Word 2021 для Mac позволяет создавать привлекательное содержимое с дополнительными возможностями, включая совместное редактирование, расширенные параметры цвета страницы в иммерсивном средстве чтения и разнообразный мультимедиа-контент из коллекции премиум-контента для творчества Office.
Если вы обновляете Word 2019 для Mac до Word 2021 для Mac, в новой версии сохранятся все привычные возможности, а также появится несколько новых функций.
Примечание: Некоторые функции, перечисленные ниже, не включены в Word LTSC 2021 для коммерческих клиентов Mac. Каждая из этих функций будет отмечена, если она не относится к Word LTSC 2021 для Mac для коммерческих клиентов.
Совместное редактирование
Вы и ваши коллеги можете открывать один и тот же документ и работать над ним. Это называется совместное редактирование. После совместного редактирования вы можете быстро увидеть изменения друг друга — за считанные секунды.
Примечание.Совместное редактирование не доступно в Word LTSC 2021 для Mac.
Сохранение изменений по мере внесения
Загрузите файлы в OneDrive, OneDrive для бизнеса или SharePoint Online, чтобы убедиться, что все обновления сохраняются автоматически.
Примечание.Эта функция недоступна в Word LTSC 2021 для Mac.
Уменьшение нагрузки на глаза с помощью темного режима
Раньше в Word можно было использовать темную ленту и панели инструментов, но цвет документа оставался ярко-белым. Теперь темный режим в Word также предлагает темный холст.
Улучшения иммерсивного средства чтения
Поддержка дополнительных цветов страниц
В иммерсивное средство чтения добавлено множество дополнительных способов выбора цвета страницы. Выбор цвета страницы позволяет легко просматривать текст, уменьшая нагрузку на глаза.
На вкладке Иммерсивное средство чтения щелкните Цвет страницы, чтобы увидеть палитру размером 4×5.
Нажмите Другие цвета, чтобы увидеть дополнительные параметры выбора цвета, например Колесико, Ползунки, Палитры, Палитры изображений и Карандаши.
Естественные голоса в функции «Прочесть вслух»
Функция «Прочесть вслух» в Word отлично подходит как для авторов, так и для читателей. Независимо от того, используете ли вы ее для ”проверочного прослушивания” документа либо созданного письма с целью выявления ошибок или просто для того, чтобы предоставить отдых глазам, в функции «Прочесть вслух» теперь доступны естественные голоса для улучшения впечатлений от прослушивания.
Чтобы получить доступ к функции, нажмите кнопку Прочесть вслух на вкладке Рецензирование.
Для переключения между различными вариантами голоса щелкните значок Параметры в правом верхнем углу сообщения или документа и нажмите раскрывающееся меню Выбор голоса.
Примечание. Для доступа к этой функции необходимо подключение к Интернету.
Повышение понимания с помощью Line Focus
Перемещение по документу в Word построчно без отвлекающих факторов. Настройка выделения таким образом, чтобы обеспечить одновременное отображение одной, трех или пяти строк.
Узнайте, что нового в стоковых мультимедиа
Мы постоянно добавляем разнообразное мультимедиа-содержимое в коллекцию Office Premium Creative Content — специально подобранную библиотеку стоковых изображений, значков и т. д., чтобы вы могли выразить себя.
Как найти нужную информацию?
Используйте поле поиска для поиска текста, команд, справки и прочей информации.
Помощник — это текстовое поле, в котором можно вводить слова и фразы о нужных действиях и быстро переходить к нужным функциям или действиям.
Визуальное обновление
Воспользуйтесь современным интерфейсом меню «Пуск» и обновленными вкладками на ленте.
Насладитесь простым стилем с использованием монолинейных значков, которые изображают действия и функции в виде простых визуальных эффектов.
Сохранение изображений и рисунков в формате SVG
Теперь мы поддерживаем сохранение рисунков, диаграмм и других графических элементов из документов в формате SVG.
Размер сохраненных изображений можно изменить без потери качества.
Попробуйте структуру стиля «Набросок»
Вы можете придать фигурам в документах неформальный вид с помощью структуры стиля Набросок.
Параметры «Кривая», «Рисованная» и «Рисованная кривая» можно найти в меню Формат фигуры > Линия > Набросок.
Развивайте навыки работы с Office
Нужна дополнительная помощь?
- 30.01.2022
В данной статье рассмотрим как скачать, активировать и установить приложение Microsoft Office 2021 для Mac OS. Мы рассмотрим это на примере приложения Microsoft Office 2021 Home and Business (Для дома и бизнеса)
1) Первое, что необходимо сделать — это приобрести сам ключ активации, т.к с помощью него нужно будет скачать дистрибутив и активировать приложение на сайте Microsoft. Приобрести ключ активации можете в нашем каталоге на следующей странице. Доставка ключа в течение 3х часов на Вашу электронную почту. Лицензия имеет привязку к Вашей личной учетной записи Microsoft.
2) Далее, когда у Вас есть в наличие ключ активации Microsoft Office 2021 для Mac переходим на сайт Microsoft — https://setup.office.com/
Совершаем там авторизацию под Вашей учетной записью Microsoft. По кнопке «Войти».
3) Следующим шагом в поле ввода для ключа вводите Ваш ключ.
После ввода ключа выберите Ваш регион и нажмите кнопку «Далее».
4) Теперь можем видеть, что лицензия автоматически определилась, как «Office для дома и бизнеса 2021 для Mac«.
Прокручиваем эту страницу вниз и нажимаем «Подтвердить».
5) После подтверждения Вы автоматически перейдете в Ваш личный кабинет Microsoft, где у Вас будет отображаться приобретенный продукт. Нажимаем «Установить» для скачивания приложения.
Следующим окном так же нажимаем «Установить». И дожидаемся пока скачается дистрибутив.
6) Как только все скачалось, запускаем дистрибутив, нажимаем «Продолжить».
— Следующим окном так же нажимаем продолжить.
— Принимаем лицензионное соглашение.
— Убедитесь, что у Вас есть 10 Гб свободного места для установки. Нажимаем «Установить».
— Для установки потребуется ввести пароль учетной записи Mac, или Touch ID.
— Дождитесь установки.
7) После установки приложение автоматически проверит и загрузит актуальные обновления.
Заходим в Launchpad => Находим там любое приложение Офиса, например «Word» и запускаем. Убедитесь, что приложение авторизовано под той учетной записью Microsoft, в которой Вы активировали ключ приложения.
Так же, проверить лицензию Вы можете из открыв, например Word => Панель задач => Кнопка «Word» => О программе Microsoft Word.
Теперь можете убедиться, что у Вас отображается корректная версия лицензии.
This application requires a qualifying Microsoft 365 subscription. Microsoft 365 includes premium Word, Excel, and PowerPoint apps, 1 TB cloud storage in OneDrive, advanced security, and more, all in one convenient subscription. With Microsoft 365, you get features as soon as they are released ensuring you’re always working with the latest.
Create, edit, collaborate, and share documents using Word for Mac. Now it’s easier than ever to write, design, and work seamlessly across your devices & with others. Share your files and collaborate in real time within a document or edit Office docs attached to emails. Get smart assistance features as soon as they are released in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint so you’re always working with the latest. Whether you’re a blogger, writer, journalist, columnist, student, or a project manager working on documentation, Word is your go-to app for working with documents.
Kickstart your creativity
• Achieve more and enhance your documents with access to a growing catalog of premium templates for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
• Rich formatting and layout options produce beautifully pristine documents on any device including laptops, iPads, and iPhones.
Create with confidence
• Receive spelling, grammar, and stylistic feedback on clarity, conciseness, formality, vocabulary, and more with Microsoft Editor.
• Auto Save documents right to Microsoft OneDrive or another cloud provider to access them on any device and at any time you have internet access.
Accomplish more together
• Whether it’s a school project, sales pitch, or newsletter, seamlessly work with others with real-time co-authoring to bring your ideas and plans together faster.
• Safely share your documents with the click of a button to invite others to edit in real time. Easily manage permissions and see who’s currently working in a document.
• Add comments or assign tasks to people in your group for clean editing and organization.
Learn more about Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based subscription service that brings together premium versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneDrive, with the best tools for the way people work today. Please visit: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2015120 for information on Licensing Terms.
Unlock the full Microsoft Office experience with a qualifying Microsoft 365 subscription for your phone, tablet, PC, and Mac.
Microsoft 365 annual subscriptions purchased from the app will be charged to your App Store account and will automatically renew within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period unless auto-renewal is disabled beforehand. You can manage your subscriptions in your App Store account settings.
This app is provided by either Microsoft or a third-party app publisher and is subject to a separate privacy statement and terms and conditions. Data provided through the use of this store and this app may be accessible to Microsoft or the third-party app publisher, as applicable, and transferred to, stored, and processed in the United States or any other country where Microsoft or the app publisher and their affiliates or service providers maintain facilities.
Please refer to the Microsoft Software License Terms for Microsoft Office. See “License Agreement” link under Information. By installing the app, you agree to these terms and conditions.
What’s New
Apr 11, 2023
Version 16.72
Ratings and Reviews
I’m using Word for Mac. I finally bit the bullet and subscribed, because that’s the only way to get it now. It’s like an old friend. I’m fluent after YEARS of use. HOWEVER, Microsoft tries to WEDGE its cloud service into my work-flow and it’s confusing and annoying. When I want to choose «Autosave» to protect myself from losing in-process documents, it puts pop-ups telling me I need «Microsoft 360» or whatever, and there are other related foils that confuse me and make me think I can’t have a fully functioning Word version, like before, unless I have a Microsoft (MS) account and/or do what Microsoft wants with respect to its cloud service. I would appreciate if MS would lay-off and just provide the software, like before. BEFORE, I could buy it once and get all subsequent updates. Now, in the interest of recurring revenue, I have to «subscribe.» «Subscribing» to MS Word was a hurdle I had to get over. I tried everything, but the others aren’t nearly as familiar and comfortable to me…
Since the new office preimered
Many months ago you gave users a chance to try a new version of Outlook 365. I noted a few issues and oen did not get fixed. There is a clitch when I use this on Mac. When I being a sentence, the capital letter at the start of the sentence gets jumped ahead of the curser, with auot correct changing the secon letter of the sentence from lower case to capitol and them fixing the spelling of the first word.
This means, every time I begin a paragrpah or senetnce, I have to delete the first letter, which is not at the end of a sentence and go back to the begining of teh sentence and fix the first word.
Please fix this crummy coding.
Also, I am using Zoom, as are many people these days. It asked me if I want to merge with Outlook 365. I clicked yes. It generated an outlook app on my tool bar. Ithis is not a Zoom app, it is your outlook app. Now I get a bell ring and pop-up on my screen every time I have something on my calendar. I have something on my sclendar every 15 to 30 minutes. This is driving me nuts. There is a not setting to get ride of it, control the bell ring or stop the pop-up.
Please go through your systems and fix things before taing them live. You guys =used to be the best at this stuff, now you have wacky flaws without solutions.
Wonderful, especially for dictation, but problems with auto-punction
I’m a writer and am very much impressed with how far Word for Mac has come. I usually use other software to write my books (Scrivener, Drafts) but am now making the switch to writing in Word, specifically because I can access my WIP on any of my devices—iphone, ipad, macbook, imac—without paying for multiple licenses or going through mulitple headaches. The experience from one device to the next has the continuity I’ve been missing from every other solution I’ve tried. Syncing isn’t an issue at all—thank God it’s not dependent on iCloud or Dropbox. And the bonus of all bonuses is the dictation feature, which is superb across all devices. My only complaint is that I cannot turn of auto-punctuation in the dictation settings. Tick the box to turn it off and it magically turns back on. Makes for lots of extra editing. Still, it’s great and luckily the issue is only on the desktop app and not on the mobile versions. (A silver lining is that this auto-punctuation bug has gotten me dictating/writing my novels on my phone now, which has made me even more productive.)
5 stars if the auto-punctuation bug is fixed.
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The developer, Microsoft Corporation, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.
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Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More
- Seller
- Microsoft Corporation
- Size
- 1.2 GB
- Category
- Compatibility
- Mac
- Requires macOS 11.0 or later.
- Languages
English, Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish
- Age Rating
- 4+
- Copyright
- © 2023 Microsoft Corporation
- Price
- Free
- In-App Purchases
Microsoft 365 Personal
$69.99 -
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$99.99 -
Microsoft 365 Family
$9.99 -
Microsoft 365 Personal
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December 14, 2022
Office Tools
Download Microsoft Word 2021 for Mac full version program setup free latest standalone offline DMG image setup installer for macOS. Microsoft Word 2021 16.68 for Mac OS X is the industry-leading program developed for creating, polishing, and sharing beautiful and professional documents.
Microsoft Word 2021 VL 16.68 for Mac Review
MS Word VL 16.66 for Mac is a handy program for creating, polishing, and sharing beautiful and professional documents. It delivers unparalleled value and productivity in professional document creation. MS Word 2021 VL 16.68 for Mac comes with many different features for producing high-end documents. From academic to business, and from social record handling to most complex document creation, it is the only program that can fulfill the user’s needs. It supports many languages so users can deliver the best documents to their audience.
Its complete document editing toolkit enables users to decorate their documents with stylish colors, beautiful fonts, fantastic borders, perfect charts, and much more. It enables users to write with confidence as it intelligent technology can help with spelling, grammar and even stylistic writing suggestions. With tools at your fingertips, writers easily go from pen and paper to digital inking and edit intuitively.
To make the collaboration more impressive and quick, it enables users to share the documents with the click of a button to invite others to edit in realtime or add comments. Plus, regardless of the user’s preferred full language or accessibility options, everyone can work together to do more. At the end, users can also share files with a few taps to quickly invite others to edit or view the documents. All in all, MS Word 2021 for Mac is the most popular program for creating and editing various documents and we highly recommend it to all users.
Official Description of Word 2021 for Mac
- Co-authoring
- You and your colleagues can open and work on the same document. This is called co-authoring. When you co-author, you can see each other’s changes quickly — in a matter of seconds.
- Note: Co-authoring is not available in Word LTSC 2021 for Mac.
- Save your changes as they happen
- Upload your files to OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint Online to make sure all your updates are saved automatically.
- Note: This feature is not available in Word LTSC 2021 for Mac.
- Reduce eye strain with Dark Mode
- Previously, you could use Word with a dark ribbon and toolbars, but your document color stayed bright white. Now, Dark Mode in Word offers a dark canvas as well.
Immersive Reader enhancements
- Advanced page color support
- In Immersive Reader, we’ve added many additional ways you can choose a page color. Selecting a page color can make text easy to scan with less eye strain.
- On the Immersive Reader tab click Page Color to see a 4×5 color picker.
- Click More Colors to see additional color selection options such as Wheel, Sliders, Color Palettes, Image Palettes, and Pencils.
- Natural-sounding voices with Read Aloud
- The Read Aloud feature in Word is great for authors and readers alike. Whether you use it to “prooflisten” a document or an email you’ve drafted to catch errors, or simply to give your eyes a break, Read Aloud now features more natural-sounding voices for an improved listening experience.
- To access the feature, click the Read Aloud button on the Review tab.
- To switch between different voice options, select the Settings icon at the upper-right corner of your message or document and click the Voice Selection drop-down menu.
- Note: You must be connected to the internet to access this feature.
- Improve comprehension with Line Focus
- Move through a document in Word, line by line, without distractions. Adjust the focus to put one, three, or five lines in view at a time.
See what’s new in stock media
Rich media content in the Office Premium Creative Content collection, a curated library of stock images, icons, and more that helps you express yourself.
Visual refresh
- Work with a modernized Start experience and newly refreshed tabs in the ribbon.
- Experience a clean, clear style with monoline iconography that communicates action and features with simple visuals.
- Save as SVG for your pictures and graphics
- We now support saving pictures, charts, and other graphics from your documents in the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) format.
- Your saved images can be resized with no loss of image quality.
- Try the Sketched style outline
- You can give a casual, hand-drawn look to shapes in your documents with the Sketched style outline.
- Try out the Curved, Freehand, or Scribble options under Format Shape > Line > Sketched style.
Supported Languages
- English
- Arabic
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Hungarian
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Slovak
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Thai
- Turkish
Features of Microsoft Word 2021 VL 16.68 for Mac
- 26+ languages added to provide great user-experience
- No # 1 program for creating, editing, viewing and sharing documents
- Provides quick access to design elements to make documents look great
- Shows relevant contextual information from the web within the reading and authoring experience
- Threaded comments enable you to have useful conversations right next to relevant text
- Easily share your work and invite others to review or edit your documents
- Enables several people to work simultaneously in the same Word document
- Prepare correspondence using Word, Excel, and Outlook
Technical Details of Microsoft Word 2021 VL 16.66 for Mac
- Software Name: Microsoft Word 2021 for Mac OS X
- File Name: Microsoft-Word-16.68.rar
- File Size: 1 GB
- Latest Release Added on: 14 December 2022
- Developer: Microsoft
System Requirements for Microsoft Word 2021 for macOS
- Mac OS X 10.13 or higher
- 4 GB Free HDD
- 4 GB of RAM
- Multi-Core Processor
Microsoft Word 2021 for Mac Free Download
Click on the button given below to download Microsoft Word 2021 16.62 Multilingual for Mac DMG for Mac free. It is a complete offline setup of Microsoft Word 2021 VL 16.66 Multilingual for Mac latest full version for Mac with a single click download link.
Microsoft Word for Mac 16.68
Microsoft Word for Mac 16.66
Microsoft Word for Mac 16.62
Microsoft Word for Mac 16.61
- For the PC version of Microsoft Office 2021, see Microsoft Office 2021.
Microsoft Office 2021 for Mac is the current version of the Microsoft Office productivity suite developed by Microsoft for macOS. It was released to general availability on October 5, 2021, succeeding Office 2019 for Mac.[1]
- Office Home & Student 2021[2]
- Office Home & Business 2021[3]
- Office Professional 2021[4]
- Each edition includes 60 days of support from Microsoft.
Included apps
- Microsoft Access 2021 (Office Professional only)
- Microsoft Excel 2021
- Microsoft Outlook 2021 (Home & Business, and Office Professional only)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2021
- Microsoft Publisher 2021 (Office Professional only)
- Microsoft Word 2021
- Premium versions of the apps with OneDrive cloud storage require a Microsoft 365 subscription.[5]
System requirements
- macOS (one of the last 3 major releases as of October 5, 2021)
- Intel or Apple processor
- 10GB of free drive space
- 1280 x 800 screen resolution[6]
Support for Office 2021 will end on October 13, 2026; unlike older versions of Office, there is no extended support period.[7]
- ↑ It’s easier to create together with Microsoft 365 and Office 2021 by Liat Ben-Zur, Microsoft. 2021-10-01.
- ↑ Office Home & Student 2021, Microsoft. Accessed 2021-10-25.
- ↑ Office Home & Business 2021, Microsoft. Accessed 2021-10-25.
- ↑ Office Professional 2021, Microsoft. Accessed 2021-10-25.
- ↑ Solutions for your busy life, confirmed, Microsoft. Accessed 2021-10-25.
- ↑ Microsoft 365 and Office Resources: Office 2021 suites, Microsoft. Accessed 2021-10-05.
- ↑ Office 2021 product lifecycle, Microsoft. Accessed 2022-06-12.
External links
- Microsoft Office 2021 at Microsoft
- What’s new in Office 2021 at Microsoft Support
- Release notes for Office for Mac at Microsoft Docs
- Microsoft Office 2021 at Wikipedia
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Microsoft Office |
History • Website • Microsoft Product Activation • Genuine Advantage |
Windows |
3.0 • 95 • 97 • 2000 • XP • 2003 • 2007 • 2010 • 2013 • 2016 • 2019 • 2021 |
Mac OS/OS X/macOS |
3.0 • 4.2 • 98 • 2001 • X • 2004 • 2011 • 2016 • 2019 • 2021 |
Applications (List) |
Desktop |
Access • Excel (Viewer) • InfoPath • Lync • OneNote • Outlook (Hotmail Connector • Add-ins) • PowerPoint (Viewer) • Project • Publisher • SharePoint (Designer • Workspace) • Visio • Word (Viewer) |
Server |
Forms Server • Groove Server • Lync Server • PerformancePoint Server • Project Server • Project Portfolio Server • SharePoint Server • Excel Services • InfoPath Forms Services |
Mobile |
Office Mobile |
Online |
Live Meeting • Office Live • Office Web Apps • Outlook Web App • Office 365 • Outlook.com |
Office tools |
Microsoft Office shared tools • Ribbon Hero • Ribbon Hero 2 |
Discontinued |
Accounting • Document Imaging • Entourage • FrontPage • Microsoft InterConnect • Liquid Motion • Mail • Office Assistants • Microsoft PhotoDraw • Photo Editor • Schedule+ • Snapshot Viewer for Access • Microsoft Vizact |
Related products |
Works • MapPoint • Search Server • Language Packs |
Technologies |
Information Bridge Framework • Object Linking and Embedding • Office Open XML • Office XML formats • Smart tags • Visual Basic for Applications |