Most rows in excel

Worksheet and workbook specifications and limits


Maximum limit

Open workbooks

Limited by available memory and system resources

Total number of rows and columns on a worksheet

1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns

Column width

255 characters

Row height

409 points

Page breaks

1,026 horizontal and vertical

Total number of characters that a cell can contain

32,767 characters

Characters in a header or footer


Maximum number of line feeds per cell


Sheets in a workbook

Limited by available memory (default is 1 sheet)

Colors in a workbook

16 million colors (32 bit with full access to 24 bit color spectrum)

Named views in a workbook

Limited by available memory

Unique cell formats/cell styles


Fill styles


Line weight and styles


Unique font types

1,024 global fonts available for use; 512 per workbook

Number formats in a workbook

Between 200 and 250, depending on the language version of Excel that you have installed

Names in a workbook

Limited by available memory

Windows in a workbook

Limited by available memory

Hyperlinks in a worksheet


Panes in a window


Linked sheets

Limited by available memory


Limited by available memory; a summary report shows only the first 251 scenarios

Changing cells in a scenario


Adjustable cells in Solver


Custom functions

Limited by available memory

Zoom range

10 percent to 400 percent


Limited by available memory

Sort references

64 in a single sort; unlimited when using sequential sorts

Undo levels


Fields in a data form


Workbook parameters

255 parameters per workbook

Items displayed in filter drop-down lists


Noncontiguous cells that can be selected

2,147,483,648 cells

Maximum limits of memory storage and file size for Data Model workbooks

32-bit environment is subject to 2 gigabytes (GB) of virtual address space, shared by Excel, the workbook, and add-ins that run in the same process. A data model’s share of the address space might run up to 500 – 700 megabytes (MB), but could be less if other data models and add-ins are loaded.

64-bit environment imposes no hard limits on file size. Workbook size is limited only by available memory and system resources.

Beginning with Excel 2016, Large Address Aware functionality lets 32-bit Excel consume twice the memory when users work on a 64-bit Windows operating system. For more information, see Large Address Aware capability change for Excel.

Note: Adding tables to the Data Model increases the file size. If you don’t plan to create complex Data Model relationships using many data sources and data types in your workbook, uncheck the Add this data to the Data Model box when you import or create tables, pivot tables, or data connections.

For more information, see Data Model specification and limits.

Processor Cores


File name length

218 characters — This includes the file path. For example, C:UsernameDocumentsFileName.xlsx.

Calculation specifications and limits


Maximum limit

Number precision

15 digits

Smallest allowed negative number


Smallest allowed positive number


Largest allowed positive number


Largest allowed negative number


Largest allowed positive number via formula


Largest allowed negative number via formula


Length of formula contents

8,192 characters

Internal length of formula

16,384 bytes



Worksheet arrays

Limited by available memory

Selected ranges


Arguments in a function


Nested levels of functions


User defined function categories


Number of available worksheet functions


Size of the operand stack


Cross-worksheet dependency

64,000 worksheets that can refer to other sheets

Cross-worksheet array formula dependency

Limited by available memory

Area dependency

Limited by available memory

Area dependency per worksheet

Limited by available memory

Dependency on a single cell

4 billion formulas that can depend on a single cell

Linked cell content length from closed workbooks


Earliest date allowed for calculation

January 1, 1900 (January 1, 1904, if 1904 date system is used)

Latest date allowed for calculation

December 31, 9999

Largest amount of time that can be entered


Charting specifications and limits


Maximum limit

Charts linked to a worksheet

Limited by available memory

Worksheets referred to by a chart


Data series in one chart


Data points in a data series for 2-D charts

Limited by available memory

Data points in a data series for 3-D charts

Limited by available memory

Data points for all data series in one chart

Limited by available memory

PivotTable and PivotChart report specifications and limits


Maximum limit

PivotTable reports on a sheet

Limited by available memory

Unique items per field


Row or column fields in a PivotTable report

Limited by available memory

Report filters in a PivotTable report

256 (may be limited by available memory)

Value fields in a PivotTable report


Calculated item formulas in a PivotTable report

Limited by available memory

Report filters in a PivotChart report

256 (may be limited by available memory)

Value fields in a PivotChart report


Calculated item formulas in a PivotChart report

Limited by available memory

Length of the MDX name for a PivotTable item


Length for a relational PivotTable string


Items displayed in filter drop-down lists


Workbooks with the «Allow changes by more than one user…» setting enabled

If the Allow changes by more than one user… setting is on for a workbook, then the following information applies. This setting is accessible by clicking the Review tab > Share Workbook. Note that in newer versions of Excel, the Share Workbook button has been hidden. To unhide it, click File > Options > Quick Access Toolbar. Open the list under Choose commands from and select All Commands. Scroll down that list until you see Share Workbook (Legacy). Select that item and click Add. Click OK. The Share Workbook button is now at the top of the Excel window.


Maximum limit

Users who can open the file at the same time


Personal views in the workbook

Limited by available memory

Days that change history is maintained

32,767 (default is 30 days)

Workbooks that can be merged at one time

Limited by available memory

Cells that can be highlighted


Colors used to identify changes made by different users when change highlighting is turned on

32 (each user is identified by a separate color; changes made by the current user are highlighted with navy blue)

Excel tables in the workbook

0 (zero)

Note: A workbook that contains one or more Excel tables cannot have the Allow changes by more than one user… setting enabled.

Worksheet and workbook specifications and limits


Maximum limit

Open workbooks

Limited by available memory and system resources

Total number of rows and columns on a worksheet

1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns

Column width

255 characters

Row height

409 points

Page breaks

1,026 horizontal and vertical

Total number of characters that a cell can contain

32,767 characters

Characters in a header or footer


Maximum number of line feeds per cell


Sheets in a workbook

Limited by available memory (default is 3 sheets)

Colors in a workbook

16 million colors (32 bit with full access to 24 bit color spectrum)

Named views in a workbook

Limited by available memory

Unique cell formats/cell styles


Fill styles


Line weight and styles


Unique font types

1,024 global fonts available for use; 512 per workbook

Number formats in a workbook

Between 200 and 250, depending on the language version of Excel that you have installed

Names in a workbook

Limited by available memory

Windows in a workbook

Limited by available memory

Hyperlinks in a worksheet

65,530 hyperlinks

Panes in a window


Linked sheets

Limited by available memory


Limited by available memory; a summary report shows only the first 251 scenarios

Changing cells in a scenario


Adjustable cells in Solver


Custom functions

Limited by available memory

Zoom range

10 percent to 400 percent


Limited by available memory

Sort references

64 in a single sort; unlimited when using sequential sorts

Undo levels


Fields in a data form


Workbook parameters

255 parameters per workbook

Items displayed in filter drop-down lists


Noncontiguous cells that can be selected

2,147,483,648 cells

Processor Cores


Calculation specifications and limits


Maximum limit

Number precision

15 digits

Smallest allowed negative number


Smallest allowed positive number


Largest allowed positive number


Largest allowed negative number


Largest allowed positive number via formula


Largest allowed negative number via formula


Length of formula contents

8,192 characters

Internal length of formula

16,384 bytes



Worksheet arrays

Limited by available memory

Selected ranges


Arguments in a function


Nested levels of functions


User defined function categories


Number of available worksheet functions


Size of the operand stack


Cross-worksheet dependency

64,000 worksheets that can refer to other sheets

Cross-worksheet array formula dependency

Limited by available memory

Area dependency

Limited by available memory

Area dependency per worksheet

Limited by available memory

Dependency on a single cell

4 billion formulas that can depend on a single cell

Linked cell content length from closed workbooks


Earliest date allowed for calculation

January 1, 1900 (January 1, 1904, if 1904 date system is used)

Latest date allowed for calculation

December 31, 9999

Largest amount of time that can be entered


Charting specifications and limits


Maximum limit

Charts linked to a worksheet

Limited by available memory

Worksheets referred to by a chart


Data series in one chart


Data points in a data series for 2-D charts

Limited by available memory

Data points in a data series for 3-D charts

Limited by available memory

Data points for all data series in one chart

Limited by available memory

PivotTable and PivotChart report specifications and limits


Maximum limit

PivotTable reports on a sheet

Limited by available memory

Unique items per field


Row or column fields in a PivotTable report

Limited by available memory

Report filters in a PivotTable report

256 (may be limited by available memory)

Value fields in a PivotTable report


Calculated item formulas in a PivotTable report

Limited by available memory

Report filters in a PivotChart report

256 (may be limited by available memory)

Value fields in a PivotChart report


Calculated item formulas in a PivotChart report

Limited by available memory

Length of the MDX name for a PivotTable item


Length for a relational PivotTable string


Items displayed in filter drop-down lists


Workbooks with the «Allow changes by more than one user…» setting enabled

If the Allow changes by more than one user… setting is on for a workbook, then the following information applies. This setting is accessible by clicking the Review tab > Share Workbook.


Maximum limit

Users who can open and share the file at the same time


Personal views in the workbook

Limited by available memory

Days that change history is maintained

32,767 (default is 30 days)

Workbooks that can be merged at one time

Limited by available memory

Cells that can be highlighted in the workbook


Colors used to identify changes made by different users when change highlighting is turned on

32 (each user is identified by a separate color; changes made by the current user are highlighted with navy blue)

Excel tables in the workbook

0 (zero)

Note: A workbook that contains one or more Excel tables cannot have the Allow changes by more than one user… setting enabled.

Worksheet and workbook specifications and limits


Maximum limit

Open workbooks

Limited by available memory and system resources

Total number of rows and columns on a worksheet

1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns

Column width

255 characters

Row height

409 points

Page breaks

1,026 horizontal and vertical

Total number of characters that a cell can contain

32,767 characters

Characters in a header or footer


Maximum number of line feeds per cell


Sheets in a workbook

Limited by available memory (default is 3 sheets)

Colors in a workbook

16 million colors (32 bit with full access to 24 bit color spectrum)

Named views in a workbook

Limited by available memory

Unique cell formats/cell styles


Fill styles


Line weight and styles


Unique font types

1,024 global fonts available for use; 512 per workbook

Number formats in a workbook

Between 200 and 250, depending on the language version of Excel that you have installed

Names in a workbook

Limited by available memory

Windows in a workbook

Limited by available memory

Hyperlinks in a worksheet

65,530 hyperlinks

Panes in a window


Linked sheets

Limited by available memory


Limited by available memory; a summary report shows only the first 251 scenarios

Changing cells in a scenario


Adjustable cells in Solver


Custom functions

Limited by available memory

Zoom range

10 percent to 400 percent


Limited by available memory

Sort references

64 in a single sort; unlimited when using sequential sorts

Undo levels


Fields in a data form


Workbook parameters

255 parameters per workbook

Filter drop-down lists


Calculation specifications and limits


Maximum limit

Number precision

15 digits

Smallest allowed negative number


Smallest allowed positive number


Largest allowed positive number


Largest allowed negative number


Largest allowed positive number via formula


Largest allowed negative number via formula


Length of formula contents

8,192 characters

Internal length of formula

16,384 bytes



Worksheet arrays

Limited by available memory

Selected ranges


Arguments in a function


Nested levels of functions


User defined function categories


Number of available worksheet functions


Size of the operand stack


Cross-worksheet dependency

64,000 worksheets that can refer to other sheets

Cross-worksheet array formula dependency

Limited by available memory

Area dependency

Limited by available memory

Area dependency per worksheet

Limited by available memory

Dependency on a single cell

4 billion formulas that can depend on a single cell

Linked cell content length from closed workbooks


Earliest date allowed for calculation

January 1, 1900 (January 1, 1904, if 1904 date system is used)

Latest date allowed for calculation

December 31, 9999

Largest amount of time that can be entered


Charting specifications and limits


Maximum limit

Charts linked to a worksheet

Limited by available memory

Worksheets referred to by a chart


Data series in one chart


Data points in a data series for 2-D charts


Data points in a data series for 3-D charts


Data points for all data series in one chart


PivotTable and PivotChart report specifications and limits


Maximum limit

PivotTable reports on a sheet

Limited by available memory

Unique items per field


Row or column fields in a PivotTable report

Limited by available memory

Report filters in a PivotTable report

256 (may be limited by available memory)

Value fields in a PivotTable report


Calculated item formulas in a PivotTable report

Limited by available memory

Report filters in a PivotChart report

256 (may be limited by available memory)

Value fields in a PivotChart report


Calculated item formulas in a PivotChart report

Limited by available memory

Length of the MDX name for a PivotTable item


Length for a relational PivotTable string


Workbooks with the «Allow changes by more than one user…» setting enabled

If the Allow changes by more than one user… setting is on for a workbook, then the following information applies. This setting is enabled when using Shared Workbooks.


Maximum limit

Users who can open and share the workbook at the same time


Personal views in the workbook

Limited by available memory

Days that change history is maintained

32,767 (default is 30 days)

Workbooks that can be merged at one time

Limited by available memory

Cells that can be highlighted


Colors used to identify changes made by different users when change highlighting is turned on

32 (each user is identified by a separate color; changes made by the current user are highlighted with navy blue)

Excel tables in the workbook

0 (zero)

Note: A workbook that contains one or more Excel tables cannot have the Allow changes by more than one user… setting enabled.

Top of Page

Have a look at this link** and this one (and this for 2013). A quick summary:

|                 | Max. Rows | Max. Columns | Max. Cols by letter |
| Excel 365*      | 1,048,576 | 16,384       | XFD                 |
| Excel 2013      | 1,048,576 | 16,384       | XFD                 |
| Excel 2010      | 1,048,576 | 16,384       | XFD                 |
| Excel 2007      | 1,048,576 | 16,384       | XFD                 |
| Excel 2003      | 65,536    | 256          | IV                  |
| Excel 2002 (XP) | 65,536    | 256          | IV                  |
| Excel 2000      | 65,536    | 256          | IV                  |
| Excel 97        | 65,536    | 256          | IV                  |
| Excel 95        | 16,384    | 256          | IV                  |
| Excel 5         | 16,384    | 256          | IV                  |

*Excel 365 unverified.

**This (web archive) link probably will not work with your browser, but the information is in the page source.

  • Excel Howtos, Interview Questions, Power Pivot, Power Query

  • Last updated on September 17, 2019



How-to handle more than million rows in Excel

As part of our Excel Interview Questions series, today let’s look at another interesting challenge. How-to handle more than million rows in Excel?

You may know that Excel has a physical limit of 1 million rows (well, its 1,048,576 rows). But that doesn’t mean you can’t analyze more than a million rows in Excel.

The trick is to use Data Model.

Excel data model can hold any amount of data

Introduced in Excel 2013, Excel Data Model allows you to store and analyze data without having to look at it all the time. Think of Data Model as a black box where you can store data and Excel can quickly provide answers to you.

Because Data Model is held in your computer memory rather than spreadsheet cells, it doesn’t have one million row limitation. You can store any volume of data in the model. The speed and performance of this just depends on your computer processor and memory.

How-to load large data sets in to Model?

Let’s say you have a large data-set that you want to load in to Excel.

If you don’t have something handy, here is a list of 18 million random numbers, split into 6 columns, 3 million rows.

Step 1 – Connect to your data thru Power Query

Go to Data ribbon and click on “Get Data”. Point to the source where your data is (CSV file / SQL Query / SSAS Cube etc.)

Get data > Get & Transform Data options

Step 2 – Load data to Data Model

In Power Query Editor, do any transformations if needed. Once you are ready to load, click on “Close & Load To..” button.

Close & Load to... options in Power Query

Tell Power Query that you want to make a connection, but load data to model.

Load data to Data Model in Excel

Now, your data model is buzzing with more than million cells.

Step 3 – Analyze the data with Pivot Tables

Go and insert a pivot table (Insert > Pivot Table)

Excel automatically picks Workbook Data Model. You can now see all the fields in your data and analyze by calculating totals / averages etc.

You can also build measures (thru Power Pivot, another powerful feature of Excel) too.

How to view & manage the data model

Once you have a data model setup, you can use,

  • Data > Queries & Connections: to view and adjust connection settings
  • Relationships: to set up and manage relationships between multiple tables in your data model
  • Manage Data Model: to manage the data model using Power Pivot

How to manage Data model in Excel - various options

Alternative answer – Can I not use Excel…

Of course, Excel is not built for analyzing such large volumes of data. So, if possible, you should try to analyze such data with tools like Power BI [What is Power BI?] This gives you more flexibility, processing power and options.

Watch the answer & demo of Excel Data Model

I made a video explaining the interview question, answer and a quick demo of Excel data model with 2 million rows. Check it out below or on my YouTube Channel.

Resources to learn about Excel Data Model

  • How to set up data model and connect multiple tables
  • A quick but detailed introduction to Power Query
  • Create measures in Excel Pivot Tables – Quick example
  • Create data model in Excel –
  • How to use Data Model in Excel –

How do you analyze large volumes of data in Excel?

What about you? Do you use the data model option to analyze large volumes of data? What other methods do you rely on? Please post your tips & ideas in the comments section.

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    Excel Howtos, Interview Questions, Power Pivot, Power Query

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13 Responses to “How can you analyze 1mn+ rows data – Excel Interview Question – 02”

  1. Thanks for your time to give us!

  2. Leon Nguyen says:

    How can i make Vlookup work for 1 million rows and not freeze up my computer? I have 2 sets of data full of customer account numbers and i want to do Vlookup to match them up. Thank you.

    • blahblahblacksheep says:

      At that point, I would just import both spreadsheets into an Access database, and run a query that connects them based on a common field/ID (eg: account_ID). Excel cells are all variants, so they take up a lot of memory. But, in Access, you can specify the data type of each field (text, int, decimal, etc). Then identify primary keys on each table (eg: account_ID). Just create a quick Access database, import the spreadsheets, make a query, connect them, and drag-n-drop the fields you want for the query output. Excel is good for pivot tables and such on pre-aggregated data. When you’re trying to do massive data merges (like VLOOKUP on million rows), it’s time to shift the data into a data-oriented solution which can spit out an aggregate data query which you can then export to excel and do the rest of your analysis on. You might be able to leverage the data model he suggested. Put both spreadsheets into the Data Model as data sources, then see if you can open up a drag-n-drop data model screen to hook them together via Primary & Foreign key values (again, Account_ID or such). Another way is to run the VLOOKUP, wait for it to finish, then copy the column that had values filled in and paste-as values. If you have to do multiple columns of VLOOKUP, just do them one-at-a-time, and then copy/paste-as values. This means your spreadsheet won’t be agile (IE: won’t update if you change the source data of the VLOOKUP). But, if you’re just trying to merge data sets quick-n-dirty style, it can be done. Trying to run multiple VLOOKUPS on a million record data set at the same time will kill your computer. So, just do them one-at-a-time and paste-as values.

      • Matthew says:

        This is of course what we all did when the limit was 50K. Seriously, Excel is for Granny’s grocery list. There are better ways to do this. I will allow it is better than text file processing, but really.

  3. Myles says:

    «well, its 1,048,576 rows»

  4. Steve says:

    The international standard abbreviation for Million is capital M. NOT mn. You shouldn’t make up your own terms. It takes away from any sense we have that you know what you are talking about. BTW, lower case m is milli or 1/1000. Lower case n is nano or 1/10^-9, or one billionth.

    • Thanks for the detail Steve.

    • Andrew says:

      1mn is million in some financial cases and some countries
      1MM is million in some industries
      1kk is also million in some countries.

      That you dont know about this could take away any sense anyone has that you know what you are talking about, or leave the impression that you are looking to be rude.

      I am also pretty sure you understood it to be 1 million and you were not opening the article expecting it to show you 1 nanometer in rows in excel.

  5. Veronica says:

    You are the best

  6. RUPAM says:


    • Allan says:

      If you send me details I will show you how I would tackle COMPARING INPUT FILE DATA AND TABLE DATA

  7. allan brayshaw says:

    ‘An alternative approach to Excel handling large volumes of data is to use Collections to consolidate the data before making it
    ‘available for Excel to process. This technique is simple to code and much faster to run than asking Excel to process large volumes of data.
    ‘Consider a large dataset containing 5 years files of Date/customer account number/customer name/many address lines/phone number/transaction value
    ‘and where customers will generate many transactions per day.
    ‘Let’s assume the business requirement is to provide a report of total transaction value per customer by year/month.
    ‘Rather than placing these records in an Excel worksheet, use VB to read the 5 yearly files and consolidate the information in a memory
    ‘collection by year/month rather than year/month/day.
    ‘With, say, 300,000 rows and 10 columns of data, Excel has 3 million cells to process.
    ‘These 300,000 records could be consolidated into a maximum of 60,000 records:- 5 years x 12 months x 1,000 customers each with a total transaction value.
    ‘at the same time any rows or columns not contributing to the report can be excluded. (10 columns reduced to 4 in this example)
    ‘In this example, consolidation reduces the data to 60,000 rows and 4 columns (i.e. 240,000 cells).
    ‘Therefore Excel data volumes reduce to 240,000 cells irrespective of data volume processed.
    ‘Using a memory Collection to consolidate the data results in Excel having far less data to process and less data means less time to process.
    ‘and the Excel 1 million row limit would not apply to the input data unless the consolidated data exceeds this limit — very unlikely.
    ‘The code below assumes the data is already held in an Excel worksheet but this could easily be converted to reading from one or more files.
    ‘The earliest record I can find of me using the Collection Class was 2008 (I was working as a Performance engineer at BT when the Excel row limit was 64k
    ‘and I had 1.2 million 999 calls to analyse) but there is also a Dictionary class which I hear has benefits over the Collections class.
    ‘I have never used this class but see details
    ‘Setup a demo as follows:
    ‘Copy/Paste the following text into an Excel code Module in an empty .xlsm Workbook and rename 2 sheets Data and Consolidation
    ‘Insert a new Class Module — Class1
    ‘Cut/Paste the following 34 rows of text to create a Class1 definition record of only those data fields required for analysis
    ‘Option Explicit
    ‘Private pYYMM As String
    ‘Private pAccountNumber As String
    ‘Private pCustomerName As String
    ‘Private pTotalValue As Single

    ‘Property Let YYMM(xx As String) ‘YYMM
    ‘ pYYMM = xx
    ‘End Property
    ‘Property Get YYMM() As String
    ‘ YYMM = pYYMM
    ‘End Property
    ‘Property Let AccountNumber(xx As String) ‘AccountNumber
    ‘ pAccountNumber = xx
    ‘End Property
    ‘Property Get AccountNumber() As String
    ‘ AccountNumber = pAccountNumber
    ‘End Property
    ‘Property Let CustomerName(xx As String) ‘CustomerName
    ‘ pCustomerName = xx
    ‘End Property
    ‘Property Get CustomerName() As String
    ‘ CustomerName = pCustomerName
    ‘End Property
    ‘Property Let TotalValue(xx As Single) ‘TotalValue
    ‘ pTotalValue = xx
    ‘End Property
    ‘Property Get TotalValue() As Single
    ‘ TotalValue = pTotalValue
    ‘End Property
    »’Cut/Paste up to here and remove the first ‘ comment on each row after pasting into Class1


    ‘Code module content
    Option Explicit
    Dim NewRecord As New Class1 ‘record area (definition of new Class1 record)
    Dim Class1Collection As New Collection ‘A collection of keyed records held in memory
    Dim Class1Key As String ‘Collection Key must be a String
    Dim WalkRecord As Class1
    ‘This code creates the text key used to access each Class1 record in memory by year, month and account number:-
    Dim Rw As Long
    Dim StartTime As Date
    Sub Consolidate()
    StartTime = Now()
    For Rw = 2 To Range(«A1»).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
    Class1Key = Format(Range(«A» & Rw).Value, «yymm») & Range(«B» & Rw).Value ‘Key = yymm & AccountNumber
    ‘This code populates the Class1 record:-
    NewRecord.YYMM = Format(Range(«A» & Rw).Value, «yymm») ‘YYMM
    NewRecord.AccountNumber = Range(«B» & Rw).Value ‘AccountNumber
    NewRecord.CustomerName = Range(«C» & Rw).Value ‘CustomerName
    NewRecord.TotalValue = Range(«J» & Rw).Value ‘TotalValue
    ‘This code writes the Class record into memory and, if an identical key already exists, accumulate TotalValue:-
    On Error Resume Next
    Call Class1Collection.Add(NewRecord, Class1Key)
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case Is = 0
    On Error GoTo 0
    ‘******** NEW RECORD INSERTED OK HERE *********
    Case Is = 457
    On Error GoTo 0
    Class1Collection(Class1Key).TotalValue = Class1Collection(Class1Key).TotalValue + NewRecord.TotalValue
    Case Else
    ‘******** UNEXPECTED ERROR *****************
    Err.Raise Err.Number
    End Select
    Set NewRecord = Nothing
    Next Rw
    ‘ When all the records have been processed, This code writes Collection entries to a WorkSheet:-
    Range(«A1:D1»).Value = Array(«Date», «account number», «customer name», «total value»)
    Rw = 2
    For Each WalkRecord In Class1Collection ‘walk collection and write rows
    Cells(Rw, 1) = «20» & Left(WalkRecord.YYMM, 2) & «/» & Right(WalkRecord.YYMM, 2)
    Cells(Rw, 2) = WalkRecord.AccountNumber
    Cells(Rw, 3) = WalkRecord.CustomerName
    Cells(Rw, 4) = WalkRecord.TotalValue
    Rw = Rw + 1
    Next WalkRecord
    Columns(«A:A»).NumberFormat = «dd/mm/yyyy;@»
    Columns(«D:D»).NumberFormat = «#,##0.00»
    Columns(«A:D»).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    Set Class1Collection = Nothing
    ‘This code sorts the Consolidated records into AccountNumber within YY/MM
    Rw = Range(«A1»).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(«Consolidation»).Sort.SortFields.Add Key _
    :=Range(«A2:A» & Rw), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(«Consolidation»).Sort.SortFields.Add Key _
    :=Range(«B2:B» & Rw), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(«Consolidation»).Sort
    .SetRange Range(«A1:D» & Rw)
    .Header = xlYes
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    MsgBox («Runtime » & Format(Now() — StartTime, «hh:mm:ss»)) ‘300k records takes 1 min 46 seconds on my ancient HP laptop
    End Sub
    ‘Now run macro Generate to create 300k test rows, followed by macro Consolidate to demonstrate consolidation by data collection.
    ‘In my experience the improvement in Excel run time is so spectacular that no further action is required
    ‘but further run time improvements could result from avoiding calling the Format function twice every row,
    ‘or holding CustomerName in another collection and accessing during the Walk process, or using the Dictionary class?
    ‘Note that is advisable to run macro ClearSheets before saving your WorkBook.
    ‘Also the Record constant can be manually adjust up to a maximum of 1048575 if required
    Sub Generate() ‘Generates test data in Sheet Data
    Const StartDate As Date = 42370 ’01/01/2016
    Const FinishDate As Date = 44196 ’31/12/2020
    Const Records As Long = 300000 ‘number of records to generate — max 1048575
    Const Customers As Integer = 1000 ‘number of Customers
    Const StartValue As Integer = 5 ‘£5
    Const FinishValue As Integer = 100 ‘£100
    StartTime = Now()
    Range(«A1:J1»).Value = Array(«Date», «account number», «customer name», «address 1», «address 2», «address 3», «address 4», «address 5», «phone number», «tx value»)
    For Rw = 2 To Records + 1
    Cells(Rw, 1) = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(StartDate, FinishDate) ‘Date
    Cells(Rw, 2) = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, Customers) ‘Customer number
    Range(Cells(Rw, 3), Cells(Rw, 9)) = Array(«Customer » & Cells(Rw, 2), «Not required», «Not required», «Not required», «Not required», «Not required», «Not required»)
    Cells(Rw, 10) = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(StartValue, FinishValue) ‘Value
    Next Rw
    Columns(«A:A»).NumberFormat = «dd/mm/yyyy;@»
    Columns(«J:J»).NumberFormat = «#,##0.00»
    Columns(«A:J»).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    MsgBox («Runtime » & Format(Now() — StartTime, «hh:mm:ss»)) ‘300k records takes 1 min 50 seconds on my ancient HP laptop
    End Sub
    Sub ClearSheets() ‘delete all data before saving
    Range(«A1»).CurrentRegion.Delete Shift:=xlUp
    Range(«A1»).CurrentRegion.Delete Shift:=xlUp
    End Sub
    ‘Finally, a data collection can comprise of values and keys without requiring a Class record.
    ‘Such a collection can be used to identify data duplicates (e.g. value/key=row number/cellcontent) or hold a lookup table (e.g. value/key=name/account)
    ‘Most applications process far more data than they report therefore using collections benefits most data sets irrespective of volume.

    »Example of generating subtotals by writing additional records into the collection
    ‘Sub ConsolidateWithSubtotals()
    ‘Dim SubTotalRecord As New Class1 ‘subtotals
    ‘ StartTime = Now()
    ‘ Sheets(«Data»).Select
    ‘ For Rw = 2 To Range(«A1»).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
    ‘ Class1Key = Format(Range(«A» & Rw).Value, «yymm») & Range(«B» & Rw).Value ‘Key = yymm & AccountNumber
    »Next populate the Class1 record:-
    ‘ NewRecord.YYMM = Format(Range(«A» & Rw).Value, «yymm») ‘YYMM
    ‘ NewRecord.AccountNumber = Range(«B» & Rw).Value ‘AccountNumber
    ‘ NewRecord.CustomerName = Range(«C» & Rw).Value ‘CustomerName
    ‘ NewRecord.TotalValue = Range(«J» & Rw).Value ‘TotalValue
    »Next write the Class record into memory and, if an identical key already exists, accumulate TotalValue:-
    ‘ On Error Resume Next
    ‘ Call Class1Collection.Add(NewRecord, Class1Key)
    ‘ Select Case Err.Number
    ‘ Case Is = 0
    ‘ On Error GoTo 0
    ‘ ‘******** NEW RECORD INSERTED OK HERE *********
    ‘ Case Is = 457
    ‘ On Error GoTo 0
    ‘ ‘******** CONSOLIDATE DUPLICATE KEY CASES HERE ************
    ‘ Class1Collection(Class1Key).TotalValue = Class1Collection(Class1Key).TotalValue + NewRecord.TotalValue
    ‘ Case Else
    ‘ ‘******** UNEXPECTED ERROR *****************
    ‘ Err.Raise Err.Number
    ‘ Stop
    ‘ End Select
    ‘ Set NewRecord = Nothing
    »accumulate subtotals
    ‘ Class1Key = Format(Range(«A» & Rw).Value, «yymm») ‘Key = yymm
    ‘ SubTotalRecord.YYMM = Format(Range(«A» & Rw).Value, «yymm») ‘YYMM
    ‘ SubTotalRecord.AccountNumber = «Subtotal»
    ‘ SubTotalRecord.CustomerName = «»
    ‘ SubTotalRecord.TotalValue = Range(«J» & Rw).Value ‘TotalValue
    ‘ On Error Resume Next
    ‘ Call Class1Collection.Add(SubTotalRecord, Class1Key)
    ‘ Select Case Err.Number
    ‘ Case Is = 0
    ‘ On Error GoTo 0
    ‘ ‘******** NEW RECORD INSERTED OK HERE *********
    ‘ Case Is = 457
    ‘ On Error GoTo 0
    ‘ ‘******** CONSOLIDATE DUPLICATE KEY CASES HERE ************
    ‘ Class1Collection(Class1Key).TotalValue = Class1Collection(Class1Key).TotalValue + SubTotalRecord.TotalValue
    ‘ Case Else
    ‘ ‘******** UNEXPECTED ERROR *****************
    ‘ Err.Raise Err.Number
    ‘ Stop
    ‘ End Select
    ‘ Set SubTotalRecord = Nothing
    ‘ Next Rw
    » When all the records have been processed, write Collection entries to a WorkSheet:-
    ‘ Sheets(«Consolidation»).Select
    ‘ Range(«A1:D1»).Value = Array(«Date», «account number», «customer name», «total value»)
    ‘ Rw = 2
    ‘ For Each WalkRecord In Class1Collection ‘walk collection and write rows
    ‘ If WalkRecord.AccountNumber = «Subtotal» Then
    ‘ Cells(Rw, 1) = «20» & Left(WalkRecord.YYMM, 2) & «/» & Right(WalkRecord.YYMM, 2)
    ‘ Cells(Rw, 2) = «Subtotal 20» & Left(WalkRecord.YYMM, 2) & «/» & Right(WalkRecord.YYMM, 2)
    ‘ Cells(Rw, 3) = WalkRecord.CustomerName
    ‘ Cells(Rw, 4) = WalkRecord.TotalValue
    ‘ Else
    ‘ Cells(Rw, 1) = «20» & Left(WalkRecord.YYMM, 2) & «/» & Right(WalkRecord.YYMM, 2)
    ‘ Cells(Rw, 2) = WalkRecord.AccountNumber
    ‘ Cells(Rw, 3) = WalkRecord.CustomerName
    ‘ Cells(Rw, 4) = WalkRecord.TotalValue
    ‘ End If
    ‘ Rw = Rw + 1
    ‘ Next WalkRecord
    ‘ Set Class1Collection = Nothing
    ‘ Rw = Range(«A1»).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
    ‘ ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(«Consolidation»).Sort.SortFields.Clear
    ‘ ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(«Consolidation»).Sort.SortFields.Add Key _
    ‘ :=Range(«A2:A» & Rw), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ‘ ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(«Consolidation»).Sort.SortFields.Add Key _
    ‘ :=Range(«B2:B» & Rw), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ‘ With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(«Consolidation»).Sort
    ‘ .SetRange Range(«A1:D» & Rw)
    ‘ .Header = xlYes
    ‘ .MatchCase = False
    ‘ .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    ‘ .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    ‘ .Apply
    ‘ End With
    ‘ Range(«A2»).Select
    ‘ MsgBox («Runtime » & Format(Now() — StartTime, «hh:mm:ss»)) ‘300k records takes 1 min 46 seconds on my ancient HP laptop
    ‘End Sub

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