pronoun 18 14 Pre-primer 9
do Verb, noun 19 18 Primer 38
at Preposition 20 22 Primer 14
this Determiner, adverb, noun 21 20, 4665 Primer 9
but Preposition, adverb, conjunction 22 23, 1715 Primer 17
his Possessive pronoun 23 25, 1887 Grade 1 6
by Preposition 24 30, 1190 Grade 1 19
from Preposition 25 26 Grade 1 4
they Pronoun 26 21 Primer 6
we Pronoun 27 24 Pre-primer 6
say Verb et al. 28 19 Primer 17
her Possessive pronoun 29, 106 42 Grade 1 3
she Pronoun 30 31 Primer 7
or Conjunction 31 32 Grade 2 11
an Article 32 (a) Grade 1 6
will Verb, noun 33 48, 1506 Primer 16
my Possessive pronoun 34 44 Pre-primer 5
one Noun, adjective, et al. 35 51, 104, 839 Pre-primer 24
all Adjective 36 43, 222 Primer 15
would Verb 37 41 Grade 2 13
there Adverb, pronoun, et al. 38 53, 116 Primer 14
their Possessive pronoun 39 36 Grade 2 2
what Pronoun, adverb, et al. 40 34 Primer 19
so Conjunction, adverb, et al. 41 55, 196 Primer 18
up Adverb, preposition, et al. 42 50, 456 Pre-primer 50
out Preposition 43 64, 149 Primer 38
if Conjunction 44 40 Grade 3 9
about Preposition, adverb, et al. 45 46, 179 Grade 3 18
who Pronoun, noun 46 38 Primer 5
get Verb 47 39 Primer 37
which Pronoun 48 58 Grade 2 7
go Verb, noun 49 35 Pre-primer 54
me Pronoun 50 61 Pre-primer 10
when Adverb 51 57, 136 Grade 1 11
make Verb, noun 52 45 Grade 2 [as «made»] 48
can Verb, noun 53 37, 2973 Pre-primer 18
like Preposition, verb 54 74, 208, 1123, 1684, 2702 Primer 26
time Noun 55 52 Dolch list of 95 nouns 14
no Determiner, adverb 56 93, 699, 916, 1111, 4555 Primer 10
just Adjective 57 66, 1823 14
him Pronoun 58 68 5
know Verb, noun 59 47 13
take Verb, noun 60 63 66
people Noun 61 62 9
into Preposition 62 65 10
year Noun 63 54 7
your Possessive pronoun 64 69 4
good Adjective 65 110, 2280 32
some Determiner, pronoun 66 60 10
could Verb 67 71 6
them Pronoun 68 59 3
see Verb 69 67 25
other Adjective, pronoun 70 75, 715, 2355 12
than Conjunction, preposition 71 73, 712 4
then Adverb 72 77 10
now Preposition 73 72, 1906 13
look Verb 74 85, 604 17
only Adverb 75 101, 329 11
come Verb 76 70 20
its Possessive pronoun 77 78 2
over Preposition 78 124, 182 19
think Verb 79 56 10
also Adverb 80 87 2
back Noun, adverb 81 108, 323, 1877 36
after Preposition 82 120, 260 14
use Verb, noun 83 92, 429 17
two Noun 84 80 6
how Adverb 85 76 11
our Possessive pronoun 86 79 3
work Verb, noun 87 117, 199 28
first Adjective 88 86, 2064 10
well Adverb 89 100, 644 30
way Noun, adverb 90 84, 4090 16
even Adjective 91 107, 484 23
new Adjective et al. 92 88 18
want Verb 93 83 10
because Conjunction 94 89, 509 7
any Pronoun 95 109, 4720 4
these Pronoun 96 82 2
give Verb 97 98 19
day Noun 98 90 9
most Adverb 99 144, 187 12
us Pronoun 100 113 6

Parts of speech

The following is a very similar list, subdivided by part of speech.[1] The list labeled «Others» includes pronouns, possessives, articles, modal verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions.

Rank Nouns Verbs Adjectives Prepositions Others
1 time be good to the
2 person have new of and
3 year do first in a
4 way say last for that
5 day get long on I
6 thing make great with it
7 man go little at not
8 world know own by he
9 life take other from as
10 hand see old up you
11 part come right about this
12 child think big into but
13 eye look high over his
14 woman want different after they
15 place give small her
16 work use large she
17 week find next or
18 case tell early an
19 point ask young will
20 government work important my
21 company seem few one
22 number feel public all
23 group try bad would
24 problem leave same there
25 fact call able their

See also

  • Basic English
  • Frequency analysis, the study of the frequency of letters or groups of letters
  • Letter frequencies
  • Oxford English Corpus
  • Swadesh list, a compilation of basic concepts for the purpose of historical-comparative linguistics
  • Zipf’s law, a theory stating that the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in a frequency table

Word lists

  • Dolch Word List, a list of frequently used English words
  • General Service List
  • Word lists by frequency


  1. ^ a b c d «The Oxford English Corpus: Facts about the language». Oxford University Press. What is the commonest word?. Archived from the original on December 26, 2011. Retrieved June 22, 2011.
  2. ^ «The Oxford English Corpus». Archived from the original on May 4, 2006. Retrieved June 22, 2006.
  3. ^ The First 100 Most Commonly Used English Words Archived 2013-06-16 at the Wayback Machine.
  4. ^ Bill Bryson, The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way, Harper Perennial, 2001, page 58
  5. ^ Benjamin Zimmer. June 22, 2006. Time after time after time…. Language Log. Retrieved June 22, 2006.
  6. ^ Benjamin, Martin (2019). «Polysemy in top 100 Oxford English Corpus words within Wiktionary». Teach You Backwards. Retrieved December 28, 2019.
  7. ^ Garcia-Vega, M (2010). «Teasing out the meaning of «out»«. 29th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar.
  8. ^ «out — English-French Dictionary». Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  9. ^ «Word frequency: based on 450 million word COCA corpus». Retrieved April 11, 2018.

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  • 100 Essential Words for the TOEFL: 100 must-have words to study for the TOEFL test
  • Sports: Words for popular American sports
  • Air Travel: Useful words for traveling on airplanes and through airports
  • The Environment: Vocabulary related to environmental science and climate change
  • Family members: Relatives and other important people
  • Jobs/Professions: Types of jobs and careers
  • Legal English: Vocabulary for court trials and other legal proceedings
  • Words for emotions: Different feelings that people have
  • Parts of the Body : External parts of the human body
  • Noncount nouns: Nouns that cannot be counted or be plural
  • Time adverbs: Words that tell when and how often
  • Health: Words for common medical problems
  • Personality types: Adjectives that describe behavior and personality
  • Periods of time: Long and short amounts of time
  • Employment: Words for work in a company
  • Academic writing: About the structure and content of academic writing
  • College and university life: Vocabulary for college and university students
  • Economics: Concepts in economics
  • Weather: Terms that describe weather conditions

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