Microsoft word office 2004

Microsoft Word — Майкрософт Ворд бесплатно

Приложение Word – текстовый редактор от компании Майкрософт. Обеспечивает просмотр, редактирование а так же создание файлов в формате doc, это по праву полноценный редактор текста. Работает под управлением не только родной операционной системе, но и в среде Mac Os, а также в мобильных ОС. Последние версии редактора поддерживают работу с данными веб-страниц, pdf, txt, rtf и другими расширениями.

Что нового в Word

Начиная с версии 2013 года, стало проще возобновлять работу с многостраничным документом. Многие пользователи, не являясь специалистами, и слыхом не слыхивали про сочетание клавиш Shift и F5, открывающее файл с последнего места редактирования. Теперь программа во время запуска сама предлагает перейти к нему, высвечивая сообщение в правом верхнем углу поля программы, указывая при этом дату последней правки. Еще одной новинкой возможностей Word стал режим чтения, при инициации которого большая часть интерфейса скрывается. Остается лишь ползунок масштабирования, перелистывания и кнопка возвращения в регламент правки. Следует отметить, что шрифт подбирается автоматически под размер дисплея, на котором используется приложение. Если в текст внедрено изображение, то при клике по нему мышью оно раскрывается на весь экран, максимально его увеличивая. Крайне полезна подобная опция при дефиците экранного пространства на мобильных аппаратах.

Особенности в работе word

Появились нововведения и в работе с данными PDF. В последней версии Word можно сохранять текстовые файлы с этим расширением, преобразуя базовый формат doc, но и редактировать. Однако если в PDF-документе присутствует сложная графика или нестандартное построение текста, Word зачастую некорректно их отображает либо вовсе «вылетает», то есть происходит сбой.

Для сохранения созданных документов Word, работающего в составе Office, разработчики предлагают до 1 Тб виртуального хранилища. Возможен совместный доступ и коллективная работа в онлайн-режиме, причем и с мобильных устройств. Режим отслеживания перемещений документации позволяет при обращении к облачному хранилищу мгновенно находить последние редактируемые файлы. В Word 2016 реализованы функции «Помощник» и «Подробные сведения». Можно отыскать необходимую опцию или узнать контекстную информацию об объекте непосредственно в поле документа, не заходя в браузер.

Кроме того, в Word внедрены таблично-матричные алгоритмы, позволяющие организовывать простейшие таблицы. Приложение Word входит в комплектацию всех офисных пакетов от компании Майкрософт, начиная с 1997 года и, заканчивая, сегодняшним днем. В то же время текстовый процессор без потери функциональности может работать как самостоятельная программа, в том числе и на мобильных устройствах.

Word 2004: Streamlines Program but Can Confuse Users

by Nan Barber

Microsoft Word has always represented a struggle between two aspects at odds: a clean, simple interface and a teeming mass of undiscovered features — some of them treasures, and others that are just plain clunky. This year’s incarnation, Microsoft Word 2004, brings some new, interesting ways to work, such as the Notebook Layout view with audio notes. And Microsoft has tackled the discoverability factor by adding new buttons and Formatting Palette panels. At the same time, other features, such as Track Changes, have become clunkier.

In Your Notes

If you still use a spiral notebook for taking notes, this version of Word may herald your time to digitize. The Notebook Layout view resembles a notebook, with its lined-paper look and divider tabs (see “Taking Note”). The Note Levels feature lets you drag and drop notes hierarchically. There are also disclosure triangles for expanding and collapsing subordinate points, and clear markers for moving or selecting individual note points — all of which make for a much more attractive, and OS X–like, way of navigating an outline than Word’s Outline view.

In addition to letting you type text into your document, Word 2004 supports Apple’s Ink technology in Panther and Jaguar, so you can write on a graphics tablet and watch your letters turn into text.

There are even more ways to get notes into Word 2004. Using the Audio Notes feature in the Notebook Layout view, you just click on the Record button to start recording. (You need a microphone, but they’re not hard to find — and most Apple laptops have a built-in mike.) If you’re recording and taking minimal notes concurrently, Word will associate sections of the recording with each new bullet point. Click on the speaker icon next to a note to play back the audio that supplements that note.

Only two toolbars appear in Notebook Layout view: a standard Notebook Layout toolbar and an Audio Notes toolbar. Features such as Word Count and the ability to select heading styles aren’t available in this view, and Word Count even disappears from the pared-down Tools menu. The interface may be clean, but these omissions reduce this view’s usefulness, because you have to spend extra time switching into a different view to use familiar tools.

You can convert any existing Word document into Notebook Layout view when you open it, but you will lose formatting, including most text styles, paragraph indents, and bulleted lists.

Despite its few quirks, the Notebook Layout view gives you a streamlined note-taking tool that’s perfect for students, businesspeople, and news reporters. And when it becomes too limiting, you can move to fuller-featured, dedicated notebook programs such as Circus Ponies’ Note Book and AquaMinds’ NoteTaker (   ; ”
More Mac Software Bargains,” May 2003).

Navigating with Ease

Clicking on the new Navigation Pane icon in the Standard toolbar opens a pane of thumbnails, much like those in OS X’s Preview app. This pane can help you move around in long documents containing many illustrations or other objects (it’s less useful in a text-heavy document, where all the thumbnails will look the same). The Navigation Pane also includes a document map consisting of key text in your document, which provides an easy shortcut for finding your way through a long document.

Buttons with Smarts

Word’s new Smart Buttons are time-savers that reduce the amount of trips you have to make to the menu bar or to Word’s preferences. When you paste text, a clipboard icon appears next to it (see “Taking Note”). Click on this icon and choose from a contextual menu how you want to format the pasted text. The contextual menu goes away as soon as you start typing or resume working in the document, so it won’t get in your way. (You will also find Smart Buttons in Excel 2004.)

As you type a word that Word is autocorrecting, a blue underline with a small triangle appears briefly under that word. If you click on it, you’ll see a menu where you can return to what you were originally typing, tell Word to stop autocorrecting, or open the AutoCorrect dialog box. This is a nice solution to the frustration Word sometimes causes by, say, immediately autoformatting your bulleted list.

Formatting Palette Gets a Lift

The Formatting Palette is often the centerpoint of using Word X, and it’s even more feature-rich in Word 2004. The new Add Objects pane lets you add photos, movies, and other items previously found only in the Insert menu. Tabs at the top offer

one-click access to AutoText entries — such as the date — as well as symbols, clip art, WordArt text, shapes, and new fill-in-yourself objects such as preformatted calendars and checklists.

The Formatting Palette also has a new Styles pane, which brings some features buried in the Style dialog box out into the open, such as the ability to create a new style. The drawback is that using this pane to select a style may take longer than using the simple Style pop-up menu that used to appear in the Font section of the palette.

Changes to Tracking

If you’re a Track Changes user, you’ve surely clicked on the little green TRK button in the Status bar to turn Track Changes on and off, to wrist-cramping effect. You’ll be glad to see the big Track Changes button on the remodeled Reviewing toolbar.

And instead of choosing three menu options in the Accept Or Reject Changes dialog box to see your document in its unaltered condition or its final state, you can now swiftly choose from a new Markup menu on the Reviewing toolbar.

The Show menu, next to the Markup menu, also makes it easy to view edits and comments from a specific reviewer. It also gives you more choices for what types of changes you’d like to see or hide.

In previous versions of Word, deleted words appeared by default as strike-through text (crossed out with a single line). Now the default setting is that the old word merely changes color, and the new word is italicized. You can still tell what’s going on, but it can be very confusing. (Fortunately, you can change the Track Changes options to bring back the strike-through style.)

Most of the time, you’ll review tracked edits in the main body of the document. However, if you’re hooked on the Comments feature, some of the changes to it may offer a less-than-happy surprise. Now called the Reviewing Pane, the Comments pane used to offer a neat list of comments, delineated by each reviewer’s initials. Now, comments and text edits are mushed together in a confusing list, with different sections for comments located in the main document, footnotes, and so on. And the inability to click on a comment in Normal view and have Word jump to that comment in the Reviewing Pane is maddening. This new list is convenient if you’re a grad student and your documents contain tons of footnotes, but it’s superfluous and distracting for almost everyone else.

A clearer way to view comments is to switch to Page Layout view, where comments appear in balloons (color-coded by reviewer) along the right side of the page, with lines connecting them to the corresponding word or phrase.

Macworld’s Buying Advice

This new version of Word has some big new features that will motivate many Office users to upgrade. The Notebook Layout view will be enough for many people who don’t need a more involved program designed specifically for this task. However, if you’re a heavy user of the Track Changes and Comments features in Word X, the changes in Word 2004 might not impress you. And because Word 2004 keeps the old features in place (Outline View and the Clipboard) while adding the new ones (Notebook Layout view and the Scrapbook), you may not need to invest in the latest version.

Taking note The Smart Paste button, shown here in Word’s new Notebook Layout view, saves you trips to the toolbar.

Excel 2004: Venerable Spreadsheet Program Evolves Nicely

by Rob Griffiths

For those whose data analysis needs are anything but simple, Microsoft Excel is a mainstay. Though AppleWorks and ComGrafix’s RagTime both have spreadsheet modules, Excel has the rich feature set and Windows compatibility that number-crunchers have come to rely on.

If you’re familiar with prior versions of Excel, you’ll feel right at home in Excel 2004; Microsoft has kept the best of prior releases while adding productivity-enhancing new features, including a Page Layout view, Smart Buttons that help with common tasks such as formula debugging, and nice-looking chart-formatting options.

What’s New?

Substantial improvements lie hidden beneath Excel’s familiar surface. Like its siblings in Office 2004, Excel 2004 has a Toolbox icon that gives you access to the Office-wide Project Center, checks compatibility with other versions of Office, and opens the Scrapbook to store often-used text and graphics (see “Office’s Common Ground”).

The first thing you’ll notice in Excel is the default Page Layout view — it looks nothing like the views in prior versions of Excel. The active page is white, while the others are grayed out until clicked on. If you’re an advanced Excel user, you may find this view takes some getting used to — your 36-column-wide report, for instance, will now have visible page-break gaps. Luckily, the old Normal view is available in the View menu. If you can get accustomed to it, though, the Page Layout view shows you exactly how your spreadsheet will print out.

The Formatting Palette is much improved in Excel 2004. You may actually first notice it when you’re not using it — it fades to semitransparent when it’s inactive, and becomes opaque again when you mouse over it. Although transparency helps reduce the palette’s visual intrusiveness, you can’t select cells behind it. But through the Customize Formatting Palette option, you can instead have the palette minimize when it’s not in use, which gets it completely out of the way.

Like Word and PowerPoint 2004, Excel 2004 puts Add Objects in the Formatting Palette, making it easy to insert charts, symbols, shapes, lines, and text shapes. Choose one of the objects, and Excel places it on the worksheet. Finally, the Page Setup section of the palette includes a new Orientation area with buttons that you can use to easily toggle between Portrait and Landscape mode. The Print Scaling options in this section give you full control over your spreadsheet’s print layout. These changes reduce the time that you used to spend activating menus, viewing print previews, and memorizing shortcut keys for various symbols.

The downside to this revised palette is its size. With a graphic selected, for instance, the fully expanded Formatting Palette is taller than the 1,280-pixel height of my 23-inch Apple Cinema Display. When I’m working on a PowerBook, I have to click a lot on the Formatting Palette’s disclosure triangles to reveal and hide the various sections within the available screen space.

Charts Turn Professional

If you use only the Formatting Palette’s Add Objects section to insert charts in Excel 2004, you’ll miss out on some cool new looks for your charts. In the Custom Types area of the Chart dialog box (Insert: Chart), you’ll find an assortment of new, very professional-looking templates. So instead of a boring Pie from the Standard Types area, you can go for the 3D Anodized Pie to really bring your data to life.

Get Smart Buttons

Microsoft calls them Smart Buttons. You’ll probably just call them amazing. What are they? They are new buttons — Auto Fill Options, Insert Options, Paste Options, and Error Checking Options — that pop up when Excel senses a need for them. For instance, when a formula contains an error, you’ll see the Error Checking Options button.

If you’ve ever copied and pasted a formula from a cell when you actually meant to paste just the cell’s formatting, you’ll appreciate the Paste Options button. Instead of having to undo what you did and repaste using the Paste Special: Formats option, you can click on the Paste Options button (which suddenly pops into existence when you paste) and select Formatting Only from the pop-up menu. The contents of your destination cells will instantly revert, but they will retain the formatting from the copied range. You can also use the pop-up menu to choose other options, such as pasting values or applying the source’s column width when pasting.

The Error Checking Options button can help you find subtle errors in spreadsheets — the kind that you may not notice during development, but that your boss will somehow zero in on when it’s time to review your work. When Excel detects a potential error in a formula, such as references to blank cells or inconsistency with neighboring formulas, it flags the formula and displays a yellow caution sign whenever the cell is active. Click on the caution sign, and Excel pops up a menu to help you resolve the problem (see “The Formula Detective”). If all is fine with the formula, select Ignore Error from the pop-up menu, and Excel will remove the flag. In practice, Excel flags more cells than necessary, but it’s easy enough to clear the false positives.

Refresh Your Memory

Excel has hundreds of formulas, many of which have a complex, hard-to-memorize syntax. The new Function ScreenTips feature makes entering even the most obscure formula simple. Start typing a formula and the Function ScreenTip appears below the cell, showing the basic syntax for each portion of the formula. Click on the hyperlinked formula name in the ScreenTip, and you’ll see Excel’s formula-specific help page (see “Memory Aids”). ScreenTips take up very little screen real estate (Excel X’s bulky Formula Palette is still available if you wish to use it), and they usually provide just the amount of detail you need to complete a formula without even opening the help files.

Speed and Performance

Testing a complex spreadsheet on both a 1.25GHz PowerBook G4 with 768MB of RAM and a dual-2GHz Power Mac G5 with 2.5GB of RAM, I found that application launch times, recalculation speed, and scrolling speed were equal to or quicker than those of Excel X on the same machines. And in many hours of testing,

I didn’t experience a single crash, which speaks well for Excel 2004’s stability.

Although I experienced no major problems with the program, I did see an occasional graphical glitch, such as a distorted Smart Button and text that wasn’t antialiased after I switched between Excel and other running applications (scrolling the document fixed these problems). The lack of support for Mac OS X’s Services menu is disappointing — Carbon applications (BBEdit, for instance) are quite capable of supporting services. So for example, it’s harder than it should be to create a note in Stickies from an Excel cell entry (you’d use a simple 1-shift-Y to do this if services were available).

Macworld’s Buying Advice

Although Excel 2004 lacks a single groundbreaking “gotta have it!” new feature, the benefit of the other enhancements adds up to a winning package — Excel 2004 is a strong successor to Excel X. Microsoft wisely kept the majority of Excel’s interface identical to its predecessors’, making the learning curve easy for this new edition. And the new features are so useful, you’ll soon wonder how you managed without them. If you make your living working with numbers in spreadsheets, you’ll find this latest version of Excel a valuable partner.

The Formula Detective The Error Checking Options Smart Button helps you find mistakes in formulas. Here it’s pointing out that the formula in this cell isn’t consistent with those in neighboring cells.
Memory Aids Function Screen Tips appear whenever you’re entering a formula, and help you remember the proper order for a given formula’s operators. If that’s not enough, full help is just a second away–click on the hyperlinked formula name.

PowerPoint 2004: Presentation Application Gets Its Strongest Upgrade in Years

by Franklin N. Tessler

Apart from adopting the Aqua interface and a handful of other new features, PowerPoint X didn’t sport many compelling changes when it debuted over two years ago (   ;
February 2002 ). In the meantime, Apple surprised us by releasing
Keynote, a program with the power to turn out stunning presentations — but limited animation options and other missing features hampered it (   ; April 2003). PowerPoint 2004, an excellent upgrade that delivers helpful tools for presenters, crisper graphics, and an improved workflow, should more than satisfy current users, and may even entice a few Keynote adopters to switch back.

Presentation Central

Whether you’re a PowerPoint newbie or a seasoned pro, you’ll love PowerPoint 2004’s brilliant Presenter Tools feature. While your audience watches your presentation on a projector or other secondary display, you see three resizable panes on your monitor (see “Full Control”). The pane on the left shows numbered thumbnails of all your slides. A handy clock at the top displays the elapsed time to keep you from going over your allotted time.

Presenter Tools’ Audience view shows you exactly what the audience members see. The cursor appears on their display whenever you mouse over the live view on your monitor, so you can get by without a separate laser pointer. The area immediately below contains your notes; you can read them from there, or even edit them during your presentation — a practical way to note that half your audience fell asleep during the 28th slide.

A small, movable window shows you what your audience is about to see, whether it’s the result of the next animation on the current frame or an upcoming slide. Keynote offers some of the same functionality when you’re presenting in dual-display mode, but its slide thumbnails are too small to read, and you can’t edit your notes.

Animation Options

PowerPoint 2004’s expanded repertoire of animation effects widens its already considerable lead over Keynote. In addition to entry and exit animations, it offers new emphasis effects that let you change the display properties of text and graphics. For example, you can highlight a line of text by enlarging it temporarily or make a baseball look as if it’s flying away by shrinking it.

For the first time, PowerPoint for Mac lets you define more than two animations for every object on a slide; coupled with PowerPoint’s flexible options for triggering and timing animations, this allows you to add a dazzling array of effects. I also prefer PowerPoint 2004’s revamped Custom Animation dialog box, which is easier to navigate than PowerPoint X’s tabbed window.

Despite the attention Microsoft paid to animation, PowerPoint 2004 doesn’t support path-based animation, a feature that’s been a staple of PowerPoint for Windows for years.

Easy on the Eyes

Keynote still beats PowerPoint for rendering dazzling text and graphics, but a few welcome changes to PowerPoint 2004 narrow the gap. My favorite addition is support for soft drop shadows, a substantial improvement over the harsh shadows in PowerPoint X. (However, soft shadows created in the Mac version won’t render properly on Windows PCs or in earlier Mac versions of PowerPoint, a limitation that Office 2004 will flag if you use the Compatibility Report feature in the Toolbox palette [see “Office’s Common Ground”].)

PowerPoint 2004 benefits from enhanced transparency support — the boundaries between opaque and transparent parts of objects, which sometimes appeared jagged in PowerPoint X, now render smoothly. And Microsoft has finally refreshed PowerPoint’s aging collection of templates. Although they’re less attractive than Keynote’s limited selection of themes, the more than 100 new designs in PowerPoint 2004’s library are a vast improvement. PowerPoint 2004 also sports an expanded inventory of slide transitions, which provide special effects that help hold the audience’s attention between slides.

Smoother Workflow

Over the years, PowerPoint’s increasingly cluttered interface has confused new users and spawned a cottage industry of self-help books. Thankfully, the Formatting Palette in PowerPoint simplifies things by gathering common tasks in one handy location. Tabs in the Formatting Palette’s Add Objects panel let you add slides, symbols, shapes, lines, or text shapes to your slide with a click or two. The Change Slides panel at the bottom of the Formatting Palette makes it a snap to change the current slide’s design, transition, or layout.

Unfortunately, PowerPoint still doesn’t let you customize keyboard shortcuts, as Word and Excel do. And PowerPoint 2004’s lack of security features is even more surprising — for example, there’s no way to distribute a read-only presentation, and you can’t open password-protected files that were created in PowerPoint for Windows.

PowerPoint 2004 retains the previous version’s approach to master slides. You can use multiple masters in a presentation, but only by inserting slides from another presentation or by applying a different design template to slides in the current one. I prefer Keynote’s method, which lets you define as many masters as you like.

Aside from a few display glitches, I didn’t encounter any critical bugs while running PowerPoint 2004 under Panther.

Macworld’s Buying Advice

It’s a safe bet that PowerPoint 2004 wouldn’t be nearly as good as it is if Apple hadn’t released Keynote when it did. PowerPoint still lags behind in producing tantalizing eye candy, but not by much — for some speakers, PowerPoint 2004’s Presenter Tools and its more comprehensive animation options will more than compensate for the difference. If you’re already a PowerPoint user, I highly recommend the 2004 upgrade.

Full Control The Presenter Tools feature lets you control your slide show from your Mac.

Entourage 2004: E-mail Enhancements and Project Organization Tool Make for a Worthy Upgrade

by Tom Negrino

If dealing with a flood of e-mail messages and the many details of your life seem to be getting harder every day, you may be craving a powerful tool to help you keep your head above water. Entourage 2004 tries to fulfill that role by becoming the center of all your informational needs, from e-mail, to your contacts and calendar, to tracking your projects. With its improved message views, better junk-mail filtering, and practical project-management tools, it mostly succeeds.

Project Center

The marquee addition to Entourage is Project Center, which allows you to create and organize projects that can include information from inside and outside Entourage. In Project Center, there are seven tabs along the top of the main window that cover the project’s calendar and tasks; associated e-mail messages; files (of any type — you’re not limited to Office files); contacts from Entourage’s Address Book; clippings from the Office Scrapbook; Entourage Notes; and an Overview tab that shows you the current week, upcoming tasks, and recent project messages and files (see “View from a Height”). Project Center allows you to jump to any information associated with a project in a single click, whether it resides in Entourage, elsewhere on your hard drive, or on networked file servers.

The New Project Wizard steps you through creating a project, first letting you set the project name, due date (a countdown then appears in the Overview tab), and color (which makes it easier to identify project items). The wizard next creates (or you can select from existing folders) Project Watch Folders, which are Finder folders that Entourage monitors, automatically adding their files to the project. Similarly, any e-mail messages from contacts you’ve added to the project are automatically flagged as part of the project (or you can turn off the automation and flag items manually). You can also choose to share your project with colleagues by placing the project information on a file server or on iDisk. Entourage updates and synchronizes all participants’ files every 5 minutes.

Setting up projects is easy, and Entourage makes it simple to associate files and information with projects, either automatically or by using the new Projects pop-up menu in the toolbar. But you’ll only get the full use of projects if you use Entourage for all of your PIM needs; there’s no integration with other PIM software such as Apple’s Address Book or iCal. Even with that limitation, the new Project Center is very useful. In fact, you may find that the ability to open any document quickly from the Overview tab, instead of searching for it in the Finder, will be the part of Project Center you use the most.

E-mail Tune-up

Reading e-mail is easier in Entourage 2004, thanks to the new three-column view, which gives the message list its own column and puts the preview pane on the right side of the window. This often lets you see an entire message at once without needing to scroll through it.

When you’re working in other applications and mail arrives, Entourage pops up a small window that shows you the mail’s subject and sender and then smoothly fades away after a few seconds. If you click on the subject while the window is present, Entourage becomes active and opens the message.

You can now use Word to write your message, taking advantage of its superior formatting abilities. In Word, choosing File: Send To: Mail Recipient (As HTML) converts the Word document to HTML and creates a new message in Entourage that you can address and send. If you’re not an HTML e-mail fan, however, you won’t like the mail Word creates — its extra HTML and CSS tags bloat the code.

Entourage 2004 e-mail is not without its share of minor bugs, one of which remains unfixed from Entourage X (a Mailing List Manager option to not receive copies of messages you’ve sent to a list still doesn’t work). Another problem is that the mail list in some folders always appears scrolled to the bottom; it doesn’t remember where you last left it.

Protection from Online Evil

Modern e-mail programs need robust abilities to identify and block junk e-mail, and Entourage 2004’s Junk E-mail Protection feature is greatly improved over the previous version’s. The Folder List has a new Junk E-mail folder, to which it routes suspected junk. As before, you can set increasingly restrictive levels of protection. The algorithms that identify junk mail are far better than those of Entourage X, whose junk-mail blocking was so weak that I needed to use a third-party spam-filtering program, which I no longer required after upgrading to Entourage 2004. Microsoft can upgrade the junk-mail filtering separately from the rest of Entourage using Office 2004’s new AutoUpdate feature, so as spammers become more diabolical, Entourage should be able to keep up.

A favorite trick of spammers (and some legitimate businesses) is the Web bug, hidden within images in e-mail messages and Web pages. Simply displaying the image triggers the bug. Then the culprits can use the information it sends them to find out if and when you read a particular e-mail message; they can even discover your IP address. To protect you, Entourage 2004 no longer downloads pictures in e-mail messages immediately; instead, you click on a link in the message to display pictures if you think they’re innocuous. For senders you know are safe, you can set a preference in your Address Book to always allow pictures from them.

Archive Outdated Information

When a project is over, you probably don’t need to keep the folders, messages, and other items in Entourage, yet you may not want to simply delete these items in case you need them later. Entourage now allows you to export messages, tasks, contacts, notes, calendar events, and project files to a single file in a new format called an Entourage Archive. You have the option to remove the archived items from Entourage, or you can leave them there, which allows for ongoing project backups. Annoyingly, you can’t archive a group of selected items (such as messages returned by a search); you’re restricted to exporting items that either are part of a specific project or share a particular category.

Data Crunching and Repair

Entourage keeps its information in a database, and longtime users know that an Entourage database needs maintenance. Occasionally it becomes corrupt, requiring repair, but it’s more likely to need compacting, because the database grows as you add messages, but doesn’t automatically shrink when you delete information. Microsoft now supplies Database Utility, a separate application for rebuilding and compacting Entourage data. It’s also easier to use than the similar facility in previous versions, and it clearly identifies database backups with the date and time.

Macworld’s Buying Advice

The introduction of project organization is a natural evolution for Entourage, consolidating its data to put all the pieces of your projects within easy reach. The e-mail improvements, especially the spam filtering, make it easier than ever to handle your e-mail load. Despite a few minor bugs, Entourage 2004 will help you work more efficiently and be better organized.

View from a Height In Project Center’s Overview area, you can easily see how many days you have before your deadlne, upcoming events and tasks, and the latest project messages and files, which you can open with just a click.

Office’s Common Ground

by Rob Griffiths

You may appreciate the little touches in Office 2004, such as the translucent Formatting Palette and the ability to use more than 31 characters when naming a file. But that’s not all: there are a few bigger features in every Office application that you won’t want to ignore. They’re all accessible through a palette in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (click on the red Toolbox button).

The Projects Palette

Starting in Entourage, you use the New Project Wizard to set up project basics such as deadline, name, and description. But you can also use that data in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Just click on the Projects tab in the Toolbox palette. Here you can see and change schedules, create tasks, open associated project e-mail messages, add the current file, assign contacts, and keep ongoing notes about the project. A tabbed window keeps the interface clean and uncluttered. The ability to add any file to the project is a real time-saver.

Compatibility Report

Also in the Toolbox palette is the Compatibility Report panel. It ensures that others who have different versions of Office will be able to use your files. A pop-up menu lets you specify which version(s) of Office to test against; then your file is checked for feature compatibility with those version(s).When it’s done, the Compatibility Report not only tells you what’s not compatible, but also offers a one-button Fix command.


If you have text and graphics that you use over and over (your company’s logo and tag line, for example), the new Scrapbook fea-ture in the Toolbox will save you tons of time. (In Entourage 2004, it’s under the Tools menu.) To use it, copy something to the Clipboard, open the Scrapbook, and then click on Add. You can then assign keywords to the object and assign it to a project. You can even search for previously filed items. Once in the Scrapbook, the object is available for easy pasting across the Office suite.

A Sweet Suite

The new suitewide features of Office 2004 help tie its programs together into a true suite. You may just find that these features offer you a productivity boost as well.

Keep It Together The Projects Palette makes all of your project’s information available from any Microsoft 2004 application.

Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It was first released on October 25, 1983,[9] under the name Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems.[10][11][12] Subsequent versions were later written for several other platforms including: IBM PCs running DOS (1983), Apple Macintosh running the Classic Mac OS (1985), AT&T UNIX PC (1985), Atari ST (1988), OS/2 (1989), Microsoft Windows (1989), SCO Unix (1990), macOS (2001), Web browsers (2010), iOS (2014) and Android (2015). Using Wine, versions of Microsoft Word before 2013 can be run on Linux.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office Word (2019–present).svg
Microsoft Word.png

Microsoft Office 365 version of Microsoft Word, with the new redesign applied

Developer(s) Microsoft
Initial release October 25, 1983; 39 years ago (as Multi-Tool Word)
Stable release

2209 (16.0.15629.20208)
/ October 11, 2022; 6 months ago[1]

Repository none Edit this at Wikidata
Written in C++ (back-end)[2]
Operating system
  • Windows 10 and later, Windows Server 2016 and later
Office 365 only
  • Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 and later[3]
Platform IA-32, x64, ARM, ARM64
Type Word processor
License Trialware
Microsoft Word for Mac

Word for Mac screenshot.png

Word for Mac running on macOS Ventura (13.2)

Developer(s) Microsoft
Stable release

16.64 (Build 22081401)
/ August 16, 2022; 7 months ago[4]

Repository none Edit this at Wikidata
Written in C++ (back-end), Objective-C (API/UI)[2]
Operating system macOS
Type Word processor
License Proprietary software plus services
Microsoft Word for Android

Word for Android.png

Screenshot of Microsoft Word for Android 13

Original author(s) Microsoft Corporation
Developer(s) Microsoft Corporation
Initial release January 29, 2015; 8 years ago[5]
Stable release

/ July 14, 2022; 8 months ago[6]

Repository none Edit this at Wikidata
Operating system Android Pie and later
License Proprietary commercial software
Microsoft Word for iOS

Developer(s) Microsoft Corporation
Initial release March 27, 2014; 9 years ago[7]
Stable release

/ July 18, 2022; 8 months ago[8]

Repository none Edit this at Wikidata
Operating system iOS 14 or later
IPadOS 14 or later
License Proprietary commercial software
Word Mobile for Windows 10

Developer(s) Microsoft
Repository none Edit this at Wikidata
Operating system Windows 10 and later, Windows 10 Mobile
Type Word processor
License Freemium

Commercial versions of Word are licensed as a standalone product or as a component of Microsoft Office suite of software, which can be purchased either with a perpetual license or as part of a Microsoft 365 subscription.



In 1981, Microsoft hired Charles Simonyi, the primary developer of Bravo, the first GUI word processor, which was developed at Xerox PARC.[13] Simonyi started work on a word processor called Multi-Tool Word and soon hired Richard Brodie, a former Xerox intern, who became the primary software engineer.[13][14][15]

Microsoft announced Multi-Tool Word for Xenix[13] and MS-DOS in 1983.[16] Its name was soon simplified to Microsoft Word.[10] Free demonstration copies of the application were bundled with the November 1983 issue of PC World, making it the first to be distributed on-disk with a magazine.[10][17] That year Microsoft demonstrated Word running on Windows.[18]

Unlike most MS-DOS programs at the time, Microsoft Word was designed to be used with a mouse.[16] Advertisements depicted the Microsoft Mouse and described Word as a WYSIWYG, windowed word processor with the ability to undo and display bold, italic, and underlined text,[19] although it could not render fonts.[10] It was not initially popular, since its user interface was different from the leading word processor at the time, WordStar.[20] However, Microsoft steadily improved the product, releasing versions 2.0 through 5.0 over the next six years. In 1985, Microsoft ported Word to the classic Mac OS (known as Macintosh System Software at the time). This was made easier by Word for DOS having been designed for use with high-resolution displays and laser printers, even though none were yet available to the general public.[21] It was also notable for its very fast cut-and-paste function and unlimited number of undo operations, which are due to its usage of the piece table data structure.[22]

Following the precedents of LisaWrite and MacWrite, Word for Mac OS added true WYSIWYG features. It fulfilled a need for a word processor that was more capable than MacWrite.[23] After its release, Word for Mac OS’s sales were higher than its MS-DOS counterpart for at least four years.[13]

The second release of Word for Mac OS, shipped in 1987, was named Word 3.0 to synchronize its version number with Word for DOS; this was Microsoft’s first attempt to synchronize version numbers across platforms. Word 3.0 included numerous internal enhancements and new features, including the first implementation of the Rich Text Format (RTF) specification, but was plagued with bugs. Within a few months, Word 3.0 was superseded by a more stable Word 3.01, which was mailed free to all registered users of 3.0.[21] After MacWrite Pro was discontinued in the mid-1990s, Word for Mac OS never had any serious rivals. Word 5.1 for Mac OS, released in 1992, was a very popular word processor owing to its elegance, relative ease of use, and feature set. Many users say it is the best version of Word for Mac OS ever created.[21][24]

In 1986, an agreement between Atari and Microsoft brought Word to the Atari ST[25] under the name Microsoft Write. The Atari ST version was a port of Word 1.05 for the Mac OS[26][27] and was never updated.

The first version of Word for Windows was released in 1989. With the release of Windows 3.0 the following year, sales began to pick up and Microsoft soon became the market leader for word processors for IBM PC-compatible computers.[13] In 1991, Microsoft capitalized on Word for Windows’ increasing popularity by releasing a version of Word for DOS, version 5.5, that replaced its unique user interface with an interface similar to a Windows application.[28][29] When Microsoft became aware of the Year 2000 problem, it made Microsoft Word 5.5 for DOS available for free downloads. As of February 2021, it is still available for download from Microsoft’s website.[30]
In 1991, Microsoft embarked on a project code-named Pyramid to completely rewrite Microsoft Word from the ground up. Both the Windows and Mac OS versions would start from the same code base. It was abandoned when it was determined that it would take the development team too long to rewrite and then catch up with all the new capabilities that could have been added at the same time without a rewrite. Instead, the next versions of Word for Windows and Mac OS, dubbed version 6.0, both started from the code base of Word for Windows 2.0.[24]

With the release of Word 6.0 in 1993, Microsoft again attempted to synchronize the version numbers and coordinate product naming across platforms, this time across DOS, Mac OS, and Windows (this was the last version of Word for DOS). It introduced AutoCorrect, which automatically fixed certain typing errors, and AutoFormat, which could reformat many parts of a document at once. While the Windows version received favorable reviews (e.g., from InfoWorld[31]), the Mac OS version was widely derided. Many accused it of being slow, clumsy, and memory intensive, and its user interface differed significantly from Word 5.1.[24] In response to user requests, Microsoft offered Word 5 again, after it had been discontinued.[32] Subsequent versions of Word for macOS are no longer direct ports of Word for Windows, instead featuring a mixture of ported code and native code.

Word for WindowsEdit

Word for Windows is available stand-alone or as part of the Microsoft Office suite. Word contains rudimentary desktop publishing capabilities and is the most widely used word processing program on the market. Word files are commonly used as the format for sending text documents via e-mail because almost every user with a computer can read a Word document by using the Word application, a Word viewer or a word processor that imports the Word format (see Microsoft Word Viewer).

Word 6 for Windows NT was the first 32-bit version of the product,[33] released with Microsoft Office for Windows NT around the same time as Windows 95. It was a straightforward port of Word 6.0. Starting with Word 95, each release of Word was named after the year of its release, instead of its version number.[34]

Word 2007 introduced a redesigned user interface that emphasized the most common controls, dividing them into tabs, and adding specific options depending on the context, such as selecting an image or editing a table.[35] This user interface, called Ribbon, was included in Excel, PowerPoint and Access 2007, and would be later introduced to other Office applications with Office 2010 and Windows applications such as Paint and WordPad with Windows 7, respectively.[36]

The redesigned interface also includes a toolbar that appears when selecting text, with options for formatting included.[37]

Word 2007 also included the option to save documents as Adobe Acrobat or XPS files,[37] and upload Word documents like blog posts on services such as WordPress.

Word 2010 allows the customization of the Ribbon,[38] adds a Backstage view for file management,[39] has improved document navigation, allows creation and embedding of screenshots,[40] and integrates with online services such as Microsoft OneDrive.[41]

Word 2019 added a dictation function.

Word 2021 added co-authoring, a visual refresh on the start experience and tabs, automatic cloud saving, dark mode, line focus, an updated draw tab, and support for ODF 1.3.

Word for MacEdit

The Mac was introduced on January 24, 1984, and Microsoft introduced Word 1.0 for Mac a year later, on January 18, 1985. The DOS, Mac, and Windows versions are quite different from each other. Only the Mac version was WYSIWYG and used a graphical user interface, far ahead of the other platforms. Each platform restarted its version numbering at «1.0».[42] There was no version 2 on the Mac, but version 3 came out on January 31, 1987, as described above. Word 4.0 came out on November 6, 1990, and added automatic linking with Excel, the ability to flow text around graphics, and a WYSIWYG page view editing mode. Word 5.1 for Mac, released in 1992 ran on the original 68000 CPU and was the last to be specifically designed as a Macintosh application. The later Word 6 was a Windows port and poorly received. Word 5.1 continued to run well until the last Classic MacOS. Many people continue to run Word 5.1 to this day under an emulated Mac classic system for some of its excellent features, such as document generation and renumbering, or to access their old files.

Microsoft Word 2011 running on OS X

In 1997, Microsoft formed the Macintosh Business Unit as an independent group within Microsoft focused on writing software for Mac OS. Its first version of Word, Word 98, was released with Office 98 Macintosh Edition. Document compatibility reached parity with Word 97,[32] and it included features from Word 97 for Windows, including spell and grammar checking with squiggles.[43] Users could choose the menus and keyboard shortcuts to be similar to either Word 97 for Windows or Word 5 for Mac OS.

Word 2001, released in 2000, added a few new features, including the Office Clipboard, which allowed users to copy and paste multiple items.[44] It was the last version to run on classic Mac OS and, on Mac OS X, it could only run within the Classic Environment. Word X, released in 2001, was the first version to run natively on, and required, Mac OS X,[43] and introduced non-contiguous text selection.[45]

Word 2004 was released in May 2004. It included a new Notebook Layout view for taking notes either by typing or by voice.[46] Other features, such as tracking changes, were made more similar with Office for Windows.[47]

Word 2008, released on January 15, 2008, included a Ribbon-like feature, called the Elements Gallery, that can be used to select page layouts and insert custom diagrams and images. It also included a new view focused on publishing layout, integrated bibliography management,[48] and native support for the new Office Open XML format. It was the first version to run natively on Intel-based Macs.[49]

Word 2011, released in October 2010, replaced the Elements Gallery in favor of a Ribbon user interface that is much more similar to Office for Windows,[50] and includes a full-screen mode that allows users to focus on reading and writing documents, and support for Office Web Apps.[51]

Word 2021 added real-time co-authoring, automatic cloud saving, dark mode, immersive reader enhancements, line focus, a visual refresh, the ability to save pictures in SVG format, and a new Sketched style outline.

File formatsEdit

Native file formats

DOC Legacy Word document
DOT Legacy Word templates
WBK Legacy Word document backup
DOCX XML Word document
DOCM XML Word macro-enabled document
DOTX XML Word template
DOTM XML Word macro-enabled template
DOCB XML Word binary document

Filename extensionsEdit

Microsoft Word’s native file formats are denoted either by a .doc or .docx filename extension.

Although the .doc extension has been used in many different versions of Word, it actually encompasses four distinct file formats:

  1. Word for DOS
  2. Word for Windows 1 and 2; Word 3 and 4 for Mac OS
  3. Word 6 and Word 95 for Windows; Word 6 for Mac OS
  4. Word 97 and later for Windows; Word 98 and later for Mac OS

(The classic Mac OS of the era did not use filename extensions.)[52]

The newer .docx extension signifies the Office Open XML international standard for Office documents and is used by default by Word 2007 and later for Windows as well as Word 2008 and later for macOS.[53]

Binary formats (Word 97–2007)Edit

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, the default Word document format (.DOC) became a de facto standard of document file formats for Microsoft Office users.[citation needed] There are different versions of «Word Document Format» used by default in Word 97–2007.[54] Each binary word file is a Compound File,[55] a hierarchical file system within a file. According to Joel Spolsky, Word Binary File Format is extremely complex mainly because its developers had to accommodate an overwhelming number of features and prioritize performance over anything else.

As with all OLE Compound Files, Word Binary Format consists of «storages», which are analogous to computer folders and «streams», which are similar to computer files. Each storage may contain streams or other storage. Each Word Binary File must contain a stream called the «WordDocument» stream and this stream must start with a File Information Block (FIB).[57] FIB serves as the first point of reference for locating everything else, such as where the text in a Word document starts, ends, what version of Word created the document and other attributes.

Word 2007 and later continue to support the DOC file format, although it is no longer the default.

XML Document (Word 2003)Edit

The .docx XML format introduced in Word 2003[58] was a simple, XML-based format called WordProcessingML or WordML.

The Microsoft Office XML formats are XML-based document formats (or XML schemas) introduced in versions of Microsoft Office prior to Office 2007. Microsoft Office XP introduced a new XML format for storing Excel spreadsheets and Office 2003 added an XML-based format for Word documents.

These formats were succeeded by Office Open XML (ECMA-376) in Microsoft Office 2007.

Cross-version compatibilityEdit

Opening a Word Document file in a version of Word other than the one with which it was created can cause an incorrect display of the document. The document formats of the various versions change in subtle and not-so-subtle ways (such as changing the font or the handling of more complex tasks like footnotes). Formatting created in newer versions does not always survive when viewed in older versions of the program, nearly always because that capability does not exist in the previous version.[59] Rich Text Format (RTF), an early effort to create a format for interchanging formatted text between applications, is an optional format for Word that retains most formatting and all content of the original document.

Third-party formatsEdit

Plugins permitting the Windows versions of Word to read and write formats it does not natively support, such as international standard OpenDocument format (ODF) (ISO/IEC 26300:2006), are available. Up until the release of Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Office 2007, Word did not natively support reading or writing ODF documents without a plugin, namely the SUN ODF Plugin or the OpenXML/ODF Translator. With SP2 installed, ODF format 1.1 documents can be read and saved like any other supported format in addition to those already available in Word 2007.[59][60][61][62][63] The implementation faces substantial criticism, and the ODF Alliance and others have claimed that the third-party plugins provide better support.[64] Microsoft later declared that the ODF support has some limitations.[65]

In October 2005, one year before the Microsoft Office 2007 suite was released, Microsoft declared that there was insufficient demand from Microsoft customers for the international standard OpenDocument format support and that therefore it would not be included in Microsoft Office 2007. This statement was repeated in the following months.[66][67][68][69] As an answer, on October 20, 2005, an online petition was created to demand ODF support from Microsoft.[70]

In May 2006, the ODF plugin for Microsoft Office was released by the OpenDocument Foundation.[71] Microsoft declared that it had no relationship with the developers of the plugin.[72]

In July 2006, Microsoft announced the creation of the Open XML Translator project – tools to build a technical bridge between the Microsoft Office Open XML Formats and the OpenDocument Format (ODF). This work was started in response to government requests for interoperability with ODF. The goal of the project was not to add ODF support to Microsoft Office, but only to create a plugin and an external toolset.[73][74] In February 2007, this project released a first version of the ODF plugin for Microsoft Word.[75]

In February 2007, Sun released an initial version of its ODF plugin for Microsoft Office.[76] Version 1.0 was released in July 2007.[77]

Microsoft Word 2007 (Service Pack 1) supports (for output only) PDF and XPS formats, but only after manual installation of the Microsoft ‘Save as PDF or XPS’ add-on.[78][79] On later releases, this was offered by default.

Features and flawsEdit

Among its features, Word includes a built-in spell checker, a thesaurus, a dictionary, and utilities for manipulating and editing text. It supports creating tables. Depending on the version, it can perform simple calculations, and supports formatting formulas and equations.

The following are some aspects of its feature set.


Several later versions of Word include the ability for users to create their formatting templates, allowing them to define a file in which: the title, heading, paragraph, and other element designs differ from the standard Word templates.[80] Users can find how to do this under the Help section located near the top right corner (Word 2013 on Windows 8).

For example, Normal.dotm is the master template from which all Word documents are created. It determines the margin defaults as well as the layout of the text and font defaults. Although Normal.dotm is already set with certain defaults, the user can change it to new defaults. This will change other documents which were created using the template.[81] It was previously[82]

Image formatsEdit

Word can import and display images in common bitmap formats such as JPG and GIF. It can also be used to create and display simple line art. Microsoft Word added support[83] for the common SVG vector image format in 2017 for Office 365 ProPlus subscribers and this functionality was also included in the Office 2019 release.


An example image created with WordArt

WordArt enables drawing text in a Microsoft Word document such as a title, watermark, or other text, with graphical effects such as skewing, shadowing, rotating, stretching in a variety of shapes and colors, and even including three-dimensional effects. Users can apply formatting effects such as shadow, bevel, glow, and reflection to their document text as easily as applying bold or underline. Users can also spell-check text that uses visual effects and add text effects to paragraph styles.


A macro is a rule of pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence (often a sequence of characters) should be mapped to an output sequence according to a defined process. Frequently used or repetitive sequences of keystrokes and mouse movements can be automated. Like other Microsoft Office documents, Word files can include advanced macros and even embedded programs. The language was originally WordBasic, but changed to Visual Basic for Applications as of Word 97.

This extensive functionality can also be used to run and propagate viruses in documents. The tendency for people to exchange Word documents via email, USB flash drives, and floppy disks made this an especially attractive vector in 1999. A prominent example was the Melissa virus, but countless others have existed.

These macro viruses were the only known cross-platform threats between Windows and Macintosh computers and they were the only infection vectors to affect any macOS system up until the advent of video codec trojans in 2007.[citation needed] Microsoft released patches for Word X and Word 2004 that effectively eliminated the macro problem on the Mac by 2006.

Word’s macro security setting, which regulates when macros may execute, can be adjusted by the user, but in the most recent versions of Word, it is set to HIGH by default, generally reducing the risk from macro-based viruses, which have become uncommon.

Layout issuesEdit

Before Word 2010 (Word 14) for Windows, the program was unable to correctly handle ligatures defined in OpenType fonts.[84] Those ligature glyphs with Unicode codepoints may be inserted manually, but are not recognized by Word for what they are, breaking spell checking, while custom ligatures present in the font are not accessible at all. Since Word 2010, the program now has advanced typesetting features which can be enabled,[85] OpenType ligatures,[86] kerning and hyphenation (previous versions already had the latter two features). Other layout deficiencies of Word include the inability to set crop marks or thin spaces. Various third-party workaround utilities have been developed.[87]

In Word 2004 for Mac OS X, support of complex scripts was inferior even to Word 97[88] and Word 2004 did not support Apple Advanced Typography features like ligatures or glyph variants.[89]

Issues with technical documentsEdit

Microsoft Word is only awkwardly suitable for some kinds of technical writing, specifically, that which requires mathematical equations,[90] figure placement, table placement and cross-references to any of these items.[citation needed] The usual workaround for equations is to use a third-party equation typesetter.[citation needed] Figures and tables must be placed manually; there is an anchor mechanism but it is not designed for fully automatic figure placement and editing text after placing figures and tables often requires re-placing those items by moving the anchor point and even then the placement options are limited.[citation needed] This problem is deeply baked into Word’s structure since 1985 as it does not know where page breaks will occur until the document is printed.[citation needed]

Bullets and numberingEdit

Microsoft Word supports bullet lists and numbered lists. It also features a numbering system that helps add correct numbers to pages, chapters, headers, footnotes, and entries of tables of content; these numbers automatically change to correct ones as new items are added or existing items are deleted. Bullets and numbering can be applied directly to paragraphs and converted to lists.[91] Word 97 through 2003, however, had problems adding correct numbers to numbered lists. In particular, a second irrelevant numbered list might have not started with number one but instead resumed numbering after the last numbered list. Although Word 97 supported a hidden marker that said the list numbering must restart afterward, the command to insert this marker (Restart Numbering command) was only added in Word 2003. However, if one were to cut the first item of the listed and paste it as another item (e.g. fifth), then the restart marker would have moved with it and the list would have restarted in the middle instead of at the top.[92]

Word continues to default to non-Unicode characters and non-hierarchical bulleting, despite user preference for Powerpoint-style symbol hierarchies (e.g., filled circle/emdash/filled square/endash/emptied circle) and universal compatibility.


Available in certain versions of Word (e.g., Word 2007), AutoSummarize highlights passages or phrases that it considers valuable and can be a quick way of generating a crude abstract or an executive summary.[93] The amount of text to be retained can be specified by the user as a percentage of the current amount of text.

According to Ron Fein of the Word 97 team, AutoSummarize cuts wordy copy to the bone by counting words and ranking sentences. First, AutoSummarize identifies the most common words in the document (barring «a» and «the» and the like) and assigns a «score» to each word – the more frequently a word is used, the higher the score. Then, it «averages» each sentence by adding the scores of its words and dividing the sum by the number of words in the sentence – the higher the average, the higher the rank of the sentence. «It’s like the ratio of wheat to chaff,» explains Fein.[94]

AutoSummarize was removed from Microsoft Word for Mac OS X 2011, although it was present in Word for Mac 2008. AutoSummarize was removed from the Office 2010 release version (14) as well.[95]

Other platformsEdit

Word for mobileEdit

Word Mobile[96] is a word processor that allows creating and editing documents. It supports basic formatting, such as bolding, changing font size, and changing colors (from red, yellow, or green). It can add comments, but can’t edit documents with tracked changes. It can’t open password-protected documents; change the typeface, text alignment, or style (normal, heading 1); create bulleted lists; insert pictures; or undo.[97][98][99] Word Mobile is neither able to display nor insert footnotes, endnotes, page headers, page footers, page breaks, certain indentation of lists, and certain fonts while working on a document, but retains them if the original document has them.[100] In addition to the features of the 2013 version, the 2007 version on Windows Mobile also has the ability to save documents in the Rich Text Format and open legacy PSW (Pocket Word).[100] Furthermore, it includes a spell checker, word count tool, and a «Find and Replace» command. In 2015, Word Mobile became available for Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile on Windows Store.[101]

Support for Windows 10 Mobile version ended in January 12, 2021.[102]

Word for the webEdit

Word for the web is a free lightweight version of Microsoft Word available as part of Office on the web, which also includes web versions of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Word for the web lacks some Ribbon tabs, such as Design and Mailings. Mailings allows users to print envelopes and labels and manage mail merge printing of Word documents.[103][104] Word for the web is not able to edit certain objects, such as: equations, shapes, text boxes or drawings, but a placeholder may be present in the document. Certain advanced features like table sorting or columns will not be displayed but are preserved as they were in the document. Other views available in the Word desktop app (Outline, Draft, Web Layout, and Full-Screen Reading) are not available, nor are side-by-side viewing, split windows, and the ruler.[105]

Password protectionEdit

Three password types can be set in Microsoft Word,

  • Password to open a document[106]
  • Password to modify a document[106]
  • Password restricting formatting and editing[107]

The second and third password types were developed by Microsoft for convenient shared use of documents rather than for their protection. There is no encryption of documents that are protected by such passwords and the Microsoft Office protection system saves a hash sum of a password in a document’s header where it can be easily accessed and removed by the specialized software. Password to open a document offers much tougher protection that had been steadily enhanced in the subsequent editions of Microsoft Office.

Word 95 and all the preceding editions had the weakest protection that utilized a conversion of a password to a 16-bit key.

Key length in Word 97 and 2000 was strengthened up to 40 bit. However, modern cracking software allows removing such a password very quickly – a persistent cracking process takes one week at most. Use of rainbow tables reduces password removal time to several seconds. Some password recovery software can not only remove a password but also find an actual password that was used by a user to encrypt the document using the brute-force attack approach. Statistically, the possibility of recovering the password depends on the password strength.

Word’s 2003/XP version default protection remained the same but an option that allowed advanced users to choose a Cryptographic Service Provider was added.[108] If a strong CSP is chosen, guaranteed document decryption becomes unavailable and, therefore, a password can’t be removed from the document. Nonetheless, a password can be fairly quickly picked with a brute-force attack, because its speed is still high regardless of the CSP selected. Moreover, since the CSPs are not active by default, their use is limited to advanced users only.

Word 2007 offers significantly more secure document protection which utilizes the modern Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) that converts a password to a 128-bit key using a SHA-1 hash function 50,000 times. It makes password removal impossible (as of today, no computer that can pick the key in a reasonable amount of time exists) and drastically slows the brute-force attack speed down to several hundreds of passwords per second.

Word’s 2010 protection algorithm was not changed apart from the increasing number of SHA-1 conversions up to 100,000 times and consequently, the brute-force attack speed decreased two times more.


This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (December 2021)

Initial releases of Word were met with criticism. Byte in 1984 criticized the documentation for Word 1.1 and 2.0 for DOS, calling it «a complete farce». It called the software «clever, put together well and performs some extraordinary feats», but concluded that «especially when operated with the mouse, has many more limitations than benefits … extremely frustrating to learn and operate efficiently».[109] PC Magazine‘s review was very mixed, stating: «I’ve run into weird word processors before, but this is the first time one’s nearly knocked me down for the count» but acknowledging that Word’s innovations were the first that caused the reviewer to consider abandoning WordStar. While the review cited an excellent WYSIWYG display, sophisticated print formatting, windows, and footnoting as merits, it criticized many small flaws, very slow performance, and «documentation produced by Madame Sadie’s Pain Palace». It concluded that Word was «two releases away from potential greatness».[110]

Compute!’s Apple Applications in 1987 stated that «despite a certain awkwardness», Word 3.01 «will likely become the major Macintosh word processor» with «far too many features to list here». While criticizing the lack of true WYSIWYG, the magazine concluded that «Word is marvelous. It’s like a Mozart or Edison, whose occasional gaucherie we excuse because of his great gifts».[111]

Compute! in 1989 stated that Word 5.0’s integration of text and graphics made it «a solid engine for basic desktop publishing». The magazine approved of improvements to text mode, described the $75 price for upgrading from an earlier version as «the deal of the decade» and concluded that «as a high-octane word processor, Word is worth a look».[112]

During the first quarter of 1996, Microsoft Word accounted for 80% of the worldwide word processing market.[113]

Release historyEdit

Legend: Old version, not maintained Older version, still maintained Current stable version

Microsoft Word 2010 running on Windows 7

Microsoft Word for Windows release history

Year released Name Version Comments
1989 Word for Windows 1.0 1.0 Code-named Opus[114]
1990 Word for Windows 1.1 1.1 For Windows 3.0.[115] Code-named Bill the Cat[citation needed]
1990 Word for Windows 1.1a 1.1a On March 25, 2014, Microsoft made the source code to Word for Windows 1.1a available to the public via the Computer History Museum.[116][117]
1991 Word for Windows 2.0 2.0 Included in Office 3.0.
1993 Word for Windows 6.0 6.0 Version numbers 3, 4, and 5 were skipped, to bring Windows version numbering in line with that of DOS, Mac OS, and WordPerfect (the main competing word processor at the time). Also, a 32-bit version for Windows NT only. Included in Office 4.0, 4.2, and 4.3.
1995 Word for Windows 95 7.0 Included in Office 95
1997 Word 97 8.0 Included in Office 97
1998 Word 98 8.5 Included in Office 97
1999 Word 2000 9.0 Included in Office 2000
2001 Word 2002 10.0 Included in Office XP
2003 Microsoft Word 2003 11.0 Included in Office 2003
2006 Microsoft Word 2007 12.0 Included in Office 2007; released to businesses on November 30, 2006, released worldwide to consumers on January 30, 2007. Extended support until October 10, 2017.
2010 Word 2010 14.0 Included in Office 2010; skipped 13.0 due to triskaidekaphobia.[118]
2013 Word 2013 15.0 Included in Office 2013
2016 Word 2016 16.0 Included in Office 2016
2019 Word 2019 16.0 Included in Office 2019
2021 Word 2021 16.0 Included in Office 2021
Microsoft Word for classic Mac OS and macOS release history

Year released Name Version Comments
1985 Word 1 1.0
1987 Word 3 3.0
1989 Word 4 4.0 Part of Office 1.0 and 1.5
1991 Word 5 5.0
  • Part of Office 3.0
  • Requires System 6.0.2, 512 KB of RAM (1 MB for 5.1, 2 MB to use spell check and thesaurus), 6.5 MB available hard drive space[21]
1992 Word 5.1 5.1
  • Part of Office 3.0
  • Last version to support 68000-based Macs[21]
1993 Word 6 6.0
  • Part of Office 4.2
  • Shares code and user interface with Word for Windows 6
  • Requires System 7.0, 4 MB of RAM (8 MB recommended), at least 10 MB available hard drive space, 68020 CPU[21]
1998 Word 98 8.5
  • Part of Office 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Requires PowerPC-based Macintosh
  • Renumbered alongside contemporary Windows version
2000 Word 2001 9.0
  • Part of Microsoft Office 2001
  • Word 2001 is the last version that is compatible with Classic Mac OS (Mac OS 9 or earlier)
2001 Word v. X 10.0
  • Part of Office v. X
  • First version for Mac OS X only
2004 Word 2004 11.0 Part of Office 2004
2008 Word 2008 12.0 Part of Office 2008
2010 Word 2011 14.0 Part of Office 2011; skipped 13.0 due to triskaidekaphobia.[118]
2015 Word 2016 16.0 Part of Office 2016; skipped 15.0
2019 Word 2019 16.0 Part of Office 2019
2021 Word 2021 16.0 Included in Office 2021
Word for MS-DOS release history

Year released Name Version Comments
1983 Word 1 1.0 Initial version of Word
1985 Word 2 2.0
1986 Word 3 3.0 Removed copy protection
1987 Word 4 4.0
1989 Word 5 5.0
1991 Word 5.1 5.1
1991 Word 5.5 5.5 First DOS version to use a Windows-like user interface
1993 Word 6 6.0 Last DOS version.
Word release history on other platforms

Platform Year released Name Comments
Atari ST 1988 Microsoft Write Based on Microsoft Word 1.05 for Mac OS
OS/2 1989 Microsoft Word 5.0 Word 5.0 ran both under DOS and OS/2 dual-mode as a native OS/2 application
OS/2 1991 Microsoft Word 5.5 Word 5.5 ran both under DOS and OS/2 dual-mode as a native OS/2 application
OS/2 1990 Microsoft Word for OS/2 Presentation Manager version 1.1
OS/2 1991 Microsoft Word for OS/2 Presentation Manager version 1.2[citation needed]
SCO Unix 1990 Microsoft Word for Unix version 5.0[119]
SCO Unix 1991 Microsoft Word for Unix version 5.1[120]


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  107. ^ «How safe is Word encryption. Is it secure?». Archived from the original on April 17, 2013. Retrieved April 24, 2013.
  108. ^ Cameron, Janet (September 1984). «Word Processing Revisited». BYTE (review). p. 171. Retrieved October 23, 2013.
  109. ^ Manes, Stephen (February 21, 1984). «The Unfinished Word». PC Magazine. p. 192. Retrieved October 19, 2021.
  110. ^ McNeill, Dan (December 1987). «Macintosh: The Word Explosion». Compute!’s Apple Applications. pp. 54–60. Retrieved September 14, 2016.
  111. ^ Nimersheim, Jack (December 1989). «Compute! Specific: MS-DOS». Compute!. pp. 11–12.
  112. ^ «Data Stream». Next Generation. No. 21. Imagine Media. September 1996. p. 21.
  113. ^ Opus Development Postmortem
  114. ^ «Microsoft Word 1.x (Windows) – Stats, Downloads and Screenshots :: WinWorld». WinWorld. Retrieved July 3, 2016.
  115. ^ Shustek, Len (March 24, 2014). «Microsoft Word for Windows Version 1.1a Source Code». Retrieved March 29, 2014.
  116. ^ Levin, Roy (March 25, 2014). «Microsoft makes source code for MS-DOS and Word for Windows available to public». Official Microsoft Blog. Archived from the original on March 28, 2014. Retrieved March 29, 2014.
  117. ^ a b «Office 14». Office Watch. June 1, 2007. For the sake of superstition the next version of Office won’t be called ’13’.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  118. ^ Marshall, Martin (January 8, 1990). «SCO Begins Shipping Microsoft Word 5.0 for Unix and Xenix». InfoWorld. p. 6. Retrieved May 20, 2021.
  119. ^ «Microsoft Word: SCO announces Word for Unix Systems Version 5.1». EDGE: Work-Group Computing Report. March 11, 1991. p. 33. Retrieved May 20, 2021 – via Gale General OneFile.

Further readingEdit

  • Tsang, Cheryl. Microsoft: First Generation. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 978-0-471-33206-0.
  • Liebowitz, Stan J. & Margolis, Stephen E. Winners, Losers & Microsoft: Competition and Antitrust in High Technology Oakland: Independent Institute. ISBN 978-0-945999-80-5.

External linksEdit

  • Microsoft Word – official site
  • Find and replace text by using regular expressions (Advanced) — archived official support website

Microsoft Office

   MS Office 2003

      Системные требования Microsoft Office 2003


      Цены на Microsoft Office 2003

      Новые возможности для домашних пользователей в Microsoft Office

      Word 2003

      Outlook 2003

      PowerPoint 2003

      Excel 2003

   Office 2004 для Apple Macintosh

Есть ли альтернатива?, StarOffice 6.0

   WordPerfect Office 12

— Что такое Office?
— Office — это набор программ, необходимый для решения офисных задач.
— А что это за задачи?
— Это задачи, которые позволяет решать Office…

таким был диалог двух начинающих пользователей, который я случайно услышал.
Однако и профессионалы дают не менее пространное определение. Например, в уважаемой
мною энциклопедии Wikipedia приводится такое толкование офисных пакетов: «Офисный
пакет (office applications suite), или office suite, offimatic suite, integrated
offimatic program, — это набор взаимодействующих компьютерных программ, которые
обычно распространяются совместно, имеют однотипный интерфейс и рассчитаны на
офисных служащих (в оригинале использовано слово «клерк», — Прим. автора), а
также людей, занятых в области обработки знаний (knowledge workers)». Согласитесь,
определение довольно широкое. Впрочем, это объяснимо: количество задач, с которыми
сталкивается пользователь домашнего, а тем более корпоративного офиса, растет
очень быстро, и столь же стремительно увеличивается количество инструментов
Office. Если в начале 90-х годов под Office подразумевался набор из текстового
процессора, электронной таблицы, презентационной и коммуникационной программ,
то со временем в него вошли и СУБД, и графические пакеты, и средства Web-дизайна.
А в Microsoft Office System 2003 можно найти массу дополнительных компонентов:
InfoPath 2003, SharePoint Portal Server 2003, FrontPage 2003, OneNote 2003,
Project 2003, Visio 2003 и др. Наверняка в ближайшие годы появятся и новые приложения,
которые пополнят семейство Office.

Давая определение понятию «офисный пакет» мы не случайно сразу перешли на названия
конкретных продуктов Microsoft. Общеизвестно, что сегодня Microsoft Office —
это доминирующий офисный пакет, собственные форматы которого стали стандартом
де-факто, а названия Word и Excel для многих превратились в синонимы понятий
«текстовый процессор» и «табличный процессор». Несмотря на то что на рынке предлагается
множество решений и некоторые из них даже на слуху (например,,
StarOffice, WordPerfect Office, Lotus SmartSuite), все же наибольшая доля рынка,
безусловно, принадлежит Microsoft Office, поэтому обзор офисных пакетов мы начнем
именно с него.

Microsoft Office

Office совершенствуется уже более десяти лет. Первая версия пакета под номером
3.0 вышла еще в 1992 году. В набор программ тогда входили текстовый процессор
Word 2.0c, табличный процессор Excel 4.0a, презентационное приложение PowerPoint
3.0 и почтовая программа Mail.

Дальнейшая история развития пакета выглядит следующим образом:

  • 1993 — Office 4.0 (Word 6.0, Excel 4.0, PowerPoint 3.0);
  • 1994 — Office for NT 4.2 (Word 6.0 [32-бит, i386 и Alpha], Excel 5.0 [32
    бит, i386 и Alpha], PowerPoint 4.0 [16 бит], Microsoft Office Manager);
  • 1994 — Office 4.3 (последняя 16-битная версия, Word 6.0, Excel 5.0, PowerPoint
    4.0; в версии Рro — Access 2.0);
  • 1995 — Office 95 (Word 95 и др.);
  • январь 1997 — Office 97 (Word 97 и др.);
  • июнь 1999 — Office 2000 (Word 2000 и др.);
  • июнь 2001 — Office XP (Word 2002 и др.);
  • 21 октября 2003 — Office 2003 (Word 2003 и др.).

Параллельно развивались версии для Apple Macintosh:

  • Office 1 (Word 3 и др.);
  • Office 2 (Word 4 и др.);
  • Office 3 (Word 5 и др.);
  • Office 4.2 (Word 6.0 и др.);
  • Office 98 (Word 98 и др.);
  • Office 2001 (Word 2001 и др.);
  • Office v.X (Word X и др.);
  • Office 2004 (Word 2004 и др.).

О последних версиях Microsoft Office для Windows (Office 2003), а также об Office
2004 для Apple Macintosh следует рассказать подробнее.

MS Office 2003

Microsoft Office 2003, преемник Microsoft Office XP, является ключевым компонентом
системы Microsoft Office System, куда входит целый ряд дополнительных приложений,
включая SharePoint Portal Server 2003, InfoPath, FrontPage, Project, Visio,
OneNote для Tablet PCs. Все они считаются частью Office 2003 Family, но ни одна
из этих программ не входит в пакет (bundled edition). В разные выпуски Office
2003 могут входить различные приложения системы Microsoft Office System (табл.

Таблица 1. Варианты поставки Microsoft Office 2003

Таблица 1. Варианты поставки Microsoft Office 2003

В виде коробочных продуктов, распространяемых по каналам розничной сети, доступны
четыре версии пакета: Professional, Small Business, Standard, а также Student
and Teacher.

Системные требования Microsoft Office 2003

Для установки Microsoft Office 2003 потребуется ПК с процессором Pentium 133
МГц или более мощным, рекомендуется Pentium III.

Память — 64 Мбайт ОЗУ (рекомендуется 128 Мбайт) для операционной системы, дополнительно
8 Мбайт ОЗУ для каждого из приложений, работающих одновременно.

Жесткий диск — 245 Мбайт свободного места на жестком диске и 115 Мбайт на жестком
диске, на котором установлена операционная система (требования к наличию свободного
места на жестком диске зависят от конфигурации, а также от компонентов, выбираемых
в процессе установки).

Операционная система — Microsoft Windows 2000 с пакетом обновления 3 (SP3),
Microsoft Windows XP или более поздней версии.


Инсталляционный процесс Office 2003 не претерпел особых изменений по сравнению
с Office XP. Используя режим Customized installation, вы можете установить Word
и Excel, но пропустить установку PowerPoint. При выборе всех компонентов офисный
пакет будет занимать от 260 до 590 Mбайт в зависимости от версии.

Office 2003 предусматривает не слишком удобный для пользователей процесс активации,
примененный впервые в MS Office XP, при котором программа привязывается к определенному

Недавно Microsoft ослабила свои лицензионные ограничения для Office 2003 Student
& Teacher Edition, позволив инсталлировать данную версию на три разных компьютера.
Остальные версии, находящиеся в розничной продаже, — Standard, Professional
и Small Business — допускают установку только на два компьютера.

Следует подчеркнуть, что Office 2003 выполняется только под управлением Windows

Цены на Microsoft Office 2003

На момент объявления продукта были объявлены следующие цены: cтандартная версия
пакета — 399 долл. (апгрейд — 239 долл.); Small Business Edition — 449 долл.
(апгрейд — 279 долл.); Microsoft Office Professional Edition — 499 долл. (апгрейд
— 329 долл.). Student & Teacher Edition — 149 долл., апгрейд в этом случае

О порядке цен на русскоязычные продукты можно судить по данным наших Интернет-магазинов
(табл. 2).

Таблица 2. Цены в российских Интернет-магазинах на Microsoft Office 2003, долл.

Таблица 2. Цены в российских Интернет-магазинах на Microsoft Office
2003, долл.

Новые возможности для домашних пользователей в Microsoft Office

Целый ряд функций, реализованных в Microsoft Office System, направлен на оптимизацию
работы корпоративных пользователей, для которых важна поддержка eXtensible Markup
Language (XML), а также возможность организации Document Workspaces — виртуальной
среды общения, где пользователи Word, Excel и PowerPoint могут обмениваться
документами в реальном времени. Document Workspaces требует использования технологии
SharePoint. Windows SharePoint Services распространяется как часть Windows Server
2003 и позволяет пользователям Office более эффективно работать над документами.
Домашние пользователи этой функции не получат. Учитывая тему нашего спецвыпуска
— «Обязательная программа», мы ограничимся описанием тех нововведений в Microsoft
Office, которые доступны для домашних пользователей, и ознакомимся с возможностями
основных программ этого пакета — Word, Outlook, Excel и PowerPoint.

Word 2003

В Word 2003 появился новый режим чтения — Reading Layout Mode, который предоставляет
одностраничный и многостраничный режимы для чтения, как в приложении Adobe Reader,
но при этом позволяет не только читать, но и редактировать документ. Постраничные
иконки (в левой части экрана на рис. 1) помогают ориентироваться в больших документах.
Удобным новшеством является возможность закрепления стиля, что позволяет избежать
внедрения большого количества стилей при копировании фрагментов из разных источников.
В пункте Editing Restrictions (Ограничения по редактированию) вы можете указать
различные режимы ограничений редактирования, вплоть до режима Read only (рис.

Рис. 1. Режим чтения Reading Layout Mode

Рис. 1. Режим чтения Reading Layout Mode

Рис. 2. Панель Format Restrictions

Рис. 2. Панель Format Restrictions

Работая с Word 2003, можно делать рукописные пометки (рис. 3), которые программа

Рис. 3. Пример распознавания рукописного текста

Рис. 3. Пример распознавания рукописного текста

Используя Word 2003 как e-mail-редактор в Outlook 2003, вы можете быстро добавить
в ваше послание рукописные пометки (рис. 4).

Рис. 4. Рукописные пометки в Word при использовании его в качестве e-mail-редактора

Рис. 4. Рукописные пометки в Word при использовании его в качестве

В Word 2003 расширены возможности по работе с дополнительными онлайн-ресурсами
ресурсами. Используя область задач Research Task Pane, из Word 2003 можно обратиться
к электронным словарям, тезаурусам и поисковым Web-узлам, что позволяет быстро
найти нужные данные и включить их в документ (рис. 5). Возможность пользоваться
ресурсами Web-узла Microsoft Office Online (профессионально разработанные шаблоны,
интерактивное обучение и т.п.) существенно ускоряет работу.

Рис. 5. Не покидая приложений Office, можно получить доступ к онлайновым услугам

Рис. 5. Не покидая приложений Office, можно получить доступ к онлайновым

В последнее время появился ряд новых интерактивных онлайновых служб на русском
языке. В частности, пользователям Office 2003 доступна электронная энциклопедия
«Кругосвет», системы поиска товаров в Интернет-магазинах «Озон» и SoftKey, основанные
на использовании возможностей работы с языком XML и технологии Web-служб.

Пользователи Microsoft Office 2003 могут осуществлять поиск по энциклопедии
«Кругосвет» с учетом морфологии русского языка (рис. 6). Все статьи можно сохранить
и распечатать. Энциклопедия обновляется шесть раз в год.

Рис. 6. Пример справки на базе электронной энциклопедии «Кругосвет»

Рис. 6. Пример справки на базе электронной энциклопедии «Кругосвет»

Число подобных сервисов будет постоянно расширяться, открывая пользователям
MS Office доступ к новым услугам.

В Word 2003 реализован оригинальный формат файла XML, позволяющий сохранять
резюме, отчеты и другие документы в этом формате, не нарушая при этом форматирование
Word, хотя, возможно, данная функция не так важна для домашних пользователей,
как для корпоративных. При сохранении документа Word в формате XML создается
единственный файл, что упрощает организацию общего доступа к файлу и работу
с ним по сравнению с форматом HTML, когда изображения и иные файлы хранятся
отдельно. Доступна также функция преобразования, позволяющая перевести файл
Word XML в формат HTML 4.0 или XHTML для отображения его в Web-обозревателе.

Outlook 2003

В Outlook 2003 было произведено наибольшее количество изменений. Прежний двухколоночный
интерфейс программы заменен на трехпанельный (рис. 7), что обеспечивает более
рациональное расположение сообщений на экране. Это, в свою очередь, позволяет
реже открывать письма в отдельном окне, избавляя тем самым от необходимости
следить за множеством отдельных окон для каждого сообщения.

Рис. 7. Обновленный интерфейс Outlook 2003

Рис. 7. Обновленный интерфейс Outlook 2003

Появились новые возможности управления письмами. Функция интеллектуальной группировки
почты позволяет упорядочить письма по времени получения, важности, объему и
т.д. В результате пользователь получает краткий список подобных разделов, например,
«сегодня, вчера, на этой неделе, в последний месяц, за последний год». При этом
с такими группами можно работать как с отдельными объектами. Например, можно
перетащить пункт «за последний месяц» в отдельную папку и сохранить там в качестве

Еще одно новшество — виртуальные папки поиска Search Folders, в которых отображаются
результаты определенных поисковых запросов, — позволяет удобнее осуществлять
сортировку и обработку почты. При этом все элементы электронной почты остаются
в своих исходных папках программы Outlook. С помощью папок поиска легко группировать
письма по определенным критериям.

Создавая такую папку, вы генерируете фильтр, который по заданным критериям ищет
письма и выдает результаты. Например, можно создать папку, в которой будут отображаться
все послания от определенного человека. При этом все его письма будут находиться
в тех папках, куда они пришли.

Процедура создания нового сообщения электронной почты упрощена за счет оптимизации
работы с Microsoft Word в качестве редактора сообщений электронной почты. Изменив
интерфейс, удалось сократить количество кнопок на экране и освободить больше
места для сообщений. Изменилось также окно выбора адресной книги, которое теперь
имеет более удобный интерфейс, масштабируется и может отображать больше записей
(рис. 8).

Рис. 8. Упрощена процедура создания нового сообщения

В Outlook 2003 появилась еще одна полезная функция — хранить записи контактов
теперь можно вместе с фотографиями (рис. 9).

Рис. 9. Хранить записи контактов можно вместе с изображениями

В Outlook 2003 реализован настраиваемый фильтр спама. В случае получения подозрительного
сообщения появляется окно, показанное на рис. 10. Программа сообщит, что пришло
сообщение с подозрением на спам и письмо автоматически перемещено в папку Junk
E-mail folder, где оно позднее может быть просмотрено.

Рис. 10. Сообщение о скачивании письма с подозрением на спам

Рис. 10. Сообщение о скачивании письма с подозрением на спам

Новый Outlook обеспечивает режим, при котором запрещено автоматическое скачивание
изображений с Web-сервера, что не позволяет спам-изображениям занимать ваш трафик
и грузить изображения оскорбительного характера.

Очевидно, что факт загрузки изображений с сервера является подтверждением того,
что почта кем-то прочитывается. Данная возможность может использоваться спамерами
для проверки актуальности адресов в спам-листах. Таким образом Outlook 2003
обеспечивает функцию блокировки внешнего содержимого, которая пресекает все
попытки подключиться к Web-серверу в Интернете, пока пользователь не решит просмотреть
его содержимое.

В новом Outlook усовершенствованы правила оповещений (рис. 11). В частности,
пользователи могут выбрать звуковое оповещение, которым будет сопровождаться
получение письма от конкретного человека или с наличием ключевого слова. Специальные
сообщения (desktop alerts), появляющиеся по мере поступления новых писем, позволяют
увидеть отправителя, тему письма (subject) и небольшой фрагмент текста. Alerts-сообщения
позволяют принять решение по письму: читать его или удалить — не вызывая интерфейса

Рис. 11. Панель Rulez Wizard Outlook 2003

Рис. 11. Панель Rulez Wizard Outlook 2003

PowerPoint 2003

В PowerPoint 2003 улучшен интерфейс показа слайдов (рис. 12). Перемещаться
по презентации стало значительно легче. В программе появился усовершенствованный
вьюер (PowerPoint Viewer), позволяющий пользователям, у которых не установлена
программа PowerPoint, просматривать PowerPoint-презентации. Помимо этого программа
приобрела целый ряд новых функций. Появились смарт-тэги, панель для доступа
к справочной онлайновой информации, а также возможность просматривать полноэкранные
фильмы как PowerPoint-презентации.

Рис. 12. Интерфейс PowerPoint 2003

Рис. 12. Интерфейс PowerPoint 2003

В PowerPoint 2003 улучшена поддержка примечаний. Впервые появилось такое удобное
средство, как маркер (рис. 13). Во время обсуждения презентации часто необходимо
выделить какие-то важные детали слайда, что теперь удобно сделать с помощью
маркера. Можно делать заметки на слайдах и сохранять их для последующего использования.

Рис. 13. В процессе демонстрации на слайде можно делать пометки
и выделения маркером

PowerPoint 2003 поддерживает расширенный набор форматов списков воспроизведения:
ASX, WMX, M3U, WVX, WAX и WMA. Появилась возможность полноэкранного воспроизведения.

Пользователи PowerPoint 2003 смогут демонстрировать фильмы на всем экране, а
не в маленьком прямоугольнике внутри слайда, как это было реализовано в предыдущих
версиях программы.

Excel 2003

В Excel 2003 усовершенствована работа смарт-тэгов. В новой версии программы
можно связать действия смарт-тэга с определенным разделом электронной таблицы.

Анализ в Excel 2003 стал более эффективным благодаря усовершенствованным статистическим

За счет поддержки языка XML Excel 2003 позволяет считывать данные из любой заданной
пользователем XML-схемы. Поддержку языка XML можно также использовать для обновления
диаграмм, таблиц и графиков по мере внесения изменений в соответствующем хранилище
XML-данных. Таким образом обеспечивается динамическое обновление данных в реальном
времени для анализа в любом формате Excel 2003.

Весьма полезной при работе в Excel является новая функция сравнения документов
— Compare Side by Side, позволяющая сравнивать отдельные записи в строках Excel-документов.
В процессе одновременного скроллинга двух документов в режиме Compare Side by
Side можно легко сравнить различные значения в одинаковых строчках таблиц (рис.

Рис. 14. Синхронный скроллинг позволяет удобно сравнивать документы

Рис. 14. Синхронный скроллинг позволяет удобно сравнивать документы

Office 2004 для Apple Macintosh

Компания Microsoft продолжает совершенствовать пакет Office для Macintosh, которым
на данный момент в мире пользуются около 7 млн. человек. В мае этого года Microsoft
объявила о выходе последней версии пакета Microsoft Office 2004 для компьютеров
Macintosh, производимых компанией Apple Computer, Inc.

Пока покупателям доступна только стандартная версия пакета и ее модификации:
вариант для обновления предыдущих версий Office для Macintosh и редакция для
учащихся и преподавателей, распространяемая по льготной цене. Выход профессиональной
редакции откладывается на более поздний срок.

В стандартную версию входят приложения Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Entourage (аналог
Outlook), Интернет-пейджер MSN Messenger, а также ряд вспомогательных утилит.

Учитывая, что пользователи Mac при работе с Office неизбежно будут обмениваться
документами с пользователями ПК, в Office 2004 появился инструмент под названием
Compatibility Report для проверки совместимости подготовленных документов с
форматами Office других версий — как для Mac OS, так и для Windows. Утилита
указывает на возможные проблемы с совместимостью и предлагает варианты их устранения.

Новый Office 2004 обладает множеством инновационных функций. Впервые реализована
поддержка длинных имен файлов (более 31 символа). Новый компонент Scrapbook
(рис. 15) обеспечивает хранение, расширенный поиск и прямые вставки в документы.
В Scrapbook можно помещать часто требующиеся в работе фрагменты текста, картинки,
которые можно сохранять в виде отдельных файлов во всех основных графических

Рис. 15. Scrapbook

Рис. 15. Scrapbook

В текстовом редакторе Word появилась новая функция — прозрачное окно. Пока
редактор не используется, через него видны документы на рабочем столе, а при
нажатии клавиш окно становится непрозрачным. Режим записной книжки Notebook
Layout View (рис. 16) позволяет осуществлять поиск информации, делать пометки
и внедрять голосовые сообщения непосредственно в документ.

Рис. 16. Word 2004 Notebook Layout View

Почтовый клиент Entourage получил функции, знакомые по Outlook 2003, — трехпанельную
структуру и фильтр спама.

Интересным нововведением является приложение Project Center, которое позволяет
свести воедино всю информацию, касающуюся каждого конкретного проекта. Можно
просматривать письма, файлы, контакты, задания и напоминания, которые относятся
к одному конкретному проекту и собраны в одном месте (рис. 17).

Рис. 17. Project Center 2004

Рис. 17. Project Center 2004

Редактор таблиц Excel (рис. 18) также получил дополнительные новые возможности.
В их числе — поддержка XML-файлов, «умные» кнопки (smart buttons), а также вид
плана страницы. Excel также содержит ряд новых инструментов для построения и
редактирования таблиц и графиков, необходимых при работе с данными большого
объема. «Умные» кнопки облегчают работу с фрагментами документа, реализуют функцию
автозаполнения. По сути они являются аналогами смарт-тэгов в Microsoft Office
для Windows.

Рис. 18. Excel 2004

Рис. 18. Excel 2004

Редактор презентаций PowerPoint получил 100 новых шаблонов, анимационных модулей
и других эффектов. Обновилась галерея ClipArt, улучшено форматирование фона
и функция прозрачности.

Microsoft Office Standard Edition (Word 2004, Excel 2004, PowerPoint 2004, Entourage
2004 и MSN Messenger Version 4.0) будет продаваться по цене 399 долл. за полную
версию или 239 долл. за обновление; версия программы для студентов и учителей
(Office Student and Teacher Edition) за 149 долл. Цена профессиональной версии
составит 499 долл. за полный пакет и 329 долл. — за обновление. Все три конфигурации
требуют ОС Mac OS X версии не ниже 10.2.8.

Скачать бесплатный Office 2004 for Mac Test Drive (200 Мбайт) можно с сайта

Есть ли альтернатива?

на то что MS Office давно завоевал рынок, попытки потеснить его не прекращаются.
Причем стремление конкурентов завоевать рынок понятно, но понятно также и желание
пользователей иметь возможность выбора между несколькими достойными решениями.

Абсолютное доминирование того или иного приложения создает так называемый lock-in-эффект1,
или vendor lock-in, — ситуацию, когда клиент (пользователь) становится зависимым
от продукта вендора и не может перейти к другому вендору или услуге без финансовых

Следует также отметить, что многим пользователям достаточно возможностей MS
Office 97 и они хотели бы оставаться в рамках этой системы, если бы это было
возможно. Они полагают, что Microsoft навязывает им апгрейд и вынуждает тратить
деньги на те функции, которые они не собираются использовать. Что ж, за поиском
альтернативных решений далеко ходить не надо. Основными конкурентами MS Office
являются, бесплатный (open source) офисный пакет (или его модификация
StarOffice, распространяемая компанией Sun), и пакет компании Corel — WordPerfect

1 Дословно — «запертый».

Вкратце рассмотрим возможности этих приложений., StarOffice 6.0 — это свободно распространяемый набор офисных программ.

Пользователям, нуждающимся в лицензионной поддержке, имеет смысл обратить внимание
на StarOffice 6.0, который базируется на том же исходном коде, что и OpenOffice,
однако включает некоторые несвободные компоненты: шрифты, клипарты, коллекцию
шаблонов и др. Для российских пользователей доступна локализованная версия StarOffice

В приложениях StarOffice 6.0 реализован набор функций, необходимый для полноценного
офисного пакета: текстовый редактор, электронные таблицы, возможность создания
презентаций, графические редакторы и базы данных, которые полностью интегрированы
и просты в использовании. Приложения StarOffice могут работать на различных
платформах, включая Solaris, Linux и Microsoft Windows.

В офисный пакет StarOffice 6.0 входят:

  • StarOffice Writer — текстовый процессор, который позволяет
    быстро интегрировать в документы графики и изображения, создавать шаблоны
    деловых писем, делать пометки и т.д.;
  • StarOffice Calc — приложение для работы с электронными
    таблицами, имеющее встроенные функции принятия решений и анализа данных и
    средства построения графики;
  • StarOffice Impress — приложение для создания мультимедийных
  • StarOffice Base — приложение для управления реляционными
    базами данных, позволяющее с легкостью вставлять содержание записей баз данных
    в любые документы StarOffice 6.0. Оно позволяет управлять несколькими базами
    данных одновременно, причем их содержимое останется доступным для всех модулей
    StarOffice 6.0. Приложение поддерживает основные стандарты доступа к базам
    данных, в том числе Oracle, ODBC, JDBC и многие другие;
  • StarOffice Draw — программа для рисования, посредством
    которой можно наполнить документы иллюстрациями и графиками. С ее помощью
    можно быстро создавать реалистичные трехмерные изображения, GIF-анимации и
    спецэффекты для шрифтов.

StarOffice работает под Solaris (на SPARC и Intel), Linux (Intel) и Microsoft

В отличие от предыдущего релиза (5.2), StarOffice 6.0 распространяется по модели
полицензионной оплаты. Стоимость лицензии русской версии для корпоративных покупателей
(от 25 лицензий) — от 35 до 60 долл., цены для OEM не объявлялись, а о коробочном
выпуске пакета в Sun говорят лишь в сослагательном наклонении.

Оригинальный StarOffice лицензируется корпорациям (от 150 лицензий) по цене
от 25 до 50 долл. Для малого бизнеса пакет из 25 лицензий предлагается за 1500
долл. Рекомендованная розничная цена коробки — 75,95 долл.

Определенным категориям пользователей (таким как покупатели станций SunRay и
образовательным учреждениям) пакет планируется лицензировать бесплатно.

В табл. 3 представлены результаты сравнения пакетов и Microsoft

Таблица 3. Сравнительный анализ и Office 2003

Таблица 3. Сравнительный анализ и Office 2003

WordPerfect Office 12

WordPerfect Office — это еще один офисный пакет от известного разработчика —
компании Corel. В марте этого года Corel представила новую, 12-ю версию пакета.
При ее подготовке наибольшее внимание уделялось вопросам совместимости с приложениями
и файлами Microsoft Office. При этом цена продукта почти в два раза ниже по
сравнению с MS Office 2003.

Преобразование документов, таблиц и презентаций, созданных в WordPerfect, в
файлы MS Office стало проще и удобнее. Усовершенствованные фильтры WordPerfect
рассчитаны на последние версии Word, Excel и PowerPoint, входящие в состав ПО
Office 2003. Поддерживается экспорт в форматы XML и PDF.

Новая функция Workspace Manager позволяет переключаться в режим, имитирующий
работу с офисными программами Microsoft, включая размещение меню и комбинации

Интересным дополнением, расширяющим функциональность офисного пакета Corel,
стал набор средств, лицензированный у ZIM Technologies и получивший название
WordPerfect Wireless Office Suite. Он позволяет владельцам WordPerfect 12 отсылать
информацию из приложений пакета на мобильные телефоны в виде SMS, а также принимать
такие сообщения и автоматически интегрировать содержащиеся в них данные, например,
в электронные таблицы Quattro Pro.

Цена стандартной версии WordPerfect Office 12 начинается с 299,99 долл., апгрейд
с предыдущих версий обойдется в 149,99 долл., а специальное издание пакета для
учебных заведений стоит 99,99 долл.

Разговор о том, что тот или иной офисный пакет, благодаря своей ценовой политике,
сможет реально потеснить MS Office, идет уже много лет, однако ситуация практически
не меняется. Сторонники альтернативных решений в России часто объясняют это
тем, что популярность в России MS Office обусловлена возможностью купить пиратскую
копию этого дорогого продукта.

Однако региональный менеджер Microsoft Павел Ершов опроверг это суждение: «Есть
мнение, что если бы не было пиратства, то Microsoft Office никто бы не пользовался.
Однако это не так. Примером может служить Швеция, где пиратства практически
нет. В 2000 году в этой стране был отмечен самый высокий уровень распространения
Office — 98%, не хватило 1% до 99, и шведы очень из-за этого расстроились.

Уместно привести также комментарии Павла Ершова по поводу сравнения StarOffice
и Microsoft Office 2003: «Правильнее было бы сравнивать StarOffice и Microsoft
Office 97. Они близки по функционалу, выполняют те же самые задачи, работают
одинаково стабильно. Но Office 97 мы уже не продаем. Мы продаем продукты на
два шага вперед. Использовать компьютер как печатную машинку неэффективно. Мы
же говорим о повышении эффективности работы».

Очевидно, что успех MS Office связан с преобладанием Windows на настольных
ПК. Ситуация может измениться по мере роста числа компьютеров под управлением
Linux. Однако если посмотреть на статистику выхода в Интернет с компьютеров
под управлением той или иной операционной системы, то несложно заметить, что
доля Linux составляет менее 3% и динамика роста доли данной ОС невелика (табл.

Таблица 4. Статистика выхода в Интернет с компьютеров под управлением

Таблица 4. Статистика выхода в Интернет с компьютеров под управлением той или иной операционной системы, %
Примечание. Платформы, занимающие менее 0,5%, в таблице не

Таким образом, в качестве обязательного офисного пакета пока можно смело рекомендовать
Microsoft Office.

КомпьютерПресс 7’2004

Ohio University

Computer Services Center

July, 2004

Microsoft Word 2003 Reference Guide


Computer Services’ Central Technology Services


What is Microsoft Word?

Microsoft Word 2003 is a powerful word

processing program that is primarily used for

text-intensive types of documents. With

Microsoft Word 2003 you can create general

types of word processing including, business

letters, newsletters, proposals, contracts, and


To Start Microsoft Word 2003

1. Click the Start button, trace to Programs,

then trace to Microsoft Office and select

Microsoft Office Word 2003.

Open an Existing File

1. From the File menu, select Open.

2. Click the down arrow next to the Look in


3. Navigate to the folder or disk drive where

your file is stored. If you do not see the file

that you want to open, click the down

arrow next to the Files of type field.

4. Click on All Files.

5. Click to select the document you want to


6. Click the Open button.

Adjust Page Margins

1. Click to place the insertion point (cursor)

at the beginning of the document.

2. From the File Menu, select Page Setup.

3. Adjust the margins by typing in an exact

measurement or click the up/down arrows

to increase/decrease the margin

measurement for each: top, bottom, left,

and right.

4. Click OK.

Select A Single Word

1. Place the mouse pointer (I beam) directly

on the word.

2. Double-click.

Select A Line of Text

1. Place the mouse pointer arrow in the left

margin, in front of the line of text you want

to select. (The I beam will become a North

East arrow.)

2. Single-click.

The latest version of Microsoft’s venerable Office suite for the Macintosh does a better job of delivering elegant functionality than any release since the days of Word 5.1. Is it enough to enable Mac OS X-based practitioners to interoperate seamlessly in a Windows-dominated world? And is the full Office suite necessary for the typical mental health professional in private practice?

The De Facto Standard of Office Suites

Once upon a time, Microsoft was playing catch-up with products like WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3 on the PC platform, and Office component applications like Word and Excel demonstrated real leadership only on the Macintosh platform, where the products were originally created. But by the time Windows 95 appeared, Microsoft had begun devoting huge effort to developing Office for the PC, and it soon became apparent that the PC version of the suite would be taking priority. After moving swiftly to dominate the PC market with Office, development on the Mac platform started catching up once again, and now the two products leapfrog one another via offset release cycles — with the latest features being introduced alternately in the Mac or the PC versions. The Microsoft Office suite is now the de facto standard on both platforms.

With Microsoft’s next PC-based release (Office 12) still at least many months away, the Macintosh version — Microsoft Office 2004 — is currently the ‘latest and greatest’, but even now it is not necessarily at full feature parity with its Windows sibling. One question for Mac OS X-based practitioners is simply this: is Office 2004 enough to enable seamless interoperation with the world of Windows?

In my view, the answer is an unreserved yes: Microsoft has done a better job with this release than any other for more than a decade, since the good old days of applications like Word 5.1. However, the occasional ‘gotcha’ does remain, including one problem with an intermediate update to the software that can leave you with a completely non-functional installation.

A second question is whether a full suite like Microsoft Office is still necessary for the typical mental health professional in private practice — particularly given the upsurge in popularity of open source alternatives. I think the answer to this question is less straightforward, and it depends to a significant degree on how much you need to exchange documents with other professionals, whether you regularly publish articles in print, and whether you frequenty give conference presentations. In my case, I think the full suite is probably not strictly necessary, but it certainly makes life — and running a business — a great deal easier.

What’s Included?

First things first. Microsoft Office is available in several flavours, and at several price points; we reviewed the full Microsoft Office 2004 Professional, which is distinguished primarily by its inclusion of Virtual PC. The full list of Office applications includes:

  • Word (word processing)
  • Excel (spreadsheet)
  • Entourage (email, calendar)
  • PowerPoint (presentations)
  • Virtual PC (PC emulation)
  • MSN Messenger (messaging)

This review will cover all except the last, which is available separately for free and is not a crucial component of the Office suite.

Compatibility Made Easy

Office compatibility check.

Automatic compatibility checking.

As I mentioned above, one of the main questions for anyone working on the Macintosh platform is how easily they can interoperate with colleagues or clients using the dominant Windows platform. For several years, compatibility problems between the two platforms have been shrinking — in part because of direct efforts by both Apple and Microsoft to incorporate cross-platform capabilities into their respective operating systems, and in part because of the growing influence of open standards and of the world wide web. For example, it now makes very little difference whether one uses a Mac or a PC to browse the web, interact with XML data, write email, etc. And when communicating on a LAN, both Windows XP and Mac OS X work together very effectively.

Try Online Counseling: Get Personally Matched

But what happens when a colleague sends you a PowerPoint presentation, or a client wants to send you emails as Word attachments? And if you develop your own practice website, what happens when you develop pages on the Mac — will they displya properly on PCs?

With this latest iteration of its Office suite, Microsoft has made it easier than ever before to accommodate documents created under Windows, as well as to check whether documents created on the Mac will be fully supported by the older version of Office currently running on Windows. A new automated compatibility checking tool will do the job for you, going through a document and flagging anything that could create a problem for Windows users — along with recommended solutions.

Going the other direction, from Windows to the Mac, I’ve tried opening several old documents created by older Office applications and have so far found the process relatively seamless. A few minor problems I encountered when opening PC-created documents with the previous Mac version (called ‘v.X’) seem to have disappeared altogether. I occasionally receive Word or RTF attachments from my online counselling clients, and all these have opened without a hitch.

Office Applications: Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word

Considered by many to be the centrepiece of the Microsoft Office suite, Word is a very mature piece of software in which I wouldn’t really expect to see any Earth-shattering improvements.

Reference panel with dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia links.

Reference panel.

Having said that, Word 2004 does introduce a new ‘Notebook’ layout view, intended to act as a virtual notebook for taking notes, attaching audio annotations, and flag items for follow-up via the Project Center, a part of Entourage. I personally don’t find the function particularly useful: I don’t believe Word is particularly well suited for this type of task in the first place. (If I am really taking notes, for example, I am usually working extremely quickly, struggling to keep up with something that is being spoken in real time, and I certainly do not have time to wander off and flag a task for myself to complete by some specified date.)

A more significant improvement comes with Word’s tracking of changes within a document. If you’ve ever tried to collaborate on a document using Word’s change tracking feature, you’ll know how functional yet primitive the feature has been. This revision introduces major advances in change tracking and even offers some degree of integration with MSN Messenger.

Finally, Word also incorporates a reference tool panel which offers a nice improvement over the old dictionary and thesaurus functions — plus a one-click direct link to the online Encarta encyclopedia. Microsoft has also integrated MSN internet search into the panel, although I believe most web users would agree that Microsoft is some distance behind search leaders Google and Yahoo in terms of search quality.

Overall, my personal experience of Microsoft Word has been extremely positive. I wrote my first book primarily in Word 6, and it was the bane of my existence. Compared with Word 5.1 or even Word 4, in which I also wrote hundreds of pages, Word 6 was a bug-ridden resource hog that regularly crashed and mangled my documents. As a result of that anxiety-ridden experience, I feel more critical and hyper-watchful of Word than of almost any other application. With Word 2004, I once again feel like I can relax a bit with my documents and trust that Microsoft has managed to get it right this time!

(Having said that, during several months of testing, I did experience one Word crash while manipulating tables. As the application went down, it offered me the option of recovering my document and restarting Word, but this turned out to be a bad joke: the application restarted just fine, but my ‘recovered’ document was nowhere to be found. I wound up going back to the most recently saved version, losing 20-30 minutes of work.)

Office Applications: Excel

Microsoft Excel

Many of those for whom Word is not the centre of the office suite universe probably place that honour squarely on the shoulders of Excel, the suite’s spreadsheet application. Like Word, Excel features a new viewing mode: page layout view, like its namesake in its word processing sibling, enables you to see just how a document will look once its printed. Back in the dark ages, a spreadsheet was just a spreadsheet, and I don’t imagine too many people spent a great deal of time worrying about how their spreadsheets looked on paper. These days, however, many users create visually sophisticated documents using spreadsheets, and for those who take advantage of such capabilities, the new page layout view is no doubt a very welcome evolution.

Some less significant improvements in charting capability and formula editing round out the new features in this application which, like Word, is already a very mature product.

Office Applications: Entourage

Microsoft Entourage

As a former long-time user of Eudora, the email application now owned by Qualcomm, I originally felt pretty skeptical about using an application which stores all its data in one single database, as Entourage does: if anything happens to that database, everything could be lost. (By contrast, an application such as Eudora stores data in several different files, and corruption in one typically has no effect on the usability of others.)

However, in my experience, Entourage has proven to be extremely capable, and it includes automatic tools for fixing certain problems which might arise in the database. In addition, the use of a single database makes it possible for Entourage to accomplish handy little tricks like storing links between particular messages, automatically retrieving the original message when you’re viewing the reply to a message, keeping track of documents related to a given message, or remembering when you removed a message attachment. For those particularly concerned about the fragility of the monolithic Entourage database, it may be helpful to make use of an apparently little-known tip: any given mailbox can simply be dragged to the Macintosh desktop, creating an instant backup in the standard ‘mbox’ format usable by virtually any email client.

Project center wizard.

Project Center wizard.

Microsoft’s headline improvement for Entourage 2004 is the Project Center, which acts as a central consolidated repository for a project’s emails, contacts, meetings, documents, and more. It is essentially a project-centric view of data that would otherwise be viewed by type; i.e., you can choose to see all your emails in one place and all your meetings in another place, or you can choose to see only those emails and meetings connected with a particular project in another place. Integration with Word and the Office-wide scrapbook means that project data are not limited just to information stored within Entourage itself. A new project can be set up with the Project Center wizard in just a few clicks.

The junk email protection built into Entourage is significantly improved, and if you don’t run server-level spam protection, the junk filter can be a big timesaver. I experience several false positives each month, even on the ‘low’ setting, so it pays to check your junk email folder every so often — just in case.

Office Applications: PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint

If you don’t produce presentations for conferences or meetings, you will probably have approximately zero use for Microsoft PowerPoint. However, if you do, I believe there’s nothing that compares to it in terms of overall capability.

In my previous professional life as a researcher and later as a senior manager in a large technology company, I travelled around the world giving conference and seminar presentations, and I regularly used PowerPoint both on the road and back at ‘home’ with colleagues. Opening some of those old presentations now, I immediately notice two things:

  1. Everything appears to open flawlessly, and
  2. the new ‘Presenter Tools’.

The first means that backward compatibility is very good, while the second is — well, exceedingly cool! The ‘Presenter Tools’, new to PowerPoint 2004, enable the presenter to see one view on his or her own screen, while the audience sees a different view on a second screen. I can see upcoming slides, a running clock, and any additional notes on my screen, while the audience sees the current slide only. Someone was really paying attention to how good presenters use PowerPoint, and this new feature is a great improvement for the occasions when you may be plugging a laptop into a projector or other display device.

Office Applications: Virtual PC

Microsoft Virtual PC

If you have the hardware horsepower to support it, Virtual PC provides a basic Windows XP machine in software emulation. Testing the application on a dual-processor 2 GHz G5, Windows XP Professional ran slowly but acceptably for the very basic tasks I threw at it. Since the emulator does not support any type of hardware-accelerated graphics, Virtual PC is completely unsuitable for anything particularly graphics-intensive, and even displaying some of the graphical niceties of Windows XP turns it into a pretty pokey beast. If you need the power of a real PC, and you don’t mind additional physical clutter on your desktop, you would probably be much better off with a cheap PC and either a second monitor or a KVM (keyboard-video-mouse) switch to control it.

However, for simple tasks where you occasionally need a PC and can do without high performance, Virtual PC comes in awfully handy. In my case, I create quite a large amount of web content on a Macintosh, but the peculiarities of the Windows version of Internet Explorer mean that I often can’t be sure that a page will display in the way that I intend for Internet Explorer users. My solution had always been to stand up and walk to another room to test pages on a networked PC, but I’ve found it vastly more convenient simply to have Virtual PC running on my Mac, and to switch to the PC environment to view results with Internet Explorer. If you maintain your own practice website on a Mac, but you need to test on Internet Explorer for Windows, Virtual PC may be able to save you a tremendous amount of grief. (Of course, it won’t actually make Internet Explorer any better, but that’s another story…)

If you do run Virtual PC, just remember that you are running a full installation of Microsoft Windows — with all its inherent security limitations and vulnerabilities. You’ll need to take steps to safeguard the security of your virtual machine if you wander out onto the internet with it.

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  • productivity

All clinical material on this site is peer reviewed by one or more clinical psychologists or other qualified mental health professionals. This specific article was originally published by Dr Greg Mulhauser, Managing Editor on December 20, 2005 and was last reviewed or updated by Dr Greg Mulhauser, Managing Editor on May 1, 2011.

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