Meanings to the word spreads



v. spread, spread·ing, spreads

1. To open to a fuller extent or width; stretch: spread out the tablecloth; a bird spreading its wings.

2. To make wider the gap between; move farther apart: spread her fingers.


a. To distribute over a surface in a layer: spread varnish on the steps.

b. To cover with a layer: spread a cracker with butter.


a. To distribute widely: The tornado spread destruction.

b. To make a wide or extensive arrangement of: We spread the bicycle parts out on the floor.

c. To exhibit or display the full extent of: the scene that was spread before us.

5. To cause to become widely seen or known; scatter or disseminate: spread the news; spread the beam of the flashlight.


a. To prepare (a table) for eating; set.

b. To arrange (food or a meal) on a table.

7. To flatten (a rivet end, for example) by pounding.


1. To be extended or enlarged: The farm fields spread to the horizon.

2. To move over an area, be distributed, or be widely dispersed: The troops spread out across the field. The volcano’s ash spread over the continent.

3. To become known or prevalent over a wide area: The word spread fast.

4. To be exhibited, displayed, or visible in broad or full extent: The vista spread seemingly to infinity.

5. To become or admit of being distributed in a layer: This paint spreads really well.

6. To become separated; be forced farther apart: The land masses spread until there was an ocean between them.



a. The act or process of spreading: the spread of disease.

b. Dissemination, as of news; diffusion.


a. An open area of land; an expanse.

b. A ranch, farm, or estate.

3. The extent or limit to which something is or can be spread: The tree’s canopy has a spread of 50 feet.

4. A cloth covering for a bed, table, or other piece of furniture.

5. Informal An abundant meal laid out on a table.

6. A food to be spread on bread or crackers.


a. Two facing pages of a magazine, newspaper, or book, considered as a unit.

b. An article or advertisement running across two or more columns of a newspaper or magazine.


a. A difference, as between two figures or totals: What’s the spread between tallest and shortest?

b. A position taken in two or more options or futures contracts in order to profit from a change in their relative prices.

c. The difference between the price asked and bid for a particular security.

d. The difference in yields between two fixed-income securities, as between short-term and long-term bonds.

9. A number of points offered to equalize the chances of winning in a wager on a competition, usually between sports teams. Also called point spread.

10. Wingspread.


spread (oneself) thin

To work on too many projects: overextend oneself.

[Middle English spreden, from Old English -sprǣdan (as in tōsprǣdan, to spread out); see sper- in Indo-European roots.]

spread′a·bil′i·ty n.

spread′a·ble adj.

spread′a·bly adv.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb, spreads, spreading or spread

1. to extend or unfold or be extended or unfolded to the fullest width: she spread the map on the table.

2. to extend or cause to extend over a larger expanse of space or time: the milk spread all over the floor; the political unrest spread over several years.

3. to apply or be applied in a coating: butter does not spread very well when cold.

4. to distribute or be distributed over an area or region

5. to display or be displayed in its fullest extent: the landscape spread before us.

6. (Cookery) (tr) to prepare (a table) for a meal

7. (Cookery) (tr) to lay out (a meal) on a table

8. to send or be sent out in all directions; disseminate or be disseminated: someone has been spreading rumours; the disease spread quickly.

9. (of rails, wires, etc) to force or be forced apart

10. (Mechanical Engineering) to increase the breadth of (a part), esp to flatten the head of a rivet by pressing, hammering, or forging

11. (Agriculture) (tr) agriculture

a. to lay out (hay) in a relatively thin layer to dry

b. to scatter (seed, manure, etc) over a relatively wide area

12. informal (often foll by: around) to make (oneself) agreeable to a large number of people, often of the opposite sex

13. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics to narrow and lengthen the aperture of (the lips) as for the articulation of a front vowel, such as (iː) in English see (siː)


14. the act or process of spreading; diffusion, dispersal, expansion, etc: the spread of the Christian religion.

15. (Aeronautics) informal the wingspan of an aircraft

16. an extent of space or time; stretch: a spread of 50 years.

17. (Agriculture) informal chiefly US and Canadian a ranch or relatively large tract of land

18. the limit of something fully extended: the spread of a bird’s wings.

19. (Textiles) a covering for a table or bed

20. (Cookery) informal a large meal or feast, esp when it is laid out on a table

21. (Cookery) a food which can be spread on bread, etc: salmon spread.

22. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) two facing pages in a book or other publication

23. a widening of the hips and waist: middle-age spread.

24. (Stock Exchange) stock exchange

a. the difference between the bid and offer prices quoted by a market maker

b. the excess of the price at which stock is offered for public sale over the price paid for the same stock by an underwriter

c. chiefly US a double option. Compare straddle9

25. (Jewellery) jewellery the apparent size of a gemstone when viewed from above expressed in carats: a diamond with a spread of four carats.


26. extended or stretched out, esp to the fullest extent

27. (Jewellery) (of a gem) shallow and flat

28. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics

a. (of the lips) forming a long narrow aperture

b. (of speech sounds) articulated with spread lips: () in English «feel» is a spread vowel.

[Old English sprǣdan; related to Old High German spreiten to spread, Old Lithuanian sprainas stiff]

ˌspreadaˈbility n

ˈspreadable adj

ˈspreading adj, n

ˈspreadingly adv

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. spread, spread•ing,
n., adj. v.t.

1. to draw, stretch, or open out, esp. over a flat surface: Spread out the blanket.

2. to extend out; move apart: The bird spread its wings.

3. to distribute over an area of space or time: to spread seed on the ground.

4. to apply in a thin layer or coating: to spread butter on bread.

5. to extend as a covering: to spread the sheet over the bed.

6. to set or prepare (a table) for a meal.

7. to send out in various directions: to spread light.

8. to cause to become widely known; disseminate: to spread rumors.

9. to extend the aperture at (the lips) laterally, so as to reduce it vertically, in articulating a sound.


10. to become stretched out or extended; expand.

11. to become broadly distributed.


12. an act or instance of spreading.

13. expansion; diffusion: the spread of suspicion.

14. the extent of spreading: to measure the spread of branches.


a. the difference between the prices bid and asked of stock or a commodity.

b. a commodities market transaction in which the call price is set above and the put price below the current market quotation.

c. the difference between any two prices or rates for related costs.

16. capacity for spreading.

17. a distance or range between two points.

19. an expanse of something: a spread of timber.

20. a cloth covering for a bed, table, or the like, esp. a bedspread.

21. Informal. an abundance of food set out on a table; feast.

22. a food preparation for spreading, as jam or peanut butter.

23. two facing pages, as of a book or newspaper.


a. an extensive display treatment of a topic in a newspaper or magazine.

b. an advertisement or story covering one or more pages.

25. landed property, as a farm or ranch.


26. (of a speech sound) pronounced with spread lips, as the vowel (ē) in tea.


spread oneself thin, to undertake too many projects simultaneously.

[1150–1200; Old English -sprǣdan, c. Old Saxon -spreidan, Old High German spreitan]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 an expanse or stretch of something; food collectively.

Examples: spread of boughs, 1701; of canvas, 1691; of knowledge, 1805; of favours; of sail, 1840.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: spread
Gerund: spreading

I spread
you spread
he/she/it spreads
we spread
you spread
they spread
I spread
you spread
he/she/it spread
we spread
you spread
they spread
Present Continuous
I am spreading
you are spreading
he/she/it is spreading
we are spreading
you are spreading
they are spreading
Present Perfect
I have spread
you have spread
he/she/it has spread
we have spread
you have spread
they have spread
Past Continuous
I was spreading
you were spreading
he/she/it was spreading
we were spreading
you were spreading
they were spreading
Past Perfect
I had spread
you had spread
he/she/it had spread
we had spread
you had spread
they had spread
I will spread
you will spread
he/she/it will spread
we will spread
you will spread
they will spread
Future Perfect
I will have spread
you will have spread
he/she/it will have spread
we will have spread
you will have spread
they will have spread
Future Continuous
I will be spreading
you will be spreading
he/she/it will be spreading
we will be spreading
you will be spreading
they will be spreading
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been spreading
you have been spreading
he/she/it has been spreading
we have been spreading
you have been spreading
they have been spreading
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been spreading
you will have been spreading
he/she/it will have been spreading
we will have been spreading
you will have been spreading
they will have been spreading
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been spreading
you had been spreading
he/she/it had been spreading
we had been spreading
you had been spreading
they had been spreading
I would spread
you would spread
he/she/it would spread
we would spread
you would spread
they would spread
Past Conditional
I would have spread
you would have spread
he/she/it would have spread
we would have spread
you would have spread
they would have spread

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. spread — process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space


change of location, travel — a movement through space that changes the location of something

diffusion — the spread of social institutions (and myths and skills) from one society to another

dispersion, scattering — spreading widely or driving off

invasion — (pathology) the spread of pathogenic microorganisms or malignant cells to new sites in the body; «the tumor’s invasion of surrounding structures»

irradiation — (physiology) the spread of sensory neural impulses in the cortex

radiation — the spread of a group of organisms into new habitats

2. spread — a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures; «gap between income and outgo»; «the spread between lending and borrowing costs»


disparity — inequality or difference in some respect

3. spread - farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)spread — farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)

cattle farm, cattle ranch, ranch

farm — workplace consisting of farm buildings and cultivated land as a unit; «it takes several people to work the farm»

4. spread - a haphazard distribution in all directionsspread — a haphazard distribution in all directions


dispersion, distribution — the spatial or geographic property of being scattered about over a range, area, or volume; «worldwide in distribution»; «the distribution of nerve fibers»; «in complementary distribution»

diffuseness — the spatial property of being spread out over a wide area or through a large volume

5. spread — a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes


margarine, marge, oleo, oleomargarine, margarin — a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitute for butter

condiment — a preparation (a sauce or relish or spice) to enhance flavor or enjoyment; «mustard and ketchup are condiments»

nut butter — ground nuts blended with a little butter

peanut butter — a spread made from ground peanuts

marshmallow fluff — a very sweet white spread resembling marshmallow candy

onion butter — butter blended with minced onion

pimento butter — butter blended with mashed pimento

shrimp butter — butter blended with chopped shrimp or seasoned with essence from shrimp shells

lobster butter — butter blended with chopped lobster or seasoned with essence from lobster shells

cheese spread — spread made of cheese mixed with butter or cream or cream cheese and seasonings

anchovy butter — butter blended with mashed anchovies

fishpaste — a paste of fish or shellfish

garlic butter — butter seasoned with mashed garlic

miso — a thick paste made from fermented soybeans and barley or rice malt; used in Japanese cooking to make soups or sauces

hommos, hoummos, hummus, humous, humus — a thick spread made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and garlic; used especially as a dip for pita; originated in the Middle East

pate — liver or meat or fowl finely minced or ground and variously seasoned

tapenade — a spread consisting of capers and black olives and anchovies made into a puree with olive oil

tahini — a thick Middle Eastern paste made from ground sesame seeds

6. spread - a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyedspread — a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed; «a banquet for the graduating seniors»; «the Thanksgiving feast»; «they put out quite a spread»

banquet, feast

meal, repast — the food served and eaten at one time

7. spread - two facing pages of a book or other publicationspread — two facing pages of a book or other publication

facing pages, spread head, spreadhead

page — one side of one leaf (of a book or magazine or newspaper or letter etc.) or the written or pictorial matter it contains

center spread, centre spread — the spread at the center of a magazine

centerfold, centrefold — a magazine center spread; especially a foldout of a large photograph or map or other feature

publication — a copy of a printed work offered for distribution

8. spread — the expansion of a person’s girth (especially at middle age); «she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread»

girth — the distance around a person’s body

9. spread - decorative cover for a bedspread — decorative cover for a bed    

bed cover, bed covering, bedcover, bedspread, counterpane

bed clothing, bedclothes, bedding — coverings that are used on a bed

coverlet — a decorative bedspread (usually quilted)

quilted bedspread — a bedspread constructed like a thin quilt

10. spread — act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time


extension — act of expanding in scope; making more widely available; «extension of the program to all in need»

circulation — the spread or transmission of something (as news or money) to a wider group or area

dispersal, dispersion, dissemination, diffusion — the act of dispersing or diffusing something; «the dispersion of the troops»; «the diffusion of knowledge»

strewing, scatter, scattering — the act of scattering

decentralisation, decentralization — the spread of power away from the center to local branches or governments

Verb 1. spread — distribute or disperse widely; «The invaders spread their language all over the country»


generalise, generalize — become systemic and spread throughout the body; «this kind of infection generalizes throughout the immune system»

metastasise, metastasize — spread throughout the body; «the cancer had metastasized and the patient could not be saved»

discharge — pour forth or release; «discharge liquids»

strew, straw — spread by scattering («straw» is archaic); «strew toys all over the carpet»

export — cause to spread in another part of the world; «The Russians exported Marxism to Africa»

propagate — transmit or cause to broaden or spread; «This great civilization was propagated throughout the land»

deploy — to distribute systematically or strategically; «The U.S. deploys its weapons in the Middle East»

redistribute — distribute anew; «redistribute the troops more strategically»

sprawl, straggle — go, come, or spread in a rambling or irregular way; «Branches straggling out quite far»

diffuse, fan out, spread out, spread — move outward; «The soldiers fanned out»

string out, spread out — set out or stretch in a line, succession, or series; «the houses were strung out in a long row»

dissipate, scatter, disperse, spread out — move away from each other; «The crowds dispersed»; «The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached»;

diffuse, fan out, spread out, spread — move outward; «The soldiers fanned out»

expand, spread out — extend in one or more directions; «The dough expands»

gather, pull together, collect, garner — assemble or get together; «gather some stones»; «pull your thoughts together»

2. spread — become distributed or widespread; «the infection spread»; «Optimism spread among the population»


catch — spread or be communicated; «The fashion did not catch»

move — move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; «He moved his hand slightly to the right»

3. spread — spread across or over; «A big oil spot spread across the water»


cover, extend, continue — span an interval of distance, space or time; «The war extended over five years»; «The period covered the turn of the century»; «My land extends over the hills on the horizon»; «This farm covers some 200 acres»; «The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles»

transgress — spread over land, especially along a subsiding shoreline; «The sea transgresses along the West coast of the island»

4. spread - spread out or open from a closed or folded statespread — spread out or open from a closed or folded state; «open the map»; «spread your arms»

unfold, open, spread out

undo — cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect; «I wish I could undo my actions»

divaricate — spread apart; «divaricate one’s fingers»

exfoliate — spread by opening the leaves of

grass — spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleach

butterfly — cut and spread open, as in preparation for cooking; «butterflied shrimp»

uncross — change from a crossed to an uncrossed position; «She uncrossed her legs»

splay — spread open or apart; «He splayed his huge hands over the table»

5. spread — cause to become widely known; «spread information»; «circulate a rumor»; «broadcast the news»

disseminate, pass around, circulate, diffuse, broadcast, circularise, circularize, disperse, propagate, distribute

publicize, bare, publicise, air — make public; «She aired her opinions on welfare»

podcast — distribute (multimedia files) over the internet for playback on a mobile device or a personal computer

sow — introduce into an environment; «sow suspicion or beliefs»

circulate, go around, spread — become widely known and passed on; «the rumor spread»; «the story went around in the office»

popularise, popularize, vulgarise, vulgarize, generalise, generalize — cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public; bring into general or common use; «They popularized coffee in Washington State»; «Relativity Theory was vulgarized by these authors»

carry, run — include as the content; broadcast or publicize; «We ran the ad three times»; «This paper carries a restaurant review»; «All major networks carried the press conference»

6. spread — become widely known and passed on; «the rumor spread»; «the story went around in the office»

circulate, go around

disseminate, pass around, circulate, diffuse, broadcast, circularise, circularize, spread, disperse, propagate, distribute — cause to become widely known; «spread information»; «circulate a rumor»; «broadcast the news»

go, locomote, move, travel — change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; «How fast does your new car go?»; «We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus»; «The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect»; «The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell»; «news travelled fast»

7. spread - strew or distribute over an areaspread — strew or distribute over an area; «He spread fertilizer over the lawn»; «scatter cards across the table»

spread out, scatter

pass around, circulate, distribute, pass on — cause be distributed; «This letter is being circulated among the faculty»

manure, muck — spread manure, as for fertilization

birdlime, lime — spread birdlime on branches to catch birds

circumfuse — spread something around something

distribute — spread throughout a given area; «the function distributes the values evenly»

8. spread — move outward; «The soldiers fanned out»

diffuse, fan out, spread out

spread, distribute — distribute or disperse widely; «The invaders spread their language all over the country»

percolate — spread gradually; «Light percolated into our house in the morning»

creep — grow or spread, often in such a way as to cover (a surface); «ivy crept over the walls of the university buildings»

bleed, run — be diffused; «These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run»

mantle — spread over a surface, like a mantle

9. spread — cover by spreading something over; «spread the bread with cheese»

cover — provide with a covering or cause to be covered; «cover her face with a handkerchief»; «cover the child with a blanket»; «cover the grave with flowers»

slather — spread thickly; «I can’t eat bagels without slathering them with cream cheese»

10. spread — distribute over a surface in a layer; «spread cheese on a piece of bread»
Adj. 1. spread — distributed or spread over a considerable extent; «has ties with many widely dispersed friends»; «eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe»


distributed — spread out or scattered about or divided up

2. spread — prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out; «a table spread with food»

prepared — made ready or fit or suitable beforehand; «a prepared statement»; «be prepared for emergencies»

3. spread — fully extended in width; «outspread wings»; «with arms spread wide»


extended — fully extended or stretched forth; «an extended telescope»; «his extended legs reached almost across the small room»; «refused to accept the extended hand»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



6. space out, stagger The course is spread over a five-week period.

7. circulate, publish, broadcast, advertise, distribute, scatter, proclaim, transmit, make public, publicize, propagate, disseminate, promulgate, make known, blazon, bruit Someone has been spreading rumours about us.
circulate hold back, stifle, repress, suppress, control, contain, hold in, curb, restrain


1. increase, development, advance, spreading, expansion, transmission, proliferation, advancement, escalation, diffusion, dissemination, dispersal, suffusion The greatest hope for reform is the gradual spread of information.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To move or arrange so as to cover a larger area:

2. To extend over a wide area:

3. To extend over the surface of:

4. To cause (a disease) to pass to another or others:

5. To make (information) generally known:

6. To become known far and wide:

Idiom: go the rounds.

7. To arrange tableware upon (a table) in preparation for a meal:


1. The act of increasing in dimensions, scope, or inclusiveness:

2. A wide and open area, as of land, sky, or water:

3. Informal. A large meal elaborately prepared or served:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


إمْتِداد، نَشْرإنتِشارطَعام مَدْهونمَعْجُونيَدْهَن




mazatinamazširitiširiti se


breiîa úrdreifadreifa , breiîa útdreifa, smyrjasmyrja


…에 (…을) 펴다바르다퍼지다확산




namaznamazatirazkropiti serazprostretiraztezati se


แพร่กระจายกระจาย ทำให้ทั่วคลี่อาหารที่ใช้ทาขนมปัง

lan rộngsự trải ratrải ra


[spred] (spread (vb: pt, pp))

D. CPD spread betting Napuesta f múltiple modalidad de apuesta en la que se juega sobre una variedad de resultados en lugar de uno en concreto

spread out

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= dissemination) [disease, infection, rumour] → propagation f; [information, new ideas, technology] → diffusion f

(= range) [opinions] → éventail m

(PRESS) a double-page spread → une double page

vb [spread] (pt, pp)


[butter, paste, jam] → s’étaler

spread out

vt sep

(= open out) [+ towel, cloth, rug, map] → étaler

(= stretch out) [+ arms, hands, fingers, legs] → écarter

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vb: pret, ptp <spread>


(= open or lay out: also spread out) rug, nets, hay, wings, armsausbreiten; fanöffnen; goodsausbreiten, auslegen; hands, legsspreizen; the peacock spread its tailder Pfau schlug ein Rad; he was lying with his arms and legs spread outer lag mit ausgestreckten Armen und Beinen da; the fields were spread (out) below usdie Felder breiteten sich unter uns aus; the view which was spread (out) before usdie Sicht, die sich uns bot; the yacht spread its sailsdie Segel des Bootes blähten sich

(= distribute: also spread out) forces, writing, objects, payments, riskverteilen; sand, fertilizer, muckstreuen; (in time) → verteilen (→ over über +acc); our resources are spread very thinunsere Mittel sind maximal beansprucht


(= extend, spatially) → sich erstrecken, sich ausdehnen (→ over, across über +acc); (with movement, weeds, liquid, fire, smile, industry) → sich ausbreiten (→ over, across über +acc); (towns, settlements)sich ausdehnen; (knowledge, fear etc, smell)sich verbreiten; (disease, trouble, fire)sich verbreiten, um sich greifen; the course spreads over four monthsder Kurs erstreckt sich über vier Monate; to spread to somethingetw erreichen; (disease etc)auf etw (acc)übergreifen; to spread into somethingsich in etw (acc)erstrecken; (in time) → sich bis in etw (acc)erstrecken; under the spreading treesunter den ausladenden Bäumen; he’s worried about his spreading stomach (inf)er macht sich Sorgen, weil er in die Breite geht (inf) ? wildfire

vr to spread oneself (physically) → sich ausstrecken; (= spread one’s things)sich ausbreiten; (in speech, writing) → sich verbreiten

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[sprɛd] (spread (vb: pt, pp))

1. n

c. (range, of prices, figures, marks) → gamma; (on graph, scale) → distribuzione f
middle-age spread → pancetta

f. (for bread) anchovy spreadpasta d’acciughe
cheese spread → formaggio da spalmare

spread out

1. vi + adv (view, valley) → stendersi; (soldiers, police) → disporsi

2. vt + adv = spread 2a and 2c

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(spred) past tense, past participle spread verb

1. to (cause to) go (often more widely or more thinly) over a surface. She spread honey thickly on her toast.

2. to cover (a surface with something). She spread the bread with jam.

3. to (cause to) reach a wider area, affect a larger number of people etc. The news spread through the village very quickly.

4. to distribute over a wide area, period of time etc. The exams were spread over a period of ten days.

5. to open out. He spread the map on the table.


1. the process of reaching a wider area, affecting more people etc. the spread of information/television; the spread of crime among schoolchildren.

2. something to be spread on bread etc. Have some chicken spread.

3. the space or time covered (by something) or the extent of spreading. a spread of several miles.

spread out

1. to extend or stretch out. The fields spread out in front of him.

2. to distribute over a wide area or period of time. She spread the leaflets out on the table.

3. to scatter and go in different directions, in order to cover a wider area. They spread out and began to search the entire area.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مَعْجُون, يَدْهُنُ, يَنْتَشِرُ pomazánka, rozprostřít, roztáhnout, šířit se smøre, sprede, spredning ausbreiten, schmieren, verbreiten, Verbreitung απλώνω, διαδίδω, επαλείφω, επάλειψη esparcir, extender, extenderse, pasta para extender sobre pan, propagación leviäminen, levitä, levittää étaler, étendue, s’étendre mazati, namaz, širiti, širiti se diffondersi, diffusione, spalmare, stendere ・・・を塗る, 広がること, 広げる, 広まる …에 (…을) 펴다, 바르다, 퍼지다, 확산 smeersel, uitspreiden, verspreiden, zich verspreiden bre, spennvidde, spre rozchodzić się, rozłożyć, rozprowadzić, rozprzestrzenienie (się) espalhar, espalhar-se, extensão, propagar распределять, распространение, распространять, распространяться breda, sprida, spridas, spridning แพร่กระจาย, กระจาย ทำให้ทั่ว, คลี่, อาหารที่ใช้ทาขนมปัง sürmek, yayılım, yayılmak, yaymak lan rộng, sự trải ra, trải ra 传播, 展开, 抹, 涂抹酱

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. extensión, diseminación, esparcimiento;

vi. diseminar; esparcir, extender; diseminarse, esparcirse, extenderse;

a. extendido-a, esparcido-a; diseminado-a;

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n propagación f; (from person to person) transmisión f; (within the body) propagación, extensión f, diseminación f; vt (pret & pp spread) propagar; to spread disease..propagar enfermedades; vi propagarse; (from person to person) transmitirse; (within the body) propagarse, extenderse, diseminarse

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Character 6
Hyphenation spread
Pronunciations /spɹɛd/

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What do we mean by spread?

To open to a fuller extent or width; stretch. intransitive verb

To make wider the gap between; move farther apart. intransitive verb

To distribute over a surface in a layer. intransitive verb

To cover with a layer. intransitive verb

To distribute widely. intransitive verb

To make a wide or extensive arrangement of. intransitive verb

To exhibit or display the full extent of. intransitive verb

To cause to become widely seen or known; scatter or disseminate. intransitive verb

To prepare (a table) for eating; set. intransitive verb

To arrange (food or a meal) on a table. intransitive verb

To flatten (a rivet end, for example) by pounding. intransitive verb

To be extended or enlarged. intransitive verb

To move over an area, be distributed, or be widely dispersed. intransitive verb

To become known or prevalent over a wide area. intransitive verb

To be exhibited, displayed, or visible in broad or full extent. intransitive verb

To become or admit of being distributed in a layer. intransitive verb

To become separated; be forced farther apart. intransitive verb

The act of spreading.

Something that has been spread.

A layout, pattern or design of cards arranged for a reading.

An expanse of land.

A large tract of land used to raise livestock; a cattle ranch.

A piece of material used as a cover (such as a bedspread).

A large meal, especially one laid out on a table.

(bread, etc.) Any form of food designed to be spread, such as butters or jams.

Food improvised by inmates from various ingredients to relieve the tedium of prison food.

An item in a newspaper or magazine that occupies more than one column or page.

Two facing pages in a book, newspaper etc.

A numerical difference.

The difference between the wholesale and retail prices.

The difference between the price of a futures month and the price of another month of the same commodity.

The purchase of a futures contract of one delivery month against the sale of another futures delivery month of the same commodity.

The purchase of one delivery month of one commodity against the sale of that same delivery month of a different commodity.

An arbitrage transaction of the same commodity in two markets, executed to take advantage of a profit from price discrepancies.

The difference between bidding and asking price.

The difference between the prices of two similar items.

An unlimited expanse of discontinuous points.

The surface in proportion to the depth of a cut gemstone.

«Gourmet» inmate meal, as shown to me by the lovely ladies at the Williamson County (TN) Jail, «recipe» is as follows….. 1 pkg ramen noodles and seasoning pack (preferably chili flavor)- crushed, 1 «$0.99» size bag of cheetos (preferably «japaleno»)- crushed, 1/4 «meat stick»- cut into small pieces, 1 cheese stick- small pieces. Combine all ingredients in a commissary issued tumbler and shake to mix. Add enough hot water to cover and stir, pour into the cheeto bag and let sit for 5 minutes. Carefully open the bag at the seam, top with mayo or ranch packet and ENJOY! Urban Dictionary

1. A whole bunch of food spread out for everybody to have some, such as at a cookout, barbeque, family gathering etc.
2. Things you put onto toasted bread like butter, peanut butter, jam, etc. Or even things such as mayo and mustard to spread on bread for sandwiches
3. «Spread em!» Some shit a cop might say before he pats you down.
If already locked up, you might hear this from a cop so he can look at your butthole.
4. A term used in jails and prisons for food that is made by inmates combining all sorts of items bought from commissary. Urban Dictionary

The land which belongs to someone. Urban Dictionary

In competitive forensics, to spread is to speak very quickly, esp. in debate rounds. Urban Dictionary

Someone attractive, a good looking person. Urban Dictionary

A combination of ramen Noodles, chili cheese fritos, and hot cheetos, loved by all inmates of the adams county detention center in Adams County, CO. Urban Dictionary

To go out a lot and spend a lot of money for drinks (usually cash). Urban Dictionary

Describes someone who is attractive or good-looking, someone who is hot, fit etc etc. originated from the word butters or butterz, which describes someone who is considered ugly and/or rough. Urban Dictionary

The most commonly used excuse for having a shit animfix/prediction.
rarely it covers up resolver misses but mostly csgo just sucks dick. Urban Dictionary

The scatter profile of a chromosome karyotype on a microscopic slide. Well spread chromosomes enable the karyologist to count and pair the chromosomes, and classify the organism to species level. Urban Dictionary



From Middle English spreden, from Old English sprǣdan (to spread, expand), from Proto-Germanic *spraidijaną (to spread), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)per- (to strew, sow, sprinkle).

Cognate with Saterland Frisian spreede (to spread), West Frisian spriede (to spread), North Frisian spriedjen (to spread), Dutch spreiden (to spread), Low German spreden (to spread), German spreiten (to spread, spread out), Norwegian spre, spreie (to spread, disseminate), Swedish sprida (to spread), Latin spernō, spargō, Ancient Greek σπείρω (speírō), Persian سپردن(sepordan, to deposit), English spurn.


  • IPA(key): /spɹɛd/
  • Rhymes: -ɛd


spread (third-person singular simple present spreads, present participle spreading, simple past and past participle spread)

  1. (transitive) To stretch out, open out (a material etc.) so that it more fully covers a given area of space. [from 13th c.]

    He spread his newspaper on the table.

  2. (transitive) To extend (individual rays, limbs etc.); to stretch out in varying or opposing directions. [from 13th c.]

    I spread my arms wide and welcomed him home.

  3. (transitive) To disperse, to scatter or distribute over a given area. [from 13th c.]

    I spread the rice grains evenly over the floor.

  4. (intransitive) To proliferate; to become more widely present, to be disseminated. [from 13th c.]
    • 2013 July 20, “Old soldiers?”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8845:

      Whether modern, industrial man is less or more warlike than his hunter-gatherer ancestors is impossible to determine. [] One thing that is true, though, is that murder rates have fallen over the centuries, as policing has spread and the routine carrying of weapons has diminished. Modern society may not have done anything about war. But peace is a lot more peaceful.

    • 2018, Pál Fodor, The Business of State. Ottoman Finance Administration and Ruling Elites in Transition (1580s–1615) (Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker; 28), Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag × De Gruyter, published 2020, →DOI, →ISBN, page 50:

      As the Erzurum affair indicated, the janissaries in the provinces and in the capital city were in close touch, and thus the movements were quick to spread to Istanbul.

    • 2018 June 25, L.P. Dover, Going for the Hole[1], Books by L.P. Dover, LLC:

      I placed my hands on his cheeks, and this time, I kissed him. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to let anything spoil our day. It’s just you and me.” A sad smile spread across his face, and I could tell he wanted to believe me, but didn’t.

  5. (transitive) To disseminate; to cause to proliferate, to make (something) widely known or present. [from 14th c.]

    The missionaries quickly spread their new message across the country.

  6. (intransitive) To take up a larger area or space; to expand, be extended. [from 14th c.]

    I dropped my glass; the water spread quickly over the tiled floor.

  7. (transitive) To smear, to distribute in a thin layer. [from 16th c.]

    She liked to spread butter on her toast while it was still hot.

  8. (transitive) To cover (something) with a thin layer of some substance, as of butter. [from 16th c.]

    He always spreads his toast with peanut butter and strawberry jam.

  9. To prepare; to set and furnish with provisions.
    to spread a table
    • 1859, Alfred Tennyson, “Enid”, in Idylls of the King, London: Edward Moxon & Co., [], →OCLC, page 21:

      And Enid brought sweet cakes to make them cheer, / And in her veil enfolded, manchet bread. / And then, because their hall must also serve / For kitchen, boil’d the flesh, and spread the board, / And stood behind, and waited on the three.

  10. (intransitive, slang) To open one’s legs, especially for sexual favours. [from 20th c.]
    • 1984, Martin Amis, Money:
      This often sounds like the rap of a demented DJ: the way she moves has got to be good news, can’t get loose till I feel the juice— suck and spread, bitch, yeah bounce for me baby.
    • 1991, Tori Amos, Me and a Gun:
      Yes I wore a slinky red thing. Does that mean I should spread for you, your friends, your father, Mr Ed?
    • 2003, Outkast, «Spread» (from the album Speakerboxxx/The Love Below):
      I don’t want to move too fast, but / Can’t resist your sexy ass / Just spread, spread for me; / (I can’t, I can’t wait to get you home)


  • disseminate
  • circulate
  • propagate
  • diffuse
  • put about

Derived terms[edit]

  • antispread
  • antispreader
  • bandspread
  • bear spread
  • bedspread
  • bespread
  • bespreading
  • broadspread
  • broadspreading
  • calendar spread
  • center spread
  • centerspread
  • centre spread
  • cheese spread
  • chocolate spread
  • despread
  • despreading
  • dispread
  • dispreader
  • dispreading
  • double-page spread
  • flame spread
  • forespread
  • forspread
  • landspreading
  • manspreading
  • midspread
  • muck spreader
  • muckspreader
  • nonspreadable
  • outspread
  • outspreading
  • outspreadingly
  • overspread
  • overspreadest
  • overspreadeth
  • overspreading
  • photospread
  • respread
  • respreading
  • sea-floor spreading
  • seafloor spreading
  • spark spread
  • spread bet
  • spread betting
  • spread eagle
  • spread like wildfire
  • spread limit
  • spread out
  • spread spectrum communication
  • spread-eagle
  • spreadability
  • spreadable
  • spreadably
  • spreadeagle
  • spreadeagling
  • spreadee
  • spreader
  • spreadest
  • spreadeth
  • spreadin’
  • spreading
  • spreading gooseberry
  • spreadingly
  • spreadingness
  • spreadly
  • spreadmart
  • spreadsheet
  • spreadsheeting
  • spreadsheetlike
  • spready
  • superspreader
  • TED spread
  • time spread
  • unspread
  • unspreadable
  • widerspread
  • widespread
  • widespreadness
  • wingspread


to stretch out, expand

  • Azerbaijani: yaymaq (az)
  • Bulgarian: простирам се (prostiram se)
  • Catalan: estendre (ca)
  • Chechen: даржа (darža)
  • Danish: fordele
  • Dutch: verspreiden (nl), spreiden (nl), uitbreiden (nl), verbreiden (nl), uitstrekken (nl)
  • Finnish: levittää (fi), tasoittaa (fi)
  • French: étaler (fr)
  • Friulian: stierni
  • Galician: estender
  • Georgian: ავრცელებს (avrcelebs)
  • German: verteilen (de)
  • Greek:
    Ancient: στρώννυμι (strṓnnumi)
  • Hebrew: פָּרַשׂ (he) (parás)
  • Ingush: даржа (darža)
  • Irish: scaoil
  • Italian: spartire (it)
  • Japanese: 開く (ja) (hiraku), 裂く (ja) (saku)
  • Latin: sternō, pandō
  • Macedonian: поделува (podeluva)
  • Malay: hampar
  • Maori: tahora, māroha (unfold), māroharoha (unfold)
  • Middle English: spreden, breden
  • Polish: podzielić (pl)
  • Portuguese: estender (pt)
  • Romanian: așterne (ro), întinde (ro)
  • Russian: распространя́ть (ru) impf (rasprostranjátʹ), распространи́ть (ru) pf (rasprostranítʹ)
  • Sanskrit: तनोति (tanoti)
  • Spanish: extender (es)
  • Swahili: enea (sw)
  • Swedish: sprida (sv), vidga (sv)
  • Tagalog: kumalat
  • Turkish: yaymak (tr)
  • Ukrainian: розповсю́джувати (rozpovsjúdžuvaty), поши́рювати (pošýrjuvaty)

to extend, stretch out (limbs etc)

  • Azerbaijani: aralamaq (az), açmaq (az)
  • Bulgarian: разтварям (bg) (raztvarjam)
  • Catalan: estendre (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 舒展 (zh) (shūzhǎn)
  • Danish: sprede
  • Dutch: spreiden (nl), uitspreiden (nl), strekken (nl), uitstrekken (nl), stretchen (nl)
  • Finnish: levittää (fi)
  • French: écarter (fr)
  • Galician: estender, estarricar
  • German: spreizen (de)
  • Hebrew: פָּשַׁט (he) (pashát)
  • Italian: allargare (it)
  • Japanese: 広げる (ja) (hirogeru), 伸ばす (ja) (nobasu), 開く (ja) (hiraku)
  • Korean: 다리를 벌리다 (darireul beollida)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: قاچ کردنەوە(qaç kirdnewe)
  • Macedonian: шири (širi), раширува (raširuva)
  • Maori: kūwhera (refers only to body parts)
  • Polish: rozłożyć (pl)
  • Portuguese: estender (pt)
  • Russian: (stretch) протя́гивать (ru) impf (protjágivatʹ), протяну́ть (ru) pf (protjanútʹ), (move apart) раздвига́ть (ru) impf (razdvigátʹ), раздви́нуть (ru) pf (razdvínutʹ)
  • Spanish: extender (es)
  • Swahili: enea (sw)
  • Swedish: sprida (sv), sträcka (sv)
  • Tagalog: kumalat

to disperse, scatter

  • Arabic: نَشَرَ(našara)
  • Bulgarian: разпръсквам (bg) (razprǎskvam)
  • Catalan: escampar (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 分散 (zh) (fēnsàn), 散布 (zh) (sànbù), 散開散开 (zh) (sànkāi)
  • Danish: sprede, strø
  • Dutch: verbreiden (nl), verspreiden (nl), uitstrooien (nl)
  • Finnish: levittää (fi), sirottaa, hajottaa (fi)
  • French: disperser (fr), répandre (fr), éparpiller (fr)
  • Friulian: stierni
  • Galician: espallar (gl)
  • German: ausstreuen (de), verbreiten (de)
    Alemannic German: spräite
  • Hebrew: פִּזֵר (he) (pizzér), בָּזַק (he) (bazáq), זָרָה (he) (zará)
  • Ido: difuzar (io)
  • Indonesian: sebar (id), menyebar (id)
  • Italian: spargere (it), diffondere (it), sparpagliare (it)
  • Japanese: 散らす (chirasu), ばら撒く (baramaku)
  • Javanese: nyebar (jv)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: بڵاوکردنەوە(bllawkirdnewe)
  • Macedonian: растура (rastura), расфрла (rasfrla)
  • Maori: koke (of news), horapa
  • Persian: افشاندن (fa) (afšândan)
  • Portuguese: espalhar (pt), difundir (pt)
  • Romanian: împrăștia (ro)
  • Russian: раски́дывать (ru) impf (raskídyvatʹ), раскида́ть (ru) pf (raskidátʹ)
  • Spanish: dispersar (es)
  • Swahili: enea (sw), sambaa (sw)
  • Swedish: sprida (sv), skingra (sv)
  • Tagalog: kumalat

to smear, distribute in a thin layer

  • Armenian: քսել (hy) (kʿsel)
  • Azerbaijani: sürtmək (az), yaxmaq
  • Bulgarian: мажа (bg) (maža), намазвам (bg) (namazvam)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese:  (yue) (caa4)
    Mandarin:  (zh) ()
  • Czech: namazat
  • Danish: smøre
  • Dutch: smeren (nl), bestrijken (nl), besmeren (nl), uitsmeren (nl)
  • Esperanto: ŝmiri
  • Finnish: levittää (fi)
  • French: étaler (fr), tartiner (fr)
  • Galician: untar (gl)
  • Georgian: უსვამს (usvams)
  • German: auftragen (de), beschmieren (de), bestreichen (de)
  • Hebrew: מָרַח (he) (maráẖ)
  • Hungarian: ken (hu)
  • Italian: spalmare (it)
  • Japanese: 塗る (ja) (nuru)
  • Macedonian: мачка (mačka), намачкува (namačkuva), премачкува (premačkuva), размачкува (razmačkuva)
  • Maori: pani
  • Norwegian: spre (no)
  • Polish: smarować (pl), rozsmarować, rozsmarowywać (pl)
  • Portuguese: passar (pt), espalhar (pt)
  • Russian: нама́зывать (ru) impf (namázyvatʹ), нама́зать (ru) pf (namázatʹ)
  • Spanish: esparcir (es), untar (es)
  • Swedish: sprida (sv), breda (sv), bre (sv)
  • Tagalog: ikalat, kumalat
  • Turkish: sürmek (tr)

(transitive) to disseminate, make known or present

  • Arabic: نَشَرَ(našara)
  • Assamese: বিয়পোৱা (bipüa)
  • Azerbaijani: yaymaq (az)
  • Bulgarian: разпространявам (bg) (razprostranjavam)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 傳揚传扬 (zh) (kuòdà)
  • Czech: šířit (cs)
  • Danish: sprede, udbrede
  • Dutch: verspreiden (nl), verbreiden (nl)
  • Esperanto: disvastigi
  • Finnish: levittää (fi)
  • French: répandre (fr), propager (fr), diffuser (fr), divulguer (fr)
  • Galician: espallar (gl)
  • German: verbreiten (de), ausbreiten (de) (archaic)
  • Hebrew: הפיץ(hefíts)
  • Hungarian: terjeszt (hu)
  • Italian: diffondere (it)
  • Japanese: 広げる (ja) (hirogeru)
  • Macedonian: распространува (rasprostranuva), простира (prostira)
  • Malay: sebar
  • Polish: rozprzestrzeniać (pl), rozprzestrzeniać się (pl)
  • Portuguese: espalhar (pt), alastrar (pt)
  • Russian: распространя́ть (ru) impf (rasprostranjátʹ), распространи́ть (ru) pf (rasprostranítʹ)
  • Spanish: diseminar (es), difundir (es), divulgar (es), esparcir (es)
  • Swahili: kueneza
  • Swedish: sprida (sv), utsprida (sv)
  • Tagalog: ikalat
  • Turkish: yaymak (tr)

(intransitive) to take up a larger area, expand

  • Assamese: বিয়পা (bipa)
  • Azerbaijani: yayılmaq
  • Bulgarian: разтеглям се (raztegljam se), разширявам се (razširjavam se)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 傳遍传遍 (zh) (chuánbiàn)
  • Czech: šířit se (cs), rozšířit se (cs)
  • Danish: brede sig, sprede sig
  • Dutch: (zich) verspreiden (nl), uitbreiden (nl), verbreden (nl), vergroten (nl), verwijden (nl)
  • Esperanto: etendiĝi
  • Finnish: levitä (fi)
  • French: se répandre (fr), s’étendre (fr)
  • Galician: estenderse
  • German: ausbreiten (de)
  • Hebrew: הִתְפַּשֵּׁט(hitpashét)
  • Hungarian: terjed (hu)
  • Italian: diffondere (it)
  • Japanese: 広がる (ja) (hirogaru)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: بڵاوکردنەوە(bllawkirdnewe)
  • Macedonian: се распространува (se rasprostranuva), се простира (se prostira)
  • Maori: urutā (refers to a contagion or disease), huarapa (as a spilt liquid)
  • Polish: rozprzestrzeniać się (pl)
  • Portuguese: se espalhar (pt), se alastrar (pt)
  • Russian: распространя́ться (ru) impf (rasprostranjátʹsja), распространи́ться (ru) pf (rasprostranítʹsja)
  • Swahili: enea (sw)
  • Swedish: sprida (sv)
  • Tagalog: lumaki
  • Turkish: yayılmak (tr)

Translations to be checked

  • Indonesian: (please verify) menyebar (id), (please verify) menyiarkan (id), (please verify) menyebarluaskan
  • Korean:
    (1) 벌리다 (ko) (beollida)
    (3) 뿌리다 (ko) (ppurida)
    (2,4,5) 펴다 (ko) (pyeoda)
    (6) 퍼지다 (ko) (peojida)
  • Spanish: (please verify) extender (es), (please verify) desplegar (es)
  • Swedish: (please verify) sprida (sv)
  • Telugu: (please verify) చాపు (cāpu) (1), (please verify) పరచు (te) (paracu) (2)


spread (countable and uncountable, plural spreads)

  1. The act of spreading.
    • 1631, Francis [Bacon], “(please specify |century=I to X)”, in Sylua Syluarum: Or A Naturall Historie. In Ten Centuries. [], 3rd edition, London: [] William Rawley; [p]rinted by J[ohn] H[aviland] for William Lee [], →OCLC:

      No flower hath that kind of spread that the woodbine hath.

  2. Something that has been spread.
  3. (cartomancy) A layout, pattern or design of cards arranged for a reading.
  4. An expanse of land.
    • November 29, 1712, Andrew Freeport, a letter to The Spectator
      I have got a fine spread of improvable lands.
  5. A large tract of land used to raise livestock; a cattle ranch.
    • 2005, Brokeback Mountain (film), 00:11:50:
      — Can’t wait till I get my own spread and won’t have to put up with Joe Aguirre’s crap no more.
      — I’m savin’ for a place myself.
  6. A piece of material used as a cover (such as a bedspread).
    • 1975, Douglas Matthews, Suzanne Wymelenberg, Susan Cheever Cowley, Secondhand is Better (page 166)
      Linen shawls and spreads show up in secondhand clothing stores like those in the row on St. Marks Place in New York City.
  7. A large meal, especially one laid out on a table.
  8. (bread, etc.) Any form of food designed to be spread, such as butters or jams.
  9. (military) A set of multiple torpedoes launched on side-by-side, slowly-diverging paths toward one or more enemy ships.
    • 2019 February 27, Drachinifel, The Battle of Samar — Odds? What are those?[2], archived from the original on 3 November 2022, 18:01 from the start:

      Johnston, meanwhile, has managed to get within five miles of its target, and fires a full spread of ten torpedoes. Minutes later, at least two, possibly three, tear the bow off the hapless cruiser Kumano. First blood, unbelievably, therefore, goes to the Americans.

  10. (prison slang, uncountable) Food improvised by inmates from various ingredients to relieve the tedium of prison food.
    Synonym: swole
  11. An item in a newspaper or magazine that occupies more than one column or page.
  12. Two facing pages in a book, newspaper etc.
  13. A numerical difference.
  14. (business, economics) The difference between the wholesale and retail prices.
  15. (trading, economics, finance) The difference between the price of a futures month and the price of another month of the same commodity.
  16. (trading, finance) The purchase of a futures contract of one delivery month against the sale of another futures delivery month of the same commodity.
  17. (trading, finance) The purchase of one delivery month of one commodity against the sale of that same delivery month of a different commodity.
  18. (trading) An arbitrage transaction of the same commodity in two markets, executed to take advantage of a profit from price discrepancies.
  19. (trading) The difference between bidding and asking price.
  20. (finance) The difference between the prices of two similar items.
  21. (geometry) An unlimited expanse of discontinuous points.
  22. The surface in proportion to the depth of a cut gemstone.
  23. Excessive width of the trails of ink written on overly absorbent paper.


  • straddle


act of spreading

  • Bulgarian: разпространение (bg) n (razprostranenie), разширяване (bg) n (razširjavane)
  • Danish: spredning c, udbredelse (da) c
  • Esperanto: sterni (eo)
  • Finnish: levitys (fi), levittäminen (fi)
  • Japanese: 拡散 (ja) (kakusan), 展開 (ja) (tenkai)
  • Macedonian: ширење n (širenje), простирање n (prostiranje)
  • Portuguese: espalhamento (pt) m
  • Russian: распростране́ние (ru) n (rasprostranénije), простира́ние (ru) n (prostiránije)
  • Swahili: eneza
  • Swedish: spridning (sv), vidgning
  • Tocharian B: sätkor
  • Ukrainian: розповсю́дження (rozpovsjúdžennja), поши́рення (uk) (pošýrennja)
  • Urdu: پھیلاو‎ f (phailāv)

piece of material used as a cover

  • Bulgarian: покривало (bg) n (pokrivalo)
  • Danish: opredning c (bedspread), opdækning c (a spread table)
  • Finnish: peite (fi)
  • Japanese: (requires an object to be spread before this word): 掛け (kake)
  • Macedonian: прекривка f (prekrivka), простирка f (prostirka)
  • Russian: покрыва́ло (ru) n (pokryválo)
  • Swahili: eneza

food designed to be spread

  • Danish: smørepålæg n
  • Dutch: pasta (nl)
  • Finnish: levite (fi)
  • French: pâte à tartiner (fr) f
  • German: Aufstrich (de) m, Brotaufstrich (de)
  • Greek: άλειμμα (el) (áleimma)
  • Hebrew: מִמְרָח (he) m (mimrákh)
  • Hunsrik: Schmier f
  • Macedonian: на́маз m (námaz)
  • Malay: lepa
  • Norwegian: please add this translation if you can
  • Portuguese: chimia (pt) f
  • Spanish: alimento untable
  • Swahili: eneza
  • Swedish: (bredbart) pålägg
  • Tagalog: pamahid, palaman
  • Welsh: taeniad m

item in a newspaper or magazine that occupies more than one column or page

  • Russian: разворо́т (ru) m (razvorót)
  • Swahili: eneza

two facing pages

  • Bulgarian: разтворен вестник (raztvoren vestnik)
  • Finnish: aukeama (fi)
  • Hebrew: כְּפוּלָה‎ f (kfulá)
  • Hungarian: oldalpár
  • Icelandic: opna (is) f
  • Russian: разворо́т (ru) m (razvorót)
  • Swedish: uppslag (sv), bokuppslag (sv), tidningsuppslag; mittuppslag (centerfold)

difference between the wholesale and retail prices

finance: difference between the price of a futures month and the price of another month of the same commodity

  • Finnish: spredi

finance: purchase of a futures contract of one delivery month against the sale of another futures delivery month of the same commodity

finance: purchase of one delivery month of one commodity against the sale of that same delivery month of a different commodity

trading: difference between bid price and asking price

finance: difference between the prices of two similar items

geometry: unlimited expanse of discontinuous points

surface in proportion to the depth of a cut gemstone

Further reading[edit]

  • spread in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • “spread”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.


  • Padres, Persad, drapes, dreaps, padres, parsed, rasped, repads, spader, spared



Unadapted borrowing from English spread. Doublet of spargere.


  • IPA(key): /ˈsprɛd/
  • Rhymes: -ɛd


spread m (invariable)

  1. (trading, finance) the difference between returns or between quotations of multiple securities or of the same security over the course of a day
  2. a contract awarding which offers the buyer the widest range of bargaining possibilities


  • sperda



Unadapted borrowing from English spread. Doublet of espargir.


spread m (plural spreads)

  1. (business, economics) spread (the difference between the wholesale and retail prices)
  2. (finance, economics) difference between the interest rate a bank charges to a client and the interest rate it pays

Предложения со словом «spreads»

It spreads out across India and moves this material.

Она растекается по всей Индии и переносит этот материал.

He spreads his virus through the parasites in his blood.

Он распространяет вирус с помощью паразитов в его крови.

No one comes here and spreads scandal about me.

Никто сюда не приходит рассказывать про меня всякие непристойности.

London spreads its influence over much of the southern areas of England, it gives work to millions of people who live not only in the inner city areas but in surrounding districts.

Лондона распространяет свое влияние на большую часть южных районов Англии, он дает работу миллионам людей, которые живут не только в городских районах, но и в прилегающих к нему.

As viral replication spreads , the lymphocyte destruction virtually sabotages the entire immune system.

Распространяясь, они разрушают лимфоциты, что фактически парализует работу иммунной системы.

He whacks his own forehead, lifts his shoulders, spreads his hands.

Он бьет себя по лбу, пожимает плечами, разводит руками.

Friendface works along the same principle as a cold or a plague, but it’s not disgusting germs that Friendface spreads , it’s friendship.

Он работает по принципу гриппа или чумы, но распространяет не отвратительных микробов, а дружбу.

And the fungus spreads very quickly unless the surface has been specially treated.

И грибок распространяется очень быстро, если только поверхность специально не обработают.

They passed dairy farms, horse stables, vineyards, and agricultural spreads .

Миновали мо — ючные фермы, конюшни, виноградники и посевы.

She will not long survive the evil that now spreads from Mordor.

Она не долго сможет пережить зло, исходящее из Мордора.

If word spreads that we divert alms to this family to retrieve our rent… our community may be harmed.

Если люди узнают что мы жертвуем этой семье из ренты… наша община может пострадать.

The spell will continue to unravel spirit magic as it spreads .

Заклинание продолжит обращать магию по мере своего распространения.

Parathion spreads very slowly and causes pulmonary edema, like a heart attack.

Инсектицид проникает очень медленно и вызывает отек легких, как сердечный приступ.

Moreover, the higher the average age of marriage for women, the faster literacy spreads .

Более того, чем выше средний возраст выхода замуж женщин, тем быстрее распространяется грамотность.

It starts from the wound, and then it just spreads throughout your whole body.

Она начинает действовать с раны и потом распространяется по всему твоему телу.

The Ethnographic and Folklore Centre of Lithuania’s National Minorities also spreads Lithuanian’s national minorities’ culture in Lithuania and abroad.

Этнографический и фольклорный центр национальных меньшинств Литвы также занимается распространением культуры национальных меньшинств Литвы в самой стране и за рубежом.

This sample design strategy should provide an efficient but robust design that spreads the sample across different area types.

Такая стратегия формирования выборки должна обеспечивать выработку эффективной, но надежной концепции, позволяющей экстраполировать выборку на различные типы районов.

We use straight-line depreciation, which spreads the loss in value uniformly over the asset’s lifetime.

В течение срока эксплуатации системы затраты являются неодинаковыми.

Widening sovereign spreads , market panic and a sharp EUR collapse could be on the cards.

И тогда возможно увеличение государственных спредов, паника на рынке и резкий обвал EUR.

“Typical” spreads for noted pairs represent the median and are tracked during the time frame of July 31, 2013 at 5:00 pm to August 31, 2013 at 5:00 pm, New York time.

Обозначенные типичные спреды отражают дилинговые спреды с 17:00 по восточному времени США 31 — го июля, 2013 до 17:00 по восточному времени 30 — го августа, 2013.

In addition, while high-frequency trading has increased liquidity and lowered spreads , it has probably increased volatility.

Кроме того, в то время как высокочастотный трейдинг увеличил ликвидность и сократил спреды, он, по видимому, увеличил и волатильность.

2.3 To provide better service, Pepperstone provides high-end technology products that utilize fast executions, low spreads , and unmatched customer-service.

2.3 Для повышения качества услуг, «Пепперстоун» использует продукты передовых технологий, которые позволяют быстро заключать сделки, использовать низкие спреды, а также предоставлять клиентам сервисное обслуживание высшего качества.

With her party platform calling for exiting the euro zone, the trading of French government bonds surged last week and risk spreads have widened vis-à-vis German bunds.

На фоне призывов ее партии выйти из еврозоны торговля французскими правительственными бондами резко выросла на прошлой неделе, как и связанная с рисками разница в их доходности по сравнению с немецкими облигациями.

Trade on liquidity from a wide variety of market participants on a fully anonymous basis, with ultra-tight spreads and transparent pricing via full depth of market (DOM).

Торговля на ликвидности, представленной большим количеством участников рынка, полностью анонимно, с узкими спредами и прозрачным ценообразованием и использованием полной глубины рынков.

But another way to use calendar spreads is to reverse them — buying the near-term and selling the long-term, which works best when volatility is very high.

Но другой способ использовать календарный спрэд – перевернуть его, купить ближайший контракт и продать дальний, что лучше всего работает, когда волатильность очень высока.

It comes as no surprise, then, that the idea of a common European bond is becoming popular as a way to counter the risk of rising EMU interest-rate spreads .

Не удивительно тогда, что идея об общих европейских облигациях становится популярной в качестве способа противостоять риску растущей разницы между процентными ставками в ЕВС.

This is why they call these spreads bull put spreads — they benefit most from bullish moves.

Вот почему эти спрэды называют бычьими пут — спрэдами — они выигрывают от бычьих движений.

The average spread is calculated by dividing the sum of spreads on all the ticks for a given period by the number of ticks.

Средний спред рассчитывается путем деления суммы спредов по всем тикам за определенный период на число тиков.

The key advantage to credit spreads is that in order to win they don’t require strong directional movement of the underlying.

Главное преимущество кредитного спрэда в том, что для получения прибыли не нужно сильное направленное движение базового актива.

Draghi’s vow in July to do all it takes to save the euro triggered the crucial stabilization of the currency, to the detriment of eroding periphery yield spreads .

Клятва Марио Драги в июле прошлого года сделать все возможное, чтобы спасти евро стала важным фактором стабилизации валюты, а также снижения доходности облигаций периферийных стран.

“I saw it as my duty to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression which spreads to all neighboring countries,” the lanky former computer science student told me last month.

«Я считал своим долгом защищать Украину от российской агрессии, которая затрагивает все соседние страны», — сказал мне месяц назад этот долговязый бывший студент — компьютерщик.

A benefit of swing trading is that with larger targets, spreads have little impact.

Преимущество свинг — торговли заключается в том, что при больших целевых прибылях спреды влияют гораздо меньше.

Spreads may be changed at our discretion without your prior consent.

Мы сохраняем за собой право изменять спред без вашего предварительного согласия.

In recent years, much attention has been devoted to “fake news” – outright disinformation that spreads widely, often through social media or other online platforms.

В последние годы много внимания уделяется проблеме «фейковых новостей» – откровенной дезинформации, которая широко распространяется с помощью, главным образом, социальных сетей или других онлайн — платформ.

As indicated in Exhibit 1 above, bear call spreads profit if the underlying is neutral, bearish or moderately bullish.

Бычий колл — спрэд выигрывает, когда базовый актив нейтрален, падает или слегка растет.

But technology spreads rapidly: the same Windows or SAP programs are available in all countries, including Europe.

Но технология распространяется быстро: тот же самый Windows или программы SAP сейчас доступны во всех странах, включая Европу.

Pepperstone Financial does not mark up or change the spread allowing you to trade the tightest spreads available.

«Пепперстоун Файненшиал» не повышает и не изменяет спред, позволяющий вам торговать самыми устойчивыми и доступными спредами.

It is important to note that even a fully hedged account may suffer losses due to rollover costs, exchange rate fluctuations or widening spreads .

Важно отметить, что даже полностью хеджированный счет может потерпеть убытки из — за расходов ролловера, колебаний курса обмена или расширяющихся спредов.

You may be left wandering how we cover our operating costs with such low spreads and no commissions or fees.

Возможно, вы сейчас подумали: если у них такие низкие спреды и нет комиссий, как же они покрывают свои операционные расходы?

We have the right to allow a change to your trading Account leverage or spreads at our discretion.

Мы вправе изменять кредитное плечо или спред вашего торгового Счета по нашему усмотрению.

The platform offers tight variable spreads on more than 77 markets while delivering quality executions to everyone, regardless of trade size or activity.

На платформе доступны узкие плавающие спреды при торговле на более 77 парах, одновременно с качественным исполнением, доступным каждому, в независимости от объема торговли и активности.

The ideal time for deploying reverse call calendar spreads is, therefore, at or just following stock market capitulation, when huge moves of the underlying often occur rather quickly.

Самый удачный момент для входа в спрэд это сильные распродажи рынка или сразу после них, когда сильные сдвиги в базовом активе происходят довольно быстро.

Though uncommon, spreads may change during extreme trading conditions or when the world market is not active.

Редко, но спреды могут меняться в экстремальных условиях торговли или при неактивности мирового рынка.

Vertical credit spreads can be either bear call spreads or bull put spreads .

Вертикальный кредитный спрэд может быть или бычьим, или медвежьим.

And, though wrong or false information spreads just as quickly as true information, corrections are often swift as well.

И, хотя неправильная или ложная информация распространяется так же молниеносно, как правдивая информация, поправки вносятся также быстро.

There is no any kind of hidden charges related to your account or any type of widening of the spreads that occur due to your trading strategy.

Также вы не найдете у нас ни скрытых переплат, ни увеличения спредов при использовании какой — либо стратегии.

Second, index funds spend almost nothing on trading costs or bid and ask spreads .

Во — вторых, индексные фонды почти не тратятся на торговые издержки или спрэды.

Additional charges or spreads may be charged where this is negotiated with you in advance.

Могут взиматься дополнительные сборы или спреды, и это будет согласовано с вами заранее.

Our low variable spreads will stay at or beneath the variable cap in normal market conditions.

Наши низкие плавающие спреды остаются на уровне или ниже переменного минимума при нормальной конъюнктуре рынка.

On a different account types Spreads can be Fixed or Variable (market).

Рекомендуемый депозит

Customized spreads , tailored to better suit your trading needs, may be available from your Account Manager or Personal Dealer.

Менеджер Вашего счета или личный дилер могут предложить Вам индивидуальные спреды с учетом Ваших персональных торговых потребностей.

Buy and sell gold online through MT4 with low spreads at leverage instantly as prices fluctuate due to market movements or news, as its happens.

Продавайте и покупайте золото онлайн с помощью нашей платформы MT4 с самыми низкими спредами и пользуйтесь всеми возможностями при колебаниях курса этого металла.

Spreads will vary based on market conditions, including volatility, available liquidity, and other factors.

Спреды меняются в зависимости от условий на рынке, в том числе от волатильности, доступной ликвидности и других факторов.

The plant gets something, and the hawk-moth spreads the pollen somewhere else.

Растение получает своё — бражник распространяет пыльцу в другом месте.

Sovereign spreads are already pricing the risk of a domino effect from Greece to Spain, Portugal, and other euro-zone members.

Спреды по гособлигациям уже повышают риск эффекта домино от Греции к Испании, Португалии и к другим членам еврозоны.

These have widened the discount at which equities trade in relation to emerging-market peers, and increased bond spreads .

Это расширяет учетную ставку, по которой идут обыкновенные акции, по сравнению с одноранговыми акциями развивающихся стран и повышает спрэд доходности облигаций;

Buying strategies — even those using bull and bear debit spreads — are generally poorly priced when there is high implied volatility.

Стратегии покупки, даже с использованием вертикальных спрэдов, обычно невыгодны, когда вмененная волатильность высока.

Low spreads and ECN trading conditions

Низкие спреды и торговые условия ECN

And the rate at which ISIS’ intellectual capital spreads depends on how many young engineers join the ranks of its affiliates.

Темпы распространения интеллектуального капитала ИГИЛ зависят от количества молодых инженеров, вступающих в ряды его филиалов.

As news of the Regin attack spreads and more security firms add detection for it to their tools, the number of victims uncovered will no doubt grow.

Новости об атаке вируса Regin распространяются, и все новые фирмы компьютерной безопасности включают в свой инструментарий средства для его выявления. Но несомненно то, что число жертв этой шпионской программы будет увеличиваться.

spread spread spred – spread – spread

  1. распространение; рост, увеличение

    the spread of disease ― распространение болезни

    the spread of an elastic material ― растяжимость эластичного

  2. прибавка в весе

    middle-age spread ― не от котлет, а от лет

  3. протяженность, протяжение; широта, размах

    the birds’ wings have a spread of three feet ― крылья этих
    птиц имеют размах в три фута

    the wide spread of prairie ― (широкий) простор прерий

  4. разг. накрытый стол
  5. разг. пиршество, обильное угощение

    to give a royal spread to smb. ― угостить (принять)
    кого-л. по-царски

  6. роскошь напоказ
  7. ам. паста, пастообразный продукт; масло, джем, паштет и
    т. п.

    cheese spread ― (мягкий) плавленый сыр

    herring spread ― рубленая селедка

  8. покрывало; скатерть; простыня
  9. разворот (книги, газеты)
  10. газетный, журнальный и т. п. материал, данный на развороте
  11. ам. ком. разница, разрыв (между ценами, курсами и т. п.)
  12. спец. рассеивание
  13. спец. диапазон отклонений; разброс

    hand spread ― рад. растягивание диапазона

    spread worker ― сл. рыночный торговец снадобьями, шарлатан

  14. распространять (по поверхности); расстилать (тж. spread

    to spread a cloth on a table ― расстилать скатерть на столе

    to spread (out) a carpet on the floor ― расстелить ковер на полу

    to spread manure over a field ― разбрасывать навоз по полю

    to spread hay to dry ― разбрасывать сено для просушки

    a meadow spread with daisies ― луг, усеянный маргаритками

    a blanket was spread on the sofa, the sofa was spread with
    a blanket ― диван был покрыт одеялом

  15. раскладывать (тж. spread out)

    to spread (out) a map on a table ― раскладывать карту на столе

  16. развертывать, раскрывать

    to spread a banner ― развернуть знамя

    the bird spread its wings ― птица расправила крылья

    a peacock spreads its tail ― павлин распускает хвост

    the branches spread themselves far and wide ― ветви раскинулись

  17. мазать, намазывать

    to spread butter on bread, to spread bread with butter
    ― намазывать масло на хлеб, мазать хлеб маслом

  18. мазаться, намазываться

    margarine spreads easily ― маргарин намазывается легко

    the paint spreads well ― краска ложится хорошо

  19. распределять, укладывать бетонную смесь (тж. to spread

  20. простирать, протягивать

    to spread one’s hands to the fire ― протянуть руки к огню

  21. распространяться, простираться

    on every side spreads a desert ― по обе стороны простирается

    the rash is spreading all over his body ― сыпь распространяется
    у него по всему телу

    this forest spreads for many miles ― этот лес тянется на
    много миль

    the town spreads along the river bank ― город тянется по
    берегу реки

  22. разносить, распространять

    to spread knowledge ― распространять знания

    to spread rumours ― распускать слухи

    flies spread disease ― мухи разносят болезни

    his name spread fear in every quarter ― имя его повсюду
    сеяло ужас

    flowers spreading their fragrance ― цветы, льющие аромат

    the news is already spread all over the town ― это известие
    уже разнесли по всему городу

  23. распространяться, получать распространение

    this news will spread like wildfire ― эта новость моментально
    разнесется повсюду

    the fire spread quickly ― пожар быстро распространился

    the strike is spreading to other groups of industrial
    workers ― забастовка постепенно охватывает и другие группы
    промышленных рабочих

  24. давать рассрочку; отсрочить (платеж и т. п.; тж. spread

    to spread the cost of medical care ― платить в рассрочку за
    медицинское обслуживание

    to spread the payments over a six-month period ― растянуть
    платежи на шесть месяцев

    repayments can be spread over for two years ― выплата долга
    может быть рассрочена на два года

  25. накрывать (на стол)

    the table was spread for supper ― стол был накрыт для ужина

  26. ам. подавать, сервировать

    to spread the afternoon tea ― подать днем чай

  27. растягивать, тянуть

    to spread work ― растягивать работу

  28. затягиваться, растягиваться

    the grammar lectures spread over into the next term ― лекции
    по грамматике продолжались и в следующем семестре

  29. спец. растягивать работу путем сокращения рабочих дней
    и часов (для борьбы с безработицей)

  30. тех. растягивать, расширять; вытягивать, расплющивать,
    расклепывать, разводить (шплинт)

  31. разводить, раздвигать (рельсы и т. п.)

    to spread oneself ― стараться понравиться; `выставляться`;
    лезть вон из кожи; сл. оказывать хороший прием; угощать на
    славу; ораторствовать, распространяться

    they spread themselves to entertain their guests ― они ничего
    не пожалели для приема гостей

    to spread oneself thin ― разбрасываться, не сосредоточиваться
    на чем-л. одном; браться за все и ничего не доводить до конца

    to spread the opponent defence ― спорт. рассредоточить защиту

    to spread one’s net for smb. ― расставить сети кому-л.

    to spread it on thick ― преувеличивать; хватить через край

    to take a hammer to spread a plaster ― браться за дело с
    неподходящими средствами

spread city spread city spred ˈsɪtɪ

    ам. бесконтрольно растущий вширь город

spread eagle spread eagle ˈspredˈi:ɡl

  1. орел с распростертыми крыльями (на монетах и государственных

  2. эмблема на Большой печати США
  3. американский шовинизм

    a speech full of spread eagle ― ура-патриотическая речь

  4. разг. птица, разделанная для зажаривания
  5. кораблик (фигурное катание)
spread out spread out spred aʊt

  1. растягиваться, вытягиваться; расширяться

    the river here spreads out to a width of half a mile ― ширина
    реки здесь достигает полумили

  2. рассыпаться (по полю); рассредоточиваться
spread-eagle spread-eagle ˈspredˈi:ɡl

  1. распластанный

    to lie in a spread-eagle position ― лежать распластавшись
    (разбросав руки и ноги)

  2. ам. шовинистический

    spread-eagle speeches ― ура-патриотические выступления

  3. распластывать; распяливать; распинать; раскладывать
  4. ам. говорить напыщенно; произносить трескучие или
    ура-патриотические речи

  5. выполнять кораблик (фигурное катание)
spread-eagleism spread-eagleism ˈspredˈi:ɡlɪzm

    ам. шовинизм, ура-патриотизм

spread-over spread-over spred — ˈəʊvə

    скользящий график (часов работы)

spreader spreader ˈspredə

  1. распространитель
  2. тех. расширитель
  3. дор. распределитель, спредер; приспособление для раскладки
  4. распорка (продольная)
  5. дор. гудронатор
  6. с-х. навозоразбрасыватель
  7. нож для масла
spreading spreading

  1. распространение

    spreading of disease ― распространение болезни

  2. тех. расковка; плющение; растягивание
  3. рассеивание, разброс (попаданий, численных значений и т. п.)
  4. бот. стелющийся (о растении)
  5. бот. раскидистый (о дереве)

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