Measure word for letters


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菜- cài

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Study the type of dishes and their measure words.

Terms in this set (79)

菜- cài

dishes; cuisine, vegetables

肉- ròu


牛肉 — niúròu


豆腐- dòufu

tofu; bean curd

鱼 — yú


面 — miàn


汤 — tāng


饭 — fàn

meal, cooked rice

盘 — pán

plate; dish, measure word for a dish of food

碗 — wǎn

bowl, measure word for a bowl of food

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L20 D1

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  • 小菜 — xiǎo cài

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MEASURE is an official word in Scrabble with 9 points.

啊 ā ah, an exclamation 愛 ài to love 矮 ăi short 安靜 ānjìng to be quiet, calm, peaceful 安全 ānquán safe, safety 阿姨 āyí aunt 吧 ba question particle, implying probability/ sentence suffix, indicating a request 把 bǎ indicating pre-verbal object as thing dealt with by the action 八 bā eight 爸爸 bàba father 白 bái white 百 bǎi hundred 百貨公司 bǎihuògōngsī department store 白色 báisè white 班 bān class 班 bān measure word for a group of organized people 搬 bān to move 辦法 bànfă way, method 棒 bàng stick, club 半 bāng half 幫 bāng help 幫忙 bāngmáng to help 辦公室 bàngōngshì office 棒球 bàngqiú baseball 抱 bào hold, to hold 飽 băo full 包 bāo package 報紙 bàozhǐ newspaper 包子 bāozi steamed stuffed bun 被 bèi a passive voice indicator 北 běi North 杯 bēi a cup of 北(邊) běi (biān) north 杯子 bēizi cup, glass 本 běn individual measure word for books or magazines, etc 本子 běnzi book, notebook, edition 筆 bǐ pen 比 bǐ to compare; compared to, than 遍 biàn everywhere 邊 biān side 錶 biăo table 別 bié to leave 別的 biéde some other, an additional or a different one 別人 biérén Other people 比較 bǐjiào comparatively; 病 bìng disease 餅乾 bǐnggān cookies 病人 bìngrén patient 冰箱 bīngxiāng refrigerator 比賽 bǐsài competition, contest, match 比賽 bǐsài to compete in a game/ activity/ match 必須 bìxū have to, must 不 bù don’t 不錯 búcuò not bad 不但 búdàn not only 不好意思 bùhǎoyìsī to feel embarrassed; to be ill at ease 不客氣 búkèqì you’re welcome 不一定 bùyídìng Not necessarily 不用 búyòng No, not needed 擦 cā wipe, rub 才 cái indicate that an action happened later than expected 菜 cài food, cuisine 猜 cāi guess 菜單 càidān menu 參加 cānjiā to attend, to participate, to take part in 餐廳/飯館兒 cāntīng/ fàngu restaurant 餐桌 cānzhuō dining table 草 căo grass, vegetable 草地 căodì grass, vegetable 茶 chá tea 常 cháng often 長 cháng to be long, not short 常常 chángcháng often, usually, generally 唱歌(兒) chànggē(ér) sing 吵 chǎo to make a noise, to disturb, to quarrel/ to be noisy 超級市場 chāojíshìchăng supermarket 車(子) chē(zi) car, vehicle 成績 chéngjī grade(at school), academic record, achievement 城市 chéngshì city 襯衫 chènshān shirt 車站 chēzhàn station 吃 chī to eat 吃飽 chībǎo satiate; full 遲到 chídào late 吃飯 chīfàn to eat, to have a meal 出 chū out 船 chuán ship, boat 穿 chuān to wear, to put on 船(兒) chuán(ér) ship, boat 床 chuáng bed 窗 chuāng window 窗/窗戶 chuānghù window 廚房 chúfáng kitchen 出國 chūguó go abroad(from one’s own country) 吹 chuī blow, to blow 出來 chūlái to come out 春天 chūntiān spring, springtime 出去 chūqù to go out, to leave 次 cì measure word for the number of repetitions in a given period of time 從 cóng from 聰明 cōngmíng clever, smart 從前 cóngqián before 錯 cuò to be wrong 大 dà to be big, to be large 打 dǎ to hit, to beat, to strike 打電話 dǎdiànhuà make a telephone call 帶 dài to wear, to put on 戴 dài wear, to wear 袋子 dàizi bag 大家 dàjiā everyone 打開 dǎkāi to open up 大樓 dàlóu multi-storied building 蛋 dàn egg 蛋糕 dàngāo cake 當然 dāngrán certainly, of course 但是 dànshì but, however 到 dào (1)to reach, to arrive; (2)up to 刀叉 dāochā fork 打掃 dăsăo clean 大聲 dàshēng loudly 打算 dăsuàn plan, planning 大學 dàxué university 大衣 dàyī coat 的 de possessive or modifying particle 得 dé a particle used between a verb or adjective and its complement to indicate manner or degree 德國 déguó Germany 等 děng to wait 第 dì a prefix for ordinal numbers 地 dì ground 低 dī low 電 diàn electric, electricity 店 diàn shop 點(兒) diǎn(ér) point 點菜 diăncài order 電燈 diàndēng electric light 電話 diànhuà telephone, call 電腦 diànnǎo computer 電視(機) diànshì(jī) television set 點心 diănxīn snacks, dessert 電影 diànyǐng movie 電影院 diànyǐngyuàn cinema 點鐘 diănzhōng o’clock 掉 diào drop 弟弟 dìdì younger brother 地方 dìfāng location, place 地上 dìshàng on the ground, floor 地圖 dìtú map 動 dòng move 懂 dǒng to understand 東(邊) dōng(biān) east 冬天 dōngtiān winter, wintertime 動物 dòngwù animals 動物園 dòngwùyuán zoo 東西 dōngxī thing 都 dōu all, both 讀 dú read, to read 短 duăn short 對 duì to be correct, right 對不起 duìbùqǐ I’m sorry; excuse me 對面 duìmiàn the other side, place across from 朵 duǒ flower 多 duō many, much, more 多 duō more than required 多少 duōshǎo how much, how many 讀書 dúshū reading 肚子 dùzǐ Stomach, belly, abdomen 餓 è to be hungry 二 èr two 耳朵 ěrduo ear 兒子 érzi son 法國 fǎguó France 飯 fàn food, meal, rice 飯店 fàndiàn restaurant 放 fàng to put 房 fáng(zi) house 方便 fāngbiàn to be convenient 方法 fāngfă method 放假 fàngjià holiday 房間 fángjiān room 放下 fàngxià put it down 房子 fángzi house 發生 fāshēng to occur 發現 fāxiàn to find, found 飛 fēi to fly 非常 fēicháng very, extremely 飛機 fēijī airplane (飛)機場 fēijīchǎng airport 分(鐘) fēn(zhōng) minute 封 fēng measure word for letters, telegrams, etc. 風 fēng wind 風景 fēngjǐng scenery, landscape 附近 fùjìn nearby 父親 fùqīn father 服務生 fúwùshēng waiter 改 găi to change/alter 乾 gān dry, clean 剛剛 gānggāng just 乾淨 gānjìng to be clean 感冒 gǎnmào to have a cold; cold, flu 高 gāo to be tall, to be high 告訴 gàosù to tell, to inform 高興 gāoxìng to be happy 個 gè individual measure word for persons and material things 歌(兒) gē(ér) older brother 哥哥 gēgē elder brother 給 gěi to give 跟 gēn and 更 gèng even more, still more 公車 gōngchē bus 公共汽車(公車) gōnggòngqìche bus 功課 gōngkè schoolwork, homework 公司 gōngsī company 恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulations 公寓 gōngyù apartment building 公園 gōngyuán park 工作 gōngzuò work 狗 gǒu dog 掛 guà to hang, suspend 乖 guāi good 關 guān to close, to shut; to turn off 關上 guānshàng to close a door 貴 guì to be expensive 過 guò a suffix indicating completion of an action, or completion of an action as an experience 過 guò to pass 國家 guójiā nation, country 過來 guòlái come over 過去 guòqù past 果汁 guǒzhī fruit juice 故事 gùshì story 還 hái also 海(邊) hăi(biān) seaside, beach 孩(子) hái(zi) child 海邊 hǎibiān seaside, beach 害怕 hàipà afraid, scared 還是 háishì or 孩子 háizi child 漢堡(包) Hànbǎo hamburger 韓國 hánguó Korea 寒假 hánjià winter vacation 漢語 hànyŭ Chinese, chinese language 漢字 hànzì Chinese character 號 hào measure word for numbers and dates 好 hǎo to be good 好 hǎo very, quite 好吃 hǎochī to be fond of eating 好看 hăokàn good looking 號碼 hàomǎ number 好玩(兒) hǎowán(ér) to be interesting, to be full of fun 好像 hǎoxiàng to seem, to be likely, to be like 和 hé and 河 hé river 喝 hē to drink 盒(子) hé (zi) box 黑 hēi black 很 hěn very, quite 紅 hóng red 紅包 hóngbāo red envelope 紅茶 hóngchá black tea 紅綠燈 hónglùdēng traffic lights 紅色 hóngsè red 後(面) hòu(miàn) back, behind 後來 hòulái later 畫 huà drawings, pictures 花(兒) huā(ér) flower 畫(畫) huà(huà) to draw(picture) 壞 huài to be bad 畫家 huàjiā painter 換 huàn to change 黃 huáng yellow 黃色 huángsè yellow 歡迎 huānyíng to welcome 滑雪 huáxuě ski, to ski 華語/華文 huáyǔ/huáwén Chinese language 花園 huāyuán garden 回 huí to circle, return 會 huì can, to be able to, to be good at, to be skillful in 回答 huídá reply 回家 huíjiā to return home 回來 huílái to come back 回去 huíqù to go back 活 huó live 或 huò or 火 huǒ fire 火車 huǒchē train 活動 huódòng activity 或是 huòshì or 護士 hùshì nurse 記 jì remember 寄 jì to mail 幾 jǐ a few, several; how many 家 jiā home, family 加 jiā to add to 件 jiàn individual measure word for clothes, etc. 見 jiàn see 間 jiān container measure word for houses or other buildings 簡單 jiăndān simple 講 jiăng speak 講話 jiănghuà speech 健康 jiànkāng to be healthy 見面 jiànmiàn to meet someone, to see someone 叫 jiào to be called 腳 jiǎo foot 教 jiāo teach 交 jiāo to hand over, deliver 餃(子) jiăo(zi) dumpling 教室 jiàoshì classroom 腳踏車/自行車 jiǎotàchē/zìxín bicycle 家人 jiārén family members 家庭 jiātíng family 機場 jīchăng airport 計程車 jìchéngchē Taxi 記得 jìdé to remember 借 jiè borrow 接 jiē to fetch, to pick up(phone) 接(到) jiē(dào) Connect 結婚 jiéhūn marry, marriage 姐姐 jiějie older sister 解決 jiějué solve 節目 jiémù program 介紹 jièshào to introduce 結束 jiéshù to end, close, conclude 計畫 jìhuà plan 機會 jīhuì opportunity 進 jìn into 近 jìn to be near 斤 jīn pound/weight 進步 jìnbù to progress; to improve 警察 jǐngchá police 經過 jīngguò after 進來 jìnlái to come in 今年 jīnnián this year 進去 jìnqù to go in 今天 jīntiān today 緊張 jǐnzhāng nervous 就 jiù just, exactly; then, right away; (indicating immediacy) 舊 jiù to be old, to be used 九 jiǔ nine 久 jiǔ to be a long time 酒 jiǔ wine or liquor 就要 jiùyào will, shall 覺得 juédé to feel, to think, to consider 決定 juédìng decide 句子 jùzi sentence 咖啡 kāfēi coffee 開 kāi to drive, to open, to turn on 開車 kāichē to drive a car 開始 kāishǐ to start, to begin 開水 kāishuǐ boiling water 開心 kāixīn to feel happy 開學 kāixué open school 看 kàn to watch, to read, to look at 看到 kàndào see 看見 kànjiàn see 烤 kăo roast, cooked 考試 kǎoshì test, exam 考試 kǎoshì to take a test 卡片 kǎpiàn card 課 kè subject, course, class 渴 kě thirsty 棵 kē tree 可愛 kěài lovely, cute 課本 kèběn textbook 可樂 kělè cola 可能 kěnéng probably, maybe 客氣 kèqì kind, polite 客人 kèrén guest 可是 kěshì but, however 客廳 kètīng living room 課文 kèwén text 科學 kēxué science 可以 kěyǐ can, may, be permitted 空氣 kōngqì air 口 kǒu mouth 苦 kŭ bitter 哭 kū cry 褲(子) kù(zi) pants 塊 kuài partial measure word for lumps of foodstuff; individual measure word for currency 快 kuài quickly 快 kuài to be fast 筷(子) kuài(zi) chop sticks 快樂 kuàilè to be happy 褲子 kùzi trousers, pants 拉 lā pull 來 lái to come 藍 lán blue 籃球 lánqiú basketball 老 lăo old 老人 lăorén old people 老師 lǎoshī teacher 了 le indicates new situation 了 le indicates the completion of an action 累 lèi to be tired 冷 lěng to be cold 冷氣(機) lěngqì(jī) air conditioning; air conditioner 離 lí to be away from, apart from, separated from 裡(面 ) lǐ(miàn) inside 臉 liăn face 涼 liáng cool 亮 liàng bright 輛 liàng vehicle 兩 liǎng two 涼快 liángkuài cool 練習 liànxí practice 聊天(兒) liáotiān(ér) chat 裡邊(兒) lǐbiān(ér) inside 離開 líkāi to leave 裡面 lǐmiàn inside 零 líng zero 留 liú stay 六 liù six 禮物 lǐwù gift 樓 lóu measure word for floor or story 樓上 lóushàng upstairs 樓下 lóuxià downstairs 路 lù road 綠 lǜ green 亂 luàn chaos 路口 lùkǒu crossway, junction, intersection 綠色 lǜsè green 路上 lùshàng road, on the road 旅行 lǚxíng to travel, to take a trip 旅遊 lǚyóu travel 嗎 ma a question particle 馬 mă horse 麻煩 máfán trouble 賣 mài to sell 買 mǎi to buy 媽媽 māma mother 慢 màn slow 忙 máng to be busy 慢慢 mànmàn slowly 毛 máo one-tenth of a yuan 貓 māo cat 帽(子) mào(zi) hat 毛衣 máoyī sweater 馬上 măshàng Right away 沒 méi not (have) 美 měi beauty 每 měi every 沒(有) méi(yǒu) used to ask if an action has been completed 沒關係 méiguānxì no problem, never mind, it doesn’t matter 美國 měiguó USA, American 美麗 měilì beautiful 妹妹 mèimei younger sister 沒問題 méiwèntí no problem 沒有 méiyǒu no, don’t have 門 mén door, gate 門口 ménkǒu entrance, doorway 米 mǐ rice 麵 miàn noodle 麵包 miànbāo bread 麵包店 miànbāodiàn bakery 麵條 miàntiáo noodles 明年 míngnián next year 明天 míngtiān tomorrow 名字 míngzì full name, given name 摩托車 mótuōchē motorcycle 木(頭) mù(tou) wood 拿 ná to bring, to carry(in one’s, or with one’s hand) 那 nà that 哪 nă where 那邊 nàbiān there, that side 那裡 nàlǐ there 那裡/兒 nàlǐ/ér there, over there 哪裡/兒 nǎlǐ/ér where 那麼 nàme then 難 nán to be difficult 南(邊) nán(biān) south 奶奶 nănai grandmother 難過 nánguò sad 男孩(子/兒) nánhái(zi/ér) boy 男生 nánshēng boy 那兒 nàr there 那些 nàxiē those 呢 ne a question particle/ a particle indicating the situation or state of affairs is being sustained 能 néng can or to be capable of 你 nǐ you 你(們) nǐ(men) you 年 nián a year of 念 niàn to read, to study 年紀 niánjì age 年輕 niánqīng young 鳥 niăo bird 你們 nǐmen you(plural) 您 nín polite form of address you 牛奶 niúnǎi cow’s milk 暖和 nuănhuo warm 女兒 nǚér daughter 女孩(子/兒) nǚhái(zi/ér) girl 努力 nŭlì effort 女生 nǚshēng girl 爬 pá climb 怕 pà fear, afraid 拍 pāi to clap 盤 pán plate 胖 pàng fat 旁邊 pángbiān next to 盤子 pánzi plate 跑 păo run 跑步 pǎobù jogging 爬山 páshān climbing, mountain climbing 朋友 péngyǒu friend 片 piàn film 便宜 piányi to be cheap 票 piào ticket 漂亮 piāoliàng to be beautiful, to be pretty 皮包 píbāo handbag, briefcase 瓶 píng Coinainer measure word for the contents of a bottle 瓶(子) píng(zi) bottle 蘋果 píngguǒ apple Traditional Chinese Pinyin EnglishTranslation Traditional Chinese Pinyin EnglishTranslation 破 pò broken 騎 qí to ride; to drive(a bicycle, motorcycle, horse, etc.) 起 qǐ to rise, to raise 七 qī seven 錢 qián money 千 qiān thousand 前(面) qián(miàn) in front 錢包 qiánbāo wallet, purse, pouch 鉛筆 qiānbǐ pencil 牆 qiáng wall 前天 qiántiān day before yesterday 橋 qiáo bridge 巧克力 qiăokèlì chocolate 汽車 qìchē car 起床 qǐchuáng to get up 奇怪 qíguài stranger 起來 qǐlái get up, wake up 親 qīn relative, related 請 qǐng to please, to invite 輕 qīng light, easy, soft 清楚 qīngchŭ clear 請客 qǐngkè dinner party 晴天 qíngtiān clear day, sunny day 請問 qǐngwèn excuse me, may I ask? 慶祝 qìngzhù celebrate 汽水 qìshuǐ soda 球 qiú ball 秋天 qiūtiān autumn, fall 去 qù to go 全部 quánbù all 裙(子) qún(zi) skirt 去年 qùnián last year 讓 ràng let 然後 ránhòu then 熱 rè to be hot 熱狗 règǒu hot dog 人 rén person, people 熱鬧 rènào to be lively, to be fun, to be bustling with noise 認識 rènshi to recognize, to realize 認為 rènwéi think 認真 rènzhēn serious 日(子) rì(zi) day 日本 rìběn Japan, Japanese 容易 róngyì to be easy 肉 ròu meat 如果 rúguǒ if 傘 sǎn umbrella 三 sān three 森林 sēnlín forest 沙發 shāfā sofa 山 shān mountain 上 shàng to ascend; get on/ into(car/ train/ etc) 上(面) shàng (miàn) above, on top of 上班 shàngbān to begin work, to start work, to go to work 商店 shāngdiàn shop, store 上課 shàngkè to go to class, to attend classs 上來 shànglái come up 上去 shàngqù go up 上網 shàngwǎng internet access 上午 shàngwǔ before noon, morning 上學 shàngxué go to school 少 shǎo few, less 誰 shéi who, whom 生病 shēngbìng to become ill, to be sick 生活 shēnghuó life 生氣 shēngqì angry 生日 shēngrì birthday 聲音 shēngyīn sound, voice 什麼 shénme what 身體 shēntǐ body 十 shí ten 試 shì test, exam 事 shì things 是 shì to be(am, are, is) 市場 shìchăng market 時候 shíhòu time 時間 shíjiān time 世界 shìjiè world 事情 shìqíng things 石頭 shítou stone 食物 shíwù food 時鐘 shízhōng clock 瘦 shòu thin 手 shǒu hand 收 shōu to receive, to accept 收到 shōudào to receive, get, obtain 手機 shǒujī cell phone; mobile phone 手套 shǒutào gloves 樹 shù tree 數 shǔ number 書 shū book 雙 shuāng measure word for two things of the same kind to be used together 刷牙 shuāyá brushing your teeth 書包 shūbāo school-bag 書店 shūdiàn bookstore 舒服 shūfú to be comfortable 睡 shuì sleep 水 shuǐ water 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit 睡覺 shuìjiào to sleep 暑假 shǔjià summer vacation 說 shuō to speak, to say 說話 shuōhuà to speak, to say, to talk 書桌 shūzhuō desk 四 sì four 送 sòng to escort, to deliver, to send off, to present 算 suàn to calculate, to count 酸 suān sour, acid 歲 suì measure word for the age of people or animals 隨便 suíbiàn as you wish, as one pleases 雖然 suīrán although 所以 suǒyǐ therefore, so 所有 suǒyǒu all 宿舍 sùshè dormitory 他(們) tā(men) them 她(們) tā(men) them 他/她 tā/tā he, she 太 tài too 太太 tàitài Mrs, wife 太陽 tàiyáng sun 他們/她們 tāmen/tāmen they, them 談 tán talk 糖 táng candy, sugar 湯 tāng soup 湯匙 tāngchí spoon 套 tào to cover or encase 討厭 tăoyàn hate 特別 tèbié to be special 疼 téng hurt 踢 tī to kick 甜 tián sweet 天 tiān day 天 tiān day 天氣 tiānqì weather 天天 tiāntiān every day 條 tiáo item, article 跳舞 tiàowǔ to dance 停 tíng stop 聽 tīng to listen 聽見 tīngjiàn hear 聽說 tīngshuō heard 痛 tòng to be painful 同學 tóngxué classmate 通知 tōngzhī notice 頭 tóu head 偷 tōu steal 頭髮 tóufă hair 腿 tuǐ leg 推 tuī push 圖片 túpiàn picture 圖書館 túshūguǎn library 外面 wàimiàn outside 外套 wàitào coat 完 wán to finish, to complete(something) 碗 wǎn bowl 碗 wǎn measure word for servings of food 玩(兒) wán(ér) to play, to enjoy 晚安 wǎnān good night 晚餐/晚飯 wǎncān/wǎnfàn dinner, supper 忘 wàng to forget 往 wǎng to go toward 網球 wǎngqiú tennis, tennis ball 網站 wǎngzhàn website(s) 晚上 wǎnshàng evening, night 喂 wéi a common telephone or intercom greeting “hello” 為 wèi for 位 wèi individual measure word for people 味道 wèidào taste 為什麼 wèishénme why 危險 wéixiăn danger 問 wèn to ask 問題 wèntí problem/ question 我 wǒ I 我們 wǒmen we, us 五 wǔ five 屋(子) wū(zi) house 午餐/午飯 wǔcān/wǔfàn lunch 無聊 wúliáo bored 洗 xǐ to wash 西(邊) xī(biān) west 下 xià to descend; get off/ out of (car/ train/ etc.) 下(面) xià(miàn) below 下班 xiàbān to get off from work, to go off work 下課 xiàkè to get out of class, end of class 先 xiān first, in advance, before 像 xiàng to be alike, to be like; to resemble 向 xiàng towards, facing 想 xiǎng to think, to miss 香 xiāng fragrant 箱(子) xiāng(zi) box 鄉下 xiāngxià countryside 相信 xiāngxìn believe 先生 xiānshēng mister, Mr, gentleman, sir, husband 現在 xiànzài now, right now 笑 xiào laugh 小 xiǎo to be small 小孩(子/兒) xiǎohái(zi/ér) child 笑話 xiàohuà joke 小姐 xiǎojiě Miss 小時 xiǎoshí hour 小說 xiăoshuō story, novel 小偷 xiăotōu thief 消息 xiāoxí news 小心 xiǎoxīn to be careful 小學 xiăoxué primary school 校長 xiàozhăng principal 下去 xiàqù go down 夏天 xiàtiān summer, summertime 下午 xiàwǔ afternoon 下雪 xiàxuě snowing 下雨 xiàyǔ to rain 寫 xiě to write 些 xiē some 謝/謝謝 xiè /xièxie thank you 鞋(子) xié(zi) shoes 謝謝 xièxie to thanks, to thank you 鞋子 xiézi shoes 寫字 xiězì to write 西瓜 xīguā watermelon 習慣 xíguàn habit 喜歡 xǐhuān to like 信 xìn letter, mail 心 xīn heart 新 xīn to be new 信封 xìnfēng envelope 行 xíng to be OK, to be permitted 姓 xìng surname, family name 星期 xīngqī week 星期日 xīngqírì Sunday 星期天 xīngqītiān Sunday 興趣 xìngqù interest 星星 xīngxing star 辛苦 xīnkŭ hard 新年 xīnnián new year 新聞 xīnwén news 洗手間/廁所 xǐshǒujiān toilet 休息 xiūxí to rest 希望 xīwàng hope 洗衣機 xǐyījī clothes washing machine 洗澡 xǐzǎo to take a bath or shower 許多 xŭduō a lot of 學 xué to study 雪 xuě snow 學生 xuéshēng student 學習 xuéxí learn 學校 xuéxiào school 需要 xūyào need 羊 yáng sheep 樣子 yàngzi look 眼睛 yǎnjīng eyes 眼鏡 yănjìng glasses 顏色 yánsè color 藥 yào medicine 要 yào to want 鑰匙 yàoshi key 要是 yàoshì if 牙刷 yáshuā toothbrush 也 yě also 也許 yěxŭ maybe 爺爺 yéye grandfather 一 yī one 一半 yíbàn half 一邊 yìbiān one side 一點(兒) yìdiăn(ér) a little 一點兒 yìdiǎnér some 一定 yídìng certainly, indeed, surely 衣服 yīfú clothes, clothing 一共 yígòng altogether 以後 yǐhòu after, afterwards; later 一會(兒) yìhuǐ(ér) for awhile 已經 yǐjīng already 應該 yīnggāi should 英國 yīngguó UK, United Kingdom 英文 yīngwén English language 銀行 yínháng bank 飲料 yǐnliào beverage 陰天 yīntiān cloudy day 因為 yīnwèi because 音樂 yīnyuè music 一起 yìqǐ together 以前 yǐqián before; previously 醫生 yīshēng doctor 意思 yìsī meaning, idea, definition 一下 yíxià(zi) to try, to do 一些 yìxiē some 一樣 yíyàng to be the same, identical 醫院 yīyuàn hospital 一直 yìzhí straight; constantly, continuously 椅子 yǐzi chair 用 yòng to use 永遠 yǒngyuăn forever 油 yóu oil 又 yòu again 有 yǒu to have; there is, there are 右(邊) yòu(biān) right(side) 有(的)時候 yǒu(de)shíhòu sometimes, now and then 有點(兒) yǒudiǎn(ér) somewhat, rather, a bit 有點(兒) yǒudiăn(ér) kind of 郵局 yóujú post office 有空(兒) yǒukòng(ér) to have free time, to be free 郵票 yóupiào postage stamp 有趣 yǒuqù interesting 有時候 yǒushíhòu sometimes, now and then 有意思 yǒuyìsī to be interesting 游泳 yóuyǒng to swim 有用 yǒuyòng useful 游泳池 yóuyǒngchí swimming pool 魚 yú fish 雨 yŭ rain 魚(兒) yú(ér) fish 圓 yuán round 元 yuán standard monetary unit in China 遠 yuǎn to be far from 院(子) yuàn(zi) yard 原來 yuánlái original 願意 yuànyì to wish, to want 月 yuè month 約 yuē about 越來越 yuèláiyuè more and more 月亮 yuèliàng moon 語法 yŭfă grammar 雲 yún cloudy day 運動 yùndòng sport, exercise 運動 yùndòng to exercise 雨天 yǔtiān rainy day 語言 yŭyán language 在 zà indicating an action in progress 再 zài again, then 在 zài in, at, on, etc. 再見 zàijiàn Good-bye 髒 zāng dirty 早 zǎo to be early 早餐/早飯 zǎocān/zǎofàn breakfast 早上 zǎoshàng morning 怎麼 zěnme how 怎麼辦 zěnmebàn what now ? 怎麼了 zěnmele what’s wrong? 怎麼樣 zěnmeyàng how about…? how’s everything ? 炸雞 zhájī fried chicken 站 zhàn (train, bus) station 站 zhàn to stand 張 zhāng individual measure word for flat things, or things with a surface 找 zhǎo to search out; to find 找到 zhǎodào to have found 著急 zhāojí to worry 照片 zhaopian photo 照片 zhàopiàn photo, picture 照相 zhàoxiàng to take picture/ photograph 照相機 zhàoxiàngjī camera 著 zhe with 這 zhè this 這裡 zhèlǐ here 這麼 zhème so 真 zhēn really 正在 zhèngzài just at that time 這些 zhèxiē these 這樣 zhèyàng this kind of 只 zhǐ only 紙 zhǐ paper 隻 zhī individual measure word for insects or animals 枝 zhī individual measure word for rod-shaped article 知道 zhīdào to know 只好 zhǐhăo had to 種 zhǒng species 鐘(頭) zhōng(tóu) clock, time 中國 zhōngguó China, Chinese 中間 zhōngjiān middle 中文 zhōngwén Chinese language 中午 zhōngwǔ noon 中心 zhōngxīn center 重要 zhòngyào to be important, to be vital 週末 zhōumò weekend 住 zhù to stay, to live 祝 zhù wish 煮 zhŭ cook 猪 zhū pig 裝 zhuāng install 準備 zhŭnbèi ready 桌(子) zhuō(zi) table 注意 zhùyì to pay attention to (兒)(子) zi child (子) zi particle 字 zì word, character 自己 zìjǐ oneself, by oneself 姊姊/姐姐 zǐzi/jiějie elder sister 總是 zǒngshì always 總統 zǒngtǒng president 走 zǒu to walk 走路 zǒulù to walk(in the road or street) 最 zuì the most, -est 嘴巴 zuǐbā mouth 最近 zuìjìn recently, lately 做 zuò to do, to make 坐 zuò to sit; travel by(plane/ etc.) 左(邊) zuǒ(biān) left(side) 做菜 zuòcài cooking 做飯 zuòfàn to cook food 昨天 zuótiān yesterday 做完 zuòwán done 作業 zuòyè homework 足球 zúqiú football, soccer

The Chinese language uses many different measure words to count nouns. Learning Chinese measure words is one of the most important parts of learning Chinese. There are more than one hundred measure words in Mandarin used to describe nouns and the only way to learn them all is by using them. Let’s get started by getting acquainted with some of the most common ones.

běn 本 measure word for books, magazines
How many books do you have?

zhāng 张 measure word for paper, CDs,
I have 3 CDs.

fèn 份 measure word for documents, presents
Please copy this document.

wèi 位 measure word for people
There are two guests upstairs.

zhī 只 measure word for animals
There is a bird in the tree.

shuāng 双 measure word for pairs (e.g. chopsticks, shoes, eyes, etc.)
This pair of shoes is so nice.

liàng 辆 measure word for cars
I have a car.

shǒu 首 measure word for songs
Who will sing next?

tiáo 条 measure word for roads
Where does this road go?

bù 部 measure word for movies, telephones, novels
I lost a mobile phone.

chù 处 measure word for houses
How many post offices on this block?

cì 次 measure word for times
I listened to this song again

jiàn 件 measure word for clothes
How much are you wearing?

jú 局 measure word for games
I’ve played this game twice.

kuài 块 measure word for pieces
I eat a piece of cake.

miàn 面 measure word for flags
That flag waves in the wind

pán 盘 measure word for dishes of food
I eat a plate of salad.

píng 瓶 measure word for bottles
Give me a bottle of wine.

yè 页 measure word for pages
This book has 100 pages.

zuò 座 measure word for large things (e.g. islands, hospitals, etc.)
How may hospitals does this city have?

duǒ 朵 measure word for flowers
Give her a flower.

fèn 封 measure word for letters
He sent me an email.

bǎ 把 measure word for chairs
There are 3 chairs in this house.

dī 滴 measure word for water and milk
Don`t waste a drop of water.

fú 幅 measure word for maps and pictures
There is a map on the wall.

jié 节 measure word for a section
Please give me a battery.

lì 粒 measure word for small round thing
I can’t even eat one peanut

pǐ 匹 measure word for horses and other livestock
A horse came over

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Measure words (量詞) are also known as classifiers and are used in between the quantity of an object and a noun:

e.g. 一隻貓

jat1 zek3 maau1
one/a cat

In the example above, 隻 (zek3) is the measure word.

Measure words are based on the characteristics of the noun, and there’s a wide variety of them that are used in Chinese. Measure words are also used in English and other European languages, but to a lesser extent. Examples include ‘one bottle of water’ and ‘one pair of shoes’, wherein ‘bottle’ and ‘pair’ are the measure words.

There are over a hundred measure words used in Chinese. This table summarises some common ones that I have used for the measure word flashcards. Listen to the audio for the flashcards here.

Measure Jyutping Usage Example
deoi3 A pair
e.g. a couple, shoes, gloves
一對鞋 jat1 deoi3 haai4
one pair of shoes
do2 Flowers, clouds 一朵花 jat1 do2 faa1
one flower
faai3 Slice
e.g. cake, pizza
一塊蛋糕 jat1 faai3 daan2 gou1
one slice of cake
gaa3 Vehicles
e.g. car, taxi, bus, aeroplane
一架車 jat1 gaa3 ce1
one car
gaan1 Building or establishment
e.g. house, restaurant, hotel, room
一間屋 jat1 gaan1 nguk1
one house
gin6 Item of clothing or gift
e.g. shirt, coat
一件衫 jat1 gin6 saam1 one piece of clothing
go3 General
e.g. people, apple, ball, head
(please note that 一位 (jat1 wai2) is a more respectable measure word for people)
一個蘋果 jat1 go3 ping4 gwo2
one apple
lap1 Small object
e.g. sweets, diamonds, star
一粒糖 jat1 lap1 tong4
one sweet
po1 Trees 一棵樹 jat1 po1 syu6
one tree
tiu4 Long flexible objects
e.g. fish, snake, skirt, trousers, towel, string
一條魚 jat1 tiu4 jyu4
one fish
一條裙 jat1 tiu4 kwan4
one skirt
一條褲 jat1 tiu4 fu3
one pair of trousers
zek3 An item that is part of a pair or a group; also used for animals e.g. a glove, a shoe, an eye, a watch 一隻貓 jat1 zek3 maau1
one cat
zeon1 Bottle
e.g. water, oil, wine, fizzy drink
一樽水 jat1 zeon1 seoi2 one bottle of water
zi1 Objects that are long and thin e.g. pen, needle 一支筆 jat1 zi1 bat1
one pen
zoeng1 Objects with a smooth flat surface e.g. paper, table 一張紙 jat1 zoeng1 zi2 one piece of paper

This second table has more measure words that I used for measure word flashcards part 2. Listen to the audio for the flashcards here.

Measure Jyutping Usage Example
baa2 Objects that are long and have a handle e.g. knife, scissors 一把鉸剪 jat1 baa2 gaau2 zin2
one pair of scissors
baau1 Bag 一包薯片 jat1 baau1 syu4 pin3
one packet of crisps
bou6 Vehicles (N.B. 架 gaa3 can also be used for vehicles), musical instruments, electronic devices e.g. phone, computer 一部電腦 jat1 bou6 din6 nou5
one computer
bun2 Books, magazines 一本書 jat1 bun2 syu1
one book
deoi1 Pile e.g. clothes, rubbish 一堆衫 jat1 deoi1 saam1
one pile of clothes
dik6 Drop e.g. blood, rain, water 一滴水 jat1 dik6 seoi2
one drop of water
fuk1 Drawings, maps, paintings 一幅地圖 jat1 fuk1 dei6 tou4 one map
fung1 Letters 一封信 jat1 fung1 seon3
one letter
gau6 Lump e.g. rock, brick 一嚿石頭 jat1 gau6 sek6 tau4
one lump of rock
gun3 Can 一罐汽水 jat1 gun3 hei3 seoi2
one can of fizzy drink
hap6 Box e.g. chocolate, nails 一盒釘 jat1 hap6 deng1
one box of nails
pin3 Slice e.g. cheese, meat 一片芝士 jat1 pin3 zi1 si6
one slice of cheese
sau2 Large vessels e.g. ships 一艘船 jat1 sau2 syun4
one ship
wun2 Bowl 一碗飯 jat1 wun2 faan6
one bowl of rice
zo6 Objects that are large or grand e.g. buildings (such as skyscrapers) mountains, statues 一座山 jat1 zo6 saan1
one mountain

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