Media capital of the word

New York leads the world in Entertainment and media spending.  Editorial credit: Luciano Mortula - LGM /

New York leads the world in Entertainment and media spending. Editorial credit: Luciano Mortula — LGM /

According to a report titled “Cities of Opportunities,” by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), an auditing firm with headquarters in the US, back in the year 2015, New York City is the world’s media capital. The report compares the size of the entertainment and media (E & M) amongst 30 urban areas around the globe. Most the cities in the report are leading cities regarding finance, business, and culture around the world. They include New York, London, Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Sydney, Chicago, Singapore, and Berlin among others.

The Media Powerhouses of the World

Before beginning the analysis of the report, it is imperative to understand its rationale. The rationale is simple, E & M and urbanization have an undeniable natural connection. Cities all across the world are responsible for driving the technological, cultural, and the communications core of the modern world. In a world where more than 50% of the population live in a city, with more than two-thirds of the population projected to live in cities by 2050, the notion that cities drive the world makes more sense.

In the year 2009, Tokyo was the leading spending city in the world in E & M. Tokyo was spending $17.6 billion, while New York was a close second at $15.8 billion and London closed the top three with $13.9 billion. The top three cities were also the only three cities to have spent more than $10 billion in the E & M sector. However, another study by PwC saw that the tables had turned when New York City dethroned Tokyo at the top of the list with spending of $19.7 billion compared to Tokyo’s $19.5 billion, a difference of only $0.2 billion. London’s expenditure also increased to $16.3 billion while Seoul broke the $10 billion barrier with a massive improvement to $11.9 billion. All the other cities in the study had growths in their spending.

Projections into the future of the cities place New York even further beyond Tokyo. Based on the projected rate of growth, New York will have an approximate spending of $23.6 billion in the year 2018, while Tokyo will be well dethroned at second with amounts of $20.1 billion with London still at third with $18.5 billion. Seoul and Hong Kong will be fourth and fifth respectively with amounts totaling $13.5 billion and $11.2 billion respectively. Los Angeles should also be close to the $10 billion mark with estimated projections of $9.9 billion.

Compound Annual Growth Rate

The projections in the previous paragraph bring about the concept of compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The 2013-2018 forecast shows that Tokyo will have the minimum CAGR of a paltry 0.7%, compared to the other cities. In comparison, New York has a CAGR of 4.5% with London having 3.3%. Of the top five cities projected to spend beyond the $10 billion mark, Hong Kong has the highest CAGR of 5.6% while Seoul has 3.5%.

The reason for such an immense disparity in CAGR can be attributed to the kinds of economy available in the two cities. Compared to Tokyo, New York is an emerging or a fast-growing economy. New York then becomes a developed or mature economy. For someone to understand the concept of a developed economy and that of a fast-growing economy, then consider two cities; Hong Kong and Nairobi. Hong Kong’s rates of growth stands at 5.6% while Nairobi’s stands at a whopping 12.5%. Of the $37 billion gain of the projection, the majority of the money will be dominated by developed cities which also happen to the biggest spenders in the market. All this is despite the fact that the developing cities will grow the most.

Predictably, the biggest gains in the E & M sector will be seen in the internet segment. Everything is digital these days, and the world is wiring up for the future, which will undoubtedly be dominated by technology. Ranging from advertising to entertainment and news, the internet will see the highest gains. However, this is not to mean that TV advertising, news, and entertainment will no longer be present. TV shall remain at the top in advertising but with half the growth rate of the internet which is projected at 10.4%. At this rate, the internet is set to catch up to TV advertising by the year 2020. In all this, however, New York City remains at the top of the top spenders’ list of the 30 cities.

Breaking down the other parts of the E & M sector, internet access is expected to grow at high rates of 7.3%. Video games, another segment in the sector, has an estimated CAGR of 12.5%, although it’s still relatively small compared to the other top spending segments.

Across all the thirty cities in the report, 2013 E & M spending was estimated to be at $147 billion across all the thirty cities. The figure is expected to hit even higher marks in the year 2018 at $184 billion, a CAGR of 4.5%. Of the total $147, $109 billion was from the mature economies compared to $38 billion, a figure almost three times, from emerging economies. Equally, the projected growth rate for developed cities is expected to be less than half that of developing cities; 3.4% compared to 7.4% respectively.

Future of the E & M Sector

From the above, it is obvious that the tale is divided into two parts; that of developing cities and emerging ones. Both of them have a very important role in the growth and development of the E & M sector.

Developing cities are playing a significant role in the growth of the sector. However, for all their impressive growth rate, their spending power is minimal. As of 2013, developed cities accounted for approximately 78% of the total expenditure. This value is expected to drop to 70% by the year 2018, which is still a small share. Developed cities, with New York at the helm, will continue to dominate the spending in the sector for many more years to come, an industry that is critical to the economy of the world.

Which City Is The Media Capital Of The World?

Rank City Estimated entertainment and media spending, 2014
1 New York $19.7b
2 Tokyo $19.5b
3 London $16.3b
4 Seoul $11.9b
5 Hong Kong $9.1b
6 Los Angeles $8.3b
7 Sydney $8.0b
8 Chicago $5.7b
9 Singapore $5.4b
10 Berlin $4.8b
  1. Home

  2. Society

  3. Which City Is The Media Capital Of The World?


Filipinos’ fondness of social media has shown no signs of slowing down based on the Digital 2020 Global Overview Report published by UK-based creative agency, We Are Social, in partnership with Hootsuite, a Canadian social media firm. In the latest report, the Philippines has kept its title “Social Media Capital of the World” – for five years in a row now.

On average, Filipino internet users spend about four hours a day on social media sites, particularly Facebook. That’s around two months in a year spent online socializing. It may seem that Filipinos are too fond of endlessly chatting with friends and families or aimlessly scrolling their feeds for memes, photos, videos, and links, but that’s not the entire picture.

How the “Social Media Capital of the World” Can Help Businesses Thrive

If you dig a bit deeper, you will find young, driven Filipino marketers using social media to attract and engage audiences, understand consumer behavior, and nurture relationships with existing customers. That’s because brand social media management is among the top digital marketing jobs being outsourced to the Philippines.

As social media sites get crowded, gaining attention and attracting potential customers can be a huge challenge for busy CEO and managers. Since social media has become an indispensable marketing channel, you can’t remove it from your to-do list. But you can delegate all the time-consuming work it entails.

Here are a few ways an expert social marketer can take away your burden and add value to your business:

  1. Manage communities (e.g. Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups, Twitter Lists, etc.) by curating content that members care about.
  2. Respond to inquiries, concerns, or complaints via private messages in a timely manner.
  3. Plan a content strategy for daily, weekly and monthly posts and promotions.
  4. Consistently produce helpful, high-quality content (e.g. post, article, video, or podcast) to build trust and thought-leadership.
  5. Run ads not only based on generic demographics but on an intimate knowledge of the target audience.
  6. Analyze results and use insights to make adjustments on posts and promotional campaigns with poor performance.

In an era of social commerce, businesses can only thrive if they reach out to their target audience through the right platform with attention-grabbing, relevant messages. With the help of savvy social marketers from the Philippines, you can build a brand that people follow, like, and trust.

About Author

Aileen Jazbec

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A master student in Online Business & Marketing with an entrepreneurial mindset who grew up in the Philippines lived and worked in Oman and is now settled in Switzerland. My blog shall build bridges to the Digital Marketing World of the Philippines. Let me show you some insights, trends and maybe even business opportunities in my home country. Follow me and feel free to keep me busy with your questions, ideas, and feedback.

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Camel case is named after the «hump» of its protruding capital letter, similar to the hump of common camels.

Camel case (sometimes stylized as camelCase or CamelCase, also known as camel caps or more formally as medial capitals) is the practice of writing phrases without spaces or punctuation and with capitalized words. The format indicates the first word starting with either case, then the following words having an initial uppercase letter. Common examples include «YouTube», «iPhone» and «eBay». Camel case is often used as a naming convention in computer programming. It is also sometimes used in online usernames such as «JohnSmith», and to make multi-word domain names more legible, for example in promoting «».

The more specific terms Pascal case and upper camel case refer to a joined phrase where the first letter of each word is capitalized, including the initial letter of the first word. Similarly, lower camel case (also known as dromedary case) requires an initial lowercase letter. Some people and organizations, notably Microsoft, use the term camel case only for lower camel case, designating Pascal case for the upper camel case.[1] Some programming styles prefer camel case with the first letter capitalized, others not.[2][1][3] For clarity, this article leaves the definition of camel case ambiguous with respect to capitalization, and uses the more specific terms when necessary.

Camel case is distinct from title case, which capitalizes all words but retains the spaces between them, and from Tall Man lettering, which uses capitals to emphasize the differences between similar-looking product names such as «predniSONE» and «predniSOLONE». Camel case is also distinct from snake case, which uses underscores interspersed with lowercase letters (sometimes with the first letter capitalized). A combination of snake and camel case (identifiers Written_Like_This) is recommended in the Ada 95 style guide.[4]

Variations and synonyms[edit]

The practice has various names, including:

  • camelBack (or camel-back) notation[5] or CamelCaps[6]
  • camel case or CamelCase
  • CapitalizedWords or CapWords for upper camel case in Python[7]
  • compoundNames[8]
  • Embedded caps (or embedded capitals)[9]
  • HumpBack (or hump-back) notation[10]
  • InterCaps or intercapping[11] (abbreviation of Internal Capitalization[12])
  • medial capitals, recommended by the Oxford English Dictionary[13]
  • mixedCase for lower camel case in Python[7]
  • PascalCase for upper camel case[14][15][16] (after the Pascal programming language)
  • Smalltalk case
  • WikiWord[17] or WikiCase[18] (especially in older wikis)

The earliest known occurrence of the term «InterCaps» on Usenet is in an April 1990 post to the group alt.folklore.computers by Avi Rappoport.[19] The earliest use of the name «Camel Case» occurs in 1995, in a post by Newton Love.[20] Love has since said, «With the advent of programming languages having these sorts of constructs, the humpiness of the style made me call it HumpyCase at first, before I settled on CamelCase. I had been calling it CamelCase for years. … The citation above was just the first time I had used the name on USENET.»[21]

Traditional use in natural language[edit]

In word combinations[edit]

The use of medial capitals as a convention in the regular spelling of everyday texts is rare, but is used in some languages as a solution to particular problems which arise when two words or segments are combined.

In Italian, pronouns can be suffixed to verbs, and because the honorific form of second-person pronouns is capitalized, this can produce a sentence like non ho trovato il tempo di risponderLe («I have not found time to answer you» – where Le means «to you»).

In German, the medial capital letter I, called Binnen-I, is sometimes used in a word like StudentInnen («students») to indicate that both Studenten («male students») and Studentinnen («female students») are intended simultaneously. However, mid-word capitalization does not conform to German orthography apart from proper names like McDonald; the previous example could be correctly written using parentheses as Student(inn)en, analogous to «congress(wo)men» in English.[22]

In Irish, camel case is used when an inflectional prefix is attached to a proper noun, for example i nGaillimh («in Galway»), from Gaillimh («Galway»); an tAlbanach («the Scottish person»), from Albanach («Scottish person»); and go hÉirinn («to Ireland»), from Éire («Ireland»). In recent Scottish Gaelic orthography, a hyphen has been inserted: an t-Albannach.

This convention is also used by several written Bantu languages (e.g. isiZulu, «Zulu language») and several indigenous languages of Mexico (e.g. Nahuatl, Totonacan, Mixe–Zoque, and some Oto-Manguean languages).

In Dutch, when capitalizing the digraph ij, both the letter I and the letter J are capitalized, for example in the country name IJsland («Iceland»).

In Chinese pinyin, camel case is sometimes used for place names so that readers can more easily pick out the different parts of the name. For example, places like Beijing (北京), Qinhuangdao (秦皇岛), and Daxing’anling (大兴安岭) can be written as BeiJing, QinHuangDao, and DaXingAnLing respectively, with the number of capital letters equaling the number of Chinese characters. Writing word compounds only by the initial letter of each character is also acceptable in some cases, so Beijing can be written as BJ, Qinghuangdao as QHD, and Daxing’anling as DXAL.

In English, medial capitals are usually only found in Scottish or Irish «Mac-» or «Mc-» names, where for example MacDonald, McDonald, and Macdonald are common spelling variants of the same name, and in Anglo-Norman «Fitz-» names, where for example both FitzGerald and Fitzgerald are found.

In their English style guide The King’s English, first published in 1906, H. W. and F. G. Fowler suggested that medial capitals could be used in triple compound words where hyphens would cause ambiguity—the examples they give are KingMark-like (as against King Mark-like) and Anglo-SouthAmerican (as against Anglo-South American). However, they described the system as «too hopelessly contrary to use at present».[23]

In transliterations[edit]

In the scholarly transliteration of languages written in other scripts, medial capitals are used in similar situations. For example, in transliterated Hebrew, ha’Ivri means «the Hebrew person» or «the Jew» and b’Yerushalayim means «in Jerusalem». In Tibetan proper names like rLobsang, the «r» stands for a prefix glyph in the original script that functions as tone marker rather than a normal letter. Another example is tsIurku, a Latin transcription of the Chechen term for the capping stone of the characteristic Medieval defensive towers of Chechnya and Ingushetia; the letter «I» (palochka) is not actually capital, denoting a phoneme distinct from the one transcribed as «i».

In abbreviations[edit]

Medial capitals are traditionally used in abbreviations to reflect the capitalization that the words would have when written out in full, for example in the academic titles PhD or BSc. A more recent example is NaNoWriMo, a contraction of National Novel Writing Month and the designation for both the annual event and the nonprofit organization that runs it. In German, the names of statutes are abbreviated using embedded capitals, e.g. StGB for Strafgesetzbuch (Criminal Code), PatG for Patentgesetz (Patent Act), BVerfG for Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court), or the very common GmbH, for Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (private limited company). In this context, there can even be three or more camel case capitals, e.g. in TzBfG for Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz (Act on Part-Time and Limited Term Occupations). In French, camel case acronyms such as OuLiPo (1960) were favored for a time as alternatives to initialisms.

Camel case is often used to transliterate initialisms into alphabets where two letters may be required to represent a single character of the original alphabet, e.g., DShK from Cyrillic ДШК.

History of modern technical use[edit]

Chemical formulas[edit]

The first systematic and widespread use of medial capitals for technical purposes was the notation for chemical formulas invented by the Swedish chemist Jacob Berzelius in 1813. To replace the multitude of naming and symbol conventions used by chemists until that time, he proposed to indicate each chemical element by a symbol of one or two letters, the first one being capitalized. The capitalization allowed formulas like «NaCl» to be written without spaces and still be parsed without ambiguity.[24][25]

Berzelius’ system continues to be used, augmented with three-letter symbols such as «Uue» for unconfirmed or unknown elements and abbreviations for some common substituents (especially in the field of organic chemistry, for instance «Et» for «ethyl-«). This has been further extended to describe the amino acid sequences of proteins and other similar domains.

Early use in trademarks[edit]

Since the early 20th century, medial capitals have occasionally been used for corporate names and product trademarks, such as

  • DryIce Corporation (1925) marketed the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO2) as «Dry Ice», thus leading to its common name.[26]
  • CinemaScope and VistaVision, rival widescreen movie formats (1953)
  • ShopKo (1962), retail stores, later renamed Shopko
  • MisteRogers Neighborhood, the TV series also called Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (1968)[27]
  • ChemGrass (1965), later renamed AstroTurf (1967)
  • ConAgra (1971), formerly Consolidated Mills
  • MasterCraft (1968), a sports boat manufacturer
  • AeroVironment (1971)
  • PolyGram (1972), formerly Grammophon-Philips Group
  • United HealthCare (1977)[28]
  • MasterCard (1979), formerly Master Charge
  • SportsCenter (1979)

Computer programming[edit]

In the 1970s and 1980s, medial capitals were adopted as a standard or alternative naming convention for multi-word identifiers in several programming languages. The precise origin of the convention in computer programming has not yet been settled. A 1954 conference proceedings[29] occasionally informally referred to IBM’s Speedcoding system as «SpeedCo». Christopher Strachey’s paper on GPM (1965),[30] shows a program that includes some medial capital identifiers, including «NextCh» and «WriteSymbol«.

Multiple-word descriptive identifiers with embedded spaces such as end of file or char table cannot be used in most programming languages because the spaces between the words would be parsed as delimiters between tokens. The alternative of running the words together as in endoffile or chartable is difficult to understand and possibly misleading; for example, chartable is an English word (able to be charted), whereas charTable means a table of chars .

Some early programming languages, notably Lisp (1958) and COBOL (1959), addressed this problem by allowing a hyphen («-«) to be used between words of compound identifiers, as in «END-OF-FILE»: Lisp because it worked well with prefix notation (a Lisp parser would not treat a hyphen in the middle of a symbol as a subtraction operator) and COBOL because its operators were individual English words. This convention remains in use in these languages, and is also common in program names entered on a command line, as in Unix.

However, this solution was not adequate for mathematically-oriented languages such as FORTRAN (1955) and ALGOL (1958), which used the hyphen as an infix subtraction operator. FORTRAN ignored blanks altogether, so programmers could use embedded spaces in variable names. However, this feature was not very useful since the early versions of the language restricted identifiers to no more than six characters.

Exacerbating the problem, common punched card character sets of the time were uppercase only and lacked other special characters. It was only in the late 1960s that the widespread adoption of the ASCII character set made both lowercase and the underscore character _ universally available. Some languages, notably C, promptly adopted underscores as word separators, and identifiers such as end_of_file are still prevalent in C programs and libraries (as well as in later languages influenced by C, such as Perl and Python). However, some languages and programmers chose to avoid underscores—among other reasons to prevent confusing them with whitespace—and adopted camel case instead.

Charles Simonyi, who worked at Xerox PARC in the 1970s and later oversaw the creation of Microsoft’s Office suite of applications, invented and taught the use of Hungarian Notation, one version of which uses the lowercase letter(s) at the start of a (capitalized) variable name to denote its type. One account[citation needed] claims that the camel case style first became popular at Xerox PARC around 1978, with the Mesa programming language developed for the Xerox Alto computer. This machine lacked an underscore key (whose place was taken by a left arrow «←»), and the hyphen and space characters were not permitted in identifiers, leaving camel case as the only viable scheme for readable multiword names. The PARC Mesa Language Manual (1979) included a coding standard with specific rules for upper and lower camel case that was strictly followed by the Mesa libraries and the Alto operating system. Niklaus Wirth, the inventor of Pascal, came to appreciate camel case during a sabbatical at PARC and used it in Modula, his next programming language.[31]

The Smalltalk language, which was developed originally on the Alto, also uses camel case instead of underscores. This language became quite popular in the early 1980s, and thus may also have been instrumental in spreading the style outside PARC.

Upper camel case (or «Pascal case») is used in Wolfram Language in computer algebraic system Mathematica for predefined identifiers. User defined identifiers should start with a lower case letter. This avoids the conflict between predefined and user defined identifiers both today and in all future versions.

Computer companies and products[edit]

Whatever its origins in the computing field, the convention was used in the names of computer companies and their commercial brands, since the late 1970s — a trend that continues to this day:

  • (1977) CompuServe
  • (1978) WordStar
  • (1979) VisiCalc
  • (1982) MicroProse, WordPerfect
  • (1983) NetWare
  • (1984) LaserJet, MacWorks, PostScript
  • (1985) PageMaker
  • (1987) ClarisWorks, HyperCard, PowerPoint
  • (1990) WorldWideWeb (the first web browser), later renamed Nexus

Spread to mainstream usage[edit]

In the 1980s and 1990s, after the advent of the personal computer exposed hacker culture to the world, camel case then became fashionable for corporate trade names in non-computer fields as well. Mainstream usage was well established by 1990:

  • (1980) EchoStar
  • (1984) BellSouth
  • (1985) EastEnders
  • (1986) SpaceCamp
  • (1990) HarperCollins, SeaTac
  • (1998) PricewaterhouseCoopers, merger of Price Waterhouse and Coopers

During the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s, the lowercase prefixes «e» (for «electronic») and «i» (for «Internet»,[32] «information», «intelligent», etc.) became quite common, giving rise to names like Apple’s iMac and the eBox software platform.

In 1998, Dave Yost suggested that chemists use medial capitals to aid readability of long chemical names, e.g. write AmidoPhosphoRibosylTransferase instead of amidophosphoribosyltransferase.[33] This usage was not widely adopted.

Camel case is sometimes used for abbreviated names of certain neighborhoods, e.g. New York City neighborhoods SoHo (South of Houston Street) and TriBeCa (Triangle Below Canal Street) and San Francisco’s SoMa (South of Market). Such usages erode quickly, so the neighborhoods are now typically rendered as Soho, Tribeca, and Soma.

Internal capitalization has also been used for other technical codes like HeLa (1983).

Current usage in computing[edit]

Programming and coding[edit]

The use of medial caps for compound identifiers is recommended by the coding style guidelines of many organizations or software projects. For some languages (such as Mesa, Pascal, Modula, Java and Microsoft’s .NET) this practice is recommended by the language developers or by authoritative manuals and has therefore become part of the language’s «culture».

Style guidelines often distinguish between upper and lower camel case, typically specifying which variety should be used for specific kinds of entities: variables, record fields, methods, procedures, functions, subroutines, types, etc. These rules are sometimes supported by static analysis tools that check source code for adherence.

The original Hungarian notation for programming, for example, specifies that a lowercase abbreviation for the «usage type» (not data type) should prefix all variable names, with the remainder of the name in upper camel case; as such it is a form of lower camel case.

Programming identifiers often need to contain acronyms and initialisms that are already in uppercase, such as «old HTML file». By analogy with the title case rules, the natural camel case rendering would have the abbreviation all in uppercase, namely «oldHTMLFile». However, this approach is problematic when two acronyms occur together (e.g., «parse DBM XML» would become «parseDBMXML») or when the standard mandates lower camel case but the name begins with an abbreviation (e.g. «SQL server» would become «sQLServer»). For this reason, some programmers prefer to treat abbreviations as if they were words and write «oldHtmlFile», «parseDbmXml» or «sqlServer».[34] However, this can make it harder to recognize that a given word is intended as an acronym.[35]

Difficulties arise when identifiers have different meaning depending only on the case, as can occur with mathematical functions or trademarks. In this situation changing the case of an identifier might not be an option and an alternative name need be chosen.

Wiki link markup[edit]

Camel case is used in some wiki markup languages for terms that should be automatically linked to other wiki pages. This convention was originally used in Ward Cunningham’s original wiki software, WikiWikiWeb,[36] and can be activated in most other wikis. Some wiki engines such as TiddlyWiki, Trac and PmWiki make use of it in the default settings, but usually also provide a configuration mechanism or plugin to disable it. Wikipedia formerly used camel case linking as well, but switched to explicit link markup using square brackets[37] and many other wiki sites have done the same. MediaWiki, for example, does not support camel case for linking. Some wikis that do not use camel case linking may still use the camel case as a naming convention, such as AboutUs.

Other uses[edit]

The NIEM registry requires that XML data elements use upper camel case and XML attributes use lower camel case.

Most popular command-line interfaces and scripting languages cannot easily handle file names that contain embedded spaces (usually requiring the name to be put in quotes). Therefore, users of those systems often resort to camel case (or underscores, hyphens and other «safe» characters) for compound file names like MyJobResume.pdf.

Microblogging and social networking services that limit the number of characters in a message are potential outlets for medial capitals. Using camel case between words reduces the number of spaces, and thus the number of characters, in a given message, allowing more content to fit into the limited space. Hashtags, especially long ones, often use camel case to maintain readability (e.g. #CollegeStudentProblems is easier to read than #collegestudentproblems);[38] this practice improves accessibility as screen readers recognize CamelCase in parsing composite hashtags.[39]

In website URLs, spaces are percent-encoded as «%20», making the address longer and less human readable. By omitting spaces, camel case does not have this problem.

Readability studies[edit]

Camel case has been criticized as negatively impacting readability due to the removal of spaces and uppercasing of every word.[40]

A 2009 study of 135 subjects comparing snake case (underscored identifiers) to camel case found that camel case identifiers were recognized with higher accuracy among all subjects. Subjects recognized snake case identifiers more quickly than camel case identifiers. Training in camel case sped up camel case recognition and slowed snake case recognition, although this effect involved coefficients with high p-values. The study also conducted a subjective survey and found that non-programmers either preferred underscores or had no preference, and 38% of programmers trained in camel case stated a preference for underscores. However, these preferences had no statistical correlation to accuracy or speed when controlling for other variables.[41]

A 2010 follow-up study used a similar study design with 15 subjects consisting of expert programmers trained primarily in snake case. It used a static rather than animated stimulus and found perfect accuracy in both styles except for one incorrect camel case response. Subjects recognized identifiers in snake case more quickly than camel case. The study used eye-tracking equipment and found that the difference in speed for its subjects was primarily due to the fact that average duration of fixations for camel-case was significantly higher than that of snake case for 3-part identifiers. The survey recorded a mixture of preferred identifier styles but again there was no correlation of preferred style to accuracy or speed.[42]

See also[edit]

  • All caps
  • Alternating caps
  • Capitalization
  • Caps lock
  • Kebab case
  • Naming convention (programming)
  • Shift key
  • Small caps
  • Snake case
  • Unicase


  1. ^ a b «Capitalization Styles — .NET Framework 1.1». Retrieved 5 December 2012.
  2. ^ «Naming Conventions». Scala. Retrieved 5 December 2012.
  3. ^ «Camel Case». Retrieved 10 March 2016.
  4. ^ «Ada 95 Quality and Style Guide». October 1995. Section 3.1.3. Retrieved 25 January 2020.
  5. ^ C# Coding Standards and Guidelines Archived 11 April 2008 at the Wayback Machine at Purdue University College of Technology
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  12. ^ Hult, Christine A.; Huckin, Thomas N. «The Brief New Century Handbook – Rules for internal capitalization». Pearson Education. Archived from the original on 7 April 2012.
  13. ^ «What is the name for a word containing two capital letters (like WordPad)?». AskOxford. Internet Archive. Archived from the original on 25 October 2008. Retrieved 12 June 2022.
  14. ^ «Brad Abrams: History around Pascal Casing and Camel Casing». 3 February 2004. Retrieved 4 January 2014.
  15. ^ «Pascal Case». 27 September 2012. Retrieved 4 January 2014.
  16. ^ «NET Framework General Reference Capitalization Styles». Retrieved 4 January 2014.
  17. ^ «WikiWord». Retrieved 4 June 2010.
  18. ^ «Wiki Case». 8 February 2010. Retrieved 4 June 2010.
  19. ^ Rappoport, Avi (3 April 1990). «compoundNames». Newsgroup: alt.folklore.computers.
  20. ^ Newton Love (12 September 1995). «I’m happy again! – comp.os.os2.advocacy | Google Groups». Retrieved 23 May 2009.
  21. ^ Newton Love[dead link]
  22. ^ Richtiges und gutes Deutsch: Das Wörterbuch der sprachlichen Zweifelsfälle. Duden (in German). Vol. 9 (7th ed.). Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut. 2011. p. 418. ISBN 978-3411040971.
  23. ^ Fowler, Henry W.; Fowler, Francis G. (1908). «Chapter IV. Punctuation – Hyphens». The King’s English (2nd ed.). Oxford. Archived from the original on 31 December 2009. Retrieved 19 December 2009.
  24. ^ Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1813). Essay on the Cause of Chemical Proportions and on Some Circumstances Relating to Them: Together with a Short and Easy Method of Expressing Them. Annals of Philosophy 2, 443-454, 3, 51-52; (1814) 93-106, 244-255, 353-364.
  25. ^ Henry M. Leicester & Herbert S. Klickstein, eds. 1952, A Source Book in Chemistry, 1400-1900 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard)
  26. ^ The Trade-mark Reporter. United States Trademark Association. 1930. ISBN 1-59888-091-8.
  27. ^ «Mister Rogers Neighborhood Season 1 (Episode 4)». Retrieved 21 June 2022.
  28. ^ «Our History». Retrieved 15 May 2019.[permanent dead link]
  29. ^ ««Resume of Session 8″. Digital Computers: Advanced Coding Techniques. Summer Session 1954, Massachusetts Institute of Technology» (PDF). 1954. pp. 8–6. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 February 2012. Retrieved 4 January 2014.
  30. ^ Strachey, Christopher (October 1965). «A General Purpose Macrogenerator». Computer Journal. 8 (3): 225–241. doi:10.1093/comjnl/8.3.225.
  31. ^ Niklaus Wirth (2007). «Modula-2 and Oberon». Proc. 3rd Conf. History of Programming Languages. Hopl III. San Diego: 3-1–3-10. CiteSeerX doi:10.1145/1238844.1238847. ISBN 9781595937667. S2CID 1918928.
  32. ^ Farhad Manjoo (30 April 2002). «Grads Want to Study on EMacs, Too». Retrieved 4 June 2010.
  33. ^ Feedback, 20 June 1998 Vol 158 No 2139 New Scientist 20 June 1998
  34. ^ «Google Java Style Guide». Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  35. ^ Dave Binkley; Marcia Davis; Dawn Lawrie; Christopher Morrell (2009). «To CamelCase or Under_score». IEEE 17th International Conference on Program Comprehension, 2009. ICPC ’09. IEEE: 158–167. CiteSeerX In terms of camel-cased identifiers, this has a greater impact on identifiers that include short words and especially acronyms. For example, consider the acronym ID found in the identifier kIOuterIIDPath. Because of the run of uppercase letters, the task of reading kIOuterIIDPath, in particular the identification of the word ID, is more difficult.
  36. ^ Andrew Lih, The Wikipedia Revolution: How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World’s Greatest Encyclopedia (New York: Hyperion, 2009), pp. 57–58.
  37. ^ Lih, The Wikipedia Revolution, pp. 62–63, 67.
  38. ^ Blackwood, Jessica; Brown, Kate. «Accessible Use of CamelCase and Structuring Posts».
  39. ^ «Social Media Accessibility Guidelines».
  40. ^ Caleb Crain (23 November 2009). «Against Camel Case». New York Times.
  41. ^ Dave Binkley; Marcia Davis; Dawn Lawrie; Christopher Morrell (2009). «To CamelCase or Under_score». IEEE 17th International Conference on Program Comprehension, 2009. ICPC ’09. IEEE: 158–167. CiteSeerX The experiment builds on past work of others who study how readers of natural language perform such tasks. Results indicate that camel casing leads to higher accuracy among all subjects regardless of training, and those trained in camel casing are able to recognize identifiers in the camel case style faster than identifiers in the underscore style.
  42. ^ Bonita Sharif; Jonathan I. Maletic (2010). «An Eye Tracking Study on camelCase and under_score Identifier Styles». IEEE 18th International Conference on Program Comprehension, 20010. ICPC ’10. IEEE: 196–205. CiteSeerX doi:10.1109/ICPC.2010.41. ISBN 978-1-4244-7604-6. S2CID 14170019. (download PDF). An empirical study to determine if identifier-naming conventions (i.e., camelCase and under_score) affect code comprehension is presented. An eye tracker is used to capture quantitative data from human subjects during an experiment. The intent of this study is to replicate a previous study published at ICPC 2009 (Binkley et al.) that used a timed response test method to acquire data. The use of eye-tracking equipment gives additional insight and overcomes some limitations of traditional data gathering techniques. Similarities and differences between the two studies are discussed. One main difference is that subjects were trained mainly in the underscore style and were all programmers. While results indicate no difference in accuracy between the two styles, subjects recognize identifiers in the underscore style more quickly.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Camel case.

Look up camel case in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Examples and history of CamelCase, also WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo
  • .NET Framework General Reference Capitalization Styles
  • What’s in a nAME(cq)?, by Bill Walsh, at The Slot
  • The Science of Word Recognition, by Kevin Larson, Advanced Reading Technology, Microsoft Corporation
  • Convert text to CamelCase
  • OASIS Cover Pages: CamelCase for Naming XML-Related Components
  • Convert text to CamelCase, Title Case, Uppercase and lowercase

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Hamburg, September 11th, 2012- INTENIUM GmbH, one of the leading publishers of games for female players in Europe, announced its active involvement into the new project of Hamburg Chamber of Commerce“HAMBURG 2030”- an initiative that strives to create the best possible conditions for Hamburg City and

its companies to attract top international talent to the media capital and the second biggest German city.

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Гамбург, 11 сентября 2012- ИНТЕНИУМ, ведущий европейский издатель игр для женской аудитории, объявил о своем активном участии


новом проекте Торговой палаты Гамбурга« HAMBURG 2030»- инициативе, целью которой является создание


Гамбурге наиболее оптимальных

условий для привлечения лучших умов со всего мира в медиа- столицу и второй по величине город Германии.

Public Broadcaster(Grupo RDP) had a 10.6% of share, the market being dominated by commercial broadcasters Grupo Renascença with 33.9% and


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Государственная радиокомпания(» Групу РДП») имела 10, 6% рынка, где доминировали коммерческие радиовещательные компании» Групу Ренашсенса»- 33,


In the week before the 2016 London ePrix,

the Chinese public equity and venture


firm China Media Capital announced that it had purchased Team Aguri

and would establish a new entity to replace Team Aguri’s existing structure.

context icon

За неделю до лондонского еПри 2016 года,

китайская публичная акционерная и венчурная компания China Media Capital объявила, что она приобрела Team Aguri и создаст новую структуру,

которая заменит существующую структуру Team Aguri.

Our specialization is PR, advertising, online-communications including social media marketing,

event-management& consulting in luxury segment in the Media Capitals of Paris& Moscow as well as within the Jet-Set Playgrounds.


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Наша специализация- PR, реклама, online- коммуникации, включая маркетинг в социальных медиа,

event- менеджмент и консалтинг


сегменте люкс, как


медиа- столицах— Москве и Париже, так и на Jet- Set площадках Европы.


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Another point of the plan is full control over the media by the Capital.


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The script was written by Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh,

and Philippa Boyens, while Media Rights Capital and Universal Pictures would be financing the film.

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Сценаристами выступили Питер Джексон, Фрэн Уолш и Филиппа Бойенс,

в то время как компании Media Rights Capital и Universal Pictures будут финансировать фильм.

At the same time, the concentration of power, capital and media has enabled privileged elites with vested

interests to capture our democratic processes.


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В то же время концентрация власти, капитала и средств массовой информации позволила занимающим привилегированное положение элитам, обладающим закрепленными законом

имущественными правами, подчинить себе наши демократические процессы.


On May 10,

it was announced that the film would be co-financed by Media Rights Capital and Fuzzy Door Productions,

along with Bluegrass Films and distributed by Universal Studios.

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Мая 2013 было объявлено, что фильм будет совместно финансироваться Universal Pictures и Media Rights Capital.

Severgroup’s core investment areas are currently: metallurgy and minerals, power plant engineering, gold mining, woodworking, tourism, wholefood e-commerce, banking, talent tech,

high-tech venture capital, media, advertising, telecommunications and medicine.


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Основными инвестиционными направлениями в настоящий момент являются: металлургия и горнодобывающая промышленность, энергомашиностроение, добыча золота, деревообработка, туристический бизнес, интернет торговля продуктами питания, банковский бизнес,

развитие человеческого капитала, венчурные проекты в сфере высоких технологий, медиа и рекламный бизнес, телекоммуникации, медицины.




work independently; television,

radio and print media are broadly disseminated in the capital and the districts.


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Отсутствие вмешательства


работу местных средств массовой


включая широкое распространение в столице и округах информации, освещаемой по телевидению, радио и


печатных изданиях.


Meeting discussing the media self-regulatory mechanisms is underway in Kishinev, capital of Moldova.

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Встреча, посвященная механизмам саморегулирования медиа, проходит в столице Молдовы- Кишиневе.

Largest share of leading newspapers is sold in the capital. As one of the publishers told Media.

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Большая часть тиража ведущих газет продается в столице, причем, как сказал Media.

Professional experts provide Calligraphy, Media, Journalism and Translation courses in the heart of Egypt’s capital.


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Профессиональные эксперты предоставляют каллиграфии, СМИ, журналистики и перевод курсы в самом сердце столицы Египта.


Key words: media, culture, media communication, media discourse, symbolic capital of places, symbolic capital of territory, image of place.


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Ключевые слова: медиа, культура, медиа- коммуникации, медиадискурс, символический капитал места, символический капитала территории, образ места.


In the capital of South Ossetia was summed up the work of the Media Center»Ir» for 2013.


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В столице Южной Осетии подвели итоги работы Медиа— центра« Ир» за 2013 год.


Capital controls for media are in place in all regions to manage foreign direct investment in the



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However, owing to logistical and financial constraints, it is often difficult for some centres to achieve the same levels of influence and activity

as those located in the capital city of the host country, because some of them need to be located in major media



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Однако в силу ограничивающих факторов материально-технического и финансового характера некоторым центрам зачастую трудно обеспечивать ту же отдачу и масштабы деятельности, которые обеспечивают центры,

расположенные в столицах принимающих стран, поскольку для этого необходимо, чтобы некоторые из них находились в городах, где сосредоточены основные средства массовой информации.


Keywords: resource-based approach, human, cultural, symbolic, social, media, non-material capitals.


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Ключевые слова: ресурсный подход, медийный, человеческий, культурный, символический, социальный, нематериальные капиталы.


Welcome to Dragon Capital’s Media Centre!


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Добро пожаловать в медиа— центр Dragon Capital!


The project had a budget of over $30 million provided by Media Rights


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У проекта был бюджет около$ 16 миллионов, обеспеченных студией Media Rights Capital.

Sistema’s high potential businesses are: Retail, Finance,

Mass Media and Venture



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Наиболее перспективными бизне+ сами АФК» Система» являются розничная торговля, финансы,

масс+ медиа и венчурное направление.


The IsaMill significantly reduces the energy requirement, and


and capital costs of fine grinding.


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Система ИзаМил ощутимо снижает энергозатраты, стоимость мелющих тел и капитальных вложений.


Ozark is an American crime drama web television series created by Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams and

produced by Media Rights


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О́зарк»( англ. Ozark)- американский криминально- драматический телесериал,

созданный Биллом Дюбюком и компанией Media Rights Capital.



are concentrated mainly in cities- the capital, Almaty and the regional centers.


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Массмедиа сосредоточены преимущественно в крупных городах- столице, Алматы и областных центрах.


New York is the world’s media capital. That’s the result of a recent PwC report titled “Cities of Opportunities” which compares the size of the entertainment & media sector across 30 metropolises around the world. The report takes into account consumer spending on internet access, media and entertainment as well as on- and offline advertising spending.

With estimated entertainment & media spending of $19.7 billion in 2014, New York dethroned Tokyo, which used to have the world’s largest E&M sector until very recently. PwC predicts New York’s E&M sector to grow at an average annual rate of 4.5% between 2013 and 2018, extending its lead on Tokyo which is expected to grow only marginally in the meantime.

With New York, Los Angeles and Chicago all among the Top 10, the United States is the only country to have more than one city on the list. According to PwC’s predictions, the U.S. E&M market will remain the largest in the world for the foreseeable future with total spending reaching $724 billion in 2018.

Infographic: New York Is The World's Media Capital | Statista

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