Meaning of word whatever



From Middle English whatever; equivalent to what +‎ ever.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ʍɒtˈɛvə/, /wɒtˈɛvə/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /wʌtˈɛvɚ/, /wəɾˈɛvɚ/
  • Rhymes: -ɛvə(ɹ)

The /t/ in whatever may be flapped in certain dialects despite the fact that the /t/ precedes a stressed vowel due to the morpheme boundary between what and -ever.



  1. (interrogative) What ever; emphatic form of ‘what’.
    Good heavens! Whatever time is it?!
  2. Regardless of the … that; for any … that.

    Whatever choice you make, there will be consequences.

    I will stick with you, whatever fate befalls us.

  3. Any … that; of no matter what type or kind that.

    Whatever doubts I had were quickly dispelled.

    Write down whatever thoughts come into your mind.

    • 1992, Rudolf M[athias] Schuster, The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, volume V, New York, N.Y.: Columbia University Press, →ISBN, page viii:

      Whatever utility the work may have outside of its stated boundaries will be largely because of such a nonprovincial approach.

    • 1997, Warren S. Brown, Nancey C. Murphy, H. Newton Malony, Whatever Happened to the Soul?:, page 115:

      In an expression that reflects the pathos of a person without memory of a recent past, Milner quotes H.M. as saying, «Every day is alone in itself, whatever enjoyment I’ve had, and whatever sorrow I’ve had Right now, I’m wondering. Have I done or said anything amiss? That’s what worries me. It’s like waking from a dream; I just don’t remember.»

  4. Any; of no matter what type or kind.
    I must obtain it at whatever cost.

Derived terms[edit]

  • whateverism
  • whateverness
  • whatsoever


regardless of the … that; for any … that

  • Arabic: أَيّ (ar) (ʔayy), أَيَّمَا(ʔayyamā), مَهْمَا(mahmā)
  • Catalan: qualsevol
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 不管怎樣不管怎样 (bùguǎnzěnyàng)
  • Danish: uanset (da)
  • Dutch: welke … ook, hoegenaamd (nl)
  • Finnish: minkä tahansa (fi)
  • French: quel que soit (fr), n’importe quel (fr) m, n’importe quelle (fr) f, peu importe (fr), tant pis (fr)
  • German: Jacke wie Hose
  • Greek: ό,τι (el) (ó,ti), οτιδήποτε (el) (otidípote)
    Ancient: ὅ,τι (hó,ti)
  • Hungarian: bármilyen (hu), akármilyen (hu), bármely (hu)
  • Irish: cibé,
  • Italian: qualunque (it), qualsiasi (it), qualsivoglia (it), come vuoi, checché (it)
  • Korean: 무엇이든 (mueosideun), 도대체 무엇이 (dodaeche mueosi), 것은 무엇이든지 (geoseun mueosideunji)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ھەرچی (ckb) (herçî)
  • Latin: quisquis (la), quidquid
  • Malagasy: aleo ho any
  • Maori: ahatanga
  • Norman: n’împorte tchi qu’
  • Polish: cokolwiek (pl)
  • Portuguese: qualquer que seja
  • Russian: како́й бы ни (kakój by ni), любо́й (ru) (ljubój), како́й бы то ни́ бы́ло (kakój by to ní býlo)
  • Scottish Gaelic: ge be
  • Serbo-Croatian: koji god
  • Spanish: cualquier (es) m or f
  • Swedish: vad som helst
  • Ukrainian: будь-яки́й (uk) (budʹ-jakýj)
  • Walloon: po tolmine ké m

Translations to be checked

  • Arabic: أَيّ شَيْء(ʔayy šayʔ)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 無論什麼无论什么 (wúlùn shénme), 無論何事无论何事 (wúlùn héshì)
  • Czech: cokoli (cs)
  • Danish: hvad end, alt hvad, hvad som helst
  • Dutch: maakt niet uit, het zal wel
  • Finnish: mitä tahansa (fi), mikä ikinä
  • French: quoi que (fr)
  • German: was immer, was auch immer
  • Greek: ό,τι (el) (ó,ti)
  • Italian: qualsiasi cosa
  • Japanese: 何でも (なんでも, nan-demo), 何事も (なにごとも, nanigoto-mo), 何…も (なに…も, nani…mo)
  • Polish: cokolwiek (pl)
  • Portuguese: qualquer coisa que
  • Russian: всё, что (vsjó, što) (read: vsjo, što), что́ бы ни (ru) (štó by ni) (read: štó by ni)
  • Scottish Gaelic: ge be dè
  • Spanish: lo que sea que, cualquier cosa que
  • Swedish: vad som helst
  • Turkish: her ne, her neyse
  • Ugaritic: 𐎎𐎐𐎎 (mnm)
  • Ukrainian: щоб не (ста́лося) (ščob ne (stálosja)), щоб не (було́) (ščob ne (buló))



  1. (interrogative) What ever; emphasised form of ‘what’, used to ask which thing, event, circumstance, etc.

    Whatever do you mean?

  2. Regardless of anything that.

    Whatever he does, he will still lose the game.

    Whatever happens, stay calm.

  3. (fused relative) Anything that; all that.

    Do whatever works.

    I’ll do whatever I can.

    • 1733, [Alexander Pope], An Essay on Man. [], epistle I, London: Printed for J[ohn] Wilford, [], →OCLC, lines 280–281, page 16:

      And ſpight of Pride, and in thy Reaſon’s ſpight, / One truth is clear; «Whatever Is, is Right

    • 2013 September-October, Henry Petroski, “The Evolution of Eyeglasses”, in American Scientist[1]:

      The ability of a segment of a glass sphere to magnify whatever is placed before it was known around the year 1000, when the spherical segment was called a reading stone, essentially what today we might term a frameless magnifying glass or plain glass paperweight.

  4. (informal) Anything; thing(s) of unspecified kind, or no matter what kind; sometimes used to indicate that the speaker does not care about options.

    I don’t need any of this stuff, so take whatever.

    • 2021, Michael Kurland, Whatever the Cost:

      There’s a pile of stuff on that table; clippings, pamphlets, posters, whatever, that needs to be sorted and filed.


  • whatever creams your twinkie
  • whatever floats your boat
  • whatever it takes


Translations to be checked

  • Arabic: مَهْمَا(mahmā) مَا (ar) ()
    Egyptian Arabic: مهما(mahma)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: (no exact equivalent) 不管什麼不管什么 (bùguǎn shénme), 隨便随便 (zh) (suíbiàn)
  • Classical Nahuatl: tlein
  • Danish: hvad som helst, (det er) ligegyldigt
  • Esperanto: kio ajn
  • Finnish: mitä tahansa (fi), mikä ikinä
  • French: n’importe quoi (fr), peu importe (fr)
  • German: egal (de)
  • Greek: ό,τι (el) (ó,ti)
  • Hungarian: bármi (hu), akármi (hu)
  • Latin: quidquid, quisquis (la)
  • Maori: ahatanga
  • Norman: n’împorte tchi
  • Plautdietsch: wautemma
  • Portuguese: qualquer coisa
  • Russian: что уго́дно (što ugódno) (read: što ugódno)
  • Scottish Gaelic: ge be dè
  • Slovene: karkoli
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: což
  • Spanish: no importa, da igual, lo que sea (es)
  • Swedish: vad som helst
  • Ukrainian: що завго́дно (ščo zavhódno)


whatever (not comparable)

  1. (with negative) At all; in any way; whatsoever.
    There is no point whatever in going on with this discussion.
    • 1874, Dorothy Henrietta Boulger, True to her trust; or, ‘Womanly past question’, page 236:

      He is quite unconscious; and, though your presence is a relief to me, you must remember that there is no hope — no hope whatever.

    • 1864, Charles Piazzi Smyth, Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (page 207)
      So then arose the horrible confusion perpetuated ever since, of perversely different kinds of weights, jostling each other in Britain; Troy weight and Avoirdupois weight and Apothecaries’ weight, wherein or whereamongst every one is at sea with regard to testing them, and no one whatever is satisfied.
    • 1910, Emerson Hough, “The Purchase Price”, in The Purchase Price: Or The Cause of Compromise, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

      Serene, smiling, enigmatic, she faced him with no fear whatever showing in her dark eyes. The clear light of the bright autumn morning had no terrors for youth and health like hers.

    • 1941 June, Cecil J. Allen, “British Locomotive Practice and Performance”, in Railway Maagazine, page 263:

      In the third place, the superelevation and alignment of the track, theoretically calculated for speeds of 70 to 75 m.p.h., was adequate for the 80 to 85 m.p.h. or so normally attained as maxima over the G.N. main line; but nothing whatever had been done to prepare it for the enormous increment over these figures that this run was to produce.

    • 1999, Louis P. Pojman, Life and Death: A Reader in Moral Problems, page 112:

      His repetitive toil is his life and reality, and it goes on forever, and it is without any meaning whatever.

  2. (interrogative) In what way; to what extent.
    Whatever does it matter now?



  1. (colloquial) A holophrastic expression used to dismiss something that the speaker doesn’t care about, doesn’t think important, or doesn’t want to consider or discuss any further.

    So you don’t like Mrs Jones. Whatever. What’s that got to do with my question?

    I wonder which I’m supposed to take … whatever, I’ll just pick any one.

    Go brush your teeth. – Whatever!

    • 1991 January 1, Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, page 66:

      «It’s not silk, it’s muslin.» «Whatever

Usage notes[edit]

  • May appear rude or discourteous. Can be used to end an argument without conceding the point, implying that the issue is not worth discussing or indicating a general sense of apathy toward the subject.


  • so what
  • whoopee do
  • meh
  • whatev


indicating the speaker does not care what someone says

  • Arabic: طُز(ṭuz)
  • Catalan: el que tu diguis
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 隨便随便 (zh) (suíbiàn), 好吧 (hǎo ba)
  • Czech: pro mě za mě
  • Dutch: ammehoela (nl), boeiend (nl)
  • Finnish: miten vain, ihan miten vain, joopa joo, olkoon (fi), ihan sama (fi) (colloquial)
  • French: bof (fr), c’est ça ! (fr), qu’importe
  • German: naja (de), egal (de), nebbich (de) (dated or archaic)
  • Greek: καλά κρασιά (el) (kalá krasiá)
  • Hebrew: שיהיה(sheyihiyé), מה שתגיד(ma shetagíd) (addressing a male), מה שתגידי(ma shetagídi) (addressing a female)
  • Hungarian: bánom is én!, felőlem! (hu), tőlem! (hu), ahogy akarod, nekem mindegy (hu), mindegy (hu), nekem nyolc, egyre megy, egykutya
  • Indonesian: bodo amat, bodo (id) (slang)
  • Italian: vabbè
  • Japanese: どうでもいい! (Dōdemo ii!), 勝手にしろ (かってにしろ, katte ni shiro), ご勝手に! (かってに, Gokatte ni!)
  • Macedonian: н́ејсе (ńejse)
  • Maori: kāti
  • Norwegian: samma det!, whatever! (no) (teenage slang)
  • Polish: oj tam, jeden pies (literally one dog)
  • Portuguese: tanto faz (pt), que seja, tanto faz como tanto fez, dane-se (pt), foda-se (pt) (slang, vulgar)
  • Romanian: mă rog
  • Russian: всё равно́ (ru) (vsjó ravnó), ну и ла́дно (nu i ládno), какая разница (kakaja raznica), прое́хали (ru) (projéxali), фи (ru) (fi)
  • Slovene: karkoli
  • Spanish: como sea, filo (es) (Chile), no importa, da igual, lo que tú digas, lo dicho, me la suda, bah (es), ni fu ni fa (es), velay (es)
  • Swedish: jaja, skitsamma (sv) (slang)
  • Tagalog: wala akong paki
  • Turkish: neyse (tr)
  • Ukrainian: please add this translation if you can
  • Vietnamese: kệ (vi)
  • Yiddish: מילא(meyle)


whatever (comparative more whatever, superlative most whatever)

  1. (colloquial) Unexceptional or unimportant; blah.
    • 1996, Mathias, “Lake Placid Comments”, in, Usenet:

      All in all, I guess I shouldn’t be complaining, but the rest of the show, imho, was very whatever-ish.


whatever (plural whatevers)

  1. (colloquial) Something whose exact kind or nature is unimportant; a thingy.
    • 2003, David Soubly, Santa, CEO (page 91)
      How would you feel if you’re a plant elf, and your daily bonus is tied to the number of whatevers you produce, and then this big clumsy thing barges in and knocks your rate back for the whole week?
    • 2011, Carol Ann Lindsay, The Planet of Comet Sense (page 55)
      I think it’s the HYDRA, the group of whatevers that rule the world, those elitists that laugh at us, joke about their environmentalist sheeples doing their bidding while they sip the best wine on the planet, ride around in private jets, []



  • whatever at OneLook Dictionary Search


  • everwhat


“What’s that smell?” “I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s awful!”

Whatever you do, don’t press that button!


She will buy the painting at whatever price.

There’s no evidence whatever to support your theory.


whatever the reviews say, I still think it was a great play

Recent Examples on the Web

Central to whatever the answer might be is the issue of race and policing – the same as when Watts exploded in 1965 and then in 1992, with south Los Angeles again the epicenter of violence that spread to other parts of Southern California.

Theresa Walker, Orange County Register, 30 Apr. 2017

The symptoms, for whatever reason, took a turn for the worse maybe five days ago.

Anthony Slater, The Mercury News, 23 Apr. 2017

Whatever spoils of tour come back with them are to be conscientiously invested.

Joe Rubino, The Know, 30 Mar. 2017

Basically helping out with whatever needed to be done.

Nancy Ngo, Twin Cities, 25 Jan. 2017

The show often has a little segment on the history of whatever pile of carbohydrates the contestants have to construct.

The Washington Post, The Denver Post, 3 Jan. 2017

Wants to be sure her friends notice her new whatever-she’s-wearing.

Arkansas Online, 8 May 2021

And so the Administration of Harvard, by its own admission, has taken no action whatever.

William F. Buckley Jr., National Review, 23 Oct. 2017

Obviously nobody is going to listen to me on the subject of clowns, so whatever.

Marc Snetiker,, 17 Oct. 2017

Most fares are less than $330, which is whatever-the-Norwegian-word-for-remarkable-is for flights that usually cost at least $750.

Meredith Carey, Condé Nast Traveler, 15 Mar. 2017

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘whatever.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.


1) Общая лексика: а, вообще, какой бы то ни было, какой-нибудь , любой, никакой , совсем, что бы ни , что-нибудь, вне зависимости от, всё что, какой бы ни, так или иначе , как знаешь, лишь бы что, что угодно, не важно

2) Разговорное выражение: хоть что-нибудь, неважно , все равно!, плевать!, фиг с ним, какая разница, наплевать!

3) Математика: вообще не, каково бы ни, совсем не

4) Сленг: если хочешь, как скажешь, как хочешь, какого черта; да ну тебя; пофиг , забей, проехали

5) Макаров: где-либо, где-либо ещё, независимо от того, что

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «whatever» в других словарях:

  • Whatever — may be referring to:* Whatever (slang), an expression of agreement, indifference, or begrudging complianceIn music: * Whatever (album), an album by Aimee Mann * Whatever (Green Velvet album) * Whatever (En Vogue song) * Whatever (Oasis song) *… …   Wikipedia

  • whatever — whatever, what ever 1. Whatever is written as one word when it is an indefinite relative pronoun or adjective used in statements or commands: • Whatever you re up to during the snowy season, a wonderful warm woolly makes the perfect winter wear… …   Modern English usage

  • WHATEVER — es el sencillo n.º 6 de la cantante japonesa Ayumi Hamasaki, lanzado al mercado el 10 de febrero de 1999 bajo el sello avex trax, sólo dos meses más tarde que su primer álbum de estudio. Contenido 1 Información 2 Tracklist 2.1 8cm …   Wikipedia Español

  • Whatever — «Whatever» Sencillo de Oasis Formato 7 , 12 , CD, Cassette Grabación 1994 Género(s) Britpop Duración 6:22 …   Wikipedia Español

  • whatever — [hwut ev′ər, wutev′ər] pron. 1. what? which thing, event, circumstance, etc.?: an emphatic interrogative, expressing perplexity or wonder [whatever can she mean by that?] 2. anything that [tell her whatever you like] 3. no matter what [whatever… …   English World dictionary

  • Whatever — What*ev er, pron. Anything soever which; the thing or things of any kind; being this or that; of one nature or another; one thing or another; anything that may be; all that; the whole that; all particulars that; used both substantively and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Whatever — «Whatever» Сингл Godsmack Выпущен 1999 Жанр ню метал Лейбл Universal / Republic Records …   Википедия

  • whatever — adverb at all, of any description, of any kind or sort, whatsoever, whichever Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • whatever — c.1300, from WHAT (Cf. what) + EVER (Cf. ever). Variant form WHATSOEVER (Cf. whatsoever) is attested earlier …   Etymology dictionary

  • whatever — ► PRONOUN & DETERMINER ▪ used to emphasize a lack of restriction in referring to any thing; no matter what. ► PRONOUN ▪ used for emphasis instead of ‘what’ in questions. ► ADVERB 1) at all; of any kind. 2) informal no matter what happens …   English terms dictionary

  • whatever — what|ev|er [ wat evər, hwat evər ] function word *** Whatever can be used in the following ways: as a relative pronoun (starting a relative clause that is the subject, object, or complement of another clause): You can choose whatever you like. as …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English


 (wŏt-ĕv′ər, wŭt-, hwŏt-, hwŭt-)


1. Everything or anything that: Do whatever you please.

2. What amount that; the whole of what: Whatever is left over is yours.

3. No matter what: Whatever happens, we’ll meet here tonight.

4. Which thing or things; what: Whatever does he mean?

5. Informal What remains and need not be mentioned; what have you: Please bring something to the party—pretzels, crackers, whatever.


1. Of any number or kind; any: Whatever requests you make will be granted.

2. All of; the whole of: She applied whatever strength she had left to the task.

3. Of any kind at all: No campers whatever may use the lake before noon.

interj. Informal

Used to indicate indifference to or scorn for something, such as a remark or suggestion: We’re having pizza tonight.—Whatever. I don’t care.

Usage Note: Both whatever and what ever may be used in sentences such as Whatever (or What ever) made her say that? Critics have occasionally objected to the one-word form, but many respected writers have used it. The same is true of the forms whoever, whenever, wherever, and however. In adjectival uses, however, only the one-word form is used: Take whatever (not what ever) books you need. · When a clause beginning with whatever is the subject of a sentence, no comma should be used: Whatever you do is right. In most other cases, a comma is needed: Whatever you do, don’t burn the toast. · When a noun followed by a restrictive clause is preceded by whichever or whatever, it is regarded as incorrect to introduce the clause with that in formal writing: whatever book that you want to look at; one should write instead Whatever book you want to look at will be sent to your office or Whichever book costs less (not that costs less) is fine with us. See Usage Notes at however, that.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(wɒtˈɛvə; wət-)


1. everything or anything that: do whatever he asks you to.

2. no matter what: whatever he does, he is forgiven.

3. informal an unknown or unspecified thing or things: take a hammer, chisel, or whatever.

4. an intensive form of what, used in questions: whatever can he have said to upset her so much?.


an intensive form of what: use whatever tools you can get hold of.


(postpositive) absolutely; whatsoever: I saw no point whatever in continuing.


informal an expression used to show indifference or dismissal

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ʰwʌtˈɛv ər, ʰwɒt-, ʰwət-, wʌt-, wɒt-, wət-)


1. anything that (usu. used in relative clauses): Do whatever you like.

2. (used relatively to indicate a quantity of a specified or implied antecedent): Take whatever you like of these.

3. no matter what: Do it, whatever happens.

4. any or any one of a number of things whether specifically known or not: papers, magazines, or whatever.

5. what (used interrogatively): Whatever do you mean?


6. in any amount; to any extent: whatever merit the work has.

7. no matter what: whatever rebuffs you might receive.

8. being what or who it may be: Whatever the reason, she refuses to go.

9. of any kind (used as an intensifier following the noun or pronoun it modifies): any person whatever.


10. (used to indicate indifference to a state of affairs, situation, previous statement, etc.)


Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Whatever can be a pronoun, a determiner, or an adverb.

1. used as a pronoun or determiner

You use whatever as a pronoun or determiner to refer to anything or everything of a particular kind.

I read whatever I could find about the course.

You can buy whatever ingredients you need from the market.

You can also use whatever to say that something is true in all possible circumstances.

Whatever happens, I’ll be back by five.

Whatever type of garden you have, you can have fun growing your own vegetables.

2. used as an adverb

You use whatever after nothing or after a noun phrase beginning with no to emphasize that there is nothing of a particular kind.

He knew nothing whatever about it.

There is no scientific evidence whatever to support this view.

3. used in questions

Whatever is sometimes used in questions to express surprise.

Whatever is the matter?

Whatever do you want to go up there for?

However, many people consider this form to be incorrect, and it is better to write what ever as two separate words.

What ever does it mean?

4. used as an informal response

In informal conversation, people sometimes use whatever as a response, to show that they do not care or have no opinion about something. This use can sound rude.

‘Shall we get a pizza tonight?’ – ‘Whatever. I don’t mind.’

‘You really should try to be more organized with your schoolwork.’ – ‘Yeah, whatever.’

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. whatever - one or some or every or all without specificationwhatever — one or some or every or all without specification; «give me any peaches you don’t want»; «not any milk is left»; «any child would know that»; «pick any card»; «any day now»; «cars can be rented at almost any airport»; «at twilight or any other time»; «beyond any doubt»; «need any help we can get»; «give me whatever peaches you don’t want»; «no milk whatsoever is left»

some — quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantity; «have some milk»; «some roses were still blooming»; «having some friends over»; «some apples»; «some paper»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


أي شَيءٍأيَّ شَيءمَهْمامَهْمَا


hvad i alverdenhvad som helsthvilken som helstligegyldigt hvaduanset

mitä tahansa


akármibármiugyan mi ?

allshvaîhvaî semhvaîa sem er



maakt niet uitwat

čo asi


vad som helstvad som…än


bất cứ thứ gì




3. (in questions) → qué
whatever do you mean?¿qué quieres decir?
whatever did you do?¿pero qué hiciste?
whatever did you say that for?¿a santo de qué dijiste eso?

4. (= other similar things) you can put your pyjamas, sponge bag and whatever in hereaquí puedes guardar el pijama, el neceser y todas esas cosas


1. (= any) → cualquier; (= all) → todo
whatever book you choosecualquier libro que elijas
whatever books you choosecualquier libro de los que elijas
give me whatever change you’ve gotdame todo el cambio que tengas

3. (in questions) → qué
whatever time is it?¿qué hora podrá ser?
whatever help will that be?¿para qué servirá eso?

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= anything, regardless of what)
Do whatever is necessary → Faites tout ce qui sera nécessaire.
People will judge you whatever you do → Les gens vous jugeront quoi que vous fassiez.
Franklin could do pretty much whatever he pleased → Franklin était libre de faire tout ce qu’il voulait ou presque.
«I love you,» he said. — «Whatever that means,» she said → «Je t’aime» dit-il. «Allez savoir ce que ça veut dire» répondit-elle.
whatever happens → quoi qu’il arrive
whatever you do (when giving advice)quoi qu’il arrive, sous aucun prétexte
Whatever you do, don’t touch that switch → Quoi que vous fassiez, ne touchez pas à cet interrupteur.

(= whatsoever) no reason whatever → absolument aucune raison
nothing whatever → absolument rien
There’s nothing whatever we can do about it → Nous ne pouvons absolument rien y faire.
There’s no doubt whatever about it → Il n’y a absolument aucun doute à ce sujet.

(for emphasis) (= what)
Whatever is the matter? → Que se passe-t-il donc?
Whatever are you crying for? → Pourquoi donc pleures-tu?

or whatever → ou quoi que ça soit d’autre

whatever! (as reply showing indifference)tout ce que vous voulez

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



was (auch) (immer); (= no matter what)egal was, ganz gleich was; whatever you likewas (immer) du (auch) möchtest; shall we go home now? — whatever you like or saygehen wir jetzt nach Hause? — ganz wie du willst; whatever it’s calledegal wie es heißt, soll es heißen, wie es will; … or whatever they’re called… oder wie sie sonst heißen; or whateveroder sonst (so) etwas

(interrog) → was … wohl; (impatiently) → was zum Kuckuck (inf); whatever does he want?was will er wohl?, was er wohl will?; (impatiently) → was, zum Kuckuck, will er denn?; whatever do you mean?was meinst du denn bloß?


egal welche(r, s), welche(r, s) (auch) (immer); whatever book you choosewelches Buch Sie auch wählen; whatever else you dowas immer du or egal was du auch sonst machst; for whatever reasonsaus welchen Gründen auch immer

(interrog) whatever good can come of it?was kann daraus nur Gutes werden?; whatever reason can he have?was für einen Grund kann er nur or bloß or wohl haben?; whatever else will he do?was wird er nur or bloß or wohl noch alles machen?

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. pron

b. (emphatic) whatever do you mean?cosa vorresti dire?
whatever did you do that for? → perché mai l’hai fatto?

2. adj & adv (any) whatever book you choosequalsiasi or qualunque libro tu scelga; (all) give me whatever money you’ve gotdammi i soldi che hai
nothing whatever → proprio niente
it’s no use whatever → non serve proprio a nulla
no reason whatever or whatsoever → nessuna ragione al mondo

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(wot) pronoun, adjective

1. used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc. What street is this?; What’s your name/address / telephone number?; What time is it?; What (kind of) bird is that?; What is he reading?; What did you say?; What is this cake made of?; `What do you want to be when you grow up?’ `A doctor.’; Tell me what you mean; I asked him what clothes I should wear.

2. (also adverb) used in exclamations of surprise, anger etc. What clothes she wears!; What a fool he is!; What naughty children they are!; What a silly book this is!

relative pronoun

1. the thing(s) that. Did you find what you wanted?; These tools are just what I need for this job; What that child needs is a good spanking!

2. (also relative adjective) any (things or amount) that; whatever. I’ll lend you what clothes you need; Please lend me what you can.

whatˈever relative adjective, relative pronoun

any (thing(s) or amount) that. I’ll lend you whatever (books) you need.

adjective, pronoun

no matter what. You have to go on, whatever (trouble) you meet; Whatever (else) you do, don’t say that!


whatsoever; at all. I had nothing whatever to do with that.


(also what ever) used in questions or exclamations to express surprise etc. Whatever will he say when he hears this?

ˈwhatnot noun

such things. He told me all about publishing and whatnot.

ˈwhat’s-his/-her/-its etc -name noun

used in referring vaguely to a person or thing. Where does what’s-his-name live?

ˌwhatsoˈever (-sou-) adjective

at all. That’s nothing whatsoever to do with me.

know what’s what

to be able to tell what is important.

what about?

1. used in asking whether the listener would like (to do) something. What about a glass of milk?; What about going to the cinema?

2. used in asking for news or advice. What about your new book?; What about the other problem?

what … for

1. why(?). What did he do that for?

2. for what purpose(?). What is this switch for?

what have you

and similar things; and so on. clothes, books and what have you.

what if?

what will or would happen if …?. What if he comes back?

what … like?

used when asking for information about someone or something. `What does it look like?’ `It’s small and square.’; `What’s her mother like?’ `Oh, she’s quite nice.’; We may go – it depends (on) what the weather’s like.

what of it?

used in replying, to suggest that what has been done, said etc is not important. `You’ve offended him.’ `What of it?’

what with

because of. What with taking no exercise and being too fat, he had a heart attack.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مَهْمَا cokoli hvad som helst alles (was wir wollen) οτιδήποτε cualquier, cualquier cosa mitä tahansa n’importe quoi štogod qualsiasi cosa 何でも 어떤~이든 wat hva som helst cokolwiek qualquer, qualquer um всякий vad som…än สิ่งใดก็ตาม ne istersen bất cứ thứ gì 任何事

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

Britannica Dictionary definition of WHATEVER


anything or everything that

  • Say whatever you want, my opinion won’t change. [=nothing you can say will change my opinion]

  • Take whatever you need.


no matter what


regardless of what

  • Whatever he says, don’t believe him. [=do not believe him at all]

  • “What’s that smell?” “I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s awful!”

  • Whatever you do, don’t press that button!

used in questions that express surprise or confusion

  • Whatever made you do something as foolish as that?

  • Whatever did she mean (by that)?




  • I enjoy all kinds of sports—skiing, biking, (or) whatever.

Britannica Dictionary definition of WHATEVER

always used before a noun


all the

  • Take whatever supplies you need. [=take any supplies that you need]



  • She will buy the painting at whatever price.



  • We are willing to take whatever action is needed. [=to take any action that is needed]

used to refer to something that is not known

  • For whatever reason, he refused to speak to us. [=he refused to speak to us for some reason that we don’t know]

not used before a noun


of any kind or amount at all



  • There’s no food whatever.

  • There’s no evidence whatever to support your theory.

Britannica Dictionary definition of WHATEVER


used to show that something said or done is not important

  • “Jen forgot to print out extra copies.” “You mean Jean.” “Whatever—you know who I mean.”

  • We could go see a movie, watch TV—whatever. [=it makes no difference to me what we do]

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