Meditate on the word

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Многие считают, что медитация — это нечто связанное исключительно с восточными религиозными практиками или с практиками эзотерических школ, но она занимает важное место и в христианстве. Один из самых эффективных методов христианской медитации — это медитация над Словом Божьим. В отличие от других форм медитации, которые предполагают «опустошение» сознания, эта форма требует от вас глубоко погрузиться и размышлять над истинами Божьими.

  1. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 1


    Определите, что такое христианская «медитация». В мирском понимании медитация предполагает опустошение сознания и расслабление тела. Медитация над Словом Божьим или любая другая христианская медитация требует от вас сконцентрироваться и глубоко размышлять над истиной Божьей.[1]

    • Поразмышляйте над словом, которое Бог сказал Иисусу Навину в книге Иисуса Навина 1:8: «Да не отходит сия книга закона от уст твоих; но поучайся в ней день и ночь, дабы в точности исполнять все, что в ней написано: тогда ты будешь успешен в путях твоих и будешь поступать благоразумно».
    • Разумеется, в узком смысле слова этот стих можно отнести только к пяти первым книгам Библии, но его можно применить и по отношению ко всей Библии. Медитировать над Словом Божьим нужно часто. Делать это нужно для того, чтобы обогатить и углубить свое понимание Слова Божьего —это даст вам возможность применять его к своей жизни.
  2. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 2


    Медитировать можно над отдельными стихами или над главами. Это, пожалуй, самый распространенный способ медитации над Библией. Выберите стих или несколько стихов из Слова Божьего, чтобы помедитировать над ними. Вам нужно будет посвятить этому достаточно времени, чтобы проанализировать и изучить значение этого стиха.[2]

    • Здесь нет каких-то жестких предписаний, но если вы не знаете, с чего начать, хорошо бы начать с Нового Завета, особенно с Евангелий (от Матфея, Марка, Луки и Иоанна). Однако в книгах Ветхого Завета, например в Псалтыри или в Притчах, тоже есть много замечательных стихов, над которыми стоит помедитировать.
  3. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 3


    Можно медитировать и на определенную тему. Другой способ заключается в исследовании стихов из всей Библии на определенную тему. Тогда вы будете медитировать не над каким-то одним определенным отрывком, а подберете несколько текстов, которые затрагивают определенную тему, и глубоко поразмышляете, что говорят вам эти стихи.[3]

    • Например, можно выбрать тему прощения. С помощью тематической Библии или Симфонии можно подобрать разные стихи о прощении. Потом нужно прочитать их несколько раз. Рассмотрите каждый стих в контексте и сравните его с другими.
  4. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 4


    Помедитируйте над значением одного важного слова. Можно медитировать над какой-то большой темой, но из всей или из нескольких стихов нужно будет выбрать то, что поможет вам глубже понять значение именно одного важного слова.[4]

    • Например, вы можете выбрать слово «Господь». Посмотрите стихи, в которых встречается слово «Господь» и его производные. Рассмотрите их значение в контексте. Для того чтобы более глубоко разобраться и понять значение слов, можно пользоваться и внешними источниками, например, словарями, чтобы сравнить значение слова в религиозном и в мирском понимании
  5. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 5


    Изучите целую книгу Библии. В этом случае вам нужно будет сконцентрировать внимание не на коротком отрывке, а на целой книге Библии. В данном случае вам потребуется больше времени. Нужно будет прочитать всю книгу, а не один короткий отрывок. Изучите и проанализируйте значение этой книги, рассмотрите ее целиком и ее отдельные части, каждый раз понемногу.[5]

    • Если это кажется вам слишком сложной задачей, попробуйте начать с короткой книги, например, с книги Есфири. Чтобы лучше понять книгу, можно пользоваться различными Путеводителями по Библии или Атласами, но это необязательно.


  1. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 6


    Найдите спокойное место. Для медитации над Словом Божьим, как и для любой мирской медитации, нужно отрешиться от шума и суеты на какое-то время, чтобы сконцентрироваться над поставленной задачей.[6]

    • В современном мире ценится умение делать сразу несколько дел одновременно. Но при такой работе вы никогда не сможете посвятить себя на полностью какой-то одной задаче, вам постоянно придется балансировать между различными заданиями. Поэтому при медитации над Словом Божьим стоит по возможности устранить все, что может отвлечь вас. Так вам будет легче сконцентрироваться на Слове Божьем.
    • Постарайтесь выделить на медитацию хотя бы 15–30 минут. Скажите своим близким, что вам нужно немножко времени для себя, уединитесь в спокойном месте, где никого нет. Устройтесь поудобнее, но смотрите не усните.
  2. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 7


    Успокойте свое сердце. Для такой медитации нужна не только внешняя тишина. Вам нужна будет и тишина внутренняя, нужно будет успокоить все свои сомнения, страхи и мысли, которые отвлекают вас.[7]

    • Если в начале ваши мысли будут возвращаться к повседневным проблемам, не нужно мучить себя чувством вины. При этом не стоит позволять своим мыслям блуждать повсюду. Как только заметите, что отвлеклись на свои проблемы или страхи, сделайте паузу и осознанно перенаправьте свое внимание на Бога. В такие моменты можно помолиться и повторно посвятить свое время и внимание Богу. Это может оказаться полезным.
  3. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 8


    Прочтите Библию. Откройте Библию и прочтите стих или стихи, над которыми вы планируете медитировать. Уделите достаточно времени, чтобы понять основное значение слов, потом отметьте стих для последующего размышления. В процессе медитации вам нужно будет постоянно обращаться к нему.[8]

    • После того как вы прочитаете отрывок, перечитайте его еще раз. В этот раз произносите каждое слово вслух. Намеренно выделяйте голосом различные части текста. В этот момент будьте внимательны к откровениям, которые могут озарить вас при чтении. Такое упражнение во время медитации можно делать много раз, сколько нужно или сколько хочется.[9]
    • Вы можете обратиться и к другим источникам, чтобы углубить понимание текста. Изучите культурный контекст. Почитайте стихи, похожие по звучанию или тематике. Если вы хотите углубить понимание текста, можно пользоваться и другими средствами. Посмотрите параллельные места, стихи, похожие на ваш по звучанию или тематике. Если встречаете незнакомые слова, посмотрите их значение в словаре или справочнике.[10]
  4. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 9


    Молитесь, когда читаете Библию. В течение нескольких минут помолитесь Богу, чтобы Он направлял вас во время вашей медитации. Попросите Бога, чтобы Он открыл ваше сердце для истины и мудрости, которые содержатся в его слове.[11]

    • Библия — это не просто слова, напечатанные на бумаге. Никогда не забывайте, что текст, который вы читаете, идет напрямую от Бога. Если вы просите Святого Духа помочь вам глубже и полнее понять текст, над которым вы медитируете, то это можно сравнить с тем, что вы бы спросили автора книги о том, как лучше понимать написанную им историю.


  1. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 10


    Делайте записи. Перечитайте текст еще раз, но в этот раз старайтесь делать записи о его содержании. Вы можете подчеркивать, выделять маркером тексты, можете делать заметки на полях, но имеет смысл завести дневник для медитаций над Словом Божьим, где вы будете делать более подробные записи.[12]

    • Если вы выделяете маркером какие-то выражения, то это может привлечь ваше внимание к основным мыслям, когда вы будете читать эти стихи в следующий раз. Если же вы будете делать записи о каждом стихе, то вам будет легче вдуматься в его смысл. Если вы будете обобщать основные мысли и записывать свою реакцию на них, то сможете более полно погрузиться в стих, который сейчас перед вами.
  2. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 11


    Думайте вслух. Да, конечно, вокруг вас и в вашем сердце должна быть тишина. Но не бойтесь думать вслух. Если вы будете проговаривать отрывок вслух, это поможет вам переработать информацию и более глубоко усвоить содержащиеся в нем истины.[13]

    • Вы можете думать вслух в форме молитвы, но можно и просто размышлять вслух, чтобы лучше продумать какие-то сложные идеи.
    • Библию часто называют «живым словом» Божьим. Слово «живое» указывает на то, что текст должен быть активным, что вы можете и должны сотрудничать с ним. Не бойтесь произносить вслух свои вопросы, славьте Бога за Его обетования или честно отвечайте на то, что вы прочли и что вас затронуло.
  3. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 12


    Учите стихи из Библии наизусть. Конечно, это не подойдет для медитации над большим количеством стихов или над целой книгой, но если вы размышляете над небольшим отрывком или над одним стихом, будет неплохо выучить его наизусть.[14]

    • Для того чтобы легче было запоминать стихи из Библии, можно использовать метод стандартных блоков. Повторите каждое слово или короткую фразу от 6 до 12 раз. Добавьте новое слово или фразу к тому, что уже повторили и снова повторите все выражение. Продолжайте так делать, пока не проработаете весь отрывок.[15]
  4. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 13


    Перефразируйте выбранный отрывок. Запишите значение отрывка своими словами. Постарайтесь сделать это как можно более детально, изобразите как можно больше смыслов, которые вам удалось найти.[16]

    • Перефразируйте прочитанный отрывок и сформулируйте его своими словами. Однако при этом нужно быть внимательными, чтобы не исказить значение Слова Божьего. Идея заключается не в том, чтобы видоизменить или перекрутить истину, а в том, чтобы ближе подойти к ней, когда она будет выражена более понятными вам словами.
  5. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 14


    Пробудите в себе эмоциональный ответ на Слово. Поразмышляйте надо отрывком, который вы выбрали. Постарайтесь точно определить, что этот стих говорит о желаниях Бога. Постарайтесь сделать эти желания своими, чтобы вы могли хотя бы в малой степени ощутить то, что чувствует Бог.[17]

    • Если вы сумеете немного почувствовать эмоции, которые испытывает Бог, вы сможете сделать прочитанный отрывок чуть более «реальным» для себя. Не стоит рассматривать Слово Божье только как текст на бумаге. Оно имеет намного большее значение, и таким оно всегда должно было быть.
  6. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 15


    Активно стремитесь получить благословения от медитации. Как и мирская медитация, медитация над Словом Божьим может дать вам чувство обновления и спокойствия. Однако благословения, которые может вам дать эта практика, намного больше и глубже, чем ощущения от обычной медитации. Во время медитации ищите водительства, утешения, радости, ободрения и мудрости, которые дает нам глубокое познание божественной истины.[18]

    • Псалом 1:1-3 говорит: «Блажен муж, … в законе Господа воля его, и о законе Его размышляет он день и ночь!»
    • Медитация над словом Божьим поможет вам лучше понять, чего Бог желает от вас и для вас. Так вы получите водительство. Когда вы читаете о Божьих обетованиях и о Его великих делах, вы получите утешение в трудные периоды жизни и ваша радость усилится. Если вы лучше будете понимать любовь и искупительную жертву Бога, это даст вам ободрение. Наконец, чем лучше вы будете понимать Слово Божье с помощью медитации, тем больше вы будете обретать мудрость, которая так необходима вам, чтобы двигаться сквозь духовную темноту.[19]
  7. Изображение с названием Meditate on the Word of God Step 16


    Применяйте слова из Библии к своей собственной жизни. Когда вы поймете глубокое значение отрывка, над которым медитируете, наступает время действовать. Посмотрите на свою собственную жизнь и определите, как то новое, что вы узнали из Слова Божьего, можно применить к вашему поведению и планам на будущее. А потом сразу же внесите необходимые изменения в свою жизнь.[20]

    • Помните слова из Иакова 2:17: «… вера, если не имеет дел, мертва сама по себе…»
    • В делах выражается наша вера и понимание Слова Божьего. Медитация над Словом Божьим призвана укрепить и веру, и понимание, поэтому дела дожны стать естественным результатом эффективной медитации.
    • В то же время, не думайте, что, помедитировав 30 минут, вы всю оставшуюся жизнь сможете легко и без проблем жить по Слову Божьему. Медитация требует дисциплины. А это значит, что вам нужно будет постоянно и намеренно работать над ней, чтобы извлечь из нее пользу в полной степени.[21]


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We must meditate on the Word of the LORD day and night.

Read and meditate on the Word to increase your spiritual powers.

And I have found that as we meditate on the Word and memorize the Word, we begin to saturate our lives with the Word, we begin to deal with hidden sin.

И я понял, что когда мы размышляем над Словом, запоминаем Слово, то начинаем пропитывать свои жизни Словом, начинаем разбираться со скрытыми грехами.

Here’s the kid that so badly wanted to meditate on the word «cat.»

Meditatio: Meditate on the word or phrase that struck you.

Затем прислушайтесь к тем словам, которые он вам говорит или к тем посланиям, которые он вам передает.

So we are called to meditate on the Word day and night.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 6. Точных совпадений: 6. Затраченное время: 196 мс

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.
4 The wicked are not so,
But they are like chaff which the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the wicked will perish.

If this is Prayer Week, why do we begin with a message on Psalm 1 that doesn’t mention prayer, and focus our attention on the Word of God and not prayer? The central point of this psalm is made in
verse 2: «But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.» The person who delights in God’s law so much that he meditates on it day and night is delivered from the ways of the wicked and sinners and scoffers, and is made fruitful and durable and prosperous. That’s the point. Delighting in the law of God is the central issue. So why begin Prayer Week with this psalm and this focus on delighting in the law of God?

Well, where is this psalm? It is the beginning of the book of Psalms. And what are the psalms? Many of them are prayers. In fact, the Psalter is the prayer book of the Bible. Millions of Christians go to the Psalms to find words for the cry of their hearts in the worst of times and the best of times. So I begin Prayer Week with Psalm 1 because the Bible begins its prayer book with Psalm 1.

But why does it? And why should we? The reason is that in the Christian life -in the life of God’s people — prayer and the Word are connected in such a way that if you disconnect them, both die. Let me sum up the connection between prayer and the Word in three ways. The Word of God inspires prayer, it informs prayer and it incarnates prayer. Just a word of explanation on each of these.

Connection Between the Word and Prayer

The Word of God inspires prayer. This means that the Word commands us to pray, and makes promises to us of what God will do if we pray, and tells us stories of great men and women of prayer. James 5:16-18 does all three. First, «Pray for one another so that you may be healed.» There’s a command from the Word. Second, «The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.» There is the encouraging promise. Third, «Elijah was a man with a nature
like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months.» There’s a story to inspire us. So the Word inspires prayer by telling us to
do it (like a doctor telling us what’s good for us) and promising us good things if we will do it, and telling us stories to encourage us in our weakness.

Second, the Word of God informs prayer. This means that the Word tells us what to pray and becomes itself the content of our prayer. When you know the mind of God in his Word, you pray the mind of God in your prayers. For example, in Acts 4:24-26, the early church prayed like this: «They lifted their voices to God with one accord and said, «O Lord, it is You who made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them [see Exodus 20:11], who by the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of our father David your servant, said [quoting Psalm 2], ‘Why did the Gentiles rage, and the peoples devise futile things? The kings of the earth took their stand, and
the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ.'» This is the way powerful saints have prayed throughout history. O may the Lord fill our payers with the great purposes and promises of God that we learn from his Word. The Word informs

Third, the Word incarnates prayer. This means that prayers are often invisible and concealed in the soul and in the closet and in the church. But their effect is to be in the open in the lives of other people and among the nations. How does that happen? God
usually advances his purposes in world evangelization and personal transformation and cultural reformation by direct encounters with the truth of his Word. The Word incarnates our prayers. Prayers become effective through the truth getting into people’s ears and minds and hearts.

People don’t just start believing on Jesus because you pray for them. They need to hear about Jesus. «How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?» (Romans 10:14). «Pray for us that the Word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you» (2 Thessalonians 3:1). Prayer empowers the Word and the Word incarnates prayer. Saints don’t just become more holy because someone prays that they will. They need to see the truth: «Sanctify them in the truth. Thy Word is truth» (John 17:17). Cultural slavery to injustice and greed and dishonesty and sexual immorality does not just change because we pray for it. The agent of reformation is the truth: «You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free» (John 8:32). Prayer must be incarnated in declarations and demonstrations of the truth.

That’s probably enough to explain why we begin Prayer Week with a text on the Word of God. The Word inspires, informs and incarnates prayer. They go together, because Word and Spirit go together. Word without Spirit is intellectualism. Spirit without Word is emotionalism at best, and probably syncretism. But the Word and the Spirit are kept together when we depend on the Spirit for help in all our dealing with the Word, and express that dependence
in prayer.

The Blessing of Delighting in God’s Word

Now let’s consider Psalm 1 and focus on delighting in and meditating on the Word of God. First, let’s think about the blessing that comes from delighting in and meditating on the Word
day and night. The Psalm begins, «How blessed is the man. . .» So you are drawn in right away: do you want blessing in your life? The word means «happy» in the rich, full sense of happiness rooted in moral and mental and physical wellbeing.

But now who is this happy person? The one who does not do something and the one who does do something. The happy person does not «walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers!» (verse 1). But what does the happy person do? Verse 2: «But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.» So, instead of finding his pleasures in the words or the ways or the fellowship of the wicked, the one who is truly happy finds pleasure in meditating on the Word and the ways of God. («Law,» Torah, = instruction: God’s Words about God’s ways.)

Now the point of the psalm is to say that when you experience the Word of God like that — as so delightful and so satisfying that it captures your mind and heart day and night and weans you away from the counsel and path and seat of the world -when you experience the Word like that, you are blessed. You are happy.

The Person Who Delights in the Word of God

Then, in verse 3, it gives us three illustrations of that happiness. The first one is that the person who delights in the Word of God and meditates on it day and night will be «like a tree
firmly planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season.» The second one is that the person who delights in the Word of God and meditates on it day and night will be like a tree whose «leaf does not wither.» And the third is that the person who delights in the Word of God and meditates on it day and night «will prosper in all that he does.»

Let’s think about each of these for a moment.

1. Fruitful

If you delight in the Word of God and meditate on it day and night you will yield your fruit in season. You will be a fruitful person. O for more fruitful people! You know them. They are
refreshing and nourishing to be around. You go away from them fed. You go away strengthened. You go away with your taste for spiritual things awakened. Their mouth is a fountain of life. Their words are healing and convicting and encouraging and deepening and enlightening. Being around them is like a meal. This is the effect of delighting in the Word of God and meditating on it day and night. You will yield fruit in season.

2. Durable

The second illustration of your blessing if you delight in the Word of God and meditate on it day and night is that your leaf does not wither. The point here is that the hot winds are blowing and the rain is not falling and all the other trees that are not planted by streams are withering and dying, but in spite of all the heat and drought, your leaf remains green, because delighting in
the Word of God and meditating on it day and night is like being planted by a stream. The happiness of this person is durable. It is deep. It does not depend on which way the wind is blowing or whether the rain is falling. It gets its life from an absolutely changeless source: God in his Word.

The person who delights in the Word of God and meditates on it day and night speaks like the prophet in Habakkuk 3:17-18: «Though the fig tree do not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.»

(A Thought on Y2K)

This might be a place to say a word about the Y2K scare. Do you want a prophetic word about Y2K? I have two prophetic words about Y2K. First, the greatest need on January 1, 2000, will not be basements stocked with food and water and generators, but hearts stocked with the Word of God. You will be fruitful, you will flourish, you will be life-giving not by seeking the very things the world seeks (Matthew 6:32), but by delighting in the Word of God and meditating on it day and night. What the world will need and does need from the church is the Word of God that fits us to say, «Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? . .. In all these things we are more than
conquerors through him who loved us» (Romans 8:35-37).

The other prophetic word about Y2K is this: Nothing is going to happen on January 1, 2000, nothing, that is as bad as what is already happening to persecuted and starving Christians in Sudan. Or to the staggering number of orphans in Malawi and other AIDS-devastated countries of Africa. Or to survivors in Honduras and Nicaragua. Or to lonely, dying old people in dozens of skilled care centers around the Twin Cities who have outlived their families. There is something that smells of hypocrisy in the talk about stockpiling supplies in our homes to «minister» to others in the coming Y2K crisis when there are more places to minister this very day that are worse crises than anything that is going to happen a year from now. Y2K will happen to someone every day in 1999 — many of them within your reach.* Delight yourself in the Word of God, meditate on it day and night, and then take the fruit of your life and go minister to the lost and the hungry and the thirsty that are already so many. Then you won’t even notice when Y2K happens.

3. Prospering (Really?)

3. But now that leads to the question raised by the third illustration of blessing and happiness in verse 3. «And in whatever he does, he prospers.» Really? What does this mean? Does it mean that, if you delight in the Word of God and meditate enough, your business will make a big profit and your health will always be good and there will be no food shortages or car accidents or violence against your house?

Well, there are some reasons to believe that such a person will have some of those blessings. For example, when you delight in God’s Word instead of walking in the counsel of the wicked and standing in the way of sinners and sitting in the seat of scoffers, you will be doing the kinds of things that God approves of, and he is likely to bless what he approves. And when you are delighting in the Word of God, you are trusting it, and we know God works for those who trust him and wait for him (Isaiah 64:4; 2 Chronicles 16:9).

But there are reasons to believe that God does not always spare his most faithful people. There are many passages of Scripture that tell us «many are the afflictions of the righteous» (Psalm 34:19; cf. Acts 14:22). Psalm 73 expresses the reality that often the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper. The answer of that Psalm and this one is: Behold what becomes of them in the end (Psalm 73:17).

Psalm 1 says, «The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will
perish» (verses 4-5). When this Psalm ponders the value of being wicked or of delighting in the Word of God, it measures the value finally by what happens at the judgment. There may be some prosperity in this life for the wicked, but in the end they will be swept away like chaff, but those who have delighted in the Word of God will go on flourishing because God sets his eye and favor on them. He «knows» their way.

So the blessing, the happiness, referred to in verse 1 is a life that is nourishing and fruitful for others, a life that is deeply durable in the face of drought and a life whose «labor is not in
vain» (1 Corinthians 15:58), but succeeds in God’s good purposes into eternity. That’s the blessing of delighting in the Word of God and meditating on it day and night.

What Is Meditation?

Now what does this meditation involve? The word «meditation» in Hebrew means basically to speak or to mutter. When this is done in the heart it is called musing or meditation. So meditating on the Word of God day and night means to speak to yourself the Word of God day and night and to speak to yourself about it.

Here is where I plead with you to get involved in the Fighter Verse memory program or some other pattern of Bible memorization. Unless you memorize Scripture you will not meditate on it day and night. But O the benefits and delights of knowing communion with God hour by hour in his Word. If you have ever wondered, What is hour-by-hour walking in fellowship with the living God? the answer is: it is his speaking to you by his Word through your memory and meditation and illumination and application and your speaking to him words of thanks and praise and admiration and desire and seeking for help and guidance and understanding. The Word is the
basis for your hearing him and for his hearing you. The depth and solidity and certainty of your walk with God and your communion with God will rise and fall with whether God’s own written Word is the warp and woof of the fabric of your fellowship.

Let me just give you an example of how this works in my own life. As I was coming to the end of the year and reading the final pages of the Old Testament in the Minor Prophets, I was moved by Micah 7:18. It is the foundation of a favorite hymn of mine, «Who Is a Pardoning God Like Thee?» by Samuel Davies. So I memorized it and carried it around on the front burner of my mind for several days. It says, «Who is a God like thee, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love.»

One of the insights that I discovered and tasted with tremendous pleasure was that God does choose to be angry, but his anger is limited. Why? Because he «delights in steadfast love.» This means that anger is not God’s favorite emotion. He «delights» in love. This has huge implications — practical ones -about my life and my own anger and love as I rest in him. And theological ones, as I ponder the levels of willing in God: willing to be angry in his holiness at sin, and yet not delighting to be angry the way he delights to show steadfast love. I was fed by this text for several days before I moved on to another front-burner text.

So I urge you to memorize Scripture, and meditate on it day and night. It will change your life in many good ways.

What if Meditation and Prayer are Drudgery?

Finally, we must ask about this delight. The deepest mark of this happy person in Psalm 1 is that he delights in the Word of God (verse 2). Bible reading and Bible memory and meditation are not a burden to him, but a pleasure. This is what we want. What a sadness when Bible reading is just a drudgery. Something is wrong.

What shall we do? Well, we will say more next week, but let’s close considering this. We struggle with Bible reading and memory and meditation because we don’t find pleasure in it. We have other things we want to get to more. TV or breakfast or work or newspaper or computer. Our hearts incline to other things and do not incline to the Word. And so it is not a delight.

Did the psalmists ever struggle with this? Yes they did. Take heart. We all do. How shall this be changed? This is Prayer Week, and so the answer we will stress is that it is changed through
prayer. This is what I will focus on next week. We must pray for God’s enabling to help us delight in his Word. This will be clear from the way the psalmists pray. I hope you will come back and hear the help that the psalmists give us not only to pray without ceasing, but to do it with delight.

Meditate on the Word of God day and night so that you’ll be prosperous in God’s eyes. 

When you own something new or broken, you will always find yourself looking for the manual. You read and go through it to better understand how it works, how it can be fixed, or how it’s supposed to be taken care of. 

Just like our walk with God, when we find ourselves constantly looking for ways to navigate our lives correctly, we need to find and go back to our manual – the Bible. Continue reading because this is a practical guide that will help you commit your time as you Meditate on the Word.

What Does “Meditate on the Word” Mean?

When we hear the word “meditate,” the words that come to our minds are “eyes closed,” “relaxing,” “finding peace,” or “emptying the mind and heart.” However, for believers of Christ, to meditate on the word means to think deeply about the Word of God. It is sometimes referred to as “daily devotional,” which means dedicating a few minutes of your day to spend time with the Lord.

The idea of meditating on the Word of God is like meditation in a secular context, however, done in a Christian way. It is setting aside time and space to reflect on what is written in the Bible thoroughly. A time where one is focused and calm, not rushing to do anything but read and process God’s Word correctly. 

Bible Verses That Remind Us to Meditate on the Word

Joshua 1:8

The LORD commanded Joshua to constantly remind himself of what has been written in the book of instruction day and night so that he will be prosperous in God’s eyes.

Psalm 1:2

True joy is only seen when one learns to follow God’s instruction by constantly reading His Word day and night.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Everything written in the Bible guides and molds one’s character to do good works for God.

Psalm 77:12

Asaph meditates on God’s actions as he recalls the Lord’s previous works and wondrous miracles

Matthew 4:4

According to Jesus, the Scriptures say that people do not live by bread alone; instead, by each Word from God’s mouth.

Why is it Essential to Meditate on the Word?

Reveals the characters of God

As you go through every page of the Bible, the different characters of God will slowly unfold – it will amaze you. You will discover who He is, what He has done, what He is capable of doing, and what He will do in the future. These characteristics of God are not always learned in church nor learned from other people. 

The problem with humanity in our generation today is that we think we know enough about God because of what we have read online or how others perceive Him. But no, it is never enough to know God just by His name. You have to see for yourself who He is. After all, God will only reveal Himself to those willing to commit to getting to know Him. 

Reminds us of God’s promises

Did you know that there are about eight thousand promises from God written in the Bible? Amazing, isn’t it? Those promises were from the God who created the whole universe – the same God who created you and me. 

Of course, you wouldn’t be able to memorize by heart every single promise He made. But by meditating on His Word, you will be reminded of His promises every second of your life. You need to know that when the enemy attacks and you don’t remember any of God’s promises, you will listen and cling more to what the enemy says.

Serves as the food for our soul

I’ve come across a quote online that says something like, “The Word of God is an everyday bread for your soul, not just a cake for special occasions.” Which makes sense, right? When we don’t feed our spiritual being with what God says, we will easily be tempted to worldly desires and choose sin over and over. Meditating on the Word of God will always satisfy our hungry and empty souls.

Protects us from the enemy

When Jesus said in Luke 11:4 that we should ask God for deliverance from evil and to flee from temptation when we pray, He meant it. He included those in prayer because He knew that we could never overcome sin by our strength alone. Meditating on the Word of God is like putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Meditate on the Word of God and it will empower us to take our stands against the devil’s attacks. 

Teaches us to obey and listen

When we submit ourselves to God by regularly meditating on His Word, we learn to listen and obey. We learn how to pay attention and do not do what is just good, but what is right in the eyes of God. When we meditate on the Word, we learn to wholeheartedly set aside our desires and go for God’s commands instead. When we find ourselves consistently meditating on the Word of God, it will be much easier for us to resist the enemy. 

Strengthens our love for people

It is never easy to love imperfect people, especially those who are difficult –  the ones who always get on our nerves. But when we learn to put into heart what is said in the Bible, we learn to love others like how Christ loves us. We become sources of grace to them when we meditate on the Word day and night. We learn to encourage, to forgive, and to be appreciative. In other words, we become blessings to other believers. Because when we fully understand how He loves us through His Word, we learn to love others better.

Cultivates our relationship with God

It takes time and discipline to grow our personal relationship with God. It doesn’t just happen overnight. It happens when we spend time with Him and obey what He commands us to do. Meditating on the Word of God is His way of communicating to us how we are to live for His glory. 

But the catch is, no one on this Earth is capable of growing your faith for you. Not even your parents or your church Pastor. If not you, then who will? God already provided everything you need to get to know Him. It’s your time and responsibility to act on it. 

What to Do Before You Start to Meditate on the Word?

Choose a place

Finding a quiet place will help you minimize distractions as you read the Bible. In choosing the perfect place, consider your surroundings or the people around you. It is important to be in a quiet or empty room where you are not easily distracted, and you can be more focused. It can be anywhere that you are comfortable with.

Select a time

Pick a time where you are most alert and focused. A time where you aren’t rushing. Set aside at least a good 20 minutes of your time as you meditate on the Word of God. Do not forget to empty your heart as you surrender your quiet time with the Lord. I suggest starting your day right by doing it in the mornings!

Bring your Bible, pen, highlighter, and notebook

Reading the Bible through your phone app or laptop doesn’t guarantee a fruitful quiet time with God. Trust me, you will only be distracted most of the time. Start meditating on the Word of God by taking your phone down and reading from a real Bible. Also, I recommend owning a personal notebook where you can write all your learnings and prayer requests. Lastly, use highlighters to highlight remarkable passages from the Bible. 

Be creative

The best thing about meditating about the Word of God is that you can be as creative as you can be with your quiet time. Of course, the basic part of it is praying and reading the Bible. But the good thing is, there are no limitations to it. There is no wrong way as to how one can spend it. You can start by praising Him through singing worship music. Find the best way that works for you— a way that will make you enjoy your quiet time with the Lord more. 

Ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance

You must never forget about this part! Pray before you start. Ask for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment. Ask God to protect you from incoming distractions that may hinder your focus on God alone as you spend time with Him.

How to Meditate on the Word?

Choose a book in the Bible 

To better understand a passage, it is important to read the context behind it. I know it seems too overwhelming to read the whole Bible, so I suggest you pick one book at a time. Read and study the significance of the entire book so that you will understand all the stories more. It is good to start with short books like Song of Songs or the book of Esther. But it is even better if you start with the gospel of John. 

Read one to three chapters

As you have selected one book, carefully dissect every information you are reading. Take your time processing it. Also, did you know that to finish reading the Bible in a year, you have to read three chapters every day? So if you want to commit to doing it, go and read at least three chapters. 

Take notes

It is essential to take notes about the details of the passages. You can highlight verses in your Bible or write small notes around them. Write all the things that the Lord teaches you from His Word. Take note of your chosen book’s author, the setting (time and place), the instances, and to whom it is said or written. So you’ll be able to keep track of the things you have learned so far. 

Write the verse that speaks to you the most

In your notebook, rewrite the passage that spoke to your heart – the passage that felt like it was God talking to you. Highlight it. Write it in capital letters. Whatever floats your boat. As long as the scripture catches your eyes, the moment you open your notebook.

Ask yourself questions

Here are some points you can ponder so you can better process and reflect on the passage you’ve read:

  • What does this passage mean?
  • What does this verse tell me? 
  • What can I be thankful for?
  • How can this verse change my character?
  • What is something that I was wrong about?
  • How have I been living in sin, according to this passage?
  • What does this verse tell me about the character of God?
  • What does this verse tell me about the nature of humans?
  • What does God want me to do?

Memorize the scripture

Our spiritual growth isn’t measured by how many scriptures we have memorized. But it is no doubt that when you learn to memorize scriptures, it will be easier for you to conquer spiritual battles. You will be more empowered in fleeing from temptations, more mindful in your sinful nature, abide more in Christ, and lastly, you will never forget all the truths that God declares to and about us. (Tip: Rephrase long passages in your own words and read it aloud a few times)

Make an action plan

An action plan is pretty much like writing a New Year’s resolution, except it is written every day, and you are expected to live by it. Start writing by the words “I will…”, then give simple and practical goals that you are supposed to accomplish and practice little by little. 


Thank the Lord God for giving you wisdom as you read His Word. Ask for strength as you continue your daily living for His glory – that you will be able to apply what you’ve learned every second of your life. Reading the Bible won’t work alone. Ask for guidance from the Author Himself. 

Apply everything

I’ve read a quote that says a driver is safe on the road not because he reads the rules but because he follows them – the same way with our walk with God. Our Bibles are not just bookshelf displays. We are not just to memorize verses but to obey them. They are our life’s manual. It should not stay as “highlighted verses” in our Bibles. It should be written in our hearts so we can apply everything in our life.

In Summary

Have you ever received a love letter from someone? It’s funny how you can slowly get to know that someone by just their words, right? And it makes you want to get to know that person more. 

Perhaps you have been struggling to meditate on the Word, but it is no accident that you have read all these today. May you always remember that the Bible is not only our life’s manual, but it is also God’s love letter to get us to love Him back. So drop every excuse you have, and start making time for God. He is waiting for you to get to know Him.

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The spiritual connection is one of the most relaxing and intense activities that exist, that is why the meditation on the word of God can provide relief to a tormented soul, so if you want to know more about this topic, we invite you to read the following article.

meditación-en-la-palabra-de-Dios 1

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is meditation on the word of God?
  • 2 Steps to meditate on the word of God
    • 2.1 Prefer a theme from the Bible to meditate on
    • 2.2 Meditate on that chosen verse or psalm
    • 2.3 Focus on a very specific topic
    • 2.4 Focus on a certain word
    • 2.5 Meditate a whole chapter of the bible
    • 2.6 Find a quiet place to focus
    • 2.7 calm your inner self
    • 2.8 Read the word of God in the bible
    • 2.9 Ask the Holy Spirit for understanding
    • 2.10 taking notes of interest
    • 2.11 Read out loud
    • 2.12 Use memory to remember texts
    • 2.13 Use the paraphrasing technique
    • 2.14 Emotional link with meditation on the word of God
    • 2.15 pursuit of blessings
    • 2.16 Life and meditation on the word of God
  • 3 Benefits of meditating on the word of God

Meditation is an activity related to many cultures on a spiritual level, which opens the mind and soul of the person, who wants to concentrate and raise their senses to a higher level, in order to communicate with God in a firmer and more intense way.

That is why through the words written in the bible and prayer the same effect can be achieved, since everything will depend largely on the level of concentration of the being who wants to create this link and understand the messages that God has for him. .

We invite you to read the following article: Study Bibles, which will allow you to know the characteristics that the bible you need to carry out a study should have.

Steps to meditate on the word of God

La meditation on the word of God It consists of a series of steps that must be put into practice to achieve an intense connection, which allows us to start that very special conversation with God and manifest all the hardships that overwhelm the mind, as well as give thanks for everything that happens around it.

Here are a series of steps that are very important to achieve this goal:

Prefer a theme from the Bible to meditate on

In the sacred scriptures, you can find a series of stories that contain a series of teachings about the actions of Jesus Christ during his life on earth, as well as those of past times embodied in the Old Testament by other biblical characters of great relevance.

However, to meditate you can have a preference for one of the various topics that are raised there and analyze the message of these words, in order to take it into consideration in your life, in this way you will be able to know the word of God and obtain its wise lessons .

We invite you to watch the video that will help you to carry out an effective meditation of the word of God:

Meditate on that chosen verse or psalm

After choosing the verse or psalm that you want to meditate on, it is important that you read it very carefully and analyze what it means, since it is often somewhat complex to interpret what the Bible says, which is why support is required. of some Christian person with more experience, who can give his opinion of what is expressed there.

What is chosen from the new or old testament is in the judgment of the person who is meditating on the word of God, so their choice must be respected and help them understand the message.

Focus on a very specific topic

There are many ways to do the meditation on the word of GodHowever, for a better understanding, a quite effective technique can be applied that consists of the person choosing a topic of life that they want to explore throughout the Bible. For example, if he decides to analyze the topic of adultery, he can locate all the texts where that topic is discussed.

In this way, a broad understanding of what God says and condemns about people who apply adultery in their lives is guaranteed, since the objective of this type of meditation on the word of God is to understand it and teach it to others, in order to that they do not commit mortal sin.

Focus on a certain word

The study of the bible can vary from one individual to another, so the level of understanding must be adjusted depending on the capacity of the person, that is why there are some who can focus on studying a specific word and retain everything that it is said of this throughout the verses and proverbs associated with it.

In this case, the comprehension process is very extensive and it is recommended to do it together with someone more experienced who serves as a guide and expresses their point of view, so that the person can have extensive experience and compare opinions of the interpretations.

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Meditate a whole chapter of the bible

The ability and interest of the person is decisive when deciding the amount of reading that you want to analyze and interpret, motivated by the fact that there are people who are lovers of reading and enjoy reading extensive texts, as well as others who are not able to read. more than one paragraph, so these individual characteristics must be respected.

In the case of those who like to read, it would be fascinating if they could study an entire chapter of the Bible and make their analyzes and interpretations to achieve an effective meditation on the word of God.

It is said that there are people who have read an entire bible in record time, since everything depends on the qualities and interest of the individual, which is important to take advantage of and encourage, so that it is a multiplying entity of the word of God.

Find a quiet place to focus

Thinking of God deserves respect and to achieve this level of concentration it is necessary to locate a space in the home where the person is calm and serene during the duration of the conversation. meditation on the word of God, so that the connection is positive and without interruptions of any kind.

If you live with other people, it is important to notify them that during that time you should not be interrupted or disturbed, peace and quiet are needed so that everything flows in the best way and the understanding of the biblical texts is fruitful.

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calm your inner self

Human beings are subjected to great loads of stress as a result of daily problems, however, before starting a meditation it is recommended to try to calm down and forget the day to day a little, but in case it is very difficult and the mind do not stop disturbing the tranquility, it is suggested to make a prayer with great faith.

Breathing is another physical factor that could alleviate this tension and generate more tranquility in the body so that it opens its mind and the word of God points the way and remains forever in its heart.

Read the word of God in the bible

The reading can take place in two modalities, without speaking and intoning the words to give it more force, everything is a matter of taste and if the person does one or the other it will be fine because the idea is that they read the bible and interpret the message contained in it .

If you want to know how to pray in a difficult moment, we recommend reading the following article: Prayer to God in difficult moments to overcome.

Ask the Holy Spirit for understanding

The prayers are a means to open a kind of link with God and his son Jesus Christ, who will give us the full understanding of the text through the holy spirit, since this will always be present in those moments of meditation on the word of God.

The biblical texts must be interpreted in the most profitable way for the person who requests a teaching or a consolation, however, it is suggested to pray before starting these readings, in this way the holy spirit will facilitate the understanding and the wisdom will fill the soul allowing that the message may be propagated among men.

taking notes of interest

The notes of interest start from the reading of a text that has caught the reader’s attention and therefore you want to highlight this small specific fragment, so using the underlining technique is sometimes not enough and extraction is required. of the text to a notebook, which can be consulted when required.

Carrying out this activity is very enriching for the reader, since it will be nourishing their mind and in turn will develop skills to understand reading in a faster and more enjoyable way. Meditating on the word of God and taking notes will help others to have a better understanding of the topics discussed.

Read out loud

As it is said in the congregations, the word of God is a living letter, it is important to express the joy of reading the scriptures with great faith and out loud so that the person is heard and others can also do so without interrupting them of course.

Listening to one’s own words has a healing effect both on the soul of the one who recites them and on the soul of the one who listens carefully, since understanding their divine message is the basis of the entire healing process. meditation on the word of God, which makes this interaction between biblical passages and the curious man who wants to discover them great and wonderful.

Use memory to remember texts

The technique of memorizing texts is ideal for those that caught the reader’s attention, due to the message sent and that made a dent in his heart, which is why this is recommended to be done only with those passages that generated real interest, since if so it is much easier to remember them.

Some people have the ability to remember texts with many words and little by little they add more and more long texts, everything will depend on the practice and mental agility of the reader, as long as there is a genuine interest in understanding the meaning of the reading.

Use the paraphrasing technique

Paraphrasing is one of the most used techniques for the successful comprehension of a reading, because the person can interpret the meaning of the sentences and modify it to a simpler language that means the same but is much more understandable for him.

In this sense, paraphrasing is very beneficial to understand a text and even to explain it in one’s own words, which will give a better meaning to the sentences and in this way they will remain fixed in the reader’s mind.

The notebook and the paraphrasing is an excellent combination that will allow you to understand even more the word of God and its divine meaning.

Emotional link with meditation on the word of God

Many times the choice of the passage of the Bible that you want to read is done in an emotional way, since analyzing a passage that can be linked to some situation of our existence is quite intense, because many emotions arise and understanding arises. of the word of God, his will is evident, what he wants for his children.

Feeling the force of God during the reading and analysis of the passage will provide a great life experience, since a bond of deep meditation will be established and the teaching embodied in the text will remain written in the soul forever.

Very few people achieve this deep connection between God and man through the divine word, so it is suggested to open the heart from the depths of being and receive the message of salvation and eternal life.

pursuit of blessings

Each reading has an implicit message, a teaching, a blessing, but you must be attentive and catch these signs that transmit that inner peace and comfort the soul in a way that cannot be compared to anything in this world.

The fact of understanding fragments of divine truth makes it much easier to see the diversity of blessings that God, through the living word, has left embodied in the bible, so that all men have access to it and feel joy in the heart to recognize Jesus Christ as the only way to the salvation of their sinful souls.

If you want to know what is the importance that meditation on the word of God will bring you and how you should apply it in your life, we invite you to watch the following video:

By making this acknowledgment of all these blessings, the soul will be filled with life and strength so that man can face hardships, ailments and hard trials that come his way, since the word of God will help him move forward and overcome all the obstacles.

Life and meditation on the word of God

Man must be consistent with what he thinks, says and does, therefore, when meditating on the word of God, he must put into practice all the teachings learned during the analysis and interpretation of the reading, in order to change his life. along the path of good and in this way be a happier person and please God.

It is not well seen that if a person is a believer and is a scholar of the scriptures, he commits sin against God and his neighbor voluntarily, since this would be classified as a terrible offense against the living word.

Good men learn, practice and teach others what is correct and what is not, in order to have a relationship with God that rejoices their soul and frees it from all feelings of evil and oppression in exchange for trust, love and fidelity. absolute towards the teachings of Jesus Christ and his good work on earth.

Benefits of meditating on the word of God

The word has an immense and great force, since it is capable of changing entire lives just by feeling genuine repentance in the heart of the sinner.

Man is capable of loving God and following his path of goodness and wisdom to teach others who also need to discover this path and correct their faults in the world.

The preaching of the word of God is an obligation, a divine plan that requires a lot of conviction to face those people who do not know or ignore Jesus Christ as their only savior.

The knowledge of the word will serve as a weapon to face all the inequities of the world against men, who are disoriented in search of a light among so much darkness, that is the reason why this person full of blessings will be able to quench the thirst for understanding of the living word of men.

The study of the word is infinite since something new will always be learned from it to change the hearts of men, since only God can do it, as long as the man is there by his side, captivated by the Lord, serving as an instrument of good towards others.

Prayer has a similar effect as meditation on the word of God, which is why we invite you to read the article Prayer of thanks to God for his blessings. Go to the link above.

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