Meditating the word of

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Meditation is often associated with Eastern religions or New Age practices, but it plays an important role in the Christian faith as well. One of the most effective ways to meditate as a Christian is to do so on the Word of God. Unlike other forms of meditation that require “emptying” your mind, this form requires you to dive in and think deeply on God’s truth.

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    Define «meditation» in a Christian context. In a secular context, meditation is associated with emptying the mind and relaxing the body. On the other hand, meditating on the Word of God—or any other form of Christian meditation—requires you to concentrate and think deeply on God’s truth.[1]

    • Consider God’s words to Joshua in Joshua 1:8 (NIV) — «Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.»
    • While this verse technically only refers to what Christians consider the first five books of the Bible, you can still apply this idea to meditating on the entire Bible. Meditating on God’s Word should be done frequently, and the overall purpose should be to enrich your understanding so you can apply it to your life.
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    Meditate on one verse or paragraph. This is probably the most common way to meditate on the Bible. Identify a single verse or paragraph within the Word of God to meditate over. For instance, you might choose to repeat the Jesus Prayer during your meditation. You’ll need to dissect and explore the meaning of that verse during a concentrated amount of time.[2]

    • There’s no “wrong” choice, but if you’re not sure where to start, a good spot might be a verse from the New Testament—especially one from one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). With regards to the Old Testament, the Book of Psalms and Book of Proverbs also contain great verses to meditate over.


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    Center meditation around a specific topic. Another option worth trying would be to choose a topic explored at length in the Bible. Instead of meditating over one specific passage, you’ll need to identify several passages that deal with this topic and think deeply on how the supporting passages define or elaborate on it.[3]

    • For example, you might focus on the topic of forgiveness. Use a topical Bible or index to find different verses on forgiveness, like Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 6:14, and Luke 6:37. Then, read through as many as possible. Look at the context surrounding each verse and compare them to one another.
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    Focus on the meaning of one word. This option is related to meditation on a specific topic, but instead of dealing with a broad topic, you’ll need to rely on the context of one or more passages to help enrich your understanding of the meaning of a significant word.[4]

    • For instance, you could choose the word «Lord.» Look at verses with the word «Lord» in them, like James 4:10, Joshua 1:9, and Isaiah 25:1, as well as verses that contain the lowercase version of «lord.» Consider the contextual meaning of the term for both spellings. You may also supplement your understanding by using external resources, like a dictionary, to compare religious use to secular use of the term.
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    Study one book of the Bible. Using this technique, you’ll need to devote a longer amount of time to reading a full book of the Bible instead of merely focusing on one short passage. Dissect and explore the significance of that book, looking at the book as a whole and at individual pieces of it a little at a time.[5]

    • If this seems intimidating to you, consider starting with a relatively short book, like the Book of Esther. You may even wish to supplement your understanding with the use of a Bible study guide, but doing so isn’t necessary.
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    Find a quiet place. Like secular forms of meditation, mediating on the Word of God requires you to set yourself apart from the noise and distractions of the world long enough to focus on the task at hand.[6]
    Meditate when you’re alone and won’t be distracted, such as before the other people in your household wake up or after they go to sleep.

    • Multitasking may seem like a valuable skill in today’s world, but you won’t be able to give any task 100% while trying to balance it with something else. Minimizing your distractions while meditating on God’s Word should improve your ability to focus on it.
    • Try to set aside at least 15 to 30 minutes for your meditation. Let any family or roommates know that you need time to yourself to focus, and set yourself apart in a quiet, empty room. Make yourself comfortable, but not so comfortable that you find it hard to stay awake.
    • You may want to have a little meditation nook with clean pillows and a photo or other representation of Jesus.
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    Quiet your heart. External silence isn’t the only quiet required for this form of meditation. You also need to pursue internal quiet by setting aside your doubts, fears, and other distracting thoughts.[7]

    • Don’t feel too guilty if your mind initially wanders back to the day’s problems, but don’t let your thoughts dwell there either. As soon as you notice yourself getting sidelined by anxieties or other concerns, take a moment to pause and consciously redirect your attention back to God. Praying for rededicated focus at that moment may also help.
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    Read the Bible. Open the Bible and read the verse or verses you plan to meditate over. Spend as much time as you need to gain a basic understanding of the words, then bookmark the verse for later; you’ll need to refer to it continually throughout your meditation.[8]

    • After you read through the passage, try reading through it again. This time, speak the words out loud and intentionally emphasize different portions by your tone, and open yourself to new revelations as you do so. Repeat this exercise as often as needed or desired during your meditation.
    • If necessary, you may also wish to improve your understanding using other tools. Research the cultural context. Read through verses that are similar in tone or topic. Look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary or thesaurus.
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    Pray over the readings. Spend a few minutes praying to God for guidance on your meditative efforts. Ask God to open your heart to the truth and wisdom lying within His Word.[9]

    • While the Bible may seem like little more than words on a page, try to keep in mind that the text you read comes direct from God. Asking the Holy Spirit to enrich your understanding while you meditate is, essentially, like asking an author to help improve your understanding of his story.
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    Take notes. Read through your chosen passage again, but this time, take notes on its content. You may wish to highlight, underline, or write short notes directly in on the page, but you should also keep a dedicated journal so that you can take more extensive notes.[10]

    • Highlighting ideas can redirect your attention to key elements during later readings, but actually writing notes on each verse will make it easier for you to think through it. Summarizing ideas and responding to them in this manner forces you to think fully on the words in front of you.
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    Think out loud. Even though your space and heart should be quiet, don’t be afraid to think out loud. Talking over the passage can help you process the information and work through its mysteries more effectively.[11]

    • You can think out loud in the form of a prayer, but you can also think out loud to help yourself work through complex ideas.
    • The Bible is often referred to as the «living word» of God. As suggested by the term «living,» the text is meant to be active, which also means that you can (and should) interact with it. Don’t be afraid to vocalize your questions, praise God’s promises, or respond honestly to the things you read.
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    Memorize the words. While this won’t be feasible for meditation on multiple verses or full books, it’s often a good idea to memorize the passage word-for-word when meditating over a short paragraph or single verse.[12]

    • Consider using the building block method of memorization. Repeat one word or short phrase roughly 6 to 12 times. Add new words or phrases onto the first, then repeat the entire thing again. Continue until you work through the full passage.
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    Rephrase the chosen passage. Spend some time writing out the meaning of the passage in your own words. Go into as much detail as possible, drawing out as much meaning as you can find in the process.

    • Paraphrase the passages you read by putting them into your own words, but remember to stay true to the meaning behind God’s words as you do this. The idea isn’t to alter or twist the truth, but to access it in more familiar terms.
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    Evoke an emotional response. Think through the passage on which you’re focusing. Try to pinpoint God’s desires as expressed through those words, and attempt to align yourself with those desires so you can feel some degree of what God feels.[13]

    • By allowing yourself to feel emotion alongside God, you can make the passage you’re reading seem more “real” to yourself, which should create a richer experience. Instead of merely looking like text on a page, God’s words should seem notably more meaningful—as meaningful as they were always meant to be.
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    Actively seek the blessings of meditation. Like secular meditation, meditating on God’s Word can provide you with a renewed sense of calm, but the blessings of this meditative practice can extend even deeper than that. As you meditate, seek guidance, comfort, joy, reassurance, and wisdom that come from an enriched understanding of divine truth.[14]

    • As Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV) notes, «Blessed is the one […] whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.»
    • Meditating on God’s Word will give you a greater understanding of what God wants from and for you, thereby providing you with guidance. Reading of God’s promises and mighty deeds can give you comfort during times of trouble and an enhanced sense of joy. Improving your understanding of God’s redemptive love should offer you reassurance. Lastly, by improving your understanding of God’s Word through meditation, you can equip yourself with the wisdom you need to navigate through spiritual darkness.[15]
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    Apply the words to your own life. Once you understand the depth and meaning of the meditative passage, it’s time to take action. Assess your own life and determine how you can apply your new understanding of God’s Word to your behaviors and perspectives, then make the necessary changes immediately.[16]

    • Consider the words of James 2:17 (NIV), which states, «…faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.»
    • Actions are a sign of faith and understanding. Meditating on the Word of God is a practice designed to improve both faith and understanding, so action should be a natural result of effective meditation.
    • That being said, don’t assume that one 30-minute meditative session will make it easier to live by God’s Word for the rest of your life. Meditation is a discipline, and as such, you will need to continually and intentionally work at it to reap its full benefits.[17]
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    I’m a beginner in meditation. Is it advisable to talk out loud or say it in my mind when meditating?

    Community Answer

    You can say it out loud, whisper it out loud or even sing it out loud. Whatever you want! Hearing your own voice repeat God’s Word is powerful.

  • Question

    In what environment should one do meditation?

    Community Answer

    A quiet room with no distractions is good, but if you can find a place in nature that provides solitude, this can be even better.

  • Question

    The article was so helpful, But i honestly don’t know how and where to start. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    Go to a quiet place and start off with a prayer. This includes asking for God’s forgiveness of your sins and that his will be done in your life.

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To meditate on the word of God, start by choosing a topic or specific verse to focus on. Next, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and clear your mind, then read your chosen verse or passage several times. Commit the verse to memory, take notes, and highlight important words to help you deconstruct the meaning. Try to restate the concept in your own words for a clearer understanding, then strive to apply what you’ve learned in your daily life! For tips on choosing a subject to focus on for meditation, read on!

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Learn through this interesting article How to meditate on the word of God? We will also see in this study what are your biblical teachings on Christianity?

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Table of Contents

  • 1 What is meditating on the Word of God?
    • 1.1 Benefits of meditation.

Let’s start by defining the term meditate. In a Christian sense, meditation is the deep and continuous reflection of the Word of God, the purpose of meditation is to strengthen our spiritual life through communion with God.

In (Joshua 1: 8) the Lord tells us that we must meditate day and night in the book of the law (the bible), we must keep it and do what is written in it. The same thing tells us the word in the (Psalm 119: 15). It is important to reflect on the teachings that the Bible gives us, in order to understand clearly what God wants for us. Also meditating on the word of God strengthens us spiritually and our mind is renewed.

Psalm 119: 27

«Make me understand the way of your commandments,
To meditate on your wonders.»

In order to meditate on the Word of God, we must be willing to read the Bible daily. It is also necessary to pray before starting to read our Bible, this guarantees us that the Holy Spirit will guide us and give us an understanding of what we are going to read.

Do you want to see verses for the moment of prayer? I invite you to this post: Christian Prayer Verses: The Best and Powerful

When we find a verse that impacts us or a portion of the bible that jumps out at us, we will keep it in our thoughts during the day because when we are constantly thinking about what we read it gives us peace, tranquility and joy, since it is the Lord who is talking.

It is very different when a person constantly thinks about a problem, this takes away his peace, exhausts him and leads him to worries.

The bible tells us in (Psalms 1: 2) that we must meditate day and night on His law, because there is our delight.

Benefits of meditation.

We can see some benefits of we have:

  • We renew our minds and understand the treasures in the Bible. (Joshua 1:8 and Psalms 1:1-2)
  • We memorize and follow the example of the Lord (Matthew 4:1-10)
  • We allow the Word to be written on our hearts, to put it into practice in the circumstances of our day to day.

Here we leave you a video that addresses the theme of how to meditate on the Word of God.

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Meditation on the word of God

Motivational Article

Meditating on the Word

            Our church elder said that meditating on the Word of God is a lost art in the church today. He is absolutely right. We lose out on so much when we simply read over the Word and don’t meditate on it. Part of what the Psalmist says where we are to “hide your Word” in our heart is simply meditating on it. Yes, memorizing Scripture may be part of this hiding the Word, but There is so much power even in one verse…in one word…that we don’t tap that power when we read right past it. The Scriptures often tell us to do this both day and night and so you can never meditate on it if you are not reading it…both day and night

 Benefits of Meditating on the Word

            Here are a few verses that tell us that we should meditate on the Word of God, why we should meditate on it and what the benefits are:

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8

If we meditate on God’s Law, and I don’t mean the Mosaic Law, then we will “be careful to do all that is written in it.” You can’t obey what you do not know. And God promises to “make your way prosperous” and you’ll have “good success” if you meditate on it. Meditating and memorizing Scripture is like “hiding His Word” in your heart. When you are tempted, you can more easily resist sinning because you already know the precepts, statues, and Laws of God.

Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97

We will love the law of God only if we meditate on its meaning. It is not so much “don’t do this” but “do this and suffer” and “don’t do this and prosper.” God doesn’t want us to hurt ourselves or others and that is why we must love His law and meditate on it. God loves His own law so much that the biggest chapter in the Bible is dedicated to the law in Psalm 119; it must be of high importance to God. If it is that important to God (and it is) then it must be for us as well.

May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord.” Psalm 104:34

God is well pleased when we meditate on His divine Word. The Psalmist wrote that rejoicing in the Lord is tied to meditating on His Word. Imagine you get a letter from your loved one. You have been separated from him or her for a long time. You love re-reading it…reflecting on the words, and so you will rejoice in this letter and your loved one and you will meditate on certain lines, would you not? The same applies to God’s Word. It is the greatest love letter ever written!

I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.” Psalm 119:15

I love this verse. Here the writer is fixing his eyes on God’s ways. He is meditating on the precepts of God for they are always true, faithful, and good. To “fix” your eyes is to meditate on specific things and these things (like precepts) are in the written Word of God. Try fixing your eyes on one verse today. You’ll be amazed at how the Holy Spirit will enlighten your mind to it.

 My mouth shall speak wisdom; the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.Psalm 49:3

“… when we meditate on specific verses, we can internalize them and reflect on the depth of the Scriptures.”

Here is a cause and effect verse. Our mouth can speak wisdom only because the meditation of our hearts on His Word gives us understanding. This is not a subjective, human wisdom but the wisdom of God Himself because when our hearts mediate on His truth (which is objective), what we say will be wise because it is the wisdom of God. By the way, the seat of the intellect in the Jewish idiom is the “heart” and so when you read the word heart, you can understand that it is talking about the mind.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

Although Paul didn’t use the word “meditate”, the intent is the same thing when he said to “think about these things.” When we think on “these things” we are pondering them, we are reflecting on them, and we are contemplating (meditating) on them.

My eyes are awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promise.” Psalm 119:148

Many of the strongest Christians have the most worn out Bibles and you have probably heard that a Christian whose Bible is coming apart has it most together. This verse speaks of meditating on the Word before “the watches of the night” or late at night, perhaps before bedtime. They are meditating on God’s promises and that helps to keep a believer’s hope strong. His promises are all revealed in Scripture and what better thing to meditate on than those promises which are sure, true, and can not be broken.

Even though princes sit plotting against me, your servant will meditate on your statutes.” Psalm 119:24

The writer here ties together our ability to not be discouraged or fearful even while our enemies are plotting against us. How many times have we laid awake at night, unable to sleep or “turn it off“, worrying about our problems (even if they are people)? We can sleep in peace by meditating on the Word before we go to bed. I have known fewer solutions to my sleeplessness than to open the Bible and read His Word for I realize that even that bad things will work out for my best (Romans 8:28). That is another of God’s promises


We have read from Scripture that there is so much good that can come from meditating on the Word of God. The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). I tried to meditate on this shortest of verses and found it to be one of the most powerful verses in the entire Bible. I thought of why Jesus wept, what He was weeping for, who He was weeping over, and how He showed such depth of emotion in His love. By asking who, what, why, where, when, and how over a single verse, the Holy Spirit can speak to us through the written Word because the Holy Spirit is the Author of the Word (2 Peter 1:21). I thought of His humanity, the suffering that He saw, the lost sheep of Israel who would have nothing to do with Him, the depravity of mankind, the compassion that He had. What must Jesus have been thinking (meditating) on when He wept?

It must grieve the heart of God to know that many will be called but few will be chosen. Many have heard of Jesus but few will trust in Him. The path to destruction is broad but the way of life is narrow and winding and few are they that find it. That makes me want to weep too. For all those who refuse to believe, those who will not come to saving faith, I meditate on their eternal, future fate. That makes me want to share the gospel all the more. I want to be about my Father’s business in rescuing the perishing. The Bible is full of God’s desire that no one will perish (2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4, Ezekiel 18:23). Meditate on what breaks God’s heart and your heart will be broken too. Meditate on the Word of God and you will hide it in your heart (memorize it). Then you will have the Word in you to be able to resist when temptation comes. You can meditate on God’s desire to save those who are headed for the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 21).

This week, choose one verse to meditate on. I choose John 11:35 (“Jesus wept“). I wanted to align my heart with Jesus’ heart. Take one line from the Word of God and memorize it, think about it, ponder it, reflect upon it, and then God “will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8). That is a promise from God. There is nothing more certain in all the universe than a promise of God. Just meditate on that for a while.

“But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night” (Ps. 1:2 KJV).

The Lord says that only one thing is needful for us, and that is His Word (Luke 10:42). This extremely important truth still does not ring a bell for many believers. Some view it as just religious rhetoric, because they do not see any relationship between the Word and their career, or current crises in their finances.

God’s Word, which in itself is spirit, dwells in the spirit of man (or the heart). Meditation is the process of taking God’s Word into the heart. Meditation is not the same as Bible study, but is closely connected to it. You can study the Bible extensively, but have all of that knowledge in your brain instead of your heart. The two critical tools of meditation are pondering, or thinking, and muttering, or speaking it out. When you understand, believe, and surrender in your heart to the Word you are reading, it enters your spirit. As you mutter it again and again, you cause it to take extensive root in your heart. Meditate constantly and fill your heart with the Word of God to make your life forever flourishing and fruitful.


Meditate on our main scripture above. Take a moment to think about each word or phrase, to understand them, see how they apply to you, and say them out loud under your breath. Are you willing to allow yourself become what the verse says? This is surrendering your life to make it become one with you.


Are you willing to do what Psalms 1:2 says? To pay attention to the Word day and night? When you read a Word like that above, you take steps to conform your life to what it says. This is how we DO and respond to the Word. Do something to make God’s Word a priority in your life from today on.


Ask the Lord to teach you how to constantly meditate on His Word.

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20 Importance Of Meditating On The Word Of God.

20 Importance Of Meditating On The Word Of God.


The word of God is usually referred to a divine message or to a collection of those messages. (Luke 11:28).
In a few places, “The word of God” is used as a personal title. Revelation 19:13, John 1:14.

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Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object thought, or activity to train the attention and awareness. So applying this to the word of God… It is a way of paying attention to God’s word in order to soak it in the mind and profit withal. Many times in Psalms 119, the writer refers to meditating in God’s words (In Psalms 119:15, 119:23, 119:48, 119:97,119:99 and 119:148).

Meditation Of God’s Words Requires :

1. Quietness– To meditate, we must be alone.,

2. Time– we must exclude all sense of hurry,

3. Concentration– We must be able to give attention and

4. Receptivity– our prayer must be Psalms 119:18

25 Importance Of Meditating On The Word Of God.

  1.  Soundness and Thorough Conversion: Psalm 19:7…. this means that when the truth of God is applied to our life, it is so powerful that it turns our lives away from all that is displeasing to the Lord, and turns it to the Lord Himself
  2. We shall find our faith increasing until we become strong in faith: In Romans 10:17, it tells us that faith is imparted into us as we read and meditate on God’s words
  3. Meditating on God’s words lead to depth and stability: As David points out in psalms 1, the Christian who meditates day and night on the word of God shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. A Christian that meditate on God’s word day and night enjoys spiritual nourishment that can equip them to handle anything that comes their way.
  4. Meditation will always lead to character growth-to fruit: Meditation is not just a means of getting close to God-it does much more than that. The more you meditate on the word of God, the more it exposes the character flaws that you need to fix. As you fix your mind on the word of God, your heart is progressively transformed into a heart of joy, love, peace and self control (Galatians 5:22-23)
  5.  We shall find our faith increasing until we become strong in faith: How do we get faith? Romans 10:17 tells us that as we read and meditate on God’s word, faith is imparted to us and developed in us.
  6. Meditation leads to success. Meditating on the word of God leads to prosperity: David puts it this way, “whatever he does prospers”. Meditating on His word daily exposes you to kingdom principles of success and all you have left is to apply them and enjoy the results.
  7. Mediation leads to direction: Direction is superior to speed. Meditating on God’s word will reveal the direction you ought to take in life.
  8. Meditation brings about happiness: When you meditate on the word of God day and night, it deals with any tensions, disappointments, and reasons for sadness and you end up a happy person.
  9. Meditation helps you deal with sin: In Psalms 105:11, David said “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee, blessed art thou, oh Lord, teach me thy statutes” David had discovered the secret of conquering sin-keeping God’s word in your heart. This helps the voice of your conscience to be louder than that other voice that always wants to nudge you to sin.
  10. Meditation helps us focus on the true God, to love and to enjoy Him in all His persons (1 John 4:8)—intellectually, spiritually, aesthetically.
  11. Meditation helps increase knowledge of sacred truth: It “takes the veil from the face of truth” (Prov. 4:2).
  12.  Meditation is the “nurse of wisdom,” for it promotes the fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:8).
  13. Meditation enlarges our faith by helping us to trust the God of promises in all our spiritual troubles and the God of providence in all our outward troubles.
  14. Meditation augments one’s affections. Watson called meditation “the bellows of the affections.” He said, “Meditation hatcheth good affections, as the hen her young ones by sitting on them; we light affection at this fire of meditation” (Ps. 39:3).
  15.  Meditation fosters repentance and reformation of life (Ps. 119:59; Ez. 36:31).
  16.  Meditation helps us view worship as a discipline to be cultivated. It makes us prefer God’s house to our own.
  17. Meditation transfuses Scripture through the texture of the soul.
  18. Meditation is a great aid to prayer (Ps. 5:1). It tunes the instrument of prayer before prayer.
  19. Meditation helps us to hear and read the Word with real benefit. It makes the Word “full of life and energy to our souls.” William Bates wrote, “Hearing the word is like ingestion, and when we meditate upon the word that is digestion; and this digestion of the word by meditation produceth warm affections, zealous resolutions, and holy actions.”
  20. Meditation on the sacraments helps our “graces to be better and stronger.” It helps faith, hope, love, humility, and numerous spiritual comforts thrive in the soul.

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