Most common word in text

Studies that estimate and rank the most common words in English examine texts written in English. Perhaps the most comprehensive such analysis is one that was conducted against the Oxford English Corpus (OEC), a massive text corpus that is written in the English language.

In total, the texts in the Oxford English Corpus contain more than 2 billion words.[1] The OEC includes a wide variety of writing samples, such as literary works, novels, academic journals, newspapers, magazines, Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, blogs, chat logs, and emails.[2]

Another English corpus that has been used to study word frequency is the Brown Corpus, which was compiled by researchers at Brown University in the 1960s. The researchers published their analysis of the Brown Corpus in 1967. Their findings were similar, but not identical, to the findings of the OEC analysis.

According to The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists, the first 25 words in the OEC make up about one-third of all printed material in English, and the first 100 words make up about half of all written English.[3] According to a study cited by Robert McCrum in The Story of English, all of the first hundred of the most common words in English are of Old English origin,[4] except for «people», ultimately from Latin «populus», and «because», in part from Latin «causa».

Some lists of common words distinguish between word forms, while others rank all forms of a word as a single lexeme (the form of the word as it would appear in a dictionary). For example, the lexeme be (as in to be) comprises all its conjugations (is, was, am, are, were, etc.), and contractions of those conjugations.[5] These top 100 lemmas listed below account for 50% of all the words in the Oxford English Corpus.[1]

100 most common words

A list of 100 words that occur most frequently in written English is given below, based on an analysis of the Oxford English Corpus (a collection of texts in the English language, comprising over 2 billion words).[1] A part of speech is provided for most of the words, but part-of-speech categories vary between analyses, and not all possibilities are listed. For example, «I» may be a pronoun or a Roman numeral; «to» may be a preposition or an infinitive marker; «time» may be a noun or a verb. Also, a single spelling can represent more than one root word. For example, «singer» may be a form of either «sing» or «singe». Different corpora may treat such difference differently.

The number of distinct senses that are listed in Wiktionary is shown in the polysemy column. For example, «out» can refer to an escape, a removal from play in baseball, or any of 36 other concepts. On average, each word in the list has 15.38 senses. The sense count does not include the use of terms in phrasal verbs such as «put out» (as in «inconvenienced») and other multiword expressions such as the interjection «get out!», where the word «out» does not have an individual meaning.[6] As an example, «out» occurs in at least 560 phrasal verbs[7] and appears in nearly 1700 multiword expressions.[8]

The table also includes frequencies from other corpora. Note that as well as usage differences, lemmatisation may differ from corpus to corpus – for example splitting the prepositional use of «to» from the use as a particle. Also the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) list includes dispersion as well as frequency to calculate rank.

Word Parts of speech OEC rank COCA rank[9] Dolch level Polysemy
the Article 1 1 Pre-primer 12
be Verb 2 2 Primer 21
to Preposition 3 7, 9 Pre-primer 17
of Preposition 4 4 Grade 1 12
and Conjunction 5 3 Pre-primer 16
a Article 6 5 Pre-primer 20
in Preposition 7 6, 128, 3038 Pre-primer 23
that Conjunction et al. 8 12, 27, 903 Primer 17
have Verb 9 8 Primer 25
I Pronoun 10 11 Pre-primer 7
it Pronoun 11 10 Pre-primer 18
for Preposition 12 13, 2339 Pre-primer 19
not Adverb et al. 13 28, 2929 Pre-primer 5
on Preposition 14 17, 155 Primer 43
with Preposition 15 16 Primer 11
he Pronoun 16 15 Primer 7
as Adverb, conjunction, et al. 17 33, 49, 129 Grade 1 17
you Pronoun 18 14 Pre-primer 9
do Verb, noun 19 18 Primer 38
at Preposition 20 22 Primer 14
this Determiner, adverb, noun 21 20, 4665 Primer 9
but Preposition, adverb, conjunction 22 23, 1715 Primer 17
his Possessive pronoun 23 25, 1887 Grade 1 6
by Preposition 24 30, 1190 Grade 1 19
from Preposition 25 26 Grade 1 4
they Pronoun 26 21 Primer 6
we Pronoun 27 24 Pre-primer 6
say Verb et al. 28 19 Primer 17
her Possessive pronoun 29, 106 42 Grade 1 3
she Pronoun 30 31 Primer 7
or Conjunction 31 32 Grade 2 11
an Article 32 (a) Grade 1 6
will Verb, noun 33 48, 1506 Primer 16
my Possessive pronoun 34 44 Pre-primer 5
one Noun, adjective, et al. 35 51, 104, 839 Pre-primer 24
all Adjective 36 43, 222 Primer 15
would Verb 37 41 Grade 2 13
there Adverb, pronoun, et al. 38 53, 116 Primer 14
their Possessive pronoun 39 36 Grade 2 2
what Pronoun, adverb, et al. 40 34 Primer 19
so Conjunction, adverb, et al. 41 55, 196 Primer 18
up Adverb, preposition, et al. 42 50, 456 Pre-primer 50
out Preposition 43 64, 149 Primer 38
if Conjunction 44 40 Grade 3 9
about Preposition, adverb, et al. 45 46, 179 Grade 3 18
who Pronoun, noun 46 38 Primer 5
get Verb 47 39 Primer 37
which Pronoun 48 58 Grade 2 7
go Verb, noun 49 35 Pre-primer 54
me Pronoun 50 61 Pre-primer 10
when Adverb 51 57, 136 Grade 1 11
make Verb, noun 52 45 Grade 2 [as «made»] 48
can Verb, noun 53 37, 2973 Pre-primer 18
like Preposition, verb 54 74, 208, 1123, 1684, 2702 Primer 26
time Noun 55 52 Dolch list of 95 nouns 14
no Determiner, adverb 56 93, 699, 916, 1111, 4555 Primer 10
just Adjective 57 66, 1823 14
him Pronoun 58 68 5
know Verb, noun 59 47 13
take Verb, noun 60 63 66
people Noun 61 62 9
into Preposition 62 65 10
year Noun 63 54 7
your Possessive pronoun 64 69 4
good Adjective 65 110, 2280 32
some Determiner, pronoun 66 60 10
could Verb 67 71 6
them Pronoun 68 59 3
see Verb 69 67 25
other Adjective, pronoun 70 75, 715, 2355 12
than Conjunction, preposition 71 73, 712 4
then Adverb 72 77 10
now Preposition 73 72, 1906 13
look Verb 74 85, 604 17
only Adverb 75 101, 329 11
come Verb 76 70 20
its Possessive pronoun 77 78 2
over Preposition 78 124, 182 19
think Verb 79 56 10
also Adverb 80 87 2
back Noun, adverb 81 108, 323, 1877 36
after Preposition 82 120, 260 14
use Verb, noun 83 92, 429 17
two Noun 84 80 6
how Adverb 85 76 11
our Possessive pronoun 86 79 3
work Verb, noun 87 117, 199 28
first Adjective 88 86, 2064 10
well Adverb 89 100, 644 30
way Noun, adverb 90 84, 4090 16
even Adjective 91 107, 484 23
new Adjective et al. 92 88 18
want Verb 93 83 10
because Conjunction 94 89, 509 7
any Pronoun 95 109, 4720 4
these Pronoun 96 82 2
give Verb 97 98 19
day Noun 98 90 9
most Adverb 99 144, 187 12
us Pronoun 100 113 6

Parts of speech

The following is a very similar list, subdivided by part of speech.[1] The list labeled «Others» includes pronouns, possessives, articles, modal verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions.

Rank Nouns Verbs Adjectives Prepositions Others
1 time be good to the
2 person have new of and
3 year do first in a
4 way say last for that
5 day get long on I
6 thing make great with it
7 man go little at not
8 world know own by he
9 life take other from as
10 hand see old up you
11 part come right about this
12 child think big into but
13 eye look high over his
14 woman want different after they
15 place give small her
16 work use large she
17 week find next or
18 case tell early an
19 point ask young will
20 government work important my
21 company seem few one
22 number feel public all
23 group try bad would
24 problem leave same there
25 fact call able their

See also

  • Basic English
  • Frequency analysis, the study of the frequency of letters or groups of letters
  • Letter frequencies
  • Oxford English Corpus
  • Swadesh list, a compilation of basic concepts for the purpose of historical-comparative linguistics
  • Zipf’s law, a theory stating that the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in a frequency table

Word lists

  • Dolch Word List, a list of frequently used English words
  • General Service List
  • Word lists by frequency


  1. ^ a b c d «The Oxford English Corpus: Facts about the language». Oxford University Press. What is the commonest word?. Archived from the original on December 26, 2011. Retrieved June 22, 2011.
  2. ^ «The Oxford English Corpus». Archived from the original on May 4, 2006. Retrieved June 22, 2006.
  3. ^ The First 100 Most Commonly Used English Words Archived 2013-06-16 at the Wayback Machine.
  4. ^ Bill Bryson, The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way, Harper Perennial, 2001, page 58
  5. ^ Benjamin Zimmer. June 22, 2006. Time after time after time…. Language Log. Retrieved June 22, 2006.
  6. ^ Benjamin, Martin (2019). «Polysemy in top 100 Oxford English Corpus words within Wiktionary». Teach You Backwards. Retrieved December 28, 2019.
  7. ^ Garcia-Vega, M (2010). «Teasing out the meaning of «out»«. 29th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar.
  8. ^ «out — English-French Dictionary». Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  9. ^ «Word frequency: based on 450 million word COCA corpus». Retrieved April 11, 2018.

External links

WordCounter analyzes your text and tells you the most common words and phrases.

This tool helps you count words, bigrams, and trigrams in plain text. This is often the first step in quantitative text analysis.

Составили подборку наиболее употребляемых слов в английском языке, привели примеры их использования в речи и на письме

300 спартанцев: самые употребляемые английские слова


  • 1. ТОП-50 существительных
  • 2. ТОП-50 прилагательных
  • 3. ТОП-50 наречий
  • 4. ТОП-50 глаголов
  • 5. ТОП-50 предлогов
  • 6. ТОП-50 местоимений

Ученые языковеды утверждают, что в английском языке порядка миллиона слов. Словарный запас взрослого носителя языка составляет от 10 000 до 30 000 слов — фантастическое количество для начинающих изучать язык. Но не впадаем в отчаяние. Исследования показывают, что всего лишь 300 самых часто употребляемых слов помогут вам понимать более 50% текста (кроме специализированной и научной литературы) и выражать свои мысли.

Для вашего удобства мы разбили подборку на подгруппы, в которые вошли по 50 слов разных частей речи. К каждому слову указали значения, в которых они употребляются наиболее часто. Для составления подборки мы использовали следующие источники:

  • British National Corpus
  • Longman Communication 3 000
  • Longman Vocabulary Checker
  • 5 000 важных английских слов
  • 50 Most Common Adverbs, Meanings and Example Sentences
  • Cambridge Dictionary
  • Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries
  • Macmillan Dictionary

ТОП-50 существительных

Многие студенты, начиная осваивать язык, углубляются именно в изучение существительных. Однако легко потерять энтузиазм, принявшись заучивать названия всех животных в зоопарке, всех инструментов для ремонта или всех видов одежды. Поэтому для начала предлагаем освоить короткий список из 50 наиболее употребляемых существительных (nouns) — такой подход более эффективен.

Слово Перевод Пример
an area площадь, участок, область, район This is a very poor area. — Это очень бедный район.
a book книга Have you read any good books recently? — Ты недавно читала какую-нибудь хорошую книгу?
a business дело, занятие, работа, бизнес He’s in the frozen food business. — У него бизнес в сфере замороженной еды.
a case случай;


I often disagree with you, but not in this case. — Я часто не согласен с тобой, но не в этом случае.

The lawyer was upset because he lost the case in the court. — Адвокат был расстроен, потому что проиграл дело в суде.

a child ребенок Our oldest child is nearly 15. — Нашему старшему ребенку почти 15.
a company общество, компания My father works for a pharmaceutical company. — Мой отец работает на фармакологическую компанию.
a country страна;


What is the smallest country in the world? — Какая самая маленькая страна в мире?

I spent my childhood in the country. — Я провела свое детство в деревне.

a day день It took us a day to get to France. — У нас заняло день добраться до Франции.
an eye глаз She has got beautiful blue eyes. — У нее красивые голубые глаза.
a fact факт, событие;


No decision will be made until we know all the facts. — Мы не будем принимать никакое решение, пока не узнаем все факты.

It can be hard to separate fact from fiction. — Бывает трудно отделить истину от вымысла.

a family семья I came from the large family: three brothers and four sisters. — Я из большой семьи: три брата и четыре сестры.
a government правительство Unlike the present government, we believe in serving the people. — В отличие от нынешнего правительства, мы верим в служение народу.
a group группа A small group of children waited outside. — Маленькая группа детей ожидала снаружи.
a hand рука I’ve put my hands in my pockets to keep them warm. — Я положил руки в карманы, чтобы согреть их.
a home дом Her home is in the west of London. — Ее дом на западе Лондона.
a job работа, должность Is Mary enjoying her new job? — Мэри нравится ее новая работа?
a life жизнь I don’t want to spend all my life doing this. — Я не хочу потратить всю свою жизнь на это.
a lot жребий, участь;


много (a lot of)

She seems happy enough with her lot. — Кажется, она довольна своей участью.

I’ve already done one lot of washing. — Я уже постирала партию белья.

There were a lot of people outside the museum. — Около музея было много людей.

a man человек, мужчина A man phoned you yesterday at 12. — Вчера тебе звонил какой-то мужчина в 12.
money деньги You’ll have to change some money at the bank. — Тебе нужно поменять деньги в банке.
a month месяц We spent a month touring round Africa. — Мы провели месяц, путешествуя по Африке.
a mother мать My mother was 18 when she got married. — Моей матери было 18, когда она вышла замуж.
Mr мистер, господин I called him Mr Lewis, but he asked me to call him John. — Я называл его мистер Льюис, но он попросил называть его Джон.
a night ночь, вечер I slept really badly last night. — Я спал действительно плохо прошлой ночью.
a number число, номер Please tell me your credit card number. — Пожалуйста, скажи мне свой номер кредитный карточки.
a part доля, часть Cleaning is part of my daily routine. — Уборка — это часть моей ежедневной рутины.
people люди, народ Many people never do any exercise. — Многие люди никогда не тренируются.

The rebels have gained the support of the people. — Повстанцы заручились поддержкой народа.

a place место New York is a very exciting place to live. — Нью-Йорк — это очень интересное место для жизни.
a point точка;

точка зрения, мнение;

суть, смысл;


This is a good point from which to watch the race. — Это хорошая точка, из которой видно всю гонку.

I get your point but it doesn’t mean that I share it. — Я понимаю вашу точку зрения, но это не значит, что я ее разделяю.

I thought Josie was never going to get to the point. — Я думал, что Джози никогда не перейдет к сути дела.

At some point they understood that there wasn’t any reason to stay there. — В какой-то момент они поняли, что им незачем было здесь оставаться.

a problem проблема, задача I have a problem with my computer. — У меня проблема с моим компьютером.
a programme программа I installed a new computer programme on my laptop. — Я установил новую компьютерную программу на мой ноутбук.
a question вопрос If you have a question, ask it at the end of the lecture. — Если у вас есть вопрос, задайте его в конце лекции.
a right правота, право Everyone has a right to education. — Все имеют право на образование.
a room комната, место;


Kate is upstairs in her room. — Кейт наверху в своей комнате.

Is there enough room for everyone? — Всем хватит места?

His work isn’t bad but there’s still some room for improvement. — Его работа неплохая, но есть возможность улучшить.

a school школа What did you learn at school today? — Что ты учил в школе сегодня?
a state государство, штат;

состояние, положение

Schools receive a small amount of funding from the state. — Школы получают небольшую сумму на финансирование от государства.

The state of the economy is terrible. — Состояние экономики ужасное.

a story рассказ, история Will you read me a story, mom? — Ты мне почитаешь историю, мама?
a student студент, учащийся Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to the test. — Студентам запрещено приносить мобильные телефоны на контрольную.
a study учеба, изучение;

рабочий кабинет

Scientists tell us about the study of the oceans’ role in climate change. — Ученые говорят об изучении роли океана в изменении климата.

He went to his study to finish the book. — Он пошел в кабинет, чтобы закончить свою книгу.

a system система Hot water circulates through the heating system. — Горячая вода циркулирует через систему отопления.
a thing вещь Poor neighbours, all their things were destroyed in the fire. — Бедные соседи, все их вещи уничтожены при пожаре.
time время;


I want to spend more time travelling. — Я хочу проводить больше времени в путешествиях.

Please give me a call the next time you’re in New Jersey. — Пожалуйста, позвони мне, когда будешь в Нью-Джерси в следующий раз.

water вода The water in the Red Sea is always very clear. — Вода в Красном море всегда очень чистая.
a way путь, дорога;


Could you tell me the way to the library? — Не подскажете дорогу в библиотеку?

What’s the best way to learn a language? — Какой способ выучить язык самый лучший?

a week неделя Last week was really the worst in my life. — Последняя неделя действительно была самой ужасной в моей жизни.
a woman женщина The woman in the red and black dress was my boss. — Женщина в красно-черном платье была моей начальницей.
a word слово Learn the words and speak better! — Выучи слова и говори лучше!
a work работа What time do you finish work? — В какое время ты заканчиваешь работу?
a world мир This world is full of wonders and mysteries. — Этот мир полон чудес и загадок.
a year год Next year I’m going to jump with the parachute. — В следующем году я собираюсь прыгнуть с парашютом.

ТОП-50 прилагательных

Прилагательные (adjectives) описывают предметы, лица и явления, о которых мы говорим. Они характеризуют их, дают оценку, могут служить для описания общих качеств (цвет, размер, материал, форма), а также сообщать о возрасте или происхождении. Сложные прилагательные вы можете заменять более простыми и знакомыми вам синонимами, например: confusing (сбивающий с толку, путающий) можно заменить на not clear (неясный).

Слово Перевод Пример
able способный, умеющий, компетентный Will she be able to cope with the work? — Она способна справиться с этой работой?
bad плохой, вредный, злой Our plans were spoiled by bad weather. — Наши планы были испорчены плохой погодой.
best лучший What’s the best way to get to the opera house? — Как лучше добраться до оперного театра?
better лучше (сравнительная степень good) She is a better student than others, but a very unpleasant person. — Она учится лучше, чем другие, но она очень неприятный человек.
big большой Tom lives in the big house opposite the church. — Том живет в большом доме напротив церкви.
black черный The black bug frightened Mary to death. — Черный жук напугал Мэри до смерти.
certain точный, уверенный;


The police seem certain they will find the criminal. — Полиция уверена, что найдет преступника.

This country house has a certain charm. — В этом загородном домике есть некий шарм.

clear ясный, чистый;


The sky is so clear that we can see hundreds of stars. — Небо такое чистое, что мы можем видеть сотни звезд.

She’s given me very clear instructions. — Она дала мне очень понятные инструкции.

different непохожий, другой, отличный, разный He is so different from his sister! — Он так отличается от своей сестры!

There are so many different ways to learn English. — Есть так много разных способов выучить английский язык.

early ранний I adore early rises: the sunrise, the birds and the fresh air. — Я обожаю ранние подъемы: восходы, птички и свежий воздух.
easy легкий This is an easy task, I’ll do it quickly. — Это легкое задание, я сделаю его быстро.
economic экономический, экономически выгодный Our country is in the economic crisis again. — Наша страна снова в экономическом кризисе.

Some people believe that it’s economic to be vegetarian. — Некоторые люди считают, что быть вегетарианцем экономически выгодно.

fine тонкий;

хороший, яркий

I knew that there was a fine line between panic and caution. — Я знал, что между паникой и осторожностью есть тонкая грань.

The car is fine, you should buy it. — Хорошая машина, тебе стоит купить ее.

free свободный, бесплатный What do you do in your free time? — Что ты делаешь в свободное время?

There are some organizations which provide homeless people with free food. — Есть организации, которые предоставляют бездомным бесплатное питание.

full наполненный, целый;


The cup is full, so be careful! — Чашка наполнена, будь осторожен!

Please, mom, take this away. I’m full. — Мам, пожалуйста, убери это. Я сыт.

good хороший, полезный I spent the weekend at home with a good book. — Я провел выходные дома с хорошей книгой.
great большой;



The study will require a great amount of time and money. — Исследование потребует большого количества времени и денег.

The great brains of the world couldn’t decide this question. — Великие умы мира не могли решить этот вопрос.

We had a great time last night at the party. — Прошлым вечером мы прекрасно провели время на вечеринке.

hard жесткий, твердый;


Heating the clay makes it hard. — Обжиг глины делает ее твердой.

It’s hard being a single mother. — Трудно быть матерью одиночкой.

high высокий, высший The house is surrounded by a high fence. — Дом окружен высоким забором.
human людской, человеческий The human ear cannot hear very high-frequency sounds. — Человеческое ухо не способно слышать высокочастотные звуки.
important важный It’s important for the future to get a good education. — Для будущего важно получить хорошее образование.
international международный Jack worked for a large international company. — Джек работал на большую международную компанию.
large большой, крупный Such a large house should cost a lot! — Такой большой дом должен стоить очень много!
late поздний, запоздалый;


I always have a late breakfast on the weekend. — Я всегда ем поздний завтрак на выходных.

Her late husband owned a very big company. — Ее покойный муж владел очень большой компанией.

little маленький, короткий, небольшой The ring was presented in a little box. — Кольцо было подарено в маленькой коробочке.
local местный Many local shops are closed due to the crisis. — Многие местные магазины закрылись из-за кризиса.
long длинный, долгий There is always a long queue at the post office. — На почте всегда длинная очередь.
low низкий The shelf is too low — I just hit my head on it. — Эта полка висит слишком низко, я только что ударился головой.
major более важный, главный;


All her major books are translated into English. — Все ее главные книги переведены на английский.

The major commander gives orders and the soldiers must obey. — Старший командующий дает распоряжения, а солдаты должны подчиняться.

military военный He looks good in his military uniform. — Он хорошо выглядит в военной форме.
national национальный, государственный Today is a national holiday, so I have a day off. — Сегодня государственный праздник, поэтому у меня выходной.
new новый Have you met the new secretary yet? — Ты уже встретил нового секретаря.
old старый Many buildings in the old part of the city are falling down. — Многие здания в старой части города падают.
only единственный, выдающийся, исключительный It was the only way to change the situation. — Это был единственный способ изменить ситуацию.
other другой, иной Put the chair on the other side of the table. — Поставь стул на другую сторону стола.
political политический She is a candidate of a major political party. — Она кандидат от основной политической партии.
possible вероятный, возможный This is one of the possible solutions of the problem. — Это одно из возможных решений проблемы.
public общественный, государственный, народный His ideas have very little public support. — Его идеи получили очень мало общественной поддержки.
real реальный, подлинный The real problem for me is Chinese, it’s hard to learn it. — Реальная проблема для меня — китайский язык, его очень тяжело выучить.
recent недавний, последний, свежий The recent survey showed the considerable growth of interest in the IT sphere. — Недавние опросы показали существенный рост интереса к сфере ИТ.
right правый;


Give me your right hand, please. — Дай мне, пожалуйста, свою правую руку.

Cathy got 3 answers right and 2 wrong. — Кэти получила 3 правильных ответа и 2 неправильных.

small маленький, небольшой He has a small dog. — У него маленькая собака.
social общественный, социальный He had almost no social life. — У него почти не было общественной жизни.
special особый, специальный Is there anything special that you’d like to do today? — Есть что-то особенное, чем бы ты хотел заняться сегодня?
strong сильный, крепкий Strong winds are typical for our region. — Сильные ветра типичны для нашего региона.
sure уверенный, несомненный I’m sure I left the keys at home. — Я уверен, что оставил ключи дома.
true правильный, правдивый This story is only partly true. — Эта история только частично правдивая.
white белый White is my favourite colour. — Белый — мой любимый цвет.
whole весь, целый, полный I spent the whole day doing nothing. — Я провела целый день ничего не делая.
young молодой, юный Angela is too young to have children! — Анжела слишком молода, чтобы иметь детей!

ТОП-50 наречий

Наречие (adverb) — это часть речи, которая дает дополнительную информацию о действии: как произошло, когда, где. Оно чаще всего характеризует сказуемое, а также может описывать и давать дополнительную информацию о других членах предложения. Наречия помогут вам объяснить, как и где произошли события, выдать оценочное суждение, привлечь внимание более ярким и точным описанием.

Слово Перевод Пример
accidentally случайно, нечаянно He accidentally broke a window. — Он случайно разбил окно.
actually фактически, на самом деле We didn’t actually see the president, we just heard his voice. — Мы фактически не видели президента, мы слышали его голос.
always всегда It’s always cold in winter. — Зимой всегда холодно.
annually ежегодно The birds migrate annually to the South. — Птицы мигрируют ежегодно на юг.
anxiously тревожно, с волнением I waited anxiously at the door. — Я с волнением ожидала у двери.
arrogantly высокомерно, надменно The policemen behaved arrogantly, said the lawyer. — Юрист заявил, что полиция ведет себя высокомерно.
awkwardly неловко He walked awkwardly across the room in his new tight shoes. — Он неловко прошел через комнату в своих новых тесных туфлях.
beautifully красиво Clare was so beautifully dressed, that all were impressed. — Клер была одета так красиво, что все были впечатлены.
bitterly горько The baby cried bitterly. — Ребенок горько плакал.
bravely смело She faced the difficulties bravely. — Она смело встретила трудности.
briefly кратко Tell me briefly the facts and I’ll try to help. — Кратко изложите мне факты, и я попытаюсь помочь.
carefully осторожно Wash it carefully, it’s very expensive. — Мой осторожно, это дорогая вещь.
certainly точно, конечно, уверенно — Have you spent everything?
Certainly not!
— Ты потратил все?
Конечно, нет!
daily ежедневно I check my email daily. — Я проверяю свою электронную почту ежедневно.
doubtfully с сомнением, нерешительно He wanted to believe her, but still looked at her doubtfully. — Он хотел ей верить, но все еще смотрел на нее с сомнением.
easily легко The student passed the exam easily and left the room first. — Студент легко сдал экзамен и покинул класс первым.
especially особенно She is especially interested in languages. — Ее особенно интересуют языки.
exactly точно It took exactly two hours twenty minutes. — Это заняло точно два часа двадцать минут.
fairly объективно, справедливо;



в некоторой степени, довольно

A good judge should treat both sides fairly. — Хороший судья относится к обеим сторонам справедливо.

I have fairly seen him. — Я четко его разглядела.

To write fairly you need not to be in a hurry and practice. — Чтобы писать красиво тебе нужно не спешить и тренироваться.

We could see and hear fairly well. — Нам было довольно хорошо видно и слышно.

fast быстро;


You’ll have to act fast. — Ты должен действовать быстро.

He slept fast and no noise could wake him up. — Он крепко спал и никакой шум не мог его разбудить.

generally обычно, как правило, в целом I generally wake up only twice a night. — Я обычно просыпаюсь только два раза за ночь.
greatly очень, значительно I greatly regret not having told the truth. — Я очень сожалею, что не сказал правду.
happily успешно, удачно, счастливо We’ve been happily married for five years. — Мы счастливо женаты пять лет.
helpfully любезно, услужливо The waiter helpfully suggested dishes to order. — Официант любезно предложил блюда к заказу.
honestly честно, откровенно I can honestly say that I’m not interested in soap operas. — Я могу честно сказать, что меня не интересуют сериалы.
immediately прямо, непосредственно;


The drug store is on the left, immediately after the bank. — Аптека находится слева, прямо за банком.

Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. — Пожарные немедленно приняли меры, чтобы остановить распространение пожара.

jealously ревниво, завистливо She eyed Kate’s necklace jealously. — Она завистливо смотрела на ожерелье Кейт.
keenly сильно;


Both are keenly interested in project, but don’t want to decide anything. — Оба сильно интересуются проектом, но ничего не хотят решать.

He always keenly appreciated music and poetry. — Он всегда тонко воспринимал музыку и поэзию.

lively весело, энергично, живо We had a lively discussion. — У нас была живая дискуссия.
miserably печально, жалобно He looked miserably at her asking for an excuse. — Он жалобно смотрел на нее прося прощение.
mysteriously загадочно The lady mysteriously disappeared last month. — Леди загадочно пропала в прошлом месяце.
naturally конечно, естественно Relax and try to behave naturally. — Расслабься и старайся вести себя естественно.
officially официально, формально The new school will be officially opened in September. — Новая школа будет официально открыта в сентябре.
often часто I often get hungry in the middle of the night. — Я часто голоден в середине ночи.
politely вежливо The waiter should always talk politely to the visitors. — Официант должен всегда говорить вежливо с посетителями.
quickly быстро We quickly realized that we went the wrong way. — Мы быстро поняли, что поехали не в ту сторону.
randomly случайно, беспорядочно The winners are randomly selected. — Победители определяются случайным образом.
rapidly быстро I went rapidly up to him and shook his hand. — Я быстро подошел к нему и пожал ему руку.
regularly регулярно Clean your shoes regularly and be neat. — Чисти свои туфли регулярно и будь опрятным.
seldom редко We seldom have the chance to be together, because we are young parents now. — У нас редко есть шанс побыть вместе, потому что теперь мы молодые родители.
slowly медленно Could you talk a little bit slowly, my English is not perfect. — Вы бы не могли говорить немного медленнее, мой английский не идеален.
suddenly внезапно The window suddenly opened and crashed. — Окно внезапно открылось и разбилось.
thankfully к счастью Thankfully, nobody died in the fire. — К счастью, никто не погиб при пожаре.
totally полностью, совершенно, абсолютно This behaviour is totally unacceptable. — Его поведение абсолютно неприемлемо.
unexpectedly неожиданно His new novel was unexpectedly successful. — Его новый роман был неожиданно успешен.
unfortunately к сожалению Unfortunately, I can’t remember the names of all my clients. — К сожалению, я не могу запомнить имена всех моих клиентов.
usefully с пользой The tourist can spend the time on the road usefully listening to the guide’s stories. — Туристы могут провести время в дороге с пользой, слушая рассказы гида.
voluntarily добровольно The witness went voluntarily to the police to give the evidence. — Свидетель добровольно пошел в полицию, чтобы дать показания.
wrongly незаслуженно, неправильно We wrote his name wrongly, that’s why you can’t find it now. — Мы записали его имя неправильно, поэтому теперь не можем его найти.
zealously усердно, пылко Their complaints were zealously investigated by the quality department. — Их жалобы были усердно проверены отделом качества.

ТОП-50 глаголов

Мы составили подборку 50 наиболее часто употребляемых английских глаголов (verbs) в алфавитном порядке. Освоение глаголов — фундамент хорошего словарного запаса английского, так как они позволяют описывать действия, состояния предметов и объектов. С помощью глаголов мы можем выражать время совершения действия, описывать события в настоящем, будущем или прошлом, выражать гипотетическую ситуацию или возможность. Сразу оговорим, в первой колонке глаголы приведены в инфинитиве (начальной форме), а в предложении могут стоять в форме определенного грамматического времени.

Слово Перевод Пример
to ask спрашивать;


I ask you because I think you know him. — Я спрашиваю тебя, потому что думаю, ты его знаешь.

She asked to close the front door. — Она попросила закрыть входную дверь.

to be (am/is/are; was/were) быть, находиться, являться You have to go to college for a lot of years if you want to be a doctor. —Ты должен ходить в колледж много лет, если хочешь быть доктором.
to become становиться He became an American citizen in 2019. — Он стал гражданином Америки в 2019.
to begin начинать The film she wants to watch begins at 5 p. m. — Фильм, который она хочет посмотреть, начинается в 5 вечера.
to call кричать, звать;


His real name is Jonathan, but we always call him Johnny. — Его настоящее имя Джонатан, но мы всегда зовем его Джонни.

I was calling because I have a really big problem. — Я звонил, потому что у меня очень большая проблема.

can мочь, быть в состоянии She can speak five languages. — Она может говорить на пяти языках.
to come приходить, приезжать, заходить Come into the room and sit here. — Заходи в комнату и садись тут.
could можете, могли бы (вежливая форма);

мог (прошедшая форма can)

Could you tell me the time, please? — Можете подсказать мне который час?

I could speak Italian when I was a kid. — Я мог говорить на итальянском, когда был ребенком.

to do делать, выполнять, создавать;

вспомогательный глагол

The only thing you can do now is wait. — Единственная вещь, которую ты можешь сделать сейчас, это ждать.

Do you need my help? — Тебе нужна моя помощь?

to feel чувствовать;


I don’t feel comfortable in these shoes. — Я не чувствую комфорт в этих туфлях.

I feel it is my duty to help people in need. — Я считаю своим долгом помогать нуждающимся.

to find находить, встречать, обнаруживать, заставать;

считать, полагать, признавать

He could’t find her telephone number and was desperate. — Он не смог найти ее телефонный номер и был в отчаянии.

He finds her a very attractive woman. — Он считает ее очень привлекательной женщиной.

to get получить;




I got a letter from her two days ago. — Я получил письмо от нее два дня назад.

Tod went to the shop to get some milk. — Тод пошел в магазин, чтобы купить молока.

I’m sorry, but I don’t get it. — Прости, но я не понимаю этого.

I got to my office 10 minutes later than my boss. — Я добрался до офиса на 10 минут позже моего босса.

to give давать, дарить Give me a chance to explain. — Дай мне шанс объяснить.
to go идти, ехать They don’t go to the cinema often these days. — Они сейчас редко ходят в кино.
to have иметь;

быть вынужденным;

вспомогательный глагол

We have the right to vote as we are 18 already. — Мы имеем право голоса, так как нам уже исполнилось 18.

For all I know, she will have to give the money back in a couple of days. — Насколько я знаю, ей придется вернуть деньги через пару дней.

Have you done your French homework? — Ты сделал домашнее задание по французскому?

to hear слышать, слушать Speak louder, please! I can’t hear you. — Говорите громче, пожалуйста, я вас не слышу.
to help помогать Learning English will help me in future work. — Изучение английского поможет мне в будущей работе.
to keep держать, хранить;


You should keep medicines in a locked box. — Вам следует хранить медикаменты в закрытой коробке.

He kept talking even though nobody was listening to him anymore. — Он продолжал говорить, хотя его больше никто не слушал.

to know знать, понимать I know the rules, but can’t do the task anyway. — Я знаю правила, но все равно не могу выполнить задание.

I know what you mean about Sam. I wouldn’t trust him at all. — Я понимаю, что ты имеешь в виду по поводу Сэма. Я бы вообще не доверял ему.

to leave оставлять, покидать, уезжать Leave me alone, I want to sit and cry! — Оставьте меня одну, я хочу посидеть поплакать!

She has already left for Berlin. — Она уже уехала в Берлин.

to let разрешать, позволять Let me introduce my friend to you. — Разрешите мне представить вам моего друга.
to like любить, нравиться Mary likes cakes and chocolate, she is such a sweet tooth! — Мэри любит тортики и шоколад, она такая сладкоежка!
to live жить, обитать They live in a big house together with all their dogs and a racoon. — Они живут в большом доме вместе со всеми своими собаками и енотом.
to look смотреть, осматривать;



Look at her, she is a really good girl! — Посмотри на нее, она правда замечательная девочка!

She looks gorgeous in this dress. — В этом платье она выглядит шикарно.

It looks as if they aren’t coming. — Кажется, они не придут.

to make делать, создавать;


Please, make a copy of this report by tomorrow’s meeting. — Пожалуйста, сделайте копию этого отчета к завтрашнему совещанию.

I will make spaghetti with cheese. — Я приготовлю макароны с сыром.

to may возможно;

можно (вопрос, просьба, разрешение)

There may be other difficulties in future, but for the moment she is fine and stable. — В будущем могут быть другие сложности, но на сегодня она в хорошем состоянии и стабильна.

May I have a cup of coffee, please? — Можно мне чашечку кофе, пожалуйста?

to mean иметь в виду, подразумевать, значить;

намереваться, хотеть что-либо сделать

What do you mean by saying NO again? — Что ты имеешь в виду, снова говоря нет?

The English word “pledge” means “a serious promise”. — Английское слово pledge значит «серьезное обещание».

I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. — Я не хотел задеть твои чувства.

might мог бы, может, можно ли I thought that a cup of mint tea might settle her stomach .— Я подумал, что чашка мятного чая может успокоить ее желудок.
to move двигать(ся), переезжать You can move the table to the kitchen and will have more space for dancing classes. — Ты можешь передвинуть стол на кухню, и у тебя будет больше места для уроков танца.
need нуждаться, иметь необходимость/потребность Most people need to be loved. — Большинству людей нужно, чтобы их любили.
to play играть Her children need to play outside, they spend too much time indoors. — Ее детям надо больше играть на свежем воздухе, они проводят слишком много времени в помещении.
to put класть, ставить, помещать She put her bag on the table. — Она положила свою сумку на стол.
to run бежать, бегать;


The sportsman can run a mile in five minutes. — Спортсмен может пробежать милю за пять минут.

My father has been running this business for years. — Мой отец много лет управляет этим бизнесом.

to say говорить, сказать How do you say “goodbye” in French? — Как сказать «до свидания» по-французски?
to see видеть, смотреть;




I can’t see you! Turn the light on. — Я не вижу тебя! Включи свет.

I see what he means. — Я понимаю, что он имеет в виду.

I’m seeing my old friend tonight. — Сегодня вечером я встречаюсь со своим старым другом.

You should see a doctor. — Тебе следует посетить доктора.

to seem казаться He seemed a bit stressed about his work situation. — Он казался обеспокоенным ситуацией на работе.
should следует, должен быть You should take the bus — it’s the easiest way to get there. — Тебе следует ехать на автобусе — это самый легкий способ добраться туда.
to show показывать Shall I show you my new uniform? — Показать тебе мою новую униформу?
to start начинать When do you start your new project? — Когда начинаешь новый проект?
to take брать, принимать;


требоваться (о времени, усилиях)

Take an egg and break it into the bowl. — Возьми яйцо и разбей его в миску.

There’s six of us and the car only takes five. — Нас шестеро, а машина вмещает лишь пятерых.

It took me two hours to write a new article. — Мне потребовалось два часа, чтобы написать новую статью.

to talk разговаривать, говорить, вести беседу My little daughter has just started to talk. — Моя маленькая дочь только начала говорить.
to tell говорить, рассказывать, сообщать Tell me about your family. — Расскажи мне о своей семье.
to think думать I don’t think Molly will get the job. — Я не думаю, что Молли получит работу.
to try пытаться, пробовать Try to spend less money and save more. — Попытайся тратить меньше денег и больше откладывать.
to turn вращать, поворачивать, вывихивать;

исполниться ( о возрасте)

Turn right at the traffic lights. — Поверните направо на светофоре.

Yesterday our daughter turned 5. — Вчера нашей дочери исполнилось 5 лет.

to use использовать, употреблять He demonstrated how to use the equipment. — Он продемонстрировал, как использовать оборудование.
to want хотеть, желать, нуждаться I don’t want to talk about it anymore. — Я не хочу больше об этом говорить.
will велеть, желать;

вспомогательный глагол

The King is willing to marry. — Король желает жениться.

Our son will be 5 years old next month. — Нашему сыну будет 5 лет в следующем месяце.

to work работать I work for a computer company. — Я работаю на компьютерную компанию.
would не могли бы, не желаете ли, бы Would you like a cup of coffee? — Не желаете ли чашечку кофе?

ТОП-50 предлогов

Предлогов (prepositions) не так много, но их значение трудно переоценить. В русском предложении слова согласовываются с помощью падежей. В английском языке падежей нет, чтобы грамотно построить предложение нужно учитывать порядок слов и использовать предлоги. В английском предлог тесно связан с другими частями речи и может менять свое значение и перевод в зависимости от сочетания с другими словами.

Слово Перевод Пример
above над We put the lights above the kitchen table. — Мы повесили светильник над кухонным столом.
about о We have to talk about my finances with my finance consultant. — Мне нужно поговорить о моих финансах с моим финансовым консультантом.
across через The dog ran across the pitch during the match. — Собака пробежала через поле во время футбольного матча.
after после I will go for a walk after the lesson ends. — Я пойду на прогулку после окончания урока.
against против Are you for or against my proposal? — Вы за или против моего предложения?
along вдоль The raspberry bushes grow along the river. — Малиновые кусты растут вдоль реки.
among среди She is not very popular among the students. — Она не очень популярна среди студентов.
around вокруг We gather around the table every Saturday. — Мы собираемся вокруг стола каждую субботу.
at у, в, на Let’s meet at the entrance. — Давай встретимся на входе.
because of из-за, благодаря We didn’t go to the park because of the bad weather. — Мы не пошли в парк из-за плохой погоды.
before перед, до Add the eggs before the sugar. — Добавьте яйца до сахара.
behind позади I always find my dog behind the house in the bushes. — Я все время нахожу свою собаку позади дома в кустах.
below ниже Parents will punish me if I score below 80% on my exam. — Родители накажут меня, если я получу ниже 80% на экзамене.
beneath под, ниже They believe Atlantis is still buried beneath the sea. — Говорят, что Антантида все еще погреберена под морем.
beside рядом, близко, вне I was standing beside my husband and felt his anxiety. — Я стояла рядом с мужем и чувствовала его волнение.
between между The office is between the bank and the town house. — Офис между банком и ратушей.
by у Put the package by the door, please. — Положи пакет у двери, пожалуйста.
considering учитывая, принимая во внимание She looks pretty good, considering her age. — Она выглядит очень хорошо, принимая во внимание ее возраст.
close to вблизи от, близко к My dream is to have a house close to the beach. — Моя мечта иметь дом близко к пляжу.
down вниз Go down the street and turn left. — Иди вниз по улице и поверни налево.
during в течение, во время During summer break, my goal is to read one book a week. — Во время летних каникул моя цель — одна книга в неделю.
except кроме Everyone wanted to see the match except me. — Все хотели посмотреть матч, кроме меня.
from из She arrived here from France a year ago. — Она прибыла сюда из Франции год назад.
following после, вслед за Following the dinner, there will be a dance. — После ужина будут танцы.
for для He bought a bouquet of flowers for her. — Он купил букет цветов для нее.
inside внутри There is air conditioning inside the hotel. — Внутри отеля есть кондиционер.
instead of вместо You should choose a salad instead of a burger. — Тебе следует выбрать салат вместо бургера.
into в, внутрь Children, stop running and get into bed. — Дети, прекращайте бегать и ложитесь в кровать.
like как He looks like his brother. — Он выглядит как его брат.
near возле The hotel is near the railway station. — Отель возле вокзала.
of из, от (родительный падеж — кого? чего?) A kilo of apples is enough for the pie. — Килограмма яблок достаточно для пирога.
off с, из, прочь He fell off his bike and cried. — Он упал с велосипеда и плакал.
on на, по It was amazing to hear your voice on the radio! — Это было потрясающе услышать твой голос по радио.
on behalf of от имени Let me invite you to the ball on behalf of the king and queen. — Разрешите пригласить вас на бал от имени короля и королевы.
out of из, вне He is out of town this week. — Он уехал из города на этой неделе.
outside вне, за пределами He sat five hours outside his room because of the repair work there. — Он просидел пять часов вне своей комнаты, так как там были ремонтные работы.
over над, через They promised to build a bridge over the river. — Они пообещали построить мост через реку.
past мимо, за I was so tired yesterday, that I drove past my own street. — Вчера я был таким уставшим, что проехал мимо своей улицы.
since с, с тех пор как He hasn’t won a game since last year. — Он не выигрывал игр с прошлого года.
through через, сквозь, из-за The company lost the order through production delays. — Компания потеряла заказ из-за задержек на производстве.
throughout через, на всем протяжении He yawned throughout the performance. — Он зевал на протяжении представления.
to к, в, для We went to Prague last year. — Мы ездили в Прагу в прошлом году.
toward к, по направлению The man went toward the door and disappeared. — Мужчина направился к двери и исчез.
under под Don’t keep money under your pillow, go to the bank! — Не держи деньги под подушкой, иди в банк!
until до, до тех пор пока She waited until her coffee had cooled down. — Она подождала, пока ее кофе остыл.
up вверх The girl was terrified to climb up the ladder. — Девушка боялась взбираться вверх по лестнице.
upon на She insisted upon knowing the truth. — Она настаивала на том, чтобы узнать правду.
with с Would you like your tea with lemon and sugar? — Хотите чай с лимоном и сахаром?
within в, внутри, в пределах I was acting within the law. — Я действовал в пределах закона.
without без My little daughter has never been anywhere without her teddy bear. — Моя маленькая дочь нигде не бывала без своего медведя.

ТОП-50 местоимений

Местоимение (pronoun) — часть речи, которая обозначает предметы, лица, явления, не называя их. Выучив самые популярные местоимения, вы сможете разнообразить свою речь.

Слово Перевод Пример
all все, всё, каждый All my friends agree with me. — Все мои друзья согласны со мной.
another еще один, другой I’m going to have another piece of cake. — Я собираюсь взять еще кусок торта.
anybody/anyone, anything кто-нибудь/никто, что-нибудь/ничто I don’t know anybody at the party and even don’t know anything about the host. — Я никого не знаю на вечеринке и ничего не знаю о хозяине.
certain определенный, некоторый Certain of his assumptions are simply not true. — Некоторые из его предположений просто неправдивы.
everybody/everyone, everything все/каждый, всё Everyone has their own ideas of everything. — У всех свои собственные представления обо всём.
he он Did he get the promotion? — Он получил продвижение?
her ее It’s her birthday today, we are invited. — Сегодня ее день рождения, мы приглашены.
herself сама, себя, себе She decorated the cake herself. — Она украшала торт сама.
him его, ему I haven’t seen him for ages. — Я не видела его сто лет.
himself сам, себя, себе Simon’s looking very pleased with himself today. — Саймон выглядит очень довольным собой сегодня.
his его Joe left his car parked with the lights on. — Джо оставил свою машину припаркованной с включенными фарами.
I я When I was a child I had a cat. — Когда я был ребенком у меня был кот.
it оно, он, она (о животных и неодушевленных предметах) This is my desk, it is at the window. — Это мой стол, он у окна.
its свой The house has its own swimming pool. — У дома свой собственный бассейн.
itself себя, себе, сам, сама, само They left the cat in the house by itself for a week. — Они оставили кота в доме самого на неделю.
lot много — How many plates do you need?
— A lot.
— Сколько тарелок тебе нужно?
me мне, меня, мной Mother always gives me some pocket money. — Мама всегда дает мне немного карманных денег.
mine мой (абсолютная форма) Your child is the same age as mine. — Твой ребенок такого же возраста, как и мой.
my мой I often think about my family these days. — В эти дни я часто думаю о своей семье.
myself себя, сама, сам, само I’ve cut myself on that glass. — Я порезал себя стеклом.
nobody, nothing никто, ничто It’s nothing to do, nobody answers the phone, we have to go. — Ничего не поделать, никто не ответил на телефонный звонок, мы должны уходить.
none ни один из, никто, ничто None of my children are blonde. — Ни один из моих детей не блондин.
our наш, наши, наша, наше Our house is in the centre of the city. — Наш дом в центре города.
ourselves себя, себе, собой, самим John and I promised ourselves a good holiday this year. — Джон и я пообещали себе хороший отпуск в этом году.
same одно и то же, то же самое He thinks the same as I do. — Он думает так же, как я.
she она She is so clever! — Она такая умная!
some кое-кто, некоторые;

одни, другие

Some have compared his work to Picasso’s. — Некоторые сравнивают его работы с Пикассо.

Some agree with us and some disagree. — Одни согласны с нами, другие не согласны.

somebody/someone, something кто-то, что-то Somebody called Mary when I was out and told her something bad. — Кто-то позвонил Мэри, когда меня не было, и сказал что-то плохое.
that тот, та, то;


I bought that bag in my trip to London. — Ту сумку я купила во время поездки в Лондон.

Is this the train that goes to London? — Это тот поезд, который едет в Лондон?

their их, свой, свое, свои She gave them their coats. — Она отдала им их пальто.
them их, им, себя I’ve lost my keys and can’t find them. — Я потерял мои ключи и не могу их найти.
themselves сами себе The girls made themselves sandwiches for lunch. — Девочки сделали сами себе сэндвичи на обед.
there там There’s someone on the phone for you. — Там кто-то на телефоне тебя спрашивает.
these этот, эта, это What are these toys doing here? — Что эти игрушки тут делают?
they они They are very nice people, I know them well. — Они очень милые люди, я знаю их хорошо.
this это, эта, этот Which class are you in this year? — В каком классе ты в этом году?
those те, тех, теми Can I help you with those books? — Могу я вам помочь с теми книгами?
us нам, нами, нас Thanks for giving us a lift to the airport. — Благодарю, что подбросили нас в аэропорт.
we мы If you don’t hurry up we will be late. — Если ты не поторопишься, мы опоздаем.
what что, как, каков I can’t decide what to do next. — Я не могу решить, что делать дальше.
whatever что бы ни;


You seem to criticize me whatever I do. — Кажется, ты критикуешь меня, что бы я не сделал.

He’ll be ready to accept whatever help he can get. — Он будет готов принять любую помощь, которую сможет получить.

whoever кто бы ни, который бы ни Whoever did it, he would be punished. — Кто бы это ни сделал, он будет наказан.
where где The hall where you’re giving your talk is on the second floor. — Зал, где вы читаете лекцию, на втором этаже.
which который, какой These are principles which we all believe in. — Это принципы, в которые мы все верим.
who кто, кого, который, те I don’t know who to ask to the party. — Я не знаю, кого звать на праздник.
whose чья, чьи I didn’t know whose money it was. — Я не знал, чьи это были деньги.
you ты, вы Did you put the car in the garage? — Ты поставил машину в гараж?
your твой, твоя, твои Is this your bag? — Это твоя сумка?
yours твой,твоя, твои Is this pen yours? — Это ручка твоя?
yourself себя, себе, сам, сами, собой The knife is very sharp, you can cut yourself. — Нож очень острый, ты можешь поранить себя.

Лексика — важный аспект языка, но даже самый широкий словарный запас без понимания структуры предложения, знания времен и прочей грамматики, не даст вам возможность говорить на английском языке бегло и правильно. Для этого нужно изучать язык в комплексе, желательно с опытным преподавателем.

Скачать список слов по теме «300 спартанцев: самые употребляемые английские слова» (*.pdf, 237 Кб)

© 2023, копирование материалов возможно только при указании прямой активной ссылки на первоисточник.

A research has found that there are 570 words which form the basis of academic English. These words and their variations are the most important English words which have to be understood for a proper comprehension of academic English.

The Academic Word List, a list of 570 headwords, was published by the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand in 2000. The words in the Academic Word List came from a research based on academic texts from 28 different subject areas. These are the highest-frequency words in any academic text. In other words, they are the most common words in academic English.

In general, if you are reading or listening to academic topics (like the reading passages in IELTS or PTE tests), 10 percent of the words will be from this list.

That means, unless you know the meaning of the words in the list, you would not be able to understand one out of every ten words in academic English.

Alternately, you should learn to use these around 500 most important English words in your own writing or speaking to boost your vocabulary score.

In the Academic World List, the 570 most important English words have been divided into 10 sublists according to frequency of use.

The words below a headword are derivatives of that word.

Words in italics are the most common words in any word family.

Sublist 1

The most frequently-appearing words in academic English.

analysed, analyser, analysers, analyses, analyzing, analysis, analyst, analysts, analytic, analytical, analytically, analyze, analyzed, analyzes, analyzing

approachable, approached, approaches, approaching, unapproachable


assessable, assessed, assesses, assessing, assessment, assessments, reassess, reassessed, reassessing, reassessment

assumed, assumes, assuming, assumption, assumptions

authoritative, authorities

availability, unavailable

beneficial, beneficiary, beneficiaries, benefited, benefiting, benefits

conception, concepts, conceptual, conceptualisation, conceptualise, conceptualised, conceptualises, conceptualising, conceptually

consisted, consistency, consistent, consistently, consisting, consists, inconsistencies, inconsistency, inconsistent

constituencies, constituency, constituent, constituents, constituted, constitutes, constituting, constitution, constitutions, constitutional, constitutionally, constitutive, unconstitutional

contexts, contextual, contextualise, contextualised, contextualising, uncontextualised, contextualize, contextualized, contextualizing, uncontextualized

contracted, contracting, contractor, contractors, contracts

created, creates, creating, creation, creations, creative, creatively, creativity, creator, creators, recreate, recreated, recreates, recreating


definable, defined, defines, defining, definition, definitions, redefine, redefined, redefines, redefining, undefined

derivation, derivations, derivative, derivatives, derived, derives, deriving

distributed, distributing, distribution, distributional, distributions, distributive, distributor, distributors, redistribute, redistributed, redistributes, redistributing, redistribution

economic, economical, economically, economics, economies, economist, economists, uneconomical

environmental, environmentalist, environmentalists, environmentally, environments

disestablish, disestablished, disestablishes, disestablishing, disestablishment, established, establishes, establishing, establishment, establishments

estimated, estimates, estimating, estimation, estimations, over-estimate, overestimate, overestimated, overestimates, overestimating, underestimate, underestimated, underestimates, underestimating

evidenced, evidence, evidential, evidently

exported, exporter, exporters, exporting, exports

factored, factoring, factors

financed, finances, financial, financially, financier, financiers, financing

formulae, formulas, formulate, formulated, formulating, formulation, formulations, reformulate, reformulated, reformulating, reformulation, reformulations

functional, functionally, functioned, functioning, functions

identifiable, identification, identified, identifies, identifying, identities, identity, unidentifiable


indicated, indicates, indicating, indication, indications, indicative, indicator, indicators

individualized, individuality, individualism, individualist, individualists, individualistic, individually, individuals

interpretation, interpretations, interpretative, interpreted, interpreting, interpretive, interprets, misinterpret, misinterpretation, misinterpretations, misinterpreted, misinterpreting, misinterprets, reinterpret, reinterpreted, reinterprets, reinterpreting, reinterpretation, reinterpretations

involved, involvement, involves, involving, uninvolved

issued, issues, issuing

labor, laboured, labours, laboured, labouring, labours

illegal, illegality, illegally, legality, legally

legislated, legislates, legislating, legislation, legislative, legislator, legislators, legislature

majorities, majority

methodical, methodological, methodologies, methodology, methods

occurred, occurrence, occurrences, occurring, occurs, reoccur, reoccurred, reoccurring, reoccurs

percentage, percentages

periodic, periodical, periodically, periodicals, periods


principled, principles, unprincipled

procedural, procedure, procedures, proceeded, proceeding, proceedings, proceeds

processed, processes, processing

required, requirement, requirements, requires, requiring

researched, researcher, researchers, researches, researching

responded, respondent, respondents, responding, responds, response, responses, responsive, responsiveness, unresponsive


sectioned, sectioning, sections


insignificant, insignificantly, significance, significantly, signified, signifies, signify, signifying

dissimilar, similarities, similarity, similarly

sourced, sources, sourcing

specifically, specification, specifications, specificity, specifics

restructure, restructured, restructures, restructuring, structural, structurally, structured, structures, structuring, unstructured

theoretical, theoretically, theories, theorist, theorists

invariable, invariably, variability, variable, variables, variably, variance, variant, variants, variation, variations, varied, varies, varying

Sublist 2

The second-most frequently-appearing words in academic English.

achievable, achieved, achievement, achievements, achieves, achieving

acquired, acquires, acquiring, acquisition, acquisitions

administrates, administrate, administrations, administrative, administratively, administrator, administrators

affected, affecting, affective, affectively, affects, unaffected

appropriacy, appropriately, appropriateness, inappropriacy, inappropriate, inappropriately


assistance, assistant, assistants, assisted, assisting, assists, unassisted

categories, categorisation, categorise, categorised, categorises, categorizing, categorization, categorized, categorizes, categorizing


commissioned, commissioner, commissioners, commissioning, commissions


complexities, complexity

computation, computational, computations, computable, computer, computed, computerised, computers, computing

concluded, concludes, concluding, conclusion, conclusions, conclusive, conclusively, inconclusive, inconclusively

conducted, conducting, conducts

consequence, consequences, consequently

constructed, constructing, construction, constructions, constructive, constructs, reconstruct, reconstructed, reconstructing, reconstruction, reconstructs

consumed, consumer, consumers, consumes, consuming, consumption

credited, crediting, creditor, creditors, credits

cultural, culturally, cultured, cultures, uncultured

designed, designer, designers, designing, designs

distinction, distinctions, distinctive, distinctively, distinctly, indistinct, indistinctly


equated, equates, equating, equation, equations

evaluated, evaluates, evaluating, evaluation, evaluations, evaluative, re-evaluate, re-evaluated, re-evaluates, re-evaluating, re-evaluation

featured, features, featuring

finalise, finalised, finalises, finalising, finalize, finalized, finalizes, finalizing, finality, finally, finals

focused, focuses, focusing, focussed, focussing, refocus, refocused, refocuses, refocusing, refocussed, refocusses, refocussing

impacted, impacting, impacts

injured, injures, injuries, injuring, injury, uninjured

instituted, institutes, instituting, institution, institutional, institutionalise, institutionalised, institutionalises, institutionalising, institutionalized, institutionalizes, institutionalizing, institutionally, institutions

invested, investing, investment, investments, investor, investors, invests, reinvest, reinvested, reinvesting, reinvestment, reinvests

itemisation, itemise, itemised, itemises, itemising, items


maintained, maintaining, maintains, maintenance

abnormal, abnormally, normalisation, normalise, normalised, normalises, normalising, normalization, normalize, normalized, normalizes, normalizing, normality, normally

obtainable, obtained, obtaining, obtains, unobtainable

participant, participants, participated, participates, participating, participation, participatory

perceived, perceives, perceiving, perception, perceptions





purchased, purchaser, purchasers, purchases, purchasing

ranged, ranges, ranging

regional, regionally, regions

deregulated, deregulates, deregulating, deregulation, regulated, regulates, regulating, regulation, regulations, regulator, regulators, regulatory, unregulated

irrelevance, irrelevant, relevance

resided, residence, resident, residential, residents, resides, residing

resourced, resourceful, resources, resourcing, unresourceful, under-resourced

restricted, restricting, restriction, restrictions, restrictive, restrictively, restricts, unrestricted, unrestrictive

insecure, insecurities, insecurity, secured, securely, secures, securing, securities, security

seeking, seeks, sought

selected, selecting, selection, selections, selective, selectively, selector, selectors, selects


strategic, strategies, strategically, strategist, strategists

surveyed, surveying, surveys

texts, textual

non-traditional, traditional, traditionalist, traditionally, traditions

transferable, transference, transferred, transferring, transfers

Sublist 3

The third-most frequently-appearing words in academic English.

alternatively, alternatives


commentaries, commentary, commentator, commentators, commented, commenting, comments

compensated, compensates, compensating, compensation, compensations, compensatory

componentry, components

consensus, consented, consenting, consents


constancy, constantly, constants, inconstancy, inconstantly

constrained, constraining, constrains, constraint, constraints, unconstrained

contributed, contributes, contributing, contribution, contributions, contributor, contributors

convention, convenes, convened, convening, conventional, conventionally, conventions, unconventional

coordinated, coordinates, coordinating, coordination, coordinator, coordinators, co-ordinate, co-ordinated, co-ordinates, co-ordinating, co-ordination, co-ordinator, co-ordinators

cores, coring, cored

corporates, corporation, corporations

corresponded, correspondence, corresponding, correspondingly, corresponds


deduced, deduces, deducing, deduction, deductions

demonstrable, demonstrably, demonstrated, demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstration, demonstrations, demonstrative, demonstratively, demonstrator, demonstrators

documentation, documented, documenting, documents

dominance, dominant, dominated, dominates, dominating, domination

emphasise, emphasised, emphasising, emphasize, emphasized, emphasizes, emphasizing, emphatic, emphatically

ensured, ensures, ensuring

excluded, excludes, excluding, exclusion, exclusionary, exclusionist, exclusions, exclusive, exclusively


funded, funder, funders, funding, funds

illustrated, illustrates, illustrating, illustration, illustrations, illustrative

immigrant, immigrants, immigrated, immigrates, immigrating, immigration

implied, implies, implying



interacted, interacting, interaction, interactions, interactive, interactively, interacts

justifiable, justifiably, justification, justifications, justified, justifies, justifying, unjustified

layered, layering, layers

linkage, linkages, linked, linking, links

located, locating, location, locations, relocate, relocated, relocates, relocating, relocation

max, maximised, maximises, maximising, maximisation, maximize, maximized, maximizes, maximizing, maximization, maximum

minorities, minority, minors

negative, negated, negates, negating, negatively, negatives


partners, partnership, partnerships

philosopher, philosophers, philosophical, philosophically, philosophies, philosophise, philosophised, philosophises, philosophising, philosophize, philosophized, philosophizes, philosophizing


disproportion, disproportionate, disproportionately, proportional, proportionally, proportionate, proportionately, proportions

published, publisher, publishers, publishes, publishing, unpublished

reacted, reacts, reacting, reaction, reactionaries, reactionary, reactions, reactive, reactivate, reactivation, reactor, reactors

deregister, deregistered, deregistering, deregisters, deregistration, registered, registering, registers, registration

reliability, reliable, reliably, reliance, reliant, relied, relies, relying, unreliable

removable, removal, removals, removed, removes, removing

schematic, schematically, schemed, schemes, scheming

sequenced, sequences, sequencing, sequential, sequentially

sexes, sexism, sexual, sexuality, sexually

shifted, shifting, shifts

specifiable, specified, specifies, specifying, unspecified

sufficiency, insufficient, insufficiently, sufficiently




technological, technologically

invalidate, invalidity, validate, validated, validating, validation, validity, validly

volumes, vol

Sublist 4

The fourth-most frequently-appearing words in academic English.

accessed, accesses, accessibility, accessible, accessing, inaccessible

adequacy, adequately, inadequacies, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately



approximated, approximately, approximates, approximating, approximation, approximations


attributable, attributed, attributes, attributing, attribution


coded, codes, coding

commitment, commitments, commits, committed, committing

communicable, communicated, communicates, communicating, communication, communications, communicative, communicatively, uncommunicative

concentrated, concentrates, concentrating, concentration

conference, conferences, conferred, conferring, confers

contrasted, contrasting, contrastive, contrasts

cycled, cycles, cyclic, cyclical, cycling

debatable, debated, debates, debating


dimensional, dimensions, multidimensional

domestically, domesticate, domesticated, domesticating, domestics

emerged, emergence, emergent, emerges, emerging

erroneous, erroneously, errors



granted, granting, grants


hypotheses, hypothesise, hypothesised, hypothesises, hypothesising, hypothesize, hypothesized, hypothesizes, hypothesizing, hypothetical, hypothetically

implementation, implemented, implementing, implements

implicated, implicates, implicating, implication, implications

imposed, imposes, imposing, imposition

integrated, integrates, integrating, integration

internalise, internalised, internalises, internalising, internalize, internalized, internalizes, internalizing, internally

investigated, investigates, investigating, investigation, investigations, investigative, investigator, investigators


labeled, labeling, labelled, labelling, labels



occupancy, occupant, occupants, occupation, occupational, occupations, occupied, occupier, occupiers, occupies, occupying

optional, options



paralleled, parallelled, parallelling, parallels, unparalleled


phased, phases, phasing

predictability, predictable, predictably, predicted, predicting, prediction, predictions, predicts, unpredictability, unpredictable



professionally, professionals, professionalism

projected, projecting, projection, projections, projects

promoted, promoter, promoters, promotes, promoting, promotion, promotions


resolution, resolved, resolves, resolving, unresolved

retained, retaining, retainer, retainers, retains, retention, retentive


statistician, statisticians, statistical, statistically, statistics


stressed, stresses, stressful, stressing, unstressed


summation, summed, summing, sums

summaries, summarise, summarised, summarises, summarising, summarisation, summarisations, summarization, summarizations, summarize, summarized, summarizes, summarizing

undertaken, undertakes, undertaking, undertook

Sublist 5

The fifth-most frequently-appearing words in academic English.

academia, academic, academically, academics, academies

adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, adjustments, adjusts, readjust, readjusted, readjusting, readjustment, readjustments, readjusts

alterable, alteration, alterations, altered, altering, alternate, alternating, alters, unalterable, unaltered

amended, amending, amendment, amendments, amends

awareness, unaware

capacities, incapacitate, incapacitated

challenged, challenger, challengers, challenges, challenging


compounded, compounding, compounds

conflicted, conflicting, conflicts

consultancy, consultant, consultants, consultation, consultations, consultative, consulted, consults, consulting

contactable, contacted, contacting, contacts

declined, declines, declining

discretely, discretion, discretionary, indiscrete, indiscretion

drafted, drafting, drafts, redraft, redrafted, redrafting, redrafts

enabled, enables, enabling

energetic, energetically, energies

enforced, enforcement, enforces, enforcing



evolution, evolved, evolving, evolves, evolutionary, evolutionist, evolutionists

expanded, expanding, expands, expansion, expansionism, expansive

exposed, exposes, exposing, exposure, exposures

externalisation, externalise, externalised, externalises, externalising, externality, externalization, externalize, externalized, externalizes, externalizing, externally

facilitated, facilitates, facilities, facilitating, facilitation, facilitator, facilitators, facility


generated, generates, generating, generation, generations

imagery, images

liberalise, liberalism, liberalisation, liberalised, liberalises, liberalising, liberalization, liberalize, liberalized, liberalizes, liberalizing, liberate, liberated, liberates, liberation, liberations, liberating, liberator, liberators, liberally, liberals

licences, license, licensed, licensing, licenses, unlicensed

illogical, illogically, logical, logically, logician, logicians

marginal, marginally, margins


mentality, mentally

modification, modifications, modified, modifies, modifying, unmodified

monitored, monitoring, monitors, unmonitored

networked, networking, networks


objectively, objectivity

orientate, orientated, orientates, orientation, orientating, oriented, orienting, orients, reorient, reorientation

perspectives, precise, imprecise, precisely, precision


psychological, psychologically, psychologist, psychologists

pursued, pursues, pursuing, pursuit, pursuits


rejected, rejecting, rejection, rejects, rejections


instability, stabilisation, stabilise, stabilised, stabilises, stabilising, stabilization, stabilize, stabilized, stabilizes, stabilizing, stability, unstable

styled, styles, styling, stylish, stylise, stylised, stylises, stylising, stylize, stylized, stylizes, stylizing

substituted, substitutes, substituting, substitution

sustainable, sustainability, sustained, sustaining, sustains, sustenance, unsustainable

symbolic, symbolically, symbolise, symbolises, symbolised, symbolising, symbolism, symbolize, symbolized, symbolizes, symbolizing, symbols

targeted, targeting, targets

transited, transiting, transition, transitional, transitions, transitory, transits





Sublist 6

The sixth-most frequently-appearing words in academic English.

abstraction, abstractions, abstractly, abstracts

accuracy, accurately, inaccuracy, inaccuracies, inaccurate

acknowledged, acknowledges, acknowledging, acknowledgement, acknowledgements

aggregated, aggregates, aggregating, aggregation

allocated, allocates, allocating, allocation, allocations

assigned, assigning, assignment, assignments, assigns, reassign, reassigned, reassigning, reassigns, unassigned

attached, attaches, attaching, attachment, attachments, unattached

authored, authoring, authors, authorship

bonded, bonding, bonds

brevity, briefed, briefing, briefly, briefs

capabilities, capability, incapable

citation, citations, cited, citing, cites

cooperated, cooperates, cooperating, cooperation, cooperative, cooperatively, co-operate, co-operated, co-operates, co-operation, co-operative, co-operatively

discriminated, discriminates, discriminating, discrimination

displayed, displaying, displays

diversely, diversification, diversified, diversifies, diversify, diversifying, diversity


edited, editing, edition, editions, editor, editorial, editorials, editors, edits

enhanced, enhancement, enhances, enhancing


exceeded, exceeding, exceeds

expertise, expertly, experts


federation, federations


flexibility, inflexible, inflexibility



ignorance, ignore, ignored, ignores, ignoring


incident, incidentally, incidents

incorporated, incorporates, incorporating, incorporation

indexed, indexes, indexing

inhibited, inhibiting, inhibition, inhibitions, inhibits

initiated, initiates, initiating, initiation, initiations, initiative, initiatives, initiator, initiators


instruction, instructed, instructing, instructions, instructive, instructor, instructors, instructs

intelligence, intelligently, unintelligent


lectured, lecturer, lecturers, lectures, lecturing

migrant, migrants, migrated, migrates, migrating, migration, migrations, migratory


ministered, ministering, ministerial, ministries

motivate, motivated, motivates, motivating, motivation, motivations, motives, unmotivated

neutralization, neutralise, neutralised, neutralises, neutralising, neutrality, neutralization, neutralize, neutralized, neutralizes, neutralizing



preceded, precedence, precedent, precedes, preceding, unprecedented

presumably, presumed, presumes, presuming, presumption, presumptions, presumptuous

irrational, rationalisation, rationalisations, rationalise, rationalised, rationalises, rationalising, rationalism, rationality, rationalization, rationalizations, rationalize, rationalized, rationalizes, rationally

recoverable, recovered, recovering, recovers, recovery

revealed, revealing, reveals, revelation, revelations


subsidiary, subsidies, subsidise, subsidised, subsidises, subsidising, subsidize, subsidized, subsidizes, subsidizing

taped, tapes, taping

traceable, traced, traces, tracing

transformation, transformations, transformed, transforming, transforms

transportation, transported, transporter, transporters, transporting, transports

underlay, underlies, underlying

utilisation, utilised, utilises, utilising, utiliser, utilisers, utility, utilities, utilization, utilize, utilized, utilizes, utilizing

Sublist 7

The seventh-most frequently-appearing words in academic English.

adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adaptations, adapted, adapting, adaptive, adapts

adulthood, adults

advocacy, advocated, advocates, advocating

aided, aiding, aids, unaided

channelled, channelling, channels

chemically, chemicals

classical, classics


comprised, comprises, comprising

confirmation, confirmed, confirming, confirms


conversion, conversions, converted, convertible, converting, converts

coupled, coupling, couples


definitely, definitive, indefinite, indefinitely

deniable, denial, denials, denied, denies, denying, undeniable

differentiated, differentiates, differentiating, differentiation

disposable, disposal, disposed, disposes, disposing

dynamically, dynamics

eliminated, eliminates, eliminating, elimination

empirically, empiricism

equipment, equipped, equipping, equips

extracted, extracting, extraction, extracts

filed, files, filing

infinite, infinitely


global, globally, globalisation, globalization

graded, grades, grading

guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantees

hierarchical, hierarchies


ideological, ideologically, ideologies

inference, inferences, inferred, inferring, infers

innovation, innovated, innovates, innovating, innovations, innovative, innovator, innovators

inserted, inserting, insertion, inserts

intervened, intervenes, intervening, intervention, interventions

isolated, isolates, isolating, isolation, isolationism




phenomena, phenomenal

priorities, prioritisation, prioritise, prioritised, prioritises, prioritising, prioritization, prioritize, prioritized, prioritizes, prioritizing

prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition, prohibitions, prohibitive, prohibits


quotation, quotations, quoted, quotes, quoting

released, releases, releasing

reversal, reversed, reverses, reversible, reversing, reversals, irreversible

simulated, simulates, simulating, simulation



submission, submissions, submits, submitted, submitting

succession, successions, successive, successively, successors

survival, survived, survives, surviving, survivor, survivors


topical, topics

transmission, transmissions, transmitted, transmitting, transmits


uniquely, uniqueness

visibility, visibly, invisible, invisibility

voluntarily, volunteer, volunteering, volunteered, volunteers

Sublist 8

The eight-most frequently-appearing words in academic English.

abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandons

accompanied, accompanies, accompaniment, accompanying, unaccompanied

accumulated, accumulating, accumulation, accumulates

ambiguities, ambiguity, unambiguous, unambiguously

appendix, appended, appends, appending, appendices, appendixes

appreciable, appreciably, appreciated, appreciates, appreciating, appreciation, unappreciated

arbitrariness, arbitrarily

automatic, automated, automates, automating, automatically, automation

biased, biases, biasing, unbiased

charted, charting, charts, uncharted

clarification, clarified, clarifies, clarifying, clarity

commodities, complement, complementary, complemented, complementing, complements

conformable, conformability, conformance, conformation, conformed, conforming, conformist, conformists, conformity, conforms, nonconformist, nonconformists, nonconformity, non-conformist, non-conformists, non-conformity


contradicted, contradicting, contradiction, contradictions, contradictory, contradicts



denotation, denotations, denoted, denotes, denoting

detectable, detected, detecting, detection, detective, detectives, detector, detectors, detects

deviated, deviates, deviating, deviation, deviations

displaced, displacement, displaces, displacing

dramas, dramatic, dramatically, dramatise, dramatised, dramatising, dramatises, dramatisation, dramatisations, dramatist, dramatists, dramatization, dramatizations, dramatize, dramatized, dramatizes, dramatizing

eventuality, eventually

exhibited, exhibiting, exhibition, exhibitions, exhibits

exploitation, exploited, exploiting, exploits

fluctuated, fluctuates, fluctuating, fluctuation, fluctuations


highlighted, highlighting, highlights


induced, induces, inducing, induction

inevitability, inevitably


inspected, inspecting, inspection, inspections, inspector, inspectors, inspects

intensely, intenseness, intensification, intensified, intensifies, intensify, intensifying, intension, intensity, intensive, intensively

manipulated, manipulates, manipulating, manipulation, manipulations, manipulative

minimised, minimises, minimising, minimize, minimized, minimizes, minimizing


offsets, offsetting

paragraphing, paragraphs



predominance, predominantly, predominate, predominated, predominates, predominating

prospective, prospects

radically, radicals

randomly, randomness

reinforced, reinforcement, reinforcements, reinforces, reinforcing

restoration, restored, restores, restoring

revised, revises, revising, revision, revisions

reschedule, rescheduled, reschedules, rescheduling, scheduled, schedules, scheduling, unscheduled

tension, tensely, tenser, tensest, tensions

terminal, terminals, terminated, terminates, terminating, termination, terminations

themes, thematic, thematically


uniformity, uniformly




visualise, visualised, visualised, visualising, visualisation, visualize, visualized, visualizing, visualization, visually


Sublist 9

The ninth-most frequently-appearing words in academic English.

accommodated, accommodates, accommodating, accommodation

analogies, analogous

anticipated, anticipates, anticipating, anticipation, unanticipated

assurance, assurances, assured, assuredly, assures, assuring

attainable, attained, attaining, attainment, attainments, attains, unattainable



ceased, ceaseless, ceases, ceasing

coherence, coherently, incoherent, incoherently

coincided, coincides, coinciding, coincidence, coincidences, coincident, coincidental

commenced, commences, commencement, commencing, recommences, recommenced, recommencing

compatibility, incompatibility, incompatible


confined, confines, confining, unconfined

controversies, controversial, controversially, uncontroversial



devoted, devotedly, devotes, devoting, devotion, devotions

diminished, diminishes, diminishing, diminution, undiminished

distorted, distorting, distortion, distortions, distorts


eroded, erodes, eroding, erosion

ethical, ethically, ethics, unethical

formatted, formatting, formats

founded, founder, founders, founding, unfounded


insightful, insights



manually, manuals

immature, immaturity, maturation, maturational, matured, matures, maturing, maturity

mediated, mediates, mediating, mediation



minimalisation, minimalise, minimalises, minimalised, minimalising, minimalist, minimalists, minimalistic, minimalization, minimalize, minimalized, minimalizes, minimalizing, minimally



overlapped, overlapping, overlaps

passively, passivity





refined, refinement, refinements, refines, refining

relaxation, relaxed, relaxes, relaxing

restrained, restraining, restrains, restraint, restraints, unrestrained

revolutionary, revolutionaries, revolutionise, revolutionised, revolutionises, revolutionising, revolutionist, revolutionists, revolutionize, revolutionized, revolutionizes, revolutionizing, revolutions

rigidities, rigidity, rigidly

routed, routes, routing


spheres, spherical, spherically

subordinates, subordination

supplementary, supplemented, supplementing, supplements

suspended, suspending, suspends, suspension

teamed, teaming, teams


triggered, triggering, triggers

unification, unified, unifies, unifying

violated, violates, violating, violation, violations


Sublist 10

The tenth-most frequently-appearing words in academic English.



assembled, assembles, assemblies, assembling, assembly

collapsed, collapses, collapsible, collapsing


compilation, compilations, compiled, compiles, compiling

conceivable, conceivably, conceived, conceives, conceiving, inconceivable, inconceivably

convinced, convinces, convincing, convincingly, unconvinced

depressed, depresses, depressing, depression

encountered, encountering, encounters

enormity, enormously


inclination, inclinations, inclined, inclines, inclining



invoked, invokes, invoking







panelled, panelling, panels

persisted, persistence, persistent, persistently, persisting, persists

posed, poses, posing

reluctant, reluctantly



undergoes, undergoing, undergone, underwent


You are currently viewing 400 Most Common Words in Any Language

According to serious linguistic research and personal notices of many people, conversational speech consists of 100 words that cover 50% of what we talk about. And 400 most common words that cover 75%, and 1000 words that cover 80+%.

Here is where it all comes from: British scientists proved Researchers from Oxford university composed the text corpus of English language used in the 21st century, this corpus is called the Oxford Text Corpus. The data was gathered from books, blogs, emails, press, chats, and other text sources. It was done for makers of Oxford English Dictionaries and language research program, according to sources. And they compiled a list of the 400 most common words in the English language.

But actually, this list is appropriate for any language. It consists of 3 lists of 100 most common verbs, nouns, adjectives, and a list of 100 most often used words in total forming a big list of 400 most common words in any language.

If you already know that one can 10 words can compile 1000 phrases, here is the tip: in order to memorize as many words as possible from the lists, write sentences using at least 1 word from each of the 100-word lists.

In order to memorize these words quickly, I created FREE printable worksheets with vocabulary learning exercises. Download them now.

Here are the most common 400 words in any language:

100 most often used words in the English language

1.     the
2.     be
3.     to
4.     of
5.     and
6.     a
7.     in
8.     that
9.     have
10.    I
11.    it
12.    for
13.    not
14.    on
15.    with
16.    he
17.    as
18.    you
19.    do
20.    at
21.    this
22.    but
23.    his
24.    by
25.    from
26.    they
27.    we
28.    say
29.    her
30.    she
31.     or
32.    an
33.    will
34.    my
35.    one
36.    all
37.    would
38.    there
39.    their
40.    what
41.     so
42.    up
43.    out
44.    if
45.    about
46.    who
47.    get
48.    which
49.    go
50.    me
51.     when
52.    make
53.    can
54.    like
55.    time
56.    no
57.    just
58.    him
59.    know
60.    take
61.    people
62.    into
63.    year
64.    your
65.    good
66.    some
67.    could
68.    them
69.    see
70.    other
71.     than
72.    then
73.    now
74.    look
75.    only
76.    come
77.    its
78.    over
79.    think
80.    also
81.     back
82.    after
83.    use
84.    two
85.    how
86.    our
87.    work
88.    first
89.    well
90.    way
91.    even
92.    new
93.    want
94.    because
95.    any
96.    these
97.    give
98.    day
99.    most
100.  us

100 most common verbs

1.      be
2.      have
3.      do
4.      say
5.      go
6.      can
7.      get
8.      would
9.      make
10.    know
11.     will
12.    think
13.    take
14.    see
15.    come
16.    could
17.    want
18.    look
19.    use
20.    find
21.     give
22.    tell
23.    work
24.    may
25.    should
26.    call
27.    try
28.    ask
29.    need
30.    feel
31.    become
32.    leave
33.    put
34.    mean
35.    keep
36.    let
37.    begin
38.    seem
39.    help
40.    talk
41.     turn
42.    start
43.    might
44.    show
45.    hear
46.    play
47.    run
48.    move
49.    like
50.    live
51.    believe
52.    hold
53.    bring
54.    happen
55.    must
56.    write
57.    provide
58.    sit
59.    stand
60.    lose
61.     pay
62.    meet
63.    include
64.    continue
65.    set
66.    learn
67.    change
68.    lead
​69.    understand
70.    watch
71.     follow
72.    stop
73.    create
74.    speak
75.    read
76.    allow
77.    add
78.    spend
79.    grow
80.    open
81.    walk
82.    win
83.    offer
84.    remember
85.    love
86.    consider
87.    appear
88.    buy
89.    wait
90.    serve
91.    die
92.    send
93.    expect
94.    build
95.    stay
96.    fall
97.    cut
98.    reach
99.    kill
100.  remain

100 most common nouns

1.      time
2.      year
3.      people
4.      way
5.      day
6.      man
7.      thing
8.      woman
9.      life
10.    child
11.     world
12.    school
13.    state
14.    family
15.    student
16.    group
17.    country
18.    problem
19.    hand
20.   part
21.    place
22.    case
23.    week
24.    company
25.    system
26.    program
27.    question
28.    work
29.    government
30.    number
31.     night
32.    point
33.    home
34.    water
​35.    room
36.    mother
37.    area
38.    money
39.    story
40.    fact
41.     month
42.    lot
43.    right
44.    study
45.    book
46.    eye
47.    job
48.    word
49.    business
50.    issue
51.     side
52.    kind
53.    head
54.    house
55.    service
56.    friend
57.    father
58.    power
59.    hour
60.    game
61.     line
62.    end
63.    member
64.    law
65.    car
66.    city
67.    community
68.    name
69.    president
70.    team
71.     minute
72.    idea
73.    kid
74.    body
75.    information
76.    back
77.    parent
78.    face
79.    others
80.    level
81.     office
82.    door
83.    health
84.    person
85.    art
86.    war
87.    history
88.    party
89.    result
90.    change
91.     morning
92.    reason
93.    research
94.    girl
95.    guy
96.    moment
97.    air
98.    teacher
99.    force
100.  education

100 most common adjectives

1.     other
2.     new
3.     good
4.     high
5.     old
6.     great
7.     big
8.     American
9.     small
10.   large
11.    national
12.    young
13.    different
14.    black
15.    long
16.    little
17.    important
18.    political
19.    bad
20.   white
21.    real
22.   best
23.   right
24.   social
25.   only
26.    public
27.    sure
28.    low
29.    early
30.    able
31.     human
32.    local
33.    late
34.    hard
35.    major
36.    better
37.    economic
38.    strong
39.    possible
40.    whole
41.     free
42.    military
43.    true
44.    federal
45.    international
46.    full
47.    special
48.    easy
49.    clear
50.    recent
51.     certain
52.    personal
53.    open
54.    red
55.    difficult
56.    available
57.    likely
58.    short
59.    single
60.    medical
61.     current
62.    wrong
63.    private
64.    past
65.    foreign
66.    fine
67.    common
68.    poor
69.    natural
70.    significant
71.    similar
72.    hot
73.    dead
74.    central
75.    happy
76.    serious
77.    ready
78.    simple
79.    left
80.    physical
81.     general
82.    environmental
83.    financial
84.    blue
85.    democratic
86.    dark
87.    various
88.    entire
89.    close
90.    legal
91.     religious
92.    cold
93.    final
94.    main
95.    green
96.    nice
97.    huge
98.    popular
99.    traditional
100.  cultural


All these words are nothing without the Essential Grammar of a language. In order to learn vocabulary, you need to have the base of a language first. Learn how to build sentences, and use these 400 most common words to do it.

How to memorize these words quickly?

It can be challenging to keep track of all the new vocabulary in a foreign language. You can save time by memorizing just a few words at a time, and reviewing them frequently.

It’s not easy to memorize new words, even if you only have to learn them in a vacuum. You may have to make time for it every day, and there may never be an end in sight.

But you can save time and energy with our printable vocabulary worksheets. Simply print out these sheets in the language you’re learning and start writing down all these words! The worksheets might even help expedite understanding.

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Vocabulary learning worksheets

The 100 most common words in English

1. the 61.something
2.of 62. her
3. and 23. this 63. would
4. at 24. have 64. make
5. to 25.from

Correspondingly, What are the basic steps to speaking English? Follow these five easy steps to make your English sound more fluent starting today.

  1. Smile and breathe. No matter what your level of English, confidence is vital. …
  2. Memorize examples with vocabulary. Don’t just memorize lists of words. …
  3. Listen to learn. …
  4. Exercise your mouth muscles. …
  5. Copy a native speaker.

What are the 10 new words?

  • 10 new English words for 2021. Read Time. …
  • Adulting. Definition: The action of becoming or acting like an adult. …
  • Awe walk. Definition: Taking a walk outside and making an effort to look at the things around you. …
  • Contactless. Definition: not having to physically touch or interact with people. …
  • Doomscrolling. …
  • PPE. …
  • Quarenteen. …
  • Thirty.

Furthermore, What is the most used word in the world 2021?

Most-used phrase in 2021: Google has revealed the most used phrase of 2021 amid the coronavirus pandemic. In 2020, “now more than ever” had been the most used phrase, this changed to “new normal” in 2021.

What is the most spoken word?

Of all the words in the English language, the word “OK” is pretty new. We explore how language helps us make sense of a changing world. Published September 3, 2019 This article is more than 2 years old.

What are the methods to learn English? Keep a notebook of new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak. Visit EC’s free learn English website at least once a day and complete a lesson. Memorization of lists is one of the most common ways of learning vocabulary for a test.

How can I improve my English grammar? 5 Tips to Improve Your Grammar

  1. Read: Reading is one of the secret weapons to improve your grammar skills. …
  2. Use a grammar manual: It is a very useful idea to have a grammar manual nearby that you can consult when writing. …
  3. Write more and quiz yourself: …
  4. Re-reading aloud: …
  5. 5 Consult others and learn from feedback:

Which is the best way to learn English? 7 Simple Ways to Learn English Effectively

  1. Study sentences not words. …
  2. Learn by listening. …
  3. Get a placement test. …
  4. Prioritize quality over quantity. …
  5. Learn grammar with “point of view” stories. …
  6. Listen and answer, not listen and repeat. …
  7. Take an online lesson.

What is the oldest word?

Mother, bark and spit are some of the oldest known words, say researchers. Continue reading → Mother, bark and spit are just three of 23 words that researchers believe date back 15,000 years, making them the oldest known words.

What are 20 difficult words? 20 Most Difficult Words to Pronounce in the English Language

  • Colonel.
  • Worcestershire.
  • mischievous.
  • Draft.
  • quinoa
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • scissors.
  • Anemone.

What is the most longest word?


Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

What is the new word of the year? 2020: Covid, referring to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What was the most used word in 2022?

Instead, here are the five most popular words and phrases of 2022.

  • Metaverse. A popular word thanks to the blockchain technology explosion in 2021, people are more curious than ever about the metaverse. …
  • Non-binary. …
  • UBI. …
  • Supply Chain Crisis. …
  • NFTs.

Why choose a word of the year?

Picking a word of the year can bring clarity and focus to who we want to become and what we want to accomplish in life. A carefully chosen word is a type of mental mentor — something to help us stay motivated as we move toward our goals in 2022.

What is the shortest word in the world? Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea. (The scientific name iouea is a genus of Cretaceous fossil sponges.)

What are the 12 powerful words? What are the twelve powerful words? Trace, Analyze, Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Explain, Summarize, Compare, Contrast, Predict. Why use the twelve powerful words? These are the words that always give students more trouble than others on standardized tests.

Why English is important in our life?

Most people are using this language in daily life. It is an important language because we use this language to communicate with other countries people. English is a common language and you can use English to become an international person. In this global era, people are urged to be able to communicate globally.

What should I learn first in English? The first step in learning any language is to familiarize yourself with the alphabet. English begins with the letter A and continues through Z, with a total of 26 letters. To practice pronunciation, we have a very simple ABC song that is pretty easy to learn.

What are the 12 basic rules of grammar?

12 Basic Rules of Grammar

  • Nouns and Pronouns. The first noun rule relates to the spelling changes in plural forms: consonant –y changes to consonant –ies as in “skies,” and nouns ending in glottal sounds such as “sh” take –es. …
  • Verbs. …
  • Adjectives and Adverbs. …
  • Punctuation.

How many tenses are there in English? The simple tenses (past, present, and future) are the most basic forms, but there are 12 major verb tenses in English in all.

How do you write a class 1 sentence?

One of the best things you can do to improve your English skills is to learn the most common words used in the language. Learning new words is always beneficial, but learning the most common words in English can be especially helpful.

By expanding your vocabulary, you’ll be able to better communicate with others and understand what they’re saying. Additionally, you’ll be able to read more fluently and pick up on context clues more easily.

Learning vocabulary is not enough to master the English language. One of the best ways to master English is to find an English tutor. You can also learn French with a French tutor on AmazingTalker! However, knowing some keywords can give you a leg up in conversation and help you better understand native speakers.

Common Words in English

Here Is A List Of 500 Common Words In English, In Alphabetical Order:


About, Above, Across, After, Again, Against, Almost, Alone, Already, Also, Although, Always, Area, Arms, Army, Around, Ask, Away,

Accelerate, Ability, Absolute, Act, Active, Addict, Admire, Adventure, Affect, Aggressive, Agreement


Baby, Back, Before, Believe, Best, Big, Black, Block, Blue, Body, Bone, Book, Born, Bottom, Box, Boy, Break, Bring, Business, Buy, Ball, Beach, Beautiful,

Bedroom, Brass, Bread, Breakfast, Brothers, Bus, Business, Bible, Barber, Bank,  Blankets, Beer, Belt


Call,  Car, Care, Carry, Catch, Central Century, Chair, Chance, Change, Chest, City, Close, Cold, Comfortable, Color, Company, Creature, Calligraphy, Cab, Chat, Cherry, Chide, Cider, Cigar, Claim, Clamp, Class, Clip, Clue, Coach, Collar, Comely, Copse, Cost, Cabbage, Calm, Camera, Candle, Cancer, Capital, Captain, Car, Carbon, Cord, Care, Careful, Carrot, Carry


Door, Down, Dozen, Draw, During, Damsel, Dance, Danger, Dawn, Date, Daft, Death, Decide, Declare, Defeat, Debt, Doubts Drab Dreads Dress Drums, Dust, Dykes Dynast, Dictionary, Dominate, Deem, Derive, Definite, Diminish, Daily, Dilemma, Dissect.


Eaglet, Ear, Early, Earth, Easter, Ebony, Echidna, Edible, Eight, Elk, Elephant, Eleven, Embargo, Emerald, Emotion, Emperor, Energy, Enormous, Eager, Excited, Extraordinary, Easy, Embrace, Enjoy, Expect, Encourage, External, Example, Excite.


Face, Family, Far, Farm, Father, Feel, Field, Few, Find, Floor, Flower, Following, Food, Foot, Force, Form, Friend, Front, Full, Fall, Famous, Fare, Farm, Fast, Fat, Fate, Fear, Feast, Feather, Fee.


Game, Garden, Get, Give, Glass, Grow, Greetings, Goodbye, Gadget, Garden, Gate, Garage, Gather, Ghost, Gift, Girl, Glad, Glass, Gloves, Glue, Go, Goal, God, Gold, Golf, Good, Goose, Gargle, Glaze, Glimpse, Glitch, Garrison,


Hair Hand Hard, Hear, Hole, Home, Hope, Hour, House, Habit, Huddle, Hearth, Herd, Haze, Hoist, Honey, Host, Hungry, Hurry.


Idea, Important, Inside, Instead, Incline, Iron, Image, Inch, Identity, Island, Indicate, Industrial, Individual, Ingredient, Interact.


Just, Justice, Judge, Judgment, Jump, Junior, junk, jury, justice, jewels


Keep, Kind, Kitchen, Know, Knee, Knife, Knowledge, Key, Kid, Kill, Kick, Kiss, Kitten


Land Large, Least Leave Left, Life, Light Like Little Live Long Look, Letter, Laugh, Law, Lazy, Leaf, Learn, Liberty, Library


Magazine, Mail, Make, Man, Map, Marble, March, Mark, Market, Marry, Mask, Mass, Mate, Math, Matter, May, Meadow, Mean, Measure, Meat, Melon, Memory, Milk, Mine, Minute, Miss, Mist, Monday


Name, Near, New, Next, Night, North, Nothing, Notice, Now, Number, Natural, Network, Newspaper, Noise, Necessary


Ocean, Opera, Often, Old, Once, Only, Open, Order, Our, Out, Outside, Over, Own, Orchard, Other.


Page, Pain, Paint, Part, Party, Pass, People, Pick, Picture, Place, Plane, Point, Police, Political, Poor, Possible, Power, Practice, Present, Press, Probably, Pull, Put.


Question Quick, Quiet, Queen, Quarter, Quiz, Queue


Rather, Reach, Real, Remember, Return, Right, Ring, Road, Room, Round, Rub, Rule, Rain, Raise, Really, Receive, Recent, Regular, Relate, Rich, Rise, Road, Roll, Roof, Rough, Round, Rub, Rule, Run, Rush.

Common Words in English


Same, Say, School, Science, Sea, Seat, Second, Section, See, Select, Sell, Send, Sentence, Separate, Show, Side, Simple, Since, Sing, Sir, Sit, Size, Skin, Small, Smoke, Snow, Some, Soon, South, Speak, Special, Stage, Start, Store, Street, Strong, Study, Such, Suddenly, Sufficient, Sure.


Table, Take, Talk, Tall, Thin, Theater, Thing, Though, Thought, Through, Throw, Thus, Today, Together, Top, Toward, Town, Trade, Transportation.


Under, Until, Up, Upon, Us, Use, Usually, Ugly, Unhappy, Utility


Very, View, Voice, Vacation, Valuable, Various, Very, Victory, Violent, Visit, Voice, Vote


Wait, Walk, Wall, Want, War, Water Way, Wear, Week, Weight, Well, West, Whatever, While, White, Whole, Within, Without, Work, World, Worry.


Xenophobia, Xerox, Xbox, Xmas, X-Ray, Xylophone


Yard, Year, Yellow, You, Your, Young, Yacht, Yesterday, Youth, Yield.


Zeal, Zenith, Zero, Zest, Zipper, Zone, Zoom, Zoo.

Start Learning English Today

Learning English is a great way to improve communication skills, build confidence, and expand career opportunities. If you’re looking to improve your English language skills, there’s no better time to start than today!

AmazingTalker’s English course is the perfect way to start learning English! The course is designed to help you master English, so you can feel confident speaking fluently.

With this course, you’ll learn everything you need about the English language, from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and conversation. The course is interactive and engaging, so you’ll never get bored. The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll be on your way to mastering the language.

Summing Up

The 500 most common words in English account for more than 50% of all words used in written texts. This makes them a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their written communication skills. If you want to learn how to write like a native speaker, start by learning these keywords.

You can also use AmazingTalker’s online language learning platform to get feedback on your pronunciation and accent from confirmed native speakers. Sign up today and get started on your path to becoming a fluent English speaker.

Taken from the FREE book: Talk a Lot Foundation Course.

The Oxford University list of the top 100 high-frequency words in written English is based on an analysis of the Oxford English Corpus, which is a collection of texts in English that has a combined total of over one billion words. This analysis was done by Oxford Online, in association with the Oxford English Dictionary. Of these top 100 words, 60 are function words, including all but 2 of the top 30 words! “the” is the most common word in written English.

The 100 Most Common Words in Written English


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