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Mechanical may refer to:
- Machine (mechanical), a system of mechanisms that shape the actuator input to achieve a specific application of output forces and movement
- Mechanical calculator, a device used to perform the basic operations of arithmetic
- Mechanical energy, the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy
- Mechanical system, a system that manages the power of forces and movements to accomplish a task
- Mechanism (engineering), a portion of a mechanical device
- Mechanical (character), one of several characters in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- A kind of typeface in the VOX-ATypI classification
See also[edit]
- Machine, especially in opposition to an electronic item
- Mechanical Animals, the third full-length studio release by Marilyn Manson
- Manufactured or artificial, especially in opposition to a biological or natural component
- Automation, using machine decisions and processing instead of human
- Mechanization, using machine labor instead of human or animal labor
- Mechanical watch, utilizing a non-electric mechanism
- Mechanical engineering, a branch of engineering concerned with the application of physical mechanics
- HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning), the mechanical systems of a building
- Mechanical phenomenon, as in the mechanics of the Digestive Tract or the mechanics of swallowing
- Mechanical license, used in the music industry to indicate the payment made from a licensee to the owner of a copyright for the right to mechanically reproduce a song
- Mechanic (disambiguation)
- Mechanics
The flight was delayed because of mechanical problems.
I was impressed by her mechanical know-how.
She gave a mechanical reply.
Copying down the numbers is a boring and mechanical job.
The actor gave a stiff and mechanical performance.
Recent Examples on the Web
The top floors, inaccessible to the public, are used for mechanical operations, according to Dream Civil.
—Jacob Livesay, USA TODAY, 6 Apr. 2023
Current experimental quantum mechanical sensors may only work if dark matter particles happen to be exceptionally heavy.
—Joseph Howlett, Scientific American, 5 Apr. 2023
The result is a sort of Mulder-and-Scully mystery plot, as the two Mandalorians journey from seedy droid bars to mechanical morgues.
—Devan Coggan,, 5 Apr. 2023
Piling any material closer to the rear of the tray (and closer to the end of the handles) decreases your mechanical efficiency.
—Roy Berendsohn, Popular Mechanics, 4 Apr. 2023
The watch houses a mechanical movement, with manual winding, that consists of 82 parts, including 21 rubies.
—Louisa Ballhaus, Robb Report, 3 Apr. 2023
Since then, the RoboCup has become the annual nexus of fancy mechanical footwork, and MIT just unveiled its newest potential competitor.
—Andrew Paul, Popular Science, 3 Apr. 2023
That’s at least evident in the design, which hews much closer to traditional mechanical watches.
—Victoria Song, The Verge, 2 Apr. 2023
Saab has also taken this opportunity to switch from Bosch K-Jetronic mechanical to Bosch LH-Jetronic electronic fuel injection.
—Csaba Csere, Car and Driver, 2 Apr. 2023
An attorney for the county told members of a commission committee last month that Rock Ventures was getting close to completing the center, but still had some interior work and various mechanicals and electricals to do.
—Jc Reindl, Detroit Free Press, 16 Mar. 2023
Some paint, maybe a little restoration of the mechanicals.
—Chloe Schama, Vogue, 2 Mar. 2023
Full-Size Luxury Car HIGHS: The pinnacle of modern automotive luxury, a wealth of horsepower from both powertrains, lavish mechanicals such as active air suspension and rear-wheel steering.
—Car and Driver, 22 Feb. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘mechanical.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
1) маши́нный; механи́ческий;
2) механи́ческий; автомати́ческий
3) техни́ческий;
4) машина́льный
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > mechanical
Персональный Сократ > mechanical
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > mechanical
1. n механизм
2. n механическая часть
3. n амер. полигр. штриховой оригинал
4. n механическая копилка
5. a машинный; механический
6. a механический; автоматический
mechanical computer — механическое счётно-решающее устройство; счётно-вычислительная машина
7. a технический
8. a машинальный
9. a филос. механистический
10. a уст. относящийся к механикам, ремесленникам, мастеровым
Синонимический ряд:
1. automatic (adj.) automated; automatic; machinelike; power-driven; programmed
2. machinery (adj.) automotive; engineering; fabrication; machine; machinery; machining; physics; production; tooled
3. perfunctory (adj.) artificial; habitual; involuntary; on automatic pilot; perfunctory; regular; thoughtless; unreasoning
4. standardized (adj.) fixed; made to a pattern; monotonous; standardised; standardized; stereotyped; unchanging; without variation
English-Russian base dictionary > mechanical
Англо-русский словарь по робототехнике > mechanical
Англо-русский технический словарь > mechanical
1. [mıʹkænık(ə)l]
1. механизм
2. механическая часть ()
полигр. (чёрно-белый) штриховой оригинал
4. механическая копилка ()
2. [mıʹkænık(ə)l]
1. машинный; механический
mechanical engineer — инженер-механик; машиностроитель
mechanical damage /failure/ — механическое повреждение
mechanical effect — полезная мощность; эффективная мощность
2. механический; автоматический
mechanical arm — механическая рука, манипулятор
mechanical computer — механическое счётно-решающее устройство; счётно-вычислительная машина
3. технический
mechanical training — техническая подготовка, техническое обучение
to have a mechanical turn — иметь наклонности к механике /к технике/
4. машинальный
mechanical philosophy — механистическая философия, механицизм
относящийся к механикам, ремесленникам, мастеровым
НБАРС > mechanical
1.механический; машинный; автоматический; технический
2.механическая часть; механизм
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > mechanical
1. сущ.;
1) редк. детали механической конструкции
2) законченная копия, состоящая обычно из пробного оттиска и иллюстративного материала, расположенная и смонтированная для фотомеханического воспроизводства
2. прил.
1) машинный, машиностроительный (связанный с конструированием и производством машин и механизмов) mechanical engineer ≈ инженер-механик mechanical engineering ≈ машиностроение Syn: machine
2) механический;
автоматический (производимый с помощью машин) mechanical power ≈ механическая сила
3) технический (имеющий отношение к технике, к машинам) a mechanical genius ≈ технический гений mechanical aptitude ≈ способности к технике, к инженерному делу Syn: technical
4) машинальный, автоматический Her singing was cold and mechanical. ≈ Ее пение было холодным и механическим. Syn: automatic
5) филос. механистический
механизм механическая часть( какой-л. системы) (американизм) (полиграфия) (черно-белый) штриховой оригинал механическая копилка( игрушечная) машинный;
механический — * life (техническое) срок службы (машины) — * engineer инженер-механик;
машиностроитель — * engineering машиностроение — * damage /failure/ механическое повреждение — * effect полезная мощность;
эффективная мощность механический, автоматический — * arm механическая рука;
манипулятор — * brain( разговорное) аппаратура управления — * composition( полиграфия) машинный набор — * computer механическое счетно-решающее устройство;
счетно-вычислительная машина — * contact mine( военное) ударная мина — * control механическое управление — * fuze (военное) механический дистанционный взрыватель — * lubrication( техническое) принудительная смазка — * means средства механизации (работ) — * pilot (авиация) автопилот — * traction механическая тяга — * transport автотранспорт технический — * aptitude технические способности (человека) — * aptitude test( военное) проверка технических способностей (ученика) — * training техническая подготовка, техническое обучение — * skill технический навык — to have a * turn иметь наклонности к технике /к механике/ машинальный — * answer машинальный ответ — * movement машинальное движение( философское) механистический — * philosophy механистическая философия, механицизм( устаревшее) относящийся к механикам, ремесленникам, мастеровым
~ машинный;
mechanical engineer инженер-механик;
mechanical engineering машиностроение
~ технический;
mechanical skill технический навыкБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > mechanical
due to a mechanical failure
вследствие отказа механизма
mechanical cooling system
механическая система охлаждения
mechanical efficiency
механическая отдача
mechanical energy
механическая энергия
mechanical flight release latch
механизм открытия защелки в полете
mechanical personnel
технический персонал
mechanical pitch lock
механический упор шага
mechanical position indicator
механический указатель положения
valve mechanical drive
механизм включения крана
English-Russian aviation dictionary > mechanical
механический ; автоматический ; механизированный ; приводимый в движение с помощью механизма ; ? mechanical action ; ? mechanical arrangement ; ? mechanical control ; ? mechanical effect ; ? mechanical efficiency ; ? mechanical engineer ; ? mechanical en
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > mechanical
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > mechanical
законченная копия
мастеровой, ремесленник
3) детали механической конструкции
1) машинный, машиностроительный
2) механический; автоматический
4) машинальный, автоматический
Her singing was cold and mechanical. — Её пение было холодным и механическим.
Англо-русский современный словарь > mechanical
English-Russian big medical dictionary > mechanical
mechanical машинный; механический; mechanical engineer инженер-механик; mechanical engineering машиностроение mechanical технический; mechanical skill технический навык
English-Russian short dictionary > mechanical
1) машинный; механический; mechanical engineer инженер-механик; mechanical engineering машиностроение
2) механический; автоматический
3) технический; mechanical skill технический навык
4) машинальный
5) philos. механистический
* * *
(a) механический
* * *
* * *
[me’chan·i·cal || mɪ’kænɪkl]
машинный, механический, автоматический, технический, машинальный* * *
* * *
1. сущ.
1) архаич. мастеровой
2) мн.; редк. детали механической конструкции
3) полигр. законченная копия, состоящая обычно из пробного оттиска и иллюстративного материала, расположенная и смонтированная для фотомеханического воспроизводства
2. прил.
1) машинный, машиностроительный
2) механический; автоматический
3) техническийНовый англо-русский словарь > mechanical
1) монтаж, готовый к репродуцированию; фотоформа
2) оригинал-макет
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > mechanical
Mechanical, machine-operated
Mechanical, machine-operated
Dictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > mechanical
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > mechanical
English-Russian scientific dictionary > mechanical
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Mechanical — Me*chan ic*al, a. [From {Mechanic}, a.] [1913 Webster] 1. Pertaining to, governed by, or in accordance with, mechanics, or the laws of motion; pertaining to the quantitative relations of force and matter on a macroscopic scale, as distinguished… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mechanical — may refer to: Mechanical engineering, a branch of engineering concerned with the application of physical mechanics HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), the mechanical systems of a building Mechanical (character), one of several… … Wikipedia
mechanical — UK US /mɪˈkænɪkəl/ adjective ► relating to engines or machines, or the way they operate: »The company produces mechanical parts for airplane engines. » a mechanical problem ► operated by a complicated system of parts or by a machine: »Modern… … Financial and business terms
mechanical — (adj.) early 15c., of or pertaining to machines, from MECHANIC (Cf. mechanic) (adj.) + AL (Cf. al) (1); of persons or human actions, resembling machines, automatic it is from c.1600. Related: Mechanically. Mechanical minded is recorded from 1820 … Etymology dictionary
mechanical — [mə kan′i kəl] adj. 1. having to do with, or having skill in the use of, machinery or tools 2. produced or operated by machinery or a mechanism 3. of, in accordance with, or using the principles and terminology of, the science of mechanics 4.… … English World dictionary
Mechanical — Me*chan ic*al, n. A mechanic. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mechanical — index controlled (automatic), industrial, perfunctory, routine, technical Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
mechanical — automatic, instinctive, impulsive, *spontaneous Analogous words: stereotyped, hackneyed, *trite: dull, slow, *stupid, dense, crass, dumb Contrasted words: vital, cardinal, *essential, fundamental: *spirited, high spirited, mettlesome, fi … New Dictionary of Synonyms
mechanical — [adj] done by machine; machinelike automated, automatic, cold, cursory, emotionless, fixed, habitual, impersonal, instinctive, involuntary, laborsaving, lifeless, machinedriven, matter of fact, monotonous, perfunctory, programmed, routine,… … New thesaurus
mechanical — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to or operated by a machine or machinery. 2) lacking thought or spontaneity. 3) relating to physical forces or motion. DERIVATIVES mechanically adverb … English terms dictionary
mechanical — mechanically, adv. mechanicalness, mechanicality, n. /meuh kan i keuhl/, adj. 1. having to do with machinery: a mechanical failure. 2. being a machine; operated by machinery: a mechanical toy. 3. caused by or derived from machinery: mechanical… … Universalium
механический, механистический, технический, машинный, автоматический
прилагательное ↓
- машинный; механический
mechanical life — тех. срок службы (машины)
mechanical engineer — инженер-механик; машиностроитель
mechanical engineering — машиностроение
mechanical damage /failure/ — механическое повреждение
mechanical effect — полезная мощность; эффективная мощность
- механический; автоматический
- технический
mechanical aptitude — способности к технике, инженерному делу
mechanical aptitude test — воен. проверка технических способностей (призывника)
mechanical training — техническая подготовка, техническое обучение
mechanical skill — технический навык
to have a mechanical turn — иметь наклонности к механике /к технике/
- машинальный
mechanical answer — машинальный ответ
mechanical movement — машинальное движение
- филос. механистический
mechanical philosophy — механистическая философия, механицизм
- уст. относящийся к механикам, ремесленникам, мастеровым
существительное ↓
- механизм
mechanical aid — вспомогательный механизм
mechanical valve linkage — рычажный механизм клапана
mechanical flight release latch — механизм открытия защёлки в полёте
- механическая часть (какой-л. системы)
- амер. полигр. (чёрно-белый) штриховой оригинал
- механическая копилка (игрушечная)
Мои примеры
Примеры с переводом
Her singing was cold and mechanical.
Её пение было холодным и механическим.
Mechanical problems kept the plane on the ground.
Из-за технических проблем самолёт оставался на земле.
She gave a mechanical reply.
Она ответила машинально, не задумываясь.
The mechanical watch needs rewinding every day.
Механические часы требуют подзавода каждый день.
The flight has been cancelled due to mechanical failure.
Рейс был отменён из-за механической неисправности.
He is a real thickhead when confronted with anything mechanical.
Он жутко тупит, когда приходится сталкиваться с любого рода техникой.
The plane had to make an emergency landing because of mechanical problems.
Самолет вынужден был совершить аварийную посадку из-за технических проблем.
ещё 6 примеров свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Copying down the numbers is a boring and mechanical job.
I was impressed by her mechanical know-how.
The plane was grounded by mechanical problems.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
1. Of or relating to machines or tools: mechanical skill.
2. Operated or produced by a mechanism or machine: a mechanical toy dog.
3. Of, relating to, or governed by mechanics.
4. Performed or performing in an impersonal or machinelike manner; automatic: a droning, mechanical delivery of the speech.
5. Relating to, produced by, or dominated by physical forces: the mechanical aspect of trumpet playing.
6. Philosophy Interpreting and explaining the phenomena of the universe by referring to causally determined material forces; mechanistic.
7. Of or relating to manual labor, its tools, and its skills.
n. Printing
A layout consisting of type proofs, artwork, or both, exactly positioned and prepared for making an offset or other printing plate.
me·chan′i·cal·ly adv.
me·chan′i·cal·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Mechanical Engineering) made, performed, or operated by or as if by a machine or machinery: a mechanical process.
2. (Mechanical Engineering) concerned with machines or machinery
3. (General Physics) relating to or controlled or operated by physical forces
4. (General Physics) of or concerned with mechanics
5. (Mechanical Engineering) of or concerned with mechanics
6. (of a gesture, etc) automatic; lacking thought, feeling, etc
7. (Philosophy) philosophy accounting for phenomena by physically determining forces
8. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (of paper, such as newsprint) made from pulp that has been mechanically ground and contains impurities
9. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing another name for camera-ready copy
10. (Professions) archaic another word for mechanic2
meˈchanicalism n
meˈchanically adv
meˈchanicalness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(məˈkæn ɪ kəl)
1. of or pertaining to machinery or tools.
2. operated by machinery.
3. caused by or derived from machinery.
4. using machine parts only.
5. lacking spontaneity; routine.
6. belonging or pertaining to the subject matter of mechanics.
7. pertaining to or caused by physical forces: mechanical erosion.
8. a sheet of stiff paper on which artwork and type proofs have been pasted for making a printing plate; paste-up.
me•chan′i•cal•ly, adv.
me•chan′i•cal•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
— Predates «machine» in English and has long had certain separate senses, such as «an art, trade, or occupation: concerned with manual work» and «practical as opposed to theoretical.»
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj. | 1. | |
2. | ||
3. | mechanical — relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics; «a belief that the universe is a mechanical contrivance»; «the mechanical pressure of a strong wind» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
2. unthinking, routine, automatic, matter-of-fact, cold, unconscious, instinctive, lacklustre, involuntary, impersonal, habitual, cursory, perfunctory, unfeeling, machine-like, emotionless, spiritless His retort was mechanical.
unthinking thinking, warm, genuine, conscious, voluntary, sincere, wholehearted
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
Performed or performing automatically and impersonally:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
آلي، مَعْمول آليّاًتِلقائي، بِصورَةٍ ميكانيكيَّهميكانيكيمِيكَانِيكِيّ
vél-, vélfræîilegurvélrænn
mekanikrobot gibimakine ile çalışan/yapılanmakine ile ilgili
thuộc cơ khí
1. [toy, problem, failure, device] → mecánico
B. CPD mechanical engineer N → ingeniero/a m/f mecánico/a
mechanical engineering N → ingeniería f mecánica
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[mɪˈkænɪkəl] adj
[behaviour, attitude] → mécaniquemechanical drawing n → dessin m à l’échellemechanical engineering n
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[mɪˈkænɪk/əl] adj (also) (fig) → meccanico/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(miˈkӕnik) noun
a skilled worker who repairs or maintains machinery.
meˈchanical adjective
1. having to do with machines. mechanical engineering.
2. worked or done by machinery. a mechanical sweeper.
3. done etc without thinking, from force of habit. a mechanical action.
meˈchanically adverbmeˈchanics noun singular
1. the science of the action of forces on objects. He is studying mechanics.
2. the art of building machines. He applied his knowledge of mechanics to designing a new wheelchair.
noun plural
the ways in which something works or is applied. the mechanics of the legal system.
ˈmechanism (ˈme-) noun
a (usually small) piece of machinery. a watch mechanism.
ˈmechanize, ˈmechanise (ˈme-) verb
1. to introduce machinery into (an industry etc). We’ve mechanized the entire process.
2. to supply (troops) with motor vehicles.
ˌmechaniˈzation, ˌmechaniˈsation noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مِيكَانِيكِيّ mechanický mekanisk mechanisch μηχανικός mecánico mekaaninen mécanique mehanički meccanico 機械の 기계적인 mechanisch mekanisk mechaniczny mecânico механический mekanisk เกี่ยวกับเครื่องจักรกล mekanik thuộc cơ khí 机械的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. mecánico-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012